Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
OMAHA, 31 OX DAT MOKNrXG, JULY .10, 11)00.
Mcssago Received by Minister Seems to
Oonfirra Woret Fears.
Important Cablegram to Ohincso Minister
from Official at Shanghai.
people leave tien tsin SHELLING NATIVE TIEN TSIN EIGHTH ordered no manila
1'nrelnnerii from I lie City Are Living
Aliouril the Vnrlotm War
Vr Kfln.
Allied Forces Make Sure of Their Ground
by Using Big Guns.
Ititttalloii Xoir nt il'orl SnellliiK,
MluitrNOln, AVIII ilo (i the
(Copyright, 1P00, by the Associated Prers.i)
CHE TOO, July 10, via Shanghai. July
15. Several hundred refugee, most of them
women and children, have left Tien Tsin 1 CAPTURE
nccordnnco with Admiral Seymour s order
to allow oil noticombatants to depart.
Many women remained behind, however, re- Movement of Ilrltlnli mid
fusing to I iiive their husbands, whoso bust-I With IIiiknIiui lleere Sur
nest, detains them. The refugees were sent iirlien tlif Chlncne tiuU
down the river on board lighters and tugs Win i:nll.
and were then transferred to uicrchnnt ships
In tho harbor.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 15. A War de
partment order has' btcu received at Fort
Snelllng for a battalion of tho EUhth In-
ARSENAL fn,,trJ' now statlonc J tnet0 t fcJoln the
regimem nnu procrcu iu mc iiinupiurs wuu
the Second battalion1 now en route from
Jnpnnee I Cuba.
In this order the iierartemnt givre out n
new policy with regard to foreign service. It
"Department battnllnca and squadron?
having a year's assignment nt homo will at
The American, Japanese and German war- (Copyright, 1W0, by Press Publishing Co.) tll earlWst practical motnent be relieved
ships received their people, tho ofhsers of SHANGHAI, July 16. CHE KOO, July 13
the United States gunbo.U orktown gener- TtEN TSIN, Afternoon July 9. (New
miely entertaining 200, most of them mis- York World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
slonarles und their families. The movement began at daybreak, the
Tho Ilrltlsh refugees were crowded on a cumn bclnir mostly Ilrltlsh. with tho llus-
dirty freighter anil women accustomed to Bmng n8 re.crve. Swlnclne across tho
riDlirn MFQQARF TO CONGER ON ITS WAY luxury have been sleeping huddled together pen wet 0f tho coiu-esslon, It captured four
ClTHtK MtbbUit IU lAJNUt-n uii complnn l)Uterly he- L,nH KUnH( whch ha(, bcc enfilading us,
cause tho half empty British ncet uecuncs nml took tho wrlll nrgcnai, Tho casualties
to recelvo them and they hnvo a 0 our gdo wcro anKnt nud for the Chinese
strong protest to Admiral Seymour. heavy. Tho Chinese wcro surprised nnd ran
The United States transport Logan has frmn tn , (llD ....... exchnnee of fire.
arrived with the Ninth Infantry from Ma- Waller's marines nnd the Japanese were
nlla. The work of disembarkation will oc- celcrp(i tne arsenal nt first. Already
cupy some days, as boats are scarce. Tho tne Chinese had begun to shell the arsenal
Lou. will take tho American refugee to wlth .hpir . m)....d in the native cltv.
WASHINGTON July ir.. Such news ns Nagap.ikl and the "korktown win leave iu Those who wcro nt both places say the reg-
.V. Wnhlni!ton today from China wns tow tho Oregon to Yokohama. ar shelling of the town Is much worso
mnslsted of a -ablegram Cannon from tho warships are being sent tllan nt Llu,ygIIlIlu.
iiiBiiin.ii ii. . a,,,,,.. (), IniDcrlnl to Tien Tsin to flllence the Chinese guns. Admiral Sovinoitr lmd two narrow mrnnpo
Hrrolnr if pchIb and telegraphs at Shang- Twenty-three guns shelled tho Chinese bat- f rom shraimc. There were no American
1 ,1 nml -iccnrdlne to the minister, was In tcrlcs yesterday, tho Chlncso replying In- CU8ualtles. Thu Ninth regiment has not
Btates That the Imperial Government is
Also in Peril.
Governor of Province of Tun
gtnte That ll- Will TiiWe Prompt
Step to Fonvnril Cablegram
to United State MIhIhUt.
nt mcsBage he had sent termlttently. llodles of from 2,000 to 3,uuu yct arrvc,i.
Today's movement removes the threat of
communications. Tho present tnklng of tho
This cablegram Minister wu rename.. - , , , . , "vo c.iy is noi cunierapinicii, ns inero aro
nt Biiiiiolent Imnortance to carry in p-i""11 "' "i'-' - - ----- insumcieni troops ior garrisons ana to am
OI BlllIlLltllt mil"" . ...l.l .it.l. l..l urn .Irnnrilni? th.ailell- . .
,v , ,l,a t nc asking him to try attack the foreign lines dally. A field bat-
T'SrVV uZVcMnW capital, tery Is supporting tho brunt of the attacks
This c"blegram Minister Wu regarded a against tho railway station and aga nst the
I nis cauicgniHi nTHm Itufalan nnd Jupaneso outposts lu that
!JLp1v to Secretary Hay, who was waiting neighborhood. Ilullcts are dropping th.ough- communlcaUolls.
at his home til ilews. The message', as out tho foreign settlement at al hours of
"L, 1 , .h clnher. was ns follows-. tho day nnd the people have become so UAK1TQ TRA
nnd nfslgned to dutr with their regiments,
when In turn the next battnllon or squadron
will return to tho homi station, bringing In
e.ich Instance the mcu from the regimen'
having lefs thnn six months to eorvi ex
cepting those who have declared their In
tention to re-enllst. The rule of exchange
of battalions and squadrons will be strictly
enforced, so that ofllcera concerned can
make preparations accordingly."
The men of the returning battalions of tho
Eighth having less thnjl six months to serve
will remain at tho fort and enough of the
regiment to fill two battalions will bo picked
out to go to the Philippines or China.
Major McCammon, In charge of tho re
cruiting ofTlce, Is having difficulty In secur
Ing recruits, chiefly bemuse he cannot prom.
Ise them service In China. About half of
those that apply want n, chance to fight the
Iloxers and when told that service lu China
cannot bo granted they decline to enlist.
Number of IlelielN and Ammunition
Arc Captured In the
Position of KiikIiiihI iih HeKariln the
Proluilile lllnmemlieriiient of
tin- ChlneNc Kiniitro.
MANILA, July llj. During last week's
scouting three Americans wcro killed and
two wounded and thirty-five rebels were
killed. Fifty rebels were captured and
twenty-five rifles and five tons of powder nnd
ammunition taken
It will become nccefwary, under tho new
mi me v.,. ... , , ,.,., , ,w ,hnV co about tho """' IUUHMUI1I
"Pekln nnws 01 juiy .... - - -
Tuan Kuh Slang, In disobedience of imperial sireois uniusturneu.
orders, wns about to use guns, uegawo.w.
and the government will be In peril. ARSENAL
tm., nDu in corroborative of tnni con
nln..! In n recent cablegram from Consul n,.(,rt l'rom JntuineNe Sonreen Slate (Copyright. I'.ifO, by Press Publishing Co.) codo of procedure which tho commission ex
finmlnnw nt Shanghai, nlthough the consul ChlneKe Are Sneeeiifiil ut LONDON, July 15. (New York World Ca- pests to adopt, to secure tho services for tho
general's dispatch glve-a his Pe-kln news the ,,.,,. Thu. blegram Special Telegram.) Hobirt Yur- higher courts In Manila and tho provinces
dato of tho 6th, saying that tno nnai iiuui-k. Durgli, M. P., leader of the Chlncso party In of American Judges knowing Spanish.
.1 in..iiM..a with L-iiriH was about to WASHINGTON. July in. Tho Japanese .,. House
nf n .TimntiH. who rnnr'pRpntn f hp I
begin on the 7th of July. It Is surmised here legation hero totlny received tho following Ilritish 0(Hclals on tho new Chlneso sltua- APPEALS FROM THIS SIDE
that Mr. (loodnow got IUb news irom aiitim. iciegram irora uiu juijuucbc tien, saiu to tho World today: "The whole
who Is certainly In n position to secure uie under date or iokio, juiy v, irunsiiiiii.i.h foreign trade of China In 1839 was 53,000,- Chlm-Ke AxMoelntlun In Hnn 1'riineli.eo
first news from Pekln. Aside from tno a,ivlces received from Cho l-oo under aato 000( of wnlch the IlrltlsU ompro ha,i 3i,- unen It lnienee to Stop
gloomy foreccst given of tho end oi me of July i: 000,000, and tho success of the lloxcr nnd Further Trouble
4,,n,i.. .triiecln of tho lcgatloncra ngainsi Tho Ctilncso army unuer mo. uiuinu ui u ,,. .fore n movement nractlcallv destrova
the Inevitable, the significant feature of the Rcnernl In the Chinese army) made Its ap- that interest. I consider tho question of SAN FRANCISCO, July 15. The mcmbero
message Is the coupling or tno laiu m m penrance near lien iiu juij ., nu ' - separation premature until It Ip proved of the Chinese Empire Kcrorra association
i -i,,i ..nvnmmpnt with that of thu foreign seunl taken by tho allies a week ago waa wv.thor thl l rn.illv n rnholllnn fnr whlnh of thl cltv are verv much nurturbisl over nnirlnla hero cot some satlsfac- recaptured by them. Tho Chlncso city of thn nun... rnnRtliuted ninhnrltlp nrn tp. tho Berlons condition of affairs In the Orient
tlon from this portion of the dispatch, us it Tien TBln Is fortified by Chlneso soldiers. sponsbic, !t lg impossible to extract pe- and nre exerting every possible endeavor to
eustalns them in the position tncy nac u From tne norm tne repori conies mm. uin- CUDnry recompense from tho Chlncso gov- prevent tho persecution or foreigners rcsiu
f rom tho llrst, that tho Chlneso government ncg0 fOICcg are moving and Tien Tsin con- ornmCnt, whose finances are nlready cha- Ing In China. Cablegrams are being went
nni nt war with Christendom, nui is sldered critical, uommunicauou wnu ioiir belnir annuallv dcnletwl 24.000.000 bv dally to tho viceroys of the different prov
fronting n forraldablo Insurrection. Ku threatened. On July G by steamer Sa- corrupton jt s ovldently futile to attempt Inces praying them to use all their Influence
henu I inter Simnlelon. kurnmura Japanese residents left for Tnku." to compei corrupt mandarins to dlfgorgo to prevent further slaughter of Innocent
Bounteous Hain TJxtentls from Mississippi
River to Rooky Mountains.
Itepnrt Ileeelvnt hr t'le Wenther
llureiiii anil 'I'he llee liullenle the
Wide Terrllory t'mereil by
the Him npuur.
Well, that rain did settle It! ThlR morn
ing tho Nebraska corn crop In ns safe as
though It were nlready In the crib nnd tho
chinch bug nnd grasshopper statesmen are
looking for another Issue.
Yesterday Omaha got Its share of tho rain
that has been going about over the state
ever since Friday, and a right bountiful
share It was, too. During the afternoon up
till 7 o'clock, tho hour for tnklng the offi
cial observation, 2.6 luchrn had fallen here.
From 7 till 9 o'clock nearly ns much more
Indications nre that tho storm was gen
eral In Its nature. It Is certain that north
ern Nebraska for more thaa 500 miles back
from tho river was drenched, nnd It Is
equally ccrtnln that the central part of the
stato received a soaking. Mttlo has been
heard from the southern portion of tho
stnte, but the general trend of the Htorni In
dicates that the southern section will get Its
share, If It hasn't nlready.
It n I ii Wan Mont Timely.
That the rain was timely there Is no doubt.
There had been three days of very hot
weather, with a high wind from tho south,
nnd the dcBslcatlng effects of this could not
have been much longer withstood. Indeed,
nervoUH people were nlready apprehensively
watching tho clouds and fears of tho repeti
tion of 1S94 wero being expressed. Poli
ticians who thrive when the public Is In dis
tress were gleefully anticipating u disaster
that would give weight to their calamity
cries and were looking forward to n triumph
based on tho ruin of the Ncrbaska farmer.
Hut Providence has ordered otherwise, and
ono of thoe good old "million-dollar" rains
has blessed tho whole section of the west
from which the great corn crop Is sent to
the world In all Its varied shapes. Ne
braska Is nil right nnd the Nebraska farmer
as ho watched his eavespouts gush torrent3
or rainwater yesterday, renewed his faith
lu the great state, and this morning he can
look out over wide fields of proudly waving
corn, whoso broad blades shlno Ilka the
banners of tho mighty army of contented
prosperous people they represent. Corn Is
nafe, potatoes nre sufu, there will be plenty
ot fall pasture and Nebraska's people will
have euough to Hvo on and something to
Some Olllelnl FlKureN.
Here nre some figures on the rainstorm
given by the local office of tho Weather
Forccnt for Nebraska
Showers ; Warmer; Vnrlnble Winds.
Tempera! ur it 4 Oninhn enterilnyi
Hour. Ui'tT.
." n. m 71
a. in 71
7 n. I. 7.1
H a. m 711
tl a. m 7M
III a. m 7H
II a. in MO
U p. m ....
:i p, ui. ... .
4 i. m
r p. in ...
II U. Ill ...
7 p. HI ...
s p. m . . .
ti p. m . .
Business Portion of Arizona Town Laid
Wasto by Tiro.
ItenutilleiiiiM of Kenliieky W
at l.oulMvllle In Pence n
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 15. According to
hat tho leaders say, everything will be
one unanimously nt the republican state
convention which will meet In Louisville
next Tuesday to nominate a candidate for
governor. Ex-I.teutennnt Governor John
Marshall will bo temporary chairman and he
will deliver n speech lu which he will set
forth the republican side of the events In
Kentucky politics following the last state
election. Mr. Marshall, who was on tho
Icket ns lieutenant governor with V. S.
nylor, was unseated In favor of the pres-
nt governor, J W. C. Ileckhnm, who had
second place on the ticket with William Goe
bcl. John W. YcrkcR ot Dauvlllo will tin
iloubtedly be unanimously nominated fnr
governor. It U the present plan that tho
hit form shall endorso the Philadelphia con
cntlon nud Its nominees and then contain
only one plank, and this thu republicans de
scribe ns "nntl-Goebellsm."
LEXINGTON. Ky., July 15. The demo-
rntlc stnte convention will meet here on
Thursday. Tho present Indications uro that
there will be a lively contest for n succes
sor to tho late William Goebel. Governor
llcckhum Is strongly in the lend according to
the returns from the county conventions of
estcrdny, but It Is denied that he has n run
orlty, nnd It Is stated the Held will combine
against him. The Held Includes ex-Governor
and ex-Congressman McCrcary, Judge P
Tarvln, James I), lllnck, Judgn Joseph 11
Lewis, W. 11. Smith nnd James II. Gaructt
remains a suspicion that while Another telegram received nt tho Jnpancso thcr wcnUhi CVfin tf practicable to fix ludl- persons of other natldhi who have not had mlmul al 9 0-ciock iast night;
There still
,. ,,ii.iitPiliv actlui: with pcricct ivkiiiiuii mmum. d....v. u viuURi rcsponsioiiuy. ureal uruain wnnts uiihui iuunf iu iraic.iuc wuuui - a..ii.n Inches
in rli iv that Sheng who Is represented supposed to bo forwarded by tho Jnpaueso no terrtory, only trade, and under tho new place of eifty. Omaha r'W
siuccrii,, iii . know coiBul Bcneru, nt shanghai, reported that oriler of tung8 nt Pt,k,n Qreat uritatn's Following aro some of the messages sent Llncnln Neh..... f f
1" ' f thn act "1 happenlngn nt Pekln Sheng. the Shanghai tatal (governor) re- alm wlu bo t0 opi.n lHternaI waterways, to to China by tho as.oclatlon: Jjh . i,,::::::::;;;:;;;:::::;;;;:; 2.BS
VI . , l. wIlllnK to reveal. It Is feared celved b telegram from Yuen Sin Kal. tho reduce ,n(ornal uutes and to place the rev- "SAN FRANCISCO July 1S.-LI Hung .Vul" ntlne-: Nob... 1.J6
m2 t. trvhiK to prepare tho way for governor of Shan Tung, stating that n enuo umlcr Ul0 conlrol of hotlCst Kngllph Chang. Canton: IleporVj .received here that Itaptd City, S. D 0.62
1 ,iMnuro of tcrrlblo news, hoping thut courier had nrrived at Tsl Man Fu bringing or Amercan 0fllcla!s, like the customs. The Boxers nro TnaBsacrelntfforelgners. This is ' V.V.V".'.".'::.:...'" 1 1 "1 1 1 ." II 01
, i..m Imp It como out gradually tho blow the following news: loyalty of tho viceroys Is tho most gratifying In violation of treaty rights. We pray your Ht 1UIll j,-,nn o.Srt
,.m nni fall with such severity, and per- "Two legations stood up to July 3 against featurt. of Ule goomy situation." excellency to Instruct alf viceroys to protect Huron, 8. 1) .. .i0
. .. . ....u in hio nven cttacks of en ticso. i.firnuoii euaros Kiueu v., ., .,i,i ,u, ,. !,, oi all tore eners. oven as we aro nroiccien oy -.moiiuiik iepon; nu Hum Mint .
Imps with sucn uiaa ',., ni nhout a.OOO Chlneso soldiers and Uoxors ln -.i. t-.ri.i i ,.. m 1 4, thm hBre.WeTbee'liiioufto sunross theso These flgurea will give some notion of
peopio nn ii mui 4l...,i,i n nnw. Hnvernl enirocemcnts. If provisions and am- .n,i .i., ,. nn..iM. barbarous outraKes that peace and resump- extent of the storm, r rom St. Paul to
story wero inipar ,. Pntlrclv munition last they will bo able to hold out. ,i . -.i. i' i tlon of commerce may follow." enne, nnd from Pierre to Lincoln Is a
This news, u may u ,k r,,,.0 a ,, , , - . .. . ... - ,,,. , ,vl,,B .,,, nf ,Prrltorv. nnd the word
. - - i rt'HiirL. nun LHiiirti iiuibuii lu iibi 111 liii? i
a . Ail. I .. oMtftr
It I r now twenty-ono days since a word bo tired of attacking."
nf thn unfor- I
Jias como uirecuy ni" - niTTl rp T
.mmtes besleced In tho legations nt Pekln. BATTLtb A I
Tho last message from there wns from Sir
event of his inability to fulfill his vow.
There aro 5.C62 Ilrltlsh subjects In China,
about 650 In Pekln, for whose rolatlves, fol
lowing numerous precedents, tho Ilrltlsh
llobert Hart, tho Kngllshman In chargo of Ailmtrnl .Seymour Iteportn Number of K0ernment will undoubtedly exact llnan-
KiiKiiueme ntH I'roiu the
Cliim-He City.
clal compensation on a heavy scalo.
the Chlneso ciiBtoms sorvico, ami wua ui un
doubted authenticity. It represented the
.1 .v... lnfiiiinnrrn ns despcrnto nnd
."17" .: ,' i" tV.., List word from Minis- LONDON, July 15.-The following dls
r Conger camo to tho Stato department patches from Admiral Seymour wero pub-
finm Pekln under dato of Juno 12. At that llshed this evening:
mo asked that Seymour's International "TIRN TSIN. July ( O.-Tho enemy's pes -
r . f column which wns even thou doomed tlon southwest ot the settlement was nt-
to full should signal Its npproach when tnckod an o clock tnis morning, l no Japan- (Copyright, 1JKX), by Press Publishing Co.)
near Pekln. That was just ono month nnd cso by a flank movement drove tho enemy gT pETERSnuno Jllly i5.(New York
Cxnr llan 1IU Kye I'Meil on a I.urne
Slice of llomnlu t'ltlmately
to He IIIk.
savo forcleners In the north. Send money, along tho lino Is that rain Is falling. Th
shli, nnythlng In reason and we will pay llee has a telegram from Pierre, S. D., to
our share." the effect that more than two Inches of
a mfssnen to Slncanoro nsklnc for Infor- water has fallen thero since 1- rlday. limn
nuitlnn reirardlnir the renorted woumllni: of was falling at Sioux City nnd at Valentino
Kang Yu Wcl Is quite pathetic in tono. It when tho morning reports camo, and at other
rends: places from wnicu news cnuiu uo nun ikei,
"Khoo Sook Wan, Singapore: Spare no night tho word was tho same, naming.
expense In forwarding us all details regard- I.oeal i:rreen of the Storm.
ing tno conumon ot our ueioveu le.iuv.. rertalnlv waterloeeed YCSter
Kang Yu Wei. For your lovo of liberty we
ask that you protect out wisest philosopher
slnco Confucius."
three nays ago, nnd It would be .... unpreco- out and captured four gun Cavalry pur- cablegram-Special
'Tho allied forces shelled nnd occupied tho
western arsenal, capturing two guns. The
arsenal was burned, as tho allies wore un
able to hold It. The enemy's loso was 330
killed. Tho loss of tho allied forces was
Tslegram.) IlU8-
!nterrets In China nro
Insignificant, only 3,000.000 annually: her
prospective Interests Illimitable, and it Is on
the latter Russia will clrculato her claim
when the Iloxers' excesses have to bo paid
for. The czar's government will dis
countenance uso being made of tho presont
Funeral Party Leaves YVuhIiIiikIuii
Willi lleumliiN of the Lute
Senator Clear.
iii-mimi nml nrovlB onod force ns was ni u.o
command of tho foreign ministers to hold ors.
out for that length of
Minister Wu's cablegram from Sheng.
nbovo given, should not bo taken ns an
nnswor to tho cipher message ho forwarded
nt Secretury Hay's request to China In tho
effort to get It through to Minister Conger.
That message went to Yonnn Shlhknl. tho
governor of tho provlnco of Shan Tung.
i l 1I...1 l.trnpiiiiillL. Dint 111.
., ... .... i inn v innv werp tinven on ai t a. in., uul "... i uuntu iiua. iiu im.iiu n..,c vo. .f... i , .
tho allies lost 1C0 killed and wounded. The fro,nt- .T."? ,onljr 'lw .8. ? members of tho capltol police force, in full '"J'
WASHINGTON, July 15. The remains of
the lato Senator Gear of Iowa, who died
early yesterday morning, left here this nft-
nm'nmi nt n '.10 o'clock via tho Pennsylvania
crisis for itussian nggranuizcinent, mu u is rallroai, for the oenr homo at llurllngton,
lia'a no news himself, but It la assumed that
ho will take prompt steps to rorwnru tno
cipher messuge. His stutus nt this critical
Juncturo Is unfortunntely not beyond sus
picion, though Mr. Wu retains full confi
dence In him.
IlUputeli From Hemey.
Secretary Long had two cablegrams today
"TIUN TSIN. July 12. The Chinese at 3 "u'"ou l"c """" ....(,..... ... Ia-i where funeral services will Do nciu
a. m. yesterday made a determined attack aermnny disclaiming any Intent of tcrri- Weunea(lay at 3 O.c)ock. The casket con
upon tho railway station In great force, torlal gain Is because the opening of that taInIng th0 remains was enclcsed In n heavy
dav afternoon. Its streets wero turned Hit
raging torrents, Its cellars were flooded und
Its street cars might as well have been
Ccrvera's fleet for ull tho service they per'
formed. Loenl weather Munchatreens who
have long had a corner on the expression
"Tho big rain wo had away hack in IS,
surrendered all claim to prestige nnd dls
consolately admitted that the year with the
double 00" has knocked callcy-wtst all
of their thunder of formei iiaje.
It was a veritable deluge, but little dam
nco resulted beyond tho Inconvcnlenco of
flooded cellars and temporarily suspended
street car trafllc, ns well as drenchlngs re
ceived by many who had the temerity t
venture out In splto ot tho threatening
clouds which hovered over the city all day
. 70
Only Eight Stores Remain Stainling in tfca
usuranco Will Only Oovor Small Portion
of tho Damage.
iMeruor Allen nml l.encrul HnMtliiKM
Are VlNltorN at the Me
lt Inley Home.
CANTON, O., July 15. Governor Allen of
Porto Ulco nnd General Hutsell Hastings of
lleMuudn were guests at the McKlnley homo
nil day. Governor Allen came to talk over
a number of matters connected with the ad
mlpUtratlon of tho Island nnd left tonight
for Washington.
Later he will go to his old homo In Iyiwell
Mass., for a rest biifore returning to Porto
Rico. General Hastings was on his way
west and stopped for 11 HJiiul visit, being nn
Intimate friend of the family.
Tho president nttended morning service
nt the First Methodist Kplscopal church nnd
Governor Allen accompanied him. Comp
troller of tho Currency and Mrs. Uawe
joined the party at dinner and In the cool
of tho evening the- men took n short drlv
about the city. During tho evening a num
her of relatives and close friends called.
llemoerntle. Presidential t'anillilnte
- ' SpenilM Day of I.lttlc Interest
to OutnlilerN.
LINCOLN, Neb., July 15. For tho firs
time Klnce he wns nominated for preside..
at Kansas City, W. J. Ilrynn had no political
visitors today. With his family ho attende
church In tho morning nnd from thero wen
to tho funeral of Deputy Auditor of Stato
C. C. Pool, in the afternoon Mr. Ilrynn an
a few local friends drove to the thirty-acre
suhurban tract owned by tho presidential
candlatc nnd whero ho will build eventually
a homo to live In permanently. Thu party
wns obliged to hurry to the city to escape
drenching rainstorm, which served to keep
all Indoors tho rest of the evening. Ta
present week Mr. Hryan hopes to make good
headway In the work ho has on hand. The
bulk of his correspondence, which nccumu
latcd during t)o busy tlmro of conventlo
week, Is nearly disposer! of and the more ex
citing duties of preparing for the campalg
will be given nttentlon.
iifterem From the Fire Are llrlui?
L'areil for by the Totvu unit
'Jtitxlile ANxlMtauee Will
Sol lie lteiiilreil.
ho allies lost ICO killed and wounded, The -' hut", members or tno cap.ioi ponco torce in iu, paVen.ents suffered Indescribably
Chinese loss Is unknown, but la believed to i ""f'0? uniform acted aa body bearers and carred oncQ M
.nvo been heavy. r ' c" e"c ot Ullna bclnB lbr0H" tho casket from bo hearse to tho express .cmont lloateJ own Ca 0, nvonllP
"The forts wero bombarded at noon by nim rrencii guna. i mri unu -,-,.,., ...o 1 itti f -rn lira to 11
uaKoda used as ft signal tower wero do- Orftlfl ntto LI I I Lu IU VVHIbn
from China, but ho was Inclined to set n tho arrival ot 1.500 Americans."
negative value upon them becnuso tncy mauo nnniUIUP
no montlon of a mnssacro of tho legatloncrs CHINESE bnUWINU
in P..WI11 Ho leasoned that Admiral Hemey
was In n good position to get ns early news tirailually Cloxliin In on the Allied
car. Thero was uu aosenco 01 nowers or
display of any kind. The people at tho sta
tion stood In lespectful silence ns Mrs. Gear,
on tho arm of Secretary of Agriculture WII-
Tlin allied forces have been Increased by Commeree With China A lino t I.nileil Bor)i passed down tho platform to tho Pull-
by 1 he i.ohm or nie I'limii- man car "Grafsmere, wntcn Is to carry tl.o
pine ImIiiiiiIn, party to llurllngton. Those accompanying
Mrs. Gear nro Colonel Hansdell. sergeant-
(t'opyrignt. VM), uy rress I'liDiisiung uo.) nt-arms of tho sennto; Secretary Wilson,
pavement noatea unwn tapnoi nvenue,
Dodgo nnd other streets and wero deposited
lu tho down-town buslnefH districts. The
excavntions being made , by the Nebraska
Telephone compnny on Dnuglas and Twenty-
fourth streets for tho laying of underground
wires wero flooded and tho damugu re
sultant was considerable.
Itnlu at Other PoIiiIh.
YANKTON, S. D.. July 15. (Special Tele-
Puree lluthereil at
'lien Tain.
ns anyouo of such nn ovent. The admiral's
message was from Clio l oo 01 touay s uaie,
though ns ho Is Bi.pposed to bo himself nt
Tnku It Is assumed that It was sent from
that place yesterday. Tho admiral stated
that he had ordered tho Iluftalo to Taku.
It was coming out to tho Orient by wny of
Buez and was to report for orders at Slnga-
... ........ 1. in n .llrnplml tn nrn
'V . u , i, inii.,-in,i m north many buildings, Including one gas holder.
,....,. u u enrrvimr out n carco of coal After the Hrltlsh and Americans had un
MADRID, July 15. (Now jork world Ca- Colonel Root, tho senator's urlvnte secre
blegram Special Telegram.) Spanish cnpl- tary 0nd Mrs. Gear's maid. At Chicago they cram.) Durlnit eighteen hours from C p. in.
tal Involved In China now is small. Only wuj 0O lnct by a number of relatives of the yesterday to noon today 7.28 Inches of water
four lines or bpanisn Btenmers are still en- deceased senator and a committee of Ilur- fell. In the last fifty hours nearly ton Inches
OHE FOO July 10 via Shnnghal, July '"Ing Chlneso ports by routo of Japan and inKton citizens. Other arrangements for the hnvo fallen. Tho city Is flooded. Much dam
11 nisnntch'es received today from Tien Manlln' The loss of tho Philippines so re- 8crvlces will be announced by Colonel Itans- ago has been done to walks, fences, cellars,
Tdn cover events that took place there on - -"-", i.U.uBiu...
CanUldate for Vlee Prenlilent Leaven
for SI. Paul to AiIiIi-i-nm
NEW YOKK. July 15. Governor Itoose
velt left this city today for St. Paul, whero
ho will address tho National Lenguo ot Re
publican Clubs at Its annual convention.
Governor Roosevelt suld beforo starting
that ho would positively not mako any
speech between hero nnd St. Paul, either
going or coming, and that ho would mako
hut ono speech In St. Paul, and that before
tho convention. Ho denied that ho would
stop orf nt Cleveland to confer with Senator
Hanna. Ho said he expected to bo homo by
Governor Roosevelt expects to address tho
Hebrew- Chautauqua society in Atlantic City,
July 23. llovoud tl.nt ho said ho had no
definite plans.
July C. 7 and S. The Chinese wero grnw ng -" ,',,"; ;""". " ,,n,, .
in numbers and audacity dally and drawing ,';,,.,,;'. rhin lln,ier Vh
closer In. Their flro had nlready wrcckeu
nnd u number of sailors to recruit tho
American fleet.
Tho second dispatch camo from Captain
How man of tho gunboat Castlno, which Is
successfully attempted to capture a gun tho
Chinese, on tho night of July 6. fiercely ut
tacked tho foreign settlement, but wero re
pulsed. Next day tho bombardment was
tlon, placing Its consuls In China under the
Spanish legation at Toklo. Spanish min
isters don't Interest themselves In tho fu
ture of China, as ncutu domestic problems
nbsorb their attention.
etc. Three bridges nro gono on Rhino
creek In tho city limits.
PIERRE, S. D., July 15. (Special Telo-
gram.) Nearly two Inches of rain has fal-
St. i.ouU Street lintliviiy 1: in ploy oh eu here slnco Friday night, greatly bene-
Look lo llllil to Settle
ST. LOUIS, July 13. With Samuel I).
Gompers, president ot the American Fed-
fitting grass und late Crops.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 15. (Special.)
Tho "wot" Beacon for this portion of the
stato seems to havo Just set In. Up to Sat
I urdny evening tho rainfall thus far this
tntloued at Shanghnl. nud also wns dated rcnoweu rom scverni . u7 .
today. It wns us follows:
"SHANGHAI, July 15. Secretary of Navy,
Washington: Rodgers tends word Oregon
passed Che Too 12th, Nnshvlllo convoying.
It Is supposed nt the Navy department
that Captain Rodgers of tho Nnshvlllo Big
erntlon of Labor, now rests tho hopes, of tho month amounted to 3.C2 Inches, nearly an
fhells fel in tho Hrltlsh naval quarters. K,,,K '"i',,, n '"'",' i'miuerelnl strcct nailway Employes' union for a sat- iCh moro than during tho whole of July last
lVllI nK two nnd wounding two. The ar- i:nterprUe lu China us Well isfactory adjustment of tho differences be- ytori vhon ti,0 rainfall aggregated 2.07
tlllery duel was In progress July 8, when ,,,H SubJee-u. twecn tho union nnd the St. Louis Transit ncnen. During April this year l.!2 Inches
tho dispatches left.
tuopyrignt. r.w, i.y i-resa ruuiiHiiing uo.j nnmnpra Ia ,.x,1Ccted to arrive In St.
BRUSSELS. July 15.-(Ncw York World IjOUls tomorrOA., juU what la expected In
tiii nrrAID DCCDDMCIDI IT . . . v',-"
IHfU Mrrrtin nuoi uhuiull uamegram-special Teiegram.j-uommorciai thn ..,.. hla nrri..i here Is not Known.
relations between HelRlum nnd China havo 1. 1. i.i . ..
nailed this Information from his ship ns he (.'hliieur Ouielnl l'Uen Ihe lllnme for unjergone nn enormous expansion during tt g confidently expected that ho will take
passed Cho Foo Tho dlstanco from Cho Foo Slimier of German tho last twelve months, A company was re- som(J hautary action toward terminating the
10 tno uockb, wuere inn uregon is .nim-ier. cenuy luruieu, 11 is nu upt-u eecrei, ui inn Btrlko. Chairman Wilson of tho citizens'
bound, Is nbout 700 miles, and us Cho Foo King s initiative, witn n capital or i.i,iiuo,- arbitration committee, who with others of
was passed last Thursday It Is estimated YOKOHAMA, July 13.-The Chinese m n- 000l to deelop Chlneso trade. Also there Is tho commmco called on Fred Lehman, at-.
of water fell; May, 1.C1 Inches; June, 3.17
Inches. The rainfall for July promises to
moro than equal tho cntlro rainfall for
April, May and Juno, tho threo months
which havo heretofore been the wettest of
the year.
VALENTINE, Nob., July 15. (Special
Telegram.) Ono nnd three-quarters Inches
of rain fell hero last night, which, ndded to
that of the 4th. makes Ave Inches this menth
1 .hot nf inn i n mnuiN nvn innnpa inm mniirii
horo that tho cr pp led batt est. p Is now ister in iomo nns v.sueu uiu juihi--1...... ,0 commercla m ss on of Duchnerts, who (nrnv nr flin 9t Louis Trnnslt comnanv . V . - . .,
taring tho strn.ts'o'f Sh.mon.sekl, through Ut of foreign affairs and "mmun.cateO to left ln FebrUary of last year for China, In Eday "l M S. fTrb raUon be '"juw -iZ'elS )-
which she must pasB to get lo the docks. him what Is described ns "the first Peklu wnch lbo king of the Belgians Is also In- .,,,' n mt.n. ot termlnatlne the . . A. , " , y , .
Mlnl-ler Wu ..en.e- HeporU. -' -". 'that' M.e'murVr o'f' the U "ft "'J' SffwSi Jton "ta'SmpJS J" fi?la
Minister Wu fcola n natural Irritation at I r-o e Sr.' was ?h h "ndff ip"VlSS; , w, k . , ( th st ZZXtX ?
tho statements printed In some quarters that ,''"(1," T ,ku affair nnd to the sending of erTei at th. present time tho exports , ?w2.r lltaker- ruUnt of the St. h Tbo mo,Bluro camo Ju8t , tIme ,0
tho Chlneso in tho United States are mak- ilrsl Seymour's expedition, and that tbo S.,nfl by iZs nnrbounds Tho Transit company, sn d ton ght ha ho cor (a,0C8 , wWch
lug ready to return to China, and that thoy 0Jnircnt ,8 now doug , bcsl ?u?c3 interested Is not ess than had Tknow'e e,f 14 c'tUc"a ur. lrut,lon, were suffering badly. Small grain is out of
ympathlz with tho Boxers and aro tending tll0 foreigners In Pekln. 05O00OOO lnttrt8tei1 18 ,,ot le81! tlll,n committee and that If such a committee had fc r lnJ from nMM Mnf,
their financial uld. He declares lu the most 1 -5.UUO.OU0. cnllecl to see the company's attorney on ....,- Thn rain todav was not accom-
earnest manner tbat tncro is not a woro 01 nrsrr Vw neaeiieii siiaiii. nnnTiinii iianainnii nusiness reiauiiK i" lompauy ue uau uui linnl., liv n..v atmosDheric disturbances
truth In these statements. Ho says that nil SAN SEUASTIAN. Spain, July 15. Senor run I UllAL HMO IVIUOI1 A I d I ARC I been notltled of It nnd that he could not dls- ',vbaUVtr
Grave .Vcvr Hem-hen Spain
business relating to (he company bo had not
of thu Chinese ln tho United States come Dato. minister of the Interior, has dellv- cuss the matter until he knew nil about It.
from southern China and nro altogether out ered to tho nuecn resent n dispatch from Trade of 20,0o,mk Auiiuully I Jeoy- I
" - , . -- ,
of sympathy with the northern Chlneso. In the Spanish consul at Shunghal, comraunl-
fact, they do not oven speak the same inn- eating extraordinary grave news as to tuo
gunge. He Is sure there Is not a single one condition of the foreigners In Pekln.
of theso northern Chinese In tho United -
... 1. ii.. wn..M It iinnlitiin Deny Heport.
.Uh "(he h0;t..u7of IbV Cannon me, a; JT. I-ETEItSHUItO. July UIt Is semi-
oiuciuiiy imiiiru mm uv.vvv ....b.h.. ,.uv
aro marching to Pekln from the north.
nnlWetl by Ihe I'rnnpret of
PLAINVIEW, Neb., July 15. (Special.)
A fine rain fell today. This Insures a big
orn crop
IIELDEN, Neb., July 15. (Special.) Tho
high south wind of Friday was followed by
(Coutlnued on Fifth Page.)
Ilobmin Will Support Steve 11 mm
RICHMOND. Vn., July 15. J. Hnsklns
Hobson, stato chairman of the populist party
i,-.....rini, irvi i... iin... rn I In Vlrelnln. Announces hla nurnns.i tn sun-
"l'J l.t. 4.", J UW..D...I.H W". I ---r. . F , ----- -. , -
LISBON, July 15. (New York World Ca- port nryan and Jteyenfon and says he will a heavy rain at night. This will make the
blegram Special Telegram.) Portugal has uso his utmcet influence to prevent the put- orn crop amureu. vineai is e mien uui
ting up 01 anotner electoral ticket in mw nn win mime u uis tmp, nunc umo win
(Continued oa Fifth Page.) I statw. I 'nly run ubout thirty biuhels to tue acre,
IVoolley'fl otllleallou Hay.
CHICAGO. July 16, John G. Woolley ot
Illinois, prohibition candidate for the presi
dency of tho United States, will bo officially
notified lu Chicago next Friday evening of
his nomination.
PRESCOTT. Ariz.. Juiy 15. A scene of
tho greatest desolation and n feeling oC
deepest gloom pervades this town today. All
that remains of the principal huslneis por
tion of the town Is tottering walls and piles
of charred and burning debris.
Tho fire, which started nt 10:45 o'clcck
ast night. wa not under control until 3
o'clock this morning, when tho flro flghtera
went n considerable distance In advance ot
tho flames and blew up tho buildings on tho
south side of Goodwin street, preventing;
them from crossing that strcct. The mist
conservative estimate ot the total losfes lira
from $1,000,000 to $1,600,000.
Tho burned district embraces flvo blocks.
In which arc located the principal inercnn
tile houses, both banks, both telegraph
olllces, the three newspapers, four hutels,
every saloon and every restaurant except
ono lu the town, besides scores of prlvata
resldincts, To ndd to the prevailing gloom,
a high wind has prevailed nil day, sending
smoke, dust and burning embers In every
direction, requiring thu greatest vigilance ta
prevent another outbreak of the Haute.
Owing to the chaotic condition existing to
day it Is lmptt'Hlble to obtain nu accurals
account of tho loss of Individual Insurance.
liiMiii-niiee on Property.
From Interviews with Insurance agents
tho total Insurance does not exceed JX'.0,000.
Thu heaviest lone in nre us follows: llash-
ford-Bur.ulster company, $250,000; Sam
Hull, $76,000; Hotel Hurke, $(50,000; I). Levy
& Co., $40,000; Jake Marks, $25,000; R. IT.
Hur.ulster & Sons company, $20,000; C. A.
Drake, $20,000; Ed Block. $25,000; J. W.
Wilson, $20,000; Kelly & Stephens, $10,000;
Journal nud Miner, $12,000; Hank of Ari
zona, $10,000; Prescott National bank, $10,
000; Prescott House, $0,000; W. II. Smith,
$10,000; the Courier, $8,000; Golden Eaglo
hotel, $8,000; Scopel block, $16,000; F. G.
Hecht, $10,000; Windsor hotel, $10,000;
Mountain City drug store, $0,000; Ilrluk
meyer hotel, $8,000; Cabinet saloon, $10,000;
Palace snlonn, $10,000; Prescott Klectrio
Light company, $5,000.
In addition to tho above there wero four
teen saloons with lnrscs ranging from $1,000
to $3,000. Flvo restaurants, five barber
shops, two meat markets and sixty resi
dences wero destroyed. In many cases tho
nbovo losses do not Include building.
At daylight this morning teams were at
work hauling lumber to the public plaza,
which was covered with tents nnd temporary
framo hulldlugH. Tho occupants will Ixi
ready for business tomorrow.. Both banks
havo had temporary quarters located anil
will be open tomorrow. Bashford, llur
mlster & Co. will open fur business tomor
row In their warehouse, two blocks front
tho plnza. Hon. W. A. Clark of the United
Verdo Copper company, who wnH vMtlii);
the worKu at Jerome, wired a draft for
Sufferem Are fnreil fur,
All tl.o sufferers from tho fire nre pro
vided with food, shelter nnd clothing nnd It
Is not thought outflldo assistance will bo
The only business houses remaining In tho
town are three dry goods stores, three gro
cery stores and two drug stores. The ex
press nnd postolllce wcro both out of ths
re limits, hut they had a clcsc call. All
tho mall nnd effects wcro ready to .novo at
a moment's notice.
Tho olllco of the supervisor of census fur
tho territory wns located In tho PrcHCott
National bank building nnd contained all tho
official statistics of the census of the terri
tory, but they were removed to u place of
The Western Union opened Its ofllco this
morning In a grocery storo and tl.o Postal
has opened an ofllco nt the railroad depot.
Tho electric light poles were destroyed In
ho burned district and tho town will bo
In darkness until they can bo leplaccd. Thu
company ulso owns tl.o telephono tiystema
und lc!cs moro than half of Its Instruments,
Governor Offem Alii.
PHOENIX, Arl., July 15. Acting Gov
ernor Charles Akers sent n message to Pres
cott offering tho sympathy of tho territory
uml the uld of Phoenix to tho flro sufferers.
J. C. Mnrtln, on behalf of tho citizens ot
Prescott, unswered that tho town was uble
o provldo for all their wants at present nnd
that food, shelter and clothing had buim pro
vided for all sullureis from tho flro.
Armed St, I.oiiIh lleleellveH Ileturu
From the limit limply
Hit mleil.
ST. LOUIS. July 16. A dozen St. Louis
dotectlves, armed with riot gunu and re
volvers, mado nn excursion Into St. Louis
county and searched several houses and
barns In tho vicinity of Brldgcton nnd
Florissant early today In quest of Nelson,
tho alleged Kentucky train robber, who
eo:aped from tho officers In this city Friday
morning, The effort to locate him was
It was learned today that "Nelson" Is
Charming B. Barnes and that ho Is n brother
of Charles names, now under arrest here.
Tho Barnes boys formerly lived In Austin,
Tex., where their father conducts a grocery.
Chief Deumond announces tonight that he
had obtained a written confession from
Charles Barnes Implicating his brother and
Michael Conley (under arrest ut Cairo, III.)
In tl.o train robbery. Tho chief says he also
leurned whero tho valuable papers stolen
from tho express company'o safe uro hidden
It Is said dimming Barnes was onco sen
tonced to thirty years' Imprisonment In
California for complicity lu a train robbery
near San Quentln. Ho Is said to havo dls
appeared while out on bond.
niollnir nt NIiik Po.
SHANGHAI. FrIJay, July 13. There has
been serious rioting lu Nlng Po, where the
Roman Catholic mission has been burned
No- details havo been yet recehed.
IIiixIim-hh 11111I Fruit llmiNes,
NEWCASTLE, Cal., July 15. Fire today
destroyed all tho fruit houses und leading'
business houses of tho town. The total
loss will exceed $100,000. Over 10.000 boxes
of fruit wero burned. Tho Southern Paclflo
company was the heaviest loser. Its loss
In fruit. It. cam and rolling stock Is es
timated at $35,000,
Colorado Iron Work.
DENVER, July 16.-A flro lu tho Colo
rado Iron works this morning destroyed
tho boiler and assay rooms and tl.o foun
dry, causing a lorn ot $40,000.
i'rnl 11 IIoIIh Down Hitch limhiiuUmeut
Nix Ml leu from I.exliiKtou,
K eiitucky.
LEXINGTON, Ky July 15. Flvo person
wero Injured In a freight wreck on th
Queen & Crescent at Grecl.dule, six miles
from Iexlugtan, today. A cow in front of
a doublelundcr train derailed tho englua
and fifteen freight cars rolled down a
twolvo-foot embankment.
Tho Injured; William Stout, 13-ycar-oia
boy, tciiously; engineer, J. B, Mardo; fire
man, Jou Lanughun; Pat Cannon, Ed Nor-man.
Movement nf Oernu Veeln July IB.
At Southampton Arrlved-Trnve, from
Now York, for Cherbourg nnd Bremen, nnd
At Quecimtown-Sullt'd I.ucanla, from
Liverpool, for Nuw York.
At New York-Arrlved-L Urotagns,
from lluvre.