Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1900, THE ILLUSTRATED BEE., Page 2, Image 2

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iijijon i i wv i 111 lijli.l'j,
slnco, mnklng a specialty of corporation
Auptist 12, 1000.
other generation, printing thu photo
graph of Great Great Grandmother Mrs.
Himnah I.cnh Zimmerman, nged SS years,
of Ulvurton, In., and her great grent
law, nnd Is now hend of tho firm of Low
dun, Estnbrook & Davis.
Published Weekly by Tho nee Publishing
Company, Die llullding, Olimhii, Nub.
Price, C ten h per copy per your, J.'.W.
Hnlered nt tho Omaha. Postollku as Sue oml
Class Mali Mailer.
gmntieniiu, uuny Crnndnl, uged 7 months.
Hugeuo Hansmnnn probably holds thu
wltli the child's mother, grandmother and record as n Poo Hnh. for hn ncponlen i,v..rv
Kteat grandmother. 0mCe, public nnd prlvnto, In Mnplewood. it
mi ii1.iif!Ti"" suburb of St. Louis. Ho Is a Justlco of thu
,,.v r,,rv f l;vv"U,' U " 1-aco and as such appointed himself a con-
iNersary of the set lemunt of the llrst Btnblc. ncMca ho ,s tho cor(mt,r. tho
rnnkl. 1 ",,J","-Xn(:"'U"ly N' """' "u""0 anJ th Postmaster. As a
, H J ',T, r r t y ' "",,plr r" "rlva, clllzcn h0 Inwyor, u collector,
cently nt Niobrara. The progress made by Btorokceper and a station, express. Insu-
tho pioneers was represented by ilonts r(ltlco nnd rcal c8tato agent. Hans.nann
For ndvortlMlng rules address Pulil lier
Communications rclntlru: to photographs
or articles for iiiitillmtlon hIioiiIiI be ad
dressed "Kdltor The IIIUHtruted llee,
Pen and Picture Pointers
For tho frontispiece this wock wo print
tho portrait of ArchblHhop John .lout p i
Kuanu, wlio, It is tindcrttluod In high C'atli
"lie circles, has buen chosen by tho pope for
tho archbishopric of Dubuque. la. whim
places him In chnrgo of thu metropolitan
hbo for tho slates of Iowa, Nebraska ami
Tho ceremony of laying thu cnrneiHtont
for tho now $2.ri,000 high school building
to bo built by tho enterprising city of
North I'latto, Nub., was conducted uniK r
tho nusplccs of tho Masonic order July 2U,
1000, In tho presonco of a largo crowd
Grand Mnster Albert W. Crltes or Chadron
ofllclntcd nt tho coremonles. Tho ovcnl
was of moro than ordinary Intorust from
tho fact that It was tho llrst. tlmo thu
Masons hail laid a coriiersloue in that sec
Hon of tlio state.
Frank O. Carpenter writes this week of
tho possibilities for mnklng grent fortunes
In tho Philippines, tolling of a bank that
la pnylng CO per cent and other Institutions
which nro mulling money. The three bin
banks of Mnnlln chnrgo for everything and
mnko gold gnloro for tho stockholders
A curiosity In tho banking lino Is n savings
bank nnd pawn shop run by tho church
Thorn nro opportunities for millions of
cnpllal to Invest In profitable railroad
lines In Luzon nnd olnowhero.
Captain Ilalph Piatt was born In Grand
Islnnd on February 28, 1870. Ho attended
tho public schools of Grand Is'nnd, gradual-
holds no higher olllco than Justice of the
peace, becnuso there is none.
General Chaffeo, who Is In command of
tho American forces In Chlnn, bears tho
unusual Christian names of Andn Ito
mnnzn. Anda Is from tho Hebrew nnd
signifies pleasure, while Romanzn Is de
rived from tho Italian and In English Is
nppllcd In music to n tender sentiment
a song without words. "It would bo In
teresting to know," says tho Philadelphia
accord, "how Gonoral Chnffco's parents,
who woro plain farmer folk, living In
FLOATS representing three decades used IN CELEHRATION
OF 1)0-
paulon, "yiu, ho dues nio, too, tho resem
blance Is striking." Tho modest man drew
prosnlc central Ohio, enmo to glvo thoir himself up nt this, chased a grin of satis
son theso peculiar names. This stern, faction off his faco nnd assumed a states
matter of fact tnnn of action would scorn manllko nlr. "I was struck by It directly
to havo a nnmo qulto out of harmony with ho got on tho car," continued tho first
his character." woman. "Why, anyone who saw Senatur
$ Hill's pictures In tho papers would notice Innl court ludce
Hov. W. II. Murray, who Is supposed to It," assented No. 2, whereupon the tickled "Well?" ho asked,
havo been killed In China, beenmo Inter- fellow lenned his head on one hand and cor- "Don't you see," explained tho disgusted
cstcd In tho condition of tho blind In thnt rugated his brows ns If solving the best way Britisher, poking tho other In the ribs with
country yenrs ngo nnd for thoir sake ho to head off that 10 to 1 movement. Then his cane, "tho counters says some one no
Invented n system of representing tho tho volco of tho woman menndcred on ngaln. cusud her companion (ha!) of having a big
sounds of tho Chlneso language by raised "It's queer what differences there arc In hend (ha! ha!), and ho declares (n-nhj ha!)
grand dinner last night, wcro you not? Just
n whllo ngo I heard ono of thcno vulgar
Americans make tho remnrk that this morn
ing you had a big head.
" 'Tho Duke But, m'lndy, there's nothing
In It.'"
Tho American looked ns sober as a crlm-
dots, It was found thnt by this menus a bald heads. Now his nnd Senator Hill's
blind Chinaman could learn to rend In show tho hair fallen out In exactly the samo
less than thrco months, whereas a Chlnn- wny, leaving tho bald spot oblong In shape."
mnn who can seo tnkes years to master You can just bet It's dollars to dimes that
tho ordinary written language, for thoro man has something to nay trdny about tho
aro 4,000 chnractors In Chlneso, though slll' habit women havo of tnlklng aloud In
only 480 Rounds. Mr. Murray opened public nnd mnklng themselves conspicuous,
schools In Pokln In which n considerable -5
tilinilipr nf bllnil hnv whn ntl.nrwl.n A U0'""- "'"l woman with Soft blllO eyes,
would havo starved In ttho gutter, havo wh,t0 rlnRMn round her ears and a quaint (,rHpcnUely) "the duko admits there
been trained for educational and mission
ary work.
Bunch of Short Stories
At n t I filii W ri itn wnrtf Ti n n unmn n nn1
showing tho ndvancoment mado bv decades, ciiini in Snrinn. wnJ i.,,.h i.. nni1 cussing Inwardly.
Kdwnrd Uosowator nnd John Uoslcky of mlnlnir slock ami nlmrt nvnrv mnn wnmn., Afl MIss '-W Knt on tno car she said to the
........ - - ... " " " ,!. 1 1 T T I 1 1 4 1 M
a. Paiun of Iowa delivered and child had been badly bitten It happened ""-" - ' bui nou ai urn
there's nothing In It!'
"Yes, but"
"Illnrstod Idiocy, but whnt?"
"Her companion wne a duko."
"And not any different from the rest of
the ICngllsh nobility."
"No. Hut tho Joke, tho joke! It Is no
adroitly put. In apparent Inadvertence"
purple gown got on a Third street car dur- T hi. headf w" o you ?''
au . . , . .... roul11 mako such a 'mnk and candid ndmls-
Sho looked roy. but cool and comfortable, slotl( imtwi,cro docg tho Jol0 comc in.
whllo tho others on tho crowded car were
mopping their brows, fanning themselves
A Baby Puzzle
Omaha and L
that a certain mlno owner and stock nianlp-
York Sun:
were puzzled
Officials of
the barge
when, In
"All right," said tho conductor, and tho countlne tho linnilemntH
ADOUt Noted PeODle the press to put In nn account of his death cnr )vnt cn' ,NnlhltlK happened until I, Kensington, the Liber family presented It-
i , ...... .... . street wns reached, whnn Rinlilnniv fh nii nlf 'rim ...... ,!., i.i ...
nt au vu , ieiiia i,ivus a smiling .uariC, DUt , , ...v. ..... . ....... ,1101. nam iiuiuiuci nun live
when It came out tho pcoplo with whom ho , . " . K 1 "p nHKo1: 11 18 11,18 t'I"1,lru"- Oiy two children were apparent.
Swift Wright, formerly editor nnd pro
prietor of tho Dally Journal of Logansport,
had had I1I3 IiuhIiichs dealing were Hiirprlsed
No deaths at sea had linen rnnnrtml hv thn
Illll., Is now prllllO minister to Piea'.dent nml nlnnneil In rm.1 "ll..,itli I . nu Mlln ml t It Is," said a big, perspiring Officers Of tho Steamer, nnd Mm nnrenl
Jlmiiie. of San Domingo. Wright was a Shark." ' mnn' n,,(1 Roft- low crlrfl of "hear, hear," looked qulto contented, Just ns though they
llrst lieutenant In tho recruiting service mingled with laughter, rippled through tho did not miss nnythlng.
prior to tho Cuban wnr. Ho was In Cuba A LouIhvIIIo mnn noted for his unnasum- cari "Whero are the remainder of your chll-
wnen Jiniinoz organized tho revolution and lng nnd kindly nature, relates the Times of nren: deinanded one of the clerks.
went with tho general to San Domingo. It that city, wns on tho street cnr ono night. major of the German cavalry not long "Ach, HImmel, hero all alreaty," ro
li fiild that Jtmlnoz owes much of his sue- Ho hud taken his hat off to cool his fevered KO B,ICCL;c"ml 10 t"n colonelcy of bis regl- sponded tho father In stentorian tones,
cess to Wright's fertility of resource. brow and as tho merry breeze played on It mcnt nn" nccnnn"K '0 the custom In bucIi "Ilut tho mnnlfcst says five children, and
.TKrr . .. l!t "erhwd two women tnlklng behind
Lieutenant Hubert Ldwin Peary, wIiosl. him. "Ho reminds nio of Senntor David II.
two years sllenco In the Arctic Is beginning Hill," said one. "Yes," assented hor Coin-
lng with honors at tho ngo of 10 years. Do
then attended tho University of Nebraska
until 1889, when ho returned homo anil
nsslated his father, Mnyor W. H. Piatt.
In his law olllco. Later ho attended the
law school nt Ann Arbor, graduating In
1891. Ho practiced law for 11 short tlmo
In Grand Island when ho decided to go to
tho Pacific conBt nnd locnted at PortlnnI
In Juno, 1891. Ho rapidly advanced In his
profession, taking chnrgo of somo of tho
most Intrlcnto canos. Ono notable case
was that of landing tho wlfo of a Chlneso
citizen of Portlnnd. Tho enso gavo him
great promlnenco with tho Orientals. Ho
always had n tnsto for mllltnry matters,
having lenrned tho tactics nt tho University
of Nebraska. When ho hnd located at
Portland ho nlmost Immediately Joined
tho National Ouards. In a short tlmo ho
was olocted nontenant and wns ono of tho
most offlclont officers whon tho company
wns cnllcd to Astoria In 1S90 to quell tho
flBhormon's riots. Whon wnr wns declared
with Spain ho was tho cnplaln of tho com
pany. Tho regiment to which he belonged
Immediately offored Its snrvlces to Pnclo
Sam. It wns ono of tho first regiments
to rench tho Philippines after taking tho
Lndrones. Upon arriving In tho Philip
pines Captain Piatt wns chosen by General
Otis ns Judgo advocnto nnd so acted until
tho reglmont wns roturnod homo, whon
ho accepted tho position ns special counsol
for tho governor gonornl and hnd chnrgo
of prlBon records nt Manila. On Jnnunry
1, 1900, ho resigned nnd opened up a law
office In Manila. Ho hns been counsol In
somo very Intrlcnto enses Involving In
ternational law. Ho was recently chosen
to roprosont tho deposed Chlneso emperor
with tho United Stntos government. Ho
nrrlved at Tncoma on tho Rmprcas of
Indln, Juno 28, whoro ho wns sick for
sovornl weoks, Ho Is now nt Grand
Islnnd nnd will go to Washington ns sorn
ns ho fully rocovora his health.
Itoccntly eovoral pictures of four gen
erations havo boon printed In Tho Illus
trated Dee, This week wo ndvnnco am-
cases ho wont to nerlln to nersonnllv I sen hut
present himself to his sovereign Upon his Tho authorities were about to send the
promotion. Appenrlng before tho knlsor at family to tho detention pen when one of the
his next public reception, ho respectfully mntrons noticed that tho father and mother
pronounced tho sot phrnso nlways used on wero holding between them a largo basket,
such occaslnns: which they could not bo Induced to Bet down.'
"Your majesty, I beg to nnnounco myself Suspecting smuggling, sho called ono of tho
n colonel of the regiment," naming his custom house Inspectors nnd ns tho latter
new commnnd. wns trying to tnko nwny tho bnsket a squcnl
The emperor looked nt him a moment wns hoard from Inside; then thcro woro two
without speaking. Then ho said In his squeals, then a babel. Tho mother herself
sharpest nnd most Inclslvo tone: hastened to open the basket nnd thero lny
"The nnnouncoment Is false." thrco bibles, triplets, two girls and a boy.
A dead sllenco followed. Thero was a screnmlng lustily nnd kicking nbout their
sensntlon nmong tho flpectntors, who ex- little legs.
pectwi to seo tho unfortunato officer con
signed to n dungeon on somo torrlblo
chnrgo. Ilut n minute Inter tho emperor
went onr
"Tim announcement Is raise. I havo ap
pointed you colonel of tho First Uhlnn Regi
ment of the Ounrd." And then enmo n
hearty laugh nt tho dlscomflturo of tho mnn
to whom ho had thus given ono of tho crnck
commnnds of tho Gorman nrmy.
Ilrooklyn Life vouches for this one: "You
UnuTlcnns," snld tho London voune mnn.
Pointed Paragraphs
Chicago News: A woman's sweetest smile
may hldo an aching henrt.
Tho light In tho eyo of a goeslp Is
several scandal power.
A pistol Is doubly dangerous when
tho owner Is loaded.
Nenrly every woman you meet has her
prejudice cut on tho bias.
Wisdom Is a good Investment regardless
to create comment, Is now on his fifth ex
pedition to tho frozen north. Ho sailed for
Greenland July 7, 1S9S. Tho Inst mossago
ho scut to civilization was dated August 13,
1SHS, and rend: "So far all my plans have
been sue esjfully carried out." When Penry
united on his present voyage ho not even
attempted to concoal tho fact thnt he was
bound for tho north pole. Thu explorer Is
now In his forty-fifth year.
Senator Holtfeld of Idaho is probably the
blggiHt mnn in tho United States sennto and
ono of tho largest men thnt ever sat In
either house of congress. Ho Is compara
tively young, only 41 years old, and of oven
grenter physical proportions that Jeffries,
tho pugilist, who Is an unusually largo man.
Senntor Allen Ih taller than hla follow
nonator from Idaho, but not so stnlwnrt. Mr
Holtfeld was once a cowboy In Kansas nnd
has nlwoyH been engaged In stock raising.
Colonel Frank O. Lowtlen of Chicago, who
Is spoken of as tho successor of Sonator
Cullom, was born In Sunrlso City, Minn,
thirty-nine yenrs ngo and wns brought up
on a farm In Towa. Hu began to tench
school nt 15, thus paying his way
through tho Iowa State University. In 1SS6
hu went to Chicago, entered a Inw office.
studied In tho Union College of Law nnd
was graduated In n year at tho head of
hla class, lie has practiced thoro ever
n ho stopped sucking his enno, "are nlwnys of tho price you pay for It
insinuating that wo Lngllshmen don't know Many are willing to glvo advice, but few
what a real Joko Is. Now. Just hold your are willing to lend assistance.
mum wiiiio i go over tins ono which I rend
In a homo paper a week ago:
'The Countess M'lord, you were nt the
Tho proprietor of a hotel resembles a
multitude, being a host In himself.
Only a eklllful stonecutter can make n
lmpreealon on tho heart of a coquette.
Even If a woman Is as young as she claim
to bo, no other woman will believe It.
When defeat stares an olllce-seeker In
tho faco ho should meet It with resignation.
There Is something radically wrong with
tho Bmnll boy who likes to hnvo his hair
A St. Louis (Inn advertises "Iron bedsteads
and bedding." The linen Is evidently sheet
Iron. Don't allow yourself to becomo melancholy.
Laugh onco In a whllo, whether you aro
tickled or not.
A man who probably speaks from experi
ence says: "When a wife reigns, look out
for domestic stormB."
Tho deslro for fame .has betrayed many an
ninbltlouB man Into committing Indiscretions
that forevor ruined hla reputation.
Occasionally a man refum to drlnlt beer
unless his phynlclan recomntwO ,t r un"
lew he thinks he ought to rocOfntt.en(l
A few pestiferous files can dftn "l the
equanimity of the best-tempered man. 1ust
us a few pestiferous men can disturb U"
Peace of tho best-regulated community
For about six months after he graduate
he collece youth expresses a wllllngnest
remunerative pwl-.
Ion.," After tbot he begin, to huatle for ,