Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Union Brings Suit to Prevent Purchrtso of
Purnoa Sweeper.
Workmen IVnr Tlicy Will lie Thrown
Out of Kinpto; mrnt If
the llrnl In Coimiiu
mnlL'il, Seven hundred laborers of tho city have
declared war on the street cleaning ma
rhlnn and will unrk throucll the court to
drlvo It from the streets of Omahn. Kcd
eral union No. 8,oai petitioned Judge
Kawcott for a temporary restraining order
yesterday to prevent tho city from buy
Ine the Furnas swecner now in uto. The
order Is directed against tho mayor, comp
trollcr. city council and Hoard of Public
Works, and Is asked for at this time be
cause tho first payment on the sweeper,
11,250, was to have been made on Tuesday.
Tho petition filed by the union sets forth
that It is an association of dally laborers,
citizens and taxpayer, the members of
which am dependent upon their wages for
tho support of themselves and their families.
Tho mayor and council have consplicd
with tho Pneumatic Street Cleaning nnd
Manufacturing company, the petition says,
to vlolato the provisions of soctlon 101 a, of
chapter xll a, of the statutes of 1899, which
reads as follows:
"All street cleaning nnd sweeping shall
bo dono by day's labor."
The city l threatening to purchase a ma
chine, tho union alleges, for the purpose of
cleaning nnd sweeping by nuch means In
stead of by day labor, ns has been pre
viously dono since tho Jaw went Into effect.
Tho union further says that although the
mayor nnd council huvo entered Into a
contract to spend $2.R00 for a machine, there
arc no funds provided by law for the pur
pose. Thu legislators' action In assuming
such a debt Is declared to be entirely In
violation of law.
Tho petitioners ask that tho city bo re
strained from making any paymunt on the
mnchlnu nnd debnrrcd from Interfering In
any way with hand labor In tho cleaning
of tbo streets.
Propone t Tent tli I.inv.
The view of tho union, na voiced by one
of Its officials, Is ns follows: "Tho union
Is directly Interested In the tnnchine ques
tion because virtually all of the fifty-five
men now employed by tho street cleaning
department are members of No. 8,091. If
lh.e machlno is used permanently this force
will be thrown out of employment, with the
exception of an engineer and flvo teams.
We believe that tho provision cited was
put Into the charter to protect hand Inbor
nnd we propose to test tho law to tho ut
most limit."
Through Interviews published heretofore
tho councllmen havo expressed tho opinion
that tho uso of a machine would not nffect
tho number of laborers employed, and most
of tbem approved of tho purchase on that
On the point of available funds Comp
troller Wentberg snys: "It Is proposed to
pay for tho mnchlno In two installments,
$1,250. to bo paid this year nnd the panic
nmount In 1901. Tho monoy is to come
from the street clennlng fund, which is en
tirely adequate to tho purpose. There Is
now $5,733.&r In this fund with no fixed
charges to bo deducted."
Injunction AKitltint l'lirchnae of Site
for IIIkIi School In .VrKHiMl.
Taxpayers of South Omaha, hended by Jo
seph Oarlow, raised an, cmphntlc objection
In Judgo Keysor's court yesterday to tbe
purchase of the Hoctor slto for a new High
school building. The main point dwelt upon
Is that thoro nro no funds available for the
purchase, the taxpnycrs believing In addition
that tho price fixed by Commlhsloner Hoctor,
$9,500, Is exorbitant. In order to show that
suft!clent funds are on hand the school board
maflo a showing of $40,500 of school moneys
In the city treasury and $24,000 In the county
"This money may be on hand," declared
Attorney Van Duscn for tho taxpayers, "but
ns a matter of fact tho school treasury Is
empty nnd overdrawn, It Is an Imposition on
tho taxpnycrs that this money should lie Idle
when there aro $K6.000 In Interest hearing
warrants now afloat against tbo school ac
count." Attornoy Drognn for tho Hoctor Interests
urged that If the Injunction ngalnst the pur
chase wero granted hundreds of children
would be threatened with no schoql facilities
next year. During tbe last year be pointed
out that pupils havo becu housed In vacant
stores or wherever they could bo gathered
together In charge of a teacher. An affidavit
was put in evidence to show that the only
avnllablo room In n certain district was over
a saloon,
"I can show that such an affidavit Is nn In
famous misstatement of fact," exclaimed
Mr, Vnn Duscn. "Tho allldavlt was filed loss
than an hour ago and I demand further
tlmo to secure testimony to the contrary."
Tho caso was put over until Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock.
While Sinn Turned Yellow,
Great consternation wns felt by the
friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky.,
when they saw lio was turning yellow. His
skin slowly chnnged color, also bis eyes,
nnd ho suffered terribly. His malady was
Yellow Jaudlco. Ho was treated by the
best doctors, but without benefit. Then ho
vas advised to try Klectrlc Hitters, the
wondorful Stomach nnd Liver remedy, and
he writes: "After taking two bottles I was
wholly cured," A trial proves Its mntchless
merit for alt Stomach, 1-lvcr nnd Kidney
troubles. Only 60c. Sold by Kuhn & Co.,
Chrn It on ml Trip 11 it tea.
On August 2, 7 und 21 tho Illinois Central
will sell tickets, limited until October 31, at
follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35,
Watervtlle. Minn., and return, $10.68.
Madison Lake, Minn., and return, $10.68.
St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12 65.
Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65,
Duluth, Minn., and return. $16.95,
Buporlor, Wis., and return, $16.95.
West Superior, Wis., and roturn, $16.95.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam
Saturday, July 28,
cheap rate excursion
to Hot Springs,
via Northwestern Line.
Through Saturday sleeper
without change. .
Delightful climate,
Delightful plunge,
Delightful hotels,
Delightful scenery.
Curatlvo waters.
Call 1401 Farnam st
Northweatern Lino office,
For rates and reservations.
Cliitnuc (it Tune.
On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway changed the tlmo of their train
between Omaha and Chicago, The fast train
formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, under
the now card, leave at 6:00 p. m,, arriving
Chicago at 8:30 a, m., In aruplo time for all
eastern connections. The local train form
erly leaving at 11:00 a, m. has boon changed
to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving
Omaha at 7 15 a. m. and arriving Chicago
at 10:30 p, m
.Meitilirrn of llir Woiniin'n t'ltili Will
I, end lmll vlilnnl Mil to the
Promoters of tho musical festival are
anticipating n considerable Impetus to the
snlo of tickets because they think they
harr quieted the feats of some of the lovers
of music In tho Woman's club, Some time
ago an Invitation was extended to the club
nuking Its lenders to aid In the work of pro
moting tho festival, which bi ought a re
sponse that was considered somewhat chill
ing to tho cnthuolnsts. It was to the effect
that It was not the province of the club
to go Into anything like tho promotion of
such an enterprise by urging tho sale of
tickets, but that tho members would lend
Individual aid. Inquiry on the part of
come of tho promoters of the festival has
disclosed the fact that tho women have
been backward nbout taking an active part
In tho promotive work because the musical
department of the club was not nssured that
tho classical mualc to bo rendered would
bo of the moot refined and elevating char
acter from an educational standpoint. The
committee Is now In position to tender to
the club tho nssuranco that Its fears are
wholly groundless, and entertains confi
dence, therefore, that -the Woman's club
will get out and help push the festival to a
succetsfnl Istue.
At tho meeting of tho committee Monday
an estimate was submitted of tho probable
cent or tho festival. It shows that the band
will cost $7,800 for the fifty-six concerts,
that It will cost $3,000 for the
tent, seating, stage and other neces.
sary equipments. $S70 for the pub
lication of tho program. $1,500 for advertis
ing and $500 for lighting, making a total of
$13,100. Tho sale of seats In books has
thus far reached the sum of $3,500. There
will bo a considerable revenuo from the
sale of concessions and reserved seats nnd
the publication of tho programs, and back
of all s a guarantee signed by progressive
buslncps men nnd lovers of music In which
they guarantee In smnll nmounts the pay
ment of $6,000 In ease the revenues of the
festival arc not tmfllclent to moot the ex
It was stated that tho tickets will be
rendy for Issuance next Wednesday, Thu
soliciting commlttco will continue Its
work until August 10, it Is probable
that canvassers will bo put to work on tho
sale of bookr. who will be paid for their
Hirvlcos In tickets. As tho single ticket s
-nro to sell for 35 cents, It Is believed that
the salo of books of twenty admissions for
$.1 will bo nn Inducement for purchasers to
buy large numbers
of books boforc the
festival opens.
One Mlnuto Cough Cpro is the only
harmless remedy that produces Immediate
results. Try It.
1,1st of ContrMtnntN Winning the Hit.
Iicrmiimi Prlrcs In The Her Vn
cntlon Content,
Quite a thoughtful provision In The lice's
late vacation contest was the generous offer
of Mr. A. Hubermann, tho Jeweler at Thir
teenth nnd Douglas streets, to provide con
solation prizes for worthy contestants unfor-
Jiinate enough not to sccuro vacation trips.
rhese prized wero to go to those contestants
Immediately following those to whom were
allotted vacation trips, and Include the fol
lowing young women:
Emma Inman, diamond ring,
Kttft Reed, opal ring.
Mrs. L. Ornun, gold dumbbell sleeve but
tons, town.
Daisy Ledwlch, Harlan, wedding ring.
Nort'li rhriakn,
Lena Klein. North Platte, wedding ring.
South Nelirnnkn.
Annie 8anders, Beatrice, wedding ring.
Council nitiffN.
Addle Deecroft, wedding ring.
To Six Omiilin Winners In Ilee's Work
Ihk filrl Viicntlon Contest.
As a fitting close and Is recognition of the
genoral Interest takos by tho public in The
Deo's working girl vacation contest Just
terminated, tho managers of Boyd's theater
have decided tomorrow evening to enter
tain tho six Omaha winners by placing at
their disposal without Charge six private
boxes, ono to each of the young women.
After tho hard work nnd excitement of tho
contest and preceding tho vacation trips
such an evening's entertainment will come
very apropos. Tho names of the winners
nre: Estello Van Horn, Sophia Miller, Kath
arlno Stlllwcll, Kntlo Kern and Ella Crane.
A Selected Mat of Summer Tours.
Fifteen ono way and nineteen round trip
will be found In the Lako Shore's summer
edition of "Hook of Trains." Copy will be
sent on application to H. P. Humphrey, T.
P. A., Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Byron, C.
W. A., Chicago.
Snm'l Hums, 1318 Farnnm, midsummer re
duction salo. Ten per cent off ovcrythlng.
Tho best of good shampoos Is N. N. sham
poo, Druggists say: Prof, Field's worm
dcrs lewd all other worm remedies.
Dp MoIiipn Mnn Hurt.
X. A. Prucrnft, whose homo Is at Ynungs
town. a suburb of Des Moines, attempted to
honrd n moving freight train at Twenty
fourth street and the Union Pacltlc trucks
about 6:30 Mondny evening and was thrown
to the ground, sustaining painful Injuries.
No ono saw him fall and he Inld there until
Union Pncltlc train No, 2 came along nn
hour or more Inter. Tho engineer saw tho
mnn nnd stopped the train, Conductor
Tom Costrllo put Crncroft nbonrd nnd
brought him to the union Htntlon, where he
wan turned over to the police, lio wns
attended by Police Surgeon Ames and nfter
wnrds removed to the Clnrkenn hospital by
order of City Physician Ralph.
Special Rates:
Omaha to Denver nnd return
Omaha to Colorado Springs and return,
Omaha to Glcnwood Springs and return,
Omaha to Pueblo and return,
Omaha to Ogdcu and return,
Omaha to Salt Lake City nnd return,
Tickets on Salt July 17-18, August 2-7-21.
Limited to Oct. 31st, 1900.
H v.
$1.60 Children's Silk and Mull Hail ou Salo
for 25 Cents.
.Htninlnril Notion nt llnll Price ntul
1jPi nl This tSrcnl ClcnrliiR Snlc
l-'rnmral ripfure fie, Worth
' Iteiiiiitint MIU Klnntlr, Be.
$1.60 MULL HATS AT 25C.
Your choice of 500 children's silk and mull
hats, many with straw crowns, In pinks,
light blues, whites and creams, elaborately
trimmed with lace, every one worth up to
$1.50, on sale, as displayed In our window,
at 25c.
SUndard machine cotton, 1 Vic a spool.
New York Mills thread, lc a spool.
Knox all basting thread, 500-yard spools,
2Vic a spool.
All silk scarn binding, 2Hc a roll,
Mercerized crochet cotton, 2Vfcc a ball.
Richardson nnd Cortlccltl embroidery silk,
3Hc a dozen.
H. H. embroidery cotton, 3 balls for lc.
Tiger darning cotton, 2 cards for lc.
Black head hat pins, lc a card; worth 5c.
Hair pin cabinets, 2c a cabinet.
Safety pins, all sizes, lc a paper.
Hone hair pins, all styles, lc each; worth
up to 10c,
Adamantine pins, 2 papers for lc.
English pins, 2 ',4c a paper.
Towel rackn, 2',4c each.
Japanese fans, 3 for lc.
Imitation hand-painted pictures with easel,
Be each; worth 23c.
Framed pictures, with glass, frame, mat
and all, 5c each,
Oranlto stockinette dress shields, 6c a pair;
worth 15c.
Keystone hump hook and eye, 2c a card.
Clasp drapery pins, lc a dozen.
Silk elastic remnants, worth up to 25c a
yard, go at 5c a remnant.
Children's side elastics, all sizes, 5c n pair.
Turkish dust cloths, lc each; worth 6c.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sis.
Wns Concoctlnsr Some Novel Dishes
When Ills Wife Apiienreil nntl
Mntercd l'roteat.
John Nelson, a head plumber, returned to
his home, 1912 Dorcas street, Sunday night
with an un-plumb head and did several
things, the effects of which were a rldo In
tho patrol wagon and a flno In police court.
It was nearly midnight when ho succeeded
In getting tho front door open; then, rind
ing tho house dark and his family In bed,
ho took oft his shoes and went down to tho
kitchen to cook supper.
Taking a soup bono from tho Ico chest
he placed it in a saucepan, broke three eggs
over it and sprinkled tho mlxturo with bak
ing soda, He then poured somo vlncgnr lutt
the coffeo pot and was trying to light tho
gasoline stove with tho latchkey when his
wlfo appeared and entered a protest. There
was a quarrel and In a moment tho plumber
chef was throwing things.
Aroused by the rumpus, tho children carao
running down stairs and arrived just In time
to see Mr. Nelson In tho act of currying his
wlfo with the nutmeg grater.
In police court yesterday ho was fined
$15 and costs for being drunk and abusing
his family.
Mrs. Itnrbnra Stnmpfmnler Released
from St. .Innrph'n Hospital,
Apparently Cured.
Mrs. Barbara Stumpfraaler, who, on the
night of Juno 26, was shot twlco by Tier hus
band, John Stumpfmaler, who afterwards
committed suicide, wns released from St
Joseph's hospital Saturday and has returned
to her home nt Twelfth and Hlalne streets.
Though nble to walk nbout and engage In
light household duties, she still carries one
of tho bullets shot Into her body by her in
sano husband. The other was removed. It
is supposed that the remaining bullet Is
lodged somewhoro near tho spine, but the
surgeons wero unablo to locato It exactly,
It causes no inconvenlcnco at present.
During her Illness of nearly a month her
thrco children havo been cared for by tho
Always, because Its so soothing and heal
ing. Ono application will convlnco you
after being out Hshtng or driving In the
sun. lie surn and take It with vou when
you go traveling not to have It ulong
would bo the same ns leaving your purse
at nome. wo rerer to inni una prepara
tlon. Kevntlnn Lotus Cream 10c bottle.
Cramer's Kidney Curo 75c
Duffy's Malt Whiskey K5c
Peruna 75c
1 Dozen 2-Oraln Quinine Capsules 7c
1 Dozen 3-Ornln Qulnlno Capsules 10c
1 Dozen 5-c; rain Quinine Capsules 15c
Ilrnmo Quinine 15c
Ottrlleld Ten , 20c
Hu-Cnn Ilnlr Restorer 75o
Pnlno's Celery Compound 75c
Wlno of Card ul 75c
Pyramid l'Uo euro 40c.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Cure , 40c
Sure Death for Bugs 20o
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure 50c
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal PH.. Is.. $1.00
liar uen 0o
AJax Tablets 40c
oLnAcrcn druggist
S. W. Cor. Kith and Chle.aBO.
HI. 00
Will SIhmt Their Resentment of HI
.Method,, of TriitlMW't llltt lllllclltl
Itiislness of the Stnte.
A decided defection of the silver re
publicans from the fusion s(nto ticket Is
well under way,
"It Is my Judgment that Governor Poynter
will be defeated," remarked James W, Carr,
"because of the largo nmount of dlssntlsfnc
tlon among tho better clement of the fusion
forces. Many of the silver republicans of
tho state havo lost confidence In Oovcrnor
Poynter for several reasons, nmong which
Is his lack of nblllty to handlo tho nffnlra
of tho state, and particularly those of the
stato Institutions, without constantly hnv
Ing an unseemly quarrel on hand. Silver
republicans feel that bur for his very
peculiar methods mneh o
tho unseemly
turmoil tvhkli nas been stirred up at tho
stato Institutions would havo been avoided
and he would thus have been saved from
being the laughing stock of the stnte, which
he now Is,
Many other things can be said nnd
proven concerning tho conduct of tho affairs
of the stato by tho governor's orTlcc, which
to mo arc sufficient reasons why I will not
support Mr. Poynter, nnd which will do
velop later In the campaign, and, whllo f
shall support nil clean, capable candidates
who stnnd squarely upon tho silver re
punucan platform, I will not support any
man, regardlota of what his political com
plexlon or his professed political principles
mny be. If I do not believe htm to be clean.
capable and, above all things, honest.
In my Judgment, tho fusion forces
stultified themselves In the renomlnntlon
of Governor Poynter nnd will disgrace the
principles thov profess to maintain If thcy-rc-elcct
Mr. Carr has been probably the most
active silver republican In Douglas county,
has practically dictated the local affairs of
that party, has gotten up Its caucuses and
conventions and was a delegate to tho state
convention. He says thnt a majority of tho
sliver republicans of the county will not
voto for Governor Poynter.
It Snved Ills
P. A. Dnnforth of LaGrange, On., suffcrod
for six months with a frightful running
soro on his leg; but writes thnt Flucklen's
Arnica Salvo wholly cured It in nvo days.
For .Ulcers, Wounds, Plies, It's tho best
salve In the world. Curo guaranteed. Only
23 cts. Sold by Kuhn & Co.. druggists.
2 Trains to Spirit Lako
Via Northwestern Line.
Leave Omaha 6:65 a. m.
Leave Omnha 7:35 p, m.
Only ono change of cars if you
go via the Northwestern Line.
Call at 1401 Farnnm street
for round trip rates and parlor car or
sleeping car accommodations.
Genuine Imported B. B. Pilsner beer on
draught at Ed Mnurer's. 1306 Farnam St.
Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harnov, phono 833.
Win II ifJ
Monday and Tuesday
Theso aro tho days on which tho Burlington will
sell rould trip tickets, Omaha to Denver, Puoblo or
Colorado Springs and return for
The Burlington Is tho
Its trains run on time.
Ticket Ottloe,
502 Farnam St,
Tel. 250.
Our stock of men's and boys' tine clothing is too large. Some
thing desperate had to be done to cut; it down to its normal size.
we are not the kind to stand and
business and are now ready to swallow our medicine gracefully
by marliing down 'every single garment in our great clothing department.
As you well know we never do things by halves. We want to
make July the greatest month's business in our history and if
extraordinarily low prices count for anything we will do it easily.
This is what we call real marking down of prices:
All our Men's Suits that wero $6.50
now $3.75
All our Men'n Pants that wero $2.,10
now $1.25
All our Men's flno Suits that wero $22.50
and $25.00
now $15.00
All our Men's Suits that were $8.50 nnd $9
now $4.75
All our Doya' Vesteo SultB that wore $2.00
now 98c
All our Hoys' Washable Suits that woro
$1.60 and $1.05
now 75c and 95c
Roys' fancy Vests given away with all double-breasted knee
pants suits at .?2.r0 and up.
Selling the most clothing in Omahu,
iiosTo.v sronn snoK ci,i:aiuo.
On lljirunln Siunre In Ilnaement
Sliues for lit erj lioily nt Sneelnl
Women's oxford tics and strap mndats,
blacks nnd tans, worth up to $1.75 a pair,
' on sale nt S9c.
i Men's shoes In lace nnd congress, colt
skin nnd Iluscta calf, worth up to $3.00
pair, on sale nt $1.69 .
Infants' soft-soled shoes In white, pin
and blue kid, worth 60c a pair, go nt 23c.
N. W. Corner 16th and Douglas Sta.
OkolioJI nnd Arnold I'nrli.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way company havo Just placed In service
1 daylight trains between Omnha and Spirit
Lake, OkoboJI nnd Arnold's Park. Going th
train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar
rives Spirit Lake at 4.15 p. rt. Returnln
tho train leaves Spirit Lako at 6:45 n. m
end arrives Omaha 3:55 p, m, This Is th
best service that has yet been offered over
any ono Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31, $10,7o.
City ticket oirice, 1501 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH, Gcn'l Western Agent
A I'lnce to Spend the Summer.
On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin are sarao of tho most
beautiful places In the world to spend
summer vacation camping out or nt tho ole
gant summer hotels. Bontlng, fishing, beau
tlful lakes nnd streams and cool weather.
Theso resorts nro easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may bo
bad upon application at tho Chicago, Mil
waulicp & St. Paul Ry. city ticket office
1504 Farnam stteet, Omaha. Round trip
tickets, good returning until October 31
now on sale. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
way of making tho ordinary drinks which
renders them a half more acceptable HE
FINE SODA WATER? Well, ratherl
Wo havo long been known as dispensers
of the choicest soda water to be obtained
In Omaha.
Soda our "Swiss Cream Koumyss" "Koko
Celery Phosphate" and Wild Plum Phon
phatc" nro all to bo obtained only at our
soda fountain.
It makes us laugh to learn of tho mental
gyrations of some of our would-bo competi
tors In tho soda water business. GOOD
COLD DRINKS, mixed properly nnd servod
daintily, will-do more than columns of vapid
vaporlngs or blatant boastings.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go,
Now Location, Cor. 16th nnd Dodgo.
Homo of the Onyx Queen.
shortest line to Denver, and
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tel. 128.
grumble. We have done a big
All our Men's Suits that were J12.S0
now $7.50
All our Men's CraBh Suits that wero $1.75
nnd $2.50
now 95c and $1.25
All our Men's Craoh and Duck Pants that
wero $1.00
i nun till, aim uuu
All our Mon's Pants thnt wero $2.50 to $5
now $1.50 & $2.50
All our Hoys' Ijur Pants Suits that were
$7.50 to $12.50
-$3.75 $5 & $7.50
The scales upon the bluefish are the
shingles for his roof. They keep him
nice and dry within and make him water
proof. This is a good store for
Men's Water Proof Coats,
Men's Haiti Coals for.
Men's Kain (joats for.
Men's Wain (.'oats for .
Men's Kain Coats for
Men's Ha in Coats for .
Men's Hain Coats for
Men's Haiti Coats for
Mean's Hain Coats for
.Means Knin Coats for 10.50
Men's Kiibber Coats for 2 00
Men's Hubber Coats for !!2.50
Motor Men's Coats for .4.00
Double back, cloth on the outside, rubber on 'the
Come out of the wet and j;et dry.
and Slippers,
Attracts the attention
of all Omaha and
brings everybody to
our 2 big shoe de
partment to get a
choice pair
1 i r
nousanas oi men s
4 -4 M 4 d
women s and chiv
dren's fine new shoes
piled high on
big tables, at
ess than half,
ts the Greatest Manufacturing
A double (orce of experienced
and fit everybody properly. EVEHY PAIR JUST AS WE AD
Ladles' Tlnr fit. 1)0 nnd 4.00 Shorn,
for If 1. tM(.
Made by Hoas. Henth & Co., C. H. Aborn
& Co, nnd Tharo, Mcdulre & Field.
I.ndlt-n' I' I up $2.00 ami fU.RO Oxford
Tlrn nnil Sllpr tor UHi:
"Made by J. Irving Benedict & Son and
P. M. Wndle!-h.
Mlnum' I'lne I.7R and U.OA Shoe,
for ai.U.I.
Made by Geo. F. Daniels & Co.
to Drink
Is of crave importance. Intense heat dis
turbs tho eastrlo functions and dobllltatoa
tho entire system. Tho majority of all so-
called coollnB drlnka bring no lasting relief,
hut rather unduly stimulato a craving for
more, until tho stomach ts wholly demor
alized. Krug's Cabinet will effectually bar out alt
A fow of Jhoso dainty, gold-rlmmed glasses
will at once refresh and bestow enduring
Phone for a case.
Tolepbone 420.
Summtr Tours on Lako Mlohlgan.
for .uiitT ttIc oicliulrolr, ink Irl-wMklf
tru lor ImrUtnli. llrb,,r nprlnir. Hur t Irw,
I'rioairr antl tlurLhini' lUtl pnnnftctlna with All
Hlnhip J.Idim for Ll" Huptrlor, Kantern nt
Canadian PolnW.
l'uca. V . m. Thar. II a.m. Hal, -t p. In.
Manltou Stoamshlp Company,
OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth and N. Water Sti Chicago.
You have the BEST notwithstanding; they
. .
. .
. .
Selling 22,000
Pairs finest Shoes
at 46c on
Shoe Sale Ever Held in the West.
shoe salesmen required to serve
Men'n Flue 'f.'t.flO nnd 1.(10 Hinea, for
If 1. fill.
Mado by Myron F. Thomas nnd Treston
D. Keith & Co.
Men'n Klnr fit nnd T llmtd-Mniln
Shorn, fnr 2.n7.
Mado by French, Shrlncr &. Urner.
Hoyn' 1'lnr 1..',0 nnd lfli.00 HioeR, for
Mado by C. II. Aldori & Co.
This household pest Is always about dur
ing warm weather. To get rid of them tho
easiest and quickest way Is tho crying need.
Havo you tried
It Is tho drnd sure remedy. The roaches dls.
appear, and that In the end of them. It only
costs you BUc a can, and the work Is done,
gold only by
cut piiicr nniinra.sTH.
I'linrteriitli ant iiUeHa streets.
by reliable dentists. Our every effort Is to
liulld good work. In constructing teeth,
wo mako tho best. Our nilliign preservo and
add beauty to tho teeth.
Ilest Teeth, not $8.00
flood Teeth, set $5.00
Gold Crowns, best $5.00
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
1.117 IloiiJjIiiH SI.
T- I Br. Eay'iL.
CnitKS all Kidney
ache. eta. Atdru
fists, or by mat
rree book, ad
vice, etc., of Dr. II, J, Kay, Saratoga, N. V,
cost you no more than Inferior goodl.
lUUU l.UH.
I 1
l I
of the amm