tiii: omaha i ) at l v mm. fimdav, ai'cjtst a, moo. rolephoncs a -t J I Special Priced PI Cotton oods lie Zephyr (Jinghanis now 10c yard. 25c Egyptian Tissues new 15c yard. 18c Hatiste now lL'e. 18c English Dimities now 12Jo. 12uc Imported Irish Dimities now liHc yard, lfic Dimities, big assortment light ami dark grounds, all at 1()c per yard. Wo Closo Our Store Saturday at 6 P. M. A0B7ITS FOn FOSTEIt IC1D C.I.OVHS A.TD Ma CALL'S PATTKHMS. Thompson, Beldem &Co. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS MOUSE IN OMAHA, T. WL C A. BUILDING. COH. 10TII AND DODQL.AS ITS. Win. Hut tho ministers refuso to Icav' l'eliln, becauso whllo thcro they know tho Chinese government is responsible." Tho failure to ngroo upon a commander-In-chlcf of thn nlllcJ forces crcaie3 con tcrnatlon. I.nhouchcro cynically observed today: "When tho allied armies begin to fight with inch other tho Iloxcrs will havo to bo called In to rcstoro peace." YANG LU MAKES BOLD DEMAND CI.Iiicnc Minister I'iiIIn I iom (inventor of Minn Tunic to Help A lit- llllNNIIllorN. ST. Ii:TKUSIinuAug. 2.-Thc Chinese mlnlnter, Yang I.u, on bchulf of tho other Chinese ministers nt European capitals, has cabled to the governor of Shan Tung a de mand that tho members of tho legations bo permitted free telegraphic communication with their governments nnd bo sent to Tien Tiln under a Chinese wcort. Advices rccclvel by tho Russian general staff from Tlon Tln estimate that there are 60,000 trained Chinese troops In l'ekln In addition to a largo forco of Iloxcrs, whoso strength Is not yet broken. In the opinion of the general daft, the march on l'ekln before the end of the rainy ectisun would be risky, tho climate being changeable. In Ilehnir of .Mlmtlonnrle. noSTON, Aug. 2. Itcv. Judson Smith, I). P., foreign secretary of tho American Hoard, referring to tho situation In China, today said: "Tho oHlcers of tho American Hoard havo been unceasing In their efforts to pro vldo for tho uafety of their missionaries In China In thu midst of the present troubles. It tins been Impossible to reach nil points, licnco thcro is still soma uncertainty In re gard to tho prcKcnt condition of tho mis sionaries at Kalgan In tho North China mission, nnd tho members of tho Shan SI mission, which Is far In the Interior. "Tho board has nuthorlzcd tho olllcors of tho China Inland mlsplon, whoso head qunrters uro at Shanghai, to forward mes sages and money to tho missionaries In Shan SI. "In vlow of tho present . disturbances which are now extending to central and southern Chlnu. tho board has decided to detain In this country nil missionaries whoso sailing for China had boon fixed for an early date next autumn until quiet has been rcstoreil and there 1b a reasonable pros pect of tho successful prosecution of mis sionary work." Amtlntimt Siirjvemin for t'lilnn. WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Tho following named assistant surgeons have been or dered to San Francisco for assignment to duty with tho troops destined for foreign Bervlco: Patrick McC.rath nt Washington. D. C: 1). W. Overton nt Now York City; John Pin quard at Vinltn, I. T.: 13. F. Slater at Now York City; J. W. Thornton nt Ayrshlro, la.; O. M. Van Paolo nt Salisbury, N. C; V. J. Hooper at Sedgwick, and C. n. Mtt tclstnedt and 15. C. Schultz nt New York City. Major Uobert J. Gibson, surgeon In this city, has been ordered to San Francisco nnd nsslgncd to duty as assistant surgeon and medical superintendent of tho nrmy transport service In that city, as tho re lief of Major William H. Arthur, surged), who Is ordered to Taku, China, for duty with tho transports In that country. Mlmloiiitrlen lleiiorled Slit'o. LAKH PAHK, Minn., Aug. 2. Kcv. H. A. Onardsmoc, secretary of tho Amerlcun Norwegian China mission, has received the following cablegram: "HANKOW, July 31. Gaardsmoe, Lake T'nrk, Minn.: All here, going Shanghai. What do? WOHKI5HS." Tho relatives and friends of tho mis sionaries uro thus assured of their safety tbus fur. Admiral I'ottlru UIT for Chlnn. CHHRUOURG, Aug. 2. Tho battleship Redoubtable, bearing Admiral Pottlre, who takes command of tho French fleet In Chl neso waters, and tho cruiser Chnsseleup Labat, Balled today. Hiilnii Admiral nt eiv CliwiuiK. SHANGHAI. Wednesday, Aug. 1. Ad miral Aloxlerr has gone to Now Chwang, vhoro tho position of the Russians Is re garded as serious. Solnee Tniielien nt NhhukiiUI. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Tho Solnce, with tho sick and wounded from China, reached Nagasaki yesterday on her homeward trip Do not grlpo nor Irritate tho oilmen tsry canal. They act gently yel IroiuptIy, clennso effectually and Sold by nil druggists. '25 cents. 5 1 Send this coupon and Only 10c to The Bsc Publishing Co., Omaha, Nob For part Paris Exposition Pictures. Scut postpaid to any address, Stny nt homo nnd enjoy tho prnnt exposition. 10 to 20 tIohs ovory week, covering nil points ot interest. Altogether thero will Iw 20 parts containing 350 views. Tho entire sot mallod (or $2.00. lice, August 2, 1 "00, Wash . . o All of our lino Cotton Dress Goods are soiling rapidly at those reduced prices: LTh Madras now lot yard. 18c Madras now yard. TUITUILA ADDED TO UNION Coiiiiiiuiiiler Tllley Tritiminltn Instru ment of CcMkloii tit IwlitniM nf Siiiiinnn Croup. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Commander Hon- Jamln F. Tlllcy, In command of tho United State3 navy station on the Island of Tult ulla, Samoa, transmits In a report to the Navy department on tho condition of affair 3 on tho Island "an Instrument of cession," executed by the chiefs of Tultuila nnd tho United Stntcs government. The document formally cedes nnd transfers to Commander Tllley. as tho representative of tho United States government, tho Ulands of Tultuila, Aunuu nnd all other Islands, rocks, reefs, forest shores and waters lying between cer tain degrees of latitude and longitude named, to erect tho same Into a separate dUtrlct to bo known an tho district of Tult uila, The "Instrument of cession" was signed by tho murks of twenty-two chiefs, with their seals, fixed on tho 17th of April Inst, Immediately prior to the raising of tho Stars nnd Stripes over tho naval station at I'neo l'ago. Tho provisions of tho government set forth that tho chiefs of the towns filial! bo entitled to retain their Individual con trol of tho separate towns, provides tho snmo shall bo in accordance with tho laws of tho United States concerning Tultuila. It also provides that this government shall respect und protect tho Individual rights of tho peoplo to their land and property nnd that should the government rcqulro their lands It shall take tho same on payment of a fair consideration. Commander Tllley vis ltod ftoso Island, tho eastern island of tho group, which lies Bovcnty miles cast of Manun, hoisted tho American flag and took formal possosslon. This Island Is nothing but rt coral ntoll nnd Is of no value. Very stringent regulations have been Is sued by Commander Tllley prohibiting the importation of llrcnrms, dynamlto and other explosives Into Tultuila. An order recently Issued forbids tho importation of wlue3 beers or liquors except by permission of tho commandant. IMiNSIONS roil WUSTKHX VETI5IIAMS Survivor of Civil AVnr Heincniliercd Iiy tin (Jenernl (ioverninent. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-(Speclul.)-The following pensions liavo beon granted: Issuo of July It: Nebraska: Original James Williams, Hyoiinls, JC. Increase Martin V. Horard, Soldiers' and SnllorH' Homo. Mllfnrd. Jlft Original widows (special accrued, July 18) nuiiin i.. i-niipou. iccumscn, ; L,lvoniu M. Miller, .Mnrdevllio. J8. lovvn: Original William Card, Kaglo Grove. f6: George Y. Djsenbery, West inester. ?s; (special. July 13), Jnmes T. Klnkennon, Htmirt. J12. Additional Henry Iteumnn. Dodgo Center. $12. Increase Orlando S. Hnrtmnn, l)es Moines, Jit; How ard A. I.angley, Des Moines, 2I; John II. l)e Ford, Cuntrlll, $12. IlepiirtiniMitnl Xntrx. WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Comptroller Dnwes today made pub lic tno report of tho condition of tho na tional banks of Iowa, exclusive of Des Moines, at tho closo of business Juno 29, compared with tho provious statement In April. Individual deposits havo dropped from $13,318,634 to $43,220,195. Loans and discounts nggrogato $13,855,548, a gain of about $00,000 slnco April. Present holdings of gold coin aggregate $1,C18,881. Tho av erage rcscrvo held by tho banks Is 31. IS per cent. Charles T. McCoy, superintendent of free delivery, leaves for tho west this week on n tour of Inspection of tho postofflco In vari ous states. Mr. McCoy will probably ex amine tho service In Omaha and Lincoln nnd will also visit postofllces In South Da kota nnd Iown. Tho postolllce at Oclweln, la., has been or dered removed to quarters opposite the pres ont promises. Tho Ninth National bank of New York was today approved as reserve agent for the First National bank of Columbus, Neb. Internal Ilevenue Ntiillittlf . WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Tho monthly statement of tho collections of internal revenue shows that during tho month of Juno thu collections amounted to $28,101, 152, an Increnso as compared with Juno, 1S99. of $1,910,721. Tho collections from tho several sources of revenuo aro given ns follows: Collections. Increnso. Spirits t9.5SI.lSI $l,100,ilS5 I'obacco 5.41t;.0U7 :ii:un Fermented liquors 8,21J,2S9 Oleonmrgnrlno 192,831 Special taxes not else where enumerated SOJ.tSi! Miscellaneous' 3.891.732 I20.SSU :.5T2 1SS.8J1 159.721 Tho Increnso In tho total receipts for tha year over 1899 was $21,831,531 llimerofl (iolnu Into CoiiiiiiInnIoii. BOSTON. Mass., Aug. 2. Orders havo been received at the Charleston nuvy yard to put tho gunboat Hnncroft Into com mission ns soon us possible. It has been lvliig in ordinary for more tnnn a year. it Is thought likely It cun bo ready to sail about August 13. IS: TfRfl I INI UN VMT ilLvilYV JiUOIvJ IllO UlLi Democrats nnd White Supremacy Garry Day in North Carolina. BUTLER WILL LOSE HIS SEAT IN SENATE Ante mliitelit to Count 1 1 u t loll 1. 1 in 1 1 1 it k ItlKllt of I'rilllcliUe M Adopted l .Vlujnrlly of .More 'liuiii ikii) otei, KAI.EIGlt, N. C, Aug. 2. After one of the most bitterly contested campaigns over knowu In North Carolluu thu democrats und so-called "white supremacy" tri umphed today by n majority of about 30,- 000. Today's election disfranchised tho negro nnd changed tho stnto leglalnturo from Its combination majority of repub licans and populists to straight democratic, insuring tho defeat of Marlon Duller for re-election as United Slates senator. Tho negroes, as a general thing, remained awuy from tho polls. Tho election, unexpectedly, passed off wlihout any trouble, excepting nt n little town named Fanlson. A flro there, which started In a drug storo wherein wero kept tho registration books, destroyed tho apothecary's shop, thu work being attrib uted by tho democrats to thoso opposed to white rule, lllnodhounds wero called out, but failed to find any traco of tho alleged Incendiary. Tho election was for stnto officers, mem bers of tho legislature and rounty olllcurs and for an nmendmont to tho state consti tution looking to n practical elimination of tho negro from politics, us Its adoption disfranchises the bulk of the negro vote. Uy far tho greatest Interest centered In the fight over the amendment. Many ncgroro voted for tho amendment. Tho faculty of Livingston college at Salisbury, ono of tho most prominent negro educational institu tions in tho Bouth, voted for It. Tho amend ment was opposed by tho fusion of popu lists and republicans headed by Senators Uutler and Prttchnrd. Thero was n fult poll of tho democratic strength, which, combined with n small negro and some pop ulist nnd republican liallots, rolled up a largo majority. Spencer 11. Adams, fusion nominee for governor, was defeated by Charles 11. Aycock, tho democratic nominee, and nil tho other democratic candidates wore elected. Tho legislature is democratic In both branches. Mecklenburg county, of which Charlotte Is tho county sent, gave 3.C00 majority for tho democratic county ticket. In this city the election passed oil quietly. A heavy whlto voto was polled, but tho negroes took llttlo Interest In tho result nnd generally stayed away ftom tho voting p'ares. In many Instances they voted tho democratic ticket. Hvcry cast em county was carried by tho democrats, tho majorities In some of them being 3,000. Most of the centrnl counties arc nlso dem ocratlc. Returns from tho west nro In complete. Democratic Chairman Slmond said to night: "I think wo havo a safe majority of CO.000 and at least four-fifths of tho legls lature. Tho roturna ao far are most satlS' factory nnd contnln no surprises." STILL WORKING ON HIS SPEECH llryun'm Trip CIiIoiiko 'Will Inter rupt l'rcpnmtloii of II Ih Let ter of Acceptance. LINCOLN, Aug. 2. W. J. Bryan toduy outlined his work for this month ns follows: After tho notification nt Indianapolis, Au gust S, ho will proceed to Chicago for a low days to consult with members of the nn tlonal committee. He will then return to Lincoln until August 30, when he will go to Chicago to attend tho national Grand Army encampment. During his stay In Lincoln between tho Chicago trips he will complete his letter of acceptance, which Is now par tially written, and thlfl will bo lfeucd. He will also prepnre addresses for the populist and ellver republican notifications. The time and city for the populist and silver republican notifications have not yet been fixed. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. W. J. Drynn will roturu to Chicago from Indian apolls next Wednesday after tho cere monies attendant on tho formal notlflca tlon ot his nomination for tho presidency nnd remain hero for three or four days This wns announced nt democratic head Quarters today. Senator James K. Jones chairman of tho democratic nntlonnl com mlttec, Is expected to arrive from Wash Ington before that time, nnd Charles A Tow no nnd other democratic leaders are also expected to bo present. Tho wholo political situation, It Is said, will be taken under discussion, and It Is believed that befcro Mr. Uryan departs for Lincoln thp wholo democratic plan of campaign will ltao been agreed upon, Including tho part to bo tnken by Mr. Hryan himself. Mr, Hrynn will remain in Lincoln until nbou August 28, when ho will como to cnicngo ngaln to nttend the Grand Army of tho Republic encampment. BRYAN HIS OWN MANAGER ii..... ....mill- I'rrHlile iitlnl ritiiilliliili Will tin Some Win I'ullliiK nt tiileimo. CHICAGO. III.. Aug. 2. The Record to morrow wHI eay: witiliim .1 llrvntv In a larun meaHurc will 1ih his own cumnnlKii manager this .,.nr nippflv iiflpr the lintlllcntioil cere monies nt' Indianapolis next week ... the democratic candidate for president will re turn In Chlenirii anil. Willi Hie llflll o tho nnrtv'a lenders, formulate plans for thn nnmniili-n. Aeeortlliic to thn program iw outlined bv J. G. Johnson, chairman or ti.n ntitirtnni nxpciiiivn 1'iiminiiiee. juiui r Stevenson will como buck with Mr. Hrynn to this city und the two win nave u mrgi share In arranging the lines for tho com lug political nam. Mr. Johnson was told by Mr. Hrynn ove the telephone of his Intention to return to LlltCUgO rum lliuiaillipoun lit nrip in tic ranging the program for tho camnnlKji Mr. Johnson said the candidate, nrou.iuij will bo here three or four days. I'rne tlcally tho full roster of democratic lend rr will irn tn IndlannnollH for tho liotl flcatlon und they will return hero with Mr iii'vjiii fur il H.'Kxion thai will deter mine In Its broad lines the way the cam pnlgn Is to He conducted u is s:uu a headquarters thut Mr. Hryan Is not dls satisfied with tho wav the campaign Irn been run th.is far. but he feels thut h lias learned a icood deal or polities sine he was u cnndldato lieforo nnd wants t put It to :rui'tionl use. .Nominated for ( rnmri'"", PKRU, Ind., Aug. 3. Tho prohibitionists of the Hloventh district today nominated Nation Johnson of Converso for congress MA.NVIir.STKR, N. H-. Aug. 2. Tho dem crats of tho First New Hampshire district nominated Timothy J. Howard of this city for congress today. NASHVILLE. Teiin.. Aii'i. 2. Jnmos I) Richardson, leader of the minority In th house, was renominated for congress by tho democrats of thn Fifth district today. H had no opposition. LITTI 15 ROCK. Ark., Aug. 2. John S. Lit tlo of Greenwood was today renominated ns tho democratic candidate for congress In the Second district. BVAN8VILL15. Ind.. Aug. 2. Tho Firs district democratic convention today nom Innted Colonel Alfred D. Owen of Pose ccunty for congress. RIIJG15WAY. Pa.. Aug. 2. James K. 1 Hall has been renominated for congress by tho Twenty-eighth district democratic con vention. JACKSON VILLI', 111., Aug. 2. Tho dead lock In tho Sixteenth district democratic congressional convention continue.). Four hun,lrc(1 nn,l " nnllots were taken to day without n nomination. Tho total o ny without n nomination. Tho total of ballots east Is 2,091. HOWLING GUKKN, Ky.. Aug. 2 State Senator W. H. Jones, who, It was expected. otild have been nominated for congress by tho Third Kentucky district republican con dition which will meet here August II, today withdrew from tho rnco In favor of cKcnzle Moss, the nominee of tho Hrown democrats. It is expected that tho rcpttb- cnu convention will nominate Moss, who 111 run against Congressman John S. Rhen, tho Incumbent, and to whose nomlnn- on thcro Is no opposition. Moss U n otisln of Adlal 15. Stevenson. ('mil pit Ik ii Opcnlnic I'nstponcit. CHICAGO. Aug. 2. At n conference of re publican loudcrs today It was decided to pcotpone tho formal opening of tho tnto campaign so far r.n tho speaking Is con cerned until September 1. Tho campaign 111 open with a meeting at Jacksonville, the homo of Judge Yntcn. nominee for gov ernor, and from that time until election Judge Yates will stump the state. It Is his intention to speak nt least once In each of thu 102 counties of Illinois, his Itinerary in- olvlng six touiH of the ctnte. Cnrinnek Will Hi' Senator. NASHVILLE, Tcnn., Aug. 2. County democratic primaries held throughout tho stnto today practically eiisuro the election f Congressman 15. W. Cnrmnck to the nltfd Stntes senate. Almost without ex ception, whero legislative nominees were nstructed they wero Instructed for Car- mack. David L. SnodgrnBs, chief Justice f tho stnto supreme court, Is tho only thcr avowed candidate. KditueUy DciuocriitM Orfiuiilrf. COVINGTON. Ky.. Aug. 2. The dotno- ratlo stato central committee met hero oday and elected ex-Governor James H. McCrenry chairman of tho stato compalgn committee nnd 11. W. Hrndbury vice chair man and a member from tho state nt largo. VICTIM OF THE STOCK WAR Itoutt Co u illy Hlvulry lletucen Cim- liiiy unit Shepherd Taken on Den illy Form. RAWLINS. Wyo.. Aug. 2. (Special Tele gram.) It its currently reported hero thnt no lynching has occurred as n result of tho ar In Routt county, Colorado, between the sheep nnd cattlemen. Tho report Is that tho body of Hcrt Charters was found hanging to tree near Slater, Colo., In an advanced stnto of putrefaction. Pinned to the coat as u card with the words: "ou may look nil you want to, but don't mnkc any In quiries." Great excitement was caused hero by the report, oh Charters Is n well known stock man. Many ranchmen reluse to believe tho report and a body of men will bo sent to Investigate the truth. liiereiiNe In Ahni'mnimI allien. M1TC1II5LL, S. D., Aug. 2. (Special.) Thero Is nn appreciable difference In tho ns- sesscd valuation of property In this county between this year and last, tho Increnso elng duo to the fact that thero Is more personal piopcrty In tho way of cattle hoaeJ, sheep, etc., toscther with about 3,000 acres of loud that has been proved up on and come Into eligibility for taxation. Tho following report from the county auditor a books shows tho amount ot tho property as sessed In tho county: Acres of land, 257,332, valued at $1,125,325, town lots valued nt $610, SS7; Invested tn merchandise, $9I,3C0; Invested In mnnufac- ures. $25,000; horses, 4,234, valued at $3fV 80; mules, twenty-six, valued at 3120: cattle. 15,850, valued at $187,731; sheep, 1.6S2, valued at $7,036; swine. 3,708, vulued at $8,217; carriages and vehicles of every kind. 1,518, valued at $18,418; moneys and credits valued at $15,285; household furnl uro with exemptions deducted, 12,103: stocks or shares, valued at $01,069; nil other peitor.al property not Included, valued nt $40,171. Tho total valuation of assessed property Is $2,3i3,51S, as ngalnst $2,001,051 ii year r.go. Tho IncrcaBo of stock over last year Is as follows: Horses, 150 head; rattle, '2 head; sheep, 9,17 head; swine, 111 head. Clove of Kpvtorth Anxcilllily. IIl'UON, S. D.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Tho second annual meeting of the South Da kota I5pworth assembly. In eesslou here tho lost ten days, closed Tuesduy evening and tho hundreds of peoplo from abroad in nt tendanco throughout the nsscrably havo do parted for their homes, delighted w'th the proceedings, from start to finish. At u bus iness meeting the following officers for the ensuing jear wero chosen: President, Rev, W. J. Cnlfeo of Huron; vice president, Rev, A. C. Stevens of Wntertown; recording tec rotary. Miss Farrcll ot Tyndnll; correspond Ing secretary, Miss Cornelia Hooter of Aber dcen; treasurer, Ray Carhart of Mitchell: Junior leaguo superintendent, Miss Cnlfce of lierre; missionary secretary, Mrs. J. p, Jenkins of Huron. Tho board of contro Is: For the Huron district. W. D. Nelson of Pierre; Aberdeen district, L. V. Hlocum ot Nortkfleld; Wntertown district, A. C, Slovens of Watertown; Sioux Falls district Sidney Shurtllif of Coleman; Mitchell dls trlet, It. S. Coon of Howard. Hail I5IU men In .lull. SIOIW FALLS, S. D., Aug. 2. (Sneclal Telegram.) John Und Elk, a Sioux Indian murderer, who bus been In Jail hero since April of last year, died In tho county Jail today of consumption, In March, 1S99, on tho lino Rldgo reservation, Had Elk shot and killed John Kills Ilnek, ono of a party or tnreo imiinn policemen who wero Btrlv Ing to effect hlu arrest. Ho was tried monin later in tno United States court hero nnd convicted of murder und was sen fenced to bo hanged June 16 of last year Ileforo the date set for tho execution tho case was appealed to tho United States Biipromo court, which early In May las handed down a decision granting Had Elk a now trlnl, which would havo been hold next month nt Dendwood. Slnco being Im prisoned Unci Elk's health has steadll failed. Did Not llnve l.leenxe. SIOUX FALLS, S. D Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.) Anton Hnslo of Urooklngs who was nrrestcd several days ago by th federal authorities on the chnrgo of sollin liquor without n government license, np peared beforo Judgo Corland toduy an pleaded guilty to tho charge. Ho was fine $100 and sentenced to thirty days' Imprls oument In tho Hrooklngs county Jail n nrooklngs. Steeple Painter Killed. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Aug. 2. (Special Telegram.) A tolephono mcssngo from Wellington township, this (Minnehaha) county, states that a man whoso name has not been ascertained whllo painting the steeplo of the Cntholle church thero slipped nnd fell to tha ground, resulting In hi denth. Coroner Hooth has gono to the sccno of tho accident. Unroii Wen I Iter Iteeoril. HURON, S. I)., Aug. 2. (Special Tolo gram.) From 98 to 101 In tho shndo his been tho tompcraturo hore for tho past five days, ronderlng work In hay and grain fields Intolerable. Rain will bo needed In a fow days for corn and pasture Colleite ScIIn DIpliimilN, cnU'SIHI'S, O., Aug. 2. Robert II. Day. appnlnh'd master commissioner lo tak testimony in the case of the State nsaln-u tho Mount Hope College comnany, charge 1 with selling diplomas, tiled his report with the supreme court today. Ho finds tha' nil of tho allegations made In the state's retjrn against tho Institution, whose head quarters Is In Itoii'rs, Columbia coitntv nro true und that tho college, so-called should bo ousted from Its charter right und prohibited from conferring degrees. REVISING CUBAN TAX RATE neli City I'oreeil to Amuiue He npiuiittilllty for It' (Mill Kipc lldltllren. HAVANA, Aug. 2. There are 126 munici palities In Cuba and nil arc Interested In changes being mado In tho municipal tax law. Under Spanish rule taxation was prac tically unlimited. General Hrooke fixed taxation in municipalities nt S per cent of the net lncomo derived from property. Gen eral Wood, however, Is Inaugurating n tax not nbovo 12 per cent on preferred property pro rata tff "expenditures In the principal cities and In others C to S per cent of the net Income from property. Thus Individual ltles will bo taxed In keeping with expendi tures they nro willing to assume, the rate of taxation sliding up or down with mu nicipal disbursements. Under this plan no ity may csc.ipo Individual responsibility toi Its expenditures and for the tnx rate. Tho cabinet conferred this morning with General Wood, discussing, among other mat ters, a modification of the electoral law. Tho secretaries advocated tho division ot the Island Into districts of 50.000 electors each for tho purpose of choosing delegates to tho constitutional convention. This modifi cation was approved by General Wood nnd will glvo thlrty-onu delegates. Mayor Rodrldguez nnd tho city council waited on tho governor genernl with refer ence to tho revision of tho city charter. He notified them that tho military govern ment had no dcslro to force anything ob jectionable on tho city and If any revision had not been mado the charter would not yet bo acted upon. Military to Control Sanitation. Tho question of turning over $135,000 per month for sanitary purposes to the control f tho municipality was discussed. Genernl Wood firmly declined to accedo to the sug gestion, pointing out thnt the population of Havana was chlclly Immune and that to turn over tho fund would to apt to genernto carelessness In connection with bnnltnry matters. Ho said that during tho occu pancy ot tho island by tho United Stales troops such money would bo expended In Invaua by tho mllltnry government. Only thirty-llvo cases of yellow fever nro officially reported In Hnvann and tho mor tality from tho disease Is very low. MAKES BIG HOLE IN ROOF on Ileum Welitlilnn u Ton 1'iiIIm Neen Slnrlei, Injuring Mne I'l'I'MOIIN, NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Three persons wore seriously Injured nnd six others badly ui iinu unused today by tho falling of five heavy pieces of structural lrou from the top of a twolvo-story building In course ot construction nt llroadwny and Wulkcr streets. All of tho injured were employed on tho top lloor of a llvo-story building on Walker street, directly In tho rear of tho building n thu course of construction. Four heavy ron girders, each weighing over n ton, wero being hoisted to tho top of tho big building. They wero being swung around o the lop of tho building when they slipped out of the chain. Three of tho heavy girders crashed through eleven floors to the basement and tho fourth stuck at the second story. Over 100 workmen wero at work In tho building, but they mannsod to cscapo Injury. When the big boom of tho derrick was released from tho girders It swung around nnd struck a fourteen-foot Iron upright, snapping It off and throwing over tho side of the building. This pleco of Iron weighed over a ton. It crashed through tho roof of tho Walker street building, whero thirty persons were at work on tho top floor. All wero burled In the debris. Those who wero not hurt badly mado a rush for tho fire escapes leaving a number of women, who had fainted, nnd tho Injured persons lying help less on the floor. Alfred Norton, tho foremnn In chnrgo of the Ironworkers, wns arrested on n charge of criminal negligence and arraigned In the Center street court. Ho was pnroled until tomorrow. PROMOTIONS BY POPE LEO t in Humored Thnt Severnl timiiue Afl'eulliiK til ii re Ii In California Have Ileen Made. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. A rumor prevails In clerical circles that Hlshop George Mont gomery of Los Angeles, Cal., Is to bo trans ferred shortly to San Francisco as coadjutor prclato thcro of Archbishop Rlordan, nnd thnt Monslgnor Loughlln, chancellor of tho seo of Philadelphia, will bo appointed his successor. The Information, It Is said, reached this country by special letters re cently, but nothing of nn olllclal nature con ccrnlug nny special nppolntments has reached the papal legation here up to date, whero episcopal selections always come first for promulgation. Archbishop Rlordan of San Francisco re turned from Rome last month, after hav ing had Hpcclal Interviews with Pope Leo regarding tho prosperity of his see. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2. Tho report that Hlshop Montgomery of Los Angeles has been appointed coadjutor of Arch bishop Rlordan has been denied both by Archbishop Rlordan and Hlshop Mont gomery. More IloKiilam Leave Culm. HAVANA. Aug. 2. Governor General Wood today bade ndleu to 3lK) troops and tho oincers or ine i-irsi i niton ataics m futitry, who sailed ny tno transport Knw Una for New York. I.ouNv Ille Cfiiftim I'luuron, WASHINGTON, Aug. B.-Tho census nfllce today announced the jmnulatlon of Louisville, Ky., as 2cl,731, nn IncreuFe of 43,602 over tho consas of lsfu. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the preat kidney, liver li and bladder remedy. . Itlsthft crpat mdt. ral trinmrth nf th nln. iccuui tciaury; dis covered after years of IIJIJ scientific research by H Dr. Kilmer, the emi- " nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlgnt's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless loo poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper wno nave not aireaay iriea it, may nave a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to (Ind out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generou offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer Ac Co., Blng hamton, N. Y. The reirular fifty cent and dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. m inter Horn of SRftmn-Ttnot. BLACK BADGE OF ANARCHY eernl 1'ernoin Weiirlnit llandlier- eltlefn l,IUe llrenel'i een ill AkNitnxliiiilloii, ROME, Aug. 3 According to declara- on8 mado to the Milan police by persons who witnessed tho assassination of King umbert, and ebpeclnlly tho king's foot men, four or five persons wearlug around uir necks black handkerchiefs such ns reset wore were seen around tho royal carriage at the tlmo of tho crime. After was committed they began shouting, evl- lently to Incrcnbc tho confusion nnd to hcjp Ilrescl to oscnpo. II Corrlero Delia Italia says tho police have discovered that n hugo plot was formed In America to murder King Hum bert nnd that his assassination was to bo followed by slmllnr crimes throughout Europe. Another dlscoxcry Is that Ilrescl Inst Sunday entered tho royal chnpel of the villa luting mass, evidently with the intention t assassinating Humbert If he were there. A man suspected of being nn accomplice f Hrescl was arrested yesterday at a rail- ay station here. Ho had recently arrived from tho United States and will bo sent to Mcnza for Inspection. Notwithstanding tho most thorough search tho will of King Humbert has not et been found. Count Hrnmbrllla has ar rived In Rome to make tho search, which retarding the arrangements for tho fu neral. LIKES BOERS, BUT IS LOYAL x-l'retnler Selirelner of Cnpe Colony Denli'M llxUteoee of African der (oimplrno). CAPETOWN. Aug. 2. W. P. Schrelner. the lato premier of Cape Colony, spenklug u the House of Asneuibly today, announced his Intention to support nn amendment to tho government's treason bill, which, with out disapproving martial law, declares Its cotitlnunnce In certnln districts contrnry to tho rlghtB of Htitlsh subjects. Ho took the ground that the amendment would not ham per Imperial action. Tho occasion wits seized by Mr. Schrelner to make n long and eloquent explanation of his attitude throughout the war In South Africa. "If I havo been guilty," he ex- lnimc.l, "regarding the Insufficient colonial defenses, the mllltnry authorities have been ten tltncB more guilty. I delayed calling out the volunteers until the lnvnslon of tho colony compelled It. I was not nwnro at that time of tho wcaknctn of tho lm pcrlal force." Ho vigorously denied the exlstcnco of nn Africander connpirncy, declaring that sympathy with the Hocth did not mean dis loyalty, provided true allegiance was mnln- tnalncd. Mr. Schrelner paid nn enthusiastic rlbuto to the humane methods of Lord Roberts. BOTHA READY TO GIVE UP lloer Ci in mil m mi t Ankn Ilolterln for Coiillrnuitlon of Report of 1'rlnnloo'n Surrender. LONDON, Aug. .1. The Pretoria corre spondent of tho Dally Mall, telegraphing Wednesday, says: "Commandant General Hotha Ih weakening. Ho haw sent a messen ger to Iord Roberts nklng for conflrma tlon of the report of tho surrender of Gen cral Prinsloo and requesting permission to communicate with General Christian De Wet." Shrended wholo wheat biscuit, ready for uso any meal, many ways, at grocers. At I. aw I.enune Convention, MILWAUKEE. Autr. ".-The feature of today's program of tho Commercial Luw i.cuauo convention wns an uddross ny u. E. Child of Steiilnc. 111., on "Needed Com mercial Legislation." Much of the time or tno ueiesaies aim visitors is tniten jp n e uierininmeni una visits to inu varum industries. Movement of Ocean VeNiel Aim. At Antwerp Arrived - Nedcrlund, from Philadelphia. At Queestown Arrived I'ennland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool: Germanic, from New York, for Liverpool. Sailed Holgen Innd. from Liverpool, for Philadelphia: Teutonic, from -Liverpool, rur New York At .now voric snneii i. Aquitmne, for llnvro; Kaiser i riedrieii, iur iinmuurg, via Plymouth and ('liertiourg; uroSMe Kurrursi for Hremen. via t'herbourc. Arrived Mont. serrut. from Vera Cruz und llavnna. At l.lverpuol-Arrlveil uermnnic, from New York, via Queenstown. Sailed -t'orlo thlnn. for Montreal; New England, for Hon ton, via Queenstown; Norseman, fur Hos ton. At Rotterdam Arrived spnurntinm, from New York, via llouloitne. Sailed Stnten- dnm, for lioulojfne und New l o)k At svdiiev. -v. s. vv . sal ei .viarinosa for San Francisco, vln Auckland. Apia and Honolulu. At Cherbourg Arrived Pretoria, from New York, via Plymouth. Sailed- Lalin. from Hremen und Southampton, for New York. At Plymouth Arrived Fuerst HlsmarcK. from New York, for lluinburi;. At t ie I. zard-rnssed l.n rnamnagne. from Now York, for Huvre KINGSFORD'S STARCH "PURE" AND SILVER GLOSS FOR THE LAUNHRY. OSWEGO CORN STARCH FOR THE TABLE. lAYDENs A JL IT. B3f We will show .vou moro and grcntor bargains tlinn ever If .you visit our rhino 'Department. Our prices are ho low and terms so reasonable lliat any one can own a piano. New pianos from .l.'Jo.on up to the price of the best piano ever niaiiufai'tured, The Chiekeriii,'; also the l-'ishei, Lester, .Jacob Doll, "itinklin ami several other standard makes. We have a lare assortment of slightly used pianos that we are making very low price's upon. Among them are Kinerson, Bchr Urns., Fischer, Knabe, New Eng land, Singer, Smith & Barnes. Square pianos at $120.01), $25 00, $.'.".00. New pianos for rent Pianos moved, tuned and i" paired. Telephone HiSI!. LIFE'S JOYS Are Only Thine eril vrltli Good llrnltli mill n ISuued I mint lint Inn Ilr. llrnnelt, Hi, r.lrelrlenl Kvpert i'elli .Something About I In" Orent Ite.torntlve I'mUfn of HI" Hleelrle Hell. I have been nti nuthritv on the curing of disease by tlectrlrlty W moro than thirty J ears. I have made , life study of dis eases caused by weak, npnverlshed blood. The bleed must ! tt for yon to have good health-Its clrriila0n must be nor mal The energy f l nerves nnd the vitality i f nil minklnd U tloctnity If you nre slik It must tie sibplled before you can become permanently ,. Electricity mnki'rt pure blood; puro ooA will throw uii an u. sense. Dr, Bennett's Electric Belt Is my Invention. I worked the best part of my life In perfecting it, 't ! tho only electric bell In the world Out has soft. llken, chamois-covered spsnie electrodes that do uway with thnt frlshful burning ana mistiring paus ed by ill othrr f.i.ikes of lelts. The ot! crs all ijnvo bare nirtal rlectMde that como In d;ert con tact with lie skin. Verdigris tccumu-. lutes on time bnrev metal eleetrocs and may cnuso blood poisoning ant per haps druth. Some concerns try t Imi tate my Helt by covering the neUI with a thin vet eer lnc cf chamois or felt. Electricity can not penetrate this cover, but vcrdlgtls will. Do not le hoaxed. Mv elec trodes alone cost moro to manufacture ihun the entire belt of other makes nnd nro my exclusive patent; used on no of hot electrical appliance. u you nnvo uren hoaxed Into buying one of the others, fend It to mo and I will ullow you luir uthe of mine for It. Dr. Dennett's Electric Hell ran be renewed when burned out for only "5c; no other bolt can bo renewed for nny prlco und when burned out Is worth less. I absolutely guarantee my licit to cute tiexual Impotcnry. Lost Manhood. Varico cele Hpermntorrhoeu Htid all Seximl Wenkresses In cither sex: restore Shrunken or Cndeveloped Organs nnd Vitality; one Rheumatism In liny gul'r. Kidney. Liver nnd llladiler Troubles, Chronic Cons'lp: -tlon. Nervous and General Debility, Dv pepslu, all Fimnlo Complaints, etc. Do not be tnken In by "freo trial" offers They simply want your nnmo or have ro put money In bank for security, and It t probable that you will never nee It ngalu My aim Is to help nnd cure vou. I send out no literature to frighten you, make no fulso promises, do busfness In a business way, ask a fee that pays n living prollt only, believe In honest facts nnd plain truths, uive each PHtlent oonclet)tlon and Individual attention nnd know beyond a doubt that my Elei trie Holt will cure you no matter what treatment you havo previously taken. Write today I will send you my book. "The Finding of the Fountain of Eternal Youth," free, postpaid, for tho asking. No charsc for advice. 6old only by Dr. BENNETT Itooma IS to 21 Ilonitlua lllock, Opp. Iliiyilen'v. Corner llltli nnd Undue htm., OMAHA, M1U, OFFICB HOUKS-From f 30 a. m. to S p. m. Sundays From 10'30 n m to 1 p t. Wednesdays and Saturdays From S .10 m. to 9:00 p. in. lyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artliiyluUy dlfjestH tlio food and aids Nuturo in BLrcnutlicninp nnd rccon 3tructli)K tho exhausted dlcstlvo o- cans. It Is the latestdlscovcrcd digest ant and tonic. No other iiruimriitlou can approach it In elllclcncy. It In it antly relievos and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Kick lleadaelii',GnstralKi'.,Cramps and allotlier resultsof ImperfeCtdlgestion. Prlco D(V.uii(l H. lrKO(-l70('imtnlniSV4 timci anallbUe.Ilotikallul)outilv.,pcp'lllnialled free Prcoarcd by E- C. Do'VI" f & CO., Chicago Oflloe over 111." South l'llli St. 85,00 A MONTH- SPECIALIST, Treili ell Fsrmi of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yeiti Experlrnet. 12 Yeamn Omihj. wt rrr-innTTV nnH MV.111PAT, Treiihnent com bined. Varicocele. Slrl etnro. Syphilis I.och of Vlcor nnd Vitality. lU'Iir.S Ot.'AUANTKKI). Ciiiircon low HOM K 'lit K A T.M E NT. IlooK. Con sultation and Hxumln.itlon l'ree. Hours, H ii. in. to r.; 7 to x p, m. Sumlny. l to !'. 1'. O, box 7u omen overalls So. 1 till St., between lurnuin aua UoiiclnaSts., Omaha, Neb- AMUSEMENTS. Boyd's TONIOIIT Ilnlanee of Wfk and fumlny Mat.. Redmond The Silver Stock Co. King. H. M. Hear, Mgr Night PrlcoB-10e. 16e, 20c Matinee Any ncscrved Seat 10c