THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: STrXT)AY, .TTLV 22, IflOO. 11) FOR Ai.r -heal ESTATE. STILL THEY COME! -MORE novum ANIJ LOTS II Y GEORGE P. HUM IB. Telephone, 545. Paxton Block. Small cottugo, lot Oranil nve. JJ00.0O. 66x120, near iM nnd 6-room house, well built, with 4-room brick nasemeni; goon wen. nnu cistern, snrun hcry and shade trees, mar lit h and Dor cas. This Is n nice mid verv con venient to either nnrthVr South Omaha, and can bo bought on Very reasonable 6-room house near north end of Dodee st. car line: gas. bath, cellar, full lot, 2-story barn 21x32. nerninnant walks. outh front und paving all paid. It would cosi li'.ww to build this place, but owner Is leaving the city and you can get It NOW for i,sw. A rrrr,1 1. ...... . ...I 1 1. flnl.lA nn Tt f 1 , . tol st. Hpeclal taxes paid. For $I.7W. G-room house, near High school, on paved St.: water, pus, bath: also good barn, with hrlolt liaiomont! Inl 23x100: south front. $2,000. 'WM cash, tnlance on terms A to suit. 6-room. cottage, In excellent condition; good ncigiibornnoa and witnm wniKing uis tanco of P. O.; bath, gas, sewer. $2,150. In Oroluird Hill, 3 blocks tr n ear. new B- rnnm limtao. mrtilfirn. In n , Ipnt Condi tion. 12.000. or will trade for farm land near city. Near tho park and Woolwortli ave., house of 8 large rooms und bath, v.-iter, gnu and furnuco; newly paperfcil and painted In sldo and out: In line condition ami ns good an new. $2,7oo. Kw Imuun. hnllt lien vnnri. rnst of 21th st. on Ilurdftte; 5 rooms, cellar, city water, barn and sheds: shade, trees, small mm. 'i nis nouse is won mini mm . thing In In perfect condition. Jl.Vrt. HOMES FOR EVERY BODY I GREAT UAItOAINS IN -RESIDENCE LOTS nwr.v ttr. Tn i?nn V.AC'H. ONLY $5 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH. Do you want one?. If so, come in tomur- rnn. nrwl irnf n ml f 1 1 1 1 nflrtlCUlSTH. . nsir.M in riti v nt? TllTtM l.KPT. Only ' llvo mlnuteV walk from Amos aye. and ill. Ml mnlnp linn LAY LIKE A PAR LOR FLOOR. How long will It bo beforo 21th or 30th nit. will be paved northward from Amen ave. and motor lines extended to Miller park and to Florence, and por- haps run n loup through Fort st. to tho 5 proposed Military ncademy In old Fort OR ON SUCH TERMS. Wn nlso havo snmo very choice lots near 21th and Minderson sts., covered with beautiful Hhndo .trees, that wo can offer nt J.V nnd $550 each, J10 down nnd 110 per month. Come In nnd get full particulars regarding them. FIVE PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS CITY AND FARM SE CURITY. Alxo Wrlto FIRE INSURANCE. TORNADO INSURANCE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. 7 GEORGE P. BEMI8. M.'a,n.ll!h,l 111 lfifVO TVIonhnnn KS5." Paxton Block. nE-2P.I 22 FINE tract! land, 17 ncrest west of city, near Elmwood park: can offer for .quick s.Uo this weok for 12.100. Hicks, .T25 Board of i ratio itioK. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 FARNAM STREET. DON'T WAIT FOR HIGH -PRICES. - BUY NOW. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS. Vcrv ilnalmhln modern 9-room resi dence, barn w nlco lot, Hanscnm Place; (B-87) New modern S-room house, &th Ave, near Farnam, full lot. Price. JI.500. (n-S3) Nlco c-ottuge. fi largo rooms, 1514 South 27th, barn, two full lots, nlco lawn ....i irMu nrrnrr.,1 fihoun. nnlv S2.2D0. (B-3S) Eight-room house, bnrn und lot. W) by 127 feot, 2113 Charles, rent at Jlo.U); Hpacc for nnother house. Chance for gllt-edgo Investment in ciosc-in propcriy ifilm iim ii riiHli nffor. (B-6) Eight-room hoiiHo. 231(5 North 2Sth Ave., full lot, ono block from ear. Price. Jl.r.Vl. nart ciinh. babinco 5 tcr cent. ni.i.-ii ciood olirht-room house nnd barn on North 27tb. city water, well, cistern, chiulo and fruit trccH, in oxcoucni repair, iticc, Sl.tVX). Wc want an offer. (R-M! Fine S-r. houe, 1150 Harney, hot nml rnld wntor and sewerage, two nice. hleh lotn: cost present owner $3,500; will sell for $1,500. (B-5) Good Bcven-room cottage and two lots, two blocks from car. A barguln at $1,200 DUNDEE. (B-10) Ten-room house and barn, 4917 Cass, nnin, gas, iiiriiaco, gruicn aim iiuiiueis, Prlro. $2,500. (B-123) Modern S-root'n residence, burn and two lots, on calirornia street, xnis prop nrtv In olocnnt ronalr. Price. $3,000. fB-24i Nine-room houso and barn. 810 North 50th: nlco location. Will consider un offer of $2,000. (R-23) Good tlve-room cottage nnd lot, 1009 isorth sotn. grate nnu mantel. I'rtce jiw. if you wish to buv or sell call on W, FARNAM SMITH & CO, 13J) Fnrnnm. RE 197 22 6 ACRES choice land. Just west of city, on macadamized St., for $S75. Hicks, 325 Board Trade. RE 237 22 120G-HOW DOES THIS SUIT Y'OU? It Is In the north part of tho city, u block nnd avhalf from street car, house has s roms, not., nnu com water piummng, gas, sower connections nnd good bath room, is located In good neighborhood and cheap at $2,250, $250 cualij balance monthly pay ments. v PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main floor, Now York Life Bldg. RE M269 21 SPECIAL BARGAIN, Tin you want one of these bargnlns In lots nt Lowe ave. and California street, full 50- iooi fronts, only juhj and $700 piiclu ONLY THREE LEFT. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor N. 1. L.IIU IlKlg. RE-M210 23 TIMBER land for sale: want to corresnond with parties Interested; have something exceptionally good. Address Box 21. Coun cil IIIUIIH. RE M216 22 CITY property, consisting of modern house and bnrn, full lot, excellent locntlon. ten anted, to oxenango ror rarm land, L. w. Kauttor, .Mtn ana pierce. re THESE ARE "IT." Three-room house, full lot $ 150 Three-room houso, close In 90 Flvo-room house, close In 1,250 six rooms, barn, full lot i,kk) Eight rooms, bath, gus, sewer 2,000 Nine-room brick modern house. Kountzo Place, tlno home, only 5,000 Keasonatiie terms on till. W. A. SPENCER. 1031 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. ' UK 310 22 IOWA FAR.f FOB BALK. 270 acres, tine Improvements, nil line bottom land except ubout 70 acres, which Is a lit tle rolllnir: 5 miles to eood railroad town: about 35 miles to Omaha; price, $40 per cro; $3,001) In good Omaha property will bo considered ns part payment. 1 also have uo farms for sale In Harrison county, lowa. Write for list. J. P. MARTIN. MISSOURI VALLEY. RE-M29C 23 S0-ACRE farm. 10 inllou northwest of Omaha: can nil be cultivated $11.50 per acre, me iiyron lima uo,. iiz an. Min si. 111?- Tfrt HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDO. V.lrt I t TAi.tld T I - ... ivvhi 4biuic vr4tuo, i.uaill. KIDUiaii' RE-UI FARM. 65 nrres In nnrth nnrt nf Pnllnwnt. tamle. la, 3 miles west of Honey creek. AUUIC.J la 1J, UCI l(l Oniaha7 Those lots soiu oi jw jni w Vn i im iiii! uioTnllV nu OMAHA THE BEAUTIFUL R W ILL YO I U K ABLE TO Hp' StTII and Omaha to the iicii.rpii.MiT. t nru at HI'r'lt PIIK'KSI Now tret In on the roit sale-heal estate. It. C. PUT KIIS ft CO., K Fnrnam St. Wo have some special bargains In dwelling iivuntm ij pen uiip wcck and wuuiu do glad to show them 'any time. We have n fine residence on Georgia avenuo an mouern, 3 rooms, rricc, 93,750, Wo have the corner of 20th and lznrd, 65x122 icoi, wmi i coiinges on mis ioi. itico, $1,300. 1210 8. 27th St., 7-room house, city water, sower; ioi wxiov. aii in goou repair. Price, 11,600. We have a B-room brick house on 8. 28th street, recently taken under foreclosure. iticc, ir soiu at once. A fine residence In South Omaha, S rooms, won located, nne snaae trees. Price, $1,700; easy terms. BARGAIN-No, 231110x132 feet, east front on 2lth street, frame building, good business location. Price, $2,000. No. HO 0-room house with bath, hot and com water, located In Dundee Place, one diock rrom car line, price, k.sw. VACANT. Wo have a corner 132 feet front by 121 feet deep wnicn win make three 4i-ioot lots, only ono block from car line, closo to to center of city. Price, IW). We havo the N. W.' corner of 17th and Farnam. 132x132 feet square. Price. $ per front, foot. FARM LANDS. 320-Arre Improved farm, 3'4 miles north or liioomiicid, reurasKa; w acres or nne nay land, rrice, ju per aero on easy terms. 80 ncrcs of land, 1 miles west and l',i miles norm or wuusa, ncd., tor saio cneap on easy terms. 10 Acres, li mile southwest of the stock urds, South Omaha, for saio cheaji. Acres Wt miles sou South Omaha, Neb thwest of stock yards. cbruaku, for saio cheap, A1N nut Nebraska foro for another year, cround floor nnd buy. A 12-room all modern brick residence, full block or ground, grand trees, must no sold. Ask about It. New R-roora brick, entirely, modern, oak unisn, latest stylo throughout; lawn., maplo trees: cement walks, splendid neighborhood. Just what you havo been lnhklnir for. 111000.00. 8-Room .modern, Hnnsconi, full lot, barn, complete Home, f3,v.m. New 6-room house, modern, shade, barn, full lot. 12.550.00. . 6-Room cottage, modern except furnace, ncur -litn nnu iTiinKiin, ncwiy painteu, new plumbing, paving fully nit Id, good barn, woll worth I2.S00.00. Trice. $1,700.00. Rooms east front, one , blogk from 2Uh r,-Room modern cdttnge, nenr corner, $1,300. Five lots In Lukij and Temploton s Audi tion, easy terms: kiki.uu. ERNEST SWEET, 8! N. Y. L. Bldg. RE-2S2-22 GARVIN BROS.' LIST. 2210 N. 27th. cottage. 5 rooms S TOO 2300 Oak. house, large lot 750 .-16 PinKnov. cottage, barn tm 1021 Mnudorson st., dwelling 1.150 1713 S. 9th. cottage, 5 rooms 1,200 2025 Miami, cottugc, 5 rooms 1,300 1509 Corby, cottage, 5 rooms 1,300 3308 Cumrnlng. cottage. 5 rooms l.soo 3719 Leavenworth, new house, modern.. 2.500 1222 Park Wilde ave, house, modern.... 3,200 2307 S. 20th, cottage, large lot 1,000 GARVIN BROS.,'l613 FARNAM ST. RE 303 FOR SALE, ICO-acre farm within 10 miles oi umnna; goon lann; must De snio to close eMinc; 2.ouo. w. it, iiomnn. Rooms 8 and 10, Frcnztr block. RE-MS63 27 A FINE HOUSE CLOSE IN. 1323 This Is a good 9-room house near 22nd and Burt Sts., ull modern except furnace, it beautiful lot, paved street, nil paving paid for, lino shado trees, good neighbor hood. This property must bo sold ut onco and is offered at a BARGAIN. If you want to take advantage of this great opportunity for a cheap home, call on . PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main floor, Now York Llfo Bldg. RE-M2CS 24 FINEST east front lot near Hunsccm park. can oner mis weeK tor Largo double house, near Hnnscom park, an mouern, good narp, line lawn, trees, etc.: rents, vjw. i'rlce. nuicK a e. iu.uw Finn east front lot 35th. near Farnam! splendid neighborhood, rnco this weeK, l,OSV. HICKS, 325 Board Trade. RE-333 22 .ONLY THREld LOTS LEFT IN KNOX'S HUB., LOWE AND CALIFORNIA. Wo havo sold three lotn In tho last few days; two at $1,10Q and one nt $1.2W. Have only three left, facing north on California a. rA.,Anf frrtnln. nna ri , t .'P. 1 i ,1 ,1 ... n . $700 each. Wo will only have these lots a lew days. rnoy are oeauiuui 101s, sightly nnd very cheap. Terms very easy or b ner cent discount tor ul cash (PAYNE-ICNOX CO., sole agents, main floor N. V. Life bldg. RE-MI93 22 3IIMG. I WOULD like to prospect a section of country wnicn i tntnK win develop n Hocnnd Crinnle Creek. It Is east of Cali fornia, In this country, and from 75 to 100 miles off tho railroad, My object Is not only to locate mining properties (plocer nml lotlcel. but to locate a townslte. Who will Investigate? No stock company need apply, and If you can't cnslly sparo the small capital required no use to answer this. It might require $2.0u0 or $3,000. I simply solicit correspondence that you mny look mo up. Address Gilbert, caro Omaha Bee. N. B. Don't get Impatient for answer, ns I am on the road anu man must no inr warded. -301 22' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. JOJ BOYLKS' College, court reporter principal Beo Bldg. 330 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lese. jioya s uneiter. -i GRECO Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial college, lum una uougias nis, oo. I'OTELS. HENDEItSON, $1.00 per day house; board $3.60 to $5 week. 9th & Farnam, tM. 1215, n IN BUYING YOU MUST DRUMMOND CARRUCE CO., ' 18th and Hurncy Streets. financial. SALARY LOANS TO EMPI.OYF.8 AT MUCH less tost and embarrassment than has horotofore been possible Quirk and confidential lervl e Special terms to school teachers during vacation. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee Rdg. -MtOt SALARY LOAN'S! SALARY IX) A N 81 WE HAVE IIEEN CRITICISED For giving such low rates and easy par tial payments. THE CRITICS ARE RIGHT, but we must loan a certain amount of money as soon as possible re gardless of comment. WE LOAN ON YOUR NOTE: no mortcagei'no Imlorser; no publicity. Your employer or friends need not know. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., room 303, THIRD FLOOR, Paxton blk. M-1S0 MANY" fortunes made In oil; nn oil field recently discovered will rival. If not excel, tho famous oil wells of Pennsvlvanli. Full Information how to obtain stock by addressing J. 11. vogeisang, si. l.ouis, .mo. MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find Drompt relief. uox Z32, omana, Neo. uonnacntiai. SCI OONOVA Is n French treatment for male and female, for the positive cure of Gon orrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural discharges, In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations o LADIES! Chlch ..,,. p-nijiuh Ponnvrnvnl I' Is Aro the Best. Sofc, reliable. Take no other. Send tc stamns for particulars. l . n arAmriM rnf nnriijii nri i "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return r tho mucous membranes, An internal . " .;,',,. ? . p ., pnnstriirtTon ro,nl' UI ,no lour' onc naa nHU previous mu ui vuiouvi. nu hum uj remedy with Injection combined, war- ' .t rnmo school building, with military training and had won djstlhctlon General Crook, who remained until May i, u "nor nackalor"! fSH sSnti??: brick bascmt. In accordance with the and n title of nobility In the army of an 1SSS, when General John it. uioo..j ... where on rctt lrArtlnff, Jhl. nSdClatCVh?,MBollccC?r St th l-uropean government. pointed. General Hrooke wao the first of Co.. Elgin, ill. American onjee. rctaiP. iLc"0myoh.e Latcn" er, architect OnViha. Tho Department of the Platte was estab- tho comT.?ndcrs who wcro not graduatoi of MfnoSouu'omffi Lacn-er' architect omana. ln M Qf thtt mh , Ho wb nppo,ntcJ Council Bluffs. Full' line rubber '? ! b.c-?.c.omPr?i1i...Vi,-!i year Philip St. Georgo Cooke, n brigadier captain ot tho Fourth Pennsylvania vol- i - i cm iiueu i iivun in i ',11 w TllO board reserves tile rlrllt tO reject I vla mini duiu uuiu no uilj iuuiu uc it- unuuu ui iuo (tun; uu linn itinuiuu, iiii idrueiilst" ChlcheesUter nnV nrul n" t,lj8 nr"l 10 wa,v Irregularities moved to some point nearer the center of rank of lieutenant colonel of the Third In idelnhla. Pa. 1f.Jn .,ho .'."rf1,0! l.h9 bo,iri1 J, '0, "i0;. tho department, near some fort. The proc- fantry. During tho war he was mentioned mall. jsk your id Chemical Co., Phllad LOST. head: n liberal reward will be paid for his return to 23tn and Dewey avenue. Lost-M2ti3 23 STRAYED or stolen, team of horses: ono a 4-year-old, bUcKiK!n color; one a 2-year old, black. Finder return to 615 N. Kth st.. South Omaha. Lost 315 22 si.. Bomn vFm.yu ; OST. between Floronco nnd Omaha Frl- I.ORT. botweon Floronco nnd Omaha Fri day morning, tho l3tn, a cadet uiuo jaciiet lined with red satin. Finder pleuso re port to 403 Paxton block nnd recolve re ward. L.OSI Ml j- ENGINE, IIOII.EHS, ETC. C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. mi 3D-IIAND machinery bought nnd sold for cash. A. p. wiy co., mu uougias si. -M541 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Bldff. l 1 1 o l lino Inhnnnn I 1 1 1 m lllan dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, JIo., 601 Paxton iiik. Tel. usi. DRESSMAKING. IN Families, .Miss -Sturdy, 2610 Harney. 4Vti jy-Z9' DRESS MAKING, expc'rlenced help only employed, i;. u, .Mcuonaia, iei can. Ave. OU Al FURNITURE PACKING. Om. Van & Stor. Co,15U',i Farn. Tels. 1550-&63. Si'J STORAGE. PACIFIC Storaco and Warehouse Co.. 912- 9lt Jones, general storage ana lorwaramg. 36S Om. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Farn. Tel. 1559. S63. IlllinS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. 332 r BELGIAN HAREM. PEDIGREED breeders: Capt. Nemo, scoro :z, neaa or pens. u. it. Kendall. St., N'eO. A1SI3 All PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. iiaO SURVEYING AND DRAUGHTING. W. J. McEATHRON. 526 Paxton block. 64t A-l LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. TRUNK I-'ACTOIfi. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired, um. irunK Factory izw Farnam. 3i0 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Juila Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg. 37 FURNITURE REPAIRING. tl A OI.'T Vf! ttnliAlalAplni. n t r r. m n t n n , V. m. . ..v iiinvi, ui'uuia n:i .lib, iiiu.iiLDa. tenuis, I mnovatinir. Tol. 1331. M. S. WnlVln. ?111 Cuming St. 371 SEWING MACHINES. REPAIRED, Omaha Sewing Machine Re. pair Works, cor. Dodge & 16th sts.. J. E. Phillip. Prop r. .M403 jy23 MAGNETIC INF I. ylAHY. THE NEBRASKA, Incorporated. 1515-1517 cnicngo Htreet, umina. M339 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam. 3IS TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH baths, 50c; open night. 107 S. 14, dia SIDEWALKS. Brick, "Vic toot, laid. J. McGownn, 848 S. 21 II73-JV-22 STOVE REPAIRS. GAS, gasollno stoves repaired; stoves stored. Plll, QlnK. llAnnl, 11' r 1 J W) U 14. V. ...4 .J .J , V , t. 1 1 Ul ,1.' , v LJ ....... -372 SUMMER SCHOOL, SUMMER School. Address or call, . Irving itp.Tii. inn .Aiornjim. 1 vi A BUGGY CONSIDER The Quality of the Vehicle. THE REPUTATION OF THE DEALER. THE DEALER'S FACILITIES FOR 3IVING SATISFACTION. AND LASTLY THE PRICE. Our line is complete our price Is right, and one visit to our establish ment will convince you that tnero Is nothing about a vehicle we cannot replace or repair. cahphvihhs ami .iniiiii;its. -- ALL kinds of rarpenter work mM repairing promptly nnonacu io. j, i uiniuree, zvtn und Lake Sts -3t0 ljAinnoinniiv, 8ILKS and linen, stamping, 1612 Capitol Av. SIAM:TIC HKAI.I.Ml. GREAT Western Institute, 1023 Douglas St , chronic diseases cureu; no urugs, surgery. MI DENTIST. DR. MITTELSTADT, Ml Deo b.lg. Tel. 1 IIS lilAlt) TICKET HROICnit. CUT rate tickets every whet e. P. II. rhll- bin. 1500 Farnam. Tcicpnone .s. an MESSE.OEH SERVICE. O. M. S. Tel. 2022. 307 So. 16th St. M7S3 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. lim nml Is to bo enclosed In u sealed envelope and addressed to George Q ,wcr' "do01 a'recior. ton i.ainoun, .... . Bv tho Board of Trustees of School Dis trict No. 3. Fort Calhoun, -Neo., Juiy 17, iw. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. iiiinnnmt.n vnn T.tVTlvn Will be received nt room MS. city hall building, until Monday. July sotn, lwu. for f"rnlsh.B mater In painting east walls ana openings 01 ill)' ,)H bnHiiing, )n compliance with specltl- cations ln hands of superintendent city hall. RAILWAY TIMC TAtil.H. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri valley uailrond "The Northwestern Line ' General Olllces, United States NntlO'ial nani iiiun.. h. w. cor. I T,,..llil, ,..,.1 f,...- ui,, . " CI, 111 11,111 i ,11 1114111 O (B. I Ticket Oil CO. 1401 ramam St. To enhono. 661. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telo- nhone. 1458. Leave. Arrive. lllfinb- T 1 1 11 u Tt ,1 ,,.An,l I Hot Snrliics u'3:00nm a 5:00 nm Wyoming, Caspar and nS11' vV.;U" nVvMd 3:00 pm e5:00'm cuv. aunerlor. Geneva. Exeter and Seward b 3:00 nm b 5:00 Dm IoriolK, erdlgro ana Fremont Lincoln, Wahoo UIIU i' remont ,b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am l Dnllv b Dallv excent Sundav. r sun. lav otilv. d Dallv excent Saturdav. o Dally except .Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH- western Railway The cuv 'TickTnomopn0i40i Farnam Street. Tele- andreila8s1onDStt'aTcle1i Leave. Arrive, phone. 629. Daylight Chicago 8t,e- clal a 7:01 am all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:13 pm a 8:10 urn linsiern i-ixpress. ues Molnos. Marshalltnwn. Cedar Rapids and Chi cago nlO'55 nm .1 !!().. nm .u:iierii i.iniupu, cm cago and East.. .a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mull, Chicago to Omalia-ClUc'ago'speclal'.a 7:45 pm a siiu pm Fast Mall a 8:30 am t-rmujl a Dally CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Mlnncapo s & omana Itallwav - "Tho North- STllceS" NchmskDlwl slon. "icth nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Office, and WcrbsRtmr SsTClePh" DCPOt' 15Ul Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am u 9:10 pm ymnna t-asscngcr ...... nu.iu um ClUUA i-ItJ iiui 111- 1 east Nebraska ........a 3:50 pm Oaklnt.d Local b 5:Jo pm b 8:15 nm a uauy b uauy except aunuay. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC 5r'.'u "tiniiii aiiiu vjv. ui; ii i N&l B.a'n,ke,1Build',,,t:!: S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnam St. Teleuhon.t Sfil. Do pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. K). Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express e fi:55 am iU0:50 nm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 1:20 pm u uauy. UNION PACIFIC 'THEOVEH. land Itoute" i.eneral Oftlces. XT V rrt Vlnlh 1 ' - .' Htreets. City Tlkot Ofllc'o. 1301 . iiiiiii in xvivuiiuiic, djo, i Depot, Tenth and .Mason Sts. leiepnone, va. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chleaso-Portland Special a 8:20 am n 7:35 pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:23 pm - . '"" . Tho Fast Mail ... The Colorado Special.. . aU:3J pm, a 6:50 am a i.a pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm The Pacific E.xnrcss....a 4:23 nm an Atlantic express... n am Grand Island I-ocnl b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a uauy. o uauy except uununy. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad- "Tho Burlington Route" ncnerai unices, n. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Sts, Ticket Olllce, 1503 Fnrnnm Htrpot. Tolonlinni. 2S0. Burlington stntlon. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, ucave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:10 am a 7:35 nm'uui, uenvur, viiiu- rado. Utah, California, a 4:23 pm n 3:00 pm Lincoln & Black Hills. .a 9:30 pm a 3:00 pm Montana. Puget Sound.. a 9:30 pm a 6:15 am uincom j-asi aiau .. ..a j:w pm aioiaa am uonvnr, coiornuo, man & California a 6:15 am a uauy KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & council Bluffs Railroad "The Burllng- lon itouie ncKet UllKe, 1502 Fnrnam street. Tele phone. 250. Depot, Tenth una .Mason sireets, leie- pnone, i:$. Leavo. Arrlvo. Kansas City Day Ex... .a 8:50 nm a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:l5 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St Joseph and St. Louis .a 1:55 pm all:15 am u uuii) . CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket unice. va Fnrnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 1.3. Ipavo. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec cfal ..... a 7:00 am Peoria Exnress a 9:15 nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am i.iiii.nhw iMvui i.Ajiii;c.j.ti a.iiv tun u iiw iim liln ,nn T ....,! n ?,,C . . . . 1 , .. . IMltJfci; 4.1111,11711 ...M I...J JIUI 11 tUQ UIJl pacine Junction Local. .aio:is nm Fast Mall a 2:15 pm U Uilll-. W A BASH RAILROAD ucKei unice, i&oi Farnam ireei. Teiepnono 6S5. De- sot. Tenth and Marcy Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" hxprc-ss a 5:03 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ssi. i-aui itnuway uity Ticket Offlco 1604 Farnam Street, Telephone 2SI. Depo; leimi unu mason streets. leiepnone k.-j. Iavo. Arrlvo Chicago Limited Ex ...u 6:00 pm u 8:03 am (.-nicago & umana kx,,d 7:15 am b 3:55 pm m auii, v c(.rpi ouiiuuy. c.n iiFAflnta win no rpppivp i u mil . n. . . , i . i. i. . , t tt ..... t i t. ... JplL M!LWA"iEEl TDi: T IV 1)1? API? AVHTV M1 KlUJj;H l A 1 VjtU tUMJ 10 n 21 IV Oomnmndera of the Department of Missouri Men-of Signal Ability. SIXTEEN GRADUATES OF WEST POINT AmniiK Those Who Have lleen tn Cbnrno Were CooUc, lloirnrd, Oril, llrnol ntiil Crook ler rliiiii Present Incumbent, Among tho commanders of the Depart ments of the Platte and of the Missouri, since they were established by tie War de partment, have figured men who were sec ond to none, cither In their ability as sol diers, or In that occidental spirit which Im pels men to make the best of their sur roundings and to attain results which un der other skies would bo deemed Impossible. Of the ten commanders of this department four came from civil life, while six were graduates of tho Military academy at West general, was given command oi ino new ie- partment and proceeded to Omaha, whero ns instructions wero to establish headnuar- ...... ,,, . ... n . .... ...n.i . ttcal working of tho department at Omaha soon convinced tho War department that no bettor place for headquarters could be so- cured and It was permanently established. Cooke Was n I'IrIiUt. General Cooke was ono of the officers of tho old nrruy, hard nghtcrs and hard livers. when ho went to Wct Point that Instltu- Uol, wag compnratlvely now. He was boru , ' In 1S00 and appointed from his native state, Virginia, In July, 1821 Promotion was more rapid In thoso days thap slnco and May 31, 1S35, found him a captain. His early soldier days were spent upon tho plains, his record shoeing that, lie led troopn along the Santa Fo trail as early as 1S33; and that ln 182S ho took troops from Jeffer son barracks, Mo., to Fort Snclltng, Minn., In Mackinaw boats. These boats havo dls - .., i .i, nn.i tnm i ilitaicu lium i"V mc.o cuu uiwv.i . . ,, .1 I mciiiury ui umu. im-j wtiu tumiiuauu of tho fcldcw of buffalo stretched over ribs i rrt. ..... .t . u Villi. 1 i.irj nciu uuuuv no uiuiiutjVMUiu na a washtub and as lapld as a tortoise, so It Is not surprising that his command was nearly a year In making the trip. Roturn- 'K nuui run uiiiiiift, i-uununuu reached Illinois ln time to co Into a cholera rnnir, nf ttnob tulnnd. I.'mo frnm thn rhnlora. I . i - . rttt n, 1 . ne weni io run uiwuu, i. i., wuuro iuu Chcrokces, Creeks and Choctaws, In moving to their new homes near tho setting sun. wcro making life haiardous for tho few whlto men ln tho neighborhood. At Fort Glbson the thermometer ranged from 10 decrees to 103 degrees and ln a march of -.,,. im n,n., ni.rmirili nt ho nfflcors and men ncrished. nnnorni PnnV hmi lnrirn nvnurlKni-n in thn Mexican war. being under General Kearny at tho surrender of Now Mexico. From thcro he went to California, whero he oent the orders to Fremont, commanding him to dis band his troops. Tho refusal of General Fremont to obey this ordor resulted ln a court-martial at New York, which accounts for tho small part "tho Pathfinder" took ln tho civil war. When tho civil war broko out General Cooko was onc ot the fow offl- cers of southern birth who stood, with "Pap" Thomas, loyal to tho union. During that war ho commanded a cavalry division 1,1 l"" ul lu? " ' " , . T increoi wan sum iu uuuuuauu mm ul""1" m.i i-nnWo was a cavalrv officer. Prlmurlly, and his cavalry tactics, written In 1S5S, wero used by the government dur- ins the war. C""i" Snpoerdcil by A.mnr. January 23, 1S67, General Cooko was sue- cceded In command by General Christopher n ... f,rli-n,ll.r nnd hrovot ... i . . . ., major general, wno grauuaicu irom me mu itary academy ln 1843. at tho age of 22. It n, ,.,., ho , command of thls de Partmcnt that ho received his rank of brig- ' .I :.. 1 ..L , r : mo limb dui t i-tJ ti nn tu uiu .Hi.Avmi nut fnu ln Te59' During the civil war-he was In command of a reE'ment and then of n brlgndo ln tho defense of Washington and ln tho campaign of tho Array 6f tho Po tomac. December 11, 1871, General Edward O. C. Ord succeeded to the command ot the de partment and remained four years. He was a graduate ot tho military academy In 1835 and saw servlco In Mexico and with tho Semlnoles, having fought. Billy Bowlegs ln tho Florida swamps with the Third artillery. ueiii'rui uiu wua oue oi me iuubi. nouuiar of tho commanders at Omaha. General Ord was succeeded April 27, 1875, by General George Crook, who commanded the department longer than any other offi cer. It was fighting tlmo In tho west when General Crook was In command, nnd tho general was never the last man ln tho field. He was a graduate ot the military academy ln 184S and was nsslgned to the Fourth Infantry. During the civil war he left tho regular establishment to accept R.ML1VAY TIME CARD. ILLINOIS CENTRAL uauroau. city TicKet OT flco, H02 Fnrnnm street. Telephone, . 215, Depot ivnm anu jiason sireeiH. Leave. Arrive Chicago Express all:10 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:15 am Mlnneanolls and St. mp.a.?' f:x.Press : a. b 7:00 am b 9:W Pm ..i,iiii(.-ui'iviia mm tai, I'nui limited a ,:i5 pm n 8:15 am Fort docIko laical from oun.1:' a u8.i.-.-'i-vR:??..Pm b 10:15 am a Dally. ii uniiv iiTtrnni Mtinrinv ' - - - . r J OMAHA & ST. IXDUIS RAIL- road-Omaha, rvansas City .t eastern ita road "Tho Qulncy Routo" Ticket Of Pee. 1115 Fnrnam Rtrpnl. ism Telephone. 322. Depot, Tenth nnn .Marry isireeis. Teie pnone, wa. Leave. Arrive. Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city nna yuincy ai$a ,,. a ,;wam asswpm CnnI,?iai9,:HIa?(?f15iil5h "Thn Great Rock isi. nnd Route." City Tick- srt'Ceitphoner.n?2T Depot, Tenth fc Mason Streets. Telephone 629. Toflvo. Arrlvn. ues xvioines and Davcn- ... . nort Iocal a 7:25 nm Ii11 nm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 8:l0 am I f!hlonirn Vaat i.'nr. n s.ftrt nm a i:x pm a 7:00 pm Lincoln and Falrburya 8:30 am i i.inuuin, woioraoo spgs I r . . . i . Denver. Pueblo and West . a l:30(pm fi 4:16 pm Des Mnlncfl. Rod: Isi air"Lnin,di.Cnhl(:nBOnV "a pm. ft Pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.n. .5:55 pm' a 9:11 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- roan uenerai unices and -iicKetouices southeast Cor ner 14th und Douglas Hi. Telephone 104. Depot Union a union. Iiave. Arrive. tl, T mil. L'.n... r. ."' .... . Nebraska Limited ... .010:09 nm n Ci30 nm i.eave. Arrive. K. C. St. L. Express. ...ol0;lo pm a (:1S am Levo from 15th and Webster Sts.. Nebraska Ixical Via Weeping Wnter .. ,,b 4:16 pm a!0;(5 am a uauy. o uauy except sunaiy. JBBL higher rnk a. an onicer of voltfnUors and when the war cloied had attained the rank of mnjor general. He returned to tho regular army vtlth rank of major, In tho Third Infantry, and In 1S7.1 was made brigadier general. He commatideil tho Dig Horn expedition during the spring of 15i6 and returned to that country to fight the Sioux from May, 1876, to .tunc, 1ST, (lenernl ltounril 1'lncctl In Clmrue. In 1SS2 General Oliver O. Howard, the "Stonewall Jackson of the north," was placed In charge of tho department. Gen eral Howard was a graduate of the military academy of 1SS4. Ho saw service In the civil war as a commander of troops, from Maine, his native state; marched with Sher man to tho sea and received tho thanks of congress for gallantry at Gettysburg. Ho was transferred to Omaha from West Point, whero he as superintendent of tho acad emy. Ho was transferred from this de partment September 13, 1SS6. Tho sixth commander of the department was Colonel John Gibbon, a Pennsylvanlan, whoso family removed to Nn-, f ' from which stato ho entered tho military academy In IS 12. Ho saw scrvlco In the regular army during tho civil war, rising to unjeer miaairy April .v, iaoi, nna servea during tho war, rising to tho rank of brig- ndlcr general of volunteers. In tho organ-,'... nr 41.. aom. 1.. .n. H..inn.i ...1.1. for distinguished scrvlco at Spottsylvaula and Old Wilderness. Ho Is nt present In command of the Department of the East, to which ho was transferred from Cubjv Coiilnicr'n Envlnble Iteenril. Tho ninth commander of the department was General John J. Coppinger, n man who had seen scrvlco on two continents. As n soldier ln tho Romau army ho had risen to tho rank ot captain and hnd been made a chevalier for gallantry at tho defense La Rocca galeway lu iS60. Upon tho fah ot the papal states ho canio to Now York and was appointed captain ot tho Fourteenth New York Infantry in 1861. ln tho regular army ho was appointed captain ln 1S6D. .''e was the last of tho commanders of the De partment ot tho Platte, as In lb98 the name was changed to that ot the Department ot ""o"- m. Ml.nmi.l .MV ....QOWM,, Tho first to nssumo chargo of the new department at Omaha was Colonel E. V. Sumner, n natlvo of Pennsylvania, who came Into tho regular army as a result of tho civil war. Ho was appointed second lieu tenant of tho First cavalry September 5, 1SS1, nnd colonel of tho First New York mounted rifles September 8, 1SC4. Tho present commander Is General H. C. Merrlam, who was placed In chargo March 31, 1899. Ho was appointed to the service "om .Maino as captain of the Twentieth Malno volunteer Infantry. When tho gov- ornmcnt decided to arm and utilize negro regiments General Merrlam accepted an ap- polntmcnt to recruit volunteers. Ho nssisted raising several regiments and at tho end of the war was colonel of tho oldrst noero regiment In tho scrvlco. In tho regular establishment ho was appointed major In tho Twenty-fourth Infantry nnd later was mado lieutenant colonel of the Second ln fantry. LIGHTNING' LONG LEAP. Two nnu iMic-iinir .miip Across n Clonr Shy to Swnt a Dnrn A singular phenomenon was witnessed by a party of Waterville (Me.) pooplo July 8, while on tho ivny to Eaot Pond, reports tho Lewiston Journal. Over tho north of Rome nmi urn QmlthnoM , ,i,n.ininrm on(1 acr09s sm"neld a thunderstorm was In Progress. In that section whero tho party wns at the time tho phenomenon occurred tho sun was shining brightly and the south crn edge of the rain belt was afterward de termined as thrco and a half miles away Tho party was Just driving down a hill ana me. country for nevcrai miles was stretching beforo the party and In plain view. Tho rain foil In torrents along the rldge thre0 mlIes Rwajf an(, tho IlghtnlnB "b every few seconds. To the eastward aro tho farm buildings of Howard Smith, on tho ridge across the valley and lu tho sun- shlno at the time. Tho buildings are one mile north of whero the party was riding, A bolt of lightning was seen to leave the heavy bank of clouds at the top of the hill or rldgo which was being deluged by tho storm and, zigzagging its course across tho clear space tor a dlstanco ot at least two and a half miles, strike tho barn of tho Smith place. A cloud ot what was supposed at tho time to bo smoke, but what afterward proved to havo been nothing but dust, arose and tho women and men In the carriage sup posed that the great barn would be de etroyed by" fire. Thp party nt onco changed Its course, for the purpose of going to tho assistance of mo iarraer. n nen mo smun flome waB reached It was seen the holt had torn nn irregular courso from one end of the rldge polo diagonally down tho root to the lower corner at tho farther end of tho barn thence to a fence, splitting rails and posts bouncing over to the well curb and upset ting that, finally spending itself along th ground In the direction of the highway. Mr nmiiu's uamago amounted to not more than $5 and that will be taken up entirely in replacing shingles, A visit was paid to the barn, In which there were two horses, tho rest of the stock being In tho pasturo. Tho hordes were trembling with fear and when spoken to by tho owner did not appear to notice him Tests wero mado and It was determined that the horses wcro still stunned from th I B, rt ... iu . , . . . lu"k "B'r iicariim uuu ucen ai fected. Jlr. Smith unhitched both horses nd bv sneaklne to hm trlo.i tn m.. I - 41 - ....... . - - - ....u , 1. , i . I ..ii. i . . . . .. . i im,iii iiuiii iiit-ir Biuim, uui ii was in vain tho horses paving no attention to him. Th hnr.r- i..i .... " "" waiKru aoout lor a time. Then Mr. Smith elepped behind them somo distance an spoko to them. The animals at onccUurnod around and went to hlra. Chickens that wero about tho yard at the time the bolt re" wcre rendered unconscious and for more than an hour, although alone and wanderln about, were still so dazed that they woul inn ugmiisi ounincieB in ine yaru. too trail of th0 b0,t I" "1 Mr'h ""t MW than tw0 Inches and did not penetrate tVj groun' at a greater depth. When tho bolt arrived "t havo taken a flight ,nto paco, as tho trail stops suddenly with no Indication of ihe bolt having gono Into . , , i r nr prnnnn tbo ground Mr. Smith said that at tho tlmo tho bolt truck bis barn ho waw observing th progress of the storm west and north and that tho eastern edge of tho cloud, near tho northern extremity, seemed to be nflra with lightning and that the thin ttrcaks of flro Girted out of tho edge of tho cloud far Int ,,, rInr .ptlftn ''P fnw Chmii-p for n Nriv Lino. SIOUX CITY, In., July 21. (Special.) S O. Strickland of Omaha, superintendent ot tho Nebraska lines ot tbo Chicago, St, Paul .Minneapolis & Omaha railroad, while I niou uiiy was aaKeu ii ne Knew anytmng about the plans of the promoters of th In . v. ,v ... . uu, "unutiu, ne sum- i ao noi spcait autnoriiaiivciy. nut l will say that if anv company builds a line down on tbo west side of the river shorter than our line, th Omaha company will cut out Emenon hill and build a line as short as that ot tho nlxt fellow." OUGHT TO BECOME EXPERTS Board of Park Commissioners Receiving In struction in Natural History. MR KASEBIER OF TEXAS THE PROFESSOR Letter Hint Are Full uf Information mill t'liliiue OMIintcrnpliy llclnit Kcuiilnrly Reoi'Uril by the Members of the llonril. Adolph W. Kaeebler of Alpine, Tex., It a valued friend of the Omaha- Board ot Park Commissioners ami has supplied many ot tho animals kept In Hlvcrvlcw park. Kawbler lives In the wildest part of Texas, not far from tho Mexican line, aud Is a reptile and animal trader. For several years ho has been ono of Commlwiloiier Cornish' mojt regular correspondents, and It Is Indeed a lull week when the thrifty German dots not a tlfy the board ot some animal he has for ale. Kasebler's letters aro cbaractcrliod chiefly by their brevity. Frequently he will wrlto not more than half n d02cn words In answer to some Inquiry from tho board. His writ ing Is much llko G.fman script and his nolllne Is more unusual than the phonella brigade. Tho letters 'from Kasobler are so highly prized thnt Mr. Cornish declares h 111 go to see tho old German If he over gets within 500 miles ot Alpine. During tho last winter Katcblcr had a bear for sale which was of a brown color and was supposed to bo a clnnatnou bear. black bear has been ono of tho happy family at Hlvervlew tor so'me time, but th park board was anxious to tccuro a cinna mon bear and wroto to discover whether the Texas animal was the genulno article. Tho following letter from Kascbler cstuo In an- wer to tho board: The Bear Is Brown on the Baqk and Ribs .l ..M.t. tlrtlln ,,,.,1 I atra n rn UlltOU. ,11111 iiiiuvi lilt- . villi n,.. ...... ' : This Is tho 6th Bear I had and all Bears I had so fnr was Black but In Rummer Brown nnd when shedod Black, This bear hasent shedded In his life to my Uieoro and next spring when shedded perhaps he win Turn out Black. Now ns far as I know and havo experiance l cannot rromis you It Is a Black ono nor Cinnamon. The way for you to do take him and llpd out. Pay for your experiance as 1 do. , When a prima that had been purchased from the Texan died, ho wrote the following lotter of ndvlco upon being notified that captivity had not ngrced with tho beast: Your Lion Dlde. Did you ever feed th Ion green grass and could It got any rnrn vrantiitlnn. 'rnes meal euiuir A n I in n In NVertf. nnrt n whllo SUtch food. To my experiance nil Meat eating Animals Needs a variety oi .mch. l.ions uvu muniijr on birds. 1 do not think Lions can llvo longe on Beef. They like Horse, Sheep, Denr. Antelops, rhlckens, Birds. Rablts, Badgars hotter than Beef, Beef Is the Inst food they tnke. They will Take every thlnir els beforo Beef. Everything Needs a nriety of food ir not It Hecoms unneniinjr n tnv thonrv. M'hev Toll mo lions when they kill any animal for food thev hat tho Liver Ilrt and so did the wllilenian. My thenrev Is all Deceases nro Caused by to much of ono thing or Non nt all. After tho capturo of tho unfortunate puma tho old man wroto as follows to tho board: rrh Tiim;j wnn rnnod nnd tide for 6 or 8 howcrs by the Feet and this made his Feet soar, l say me i uma. is uma i oumu Says It Is young But I ay It Is Olde. The following Information Imparted by Kascbler concerning pumas rivals descrip tion ln old-fashioned geographies: T unvnr mniln vntl nnoV PrlCO Oil tllS) Puma us I have several 'letters Inquiring1 for a Puma and I Could not send him untlll I hear of them (Parties). The Puma sows under 7 names. I am willing- to sell thn Puma to you for your Price If I cannot got more. I noldo n Puma ono for $10 and ono for $25 to Animal Dealers. Of all nnlmals tho Puma, Is distinguished by hav ing the grctefit number of Nnmes. lie l not only known ns tho Puma but Is hIso called tho Pointer. Panther, silver lion, Amorlcan Lion and Cognr. Ho Is a natlvo of Boath North and South Amcrlcn. But a few days ago Kascbler wrote th board tho following roster of his present menagerie: I ImvK l bear 24 venrn of nge. a mall. 300 ncckrllK or wild hoes. 1 skunk, -2 rnttln snakes. 1 chaparoll cock, 1 buzzard. 1 eagle, 1 nam una pernaps in a monui - nuns or pumns. I havo 1 wild cat at $5 nnd 3 badgers at $15.00. A fow of the laconic messages tho board has received from Its Texas adviser are given below: Tho Bear Is Don noldo for more tnan w. Do you want any Dndcars t $10 a Pcasae. .... The Lion Dlde Last Night. Tho, llldej and Cnrkus Is value for museum witch I huvo nut ln cood shnne. It was a Femall, The Lion lived 2S Days. Tho length ot Hon r, few Dead 714 reel inuo lacKea io wall (Hide). . , .... I havo the rlngtnle snake .or cebet bot. It wals about l',4 to 2 lbs. It Is a hot clnso. Tho wildcat Is grone. The wildcat 1 sent In shipping Condlshlon To Day nnd I do not know whnathcr he is a mall or femall, will Und out Later. . . , Tho wlldecat Dido from tho Capturln ruf Handling. It was a mall (It was a larg one. RELIGIOUS. Rev. C. R. Bartol. who has been pastor of the old West church, Boston, for over fifty years, celebrated his S7th birthday a short -whllo ago. Ho Is tho oldest llvlnr alumnus of tho Harvard divinity school. Ira T). Snnkov. the evangelist, after tak ing part at the reopening of the Spurgeon Metropolitan lompio in l.onuon nexi oep tomhor. will visit Turkey as tho guest oC several Christian missions In that country. Equipped with hymn books nnd Bibles, a small organ, sovcrnl bannurs nnd u largo tent Mrs, Anna jonnson, missionary, is now on her way to Cape Nome from San, Frnnclscn. Mrs. Johnson bns been a mis sionary for roorft than thirty years, Sh is not nttarneo iq any cnurcn. uui aepenu entlrt-ly upon the contributions ut her meetings for money with which' to meet her expenses. She will bo at Nome all summer and If there Is a demand she will remain there next winter. A nlnn has boon nronnrod for raising 1250.- 000 to bo used ns a slnklnu fund by th Congressional Mtsslonnry hoard to insura that body aealnst omnarrnssmentB due to fluctuation! In legacies nnd other forms of gifts, ConsrcgatlonallstH nru asked for 100 gifts of $1,000 each and 200 of $500 each. Tho remainder of thn fund will bo made up of smaller contributions. The totnl amount Is ho small ln comparison with tho great serv lco It will perform that It ought to bo raised without any dlincuity. According to tho Gotha almanac tho number of Christians in China is about 2,000.000. Tho Roman Cnthollcs began work in China more than zw years nco. anil tho Jesuit missionaries hnd great success for a time, a census iaxen in showed mo number of Chinese Catholics to bo 1,091,000, with forty-ono bishops and COI European nnd 559 native priests, At that tlmo tho number of Protestant Christians In tho country was 19,000. There aro many moro now. but the Protestant missions havo never been able 'to report nnythlng llko th number of converts mado by the Catholics. W. R. Moody, a eon of the late Dwlght L. Moody, has Issued tha general Invita tion to tho conference of Christian Work ers established by hlH father twenty years ago. Tho conference will be held from August 2 to 20 at Northfluld, Mass,, as for merly, nnd among the teachers who will be present will bo tho Revs, William New man Hall of Dublin, Henry O, Weston of Chester, Pa.; A. T. Plerson of Brooklyn, C. I. Scolleld of East Northlield, T 8. Hamlin of Washington, J. F. Carson of Brooklyn. Peyton Iloge of Louisville, Wll ton Mcrlo Smith of Now York, It. A. Tor rey of Chicago and II. C. Mabln of Boston, nnd Mr. R. E, Speor of Now York. Dur ing a part of the conferenco one hour will bo reserved for Instruction In tho Interna tional Sunday school lesson and normal methods of teaching It. by tho Rev. R. A. Torroy of Chlcngo and Hamilton 8. Connnt, secretary of the Massachusetts Sunday School association. Another special con feronco for those Interested In young poo nlo's work will ho In chargo of John Willis Bner and other lenders. William H. Stanes. Nllgrls IIIIIh, India, will conduct special meetings fnr children, Music will be In chnrge of Ira D, Sankey and George C. Stebblns, assisted by F, 11. Jacobs. Snnfortl GetH Conl Contraot, CHAMBERLAIN, S. D., July II. (Spe cial,) James W. Sanford of this city ha been notlfltd that he has been awarded tha contract for furnishing tho coal for Lower Brule Crow Creek agoncy and the Chamber- lain Indian school. The contract calls fos about 850 tons, or about fifty carloads.