20 TTTTC OMAHA DATLV ITEE: SITP W, .TITLV ir, 1000. SPECIAL BARGAIN'S MONDAY Bale of Bilks, Ohallls, Waists, Wrappers ParasoU, Etc.-Uig Baaeraeut Bargains. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA 60c SIIWn l'e Vil.. Itiipiirtetl .".lie ClinllU ! til., Jl WiiiiiIiiti nl .()., Jfl Slilrt Witlln 11! I'lirannld ."III .Nil in or on IIhihii'iii. ON SALE MONDAY AT TIIC UOSTON STOIti:, OMAHA. 60C SILKS, ISC. In order to clorc out ctcry yard of our COo silks, Including China silks, foular.l rllks, In dark and light gioiindn.. small figures, wash silks, corded silks und bro caded olllin, uc will glvo you your choice on bargain rquarc at 15c a yard. IMFOHTllt) 5f(5 CHALLIES, IOC YARD. 60 pieces of strictly all wool Imported oOs challlw, In light and dark grounds, on ealo at 10c n ynrd. 1.00 WIlAl'I'KUS AT 60C. Another now lot of light colored lawn and percale wrappers, trimmed with lace And ruffles, go at tOc. $1.00 SHIIIT WAISTS. 23C. A new lot of percale shirt waists, all mado In thu latot styles, laundered collars ond cuffs, heretofore $1.00, on sale at 26c. $2.00 PAUASOLS AT GOC. TOO black silk paranoid, with wide ruftle of Chiffon, on wile at C9c. HIO IIASB.MKNT DAHOAINS. All the plain black and plain colored In dia linen remnants, as long oh they last, Cc a yard. 10,000 yards of shirting prints, In mill lengths, 2o a yard. 10,000 yards of dress prints, Vc a yard. 10,000 jards of rhambray ginghams, worth JDc a ynrd, go at C'.c a yard. 10,000 yards of 30-Inch wide percales, all tho now dark styles, go at fc n yard. 10.000 yards of slightly muejed white Roods, as long ns they last, go at 5c a yard. 10,000 yards of 40-Inch wide, very fine, India linen, 15c a yard. Ono big counter of violet A lawn, worth 12V4c a ynrd, go In long mill lengths at Cc n ynrd. Ono big counter of mercerized stateon, In plain colors nnd printed foulard effects, (worth 29o a yard, gn at 15c n yard. UOSTON STOKK, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. Clu-up IiiiiiiiiI Trip Itnti-s. On July 17 and 18 nnd August 2, 7 and 21 the Illinois Central will sell tlckci6, limited until October 31, as follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Watervllle, Minn., nnd return, $10.68. Mndlson Lake, Minn., nnd return, $10.08. St. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.05. Minneapolis Minn., and return, $12.65. Uuluth, Minn., and return, $16.05. Superior, Wis., and return, $16.93. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. Vor full particular call at city ticket of Cce Illinois Central railroad, 1102 Farnam itrcct. Cn in p .M-tlnr I at Mountain Lake Pork, Maryland. I LOW HATES Via tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. On July 5 to 16, Inclusive, tho rialtlmoro fe Ohio railroad will sell low rate excursion tickets to Mountnln Lake Park. Mil., ac count above occasion. Tlckota will be good for return until July 50, 1900. For further (formation call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio ticket agent or Ti. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. SPELLBINDER IN THE TOILS l'ollre Arrmt .T. D. liter, nn Itinerant Curlistnnc Orator anil Advocate of I'liiiucrai')'. I J. D. Rice, who vfearB IiIb hair In a JPsycho twist and d'jvotrs his evenings to curbstono oratory, v;as lined $1 nnd conts In pollen court yesterday for being drunk JIo admitted the soft impeachment nnd took Jils medicine without a .murmur and as be comes a martyr. Jllco Ih one of the most plcturesquo of the Kcnus Hpellblnder. For years he and hiB wlfo a hardworking little woman, with tears In her volco nnd n persuasive maimer have been "doing" tho cities of the middle west nnd, It is said, they seldom tako In lew than $60 a week. Their scheme Is to hold bo-callod religious meetings on the street conjoin. Ily thlB plan they evade tho llccnso ordinanco, as well as tho law making begging a misdemeanor. Rut their lharanguo baa in it u scarcely perceptible leaven of theology, being devoted principally to u hynterlcal discission of politics, with llryan as tho keynote. Thursday evoulng tho woman held mixed crowd for several hours at Sixteenth nnd Douglan streets. After touching upon poveral subjects, ranging from transcenden tallsm to grip, she told n linrd luck slfi'y nbout hor trunk. Sho hnd to pawn It, ah eald. In ordw to got monoy enough to sav the children from starving. It would cout S7.50; would tho good people chip In lib orally In order to ennblo her to get It out They would. Tho hat was passed, and, aftc counting out tho money, coin by coin, liu announced thnt tho proceeds wcro $7.80, BUo was sure that u kind providence woul rewnrd them. Thon tho malo spellbinder closed tho meet Ing with prayor, and since then ho has no bound any spells In Omaha, ns ho proceeded lo tako on n Jag nnd to got himself In Jail. II a in p n or limine, ipralns or soros, burns or scalds, wounds or cuts, tetter or eczema, all quickly cured by Itanuer Salvo, the most healing medicine In tbo world. Nothing else "Just as good." For sale by Mycr's-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha, and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. The Xortliwoitern Line, EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Furo Charleston, S. O... Cincinnati and many other rolnts. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Ticket Offices, 1401-3 Farnam St. t'liHime ot Time. bn July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway changed tho time of their train between Oinahn and Chicago. Tho fast train formerly leaving at 7:35 p. in. will, under the new card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving Chicago at 8:30 a. ni., In ample tlmo for all astern connections. The local train form erly leaving nt 11:00 a. m. has been changed to a fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving Omnnii nt 7:15 a. m. and arriving Chicago at 10:30 p. m, Mortnlltr StntUtle. Th following births nnd deaths were ro- toorted to tlio city uonru oi itcaiwi mr uie twenty-four nours aiming ni noon nuuir iii'-tl.of-'lmrlo Anderson. 934 Bo. Twenty- ichth avenue, boy; Frank Welmer, 1S"8 vSn ..li-l. l.'red frawfnrd. 2U3 Center, boy V. Krnsne. 613 South Tenth, boy; Charles Jnnnkofuke. 2S31 Walnut, boy; n. it, Meuny eii Wrwiltvnrtli avpniie. bov. Deaths-Mrn. Blanche Cotton, 1710 Podge, aged 26; Ijizzio HRyea, ahui, hkcu ...... 1 1 n. .. 111Q tfnmnm Mtrl mtilmim DUUI I , ... pier reduction salo. 10 per cent off every thing ror one ween. Calcaga Laundry. Telephone 205., nosTox vrom: ci.otiiixo jam:. our CImiIpp of Am Mn' "' nr Hi'uiilnr .Stuck for ia.."lO. SLITS WOHTH fP TO J25.00 ON SALK MONDAY AT UOSTON STOKK, OMAHA. This offer Includes almost every style and kind of fabric made. Tho suits arc all made according to tho newest fashions. Every garment well made and thoroughly well nnisneo. rcrieci nums. Worth upward to J2...00; your unrestricted holec of any suit In our regular stock on the mnln lloor for JI2.G0. MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS, $5.00. Tho offer nt $6.00 Is nn exceptionally fine linn of men's nil wool casslmcrc suits. The garments ore well made In every detail. Perfect fitting. Suits you would expect to pay double tho prlco we ask. Monday s spe cial price. $5.00. UOSTON STOKE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. lClh and Douglas Sts. run ci.ax-.va fj.im.s. Will Kntprlnln nt Wnlerlon, Jol., AllUtiM ."it ll. first annual picnic of the Clan-na- Tbo Oacl will be held August C. Irish national sports will be carried out. There will be prize tng-of-wnr contests nnd other ath- etlc games and for dancing. Prominent speakers will be present and a splendid tlmo Is BHiurcd to all. It Is expected that thouaHiidn of people will be present nt this mat opening picnic of the Irish in the west. A Trent for Oiniilia I.nille". There are comparatively few peoplo who appreciate the fast that located In Omaha an institution which, In its line, Is far nhead of nnythlng In Now York or Chicago. Tho Renstrom Ualhery Is In Its equipment better than nnythlng In the country. Lo cated as It Is in tho lest building In Omaha, with every facility for comfort. It Is no wonder that so mnny of the ladles of Omaha arc taking advantage of It. While many ladles tnko the bath merely for tho luxury of thnt delight, combining ns this treatment docs the best of nil thnt Is contnlnod In thermal, electric and mns sago baths, they are particularly bcneflclnl to thoso troubled with rheumatism and nervous debility. It is not something that s a "cure-all," or "nostrum," for many of tho leading phyBlclnns of Omaha are send ing their patients here because they know thnt there Is nothing so beneficial to rheu- mat lam and nervous troubles us massage nnd electricity, when scientifically nnd skillfully nppllcd under the direction of tho patient's physician. The establishment Is entirely under" tho direction of Mr. Renstrom, tho inventor, nnd the mnssago treatments under tho caro of Mrs. Shomcr, who has tho reputation of being tho best masseuse outstdo of New York City. Appointments can be made by telephone, which Is No. 1716, The Institute Is conducted exclusively for Indies, and a mnld Is In charge for their convenience. Mnny Indies who aro compelled to stay In Omaha during tho summer months won der how they will survive the exhausting strain of tho terrific bent. Nothing is so invigorating as these baths and trentment, and indies who are In the habit of taking them two or three times a week find they ure so refreshed and feel so well that the matter ot tropical temperature 1b of little moment. A Finer to Jipenrt the Summer. On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin are somn of the most beautiful places in tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at the el- gant summer hotols. Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts are easily reached from Omaha. A book describing them may bo bad upon application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St, Paul Ry. city ticket ofiico. 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Grand Excursion nnd IMenle. To Bennington, given by the Omaha Platts deutschor Vereln, Sunday, July 15. Trains will leavo the Webster street depot at 10 a. m. nnd 3 p. m., returning 5 p. m. and 10 p. m. Round trip tlokets, 75 cents; children, 9 to 12 years, 25 cents, with admission te park. A Jolly good time and good music. Tnke tlip Wnlinnti. For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands aid all tho summer resorts of the east. All agents sell tickets via the Wabash. Ask for them or call on or write Q. N. Clayton, room 405 N. Y. L. building. Oenulno Imported B. B. Pllaner beer on draught at Ed Maurer'a. 1306 Farnam St. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone 8S3. Cartwright's Bargain Sale of Tan Shoes Tho peoplo of Omalin have never had a chance at such good bargains ns we offer them at this sale. It's thu great est bargain sale In the city, dou't miss It. Think of HI Men's "J. & M." tan llussla calf bals, regular $6,00 nnd $7.00 lato stylo shoes, now $4,45. Men's tun Russia calf and vlcl kid bats, stylish, $5 goods at $3.45. Men's $3.50 and $4.00 tan Russia and vial bals, will sell nt $2.45. The celebrated "Wnlkover" line of men's $3.50 tnn shoes nt $2.45. Men's $3.50 Russia calf, nt $1.65, l.ndlnR' J5.00 Russia calf loco and button, stylish goods, at $3.45. Lndles best $4.00 tanB In vlcl kid and Russia calf, now $2.45. Ladles fine tn oxford ties In several shades nnd styles, regular price $3.00 and $3.50. nt $2.45. All our $2.50 tan oxfords, several styles nud shades, now $1.65. Splendid bargains In tan goods for boys and girls of all ages. Come In and see tho best shoos, best bargains, und best salo of the summer. CP. Cartivrigbt DKEXEL SHOE COMPANY Leading Them All in Tan Shoo Values at Onlj Two Prices. TWO-FIFTY AND THREE AND A HALF Ilniintin. Ctntiim nnd loitrr If.'l.rill Oilier Mnke In Tail pi!. rid .ot n tii I r of Tnns Held Ilni'U. Wo aro having n regular hot weather frstUnl at our shoe store, selling seasonablo summer shoes in tho beet makes on earth for $3.60. Hanan, Clapp nnd Foster eboes, for men and women, only $3.30. An opportunity like this seldom presents Itself. When you buy Hnnan's fine foot wear for $3:50, to say nothing of Edwin Clnpp's, John FoEtcr's or Hoyden's; they all go In the one lot, Just so they aro tan, whether for men or women, at ono price, $3.50. We havo always carried the leading lines of men's and women's Russia nnd tan vlcl at $3.50, $1.00 and $4.50; they all go now In this great ton shoe sale at $2.50. Soma of these tans now at $2.50 are light weight; others with extension soles on tho mannish shapes. We never have, nor novcr will, buy any job lots to sell at a sale or any other time. These nhoes nro our regular lines you havo admired so much, now cut to $2.50 and $3.50. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam St. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, has moved bis otTlco to 709 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children. Havo Root orlnt It. JOHN RUDD, THE JEWELER, offers seven specials for this week. One Diamond and Ruby Ring , $10.00 One Turquoise Rlng.eet with diamonds $22.60 One Opnl Ring, set rubles and diamonds $25.00 Ono Ruby Ring, set with diamond $12.50 Ono Solitaire Diamond Ring $15.00 One Gents' 16 size, 14k Hilled case, 25-year, 17 Jewolcd, adjusted movement $25.00 Wo ma'ke a specialty of repairing difficult watches guarantee all work and fthargs reasonable prlcos. John Rudd, the jeweler, 115 South Sixteenth Street. HAYDENs We ft hp Our stock of men's and boys' clothing is too largo. We are not the kind to stand and grumble. We have done a big business and -we are ready to reduce stock by marking down every suit in our stock to Sensational As you well know we never do things by halves. We want to make July the greatest month's clothing business in our history, and if extraordinary low prices it easily. Boys' Knee Pants on sale at Boys' Washable Knee Pants Suits worth 50c to $3.50, on sale at, 15c, 5J5c, 50c, 75c, 05c and Men's ?2.50 Crash Suits on salo , 7 Great Reduction on Pants for Men and Boys 250 men's Hair Line Stripe, sample pants made to retail sale at 390 men's line, new, elegant, Stripe and Check Pants i in wnr.kitpflM jiihI PiiKKiinfM'pa. ... ------ ... , ,. 1,200 pairs Trousers in tine, up-to-date stripes; latest patterns worth f 1.50 on sale at jG.kJKJ Men's very finest Iloekanum Trousers, in club checks and tenuis alone are worth more trimmings equal to $7.50 to IrmiRprH nn snip nt: Men's $2.50 Crash Suits liKAD CHEAT n tf T n 120.22 Dnualns St. HMD! And Fourteen Other Mkes to Select From. South Oin-AhA Wararouis, 025-27 N. 21th St. 111(1 .411013 IIAHIIAIXN IX II tSli.Mll.Vr. Mhof for liver) lioily nt Prleen Vim Cannot Dtipllente An here. AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Lndles' $2.00 bicycle boots, leather or cloth top, various styles nnd sizes, on salo for 69c. Infants' fine dougola shoes, every pnlr ex ceptionally well mnde, go on salo In three special tots, 35c, 3?c and 59c. Llttlegents' shoes, half heel or spring heel, sizes 84 to 134, positively $1.25 values, for 79c. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. The voting contest at Orchard & Wllhclm's closod last night. Tho number of cnkt of soap used In tho construction of Morra castlo was 4,105. The successful contestants arc: First Prize Miss Cora Saunders, 4728 N. 38th ave., guess, 4,100. Second Prize Miss Edith Beckman, 814 S. 29th St., gue, 4,116. Third Prize Miss Nora Somonner, 3622 Parker, guess, 4,120. Total number of votes cast was 3,221. Tho prizes will be on exhibition In our east window until Friday, July 20. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. .Blank book and magazine binding. Root, 414-416 South Twelfth St. Dorward, dentist, 1321 Farnam. A. I. lyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itiirtifichilly dlnests tho food and aids Nature iti BtrcngthcniiiR aud recon structing tlio exhausted digestive o--trans. It is the latest discovered digest nut and tonic. No. other preparation can approach It in effloieney. It in itantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulonco, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Ileadaehc,GaRtra1tjla,Crainps and all other rcsultsof iniperfectdigestlon. Price 50c. nnd ft. Largo slzo contains 34 times mull size. BooknllaboutiJvBPopkla mailed froo Preoared bv E- C. Dc'VI'T A CO., Chicago Low Prices count for anything, we will do 8c, 10c, 15c 1.25 Q5C 125 Cassimere Pants; aud 825 pairs for $2.50 on , 1 A.O worth 00. sir " V .1 J pure worsteds; all new, neat worsted and Washington mills ueat desirable stripes tho ma than our selling price make ant $10.00 made-to-order K mm on pale at 05c and 1.25. SALE ON PAGE 11. N BROS A Picture of Misery Is tho ninn who has neglected his teeth. It you iipRleet your teeth you mny regret It. The only fnfe, Ihih lnessllke wny Ih to lmvo us ninke nn examination often. You may pave money nnd Hiiffering by com Ing to uh now, BAILEY, the Dentist dVJt I'axton Illk. 10th 4k Furiuiiu Ladr Attrndnut. I'houe 1UHS. Western Agents for the SCllUDert FUMO AM. Kill f I'll ty, roil MIMIIIT I.AKII OUolinJI mid Arnold I'nrU. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail- ay company h.ivo Jut placed In service ayllght trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJl and Arnold's IMrk. doing the rain leaves Omaha at 7 15 a. m and nr- rlves Spirit Lake nt 4:15 p. m. Returning tho train loaves Spirit Lako at 6.(5 a. m. nd arrives Omaha 3:55 p. m. This Is the host service that has yet been offored over ny ono rond Round trip tickets, good re turning until Oriober 31, $10.70. City ticket ortlce, 1504 Farnam strcot. F. A. NASH, Oen'l Western Agent Hubermnn, Jeweler; est. 1866; absolutely reliable; lowest prices guaranteed. 13.-Doug. A. D. T. messengers. Tel. 177. TO CMCAQO and EAST, .EAVB 7:00 A. M. 4:65 P. M.-7MS F. If. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LEAVE :M A. M.-7: P. U. HOT SPRINGS - BEADW00D L1CAVK 1:00 P. M. Citv Offices. 1401-03 Farmm, Roaches This household pest Ih always nbout dur- ng warm weather. To get rid of them the easiest nnd quickest way Is the crying need. Have you tried Eciffo? It Is the dead sure remedy. The roaches die- ppear, nnd that Ih the end of them. It only costs you fiOc a can, nnd tho work Is done. Sold only by J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT IMIICII IHtlHSniST.S. Fourteenth uutl Unnclni Street. A GENUINE hoe Sale s Our celebrated This Week at $2.75 REGENT HAYDENs Your choice of 500 dozen Waists, including the Stanley, the Geisha, the Marquise, the Royal and several other well nown brands of -waists your choice of this entire 50C til ! There never has been a time tsat art. now in the city of Omaha. They are being slaughtered right and left, but there never has been any house at any time that could equal the values In waists we are CAn giving at 375 Silk Waists made of all the new shades, on sale at 20 do.e'n White Waists that sold 75 ladies' Suits, all silk lined throughout, worth 1 A fl" ?20 to $30 your choice for lJ JI 75 Sample Skirts in all the new styles, worth 1 $12 and 515 on sale for , 175 ladies' heavy blistered Crepon Skirts worth $S.()0, for 200 ladies' Rrocade Skirts, at each 50 dozen ladies' Wrappers in lawns and percales, trimmed with braid, 15-inch flounce, separate waist lining, extra Oftt! wide at the hips $2.00 quality on sale at 3W 200 ladies' light weight Jackets, that were on sale Q ft at 58, $10 and $12 on sale at JZ7J Ladies' black silk Capes at one-third price. Closing Out Sale on Mid-Smmer Goods B9AVDEN BROS. DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A n'TTITTiTl TBI You nave th BEST notwltbstandlno they cost you no more tUa Interior goodi. 9. ti. RICK SI, C CO., MANUI'ACTUHKKS, 8T. LOUIS, MU. 11111011 IIIHC C. A, RAILSDACK, OMAHA. DU1KIBVXOB. . UIIIUII MAUE Are You Troubled wild Sleeplessness' If no, you eortnlnly know that It Is a drnlti on your brain nml your vitality. It must be Mopped or foinetlilug will glvo nway, CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE will cure Blecplesnncss. For salo by All druggists. ciiA.Mr.it enu.Mic'Ai. comtanv, A I It m ti)', ,c- Viirk. This Is the season where the question "What to Drink" Is of grave Importance. Intenso heat dis turbs the gastric functions and debilitates tho cntlro system. The majority ot nil so called cooling drinks bring no lasting relief, but rather unduly stimulate a craving for more, until tho stomach Is wholly demor alized. Krug's Cabinet will effectually bar out all Indisposition. A fow of thoso dainty, gold-rtmmcd glasses will at once refresh and bestow enduring comfort. FRED KRUG BREWING GO. Phone for a caso. Tolopbone '.20. Experienced Dentists Is what you want when having your teeth fixed. Our work Is dono carefully and skillfully. Gold crowns 15.00 Gold fillings U.50 up llest set teeth SS.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 Doiiicln St. $3.50 Summer Tan Shoe, on sale A $5 Value for $2.75. Workmanship and material the very best money can buy Only the newest styles, colors an1 leathers, all sizes and widths. .... You know how well the Regent shoes fit the feet and how good they wear. Our 3.50 fine black vici kid and tan Russia calf oxfords also on sale at 2.75. SHOE GO, 205 South 15th St. . . This is no humbug or fake sale, but a genuine shoe sale. Waist Sale -waists were sold as cheap as they silk taffeta, in all i 2.48 for $2.50 on sale Q g. 7.98 .4.98 75c II. JIH nMHITIiim NURSING BOTTLES. W'n linvn n vnrv eomnlotn assortment ot supplies for tho nursery. In nursing bottles wo havo twolvo (12) dliTorrnt shapes ami styles some for lilting In Bterlllicrs, others with SHOUT NECKS -easy to clean some with vnlvo nt bottom of bottleothers that como apart In middle. The prlco on most kinds Is 10c each, 3 for 23c nud 7Sc per dozen. Wo havo nbout 2G kinds of rubber nipples to fit the uurscrs mentioned above Wrlto for rubber goods catalogue. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, Curlier Kith Mint Dmlce. Can you use one? Yes. If you get tho right one. Don't ro for your vacation without a Kodak or Camera. Wp handle nil good makes aud can ndvlxe you Just what pays An Eastman Folding l'ocket Kodak $10.00 for $8.00 The Robert Dempster Co,, 1215 Furiiuin St. Developing and printing dono. Seo our new lino of picture frames. 000000000000000000 V We Don't STell You now to o make goodg hash, but0 wo can sell o o you a good meat cutter to 0 oniako hash with. Oui'o Qinoat cutters will cut up o clams, cabbage, chicken, n o crackers, almost every -o o thing. Now is tho time of Oyoar to get tho good out ofo a food or meat cutter. o . o o o n gJas. Morton & Son Co.g O 1M1 DODGK ST. O O O ooooooooooooo Q OOOQU Haj i Morning at 8 Wo place on falo a big lot ot Toilet Soap at especially low prices: F.KS White Soap, box 23o Lnna Oil Soap, box 21c Juvenllp Soap, box 30e Cosmo Buttermilk Soap, box 2"c 1711 Soap, box 36(5 Medicated Soap, box 25c Cold Cream Olycerlno Soap, box 15c Hoso Coquctto Soap, box lUc Hit; bar Castllo Soap l'c Cocoanut Oil Soap, cake lc BOSTON STORE M DRUG DEPT. DON'T BE CARELESS about your plumbing Slcknnas and ath have often resulted from tho plpei balnf out of order. I'orfect sanitary arra.ns;a mentH are cxsentlal to health. Have all work done by rejponslblo parties, Cost Is lew Important than results. A high prlco may mean economy In tho end. Our work and our rates In cither gas and steam fitting or plumbing dofy adverse criticism. Free6c Black, Phone 1010. . 1800 I'arnuin St. Putting Up fruit Is not a pleasing task when you are doing tho cooking In somo old worn out utensil, but by using ono of our tine itow pans or kettlct) you will obtnln tho best rroults from your Inbor, they rango In price from 2So up to (1.00. Wo keep a full line of house furnishing goods, enamel tinware. The Link's untl ruat tlnwaro is positively guarautcod not to runt, and cannot ho excelled for dura bility. Summer goods at low prices. Such as In surance Oajtollno stoves, Yukon Itofrleera torn, White Mountain and Arctlo Ice Cream Trcezers. Hendquartors for paints and oils, J. A. Weaver & Son. IIAKDWAKK and TINNERS. J7df l.citvrmvorlh Nt. Tl. KITH. Dr. Kay's Renovator uHruiH-ml To cure the very worst eases t dVlDt'BM a. conatlll.ltlnn. ),MI,.u h...i ache, liver nml kldnwys. At druggists. 28a and ll. Send for Kree Sampli, ,Pfi" Book and Vttt Advlco. Dr. B. J. Kay. Burutoa, N. Y. V