1M TUB OMATTA T) ATLT SPTCDAT, JTUjV lfi, UHM). SPECIAL NOTICES A1 vr rllrinrn for llieur rolnmn Trill bp tnUon until 1- m. for the rrrninic edition mid tinlll H n p. in. tor miirnltiK unil Htiiidny edition. nnlri, t l-Ue n unril first Inarrtlon. 3c n rrord llirrrnftrr. Xotlilne (nkcn for ! tli i 11 arte for thr llmt Inser tion. These nd vrrtUrments must lip run roimri'iillvplri AdTerflseri, liy rrttietltifr n niim lirrrd rhreU, cnn linve nnvrr nil drrnsrtl to n numbered letter In onrp of Tim lire, Answers o addressed tIII hr delivered on presentation of the check only. S PIT A T 1 0 S W A XT 1 1 1 1. IIOUNO lady of refinement nnil education would llku a rxisltlon during tho summer mnnthH n companion to an Invalid nr to take euro of children and help In house work. Addroas L 47, Her. A-903 15 SITUATION, by lady as hotmckeeper; nx nerleneed Iti both nrlvnte house and nubile institution; would like to tiike charge of nnuso during summer: reioronros cx changed. Apply Mrs. It., 2001 Hurt. A 917-15' (EXPERIENCED flrst-clnss woodworker desires position In mill; ilrst-cbus lefor enccs. N XI. lice. A-M9S3 17 1VANTI2IJ SI AMI II HI. I A FEW MORE POINTERS ABOUT tTJIB OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 16TH AND DOUGLAS STS. rohrbouoh imos., props. (POINTER No. Ci, new students have en torcd tho college for our summer school. This Is the largest Inllux lit our summer school wi have ever had. About 50 per cent of thlH number have entered the Khorthund department. A number of oth ers liavo arranged to enter next .Monday. It Is not yet too late for anyone to ob tain the benefits of this special 6 weeks' mimmer term. Hates of tuition have been cut moro than 60 uur cent. FOINTER No. 2-Our attention Is now given to tho fall term of the college, which will open Monday morning. Sept. 3. Our correspondence already, relative to tho fall term, Is large. Tho Indications nro that our fall opening will bo tho larg est we have ever had. Catalogues and circulars will bo mulled freo to any ad dress. FOINTER No. 3 If you cannot attend the college, why not learn Gregg shorthand by mail? It will pay you to Investlgato a system based on commonsense princi ples. It has but ono position, ono slant, no shades, but few word signs. Is ex tremely legible nnd admits of the highest (peed of any system. It Is easy to learn, easy to write and will save you tlmo and money. Wrlto us for particulars. B-M972 15 KvANTED: we have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and nppear unce. C. R Adams Co., 1013 Howard St. B-252 IIAKriF.lt trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Harbors' Institute, Omaha. Neb. B-2X3 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men rind surfacing men, Neb.. Wyo. and Iowa; freo faro: highest wages; ship dally. Western It. It. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th St. B-2S1 FRATERNAL Insurance deputy, lady or gentleman; special work; good pay. 626 N. Y. Life Building. B-3s3-Jy2S AN I NT 13 L LIG E NT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and position secured. Address L 26, lice. II BSD WANTED, experienced elevator conductor; must have good references. Apply to Superintendent lleo llulldlng. 11 C9t WANTRI), ono llrst-class malo teacher, ono llrst-class lady primary teacher. Addres3 Clerk School Hoard, Glenn's Foiry. Ida. B-M767 15' FRATERNAL Insurance deputy ,lady or gentleman; special work; good pay. 617 N. Y. Llfo Illdg. B-3S3 .Iy23 MILLWRIGHT foreman, at large operntlng establishment; only thoroughly com petent parties need apply; Htato age, ex perience, references, salary expected. Ad dtess N S. Ueo. B-S41-10 MAN of good character to deliver nnd col I'ct for old established manufacturing house; $900 a year nnd expenses gunrnn teed; enclose reference and self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manufacturer, ,'ird lloor, 223 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. B-MS49 15 WANTED, solicitors, with references. Ne braska .Mercantile Mutual Insurance Com pany, Sir. South 13th st. H MS64 13 WANTED, men to icnrn barber trade; special offer of scholarship, tools, board and freo transportation at our colleges ut Chicago. St. Louis or Minneapolis con tinued until August on account nf the de mand for our graduates; splendid ehnnco for applicants from distance: catalogue and special Inducement mnlled free. Moler Harder College, Agent, 1623 Farnnm St., Omaha, Neb. H-MSS7 19 WANTED, grocery specialty salesman; glvo your experience fully to Insure reply; wo offer exceptional opportunity. Addre.is N 3, lleo. B-MS50 15 "WANTED, two traveling salesmen of ex perience and nblllty capable nf earning good salary. Address, with reference, 1613 , Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. U-8SI 15 iVANT13D. man over 21 to travel, good route; $50 monthly nnd nil expenses to Ptnrt. references; position permanent It satisfactory: nddrcssed envelope for par ticulars. Mnnager GUIIs, 353 Dearborn, Chicago. H-SS3 15' WANTED, three Al salesmen to 111! vnoin elcs by old established house In line hand led by general merchants, druggists, etc. Continuous position to tho right parties nnd good pay to such. Hox 41, Minne apolis. .Minn. H-SS2 15 WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc,; no cutivasslmr: good pay. Bun Advertis ing llureau, Chicago. 15 Sso is 'E WILL pay salary from the start to bustling traveling salesman. 131 I'ailro Cigar Co., St. Iiuls, Mo. B-9J1-16' tVANTlCI"). energetic reprcFentntlves In each city nnd village for leading New Knglnnd lluanclal Institution. Must have acquaintance nnd references; will deal on liberal basis; good Income and work light. C. I.-iwrenee, 92 Statu St., Itoston. H-9J0-15 GOVUHN.M HNT POSITIONS Don't prepare for any civil service examination without seeing our Illustrated catnlogue of In formation. Sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, D C. H 919-15 ROLICITOUS, bv strong corporation: bonanza for real solicitors; new. untune, Htrlklng- big money. See'y., 1229. Ass'n. Hldg., Chicago 111. H 91S-15 SALKSMKN wanted for Nebraska nnd Iowa terrltorv nt onee- rfn PitliPna unit bond required; straight line; no schemes or iHKes; permanent poeitlon. Columbia Jewelry Co., Iowa City, Iowa. 11-917-15' M AN! I'.D. trnvellnir salesman, covering Nebraska territory, to carry and nuh the best suspender lino manufactured. ame territory now made, whnt line and now long earned Diamond Suspendei Co.. Pea Moines, la. i 91G-15' AVANTUD, bright, active boy for house yard work and to assist lu stable; also Vn. ' , . iimininan. w. ji. McCord 13th and Lenvcnworth. H 910 15 iWANTIOD. llrst-class grocery clerks; stalo ..h. i-At,i-iii.-iiL'f itiiu saiary required: l"""1 fijrnlaH best of references. Address , 11-909 15 WANTHD, experienced drivers for olTyleT ltverv wiiL'nnK! must Im tii.-,n....i.i.. nA jiualnted with the city nnd havo some be good workers and obliging; stato age. "Mrii-m.n uiiii cximriuiHo; goon wages and Jiermanent employment to right parties. ....... .-o .o, .n t. Ji ;as is M'A VTWn nni.mnU.l n..M ... I I I ' "aiesmen for a high-grade, specialty line; expert- rinru nu-ii ineierreu, v or inriner infor mutlon address Hox COS, St. Louis, .Mo. 'H-997 15' WANTED, several trustworthy persons to iiiHiiBKo our uusincssi in tneir own ana nearby counties; mainly office work con ducted at home: snlarv. 1900 a year and expenses; mention referenco nnd enclose pelf-addressed envelope. Tho Dominion WA.vrnn mai.b iii:m. arccEss in lipi: depends very largely upon th preparation. THK HKST THIll'AItATION for voung men nnd women Is the PRACTICAL HCSINKSS TRAINING given at HOYLKS' COMMl'HClAL AND SHORT HAND COLLKGK. Hen Hulldln?. Till: SCHOOL iF IIU1HKST STANDARD. Individual Instruction in Ilt'SINMSH. SHORTHAND, TYPMWRIT ING, KNGLISH, PRKPARATORY nnd LANGUAOi: COURSES. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Students enter any time. H-9S0 15' SALESMEN for nil lines of business; rpleij did side line, to sell our calendars; 150 different styles, newest, latest patterns. Just the things ru?tomers wunt; 25 to 40 per cent commission; many of our men give their entire time to our lino and niak" from J75 to $125 every week; guar anteed best side line ever offered; wrlto promptly with references; commissions paid on acceptance of orders. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. H-SD 15' WANTEIhy nn established, well-rated Arm, scheme nr specialty men to sell nn exceedingly attractive and saleable lino; special terms and unique Inducements, lllah-prleed men Investigate. Hox 2.VI, Detroit, Mich. H-&07 15' IH'STLINO snlesman wanted by well known house; natural nblllty und aptness counts for moro thnn experience; slve references. Hox Throe, Detroit, Mich. H-196 15' WANTED, bright young man nnd woman for spcinl work. Jl On per day; steady employment; advance according to ability. Address N 21, Omaha Hca. H-b91 15' A KKW men who are looking for profitable employment to call on Domestic Mer cantile! Co., 707 No. ICth St. H-949-15' A TRAVELING salesman wanted to handle n side lino of dry goods for country trade; liberal commission. Chestnut. Penn St Street, Mfgrs., Philadelphia, Pa. B-802 16 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. Do you wanl one? Get ready now. CtreuUr 1SI Giv ing particulars as to salaries, dates nt examinations, etc., sent frre by Nat'l. Correspondent Institute. Washington, D. C. Write today. fi 301-15 TRUSTWORTHY man to advertise and establish agents In Nebraska; JS0 monthly brsldes expenses and commission: re ferences. E. Plorson, 356 Dearborn, Chicago. H-S90-15' HOOK salesmen of the modern school, don't mako a contrnct for tho fall until you wrlto mo for particulars on something now nnd original. Address General Agent N 2C, Uec. H-9fi4 15' FIVE nctlve, well-Informed men as sales men; person, conversation, etc, must bo best; remuneration In keeping with high grade men wnntcd. Address N 27, Hee. H-985 15 HOOK salesmen, If you are weary of fake advertisements and have genuine, nblllty nnd genteel appearance wo will have nn offer to submit to three of you Inside of tho next three days on work moro re munerative and congenial; references In confidence. Address N 28, 13ec. H-9CG 15' WANTED, a competent druggist; must be registered In Nebraska, accurate and quick lu his work; must bo steady nnd sober; glvo references, etc. N 10. Her. B-MS67-15 WANTED, clothing salesmen to open sales ngenclt-s for "Amerlcn's Greatest Tail ors:" tho proper facilities given to tho right pnrtles; woolens In the pleco fur nished for display purposes; this Is a raro opportunity to engage In a good paying business without any Investmnnf, a num ber of salea agents nro making from twelve hundred dollars to thlrty-flvo hun dred dollars per year; wrlto for terms and full Information to Rogers, Hlake & Co., 269 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. H FA ICE CAPE NOME Transportation or Mining companies and Information bureaus are always exposed In "IN DUSTRY AND MINING." It Is tho of ficial paper of the Alaska Miners' ass'n: better subscribe for It for three months nnd keep posted on the mining Industry out west; It will cost you only GOc and It mny save you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry c Mining, No. 623 New York Hlock, Seattle, Wash. B REPRESENTATIVES WANTED We have something entirely new and very attrac tivean Illustrated weekly newspaper for boys and girls; good pay for good service; references required. Address stating ex periences, Tho Little Chronicle, State and Randolph streets, Chicago. H WANTED, good mcclinnlc. worker In both wood ana iron, capamn or umming houses; married man preferred; will pay $30 a month and furnish nubslstence and fuel. Address. John Porter, Supt., Pull man, Cherry County, Neb. H 991 li WANTED, experienced salesman on com mission ror lending low iork mnnurac turer of Hronzo Powder, Lenf, Lacquers, Varnishes, Hookblmlcrs' Supplies, etc.: reference and bond required. Address N 12. Hee. H-990 15 WAXTKn-KKSIAl.n HELP, AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short hand r.cholnrshlp In best school nnd pay for It when course Is completed nnd posl tlon secured. Address L 2C, Hee. C 538 WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge. Tel. 87G. C 25 SO girls wanted. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas U ;3b CORSETS llttcd on, 39c. 1612 Capitol Ave. C-590 A 4 WANTED, a llrst-class, experienced mas seuse; position permanent tr satisfactory. Hygiene Hath Co., 210-220 Heo bldg. C-MS15 WANTED, a good girl for general house work. 1910 Wirt street. C-sil-lft' WANTED, a girl for dlnlne room and one ns assistant In kitchen. Woman't Christ ian association hospital. Ninth street nnd Sixth nvenuc. Council Uluffs,' C S75 16' WANTED, bright woman to travel In Ne braska; moderato salary and expenses to begin: good opening: write quick. En close nddressed envelope for reply; send one reference. Munager Macllrady. Star Hldg., Chicago. C-SS7 15' WOMEN to do plain sewing nt home, J1.50 per day; four months' work guaranteed. Send stamped, addressed envelope for particulars. R. W. Hutton & Co., Dept. O., Philadelphia, Pa. C-923-16' LADY stenographer. Call Momlny. Stan dard Mut. Firo Ins. Co., C25-0 N. Y. Llfo Hldg. C-922-15' A GOOD cook nt once. Apply Hotel liar, vard. Harvard. Neb. C-MS.95 17 WANTED, young girl for light housework In family of two, would prefer ono who wishes to nttend school; must be reliable nnd come well recommended; good home for right party. Call Sunday at 2124 Miami st, C-663 15 WANTED, a lady or gentleman who lias nccesH to plnno or organ; no Unowledgn or music necessnry: ti per mnniu ana expenses; permanent position, W. Scott, Grove, Scranton, Pa. C 90M& ANY LADY can easily mako J1S to IJ5 per week by representing us In her locality, and, as the position Is pleasant nnd profit able. I will Kindly send full particulars to nil. This Is no deception; even your spare nmo is vniuaoie. duress, airs. .Mary r;, Wheeler. 87 Washington St., Chicago. 111. n WANTED, good girl for general house- worK; win pay goon wages, sius i) st., nouin uiuaua. v ill Jo" WANTED, a Christian lady about 35 years to look after inv children, nces 2. 4. t! and 8 years, who lost their mother July 3; no I'uiminK iiunspworKj goon wnges and homo to right party. Address Hnrry Hen mitt, proprietor Hampton hotel, Holdrege, Neb. C-119 15 ANTED, a young lady stenographer at a good salary; state ago and experience, N 31, Hee. C-976 15 IIIILP WAXTHIJ, SALESMAN wnntcd, ladles as well ns gen. Demon, to sell n novelty that sells Itself; retails at 25c; big protlt, Marshall Mfg, Co., 179 Adams St., Chicago. 875 15' YOl'NO man or woman to ennvns for mng azlno subscriptions; good commission. Cull Monday morning, 1591 South 2ith st . 8M li' FOn ItUMT HOtfSUS. IF YOU want your houses woll rented place tnem wun iienewa to, u ai HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas, D-JSS ALWAY8 moving II. H. goods. Planoo. Odlce, 1SU14 Fnrnam St. Tel. 1559 or 'U. D-20 HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Pnxton Hilt. D-299 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Urennnn-Lovo Co. 309 S. 13th street. D 291 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry U. Payne, 001 N. Y. Llfo. 'Phone, lOtfi. D-2J2 HOUSE? and Hats. Ilingwalt, Barker blk. D-293 MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol nve. Tel. 1496. l an COTTAGE at Lake Okobojl, la., for rent. Omaha beach. A. M. Clarke, 2557 Harney, D-2!i5 131 S. 23th St., ll-room, modern. D-2DS FOR RENT, H-ronm modern flat. C0C N. 17th st. Chns. L. Saunders, 211 S. 13th st. D-M328 8 ROOMS, modern, with barn; nil In extra lino repair: t to good tenant, wired is. DcLong, 437 Board of Trade. D-29S TWO-STORY house, 922 So. 20th St.; moaern conveniences; goon repair, 3U. Apply to Clinton 11. Hrlggs, 226 Hee illdg. D-C97 813 SOUTH 23D; six-room house, bath closet, cltv water, 117.50; this house Is close In, Is In good condition and Is n bargain at this price. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas street. D-M900 8-ROOM cottago. 2709 Douglas St. D-M930 NEW 10-room house, water nnd gaa, 2 blocks from school nnd street car. In Qulro Wrn, I, Klerstead, city hall. D-634 FOR RENT, five-room cottage, 26th and iiionao streets, j, Appiy at wi fvortn mil street. D 732 FOR nENT, iitrlctly modern flat in Davidgo building, opposite city hall, John W. Bobbins, 1802 Fnrnam St. u 765 RESIDENCES FOR RENT 414 North aist St., 9 rooms, modern. ..$23.00 423 North 89th St.. 9 rooms, modern !LVttl 1131 South 29th St., 9 rooms, modern... 23.00 lJKK.NAN-LOVi: CO.. 309 South 13th St. D-M7S9 17 7-R. HOUSE, bath, closet, gas, good barn, an in line repair, 1222 l'ark Wilde nve.. near depots, car line, on paved street, large shaded lot. J25; will give long lease. Wallace, 313 J. J. Brown Ulk. D-797 14 11-R. brlok. 009 E. 29th t., 120; suitable for two lamincs. aeiuy, Jioaru Trade, 'l'liono, 1510. D-MS27 15 FOR RENT, 8-room house. No. 618 So. 1 fai. inquire at uoom 300, city 11.111. D-820 ELEGANT apartments In the Winona. rayne-Knox Co., 1st lloor, N. Y. Life bldg. 'Phone, 1781. D-M826 HOUSK8 FOR RENT. 3S17 Dewey eve,, 5 rooms, city water. .. .$10.00 2563 Marcy, 7 rooms, city water 8.00 4416 Fnrnam, 8 rooms, city water 10.00 2021 Chicago, 7 rooms, modern 18.50 815 S. 19th. 7 rooms, bath 50.00 2105 Miami, 8 rooms, bath 20.00 lzs: I'arKwuu ave., b rooms, modern.... Z2.M 821 S. 19th. 10 rooms, bath K.00 CC2 S. 26th ave, 8 rooms, modorn 25.00 209 S. 2lth, 9 rooms, modern 27.50 1623 Howard, 6-room flat, bath 20.00 UAK1V1M 11HOS., 1613 FARNAM. D-M809 15 6-HOOM cottage, all modern. 2124 Miami st. D-MSM G-ROOM furnished cottage; modern. 802 e. juin. u aisai 16' FIRST floor of house, 3001 South 17th st.; rooms 10 a goou tenant witnout cnn dren. D-JU52 15' FOR RENT, desirable 10-room house. 312 N. 0111 01., 111 ursi-ciuss repair; joU pur month. Apply If. J. Windsor, 1621 Capitol ave. D-876 16 ELEGANT apartments in the Winona. raync-Knox co., 1st lloor, N. Y. Lire. D-M1S6 NICE room, all modern, perfect repair, 4S20 rrr 1 . - i. . ,H 1 . . .... Cass. D 926 13' 10-ROOM house, convenient for two lamiues; moaern, on south Omaha line. 1556 Sherman Avenue. D M92I-16' 2606 Reea st C-room Hat, modern. J10.00. jiiiaiui hi., 1 ruums, iuoucrn, wun nam, 1317 S. 31st at., 7 rooms, modern, with barn, tn no 3407 Jackson st, 7 rooms, modern, with barn. S2O.O0. 2051 N. 19th St., 9 rooms, modern, 25.00. 2306 Grant St., 9 rooms, with barn, $20. 00. 720 N. 23rd St., 9 rooms, nil modern, $30.00. ijou oiiuriiiuii Ave,, ju rooms, moaern, wun barn. $28.00. We have others. Phone 1781. I'Al.NK- KNOX COMPANY. First door New York Life Hldg. D-911 15 1317 S. 31st. 7 rooms, cas. bnth. nte .. Jan. 2921 S. 17th, 5 rooms, city water, $10. 2912 Farnam. G-room Hat, $15. leui nnei juu i-inKney, 2 good nouses, will be PUt ill trood renalr. rensnnaliln rent 2518 Cuming, store room, $15. 11. j. i-eiers n uo., ueo Hldg. D 945 15 SPECTAr. 2507 S. .12nd st., seven-room house, nil mod ern, now piummng, wun porcelain tub now being put In the bath toom. This house Is In perfect condition, has barn, trees, (lowers, shrubs nnd a beautiful lawn, nil fenced; has never had it tenant In It, Tho owner, leaving tho city, Is moro desirous of obtaining a good tenant who will care for tho property than ob taining 11 high rent. This is a raro ehanco for man doing business In South i?,?1"1: to J!0?1 a G00(1 honu- Hem. $25.00 to satisfactory tenant with refer- enJ1',,S?e,sLrY'J"',n':rn tho premises, or OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-9C1 15 W0 N. CGTH st., nn all modern clght-room imiunuT, in spiencuu repair, has Just been painted nnd papered; will rent to good tenant nt a bargain. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douslas Sts, D-.M960 3221 CUMlNG ST., 8-room modern house. j.i. ui.-1-u inuruugniy renovated throughout; rent, $20.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M933 1812 N. 20TH ST., 7-room modern house, no ... ..'. '''' . Y :u"'", large uarn, outsldo to be painted; rent, $20.00 OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas Sts. D-M937 1317 SOUTH 31st St., 7-room house. D-M974 19 A NICE 6-room house, $12.00. 310 Pino st. D-M973 17' FOR RENT. SOW Cass at.. S-ronm modern house, first class condition, $22.50. 39th and Dodge sts.. desirable 5-room cot tage, largo yard, $1S. 14J3 South 16th Bt., 6 rooms, on main car line to South Omaha nnd within easy walking dlstaneo of Omaha, $12.50, GEORGE & COMPANY, K01 FARNAM ST. D-M970 17 HENRY B. PAYNE'S SNAPS. Several good east front brick houses, 3 Inrgo rooms, with closets, cemonted eel lars. city water, close to South Omaha car line; will paper to suit honest tenants Wilt, anillll fnmlllnu ttf nnl.. .3 ... . 1. v....... ...........a, u, .,,,(3 3 liri UlUlllll, C-room house, rear 836 S. 17th st., to bo paperen una painted tnrougnout, for good tennnt, nt $10 per month. HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE HLDG. D-M96S 15 1937 S. 29TH ST., 3-r. cottage, newly painted, new woll, $6. 19(5 S. 2Sth St., 3-r. br. cottage, will repair. $7.00. 2029 Dorcas, largo 2-r. cottage. $6. Inquire 1203 Farnnm st. D 103 15 LARGE store room 16th nnd Farnam. 3-room flat, 503 N. 16th. $10,00. 5- room Hat, 2622 Sherman nve,, $10 00, 6- room flat, mod., 823 N. 20th, $15.00. 6-rooni cottage, 1S03 California, $20.00, 10-room house, mod., 2005 Hurt, $30.00. J, H. PARROTTE, DOUGLAS BLOCK. . D-9SS 15 LARGE 14-room house, nil modern, close In, for $60; 9-room modern Iioubo and 'barn, near Hnnscom park, $40; 8-room house, $M. Ulcka, Jloaid of Trade. D-117 15' rim iti:.vr FUitxminn miosis. ROOMS Light hotuckceplng, 1576 Harney, E-M5l5-Jy9 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 1651 Sherman nve. E 711 FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping. 2B3 St. Mary's. E-S4S-A.12' FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, light housekeeping If desired. 2518 Harney. E-92) 15' FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms suitable for 2 persons, 903 North 21th St., over J. II. Schmidt's drug store. 13 923 15' LARGE alcove room with two closets, modern conveniences, private family, 2116 Chlcaito st. E 927 15 BEAUTIFUL modern front rooms. Ilrst lloor; housekeeping; piano, fll N, 19th. K-M7C9 16' TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, mod. ern conveniences; no housekeeping. 321 N. 21th st. E-9J5 15' ROOMS, 100G Cnpltol ave 13-M9S1 21' FURNISHED ROOMS, two front rooms; also rooms for housekeeping. 707 S. 16th st., top lloor. 13113 15' LARGE cool front room, with alcove, nnd 2 back roomn, single or ensulto; norcclnln bath. 116 S. 25th st. 13-105 15 T O rooms, very nicely furnished, strlctlv prlvato family; modern conveniences. N 36, lleo. E-M11G 17' Fi it.M.siir.i) nonsis A.n hoard. THE Merrlam ,good summer resort, 25th k Dodge. F 299 GLENCAIRN,translents.$1.2a day. 1609 Dgls. F-30O UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 631 THE PRATT, south rooms. 212 S. 25th St. F-915-Jyl9 IN prlvato family. 2020 St. Mary's nve. F-611 DESIRABLE rooms. 23S4 Harney. F-M830 19' FOR RENT, large front room with alcove. 207 South 24th St. F K72 'iif FOR RENT. large front parlor, suitable for two, with board. 624 N. 23rd St. F 930 ! NICELY furnished south front nnrlor with board. 2015 Douglas. F M115 17 FOIt It 13 XT U. K II 1 1 N I S 1 1 E U ROOMS. T O nice front rooms und closets, con venient for housekeeping; 933 North 24th. G 954 10' THRLE largo rooms, city water nnd pan try; easy walking distance; reasonable. 1003 Pacific st. O-10C 15' FOR HI3XT STOIIKS AXD OFFICKS. FOR RENT, store In Hrst-class location: rent, reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground Hoor, Bo Bldg. 1265 TWO of the best rooms In tho Continental block, 16th nnd Douglas streot; speclaily suited for a physician; will remodel to suit tenant. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas street. I M901 LARGE store. North 16th st., tine loca tion. Klondlko Hotel. I 9S6 15 Three Olllccs Vacant. U. S. NAT'L HA NIC HLDO. Ground Floor Offlee Spaces, With Vault, Telephone, Etc, Also Store Fronting on 12th St. Inquire 1203 Farnnm. 1-109 15 AGENTS WANTED. $2,500 CAN be made during next bIx months by hustling agents handling our white nnd fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms and neckties; patented and guaranteed goods; Inclose tUamp for special plan. JI. & M. Jlfg. Co., Sprlngileld, Mass. J-M300-Aug.4 AGENTS, male or female; best seller on tnrth; Just out; sold In every house: big prollts; sells Itself. Wcldon, 27 William St., New York. J MfcOS 16' AGENTS on salary or commission; the greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on sight; 2C0 to 500 percent profit: ono agent's sales amounteed to $620 In six days, an other $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 16, La Crosse. Wis. J-MS55 15' AGENTS wnntcd for the metnllle rubber tiro rocker; It Is perfectly noiseless, easy of action, saves the carpet, saves tho varnished Hoor from murks und scratches and Is n thing of beauty. J, C. Hayes, 41S E. Locust St., Des Moines, la. J-M85S 20' $J) per month during tho campaign nnd permanent position after; man or lady, SCIeglcr Co., 322 Dearborn St., Chicago. J-111 21' AGENTS, you can make J5.00 a day selling waterproof shoo polish: no money re quired, sells on sight; send for free de onstratlvo snmple. Wonder Shoe Polish Co., 10S Randolph St., Chicago. J-8S5 15 AGENTS wanted to sell Lckko Scouring snap and Lekknene Hand soap: these soaps aro giving universal satisfaction nnd positively clean everything; they nre easily handled and the right man can clear from $23.00 to $."0.00 per week; wo 'want energetic men who mean business: give full particulars and references with your letter of application. C. II. Marshall & Co., Department A, Chicago, III. J-S81 15 AGENTS, hero nre winners; make a stake; samples and catalogue Co. Bond Jewelry Co., 171 Madison St., Chicago. J-SSS-15' AGENTS Luminous nnmcplates, signs, numbers: readable darkest rights; profits large: sample case free. Right Supply Co., Enclewood, 111. J 935 16' WANTED, ngents to reap a harvest selling tho Modern washing machine; tho only perfect washing maehtno made; will wash ns perfect as can be dono by hand; big prollts to ngents. R. Tyler, Munclo. Ind. J-932 15' AGENTS, send stamp for catalogue of household necessities that sell on sight; Mg money for live people. New York Imptg. & Mfg. Co., 335 Broadway. New York. J 331 15' AGENTS to pell elegnnt political pictures, MeKlnloy and Roosevelt, 28x12 Inches, In colors: Bryan nnd Stevenson, same size. Also chart, 22x23 in., containing perfect portrait nf each president from Washing ton to McICInley; a 'most perfect collec tion: sells nt sight, ns tho people seem to want It wherever shown, 15 cents; three, 25 cents. Special rates to nuents. Posters for campaign clubs and political meetings. Address HEcnnogan fc Co., 127 13. Sth St., Cincinnati, O. J-933 15' AGENTS, new line campaign buttons, badges, novelties, souvenirs; great money mnker. 5 samples, 10c. Glllatin Co., York, Pa. J 331 15' AGENTS ram good wages with most sim ple, practical, sensible Improvement for household uso In recent year. Brant Company, No. 113 Adams street. Chicago. J-103 i AGENTS, ennvnssers, street men: Wo havo the Hnest campaign portraits, Mc ICInley. Bryan nnd others; heavy paper, two colors. 22x23; samples. 15c; dozen. 76c; hundred, $3. Order quickly. NIc len's Art Emporium, Cincinnati. Ohio. J-901 16 AGENTS, mnke $100.00 per month and ex penses. Wanted, rellnblo agents every where to take orders for our immense fall linn of medium-priced, genuine mnde-to-order clothing; no capital required; outfit freo; write Immediately for cxeluslvo tor. rltory; give references: stnte former em ployment. Eaglo Tailoring Co., 212-218 Franklin St., Chicago, III. j AOI3NTS wanted of experlonco nnd ability who can give good reference ns to char ncter and success to cnnvnss a high-class publication on monthly payments in con nectlon with nn nnnunl subscription to n leading dally: snlary, $15.00 per week nnd transportation; nlso additional ensh com missions than can easily nggregate $j0.i) per week; an extraordinary opportunity; only ngents of character and ability de sired; write, giving age, experience, name nnd number nf books sold, etc. N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. J- $100 MONTHLY, new patent metnllle bread boards; sninplo free. B. B. Forshee, Cin cinnati, Ohio J-893 15' AGENTS WANTED. Wo are headquar ters for campaign buttons and novelties; prices on application. Economv Co,, Lake at., Clilcuso. J-336 15' ajis.ts waxthii. AGENTS wanted. To be Independent, learn the grandest paying profession of the age, A beautiful book and Information abso lutely free, American Institute of Science, Nevnda, Mo. J JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp: easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks oil competition: agents coining moiey. Peerless Lnmp Co.. 244 Hallway Exchange bldg . St. Louis, Mo. J- STARIC Nursery pays cash weekly If you sell Statk Trees. Louisiana, Mo.: Dans vlll. N. Y. J- WANTI3D, good live agents, $3.00 per day; none but hustlers need apply. Address N 29, Bee. J-9S7 15' WANTnn TO IlKXT. WANTED, to rent, 6 to 20 acres near Omaha suitable for raising hogs. W. V. Hedges, 350 Heo Hldg. K-M776 ANTED, by young mnn, room nnd board In private family; must have modern conveniences, within walking distance of 16th and Fnrnam; stnte price. Address N 6, Bee. IC-S2I 15' TO RENT or buy, furnished flat or house; not over $300.00. Add. I. 69, Hee ofllce. K-347-13' WANTED, to rent, 6-room cottage, fur nished, nil modern. Inquire Christie Bros., South Omaha. K MS62 20 WANTED, furnished or unfurnished rooms for huusckecplng, In good locality nnd nice house. Address N 23, Bee. K-P36 15 WANTED, furnished house by responslblo party; no children, Address N 25. Bee Ofllce. K-M953 16' roit nn.vT Fimxisiinn nousus. FOR RENT, furnished house, 7 rooms, best neighborhood In Omaha, long lense. In- quiro i-arK nve. I 52S 15 WAXTI3I1 TO IHIY. ALL kinds of household gooda, hotels, etc., In large or smnll quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. N-401 WILL purchase a limited number ot Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brcnnan Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-302 2D-hand ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-MSS6- L1ST bargains In real estate with F. D. Wead, 152t Douglas st. N MS31 19 WANTED, to buy a second-hand Smith Premier or Remington typewriter; must be cheap and In good condition. AddresB N 11, Bee. N-M661 15 WANTED, office desk, table, typewriter stand and typewriter. Christian, 215 So. Fifteenth. N-877 14' WANTED, to purchase C or 7-room house or vacant lot In vicinity of St, Mary's ave. bet. 24th nnd 27th sts. W. V. Hedges, 350 Bco bids. N-978 15 5. 10. 15 OR 20 ACRES SOUTH OF MILLER PARK AND EAST OF 36TH STREET. Address N 35, Bee. N-102 FOR 8AI.E FtH.MTUni:. SELLING out stoves, furniture, 801-3 N. 16. 0-953 FOn SAI.13 T10KSI3H, VHIIICLUS. RTC. PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness. Andcroon Buggy Co., 13th nnd Davenport. P-303 VEHICLES of nil kinds made and repaired by Harry Frost, 14th and Ieavenworth. I' SOI RUBBER ti ed vehicles. Buy "em now! Buy 'em right! Ask for Hart, 1307 Jones. P-M937-Jy-2t MUST sell, black li-year-old family horse; good driver, gentlo and sound. Investl gato at 1110 Douglas St. P MS-13 FOR SALE cheap, a handsome phaeton, almost new. Apply Park barn, corner 23tli nnd Woolworth aves. P 937 15 FOR SALE, new $325 high grade Snyder phaeton, very reasonable; apply 313 Kar bach block. P M956 23' YOUNG horse, city broke, harness and phaeton nearly new, for aale clieap. 2701 Woolworth ave. P 110 15' FOR SAI-13 MISCBLLAXBOUfl. CHEAPEST and best poultry nnd hog fence. 901 Douglas St. Q-303 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. CJ-306 2DIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. Q 307 B. HASS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel, 776. i lants, cut liuwma, uuiiuum, fiuu, resi dence, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q-303 SAFES, buy, sell, exchange. Schwartz, 111 S. 13th. -Q309 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1690, Q-310-A-14 M St. W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Blcvcle Co. Q 311 2ND-IIAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels, $15. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago Sts, Q-S14 ONE good hand elevator. A. Hogpe, 1614 Izard. Q-570 FOR SALE, four 70-horso power tubular boilers lately displaced by boilers of larger upaclty; In good order; promptly available and aheap. Swift and Company, Stock Yards station, Kansas City, Kns. Q-MG36 20 Ga1?5Zin13ENgTne724 h. p., Slntz; used llttlo over year; cost, $235; will sell for $110 cosh with order. The Ivy Press, Lincoln, Neb Q-MS31 15 FORTY frefh cows nnd springers. E. Purdy. 2413 Curnlng street. Q-S4S-1&' SECOND-HAND machinery for sale; every thing In engines, boilers, pumps. Iron nnd wood-working machinery, shnftlng, pulleys, belting and mill supplies; prices lowest. Harris Machinery Co., 1023 Wash ington Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn, QMSM 813 BELGIAN HARES, flne Belgian hnres frnm J 5 00 tn $23.00: nedlirreed stock. Snm ' Q-910 15 uuerest, JHCUOOK, fMCII. NEW upright piano, used only 3 months; cheap If taken nt once; party leaving city. N 22, Bee. Q-939 15' FOR SALE, physicians' cntlro nflleo outfit, consisting of Instruments, library, Har vard chair, furniture, etc.: good as new, pnrt cash, balnnce monthly payments If sold nt once. Call or address, Mrs. L. 13. Jordan, Nebraska City, Neb. Q-938 15' FOR SALE, cheap, elegnnt full dress coat und vest. Address N 21, Bee. Q-362 15' SQUARE pianos nnd organs. $15, $23, $27 and up; easy payments. Now plnnos for rent. Flno tuning nnd repairing. Tele phone 1C25. Sohmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam. Q-M913 A14 MILLINERY stock for sale cheap nt u sacrifice If taken at onco. Addrtes N 18, Bee. Q-912 16 FRFSH cow. good one, calf by side. N. 25th St., 6 blocks north of Miller Park. J. O. Enowold. Q 953-15 GAS stove, (lrst-class, four burners; cheap, 2146 So. 35th St. Q-952-15 FOR SALE, No. 2 Smith Premier type wTlter, good condition. Inquire IT. D. Wlllbur, Cth floor Omaha Nat'l Bank bldg. G-394 16' FRESH cows for sale. 1118 3. 6th st. Q 114 15 Ml.HCKM.AXIintJS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furnlturo & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furnlturo Co,, 1106-10 Dodge R-312 CI.AIIIVOYAXTS, SPIRITUALISM. PSYCHOLOGICAL Research and Spiritual Investigation Society. R. C. Mason, M, A., phychlc speaker, medium and demonstrat or. Services this Sunday evening in Patter son hall, 17th and Farnam sts. Grund In spirational speaking under tho Inlluericn of spirit Robert G. Ingcrsnll. Subject, "God, Man, Spirit, Devil." Questions wonder fully answered, followed by marvellous test seance, Spirit descriptions Riven, eurthly facts related. Splendid music, flno singing. Welcome everybody. Ad mission, 10 cenu, Services begin 8:15 promptly. S-9S1 tt CLAIUVOYAXTS. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST AND SCIENTIFIC L1FB READER. Four years In Omaha which fact alone speaks for her genuineness. This remarknhto woman claims nothing for herself but what Is pra Ileal. Palmistry Is not only a plnusable theory, but a thor oughly demonstrated fact. .Mine Gylmer reads tho past, present und future as In dicated by tho lines In tho palm. She gnesscs nt nothing, tint rends your life ns It Is. If you have not ns yet had a palmistry reading Improve the Hrst op portunity and see Mme. Gylmer. Par ors of Palmistry, 1605 Dodge, south sldo jiostofllcc. Tel. 1152, S-971 15 MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge .H-313 MRS. FRITZ, clalrvoynnt. 812 N. 16th. , a 3H MAX HANDEL, clalrvoynnt, 304 N, 16. R. 4. S-219-Jy2l 13I.I3CT1I10 TRRAT.SII3.Vr. ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, second Hoor. T-M579 A3 MME. LEE, mngnctlo treatment. 507 S 13th; room 2. T MS17 IS MME, AMES, baths, 1615 Howard, roomsTd floor. Attendant. T MS18-18 BEATRICE HARLOW, Arabian treatment, baths. 31.1,4 N. 15th. 1st lint F. T 120 21 IM3RSOXAI MONHEIT, Chiropodist, 1518 Fnrn. Tel. 2333. U-313 LADIES hair shampooed, dressed, 35e. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 1818 Farnam. Tel 2331 U-316 i,4 SOLES, 33c: velvet rubber heels, 36c. The old reliable, 3. P. Peterson, 16th & Cuming. U-320 EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Capitol Av. U-591 A 4 VI AVI, woman's way to health. 346 Be bldg U-322 PRIVATE hospital for ladles befora St dur Ing confinement; bablts adopted. 1135 N. 17 U-317 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 23c flnfl llnwnl-d. llnnm 19 l,'riin.r lilnnl' U-31S PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. ai, uoiumnn Ac UO., MV uougias DIOCK. U-319 RUPTURE eured! nn Vnlfe. nn nnln n danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup- mm wine, an .m. i, uio oiag,, umana. U-321 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 muiieui-. (j 324 HOFF"S Express & A. ssenger Co. Tel. 1717, U 323 PROF. LUND, chiropodist. 611 Knrbach blk, U-569 A-2 TO CURE that tired feeling get nn Olive bicycle, $40, $50 nnd $60. Good bicycles at $17.fA up. Louis Flcscher, 1622 Cnp. nve U-S73 20 A MIDDLE-AGED gentleman In comforta ble circumstances wishes to mako the nc qunlntanco of a lndy somewhat his equnl; ono from the rural district preferred; object, matrimony. Address N 17, Bee. U-S9I 15 LADY, middle-aged, educated, lonely, in dependent, seeks companionship of re llned mnn over 50. Box 205, Madison Square, New York. U-S93 15' WEALTHY widower, beautiful home, will devote life to wlfo who will give mother's lovo to sweet little girl. "Banker." 711 N. Park Av., Chicago. U 892 15 SECONDHAND HEWING MACHINES AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE MADE. Why not buy your wlfo a machine? These prices aro for Monday only: Old Price. New. Singer $ 4.O0 $ 1.0) Whltehlll 3.00 l.Oo Davis fi.09 3.00 Household 13.00 5.00 White, high arm 13.00 5.00 Singer, high arm 20.00 7.60 Singer, high arm, good as now 25.00 lS.W Singer, high urm 12.00 B.oo Domestic 25.00 12.00 We rent mnchlnes at 75 cents per week. We sell parts for nnd repair ull makes of sewing machines. NEBRASKA CYCLT3 COMPANY, Cor. 15th nnd Harnci Sts. U 314 15 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts nnd moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation freo and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglns. -U MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; wiyself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U VICTORY of science over dlseajo: cancer baffling general practitioner's skill yields readily to our scientific methods. Mason Medical Co.. 121 W. 42nd street, New York. Book nnd advice free. II LOVELY WOMEN nnd honorable men wunt to mnrry; many rich; descriptive list. 2c. Mutunl Exchange, Knnsns City, Mo. U- "BVERYTHING HAS COME TRUE In tho horoscope you wroto for mo In January, 1893." Wm. Kugel, 1429 Chatham St.. Ra cine, Wis. Thousands of others send con vincing testimony that nstrology does re veal past and future. Send 10c nnd dato of birth for trial reading. L. Thomson, Knnsas City, Mo. U 999 15' YOUR FORTUNE FREE! To prove to you the wonderful truth concerning your own life ns revealed by St A RAH. the world re nowned astrologer, send your name and l)lrth date, with ten cents (stnmps nr sli ver), nnd I will send you full horoscoplcal reading of your entire life flee. Matters of love, marriage, speculation, business nil made plain everything free. Test It for yourself nnd I will astonish you with tho truth. Address, '.arah, Dept. 76. Lock Box 1559, Philadelphia, Pa. U-93S 15' CORRESPOND for amusement or matri mony: sealed particulars, 2c. Champion, Council Bluffs. Ia. U 10) 15 MOM 13 Y TO I.OaN III3AL, IS&TAT13. PRIVATE money, 6, tu, 6 per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnnm. W 323 WANTED City nnd farm loans; nlso bonds and warranto. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Beo Bldg. W-327 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1024 DouglaT W-326 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block, W-32S MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co,, New York Life, W 329 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms nt 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or nny multiple. Any Interest dato. No delay. Brcunnn-Lovu Co., 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 230 5, 6?4, 0 per cont on Omaha, So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613. W-331 MONEY to loan at 5 and 6V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melklc, 401 8. 15th. W-33J MtiNISY to loan on Improved OniAha real eotato, Hrennan-Love Co., 309 8o. 13th. W-333 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and forms. W. Farnam Smith St Co., 1320 Farnam. W 334 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrant". George St Company, 1601 Farnam St. W-335 MONEY In nny amount nt 5, 6',4. 6 per cent. J. W. BOBBINS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W-336 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property; lowest rates. O, F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W-337 $3.000-$ I.OOO-$5,000-To place quick nt low rate of Interest on good real estate. Ad dress, J 13, Bee. W 333 TO LOAN, on god security, nt reasonable rate, $300 to $100. 606 N. Y. Life Bide. -W-MS13 MONI3Y TO I.OAX-CHATTUI.S. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, No endorser or mortgago required. LOWEST RATES, 13 AS 5' PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CO N F I D 13 N T I A L. OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 626, flfth floor, New York Llfo Bldg. X-340 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew clry, horses, cown. etc C, F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-342 .SIOXF.Y TO ,OAX-CIIATTI31,S. MONM3Y LOANED ON , Furniture, plnnns, horses, rows, etc. to u keep the properly. Quick service. You may pay tho money back In one month or take one yenr In which to pay It nnd von need not pay for It one day longer than you have It Wo charge nothing for mak ing or filing papers or exnmlnlng security and we keep untitling out of the amount you borrow llo sure nnd got our rates before borrowing. MONEY . . . LOANED TO Salaried people on their own names in amounts from $10.00 up. You mny repny thy loan all or In part nt any time and you nro expected to pnv for tho money only whnt time vou keep It. Wo arc tho only loan company In the city giving you this privilege. All we ask Is a ehnnco to compare rates, strictly confidential. OMAHA MORTGAlf 13 LOAN CO., (Established UD2.) 306 So. 16th Street. X-339 MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches: payments confidential. Omaha Chattel Iian Bank, 220 S. 1Mb, upstairs. X-313 MONEY loaned on plnnos. furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R S, Bnrker Blk X-314 MONEY tn loan on household furniture. Berger's Loan Co., 1604 Fnrnam St. X 345 HAIiARY LOANS. CHATTEL 1-OANS. .1. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-346 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without tecurltv; easy payments. Tolmnn. "IS N. Y. L. Bldg, X-317 EMPLOYES, see American Loan Co. ad vertisement under Financial bending for money when needing samo In emergencies, X-M816 nUSIXESS CIIAXCI3S. FOR SALE, physician In central Iowa wishes to sell resldenco property In main business block cheap; l.OoO Inhabitants; only ono other physician; going west fur wife's health. Address N 6. Omaha Beo. Y-MS35 15' FOR SALE, well-equipped hnnd laundry; good business; cheap; owner must leave. N 7. Ilea. Y-MS32 22 LAW library nnd practice for sale; county sent, eastern Nebraska. Address N 13, care Bee. Y MS53 16' FOR SALE, candy wagon, team and harness and routu; $500 required. This Is a snap for any man having ability as a nalcsmnn. Address N 9, Bco. Y 846-15' DO YOU want to mnke money In wheat nnd stocks? If so. wrlto to me Immedi ately. I am not a broker and do not so licit accounts. M. w. Bell, First Na tional bank buldg., Chicago. Y 906 15' 1011 SALE, the lending millinery storo in one of tho best towns In Nob. doing hlg business; Investigate. Address N 20. Tho Bee. Y M943 16' FOR SALE for $15,000 cash, an established, Incorporated subscription book business in Chicago; sales, $2,500 monthly; monthly net Income, $600. no risk; owner's wish to carry on similar business In the east, but will stay to teach buyer tho business; experience not needed; good business for lady or gentleman; only those with cash ncod apply; plenty of refs. nnd proof furnished. Secretary, 12S0 Caxton Hldg., Chicago. Y 942 15' FOR SALE, grocery store nnd bakery stock In llrst-class condition: guaranteed good cash trade; will give good reasons for selling. Address N 4, Bee. Y-9U 15' FOR SALE or trade. Bargain. Newspaper plant. Addresfl P. W. White, Onnwa. Ia. Y- NEWSPAPER and plant, $1,000 cnah, 1,000 town; only printing ofllce In city; worth Jl.uOO; tlrst man with cash gets plant. Write for particulars. G. JI. Green, Dodge, Nebraska. Y W0-16 I" OR SALE, tho Wlsner flteam roller mill, located In ono nf the best grain-producing sections of tho state; property In good repair; will sell at a bargain. Address .1. B. Lano or Citizens' Stato Bank, Wlsner, Neb. Y-M911-24 HAVE $1,000 to $3,000 to invest in nny good estnbllshed business In Omaha; all or half interest; glvo full particulars. N 30. lire. Y 973 15 AN established $250,000 Ohio corporation. iiiuiwupiMi in men nueii over JU.Kin.U'iO ( fur nishing highest banking and commercial references), operating nn tho Carneglo profit-sharing plan with employes, desires correspondence and Interviews with men nble to earn salary nnd commission of 3,ono per annum. To comply with co operative conditions nnd obviate clvlng bond nn Investment of $1,000 tn $5,000 abso lutely necessnry. Address Auditor's de partment. 200 to 205 Wyandotte bldg.. Co lumbus, O. y FOR SALE or trade. Bargain. Newspaper plant. Address, P, W. Whle. Onawa, In. i FOR SALE OR BENT, a first-class res taurant doing good business, located on principal street In South Omaha; will bear investigation. N 32. Hee, Y M979 17' FOR SALE, grocery store, with good trado uiiii kuuu niuuilllli; II11H Will paV to IUVCS- tlgato. Address N 34. Bee. "Y 112 15' FOR I3.XCIIAXGE. HAVE 160 acres land In central Nebraska iiu money io exenango ror cottnuo In Omaha. W. V. Hedges, 423 Beo bldg. Z-MS27 FOR EXCHANGE, flne home, close In. ciBiii looms, modern tnrougnout, best neighborhood, $4,760. Will tako one-half In city rental property. Address H 47. Hee. Z-349 WILL exchange my family norse and phao- ...I, ui ti k luiiuo ui uiuunaru maKc, W. Ifunyan, 'phono 132S. Z M03 i.V FINE fnrm and pasture In Merrick county. u ni-iuiiii.li IU ...1-U1IIIKU lUr gOOII CUV PTOp- erty. N II, Bee. Z-M870 Ii FARM and blue grasa pasture near Platts- iiiuuin in uxcnaiigo ror city property. N 15. Bee. Z-MS71 17 A WELL improved Iowa farm on Missouri nullum io exenango inr umana property. W. V. Hedges, 350 Bee Bldg. Z-977 15 ONE $4,000 and ono $3,000 stocks general mose. to irnuo ror good land. J. II. PARROTTE. DOUGLAS BLOCK. Z-9S9 15 FINANCIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., nOOM 303, Third Floor, Paxton Bio, k, Cor. 16th and Farnnm Sts. SALARY LOANS! SALARY LOANS! $10 to $100. Wo loan money on plain notes to employes. jnu moriguKu; iu inuorser. .Host liberal terms nf credit ever offered In Omaha. Wo havo a record for squaro dealing that's unrqunled. Wo point with panlon nhlo pride to theso facts; Lower rates, easier payments, largest company Aro you taking advantngo of our liberal terms? A permanent position with re sponsible Arm the only requirement Open noons; Saturdays 8 p. in. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. TuMo an hour TODAY and call, RELIABLE CREDIT CO. -363 SALARY, LOANS TO EMPLOYES AT ail' in iesi cost and rmuuri'.isnient than has heretoforn bten possible. Quick and confidential (service. Special tornui to school teachers durlnc vacntlnn AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 001 Beo Hdg. M1.U4 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health And prompt relief. jiux at, umana, ;scu, uomidenuai. -364 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal j-iiis rti trio urm. nans, rename, tiiku no other, fiend 4c stamps for particular?, "Relief for Ladles" In letter by returH mall. Ask your Idrugglst. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa, VIRTUAMA cureH Impotoncy resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, lilting for success, happlnoss In business; profes sional, social, married llfo; $2 or 3 for $5. Sent anywhero prepaid on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Olllce, retail, wholesalo, Myers Dlllmi Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino rubber goods. LADIES, tako Infallible, "Periodical Pills;" reuei sure; oniy reiiauin, KOOd result rem edy; complete trial free. Now Vork MedU cnl Co., Milwaukee. Wis. -.393 15 4 RSIIIIUMDKRY. SILKS und linen, stamping, 1C12 Cupltol Av. t At