Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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RemnnnU In Basement and on Main Floor
Sacrificcd-Phonomenal Bargains,
nrnmnnlpi of SIIUn, lire (ioniln, Wnuli
UooiU, l.litrn,'PN, Hmliroltlrrlr,
.rrliril nn -vrr llrforr (Jroiit
chI IU'innnnt Mile liver Held.
6,000 yards lawns, urKurulles and illui'.Mrs,
north up to 2fc u yard, lu short femmuits.
Ho at lc a yard.
2,000 yards sateens, prints, linings, etc.,
worth up to lGc ii yard, lu short remnants,
go at lo a yard.
1,000 yards 36-Inch bleached muslin, regit
lar'Sc grade, Koes as lonfi as It lasts nt
2c a yard.
12V4c percales, 36 Inches wide, In long
remnants, no nt 3&c n yard.
lOo nainsooks In stripes, cherks and plaids,
go at Cc a ynrd.
C.000 Everett classic Scotch nnd chain
bray ginghams, worth up to 15c a yard, In
long romnants, go nt Cc u yard.
6,000 yards Imported organdies, linen
lawns, lace lawns and dotted mulls, worth
up to COc a yard, In long remnants, go at
7'4o a yard.
2Dc white goods, such ns 40-Inch India lin
ens, dimities, laco-strlped lawns, etc., go nt
10c a yard.
B.000 yards denims nnd Cretans, worth up
to 25c a yard, go nt Slfcc a yard.
2,00) yards 40-Inch dotted SwIbs. regulJr
25c grade, In long remnants, go at 12Vic n
Grand clearing sale on remnants of tnfole
llnrn, In lengths from Vh to 3 yards.
Bill US.
1,000 samplo pieces of nllovcr lace, em
broidery nnd tucklngs, nice, flno quality,
worth up to "fir each, go In this sale nt 15c.
Large bargain square of romnants of tho
finest embroideries nnd Inserting)), in all
widths, go at 3Vic, Gc, 70 nnd 10c n yard.
Hcmnnnts nnd odd pieces of nil stylos of
wash laces, Including torchons, point d'sprtt
nnd valcnclcnncs, all widths, worth regular
up to 50c a ynrd, go In this sale nt 2 Vie, 5c
and 10c a ynrd.
Thousands of yards of black poau-do-nole,
satin rhadame, satin duchesso nnd blnck
silk remnants, goods worth from $1.50 to
12.50 a ynrd, go In remnants In lengths from
' 1 nnd 1U ynrds, ut 25c nnd 35c for
tho cntlru remnant.
AND 25C.
Wash silk remnants nnd taffeta silk rem
nants, In checks, plaids, stripes nnd cords,
in longths Vi, V6. -yanl, etc., go accord
ing to length, nt Cc, 10c, 15c nnd 25c each.
Silk battsto and moussellne-do-solc rem
nants In embroidered uud corded effects, 50c
tilnllly, In lengthn from 2 to 5 ynrds, Kght
nnd dark grounds, mnny of these remnants
match, thereby enabling onn to mnko nn
entire wnlst or nu cntlro summer suit, nt
15c n yard.
$1.00 nnd $2.00 wool dress goods remnants,
nil In -ynrd lengths, doublo width, In
cashmores and cloths, In checks, plaids and
fdlk and wool mixtures, 3 nnd 4 rcmnnnts
to match, on sale at 10c.
N. W. Cor. ICth nnd DouglaB Sts.
Tho wolf In tho fnblo put on sheep's
clothing becnuso If ho trnvelcd on his own
reputation ho couldn't accomplish his pur
pose Counterfeiters of DoWltt's Witch
Hazel Salvo couldn't sell their worthless
valves on their merits, so they put them In
boxes and wrappers llko DoWltt's. Look
out for them. Tnko only DoWltt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. It cures piles and all skin
Krnntle llnrnc Mender Itnre Confec
tion Annum; n .loyou Croml
of Irlrtli I.iiliorrcrn.
A team hitched to ono of D.tlduff's do
llvory wagon ran away yesterday, col
lided with tho brldgo plor at tho foot of
Douglas street nnd for an hour a gang of
men engaged in Inylng a rnllroad track lu
that vicinity had more different kinds of
confections than they knew tho names of.
Pat Flnnegan, the foreman, got n scoop
nhovolful of vunlln Ico cream soda nnd called
time. Mlko Flanagan emptied tho water
kog on tho ground nnd tilled It with a mix
ture of lomon phosphate and chocolate
frappo, while Dennis Doylo scooped n hatful
of raspberry punch nnd carried It Into tho
ohado of tho bridge, whoro ho consumed
It In peace. So far as known this is tho
first time It over rained Ico cream at tho
foot of Douglas street, nnd It Is ono of thu
tlmcB tho Irish were caught with their
plates right sldo up.
Donnls rhclnii was tho only man of tho
gnng who lost out, and It was all his fault,
for Instead of standing pat for his Bharo of
Btrawhorry Ices ho attempted to stop tho
runnwny team, and thereby Incurred several
povero bruises about tho head and face.
Thoy took him (o tho polleo station, whoro
Dr. Ames took Hnvorul stitches In his lip.
Tho wngon is almost a complete wreck.
Tho horses wero not seriously Injured.
If you aro sick all ovor, and don't know
Just what alls you, It's ten to one your
kldnoys nro out of order. Foley's Kldnoy
Cure will bring you health and onorgy. For
Bale by Myer's-DIIlon Drug Co,, Omaha, and
Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
CrelKhlon Unlvcrxlty I,ny IMiui lo
Kilter It .Mnjorlty HU All
I)eiiirliueiiN Active.
Crolghton University has Issued Its an
nual prospectus for tho year 1M0-1901 In
Its rolleglato nnd medical departments.
Tho unlverHlty opens its twenty-first year
on September 4, with nn increased number
f faculty and Btudents. In tho collegiate
department the university will proceed on
tho prlnclplo "that education deals with
both mind and heart; Hint It requires the
hnrmnnlotin development of nil tho faculties;
that it demands tho formation of eharactr,
tho Inculcation of sound principles, tho
awakening of dormant powers." Especial
i-mphasls Is laid on tho university's facltl
Ilea for tho ftudy of astronomy. Tho
lelantltlc MllUieney of tho observatory on the
grounds was commented on by W. E.
Chandler on April 11, in n Bpeech before
the United Stntes senate. Tho session of
tho medical department begins on Septem
ber 21. Tho lecture courses aro unusually
full nnd vnrlcd and are under the direction
Bf well known practitioners,
OKnlioJI nml Arnold' 1'nrU,
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'aul rail
way company has Just placed In service
daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit
Lake, Okobojl and Arnold's Park. Ooing the
train Ivavm Omaha at 7:15 a. ni. and ar
rives Spirit I-ako at 4:15 p. m. Returning
tho train leaves Spirit Lake at 6:45 n. m,
and arrived Omaha 3:55 p, m. This Is tho
btwt ervlco that hna yot been offered over
uny one road. Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, $10.70.
City ticket oftlco. 1604 Faruam street.
l V. A. NASH, General Western Agent.
.Neurn Purler I'rcinrr Deliberately
In Tnke III Own
Abo Wilson, colored, employed ns porter it
the First National bank, CoutiMI Illuffa,
(Oinniltird sulcldo In Jefferson square nt G:S0
yesterday by shooting himself In the
head. The Incident was witnessed by R. It.
1'ilro, 111" Caps street; J. Marks, 410 North
Sixteenth street, and John King, who works
at the Windsor stables. Tho men hastily
called a doctor, but WIIon died before the
physician arrived. Tho police and coroner
were then notified and the body was taken
to the undertaking rooms of tho latter.
Wednesday forenoon Wilson worked In tho
bank ns usual, but at noon asked for n half
holiday In order to attend to some personal
matters, ns he said. He then sot nbont
making preparations In detnll for his death.
Hp called on tho agent of tho company In
which his life wai Insured and paid up all
back assessments; he selected ten pallbear
ers and notified them of their appointment;
ho wrote n letter to his wife, bidding her
fnrowcll, and finally Informed n personal
friend that his (Wilson's) Job as porter in
the bank would scon bo vacant nnd advised
him to put In an appllcat on for It. Ho then
began drinking. All night ho enrotued, In
both Council Illuffs nnd Omaha, and at (!
o'clock yesterday morning arrived nt Jef
ferson squnre.
Persons who saw hltn nt this time ob
served that he seemed slightly under tho In
fluence of liquor, but ho did not stagger and
app-arru to know what ho was ilolnir. Ho
selected n plot of bright green turf, lay
down upon It, plncod tho muzzle of a pistol
against ins Head Just above tho right ear
nnd fired one shot. Death came In a very
low minutes.
Tho cnuno of suicide eecms to have been
worry over a number of bills he owed and
was unablo to pay. Tho note to his wife
COUNCIL 1ILUFFS, Aug. l.-My Denr
Jennie: Pleaso forgive mo for what 1 havo
! me' ii"1 i m worried to denth with my
joii win (sci enough out of
my Insurance to tnko von nwnv. I minnin
us over, your husband, AIIE WILSON.
Wilson, who was 38 years old, lived with
his wife at 1101 Avenuo H, Council Illuffs.
Ho is reputed to havn been of regular
hnblts and trustworthy, though of a melan
choly temperament. Six yearn ago, whilo
In Denver, he made a desperate attempt to
cut his throat with n razor and narrowly
mltfvd tho Jugular vein. Ilia throat still
bears tho KCnrH of this first attempt upon
his lift?. Since then, his wife says, ho has
frequently threatened to commit sulcldo.
Tho coroner is of tho opinion that an In
quest will not bo necessary.
World to Duil TIiIn Venr.
TIiIh 's tho rcent decision of ono of tho
prominent socletlea of tho world, but tho
exact day han not yet been fixed upon, nnd
while there nre very few people who belluve
this prediction, there arc thousands of others
who not believe, but know that Hostet
tcr's Stomach Hitters Ih tho best modlclno
to euro dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipation,
billoiiQiicss or liver and kidney troubles.
A fair trial will certainly convince you of
its vnluc.
Sam'l Hums, 1318 Fnrnam.
moro reduction sales.
Two days'
AetliiK Mayor llml Vetoed Ilarber
Clnlni Ilefore Injunction AVa
Shortly before tho restraining order was
secured to prevent Acting Mayor Karr
and tho city council from paying tho
Hnrber Asphalt company $23,000, said to
be due on tho Cuming strcot paving, Mr.
Karr vetoed that portion of tho ordinance
which allowed tho Harbor claim and ap
proved tho salary list. Mr. Karr took this
step upon tho advice of City Attorney Con
noil, who holds thnt It Is Irregular to add a
claim to the salary ordlnnnco and Is con
trary to usage. Mr. Connell does not hold,
howover, that It Is Illegal to add such ta
claim to tho general appropriation ordi
nance. Uefore Mayor Hcmls' time it was cus
tomary to Include the salary list and nil
claims In the same ordinance. Many times
tho mayor would hold tho ordlnnnco for
severnl days that ho might Invcstlgato sev
eral claims. This prevented the city em
ployes from getting their money and the
firemen protested against such delay. To
remedy tho matter the claims and salary list
wero separated and put In different ordi
nances. This method has prevailed dur
ing subsequent administrations, but Is not
provided for In the charter.
"I bellovo tho Hnrber company should be
paid for Its work and havo no deslro to de
lay payment unnecessarily," Acting Mayor
Karr said, In discussing tho veto, "but I
want tho claim to bo brought up In tho
proper ordinance. Of course, the council
nnd tho mayor can take no further action
until tho courts disposo of the case that Is
now pending."
Liveryman III Defense.
Nathan B. Dlllrance, liveryman, has made
his defense in district court to the charge
of having supplied George A. Gwyor with
a vIcIouh horse. Owyor received Internal
Injuries from a kick and sued Dlllrance for
$10,000. Tho liveryman says that Qwyer
bad hired the horse every day for a month
in pursuance of his business as a solicitor.
Gwyer thcrcforo was better acquainted with
tho habits of tho horse, the defendant
claims, than the liveryman uimwlf. If
(Iwyer met with any accident Dlllrance be
lloves it enmo nbout through tho solicitor's
own careless or awkward driving. Tho
horse had always borne nn excellent repu
tation for gentlenejs nnd Industry.
Will of W. It. Morrli.
Tho will of W. It. Morris, a well Irnnwn
Omaha attorney, has been Med In probate
aim .Mrs. Morris nas neon nccepted as ex
ecutrix. Mr. Morris left hi intl
sloua to his wife excepting some personal
jewelry ana a small amount or money,
which were bequeathed to his son. Ono of
tho valuable portions of the Morris estate
Is n collection of Indian relics which Mr.
Morris had collected during the ladt twonty
flvo years.
Millions will be spent In politics this
year. Wo can't keep tho campaign going
without money any moro than wo can keep
tho body vigorous without food. Dyspep
tlcB used to starve themselves. Now Kodol
Dyspepsia Curo digests what you eat and
allows yon to eat nil tho good food you
want. It radically cures stomach troubles.
('nitric' to Country IMItor.
Secretary Furnas of tho Nebraska stnte
fair board has left this year no room for
complaint on tho part of the press berauac
of unv limitations placed upon the proud
courtesies Issued for tho atato fair. The
special press tickets he has sent out are In
tho form of small books, each containing
live tickets, nny one of which Is good for
any of tho live iIiivh of the fair Thce
tickets aro good If detached from the book
and nro especially mndo so lu order that
they may bo transferred by the recipient to
any ono to whom li muy choose to give
thorn. They aro went out with tho ussur
nnce by thu secretary that thy will be
gooil In tho hands of any one who may
present them.
Mortality StutUtlc.
The following death and births wero re
ported to tho Hoard of Health for tho
twenty-four hours ending at noon Thurs
day. Deuth Frank Hoberts, Eleventh and
Charles, aged lt.
Hlrths William Uudolnh, Sherman
avenue, nnd t'orbv, boy; Herman llarvln,
Twentieth and Vinton, boy; Hoy Porter,
714 Eighteenth, girl.
Mothers endorse It, children like it, old
folks uso it. We refer to One Minute
Cough Cure. It will quickly curo all throat
and lung troubles
Waters of Lako Manawa Hold to Bo Untlor
Its Jurisdiction,
Plntire Hunt on the ,nk,. to lie
I.IcciinciI n ml Pilot nnd routi
neer Will he OIiIIhciI to
Ntiitiil i:iiiiiliuitliiii.
Olllclnls of tho Tre astirv donnrMiipnt hnn
decided Hmt tho L'nlted States has juris
diction over the waters of Lake Mauawn.
Thl conclusion was reached as the result
of a special Investigation which was made
yesttrdny by a party of government
ofllclals, composed of Cadet Taylor, sur
veyor of the port of Omaha: J. C. Thnmn.
deputy surveyor of the port, and H. S.
iiLsn, assistant district attorney for the
bnlted States. Inasmuch lis tho question
of Jurisdiction over tho waters of thu lako
was dependent on tho condition of tho
outlet of tho lake, It was necessary that
a personal Inspection of thnt stream 1m
made. Accordingly, at 0 o'clock tho Jacob
mcnimnn Mnrteil down the river, having
on board tho commissioners anil n select
party of friends, about 300 In number. The
run trom the foot of Dnuclns street to
the mcuth of the outlet of tho lako occupied
one hour, nild then tho real work tinriin.
Tho ofllclal party, accompanied by two
newspaper reporters, started out to trace
tho course of tho creek from Its mouth to
Its head. Tho yawl of tin, Hte.iinlmnt wn
launched, and In charge of the clerk began
to polto Its nose around tho sham bends
of th.i small stream. Half a mllo from
tho mouth of the creek tho boat struck a
sandbar, which could not bo crossed, and
tho party landed In tho mud nnd weed.
Through these weeds nnd thickly-growing
willows the party proceeded until It reach?d
a road running back to tho boat. Tho
members had found that tho stream was
not navigable ami wero ready to quit.
It was then decided that the United Statoo
has Jurisdiction ivcr tho waters of the lake,
as tho western shore Ih In Vnlir.iskn Mm
eastern shore In Iowa, nnd communication
between tho river nnd the lako would bo
uninterrupted wero it not for the dnm at
tho western edgo of the lake. The pleasure
boats will therefore be licensed by the gov
ernment after an examination and the pilots
and engineer will have to pass an examlna
i Hon beforo tho Inspector at St Louis,
Since the accident at the lako July 4 the
government has betn Investigating tho
status of the boat, The City of Omaha, which
I went upon tho Island by reason of Its de
fective running gear. After n month's In-
, vc-jtlgatlon It has been Impossible to dls
cover who was in charge of the boat upon
the lll-fnted trip. Someone collected faron,
but no one knows who it was. The City of
Omaha has been taken out of commission
and Is now moored on the southern side of
the lake nenr Manhattan bench, and, It Is
snld, will be dismantled. Tho hellers are
comparatively new nnd may be used in ono
cf the new excursion boats which Super
intendent Dlmmock 19 now preparing to
place on the lake.
The llet Itenieily tor Dinrrlioen.
Mr. W. M. Cross, a prominent and Inlluen.
tlnl citizen of Coryell county, Texas, says,
"I never had such pains In my life as I
suffered when diarrhoea attacked me.
havo tried nnny medicines, but none give
mo such relief as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." This U
unquestionably tho best remedy known f' r
diarrhoea. It ulwajs cures and Is pleasant
to take.
Cheap Itoiiud Trlfi Itntc.
On August 7 nnd 21 the Illinois Central
will sell tickets, limited until October 31, an
Waseca. Minn., nnd return, JIO.S.".
Watervllle, Minn., und return, $10.6?.
Madison Lake, Minn., nnd rettirr, J10C8
St. Paul, Minn., nnd return, $12.05.
Dnlttth, Mlrm., nnd roturn, $ltl.M.
Serwir, Wis., and return. $18. 95.
West Superior, Wis., und return, SlA.nS.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 14i2 Farnam
Summer lienor!.
For a book describing the cool, pleasant,
healthful summer resorts of Wisconsin, situ
ated on the lino of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Ry., addrefa or call on
Ocneral Western Agent,
1504 Farnam Street, Omaha.! i? i. nr.! nu .u.-,!
Lincoln nnd return via Hock Island Route.
Tralus leave Union ntatlon, Omaha, 8 30
a. m., 1:30 p. m C.55 p, m. City ticket
office, 1323 Farnam street.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11th & Harney. Tel. 883,
j tie Bmiflwiimw
LiOlnrfluO a Kood place to spend
0ur vacation.
On August 2, 7, 19, 20 nnd 21 tho Durllngton will
soil round trip ticket., Omaha to Dunvor, Pueblo or
Colorado Springs and return taz " '
The Danvor Limited leaves tho Burltncton Station
Omaha at 4:25 p. in. It Is dun in Denver tho noxt
mornlnc nt 7:10. It arrives 3t 7:10.
Tho Durllngton Is th-i shortest lino to Denver,
unu its iraius run on utm.
TVokt OffkM,
1 502 Farnam St.
Tab 180.
BBrfttaftMI StaTOtMtj
10th and Masan Sts.
Tai. ICS.
It's Just This Way
If you nro troubled with bugs all yott vr
got to do Is to buy a bottle of Schaefcr c
Sure Death nnd It won't tnko long to get
rid of them. It's tho greatest bug killer
ntiule and It costs but 20c for a pint bottle
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
Carter s Liver Pills 15c
llooil'n Hnrsapnrllla 73c
Doati'M Pills 40c
Mcniicu'H Powder 15c
S. H. S The
Pyramid Pllo Curo 40o
Kld-lie-olds 40e
Packer'. Tnr Snap 15c
1 tiro's Hoot Peer He
Sure Death, for bugs 20e
Syrup nf Figs 3io
f'nitir'H Celery Compound 75c
'letn Catarrh Powder 35e
nirney Catarrh Cure 35c
llostettcr's Hitter. 75c
H. W, Cor. Kith anil I'tilenuo.
Have you drank nt tho
Soda Fountnln? If not you nro
living beneath your privileges.
Our SERVICE Is the best.
Our FOUNTAIN Is tho best.
Our DRINKS aro tho best.
Havo you tried Cherry Hounro
cr Snn Onbrlet or Huyler's
Chocolnto or Wild Plum Phos
phate or Koko-Colcry or 600
other drinks as mado by Prof.
Ooodncr and his assistants.
Sherman&McGonnell DrugGo.
Home of Onyx Queen.
Comer ICth and Dodge.
TL . " m. -v -A- n f I- l
in (lie world in superstition, not
only of ceremonies in the church
but' of imiiglnnr.v nnd scarecrow
sins nt home.. Some of ,vou are
superstitious nbout Friday. They
wouldn't think of gointf out on
Friday to look for bargains of
any kind, but we want to see how
many good natured women we
can please Friday by offering a
special thing in
Women's Wrappers
The Union Pacific
Tan Hours Quicker
rlftien Hours Quiokr
FMsin Hours Quicker
Buffet tln ud Mbwy Cms, with Barber Shop nd Plett
iM ReaiBg Double Drwln lloonj ralaco Sleepers. Dln
laf Cart, MeaU a Is. Carte. Flntsoh Llfht.
For the
Wo havo Just received several new Jobs especially adapted for at tho
Country Club and for fast drlvlnc. Our etock of Pneumatic and Hard Hub
her Tiro Uunabouts and Hike Wanons 1b the largest and llneat in tho west.
$40.00 Yolande Bicycles $25.00
Ab long as thoy last.
$35.00 Clark Bicycles $19.50
Our prices for repairing are the lowest.
Fifteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb.
Don't Go
For your itimmcr vacation without a
KODAK or CAMERA. You will tnlRa
half tho enjoyment of your trip it
you do not preserve the pleasant and
plcturceque scenes with a camera. Wo
handle all Rood mnkm and can advise
you. Just now wo aro offering spe
cial barcalns in KafUmnn Folding
Pocket Kodaks, worth
$10.00 for
The Robert Dempster Go,,
1215 Farnnnt St.
Developing and printing done.
Seo our new lino of picture frames.
Wo (wperipiicori n wonderful wrapper sale n few days
ago sold more wrappers on that, ono ifny) than in any
month's sale before. The result is that we've about 200
Large Women's Wrappers (did yon notice how that reads)
Large Women's Wrappers well Hint's just what we mean,
wrappers in extra large sizes. 10, JU and -11 if yon can
wear one of these you're in luck. All tho 1.50 value
wrappers that we sold foi (!)c, and all the 1.25 values that
we sold for oOc. and what remains of the $1.00 value wrap
pers that we sold for -i!)c, all go on sale ZtQf
Friday morning your choice
If you're superstitious, you're unlucky.
If you're small in six.e, you're unlucky.
If you can wear -10, lli or 11
You're more than luckv.
iwdii ii mil u'tiwun rmimi v i -1 u isu
A warm weather
cough Is the worst
kind of a cotiKh.
Anti-Kawf Mil cure It. Druggist noil It
Cleveland Bicycles
Other Good Whoels for $13.30, $15.00, $17.50 and $19.00
Ueoauso our prloes are always below tbo market.
320 North lGth St. Geo. Mlerstelu, Mgr.
A (5$
Crowds of Eager Buyers are securing the most mar
velous values in Fine Shoes ever put on sale.
All the latest styles and all sizes, in vlci kid. oatent leather and
velour calf The prices are all marked in plain figures, You make
your own selection and every pair will be carefully fitted by a con''
petent salesman
Greatest Manufacturer's Shoe Sale Ever Held in the West
Selling 22,000 pairs of fine standard makes
factory floors at 46c on the
of shoes direct from the
Men's fmo custom $5, $6 and
$7 shoos, in vioi kid, Russia
calf and patent leather, made
by French, Shriner Cft
& Urnor, at &.U I
Men's fine black vici kid,
welt solo $4 shoes, made by
Preston R. Keith Co
in this sale at.
Men's fine chocolate vioi kid
and patent leather .'5. 50a nd
$4 shoes, mado by Myron F.
ThomaB on sale
5T 7
9 Ah
Ladies' fine, French, Shri
ner it Urnor $5 and $6 shoes,
in patent leathor, Russia
call and
vici kid,
Ladies' lino vici kid and
patent leathor shoes, mado by
lloag, Heath tfc Co.. to sell
for and
'1, on sale
b lu.iuiiur, jvussia
ii iv ju., to sen
Ladies' line Sl.fiO and 92.00
oxford ties, made by P. N.
wadloigh and
Uuire & Field,
on sale
Tharo, Mc-