8 TTTT OMAHA DAILY l.EE: VUT W, ATT(TTTST fl, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL I Trade in the Wheat Market Shows More or Less Decline. CROP REPORTS SOUND TOO CHEERFUL Corn nnil Onin limbic to Oven-nine StroiiK S miiiilliy 1 1 ! Whent Provisions SmiiiI n Itntlicr irregular CHICAGO, Aug. 2. A decline of 1c took place In the prlco of wheat today. Support was withdrawn from thu market, more fn vorablo crop reportH, disappointing cables and liberal receipts at primary polntH damp ening tho enthuslusm of traders. Corn waH also weak on favorable crop news and declined He. Oats closed He lower, Pro visions were Irregular, lard declining 2V4c. while pork advanced 124c and ribs 2WHc. Wheat opened with u material decline, Initial trading, in tho September option ranging from 73'ic to "5c, compared with yesterday's closing price of 7&i(f75TiiC. Liv erpool cables, showing little or no advance ut that market, were dlsuppolntlng to local traders. In addition to this crop reports wero more cheerful In tone nail weather conditions were Ideal for harvesting opera tions. Liberal receipts at primary points added to the depression. Yesterday's buy ers were prominent In the eurly selling, which, however, soon ceased The local demand Improved enough at the dccllno to Impart some temporary firmness to the market. September advancing to 76V". but when closing Liverpool quotations showed u decline of MlHd tlio market again turned weak, and from that time until the cope of the session the tendency was downwurd. although scalping operations, which made up the bulk ot tho trading, resulted In sev eral unimportant rallies. Thero was but little demand for wheat until September had declined to a point below ,oc, when tho market again received support, bi.t not enough to cause any substantial Improve ment, ulthough tho market b ratne fairly steady toward the close. September grad ually declined to 744c and was quoted at 7l'tj7l?io at the close. Northwest rcctlpts Were 2Xi cars, against !X last week and 'i a year ugo. Chicago receipts were 25.1 cars, 12 of contract grade. Total primary re ceipts wero 78tt,OOo bu., compared with ti.V5.wi till, a year ago. Atlantic port clearances were large GI1.U00 bu A gooil demand was reported for new wheat and estimates of the nuiouut worked ranged as high as bu. An increase of about l.ooo.OoO bu. was looked for in tho visible. Corn was weak and lower all day nnd very dull. Theio was some sympathy with the wheat decline, but Independent of this weakness was caused by the extremely fa vorable crop reports and corn ripening weather. Shipping business was slack both nero anil at tno seaboard. Long wero sell ers of futures. Local receipts wero 2M cars. September ranged from 37'ic to Ike nnd closed "S,c lower at 37fec. Oats wero dull and a trllle easier, though the decline was small In view of the weak ness of other grains. The ensh demand continued to show Improvement and this had a tendency to steady the speculative inaiuei. I'oiniiry onenngs, nowover, were liberal and elevator ix-onto with hi.IIi.ih Shippers wero tho best buyers. Hecelpts . V neinemner ranged rrom 2l't,c . ji'jir anil cawed 'sc lower at 2lc. Provisions tvfm falrtv nciK ,,,1 ,.,. lar. Harly In the day the market declined an around, mere Doing some disappoint ment over the small ilt'crimm. In umMru eakcr hog prices also had some lnlluence. Later oullu an active shipping demand for pork sent the price of that commodity up shandy and other meats followed. iiiougn lard did not entirely recover. Tho close was stendv. Hotit,oilir i.nrir higher at 112.20, September lard I!'4c lower , . u'"imi.i" nepieinnor nus 2'45ioo higher at $7.1714. l.stlmated receipts Friday: Wheat. EM ii-n1: i V' ' cars; oars, lav curs; Hogs, li'"V 111 llll. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Arllcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Aug. Sept. Oct. Corn Aug. Sept. Oct. Oats. Aug, Sept. Oct. Pork Sept. Oct. Oct. Ian. Itlhs- Sept. Oct. Jan. ,5?i.(" 74iTi71.i; I57if-t, 70i,4 75 75 7bi l 37m4i37iSi?4 373; 3714 3714 :i7ib 20i 377f, MP 3(14 j'ii.'n r 20T1 20i! 21(4. 21',M'4 21- .. -I'M 21 li Vint 12 00 n sr. 21 2fl 11 95 12 00 I, ST, :i'VU V4 Will 12 0714 12 021, U2'4 12 SO 12 20 12 20 12 15 fi '.) (i fl2" 1! ! " i: 7714 7 20 7 ir. fi S7',4 C 7214 fi S7'4 r, icvi :CV4 ti .2! U 4 J l (U 7 ir 7 07!4 7 (Hi G 10 7 0714! 7 1714 1 Ou t! 10 1 in 7 0714 " J-V4! G 1214 l 1U No 2. Cash oitotntlous wero nn follow? 1 I.Ol'H Dull; winter wheat patents, J2.00 ffl.W; spring wheat specials, JI.M; patents, W.TW.10: bakers, J2.S0(f(3.50; rye Hour, J.'.7o Vv II HAT-No. 3, Ki72c; No. 2 red, 7714V COHN No. 2, ?.Se. OATS-No. 2. 2P, e: n, o wil(to o3uc. No 8 while. 22St2:liT.e. JtV 10 No. 2. fOf50'4c. HA HI, HV -Hood feeding, 3!ift37c; fair to choice malting, lOii 12c. HHHDS-No. 1 Max, $1.10; No. 1 northwest orn, $1.4:!; prime timothy, J3.10ft;l.25; clover, contract grade, $. . PHOVISIONS-.Mess pork, per bhl., $12.1511 12.20. Lard, per 100 lbs., $i!.S7'rfii; ! Short ribs sides (loose), $7.Wi7 IB. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), iS.75fj7.0ii; short clear Sides (boxed). $7.ffi((7.75. WHISKY Husls of high vlnes. $1.234. SUOAItS-Cut loaf. JfiKS; grnnulated, $0.32: confectioners' A, $ii.2S; off A. Jti.13. I.'ollowlng aro the receipts anil shipments for todny: Articles. Hecelpts. Shipments. Vlour. bids 17.0M Kl.ooo Wheal, bu 112.000 . Il.tOii Corn, bu 302.O110 nw.oiM ats, bu 272,000 ;io,iO) Itye, bu ii.ooo 5,000 Harley, bu fc.otw i.ooj On tho Produco exchange today tho but ter market was easy; creameries, iSfilitr; dairies, H5M7c. Cheese, steady at K'iilO'ic, Hggs, steady; fr'sh, llV4c M'JH' YOUK (ir.MOItAI, MA II KMT. (tiHitntloim for the I)n- on Vnrlous Com ninilltle. NKW YOHK. Aug. 2.-KLOUH-Hecelpts, 18,739 bbls.; exports, 2,779 obis.; sales, O.SUO pkgs.; negotiation- were cut off today by tho drop in wheat and the market closed liomluully easier, winter patents. $3 Wii.&i; winter straights, $3.G5i3.Mi; Minnesota pat ents, $U5'(l.f0. winter extras, 2.7li(3.tio; Minnesota bakers', $2.!Wi;i.;i5; winter low grades, $2.40ii2.70. Ilyo Hour, dull nnd easy; Hales, 30i) bbls.; fair to good, $3. 10)3.25, choice to fancy, $3.uo;i3.fiO. COHNMIOAI Weak; yellow western, 87c; city, Me; llrandywlue, $2.4.Vu2.55. IIYH Steady; No. 2 western, 5Se, f. o. b., nlloat; state, 53ii6lc, c. I. 1'., New York cur. lots. HAKLEY-llull; feeding. 4Se. c. I. f., New York: malting, M-MUli; v. I. f, New York. HA III. ICY .MALT-U11II; western, Ul ,7c. W II HAT Hecelpts.TiO.sTS bu. ; no exports; saleti, 2.C50.OOO bu. futures, 120.000 lm. e. porls. Sjiot. weak; No. 2 red, 70c, elevator; No, 2 red. MWe, f. o. !.. allo.it; No. 1 north ern Diiluth, Mc, f. o. b., nlloat. Options opened easy and remained so nearly all day, oxcent for a slight afternoon rally on cover ing. Lower cable, continued dullness of trade, bearish crop and weather news and iniuiuniiou were mo cnier selling motives. Closed weak at low point of the daj ul "jOt fte net decline; September. 70'SS0,4c; closed, 79TfcC; Hocembcr, M8i5i2c; closed, 115. ('OHN Hecrlpts, Cii,3l bu.: exports. 10S.215 lm.; sales. 25.CK.H) tin. rutures, 2Mi,(ioo bu. npot. Soot weak: No. 2. iWc. elevator, and ll"i.c. nlloat. Options sold off under heaviness abroad, local lluulilatlou. I no decline in wheat nnd line crop conditions. Closed weak and Millie lower: September. 1i Who; closed, 43c; December, 3411 loc; closed, too. OATS Hecelpts, 35,Oi ,m.; exports. 4.300 nu.; sales, tii.imo nu. spot, npnt, stonily; no. 2, 2i!c; No. 3, 25le; No. 2 white, 2m No. 3 white. 2714c; track mixed western. 2ti'i(27c. track white western, 27'vV33e; track white state, 27!4f)S3c. Options neglected nnd nom inal. HAY Quiet; shipping, 70f77c; good to choice, MtyWltiC. HOI'S Dull; state common to choice 1KW crop, Il5il4c; old, 3ii3o: l'nclllo coast lS'nl cron. IDfilSo: old. 35n"o. HIDKS Firm: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. ISe; California, 21 to 23 lbs.. 2llsc; Texas drv. 24 to 30 lbs., He. LHATHKK Steady; Hemlock solo. Iluonos Ay res, light to heavy. 2Ji.4fj2IVsc; iicld. 22fii23i.4c. I'HOVIBIONS-Heef. llrm; family. $9.00 (iiU'.OO; mess, ji'.oujio.tio; noer nains, ju.oou 21.00; packet. $10.ooiMl.oO; city, extra India iiikmh. Iie.0lVI?17.50. Cut meats, steadv. pickled bellies, J5.7SJTti.25; pickled shoulders, $ii.75: pickled hams, $lo.00ri 10.75. Lard, quiet : western steamed, $7.20; July closed 111 17.10. uomlnul: rellned. steady; continent. $7.10; South America, $3.00; compound, $6.2o "ir,;'j i'.,rk. firm, famlh, II "W-.M M, slv.rt i bar $lt'il.', mess, J1J T3''tl3 : lit "TTKIt ltei.ii.ts. C.232 nkes.. market firm, creamery. 1711!V. factory, nylolc, Imitation creamery. JHfliVtc. r k ,H ltei e iiis. 6.wj dkkp. , nrm large, colored, 9'ic; large, white, 9'kc, small, colored, 10c. smnll. white. OHCOV'. K1(JS Ilcce nts. 7.JI13 nkes.: stendv; west ern, at mark, llifll.l'4c; lor nverngo lots, wpstern, less orr, io'sc. MHTALS The local metal mnrket con tinues in a weak and nominal condition, with Imn leading In the heaviness. Tn cables were unnll.fnctory and the advices frum the west were unfavorable to improve ment here At the cloe the Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants weak, lower nnd nominal at $12, with northern weak and un settled: lake copper unchanged at $lfiW; tin easier at M2 uo 12 12': end so u at ii., spelter easier at $l.22V(4.27',j. OMUI.V WIIOI.i:AI,U MAHKI2TS. Condition of 'I'm de nnd (luototlons on Maple nnd I'nney I'roduee. ICGGS Hecelpts, liberal; good stock, 10c. LIVH POI'LTHY-Hens. 76Sc: roosters. according to age and size, SfCIc; broilers. M4f10c; illicks. 450; geese, 4fj5c; turkeys. Sc. ' S DHKSSHD I'OCLTHY-Ilens, S'flOe; roosters. 5'ytk.1; ducks and geese, 9ti' lee; urollers, per in., llV4ttl2'4c; turKuys, mac. uuTi iJit common to fair. 13c: c noice. id (fllGo; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17 He. 1'ISII Trout, 10c; blue fish, 12c; pickerel, Re; cattish, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; white- nsit. vr: Herring. ic: diuck diiss. tor: sal mon, 13o; white bass. 10c; cropple, 10c; pike, loc: halibut. 12c: bullheads. 10c: ring ncrch. Co; lobsters, green. 22c; boiled lobsters, 25c; mncKerei, 20c; codlisli, loc; yellow pcrcn, ec. j'u ii'iu.vw i.ive, per uoz., wc. VHALS-Cholce, MjlOc. HAY 1'or carload lots: Cplnnd, choice, .TiO; midland, choice, $6.50; lowland, choice, .50: rvo straw, choice. $6: No. 3 corn. 37c: No. 3 whlto oats. 21c; cracked corn, per ton. $15: corn and oats, chotmed. tier ton. $15 50; bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, per ton, $12.50. VKOHTAHLHS. Ct'crMHHHS-l'er doz., 30350. ' ASI'AILUirs None on tho market. NHW TCHNII'S-I'er. bu. basket, 75c. NHW I1HKTS Per doz. bunches, 300. NHW CAHHOTS Per doz. bunches, 23c. LKTTI'CH-Per doz.. 15c. HADISIIHS Home-grown, per doz., 15c. PHAS-Per '4-lm. basket, 50c. WAX HHANS-Per H-bu. basket, COc. NIOW POTATOHS-Per lit.. 30350. t 'A 1111 AO H Home-grown, per lb.. 1UR lc. t'At'LIFLOWIUt I'er dOZ $1. (IIIKHN COUN-Per doz., 10c. T0MAT0KS Home-crown. ner !4-bU. basket. f,0c. Hlll'llAKH Per lb., lc. ONIONS Ilnme-grown. per lb., 2c. CHLKIIY Michigan. 2.V&30C. KHCITS. STHAWHHIHHKS All gone. HLACKHHIHtlHS-Per 21-qt. case. $2.25. HLACK HASI'IlHItltlHS-Out of tho mar ket. HUD HAPSHHHHIHS-Out of market. HLl'KllHItlllKS lG-ot. case. $2.25. CCHllANTS-Out of the market. PKACIIHS-Callfornla. per box, DOcOl.oO; Texas, per 4-nasKel crate ji. APitiru is None on tno mnrKci. PLCMS-Callfornla. per crate. $1.15511 I'lH'NHS Callfortilii, Tragedy, per crate, JI. 2ft: Kelsav. Janan. nor orate. il..,. HAltTlitiTT P1JAHS California, per uox, JI.7.V112 110. tlllAPlS-l'allfornin, 1-lmsnet crate, $1.00; uauiornia neciarines, i-nasaoi craie, ti.u. OOOSKHHHHIKS-Out of tho market. CIIHItKIHS-Callfornla. per 10-lb. box, $1.10Jil.2."i; Missouri, per 21-qt. case, $2.25; it-Ill. baskets, WilllUC. V A T K 1 1 M H I .O N S A s to size. 25f J0c eacn APPLIES Native, 75cfl$l.(K) per bu.; per 1)1)1., J2.7&53.I10. TROPICAL KHITITS. PINHAPPLHS-Per doz., $1.50&1.75. OHANOKS Mediterranean sweets, per )ox. 11: vu one as. Jl.2oGil.fti . LHMONS-Callforula, fancy, $5.50; choice, Jj 01). HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.2ol3.0IJ. MISCHLLANKOCS. NUTS-Hlckory, large, per bu $1.25: shell barks. $1.35; Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., VLit 13c; iiinerts. per 10.. J2c: almonds, per 10 lHMGc; raw, per lb., 514f6c; roasted, 6Viit 7V4C. IIIDKS. HIDKS-No. 1 green hides, 7c; No. 2 greeu hides, 5e; No. 1 snlted hides, 7c; No, 2 salted hides, Gc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to V. lbs., 80; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Gc. St, I. on I ; nil it nnil Provisions. ST. I.OIT1S. Auk. 2. WHEAT- Lower: No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 72'iic; track, 73ViS? ,1'ic; .Migusi, iivie; Hentemoer, nlvariw, uiicemiier, iiiM,c; rvo, nnrii, too. COUN-Lower; No. 2 cash. 37'4c: track 3S14o; August. 3714c; September, SGHfiSlrHc; December. 32Ue. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 21c: track. 2114 5?22.4c; August, 21c; September, 20T4C; No. 2 wane. L'i'te. HYH-WVak: 52c. KLOI It Steady nnd unchnnced. SKIIDS Timothy, unchanged. viax, lower; M mil. COIINMICAI-Steudy nt $2.25. HHAN Hasler; sacked, east track, GlfJ1 ilAY-Steady; timothy, $9.00813.00; prairie, .IIKIIN. t.l. WHISHY-Steady at $1.23. IKON Cotton ties, lower nt $1.30. 1 1 A r C, NO-IS.10& 8.&5. llHMP-TwIne. 9c. M1CTALS Lead, steady; $1.20. Spelter, weak; $4.00. POI'LTKY-Steady; chickens, 7ijc: young, 8ise; turki.jk-s, Cii7c; young, IGc; ducks. 514c; ".IIIK. u'lic. ni-rw, n , uiiiik, uhd',;l'. KGGS- Steady; 9c. IH'TTHK Steadv: ereamerv. lGfTlOUc dairy. IVa IBe. PKOVIS ONS-Pork. steadv: obb nc $12 75. Lard, llrmer; choice, $i!.751JG.7il4. Dry sail meats, imxeu, nrm: extra snorts. $7.60 clear ribs, $7.73; clear sides, $S.00. Dacon boxi il, llrm; extra shorts, $S.1214; clear ribs SS.23: clear sides. $S.50. Kr.t'I.I ITS lour. 3.000 lm s whent. 157.- w nu. ; corn. i.io nu. ; onis, vj.nuu 1111. SIIIPMHNTS-nour. 7.000 bbls.: heat ii.',wio nu.; corn, i.'j.im nu.; oats, .'3,000 nu KniisiiM City Cruln noil l'ro visions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2,-WHHAT-Son tember. H3i':c; December. GSc: No. 2 hard cash. Ortl'iiiiTc: No. 3, GlfiG514c; No. 2 red i2e; No. 3, GiSiOc. 1 OKN Sen tember. 3.i'le: December. 31ic No. 2 mixed, cash. 3GHO: No. 2 white. Xllt .Mi'ie; :ii u.v;4c. oa ik--.no. L' white. 2(i'.45(27c. KYI-No. 2. 49fl49i4o. 1 1 AY Choice tlmothv. $9.50: choice prairie, $i;.5i). IM'TTHK Creamery, 151ilSc; dairy, fancy, Ijc. LOGS Klrm: fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock, 10c doz. ; loss off, cases returned; new while wood cases Included, V4o moro. KI'X'HIPTS-Wheat, 172,800 bu,; corn. 9,- l.o . Ill iuAA 1... iV llll, tlillfl lot""!! 1 1 II. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 104.400 bu.: corn. 7.. 150 bu.; onts, 2,000 bu. Liverpool (iruln anil I'rorlilnna, LIVKHPOOL. Aug. 2. WI 112 AT Snot. steady; No. 2 red, western, winter, 6s 2d; .no. 1 northern snrmir. lis 3d: Mo. 1 Call. fornla, s HtdifTGs Gd. Kuturcs. dull; Sep tember. 6m il, December, tis 114d. 1 Ull? Hteadv for soot: American mixed. new. 3s lOlid: Amerlcnn mixed, old, 3s lllid. Futures, (pilet; September, 3s 10id; Oc- iiiimr. .is no; ivovemoer. as imu. PKOVlSIONH Heer. extra m a mess. dull nt 72s Gd; prime mess, dull at 64s 9d. Hncon. Cumber and out. dull nt 3Ss: clear bellies, steady at 40s; shoulders, square, stood:- at 31s Cd. TA LLOW Prlmo city, llrm nt 2Cs; Aus trallan, in Loudon, llrm ut 26s 6d. Toledo .Mnrliot. TOLHDO. O., Aug. 2.-WHI:AT-DuII nnd lower; spot, 7714c: Augast. 77'ao; Seplember, T.Sc; October. 79140; Deeembor, SOa. COKN Dull and lower; No. 2 cash, 41'4c; September, "Jic. 0ATS-D11II but higher; No. 2 cash, 23c; September, 22c. KYH Dull and unchnngod; No. 2 cash, 5lc. SHHDS-CIover, dull but higher; '9S prime, $.'1 10; '99 prime, $3.13; October, $5.7714: No. 2, SI 50. .! I it I ii t It lira 1 11 .liirket. DHLI'TH. Aug. 2. WHKAT No. 1 hnrd, cash, 79o; August, 79c; September, 7S'4c; December, 79o; No. 1 northern, cash, 77c; August, 77c; December, 77c; No, 2 north ern. 75o; No. 3 spring, 72c. OATS-23U;Q23o. COKN-30C. l'blliiilelplilu Prodnoe Ilnrket. I'llILAUHLPHIA, Aug. 2. HUTTKH Steady; fancy western creamery, 20c; fnncy western prints. 2.1c. KOOS-I'Trm: good demand; fresh nearby and western. 15e; fresh southwestern, 13c. CHHKSK-Steady. .Illliviinkee (irnln InrWrr, MILWAl'KKK, Aug. 2,-WHKAT-Market steady; No. 1 northern, 7C!i'iJ77c; No. 2 iiiirinern, 1 t'n nji . KYH Lower; No. 1. 63e. 11AKLHY Steady; No. 2, 494750c: samplo, 1'eorln Markets, PRO IMA, Aug. 2.-COKN-Scarce; no ttlltlT-i Utl"pi. , OATS Hasy ; new No. 3 white, 2Uii2t'ic. yiuniv-on the basis of $1.23 for iiuiHiieu goous. .Minneapolis Wheal 11 ml I'lonr. MINNKAPOLIS, Aug. 2. WHRAT-In store, No, 1 northern, August. 71c; Septem ber, 74iW74!ie; December. 75sic; on track, No. 1 hard, 7t?ic; No. 1 northern, 71?tC! i,. urn iiii-i it, ,o7av' KLOUU-Dull, patents, $1.15; second pat cuts, $3.95, first clears, $3 50 secutul clears, v. v. HKAN Lower; In bulk. $1175'(l:oe ji()vi;mi:xti tic stocks m iiomis. Speenliitloii In Iliiltliiiore .1 (H1I11 Stoel ot ns etlr ns lit peeled, NHW YOKK. Ajg. 2. The small nmount of business done on the Stock exchange today was almost wholly eonoentrHted In four stocks. In none of the four did the net change exceed . Hnltlmore & Ohio showed the nearest .appearance to anlmn- won una covered an extreme range of over points, inn 11 Closed Willi a net loss or . 1 lie ooetilnu nrlco wuh (In, IiIlMimui and was slightly below the London parity. . ui nu iirini- ripi'diiauiiii in an ticipation Of the dividend was nnlcUK- abnndnned and the stock slipped back Into a rut of dullness near to last night s price lu.ei. 1 in- action 01 me nireciors in pro viding for two semi-nnnual dividends of 2 per cent each was quite unexpected, as only one bud lieen il,.nnii..iv ,,r-.,,r.u,..i There was a slight Hurry and some fever Ishness In the shares as a rule, but a downward course ensued on offerings of iMiiiiu nt-iivy oiocks which looked pge real izing. This carried the stoi k to 74. wnicn was the low point of the day. Ap- u.vmiij iuf icniiziiig oceame ngnier Pl ow to and the room sbortH rnvprml nuns. Ir8 11 slight rally. Tho friends of I'tilon Puclllc then attempted to make use of tho d screoancv In ton nrlcon ,r Unit in,.ii nnd Haltlmoro & Ohio both navltiir 1 Po r cent dividends, ntul liv II foil Inrir., It,. dividual transactions gavo t'nlon Pacllle a place In the active list. Hut this move quickly subsided. ,, i'"' H0,n strength In Sugar and In niu iMjn iransu, mo 11r.il lieing af fected liv denials Unit th been resumed and the second by Inspired assurances that the annual report would show larger earnings than have been iiupuu ior. wonutieniai ronacco preferred wus raided down 4,. The general under tone of the mnrket was llrm, with some yielding In tho later part of the day. A feature of the day was a slightly easier tone for time ninnm Tli uiii,tr.iiu,,i.'u '"It Imlnnce at the clearing house ran nil In i1 flfKI lll tn.t.... .....I .1... 1 I ,,, 1 - ... v.,UvV,..,H ii.uu, ,11111 nil- iiaiiHx win jiron ubly gain over $3,ouo,uuo for the week mi stibtreusury operations. In spite of thu maintenance ot the Hank of Hngland's rat.. of dlscoant ut last weeks rate and tho easier tone of money here sterling ox iiVV.'G0 VV,U' llrm' 'rl'? H'igllsh batiks ex hibit makes clear Its control of the open money market, in which discount rates advanced an additional fraction above tho bank ruto today. The bank further re duced Its prlco for gold bars and Ameri can engles by 1,41! and continues to buy gold in tho open market. uaiuinoro A- 01110 liond Issues weakened on the dividend action, the southwestern division 314s losing a point. The bond market Generally was dull .and Irregular. Total sales, par value. $9ll,ooo. 1'ulted states refunding 2s, when Issued, nnd lin os, ndvanced U, nnd the old Is nnd new in, coupon. !. win tno 3s deel nod ',(, on the last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London lnanclnl cablegram says The Idleness In the markets here was not relieved today and such dealings as thero were had no feature, though the tone was steady. Haltl moro & Ohio was weak on rumors of dis sensions In the board, which were current iiuiuiu mo dividend nnnouncement. I'arts bought tlntos In connection with tlm lioorso setiieinent. The Hank of Hngland bought a:19,oio gold In bars. i'Vi..wing aio tho closing prices on tho Now York "Stock exchange: Atchison Mi, Union Pacific .. 59H .. ;r,, .. r.. .. 17 .. . .. Ii". 1 .. 13 ..I'r.i ..l'.") ..ir.4 .. 45 ..i:.' .. 3i3 .. S3 .. j' j .. 19 .. 3('4 .. 87i,, l"t no tfd ft" 1, do Pfd. Hnltlmore & Ohio Canadian I'uclllc Cunuila 60 Clios. & Ohio .... CnlciKo O. W.... C, 11. A Q 7411 Wlil H WhImM! (Hi pfd Wheel, ft L. K.. do 2d pfd Wis. Central .... Third Avenue ... Adams Kx .1 Chi. 1ml. & 1. do pfd Chi. & K. Ill uOlj" American Kx U. S. Kx Wells-Pargo Hx.. Altir, (ot. Oil... do pfd Amer. Malting . do pfd .Wiirr. S. d II... do pfd Amer. Spirits ... Chicago & S. W C, It. 1. & P.... C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado1 So do lt pM do 2d pfil .117' .1034 . tula . . 403 14 Del. & lludnon ....lllti Il. U &. V K6ii Denver ,t It. a i;ij do pfit 17 do pfd e,t,W A mT. ,S. Hoop .... pi4 do pfd Ml Amr. S. Ac W .VJ"4 do pfd 72Va Amer. Tin I'lnte . "'".. n.rifi io do 1st pfd 3j' (It. Nor. pfd livy nocKinit coal m ins-Kinir auey ... 3j'4 no prit 7,J4 Illinois Central ....116 ,Amer. Tobacco .... Iona Central 19 do pf.i ijn do pfd 46 Aiiac. Mining Co... 4Pi "K. c. 1'. & o.... 13 lUrooklyn It. T.... . 501, . San . 2114 . 7511 . 321 i . (K .IS'1'4 . .12 . OH Iike Hrle A W.... 274 Colo. Puet & Iron do nfd... 92 ,Con. Toliacco .... IW I do pfd 71i Peilernl Hlcel .... 90", do pfd IM14 Oen. Hlectrlc .... lUi (Slucosp Suirar ... n314 do pfd 94 ilnier. Paper M'4 do pfd 1?l f ' T ..11. Iike Slioro .... L. & N Manhattan I... Met. Ht. Ity Mexican Central Minn. & Ht. I... do pfd Mo. I'acllle Mqblle & Ohio M K. & T do pfd N. .1. Central .. N. Y. Central . Norfolk & W... do pfd No. I'orlflc do pfd Ontario & W... Ore. Ity. & .Vav. do pfd 6VI 73 Z0- S3i 19 90'4 :i 'rl.lWLinil- VJllIt . 10 National lllscult do pfil National lyad .. do pfd Natlonal'Steel ... . 801, .lKi'i .1281; . 33 ;ni4 do pfd. si 51'i N. Y. Air lliahe 13. 114 No. American . 15 20-H 1'acltlc Count ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Pn-irle Mall 42 7C .. S3 .. 62 .. 3ii IVnnsylviinla . ltcadliiff do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd.... Hlo O. v do pfd at. & s. p. do lt pfd... do 2d pfd.... St. L Southw do pfd St. Paul do pfd 128 16vi People's Oaa .... JS", Pressed S. Car.. .... Ji'ii do pfd 72 .... .V!a Pullman P. Cnr....lS2 ....90 S. It. & T B .... 9!i Sugar 121 .... 60 I do pfd 116 .... 32'i Tenn. Coal & Iron. 61, .... in ,u. s. leather ... .... 2'5'i1 do pfd ....Ill V. S. Hiiblier ... ....171 do pfd 1')', m 93 79 ni; , 50 St. I'. & Omaha.. io. Pari flo So. Itnllway do pfd Texas & I'acllle 110 Western Union .. SJUjKcpjrillo I. & 8. 10 do pfd '.2 P. C. C. & St. L. H'51 Offered. "Assessments paid. Neiv York Money .Market, NEW, YOKK, Aug. 2.-MONRY-On call, easy, lli'rtlls per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 4'44 per cent. STHKL1NO HXCHANOH-KIrm, with actual business In bankers' bills at V.b'h fun ,lnr.,iiil ,! ,,( tll'l?' .1 T .... ............. in, uiiyn, imnicii i.uir, (i.si-iii,, unu i.lj; com merclal bills. $1.M i(413. SILVHK Har. u04o: cert tlcatos. r.iuw ni'sc; .ucxicMii uaiiars, 4a,-2C. iKJiNun liovernment, irregular; stato, weak; railroad. Irregular. The closing prices on bonds toduv nrn ns lonowg; U. S. ref. 2, reg..l03i do 4 91 no coupon do 2s, ret do 3 do new 4s, re. do coupon do old 4, res.. do coupon do 6s, rg do coupon D. of C. 3 Km. Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4s Canada So. 2s.... Clies. H O. 41.. "do Is "C. it N. W. e. ..m .s'. y. c. is io .10" .N. J. C en. 5s.. ..1221; .10H No. I'acllle. 3 ojU .132S do 4s :04i .I3r "M v. c & H U 4s.lu7 ms Nor. & w. con. 4s. 9?; 115H Oregon Nav, 110 ..11314 ",lo 4s ..113i; "Oietron S. U 6s.. ..122 do consol Cs . .lOt'i Iteadlng gen. 4s.. 102S ,12:'a .1124, . S71-, Hlo O. W. Is.. ..m ...lieu St I. A 1 M c. 5S..H0V, "l I. At H !- g. Cs.121 .it. Paul consols . . . 1 67 ' 1 S.14D SI. P., C. & P. ls.UIVj, do In ....llkU. do S. I", deb. 63.123 "I'lauau ut. is. .. vi"a o. i'acllle Is 7S Colo. So. 4s Sit, So. Hallway Cs 10SS -w. v 11. 11. is 11. t. r,s 70 do 4 97'Tex. & Pacific Is. ..IIP, l.lie Ki'lieim I.... 10'a "UO 1H ,, r,C r . w. it i. c. is. n Union I'acllle 4s....l'Oii "lien. i;icctrio 6s. ..11514, Wabash Is iiiPj Ia. (Vntral Is. ...113 1 do in 1011, iv 1 , i- i 11 js. iu west Mioro is nil L. & N. unl 4s i Wis. Central Is SS rL'Jii Mvo. Centuries S9i When issued. "Hid. Offorcd. Hid UI1U ITUHl IL'Ct'UHH. Huston stock () tiolndons. HOSTON, Aug. 2. Call loans. "U,tt nor cont; time loans, 3HjlVi per cent, uillclal ciuehhk: A., T. & S. do pfd.. . r 2,rnlon Iind ... IDH.West Hnd 03 13 Amer. Simar ... do pfd Hell Telephone . Ilnston & Albany lloston l'.levated Honon A Me C, II. & Q Dunilnloii Coal .. do pfd Federal Sleel .... do pfd Kltehbiirg pfd.. Oen. Hliitrlc .... do pfd Oen. Klei. III... Mexican Central Mdh Telephone N. H. O. & C... Old Colony Old Dominion .. Ituhber Union Paclllo ... 'IUd ,.121'i ..116 ..t43ia ..24S ...142 Weetinisli. Hlec... Wis. Central Atchison 4s N. 15. O. & C. 5s. w; 61 dventiir ...1S1 Allouez Mining Co 1 ...li'i'a ,mai. copper .. ... S7 ... id .iiiinuc ...113 llloston & Mont... ... :2 Iluttu & Ilostnn . ... Bji'i I'uliimei A. Hecla ...137 Centennial ....... i:o4 Kraiikltn ...US'i Hanili.ldt ...204 Osceola ... 12 Parrot ... i 'Qulncy - '4 ..3m .. 161 .. 13 . . m .. 4P ..133 ... Ij'i Hunta ! Copper... I'j ...203 Tamarack 190, ... ll Utah Mining 2Si ... 2li, W.ni.na 2ij ... 59 Wolverines V-4 I'liiiinolal .olcs. NHW YOHK. Auk. 2.-ClearlniiB. $79,233, 915; balances, $11,17&,;. Tho subtroasury liuu a iicoit naiauco tniiay or y;,.vr.i,ut.. CHICACO. Auk. 2.-Clearlni:s. $24.425.o:i! balances, $2,20,3.s5. New York exchange. pur, Sterling exchange, ii.iwi(l.Mi. HOSTON. Aug. 2.-ClearlllgH, $22,350,0S7 bnlances, $2,xi.b64. PHILADHLPIIIA. Aug. 2.-Clearlng, $19, M3.155: balances. $3,265,042. CINCINNATI, O., Aue, 2,-CleurIng8, $2, l",..''!1 New Yi.rk txthatlge l"jUV ills li nit M Tii J1 . if ' n, r lent HALTI.MoKK a ik .-Clearings. $4,ogi. 2i, balances, I49I.S.B. ST. L(U' IS. Mi A.lg. 2.-Clearlngs, $4. 735.ira0; balances, $57I,o7l. Money, 4flfi per cent. New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par asked. London Modi ((iioliillons, LONDON, Aug. 2. I p. m. Closing: Cons, monoy ... .07 S-H Krle .. i1m Hcmunt ("H d" 1st pfd. At hlRon I'ur.ailinn Paclflo St. I'mil Illinois iVnlmt .. L.iilsvllN I "nt'n I'ac. pfd.. N. Y. Central ... .. Wi I't'iitnnlvanln .. .. so , Itendinpr ..Vi No. Paclfle pfd. ..119 'ilrsnrt TrunK . .. "J", Anaionda .. 77i Hand Mines ..HIM if; 73i ; iP, t"i, UAH SILVHH-Steady, 27 15-16d per ounce. MONKY 8314 per cent. Kato of dlscolim In the open mnrket for shoit bills, per cent; for three months' bills, llnti l4 per cent. imv YnrU Mining StoeUs, NHW YOHK, Aug. 2,-Tho following nre tho closing quotations for mining shares today; ("hollar 12 Ontn'rlo 375 Crown Point 1.1 Oplur 6.. ("on Cal. Ac Va Hi Plymouth 10 Deilihvixid 40 yuirksllver IS) (Imild Currle ... l do pfd SVI Hale Ai Norrro-s... 22 Sierra Nevnda 2J Ibinestake 6000 standard 4(0 Inui Sll-er 50 Cnlim Vn IS Mexlian II Yellow Jacket 28 I'ori'lun I'loiinolnl. PAK1S. Aug. 2. Prices were llrm nnd nnl nmted on the bourse today, the Increase In the nmount of bullion stimulating business. Hank shares were In good demand. Turkish securities continued to rise Spanish 4s were weak, but recovered sharply on cover ing purchases. Hlo Tlntos received great attention nnd thero were large coverings. Industrials wero llrmer. Helleers and Kal llrs made headway, closing llrm, 111 sym pathy with the London market. The weekly statement of the Hank of Prance shows the following changes: Note? In circulation In creased 0d.35n.i) francs, treasury iicoounts urrenl decreased 4,:i.i2S.wi francs, gold 111 hand Increased 2i;,li00.l francs; bills ills- ounted ucreased 2N.l25.0fi0 francs, silver Hi hand decreased 5,O50,(k francs. Three per ml rentes, lof 25c for the account; ex- banco on London. 25f 2oC for checKs; span- sit 4s closed at 72.15 LONDON. Aug. 2. American securities opened llrmer In response to better over night prices from New York and wero well maintained. Trading was not active- on no count of the settlement. The closing tone was quiet but steady. The amount of bul lion taken Into the Hank of Hngland on bal ance todav. .CI 9,(ioo,)uo. The weekly state ment of the HanK 01 liiigiaiui snows uio following changes: Net reserve decreased j:i,355.(KiO, circulation Increased JUll'.'.iin, bul lion decreased i;00,120, other Kccurltles in- reased AI2.:il!.OJ". other deposits Increased jJKnOo, public deposits Increased JlMj.ioi, notes reserve decreased Cl,;'.o.i,nw); govern ment uecurltles tinelianueil. Tile proportion of the Hank of Hngland's reserve to liability Is 35.39 per cent; last week It was 3s.ii! per cent. Hate of discount uncnangeil iu 1 per out. Hold bars are quoted today ut m:"40, 1 decline of Ud: American eagles, 7tls Id. .ii lower. (Jold premium at Huenos Ayres, 1390; Spanish Is, 7I' lli;i(l,l.N. Aug. . I rices iiainciicn on nie bourse here today In sympathy with tno llrmer feeling prevailing on imp western 1.,,1,1-ui.u irr.11 nnil coal shores recovered. but the transactions generally were iiulet. It ' KNOS AYKHS. Aug. -. 1110 gold 11110- tatloti today was 12S.20. C0111IIII011 of the Trcnsnry. WAUiiiNrrsTON. Ainr. 2. Today's slate- ,,.t .if tlm irnnMiiri' h.-ilaiices In the iren- oral fund, exclusive of tho J150.000.000 Bold reserve In the division or redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $151,010,101; gold. $73,S99,951. Cotton Mnrket. VRlV VDflK- Ainr. ".COTTON Llollldn- Hon In cotton continued upon a Inrge scale todav. Tho combination of bearish Influ ences which have of bite been In force con tinue In operation nnd very few traders had the courairo lo make ventures on the long side of the account. Some did so on the theory that tlm market has Deen oversold. Tho support from this class of traders, however, was not much of n factor. Most of tho buying came from the shorts, who preferred to secure prollts. This was an active feature In the afternoon nnd caused a sharp rally. Tho market opened easy In tone at a decline of 31iS points, nnd while showing Irregularity with occasional feeblo rallies, ruled In the main downward, the lowest prloes showing a loss of 12iYls points. Tho cables were worse than expected anil lrivnto entiles gavo very nttio courage 10 ook for an active demand from tho foreign consumers. Tlio southern spot mantels wore reported also weak. Crop accounts wero almost uniformly favorable and the uillclal weather map equally promising. Honoris on nicking from tho more forward parts of the cotton bolt pointed to an early movement of the new cotton. The market closed heavy and steady, 0110 point higher (October) to 1(1 points lower. Spot closed steady lie decline; middling uplands, Sc; middling gun, mc; sales, 710 roues. ) inures olosed quiet and steady; August, S.70c; Sep tember. S.llc; October, S.lOo; November, 8.07o; December. M)5c; .lanuarv, S.oilc; Feb ruary. .N.o;ic; March, s.ioc; April. s.l2c; .May. S.I5c; June. S.17c. NHW OKL ANS. Aug. 2 -COTTON- Nomlual; sales, 120 hales: ordlnnry. 7 15-lCe; good ordinary. ;";c; low middling, SSo; middling, 10've; good middling, WW. mid dling fair, lO-'d-o; receipts, 329 bales; stock, 49.970 bales. Futures, quiet and steady; August. !I.OI19.0,c; September, 8.255(S.20c; October, 8.9l1C95c; November, 7Hi7.S5c; December, 7.ifi7Slc; January, iMfii.S5c; February. 7.WMi7S7c; March, 7.S!M(7.fOe; Aiii-ll 7 !llri7 'lie- Mnv. 7 M1i7 !l."ic (i ALVKSTON. Aug. 2-COTTON-Q.ulet 9-i.c ST. I.ntTIH, Aug. 2. I U I TON 1-lliO lower, dull; middling, itll-ltSe: sales. 1,300 bales: re lots. 11.! hales: shipments, llii Dines; siock 17,211! bales. LIVKHPOOL. Allg. 2 -COT TUN HPOl small business dilnc: American middling fa r. 115-lCd: good middling. 5d; middling b 15-32(1; low midiiiing. r. ii-u.'ii; good onu- narv. 5 13-32d: ordinary. 5 13-32(1. The sales of the day were 4.O00 Pales, of which 2m) were for sneculal on and export and In eluded 3,100 bales American. Hecelpts, 3,000 bales. Including 2,'jm American. Fulures opened easy and closed barely cteady; American middling I. m. 0., August, 5 i:i-iid. buyers; August and sontemnor, f, (u-iiio tinvurs: Sentetnber and October. 1 4S-0ld tinvoru: Oetolior and November. 4 37-KUt 4 3s-i!td. sellers; November nnd December, A ;i2-iild, miycrs; ueccmocr unn .iniuiai.v, tsi.r.id. buveis: January and February, 1 "7.i:tf, 1 !3.r,ld. luivers: l'ebruurv and March 1 2n-fild, sellers; .Miireit unn Aprn, ( d-ihu. sellers; April and .May, i i-mui -a-uiu, sel lers. AVonl Market, T.ONnnN. Anc. 2. WOOI A sale of sheen skins was held here today, at which 3.M1 bales were offered. Attendance wns ennii lint the demand wus sow. 1 uern wero lnrge withdrawals, In consequence of the low offers. There wns a decHno of 1V4 (filO per cent. The following Is the salo In detnll: New South Wales, 11 bales at 2 ffi.'i'id: Victoria. 4!5 bales at SVfcffft'id; South Australia. 810 bales nt 2UCl2d: West Aus tralia. 320 bales at 2.fiCid: Tnsmnnla. 255 bales at 2fH5i5il4d; New .ealand, 750 hales at 2Vfc1i51id; Cape of Oood hope and Natal, 110 Dales ni 'Miu'sii; J'unia .reuas, nu uiui nt 3111 l'd; FalUlnnd Islands, ea bales at 3fln;d: I vor Platte. 191 ba es at WIWM ST. LOriS. Aug. 2.-WOOI-Market Im proving on tho medium and coarser grades, nut tnose on me liner nruer. pari cuiariv terr lorv and ' exns growth, contlliuo tiuu nnil iiuciiaugou. ColToe Market, NHW YOKK. Aug. 2 -COFFHR-Spot Hlo. weak: No. 7. invoice, OLc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, nominal. Futures opened steady. with prloes 0(fil5 points lower, and rul"d verv active miring 1110 enure session, 11c longs and shorts giving and taking ex tenslvelv on this nasis, witn me leaunr. bear house of this country the most proml limit Heller. Sent mcnt In general win henrlsli. following lower Huronean and lira zlllan mnrKets, lull receipts in me crop countrv, procrnstlnntlng spot nuyers and Indifferent public spect latlon. Shorts were llin principal buyers Into In the day. Mar ket closed steady at BTilB points lower. Total sales. 50.000 lings, this Including Son- tember. $7.S0J7.S5; October. $7.907.9); No vember. $7.9.iT(8.0O; December, $s 10: Janu nry, $s ioiiis.15; .March, js 20; April, ts.oJ May, SS.35. Decision on Cuban Kxporl. NHW YOIHC, Aug. 2. Tho board of classl llcntlons of the United States general ap praisers In a decision handed down today on a question as to tlio duty on a sub stance known as palnmbust entering Porto lllco from Cuba holds thut tho bonnl has Jurisdiction to decide kiidh n case under the net of congress which went Into etlect on May 1 last. Ohio IIInIiop .sick, ,, f'LHVHLAND, Aug. 2.-Hlshop Ignatius llorstmnn of the Cleveland Catholic diocese Is seriously ill at his resldenco In this city. Ho has been conilned to his bed tor ten days, suffering from a complica tion of diseases. II or llriiiKcx, Sprnlns or Fores, burns or scnldB, wounds or cuts, tetter or ccernn, nil quickly cured by Manner Salve, tho most healing medicine In tho world. Nothing cIbb "Just ns good." For Bale by Myer's-Hlllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dlllou'a Drue Storo, South Oranba. 01IAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET ight Supply of Cattle anil Yards Wero Cleared Earlyt HOG MARKET HIGHEST SINCE MAY 17 Supply of Micep .o( Hiiiul to (be l)c- in it ti it nnil All OlterliiKu Were Picked t p ns .soon ns (iilonileil. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. Hecelnls werei Cattle. Hogs. Sheep .. 3,312 4,024 7,i;5 Olllelal Monday Olllclai Tuesday .... Olllelal Wednesday... uitlci.it Thursday .... 2.NJ.S l!,.i21 l.Oi.i 4,527 5,722 1.359 1.1J1 0,004 .I.2J2 Four (lavs this week. . . .12.1SS 22.33."i 13,131 11,001 lS.,i5I Same davs lam u,.l lt.xvi Samo week befote 972 27.712 S me three weeks ago.. 14,922 37.S2.1 Same four Weeks nun.. 7.IM 19.3SS 9,i3 Average nrlce nuld for boirs tor the last several days, with comparisons. 11900, lS99.ld9i.l.V97.l.1-6.lS35.14. Julv 16 l5o?! 1 a Xii .1 mi 3 o7i 4 sil 4 S JUl- 17 911 4 Oil 3 25; 2 971 4 i 4 97 July July J lily July July July Julv IS. I 4 87i 4 ltil 3 S2 I 2 9oi 4 N3 4 J I 4 !0 4 2 3 i 3 32 I 4 R I 1 .9 ' 4 9al 4 191 3 R6I 3 X5( 2 97 4 94 4 71 19..., 20... 21..., 23! ! '. ! 21... 4 79 I u Ui' 1 ;i ; ki j .1-1 . 3 I i 4 34, 3 79 3 27 2 S6 4 Kit. 5 lni 3 f2l 3 2fii 2 S3, 4 M I 74 5 15 4 361 I 3 31 4 76, 4 HI 4 Si I SI 4 S6 4 7 5 I0i I 31 3 $9i C (C, 4 26, 3 !i7 .1 371 4 SS 4 aai July 5 Obi 4 32 3 721 3 4.11 2 86! Jiiiy July July July 1 0 13! 4 3.(1 3 611 3 2'J - iu T I' 2 ill 1 S?' 2 77l 4 74i 4 6 76 J 4 32, 3 72 3 3(1 30 1 5 OS I 3 741 31 5 091 4 32 3 44 5? 3 50 2 77 4 67 4 6J Mlg. Vug. 1 1 5 15' 4 19, 3 791 4 46, 4 69 I I5 4 55 - I 0 IS 4 2(i 3 74 3 i: Indlcutes Sunday. Thil ,illl,il.,l ,.i... l.rtH ,.f .... nt alnull - ..v ,,1, ,,,,, ,- 1,1 111.-. ,l .... brought In toduy by oath road was: ciutie. nogs. aneci. 11 1 r. , M. & St. P. Ky :i . A sr. 1.. irv 1 1 20 15 (i Mo. P. Ky . P. system S .. H. .St M. K. K. H. 21 C. it P. Ky . St. P.. M. iv O. Ky .. . & M. K. K. K.. 22 '.. H. A Q. Ky I K. I. P., east.. 1 .., K. 1. .V: P., west.. .. Total receipts .... 66 85 13 The lllsoosllliin of the ilnv'K recelnln wan us follows, each buyer purchasing tho mini- hit 01 neau indicated: Cattle. I Iocs Sheen. uinana racKlng Co. .. O. II. Hammond Co.... Swift and Company ... Cudahy Packing Co. . Armiur Co 97 619 S7 923 419 115 1,112 581 410 1,767 124 1.0.U 2,073 SI 42 62 37 151 129 9 120 Ill HI 115 K. Hooker it Dognn.. J. L. Carey Lobmati it Co W. I. Stephen Hill ,fc Hiintzlnger .... Henton & Underwood .. Huston ,t Co Hamilton ,v Hothschlld. L. F. Husz Other buyers Totnls 1566 C.OM 3,221 CATTLH There wns a Unlit snnnlv nt cattle at tho yards today, and us other markets were In good shape. It was not long before tho cattle here had all changed bauds. Tho bettor grades of beef steers wero fully steady with yesterdny and In some cases may have sold a little stronger. I here was un active demand anil priced were generally very satisfactory. A string of steers from the same lot that brought $..60 on Friday sold toduy for $5.55. The commoner grades of steers sold without material change, but tin; light supply of all kinds made them move a little moro wcoij- iiiit 11 yesieruuy. There were about lifteen cars of cows on sale todar and the market c ennralu. steady to a llttln stronger on the good stuff. Ihoso that did not suit the buyers were slow, the same ns they hnvo been nil along, tanners were In good demand, but prices did not show much change from yesterday. Hulls, calves, etc., sold about the same. Tiler,, tl'rtr,. I'.irv fmt f.....l..a .1.- , . . . ..... j .-,. iiniiin 1,11 inc mar ket today, but the few hero sold ot steady to strong prices. The heavier weights aro ,h ,ht' ''8t ' "Vf",'1 aml ,,rlnB hotter prices .,( uiu null, 1IKJII muil. Western cattle were not In good supply today nnd hardly enough to test the mar ket. 1 ho few that were here, however, brought lust r,bout stemiv ,iri,.nu ,.ii around, hepresenlative sales: HKHF S THKHS. No. A v. Pr. MS 4 00 .....103? 4 75 ....1075 5 15 No. 18 :s 39 20 Av. Pr. 12CT 5 40 1350 6 S3 1401 5 55 1391 5 55 IfilO 3 10 10)5 3 10 1P40 3 Tj (10 3 25 &7U 3 7,0 9S0 3 .") 95! 3 M 1320 3 CO W 3 75 1250 3 75 9H I (10 1100 4 CO 1235 4 10 1010 4 io 120 4 15 37 3 ....1331 5 35 COWS. 1 t... 8?) 2 Ii 1 m 2 W 1 10W 2 50 1 W0 3 CO 1 900 2 ft) 4 1030 2 CO 1 100) 2 75 1 i:l 2 75 4 57 2 75 31 2 11 3 1 16 1 3 Mil 2 71 1 14 52 2 ) 1 4 910 2 S. 1 17 ont 2 9) 2 .. P60 3 00 20 . . SiiS 3UI 1 4.... 1 1160 3 0) HHIFHKS. 1 490 3 no 7 4 MO 3 10 2 1 7M 3 30 30 2 450 3 15 HULLS. 1 9M 2 30 J 785 3 35 . TIS 3 50 664 4 IS", ..1375 3 15 .. MO 3 15 ..1135 3 35 .. fttO 3 ."IO .. 970 4 15 2 1150 2 75 1 K'SO 3 00 1 1500 3 00 1.... 2 1.... 1 1 12f0 3 10 CALVHS. 3... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 216 1 25 1 160 f, IA 210 4 ',0 STOCK COWS AND FHHDHKS. 670 2 51) I- 779 3 15 10 f,7l 3 25 2 610 3 50 .700 2 60 . ISO 3 P0 .1010 3 05 . 776 3 15 4,.., 5.... 470 3 I 3.16 3 65 335 4 0) . 650 111 2 STOCK CALVHS. 90 4 50 1 120 4 50 STOCKHKS AND FHHDHKS. 1.. 750 2 00 19. . . . 606 3 90 . . 650 ( 00 ... 466 4 00 ... 742 4 00 ... 563 4 10 ... 622 4 CO ...710 4 25 ...1030 4 25 ...l'VV) 4 40 ... m 4 40 ... 472 4 SO . 411 4 63 1 ft siM.'".' 37 55 1 4 4 1 4 4 ,330 3 00 . WO 3 25 , 063 3 35 , 912 3 60 , fS3 3 60 ,600 3 60 , S62 3 70 . 977 3 75 , 560 3 85 . 7S0 3 90 . C70 3 90 4.... 59... 7... 9... 1... O u.'.'. 1... 41... 6... NHHHASICA. 26 feeders.. S92 4 03 I feeder... 1040 4 03 COLORADO. I row RIO 2 65 17 feeders. .10S3 3 85 19 feeders.. 1033 3 ST, 3 feeders. . 910 3 S3 12 feeders.. 1(05 .1 85 3 feeders., 900 3 83 6 feeders.. 1031 3 85 Charles Hepley Neb. . 20 feeders.. 915 4 00 2 feeders.. 1155 3 65 MONTANA. 16 cows 975 2 95 25 cows 937 3 30 30 COWS 9S1 3 30 Nebraska Land & Feed Co. Neb. 23 cows 1072 3 25 f.9 cows 1047 3 15 HOOS There wero only 6,06s hogs on sale todav, and the market started out eloe to 60 higher than yesterday's general market, Harly reports from other points were In favor of the sellers, but later advices were not so good, Chicago having closed with the advance lost. The early sales at this point were mostly at $5.l7i,? nnd $5.2"), with a few as high as $5.23. tho high price being paid for prime heavy hogs and also for choice lightweights. After a few hogs had changed hands tho feeling beoamo easier In sympathy with other markets, and the later sales wero not so good nnd the llnnl wlndup was very slow and lower. The medium and butcher weights sold Inrgely at $5.17',s1j5.20, with tho choicer grades soil. Ing from that up to $5 25. The commoner hogs brought nround $5.15 and lower, but late In the morning good hogs would not bring over $5.15, so that tho advance wns practically lost. Today's advance takes tho market to the highest point reached since May 17, when tho nverugo cost of all tho hogs was $5.20. Representative sines: No. Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 7' 219 4) 5 10 73 Ill 40 5 17(4 64 256 2S0 5 15 67 301 ... 5 l"i, 10.) SO 5 15 64 256 ... 5 20 55 181 SO 5 15 SI 215 160 5 2) 1) ITS Iff) B 15 7.1 21S 40 I 20 70 1M 40 5 15 "4 23 SO 5 20 61 260 100 B 13 78 219 160 5 20 C3 252 20) 5 15 71 221 40 5 20 41 !6S ... 5 15 SI 210 ... 5 S) 73 17H 120 5 15 Si 2 ... 5 20 5S 3)1 . . 5 15 191 ... 6 20 22 179 SO 5 15 OS 250 IV) 5 20 70 232 ... 5 15 f.J t SO 6 20 77 256 40 5 IS 61 219 10 5 20 78 310 2(0 6 171,4 66 276 1?) 5 20 79 227 120 5 17W M "0 HO 5 20 7J 246 40 6 Kfj H 1 20 M 2V 160 5 17 4 61 2J 40 5 29 67 210 SO 3 1714 72 ") ... 5 2) 65 231 32(1 M7'-4 1 226 ... 5 20 66 219 40 5 174 72 207 .. 5 20 04 2 ... 5 IT'i 6S 236 4 ) 6 20 63 270 )M 5 ITVi ii 3ul 40 5 20 72 2K! 120 5 1714 M 2S M 6 20 V) 234 120 5 I7'4 l M 120 5 20 69 240 200 5 l-i, 72. . JH 120 5 20 70 250 49 5 171, W.....TTTWJ ... 5 20 66 Ml i- , fM .f 40 77 . ?21 101 n 171, 66 .11 ; iso iT'5 t'. :C ' -0 to 2M . 5 i;i, a. . -1 : 4 7 110 5 1T tii 24" " :? 0 1 ... b IV, 7.4 ... .223 .''. v in ... H4 ;o m i:n "'i 71 106 m 6 l?H m 277 160 : :y , m 27 ... ft 17H 218 40 Ej 57 J4J K 6 I7'i 01 3"1 . 6' 236 ... J 14 19 .WT ... 60 251 120 5 VU, 13 314 . . : J". 9 IH 5 1?1( M 52.1 . . 5 :. 64 2I6 1) 5 KH SHHHP-The supply of sheep wns n little more liberal than It wns vesterdav. but tho dftnatiit was greater than the supply, so that the olterings wore picaed up in an enrlv hour. Lambs sold about 25c higher than thev did vesterdav. a string going at $5.75 that brought $5.6d yesterday, and an other string sold at $5.S.. b.it they wero In extra good condition. Sheep wero nlso In active demand and sold at goon, strong prices, generally a dime higher than yesterday. Quota Hons: Choice western grass weth ers, $l.rHf 1.15; fair to good grass wotheri. W.(vj.,.!iu; choice grass yearlings, ji i.ii 4.35: choice ewes. $3.25473.60: fair to good owes. $.1.00fT3.25; fair to good yearlings. Ij.,5tfi.iii; good to choice cupped mums, JI 25Wl.rti; fair to good clipped lambs. $4.tMf 1.25; choice spring lambs. $5.10116.65; fair to good spring lambs, $3.00115.25; feeder wethers, $.1.25ft3.40; feeder yearlings, $3. mi 3 65; feeder lambs, $3.7534.60, Representa tive sales: No. Av. Pr. 51 cull lambs 64 $4 no 1 I'tah wether 90 4 25 1197 Wyoming wethers f! I 35 419 mixed sheep nnd yearlings.. 9.1 4 60 Pfl I'tah lambs 7(5 6 76 S76 Utah lambs . 71 5 S3 CHICACO 1,1 VII STOCK MA UK If T. Hntlrr Mnrket (lictm Sdoiner nnil Holds Aollve All I)ll. CIIICAOO, Aug. 2.-CATTLH-Hecelpts, 6,600 head; steers active and strong to 5c higher; westerns, steady; butchers' stock. 10c lower; natives, best on sale today, nine carloads at $5. S3; good to prime steers, $5.25 Si 6 00; poor to medium, $1 001(3.20; pelecteil feeders, JI.OiMl 7; mixed stockem, $.1.0iW 3.90; cows, $3 110111.60; heifers. la.OOfi.Vuo. cannors, $2.l04i2.S5; bulls, $2.7i"ul.Ci: calves. $5.t "Vfiii. t). Toxans, best on sale today, ten carloads nt $1.50; Texas fed steers, steady. $1.10113.30; Texas grass steers, $3.35114.35, Texas bulls. $2 GOf,1.40. 1IOOS Hecelpts today, 1S.000 head; tomor row, 13.000, estimated; left over. ;i,M; mar ket opened strong to 6o higher, closing easier; top, $5.50; mixed and butchers, $5.13 6iuAi; good to choice heavy, i5.toir5. 15. rough heavy, $1 D.VW5 05; light, $5. 2005.60, bulk of sales. $5,201(5.40. SIIHHP AND LAMHS-Hecolpts, S.OO0 head; market strong and active: good to choice wethers, $l.25jjl 5: fair to choice mixed, $3,751(1.20; western sheep, $l.25fr 1.00; Texas sheep, $3.00(fi 1. 10; native lambs, $I.G0fj5.13; western lambs, $5.26(0.10. Kiiiiniim City Lite !loeU. KANSAS CITV, Aug. 2. CATTLH He celpts, l.fioo natives, 3.200 Toxans; dry lot cattle nnd choice grass killers, strong to 10o higher; common grnssers, easier; na tive steers. fl.SfifiS.65: stockers nnd feeders. $4.()1i4SO; butcher cows and heifers, $3.151 5.:0; cannors, $2.50ji3.15; fed westerns, $1.00 ffi5 35: fed Toxans, $3.S0.25; grass Toxans. ji.ii'ij;..V). HUOS-Hecelpls. 3,000 head. Market ac tive and 10c higher: heavy. $5.30$f5.40; mixed. $3.205.33; light, $5,101(5.3212; pigs, $1,501(5.10. SIIHHP AND LAMPS Hecelpts, 4,900 head: lambs, slendy: sheep. lO'oisc higher; lambs. $5,001(5.50: muttons. $.T75W4.30: west erns. $3. 95114.25; feeders, $3,201(4.25; culls, t.'.uwu.iv, S(. I, (loin I, lie Hok. ST. LOHIS. Ann. 2. CATTLK Ttecelnt. 3,100 hend, Including 2,400 Texnns. Market sirong; native snipping and export steers. $l.93fi5.75; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $l.60'(i5.25; steers under 1,(X1 lbs,, $3.401j4.95: stockers nnd feeders, $3,40571.70; cows and heifers, $2.00'u7..00; dinners. $1.50tr2.R3; bulls, $2.851T4.O0; Texas and Indian steers, $3.601f I. Si); cows and heifers, $2.40(34.75. HOOS-Keeelpts. 3.200 head. Mnrket .Vrf 10c higher, closing weak; nigs nnd lights. $5.30115.40; packers, $3.26tT3.35; butchers, $3.33 (&5.60. SHKRP AND LAMHS Receipts, 1.100 head. Market strong; native muttons, $1.00 ffi4.50; Inmbs, $4,004(5.75; culls nnd bucks, $2.605jl.00; stockers, $3.601f4.00. St, Joseph I.lvr Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSHPH. Mo., Aug. 2. (Spe cial.) The Journal nuntes: CATTLH necolpts, 2,000 head; market very active, with best 61H0e higher and others steady; natives. t4.K6fiS.65; westerns, $1,235(5.50; Texas, $3.5(m4.45; cows and heif ers, $2.00(ilL70; veal calves, $1,001(6 50; bulls mill stags, $3.00(iT4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.O01rl.50. HOGS-Keeclpts, 3.9X) head; 7'(.fH0c higher; all grades, $5.20U3.37; bulk of sales SIIHHP AND LAMHS-Kooelpts, 5.200 head; sheep, steady; lambs, 101t25c lower. Ximv York" Live Slock. NHW YOKK. Allg. 2.-HHHVHS-Kecelpts. 1.S29 liead; no sales; feeling llrm; cables higher; live cattle. lmfflS'c; tops. 13c; re frigerator beef, 9i45(pic per lb; shipments. N5 cattle and 230 sheep. CALVHS Hecelpts, 29S head; market slow nnd weak; about 100 unsold; veals, $l.001( 6,75; tops, $7; buttermilks, nominal. SIIHHP AND LA.MHS-Kecelpts. 7.377 head; hecp steady; lambs, slow, 2,ViM5c lower; six cars unsold; sheep, $3,001(1.76; lambs. $I.60T(6.S7H; culls, $1. I IOCS Hecelpts. 9.993 head; very few on sale; llrm nt $5.05fJ3.S3. Stock In SIkIiL Following nre the reoolpis nt the four principal western markets for August 2: ., . Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1. 131 O.imw 3 Chicago 6,500 IS.ooo siooo Kansas City 7.800 3,000 (,:hk) St. Louis 3,lm) 3,200 1 400 Totals .. ..1S.S31 30.2S 17.61 1'nlliiren for July. NHW YORK, Aug. 2-KeporlH lo R. O. Dun & ( o. show commercial failures In July ,93 In number, with liabilities of $9. nl.io.). Of manufacturing concerns there wero 1S3 defaults, amounting to $5,177 tiS2 arid of traders 660, with $.'1,321.36(5 liabilities. The total last month was nbnut double that of the same month last year, but It must bo remembered that failures In Julv. 1S99 wero the smallest, with one exception, of uny month of the eiglity-two for which de tailed statistics huvo been published by this concern. 3 Canadian failures in July wero 91 In mnn- i,.f4Cr,,,.!rlnKfor f'-3.'1''. "! 70 In trading for $4j3,53. with only one other commercial for $400, n total of 92 failures for $700,546. Dry (,'oodn Mnrkrf. NHW YORK. Aug. 2.-DRY OOODS There has been ruther more general bunt- 11.IMM 111 niYlirrnm Inrl., ...11. - I . mm nl unit II,it., l,.n .. i .... ' h 1 . ; Inl' "oeiTings ana Ir lis anil fine brown sheetings, easy, but print cloth yarn goods llrmer. Wide sheet- 7 -mi"uciiiio iciiiichi ai tno reduced prices, Hleachcd muslins, quiet but steady CS ,U'L "regular. More busi: ...... ,,,. wfiiuinii ror woolen goods continues quiet. Itn Cnllfornln Dried I'm Itn. DltlFD ,S .UB- -r''H'-OIlNIA . . , ' "HITS No rad ca changes nre whlll X i'.K ,,lrlc,, f" nirkH'nd. L'l" i '.n to."- "vaporated apples "L5 '"'.. .'!'"vl' siaic, common. 3i,1i5c , ri,- i' "'""-p ooininn, ;i'sl(.ic, lu,m C,if;,',1"-c:n0h;'Lcc' tffrt'vc; fancy, V,t ..,f., nos,.3V&7t' I'01' as lo sire wincoiH, itoyni. HKllo; Moor Penohes, peeled, 111 18c, tin- pooled, (59c. 4)11 Mnrki'l. II' 9,'T-V' ,,lv A,K- 2-OIL-Credlt bnl- i.in V ii i"'' "'rnueaies. no inn; sh pments HS.9I2 bbls.; runs, 95.14K bbls. LONDON. Aug. 2.-OILS- f'alcuttn lln seed, spot. 65s. Linseed oil, 33s 0d. Turpen tine spirits. 30s Gd. 1 I.nKKPOOL. Aug. 2.-OILS-Cottonsced. I I nil rAfflnml .1 . . 1 1 ... .. ' ...... iiinii. nuiiiui, nun, s is I. rurpen. 49aVlP 3"M' Hosln' '"inmon, dull Siignr Mnrki.(. NHW YORK. Aug. l-BIT.An-lin steady: fair rellnlng. 4c; centrifugal, 96 irni. i-ic; moiasscs sugar. 4'fcc; rellned steady. NHW OKLHANS. Aug. 2-Sl'OAR-Mnr-ket strong; open kettle, 4c; yellow. 4ifi 5 1-5o; seconds, 41I9-I6c. '' MOLASSHS-Nomlnal. TIIH HH.tl.TV M.tKICHT. INSTKITMHNTS placed on record Thun- day, August 2. Y.M: Wiiiriint)- Deeds, fl. S. Henawa and wife to Svlvla H. Heats, e 3Pi feet lots 25 and 26, block 3, Alnyne Place $ j. ii. jonnson nun wile to Jane John son, lot 1, Pruyn's subdlv j,roo craiiK nosowuor to A. ii. Hleln, lot 19. block 6, Jerome Park , Midway Investment company to Joseph Matejka, lot 15, block 4. Per sons v II. h add 3:,q .inciiiKaii .iiiiiiiiu i, no insurance com pany to Christ Olson. 25l'xl20 feet lot 12, blocK 7, Millin s 1st add 2,200 (. u. rnriHnn and wire to August Peterson, lot 10, block II, Park For- C8t add Low , doll 4 III I in Died,, Mary Helston ct al to Frank delator). 2 ncres in nw w H-16-10 i,:w Total amount of transfers $ 7,250 When otfcr Wl conn ears iDOSTOl 5EARLES .5: 5HARLES OMAHA. OP MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all caers curablf ot WEAK MEN SYPHILIS S1CXUALLY. Cu'cd for Life. Night HmUslons, Iost Manhood, Hydrocele. Varicocele, Gonorrhoea, uleet. byplilll. Stricture, Piles, FUtuln and Hoctal Ulcr and all I'rlvMle IHaeaaea nnd Illiordrra ml Meat Stricture auil tllret CurrU at Home. Consultation Free. Call on or idilfMi I)It. SIC A It LK A UKAHLHS. 110 ontn 14th HI. OMAII. CHICAGO BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Oinine Gar Setvlca TO CHICAGO and EAST, LEAVE 7:00 A, M. 4:55 P. M.-7:46 T, V. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE 6:W A. M.-7:36 P. M. HOT SPRINGS - DEADWOOD LEAVE 1:00 P. SC. Oltv Offlcoi. 1401-03 Farnim. DON'T HESITATE If you urTiir from th torttmi of nhrumatlim. Tk tlull'i Pioneer Rheuinntisrn Curo. A Jolltr drift In rach II 00 box uir anlifi Its ttnency fie your nruc Kilt or writ Thr I.lilKnltiK Itfdlolnt Co.. Mtircatlnr, Iowh, For sale In Omaha b Hoatou-McOlnn Drug Co , Jas. Forsythc. tho King Pharmacy. H Peyton. John H. Conle. Sam II. Fnrnsworth In Council ltlurTa by Geo. S. Davis, t), II. Ilrown. Ill South Omaha by M. A Dillon. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY G03DS. E. Smith & Go. lopac tr m4 loMaraaf Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. BOfljER AND SHEET1R0N WORK Qrake, son Huccesaora IVIIaon A llrnkc, Manufacture boilers, smolce stacks nnd brcechlngs, pressiirc, rendering, stieep dip, lard and water tanks, holler tUDes con Jtnntly on hand, second hand boilers bought nnn sold. Speclnl and piomnt attention to repairs In city or countrv. 12th nnd Pierce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uo stern iacir.cal vv Company Electrical Supplies, Blettrle Wiring Bells nnd (as LIpMlaj O. W. JOHKMTON Mc "I' " SAFE AND IRON tvORKS. T Omaha Safe and Iron Work G. ANDKIiliN, Prop. Mnkes aipeelnlty of - J. I lv J snuiTK'ta. 4nd UurKlar I'r,v ' Safe, nu Viu t lioors, eta. ,-ttll .. 14 (Ipm.Uv,. JV,,, Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTl'HHHS AND JOHUEH3 OF MACHINHHV OKNEHAL HHPAI1UNO A 8PECIALTA 1HON AND llHASil KOHND HI'S. 1501, IftOit mill lr.or, .IneUann .Street, Olililllit, Nub, Tel. 5J1H. E. Zabrlskle. Agent. J. U. Cowgill, Mr. laailtS f0 311 Purposes- jj Mfiiuif ctur-d by National Oii & Paint Go, Klin-17 .lour- K.. JAMES E- BOYD g GO., Telephone 1 ();!), Ointili.t, .V.-. COMMISSION, (JKAI.N, I'KOVIhlUNS and bTOuKS IIOAUl) (IF TllADK. Corrospondonce. John A Warren & Co Direct wires in l liicnso nnd Nw VorS 800M4 fir LITE E'CQ. BRAMCK I036ti-Vt GHAhA nu,, unum rum 4 E9Rffifa liRPEIiMEYaCO.