Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY "BE 13: MTISSDAY, .TV 17V LM, 3 000.
minor Mn.vnox.
Davis rettft Rlass.
"Mr. ltllcy" G-cent cigar.
II. M. Ixiffcrt, optician, 235 lTwny.
Gob fixtures and globes r.t Blxby's.
Magazines bound, Moorchouso ft Co.
Uudwolscr beer. L. Ilosenfold, ngont.
rino A. li. C. Viccr, Ncumnycr's hotel.
Bchmldl's chotos, now and latest styles.
Try Keystone I'rlntlne House. 'I'hono 378.
You get tlia best dinners nt the Vienna,
ltllcy. best photographer, 403 Hroiidway.
W. 13. Lewis sells monuments. 301 H'wny.
Scientific optician nt Woolmnn's, 400
Miss Llzzlo Holm Is" visiting friends at
Bhcrldan, Wyo.
MIhs Lena Schlmlolo Is homo from a visit
'with friends at Mlncola, In.
CampalKii j)lrturrn nnd buttons. C. 13.
Alexander & Co.. 333 llroadwiiy.
act your work done at the popular Uagle
laundry. 721 Broadway. 'I'hono 157.
XV. C. Kstcp, undertaker. 2S Pearl street.
Telephones: Olllce, 1)7; residence. 33.
Tho price of Ran In Council UlnttH has
been reduced from 1.75 1.000 to Jl,l.". 1,000.
V. K. a raft, undertaker and licensed cm
balmcr, 101 South Main street. 'Phone COO,
Mrs. C. Deetkcn left Inst evening for Den
ver, Colo , where sho will spend tho sum
mer. I.orcnz Chrlstenseti will leave- today for
Ilurlan for a week's visit with rclativos
unci friends.
II, P. Wlckhnm returned yesterday from
Granada, Miss., where ho has
s uecn looKiiiK
ufter a railroad contract.
now una scconiwianu iiirniiuri-, iuvw,
I'arpots and house furnishings bought and
Bold. J. Str-ln & Co., 7:'l West Broadway.
Miss Mabel Adams desires to thank tho
many friends who aided her In securing the
coveted trip In Tho Uco vncatlon contest.
H. W. Hinder reported to tho pollco yes
terday tho theft ot llfty feet of new garden
lioso from his residence, 830 Fourth avenue.
Miss Agnes U Shaplnnd of 1231 Seventh
avenue roturned yesterday from Sutton,
Neb,, whero sho hnd been visiting her sis
ter. J. II. Itojilnson, of tho clerical force nt tho
Vnlon I'aclllo transfer freight olllce, left
yesterday for Halt Lake City to spend his
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hohrer, Miss Caroline
Test Hohrer and 1. Boers Hohrer left yes
terday for Colorado, whero they will spend
tho summer among tho mountain resorts.
Tho AVoman's Ilomn nnd Foreign Mission
ary society of St. John's Kngllsii Lutheran
church will meet tomorrow evening at tho
rvsldunco of Mrs. O. W. Snyder, 1U7 South
Seventh street.
A gnmn of ball .Sunday afternoon on the
Twenty-fourth street grounds between tho
Owl club of this city and tho Union Paelflcs
of Omaha resulted in a victory for tho later
by a scoro of 9 to 7.
Charles Hummer, ullas ( II. Klinefelter,
who stolo Captain O. M. Brown's told
rimmed spectacles at tho Burlington depot
Sunday evening, wits given thirty days In
the county Jail yestcrduy by J ml go Aylcs
worth. An Incipient strlko on tho storo building
which Dr. Bellinger is crertlng on West
Broadway cuused by tho union men rofus
lng to work with non-union painters, was
settled yesterday mornlnff by tho painters
being taken oft.
Dynr Lloyd, the i:i-months-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd It. arllllth, 927 Fourth nvc
nue, died last evening as n result of urel
deutally drinking concentrated lye. Tho
child lingered for hulf an hour until death
released It from its Bufferings.
Justice Ovldo Vlen, Attorney Oeorgo 11.
Scott and Cnptnlu C. S. Hubbard arc homo
from a week's fishing trip to Noble's Lake.
They report having enjoyed excellent sport,
but their appetites precluded them bringing
home any of the fish tliuy caught.
Tho regular monthly meeting ot tho
Board of Kdilcitlon postponed from last
Tuesday Is slated for tonight, wtion some
action looking to tho rescinding of tho ac
tion selecting the old High school property
us the site for tho now High school Is ox
peeled. Mrs. Laura MoBrlde, who has been a
patient at tho Woman's Christian associa
tion hospital for tho last two months, has
sulllclently recovered to bo able to leave
yesterday for Chicago, whero sho will Join
her husband and daughter, who havo de
elded to remain thoro permanently.
Tho party consisting of L. C. Brackott
nnd son, Gilbert. John Holm and sons Frnnk
und Thomas, Dell O. Morgan und son. Paul,
nnd Frnnk Hoaglund returned yesterday
from a tlshlng trip In tho Hlg Horn moun
tains. They nro all enthusiasts over their
trip, having enjoyed exceptionally good
A letter was received hero yesterday from
rx-FIro Chief John Bates dated at Scuttle
111 Which ho SUVH ho IlAH liiin ulnU will.
tnalurlii, but Is now much improved. He
says he does not know how soon ho will
leave Seattlo for home. Tho ship ho re
turned on was tho last to leave Capo Nome
boforo tho tinrantlno was established.
James Saguln took out n building permit
yesterday for tho erection ot a two-story
Jiressed brick veneered cottage on his Oak
land aveuuo property to cost t'.'.GOO, T. S.
Knno also secured a permit to erect a nno
story frame cottaco In I'arkdalo addition
to cost J1.000. John Heno took out a permit
for repairs to tho KiHcmnn building to cost
Bert Dnlson lost his temper over a gamo
of cards In Peter Haph's saloon on West
Broadway Sunday night nnd In order to get
even for somo fmicled wrong throw a brick
through the window. His case was con
tinued In police court yesterday morning
Ior ono week and It Is understood that It
will lie settled by Unison repairing tho dam
igo done.
Tho plat nnd dedication of Mary Jnno
Moss' first addition to tho town of Loveland
was tiled In tho olllce of the county recorder
yesterday. Tho property lies on tho east
side of tho Northwestern tracks anil be
tween them nnd the Boyer river. Slneo tho
entrance of tho Illinois Central railway the
town has experienced quite u boom.
Mrs. tieorgo llantlinrno and daughter are
Jiomo from a visit of two weeks with rela
tives ut Burlington, la.
N Y. Plumbing Co., tel. 250.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Illinois City IHectN llliu to lie Super
intendent of IIh SuIiuoIh.
Tho board of education Is now con
fronted with tho possibility nt losing tho
services of Prof. II. II. Hnyden, superin
tendent of tho city schools. President
Henry of tho board received word yesterday
from a teachers' agency in Chicago that
Prof. Hnyden hnd been elected superintend
ent of tho city schools nt Hock Island, III.
Prof. Haydeu and wife are nt present
Hpeudlug tho vncatlon In MassachuartlB
nnd It Is not known here yet If ho Intends
accepting tho position at Hock Island. Tho
Hock Island superlute ndency offers an In
creased salary of $300 n year. It bolng
$2,300, whllo Superintendent Hnyden was
receiving hero but $2,000 a year.
Tho board 1b most lonth to loso Prof.
Hnyden and every Inducement possible will
bo offered him to remain here, whero his
work has been most satisfactory nnd tho
school brought to a high grndo of excellency
under his management. In speaking of tho
matter yesterday Member Hess, chalrmnn of
tho connnltteo on teachers, said ho did not
bcllove tho extra compensation offered by
Hock- Ioland would induce Prof. Haydon to
leave here. When nsked If tho board In
order to lnduco Prof. Hnyden to remain
lioro would Increase his salary Member
Hess said It was very postlblo that It
Don't llo II Hip Vim Wlnlile
'And cling to candles nnd coal oil when gas
at tho new price, $1,45 a thousand, l
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds,
Negotiated in Kuiturn rtcuraska
nd Iowa. Jamea N. Caaady, Jr.,
120 Main St. Council Blurt.
MONEY TO LOAN,;::;.:;1::
Savings Loan and Building Associate
Council Blufi's, Iowa.
Alderman McDonald Gets in His Check on
tho Improvement Rush.
Work Contemplated In District West
of Main .Street Indefinitely Post
poned by the Couiiell After
Much Debate.
Alderman McDonald, representing the
Fourth ward, carried his point at the meet
ing of tho city council last night and tho
second paving resolution, embracing tho
group of streets lying west of Main street,
was on his motion laid on tbo table. It was
this resolution which embraced tho streets
which tho abutting property owners de
sired to havo paved with asphaltum, Instead
ot brick, and tho action taken Inst night Is
understood to mean that nono ot these
strcots will bo Improved this year. Tho mo
tion was carried by tho votes ot Alderman
Hubcr, Lotigce, Lovctt and McDonald.
Aldermen lioycr, Hrown nnd Clark voted
against It. Alderman Hammer Is out of tbo
city. "
Before this action was taken a number of
petitions from Interested property owners
were read. The trustees of the Lutheran
church .on South Seventh street, with a
frontage of 192 feet, asked for asphaltum.
Tho Catholic church, with a frontage of 24S
feet on Sixth Btrcct and a frontage of 240
feet on Fifth avenue, nsked for brick. The
Slotcrs of Charity In chargo of St. Francis
Zavlcr's academy, which has a frontage on
Soventh street of 288 feet nnd on Fifth
avenua of 192 feet, petitioned that these
streets bo paved with brick. A numerously
signed petition by propeity owners on First
nnd Fifth avenues, Sixth, Seventh nnd
Eighth streets, nsked tho council to recon
sider llo former action and order these
streets paved with asphaltum instead of
Approve Wlcklinru Contract.
After considerable discussion and n strong
fight on tho part of Alderman Lougco to
havo tho matter postponed for a week the
contract with B. P. Wlckham for the paving
of tho group of streets embraced In tho first
resolution wna approved and tho mayor In
structed to sign same. Bcforo the contract
was approved, however, tho original motion
awnrdlng the contract to Wlckham was re
considered nnd then amended so as to make
tho putting In of n cement filler optional
with tho council. Tho original motion pro
vided for tho cement filler on all streets
ordered paved, with tho exception of North
Main street. Tho contract was amended to
Alderman McDonald suggrotcd that tho
putting In of tho cement filler bo mado op
tional with tho council, as ho was not satis
fied that It was a good thing. Ho and other
members of tho council had been over to
Omaha, whero thoy had seen a street on
which tho llllcr had been used, and it did not
como up to their expectations. M. F. Hohrer
also addressed tho council, urging that tho
cement llllcr bo cut out as a unelcss ex
travaganco. Ho also urged that North
eighth street bo eliminated from tho con
tract on tho grounds that tho cedar block
paving there Is still In good condition. Ho
further Intimated that if It was not tho
abutting property owners would appeal to
the courts.
Lougco objected to tho form of tho bond
In tho contract, which ho said ho did not
consider sulllclently binding on tho con
tractor. In several motions that ho mado
In an effort to secure a postponement until
next week of approving tho contract, he
failed to securo a second.
Seven Siilnll vlsloim.
Tho contract is divided Into soven sep
arate contracts as follows:
Bryant streot, North Second nnd North
First, from Broadway to Washington avo
nuc, bond $2,500.
Seventh nvenuo from Main street to Sixth
street, Worth street from Main street to
Fourth street, Ninth nvenuo from Main
Btrcct to Third street, Tenth nvenuo from
Sixth to Fourth streot, bond $2,700.
Washington avenuo from Harrison street
to Main street produced, bond $2,500.
North Klghth street from Broadway to
Mynstcr streot, North Soventh, North Sixth
nnd Scott streets from Broadway to Wash
lngtnn avenue, bond $3,100.
Plerco street from First street to Stuts
man streot, Stutsman street from Broadway
to Pierce street, bond $500.
North Main street from Broadway to
Washington avenue, bond $800,
Broadway from east lino of Twelfth street
to Indian creek bridge on Thirteenth street,
bond $1,000.
With tho exception of North Main street
and Broadway nil tho streets nro to bo paved
with Des Moines brick top course nnd Coun
cil Bluffs brick lower courso at $1.07
per yard. Main street Is to bo paved with
Council Bluffs brick both courses at $1.3CVa
per yard. Brondway Is to bo paved with
slnglo courso Dcs Moines brick on concrete
base nt $1.S9',4. Tho contract provides thnt
tho work shall bo completed within nlnoty
days and thnt tho work shall bo guaranteed
for flvo years.
Claims for DiuiiiiKr.
Attorney J. G. neck of Omaha presented
claims of ten Omaha citizens who wcro In
n carryall that was overturned on Broadway
on tho night of July 16, tho accident oc
curring near tho Illinois Central crossing.
Tho claims cover personal injuries and
dnmngo to clothing nnd are as follows:
Phocbo Wilson, $2,030; Georgia A. Cloud,
$2,030; Jesso It. Hozzelle, $2,640; W. C.
Cloud, $2,010; Ddward O. Hozzelle, $335;
Louisa Smith, $2,050; Chaunccy D. Wilson,
$2,030; Frnnk Taylor, $525; Gideon Suther
land, $1,025; Thomas Ilroadhurst, $1,350.
Tho claims aggregate $16,135.
Georgo Chaao put In a claim for $300 dam
ages to his houso nt 1030 Avenue B by
reason of tho flood of Sunday, July 16. Mrs,
Caroline Kllgoro also put in a claim for
$50 for damngo to her gardon by reason of
tho overllow of the creek on tho snmo day.
Council adjourned to Monday night.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Heed, 541 B'way.
Miiilto Crrrk Flooded.
Heavy ralu yesterday morning caused a
bad wash on tho Milwaukee nt Persia and
tbo castbound passenger was held several
hours at Neola Westbound trains wero
held nt Peraln. Tbo rain also caused Mos
quito creek to leave Its banks nbove Neola
nnd It Is fenrcd surrounding crops may
havo been damaged. Tho Hood had not
reached this vicinity and Mosquito creek,
although high, was still within Its banks
near tho Iowa School for the Deaf yester
day afternoon,
Outer Ordered In I'ny.
James K. Osier, a prominent and well
known farmer of Orovo township, bcrauso
the company failed to settle with him for
tho lots of a steer which he claimed had
beon killed by lightning, refused to pay any
further premiums on bis stock In tho Pot
tawatamlo County Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance company, Tho company brought
suit In Justice Vlen's court tgalnat Osier
tor the amount of tho premiums and the
case was tried yesterday, resulting in favor
of the company. Tho court held that Osier
would havo been J'..ifled In refusing to
pay any furlb?r premiums If tho company
bad wilfully ue'.ectcd to settlo for tho
death c hi iteer, but It was shown that
tho prcof ft the manner ot tho death ot
tho anlr was Insufficient, Osier at onco
took an r.ppcal to the district court.
Davi'J sells paint.
Intend to Prevent Pnvlnir nt Price
l'ronnseil liy VVIckhnni.
Jaw or. Sa.-uln says he Is determined, It
possible, to p .tlt the city council from
carrying jut tho paving contract with P. B.
Wickham for tie Hi at 'roup of streets or
dered Improved, espec.jl.v so far as It re
lates to the ja''ltig on uhlngton avenue
In front ot htB property. A tho last meet
ing of tho council he scrvci' mi Ice on Mayor
Jennings of his Intention U "irlug suit and
yesterday the official notice o tho suit was
served by an ofnect ot tho jo irt on Mayor
Jennings, tho members of he council and
P. B. Wlckham. Tho no! Ice. wh ch differs In
somo respects from thi oat served on tho
mayor, reads as follows:
You are hereby notified that on or befora
the 25th day of July, 1900. tho potltlon or
plaintiff In tho nbovo entitled cnuso will
bo filed In tho ofllco of tho clerk of the
district court, claiming tho granting of a
temnornrv writ of lntiinctlon nimlnnt vou
and each of you, enjoining you nnd each of
you irom entering into, or in any manner
attempting to enter Into or carry out n
cortaln pretended contract for paving tho
streets of tho city of Council Bluffs, as
shown by the proceedings of tho city coun
cil of said lty on the evenings of July 16
and 17, 1900, and more particularly that por
tion thereof along tho frontage of plaintiffs
property on Washington avenuo In said
city, on the ground tliut tho bids for such
paving wcro collusive and fraudulent und
mado under nnd by vlrtuo of a secret ar
rangement and combination among tho said
bidders, nnd that tho contract was not
awarded to tho lowest bidder, and for the
further rensou that said bids wcro not
properly advertised or scheduled, nnd that
tho ordinance under which same wcro made
Is Illegal, unlawful nnd void; nnd for the
further reason that tho letting of Bald con
tracts nnd carrying out of the samo will
result in tho Incurring of a municipal In
debtedness In excess of tho constitutional
nnd statutory limit, and by reason thereof
are Illegal nnd void, nnd for other grounds;
nnd that on final hearing tho temporary
Injunction bo mndo permanent.
Mr. Saguln, who Is a well known bridge
contractor, still insists that thcro was a
combination among tho local brick men and
that tho prico at which the city council
awarded the contract Is too high. He said
yestorday. "I do not deslro to attack tho
entlro contract, but will prevent if possible
tho city paving Washington avenuo In front
of my property at tho prico named In tho
contract with Wlckhnm. I own property on
both sides ot tho avenuo and consequently
will havo to pay for tho ontlro paving In
front of my lots, which havo a frontaco ot
about 200 feet. If tho council will cut the
portion opposlto my property I will not In
terfere further. If allowed to I will pavo
that portion myself and I can do It at a cost
of $1 per yard. Thcro aro others besides
myself opposed to the contract as awarded
and from fifteen to twenty other property
owners havo signified their Intention of
Intervening in tho suit."
tm Deaths
And 174 persons seriously Injured by gas
ollno explosions In June, but not ono nccl
dont from a gas stove.. Gas stoves do not
Conrt Note.
William Klrby commenced suit In the dis
trict court yesterday against William Itua
lng to rcplovln an clghtccn-lnch stirring
plow with Iron beam which ho alleges Is his
property and which tbo defendant is conceal
ing from him.
The appraisers under tho collateral Inherit
ance tax law will today appraise tho estate
of tho lato B. W. Gregory of Silver Creek
township. They will also meet August 6 to
appraise tho estato of tho lato Mrs. Mary M.
Gllmoro of Hockford township.
J. H. Mlnsscn, guardian of August F. Slg
Ismund, filed an answer yesterday to the
lattcr's petition for a termination of tho
guardianship. Slglsmund asserts that ho is
no longer of unsound mind and is perfectly
capable of caring for himself. This Is de
nied by the guardian, who Insists that Slgls
mund still needs to be cared for. ,
Jonathan Jones, recently pardoned by
Governor Shaw, filed yesterday an applica
tion for tho termination of the guardianship
over him of A. Frazlcr. Jones was found in
sane) by a Jury nlno years ago, after ho had
been convicted ot manslaughter. Jones, now
thnt ho has been pardoned, declares thnt ho
Is not Insane.
Tho scaled verdict In tho case of Mrs. John
Mcyar against her father, Theodore Stortcn
becker, was opened by Judgo Aylcsworth on
tho convening of superior court yesterday
morning. It was as reported, In favor of
the plaintiff for $250. Mrs. Meyar's attor
neys filed a motion for a now trial, not
being satisfied with tho verdict.
SenrelilnK for Mary Tlioinpiinn.
Mary Thompson, tho young woman who
made Falrmount park her homo for two
weeks and escaped from tho Woman's
Christian Association hospital, whero sho
was being cared for, Is believed to be hid
ing nmong tbo willows on tho river bank.
A young woman, exactly answering her de
scription, was seen twice yestorday after
noon walking among willows between the
slough and the motor bridge.
Tho police wero notified and a thorough
search of tbo river bank and vicinity was
mado, but nothing could bo scon ot the
young woman. Tho persons who saw hor
and reported tho fact to tho police said that
as soon ns she noticed sho was bolng
watched sho ran and hid herself.
Another search will bo Instituted nnd If
tho young woman Is found Bho will be
taken before tho Insanity commissioners, ns
Chief of Pollco Albro Is of the opinion that
sho Is not of sound mind. Ho regrets now
that sho was not taken before tho board In
tho first place after being captured In Fair
mount park.
Mr. Tlinmna Onllnuber l'ubllely l'un
llic Colonel I.nnlii for nn Al
leged Slnnder.
OTTUMWA, la.. July 23. (Special Tel
cgram.) Colonel L. L. Laflln ot this city,
who was assistant sergnnt-nt-arms of the
Kansas City national democratic conven
tion, wns publicly horsewhipped on the
streets of this city this evening by Mrs.
Thomas Gallagher, the wife of a saloon
keeper, who claimed that the colonel had
slandered her. A largo crowd of pcoplo
was attracted to the Bcene. The woman
deBlsted only when the colonel took refugo
In flight. She boasts that she camo within
an Inch of killing her victim and says that
she made him beg for mercy. The colonel
denies that ho was much hurt and denies
thnt ho Impugned tho woman's charnctor.
Tho affair created much excitement owing to
the colonel's prominence.
The law holds both maker and circulator
ot a countertelt equally guilty. The dealer
who sells you a dangeroua counterfeit ot
DaWltt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life
to make a llttlo larger nroflt. You r.mmt
trust him. DeWltt's Is tbo only genuine
and original witch Hazel Salve, a well
known cure for pllea and all skin diseases.
See that your dealer gives you DeWitt't
Scheme to Oivolowa Republicans Ohanco to
Express Ohoico.
Tvto Men In Dei MoIiick KlRlit Duel
With Knives mill Arc Ilnilly
Wounded Hoy In Hun Down
nml Killed by Motor.
DES MOINES, July 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Along tho lino of giving tho repub
licans of tho stato a chnnco to express them
selves on tho senatorial question outside of
tho regular methods, It has been proposed
to hold a primary election on tho regular
election dny in November, nt which tlmo
voters might specify their choice. Somo re
publicans say It would bo tho best means of
obtaining tho true situation as to tho rank
and filo vote. They say a voting booth could
bo erected alongside or near tho general
election booth and the samo Judges nnd
clerks could act, hence there would betdlght
expense. Just what will bo done in tho
premises ennnot be foretold.
J. C. Tobby and Homer Cook had a duel
hero In tho Now York dental rooms last
night with knives nnd somo time later both
wcro found on tho street weak from loos of
blood. Cook received a scvero stab In tho
loft breast under tho heart and Tobby had
soveral wounds on his head and body.
Neither wns fatally wounded. Tho causo of
tho affair cannot bo learned, as neither will
say a word.
Wllllo Uttcrson, tho 2-ycar-old son of
John Uttcrson, was run down by n suburban
trolley car, caught on the life fender nnd
so violently thrown that ho was Instantly
killed. Ho nnd his brother had been plnylng
In tho street and attempted to cross in front
of tho car.
The Stato Board of Health wns today noti
fied of ono case of smallpox In Gllddon
township, Carroll county, it Is reported to
bo of a mild nature and carefully guarded.
This In tho first enso of tho kind reported to
tho lowa board for soveral weeks.
Joe McGrath was arraigned In police court
this morning on a chargo ot having mado a
criminal assault on tho llttlo 12-year-old
daughter of F. A. Hammoscn. McGrath
pleaded not guilty and was held under $100
bonds to uwalt trial. McGrath Is married
and has a family.
I'rcpnriitlniiM for Kiieiinipnient.
Adjutant General M. II. Bycrs went to
Perry this morning to assist in the prepara
tions which aro being mado for tho Fifty
second regimental encampment, which opens
thcro Wednesdny. Colonel Humphrey of
tho Fifty-second has issued an order in
cidental to tho preparations for tho camp
announcing tho program which is to bo car
ried out In Perry. It is the Intention to
make this camp moro Uko tho real army
affair than any ever held In Iowa before, bo,
although thero will ho tho numo nmount of
gold laco and glory seen there, thoro will
also be a largo amount of drilling and plenty
of nrmy rations for tho boys. Governor
Shaw Is planning to go to Perry and rovlow
tho regiment Tuesday, August 31, tho last
day of tho encampment. Tho last report
the twelve companies mado showed 651 men
In tho regiment. , Thero aro expected to bo n
llttlo over 600 fr) Tho tents will be
pitched early Wednesday morning and the
troops will go Info camp at once. This in
tho first ot the four regimental encamp
ments to bo hold 'In Iowa this summer, the
other three following closely nftcr this one
at Red Oak, ono at Ottumwa and ono at
Cedar Fall?.
A record-breaking rain struck Dcs Moines
at 4 o'clock this afternoon. One nnd one
tenth Inches of rain wns recorded by tho
Weather bureau Instrument in tho follow
ing hour.
Court Dri'ltlcK Cnr Coniinny In VVronK
In Ha Cunt! AK"liiHt Hull
Mil muite.
SIOUX CITY, July 23. (Special Tel
cgram.) President A. B. Bcall of tho Sioux
City base ball club today defeated the Sioux
City Traction company In its suit to oiiBt
him from possession ot tho base ball park,
whero all western league nnmcs nro played.
Tho streot railway company owns tho park
and sought to cancel Mr. Bcall's lease nnd
eject him on tho grounds thnt ho sanctioned
tho Illegal salo of liquors In ono portion of
tho park on Juno 10. Tho Jury found, how-
over, that ho had no knowledge of the ille
gal salo and a prompt verdict was re
turned in his favor.
Tho enso is tho outgrowth of Mr. Bcall's
complaints of unsatisfactory street car
service, which has Injured tho attendance
at baRo ball games. Mr. Bcnll nlso charges
tho street railway company with having
designs on his baEO ball franchise. Tho
grounds used aro tho only ones now nvail
Archie I'onell KIIIn lllniNeir llecilllnc
Youiik Wo in nn HefiiseN to fin
SIOUX CITY, July 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Bccauso a Jackson (Nob.) young
woman refused to go riding with him Sun
day morning Archlo Powell killed himself
at Goodwin. Neb.. Inst nlzht with n shot
gun. During tho day the troublo did not
seem to worry him, but whllo driving past
a farm where ho mado his homo Powell ex
cused himself from his boy companions nnd
ran to a granary whero ho kept a shotgun.
Ho took It down, placed tho muzzle In hlH
mouth, pulled tho trigger with his too and
blow off almost tho entlro top of his bead.
Itppiililleiiim Meet nt Slorni l.nke.
STORM LAKE, la., July 23. (Spcclal.)-
At tho republican county convention on
Saturday tho following delegation was
elected to tho state convention at Dcs
Moines: A. Smith, chairman; S. C. Brad
ford, James Do Land, F. H. Nelson, H. T.
Saberson, A. L. Dcnlo, Henry Johnson, J.
Dnggart, A. J. Wilson.
The resolutions adopted commended tho
administration ot President McKlnley, en
dorsed tho record In congress ot Hon. Lot
Thomas and complimented Judgo Helsell for
bis excellent services on tho bench In tho
Fourteenth Judicial district, which position
ho has resigned, to take effect September 1.
Tho delegation was Instructed for Hon. G.
S. Gllbertson for trensurer, and afterwards
the Instructions wero extended for J. W
Hallnm of Sioux City for attorney general
and Sonntor Hobart of Cherokee for Becro
tary of state. In order to do this the rcso
lutlons were reconsidered and virtually
made to endorse tho Eleventh district can
dldates, though this was opposed by tho
friends of Gllbertson.
Addresses on political issues wero mado
by Attorney A. D. Bailie, F. H. Chapman,
James Do Land, UeprcEcntatlvo Wilson, H.
T. Saborson, II. F.. Schultz, F. F. Favllle,
Judge Holsull nnd Congressman Thomas
Tho latter spoke for moro than an hour
nnd his address was an ablo exposition of
tbo Issues to be submitted In this campaign
Bute for ClurU-Dolll ver Debute.
STORM LAKE, Ia July 23. (Special.)
Tho Joint debato between J, P, Dolllver and
the Hon. Champ Clark will take place
August 2, 1900, nt tho nudltorlum. Hun
dreds of out-of-town gtifsts nre expected,
ns special trains wilt bo run from nil points
within a radius ot 100 miles.
Shnw nml AIIImiii Confer.
CHICAGO. July 23. Governor Shaw of
Iowa and United States Senator W. B. Alli
son held a conference at tho Auditorium
Annex today. Tho subject of their discus-
elon Is believed to havo been the appoint
ment of a successor to tho lato Senator
Gear. Kvery precaution was taken to pro-
vent the fact of tho consultation ot tho two
lowans becoming known, neither of them
having registered nt tho hotel.
Bonn Croker l'rrpuren Set of llryim-
cmitie Re nolutloiin for HI
Ilrnven to Stvnlloiv.
NEW YORK. July 23. At a meeting to
night of tho Tammany Hall general com-
mlttcu a series of resolutions on motion of
Richard Croker were adopted, in effect as
Tnmmanv Hnll believes In tho supremncy
of tho American ling wherever It floats, but
mni it suouiit tiont nowncro ns me Hyuuioi
of liberty nnd civil scrvltudo combined, for
thnt Is a combination which can only work
dishonor to tho Hug nnd American Institu
tions. It be oves In that character of territorial
expansion which was favored by tho fath
ers or nomocracy, not expansion uy mo
shedding of American blood on soil whero
tho American constitution can never follow
tho Hag, but In that which has ndded to the
glory und tho prosperity of our union; not
In that which Is to thu union a source of
dlscraco nnd disaster,
Tho republican mirtv. while nrofesslnc n
desire to carry freedom to distant strangers
of strnngo habits and ot uncertain civiliza
tion, is satisfied to leave American citizens
on American soil In liondnira to tbo trusts
and monopolies begotten of republican lcg-
isiaiion, ror mai is naming less uinn u ren
dition of slavery which fetters individual
energy and gives to tho favored few fruits
resulting rrom tiio many.
It is conceded that tho nation has Its mis
sion to enrry, but Its mission nt homo re
mains Incomplete, while It Is possible under
national legislation for 10 per cent of the
population 10 noiu me oilier w per cent or
tho people In absolute, subjection through
tho operation of trusts nnd monopolies.
Let us not wait too long In tho vain ex
pectation that this evil will euro Itself.
Tho tlmo has como for tho nation to act.
Tnmmuny Hall, repeating tho promise con
tained In tho national platform of Its party,
pledges Itself to "unceasing wurfnro in na
tion, state nnu city against private monop
olies of every form."
Tnmmuny Hall condemns tho wnclnir of a
war ior conquest, it is unamericnn in prin
ciple nnd false to tho pledge of tho nation
as given by tho president of the I'nlted
States. It condemns the unconstitutional
action of tho president In currying on a war
ior conquest w mi out tne nutnorizatlou or
I'ulln Toll of British I.lnn.
Inspired by its forbidden alliance with tho
iirm.Hii empire tno republican ndminlstra
tlon hns readied out for colonial dnnenden
cles, tho control of which means tho last
step In tho direction of Imperialism and
military government by tho I'nlted States.
That accomplished, thero will bo nothing
but namo and location to distinguish the
American government from tho monarchies
of Uurope. Tho country of Washington, tho
republic of Jefferson, the union of Lincoln,
will have given nway to tho glory of Amer
ican omplre nnd u standing army tho curse
of European civilization, tho scourgo of
Luropean homes will havo como to blight
the homes of America nnd to dominate her
civilization. From ovorv countrv In Kurone.
to escapo tho tyranny ot tho standing
nrmy. inousnnus or our countrymen navo
sought homes In America. American fath
ers and mothers havo a right to tho com
panionship of their sons In the peaccfulness
of homo. Their soiih. thnuah remlv tn vlntil
up their lives. If need bo for homo, havo a
right to tho pursuit of their own happiness
unmolested by warfare which Is neither for
ino nonor oi tno nag nor tho security of
But tho future of Amnrlnn's vonnir nmn
hood Is limited by the republican prlnclplo
to either military servlco on distant fields
nt oouutiui glory or to a llfetlmo of use
less struggle against tho killing competi
tion of trust nnd monopoly.
Tho sincerity of tho republican declara
tions favoring tho propagation of freedom
and thu uplifting of. humanity in other
lands Is revealed bv tho rnntrrwllpinrv nt.
Unities' Of the 'present tidmlnlstratton to
ward tho Filipinos on tho ono hand nnd tho
Boers of South Africa on the other, a war
of criminal aggression ngulnst the former
In the name of freedom, but silent and cow
ering In tho shadow of England's throne
winie tno ireenom ot a sister republic ebbs
awny in Its own blood.
Tho Issues of tbo present campaign nro
iiuunu iiiu consmcrnuon ot dollars and
cents. Thev CO to thn hnnnr of tho nutlnn
Its prldo In the estimation of the whole
world. Us fidelity to that conservative
Americanism, which rooted deep In tho past
nlnno can guide the nation's future.
Tho democru of the nation stnnds for
national hom national conservatism, na
tional Justice Tammany Hall, faithful to
jihj i im iiui-B oi .cmocrncy anil siiDordlnnt
Ing all things to .mncratle success, closes
Its ranks nnd calls for patriotic unity in
tho namo of democratic triumph.
Appointment of lilnhnp nn Archbishop
of I)iilmiiic .Mndo on
.Inly I I.
WASHINGTON, July 23. A letter reached
hero today from Archbishop Kaln of St.
Louis, who is now In Paris, making the
deflnlto statement that Archbishop Kcanoof
tho Catholic university at Washington, but
now at Brussels, under nn ocullst'n care,
was appointed archbishop of Dubuque, la.,
on the 11th Inst.
It Is understood that Archbishop Keano
will probably bring tho official brief ap
pointing him to Dubuquo back to this coun
try in person, which Is something unusual,
na such documents almost Invariably pass
through tho papal legation hero for trans
mission to tho nominee. By reason of his
prominence In official circles In tho past tho
Indications aro that this rulo will not ho
followed, so far as his present elevation la
is 'Mrs. Pinkham. Hor
groat correspondence is
under her own super"
Every woman on this
continent should under
stand that she can write
freely to Mrs. Plnkham
about hor physical con
dition because Mrs. Pink
ham Is
A woman
and because Mrs. Plnk
ham never violates con
fidence and because sho
knows moro about tho Ills
of women than any other
parson In this country.
Lydia E. Plnkham' s
Vegetable Compound has
cured a million sick wo
men. Every neighbor
hood, almost every
family, contains women
relieved of pain by this
groat metUolno.
Prominent lliivnliii lldttor Xnx lulled
.Stilton hy Proper IteKiilntloim fun
lift IIIk Inland Tinde.
NEW YORK. JulvlT E. F. Ouvot. cd-
Itor of La Luchn, of Havana, arrived ou
the Ollmla todny, en route to Washington.
"This Idea of n cougresslan ronntltutlniuil
convention meets the approval of all clawcs
itn a tew exceptions nmong the conserva
tives," said Mr. Ouyot. "If tho commercial
situation wna more carcfullv studied bv ibn
men who ninko tho tarllf, Cuba could bo
orougnt into close relations with tho United
States In a very short time. Tho present
tariff Is absurd, nnd is so reoardcl bv nil
merchants, who rcnllzo that whllo tho
tinted States Is In n position to buy every
thing Cubans ninko nnd produce and to sell
us everythluc wo could into. Rhn im ,iia.
criminated against us in fnvor of almost
an European countries.
CiiIiiiii Teiichorn' Sulurlen Cut.
CAMI1R1DOE, Mass., July 23. Tho last
Issuo ot tho Havana Gazette, tho govern
ment publication, which reached Cambridge
todny, brought bad news to tho teachers. In
tho announcement that nn nvcrage cut ot
$10 per month had been ordered In salaries
of ull school teachers and all tho profes
sors1 In the unlveislty nnd In tho Institutes
had bccii decapitated.
For 40 years Cook's Imperial Extra Dry
Champagne has stood tho test for purity and
Its delicious boquct.
Illir Frelnlit limine Fire In llnlTiilo.
BFFFALO. N. Y.. July 23-The Lehigh
II IH, 1 1 riPtin ii 1 1 it ft v xU lltWlrj 111
nothor with lUty earn lorulcrt with mcr
clmmllffc were ilcatroyed by ilre today
t tf rt AAA
J5regclablcPrcparalionTor As
similating IhcToodflndRcgula
ling the S lomnrhs ondBowcis of
Promotes Digcslion.ChcctfuI
nessandrtest.Contalns neither
Opium'.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic
jbu'st Jcnt I
Ji-pfmmunt -
JBiCurtmaaSoJ' I
Anrrfrrf npmpilv For rnnslirLi-
liton. Sour Stoniach.Dinrrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish-
Tac Simile Signature of
Lw . -..-"'.
I Wfl f !
ble VllalUor. tlio prmcrlptlon nf a fumoni Frnodi pliyildnn, will quickly enre yo
nrvuuior iliurai,f tlia urntratlre nrgim, (iicli m I. Mnlaod, lno
I'ntnn In llio llurW, Kiniilnnl EmUalon. Srrioa. Debility, I'll
If b ,1 1 ..... ... '
( It flaps all Jours hy rtny'or nljht. I'revcnn nnldinfM of ilitclinrcn. which If not checked
leads lo SpcrniHlorrliQ-a'and all Itm linrrorn of linnutenry. HJi'IIKNKcliariMsUiB
liver. tti L lilnev. ntut thn tirliiiirv r.rff&n. nt nil limillrtLlf.A. UllPlUEM 12 StreDffllieua
C(I roitorot smill weaic orean , . , . . ...
Tnnn-ason sulTerurs are not cuied by DoctorslsheeaiieoOOperrontare troubled with frontmlllia.
Oni'IDKNK the only known remedy to ruro without nn ouerfllon. 6000 testimonials. A written
Euaranteo Riven and money returned If 6 limes does uut edict n periuuuenl curs, f 1,00 box.o for lw,
ymall. heud for vukk rfrnilur and leftlmnnlnls.
Address I A vol. ,Mi:iI:i.K CO., 1 O. Iloz SDTS, Han Francisco, Cat.
Real Estate
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. Th ese lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction and the time to buy is the
present. Call at
Council Bluffs. '
M.ido liappy by our Turklfh T. and P- Pills. Monthlies sure to the da7 Kerir disappoints nr
1.,, li. f rl m nnlv f.v,.fkhlve nr nalnflll mnn.lriiatloii Nothing Ilk fi II In the market. ft. 00
I box by mall, Two bonce euro any case. No
Little Liver Pills.
Must ear Signature f
m Pac-Slalto Wrapper Blew.
rnm mil iMiiaueak
run iiuuHismi
OMR E 8 1 0 K HEAftAQMtV
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
iiibiiiV I Km t
Inn, will quickly cure yotl ol il
v inmn,
lMiu nl en
-..,,.... .IjtMMl m mnd ff7annl I Hit I lO 11.
01 w
vjf For Over
And t ho quality of our work should b
of interest to you if your teeth aro no,
in perfect condition. It nmttors no
how little or how mucli you havo to
ho done, wo will be pleased to do it
for you, and the charges will be vory
. ..Telephone 145.
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St. G rand Hotel
is Rising
pain. 110 danur- Halm's Pharmacy .-Omaha. Hob.