TILL OMAHA DAILY IflUDAY, AlUU'ST 5J, 1900. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvrrllf r mrnh for llirsc column Trill Im tnlcrti until 12 in. fur the rvcnlnK piIIIIoii nnd until H.flO p. ui. for tiiornliitr nnd Similar edition. ltntPH, 1 I -2ti n lvoril first linertlnn. 1p. n iTiird thereafter. Nothing micro for p (linn li.'.o fur t ! first Inner- tlon, Thmp advertisements tunat lie run eonneeiitl vely. Advrrlln"r, by renieMlng m nam tiered cheek, enn linvn nmwert nil- ilrcaneil to ft numbered letter In pure of The lice. Ansttcra no nddrrsspil will lie delivered on preieiitnlloii of the check only. IV A N T I J I l-M A 1 , 1 1 1 1 E 1 . 1 . WANTED, wo have Bteady work for a few good hUBtlem of Rood hublts nnd appear ance. U. F. Adams uo., lfil'J iiownruHi. BARBER trade taliBhl thoroughly In short time; cutuloguo nnu pari..:uiHrs ireu Address Western Harbors' Institute. Omaha, Neb. IJ 577 "WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men anu RUrruco men, wgo., wyo., nnu jowh free tnrft nleheflt watte: shin dallv Western It. R. Labor Agency, 310 S. llth. n-578 . . AN INTELLIGENT younc r"n to take a shorthand scholarship In 1m i rrhool and pay for It when course Is 'Oin,i1i ted nnd position secured. Auuress i. i'e. U oi9 WANTED. 10 youne men to learn teleR. ruphy. W. T. Hkelton, Sallna. Kan. U-MMl A27 MEN, women, learn chiropody, dermatology ny man; ilipiomns. i;orrespuiiurnce partment, 201 6th avo., New "fk; 'r!c- REGISTERED drug clerk wanted with re- ferences. Address or call S. E. Howell, Park Ave. nnd Leavenworth St. o llr-7f)02, iiu vmyn ... I . ...... .1 v.in1,1so,.t nnltirv SCO to bocln with, stale ago und experi ence. Address Q 18. Bee. B-72S-2 WANTED, stenographer and bookkeeper; young num. a. h. Aipirn, yi.i uougius m. WANTED, trams to haul brick. Krlten brink Bros., 30th und A St., South Omaha. IlM7Ki! r. WANTI V . bright boy who writes u good band in t n insurance omco. Ainiri'",u ji, uce. ii i ii u DO you want traveling Job on salary? Write Triumph Co., Dallas, Tex. WANTED, a tinner for hardware store In town of 1,200; one who can do roollng and RUUcrlng and Is u good clerk; German preferred; steady work the year round! rood salary. Address L. C. MlttoNtadt, Norfolk. Neb. U-Miii H'AKTRn. .1 nr 1 irood marble letterers and general workmen. Address Morrlsj Hri., Memphis, Tenn. i WANTED PEM AM'. HEI.I'. am lJT'.t.t.lHN'l, Imlv to take a short' In nil nMinlni-Hlllli In llOMt HCllOol and 1KIV for It when course Is cniniileted und ! 1 tlon secured. Address L 2o, Bee. C 5V) WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge, Tel. 876. C-Wll 80 glrln wanted. Cnnndlnn olllco 1522 Douglas I CORSETS lilted on, 30c. 1612 Capitol Ave. 1 jjw Al I WANTED, IOiOO ladies nnd gentlemen to rldo Crescent Blcveles, rx unci .Ij cash. Louis Flesclier. HB3 uapuoi Ave. C M550 4 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 1131 S. 30th avo. (J 711 - rr.. ra.. .,i, ui,. 09.K.V'n",c,,,: K"ml vny' rnrty wWu;..Ji0J,c 26j1 K. r ' J COOl Vi'ANTED. young girl nbout 1(1 years old to nsalat 111 housework; no washing or Iron ing. Apply 1SJ7 Lothrop st., Kountzo Placo. C-M712 enn lv- nnd Tturrn ulrl wanted at 2211 Lan' don Court, 24th St., between Half-Howard nnd St. Mnry's live. C-M713 4 WANTED. mlddle-riL'eil uoman unencum bered, as room male for widow: munt be nent nnd preposesslng, no other need apply, lu on Airs, li., :,is .miisdu. C-710 3" WANTED, a coinnetetit conk with refer ences. Anplv to Mrs. Luther Knuntzc, S9th street nnd Dewey live. C 7,i2 run iu:T iiiii'MKs. IP you want your houses well rented placo alT i.i. II ... p. , ,. II I innni iviiii ni'iiiinii x vu. j ,'.. IVIOIISES. etc. P. D. Wend. 1521 Douglas. D-5S4 ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. I'lnnos. Olllee, 151H4 I''nrnam St. Tel. 1553 or EOa. 1tnilKS. Htnres. Ileinls. Paxton block. D-5S0 HOUSES for rent lu nil parts of tho city. Hrennan-Lovo Co., a':o s. lam at. D-5: CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Bavne. 601 N. Y. Life. I'hono lOlti. D -3SS HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. I ROOMS, modern, with barn: all In extra line repair; 5-5 to good tenant, Alfred B. DnLoug. 137 liouru oi rraue. u iiji S-ROOM cottage. 2709 Douglas St, D-592 e-ROOM cottage, 26th nnd Blondo streets, 53. Apply WT .n. iDin sireci. u ,si FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- Idgo DIIIIUItlR, opposite ruy nan. lnlui W. RohtiliiH. 1S02 Farnam St. D-EOl lR.EGANT npartments In the Wlnolia. Pavnc-Knox Co., 1st lloor, N. Y. Life. D 5'Jj 1S12 N. 2iiTII ST., 7-rooni modern house, no furnnco; in goou conuiiiiui, uuku uaiu. ou K ilo to tie jininteo; reui. .-o.ii. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglaa Sts. D-M337 FOR RENT, 8-room house, No. CIS South lit II til. ijiqiuru in room w, viijriim 3221 CUMING ST., S-room modern Iiqusc. has JiiHt been thoroughly renovated throughout; rent, 520.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M95S 10-ROOM Hteatu heated Hut. nil modern, 2317 DO'JglUB. imiuiro L,iniuiueBi, jio no. 15th. iJnj VERY pleiiu.int apartments; six rooms and bath: fronting park; most desirable of nnythlug In the city for tho price to right party. v 1. J. Kcnmird & Son. 310 nnd 311 I Irnwn lilocit. U-41U 7 ROOMS, modern, In line repnlr. rhnrles St. Larco barn. 520.00. 2317 d-m:o2 FOR RENT, No. 2413 Cnpltol Avenile, 11 rooms, modern. ino u. jr. uavis uo., 1505 Farnam St. D-727 !TOR RENT, nlco fivo-room cottare, 19th ' & Boulevard. Apply 2o) N. 19th St. ' D-731-5' TEN-ROOM brick bouse, fi09 Georgia ave., I .0O. v. Ij. neiuy, m iioaru oi rraue. V lliono 1S1U. 1J .-M7I1 4 lELKOAlNT s-room nouse, uu mouern im- I provements, 2217 cuss st.; rents 2j per month; water rent ireo. impure josepu i Goldsmith, room 13 United States Bank I bldg, D-.1UM a' -ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished, modorn. foo s. 3utn. o-.-vum r -ROOM modem cottage. Inqulro 2152 St. Mury's avo. D-M62U 3' UHtt' 10-room bouse, water and gas. blocks from car and schol, north part city urnr nouievnru, per inouiu. in uulio Wllllnm I. Klerstead. City Hall. nut CENTRAL. unsurpassed five-room H.itn; cottage. Tlzard. "," ' " 'i three-room D-M627 10 IIIIESSMAKEIt. J5RES8 MAKING; experienced help only iinploycd. E. G, McDonald, 1612 Cap, Ave FOR HENT-F1ItNISHF.II ROOMS. rooms, housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. 13 M212 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 26.3 Ht Mary s. t3-ft MS THNIMIEII ROOMS AMI IIOAIItl. THE Merrlam, good summer resort. 26th & D-jdge. F Klit GLENCAIRN,trnnslcnts,5l.23 day. 1609 Dgls. F--397 609 8. S5TII Ave., private famllv. r-B Ail UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. P-59S IN' PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary s Ave. NICK front rooms. 316 8. 26th St. F M554 4 THE I'ltATT, desirable rooms, 212 8. 25 St. t MTii.Msiinn itoo.Ms rou itn.vr. TWO unfurnished rooms, modern. 62114 S. 19th. Q-M7S7 i roil IIE.NT-STOIIES A N II OI'PICES. POH HUNT, storo In tlrst-clnss location; rent reasonable Apply It. C. Peters & Co., crounu noor, neo mug. 1-266 TWO of the best rooms In tho Continental block, lritn and Douclas streets; specially suited for a physician; will remodel to null tenant. Omaha Loan & Trust t'o.. 10th nnd Douglas His, i-w AUIJNTH WANTI1II. $1,500 CAN bo made during campaign season or ever Introduced; territory going; wrlto - Hn i ii n if nnr r mn.i En ilea: ureniL'SL ntrii-i r ever introduced; territory going; wrua mmedlutely; full lino white und fancy ubbor collars; enclose stamp, Dept. C, lr rui.i.or co.mrs; o.iciose sir . M. & M. Mrs. l-O., BPrlnB,lci.f87, j-mjju a VATi:i) Ttl It EXT. WANTED, 2 or 1 furnished rooms for dght housekeeping; gentleman, who nun Rinnu nhlld. 0 2l, lice. K-Mi62 3 pah. its poh iiii.vr. CHOICE 252-ncro farm, within 2 or 3 miles of pucKlng houses, aouin uinana; loading station on farm; $750. Bemls, I'axton diock. iu. AVAXTEI1 TO IH'Y. WANTED to buy, a 2dhand camera or kmlnK. Must oe eneap una in nrsi-ciana condition. Address O 1U, lice. ft-iu AT.r. kinds of household goods, hotols, etc.. In largu and small quantities, cnicago Furnlturo uo., nwwu uougc. rci. ecu. rs on i WILL surchaso n limited number of Oiirnha savings iinnK accouniH. jjrennan- l.ove uo.i av no. i.im. ri wi 2D-IIAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. is UUJ 50 2D-1IAND typewriters. Nobraska Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th & Harney. N 713-AGO POH SAI,E FI'IINITUIIB. BED-ROOM suite, gas range, rug, etc., urlvatu sale, ivj m. St. KOIt SAM3IIORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. fh A ETON'S. buggleH. road wagons.hamcss Anilersnn Hncirv (!o.. 15th and Davennort I Anderson Buggy Co., 15th and Davenport l'-Wl VEHICLES of all kinds made and repaired ny nnrry Frost, mil nnu i.eavenwortn. 2 2NDHAND extension top carriages in goon couuitiou. wo also nave some phaetons nnd bugglen that wo are clopliiR out nt very low prices. Win. Pfelrtor Carriage Works, 2620 Leavenworth. l (llt SALE MISCKLLAXEOUS. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mo t.;onne urug uo.. i-or. lbtn nnu uoogo. B. HASS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 770. i' ants, cut uowers. noiiuets. nai I. resi dence, wedding and grnvo decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. y UJU 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Parnnm. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'go. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. y WIRE fonce. Leddy, 1617 Howard, Tel. 1390 1.1 .1111 Alt M. & W. tires, 52.75. Omaha Blcyclo Co. t two 2NDHAND wheels. $5 to 10; new wheels 515. omnlui Blcyclo Co., lth i Chicago sts ii u.;i SECONDHAND mnchlnorv for snlo: every thing in engines, Doners, pumps, iron nml wood-worklni? mnrhlnerv. Hliaftlnt;. imlleys, belting nnd mill supplies: prices lowest. Hnrrls Machinery Co.. 1023 VVnsh- ington Ave.. S. E.. Minneapolis. Minn. SOUARE nlnnos nnd organs. 515. 523. 527 uuu up; easy paymentH; new pinnos ror ront; nno inning nnu repairing. iei. iosj. Kcninouer & -Mueller, laia Famam. Q-M013 All GOOD hand elevator. IIospo, 1611 Izard. li Bi) MANSON bicycles, 525. Omaha Blcyclo Co. Q-MI06 KANSAS RABRITRY L. B. Ostertag, breeder stnndnrd iiedlgreed Belgian hares; lino young stoeit ior saio; wrlto ior prices. .in ,,..1.1 L., i,i.l -e'j dVll'llinuii oi., jxtuil.miii, ivuu. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog lenco ami crinuiug. iiui t-iougiuu, y-juj ST. BERNARD DOG. owner oults house- Keen nc to Doaru win bcii cnenti: nno largo pet: 20 months old: well marked: mnlo; fond of children. Address G, Boo ouire. w i.i All FOR SALE, good size, fireproof, comblna- tlon loci: safe; new, never used, from ono of thn best safe makers, only 519.93. A very larce, 2.400-pound, four doublo doors, bnnk safe, now; good for hotel, real es tate, countv, city or bank. 571.05. Will stun to any n aco in the United states payable after received. Cut this notice out nnd mall to Hears. Roebuck & Co., ijliicago. ior run particulars y .MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furnlturo anil moves at lowest prices, cnrioad lots or less. Chicago Furnlturo uo., uw-iu uoiiffo. CLAIRVOYANTS. ARRIVEDI ARRIVED! A MARVELOUS MEDIUM. Prof. Luwreneo X. James . 1714-Douglus-171l. Read adv. on pugo 3. S-753 2 MME.G YLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodgo MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 812 N. 16th. tas MLECTHIC TH13ATM UNT. ELITE pallors. 615 S. 16th, Becond floor. T M579 A3 BICATRICE HARLOW, Arabian treatment, Da'lis. aii'.ji s . lam, jsi nai i . j ai MME. LEE, miiKnotlo treatment. 507 8. 13th, room t .imo & MM E. AMES, baths. 1615 Howurd, room 1, 2d lloor; attendunt. T M717 S I'ERSOXAL. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 1518 Parn. Tel. 23i3. l IMJ LADIES' hair shampooeil. dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. -Monnvit, 1015 r urmim, iei .-i. v aw PRIVATE hospital for ladles before. & dur- lug coniinemcut; uauies uuopieu. na .-s. u. i SOLICS, 35c; velvet rubber heels, SSc. Tho old rename, a, i: reierson, ioui ac l uiuuig l Oil EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol Av U 8J1 At rnnso.VAL, TURKISH baths, massage tiaths. electric baths, for ladles only: skilled women massage operators; llnest equipped baths In tho city. Renstom Hath Company. itooms iu to zzo, Bee building. u Mira DR. HOY, chiropodist; corns removed. 25c anu upward, noom 12, Frcnzozr wock. l on RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no aangcr; semi ior circulars, umpire imp lure cure, raz J. y. Lire unite., uraana. PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds. .M. uonimnn & uo aw Dougias ulov'..,. IMIIVATU home hefnre nml durlnir COnlltlC- mcnt; babies adopted. Mrs. iJiirgei. -h.u Burdetto. l " HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. PHOP. LVND. chiropodist. Bll Karbach , bk. . U"J ... SCIIAI)ELI During Aufiust, shampoo. 35c; halrdrcss, 25c7 massage, 2jc; treatment, .-uc. WHEELEH & AVIlson scwIhr machines, others, $3.00 up; payments; remind, 75c week; repalrlnR. Peters & Co., 161U Capitol Ave. Tel. 1190, u--i asi VIA VI, woman's way to health. 3l6BeobldR ct- I JIOSHV TO I.O IX-ltHAIi KSTATE. PRIVATE monev. S. Rtt. 6 ner cent; no do- WANTED-Clty and farm lonns; also bonds nnd warrants. 11. C. Peters & Co.. 1702 Parnnm St., Bee Hldg. w-flj-J PRIVATE money. P. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. - - FIVE per cent money. Bomls, Paxton block, A 0o- MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes, ruyno Knox Co., New York Life. W-653 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at 5 tier cent. Borrowers can nav $100 or nnv mnltlnlo. Any Interest date. No delay. Hrennnn-Lovo Co., 300 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-tw4 5, M4. 6 ner cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. lfiis. V wj MONEY to loan nt G nnd RU per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melklc, 401 S. 15th. I O.IJ MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, lirennan-i-ovo (jo., itua ao. i.un. W 057 $1,000 nnd upwnrd to loan on Improved cltv property anu larms, v. rarnam nniun Co., 1320 Pnrnatn. W 5S WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrants. ueorgo & company, wn l-arnam st. MONEY In nnv amount at 5. G'4 6 tier cent. J. W. BOBBINS Si CO., lSlC FAHINAM HT. V 1) MONEY to loan on farm and city property lowest rates. O. P, . Davis uo i&uj i' arnat un W-661 $3.000 $4.000 $5,000 To plncc quick nt low rule or interest on roou real estnie. au- drcss J 13, lice. w-2 MIIXIIY TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED TEOl'LE. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd (jtiupti.v novymi.'V'ri.iT. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room G26, fifth floor, New York Life Hldg. a jtii MflVP.V lnnnnil nn nlnnni furniture, lew. eiry, norses, cowa etc. u. i . ueeu, am h. ij. MONEY- loaned on pianos, furnlturo, dla- monds .watches, privately. Berger's Loan Co., 1501 Pnrnnm St., upstairs. X 601 MONEY lonr.cfl on furnlturo. diamonds. watches; payments conlldentlal. Omaha fhattei Loan iiann, a. utn, upstairs. jt mi MONEY loaned on pianos, furnlturo. horses. cows, jewelry, uurc urcen, u s, uarner isik -V 003 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Bank Bldg. ut;a MONEY loaned salaried neonle holding ner manent position wmi responsuue concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, "06 N. Y. I,. Bldg. A till) MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You Keen tne property, uiiick service, you may pay tho money back In ono month or tako ono year In which to pay It nnd you need not pay for it ono day longer than you havo it. o charge nothing for mak ing or filing naners or examlnliu: seeurltv and we keep nothing out of the amount you borrow. Bo suro and got our rates ueioro norrowing. MONEY .,,.. i!, ' ,i.ii , Bn.,"r'r,'.1,.I,f0J,i ' ?nnnt P.lr S?" J""1.?" LOANED TO amounts irom jiu.w up. you may repay mo loan an or in nan at any time and you nro expected to pay for tho monev oniy wnui iimu yuu Keep u. wo nro lllo only loan company In tho city giving you this privilege. All wo nsk Is a chanco to compare rates, tstrictiy .confidential. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Established 1S92). SOU So. 16th Street. X-672 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily embarrassed who dosiro above everything eiso to AVU11J l'l'Ul.ICITY can be accommodated nt our office with less exponse tlmo and trouble than any piaco in tne city. A.MI'JKR'AN LOAN CO.. Room 601. Bee Building. X-M723 III'SIXESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A good, clean stock of dry goods, notions and fixtures. 7.. T. Noyes, .Missouri vauoy, in. x Mtei a-:i POR RENT Owing to advancing years Mr. B. Hans, tho florist nt 1S13 Vinton street, has decided to rent out hlH hot hou.se ut ubovo' location, occupying 7,000 to S.ooo square feet, under glass, with nbout 2K) windows, and tho resblVn and store fronting tho street, on the motor lino to south omnnu. excellent oca on for lie business. Y-3S2 FOR SALE. 52.000 stock groceries; best town In Elkhorn valley; wilte at once. C., li.'Ulie i. reeK, ivu. i-jwa) id- FOR BALE, cioccry nnd nucenswaro stock. good town nnu mention: owner retiring. Address Grocor, Room 544, Beo Building. POR EXCHANGE, HAVE 160 ncres land lu central Nobraska nnd money to exenungo for cottago lu Omaha, w. v. Hedges, 123 Boo Bldg. Z-673 HORSE wanted In exchange for two bi cycled, lady s and gent s. 2006 N. 26th st. ii .iiwi u- FOR TRADE A cottngo in Omaha paying jo per ccui anu juu acres oi lanu in .Mer rick county for land near Omaha; will pay somo cosh. Apply to J, A. Scott, Omahn Vnlhlnnl Tlnnk AT".!-. 'OR EXCHANGE, a clear, well Improved farm of 160 acres, well located, well watered; finest climate: 20 miles enst of Springfield, Mo, ; ono-thlrd of tho crop on SO acres (l of tho farm) net over 7 por cent on valuation of farm; prefer Bmnll farm In vicinity of Omahn, Owner, box 57, Lnko Vlow, la. v. M759 3' KOn SALE HEAL ESTATE. FARM. 65 acres. 12 mllea from Omnha: prlco 51,150.00 if sold nt onco. Address I, 49 ,ueo. RE-M38I-A-2I HENRY B. PAYNE. OU N. Y. LIFE BLDG. neal Estate Rentals. Loans, insurance. RE-6S0 C. P. HARRISON, FARMS, N. Y. LIFE UK HD A-L'i IP YOU want to buy, sell, exchange or rent your property quick seo J. ll. John son, MI J. V. LIIO. M I'iU 160-ACRE farm on Wert Dodgo St., less than ono mile from end ot maearium; goon buildings, thi per acre; easy terms. Tho Byron Reed Co,, 212 So, 14th St. RE-M137- HOUSES, farmi. R. C. Patterson, 305 N Y L, UU VI t Toil SALE HEAL I J STATU. HOUSES, lots (arms. lands, loans; also lire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk RE 675 DEER PAHIC lots nt 5250 to 5400, with de fiant trees, am snaps. nm you sec them you will say so. POTTER-SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. l.lfo. 111207, 100 ACHES In sections 2S nnd 29-I5-12, Just norm or (.enter street paveu runaway; cu under cultivation, $75 per acre. The Bsron Keen io.( ii so inn st. lit; .Mi3s 3 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. H EADQUAHTEHS for HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW EST HATES on LOANS: SOUND 1N- St'HANCE: HOUSES. PLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, n. y. Life huik. ui;-uiii PA KM for sale In Elkhom valley where crops never law; me nnesi tarmiiiK lanu In tho country, whero land brltiRH a cash rent of $1.00 per acre; 20 miles west of Omaha, one mile from Waterloo; 220 ncre,; nP fence; bou new N. Y. Life. HE-707-3 nANCH AND PAHM lands for sale by the i nion memo Kiuiroaii company, n. a. McAIlaster, land commissioner, Union l'aclllc llcailquartcrs, umalia, .Net). Jll'J BTX TO HE SOLD. Lot 5, Collins' Place, 52-ft. front on Cuming st. nnu ltw n. ueep, witn two-story House, $2.&no. Lot 4, A. II. Saunders add., 65x159, $1,000. Lot 2, block 9, Heed's 1st. 66x112, $1,WiO. Part of lot B, block 342. city, 22d and Hurt, with small house, tl 250. 2 houses on 27th nnd Douglas, $2,500. 2 houses on 2,th nnd Douglas, $2,500. A. P. TUKEY, BOARD OP TRADE. RE-M7I0 5 MPST have money; 160 ncres clear land, .-a. Address uwner, O J., l)ee. RE M760 5 PI XA NCI At,. SALARY LOANS! SALARY LOANS! H i IIAV1- Hi:i:.N ("KIT ("IH ."II Por Riving such low rates and easy par inn naymcnis, iiir; i un us All!' RIGHT, but we must loan a certain nmount of money as soon as possible re gardless of comment. WE LOAN ON lOLIl NOTE: no mortgage: no inclorser: no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton 11 IK US. MEDICAL. LADIES out of health tlnd prompt roller uox uiniina, -sou. (jonuueutlal. liM GONOVA Is a French treatment for mala and female, for tho noaltlve euro of Gon orrhoea, tilect, unnatural uischnrgcj, in flammations, Irritations and I'lcerntlons of tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst enscs in one weelt. ill nnr naeknue or 2 for J.i. Sent nnv where on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. Amerlcnn Olllee, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co, Omaha; m. a. union. Houtn umana, wavis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino rubber goods. TYi'inviiri'Kiis. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Parnnm. wi SHOHTlIAXIl AMI TYPHWIlITIXn. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. ueo mug. oyj NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col- lego. Boyd's Theater, 690 GREGG Shorthand taught nt tho Omahn Commercial college, 10th und Douglas Sts. U'JI STAMMERING AMI STI TTEH1XG. CURED. Julia Vuughan, ISO Ramge Bldg, -6S8 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg.; tel. ion: Alice Johnson, l). o., Indies' dept.: Gld E, Johnson, Oiktcopatlilst, Mgr. lto5 M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Kirusviiic, iio. w i-axton isik. ici. i.n. 686 EXGixn, noiLicits, etc. L. C. Sharp Mach. AVks.; motora, dynamos. 2DIIAND machinery LoufxM nnd sold for sh. A. P. Elv &. Co.. 1110 Douglas St. 700 DENTIST. DR. MITTELSTADT, 331 Boe bid. Tel. 1415. Ml AlO m a r. x i yr i c 11 v. m x o. GREAT Western Institute, 1023 Douglas St., chronic dUensca cured; no drugs, surgery. M .22 MESSEXtiP.Il SERVICE. O. M. S. Tel. 2022. 307 So. 18 St. 705 STORAGE. PAPtFir Ktnr.iiro and Wnrehouso Co.. 912' 911 Jones, general storage nnu lorwnnung. t Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Earn. Tels, 1559-VkI. OiM BELGIAN' HARES. PEDIGREED breeders: Capt. Nemo, score 2Vi. head of pens. i:. if. Kendall, hi. i-aui, Ken. .mm., A-i i MAGNETIC HEALING. GREAT Western Institute, 1023 Douglas Ht., cuionic discuses cureu no uiut, suitiij -M12B Till NIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bacs, suit cases. Trunks repaired, om. Trunk Factory, uua Furnam CD I PI HNITI RP, REPAIRING. TACKING, upl.olstering, mattress feather renovating. Tel 1331. M. 8. alkln, 2111 v miiiua m C93 MACiXETIC INFIHMAHV. THE NEBRASKA, Incorporated, 1515-1517 Chicago street, omnhu. uio CAIll'EXTF.HS ANII JOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. j. j . ueniitree, Linn nun 1.IIK0 sts. 3U PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllee, reliable, accommodat ing; alt business coniiucntiai. vmi uougius on STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE, furnnco, rango repairs; water con nections, omnna stovo jtepair wonts, y.vi uoug. ioi TICKET IIHOKEn. r,,, ,. ,, -llf, r. '? ."f 1 " tickets every whero. P. II. Phil main. Telephone is, ,vi LA IN lilt Y, DMAIIA Slenm T.nundrv: shirts. 7c: collars 2c; cuffs. Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. 703 EMHHOIIIEHY. SILKS and linen, stamping. 1612 Capitol nve BUI A I IIIIIIIS ANII TiXIIlEHMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. mi POl N il. TAKEN UP. July 31, ono blnck hog, weight 150 lbs. Henry Lush, 32d and P. South omnhu. r ound sitsj a HOTELS. HENDERSON, 5100 per day bonne; board U,M 10 i wcck. viu anu ruruuiii, iei, jjiu. Jl.3 Oi IIAI11HT .MET 11 FRK'TIONLESS. Mann. 17 Com I - MJI'i ! Nat 1 Bk. AICTIO.V. W ILL sell at public auction to tho highest iiiuuer me turniiuro nnu contents oi my private boarding house nt South Omaha. Sa'.irdny. Aug I, su'o to commence nt 10 a. m.. nt No. iiVH M st . three line beaters, one Born steel 0-holo range. M737 2 LOST. LIBERAL reward lending to tho Informa tion concerning large water spaniel i,, Mohr, 161S Cass St. Lost-750 2' PObTOPPlLO JIOTICC. (Should bo read DAILY by all Interested. as ohantes nay occur at any time ) Foreign malls for the week endlnc Aucust 4, 19U0, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General 1'ostolllce as follows; PAR CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Wednesday. Trnn-.f lnntle Mnlln. SATt'RDAY At K a. in. (supplementary 9:30 a. in.) lor ki-kui'h, per s. s. umurin, via Queenstown; at S a. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Mansdam, via Rotter dam (mall must bo directed "por h s, Muasdam"); nt 9 n. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Wcrrn, via Naples (mall must bo directed "tier a. s. Worm"); at 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per s. a. Island"): at 12 m. for AI'.ORES ISLANDS, per s. h, Tnrtnr Prince-. PRINTED MATTEL, ETC - German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tnkc Printed Matter, etc., for Germany, and Specially Addressed Printed Matter, etc , for other parts of Europe. American nnd White Star steamers on Wednesdays, German and French steamers on Thursdays, and Cunnrd und German steamers on Satur days take Prln tec Matter, etc., for nil countries for which they nro advertised to carry miil.'i After the closing of tho Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named nbove, addi tional supplementary malls nro opened on tho nlers of the American. English. French and German mcamcrs. nnd remain open until within Ten Minute:! of the hour of nulling of steamer. Mnlln for Smith nnd renlrnl America, Weal Indlea. lite. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for INAGUA nnd CAPE GRACIAS. ner H. b. Orlirun (mull for Jamaica, Belize, Puerto Cortez und uuntemnia must ho directed "per s. h, Orlgen"). SATURDAY At 9.30 n. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. ('H01N LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd DEM ERA HA, per s. s. Rbralma (mull ior itienaua uiiii rriuiuau must Do di rected "per s. s. Rornlma"); nt 10 a. in. for PORTO RICO, via San Juan, ner . s Ponce; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA- -MAIIA. MAVAiNllilA, I'AKTIl AUKNA Illld GREYTOWN. ner h. h. All,.,.hn nv (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per s. s. (Alleghany"): ut 10 n. m. rmin. plcmenlnry 10:30 n. m.) for VENEZUELA nnu i i.iii,i-,Mi, ner s. s. .Mnrucnlbo (mnll ior ciavaiuua nnu i nrtnagcna must bo dl rected "per s. h. Mnraculbo"); at 11 a. in for YUCATAN, per s. s. Mercator, via Progreso; at 11 a. m. for CUBA, ner s. s. Havana, via Havana; at 11:30 a. in. for imn,ii, oirect nnu J.A l'LATA COUN TRIES, nor s. n. Hcvelllis (mail for Vortl, jirii7.n must do directed "per s. s, Ilevo lllis"): nt 1 I), m. fHUnnlomenlnrv 1 'W , in.) for TURKS ISLAND nnd DOMIN ICAN REPUBLIC, per h. s. New York; at 4 p. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES di rect, jier . . wueen :uiiry. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North nyuney, uuu uicnco ny steamer, close at this olllco dally nt S:30 n. m. fennneetlni- Close hero every Mondov. Weunemlav mni Saturday). Malls for Mbiuelon. by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, clos nt this olllco dally nt 8:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tnmpu, Fla., and thonco by steamer, oloso nt this oflleo dally (except Monday) nt 7 a. m. (tho connecting closes nre on Sunday. Wednes day nnd Friday. Mulls for Mexico City overland, unless speclnlly addressed for dispatch uy steamer, cinse at this olllco dally at 2:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemnln. bv rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this ot!W dallv at 3 n. m. (connecting closes hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica und Mondays for iieiizc, ruerto uortcz nnu uuatcmaia). 'Registered mall closes ut 0 p. m. pro vlotis day. TrniiH-l'nellle Mnlln. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine islands, via aau Francisco, 01030 here dnlly at 6:30 p. m. up to July 29th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. n. American Mnru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia). New Zealand, Hawnll. FIJI and Snmnan Islands, via San Francisco, eloso hero dnlly nt fi'30 p. m. after July 21st nnd up to August Itli, Inclusive, nr on day of arrival of s. h. Cnmpnnla duo nt Now York August Ith, for dispatch pur H. h. Alameda. Mulls for Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via San Frnnclsco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to AugURt 0th, Inclusive, for dispatch per 3. h. City of Feklng. Mnlls for China und Jupan. via Vancouver, closo hero dully ut 0:30 p. m. up to August llth. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of J n pa n (registered mall must ls di rected "via Vancouver"). Malls for Ha waii, vln San Francisco, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to August 17th, Inclu sive, for dispatch per b. h. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Austra lia, which goes via Europe, and Now Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, closo hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to August 18th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8, Aorangl. Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port or sailing tinny nnu the scneuuie or clos ing Is arranged on tho presumption of tin ir uninterrupted overland transit Registered mail closes at 6 p. in. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN '"OTT, Postmaster. Postofllce, New York, N. Y., July 27. 1000. LEGAL NOTICE. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE Construction of n tienerai aewer system for the City of Lend, Lawrence County, South Dakota. Sealed bids nre Invited nnd will bo ro- celved nt tho ofllce of William H. Lyon, city auditor, until 2 o'clock p. m. on the llth day of August, 1D0O, for tho construc tion of n general sower system within and for tho city ot Lead, Lawrence couniy. South Dakota, according to plans nnd spcclllcntlons now on lllo In the olllco of tho city ongineor nnu ciiy uuuiior oi nuiu city. Separate bids will bo received for pipe work, brick and stono work nnd tunnel wont. Bids for such work shnll ho forwnrded to thu city auditor, securely denied, so as to prevent their being opened without detec tion, and snail no enuorseu on ino ouisiue thereof, ns to what work such bid or pro posal Is for. Each bill must bo nccompanled by a bond running to tho City of Load, In tho penal sum of at least 60 per cent of tho amount of tho bid. which bond shnll bo executed bv tho bidder ns nrlnclnal und bv two or more goou nun suiucicni sureties, who snail lustlfv an such. In like manner as re hired ny ino general laws oi mo state in nitt.li uaKota. relating to arrest nnu oar and conditioned as renulred by section 3 nrtlelo xx, of chapter xxxvll of tho Laws of lfcSO. Tho estimated cost of Bald Bower Bvstem la about 5IS.O0O. A conv or tno mans and sneciucatinns will be furnished to any party desiring to bid upon the dopoait with tho city nudltor of a certllled clii for 523.00, payahlo to tho city treasurer, which check will bo re turned If such plans and BPeclllcntloiiH uro returneu to Thomas i,. ueuiou, city attor ney, on or uetoro tno jam uay oi .ugjst 19(10. The city reserven tho right to reject nn or nil bids. Communication In relation hereto, except Dius, may im addressed to w. a. Aiiuson city engineer; or Thomas L. Redlon, city attorney. Dated this llth day of July. 1900. By order of the city council. W. J. ALLASON, City Engineer. J27dl4tm Lend. S. D. GOVERNMENT N OTICE. P R O P O 8 A L 8 FOR SL'BSISTENCI' STORES AND PROPERTY -Olllee Bur ehablng Commissary of Subsistence, Omaun Neb,, AugUHt 3, lUOo. Sealed proposals, sub ject to the usual conditions, will bo ro 1't.ived nt this olllco until 10 o'clock n. m August 13. IMiO. in which time und plare they will bo publicly opened for furnishing subsistence stores and property, in follows: Pork, sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will bo given to nrtlcles of domestic pro duction. Blank proposals and specifications can bo obtained at tins omco. is. it west Purchasing Commissary. A3-4-0-7-1O-ILM RAILWAY TIME TAM.I3, ne Leave. Arrive. HI I. mils "Pannon Hall" Express a 0.0C pm a 5.20 am W ABASH RAIL1 to A D iifw?K7??A Ticket Olllee, 1501 Farnam HVMM Street. Telephone S'ji. De "JV!K!lft. fot- Tenth and Mnrcy S VE?4-i. Streets. Tolenhone 623. RAILWAY TI.MU T.VllI.ES. BURLINGTON & MIS sonrl Htver Railroad -"The Hurllnston Route' General Oth.es. N. W. Ci rner Tenth and Parnnm Sts Ticket Olllee, 12 l.'iirn.im street. Telephone. 250. HurlliiEtvii station, lentn nnu -iiaaon streets. TcicxmonC) i.s. , , Inve, Arrive. T.liif.,,ln ItilAtllls lltld McCook a S:49 am a ";35 pm t 1 1.. l..n....P r.lrt. 141111 L'lll. H-Il,., ' , V. rado, Utah. Callfomln.n 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm I.lnr Un Xt Hl.ii'k lllll .n s-30 nm a 3:00 pm Montana. Puget Sound, iv 9.30 pm a 6:45 nm Lincoln rnsi .Mail .uo:wpui iiiv.aj uiii Denver, t'oior.wo, utan & ca morula . a ;u nm n Dally KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph Council Bluffs Railrond-"Tho Burling ton Routp"-Tlcket Olllee, 1502 Farnam street. Tele- phone, 250. Depot, Tenth ana .iiason streets. Tele phone, 125, Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . a S;50 nm a 8:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex. n!0:13 pm n 6:15 am tit. l,ouis Fiyor ior at Josoph and St. IajuIs .a 4:55 pm all:15 am u uaii) I & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Otllce. 150-2 Farnam St. MaUfstreDeCt5Telephone': I Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago. Srec- tnnrin"wnreiM"!ll"!!!'. ' n 9:26 nm Chicago Vestlbtilod Ex.. a 1:00 pm n 7:(3 am Yan .ffi e i'xl're"'.a :45 V, Pnrltle .Innpllnn lieal. .alO!45 am l'aclllc Junction Extra. n 7:00 pm Fast Mall Pm u Dally. CHICAGO & NORTH u'enlern Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Pnrnnm Street. Tele phore, 561. Depot, Tenth nnu Aiason bis. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Davlluht Chicago St- nlnl a ?flri nm Alt 'TO nm Chicago P'u'sso'ng'cr'!""a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Express, dcs Mo ties. Jiarshnlitown. cago . . .'."!?. .."nt0:55 nm a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, cm- cago nnu J-.ast... .. n i:UJ pm a i.uu pm Oinnlu. .. ... n2'l5 nm Omalia-Chlcugo Special. a 7:45 pm a s:W pm i-astMnn a a'oU "m FREMONT. ELKHORN ,S "Tho NortliwesU'm Line" General ' Olllces, United States National Tx2lriiV,?,i'!.5!;,n!.';., Ticket Olllee, 1101 Fnriiain St. Telephone, bvi. Depot, um and weuster Sts. Tele- Phone, n.is. Lfavc. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm u 6:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar and lP.0.1!1"9 iC-;;'", '.'ld 3:00 pm 0 6:00 mn Cltv. Sn'nerlor. 'Geneva. Exeter nnd Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Pre, "out . 7 b 7-30 am bl0'25 am Lincoln, Wniioo ' snn Fremont b 7:30 am blO:2a nm 1,r.em.?!!t I'(!c4lv.:: i- :-?.7:?.0.n'n .lay only, d Dnlly except Saturday. . j " rtv. ftjft(,lil.,j, J C3l,l o jjaiiy excepi .Monuay. MOUX CITY ft PACIFIC i'?i,rn tL J. 0llNorl'l1 rmin!n 'V,9,T S1.1 FiJ Nntinnni ii,Vi,i7 ii, iii.iim. jsatlonnl Bank . Build ne, w.',.,V0.r.l,SL lwr'."'; mill Fiirnnm Sla rPIU, uim.u. jiui j'arnnm st, Te ephono 561. De pot, icnth nnd Mason Sts, Telephone, C2U, j.eave. Arrive. Twin City Expreni. Twin City Limited. Sioux City Locai.... u Dully. . ,a 6:55 nm alO:50 pm . .a 7:35 nm u 8:15 nm ..a 8:00 am u 4:20 pro CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & ntnniin RnWway - "Tho North western Lino" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th nnd Webster Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:00 am a 3:10 pm uin.iuii i-assengcr aiiuu um moux uity it isortn- cast Nebraska a 3:50 nm Oaklui.d Local b 5:45 pm b 8:15 am a uauy. u uauy except bunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIT I rouil Onmh.i. iCnnuna f"liv St. Ixiuls Cannon Ball Express a 5:05 nm a S:20 am Kansas city and vuincy Lrfica a i:w am a u:oo pm a uauy CNION PACIFIC- ' I'HKOVKIt. land Route" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam Htrcets. City Tiket Ofllce. 1301 Telephone, ers. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chlcaio-Portland Special . . a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm The Fust Mn a 8:30 nm a 3:23 nm Tho Colorado Special. ..all :35 pm a 6:50 am Tho Past Mull a 4:35 pm T l..p,.ln Kofi r Wn inI H'tro sb, ire "lSxnrciw .il :10 nm bl2:25 nm InT.. l..,.lin. 'l.ivnrM n nm " Tho Atlantic Express... a 6:50 nm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:30 um a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC nAIL- road General Olllces nnd Ticket offices Southeast Cor- ner llth and Doug as Sts. Telephone 104. Depot Union b union. Ieavc. Arrive. Bt. Ioula. Kansas & Nebraska Limited ,.,.al0:0Oam a 6:30 pm Leave. Arrive. K. C. St, L. Express., ..al0:10 pm a 6:1a am Leave from 15th and Webster Sts,. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm nl0:43 am n Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad, city Ticket or fire. 14f)2 Fjirnnm treet. Teleiihone. 2I5, Depot Tenth and Mason Btrcetn. &noVy Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express all :10 am n 4:05 pm CniengO Limited icuum u 0:10 um .Minneapolis and St. I'atll Express o r.uuiun u v;iv pm Minneapolis and si. . Pnul Limited a 7:4o pm Pnrt limine I.nrnl from a 8:15 am Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm b 10:15 am a Dally, b Dally except sunaay, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway Ulty Tleket Ofllce. 1504 Farnam Stfeet. Telephone 251. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets, Teli-nhnnn 629 I,ohvp. Arrive. Chleago Limited Ex. ..a 6 00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex .b 7:15 am b 3:55 pm a Dally, b Dally except wunuay. nnirAiso. ROCK I8L and & Pacific Railroad "The (ireat hock mi nnd Route. " City Tick et Ofllce. 1323 Parnnm Htreet Telenhotie. 428. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Teleiihone 629. l;uve. Arrive. IIph Mnlntin nnil tlfiven- port I4OCIII a r.zu am m w mn Chicago Express b11:15 am a 6:10 am Chicago Fast Express. .a 5.00 pm a 1:26 pm Lincoln and Falrbury .u 8:30 um a 7:00 pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Dcs Molnen, Rock Isi- and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 6:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer u 6:5o pm a 9:15 am a Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday. Dpi'InIou AKillliNt .MiUKipiily, DENVER, Aug. 2, Judge Lofcvrn today rofused to Issue an Injunction restraining the pty olttrlals from entering Into 11 con tract with the Lncombe Light eompuny to fjinlsh tho eltj with electrlo IIkIiIh for a perl's of ten yea -s ut tho rate of 59" ner I'ght ouch year. The effect of the declfclon wll' be to reduce the Price of eleetrlclty for lighting and power purposes In Denver, us the irw eompaay IntPiuls to compete for business with the Denver Consolidated Gas and Electric company, which has had a monopoly. .V. l."'c,,.r I)nl1,.l llfni... I Illl.lL'll II ll- illl,v,,.i ZuHet Of- tVrZ dreVslayo,,r,,c mndent Tclephoie Tenth' "' cUhcrll RSlly Sr Vnornntly 'given a nnd "streeVs0.'' Telo'i false construction to my st. emenu . hj phone, 629. put Into my mouth iuune y. or is tiint i Leave. Arrive. never used und assertions that I never rri MlLWHEEl LIKE M'RINLEY PROSPERITY Sixth District Prodigals Coming Bark to the Republican Told. NO FAITH IN FUSI0NISTS' PROMISES Timet Are . Too Good All Otcr the Stole in Allotr Any Clinner to Up TnUen. N. P. McDonald of Kearney, prejcnt rhalr- "" of Iho Sixth district republican con- gresslonal committee, was at republican state headquarters yesterday. He had held tho chairmanship of tho committee for sev eral years, but thinks It probable Hint he will bo nllowcd to retire this year, although ho has been nsked by Judso Klnluld to aerve temporarily. ,, 1 1, n.n l,flin I,aii i-rv malnel! I ft ,,uu III L I u un.v; v , , ' ...n,u,,H, political changes out our wny," nald Mr. .Mcuonnld in spcnKing oi tne conditions in the Sixth district, "and they nro noticeable all over tho district. A great many who " Ue fuslonlsl. .re going to voio ior ino iiiiuuiu-oi-iiic-runu rnndldntn If thpre be one nnd a crest ntniiY ,vho wer0 (orm,,rj. republicans are coming back to tho party. There havo always been mor(, or M)I changes of that character, but heretofore it has been largely a matter ot conjecture In the enses of moft of them. It was merely suspected that they were going to votu the republican ticket nnd there havo nlways been somo gains from that source. This yenr they nro outspoken. "I really bcllevo that Custer county will go republican this fall because of tne liilddlo-of-the-rond movement. All through tho western pnrt of tho district the cattlo Interests hnvo been very successful during tho past four years nnd those fellows Unit ''con gradually coming to the ticket. There is not much activity as yet in our con gresslonal campaign, as but little has been ''ne In our section In the wny of orgnulw- tlon, and what has Dccn uono was nccom- nllBhed by the stnto committee.' J- S. Iloaglutid of North Platte "was caller nt republican headquarters yesterday. "Things nro improving eery day for re- puhllcautsm in our section," said he, "There nro a great many who wero rabid l,0lnlllsts follr 'oftrs " w" c rSllt oUl squarely and s;,y that tho promises and predictions then made by tho fusion lenders ''avo proven false nnd declare their belief that tho McKinley prosperity should stand. They unhesitatingly declare that they nra going to vote for it this year. No, I am not a cnndldnto for anything, but 1 expect to take nn active part lu tho campaign and will probably make fifty speeches this fall." Leopold Hahn, postmaster at Hastings nnd cx-mcmber of the state somite, called at r,P"0,lcnn ldq.mrters yesterday, as did Joseph Lnnger of Wllber. candidate for presidential olector; Ed Pry of tho Niobrara Pioneer nnd Fremont Everett of Burt county. omaiia a,,',. -Tr, ilm Edllnp of The Bee: My iittcntlon bus been called to a communication In a recent Issue of The Bee. Y"llr correspondent gross y misreprcmi. ,,,,, ,.ml tll0 purpnso of the meeting. I doubt very much If the good people, of TsTeiiniMkn iin or pnuld bourudgc the few cenlit that wero spent that evening for gus- light in the stnto nouse in ine euunu ui i. ,ii,. 'rim iieimie it N'eliraskn ure generous and big-hearted. A people. ;f the west, we Know someming oi ino nunmiuen nml prlvutlons of frontier life. We know something ot those South African women. who havo stood wun intir iimu un m their knees und their rllles In their hands guarding their homes, and we profoundly sympathize with them as they wander over the dreury vcuit, tneir eoiimrj- nun ,.-.., Ihtlr homes In ruins, their husbands nnd fathers either dead or hunted fugltlvis and mothers Hlnk at the r feet lu despair nnd exhaustion, and their little ones i be them for bread. It was in bchnlf of theio widows nnd orphans that the meeting was called tho other evening. The object was to devise means tor rnisiug " "" 'y lleve tho suffering and want of tho starv ing women and children of tho two repi b ! i tT. ,i'i. ,,,.,.,11,,,. l,,l -in iinllllcal B glllll- cati'ce whntever. Tho npeaker was born ntld aim iicv. ui. ivu- llinui:. . . . ... ..... . ..,,,ih "Miss ShiricV Btnten nnu niiwi iwji help the Boer republic If It could. What Miss Shirley mild was this: "Iho United States could have closed this war i. LiM,.n! he eniild closo t tomorrow If she .would say bands off my sister repuli- lies! TlHUds oft their gold mines, their ''Trwloat'made It a .,esto of the volition nnd not of the power of tho UiufeAndrewf'jncksoniwns living wo would nssnll the British with shot nnd she II. Here is what sho said: "I' or thirteen venrs England rnlsed no clnltn of Mtizur- ,iiim i.iihM.i". , o,r.,..u 'Plilrteell Ulnty over tho United Slnles. 5.. i". ' ..,i i,. while, not BO IOIIKi rr,nf, ns a century, but Just uh binding ' ,' " 1,,,'rirnln as a thousand years, lung- .L.nlor tl 1 1 1 V"? J''?.lJl" "V " "V , 7 da nnd VOIII III" ' w .;--:-,,, s iVernlntv over uh ns sho has to abrogate, that of '8. nnd nssert its authority In tho TrunBvnal. now woiuu wu i-..i,..i ftihmiiii liimi un tn o hi exploded ciulm and Hh musty old deeds nnd como over hero und claim Buzeralnty over the United States nnd dieiaio nima 01 vy,, to us, compelling us to recelvo as citizens of our republic, with ui Its r ght und privileges, imgllBlline.n wim pwh iuuiiu-m ilielr nllniTlnneil to I IllOtllircliy .' JUHt WtUlt It bus dono In tho Transvaal. How would wo recelvo It? I know how wo would re ceive It If ndrcw Jucksnn wero ullvo for about flvo minutes. I know how wo would recelvo It now. Wo would glvo It a shower of shot and Hholl that would Bund tho Brit ish lion Binning to ma uen. Your correspondent was evidently unable to follow tho nrgument. "Any ooy nnnwn tho only thing to un is for America 10 no iu South Africa nnd stop tho British, Aenin the correspondent Iiuh drawn, on hlH fertile ltniiglnntlon. At no tlmo did I Biiggest a trip to South Africa to "stop tho British," In fact, I think that would bo u most unnecessary proceeding. This. H what 1 did say: "11 is 1111 muu nml nonsense to wait for bcth sides to dbk mediation. Why, the big fellow, so long as be Is on top, will never nsk y i;i t.i hinuiy como In and help him Mop. No, ho will keof) right on until ho kills the llttlo follow or bludH hltn hand and foot. Ralismeii havo Biicb a queer way of looking at things, win, ih hovH on tho street would know mat mill is 11m um iva i" i""i' "f"".1; 1' resil irom 1110 iniuon 01 inm, no vuei not ltni.w bo much about precedents, nnd dcclslniiB, and Judgmenls and writ of error, or whether bo would better cull In tho coroner and havo tho verdict but he would Know a goon ueiu uiiom nuiimnuy mm justlcu on gencnil principieH. ue wouiu know that that matter needed Immedlato attention, und ho would attend to It." For tho benellt of tho gentleman from Lincoln l will explain, that 1 was reforrlnx to tho Pence conference ut Tho Hague, nnd not lo 1111 expedition to Africa. "We bonst of our liberty and of living In tho best land In tho world, yot wo allow England to light 'n poor, old man,' " fiuotes tho Lincoln scribe. I said, "Wo boast of living In tin) best tlmo since the creation stars sang logtither. Wo talk ot tho brotherhood 01 man and fraternity nn though tho things they Blood for were In common, everyday use. Wo speak of civilization nnd tho sermon on tho mount, and yet, 11 llttlo over to tho south, Is a man, und a handful of people, being out, and tilaiihcd, nnd blown Into atoms, bo cause England demands a few dollars," Now, I Hubmlt to iv candid people If that Bounds much like tho words of your cor respondent. If tho gas consumed nt tho stnto house has rekindled the llres of liberty, for heaven's uuko let 1 1 , in burn. ELIZABETH SHIRLEY. Explosion In Cement Wiirkx, PHILLIPSRUHO. N J. Aug 2.-An ex plosion of dust at tho Alpha cement works, near hero, today caused the death of ono Hungarian and Iho fatal Injury of another. Tho Interior of the mill wuh wrecked and the men horribly mangled. The LUC or Woniiileil who havo been healed by Ilunner Salve, Is very large. It hculs all wounds or sores and leaves no scar. Tuku no substitute. For sale by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's Drue Store, South Omaha. i i i .. ......I.,...! ,i