Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1900, THE ILLUSTRATED BEE., Page 8, Image 8

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Marriages on
Oik- or llio nioHt notalilo features In con
nection with tlio hIcko of Klmbcrluy, re lutes
u London iiipir, Ih thu callous way In which
I ho inhabitants treated thu Hour bombard
ment, oven llmlliiK tlmo to eelubrnto three
wciIiIIdkh ilnrliiK Hi"' progress of hostilities.
However unlitio thlM nmy seem, reference
to jiitHt ciuiipnlKiiH will reveal other easea
of a Hlmlliir mi Hi ro. Kven after the
HluiiKhtnr of Waterloo two weddings came oft
In tlio llelil, one beliitf especially pathetic
In detail. A yomiK ofllcer In u well known
cavalry regiment Hunt direct from KiiKlnnd
wim ordered to leave hoinu a few days be
forn lie uiih to lmve been married, and hlfl
llanceu, (llHapiiolnted and anxlotiH at thu
turn t li 1 ii km hud taken, decided to follow
li 1 til, dcHplto ti Ih protests. TIiIh hIiu did un
known to her tovur, and was In thu nclh
Imrhood when thu Kreat hattlu wbb fought.
Aftur thu victory she failed to kiiIii nny
news or lit in, no, thinking hu must have fal
len, employed a pcammt and together they
Hearchcd thu Meld heforu thu work of res
elling thu wounded wax begun. Aftur Home
hours hIiu riiiiiu upon him lying half hurled
beneath a hloody heap or IiIh own comrndcH
and dead horses In that part of thu llelil
wheru thu conlllct had raged llercest. Ho
wim not denil, and at his request hIiu Kent
the peasant for n prleHt nnd not long nfter
ward they were muted, whuru hi; lay, only
to ho separated a little later hy death.
A burly guitrdsmiiu furnlHlieil thu next
ciihu In point, which wiih u happier one, for
beyond a wound In thu right arm thu bride
greoiii wan In (ixcellent henlth nnd spirits.
Thu inarrlaK'J was eulehrated at dayhreak
on thu morning after thu hattlu and wiih
conducted by thu priest who had a moment
beforo been rending muss over tlio hIiiIii.
Hven thu misery which exiiitnl In thu
trenclu-H before SebiiKtopol during thu dreary
winter of 1851 wiih broken by a wedding
eelcbrateil In actual battle, tho desultory
Ilrlng frcm tho city fort and thu corre
sponding booming or our guiin taking tho
placo or thii "wedding march." Tho bride
wiih connected with tho uurBlng department
and had ror Homo tlmo previously been un
der MIhh Florence Nightingale until sent
nenrer thu scuno of hontllltles, wheru who
met and fell In love with a corporal In one
or tho reglinonlH or foot. Furthermore, onu
or thu Mrst functloiiH held In Vebnstopol
arter ItK fall by our troopa wiih a wedding
ceremony between a young lieutenant and
a IttifHlun girl of noblo birth, who had Home
time prior to tho event turned ugnliiBt her
country and eomo over to tho Hrltlsh ciunp.
Sho returned to Hnglnnd with her husband,
who eventually beciuno a Holdlcr of some re
pute. During tho hIcku or Strnsburg by tho Oer
maiiH In tho year or 1870, no ruwer than
forty-two wedding were aslomnlzcd In tho
.-v .: t 1' ,
Boer Battlefields
city, oven whllo tho enemy's sheila wore
falling In thu streets. All ot three were
nafely carried out, despite tho perilous mir
rouinlliiKK, with tho exception of ono, and
In thin caHo a nhcll fell near tho happy
couplo on their way homo from the church,
killing tho bridegroom anions a number ot
others. In another Instance n shell struck
tho church whllo tho ceremony was In pro
gress, bringing down a portion of tho tower,
but fortunntcly no ono wns Injured.
Nursing sisters havo frequently been wed
ded to their Holdler lovers senrcely before
tho echoes of Imttlo havo died nway. After
tho taking of Cabul In 1879 and tho entry
of our troops Into tho city, a mosquo wn
utilized for tho purpose, tho sorvlco of
cnurso being performed according to the
rites of tho English church. Tho bride
groom wns a young lloutennnt, who had
hut Just recovered from a wound received
In ono of tho earlier engagements. During
tho time ho wan In tho hospital ho had fallen
In love with tho woman who nurciud him and
finding IiIh affections were reciprocated, took
tho earlliHt opportunity ot lending her to
tho hymeneal altar. Many of tho olllcors
wero present with tho humbler member?
of tho victorious army and nfter the cere
mony a regimental band escorted thu couple
through thu city to thu lively strains of
tho "Wedding March." Although hucIi
mnrrlagcH have naturally been rather hasty
nffnira and without tho parental permis
sion of the two parties concerned, It Is
astonishing how few have proved unhappy.
Chicago Record: See thu Man.
Hu Ih riding along lolsurely on his lllcycle.
A I.argu Dog Ih trotting still more lei
surely ahead of him.
Thu Man rlngH his Hell.
"When hu hears that," hu soliloquizes, "hu
will Turn Out."
Hut the Dug HwcrvcH not a Hair's llrcadth,
and thu Man runs Into him and takes a Hard
TIiIh shows that things do not always
turn out iih we expect In this 'World.
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Seventh I'ago.)
hu started nt a profit. My brothers then
clubbed together and sont mo back to Sulu
to set out tho trees. Tho first thing I did
wns to lay out tho plantation. I cut down
tho Jungle nnd burned It nnd Inter on set
out tho plnntH In tho regular order you seo
them. Wo got tho seed from Hornco, choos
ing Mherlnn coffee, in order that It might
butter resist tho blight. Tho seeds wero
llrst sown In seed bciU) nnd when tho plants
wero eight Inches high we set them out.
' Kf'l. ...
v-' M
Kach plant wns grown In a tube or bamboo
nnd so transplanted without disturbing tho
roots. Arter a whort tlmo the bamboo tubes
rotted and tho roots camo through on all
sides. Wo sot tho sprouts out without shado
and they grow from the start. Wo had no
particular tlmo for planting, putting them
out from dny to dny throughout several
"Our labor was made up of natives, somo
of whom wero slnvffl. At first I lived with
tho workmen, often sleeping with fifty of
them In tho Rama house. I uso such men
nnd women on tho cstnto today. They' are
Moros. I find they work vory well, although
I pny even my slaves for tholr labor, doing
so, an fnr na possible, by tho plcco. I havo
many women who ench cam from 2!i to 10
cents In silver n day, and men who do oven
better than this. I have mado it a point to
bo friends with the Moros. I employ any of
them who will work, nnd ?o far 1 havo hnd
no trouhlo In gottlng good labor.
"At first I kept the plantation very clann,
huulng tho trees and pulling out tho weeds,
but when tho Americans camo they so dls-
uriuugml things that I had to let much ot ,
my work go. I have now a llttlo disease .
among hoihu of the trees, but I think It
chiefly comes from tho foul condition of the
rnl:liiK ColTee with I In mini Teeth.
Later on I went to Mr. Schuck's hnuso
nnd wntched the pulping of tho coffee or
tho getting tho' seeds out ot tho borrlcs. It
was a curious sight. Tho plantation house
Is n building covering perhaps naif an aero ,
with a heavy thatched roof. It Is high up
frcm tho ground upon posts, so thnt you
can enslly wolk under tho first floor without
touching It with your head. Upon tho
ground below tho house thero wero about
two dozen women nnd ten chlldron, tho most
ot thotn girls. Each woman hnd a basket
of coffee berries nnd n dirty pan or n wo,n
out keroseno can beforo her. They wero all
brown-skinned, all halt-naked and nil had
teeth is black as tho blackest of Ink. Some
of tho women woro wrinkled nnd thero was
hardly onu that was not disgusting. All
wero busy. They woro working their Jaws,
mnking n crunch, crunch, crunch as they
hit into tho berries nnd rolling their tongues
around tho seeds, chowrd off tho pulp and
spit out coffee beans and pulp Into tho pan.
They worked wonderfully fast, making a
stream of this splttlo How from their mouths
to tho pans nnd grinding away at about six
movements of the Jaw to tho second. I wns
told thnt thoy received about 12V4 cents of j
our money for n gallon of tho chowed mix
ture This wns tho result of one day of
working, from morning until night, nnd It
scorned to mo that they well earned the
money. I picked up one ot tho berries nnd
wont through tho process. Tho shell was
quite hard, but tho pulp and seeds tasted
sweet and tho opcrntlon tried only once was
not particularly unpleasnnt.
It Is In this way thnt all ot tho pulping Is
done, although I nm told thnt tho process
Is so expensive that machines hnvo been
After this tho mush of pulp and seeds Is
placed fcr somo days In tho sun to ferment.
It Is next taken to tho creek and washed
nnd tho beans nro then laid out upon mats
In tho yard. Thoy roninln for five or six
il'iys In tho sun nnd nro then ready to be
hulled. Every coffee bean has still two
Hklr.s upon it, which must bo taken off be
foro it la ready for sale. Thero Is an outer
skin n thick ns your linger nail, and nn
Inner ono as thin ns flno tissue paper. In
order to romovo theso tho buns nro put
Into a mortar mado by gouging out n hole
In tho upright end of a log and a natlvo
pounds upon them with n pestlo-llko wooden
club, breaking tho skins. Tho coffco nnd
shells and skins nro then winnowed by
throwing them up In tho nlr, Just ns our
pioneer fathers winnowed their wheat, nnd
tho coffeo benns which remain nro rondy
fcr tho mnrket, They are bagged nnd enr-
rled to tho senconst on tho back of a wntor
buffalo nnd then shipped to Manila for salo,
Such Is coffeo raising ns It Is carried on
mUx '-iwwV'ifYJDJIV
BBBBBaaar - 5 kBWBH
in Jolo nnd hucIi coffee can Do produced In
this way, I nm told, nt n profit. If this Is
truo It certnlnly nhauld pny after modern
motheds and with modern machinery. In
tho meantlmo It must bo remembered that
all of the land hero In Sulu belongs to the
sultan, nnd that as yet nono Is for sale.
Arc You Subject to Catarrh
Dear Mr Kdltor You may say to tho dear
readerH of your exeellent paper that those
who sent for my free trial treatment the
past mouth are nil getting along ilnely, utul
all who contluuo my great "Sana Cern
uuro" win do cured nerore winter uegniH.
I'osslbly there may bo Home of your rend
ers who did not see my llrst offer that
would llko to havo my Sana Cera trial
treatment. If ho, tell them to send In
their names anil I'. O. address nt oncu and
I'll mail them one. It shan't cost them
ono cent, If they nro troubled with Cntnrrh,
lirimehltlH, Asthma, Deafness or ConHUinp
tioii. Tell them to mention The Illustrated
Deo and address Dr. Marshal Heuty, No,
lil w. 12th Htreet. Cincinnati, Ohio.
NOTIC Doctor Heuty Is an old graduate
of thu famous JeffiTHon Medical College of
Philadelphia and a very Hiiccessful and linn
orahlu physician.
The Pioneers
Of low prices on high grude, reliable qual
ity up-to-date men's shoes have been the
fnmous URGENT SHOES they nro guaran
teed to he the equal In tone, style, quality
and finish of nny 15.00 or fi.00 shoe on the
mnrket. Our prices are $2.r0 and $3.r0.
Send for free Illustrated catalogue.
205 South 15th.
Write ror llliiNtrnlcil Cntnlomie.
n. i. RJoot
Tho Winchester Model 19'M Single Shot
Itllle Is ii serviceable, low-priced gun, de
signed to handle ,'22 short or .'22 long rim
tlru partridges. Bullet breech caps may also
he used 111 It If desired. It Is a "taku down"
and can bo taken aoart easily and quickly.
111!! DimikIiin Street.
hmllnl,, lhriH-.t,
IIUl-Tll'iL and I1KLIAI1I.K
Computing MachiiK
Aims, si'irrlutis, mi,.
tii'I.iks. uiviiiks. irrr.
. Ilrmln.ltr.llBK 1 Uhnr-Satlnirl
Th InlPrHKeilrllhma.KlBArn.
, Jl.le Bt l,.l,Ii..ll.8l
i j ftiiuwiuu jour imure uti oin
lulu health, wealth. Iuvh. friHiullili
nml rcirit)'t nn ii-trololcJil churl
of )intr lifn will rnwiil Hih hiiMinpun
chaniiHH you nhnuld mnk t how (o tak
ciirnof your lien'lh and mult tlumH you
w-h,t Iovh jou. To tlHtiioni-trntH niy
ahl It v to fortrnt nur future. tinl
"it, utitH nt nirin nun tnmt to I'rm
VMIurl, II "Ihal.m Air., t li.fUd.ll. O.
refund your money In full HeKiilur retail
wuuu ........ . .., ,, iiciiuiiu luiiiu
free over three, lOo per Initial; monoKrain
ease, JI.W. CatuloKUe of toilet requisites V
IIO.MIV MVti. CO., 7 1 lO.M.V
July :!), liMX).
All the I.nille 12 nt
Gold Medal
Chocolate Bon Bons
Ily EiiircH,
1, '2, 11 nnd (S-pnnnd boxen, 10c a ponnil.
W. S. Balduff,
1H20 Knrnnm St.. Omnlin.
(now to BKeuns it.)
Ihla In the tltln of
on lntermtlug lllun.
iraiea hook, which
?ro will mail.neulert
a u plain envelops
for the link I nit. It
telU bow (without
the une of drugs) nnx
jatlr roar poiwefMi b
I erf ret and attract- ,
irrrlKure. I
hven ths plalnect
Aiiure can be trann-
formed to one of
q u e a n I x .
beantr. au. I
peril nnd
I Wrlln In.
dcr encloe. i
lni wn rant
tamp uorresponnence connneniiai.
XddreuO, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Clcrtltnd, 0.
Jnbon !e A rnlcn.
Savon Dentifrice V Arnica.
Arnica '.aim Setfe.
The Only International Dentifrice.
The Standard for 30 years.
Frenerves and wliltenn tlio toetb, BtrenRthons
the Kums-weetons the breutb.
35c at All Druggists.
C. H. STRONG &CO.,Props.,ChlcaKO,U.S.A.
Unfloplhr lln.t II Inrkra, Hilt all hollow ptaCM, addl jriCB,
curve anillw ml) to the nk, .o(tn tin I rlrarithrtkln. Ilutl
fill wcilinn fverjwli.reovvf lupurb tliutra ami nmlrliltx
UitllnenloVKSTHO. lUtmleii, iwrnuncnt. SKVFIl KAILS.
Kary lulr hoiiM havrthlt unrlvalM ilrorwr. Adili charm
and attraction to .lslncit mi. r'lill t artlcuUri, rhotosraphi,
lfilliuonll. tic, .eile l fur 2-criit at imt. Writ lo-.lay.
Allan BKiniiSK io.,Df.n v ruta Mmt, ciiicauo.
IJIr IHaalltll
Brass Band
inatrumcata, Urama, Dalrarma.
A Hupp lea. Write for catalog, MB
HU..I.UUDI, . ia giTea in
formation for mualctanaand new
.-,. Hi., OIIH1AHO
nAiloundinx mulls. Absolutely infallible. Parfeelly harn
U07GFNF Rimoiei wrlnklM, Ian.
II j V , . frtcklai.ptmptea.ttc. Roughhands
Elmadi jollasveliet. Skin clear and dellcati at a III. No
toilet table complete without II. Poll Free, 25 cents.
lUtEOOjHEMICU CO.. B01 581. ST. 10UIS. MO. 0"l r-
These military hair lirushes aro tho llnest
that can ho made. The bncks nro of solid
ebony or handsomely (Inured rosewood, The
inountliiKH nro or heavy sterling silver. Thu
bristles nro tho best white Siberian stock.
Ho eonllilent nro wo thnt they will please
you that wo will send you 11 pair by express
i.i '..,J" HlJ'ct to your approval. If you
llko them, pny tho expressman 1.75; If not
return them at our expense. Or, If you pro
fur to pay cash In advance, send us SXCO for
It lllllr mill if tint ImpfiinM., unflulU.1 ..... ...Ill
... i'v . . 1 1 j riiinii-ii, vi- will
nr on t7 rjl T..II nl.. i.-.. . .
prico ji.ijo. initials (t ireo or os
h Ma extra. Senl train leatbe
ST., (!ll.MI UA1MIIS, MlVll
Vji 1 '""' luiiiii nr less; cnKiaveu
ol-iu Krniii leiiiuer inivenntf
RBwawawawawS.-;. 4 J-