Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    XJ.LJU iJMJXiijy JMNjl JiEK: WISDMSi-vDAV, .TrTiX 2fi, 1000.
Eumoi that Argo Starch Manufacturing
i Company is to Be Attacked.
Atlamey Oenrnl Itrfimr. nitlirr to
Co ii II rm or llrny Hip JMor
I'ranrrillnK" ARiiltmt leu
Trust llefrrreil.
A persistent rumor Is afloat that
'Attorney General Smyth's next ntroke
In building up an anti-trust record will be
directed aealnst the Argo Starch Manufac
turing company or Nobraska City, controlled
by the. J. Sterling Morton interests. The
Argo eompany Is said to have cast In Us lot
with the starch combine and to have tnkon
stock In exchange for ltn plant. This, It is
Indicated, will form the basis of the attor
ney general's attack.
Attorney Ocnernl Smyth arrived in Omaha
yestorday after a week's stay In Lincoln
and did not deny his hostile Intention toward
the Argo works. On the other hand, ho re
fused to admit that he proposed to take any
action at this time. "If I had such a de
sign," remarked the attorney general. "I
would not wlnh nt present to make any
Itatement with regard to It. The matter is
not ripe nt this time for any announcement,
ind do not understand me to admit that I
tontemplato men a thing nt all."
"Do you moan to deny that ynu will prose
cuts the Argo company?"
"I wish to make no statement whatever
Kith regard to it," ropllcd the attorney gun
tral. Tho Argo company nt Nebraska City Is one
If the largest and most successful manufac
tories In the state. Us capacity Is from
threo to four carloads of starch per day and
it makes use of all tho white corn grown for
miles about its location. It ships quantities
Df starch to England, where- It is able to
compete euccessfitlly with the homo market.
A largo part of the stock Is owned by Carl
Morton, son of J. Sterling and president of
tho company.
It was Indicated by the attorney general
bofore his departure for Lincoln that he
would bcglu orlmlnal proceedings against tly
Ice trust upon his return. Tho Reservoir
compsny's continued operation In spite nf
Juflgo Dlcklnson'n unofficial opinion that It Is
n, trust, 1b regarded by tho attorney general
ns Illegal. Mr. Smyth says, howover, that
he will take no Immediate action and that
ho has been too busy with affairs In Lincoln
to give thought ns yet to his course with re
gard to tho Omaha Ice concern.
Jlnlra of DcnnU ISfcnn AVnnl to Know
AVIuil lleoiinir of Ilia rriiirt)'.
Relatives and administrator nre warring
over tho goods of Dennis Kgan, who died
eighteen yearn ago, During nil the Inter
vening yearn l'eter O'Rourke, administrator,
line never rendered nn nccount to tho county
judge, and the relative are nuking for an
Accounting In Judge Vlnsnnhnler's court.
Kgan tvsh a thrifty man, nnd during his
lltotlmo hoarded his earnings In sufficient
quantity to buy two half-sections of land
In Nuckolls county and a lot on Sixteenth
street, north of Cuming. Ho nlso left a
trunk with unknown contonts, which fell
Into the administrator's hands. Although
O'Rourke ha never rendered an accounting
slncn 1SS2, he now nsks to be allowed about
$1,000 for expenses nnd compensation.
Cltr 1'orhlilili'ii to lint- Sweeper.
Judge Keynor has granted a temporary
restraining order forbidding the city to fur
ther use the Furnas street sweeper and the
case has been set for hearing on Wednesday
morning. Tho Injunction prayed for against
the South Omaha school board in the pur
chase of a uchool situ will nlo bo .heard on
Wednesday. Precodlnjc these hearings Judge
Krysor will announce his decision In tho
case of Mrs. Kunlgunda Rluhtcr against
Alexander Huchaniin.
A hrali nni ftln-n llliimelf lip.
Cbarlm Abraham, for whom a warrant for
seining was Issued several days ago, ap
peared at the shorlff'H otllco yesterday morn
ing; and gave himself up. He was released
under bond until the fall form of court.
Abraham la said to have fished by Illegal
means In the Hlkhorn river.
llllllmin fnr llimelinll.
A million of dollars nre spent every year
upon tho gamo of baseball, but large as
hls sum Is, It cannot begin to equal tho
amount pcnt by pcoplo In search of health,
Thorn is a sure method of obtaining strength,
nnd It Is not a costly one. Wo urge those
who havo spent much and lost hope to try
Hotetter' Stomach Hitters. It strengthens
the stomach, makes digestion easy nnd
natural, nnd cures dyspepsia, constipation,
biliousness nnd weak kidneys.
IHnctiHrRrtt .InnMnr tit Hip I.nlior Trm-pl-
In Able to Si-r I iiuxl Knilinr
rai.ii Mount of lilrrotnr.
The Hoard of Directors of tho Labor tern
pin Is nt n lom to decide upon n policy
in regard to tho former janitor, W. W.
Scott. When the board notltled Mr. Scott
that Ms services would not be required
nfter August 1 be became angry and stopped
work Instantly. At that tlmo It was given
out by tho board that Scott had refused
to turn over the books of tho concern.
Later developments show that, In addition
to tho books, ho retained in his possession
money to tho nmount of nt least $100, which
he persistently refuses to baud over to the
Th board, having no books nnd no re
ceipts or vouchers, cannot tell the position
la which it stnnds to tho sub-tenants of
the building, nnd has requested each lodge
vtotch meets In tho halls to prepare a state
went of the condition of tho account be
tween tho lodge and the board. An at
torney has been retained by the board to
betUe the matter.
A gentlomnn recently curea of dyspepel
rvo the following appropriate rendering of
Burns' fsmous blea.lne. "Some have meat
and cannot eat, and some have none that
vtant It; but we have meat and wo can cat,
Kodol Dyspepsia euro be thanked." This
preparation will digest what you eat. It
tnBtantlr relieves nnd radically cures Indi
gestion and all stomach disorder.
Saturday, July 28,
cheap rate oxcurslon
to Hot Springs,
via Northwestern Line.
Through Saturday sleeper
without change.
Delightful climate,
Delightful plunge,
Delightful hotels,
Delightful scenery.
Curative waters.
Call 1401 Pnrnam st.,
Northwestern Lino ofllce.
For rates nnd reservations.
Cheap It on ii it Trip llntra.
On August i, 7 and 21 the Illinois Central
will sell tickets, limited until October 31, at,
Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35.
Watervllle, Minn,, and return, $10.68.
Madison Lake, Minn., aud roturn, $10.65.
Et. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65.
Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12. 65.
Dututh, Minn., and return, $16,95.
Bvporlor, Wis., nnd return, $16.95.
Tjvoit Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice llllueU Central railroad, 1102 Farnam
air eel.
WnrU .Voir IleltiK Done hj- tltr Otnnlin
llrlilur a m! Terminal Compnnj
Will Mr I'lnlnlictl lr Sept. I.
September 1 Is the time set for the prom
ised completion of tho new viaduct con
necting the tracks of the Omaha Dridge and
Termlnnl company with the Missouri Ta
ctile licit line. After that date the 1111
nols Central will be able to run Its freight
and cnttlo cars directly Into South Omaha
over tho connections thus made with the
terminus of Its line nt Council Muffs,
A big force of men is now employed In
building the viaduct, trestle nnd graded ap
proaches. The long trestlo Is virtually
completed nnd work Is now being concen
tratcd on tho completion of the vlnduqt nnd
tho approaches. On tho cast side of the
trestle n graded elopo will connect the pros
cnt tracks of the Termlnnl company with
tho extension over the trestle. On the
west side, whcie tho viaduct terminates,
the high bluff along which the Missouri
Pacific tracks extend is being widened
sufficiently for the laying of the Termlnnl
company's tracks for n distance of 1,000
feet. Tho tracks will bo paralleled for
this distance nnd the connection will bo
accomplished by n gradual contour. For
tho widening of this batik 50,000 yards of
earth are necessary.
"Tho extensive grading operations on tho
west side of the viaduct and nt the east end
of the trestle are progressing very rapidly,"
said (Jeneral Manager Webster of the Ter
minal company. "With propitious weather
and no unforeseen lntorruptlous It is alto
gether likely that the viaduct and Its con
nections will be ready for service September
1. The contractors nre proceeding with
their work with this end In view."
Itiillroml I'ruper(- C'Iiiiiikpn Hum!,
I'lTTSHimo July 24. The announcement
was mnde today upon tho authority of n high
official of the Daltlmore & Ohio Hallway
company that u majority of the preferred
stock of the Pittsburg & Western railroad
had been secured and within three months
the Unltlmoro & Ohio wilt assume control
of tho property. Some time ngo the Mer
cantile Trust company of New York, trustee
of the bonds of the I'tttsburg & Western
Railroad company, brought suit In tho
United States circuit cuurt to foreclose the
moitgage given to secure tho bonds and in
terest, and a decree was made ordering the
sale of the property, but by acquiring tho
preferred stock It Is said tho salo will be
prevented. Tho nmount due on the bonds
Is o- or $3,000,000.
Ximv l.ocnl Train,
For the purposo of relieving the Isling
ton's Chicago Limited of stops between
Omaha und Plattsmouth a now local train
will bo placed Into operation, beginning
next Sunday. It will leave Omaha nt 7
o'clock In the ovenlng nnd run ns far as
I'lattsmouth, making stops at all points In
tervening. After that tlmo the limited
will niako no stop between Omaha nnd
Plattsmouth and Its schedule time, while
not changed as a result, will be maintained
with greater efficiency.
Itntlfy InKiiiincr nf Honda.
CHICAGO, July 21. At a special meeting
of the stockholders of the Indiana, Illinois
& Iowa railroad held hero today the Issu
ance of $12,000,000 fifty-year 5 per cent
bonds was ratified. Tho monoy will be put
out as required for improvement and pur
chases. HiilMvny utcn nnd IV monnla.
Alex Hampton, city pnKsenccr agent of
tho Hlkhorn at Dcadwood, Is n visitor In
the city.
Afslstnnt 'Oenernl Freight Agent J, O.
Plillllppl of the Missouri Tactile spent yes
terday In Lincoln.
J. II. McOulro. chief clerk In tho Rock
jHlund freight department, accompanied by
his wife, spent Sunday In Den Moines.
Lrroy Hover, claim agent In the Missouri
Parlllr general ofllces, hn returned from a
ten days' outing' nt Storm Lnke, In., iwlicre
ho mndo one of n pnrty of ten Omaha young
The Northwestern opened a couple more
of Its numerous extensions Sunday, The
new lines extend from Tyler, Minn., to
AHtnrln. S. D and from Mankato to New
I'lm. Minn.
Kugeno Duvnll, right-hand-man to Gen
eral Western Agent Fred Nnsh of tho Mil
waukee, left last night for n two weeks'
visit to bin old home In Michigan nnd a tour
of the greut lakes. Mrs, Duvall will accom
pany him.
The Durliugton pnssenger department has
Issued unother pamphlet setting forth tho
many attractions of the Hlack Hills. It is
cnlled "Llttlo Journeys In the Ulnck Hills,"
tho titlo being credited to nn inspiration
received recently by Charlie Yount of tho
advertising depurtment during- a visit mnde
to Klbert Hubbard, of Hoycrofter fame, at
Knst Aurora, N. Y.
Passenger representatives of Nebraska
lines met nt Hlkhorn hendquarters yester
day morning to discuss rates for tho en
campment of the Nebraska Nnttonnl Guard,
which will be held nt Lincoln next month,
No dellnitti action resulted, although a
schedule of rules was drawn up nnd will
bo submitted to tho lines unrepresented at
the meeting for npproval.
Use Prof. Field's worm nowders a slni-ln
trlul proves their worth. All druggists.
Inspection of the nookn Short thnt
lie linn Mmln ,livy with nt
l.rnut li!,OO0.
Assistant United States District Attorney
S. It. Itush has returned from Ne
braska City, whore ho represented the gov
ernment In tho case against C. K. Cotton,
charged with embezzling the fundB of tho
First National bank of Syracuse, Neb., and
of making false entries upon its books. Tho
defendant waived examination und was
bound over to the United States district
It Is said by the bank examiner that, while
the apparent shortage Is but $4,700. an In-
spectlon'of tho books shows that at least
$12,000 has been made nway with and that
there Is a possibility of tho figures reaching
$20,000. Tho defendant admitted the short
age of $1,700.
Tho examination at Nebraska City was
conducted before Commissioner Jackson, a
magistrate who is at present under bonds
to appear for trial before tho United States
district court on nn indictment charging him
with malfeasance In office. For some time
there has been a question whether Commis
sioner Jackson could oxercUe tho functions
of bis ofllco whllo'undor Indictment and one
case from nrownsvllle was brought to
Omaha under the impression that he could
not. Judge Munger settled tho question by
saying that tho indictment did not dis
qualify tho commissioner nnd that ho was
not going to removo him simply because ho
was accused.
Tho law holds both maker and circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer
who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve rlika your life
to make a little larger profit. You cannot
trust him. DeWltt's Is tho only genuine
and original Witch Hazol Salve, a well
known cure for piles and all skin diseases.
See that your dealer gives you DeWttt'i
Committees Si-HIiik Tickets.
Several oanvnsslng rommltteen of tho
Commorclal club nre out selling tickets fnr
tho excursion to York on Thursday, so that
tho necessary 600 excursionists may be se
cured. Iiusiness men attnch considerably
commerclnl Importance to the successful
Issue of this oxcurslon ns a mrun nt on.
cournslng tho friendly feeling of surround-
inc towns, lownrct mo estnlillshment of
which every commercial energy of Omaha
Is now being directed.
Mormon Riders to Confer.
Mormon elders who nro working In the
states of lowu and Nebraska will hold u
Jotat conference nt the Church of the Lat
ter Day Saints on West Pierce street next
Satunluy. Sunday threo inoru meetlnss
will be held In Idlewlld hall, North Twenty-fourth
and Grant street. Among those
who will be present is President Kelsch of
the Northern States mtsalnn. uluw. ,.,,h
Manufacturers' Sample Pieces of Embroid
eries and Inserting at Less Than Half.
7Br Allovera nt alio n Ynril, (lOo Num.
mrr Corset nt '2Uv, Hosiery nt
I'nlr, I.nillen' Vent, fie
S.-.o Lining lUo Ynrd.
25,000 yards of manufacturer's sample
pieces and trial strips of embroideries nnd
lnsortlngs, Including tho finest swIss, nain
sooks and cambrics, at less than half tho
manufacturer's cost price, on bargain coun
ter it Cc, "He nnd 10c a yard, worth up to
20c quality ladles' Jersey ribbed under
vests, fancy laco and ribbon trimmed, nil
sizes, high and low neck, wing sleeves, go
at Cc each.
35c quality ladles' plain nnd fancy llslo
thread under vests, In rlchclleu ribbed and
lace effects, on bargain counter at 10c each.
600 pieces of manufacturer's ttamptes nnd
odd end lots of fine torchon and Valen
ciennes laces, worth 5c n yard, go In this
sale at lc.
Large bargain tables with many thou
sands of ynrds of nil kinds of flno wash Inces
and Inscrtlngs, nil widths, worth up to 25c
a ynrd, go nt 3c and 6c n ynrd.
20c quality ladles', misses' nnd children's
fast black and tan hosiery In plain and Jer
sey rib, all sizes, on bargain tables at So a
pair. k
1,000 ladles' perfect fitting corset covers,
well made, all sizes, go at VAc each.
Largo bargain counter with misses', chil
dren's and boys' Nazareth style, Jersey
ribbed waists, nil sizes, go at 10c each.
100 dozen of Indies' porfect fitting summer
corsets, mado of the beot quality summer
netting, two sido steels, nil sizes, worth 60c,
go in this sale at 29c.
One largo bargain square with Immense
lots of nllover tucklngs, embroideries, lace
and hem-Htltched effects, extra flno quality,
worth up to 7oc a yard, go In this sale at 2Pc.
8,000 ynrdB of tho finest sllk-llnlshed
linings made, Including spun glass, near silk
and silk gloss, overybody'w price, 23c a yard,
go In this salo at 10c a ynrd.
Large bargain squaro of all the colors of
very finest silk mercerized sateon linings,
running in lengths from 2 to 5 yards, go In
this sale at 11c a yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
CliuuBF ot Timr.
On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway changed tho time of their train
between Omaha and Chicago. Tho fast train
formerly leaving at 7:3.3 p. m. will, under
the new card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving
Chicago at 8:30 a. m., In ample time for all
eastern connections. The local train form
erly leaving at 11:00 a, m. has been changed
to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving
Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and arriving Chicago
at 10:30 p. m.
2 Trains to Spirit Lake
Via Northwestern Line.
Leave Omaha 6:55 a. m.
Leave Omaha 7:35 p. m.
Only one change of cars If you
go via the Northwestern Line.
Call at 1401 Farnam street
for round trip rates and parlor car er
sleeping car accommodations.
I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I M I I I I I III I I Ml I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
. ii . xi-y.
At 7 o'clock every morning the Chlcaa-o Special
leaves the Burlington SWtlon. It carries a Koodly
number of people those who enjoy u daylight trip
ncross Iowa nnd Illinois when the fields look their pret
tiest. Tills train Is due In Chlcngo at 8:30 p, m. It ar
rives (here nt 8:.10 p. m.
Other good trnlns for Chicago leave the Burlington
Station nt 4:0 p. m. and at 7:45 o. m.
Tloket Offloe,
1 502 Farnam St.
, Tel. 2S0.
Special Rites:
Omuhu to Denver and return
Omnhit to Colorado Springs and return,
Oninhn to Glcnwood Springs nnd return,
Omaha to Pueblo nnd return.
Omaha to Ogden and return, ,
Oinnliu to Salt Lake City and return,
Tickets on Salt July 17-18, August 2-7-21.
Limited to Oct. 31st, 1900.
Wyoming safe for m-kinley
union Cnnilldntf fnr Cnnitrrss Con-
cciIpm Hip State to llepnlilleiins,
Sit ) s C. V. Slurilm'W.
C W. Murdock has returned from n trip
to Laramie, Wyo. Whllo In that stato Mr.
Murdock was lmprefnod with the prosperous
condition apparent In tho towns through
which he passed and talkcn over the political
situation with several citizens. Tho fusion
candidate for congress, ho says, concedes
that thn rrnnh1linrm will rnrrv the otate.
' In Colorado Mr. Murdock found that the
fuslonlsts were not talking antl-expanshm
as every person seems to bo an expansions
Tho silver question Is not exciting the peo
pie as It did four yearn ago, as Colorado, an
especially Denver, has made surprising
growth during the present administration
and where four years ngo n gold standnn
advocate could not bo found, today they aro
organizing McKlnlcy and Roosevelt clubs
Tho light In the fusion ranks In the stnte an
the defection of many popullstn nnd sllvc
republicans places the stnto of Colorado I
the doubtful column nt least, nnd many con
servatlvo persons bellevo that It may cos
Its electoral vote for tho republican nom
Fun from I'mten Sens.
Wherever exhibited, Including n whole
most successful winter In New otk City
the only trnlned school of Atnska Sea Lions
nnd Seals bear living, amazing and amusing
witness to Captain Woodward's genius, pa
tlenco nnd magnetic Influence ns nn in
structor of tho wildest, clumsiest nnd most
timid of strnngo amphibious creatures
Theso polat pupils now form ono of the rare
attractions In tho Great Adam Forepaugli
nnd Sells Brothers' Consolidated Shows
whose date of exhibition In Omaha on Mon
day, July 30, provided with stubby, slippery
flippers only, to supply tho place of hand
and foot, and naturally moving with tn
most ungainly efforts on land, It Is really
marvolaus that these queer nmphlbla havo
been raised to the nrtlstlc piano of gro
lesnucly sagacious mimicry, melody nnd
mirth. They have boon taught to drill
smoke, pitch, catch, piny upon musical In
struments, discharge firearms, Blng basso
nrofundo bnllads of tho sea, nnd to sue
ccssfully Imitate other accomplishments of
human kind. "Leo," the monster marine
clown and mischief-maker, alone furnishes
an ocenn of fun. It Is an entertainment to
delight everyone, from the oldest to the
Clan Cordon holds Twelfth Annual Pic
nic and Caledonian Games nt "Shady Grove'
Private Park, Lake Manawn, Saturday, July
28th. Admission 2!)C. Full band. Dancing
Twcnty-thrco events.
I. tulles Interested In tlir Hntliery.
Tho bathery! Where Is It, what Is it?
Who runs it nnd why? What Is It for and
what docs it do? Questions are flying
thick nnd fast. Curiosity Is aroused. There
Is something new under the nun and the
ladlea of Omaha will Investigate. Why
not? It Is for their special use and benefit
and It Is worth looking Into. There are
somo novel nnd interesting features ron
netted with this new scheme of health
Something worth knowing nnd worth
knowing woll. The ladles arc welcome nnd
nro cordially Invited to visit tho Bathery
Bee building, second floor.
A PIncr to Spent! tin? Snnimrr.
On the lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY tn Wisconsin re somo of tho most
beautiful places In the world to spend a
summer vacation camping out or at the ele
gant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau
tiful lakes and streams and cool weather,
These resorts are easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may be
had upon' anpllcatlon at the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. tpaul Ry. city ticket ofllco
1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip
tickets, good" returning until October 31
now on sale. . . F. A. NASH,
j General Western Agent.
Burlington Station
1 0th nnd Mason SU
Tel. 128.
111. 00
Oknlinjl nnd Arnold I'nrk, '
Tho Chicago, Mllwnukco & St. l'sul rail
way company havo Jtiet placed In sortlce
daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit
Lake, Okobojl nnd Arnold's Park. Going the
trnlti Imvm flmnhrt nt 7 If, n. m anil nr.
riven Spirit Lnke at t.lB p. m. Heturnlng
the train leaves Spirit Lake at 6-45 a. m.
and arrives Omaha 3:65 p. m. This Is the
best eervlco that has yet been offered ovor
nny ono rond Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, SlO.Tu.
City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street.
l A. NASH, rjcn'l Western Agent
A Selected 1, 1st of Ntitiiiiier Tours.
Fifteen ono way and nineteen round
will bo found In the Lake Shore's summer
edition of "Hook of Trains." Copy will bo
sent on application to U. I'. Humphrey. T.
P. A., Kantas City, Mo., F. M. Uyron, O.
W. A., Chicago.
Omnhn Tent nnd Awning Co,, tents, awn
ings, canvas goods. 11 and Harney, phone 3S3.
The Arnold Steam Sterilizer Is really tho
only ono which has any special merit, It Is
fitted with seven graduated bottles holding
eight ounces each. It Is mado of heavy tin
with copper bottom. It cun be heated on
gas, oil, gaeoline, alcohol or kitchen stove.
Its advantages over any nnd all other ster
ilizers aro too numerous to mention here.
Price $3.00 each.
cam. ron HOOK
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go,
Corner tOth ntnl Undue.
Can you
use one?
Yes, If you get tho right one. Don't
go for your vacation without a Kodak
or Camera. We handle all good makes
and can ndvlso you Just what pays
An Eastman Folding Pocket Kodak
$10.00 for
Tho Robert Dempster Go,,
1215 Farnam St.
Doveloplng and printing done.
See our new line of picture frmes.
22,000 pairs of finest shoes
Thousands of these fine $3, $3.50 and $4
shoes are piled high up
counters all the latest
and sizes, at
i-'l.wXl S and velour calf
made by Myron 1
Thomas and ProBton
B Koith Co., on sale
a tost styles in
his sale
DAtrc fine $1.75 and
tan goat
ace shoes, sizeB 1 to
5 on salo at
I "
) .u
$4.00 WILL BUY
A rutin's all wool nult lu brown iilnlds Rood quality litilnc correct
It mnde and perfect In style ron I value $0.00.
$5.00 WILL BUY
A nmn's all wool suit brown nnd lljjht colors broken plaids,
stripes, etc. piped senilis. When you see other So.00 suits around town
come and compare them with these-ours lmo never been marked
down-others claim to have cut their prices In two the values are not
$10.00-only $7.50.
$7.00 WILL BUY
A man's all wool suit light colors nud checks-extra quality lntcst
style nicely llnlshcd real value 510.00.
$8.75 WILL BUY
A mnn's worsted suit Oxford prays and casslineres-ln stripes,
plaids, checks and plnln-slnjjln or double-breasted vests satin plpod
seams real vnlue $12.00,
We receive many of them nnd attend to
them at once. Goods nre packed securely
and shipped the name day order Is received.
Tho cash must accompany these orders
an our business is conducted on a
basis only.
Cramer a Kidney Cure
DufTy's Molt WhlHkey
Bromo Oulnlnn
1 Dozen 2-uraln Quinine Capsules To
i Dozen 3-uram quinine capsule
1 Dozen 5-Graln Quinine Capsules
Stuart's Dyspepsia Cure
Paihe's Celer.V Compound
Wine of Cardul
Pyramid Pile Cure
Sura Death for liugs
liar Uen
Atax TabletH
Scott'n Kmulslon
Plnkliam s Compound 75c
aLimcrcn druggist
S. V. Car. 10th and China.
aM ShoeSalo'sHAYDENs
on sale at 46 cents
A manufacturer's shoe sale that
astonishes everybody. Scores of
eager buyers crowd our two big
shoe departments every day, re
gardless of rain, to secure these
wonderful bargains in fine shoes,
all direct from the big factories of
French, Shriner & Urner, P. N.
Wadleigh, Hoag, Heath & Co., My
ron F. Thomas and J. Irving Bene
dict & Son.
on tables and
welt boIo shoes
turn and welt shoes
in this sale
Men's 5n,e
$6.00 and $7.0 0
hand made vici
kid, patent calf
and Russia calf
Bhoos All tho
Slippers on
sale at
$2.00 calf and
lace & button
in this snle fit
See. July 21, 1900.
Every Taste
May Re
Every Shape May tted
Every Purse I! myc
in our great and growing
There is little to know that wo
haven't coine across. It's not becuuye
v nro so much smnrtct than other
people, but its our vast cxporionco
and keeping an eye open.
I" A III TIIIAI. TO. . . .
If not, ynu have missed a cood thing.
This exqulslto malt beverasn stands on a
unique basis. It sells itself. Its fame and
reputation b the envy of many. The palato,
tho beneficial results achieved "within" tha
Inner man are the only and real Judnes of
Its .merits. Approved of by them, -It . tri
umphantly enters Innumerable households.
Wh ero Cabinet enters, doctors and drug
bills exit.
FIlBn KltllO DltGWIVO CO.,
rhone 420. OMAHA. XE.
on the dollar.
X olkC!, A"0 $3-00 94.00 vici
kid and patent calf hand
T rxAlac'' fine $2.00 and $2.50 vici
kid Oxford Ties and Strap
AUcoc' fine $1.75 and $2.50 vici
quarters are In Chlcuco.