13 "Oil SU.Ii-HBAl. BTAl'Il. IS AKn t rife lURRAK HOMES AKMB AND LANDS. JAAIMIII pbo; TIE. OOOt OjDOROE F BRMX5. Part on Block TeVrphWM- 4"tSS2 ll5M' 201 h Ht4 Farkr. Ye- tj5. rtrtarn, witlL city ntar, mgr. " ttna lmit, pit, water, sewer, within one mm of nortlmaw cot. of 7 ruoniB. S closets, jmntry and china alnwt. e"Hf rf . rtty water, w wer, wroth fnjnt iw BrtMtol t.. paving paid, this is a iir culn ut S1,Sj. t-room rottape near 17th and Corby wH bMHt and in rxeelletrt condition: cftr water and pas tn kitchen, newer. brn. lam- enough for Mix borss lot SWJsJfco, twgl a few days apo this place win tmld Ht $.0oo hut if taken at once can i.c hud ler n,M. HOUSES AXD LOriIN EVERY PART OP THE CITY-AT ANY riUCB AND ANV TKKMS-niOM $400 UP TO $t,6W AND UPWARDS DON'T READ THIP unless vnu mean hurt tiess Till lt intended lor those vho have been thinking of burin? on of the BEAUTIFUL SEYMOUR LOTS Another fk or two and they will be cone, and tww who ha- already bought would nt sell for nr.ythlng like what they imtd 1' nothing of the term A FEW MORE LEFT AT W3. TO $3. 5 CASH AND $5 TER MONTH Ixej.'ed wltWti live minutes' wall: of Ames ave and 24th m. car barn SUBURBAN HOMES. would you pot like u suburban home We have winif bargains iti thee Look at this a 7-room house and 2-Ptory harn. one acre, on oorner, within five blocks ol Sherman ae car A bargain at tlMJ- WAVE HOUSES "WITH TEW ACRES WIT-HTN THREE OR FOUR MILES OK rosTorrir-E, from a few hun- I1RED DOLLARS UP TO $X.nr. M.OKt OR gju CAL AND EXAMINE OUK - . FARMS AND LANDS HAVE A NUMBER OF CHOICE FARMS NEAR OMAHA, AND FARMS AND LANDS IN EVERY COUNTY IN THE STATE AT ANY AND ALL PRICES AND TERMS. FARMS FOR RENT. Havo a tint- half to-rtlon for ronl within two or threr mliif of imcl:lnc hou. South Omaha, cranfl FEEDING BARN, LOADING STATION ON FARM, only i0 imr ytar. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS Havp wtmt fit th? bfxt reMdonc Bltp; In the elty. Have u barcattj at CtMi near ffith uvc. und Douclun st. Look at this. Have other rhnlre lotis handy to Hlch Krhool and Creighton collcpe- Come and lnvt'Btlcuto. narrate In SPLENDID LOTS COVERED WITH LARGE SHADE TREES near S4th and Mundertton utn., ONLY ttno each, and ONLY J10 down, and ONLY tlO per month. "WHOLESALE, JOIIRING AND TRACK AGE. Have ome of the bet trackace propertlet In and about the city of Omaha. Moht suitable for wholesale, munurarturlnc and Jotiblnc houcs. Come and pee ua. TRADES. Have Rome pood trading properties con htantly on hand. Give ut a call. GOOD INVESTMENTS Do you want a pood nolld brick Farnam utreet eorner In the busiest pun of the city'.' A havo n Do you want two brick blocks of a doien flats, inside location, for 111,000? Think of it. Like finding It. Do you want a Knap. 121 ft. nquare, near 1Mb. and DoucIbk. for fM.HW! Do you want a lot, ROxiri ft., at 20th and and Farnutn ut fllO jier front foot' Do you want a brick block within stonfE throw of city hall, brlnginc in 11,600 rental, lor I16.W0? Do you want nnother brick block ln same locality, brlnplnp ln X2.2i0 rental, for 12S.0U0? IF YOIT WANT TO BUY. SELL. EX CHANGE OR RENT ANYTHING IN THE REAL ESTATE LINE COME AND SEE ITS. f. PER CENT MONEY to loan on HrHt-claws city or farm nrop ertleB. GOOD SOI'ND FIRE. TORNADO OR PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BEMIS. (Established In I'OO Telephone BK. Paxton Block RE IN 15 HERE'S A SNAP. "We ure authorized to offer for t2,r.i0. on reasonable terms, one of the best built houses ln Orchard Hill, located on the nortl)aHt corner of 41st nnd Seward sts. The house contains front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen on first floor, all hard oak finish, and four fine bedrooms, with larpe closets and bath room, on the second floor. There Is sewer conneotlon, furnace, gas. hot and cold water plumb ing In fact, Is modern throughout. IT'S A BIG BARGAIN let us show it to you. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bide. r.c c it f-ROOM modern house near 22 fc Harnvv. Price, KM Room rindern. 28th k Leavenworth. Price. 12,600 Several I to 7-roora cottages In South Omaha, from $l.owi to $2,500 Tt ...... 'I.'. L 1 . n . borne fine lots ln Cunningham's, eub., $300 Many others suitable for building purposes kill r.fl'C.r fKu ,.! ,1... . j u. i Vj T ' iirmf una craz ing lands in any part of the state. If vmttt'fthi !(. btin i ... Cb 1 So "khSt., RE-!31-K 1 m TOR SALE, live-room oottapn. let lOOxlSS fe't. pood well, cistern, barns and out- iiousev plenty shade: a ttarcatn Call for particulars 42 Farnam S: KB-rK-U TO EXCHANGE acres improved, this side of Benwin, for Omaha house and lot. 34-ruom modern house within 7 blocks of pourt hous for smaller residence. J lye (5i per com money to loan on pllt- edpe property and farms $10 lor axiw feat near 24th and Snrs-ue fts.. near ( ar lin. JTf. full lot near 2Sth and Mason I1.7S0 for f-rnom bouse. !" So 2(nh St ,:;5?l.f2r n!' l'"UM,h "i l nnd 114S North l.th St lot tM4( few pBvtna naid JS.OJ0. right rooms, lis Park Wilde Ave $3.8t. West Farnam utreot t-room houi.c barn corner lot Sr.a'i $4,fj00 for SO acres 11 miles N tv tirlce In rL Mrm rai'lfwr-ntr. utcicli juid grain. JC.5W Wr 11-room modern house, eorne- lot within four blocks of p p "r"'r ,D1 nao. 1G0 acre;, smooch, level land near Bnnnlngton. fuir Improvements ' X2.(W for 2xUt feet with thrpe-siorv brick buiWlnp. m Famam. near 14tb St. John N. Frer.xer. op old P. o RE PIS-15 GARVIN BROS.' LIST. Rent $(W).0 nrlee $J.SOOeo. Choice resi dence property, modern, south front, on puvpd street, near 24th and Caldwell Bents $441 00: price $1500.00. Residence nroni rt.v, rorner lot, pavJnp all paid, 2 blocks from B & M. depot. Rnnts $4MI0O price IZSHC 09 Two dwellings,' 1 tartly modern, near 26th und Leaven-w-erth. Bents $144.09. price $1,200.00. near Hh and Hickory. Nice cottage. Rents $f6.oe; price $K.03. Cottage. 2210 N. 17th t. nSmf. tm m- nrlf $1.W0 04. Desirable dwelUtip, timt-olnsK condition, on Corby, paved st.. near Sherman ave. ' GARVIN BROS, 101$ FARNAM. RE OCT 15 360-ACRE farm t miles from county seat, house, burn, pood orchard, garden paled, well and never-falling spring, ubout t acres .clear rest Umber u woman, price $1,200 If taker h vn Adfttess Miss Lou Levcrlch, Bolivar, Polk Co , Mo. ItE-KWlf roil VM.tt HKAI, USIATn. Jt C PETERS A CO . lim FAXKAM ST. hivr (tntnc stxetal bargain t offer In lmprovi proiMf) both from an tnvem axnt atandpntnt and for people who are looking tor cheap hornet; Wt weald lx Rlad to show Hti) r.f tht following vi afx its ut any tlnn": Nc 1JBT Thl H a fc-room howw witb bth. hot mid Mdd water. r and par flsturfu ppoo riumr ana witmn waikinr dlstanct of Tb B Btilldltic I'rtoe. JI.1S9. No 11T t roomf,. city water, pood brick cellar rood rlMorn; located on the Boulevard near Grace St. Price only tl.480. X. 11M. T-room boune. tdty water and wwnr In bottle lm K'xlB. Eft front. nar !7th and Ponpleton Ave. Ownar n'lll take vacant lot a part paymoftt. Price, 11. W. No TOSH. T rooms, all modern, loue In pond repair, nine ahade treen, I blocl-.f from the oar line, cast and enath front on corner Ownor v.ill take vacant lot an pan of imrohane price. Good bunlncfii property lornted botween . nu j on ntn si., souin umana, mrx.iv balidlnc Mxrp: rent for tSO per month. I'rtce M.fwu caeh. God f-room house on ISth street between I and J, line trees pood barr, In let jrt of city, lot 3M150. I'rlco, Jl.VW. S-Room bouse corner SSth and B. past front Lot foot front. House In pood con dition. Price x'.dM. No. WU. fr-room dwelllnr house on End St. north of Hansrom Park; all modern; Just taken under foreclosure, We eon sell this nlace for M.fioo, which Ik a rreat burpain. VACANT. PIIOPEKXY, . An elepant bulidlnp lot on Oeorpla avenut. Just wuth of Mason St., natural shude iretfi permanont WOewalK and usphalt paved gtreot. all paid for. ThU Is an ex ceptional barpaln and should be taken at once We have a corner lot on Slst avenue north of Farnam Tf feet front, which Is a lieuutlful site to build two Jioum-s u:on. Prlr-e, J2.TS0 We have a lot in Orchard Hill, facing south on Franklin street, near SWh that e want an offer on H feel on the corner of 14th and Jones BtreetB. Price Ji.WO. RE-wr-ir. FOR SALE 4.dOO0O for modern, almost new. house with full lot. fronting south on Dodge st near 3M. asphalt pavement. prmhtient Hldewalk and all siiecia) improvements paid for in full This is one of the most dertlrable places ln the west part or tb city and has never tit-en offered for sale bufore. :2.0Ti0.i tor one of the most desirable 0-room cottages, close to the buslnees iart of the dtv The house has Just been shlnrlfd and painted nnd I in nm-clasf. condition Larpe BhRQe trees asphalt-paved street and permanent sidewalk are all In und paid for. The location is 2502 St Mary's ave Jl.2M.0fl for M acres near the city and near street car line The land Is level und partly covered with timber and is suitable for most any purpose. JTM.wi for 21-f. acres, south front on Hamil ton st.. four blocks west of mllitarv road tr(w 00 Jor fi acres near South Omaha, J750.00 for 112x140 ft. on Half Howard, be tween 41st and 4id sts. IT (hi for lot SCxl.TO ft. on Hamilton ft., near Military roud. :250 P0 for pood east front lot, on S. 13th pt.. near the Boulevard. nsi.ixi for lots- on S 14tt st.. near the Boule vard; timall cash payments, balance monthly GEORGE & COMPANY ISO Tarnam St. Omaha; or 417 N. 2.".tn St., South Omaha. P. E Wif 22 OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK. FULL LOT R'XlSO. 24th. near J St., South Omaha Only I1.E25 MODERN-BUILT HOUSE. 3T.th and Far nam. H.Too. FINE LOT. east front. Kith, near Farnam For quick wale at tl.4"i0. 17 AORES nar Elmwood park. Only S2.100 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, near Hanseom park, hne grounds, trees, etc., rents i'M). Price. 11.0uu. 6 ACRES right on Center st . pavement. 4H miles from iiostofllee r.T 72S FINE K-ROOM H'DUSE. only 4-block walk from pOHtDfflce, fine cornr lot, cheap at 112 000 ru- prlre onlv K.7M FINE ;!20-AC'RE FARM near Koarnev. Buf falo "ounty. Neb . ST acres ln cultivation, balance line hay and pasture. ;if,.5o an aero. 1.2S0 ACRES fine prazlnp and hny Hind In eastern Nebraska will make fine ctock farm On'v JC.50 an acre FINE 30-ACRE FARM Surpy countv, Ne braalui; extra choice land. Only J4B.0O an acre 12i ACRES Iiouplus county; pood land Onlr I2f &u an acre HICKS REAL ESTATE CO . 22 Board Trudt Bldg , 16th ana Farnam RE Hi It" IOWA FARM FOR SALE. -,0 ucres. fine Improvements, all fine bottom land except ablaut 70 acres, -which is a lit tle rolling. 5 miles to pood railroad towr about 35 miles to Omaha Price. $10 per ucre. SS.000 ln pood Omaha pronertv will be conquered as part payment i also have 100 farms for sale ln Harrison oountj. Iowa. Write Tor list. J. P. MARTIN. M13SOVR3 VALLEY. RE MKS 1C CITY property, consisting of modern house and barn, full lot excellent locution ten anted, to exchange for farm land. L w. Sautter. 2th and Pieroe. RE AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE INVESTMENT We Bre authorized to offer a full EO-ft. lot by 1S2 ft., fnclnp west on North ICth St.. near Burdette st.; stone sidewalk and rsphalt paving paid for ln full. Terms, $100 cash, balance $12 per month for 10 years without interest. This will pay yoj better Interest than any nutiamc association in the slate of Ne braska. Must be taken at once. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Building RE MSSf 16 $:'i0ti0 CASH will buy cottage, four rooms, porch, large barn, lot fenced 1212 Ave H. Council Bluffs. RE 101 16 CHEAP, clear land for Omaha rental prop erty, will assume some Incumbrance. 1203 Farnam st. RE M107 jc LAND FOR SALE, 15 (VM) acres of unim proved prairie lands for sale. These lands are located In Valiej . Sherman. Greeley and Howard counties. Neb.. In the Loup river ocu-Mtrj which Is well settVd ln that vitlnitj und with excellent railroad facil ities Will sell tor one-sixth cash, balance in five equal annual payments. Would prefer to 11 all these lands tt one pur chaser Address Jno C Dcvld. cart First National Dank Pawnee City Neb RE MM,1-Jy PAYNE-KNOX CO . HEADQUARTERS for RENT First Door, N T Life Bldg RE-251 rOR SALE A fine truckure property Elegant reslden-e property. Greatest barpair.s in property M. J. Kecnard ic Sen, 310 Brown block, RE 204 HENRY B PAYNE 601 N Y. LIFE BLDG Real Estuic, Rentals. Loatib, Insurance. It IX 257 LARuE RESIDENCE. IS rooms above basement, modern throughout plate r-ass ln all front windows, wide porch lsrge stable and cfirrlaje hnue, No. 251s Chi cago itreet. Price Ji.OOo Apply to Byron Heed Co., Omaha, or W H Griffith, ownw, 1204 MeCullogh etreet. Baltimore. Mrt. RE M5IS A2 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union Pacific Railroad rnmpanr B A ' MoCallBster land commlesioner. Union Pacific Hindquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-M5U I HOVSES. farms R, a Patterson, ! N Y.L. , RE JU HOUSES, lots farms. land, loanr; also fire . tnsumnce. Bemlt, Paxton blk. RE 352 IF YOU want to buy, sell, exchange or rent your property quick see J. H. John- eon. 141 N. Y. Lhe RE C2S , j 10-ACRE farm, 10 miles northwest of Omaha can alt be 1 u nvated $47,60 per 1 awe. The Byron Reed Co,, 212 Sc 14th sv RE 789 THE OMAII V DAILY mill: t'Ml AY. TOM SAl.tt-n.KAl. TZfl ATR, TWB cfmapest lot or. South 24th strmt rt fa from car 'ttie or. prad- rail for price and terms The Byron Heod Co rit S- Mth ft KB-? 1 FOR SALE t-rrnm pottare tit water east from corner n alley rnts for ri2 th and Parker sti tm l cash, balance tnonth'y Wym&fi Shrlvw C., N T Life bldg. ItB-MW POME SNAPS No IMS South 2tth. 4-room brick house. S5xl4ffoot lot. If aold in one week wll. take tffXj Two choice lots in North Omuha add., for both tTt. 186x47a facing North Boulvvurd and Mth rt . X1,3UU. I'OTTER-SHOLEP CO., H4 N Y. Life Tel 4TB RB-MRT It DEER PARK lots at J2 to WW. with ele gant trees, are snaps. When you see them you will say co. POTTER-SHOLES CO.. M X T Life RE MC I-R house. S. W. of Park live and Leav. ioo 4 houses, brlnplnp 1S4 jcr year, for Coot). Full lot on th, near A lo. -r. cottage and barn, corner lot, W.S90 F D WEAD. 1M4 Douclas. KB MRS IS - DFNDEE. 7-r. h . 4 Davenport. ri.lDO t-r h . 4K2 Cap bvc . $l.nio. no cash, bal ance, tl monthly W. L SELBY, Board Trode. 'Phone 1B10. RE MfCS IB FOR. SALE. 160-Bcre form within 10 miles of Omaha, rood land, must be sold tt close eatf. K.SOO. W. R. Homar. Rooms f and 10. Frenxt r block RE-MSfS rT ONE of the first choice lots In Bcmls Park, fine houses on either Hide at a barpaln for a few flays; nnd unothe.r. lGth and Lo cust want mune out of them Ht nine r. D. Wead, 1R24 Douglas. JtE 874 21 FARM. OS ncres In north part of Pottawat tamie la T miles west of Hone creek Address L 4B. Bee RE CHOICE HALF SECTION, within 2 or S miles of packing houes. South Omaha, loading Btatlou on farm. J W0. Btmls. Paxton bl.ick V LOT. LOST on Tuesday evening bet 19th and Douglas und Ifith nnd Farnam, a lace handkerchief Reward for return to 184 So 10th St Lost-KS lb LOST. In Omaha, lady s gold hunting case watch with gold bead chain, has Initial D on outside case mlrluture photograph of mar. with full board on liiHide of cast . liberal reward will be paid for Its return to room No 106, Bee building, and no questions united. P. A. Doughty Lost MS60 IB mor, f i.-m,. 'pinr.. mounted abeUeTadPand Bun"-' i LOST, a on cardl anil Bemls tiark Finder will nlease dp. liver same to Payne-Knox rompan and receive reward Lost R78 15 LOST Julv I on street or In stores latlles pold spectacles Rcwurd for return to 24U Capitol ave. Lost fffi 15 OCEAN STEAMERS, tinn TO tVW Pnrls and return, weikly ex curlon cabin larpest flteamers ex-pensej- Included. Switzerland Passion Piny Illustrated pamphlet free Bank re. ferences American Tourist Acenc Chicago SJ 15 GYMN ASIl'M TO RENT. HAVE pond room, about 25x40 feet on ground floor, would make tine location for gymnasium or younp ma-, s ;ub r'"m the rent Is reasonable to a pood class of tenants. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO . Ittth and Dourtus St M-ST.S MATRIMONIAL. GET Married Any lnd or gent wishing t- marrj write ut once to us We will Intro duce you to our members by mail 10,(00 pretty, respe. table and wealthy ladles and honorable gentlemen anxious to marry strictly confidential, send stamp for par- uruixrs in Diunaura v. or uuu., m il. Chicago. Ill SHOItTJINn AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N Y Life 33S BOYLES' College, court reporter principal B"e Bids 30 NEBRASKA Bus.ness and Shorthand Col lerc Boyd s Thftter 3C1 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commorclal Co. lege. ICth and Douglas Sts 36: CAItrKXTEIlS AND JOBBERS. 4 ALL klnfls nf carpenter work and repalr'ng promptly attended to. 3 T Ochiltree 20th and Lake Sts Z"0 STOVE rtEPAIItS. GAS. gasoline stoves repaired stoves r or City Stove Repair Works 2C9 S. 13th. ed. BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCKS Bird Store 1603 Leavenworth. ITKNITLKE PACKING. Om. Van t Stor Co.lEEH Fara. Tel. 1S50-SC2. S7B HOTELS. HENDERSON $1.00 per day house, board $3.50 to $5 week Sth A: Farnam. tel 1240 K2-JV22 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute E15 N. Y Life Blflc , tel WA. Alice Johnson. D u.. laJics dept ; Gld . Johnson. Osteopathlst Mgr Kj M E DONOHUE D O of Still school Klrkfcvllle, Mo.. C04 Paxton BIk. Tel 13CT 25C ENGINE, BOILERS, ETC. L C- Sharp Mach. WUs ; motors, dynamos 2a :D-HAND machinery bought and sold for cash. A P. Ely Ac Co., 1110 Douglas st M541 nilKSSMAKIXG. IN Families, Miss Sturdy. 2C10 Harney 400 Jy-2? DRESS MAKING, experienced help only i employed E G McDonald, 1G12 Cap Ave. , 5S9 A4 i STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co P12 F.4 Jonee. pentra. stcrage end forward.ng 3GS Om Van S'or Co . lUt Farn. Tel. 1550 8C3 - -3cb SIDEWALKS. Bnik, Tt,o foot. laid. J McGownn 545 S 25. -e75-J-22 ! raVHPMS7BnHIB7rBl IN BUYING YOU MUST DRUMMOND CARRiACE CO., 16th and Harney Streets. Till K rACTOIll TRTNKf travi ;,np lns nut: rases Trurks repaired t.m Trunk Fac - or? . 1." Farnam S7D w a r n i to mi ii now . m ON m or II meruit tiro- cwid se- curltj anl interest Address ; Bm Be -M7 m n cvisr. ami miAi raiTin. W J M EATHIU N" 826 Faxtor block. Tl niciMi BATHS. TURKISH baths iWc. open nlpht 16? S. 14, in. STAMMmtlNG WD TI TTEllIVG. . CTRED JUiia V8Ughan 4S0 P.ampt Bldp ST nn.MTtnc nnrAintG. PACKING upholstering mattress, feather renovating Tel 1J31 M S Walkln nil Cuminr St m ntVIC MACHINES. REPAIRED Omaha Sewlnc Machine Re pair Works, enr Dodge A- ICth sts . J E Phillip.. I'rnp r Jy 11E1,G1A HARKS. PEDIGREED breeders Cap! Nemo score P2. head of pens. E H. Kendall. St. Paul, Neb -M12 All DENTIST. DR MITTELSTADT S54 Bee Eldc Tel. 141C. 823 Jy-lf, MAGNETIC IXrillM 4.IIV. THE NEBRASKA ln-orporated. 161MS17 Chlcapo tre't, Omaha MS ticket nnoiccii. CUT rate tlr-kets everywhere P H. Fhll bln, liVX Farnam T( lephcni 7M S77 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS secondhand 1115 Tamcm. -S7i I'AWNBlltllvEIlS. EAGLE Loan Office reliable accommodat ing, uli biMilncss ronlidentlai 1301 Douglas 3a0 LAVXDHY. OMAHA Steam Laundry shir's 7r, collars, cufia. 4c IFoO Leavenworth. Tel. H7 MESSENGER SEHVIt D, O M S Tci 2022. tUT So. 10th St. M7SS ItAIl.WAY TIME TABLE. CI1 . AGO ST PAT L Ml' neapulls & Omaha Ka. wu - "The Nur h western L:m Oene-ul Offlees Nebraska Divi sion. 15th and Webster S' Cltv Ticket Ofttce 1401 Farnam St Telephone 6Q. Dtpot. lth and Webster 3:s Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger .a C:0C am a r:l pm Omaha Passenger . all:10 am Sl-iux Itj, 4: North east Nebraska n 8:50 pm Oaklanu Loral b 5.45 pm b f .15 am a Dal' b Dail except Sunday IIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad ' The North western Line" General Offices. 1 nlted States Natlur.ul Bunk Building, S W c rner Twelfth Htid Farnam Sts Ticket Office 1401 Farnam St Telephone EtTL De pot Tenth anu Mason Sis Telephone. C2H Leave. Arrtve. Twin Cl'y Express a r. " am al0:5i pm Twin City Limited a7;3i pm n R:15 am Slnux Cl'y Local a l:0ii am a 4:20 pm a Dally CHl'AGO St NORTH T.Ts'crn Railway "The Northwestern Line" C'lti Ticket Office. 1401 rarnam Street Ti e- ro.'oc 5C1. Depot, Terih i-.nu Mason ' phone. C2i Leave. Daylight Chicago da Chicago Pustienger Spe- Eastern EvpresR. Des Moines. Marahalliown. Cedar Rapids and Chi- core. al0:S am a 4 :05 pro a 4:05 pm a 2 T. pro a t, .(.i pm a s.30 am Easterr. Limlteci. Capo and East Fart Ma.i Clrc; Chi a 4:55 pm to Omatii Omfchu-fhiLug Spoiloj-.a 7.4J pm Test Mall a Dally FREMONT, ELKHORN i Mi"is ...rl Va'iej Railroad 'The Northwestern Line General Offices I niied States Natlo-.a Bank Blnp . S. W .r ?iPkfl ompr lm Farnam St. Telephone. 561 Depi t 15th and Webster Stfl TPie pnone. 145S Ltnve. Arrive, ojuck mi. is. t.eaciwooa. Hot Sprlnps .a E:0O pm Wyoming, (.'arpar and Douglas . d 2:00 pm Hustings, York. Dnvid City. Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward b 2:00 pm Norfolk Verdlpre and rrpmnr.t b 7:30 am Lincoln. Wahoo and a 5:00 pm e 5-00 pm b 5-00 -pa blOS am U0:25 am Fremont. .... b 7:30 am Fremnnt Lol-uI t- : :o m a Daily b Dalij except Sunday. c Sun day on.'j a Daily except Saturday e Dolly except Monday t'NION 1'AC ! FlC-"'l-HEfVEK-land Route ' General offl i N E ("or Ninth and Farnam streets City Tiket Office. 13P1 Farrum street Telephone 2'C Depot Tenth and Mason Stt Telephone. C29 Leave. Arrtve j e uveriana Liimnea a t :sv am The Chi ago-Poruanc! Special a5:20nm The Fast Mail a f:50 am Tne Colnrnd- Special aB:35 pm The Tast Ma.l Lincoln Beatrice nnfl n 7.:s pm a T .:ir. pro a 3.25 pro B C.3I fitt n 4 .3n i m Strcmsb .-c Express I. 4.10 pm b!2 i . m The At.nrtlc Express n -,n .r Grand Island I-ocal b 5:30 pm b S.30 cm a Dal.y b Daily except Sunday. OMAHA A. ST LOUIS LA ' rjal .Jmati., LeriMit j A: Fasifn Railroad "1 1 1 Quit, j Route" Ticket u bee 1415 Farnam Street Telephini 222 DefiOt. Ter.tb atid Mar y Streets. Ttie t'hane. O , , . Leave. Arrive St Louis Cannon I-all Express a 5:03 pm a t:2r. am Kansas City and Qutncy lirai a 7:96 am ali:lKjitn aDaiv CHICAGO. MILWAUKFT A: St. Paul Railway c. t Tl ket om e 16 r.-rs a" Street T.-pt on 2M liiot Tirth EiO Masor S'ree b Teit;ih'jne EU8 Chi-upo L:mlte3 Ex si. in a f to am Clcsrt )m ha I s l 7 5 tro bj:55pm a I a v b Dully except SunJai A BUGGY CONSIDER The Quality of the Vehicle. THE REPUTATION OF THE DE LER. THE DEALER'S FA LITIES FOR 3IVING SATISFACTION AND LASTLT THE PRICE Our line It coa.;.lete our prlne Is right and one visit to cur er:ahl.sh- taert '.J rcnv.pT y u that there it noth.rg abcut a rchicJe we carnct rt. --t or rpt.ir Arrive I a . :w am au .i rtn " - a 4.16 pm a k 40 am IcfljfUKTjfl M!LWA'"(i Jl'LT 15, 1000. LUXURY K MODERN HOTELS I TJ Tr-i. , tii t . fleaei for Traaatmu Thxh Efral Gk- goimt Poloceg of Eoyalty. ENORMOUS EXPENSES AND RECEIPTS , Million Spent In Decorations nud Furniture ConulusM r 13i lilrncc of the (Seent 'Vtrnllli of the Ainrrlcnn Tropic. i 'x we o: urcaawa wtwses .sevem 0IVartment as a whole employs 73P pors oni. ! Ihlrd and Sc-ventr-fourth streets Antrther , 0b wb aVeraf e over C m meals a day are The railed Stati has hot only the larpwt . u tn" fPft.n0 hntol hirh Oeorpc C Boldt ( Kh4 Jt u ,,M nn utiootntnoc thltig end niofst luxurloat hotel in the world, bui ,0 fTfri 00 ttf nf thf Sfa'ford tn lm b tnatI wltn jour or jjvt puesu to pc! a thtire arc more aaBUtneetit hoWils, ranptnc I'bHadelphia The fount lr the J2.0W.niiv t-j jlnBBr n any of the uoatm or aiort pub in cost from Jl.OOO.WHi to U2.000 000. bore boU1"' v'hM 11 snidlcate. headed by Joseph c iinlnf. ,ooaiR than in any nthnr country. E w"lnrd of Vlrplnla. it to build tc tak ln tht kttl(. Yemeni are the wint cellar Nwhe Hse ir so much money paid for botal accommodations at In Ncs York CItj' Wa"'l,,R,f,n Among other noteworthy pro cither by Individual guests or by the hotol ,r"r to1cl 'npw"" J l,b. ol'!) population rollecti-ely. Mo.-etner. the most mueh luxury n possible into hotel bullfl'.ag. for the rich American can be depended an to make the mot lavish expenditure a prof-1 liable investment Counting permanent und transient cuesu the five score high elai hotfiU In the city of New York take care ot about 60.000 peo ple every day. The lowest estimate maJe by three representative hotol men placet the average price paid for rnomt; and board ..r. . . 1 01 Tml' luc r,'et,1,l ore Jni:.S0f. a day or ni4.oc:.t.00 a year. what pan of this great turn ! paid for luxury, pure cud maple it It hard to tell, but perhBj the best way of eetlaat Iuf it is by comparison with the famous' Mills hotels in Nr Tork. These -two fwmoBlw.1.. but cspehBlvoly. to crowd 1. J'hr rxpratled throughout the country houses, one costing a mUllot, nni iiie'.othw Iipteln is bv no means uncommon There 's h0,rt utt le tbl Transportation club, about half a million dollars are tint tharrt-. nre people" living in the Waldorf-Asto-la vMeb wcuplt the entire thirteenth floor ut able inttitutlDne Ihcy are profriablb' aa.lh- Iwbo pav not a dav fcr their rooms the vour thp Manhattan hotel. Among its S00 mem vestment!,. The price ol a elpcjiloc room around Tor the famouF roval suite ISno a lt' " ot the wealthiest men ot the country. Senator Chauncry M. Dcpcw it LOBBY OF A MODERN with bath and slrtlnp room privileges. In rtlber of these houwes is 20 cents a day, and mials are 15 cents eash, muklng the total cost of living C5 cents a duy. The Mills hotnls are pcrupuloubly ncut. The meals are (.erved in courses and more than he can eat is plvun to each guest Thus It would seem that everything above C5 cents a day Is paid for luxury and added comfort New York', first class hotel popu- lotion of 50.000 could live ln houses like the Mills hotels for 132,500 a day, or $11,- SC2.500 a year. Figuring on that basis 1280 - OOt) a day, or $102,200,000 a year. Is paid for luxury. Notwithstanding this, the demand if for greater luxury not only ln New York, but It.Wl.W A1 TIME TABLES. riRLlNGTON MIS- sour) River P.allroad ' Th Burlington Route' General Offices. N W v rner Tenth and Farnam St Ticket Office. 1p02 2io Burmpi"n station Tenth and Mason j arnaro street Telephone, s-retts iciei.none. j.i, Leave.. Arrlf LlnT.lr Hasttnrs and Met ouk a 5:40 am a 7:25 pm ' Lincoln Denver. Colo- 1 rado, Utah, Callfornlt.a 4:2; pm a S:00pm , Lincoln i Black Hills a : pm a 3rf pm Mnrtana Pure: Sound .u P.30 pm a CUG am 1 Llniol. Tbs- Mai. .a 3:0u pm oI0:S5 am Denv 1 1 1 .r ido Utah & CB f -ma a C:4E am i a Dal i H'CAGO, BURLINGTON i CJulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route' Ticket , Office ISO Farnam St. 1 . Tt, 250 Depot. Tenth k t Mason Streets. Telephone, 2S Leave. Arrive, i 1 Daylbrfct f hiago Spec- ' t iai .a 7:00 am , Peoria Express a &:2S pm ' Chlcaro Ve::-ibuled Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am 1 1 Chicago Li ai Express a iAO am a 4:05 pm t hl"upo L.m.'eJ a 7:46 pm a 7:45 am , . Paclfi Junction Local .al0:15 am I I Tast Mat, '.. s 2:45 pm I j a Dai .j j KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- ' seph k Council Bluffs Rai,roafl "The Burling- I tun rtoute nci:ct Oltlce, 1502 Farnum atrt-tit. Tele phone, 250. Depot. Tenth nrid Mason streets. Tele Phone, 12-, L.EVC. Arrlt' Kansas Cy Day Ex ..a t:50 am a 5:10 pm Ktnsas -"l"- N.cki Ex alO.li pm a C:1E am am r" u uis r ij e' tor si JospTh una Si L.nuts n i'.r. nm mi it , a Daiit CHICAGO. ROCK ISL- and A: Pacific Railroad in ureal noon 11- r" umrirsParnam Stmt Telephone. 42S Depot Tenth A Mason Streets Telcphotn C2S Des Moines and Daven- fc , fr-r11'. r t ?n:ir QTn ara m 1 L.'i'Bxpres .a t:io pm a::2f,'pS Lincoln ano Fairlmry .a t:30 am a ;i jira Detir l'puebSoS,and West . ..a 1:30 pm n 435 pm Des Motiiet,, Rock IhI- ' C&ttVTVWnror-SllUgS a Vui j b DaUy except Sunday. " M rrYd-Gcitrai traiai S Titkei omces Soutlwatn.Cor rr nth atid Doupiat HU. sitlonBtlt' 1 Dtpptor. unit. Arrive. St LcuiR Kai.sas Nclraska Litt-nod K. C St L Express & .ul0:( nm nC:30pm Leave. Arrive ..aiouopm a 1. 16 am Leav from 15th and v)b?f!-ef StKo i vi . "lVg Vatef b 4 -16 pm alO-45 am a Daily b Daily except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL ' Railroad. City Ticket On j. TeV'ihnf Far4?ftro V)rt,olt 1 Tenth ana MatTon street 'jjifqy Leave. Arrive. '"'Par txp'-ss all .10 am a4'05pm r. -ir '..m.ti.i .a 7;lt pm a 1:15 am I JiIi Lirest .'b7:00am b :40 pm a" 'is and St' ' rJ '- r, "r-"1 V f a7:l5pm a 6:15 am t rttr .'1 Bluffs a !b 4 :30 pm b 10:15 am a Do ; b Daily cxeept Sunday. ' , " """" "" """"" ! 1 . t ABA'S II RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1804 Pnrnt.ro Fireet Telenhone EM De- pot, Tenth nnd Marry Streets. Telenhsne (2ft Leave. Affur St LrL'i " urnon Bull' Lxr-ifcs " .a 6:05 pm a 1.20 am J a L-a-y. iSSl Mm. ropc-ilonatei thn ochout the rtit'rc cntin T That shrewd liotelnwa rrcopnue tf Is nlalnlj rrlflMt For Blthouph the run ber of ho:slf rortinp froBi $1 n".t.oi ur''1 In fetch the eos; ol llriaj: It $4 a dt or withi. tl P.n t. vears. more blldli)c rrf thl type twice planned and constriirtfd thaa at on 1 previous time The estimated row of four of the pro- lected hotels is J14 POCdMi. One is the; Bmnwiek. to le built in Ne Tori; at s cost of !&.PW.(Kfl on the site of the f arena f old hotel of that name end adolalng prp crtj Another If the W E I ?tokes 14.- (W.000 hottd in New York oocnsylag the J" m lUf IBnpu " lllBra n" ,n . addition to the Manhattan bote! New York tlrmcat of luxury will predominate. ,T'l " 7 'ZlTto Ll.l ?1 ' . 5 TT I J ? i . . m.!' m . The actual cost of the Waldorf-Astoria. world, hie never been made public, but It Is estimated by pood judges m about S12.000. WW When It was p-t.iected almost every one salfl it could not br made to paj. Yet today it lr a very profitable prrpertj It l hard tc imagine a utilise with forty magnlil- rooms and accommodBtlon. for between 1AW Btlfl liS00 ,lpoIlt., ,,rlnp prnrtipally filled ,n .4m ,.. fi,... nr,.. .........n. t, Waldorf-Astoria's accommodations and It is pnxsrtnntly crowded The pavmrnt of f rnm f 76 to J10D a ilay t,-r rnnmt .vrinBii-. of m.u i v v.rtl HOTEL IN MILWAUKEE. day has been paid on several orcusliss rrr short pcrlodB A woman who died ut the Savoy hotoi In New York recently had jtld J75 & day for a year for u corner suite n-ec- looking Central Park. That price Sid i.ot include meals, and. as the was a liberal n-, tmuiner. the aggregate of her hotel bill must have beun very large. Mr. Wliltuej' lliirtilvr Qunrtrrs, Lust fall William C. Whitney went to the Waldorf-Artoria to live, engaging rooms by the year. Recently he decided to establish his private offire there alo. Niwrly the en- tire royal suite has to be given up to pro- vide the comfort and luxury which this man of cnany millions demands and is willing to pay for. Taking the rnomt by the year he docs not. of cnursr, pay a rate projiort innate to the trannlent rate cl $500 a day for that part of the suite which he occupies, but It Is stated advisedly that he expends tn the neighborhood of $150 a day for hif month In this suite Mr. Whitney it. completely isolated from th rest of the hotel the suite having a private hall He has his meals "trtrf lD le private dining room Hl guct,ts are received ln a nnvnie d-aw.nc SALT WATER SWIMMING TANK room furalshed as richly as any room in a king's nalace. No other hotel guest In the world lives amid nuch splendor at docs Mr Whitney. He u. a lavish entertainer. Ire- Quratly having fifteen or twenty friends to, luncheon and dinner, it would not be r.ur- 1'rtFl0F' 1! tls " lbt' linlcl 8VC''tlFt,a 5200 a day while he Is then. If maintained ' throughout the year this would amount to 173 000. Mr. John C. Eno, another multi - mllllou - tlrt. llTrR almost as luxuriously at the Wal - florf-Astorla as Mr Whitney, having occu - Plel for almost two years the iirivste hall 'corner suite on the fourth floor, fronting Dtl tiVehu' fl Thirty-fourth street, This cuite has a drawing roots, dining room rYT- tU0 tnfl b"th r0C1S 1M ln fainUy and servant!, in fact, all the ad - vantages of a private apartment eomblnrd, .with iliosf uj theotel probably Mr Whl--1 pA'eJ' and. Mr Eno pay the largest individual , - horeJ bllli ln the United States, if not in I lnf ' othw hoit)U jn Tf)rV, the Alberroarle and the Holland house- vhlch thourh smaller, eharce the bbtth. rsict as the waiaorf-AMorio. The price for a parlor, two bedrooms and bath run as high . -,, rnA ... . - fpecial suites bring even more.. $400 a wet It ! l,ot t",JnC unheard of at the Holland. The ' Eavor fiul! ulk 'ntch compare favorably1 with the host in price and magnificence. Tlfty dollars a day is tht regular chtrgi Ior tbe hrldnl suite but other rooms are often added, making the cost as high as $106 '6tr- ""netlmei more, exclusive of meals. Tb ballroom at the Savoy, which Is one 01 lCe ncheBt ln the country, rents for as much as i-iv a night Scores of Aroeriran millionaires, who could 'en Mori palares of their own. have noj homes othor than hottlb. Many, like Mr 1 Whitney, who own magnificent residences. tavr oertcd them to live ln hotela, often to avoid the annoying servant problem. Sen-, alor Thomas C Plfitt sort hi ffimllv Vmi-. t lived In the Fifth Avrnne bniol foi- .. ,u"u .rcj. luiuiuui rooms jo the Aoiaorf-Ahtorln the year round, nnd Stephen B. Elklnt Hvcs there roost ot the nm- i,,m,. n.t.. . .. t u.h ... ...... uu - ,.! tbelr tni11'"-. I've a rood part of eatb year la tht Netherlasda. There are a half dozen uu fcur iti'ciiuu oi apn ooieis in hbicu w mm 10 ot more mllllo.imre resideats th th Hurkinp ham whlli tbi Plat Aavox Hreroort A' herarl Majertlr and several btber New York hotels tutv tbel; nuota Rostot Wash In rut. PhlladelpblB, San Fratutace and other larpe oliief have their millionaire hotel resldcatf, It Chleupo tlterr are mat' Sitne ltittff luc llffitees. A million dollars ts Invested la the furtil- tare of the Waldorf-AMoria nnd 1.4W pcr- mM u toi( are employe at the height of thf svesoa. or an employe for every guest, nhieh J the avwape it most of the larger iMitel One bundrd and tbtrtv man are rmpiByed IE the l.ltrbrn Btid the camring nnd the proat cigar bumldori- At the pros- cut tltne ISoO.OfO worth of wine and MOO 000 worth of cigars arc stored there i.nd it is expected that the pernmhetit stock lll reach ll.oiHi. OOP in valtif.. The Waldorf AstortB's hull room is one of the "bights' of the city. It Is the most luxurious single hotol feature in this country. The rcutu) price, varying with the nature of the entor- talnmentE. Is a hlph as wo a night, The dally rwetpts and ixpel.d.tures of this hotel arc utmost beyond lollf No hi lemiH will be madt to estimate them, but here are te or three Hums of Interest Each of the 1.400 employe receives three meals a day free (tnuny Iming allowed wine, or 4. SO free meals dally. Then there axe the salaries, which ID the cooking depart ment alone range from SiOvoO a year for the chef down to f7f and (100 a month for ln lehi -'s,ert 000': 1)ur'ui: lhf ''alr; 14(i tons OI me oeei uuru I'uni ui r uvupuwru every day. An interesting feature of luxurious, aiofl. the president. In the new jiortlon of the Machattan twonty-two rooms will be de voted to this Boclal organization. Unusual pre vision us made for women gucsU, there being a private ladle dining room. Sev eral other clubs arc housed In New York hotels. Southern nnd Western Hotel. Tht fame of the great Florida hotels, noticeably the Ponrc de Lent and Cordova tn 9t. Augustine and the Royal Polnclana at Palm Beach it world wide ln the entire south, however there Is no more mognifi cent ccrovanaary than the new St Charles In New Orleana. What the Waldorf-Astoria Is to the world, the St. Charles is to the south Owing to the peculiar climatic ad vantage of New Orleans the builders were able to provide luxuries which are Impos sible farther north The St Charles building, with site, cost tl.fiOO.CKKl and Its furniture cost more than JSHO.OOO. Its highest rerular rate Is 126 a day for a comer r.ultc accommodating two persons, oonrlstlng of a private parlor, bed room and bath Provision is made, how ever, for furnishing larger rultes at propnr . tlosalely higher rates A great open air promenade filled with tropical platiti and shrubbery, occupying the rpaie between the wings of the building on the second flocr. with entrances from the hBll and dicing room, afford a delightful lounging place in sumhlnt or shade. This It. the show place of New Orleans. Traveling westward to California the lux- i ury-iovlug Amtrlcun comes eventually to j the Hotel de Oorouado at Coronado Boach. H claims the distinction of being the largest resort hotel ln the world It covers four l and a half acres. A novel feature Is a court ln the center of the building the rise of on ordinary city square, ln which is revealed the floral richness ot a tropical garden, from plant palms down to the rarest plants. The bullroom contains 11.000 square feet. The dicing room is thirty-three feet high with- out pillar or nnr.t to mar Its beauty. There arc 750 rooms, und flfty-r.lx of them are sluing rooms. The huge tunks tor hot and cold soa water bathing Inside the hotel are a great feature, Going north along the Pacific coast the rich American finds th next monument to his liberal patronage in the $1,000,000 Hotel Portland In Portland, Ore commp iuick IN A PACiriC COAST HOTEL. over the continent he wi'-l find surprlHlng luxury tn the Hotel Pfister. Milwaukee, which cost $1,300 000 This bouse and the Plantm' hotel. St Louis and the Audi- torlum. Chicago iitnnd for all that is lux- urious in the mioaie west A feature ol the rfisttr is the dining facilities The whole of the seventh floor, with the exception of a ladles' waltlnp and billiard room. Is taken ' un br the main dinlnc room, a hanouet ball 1 and three private dining rooms. Gorgeous ( dining rooms eem to be growing features ln ' tfc middle west. ln the new Grand Pa- clflc, Chicago, the tecond floor U entirely devoted to a series of small dining rooms. each characteristically decorated to repre- N"111 some European country or period in tlt0rr o.lier rnluee. ; Other I aluce. " ""uu,"i,l lu u""r 'ur f6-' ho6 u" h at ln Walum which lk 1'i'fuliorl adapted to the entertainment oi tLob" ybo c'n ufl"d t 1!T regardless of expense from the fuct thai entire floori, can he made into euiles completely Isolated Tom lu' rtBl 01 lne Dll- TtiK has been done on several orcaElons, and notewortbily Attir.m . V. n " T 1 . , I. . ... -"'" nun. uuuK iu iu Cltj' Df Brotherly Love The rental price cf sultci like those vbich have been neeu. Ppfl b' Priisidiint McKtnley and President Dl" f,f M 1 !C0 a day. In Washington, the capital city, there U n""t ,UIUT perhaps tn the Arlington, tb uolM which proudly boasts ot having enter- tMnefl every pue of honor to the United Stales and rvory potentate from foreign for thirty years This hotel has the Ht perfect arrangement of banquet hall, conne-junp panors, receiving and coat rooms m me country, 'jcree cunareo people can !'' properly dined at one table. In this treat hall have been given some of the country's roost costly and famous dinner. Including that of Secretary Gresham to the diplomatic corpa, nnd Secretary of State Blaine's dinner nnd reception to the Pan- amcu-lrftn ronr-riii. The Hotel Tournlne of Boston Is the mon uumwr un-niieriuiioc ui isrw tngiana JUX- ury. Evorything about thli house Ik superb. A unique feuture Is a library. Thlt Is a . ... .1. . .. ucsui iui iuuui uu mr uiu iinur, eoniainmg about S 000 carefully selected volume en- rased iu uotiquc oak closet.