Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1900, THE ILLUSTRATED BEE., Page 7, Image 7

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August 12, 1000.
Fortunes in Philippines
Bie Banks of Manila
ness, however, Is chiefly ill no by tlio Fili
pinos. ClIIICeNMlOIIN for Mllllllll.
Tho government will havo to lo somo-
thing as to a number of so-called conces
sions which aro In tho hands of parties
hero as to Btroot railroads, tolcphones,
(Copyright, 1900 by Frank a. Carpenter.) nor to issue greenbacks or other circulating cloctrlc lights and other things. Somo of
MANILA, Juno 18.-(Speclal Correspond- nes; 1I,doub- n8wovor. pother lis claims these concessions were granted or extended
once of Tho I3eo.)-I havo been looking up JJ W, and am nuch to bo- at J To IcavoVmT wlXd'to
mlnirii'lnfM nmi,taih!v n was!uade after our war with Spain was In Zho nmuchs ttacT could and to ln-
in ' MiinS t aLL rLuZ ?n PrBrC88 and with a view to such a eon.- volvo tho Americans In as much trouble
a n,' 1 . ',?. ,nn,in ? 8 " nrlst;"' 1 hilvu hai1 ttCCCM P"IMo. They Issued concessions for
nnv lnig Knn,,L I w,,i?i tX nut t0 tuo y-lawB of tho bank and can give a mines and other things and did what thoy
nvnt n? th ..nnnilr- wiih gn,Z 1111,0 of lts h'8lory' 11 wns ""l181"-"1 ' could to destroy archives and Involve tho
ho eyes of tho atockholdors with aston- 1831( wIlh a cnpilai of $40o.OOO and a charter tlUca to property.
VXl T fnJ !.,, ,,, o(n,,llalimnnl , of twenty-nvo years. In 1S7C, tho tlmo Tll0 various concessions havo not yet
rinnn Z'nt wi.h hrSo. S at whlch thls clmrtcr CXI,1C,, MX uxt0"81011 been passed upon by tho governor general. ,AnIrlTvl , nnSnn Tiiii oI twonty-tlvo years was granted, thus nnd , nn8 B0 far bccn ,inrd to ROt doflnlto
hl a; "I s nnn nnn nn ;.,h ,! l)rl,1K,"B 118 1,fo up ,0 1901- T" ln8t CX' Information concerning them. Tho owners
nrn.n I L ;r,imnMnS tin nnn nnn ,c,,8l" on wh,ch lh cla"" f ,h ba"'C " ftro closo-moutbcd and secretive. I havo.
m vnnr nl,T,nJ n,l ! ' ni2 n,m, '3 not '"cntIncd ln tll() translation howovor, lcarncd tho following:
ithv 1 n T ,na ir hn TTnn f Ul by-,nWB rt,Ulat'"8 f U' tank TborO IB a toiophOtlO Company Which WS
rJ J, Z&nXnt I i M,n 1 " " ",0 w,,h Ur K?crnop ,Kcncra1' n'"1 11 established In 1889 with a capital of $140.-
nnrfc n , f RLnZ ' r 1 ! Wns rrobnb,y f ,0 ''lt" nt ,t0' gCt, ln' 000 and which has paid on tho average dlvl-
Dank of India, Australia and China and Tho Uanco Espanol-Elllplno has always dunda of g ccnt Blco a fl)nniUlon.
tho nanco EBpanol-Flllplno. Tho first two boen ft moll0y-maklnB Institution, and nl- R , , mnKCd and poorly equipped.
aro nrl tlsh Instltu tons and the third is tll0Ugh lt ,Bt considerable at tho time of T Urumcnts nro of European m ho.
the bank which did the business of tho tho conquest of Manila through the Spanish w h a B0UndlnB boards through
Spanish government before the American olllcers Its stock Is now quoted at 100 per , , , impossible to carry on a
3 n?n Tpt:"8f.rc,hB Pnt 1 ;' 1101 l0" "K" " conversation without repetition. Tho com-
banks ln tho I'hlllpplno Islands. half-yearly dividend of S per cent nnd thnt ,, .a ',,, ,,
Tho British banks havo largo capital. Tho on l.roo.000, tho amount to which tho ,n" ehnrRCB S per montli. or
Chartered bank is represented by about capital has been Incrc.wd from time to m,t ,ovcn n,1 ",,B ' I r' T?i
1 sorvlco nnd new telephones tho receipts
would bo enonnou3. Tho government Iia3
Its own telephono service, using Hell Instruments.
Street HiiIMviijn.
Thoro will bo n big field hero for street
railway companies. At present tho only
tramway of any kind In this cltv of 300,000
Is ono run by Filipino ponies. It gives tho
poorest kind of service, with ears nt such
Irregular intervals that you often havo to
wait from fifteen to thirty minutes for u
car. Tho fares nro 1 to 3 cents, gold, ac
cording to distance, but with a good sorvlco
and an clcctrlcnl equipment tho travel
would bo bo great that tho company would
pay well. At present thoro nro only nbnut
bIx miles of track, but this could bo almost
Indefinitely extended, bringing In a number
of tho suburbs not now reached.
Tho climate hero Is such thnt few people
walk. Tho chief means of getting nbnut
in llttlo cabs cnlled qullez and rnramnt
as, pulled by ponies, which Jolt one terri
bly as thoy carry you over tho cobblestone
Btrcots. As It Is, thoro are not enough of
thoso to supply tho demand, nd tho only
way that ono enn bp suro of transportation
Is to keep his own carriage.
Tho tramway company has a capital of
$350,000 (silver) and it is now paying
dividends of f per cent. As to tho length of
$11,000,000 gold and tho Hong Kong nnd time. Dy tho tawa of tho bank tho governor ts concession I do not know, but I undcr
Shanghal bank by more than $15,000,000, In- general of tho Islands is its chief director tand jt j,as fo violated Its ngreement with
eluding tho paid-up capltnls, roservo funds nd 10 per cent of tho profits must go to tho thn city thnt tho concession could easily bl
and reserve liabilities of tho stockholders, directors and tho government board, so that BOt aside. Tho stock of tho company Is
All of theso bnnks are making big dlvl- ' tho $120,000 that tho bank earned dur- tnv selling nt par. Almost, any electric
dends. Thoy do chiefly nn exchange, credit '"S tho nbovo six months $12,000 should bo strpPt rallwny In Manila would pay.
and discount business, chnrglng high rates divided among our government olllclals, who nioetrlo MkIMm.
ior nuy nuu uvury accominuutuiuu. niuy - "": " " ""V. Mnnlln. Jina a vnrv cnnil nlontrln Uvhi
aiiiiiiiiHBHvVBitlBHV i MH BVpEr ltfiilH
KikmilBRRdiNKB& H
BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBBlBBBHBiiiKiKVBiiiiiiiiiii bBBBIIH
catch you going and coming nnd squeezo
a good percentage off of overy dollar that
passes through their hands. Why, If you
should draw $100 at ono of theso banks
and spend a dny changing It back and forth
I understand that tho decision as to tho
continuanco of tho bank Is to bo left to """ ium-m-u... ,.uv-
congrcss nnd that tho bank Intends to fight bcPn '""Ishod tho Thomson-Hous-
for Its existence. Tho last concession, If It nrl'm,!:il"(nols,01n' ,1,ch ,ms or
wnrn ,nttrn nftnr t, hnlnnln nf thn ,vnr. $100,000 worth Of ptock. TllO Company hort
ina Bpenu a uay cnangmg u nncK ana iorin "".r":',,-Vt concession for twenty years from 1S02
Into silver and gold, by nlghttimo It would fhould undoubtedly be declared null and ,,, nut ln. u linf
probably havo diminished to nothing, tho
nt which tlmo tho plnnt was put In. It has
a capital of fiOO.000 pesos and pays dividends
of G per cent.
Outsldo tho plnnts nbovo mentioned there
nro no electrical works in tho I'hlllpplno
Islands, although tho country Is ono
especially fitted to furnish electrical power.
bank having eaten up tho wholo as its vihk iuiiik mm riMvnnrouor-H mhi.
commission for making tho oxchnnges. Tho Thoro 13 only 0110 savings bank In Manila
Hong Kong nnd Shanghai bank, In somo and this Is combined with a sort of a gov
cases, charges for cashing Its own bank ernment pawnbroker's shop. Tho Instltu
notes. This Is the enso with tho notes of tlons cro run by tho church nnd tho arch-
tha Hong Kong branch when presented at bishop is practically the head. Tho capital Every one of tho Islnnds has numerous
Shanghai. stock amounts to nbout $10,000. Tho sav- streams (lowing down Its mountnlns. There
As nn ovidenco of tho profits of theso In- lugs department gives an Interest rate of 4 nro many waterfalls nnd strong currents
stltutlons, I havo boforo mo tho half-yearly per cent nnd tho pawn department charges which run the year round nnd which could
Btatomcnt of tho Hong Kong and Shnnghal 7 per cent on loans with gold, silver and il0 used for tho generating of power for all
bank for tho six months ending with last clothes ns collateral. Tho savings bank Is kinds of fnctorlrs. Somo of tho sugar mills
December. Tho figures are In ilver Hi" open overy Sunday morning for tho with- aro now turned by old-fashioned wator
money I shnll use In tho romnlndor of this drawnl of deposits, so there Is no excuse wheels, whllo others which nro run by
letter. You havo only to dlvldo tho for tho good Christian who has money In stenm engines nnd buffaloes aro near to
nmounts by two to rcduco them to gold, tho bank not to pay his church dues. splendid water powers. Tower to movo
This stntoment shows that the bank mado
during that six months, nftcr deducting
all bod or doubtful debts, total profits
amounting to moro thnn $3,OOn.noo, This
was on a capital of $10,000,000, and It means
a profit of 30 per cent In six months, or of
60 per cent a venr.
During that period tho bank did a busi
ness of moro than $200,000,000. Its deposits
wero moro than $87,000,000, and It hnd
credits, loans nnd discounts of more than
$r.!.0000,000. It paid $700,000 to fs stock
holders, added almost $1,000,000 to a now
profit nnd loss account nnd put nwny $f00,
000 to Its reservo fund, which already
amounted to $11,000,000, or $1,000,000 moro
than Its capital ock.
This bank has always mado money, but
Its profits havo been materially Increased
since tho Americans came to Manila by tho
business of tho branch hero, which Is tho
chief depository of tho United States gov
ernment and handles several million dol
lars' worth of our government funds
monthly. It chorges tho highest rates of I should think a guod savings bank on the railroads across tho Island of Luzon might
exchango nnd does It in such a way that American nlnn would pay well. There will bo gotten from tho mountain streams, and,
many of tho Amerlcnns aro praying and bo a large forco of American soldiers hero Indeed, all the manufacturing of this Island
hoping for an American bank. Such a for years and at present there la no placo could bo done with tho aid of dynamos. In
bank would, of course, havo tho govern- for them to deposit small savings. Tho big tho past cotton was succehsfully raised ln
ment funds, and upon theso alone it could banks do not encourage small accounts and Ilocos, ono of tho provinces of tho north,
mako a profit. they do not like a draft or check of less but tho government discouraged lt and
A (HI.-.T nnnk for the Unltril Still.-. tllat 50- ca1use1 tho. Plantations to bo turned over to
ft, nnn u-.nnnni wiiini Thoro will bo chances for building and tobacco. If cotton should again bo planted
o! 11 flnnno.afnoMt L Pl , 1 u lon "BodatiunB later on. and, Indeed, for In that region tho power for factories could
f. i qSnUh ?n.m, oS ' j ,' ut all sorts of money-lcn. Ing Institutions. bo had from tho streams and tho
Ln f "tl lo hi which u t ho n v Tho Interest rates out in the country are Breat market of China might bo partially
havo a concession by which It Is the only ... . . ' aunnlied from hero. Tim name. mluhL l.n
bank that can Issue notes of circulation. " ' " L " u" t-li . ,m , in nthor nart nf thn uiami-
This was its position under tho Spanish u',u ov ""V'81 u"u UL" Uloro a vu . . '
L regime nnd todfty tho only notes In clrcula- i,,ul"" a '""" uu ......r...... ...,. -,.... ,.
Itlon hero are thoso of this bank. ,"u"' Lumn luo ,uuur "H"""' " " I sco that Mr. Uarrot, former minister
The Banco Espanol-Flllplno claims thnt ,nlorrfll no i"11"- not " money, nui in a from the United States to Slam, estimates
Iho United States, by tho treaty of Paris, mrL01 u,u n, ve81 ' 81lc cases us niucn
us no right to eaUbllih a national bank, M ou r cwl1 u 0Iwn naria. iau duii- luoniiuueu uu iiigum rogo.;
5Hik!fL.t.L- .k . d"' -"'SssssMSJLjiMtflfc.
; t. A fc.iVA to t.S tiff ..,4.
BBr-SsW TjftP ' 'SsbwSKsS!
(t'Ol'VUinilTHI), 1'JOO, I). I) ltlCUAItUHON. M D.)
The progresslvo tendency of Varicocele Is I
noted by nlmost overy man who HUffers
from thu disease. From n Hinnll beginning,
al'fectliig only ono portion of tho scrotal
veins, the condition spreads persistently
until moro and moro of tho not work of
veins whoso nlllco lt Is to nourish tho mas
culine organs, becomes Involved.
In houiu cnsoH tho disease of Varicocele
scorns to stand still nnd the victim may lull
himself Into tho belief that ualuro, by hur
reeotiHtructlvo processes, Is throwing off
tho disease, but sooner or later thu Illusion
Is bound to bo dispelled.
A I'liiiHt for Viii'iiMM't'U',
There nro no phenomena without dellultu
causes, and ln tho ensu of Varicocele, I llud
that lt Is the effect of disturbance of impor
tant physiological functions.
Most Varicocele sufferers have no ono to
blame for their nllmont suvo thcmsolvcn or
certain of their ancestors. Tho laws of
heredity work themselves out uurelontliigly
nnd are no respecters of peixuiH.
Ministers, professional men. men of af
fairs como to mo for treatment for this
condition right along.
I Mover permit tho mime of my patients to
become public property, and men of na
tional note who visit my Institution from
tlmo to tlmo and nro cured of Varicocele
and kindred ailments, enjoy the same de
gree of privacy us they would In their own
My method of curing Varicocele embodies
tho tiHo of natural forces In a way that I
orlghmtt d and perfected and have success
fully practiced for more than u decade.
fffl DO HOT WEAR a
The steady growth of my professional
business from year to year Is the legitimate
result of conscientious offort ln tho special
field of I'elvle nnd resulting Nervo-Vltul
I have concentrated my endeavors becnuso
of my conviction that the highest attain
ment was possible only to tho one who
chose a certain specialty and absolutely
mastered every problem relating thereto.
"I'riu'tlec MukcN Perfrrl."
Every year I treat and euro thousands of
men who suffur from diseases coining under
the same general classification.
Included among the I'elvle Diseases which
aro most common In my practice are: Vari
cocele, Rupture, Stricture, Hydrocele, Pros
tatic Alfoctlons and Diseases of tho (lenlto
Urinary System.
Included among tho Nerve-Vital Diseases
duo directly to discuses of Pelvic nature
tiro: Neurasthenia, or Nerve Exhaustion,
Ataxia, and other Paralytic disorders, Mel
auchnlln, and Loss of Vital Power.
Tho initial step In tho euro of Nurvous
diseases due to Varicocele is of necessity
tho removnl of thu cause.
CureN Varicocele In I'Mve I),
I cure any case of complicated Varicocele,
single or double, In from live to seven days
at my sanitarium.
Suspensories, Electric Hells, and tho va
rious other duvlces recommended by ordin
ary physicians, simply perpetuate the Vari
cocele nnd never euro lt.
Those who visit my sanitarium nro sur
prised at its magnitude and pleased with
tlie completeness of its arrangements, both
for tho comfort and convenience of my
guests and with Its facilities for effecting
rapid cures.
Complete Information regarding my meth
ods, my facilities, etc., will be gladly fur
nished to all who visit my Institution or
write me.
In writing, describe your lending symp
toms, ns you understand them, very care
fully, and I will render a professional opin
ion based on your statement, without
charge, and will also send my books.
A personal examination Is always more
deslrnblo, but In somo cases may not bo
absolutely necessary In order to afford me
n clear understanding of your ense.
If you wish booklets sent senled, lncloso
ton cents postage.
My nlllco hours nro: Dally, 10 to 4; Even
ings, 7 to 8; Sundnys, 10 to 1. Special ap
pointments for privnto Intcrvlow may be,
mado by telephono. My privnto phone Is
South 1029 (long distance connections,)
1266-74 Michigan Avenue, Chicago