The Omaha. Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED J UXE 11), 187 J. OMAHA, MOXWAY MOKNING, JULY 30, 1000. slnx;lh copy mvE obnivs. LONG WAIT FOR NEWS Another Day of Silenco from the Ghineco Capital Passed, DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTED ANY MOMENT DISAPPROVE KAISER'S WORDS l'ii I,r XIII llrndw n I'rotrnt of KurotHMiiii AkiiIiiM the I -2 in peror'n MttiiKf liijiinetlon. (Copyright, 1900, y Prci"! Publishing Co.) LONDON, July 29. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The kaiser's "no ciuarter" speech caused tho popu to enter a protest to tho powers against n war of extermination and vengeance being pros ecuted against the Chinese. Already the Washington Officials Look for Answer to Herman semi-official papers are endeavoring ., ,, T ! to divert from tho knlscr'fl words their plain mo numerous inquiries. meaning. The government will bo asked In the House of Commons tomorrow whether In nvput tlin Ilrltlsh force hnDncns to be SPIES GOING FORWARD FROM TIEN TSIN acting under command of superior German officers tho kaiser's Injunctions to refuse nunrlnra tn Plilnpftn u.111 1 n ntinvnd hv Tlrltlah Minister Wu is Still Confident That tho roldlers. Tho kaiser's words nro considered Legationers Aro Alive. to 'eprlvo Germany of her chance of pro- niiiih u v.tiii..i..iv4.;i -. 11 -inn. , iyi;iui(T was probablo In view of tho dissension of MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS ARE REPORTED powers. Lennox, with Mount for the Sixth C'nvnlry, Ix .Slutril o Hnve Itrut'lit'il Kolic, Jiiiinn, mill AV1II Slurt for Tnlui. BELIEVES MINISTERS SAFE Mm null ill ('orroniinlcii t of I.oniloii I'niicr Convinced Thnt I.t-unt lon it Art- Still Alive. WASHINGTON, July 29. There Is a LONDON, July 30. 3:4G .a. ra. Tho Shanghai correspondent of tho Dally Tele grnph says ho Is still firmly convinced that growing expectation nt the State depart- tho ministers aro safe, hut with the ex tnent that news of tho utmost Importance "I'1'011 of an alleged message from tho Japanese legation in rckln, dated July 19 brought by a runner, snylng that tho lega may be forthcoming nt any moment from l'ekln. It was even thought that some thing might bo received today, but this hope was doomed to disappointment. The few cablegrams that wore received referred to minor matters and did not touch at nil upon conditions In tho Chinese capital. It Is bollcvcd that tho basis for this ex pectation is tho knowledgo on the part of olllclalfl that certain machinery hereto fore set In motion may result In tho open ing up of communication through xomo secret but reliable channel. It Is known that n second effort hus been mado by our own government to get nnothcr mcs- tlon was Mill defending Itself nothing has yet been published giving anything in the naturo of proof. On tho other hand, with the dally Incoming reports of tho massacre of mUnlonarlta and foreigners, It leuves only tho most Blender thread upon which to hang n hope. Tho general situation Is steadily becom ing darker and a crisis Is said to ho fast approaching. It is rumored in Shanghai that 10,000 Chinese troops have been se cretly moved Into that vicinity and that tho command of tho Klnng Yu forts has been ordered to lire if further addition Is mado 111 Hm .vtivtl.n nnl.... .1. I .1 nirn frnm Mr Pnnrn, nn.l .tint nonrlv nil "' " buiu.. UfcCCIlilulB 7. " . . 1 "" ., ;.' ". e nver. Rioting has already occurred at Klu Klnng, tho mobs threatening death of the powers nlso havo resorted to prl vnto agencies In their own Interest with n like object. Tho fact has Just been developed that one of the last nets of tho lato Colonel Llucum before his death at Tien Tsln was to undcrtnko tho dispatch of a spy to l'ekln. Genernl Dorward, tho llrltlsh com- to foreigners With the arrival of tho second Japanese division tho number nt Taku and Tien Tsln will number 70,000. Tho river Hoods near Tien Tsin nro diminishing. It is reported that Hussions from Ilarhln havo arrived at n point 1G0 miles north of mandlng olllcer at Tien Tsln, also sent out it,Un nftor Bevcro flKhtnB, two messengers anu it is uoiiovcu mat tuo T10 shanghai correspondent of tho Times Jnpnneso did tho same. Up to dnto not 'wiring yesterday, says: ono of these messengers has returned to i lcarn that' Li ciilng Hong and Lu Tien Tsln, nor hns thcro been n single chunn Lin, governor of Klang Su, both word henrd from any of them. This fact, rahldly nro ndvnnclnir tnunr.l however, has not cnuscd tho abandonment pein wth Inrgo bodies of troops. Their oi nope u nu una is true in purncuiur ui advent must seriously affect tho situation tne mcssngo expected irom air. uongcr. thero. "Today the consular body decided that the nltltntlnn fln.vvn tiiln ft... n ...111 Minister Wu is perhaps tho basis for tnTV fnrpn , Ru'i Zr,C"J. ," ' uupw uu uur pun turn uu uuiiuiuiuB notlflfvil thnlr cnvprnmpiit. nnnr, ' unshaken conlldcnco in IiIb original asser tlon that tho news, when It does como, will show that tho legationers are alive. Tho mesHago reported to have como through Missionary Wilder at Che Foo is regarded as most promising. Minister Wu had no cablegrams himself today, nor had tho State department any directly from China. Nothing further has Veen heard us to tho Uato sot ror tho Begin ning of the movement toward l'ekln, and It Is remembered that tho details must be fixed by tho military commander upon tho pnt SITUATION GROWS WORSE CIiIiii-mc Ofllolitln Ilrronie I'nnle Stricken mid HefiiMi to Pro tect I'orclKiUTd. MINISTERS ARE HOSTAGES pekin women plan suicide CODY'S SHOW TRAIN WRECKED Edict Urges That Viceroys and Governors Negotiate for Peace. Will Kill ThftiiMhra Itntticr Thnn I'll II Alive Int llnmla oi B.ufm. i One Killed and Manv Inlnred in Collision Near Detroit. Oeeree .Stolen Thnt 1,1 IIiiiik CliniiK I" Incurring Iiuicrlnl lllNploitNtiri- liy HI 1 1 1-1 ti - mill Ih Communilril to Hurry l''urirartl LONDON, July 30. Tho Shanghai corre spondent of the Dally Exprtf-s, telegraphing yesterday, pays with llllueultj Mnjnrlly of tn- Juroil Uxpeeted to Heooor. DETROIT, Mich., July 20. Section one of CHICAGO, III., July 2P. Mrs. M, S. Wood ward of Evanston, when ehe wrote the last TOLD TO RESIST FOREIGNERS' ADVANCE w3"r CRASHES INTO SLEEPING COACH was her Intention, according to the letter, If the band in the legation building wero ciihnnnc I iNtrcril on Top of Cur niul attacked to use the first three cartridges iniurlNiitii-il Men Arc Lllierntr-d on ine assailing uinnece. men, it wun what other defenders cro doing tho Box ers wero not repulsed, she had decided to kill her daughter, lone, with ono of the remnlntng bullets nnd shoot herself with tho lnet, so they would not fall alive Into the Iluffulo Hill's wild west show train tho hands of tho llcxern. Buffered a severe collision near Milwaukee This pUV of news was contained in tho Junction shortly before daylight today, ro- "A new Imperial edict promulgated this letter written by Mrs. Woodward on Juno eultlng in tho smnshlng of n show employes' evening urgently urges nil viceroys and a after she snd her daughter had Bleeping car containing some forty sleeping provincial governors to endeavor to ncgo- made a futile attempt to escape from l'ekln. inmates. Ono of tho latter Is dead nnd nine tlnte peace with tho powers, whose minis- TIlPy found when they arrived nt tho depot others nro In Detroit hospitals Buffering tors aro 'held as hostages pending the io- 'hat so much of tho track had been torn up jrom moro or leis serious Injuries, suit of the overtures for tho abandonment It wns Impossible for them to depart, so Tho dead: of hostilities against China.' Nicy mndo their way with dlfllculty back to EDWARD SULLIVAN, aged 37, of Ilrldgo- "The viceroys nro also commanded to 'ho legation. ,)0rti Conn., porter of tho canvns car, who guard their territories vigilantly against Mr. Woodward has guarded tho letter with jcu (rom internal hemorrhage after reach- attack and to prevent by all means In their extremo euro, toyltiK when asked for Its lllg tMu hospital, power tho advance of tho foreign troops, cs- ""o by newspapers that It was personal lu rho Injured: peclnlly nlong tho Yang Tse Klang. Tho tone. Henry Eastman (nickname Nash), ago 2G, decree says that tho olllclals will answer Mr. Woodward wub out of town today, but ot iiochcstcr, N. Y., one of tho processes of with their lives for nuy falluro to execute bis housekeeper, Mr. .Martha Hoaglund, B,,no urokcn off, spinal cord as yet unuf- theso orders. told of the determination of Mrs. Wgod- fected. "Commands nro nlso given that not n "urd to use tho revolver on her daughter A j nurkholder, ago 21, of Bradford, Pa., slnglo foreigner shall be allowed to escnpc and herself If necessary. Mrs. Hoaglund crushed nnd Injured very seriously Inter- irom mo interior, wuero thero are still ram: i saw ine ie,icr. airs. ,oouwnru, naiiy. back and leg cut by window glass, iuuy -,uuu Europeans Connected Wlttl HUB- nuuuiun lu wuui nan uteii priiueu, wruio slonnry work, In Isolated situations. that she was armed wjth a five-shot revolver "When the governor of Shan Tung com- and that. If tho worm oame, sho would use munlcated to the consuls the Imperial decreo threo bullets on the Chinese, but would of July 21 ho omitted these imtiortant tins- save one bullet for herself nnd ono for her " I . i. DlIC .1-.. .... - . 1. n . .'.. ... I n I. . n . 1. n1... I uuukuici, du umi iuv; iiiifsuv nub lull tiiivo I Jf qui Noycs Mix, ago 43, of New Haven, Conn., slightly injured through elicit, hand sprnlned. Thomas Kelly, ago 28, of No. Ill North Elliott place, Ilrooklyn, N. Y., Bhoulder bruised. John Cuslck, ago 25, of rittsburg, I'n., right nnklo sprained, right side und leg bruised. George Hunt, ago 23, of Waterbury, Conn., contusion of both legs. William Ollmoro, ago 23, of Osknloosa, la., left shoulder and arm bruised, skin torn from right hand. At tho time of tho collision tho nnd g cars n.t - rvn...l T . I !....... .lorn.l l.,t...ln li.lil.i. i- .. ..., . . .. . . .. uu.. " ' .u,.. uuwdc, "'"b ....u.i.i.h ,u,i, uniicu, iiciicu mm i-rrss, ono oi mo icaaers oi ine reiorm iM.f.rr,i fmm ihn sages nddreteed to LI Hung Chang: " 'It In admittedly unadvleable to kill all Into the hands of the Boxers. tho ministers, but nlso unndvlsablo to send "She further snted that tho marlneo had them to Tleu Tsln. It will bo wiser to keen been ordered up by Minister Conger and the survivors at l'ekln ns hestages. You are that news had been received of tho landing commanded to hurry to I'cklnj you nro In- of tho relief force, thus showing that she currlng Imperial displeasure by delay. You Etlll had hope that tloy might ho saved." bavo bppn ntmnlnlpil vlrornv nt Phi I.I. hp. I causo with your military experience you wilt CHINESE IN 'FRISCO QUARREL DUIVI-ERIUII IL'iltl 1111V lIIIjliTIUI IllUllt-'SI ngalnat tho foreigners in Chi LI which Yu Lu, the present viceroy, Is unnble to do, ow ing to his Ignorance of military affairs.' "LI Hung Chang replied to this edict ask ing to bo allowed to retlro on account of his age. recovery hoped for. Henry Burton, ago 28, Westchester, riu, kneo cut, bruised about neck. Joseph McCnnn. ago 23, of CC Chambers street, Now York, contusion of right hand, Co ii Nil I fJeiiernl nnil Cclmtlnl 1'dltor I'olnt Out I'nnltn lu linuli Other. SAN FIIANCISCO, July 29. A flcrco dis pute has broken out In Chinatown between "Sheng now admits that he has had tel- Ho Yow, tho Chinese consul general, and tran consisting of twenty wagon ;rams since July l'J announcing that Tong K. Chong. edtfor of tho Chlncso Bt0ck cars, four of tho show's sleeping rery foreigner In Pao Ting Tu was mur- World nnd of tho Oriental nnd Occidental ,. fSrnn,l Trunk rnl,n,n nr l egrn ev Mlptvlirnn frnnlrnl in American mlsolonarles, and nnnouncltig also nssoclatlon, which seeks to rnlso an army tho Dctroit Ornnd Haven & Mllwaukeo hivntrrrenCh JCBU,ltS.a' 1'000 ol,velr,U nml overthrow tho empress dowager and ron(1. Tho' trnln wa8 benK pus',10l back. nn ?hn Tl, "Tel at Kw,,nB . "j1' ''J' restore the Emperor Kwnng Hsu to tho ward from tho "Y" at tho Milwaukee Junc- a Z ' . Sh?.n ,MUnK, a"J CH' U- tl,ro"0' Th0 t,,lllor UcvotcJ thrco paRes 'Ion, when It was struck by an outgoing "y VV...0...0 ..vw. nuuim i or inn Ainorican LONDON. July-30. Tho Canton corre- nimnvtent ul mu nan) 1 uiuj;i "V", u patch dated Saturday, savs: The Triads havo becorao numerous nnd threatening In Hal Nan. The. tnotal and tho local mnndarlns nro terror stricken and . . . I ,lll.,,. In Inrnlirnnra All tlln mla. A message came to tne war ticparwiieui .vv.....v ... . .... from tho quartermaster on tho Lennox, an- slonarlcs except threo havo left with their flouncing the arrival of that ship, together wives and families. ,,, with tho Conemnugh. nt Kobe. Japan. They Tho natives ot the Nodrla district of the hnve aboard the mounts for the Sixth cav- island wero so frightened that they nil nlry. and although they will Rtnrt for Tnku Joined the ranks of tho Triads. Serious dis- nt once, not less than llvo days will be con- turbancco nro expected between August 1 Mimed in this lust etngo of tho voyage. It nnd August 15. during tho festival to bo ... ....,...i ...ww n,.nnml riinffiH, would held to appeaso the shades of tho dcad..Tho euro to leave Taku without horses for tho Boxers nro charging large sums to tho Chl- Blxth cavalry, particularly ns, according to neso ror passports irom reKin io uen jsin. ..ii . ,n,,io,i ..nvnlrv is needed for Iao Yun Fu. tho black Hug chief, has re- euecessful 'operations in the flat country fused to inarch on l'ekln, unlcus Viceroy lying between Tien Tsin and Tnku. This Tak Su will furnish him with 2U.UU0 boi in.,n .nv ii..tnv nnorntloiiH until lato dlers. ,...n. woob thniiirli nt least a nor- The Chlncso authorities have Just disclosed tlon of the International column may start a Boxer plot, devised by Soon Mun, to blow on tho day llxed, nnmoly, tomorrow, as nurnncco lecelved here show that the Japan naner vrHiercinv to a i n - t n........ i ..i. . i rvi.- . nnnna, o , . l , . I " ' "I VllilUU 1IU1IIV lll-'IKUV IIUII1 lilU VUUUUHH n ,hr v . ii scorching or the consul general and nn was forced on top of Buffalo Bill's employes' oriels murdirld E ii IL L r an'Kea ex"OBUro ol hU weakness and de- gIci,pcr No. 6G( wlllcU wn flll0(, wltU'B,eCp. priests murdered In Hu Nan Wen were cepl(on. Ti,0 consul Kencrnl retaliates ng tent mid canvas men When tho In wrapped In cotton which had been soaked wl.h tIl CrnlnnatIon thnt tho editor Is i ,canvnB m.L"' , ' 1 with t-..rnan nmi r nn.(...i tn ' ' 10 cxPlanal,on 11,01 ln0 cuuor is jured men j,nii recovered from tho shock tho deaM. "ieved hat aU Lm nr. U"n,llUB " rcvolutIonarr P"'- wlllcl1 h" wrecke.1 sleeper was ehoppe,l open nnd the St. iUi b y Ume Seen'0",1! l ZT rTF """fi? Ut- and the wave of massacre is spreading to- ".110 V? lZ." Yow had caused his (Chong'a) relatives In China to be Imprisoned Ho Yow said: TOLEDO STREET CAR WRECKED "Ills relatives wero cast Into prison simply because thv wore In lcaguo with one I'vrsnn Mar 1I nml Ten Aro him to overthrow in&prescnt dynasty. injured In .Srrluun Ac- "Wo had documentary evidence "Sgitlnst cltlunt. them, showing that" tfaoy were In a traitor- i pi'RiulftVl'no not beYlGver- "r im-1 'iiJi.KUU, u., Jiny rj. rcn people wero "A fow months . ago n young man nnmeu " -vi.-nt tonight, ono Homer Loc, n graduato of tho Stanford of them wero only slightly" cioiirIv Threo university, started for China, presumably names wero not learned. The names oi uini,iiiij. IUn ii,( nnnntn tin fnr nn learned, nre ward Nlng Po and Hong Chow, from which point thirty English nnd American mission aries aro endeavoring to escape in boats down the river to Klnng Su. Olllcers here anticipate n general rising along tho Yang Tee Klnng about August 1. "An astounding American tntrlguo has been revealed to tho conouls hero In the rflPi8c"usfoms "placed In tho hands ot nn American missionary named Kergusson, who, nlthough he was an active ally of Sheng In tho latter's endeavors to hoodwink tho world with regard to events In Pekln, was supported by the American oIUcIiiIh In his claim to the appulntment of inspector gen eral." CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Korccnst for Nebraska: Fair; Warmer: Southerly Winds. Tcntncrnttirp nt Oimthn eolrrilnj l Hour. IItk. Hour. lien. n n. in 07 l p. in SI (I n. in ..... . (17 2 t. in ..... . H!i 7 n. in UN il t, in Ml H n. ni (Ill H i. m SU l n. in iMM SI HI n. in 70 tIUV'I SI II m. ii so tImImi f4'- is: m s:i V" H" CUBANS APPROVED DECREE l'niicm of IhIiiiiiI Ai, of Cull I ii it u Co Convfiitl 1 tli At'tlou litliiiiiil Bun creo calling d providing meets with HAVANA. July 29.T tho constitutional conveil for tho election of delegu almost universal approval at the hands of tho Cuban press, Tho element which lnu always clamored for Independence sees In tho convention tho probnblu consummation of tho plnns of a lifetime. Tho Cubnno gays that tho United States government has been "frank and honest In declarations thnt aro of vital Importance to Cuba." Tho Dlscu8clon publishes n strong edi torial In favor of the convention, but ex presses tho opinion thnt twice the number of delegates called for by tho decreo will bo necessary before tho convention Is able to represent nil the parties nnd there Is nnothcr element that takes a somewhat dif ferent Iew of tho convention and the powers which tho United States government seems nbout to delegate for Cubans. The autonomists, nnd Cuban merchants alike look with concern upon tho prospective devolution of largo responsibilities upon In experienced hands, nnd tho word hns gone around nniong them to try to elect the very best cIush of delegntcs posslhlc. Possibly they will rally to the buuuer of tho union democratic party. From this time on those who share these apprehensions will use their funds nnd In fluence to secure tho full registration of the better class of voters and to educnto tho peoplo up to tho Idea thnt It would be advantageous to continue tho American In tervention soverul yearn longer. Many ob jections are being mndc to the short 1 1 mo allowed of flvo days for registration nnd to tho fnet that thcro Is only one regis tration place for each municipality. Members of tho union democratic pnry aro foremost In taking exception to this ar rangement. Tliey bellevo thero will bu 15,000 delegates In Havnnn, above tho fig ures reached at tho municipal elections, nnd they contend that should this bo so It would bo Impossible, to enroll all who apply. WAIT FOR RATHBONE'S BOND former Director of I'onIh Ih CImmi Time- to St't'urt- Siiltnltlt-Hull, to lead tho reyoiunonary party, wuwu ments wero discovered, to prove his mis sion nnd to connect him with this reform association. On July 17, tho very next steamer after tho ono thnt Had carried the Injured people, bo fnr ns learned, are as follows: Mrs. Ott, face, noso nnd neck terribly hurned. Mny bo fatal. Miss Ott, feet, hands, hair and face HAVANA, July 29. Tho court before whom Esto3 a. Itnthbono, formerly director of posts, wns arraigned yesterday, nfter his arrest on charges of fraud, Issued nn order directing that tho prisoner be removed this afternoon to the cnrccl, but Lieutenant Col onel Scott, acting governor general, ad vUfiU,sUjftUh.obtalb1;dlflreinuln In tho vlvac until it was known whether ball would bo secured. His attorneys arc confi dent ot getting n satisfactory bondsman to-morrow. In'his prcdicamenf."",m,o?(U,utr(. Ua$ era! Lee. KILLS KING OF ITALY Assassin Sboota Down Humbert in a Crowded BULLET PIERCES HIS MAJESTY'S HEART Falls in His Carriage and Dies Almost Immediately. THREE SHOTS ARE FIRED BY MURDERER i Populace is Restrained with Difficulty from Seokiug Speedy Eoveugo. KING WAS ATTENDING GAMES AT MONZA Noun of tlit- Tcrrllilr Kvcnt Itrnrtica It nine nt Midnight nnil (lie l're- ( inter SuuinioiiN nu luiiitrillute ' MoctliiK ot the Cnlilnet. MONZA, Italy, July HO. Kin K llinil Itrrt Ihin lie ni iiMHitNnluiiteil. He it tlx Nliot litre limt I'iriiInK liy n in il ii ititnit-il Aiiki'Iii llrrnKl do 1'rntU nnil tllril lu ii tew mlnutr-a, KIiik Hiiiulicrt tiii nltot nt 10t4B tiVloeU lout rvriiliig nnd tiled nt llllltl lu tlit- cvi'iiliiR. Tlie murderer eynl eillly nvuttftl IiIh Knltt of tlic crime. CELEBRATION IS A FAILURE .1.1. ..., Amnrlnntl. Homer L.CO. IOOK " . nnPlUII I DCtPUCC PUIPAHn ",m ' .1"? ' " ,. v, Miss Llda Hnrtzell. face Durnou, necic nuunniuu I.umuiiuo ..inuv wg kbi ce. . . - injurtM, nnd arms bruised. Very serious. Two IlnyH' I'rouriiiii Arriiuui'd nt .Mllllllll AttilUfllM o nillllllHlllNIII AmoiiK tin- I'coiile. Tho king had been attending n distribu tion of prizes In connection with a gym nastic competition. Ho hnd Just entered his curriugo with his aide do camp, amid the cheers of tho crowd, when he was struck by three revolver Bhots fired lu uulck suc cession. One pierced the henrt of bis ma Jesty, who fell back and expired In a. fow minutes. The assassin wnn Immediately nrrested nnd was with soma dlfllculty saved from tho fury of tho populace. Ho gave his name ns Augclo Itrcssl, de scribing hlmBclf ns of l'rato In Tuscany. Mlulxti-rN nt Home CulU-il. ItOMH. July 30. 3 n. m. Tho nows ol tho terrlblo event did not nrrlvo hero until after midnight. Senor Snrrnco, the prcmlsr, Immediately summoned n meeting of tho cabinet nnd tho ministers will Btnrt at the earliest possible moment for Monzn. Tho prince und princess of Naples aro on board tho Yela, yachting In tho Levant-Amniini-Iii In nu Auiirt'hlNt. LONDON, July .10. Angelo llressl, tho nssassln of King Humbert, according to a ppcclul dispatch from lloinp, dated today, is an anarchist, r I?xirtnNlon of Ilnrnn lit I'uvn. NEW YOItK, July 29. Owing to tho late ness of the hour at which tho news of tho nMnsidnntlon of King Humbert waa ro cither Contiul urneiiu .. suIb Albertl nnd llurdcso. Ilnron Do Favn, tho Itallnn nmbassndor, wns nt Seabrlght, N. J. Ho was much United St nt Ciuiiiiilxxloni'r to t'lilnii TnlkN on tlio llittli-N He fori' lllni. Miss Lizzie Kuhlmnn, badly bruised on nnr!Ar.n .Tnlv "fl. Snee nl Cnrara s- tint omulro nnu marcn Bloner AVllllnm II. Ilockhlll, appointed by not long ago that wo succeeded In Inter file government to nsccrtnln the real sit- ccptlng nt Canton piore than 4,000 unl uatlon In China, passed through Chicago forms Intonded for this reform army, on his way to tho Orient. Ho arrived nt They had been manufactured In tho straits 3 o'clock nnd at 0:30 wns speeding toward Eettlomcnts nnd shipped from Singapore. - , ...i i t, n 1 . .l,n ntianrillt V nt tllO As- up the Mansato temple and to destroy tho - -. - - ; " 10 ... ,;"-""-":'.,.- ,. ro. fnntnnps,. nl!lrlnl!i wh n nerform ne cere- '"l1""10" v...w.v .... chhiub iii.ii. i KUSl O. IVUL-IMilll Mttuiuiwiiaa II' . JOTin IIlOVeillUHI. u distressed nt hearing the news, but rld to tho ABsoclnted I'ress thnt ho could not glvo n... B(nlnln.illl lllllll ll.l lltlll llflM nt m ...X.VV. T..I.. 01.1t.tH m lt.Mllo,l ""- "". " w"'.,:: "T.; t; ynn-' ,... . nclally notined by his homo government. Miss Sophia Kuhlmnn, chin badly burned .. .. . . b g intcrno and his Kline lluiiilifrt'M .Siifet-HNor. . . . 'rtQ nf and nrm bruised. nnlltlenl followers to commemornto tho am- KANSAS CITY. July 30. Jerome Fcdoll. contents in ims """' mi aw.Io n.ienea. fnco Bcratched. nrm - m. .., . .. .. . . . - .. nnmlrn nnd march to l'ekln. It was . .i ,... i,,i,i nraiy tcsuiim u iwmu. mv i'.-i"-- "- Italian vice ronsui in Italians t.,iiy, wan HP r; "n ,sln h.,d .gh "hocked when ho learned of tho a. ,,.,, esieu. railing io pe nenu, race ami uiihw uiuwcu n.. uu.iu-... James Myers, Kim street, burned ubout fnco and hnuds. Wol. Is head of tho revolution, nway from ...... i .n u ...n n f:ninfi. 'i iir lionoiiiiu uu niv;" ' '- - nrmn from fnlllliE from car. plan of Homer Lee and his Chinese schem- rm. from '""''r"': ers wns to raise nn army of 40,000 mni liereclve any tangible Is necessary to refer They were taken into adjacent drug stores and physicians summoned nnd their Injuries cared for until they could ho tnken home. Tho nccldent wns it peculiar ono. n thouch the good will of the Japanese was have attacked Canton, looting tho city nnd ' " . although tne goon win ui t i ...,,,. ,nmr, n,i nil tprnn When asked If ho would endeavor to reach vr suspecte, , n.r ,",.' - " ;'-"" " " ' rckln to treat with tho Chlncso govern Is concemeu, ine Kiiowieuge " ' " , m(,. .iiroct ho renlled' . . . .i.i tn. I nort Hint l'rlnco Tuan offered rewards mcni uireci, no rtpiun. secretary iiiik unu ........., i ...... .. . ..... t,..rnlv nt I In. nil l.nfiila nt fnrnlLMinrH hmtlltht tn 1110 1 in, frnm inn rommniiuer ui win i,uik.w, h. i .... d i . , ..... . i ....,. .... i V nnKonc o ntlng that ho has Balled for yamen In l'ekln. Tho Iloxers, finding It nun ' ' ''u'" bo made a princo oi t.uu .u,. u.. , sitJtSi 2-"3 TZZriXpSX ES1Hs:s3;t obstacle1.ust meet In their proclamations. It proclaims that y.Becon Btroot whcn n blinding llash paf lil imiini. xmo to tho Ilcfnrm lr : . i.... ,, being present thnt thero should bo no speeches .n.,.i ti nnn Hhnll he mnde "I think not unless circumstances war- vlceroy nnd nny ono giving J10.000 ..shall i1itI.(i nassorshv. Tho Injuries nro of such a character that .. Iftt... nf tltilv effective results of amnesty they Bay they , ,h , , , can see no reason for celebrating. King Humbert wns greatly beloved by Judgo Tnft nnd his collengucs of the com- his people," Bald Mr. l-ctieil, and I cannot mission felt constrained to decline to at- conceive why nny ono but n crank or nn tend tho banquet, ns they had been Informed nnnrchlBt should wish to take his life. Ho thnt tho speeches would favor Independence wnB K00(, ,, hm, nm, -.runi,!,,. i kuow under American protection and they could , .. .. ... . ,,,, ,n not passively lend their acquiescence by ,l uih) inn i , u j uia unlink pun, .nu w. Nnplcti, who Ih u young man not yet 30 years old." Hrport from CooIIiIko Tho War department received n cable gram from Lieutenant Colonel Coolldge, who assumed command of tho Ninth in fantry nfter the denth ot Colonel Llscuiu, giving a portion of tho part plnyed by that organization during tho lighting at Tien Tsln. Tho report Is ns follows: "Clto Too Corbln, Washington: Six companies oi, tho Ninth Infantry, under 1,1 scum, with marines commanded uy .Mcnne. J tttratn. REPORT WHOLESALE MURDER lloxerH Are Snltl to Ilnvc Killed For eign l'h xlelitn nnil TlioiiNitndrt of Cont crtii. at all. "I shall make my headquarters at Shnng- hnl and Investigate conditions ns far north ward as circumstances nnd tho troubled CO keep ml that mont to 1'fUln. vrcw YORK. July 29. General James 11 The FALL BACK TO PRET0R A provost s precautions wore extremo. u no gunrds wero doubled both days and tho authorities forbudo tho display of Filipino (lags and of pictures of President Mc Klnley nnd Agulmtldo fraternally framed. Tho llesta Is generally ronsldered to have been premnturo nnd unfortunate. ttiiplt.n Inat VAfllr'a annlltltit- tnli Amnp. connecitiiK .. - "'"" leans wero killed and fourteen wounded. i they aro In every lnstanco extremely pain ful. Tho car was provided with the usual two light circuits, but the crew are ot tho opin ion that during yesterday's storm lightning struck" tho short circuit und cut It out. This left but ono circuit unprotected with the Lortl llolit'rlN I'l ml n It I'xeleHH to l'x Iit'iiil Knt'rKlt'M KiiliiNt tlic IiIiihIvp l'of. iru as circumstances nun tuu tiuuuiuu ...... - . uvi.nKln-n i .ii... t,n... n,.. v linns wrru Hiueii uim tuutimi nuiiiiuuu. million will permit. My sole duty Is to Wilson departed tonight for ban overcharge of elec trlclty. Jus t ho . . pm,0H wore ep the president and secretary of state where ho will embark on Aubim t 3. on tl io pIo,lon 0CCUrred not known, but the clr- mci nM eMy Forty TOKIO. Saturday, July 28. It Is reported I from Shanghai thnt tho Iloxers attacked tho lolned ilrltlsh forces under Oenernl Dorward millenaries and native Christians at Pao summed up In two words. 'Investlgnto con in con unction with French and Japanese Ting Ku on July 8. A foreign physician dltlons.' In case the government has fur nnd nttneked the southwest part of tho nnd 2.000 converts wero mnttsacrod. her orders for mo they undoubtedly will vised ns to tho h tuatlon. Outside of Jnpancso sicumur m. - rauiu..........,.. ... " . surccnt rllles wero enntured. constantly reireating loe. I nm not emnowered to do nny thing." Ho was nccompanieu m insiunuy uiiuu uu .u.... ,.u..v.a y. noneral Hothn. with ticvcrnl "You nro not invested wan pienipoien- teiuun. j. - ... - mm h irj nf-VV -UnLCANO ,,0,rB' "KO nenorui lyiirmuuu uunn, tlnrv power, then?" Turner. . . and astonishment were followed by men and V"i- v,,l',-n,,v' tliu eluded Iird Uoberts' grasp. "No." ho nnswered. "my orders enn bo When asked If he thought that tno onous WI)lmm failing over each other out oi iuo i!llBu. i i)ui,. over (leiural Dclaroy Is besieging Q LONDON, July 30.-3:31 n. m. Operation! In South Africa havo ngalu arrived at a sort of standstill. Pretoria telegrams an nounce that Lord Kobcrtn hns returned thero with his staff, apparently finding It useless to spend his energies against Commandant thousand has .viu.i nv t ilnvlireak Julv 13. Tlio Ninth Tho Chinese genernl, LI Ho Ken, Ii now oo cnuie i I . , ttl.l tT Unwm nx.lnrnil Vila Infantry on tho right wero cast of tlio soutu marcuing . x4u u. . " ...n.,i im fiiiinii tnTppH frnm finiik- I troops to exterminate all Christians. Al- Ing fire. After being under llro for llfteen ready ono French prleat nnd from 2,000 to hours they wero drawn to tho other mud 3,000 natives novo oceu biuuhuiciiu wall at night. Tho Ninth Infantry had .,., 1,111., .1 .iviv.nlnn wnnmlpil. ono I.t'liVO Culm for t lllllll. missing, out o'f 420 engaged nt this point. SANTIAGO I ) E C I ' A J ' ' l Y 2 9 JTJ1 ? Company A. posted nt the railroad station ond battalion of tho Hfth United States In emit of tho Pe' Ho. was exposed to heavy fontry. Major foreign forces In China could bo merged c.r U,at such a thing wns possible nnd that It MINE HORROR IN MEXICO depended largely upon tne. skiii ami uu.i Honor of IIihIiiht Killed t'liurlCN, encral Dadeu-Powell nt Rustimburg, In western Truusvaal. Tho relief force Bent to dnnofal linden-Powell's assistance under Colpuel Dorden commanding, will .hrnnnnl flrn. lnalnir tun kllln.l nml BOVIM1 leaVO ttmorrOW for tllO United SttttCS by tllO vim,l,vl In ml.lltlnn tn ll.n fnrnnnllli?. Oil tMniPOrt McPlllTSOn. TllO Companies at the morning of July II tho Japanese blew aunntannmo nnd Unracno will bo taken up tho south gate entering tho walled city, aboard en route. Tint nllled forces entered the town. As- The olllcers have received Instructlono to signed tho southeast quarter to tho Aroerl- prepare warm doming tur n-.u ti. nR lijet mllnR o tll0 j.-nKnsu niissionarles cans ror ponce and protection, guards campaign mm m ;v v""""" ltoblnson und Norman, says: wero CBtabllshed In tho American quartor, snortiy uer arriving at . iom. Tlie mt8SonarIe8 nt Pao Tung Fu have which was already on fire. The Ilrltlsh All the men nro enthusiastic nt tho pros- fflr ml wac, to0i rPfuge j t0 .eavo comiunnder highly praised American sol-I pect or active serum m uiiiuu. there. With thq. railway destroyed nnd dlers for nrduous work and gallantry In ; coat travel certainly fatal, they cannot leave rnmmunicntion to Aieaue." I iinneooK iiiih nnu lr ltooltlilll ilnpn nnl fpnr Mm nrnsnnet nf tlin i?nnnrallsslmo. In view of tho press boforo her. Ing needs of tho situation no saiu mm fnii Riirn that there would bo no great uu- SYMPATHY WITH THE BOXERS ncultles in tho organization of the nllled forces. Letter from MlNNloiiury Di'IiiIIm the Little At't'ompllMlii'il liy CIiIiii-hi! TroopN. NEW ORLEANS, July 29. The city Is niekmnn. nrnved too weak to ho effective Jinny AVnrunieii Are i. i t- very quiet nnu mosi oi ino precautionary aluj wag obliged to fall back on Pretoria. low Hie Stirfiiff .mil suiioouietl measures havo been dispensed with. Nearly Th0 0porntlons havo been hampered wl' VJ. .... ...V... onorntlons havo been hampered with all of tho l.noo militiamen havo been re- 1)ad Wenthcr. thunder Btorms. nccompanlcd 1 ti rlntnll nf (u'in(v mnn lmlnir l.if I . . . . . . . . . MONTEREY. Mex.. Julv 20. Tho govern- , .7., '.' 'v lnieuso com. i.iouionnni aincwircn aim NEW YORK, July 29. Tho American Rl- blo society has received a letter from Charleo F. Oammon, its agent in Tien Tsln, datc.l June 4. Mr. Oammon, nfter detailing tho events up to tho date ot tho letter, Includ' Hh said that thrro would bo much prep aration required for the ndvanco on account of tho scarcity of forago nlong tho route, "it will be necessary," nald he, "for an army to tnko great quantities of supplies. Tho country Is poor. It Is a low plain, al most devoid of vegetation. Thero aro no trees of nny account which could bo used for firewood. Tho natives even scrnpo the bark from tho trocs to got fuel. They burn weeds and rlcestalks. Thpro is llttlo to bo got by foraging, and there Is practically nothing to plunder, and an army would havo to tako supplies of overy kind, Including fuel nnd water. The question of supplies ment authorities havo been notified of a 0 "J l, 'aki n o t to potters' thrC 1I"'"h"""le liavo 11 ,,)"oaure' i,rit,in f-ntnatrnntw. nt Mntnlmnln n ihrlvliiir " " 1 llm,lfH was ",K,ri out to pollers n8 w j 8 Inany Worses and cattle nEln fl"1'1 b0fOr ,lay"Kht nml "UrlCd bCfr U' A lflI""c" th0 nn"y Telegraph from n J r juT. V0 a 1 ri okVL a t public knew anything ubout it. This oven- Lourenzo Marques says thnt President ?' S,a," J" l '" ' i , I, . J "B ' cnM ',ollce bnnlc.l. fifty men KrUKr , now lt WntorvaIonder. Ho adds l.ll l UJi 11IIIIU ...... ...W ......b.M .uw... reach tho surfoco many of them wero en tombed und either burned to death or suf focated. The llro raged fiercely for suveral hours. Eleven bodies hnve been taken out and others are known to bo In tlio pit. It Is being detained ns nn emergency squad. tlmt xA aM i exnected nnd that If tho There is considerable dispute about who ,, nre beat-n President Krugcr will trolt killed Charles, principally between Dr. C A. Nolrct, n medlcnl student, a member ot tho citizens' police, nnd Private Anderson of tlio First regiment. Six ' hundred dol- lnrs In rewards hinges on tho decision. Tlio through Swaziland to Delngna bay und tako a Btcauier for Europe. ... . . imuij ........ la ,n fnct. th0 nrinotpal ono. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal July 29. The " . ",," t,,nrn,,nM in "Furthor than that lt is uiiucuit 10 . -ll.l .1 i .11. ,n 1 " n-.T . . ,, Wllr.I-.-T -VT A I lllllinTf nn im HH0n IinnCOCK BailfU HI 1 1 ...i.i. .l. 11 ,!,, lu nnnon tn fnov. fn. II1UCI1, Ulllt I MntA I I U KILL lYlllllol tilli ,, or TaKUl China, via Nagasaki, with " " ' .-iT , tho position of Judging tho - .1.. III I'll DlllLVJl LlllllUllhtl U IIHlllDbl MHX 1 ... ... thought tno loss oi me win reucn iniriy. monoy WIU probably bo turned over to Thero Is great excitement In tho town nnd t)lc8e two IIU1, aml oy tllnm donnted to tho tho missing cunnot bo accurately deter- fllnd gtarted by Mnyor Cnpdovlllo for the mined, When the fire was discovered Ra- w,0Ws of murdered policemen. raon Oomez, tho foreman, descended the Mnyor Ciipdevlllo has rigidly enforced SITUATION IN TRANSVAAL Wur Ileiinrlnifiit llpt'olvi'n Dlwpiitch from HoIiitIn tilvliiK lli'lulU of C'uiiture nf Trnln. LONDON, July 29. dimcult to say Blmft nn'1 wcnt lnt0 Ul burnlnR chnmbcr his order to keep saloous closed today. The occupied Mlddloburg In the Trunsv to bo plnced In for 11,0 I,,,rP0S0 of Hl'""K 11,0 unfortunate results of tho week's events will probably 0unera p30.Cnrow with tho (3ua: situation before llnors' 1,0 w" overcome by smoko and be the rcorcnnlzatlon of tho pollco force. Ba(lo Uaa arrived nt nrugsprult, -Oeneral French hss insviial nnd irds brl- twenty I nn, aiimi il a hn.iv i fia imnn rnpnvnrni I ...... . v..v.i. rnSTir. - XTlJl-J ISTTo i,.t..r,iiitliiiiiil I'lirun Jlfiiua .. . Tho railway nuiimrnie aro nhnuiib nam . n.innniinn. it i IMLLO nlO Yilru nliU tOuHruO .i... .;... i ,i.,ici..r t.. tim I'niipil from Lord Roberts explaining that-only ont o-nerui M--err. aU'U to maintain communication with , I alt n ( he ' ; -"-" . Hutts.' urrl vl l.rtV today on his way to train was captured on the night of July tl , ., ., .,ri- Murileri'il heads of tho department being llrltlsu), nut 1,' ' r ' ,i,n,.iii. '" M," Prevt'iiteil from Miirili rlnu Wuslilimtuu. He Is uccompuniou by ins i)8twcon Kroonstad and tho Voal, nnd that ' BERLIN. July Chlnce legation NDON. "H the line Is T Sfl?. lolaTnTXr IZTZfcT A "'"VZ HW" 'TSln JR. U contained suppiles and two olllcer. and In llerlln has received a . mesaago from ,rom shanghai, doted yesterday, sayB that f bridges and stations, and trains ars ire- l" the allies must encounter It pity met the new minister ut the station. 100 men of tho Welsh Fusiliers. Bheng. director general of rnllays and tele tho ,.:n(.,uu ln,B8lon ,uon north of Ning auenjly roturnlng. being "nable to get lracog8lulo ,0 mnlntaln great hordes ELDORA, la.. July 29.-In a Jealous rage MoVP,P,N , nrmn t.h-..h July dispatch from Fourleshurg. dated July graphs, saying that ho has received a dls- Po ha8 boon destroye.l and twelve mission- rough. The chlncso t oops senMo guard win p gorac,Ulng on which they Otto Pennington nt Owssn today shot nnd a s, Mlcl.uols-P..Hsed-EmH. Vom 27. says that tho capture of Four t-burg patch from Peklu announcing thnt arles hnve been murdered. 1 'f line, hae failed to nccompiiflri any " '' " . , . ,f , prwPnce of thclr NflW Vork for Clenon, Naples nnd aibrul- wan preceded by heavy fighting to fnrco a SmVS." 2 .rtho'lnlernv T TTT, , S "wW e -llltary operation, the great children 'and'acvermcmbe'r. of Mr, Movlll(,Arr.vcd-Par,s.nn from Mon- TtSAl VVl 11 ROME, Jul y 29? T hlT O 111 cl l' Journal Land largelmemhers ot the Ilox.r so- base w,l j. tb. ea Wfc, SoTo Wh ffifi 'ffi Jr nt Servla from ZwlL'VZiX'JZ 'uHS Evidently the legation Is embarrassed by publishes a royal decree prohibiting the ex- c ety. there to every reason i to believe , ths "" el " r'v" .i, , w V.Z. IZlin aZ X ?mZ 'llt!! . i.VSrS'S' Uef' nek, bis cnBualtlet. amounting to about i Hmo timtn inBiriiriiniiH nm in rr-Risr lu niiiuii lueiiv nuit e i u; - , w 'iinnci -- - a i iiiiiil; ivifiiL:jiiivt'w uiri iiiiidij - i 100. or punish tho Iloxers. Meanwhile the pow- therq Is thorallroad. Even if it Is torn tied the receipt ot this dispatch, ob tho Chinese portatlon of arms, ammunition, or other mil T" U"U n,U0"B l W"r es have been dally landing sailors and ms- up soon it will not bo so difficult to get it wrath .. . .. . .. ... ........ .i... r,.t rin T.ln In nil uri-nt mllli.irv into onerat on. hit. NanklnrrVquestTng h , to y gct in- RO: HT y S U.o. t 'ttdi 'of moving patrols and with guard., "The Chinese have only a vague notion of Pennington hnd been separated from u r""...LreJLUV-f.. nnu .ral ,,r08eets have stationed at every vulnerable point. Twenty western tactics. They have had Herman family nnd tho tragedy was the sequel to a Haron von Ketteler, the murdered Ucrma txilulbter, la otlll alive. his revolver at the objects of his Monmouthshire, from Portland, Ore., via Nono but hla wife, however, was Upwards of C.O00 Iloers, with very largo n-jmher of wagons, n largo quantity of stores of rat Is good and general prospectB have stationed at every vulnerable point. Twenty western tactics, inuy nave u.ui umuim iuhhij ,m lu Sn ,u v , an Breath- Improved The crops alr.udy sown men of war are now nt the mouth ot tho drillmastcrs, but generally thoy havo bocn long story of domestic unhupplncss. will bo saved f ' river and moro aro comlus." 1 drilling only when they felt like It." murderc no far hue eluded cupture Tho Ynltnliamii. At Movlllo Sulled Anchorla from Olas- B At Qu.renHtown-Halled-Campanla, from and many uittlo, have been driven Into the- Liverpool for New York. mountain pastes, where they ore watched At Now York-Arrlved-Callfornln, from b Ilrl,,, trropu. Their 'aue from thai MurstllloD, aeiinii, etc., for MausUum, Hot- '., ',, ,, ilcIll,