TlH- IlXUSTRATKI) BlJK. Published Weekly by The nee Publishing Company, lieu Iluilillug, Omann, Neb. Price, S cetv.H per copy per year, J.'.W. Entered nt tho Omaha Postolllcu us Second Class Mall Matter. For advertising rates address Puhlirfher Communications relntlng to photographs or articles for publication should bo nd- ciresneu minor 1110 iiiusirnicu nee, Omaha," Pen and Picture Pointers That this Is n political year Is manifest on nil Bides, bo that tho events of tho dav cannot bo accurately rellected by a pictorial paper without illustrating tho prominent figures In tho Hold of polltlcfl. Tho Ileo has glvon Its renders portrait Introductions to President McKlnloy and Colonel Ilrynn, no tho Htandard bearers of tho republican and democratic parties respectively, and this week reproduces ns Its frontispiece n llfo- Ilko photograph of Wharton Parker, nom- Inated for president on tho populist ticket. Tho photograph waB mndo for Tho Ileo by courtesy of Mr. Parker, sitting for our stnff photographer during his recent visit to Otnnha enrouto to tho populist tato conven- tlou nt Grand Island. Parker nnd Donnelly electors lmvo been placed in nomination In Nebraska, making tho fourth set of prcsl- dontlnl electors submitted to tho voters of tho state. It Is not certain, but perhaps there mny Htlll bo others. v, Mrs. W. II. Jones, "the Utah womnn who hold tho position of alternato-nt-lorgo from Utah to tho republican national convention, has Just spent a week In Omaha visiting her brother, A. M. McCargor. Mro. Jones Is a Canadian by birth, though of Amorlcnn pn rcntngo, and was educated in New York. In 1872 sho married William Henry Jones, nlso a Canadian, and shortly afterward went to Utnh, where she lias slnco resided. Pos sessed of an exceptionally active tempera ment nnd keen Intellectual powers, Mrs, Jones has been prominently connected with various political, progresslvo nnd humnno enterprises throughout her residence In Utnh. Iler rare Intellectual power has mndo her a natural leader In tho movements with which sho has been connected and she tins as n natural consoqueneo held many por tions of prominence ami trust She holds at present In Utah the olllces of president of the Woman's Republican club, treasurer of the Republican State league, president of the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church and ef tho Woman's club one of tho chief llterr.ry noddles of Salt Lake, nnd hns served two terms as president of tho Woman's Relief rorps, auxiliary to tho Orand Army rf the Republic. In npprnrnnce sho is tall nnd distinguished looking nnd would nnywhero Inevitably attract favorable notlco. Sho l fond of outdoor recreations fishing, riding, hunting, nnd Is a fine eques trian and a good ohot. She Is largo-heartoil and generous nnd gives nbundnntly to chnr Ity, without letting her "left hand know what her right hand deoth." Her election nB altcrnnto-at-largo for her party in Utah Is duo to her exceptional powers and devo tion to tho cnuso of tho party both hofore and slnco tho granting of tho frnnchlso to women In hor ndopted Btato. m.m i.y i.......K.m K ...,... ..... present many problems of great dlfuculty Military campaigning In north Chlnn will to troops sent thero by western nntlonB. From Tnku nnd Tien Tsln Is ono great marsh, with drnlnngo ditches Intersecting t.,,iiiiniuider of the Canadian militia, was tho torrltory In every direction, making i,n, XS. He Is u son of General Wll progreBS between tho two points nlmoBt Im- 1)am o'Grmly-Hnly. who was stationed at possible. To drink tho unboiled water In i,nrx in 1877. llo Joined the army when this region Is crrlnln denth. Tho ony 17 yt,nrH Ho served In Egypt In Chlneso will light with fury until they am jss'j and for six years commanded tho onco whipped, then thoy will bIiow tho n,ur,i Held force. In this campaign ho white, feather. It Is, therefore, Importnnt wo ,iH dlstliiKiilBlieil service order. In that whatever hostllo operallonB nro con- isoi lie became assistant adjutant nt Pel ducted thoy ho pushed with vigor. In connec- ((1Ht, where ho remained for six year. tlm with an nrtlclo on mllltnry operations In China wo print pictures representing Chinese life In tho large cities; nlso a pic ture of tho summer palace where tho dnw ager empress Is snld to bo In hiding. Now ton Earln Iluckloy of Stromshurg Neh., recently appointed ns nltemnto to tho West Point Mllltnry ncadomy, wns called to West Point for examination with a clnss of nppllcants on July 2!. Ho wns born nt Stromshurg, September 30. 1SS2. graduated from tho Omaha High school with tho class of ISO!) nnd tho year of his graduation wns captain of Company C of tho High school cadets, which gnvo him his first exporloncc In mllltnry tnctlcs. Frank (1. Carpenter furnishes our renders with nn Interesting letter on tho growth nnd cultivation of coffee In the Philippines. It will grow In nil the Islands nnd they might supply tho entire trade of the United Stntew He relates a story of tho sultan nnd Prlnco Plsmnrck ond tells how tho Gormnns lest north Pomeo nnd n trader got In return some good coffee lands; also describes a visit to a coffee plantation In Suln, whero the berries nro hulled with women's tooth. Not a Word to Say Mrs. Edith Sessions Tapper, the nuthor. Is a Vnssar grnduato and n daughter of tho late Conrresstnnn Sessions of New. York Hate. Probably the most Interesting trip M10 eer look was through the Orand can yon of tho Colorado a year or so ngo, says the Saturday Evening Post, She made the acquaintance there of John Hnnce of Ari zona, who lives In tho ennyon tho year round and who knows more about It than nny innn living. Hnncu Ih a picturesque character with n vivid Imagination, and this Ih foimo of the Information ho Imparted to tha tourist: "Captuln," Mrs. Tuppor asked one morn ing as tltcy sat before tils cahln door on tlio rim of the canyon, "what was the greatest peril of your llfo?" Hnnco considered a moment and then said: "I reckon ahout as nigh as I ever como tcr going ter glory was when my boss Jumped MOO feet Into the canyon with mo on his hack." Then ho eyed Mrs. Tuppor reflectively to neo how sho took It. She hesitated moment nnd then rnnllcd: "Of courEO, coptaln, I ronllzo that I am new out hero, but you cannot expect mo to hellevo nny such story as that." Tho cnptaln rose promptly, nnd leading his visitor to tho very edgo of tho precipice demanded: "Now, then, ma'am, do you sco mithln' white down there on the trail?" Mrs. Tuppcr acknowledged that sho did. "Well," ho said with an Important grin, "that there white idle you sco is the white bones of that boss of mine n-bleachln'." And nlthough Mrs. Tuppor knew that the p f Wenching bones on tho trnll belonged t n pnek animal recently killed, she had not ft word to say. ' AbOllt Noted PCOplC Prlnco David Knwannnakoa of Ilnwall, who wuh ono of the delegates to tho doino- cratlc national convention, constitutes, with his brother, Prince Cupid, ono of tho largest exporting linns on the islnnd. Ho Is known as tho most young man In Hawaii, llo wnn betrothed to his cousin, tho lamented Princess Kalulanl, who died soon after tho Hawaiian lilnnds, whoso queen sho had hoped to be, pasHcd Into the pos- tcHrlon of the United States. Tho new provest miirckul of .M.inl'a, Ilrlgadicr (Icneral Pell, began his career a a soldier In 18C2 as a lieutenant of the Eighty-sixth Ohio volunteers, Kor his courageous bearing during tliu battle of tho NEWTON EARLE PUCKLEY OF STROMS HURG, Neb. CALLED TO WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY KOR EXAMINA TION Wilderness ho received thu brevet of cap tain ti ml ho was hrovettcd major for "gallant and meritorious services" In the battle of Ream's Station. After tho war he beninio an olllcor in thu regular army. , ,,.,, .llHtlllKtliHlltMl service In the war with Spain. Cn'miel Itlcliiird O'Orndv-Hiilv. tho new Lord Roberts has been offered .C 100,000, or "GOING CALLING" Photo by THE I LTjUSTTI AT ED 15EE. $M)0,000, by a London publisher for a history of tho South African wnr, and, although tho government had arranged other and absorb ing work for tho warrior, It Is believed he may accept tho offer. If ho waits, however, until tho war Is over It may be some time before, tho book Is published. Such is the craze for this sort of literature that a num ber of istorles by Iladen-Powell which woro published In tho Radmlntnn Magazine are to bo republished with tho "Defender of Mnfeklng" as tho author. Spenklng of Mr. llurdctto-Coutts the Lon don Chronicle says: "Although ho in variably votes as tho conservative whips direct, ho consults his own tnsto ns to choice of sent. He Is frequently seen on the EC:aml opposition bench below the gangway, sur rounded by Welsh nnd Irish members. Ho Is ono of half a dozen Tories who hovo got Into tho hnblt of playing cuckoo In that qunrter of tho house. Whether It Is merely 11 natural deslro for more elbow room or a preference for tho more convlvlnl society of tho Irish ond Welsh, or pure Ynnkco 'cussodness' nru questions to which some enterprising lobbyist might possibly procure nn answer." Dr. George K. Morrison, tho Pekln cor rerpondent of the Loudon Times, hns lived In tho Celestial city for nearly three years. In 1882, when only 20 yenrs old, he crossed Australia on Toot, nnd In 1883 ho led tho Melbourne Ago exploring expedition Into Now Guinea, when ho received a spear In his side. Tho spearhend wns cut out of his body at Kdlnburgh in July, 1881, when ho entered tho university ns a medical student. Ho wns gradtinted in 1S87. Prior to his settlement in Pekln Dr. Morrison, noting as rpeclnl correspondent for the Times, traveled from Pangkok, In Slam, to Yunnan City, In Chlnn, and around Tonquln. Five years ago ho published "An Australian In China." Mr. Morrison spent last Chrlsttnns nt Geo long, his natlvo town, nnd resumed his post nt Pokln In tho beginning of Kcbrunry. Pointed Paragraphs Chicago News: Kven If Puller it not In China It appears that thero are others. A very llttlo woman Is often nt tho bot tom of a very big fuss. Tho veracity of tho womnn who tells her correct ngo la abovo par. An old bachelor says that many women marry beconeo of their curiosity. Ignornnco of tho law excuses no ono ex cept the policeman with a "pull." No wonder a man Is dissatisfied with his lot when ho Is gradually losing ground. Kven from this dlstauco It Is qulto evident thnt Oom Paul still has a few choice kopjes up his sleeve. Tho lawyer's version: "Let mo act as attorney for a nation nnd I care not who writes Its songs." Man prides himself on his superior Intelli gence, but who ever heard of u woman buy ing a gold brick 7 If properly classified, fully 90 per cent of tho novels of the day would come under tho head of dry goods. If there is a corpse trust, n claimed, It Bhniild bo embalmed nt onco without waiting for nny political party to sninsh it. The now London tunnel cost $.10 nn Inch. If Chlcngo will prnctlco economy it may bo nble to build n few Incites of tunnel some time. Prominent citizens mny have hesitated nhout letting tho insesors know they bail watches lest pickpockets would discover the secret. LI Hung Chang would do well to polish up his alibi nnd keep it within easy reach, for he mny need It at tho time of final set tlement. Pooplo mny sympathize- with tho man who nets the fool occasionally, but not with the ono who Insists on giving 11 continuous per formance Doubtful Hi litem are those that did not cast their voto for McKlnloy four years ngo If you nro n republican and thoso that did not go for Ilrynn If you nro a democrat Louis R. Dostwlck. "HELPING Wharton Barker-- A mild mannered man of distinguished mien, studious fucc nnd Impressive manner thut is tho way in which tho populist can didate for tho presidency Impresses the casunl observer upon his first Introduction. Mr. Parker was an Interested visitor to Nebraska during tho recent mid-road state populist convention nt Grand Islnnd, which ho addressed on tho issues of tho day, en couraging his followers to persist In tho work in which they nro engnged In saving the iintlnnnl organization of tho populist party, built upon tho Omaha platform. Wharton Parker Is a striking character. A man now In his Glth year, having been born in Philadelphia, May 1, 1SIC, he comes from 11 family of long lineage in American nnnnls Ills grandfather wub a relative of Penjamlii Franklin and tho Intlinntc friend MRS, W H, JONES-ALTERNATE-AT-LARGE FROM UTAH TO REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION, WHO HAS UK EN VISITING IN OMAHA. of Hamilton, DcWttt Clinton, Addison and J lckEon, nnd credited with having como to the support of the government during tho wnr of 1812 by taking $10,000,000 wnr Io:n nt n critical moment. Wharton Parker himself Is a graduate of tho University of Pennsylvania, In which ho received his bachelrr's degree In lSGi!, and since 1SS0 ho bus been n trustee of thnt Institution. In splto of the demands of business he has constantly devoted pnrt of his time to literary nnd scientific pursuits. Ho is n member of tho American Philosophical so clety nnd the Academy of Natural Sciences. IIIn Wnr Iteeoiil. Mr. Darker has n wnr record which he earned oven beforo ho emerged from col lege. An ardent union man nt the outbreak of hostilities between the north nnd the south, ns soon ns ho wns old enough ho took command of n company of colored soldiers in 18t!3 nnd helped to enllit and organize the Third United Stntes colored troops. Finishing lus eilucntlon nfter tho wnr, ho entered in ISC'.i into tho banking business, building up nn Institution under tho nnino of Pnrker Pros. & Co., at Philadelphia, whose standing found recognition even nbrond by the Russian government in 1S78 appointing him ns its financial agent nnd entrusting htm with the building of four cruisers for its nnvy. As nn evidence of appreciation of this servlco Alexander II conferred upon him tho otdir of St. Stan islaus and culled him to Russia to ndviso on tho development of the coal Holds north of Azof. In 1887 ho secured a number of Importnnt concessions from tho Chinese government looking to tho Industrial development of thnt government through tho construction of railroads, telegraphs nnd telephones, but thoy were Inter revoked In retaliation for PAPA" Photo by Louis R. Dostwlck. iPI'Ni July !!). 1000. The Populist Choice tho pnssngo by tho United States of tho Chlnc3o exclusion net. Mr. Parker felt tho stress of financial de pression most severely through tho failure of tho Parings In London In 1890, for whom his firm had acted as tho Amorlcnn agents. Slnco that time, ho hns devoted himself to public work, chiefly through his news paper. In loiirmillHtle Field, As an editor Mr. Darker has been voicing his vlows through tho press for more than thirty yearj. Ho started tho Petin Monthly in 1SG9, publishing It until 1SS0, when It wns succeeded by tho Amorlcnn, which has been tho orgnn for thoso professing views slmilnr to thoso embodied In tho Cincinnati platform. In politics ho has been lnrgely a frco lance, nlthough originnlly n lepubllcnn, claiming the credit of first proposing Gar field for tho presidency nnd taking n prom inent part In the movement which culml nated In the first nomination of Hnrrlson. In 1S9C Mr. Parker and his paper supported Mr. Ilrynn as the populist nominee, but soon nfter Joined with thoso who protested ngulnst perversion of the populist party to tho promotion of democratic politics. Ho wns first In tho field as n prcsldcnMnl can didate, having been notnlnntrd In Septem ber, 1898, by tho national convention of anti fusion populists held nt Clnelnnntl nt that time. Ills nomination was more recently alllrnied by tho Cincinnati convention of this year and Parker nnd Donnelly elo-tors will have their nntnoj on the tickets In nil of the stntes where populists have a substantial foothold. Quaint Features of Life A pathetic sight was witnessed In tho Soldiers' Orphnus' Homo nt Atchison, Kan., n few days ago. A poor mother came to see her child, n boy 2 yenrs old. She wns allowed to put him to sleep with tho under standing thnt when tho child wns asleep sho was to go nway. The child soon went to sleep nnd the mother wakened it, sho wns so nnxioiis to bo with It. She did this hnlf a dozen times. The hent wns so terrific In New York a few days ago as to set off nn nutomntlc flro alarm in a Eoap factory. Tho contrivnnco is regulated to give an alarm and send down a shower of water when the tempera ture in the room reaches a certain number of degrees Fahrenheit. There wns no fire, but tho sun did tho business nnd tho sprin klers nearly drowned out the soap factory beforo they could be stopped. Mrs. Joseph L. Moore, clairvoyant, has secured an Injunction In a New York court to restrain the ndmlnlstrators of the estate of Wlllnrl E. Elmer, deceased, from dispos ing of certain property because of n wager of $l.3C0 made by the dead man Hint ho would not die before n certain time ns pre dicted by tho clairvoyant. The death oc curred os predicted and now Mrs, Moore fecks to securo the payment of the wager. Ono of tho most Interesting of Fourth of July celebrations was held at old Hnrtford Town, now Push, In Mnrylnnd. The event of tho day was tho unveiling of a tnblet In honor of the Hnrtford committee which In 1775 signed n formal declaration In sup port of the people against Prltlsdi nnnrna. slon. In tho town still stnnds tho onclent hostelry nt which men of revolutionary prominence- rested at vnrlous times. Wash ington passed through Hnrtford on his tri umphal march to his first Inauguration. Everett Prior of 15U Green street, Jersey City, N. J., rebelled ngnlnst his fnther's or dtru to wash dishes, cook meals nnd per form other duties obout tho house and run nwny from homo on June 23. Ho wns ar raigned beforo Magistrate Zellor In tho Har lem police court. When questioned by tho magistrate tho boy raid ho had left homo because his father abused him nnd wanted to mnko 11 "glil" of him. Magistrate Zeller told tho boy ho had dono right. He then give tho boy Into tho custody of his cousin. A clovir Arizona woman who chared over $100 tho past seafou on the olives whMi she herself prepared for market has Invontid a spoclnl treatment which bids fair to o,.t-n a new Industry. Resides tho olives pre pared In the usual manner sho put up a largo number, using tho snino formula os for mustard pickles. Thoso found a ready nmrkot, tho demand belli far ahead of tho supply, with the gathering of tho crop of October sho Is planning to nmko a specialty of this mnv depnrturo In olives. An addition to thooTlectlon of curious epitaphs Is the following, which Is said to havo been copied from a stouo In a country graveynrd on tho banks of tho St. Lawrence river, near Prescott: n.ncu n " o Erected to tho memory of ! , ELIZAIIETIl RICHARDSON, I i horolcly defended tho llfo 1 't0 S. 1 It Was Shv Paltlmoro American: Mlss Wunder-My goodness, do you call that a modest bath.,,,. suit? Miss Gabby Of course! shrinking disposition, It hns such a