THE OMAHA. DAILY JlEE: SUXBAV, TTJTjV 22, 1900. OlIAIIA'S NEW INSTITUTIONS Two Enterprises Landed This Week that Mean Much to the Oity. SEVERAL OTHERS ALREADY IN SIGHT rVVoodnirn of llir World nml Ilyrnrw llnmnirr Dry (iooiln CiMiiinii' Will i:r.-( Nimv Ilulld liiKi nt Once. "This ha been a pretty fnlr week for Omaha," remarked a gentleman who Is ac tive In every movement to forward the In terests of the city. "We havo landed two enterprises during tho week of which any city mlfiht be proud. Tho permanent loca tion of Woodmen of tho World headquar ters means tho erection of a $90,000 build ing, continual and lucrative employment for nearly 100 people mid the handling by Omaha bank of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. "Of still greater moment Is the securing of the Ilyrncs-Hamnmr wholesalo dry goods house. Ono of tho crying commercial needs of Omaha has been Just such an es tablishment, and the brut heads In tho city havo long been endeavoring to boIvi? the problem of how to get one. The credit for securing this ono appears to belong to a quintet comprising F. 1'. Klrkcndall, W. V. .Morse. I'. E. Her, John S. Ilrady and 55. T. Mndsey. Mr. Morn was so earnest In tho matter that nt ono time, when It appeared that the coming of the new enter prise might depend upon Its ability to secure the building In which hlB firm Is located, be declared that that should not stand In the nay If his firm had to move Its business out Into tho street. Such a contingency was, however, obviated when Mr. Her agreed t6 croct a suitable structure. "This new unterprtao will put 1250,000 Into Its buelncrn at tho very start, nnd will oper ato a factory that will afford 'employment to upward of 100 people In the manufacturo of overalls and other kindred garments. Hut tha most significant thing of all Is that Its promoters contend that the coming of this, cnterprlso mcanu also tho early establish ment of a big wholesale hat and cap house hero. Slllllncrr limine Still NopiIimI. "Among thoso who have been laboring for the upbuilding of Omaha's Jobbing Inter ts tho most essential elements herctoforo found lacking wcro a wholesalo dry goods house, a wholesale hat and cap house and a wholesale millinery house. It Is felt that two of these three essentials have been prac tically provided for, and now all efforts will be bent toward securing tho wholesalo millinery house. When that has been se cured Omnha will bo ready to Invito all classes of retailers to tho city wllh tho as surance that thoy ran hero find everything that their trado demands. "Thrro Is reason to believe that Omaha landed another Important enterprise during tho week. You know that during the past few weeks this city secured one largo flour ing and cereal food factory. Well, I think that you mny say that on Friday another MO Mrrcl per day flouring mill was secured. The proposed proprietor of such nn enter prise, who comes from an Interior Nebraska city, was hero on Friday looking at the proffered sites and went away satisfied. I think I can tell you within a few days that n new (louring mill has been located In Omaha." New Tannery Opened. "Another promising enterprise 'that has opened up during the week Is a tannery for tho euro of sheep pelts, which will absorb considerable of tho product of tho South Omaha packing houses. A local house lias Just put In a machlno for tanning sheop pelts nnd proposes to put In threo moro im mediately. Hy this machine tho -wool Is removed from the hldo by nn electric process, after which the pelt Is tanned by a chemical process which docs not call for the uso of tanbark. Under this process tho wool Is saved In micb good condition that It will run about $1 per pelt. This factory, when In full operation, will afford employ mont to somo fifteen men, Hldos In abund ance are, procurable at South Omaha and tho product of tho tannory will be absorbed ly local factories. Tho shoe factory will be oblo to uso a great deal of It In its extensive manufacture of leggings, but the larger fart "of It will bo used by an Omaha harness factory. "Under the process used It will take nbout threo woeks to tan a pelt aud the factory will havo a capacity of 250 pelts per day when fully equipped for active operation. Tho factory will doubtless bo located In Cost Omaha." A l'lnre to Spencl thr Minuurr. On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE HAIL WAY In Wisconsin are somo of tho most beautiful places In the world to spend u summer vacation "camping out or at tho ele gant summer hotels. Boating. Ashing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts aro easily reached from Omaha. A book describing them may be had upon application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Ity. city ticket offlco. J ,ri0 4 Farnam street, Omaha. Itound trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on ealo. F. A. NASH, Western Agent. Outline ol Time. On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Taul railway changed tho tlrao of their train between Omaha and Chicago. The fast train formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, under tho now card, leavo at 6:00 p. nt.,. arriving Chicago at 8:30 a. ra., In ample time tor all eastern connections. Tho local train form erly leaving at 11:00 a. m. has been changed to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving Omaba at 7:15 a. m, and arriving Chicago at 10:30 p. m. Jo nen tut I.imv Committer, V. M. Jones, ono of the delegates from Omnha Typographical union. No. 100, ro contly elected to represent tlio local union In tho International Typographical conven tion, which meets in Mllwaukeo In AUKUSt, Iiuh received iv letter from Prenlilmtt nnn. nelly notifying him that ho has been so- lec.ieu us a memuer or tlio law committee. This Is nn honor that will lm htirhtv n nnt'A. elated by nil tho membors of the printing craft In Omnhu, This is tho mom Im portant committee appointed, us all reso- miiuns, rrconuneiuiationB or olllcers or any matter effecting tho laws of tho organiza tion must be referred tn thin which meets four days prior to tho meeting nccetitcd the unnoliitment nml um tnw for Mllwauked one week In ndvanco of the other Omaha delegates. Mr. Jones Is u nuuiyiu uertiiur on ino liec. Hamilton warren, m. u., eclectic and magnetic physician, has moved h'.s office to 703 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long Btnndlng or Itngcrlna dls cases and to diseases of women and children, Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone SS3. Dorward, dentist, 1321 Farnam. Street Cur Jumps Truck, Streot car trnfllo west bound on Farnam. Ilnrney mid Dodge streets was suspended for about half an hour yesterday anil on overy Btreot corner iimmtlent bands were jialiicreu waiting ror me curs to carry 'ilium to their destinations. The troubln was occasioned on South Tenth street. Im provements worn in progress on thnt Tmrilrm of thn track iinnroachlnc tho north end of tho Tenth street vludjct and only , skeleton rails wero provided to curry tho 1 ruin for several rods. As tho car In charuo of Motorman Vlo Johnson arid Conductor James Jonnson was crossum me runs at titiii imrlirMilnr nnlnt u Hhort rull stireml und tho mr ran olt tho track, Jolting ulong on the ties for n short distance. A gang of truck laborers was put to work getting tho cur imcic on mo runs, wnicn was ac- . 1 ... . half wMt TRIP MEANS MUCH TO OMAHA Secrrlnrr t'tt Ask tlint There ftp A IUk Crowd for Hip r.ienmlon to York. "I learn 'tint somo pcoplo intertaln tho Impression that tho Commercial club ex cursion to York next Thursday Is exclu sively for members of tho Commercial club, the Ak-Sar-IJcn nnd tho managers of the muslcnl festival," said Secretary Utt of the Commercial club. "This is an error. It Is tho deslra of tho promotors of tho excur sion thnt a large crowd of Omaha people shall go to York on that day, merely ns an expression of neighborly friendship. It Is just such an excursion as went out to Hast ings Just prior to tho close of the exposi tion last year, nnd which led to a return visit on tho part of the, Hastings pcoplo and a bettor feeling between the two cities generally. , "If Omaha sends a good crowd out to York next Thursday It will mean a return visit on tho part of the York people during the Ak-Sar-Dcn festivities. Unless COO Omaha people ngrco to go tho York excur sion will bo declared off. This excursion Is in response to nn lnvltntlon of the York people to tho enjoyment of their festivities to be held during next week. "Tho trip will bo a delightful one. Ne braska will ralso tho largest crops of Its history this year nnd the scenes along tho read will bo an inspiration. York Is n benu tlful young city growing and disposed to bo friendly tn Omaba commercially, nnd It is desirable that wo should have a large ex cursion. Kvorybody Is Invited to go, and I appeal to everybody interested actively In Omaha's commercial prosperity and ad vancement to Join us." MAY PURCHASE SHEELY BLOCK Woodmen of (lie World Likely to (alve (lie Iden of Krectlnir .ew It ii 1 111 I n tr. "Omaha may not bo tho beneficiary of the location of tho Woodman of tho World head quarters to tho extent of acquiring nn ex pected new building," said a man on tho Inner circle of the Woodman management. "Whllo tho organization 'is In position to erect a homo for Itself If It wants to, I should not be surprised If tho matter wore settled by buying the Sheely block, where It Is now located. It has plenty of room there and with a few Improvements would bo In ns good shapo as could be wished. When tho Sheely estate makes the attractive price at which it Is offering the property, the question of economy cannot be avoided. The purchase, of this property may therefor keep Omnha out of a big, new building and stop the expenditure of the $10,000 to $50,000 that would havo to bo Invested In It." I 2 Trains to Spirit Lako Via Northwestern Line. Leavo Omaha 6:55 a. m. Leavo Omaha 7:35 p. m. Only ono change of cars If you go via tho Northwestern Line. Call at H01 Farnam street for round trip rates and parlor car or sleeping car accommodations. A Helceleil MM of Stimnifr Tnara. Fifteen ono way and nineteen round trip will bo found In the Lako Shore's summer edition of "Hook of Trains." Copy will bo een on application to II. P. Humphrey, T. I. A., Kansas City, Mo., F. M. Byron, O. W. A.. Chicago. Genuine Imported B. D. Pilsner beer on draught at Ed Maurer's. 1308 Farnam St. niank book and magazlno binding. A. I. Hoot, 414-416 South Twelfth St. HUB IIEAI.TV MAHICET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday, juiy n, law; Wnrrnnfy Deeds. It. J. Hubbard, executor, to James. Za lamlek. lot 23, block 11, TJrown park..! 918 W. H. Hughes to M. B. Hughes, lot 8, block 2: lot 6, block 4, lledford Place 1 Inez Cnllnlmn nnd husband to O. II. l'nytie, trustee, w 50 feet lot 5, block 25, Kountzo Place 25 Deed. Sheriff to E. II. Howland Lumber jyid UUUI CUIIipuuy, HUB M UI1U OCK Matthews' subdlv 170 Total amount of transfers $1,111 Can you use one? Yes, If you get tho right one. Don't go for your vacation without a Kodak or Camera. We handle all good makes and can advise you Just what pays An Eastman Folding Pocket Kodak $10.00 for $8.00 The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Fur ni in St. Developing and printing done. See our new lino of picture frames. Special Rale: Oiualm to Denver nnd return Omaha, to Colorado Springs und return, Otnnlin to Glcnwood Springs nnd return, Omnha to Pueblo and return, Omaha to Ogdeu and return, Omalia to Snlt Lake City and return, Tickets on Silt July 17-18, August 2-7-21. LlmiUd to Oct. 31st, 1900. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1302 FARNAM ST, TARING THE SPECIAL CENSUS Agents of the Department Now Working on Industrial Schedules, REPORTS WILL SHOW GREAT GAINS Incrennes Are In Amount of Cnpltnl Invested, .Number of Employes nml Output of Mnnufnu t ti red 1'roduetn. One branch of the census work In Omaha will give results directly opposed to another hranch, and tho population schedules will bo laughed to scorn when tho reports from tho special enumerators of manufactures and Industries aro made public. These reports will show a great Increase tn tho nmount of capital Invested, tho number of persons employed and the nmount of tho output of factories of the city". The special census Is now In full swing and Chief Agent Wheeler Is receiving reports frun the men in the field which warrant the foregoing statement. Tho work of tho special agent will not show all of tho In dus trim of Omaha, for the reason that many oi the managers of the establishments have availed thomselvcs of tho privilege of mak ing reports direct to Washington. For tho purposo of permitting this to bo done special schedules were sent to the prin cipal houses last May wllh Instructions to fill them out and return them to Wash ington before the special agent started upon his rounds, if tho manager did not wish to mnko reports to the local men. When tho report was received at .Washington a card was mailed to tbo factory, and when the special agent calls tho card Is given him In lieu of the return. These aro accounted for to Washington as aro tho schedules. Several of tho largest houses In tho dis trict will make returns of their Omaha bus Incss from Chicago, that being tho scot of their principal houses. This Is notably the caso with Swift and Armour of South Omnha. On tho other hand, several houses wheso principal place of business Is Omaha will maklf reports horo on business done In Iowa and other states. There reports, no matter where made, will bo credited o the town whero the work Is done, but tho facts developed by the special census cannot be known until a bulletin is issued by tha cen sus bureau at Washington, which will not be for several months, na the population schedules will receive primary consldcratlen. Not only Omaha, but nil of tho towns under' tho supervision of Mr. Wheeler will show decided" gains In material Industries and (omo of the smaller places will bo sur prised to learn of tho amount of money paid to their citizens for manufactures. There Is one Douglas county Institution with offices in adjoining counties In Iowa and Nebraska which pays annually $200,000 to the farmers for milk and cream. Another house Is getting rich buying eggs nnd Is leaving almost as much money In tho rural communities as Is the milk dealer. Annual Convention Young People's Christian Union, United Pres. Church, Denver, Col., July 25th-30th. $19.00 for round trip to Denver, Pueblo nnd Colorado Springs via the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale July 23rd-24th, City Ticket Ofllce 1302 Farnam St., Tel. 316. Ladles like it N. N. Shampoo. Roaches This household pest, Is always about dur ing warm weather. To get rid of them the oaslost and quickest way Is the crying need. Havo you tried Eciffo? It is the dead sure remedy. The roaches dis appear, and that Is the end of them. vIt only costs you 50c a can, and the work Is done. Sold only by J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT PltlClH DRUGGISTS. Fourteenth anal UnnsUi Streets. Putting Up Fruit Is not a ploaslng task when you are doing tho cooking In some old worn out utensil, but by using one of our fine stow pans or kettles you will obtain the best results from your labor, they rango In price from 25c up to $1X0. Wo keep a full lino of house furnishing goods, enamel tinware. Tho Llsk's anti rust tinware is positively guaranteed not to rust, and cannot bo excelled for dura bility. Summer goods nt low prices. Such as In surance Gasoline stoves, Yukon Refrigera tors, Whlto Mountain nnd Arctic Ice Croam Froozers. Headquarters for paints and oils. J. A. Weaver & Son, IIAKDWAUE nnd TINNERS. 2700 Leavenworth St. Tl. 1078. THE QUICK TRAINS TO THE WEST IRE Vl THE UNION M0IEIG. SI 0.00 10,00 ai.oo 19.00 32.00 32.00 TELEPHONE 316, nAYIitUIITTHAIIfS 'Olt Mt'llttT 1.AKI1 OUobnJI nml Arnold VnrU. Tho Chicago, MllwauMo & 31. Paul rail way company have Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJl and Arnold's Park. Oolng the train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m. and ar rives Spirit Lake at 4.15 p. a. Ileturnlng the train leaves Spirit Lake at 6:45 n. m. rtid arrives Omaha 3:C5 p. m. This Is the best scrvlco that has yet been offered over any ono road. Hound trip tickets, good re turning until October SI. $10.70. - City ticket ofllce, 1504 Farnam street. P. A. NASH. Oen'l Western Agent The Solillir Hold tit Open. William Duthorn of Waukesha, Win., has leased this woll known hotel and will hnvo It opened for business Saturday, July 23. Mr. Duthorn has had fourteen yearn' ex perience as a hotel man nnd comes to Omaha knowing full well what Is required to make the Schlltz a success. "Tho Schlltz" Is one of the finest hotels In Omaha, In one of tho best locations nnd It will glyo him a chance to make a nnmo for "The Schlltz" and good money for him self. Omaha Is to be congratulated that "Tho Schlltz" is to bo reopened under tho excellent management of Mr. Iluthorn. Tho trnvcllng public will find comfort, cleanli ness, culslno service In fact, everything de sirable, first-class, under his management. Saturday, July 28, cheap rate excursion to Hot Springs, via Northwestern Lino. Through Saturday sleeper without change. Delightful climate, Delightful plunge, Delightful hotels, Delightful scenery. Curative waters. Call 1401 Farnam et., Northwestern Lino ofllce, For rates and reservations. Clienp Itunml Trip Itntcx. On August 2, 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tickets, limited until October 31, a follows: Waseca. Minn., and return, $10.35. Watervllle. Minn., and return, $10.68. Madison Lake, Minn., and return. $10.68. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65. Duluth, Minn., and roturn, $16.95. Superior, Wis., and return, $16.05. West Superior. Wis., and return, $16.05. For full particulars call at city ticket of fice Illinois. Central railroad, 1402 Farnam street. nrnnil Lor-Ho1IImk. Modern Woodmen of America, at Obcrlln, Kan., Aug. 15-16: 10,000 people coming. All kinds of privileges to let. For Information write Geo. W. Keys, secretary. Huberman, Jeweler; est. 1866; absolutely reliable; lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug. CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE is a medicine that cures but It doesn't cure every ill that human flesh Is heir to nnd Its not ndvertlsed to but It does euro all dlseiiHea of tho Kidneys nnd Liver and cures them permanently not for a day, but for all tlrao to come that s why wo recommend It because we have cvldenco dally of this fact and tho Cramer Chemical Co. woulilnH put n medi cine on tho market that they couldn't recommend. Cramer's Kidney Curo T5c Duffy's Malt Whiskey sSc Peruna 7,-)C Bromo Quinine 3C 1 Dozen 2-Graln Quinine Capsules 7o 1 Dozen 3-Oraln Quinine Capsules 10C 1 Dozen E-Graln Quinine Capsules loc Stuart's Dyspepsia Cure -ioc Paino's Celery Compound ... 7sc Wine of Cardul . 750 Pyramid Pile Cure 49 Sure Death for Bugs :oe Bar Ben joc AJax Tablets 40o Scott's Emulsion , 7;c Plnkham's Compound 73$ SCHAEFER " DRUGGIST S. W.,Cor. lflth nml Chlcnuo. Dr. Kay's Renovator Guaranteed to cure the very worst casef of dysscssla, constipation, bilious head ache, liver nnd kidneys. At druggists. 25c and $1. Send for Free Sample. Free Book and Free Advice. Dr. B. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. T. HAYDEN Sales in the i Are surprising everybody. For the last 3 days we have sold more wrappers and waists than all the houses in Omaha combined, And why? Because the people of Omaha have confidence in Hayden's, experience that if goods are not as represents ed they can get their money back, Specials for Monday 35 Ladies' Suits, newest styles, worth Off) flfl $15.00 nnd $18.00, Mondny dIUiUU 25 Sample Skirts, no two alike, elaborately trimmed Q QA and thoroughly made, worth to $15, choice Monday OiuO 48 Crepon Skirts, silk finished, percaline lined, M QQ and velvet binding, 7.50 quality, for '. UO 28 Rainy Day Skirts, with 20 rows of stitching M fn around bottom, $7.50 quality for rv 4ivU 200 Ladies' Light Weight Jackets, in etons, box and A QQ fly fronts, worth $10.00, for , H-uO 85 dozen of Ladiei' Wrappers, from the sale of Friday and Sat urday, trimmed with Insertion and edged with embroidery,, equal to our $2.50 Wrappers QQ A Monday, at .5JOC HAYDEN BROS. Collins Piano .Co. 1620-22 Douglas St. aCliUPerl rldllO And Fourteen Other M"kes to Select From. South Omuliu WurerooQis, 625-27 N. 2-lth St. mk. who it i in:. A Trio of Slur i:tirtrln it vrllli llir I'nri'iiiiiiuli-Srllii' llrollirrx' CI roll. I "A round dozen of equestrians, and nil I men who ride," Is tho plain, unvarnished, matter-of-fact manner In which the man 1 ngemont of tho Forepaugh and Sells Ilroth I crs' combined shows lutroduco a refcrctico to their riders In a courier nnnnounclng the coming of their tented aggregation to this city, Monday, July 30. Youth has been made a, desideratum in tho equestrian de partment of tho circus, and riders who would depend upon the greatness of former days will not bo among the number. Nevor beforo has thcro been presented such n talented assemblage of young blood. As stellar lights of tho constellation, Messrs. Oscar Lowande, William DeMott and Ernest Melvlllo nro slnglod out for especial consideration. All aro youthful, agile, nmbltlous nnd extraordinarily profici ent. Kaeh will bo seen vlelng with the other to gain a people's plaudit nnd a man agement's commendation. All threo aro at the very zenith of their careers, and during the present season nro engaged In an In ternational contest for tho world's cqucs trlan supremacy. Lowande Is tho star of the southern hem isphere, fresh from nrcnlo conquests In lllo Janeiro nnd Uuenos Ayresr William Do Mott represents tho land df Victoria. Though an American by birth, he Iff a descendant of a family of famous Kngllih bareback 'riders, and his laurels have been gained on tho continent. Melvlllo In tho Yankco of tho trio, but a few years out of his toens, nnd even now acknowledged tho premier of American riders. Their riding Is not con fined to any particular tetylo or school. They aro bareback riders In every senso of tho word. Somersaulting, forward and back ward and from horse to horse, whtch the riders of vo olden time would havo con sidered miraculous feats, aro as child's play for theso young horsemen of tho present generation of riders. All threo aro origina tors, nnd their performances will bo found to bo marked deviations from the stereo typed riding acts of their equestrian pre decessors. Added zest Is glvon their work by tho lntcnso pcrsonnl rivalry between them. Have Hoot srlnt It. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jr chasing TOOLS A Good Carpenter or Machinist O will always look out for two things O Highest Quality Lowest Prices. The only icrnile of tool vrr- aril q nro the hlnhcst finnlltr anil our O lirlrrn nro nn low nn lire nnkeil O elseiTliprp for Inferior tools. O O O O o Jas. Morton & Son Co.o 1511 DODGK.ST. q O Tool Ilciuliiunrter.s. v O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU You might search the world over byt you'll never find a better place to have your prescription filled than nt the Boston Store Drug Department. Pure, fresh drugs and at tho very lowest prices Is what you always get here. Paino's Celery Compound 75c Hood's Sarsaparllla 75c Cramer's Kjdney Curo 75c Carter's Liver Pills 15c Dr. Miles' Remedies 75c I.ydla Plnltlmm's Compound 75c S. S, S 76c Hostetter's Bitters 75c All others at Cnt Trice. OSTON CTORE DRUG 19 DEPT. X s Cloak Dept They know from NURSING BOTTLES. Wo havo a very complete assortment of supplies for tho nursery. In nursing bottles wo havo twelve (12) different shapes und styles somo for flttltiK In sterilizers, othors with SHOUT NECKS ensy to clean somo with vaivo nt bottom of bottle others that como apart In middle. Tho prlco on most kinds Is 10c each, 3 for 25c and "Ec por dozen. Wo havo about 25 kinds of rubber nipples to fit tho mirscrs mentioned nbove. Wrlto for rubber goods catalogue. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co, Corner 1 III Ii it ml l)oilKc. A 1IATIIHOOM WOHTIIV OF VOLUPTUOUS CAltAt'AI.I.A. we nro flitting up constantly In modern houses, with open plumbing, nickel plated, modern Improved wash stands nnd porcelain tubs, shower apparatus, etc. uiu nulldlngs are nUo refitted by us In tho most scientific rannner nnd with tho best sanltnry tilutnb Ing, gas and steam fitting thnt can be done. N'ono but skilled workmen aro employed, nnd tho work Is always satisfactory as well as tbo price. Free 6c Black, Phone 1019. . . 180R Fnrnuin, St. Reliable Dentistry by reliable dentists. Our every effort Is to build good work. In constructing teeth, we mnko tho best. Our fillings prcscrvo and add beauty to tho tcoth. nest Teeth, set $8.00 Good Teeth, set..t i.... 15.00 Cold Crowns, best J5.00 Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1R17 llotiRlns St. iliVflCIl' GrandJuly IIA I UCRS Clearing Sale ' Too Large a Clothing Stock It's Got(To Move and Quickly. Realizing thnt low price is the best salesman we will SWAL LOW OUR MEDICINE gracefully and sacrifice our entire stock of men's summer suits and prints, boys' suits and odd pants, chil dren's wool and washable suits well tailored, strictly up-to-date clothing at such LOW PRICES that will almost force you to buy1 whether you are in neod of clothing or not. Choice of Any Men's Summer Suits at $15. All regular ?27.50, $15.00, 22.60 and $20.00 suits that make them the greatest values in the world. Suits made by the lead ing clothing manufacturers in America. All 15.00 to $18.00 Suits at 510.00 All $12.50 and f 18.50 Suits at ?7.50 All 8.50 and $10.00 Suits at ?4.75 Men's $3.50 Fine Pants at $1.75 Men's $2.50 Cassimere Pants at $1.25 Men's $4.50 Fine Worsted Pants at. $2.50 Men's $5.00 and $6.50 very fine Pants at $3.75 Men's White Duck-Pants at 45c and 75c Men's Crash Pants at 50c Men's $2.00 Crash Suits at 95c Men's $3.00 Crash Suits at $1.25 1 bn Children's Washable Suits and odd pants at less than half price HAYDEN BROS. SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA, DON'T FORGET THAT You Have the BEST notwlthstindlna they cost you no mor. tain Interior aoodl. W, R. RICK M. O. CO;. MANUKAd'UICKUM, 8T. I.OVIH, 11U, IIIIIAU UlltP C. A. RAJL3BACK. OMAHA, DmnmWQlL UHlflU HQ Big Sale of Tan Shoes AT CARTWRIGUT'S Great nutters of people made purchases at our big Tan Shoe Salo last week, and other great numbers will mako purchases tbl wook. You should be ono of the number and get one of tho best shoo bargnlns over of fered in tho city. Men's best $5 and 5 4tJ $6 Tan shoes for . J Men's best $3.50 and $4 Tan shoes . 2.45 Ladies' $5 &ji!ob0r Co Tan lace shoes for . 3.45 Ladies' best $4 Tan 1 AJ lace shoes for ... . Ladies' best $3.50 ) AC Oxford ties for . . . - Tr J Splendid bargains in tan shoes for boys and girls of all ages. Z.P. K. E. Cor. Itth Ml DauglM St. Dr. Bradford's CompoundfOold Star Brand) COTTON ROOT PULLS positively ramove the most obstinate female Irregularis ties, obstructions, etc., from any cause In 12 hours, Price, 32. Guaranteed n powerful, harmless regulator for wonien. Folium Impossible. One box always sufficient. Rent to any addrros, secure ly SAAld. In nlaJn wrnnn.r. WW receipt of price. Send for Indies' Relief: particulars and testimonials fre. DR. BRADFORD CO., M West JJd St., New York. A Pleasant Smile ImTV.alKIn ... hnnn n ... I I - I. .... ..... ii ujo teem aro oau. you iion t feci io much lllio smiling whin tho teeth nro bad anyway. Lot us help you to havo kooU toeth. Let us repair tho defective ones nr replaca those that nro beyond repair. Wo can glvo you comfort, linprovo your appoarance. SET OF TEETH 5.00. UEST 8ET OF TEETH 7.&0. BAILEY, the Dentist AVI I'azloti lllk. luth Jt I'arnum. I.ady Attendant. Phone 108.. WHEN SMOKING A I