Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
JSSTAKMSinai) .JUNE li, 1871.
Allies Bcmn Advance Sn Direction of China's
Capital City.
disorderly elements. He hud ruthlessly pre
vented anything In the nature nt n nubile
Amorican, Japancso and British Troops meeting and thus effectually prevented any
ui i ii (3 various panics, 1111 01 mem huuiiuii-u
Morrison's Dispatch Places Ohincso Gov
ernment in Ban Light.
3 f-11-III J l-wr,,
MlrnriKlod Wfl
LONION, Auk. 1 A letter from Hong
Kong, dated July 2. received here today,
FAnrimni. Mint t .1 lllin Phiim nn. nfP.
serving order In Canton by a virtual reign ALL NEGOTIATIONS LIKELY TO CEASE
of terror, rendering him well hated by the
Thought to Bo in Movement.
l.oril Snllnhury's lloiir Thnf Nothing
DcipIoii CotiiipflliiK Ilm
licror wllli OiitrnicPH Spchu
About til I'll It to Ground.
LONDON, Aug. 2.-4 p. m. At last the
by hatred of foreigners, coming togother to
plan a rising. During one week he had ex
ecuted by strangling or beheading seventy
persons, and It in asserted that during his
vlceroyalty no less than 2,000 were executed. .iory 0f pokln has been told. Dr. Morrl
All suspects. Innocent and guilty alike, .mi In todav'n Times holds ud the Chinese
ow Baso of Supplies to Bo EstabUBhCd Be- were thrown Into prison Indiscriminately, government before the world as guilty to
which- in a innjuruy 01 cucrs wuo iiiiiiuuiuuiii a degree or iniamy anu uupuciiy mat ex-
to execution. ceods the surmise of Its worst detractors
tn Di anmn rilfttintnh hn elves a nmrn hone-
UH NA lb K rLL UNtAoT ful view of the besieged than has been ex
pressed by any of the others who have been
IIimv the Yiiiiiik Kind t.rnrneil of (he
llenlh of III Ilojnl
Kill her.
Copyright, 1PO0, by Press Publishing Co.l
ROME. Aug. 1. (Now York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The now king
learned of tho assassination of his fnther at
Capo Spartlvenlo, where he called with his
yacht. Thcro tho commander of n gunboat
pprlsed him that hln father was In n seri
ous condition and Inadvertently hnndod tho
prince u batch of telegrams, one of which
was addressed "To His Majesty Victor Em
anuel III." Thus he knew his father was
dead and ho had succeeded to the throne.
On tho royal train passing through hero
on tho way to -Mona tho venerable Slgnor
Crlspl, In spite of his IndllTerent health, In-
Isted on going tn tho railway station In the
foro Direct Stroke is Made.
It I ThntiRht 'flint I'lml KiikukpiiipiK
la Likely to Hp nt Pel Tmm.
Where Viceroy of Yulu Ih I"
Pemoiinl Coiiininiiil.
('nhlrKrniiiN from 1,1 llnnu; ( Iiiiiik In
illeiitp Desire for Settlement
li AfKotlnllonN.
heard from
Simultaneously there comes from the Bol
glan charge d'affaires at Shanghai an off!
clal statement that tho allien am expected
to reach Pckln In about a week, they being
DRUSSELS, Aug. 1. M. Kavrcau, min
ister of foreign affairs, has received the fol
lowing dispatch, dated Shanghai, August 1,
from M. Do Cartlcr do Marchlcnno, secre
tory of tho Belgian legation, now acting as
chorgo d'affaires of Belgium at Shanghai:
"Tho allies aro marching on Poktu. They
nro eighteen miles from Tien Tsln and
should reach Pokln in eight days.
"All tho Europeans have taken refuge In
tho Inner rcctorale of tho Imperial city.'
LONDON, Aug. 1. "Tbo allies bega
advance, from Tien Tsln this morning, an
nounccs un agency bulletin, dated at
Bhacgbal nt 11:10 a. m. today.
Tho Belgian government has received
Hows that tho allies ha'vo already marched
eight mllcH In tho direction of Pckln.
It Is assumed that the Americans, British
find Japancso aro taking part In this for
ward movement, whether other notlonnlltlns
nro or not. An advanco base will probably
lin established twentv or thirty miles nearer
Peklu Bnd Btippllcs will bo assembled " "
Of tho 60,000 ulUcs debarked at Pe Chi
LI ports, Kngllsh military observers con-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Tho Chinese Ira
porlal government is putting forth thu eighteen miles from Tien Tsln yesterday.
most powerful efforts to securo through Another loiter has been received at Tien
negotiation the abandonment of the Inter- Tsln from the Ilrltlnh minister, Mr. Claudo
natlbnal movement upon Pckln. The ca- MacDonald, dated July 24
hlcgrams received at tho State department "Wo are surrounded by Imperial troops,"
today from Karl LI Hung Chang all tend ho writes, "who aro firing on us contlnu
to demonstratu IiIh deslro to securo tho ously. The enemy Is enterprising but cow-
succor of tho ministers at Pckln and tholr ardly. Wo have provisions for about a fort-
dellvcry at Tien Tsln, If this can bo safely night and are eating our ponies,
effected, trusting that lu roturn tho In- "Tho Chinese government, If there be
tornatlonal column can bo halted. Un- one, has done nothing whatever to help us
Questionably a proper assuranco of tho If tho Chlncso do not press the attack we can
safo delivery of tho minlstors would havo hold out for, say ten day, so no time should
onmn i iinnii DiA inminT nf thn nnwora ho lost If a terrlhlo iTiassacro Is to be
lAiiNiuuiN, Aug. i. 100 aines ui-B "'" Urnl ii g possible that tho United States avoided."
I ........ - MM ri I nm I It th . mnMi ni." flllt I .. . t I - ,
government would glvo car to overtures xei a pnnguni special says ui uung
In that direction were It not for tho attempt Chang has received a decree dated July 28,
made by tho Chinese to Impose conditions commanding him to Inform tho consuls that
upon tho delay that aro entirely objeo- tho ministers were safo on that date. Evl-
tlonablo. Such, for Instance, Is a stlpula- dently Sir Claude MacDonald was ovcrpes-
tlon that tho Chinese Imperial authorities slmlstlc, as Dr. Morrison, under date of July
.hall hn nhsnlved In ndvauco from tho con- 21, announces tho arrival of supplies. In
sequences of tho attempt and for liability view of this It la quite within reason that
for what has taken placo In Pokln. the edict announcing tho safety of the mtu-
Tho first stipulation might bo regarded on mo :sin is corrcci,
direct Invitation to the Boxers to MnrrlNiin'N Indictment
preparatory to a d ect stroke at tho capita murder tho ministers on their way to tho slr clautl0 MacDonald's latest letter, while
P n, ,1 71 n. nt Pe Ch coast and, therefore, our government will n strong Indictment of tho Chinese govern-
leave It to Mr. Conger hlmsolf whether or mcnt. Is not nearly so much so as Dr. Mor
I. . . . 1. ..-.. ... l-.. Tl1,ln linn i .1 . 1 m. . . , - - ...1.1.
. ..... ni,i., , ,,n nrl. 1 noi no regarus u uio w num i umu nuuu rison s uispatcn, mat correapomieni, wuu
viTnro hevnnd Tier. Tsln T The Chinese forces the opportunity Is hold out. tho Imperial edict as authority, declares that
,nT?n the Meanwhile there has been no change as as late as July 2 tho Imperial government
nines' Intelligence officers up to July 27, to tho military program so far as tho urged tho Boxers to continue their "loyal
wero dlsnosed In a great arc thirty miles American government Is concernod. Tho and patriotic sorvlccs In exterminating tho
long and distant ten or nf teen miles. Tho senior United States naval ofneer at Taku Christians." Ho explains those marvelous
numbers and exact location of the several Is under most urgent Instructions to urge changes In tho Chinese attitude, which have
.,.... ,.i .., t, i.,( un n nnoadv advanco. Thcso were sent by so puzzled tho world. It appears that all
uiviBluua uiu uiiuiij miniiuniii - - .... . . .... i 11 .1,.
river Is blockaded by sunken stone-ladcn Secretary Long and tho ndmlral was ad- tho appeals for Intervention and all he
Junk, for twenty miles beyond Tien Tsln vised by tho government of Us Intentions protestations of friendship havo been due
;.nd farther up. and, arcordlng to Chinese to add to hhi force. These matters aro re- entirely to tho victories of the allies at Tien
upies of the allies, a dam has Deon con- ferred to in uio neiaica uispuitu nm """""'
ntructlng for tho purpose of Hooding the Tien Tsln. which touches upon tho mill- safety up to July 21 not o government pro
. oitntinn nnd tho nrosnccts of a tcctlon, but to tho scarcity of Chinese am
WYI'lJiUH SAjmuau u irau.i;, j - - ,.. ...v,lt, ,!, Tln
speedy forward movemont. uui no moi muumuu im m ......
TDflflDQ QAM CAP TAIfll RHINA tlonal Instructions on tuts point wero scm h... ...aimi".
TnUUrO oAlLrUn IArU, bniNH . ,. ,,,, a.ntf,n nrmv nmcurs today When It 1b remembered how great roll
... n.i vornmont l nllowlne Its offlccrs anco Is placed upon Dr. Morrison In Eng
Triumport .Menile I.envpn Han Krim- on t,)0 gp(jt , smlpo tholr own carnpagn, land tho Importance of his exposure of tho
UINCO lor urirni mini iiih rolvlnir niirtlr.lllnrl V unon tho very lUll aim inueBB Kuvuiiiuieiii. tun Bi-uiuui o
comprehonslve Instructions previously estimated. It seems to banish all hopes
i.,ii nimffff.. both In nerson entertained by Lord Salisbury that the
and by cable, upon his arrival at Nagasaki. Chlnoso government might not bo directly
Secretary Hoot said today tnai tnoro lusyuoiuiu m. ..u.,oft , .
. . i .i i..nnid in via .linin. suit In an entire cessation of tho nego
troops sailing wero Companies 1. K. L and situation which would delay tho tlatlons with tho Chinese diplomatists, If
at. comprising tho Third battalion of the , , , that Generai Chaf- not In open decloratlon of war on the
riftcenth Infantry: Troops B. 0, I and II. "nva"" " t cover any contngoncy Port of tho powers.
Third cavalry, nnd Company E of tho bat- f" !"e" l" T-Minmnn had been Oeneral Sir Alfred Oaselee Is quoted as
Wool Tnlnl. i...B..v - -
lunuil Ul cuh"it" '("'" .ll.,. ,. trr.m Wnrnnn n thn
.u.. .1.. tti..i cma i. nihintr advance, although lacking In artillery,
Wtron. "-.i rh.ffn. fnr rhlnf of command. It Colonel Daggett, commanding tho Amerl-
Bcsldcs tho soldiers nnd tneir cquipmcni "V" ' ' m. Ihnt R1,.h enns nt Tien Tsln, Is also credited with a
the Meade carries Jl.700,000 In currency for P""V"" . 7. ' , ... similar statement on tho samo day. al
tho payment of war expenses In China. was p " "-. ..... 7, though utterly without transportation, not
,n-i i Tir.i.u irn.. ,i.niio,i n. nn nlzed that such was the. situation inai u ' ... i.i
V.UIUUUI ..v.... .v.. .... ...-,, - him in nppint thn oven naving uorao lur niuismi. umu
cn General Chaffee's staff, was a passenger might tin necessary for him to ncccpl : the forcenunts nro roportC(1 tf) nave boen son
on tho Meade. Prof. Carl C. Plehn of tno commaim n u, ... .q ch,nege at yang Tsun, whore strong
University of California, who is to superin- entronchmonts havo boon thrown up to ba
tend tho census In Manila, was amoug tno CONSTANT FIGHTINU ANU IUIL the advanco of tho nllles
of Slen nml Money.
' SAN KltANCISCO. Cal.. Aug. 1. Tho
Iraniport Moado wlltd for Taku. China, thl
afternoon with l.&oo soldiers nDoaru. me
civilian passengers,
About sixty men of tho Third cavalry
will bo detached and will go with the horses
on tho transport Aztec, under command of
Lloutenant Charles A. Hedeklr, Third cav
nlry, who has been appointed quartermaster
nnd commissary on tho vcssol during Us
trip abroad.
Htiprrlor nrjjnnl.nt Inn of Itnlleil
Mlntm FortTK ilven Tliem Ail
tniitiiifP Oicr Othcrn.
Ono of Omaha's Pioneers Succumbs to Pneu
monia at Capo Nome
Illn lltmy l.lfc Unit .tlnch to' Do Mltli
MnUlnu Omnlin flip CI rent Crntpr
of Triiile It linn Ity-
Tldlngs of the death of Captain Charles
B. Hustln were contained In telegrams re
ceived In thin city last night by his famlty
and lifelong friends In this city. Captain
aVral ZTi . mpMhyT; the klr 'W' Nome on July 15.
rri. i.i- ..i .h. iiiim whither he had gone on a short visit to
look after the Interests of several business
The young king nnd the old politician cm-
braced and wept bitterly. Crlfpl sought to
speak comfort to tho klug and repeatedly
sold to him, "Sire, courage, courage." Tho
meeting with Oeneral Ponzlo Vaglla, who
had Humbert In his arms when ho died, was
heartrending in Its effect on tho king, who
mado no effort to conceal his emotion, while
tho queen burst Into tears, and ns sho
alighted lu the station was unable to articu
late a word. Tho king's volco was husky
with emotion. Ho was heard saying, "I do
not yet fully realUo the horrible reality."
The meeting of the king und his mother,
who waited for him at tho top of the grand
stnlrcaso of tho castle, was so painful and
made such an Impression upon those near
associates who had claims In that region.
Ho had been absent from Omaha cluce May
lfi and expected to roturn within a few
weeks. Tho telegraphic announcement of
his death was brief, stating simply that the
malady was pneumonia.
The body of Captain Itustln Is now al Scat.
tie on the homeward voyago In charge of
Mark Cnad, sun of Johu I'. Coad and a
neighbor of the Hustlns. Mr. Coad expecte.
to arrive In Omaha on Monday or Tues
day. Tho boat upon which Captain Hustln
went north was delayed for wmetlmo out
side of Nome by quarantine regulations
His family, however, has received letters
from him dated at Capu Nome, so that they
1-'nrriii fur VMirnukii
Kulr and Warmer, soutneriy inns,
tierntiire nt (Imntin ArMerilujt
Hour. Ileu. Hour. Del
ft n. in 7 1 I p. m
II n, in. . . . 71 U n. in I
7 n. m 7o :t ti. m tin
S II. Ill 7." -I I', m . . . .
tin. in...... Tii r. p. iii s
to n. m V.' II p. ill 7
II n. Ill HI 7 i. Ill f Ml
in mi s p. iii :i
it i. m si
Hostilities at Pckin Havo Ceased, but the
Foreigners Remain Vigilant.
that It will never bo forgotten, Tho silence nro ns31lrca of h6 nnvillB ianrtej
wan uroncn oniy ny mo dods oi uio queen, f'nnt.iln llustln wn nn.. nf lh oldest and
who was In n fainting condition. Later, hav- most nlghly cstoemel citizens of Omaha.
Ing somewhat recovered hcirclf. she led her imvlnL' made hl rmlilimen hRn with ev-
son Into the mortuary chapel, whero there crni short Intermissions slnco 1SG3. Ho first
Were HO Witnesses. .ntllnrl In Slmiv rilv In 19S1 hut norxolvlni?
tho advantages of the Nebraska gateway
came down tho river. To Captain Hustln bo-
longs tho credit of having put Into operation
tho tlrst transfer across the Mltuiourl, the
Initial step in transforming Orauha Into thu
great Mlssburt river stopping point rather
than Cnimc II Itliiffu I.'rnni lilu lnlrxal In
lt.opyriKiit. i!kj, by i-rcas I'ubllshlng Co.) this ferry steamer Contain Hustln wcured
if VJ. , Aug. l.-l.OW lorK World Ca- thn tltlf. which hB oiling tn him nvnr nlnre
t.l...nn. o... i m.i .... . . I " "
...h. ojicumi i.uubiivuj.) iiuuinni ill. i..i In n. i.if.
tripling tendered himself as a witness to-
Haym the Smith African Servlpe Wnn
DreiKlfnlly llnmiiereil liy Heil
'lain- Mnt hnilx.
Dr. Qcorgo E. Morrison Cables to London
Times Situation In Capital
Barricades About Besieged Legations Ar
Being Mado Strongor.
It Ik Mnilp lMnln liy tmnprlnl TNI lit
AtililnmlliiK' llnxprn 'I'lmt im
rrumrnl Knvnreil termlnii
llnn of Alt l'lirelKiiPm.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Dr. Ocorgo Ernest
dren, she nppllcd for n position lu tho War Morrison, tho Pckln correspondent of the
department. Doing physically unable to do Times, has been heard from direct. The
tho work, sho suggested that her sister. Times this morning prints the following
Mrs. Collins, bo permitted to enter tho dispatch from him, dated July 21:
government service In her stead. The "There has been n cessation of hostilities
petition was presented to Secretary hero (Pckln) since July 18, but for fear of
Melklejohn upon his return from -tho treachery thcro has been no relaxation of
west. Knowing tho history of tho enso vigilance. Tho Chinese Kildlers continue
nnd feeling very keenly tho circumstances to strengthen tho barricades around the be-
whlch compelled Mrs. Stotsenbcrg to apply sieged area and also .tho batteries on top
for a position under tho government, he of tho Imperial city wall, but lu tho menn
ordcrcd a non-cotnpntltlvo examination of tlmo they havo discontinued firing, prob-
Mrs. Collins, .which was tnken yesterday ntiiy because, they nro hori of ammunition,
and today Secretary Melklejohn signed tin "The main bodies of tho Imperial soldlors
order authorizing Mrs. Collins to report hnve left Pckln In order to nnot the relief
for duty to tho adjutant general's ofllco forces. Supplies are beginning to como In
tomorrow. rniiumon oi mo ncBiegeii is iin-
W. E, Auten was today appointed post- proving. The wounded are doing well. Our
master at Hlchmond. Washington county, hospital arrangements nro admirable and
la., and O. M. Smith nt Sherwood. Cal- iDU CI,8CS n,lvu l"",Br" rougn ino nuspiun.
iiiu inn UK ii 3 Hini'ii iui yi iii uuti ui on
Sinter of the ColonelS Wife (Hi pit n
1'onKIoii In (hp Wnr Depart
ment Oilier.
WASHINGTON', Aug. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Assistant Secretary Melklejohn
has named a sister of Mrs. John M. Stot
senbcrg ns clerk In the nlllco of tho ad
jutant general, Immediately after the
burial of Colonel Stotsenberg, Mrs. Stot
senbcrg asked for a pension from thu do
part mcnt, which was allowed. But no
small wns the amount that It was nccos.
miry that 11 special bill should be Intro
duced In congress for her relief In order
that sho might support herself nnd her
two children. After a great deal of poli
tics and opposition, the sum of to0 a
month was allowed her. This being In-
sulllclent to maintain hor anil her dill-
. . ... . . . I l.nt.t. nnnlv Ti. Alun TI . .t PtltnnV fit
ah onn or inn nnimrnini? rnnirniiRta nr i -uuuwi " ... - i , .. . .. ,.
day before tho South African hospital the erowlmr town CanVnT, U, . t n n , hU Torrlngton. Laramie county, Wyo. r iacum o . . . P n i-
scandals rnrnmllten. TlrC.l In " i.J-. .... .... . IIT 1 " ; V. egiupiieii oy win empenir 10 viueen viciuim,
... . v . w . m uiuu i iiiiiiiev iiiin iiiiiiiix vi'iuiirPN. nn ni wiiit'ii
reefer suit, ho looked In robust health added to Omaha's commercial odvantaeo MORE BURGHERS SURRENDER
unu Kao ins evidence cieariy, witnout dts- among tho contending river towns. He In
unction In phraso or Idea. "Thcro was vested In mlnlnc and railroad stock in vnrl-
doubtless plenty of medical stores In South ous other parts of tho west and becamo In-
Atrica, ho said, "but rtdtapclsm ob- tcrested in the Omaha Smelting comnuny In
structed their Issue. Nurses at Maltland 1S72. In 187S ho was made president of the
hospital Implored mo to send them pajamas company and continued In that capacity un
I.iii d Huberts lleiorln Hip Cniillulil-
tlnn of Another llnleh of
Trillin inn I Defender!.
attributing deeds of violence to bnndlts and
requesting her majesty's assistance to ex
tricate tho Chlncso government from Its
dltllctilties. Tho qucen'B reply Is not stated,
but tho Chlncso minister at Washington
telegraphs that tho United States govern
ment would gladly assist tho Chlncso authorities.
KilletN KneoiiriiKP (he ltoxern.
"This dispatch to tho queen was sent tn
LONDON, Aug. 1. Lord Hoberts has tele
for patients, but to send them throueh til 1S80. when ho devoted hlmsolf solely to granhed to tlu War olllce as follows:
tho back door, for If they were forwarded mining In Colorado. Durlne his early ca- "PHETOHIA, Aug. 1. Hunter reports 1,200
to tho army stores tho patients would nrob- reer In Omaha Cantaln Hustln was also more prisoners, surrendered yesterday, wits
ably dlo or recover before they wero Is- freight agent for tho Northwestern railway, Commandants House and bowenei, nuiisi tno tun8 u yomcn by tho grand council
ueu. i aid not visit Woodstock hospital, ana when tno pool arrangement wont into commandants ucpioy, roigieior aim juuui-ii on jujy yGt tno ()av i,uforo an Imporlal
Bmcit it from tho train and that enect no represented tho associated lines surrendered to nruce iiamiiiun, wuo cm- (ii , n,.j i, iBBUP,i CniiinC 0n tho Uox
suuiccd. Its condition was simply un- until tno construction of tho Missouri river Iccted 1,200 rules, boo ponies anu nn Arm- 08 tQ C0Mml0 l0 rcndnr loyal nnd na-
speakable. It was surrounded by sowage, bridge strong gun. Lieutenant Andcwnn, a Danish trotic Bt.rvlcc8 In exterminating tho
tho air was foul and the whole place Tho original Rustlu homestead was on officer In the Staats nrtlltcry, aiso sur- rjMrlBtlaus. T)u cajcl n80 commnnded
stank, but I left JJlocmfonteln hefnrn thn Davenport street near Sixteenth, but tho rendered. Oliver, with live guns nnd a ,
ptcssure of tho epidemic. On tho wholo, residence which has slnco become more number of burghers broke away In the I slonnrlcs from China and to nrrost all
there was no enthusiasm for fover cases, nrnily associated with ,tho name of Hustln Harrlsmlth district, nut. winner exiiuno rjhrlstlnns nnd romnnl thorn tn renounce all
Tliey wero a llngcrlug, troublcsomo lot i " "uihuiiir in iwj narney Bireci, i;ni- mo tmai iinsoucra hi umuum iu their faith. Other decrees applauding tho
and nil or tno same type. Wounded cases " "t, in " mansion ui uie um -An uniorimuuu wrai , , Doxers speak approvingly of their burn
wero far moro attractive to tho profes- regime lor uueen yenrs anu reared a lam- rreucriKstaai on mo rugersuorii-i uumu.- . d g . . . .
slonal mind. Their Inquiries wero so or tnree sons and ono aaugnter. ur. etroom railway, rno enemy uuu mm "i'
, . i ... .i .. I liVcl nnstln la tinu' mnrrlml anrl llvna In till I tt onrl r. aiinnlv Irnln .Mnrteil llV the I . .
unuu unu luicresiing. -"- ... - ..,..., ministers.
cuy. iienry iiuni'.n rereniiy gcure me snrnpunircs ,wa,i (lemiicn. vinnov i
itrlll.(RB 1..H. un I .i..i
onliT.r..., Bnn .IIa.1 na 1 1, m t nn I . I .. . I A n..(.l innlll ri- 1, 1 0 1 1 f..' TI I "
cldont at college. Mrs. Clnlro Hustln Mc- ordered to ascertain why tho order was dls
Intosh Is tho wlfo of nn Omnha lawyer, obeyed."
Captain Rustln's wlfo Btirvlves him. LONDON. Aug. 1. A correspondent with
Captain Hustln was C years old at his Qeneral Hunter's force nt Stnpranz says:
death, his birthplace having been Rutland, "Tho WInburk and Scnokal commandoes
Vt. In 1832 ho removed to Ohio nnd wns nro now arriving with about C00 men. (len-
engaged with a civil engineering corps, hav- ora r0ux has arrived and also tho com
ing his headquarters at Akron. Ho removed niandant of tho Weponcr commnndo. It will
Tfinif A QHflT AT AI'PYAKinPP appointment as electrical engineer uf tho
lUUn OnUI HI rlLtAHHULn I ,ilir..l. onnlllr,n WllUn. Ilmlln thn
lr leaders
aro stated In a decree to bo princes and
'On July 18 nt.ntucr Uccicti mado a com-
. r . . . I i i,i..i, tju jniy in m. in Liu ukku inutiu n eoin-
I. thirty-nine Injured, although a spe- ,,..' - . , . . , ,,,
Hustln. the clal patrol had been ordered to prevent , . ,,., , j,..
Humor from Vlennn 'I'luil (he Servlnn
Klnu; Win Klreil on In
(Copyright. 1P00. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 1. (Now York World Ca-
blegram Special Telegram.) Tho Dally
Chronicle's Vienna correspondent wires on
AllftlHt 1. "Illimnt rnanhi.a hnpn frnm TI nt thnt nn nttmnnt w... ,n to southeastern Iowa In 1853, nnd two years tako Ullys to got nil In. There Is u con-
" ........... .UMUU ... " I , , ,. , 1 .l I !,,.. PH.. I. - wnal.1n, I . - n
unci ocuicii ,ii oiuua vnj, mioiu nu itoiutw I ttnuous Btream oi wngons ior buvch muuu ui
sasslnato King Alexander whllo driving
through town this afternoon. Tho king
was shot at, but not Injured. The rumor
Is not confirmed."
for nine years before coming to Omaha.
tho valloy road. All tho leaders Jiavo sur-
creo, for tho first tlmo nnd ono month
after tho occurrence, an nlluslon was mado
to tho death of Haron von Kettolor, tho
Oermnn minister, which was attributed to
tho action of local brigands, although thcro
Is no doubt that It was premeditated nnd
that tho assassination was committed by
an Imperial officer, ns tho survivor, Ilerr
Cordes, can testify.
Imperii;! Troop Hellene I.rKntloiiH.
"Tho force besieging tho legation con-
The Ilerllo correspondent of the Dally
CorrpsjioiulPiil In I'pkln Semis VItIiI Chronicle says that Emperor William s ap
ii.....ri.wi..n f Strennoiia 13s IM- provat ot tno cmpioymein. oi non-coimiiis
enee of IIphIpkpiI I.Pktntlonprs. Bloncu men on leave is oviueuuy iniunueu
to pavo tho way for a ucrman expedition on
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. A cable dispatch to a large scale, and that It Is probablo that
thn n,illv News from. Che Foo. July 31. when sumcicnuy largo miB iorco win net
in Riwmcriml Amnint 1. Ravs: inaepcnucnuy
"nr. llnhert Coltman. ir.. tho staff cor- Commenting upon Dr. Morrison's dispatch,
respondent of the Chicago Record In Pekln, tho Times says: "It Is now beyond doubt
who had not bcon heard from slnco Juno mat me iiequem. iiuiuuim ui iuu unmrai
12, sends tho following dispatch: Chineso representatives tnat lor a monui
"PEKIN, July 21. Dnron von Ketteler, past tne legations navo neon enjoying tne
th flerman mlnlstdr. was murdered by protection oi uio uirouo are, one unu an, un-
uhlneso troons nnd his secretary wounded quallded falsehoods. The cumulative ovl-
(Copyrlght. 1930. by tho Associated PreBs.) Juno 20, whllo on his way to the tsung 11 denco Is overwhelming that the wholo affair
TIEN TSIN. Thursday. July 2G. via Che vnmon. The forelun residents nro bo- has throughout been under tho control nnd
J'oo, July 30, and Shanghai, Aug. 1.) Tho H0Ked In the Hrltlsh legation and havo direction of tho Chlncso government. It
American commander received orders from ueen under a dally nro from artillery nnd now rests with tho powers to make the Chl
.Wnshlngton today not tn delay tho nd- riiinu nose government understand that It will
vanco on Pekln. Hn was also informed "Tho cowardice of tho Chineso forlun- no neia tuny responsioie ior wnaiovcr nop
that heavy reinforcements aro enrouto. aeiy prevented them from making huc- pens In Pokln."
(irmit nntlvltv 1h nntlrcnbln at Jananeso I .,uf,,i fiinhna. Our InunnH urn slxlv killed
lioadquartcrH. Transport preparations are nn,i ROvonty wounded. Tho CKlneso losses ANSWcK T 0 VlUtnUlb ArrtAL
liolng hurried. it is exirniueiy unimeiy exceed 1,000,
that olthor the Japanese or tho Hrltlsh In- "There has been no word from tho out- ..neror orders All l.oinl ("IiIiipup to
tend to no leu uonimi mo Ainuncuna. 8i,i0 world. Kood is pientiiui. sucn as u Prolpet I'orplnnpr lu
though tho llrlllsn preparations are u long 3rco nnd horsenesh. Yesterday, unucr lhc ..1I1,I.P
wny irom compioioness, i u jiiicnw a p,nK 0f truce, a message was Bern, ny
organization, on tho other hand, excites Yung Lu, asking If Sir Claude MacDonald, WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. Tho Chinese
tho admiration of all. tho Hrltlsh minister, would consent to o ITnttitor called nt the State department
Tho total strength of the nllles horn Is trucc. Thn minister replied ho was willing carly t0(iay an,i presented to Secretary Hay
17,000. Rolnforcements aro nrrtving daily, provided tho Chineso nimo no closer, 'lho Bomc 0 the latest correspondenco that has
shell firing then ceased, nnd ovcrytliing is pMnCd hctween LI Hung Chang and tho
now quiet. Imperial Chineso government. The mlnls-
Wo now hone thnt, having defeated tno ... (ianntches state that on July 19 LI
Chineso, relief Is Hearing us. wo uro nu chane and several of tho most Influ
exhausted with constant standing on guard, ctuai viceroys memorialized tho emperor to
lighting, building bnrrlcades and digging extcnd protection to all foreigners In Pekln
trenches both night nnd day. ,in,i clBowhcro In China. Tho reply to thlB
All the legations except the Hrltlsh aro memorial was delayed for Borne time and
utterly wrecked by shot and sholl. The tj,0 viceroys presonted nnnthcr petition ask-
Austrian. Italian. Belgian nnd Holland inc thnt tho ministers should either bo
buildings nie burned to the ground. The KVen safo escort from Pekln or that free
Hrltlsh legation is also mucti snauerca. communication should be opened between
Tho United Stntes marines Btlll hold u them nmi their governments. Tho reply
vital position on the.clty wall commanding t0 thls last memorial has not been received.
tho legations, hut after lis dispatch by tho viceroys LI
After a brilliant sortie on thfl night ot iilln(; rhang received an answer to the
July 3 Captain Myers succeeded In driving nrBt memorial. In which the emneror. bv
back the Kunsuh mounted troops, uuring imperial edict, ordered all loyal Chlncso to
the fight Captain aiyors was sugnuy protect foreigners In tho empire.
......,t Q.nrfltnrv Rnlilri.R nf thn ITnltnd I MAii...,in. i.. . .11
, . , . v. 1.1 I " IllllHir.,. ,,v. . 4 ........ . .. . v u IUU IllfS WIIJ III IUU lllDliaiUll ITfllU
liospltal ship c lef I Resented to' Secretary
for Taku. Japat o hospital Hhlp alterna - (Qr ,ervcpll throughout tho siege. Ills uv. lt waB ...colved by Minister Wu
nig unn m. un ..i."... moi-mcu. .....u- mintMr Mner ence and energy are inva u- i.. mi,iniht frnm i, ihinnn ,ni.,ia.n.
tenant Leonard's condition more favorable; Mnnv . ,nd res were captured , ,," ...,., rnu.d n tni...
by Captain Myers. from pno Ting Fu of tho sixth moon, 23d
Wo fenr that treachory is possitue wnen (,ny (J,,iy jn), tMat tho privy council had
HrlnK he Slpk nml WounUpil
Soldlero nml Nullum from
WASllINtlTON. Aug. 1. Tho following
rablegram was this morning received at tho
Navy department:
"TAKl'i July 2!t. Solaco with sick and
vounded proceeded Nagasaki, Yokohama,
(iuam, Honolulu und.Maro Islnnd, live ma-
rlues -and navy olllrers. live army otllcers,
nine navy men, nineteen marine, sixty-live
Ninth Infantry. All men will lemaln aboard
Holacn unless otherwise recommended by
army medical authorities nt Nagasaki or
Surgeon Anderson at Yokohama. Army
Woumleil ChliiPNp, on Account
Their Trenehery, Wore Sum-miirll)-
1'ut to Uenth.
.lenrneunn Covprniupnt Tiikrn
C'nrx nml Hlilpx 'I'll em to
(he Interior.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1. August 1 was tho
dato set for tho assembling of tho Nlcara,
guan congress In regular session. Ono
subject to como up was tho confirming of
the decision of tho courts and tho official
rendered. Tho prisoners Include foreign ar- BH of ti,0 Jmperlnl troops under den-
tlllcrlsts. ,-ral Tung Lu and ( Tung Fuh Slang.
wlmun rnllnntlv la n mil 11 llilfil III Ittltinrlfil
PAPER MONEY THEIR RUIN decrees, although it has consisted In bom
barding for nuo month defenseless women
Ilnprn Tnkp It unit ll Miim Willi and children cooped up In tho legation
'I'hPin lr. llothu Dined shot and expanding bullets. Tho Chlnesu
lvlth HohertN. throughout, with chnrnctcrlatle treachory.
posted proclamation nssurlng us nf
RETORlA. Tuesday, July 31. Mrs. protection nnd tho Bnmn night they made
South African republic paper money Ih as
goad as yank of 'England notes, because ll
the liiittH of tholr rllltH. 'l ie lieutenant nbove mentioned, possibly reinforced hy ktnrvinc
unlH If U!i iifil null,, un hurl ua Mini lmt I I ftlfll vins,
under the clrcumHtnnces of thn nrrsent wnr congressional action. Oeneral Hotha'fi forco le kopt together by
In Chlilu they had been, and nrnbably would Tho Nlcaraguan congress at tho Bcsslon nvtmnrillnnrv lnventlnnK This eorresnniid-
!"..' ..".,0....!Uurf!'. ".'"''H . " ,.,..,.K'I.L V.'.0 begun today Is expected to tnko action olU has ueen an official circular assorting
nlng thoy had even Bent iho wnumied to with reference to tho acquisition by tho nm ljnui rtoberts was forced to
the hospitals In Tien Tsln, but they booh government or tno unitod iitntcs or a licit nouth of lho V'anl and that Lady Hobcrm
or fifteen miles wldo across escaped In a balloon
mnracing tno approved route,
to enstruct nn lutcrnccanlc
Dotha was tho guent of Lord Roberl at a Konerul attack In tho hopo of surprising
dinner yesterday evening. US- ,
Tho Hoer animosity to President Krugcr '.'Them Is still no news of Pol Tone
grows on account of the fact that he nnd cathedral.
his officials are persuading the pooplo that ..Tll(, WQUnded number 13S. Including tho
Amorican surgeon, Llppltt. sovoroly
wounded, nnd Captain Myers, who Is doing
well. Seven Americans havo been killed.
"Tho ministers nnd members of the lega
tions nnd their families aro In good
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 1. A special to
tho Times from Victoria says:
Lieutenant von Krohn, it German orllcer. H-,nrn,inn nf ,hn nf nnliitn
w in nrr vn.i nt vnUnimm.i I.. ,.,imi..ini. iviih dociaraiion oi mo minister oi puuuc
3i) wounded nnd Incapacitated Germans and worxs inai me nmo granted 10 mo .iari-
ouierH on mo sicumer worn, cnarierea ny time Canal Company or Nicaragua, whoso
tho Gcrmnn government, In an Interview i,n,inrt,.rs urn In Vmv Ynrk In whlrh
given nt Yokohama Just before the Qlen- headquarters aro in .now orh, in wnicn
ogio Hailed. Hays of his experiences with Ad- to construct mo lnieroccanic snip canai
m!WohVnX ASrnr.,H,n n Nicaragua, had expired and that baHC(,' on ,nnllcnnblo ntnte Bec..rltU.
capture of prisoners Is concerned, this wiib 1110 concession to uuu company is nun evcn tu0ush tho state should ho conquered.
nn Impossibility, ns the Chinese nro not civ- and void. As n. Enciish havo not recounted this
lllZeil TOr UUU KlIUl ni Wnrrare. TI lo ni-nhnhln flint tlin .nbnm nf hn .. . . . t .i
..Lieutenant von Krohn wns asked nbnut " " " rtv h In J m con.lclulo,n' " lny m rs" 8 .! ' .! ' hHh, Tho general health of tho com-
uio statement or a Uerman l nu t ie i"is- ' anu mucn misery prcviiiis. i ne wiven unu ...., , nxi.niint Iin,i wo nro content-
h,ny ii,n,n ,H ii, n ..,.,,i,i u.iti, fnrmllv w lh thn ilnclfl nn and dnelnrnt nn ..... n it munity IB exconent 1111(1 wo nro lonioni
.il-l..:.'"."-'"""-"'"" ' .. ... . C11UUI III ui iuu l.uuii. iiuna mi: ......un. ... nu.n,.,n rlf...
After enlmieratlng 1ho ciiBiialtlcs al
ready reported and giving Iho total of
deaths, Including American, Mr. Morrison
proceeds aa follnv:
"Tho Chinese undermined the French le
gation, which Is now a ruin, but tho French
minister, M. Plchon. was not present,
having fled for proloctlon tn tho Hrltlsh
legation nn tho first day of tho siege."
Thn dispatch ends ns follows:
"Thn greatest peril we suffered during Iho
siege was from fire, tho Chinese lu their de
termination to destroy thn Hrltlsh legation
burning thn adjoining I Inn Lin Yuen (na
tlonal college), ono nf the most sacred build-
ngs lu China, sacrificing the tinlquo li
uio nospiiais in lien ism, noi iney biiou govornuiimi m i
found nut that as long as a man was ablo 0f territory ten
to ralso a hand ho would try tn utiili the . .
foreigners, nnd us, moreover, tlioy found .Mtaragua, cmni
tlin nrlxnnnrH vei-v rnfrnctorv nnd lintl nil nn which to
I hoy I'OUld do to attend tO themselves. Iliey ,.nl TM pnnfrrnsii mnv nlun In.
i . i i i i.iii ,.ii i.i ...i,i. I null' " ..."
inu iii tii ranijinira in mu un ui in ni.n . ., ,,., ,i, rn.inn,i
n.'i vimi'iM mifi. cnnnraiiv HneaKine. iiereni iiihhj n..., -
no prisoners, hut kill everybody who utood 0r not, In tho ovent that tho government.
up against uieni.
and i
"amigo" trick on them, nnd whllo tho trick i,y the United States of thn canal,
worked nt first, the allien hoon gave orders ,
irisnnerH, nut Kill overyuouy wno moon or not, in ino nveni inui inn governuicnu
iigulnst tliem, l.'requently they found , tllB united States approaches the gov
ern win had taken their reel hadges ul l" " ... '' ,. .-,,.,,
clothes off In tho lwpi of trying thn eminent of Mcnragua on tho construction
II I Knreteil 'I'lmt ei( I'olnl of l(e-
Inlniiep Will lie l, ileiihiii'K,
Wherp Wlren Are StrnnK.
tn kill every Chineso who could Htiind. The
Chinese In turn (lecanltiitn and mutilate
every foreigner who may bo wounded or
killed and who l unfortunate enough to
fall Into their hands. On onn occasion n
largo number of Hoxers succeeded In en
circling nu Italian oltlcor with eight men.
nml wh In four of the men cut their way
through, the other four nnd thn officer wero
overwhelmed and literally hacked to pieces
with the long knives of thn HoxerH. When
Men Who Served lu l'lilllpplnex In
vited tn Denier AiiKiisI
lit (o 1.1.
DENVER, Aug. l.-Tho Colorado noddy,
Army of tho Philippines, today began Bend-
LOUREN.0 MAKQUK3C, Aug. 1. Tho
Hocrs havo evacuated Machodorp and, It Ib
reported, are preparing to retreat toiLyden-
burg, to which place they havo completed
telegraphic communication.
Lieutenant von Krohn afterward hhw the lrlg nut circulars giving tho program and Httlo fault generally, except with
Bbpi!r in'fmir'p'" ' "' f h "u !" , Wolock hosplt... at Capetown whirl,
cut up, auny corps, which will be held In Denver nald, wuh uni'peakable. It was horr
Asked what Win ChlnCHO did Willi tllfiri i,,,,0i in in l.'.. Thn clrcularx will lie
women mid old men. Lieutenant voii Kionii , ., lh n,iii,a;v orcnnlzationn in
Cnpe HoMilliil v foul.
LONDON. Aug. 1. Rudyard Kipling, testi
fying before the South African hospl'al
Inquiry commlfplon today, said he found
foul and drains ran to It
sn U iney miBriiie.i wi... .... ?"---.. mil u ,. , .,. finnn nn.iniTinMO IKI UCQT
tills was not pnsHiuie, ns in uio ense oi miu i mo tuuiin " u"i- r, .,..n.. UUIlll I lUIIO 111 II L.U I
viliago maen ny ma iuni-i. nu-y tm uu um an attendance u posHinie. iirnerai iiniu
said he expected that at leant 1.000 mem
tiers nf the Eighth army corpw would attend
the reunion.
recovery hopeful. jiiii.uo a command'
ordered Tien Tsln, HEMEY,"
Major iiiddios command coiibhis ot ,,, cfeate,j Chinese troops enter the city. tmu l)ay rcoelv0(1 nn Imperial edict, as fol
,..m. ...... ........ ...... Meanwhile we nro living in intense anxioiy lowg.
iuu uinui wuu w.i. .nil viiiui.iu uuu iuo .,,i w- tnr enrlv relief. "
itiiii iiufxin ......
Sixth cavalry.
Tho cabto from Admiral Remoy
' 'We have received the memorial of Ll
Huug Chang nnd othors Imploring us to
L ..... I itl II II..II.IIII UU llit'll ttiinniihui.
oiiuvyb iviimrr ni.i .--.". . ..." .,., , ,.. it,., mlnii. ..,i...
that he had sent home In the hospital ship HER LIN, Aug. l.-Tho National .eltung "'' . 1 " r
Bolaco those who wero wounded at tho say: "A Herman commander-in-chief Is ,,"tl0"8' "l1"" ", !
battle of Tien Tsln and those who were quite out of the question, a. (lermany has " " ' , """J n""K.l , e,c,teJ
... ...-.i .r. ' i .m,iirr in Tien Tdn." to wire to ang Au and others so that they
t7ta7t t- made' in- a reliable my Inform the secretaries for
In, at our disposal for conveying sick and quarter that moro than 20.000 men and 3.650 foreign uffa rt i accor '''K' e8Pt his.
wounded to Nagasaki Is welcome Intelli
gence and may relievo the situation ma
terially In case of hard fighting.
Another Letter from MneDuiiulil.
. f n,.rn,., rmv hnvo rennnded "This telegram lias neen delayed in
to tho call for volunteers for Chinese serv transmission. The other day I and other
lc0 viceroys sent a Joint memorial requesting
n-i, frr.lon nfflA hna tnlten nten tn nrt- me uiurrcui iiiiuisiuib uit rutin leu
.. . . . . nut nf p.ikln np that thev flmt bn' enuhlnd
vent unautnorizcn puuucauons oi r-mpciui - -.
LONDON, Aug. l.-It Is reported that William's speeches. At the second embark- to freely cammunicato oy letter or wire
nnother letter from the Hrltlsh mlnlslor at atlon of troops for China on Monday tno win umu .c,....r. ,..,......, v. ..,..
1.-1.1- ui- ei. ...i,. Mnnni,i ,i.,i ii.,i,in onrrn.nnnHnnts wetf, admitted onlv nfter an imperial answer is roceiveu i win again
t rniu, """"" .... ....... ,., ..v.... . ........ . ........ - - . 1 ... n I . ,1,1. Ml.l.,.. '
YN'edneJday, July 25. has reached Taku. The glgnlug a written agreement to pubiisn no wire. . T ,7 i.
Chinese government has renewed tho sug- report ot the tmperor' deliverance on that at St. Petersburg. Minister Yu at Tarls and
Sestlnn that the minister leave tho capl- occasion until the manuscript had been ub- Minister Wu at Washington, for them to
rt v& t n vl aii t ri fnpolvn alia If a.
ti, but the minister declined.
1 mltttd to tho fortlgn oOlce.
Inform secretaries for foreign affairs."
heads of the nomcii nnd children and throw
them In the river.
Ailvleen Iteeelveil nt M. I'elernhurK
Tell of Active 0ieru(inun lu VI-
ntully of Port Arthur.
ST. PETBRSHDHO. Aug. 1. Ofliclal dis
patches from the far east continue to
show that Russian military commanders
thcro hnve nil they enn do to copo with
armed Chinese In the territory adjacent shot on Friday, September It. for tho mtir
to Port Arthur. Russian detachments dor of Night Watrhman handnll. l no inur
nro uenklnc to disarm natlvo soldiers who dor was committed last year and Hawnrth
nro In the neutral zono contrnry to treaty was captured in Oregon and brought back
stlnulatlons. for trial
Fighting has occurred In various parts
Olllclnl lleiinrl of llurllnuton lluiul
Sim'IiUh l'n vnrnlil) of Corn
mil Smiill iriilnx.
I (nil Mnn Who Kllleil MKhl Uuleli-
iiiiiii Siimlnll lleeelves Sen
tence of Dentil.
FARMINO'ION, Utah. Aug. 1. Judgo Rul-
app today sentenced Jnck Hawarth to bo
of tho Llao Tung pcnlnsuln Ono detach
ment was twice attacked by Imperial
troops, clad as civilians and with their
military badges concealed by then
cartridgo boxes. Another detachment lost
CHICAtJO. Aug. 1 Tim Corn Hell, tho
official papor of tho Hurltngtnn road, makes
this summary of crop conditions In the
Nebraska Corn has generally been put
In a fair condition by tho late rnlnB and
small grain genernlly has dono well
Iowa Corn Is mostly In excellent con
dition, Small grains generally aro In ox
collent condition.
Northern Missouri Out of tho reports
sent in, nut one says mat corn i ui nu
unfavorable condition. All others aro fine.
Kansas Corn Is reported In excellent
Tllllelv I'rilllllNllloil.
PHIS, Aug. 1. Tho International Peace' condition In nearly all parts of the statu.
and Arbitration conference today adopted Small grains navo aiso uono very wen
a nronosltlon for the establishment, In con
in.etlon with the noace bureau at Herno Wnle TIiiiiiKn Miinlliihu .MnxutiH
of an International press service to bo WINNIPEG. Aug. 1. The following reply
ten killed nnd thirty wounded. A third huown aB lho pcaco agency, whoso duty to n message sont tho princo of Wales dur-
forco was treacherously attacked and lent wl, bo tnn pubicutlon of a bulletin bIiow- Ins the scBlon of the Masonic grand lodge
twenty killed, six wounded and four miss- tho .iavancPlnent ln ,i, interests of of Manltobn has been received:
In. peace. It will bo furnished free to nil "LONDON, July 29.-(lrand Master Free
i-i. thn nnnnrK nf Eiirone. Funds will b Masons, Winnipeg! Warm thanks for
SIMLA, Aug, 1. Another brigade of raised by fcubscriptton lo carry out tho J congiatulatlpus on success of HrltUh arms
i-l-l- ..ill k. ..Jo.l tn rhlnn tnmnrrnw. I nlnn. "PRINCE OF WALES."
I, U nil! W VIMV.WM " w . . .- .
1 1-i m nf Nev .11 1 ill ( or.
WASHINGTON. Aug. l.-M. Kognro
Takahlra, tho now Japanesn minister lo
Iho United Stntes, who arrived In Wash
ington yesterday, talked today on tho con
ditions In China and thn prospects for n
campaign. In a general way, ho Bald It
might be stated that Japan. If nneded,
cajild throw one-half of her army of HO. -000
men Into China, hut It hardly seemed
probablo that this would bo dono. Ac
cording to his last advices, Japan pur
posed sending between 22.000 nnd 25.000
men ns her quota of the International forco
lo China. Tho Japanese government, he
said, had amplo facilities for transport-
n g whatever troops might be needed.
Twenty transports already havo been
requisitioned 'and Mr. Tukahlra Bald thn
Japancso division rould be landed nt whot
over point was deemed best and In kurh
quantities as wero considered noenssary
by the commanders now co-operating In
XneDiiiuilil'ii Cuhle Con II rineil.
NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 1. Tho Hrltlsh
ambassador, Lord Pauncofote, who Is
summering heie, received word by cabin
tonight that a cablo had boon rorcived In
England from the Hrltlsh nilnlstor nt Pe
kln, Sir Claude MacDonald, dated July 21,
stating that the Hrltlsh legation had been
besieged from Juno 10 up to the tlmu tho
message had been sent and that during
that tlmo an armistice hud burn declared
Sixty-two persons had boen killed In thn
Hrltlsh legation, Including one olllcer and
two of thu legation Interpreters. Tho dis
patch further Included the hswh that thn
legation would ho ablu to hold uul two
.reil. UBi July 2l.