Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Only Meager Contracts for Supplies Let for
Home Garrisons.
Trnilmrri Who Itellril Largely on
SiiIiIIitn' 1'ntrominp Arc Cnni
lirllcil li (lit Out of lliinliii-n
('nil (ecu Unoil Kffeot.
Captain Harrington K. Wont, chief com
mlwwry of the Department of the Mlraourl,
has under his control the provisioning of all
of the garrisons In the ilcpnrtmcnt and of
several In other di-partrnentx. The commli
nary department Is likened to the steward's
department In a large hotel, where nuppllea
are purchased upon the basl of the present
condition of trade, nnd an unexpected Influx
of gumts makrfl It necessary to provide for
double the number anticipated. The busi
ness of tho commissary Is quite different
from that In the quartermaHtor's department.
Tho latter olllccr purchases ftupplleH which
nro not easily destroyed, while the commit)
ary supplltw are of the perishable class.
Kor tblx reason purchnfes must bo made
oftener. The longest period made for con
tract In this department Ih for dressed beef,
which covers a period of six months. Many
supplies nro purchased quarterly, but the
greatest nmount Is bought by the month.
Tho quarterly purchases Includo flour nnd
canned goods, generally, while tho monthly
Include vegetable., checso and other open
stores. Tho quarterly eotlmatcs are being
made out nt present. They nro for about
half tbo quantity required Innt year because
of tho reduction In tbo number of the troonn
In tho dpeartment, but they arc much larger
than tho estimates of July, 1808, when there
were but a dozen men at Kort Crook and
about tho iwiio number at tho other posts
for which provisions aro purchased by tho
Omaha commlnfury.
'untr .11 prelum In Suffer.
"The reduction In the number of troops
In the department Is having a bad effect
upon the business In towns near tho various
posts," said an army olllccr. "At some of
these smaller places tho principal trade to
Rlth the soldiers anil now that they havo
been moved many small mcrchantH have
clofiod their doors and gono out of business
until tho soldiers return. A few years ago
It would havo hcen well for tho wrvlce If
these merchants could havo been kept out
of business, but since tho Introduction of the
canteen system at tho majority of the posts,
tho character of the business conducted by
tho men who cuter to the soldiers' trade has
changed. Iteforo the canteen system was
Introduced almost every 'store' had an annex
-whero strong liquor was sold to tbo soldier
sub rosa. Tho real business of the alleges!
merchant was so concealed that conviction
was almost Impossible, whore the merchant
was guilty of breaking the revenue laws, for
many of them held government nnd stato
HccnBcs which wero produced when troublo
wsh about to come. Now tho soldlerH seem
to profer drinking beer on tho military res
ervation to drinking whiskey In tho towns
and thero Is not half tbo troublo with
drunkenness as formerly,"
Uelpptlven SaviiKc mill Iliinii Arrrnt
PIckpuekelM Who Have Nn
Mount lleiiutnt loim.
Dotectlvcs Savage and Dunn yesterday ar
rested four veteran pickpockets who bavo
been traveling with the circus. Thoy had
been In town less than an hour when they
were bundled Into tho patrol wagon and
given a frco rldo. This Is considered an
extremely lucky and timely catch, as tho
crowds attending tho circus would un
doubtedly have suffered at tuolr hunds be
foro midnight.
The crooks aro known ns D. Marvin,
alias K. C. Claud, alias Chittenden; Rob
ert Rodgers, alias "Tho Gorilla;"
Jim W. Ryan, alias A. W. Twead, and Tom
Whlto, alias "Kid" Manon. Thoy wero
taken about 10 o'clock this morning whllo
mlnltng with tho crowd nt Fifteenth and
Douglas streets. Kach was supplied with
tho linen duster of his guild, which is
thrown over the left nrm and used to
inaEk the movements of tho right hand
while plcklug a pocket. Tholr plnn is to
thouldor their wny Into tho thick of a,
crowd, Jostlo against somo one wearing a
diamond pin, gold watch or carrying a fat
purse, and, whllo appearing to bo very
eagor to got to tho front, rellove him of
Ills valuables
Tho sanw detectives arrested "Jlmmle"
Ryan, plckpockot, Sunday night. Ho Is
a pul of tho man giving the name of Jim
W. Rynn.
This qulntot of "diamond pinchers" Is
well known to the Omaha police, having
opernted extensively here during tho ex
position In 1898. "Tho Oorllla" lias been
arrested in every largo city in tho United
States. When searched nt the police sta
tion $75 was found in his pockets. D.
Marvin, hotter known ns "Kansas City
Claud," also has n nnttonnl reputation as
a crook. Tho pictures of both have ap
peared from time to time In tho Dotec
tlvc and other pollco publications.
Tho flvo men will bo detained In Jail un
til tho circus has left town. ft is be
lieved that thoy wero not given nn oppor
tunity to commence opornttons in Omaha
this time, ns no complaints of pocket
picking had been mnde to the pollco up to
the time of tho arrests,
Millard Merelinnt Wants Her tm Far
Her former llUHbniid'a
William Van Dohren Is trying to prove
Im Judge Vlnsonhaler's court that a di
vorced woman B rispnnslblo for debts
contracted by her husband before tho
separation took place. Tho defendant is
Mrs. Roslna Daemon, ono of tho surliest
residents of tho city and tho owner of con
siderable property south of Leavenworth
atroot. During more recent years Mrs. Dae
mon has lived near Millard ns the wife of
ono Albert Altcndorf, from whom sho was
divorced in 1S97. Mrs. Daemon's daughter,
a tall, blonde young woman, acted as her
Interpreter on tho witness stand,
Van Dohren, n merchant nt Millard, es
tabllshcd the fact that Mrs, Daemon, then
Altendorf, was in the hnblt of Incurring
and discharging tho debts of her Millard
farm, even though tho purchases might
havo been made by her husband. Van
Dohren claims to have sold Altendorf a
cultivator and somo garden seed, charging
tho purchnso to Mrs, Altendorf. Tho
plaintiff also has in his possession a note
for J50 nud claims for wages, the whole
mounting to nbout $200. Ho believes tho
widow should settlo the accounts, even
though sho no longer answers to the name
of Altendorf.
In her defense, Mrs. Daemon said that
T.'hatever purchases wero made by her hus
band were without her knowledge or con
sent. Sho added that Altendorf nllowod
her no volco In the management of tho
farm nnd had refused to tell her when pur
chases of implements woro made, Slncn
sho had no knowledge of tho debts In
question, Mrs, Daemon dors not think it
lust thut the merchant should hold her
DoWltt's Mttle Knrly Risers are famous
little pills for liver and bowel troubles.
Never gripe.
Strung- It rprmriitiitloii of Omnlin
T limcm fillers Will Me In At
tendance nl .Mllnnnkre.
With the settlement of the question of the
delegntes from Omaha to the International
Typographical union convention those who
will vlrlt that convention are beginning
preparations to attend. From the present
outlook Omaha will be more fully rcjirc
sented at Milwaukee than at any convention
In years, "Port" Jonrn, on the lnw com
mittee, will leave for Milwaukee next Fri
day and will meet with the committee the
following Thursday. R. C. Rowley, tho
other delegate, will leave one week after Mr.
Jonen, nnd with htm will go the visitors,
among whom will bo F. A. Kennedy and
wife, M. T. White nnd wife, Harry Wcscott
and wife of Council Blurts, delegate from
that union; H. S. Hoon and wife of Lincoln,
K. S. Flmer and wife and Harry Thackcr.
Mrs. Rowley will also accompany her bun
band. At Chicago the delegate and visitors will
Join a number of others from all parts of
the country and will make the trip to Mil
waukee In n whnlcback steamer.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky.,
when they saw ho was turning yellow. His
skin slowly changed color, also his eyes,
and ho suffered terribly. His malady was
Yellow Jaudlce. He was treated by the
best doctors, but without benefit. Then ho
was advised to try Kiectrlc Hitters, tho
wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and
he writes: "After taking two bottles I was
wholly cured." A trial proves Its matchless
merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney
troubles. Only 50c. Sold by Kuhn & Co.,
THAVIM.IMtS' 111' It DION S I, I FT I'll.
Aiientn Will XcmtV See thn They Are
Properly Prepnreil for Their
JmirtiejN Ihrr Hie Ocenn.
Persons coming from tho Interior on their
way to a trip at sea will now bo provided
for by agents whose business It will be to
see that they are properly located on board
their steamships. At the pier. If they come
over tho New York Central lines, they aro
met by n uniformed person who takes en
tire charge of them. Ho sees that their
baggage is checked, that they designate
tho trunks which are to go Into the hold
and thn ones for their staterooms.
These agents also greet the passengers
nrrlvlng from Kurope. The baggage of tho
passengers Is transferred to tho New York
Central lines. They are advised nbout ho
tels, arc advised on the subject of enh hire.
Their transportation, their sleeping car
berths and all matters of that kind nro
carefully arranged for them,
This service Is In tho ebargc of two men
of wldo experience In the steamship busi
ness. Captain Louis Ingwnrson is major
domo nt tho piers of the American, Cu
nard, White Star, Atlantic- Transport, An
chor, Wilson nnd Allnn-Stnto lines and
Captain F. A. G. Schultzo Is at the
North German-Lloyd, Hamburg-American,
French, Rotterdam, Red Star and Thing
valla line piers. From the New York Her
Friend Prnr lie linn Met Tvllh Voxii
I'll! j, nn II In Account Are
Kzra n, Ferris, city salesman for tho
Carpentor Pnpor company, who lives at 2518
Decatur street, has been missing since last
Friday morning nnd friends and family
think he has committed suicide or met with
foul play. The matter has been brought to
the attention of' the police.
Ferris Is a young man of exemplary
habits, and bis accounts with tbo paper
company aro in good shape. From his con
duct during tho last few weeks, however,
It Is believed he Is slightly dnmentod. Upon
tho theory that he may have wandered away
aimlessly, the police have caused bis de
scription to be printed on postal cards and
these aro being seut broadcast over the
country. He Is described ob 29 years old,
weight, 190 pounds; height, six feet, one
Inch. He woro a Gold ring bearing tho
Modern Woodmen of America emblem.
The Ilrst Itcmrily ror Illnrrhnen.
Mr. W. M. Cross, a prominent and Influen.
tlal citizen of Coryell county, Toxas, nays.
"I never bad such pains in my life as I
suffered when diarrhoea attacked mo. I
havo tried miny medicines, but none give
mo such relief as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." This Is
unquestionably tho best remedy known for
diarrhoea. It always cures and is pleasant
to take.
Special Exinrnlnn Via nock Inland
Special excursions, via Rock Island Routo:
Denver and return, $19.00, August 2, 7 21.
Colorado Springs and return, 19.00,
August 2, 7, 21.
Pueblo nnd return, $19,00, August 2, 7, 21.
Salt Lako and return, $32.00, August 2.
7, 21.
Ogdcn nnd return, $32.00, August 2, 7, 21.
City Ticket office 1323 Farnnm St., Omaha.
2 Trains to Spirit Lak
Via Northwestern Line.
Leave Omaha 6:55 a. rc.
Leave Omaha 7:35 p. m.
Only one change of cars If you
go via tho Northwestern Line.
Call at 1401 Farnam street
for round trip rates and parlor car or
sleeping car accommodations.
Mm. liiinnn .llnkra It Interesting for
Hint and HI Kxcuralen
Mrs. Mlnnlo Inman, who Uvea nt Third
and William street, loarniug that her
husband had gono to Florence on the ex
curslon steamer In company with anothor
worann, was at the pier at the foot of
Douglas street Saturday night awaiting tho
roturn of the boat. Placing her 5-months-old
babe In the arms of a woman who was
standing noar, sho rushed up tho gang
plank and opened hostilities upon the
guilty pair.
The husband was given a blaok eye, as
tho effect of a vigorous upporcut. Then
seizing her rival by tho hair Mrs. Inman
seomed to bo trying to wnvo her In tho
air llko a flag, when she was knocked down
by her husband's crutch. She filed n
complaint against him, charging as
sault nnd battery.
Heed the Ited Finn; of UuiiKerl
Red pimples, blotches, bolls, sores, are
danger signals of torpid liver, poisoned
blood. Cascnrets Candy Cathartic will
save you. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
A Selected Mat of Summer To urn.
Fifteen one way and nineteen round trip
will be found in tho Lake Shore's summer
edition of "Hook of Trains." Copy will be
tent on application to n. P. Humphrey, T.
P. A., Kansas City, Mo., P, M. Dyron. G.
W. A.. Chicago.
llnyllKht Trnln to Colorado Via llock
I ulii m! Iloute.
Will leave Omaha Thursday, August 2, at
6.40 n. m and arrive Colorado early same
evening. Take this train and wave- expenso
of sleeper. City Ticket offlco 132S Farnam
street, Omaha,
Kvery Comfort for the Trnveler
Is afforded by the Lehigh Valley Railroad;
vestlbuled limited trains from Buffalo; alto
Chicago and tho West to New York, Din
ing car eervlco a la carte.
nosTo.t STonu's cm:aiuno sams.
Most llemarknlile IlnrKnlna Hver Of
fered .Sinn nicr flood Sncrlfleed.
r,or ni'rMft.Es t-vin sr.
G.O00 plain nnd fancy gilt, Jet and oxydlzed!
mlng buckles nnd belt buckles in various
stylm, 'worth up to COc, In this eale fie.
$1.00 APRONS FOR 10C, 15C AND 25C.
3,000 ladles' aprons made of fine sheer
India linen, Swiss and nainsook, trimmed
with the finest laces, embroideries and In
sertlngs, with cluster of tucks, large nnd
small sizes, Including curse aprons; n small
number of theso fine aprons have been ex
hibited In our front show window, and the
regular price would bo up to $1.00; In this
saio loe, i5o nnd 23c.
Clearing sale of nil the Indies' and chil
dren's summer underwear, Including French
lisle thread trimmed with lace nnd silk rib
bon; many worth up to 35c; in this sale at
5c nnd 10c each.
One bargain counter with Immense lots of
almost every style handkerchief that Is
made, Including fancy border, nil widths of
hemstitch, nil pure Irish linen, lace and em
broidery trimmed, many styles, worth 25c,
go in this salo at lc, 3&c and Sc.
Largo bargain counter piled high wllh
many thousands of yards of all kinds of
wash laces, regular prlco 25c a yard, go in
this salo at Sc nnd Cc.
SERTINOS. All nice, now patterns, direct from tho
manufacturer, being trial sample strips, all
of tho very finest goods, worth regular up
to noc a yard, go In this salo at Gc, VAc nnd
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Ilnlf-Ilnte Kxcurntrtn to Dtnli.
While thero aro tourist rates to Salt Lake
City and Ogden and return in effect every
day, n special opportunity Is offered to visit
the world's greatest sanltury nnd health
and pleasuro resort through a scries of cheap
excursions to leave Chicago nnd St. Louis
August 1, 7. 21. These excursions leave
Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, etc., etc.,
on August 2, S, 22. Theso dates aro subject
to change If found advisable. No placo in
tho universe presents Buch n complement
of attractions as Salt Lako City. It Is tho
placo of the great Mormon Temple nnd Tab
ernacle, tho seat of ecclesiastical nuthorlty
of the Saints and tho homo of their prophet.
It is quaint, rurlous, and plcturesquo In en
vironment. Tho summer climate Is Incom
parable. There nre cool mountain nnd lako
resorts near by, the greatest of which Is
Saltalr Reach on Great Salt Lake. Here
you can flont upon tho surface of tho water
almost a mile nbove sea level. Wltbln tho
limits of the city aro Warm Sulphur and
Hot Springs, parks, drives nnd beautiful
canyons. Furthermore, the trip to Utah by
way of Denver nnd Colorado Springs over
the Rio Grande Western Railway In connec
tion with cither tho Denver &. Rio Grande
or Colorado Midland railroads Is one of un
equaled splendor. The scenery la tho most
magnificent in America. Send two cents
postago for copy of "Salt Lnko City the City
of tho Saints," to Geo. W. Hclntz, Gcasral
Passenger Agent Rio Grande Western Rail
way, Salt Lake City.
Second Ward Republican.
There will be a meeting of the Second
Ward Republican club at ICth and Pine Sts.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Good
speakers will be present.
Summer Rrorti.
For a book desarlblng the cool, pleasant,
healthful summor resorts of Wisconsin, sit
uated on the lino of tho Chicago, Milwau
kee & Bt. Paul Ity., address or call on
General Western Agent,
1504 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Omaha Tsnt and Awning Co., tents, awn
IngB, canvas goods. U and Harney, phone 183.
HAYDENs Gfeat Shoe Sale
Now Going on at "Big Store
The most marvelous values in shoes ever put on sale, 22,000
pairs of the very best shoes on sale at 46c on the dollar. Spot cash never secured
bigger nor better bargains. All styles, all shades all sizes and all leathers. Every foot can be fitted. A
double force of experienced shoe salesmen to fit vnti ntir nrnnprlu M
I he prices are marked in plain
"I O ff pairs of men's
very best shoes,
regularly sold at $5.00, 6.00 and
$7.00, hand made, vici kid, pat
ent leather and Russia calf shoes,
these are the French, Shriuer &
Urner make, well known to all
good dressers, we bought all this
season's shoes they had on hand
and can make the remarkably
low price of
pairs men's best
$3.50 andS4 vici
kid nnd volour calf welt solo
shoes, made by tho famous
houses of Myron F. Thomas &
Preston Ii. Keith tl
Co. , all go this saleM 1 V U
Come early before the crowds. Ev ry pa'r carefully fitted.
manufacturers' shoe s jle c e." held in Omaha.
Okohnjl and Arnold Park.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way company hjve Just plated In servlco
daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit
Lake, OkoboJi and Arnold's Park. Going the
train leaves Omaha at 7 16 n. m and ar
rives Spirit Lake at 4:15 n. rt Returning
tho train leaves Spirit Lako at CJo a. m.
and nrrlves Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the
best service that has yet been offered over
any one rojd. Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, $10.7o.
City ticket ofllee, 1604 Farnnm street.
P. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agent
Saturday, July 23,
cheap rate excursion
to Hot Springs,
via Northwestern Line.
Through Saturday sleeper
without change.
Delightful climate,
Delightful pltiBgc,
Delightful hotels
Delightful scenery.
Curative waters.
Call 1401 Farnam st.,
Northwestern Lino office,
Clieup Ronnri Trip ftnte.
On August 2, 7 nnd 21 the Illinois Central
will sell tickets, limited until October 31, at
Waseca, Minn., and roturn, $10.33.
Watcrvllle, Minn,, and return, J10.6S.
Madison Lake, Minn., nnd return. $10.63.
St. Pant, Minn., and roturn, $12.65.
Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65,
Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95.
Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95.
West Superior. Wis., and return, $16.95.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam
Card of Tlinnhn,
We dcslro to extend our sincere thanks to
the I. M. U. No. 190, tho George Crook W.
R. C. and friends for their kind sympathy
and consolation shown during tho sickness
and death of our beloved husband and father,
John II. Sheelcr.
Y uolaj.i.i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 . m 1 1 Pjn
On August 2, 7. 19, 20 nnd 21 tho Burlington WU
- ""oic, uiimiin iu uenver, 1'ucblo or
Colorado Springs and return for
The Burlington is the shortest lino-to Denver and
Its trains run on time.
Tlokst Offlo,
1 502 Farnam St.
1 Tol. 250.
figures. You never saw such
1,000 pairs ladies' fine 82.50 vici kid
Oxford Ties and Strap Slip- QQy-,
pers, on sale at VOL
1,500 pairs missos' fine $2.50 vici kid
lace and button shoes 1 r -
on sale at ipit)
2,000 pairs boy's $2 calf and tan goat
shoes, sizes 1 to 5 on 01 o
sale now at pi0
The Han Was Rfght
There cntne n man from nfar,
To cure IiIh UMnov iiitnrrh
lie took It with leisure
And pronounced It a treasure,
Ami says it way nbove par.
' Crnmer'H Kidney Cure T5c
Duffy Mult Whiskey Nc
Carter's Liver I'IIIh 15c
i Wine of V nrdul : "c
I (Jem Cntnrrli Powder ."Bo
Hlrnov's Cntnrrli Powder 35o
Dr. Knrl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.... $l.uo
, Miles' Nervine TSo
ocoii s i',iniuswii ,sc
Malted Milk 40c, 75c. $.1.15
Pliiklmtn's Compound 75c
H. S. S 7i.
Hood's Harsitpnrltln 7."e
llar-Hon 4i)o
J:ix Tablets '. too
Cnstorbi So
Pyramid Pile Cure 4'V
Sttmrt'H Tablets jo
Kiectrlc liltters vv
Pond's Extract 4ik-
'yer s uuir vigor 7r.e
S. W. Cor. Midi nnd Chlcnno.
to us and be fitted with n good
one: with a truss that Is light,
strong, and
and above all that will FIT YOU.
The FIT Is the Important thing
about a truss -If it chnfeo It
doesn't fit and If It doesn't fit,
better throw It nway. Come to
us und get n good truss one
that will satisfy you In every
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
tor, llllli and DimIrp Street.
Seller nod I'lttrr of TriiNnr.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tel. 128.
shoe bargains before.
From this same firm
wo secured several
thousand pairs ladies'
"mannish last" high grade
shoes; tho most comforta
ble and stylish ladies' shoe
made they aro worth $5
and $6 sale price
EAn pairs ladies'!
$4.00 vici kid and patent calf,
nana turned and welt shoes,
a aim woic snoos,
go in this
sale for
The greatest
All Summer
on s
ThiB is
must move.
and must
room is at a
.vant vou to
'in a i
m l I r
f ii i i an j ii i
Help you make money. Wo'n
ft !)
(A loaded with
to offer you.
nothing but
I wu
wain the counters and shelves for fall uiorchandiee.
Our Show Window
on Farnam street has just been trimmed with a full lino
of Nebraska clothing, and wo want you to look it over,
compare the prices, styles and quality. If you're not
satislied with looking at it, como up stairs and try on a
few suits examine thorn carefully.
$4, $5, $5.50, $5.75, $6.75, $7, $7.75, $8.75,
and up. If wo don't save you from $1 to $5 of your
suit money, we'll politely withdraw in favor of tho
other clothier.
in the favorite stripes, nicely finished, correctly tailored
only $4.75,
Women's Clothing
Every word wo say to you about our women's cloth
ing is weighed wo can't afford to electrify your expec
tations unless wo aro sure there'll bo no disappointment.
We havo no tasto for exaggerations and assumptions
of tho average advertiser. Wo say now and are ready
to prove it that no such values as we are giving in our
cloak and suit department have as yet been seen in
Omaha, either in or outside this store.
Our Women's Dept.
is as attractive as we know how to mako it not with
flowers or fancies, but gonuiho bargains throughout tho
entire stock. You can save moio money by coming hero
far your suits, skirts, waists, wrappers than can bo
saved elsewhere.
$3.90, $4.90, $6,75, $9.75, $12.75, $13.75, $15.50, $16.50
and up for ladies'suits this is tho grading of our suits.
You can pick from these prices to please your purse and
WOMEN'S WAISTS Some of those pretty ones left
$1 and $1.50 values for 35c and 45c.
Quick action hero all the time and tho results ac
crue and grow for your interest and profit, and ours also.
On the Fifth
Wo still havo some exceptionally desirable rooms
although nbout threo-fourths of the rooms wero rented
when the army hcadquarterH moved out. That is merely
an index of the popularity of
...The Bee Building...
The entire fifth floor has been re-decorated and pre
sents a most attractive appearance. An office here, in a
fire-proof building, will cost you no more than in some
fire traps.
R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents,
The Bee Building-, I7tli and Farnam Streets.
ooioooioot09oootoeo ooooooc
Coco Celery
Coco Celery
Coco Celery
Coco Celery
Coco Celery
Coco Celery
Ideal summer drink. Just the drink for
a hot day. Have jou tried It? Sold at the
Fourteenth nnt ".ukIa. Mlrnrln,
Visitors to the
Paris Exposition
will Und
on nle nt tbo
8 Place de I'Opera, Parta.
You i th. BEST notwithstanding; they
Goods Must Go
the season when summer stufTs
When tho fall stuff comep
bo taken care of. Standing
premium just now, and wo
holn us make room while wo
're not ovor-
clothing. Wo'vo no chestnuts
Wo'vo no jobs to unload
clean, crisp clothing, but wo
... ...
wo all nliould nnd can have, Come to us
and wo will send you away with tood ones
Our work Ik hutting and our prices moder
ate. Extracting Wic
Vitalized Air Mo
(lood Crowns, best ... $3.fi0
Talt's Philadelphia Dental Roonis,
1517 DDiiulim SI.
Dr, Kay's Renovate r '
Oiiiiriintt'i'ii to euro tuo very worst caatj
of dyxueutla, conHtlpailon bilious head
ache, liver nnd kidney At drucKlHts. 2Gc
and tl fiend fer Kr-o Hnniplo, Kreo Hook
and Free Advice In II J Kay, fiurutoca,
N. Y.
cost you no more thin Inferior uoodt.