1 ft THE OMAHA DATLY BEEs StTXT)AY, fTVLY 15, 1000. IT 1 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Volumo of Business for July Heavier Than a Year Ago, MERCHANTS GROW ANXIOUS ABOUT CROPS "WIioIcrkIp .MnrUel tn a Utile Con-tliuu- to Up feiitlsfnutiiry nml In dlciitlunn Arc Hint Ijiitit !,(. I Will Mi- Reached. Trado for tho first half of July has been In fi most satisfactory condition. Jobbers, as ii rule, do not expect very much during midsummer In the way of business nnd Generally uro not disappointed. This your, however, business Iuh been moving nlong at a very satisfactory rnte. Orders nre not large, ibut still they nre numerous enough to mako up for their lark In size. A number of houses that usually cnll In their traveling men for several weeks 'are keening them on tho road nnd were, hardly willing to have them come In even for the Fourth. As compared with the llrst half of July last year, It Is found that In most lines the. volumo of business Is heavier this year than Inst. This month, however, is mot up to tho record mado In June, but that Is to bo expected. Advance, orders for fall show up particu larly well. Onn reason for tho Increase this year ran doubtless ba found In the fact that local jobbers nre covering the turrltnry tributary to this market morn thoroughly than ever before nnd, besides that, uro covering a larecr area than In Pluvious years. Goods have been sold to tho extreme western stntes for some time past, but never have as many orders been taken from merchants In Washington, Montana, Idaho and Wyoming ns have been landed this season. The success job tiers have had tnls year In these states will doubtless lead to still greater efforts in that direction and It Is thought will, In time, he n. most Important factor in tho jobbing trado of the city. Jobbing houses nre now getting In their fall and winter supplies and aru rapidly get ting them In shape to begin shipping out advance orders. The largo number that havo been taken, up to tho present time, makes dealers more anxious than usual to fet as many orders lilted early as possible, t Is rather doubtful If any more fall orders are taken for u few weeks. A great many merchants tire growing anxious over the trot) outlook and seem to prefer to hold tholr orders back for a time until more Is known concerning the corn crop. The last week hna by no menns holued out the feel ing in Nebraska, as rain Is needed badly In many sections of tho state. Clre.it preparations are being mado by Jobbers for the rush of retailers expected In the city during tho fall fehtlvltles. Tho Commercial club has mado the usual ar rangements regarding tho refunding of railroad fare to merchants who visit the city nnd It Is expected that a largo number will tako udvnntago of tho opportunity to como hure. In order for tho merchant to get his rnllrond furo refunded 2 per cent of hla purchases must equal Mi railroad fare. Tho urrungement goes Into elTcct July IS and will last until November 1. t.rocorlr Still All it no In k. Tho grocery market Is In u very strong position. The demand for pruetlcnlly nil lines Is exceptionally heavy for this time of year and prices on several lines uro higher than they we.ro a week ago. Sugar, how ever, remains about tho snmo as It was a week ago, as far ns quotations go, but at thn snmn tlmo tho higher prices being nsked for raws and also tho enormous con suming demand for rellneil, Is causing a very tlrm feeling on tho latter. It Is pre dicted that still higher prices will rule In tho near future. Tho causu of tho extraor dinary dnmand that has been experienced for somo little time Is the fact that tho fruit crop ull over tho country Is consider ably nbovo tho average. It Is estimated that tho demand during tho latter part of August and tho month of Scpomber will bo larger by a good margin than that consumed In any llko period for a number of tears. All package coffee Is ',4c higher than It was a mouth ago and green coffee Is uo lc per nound, Evaporated raspberries nro reported very rearco and as n result tho market Is higher than It hns been In somo llttlo time. New evaporated apricots aro also firmer, owing to nulla a sharp advance on tho coast. Thero Is not much change, In- canned goods, practically all lines remaining about whero thoy were a week ago. Tho demand, however. Is heavier than Is generally the enso nt this season of tho year. Tho market on both sisal and Manila rnpo Is still easing off nnd quotations are lower than thoy wero a week ago. Tho cheeso market is still very tlrm owing to the heavy consuming demand being experi. enced at tho present tlmo. Hardware .Move Kreely. lfnrdwnro men aro not experiencing any particular lull during tho summer months. Trado Is hardly up with last month, but It Is so much ahead of whnt they anticipated that they consider business In very good condition. Orders are not large, owing probnbly moro to tho weakness In the market thun to nnythlng else, but they nre numerous enough to make the volume of builncss very satisfactory. Thorn Is not much to bo said nbout the market, as It Is simply a repetition of the conditions of a week ago, Trices nro still gradually declining on a number of lines and present Indications nro that tho bottom has not yet been reached. Tho market Is getting down to a lower lovol much moro onslly than could hardly hnvo been ex pected, and the general opinion Is that tho bottom will bo reached without causing anyone much Inconvenience, comparatively Dry Cnod Market Quiet. Dry goods Jobbers nro nt prcsont engaged In getting In their fall goods. A number of heavy shipments of calicos, ilaunol cloth, blankets, underwear and knit goods have arrived during the week, nnd just as soon ns possible they will be started for the various retail merchants between hero nnd the raellle coast. Tho tlrst shipments will bo to Washington, where great quantities of blankots have been sold, and nls to somo points across tho border Into Hrlttsh territory. Advance orders from nil sections will hu tilled ns soon as possible so mer chants can bo prepared to receive their goods most any time. The market is practically unchanged. Not enough is doing In eastern markets to give nny activity to tun trade, and mniiufactur ers aro culling down their production to conform with the demand Instead of lower lug their prices to attract trade. About nil thnt can bo said then Is tljat tho market Is quiet and unchanged. Advance Orders .Vuineroiis. Fall business with boot and shoo men Is In very satisfactory shape. Orders aro not coming In ns plentifully Just at present as they did a short time ago, but that is causing no surprise. It Is generally found to bo truo that a certain number of mer chants buy early and others always hold off until close up to tho tlmo they want tliL' goods. For thnt reuson It Is thought there will not bo ninny moro orders placed for a row weeks and then if crops are in ;:ooil shapo business will begin coming uguln more rapidly than ever. Tho hldo mnrkut Is weak and prices lower than thoy wero a week ago. Thcro Is not much life to tho trade and dealers hardly know what to expect for tho future. Fruit unit 1'rodiii'e, Trado with, fruit and produce men Is In very good shape. Thero have not been many Important changes as far nt prices nro concerned, and but few now lines have been added to tho list. Tho strawberry season Is at an end. no stock being otrered on the market. litiickherrles and rasp berries aro a trifle lower than they wore a week ago, and nro in good supply. Cali fornia bartlett pears nro held nt J2 23 per box and are selling rapidly. Other lines of California fruit are also In big demand nt about Inst week's quotations In thu vegetable lino now potntoes havo dropped down to -liJj 45c per bushel unit homo-grown tomatoes nre selling at 73e per one-hnlf bushel. Tho prices minted on othnr lines will bo found In another col umn. The egg market tinned up last week on account of so much of tho stock received being poor. It Is claimed that the shrink ago amounts to fully 1" per rent, which Is heavy for even this time of year. I'oul try, that Is, hens and spring chickens, nre also held tit good, tlrm prices, lluttcr, on tho other hand, Is weak. Sit. Louis lirnln nnd Pro visions. ST. LOl'IS. July 14-WHEAT-Lower; No. 2 cash, elevator, 75'de; July. He; Ati gust. i&,ci September. 7i(c; No. 2 hard, T.'Uirji.o. CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 42Ho; track, ICid July, r.'ijc; Hoptcmber. Wlc. OATS-lIlcher; No. 2 cash, 2l4o; track, Be; Julv, 2IUe;. Beptember. 23c; No, 2 white. !M4e. HYK-I.ower nt KTe. FLOl'R-Wenk; patents. H-75fil.W; extra 3rt Biriiignis, J.eKJ.w; clear, ju.uw SEEDS Timothy, nominally firm but tin- i-nuiiKeu iii price, j'lax, mgner nt jt.iu ma lor j my. I cnRNMKAr-Steady, 2.2.Vff2.30. PROVISlONS-Pork, steady; Jobbing, 113.00. I.nrd. lower: nrlmn stpnin. M.GS! choice, R70. Dry salt meal, steady; extra shorts, 7.50; clear ribs, H.tStts, clear sides, $ 78. Ilacon (boied), steady; f.xtra shorts, M: clear rib. IS 114; clear sldttH, U.K. HRAN Strong, sucked, c.ist track, 6fj roc. HAY Firm ; timothy. $ll.y12.50: prairie hot :uoted. HISKY-Slendy. tl.U. I HON COTTON I IBS 11.32. IlAfiaiNG-Slrtiftc. II KM I' TWINK-Sc MKTAI.S-I.ead, dull at Spelter, dull at tl.ofi. I'OL'LTItV-Stendy: chickens, 7c; spring. 10f?llc, turkeys, ifOc; ducks, Cc; springs, Wirr-i geese, 2c, springs, Efj7c. EOCS-Htcndy at lc. HCTTER-Stendy; creamery, 16ifWtc; dairy, itfiicc. Hi:CUIlTS-Flour. fi.OOO hbls.; wheat, ISO, Oto tali. ; co.-n, 34.0W bu.; oats, 27.0U) btl. SHIPMENTS Flour, 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 4,000 bu.; corn, 47.000 bu.; oats, 8,C00 bu. xnw ionic (several M.uticnr. (liiotndnns fur Hie Dn.v on Vitrloim ( oiiiiniidllli's. NEW YORK, July ll.-FLOl'R-Rocelpts, H.31C bbls.; exports, 16.6M bbls.; sales. 6,700 bbls ; weak it ml lower to sell, cloning en tirely nominal: winter patents, Slongi.fiQ; winter straights. IJ.SwTM.W; Minnesota pat i nts, J4 Soy 1.90; winter extras, J2.73ir,U0: Minnesota bakers, W.lWIi.fO; winter low grades, J2.4Wi2.70. Hyo Hour, steady; snled, Kn bbls ; fair to good, J3.13.:Ci; choice to fancy. Vt ?Mn.75. COItNMIiAU-Qulet; yellow, 07c; city, 96c; Urandywlnc, (Z.CV!j2.70. KYJ--Qulet; No. 2 western, 65c, f. o. b., atloat; state, 01&G!c, c. 1. f., New York car Iota. UAriLKY-null: feeding, 4c, c. I. f., Now York; mulling, 4fi53e. c. I. f., New York. HA lit .K Y MA LSI Nominal. WIIKAT Hecelpts. 01,350 bu.; exports, C3, 71t bu.; sales, 2.S30.0OJ bu. futures, 40.000 bu. spot. Snot, weak; No. 2 red, WHc, f. o. b.. iillo.it; No. 2 red. ST5e, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, &7Bfcc, f. o. b.. nllont to nr rlvn. Option.! opened weak and wero fur ther depressed during the forenoon by tic tlvo liquidation, lower rabies, enlarged iprlng wheat crop estimates and further northwest showers Closed weak at lc net decline: Jniv rinsed. S.V-.C: Sentnmber. 12 ,WJ 7-16c; closed, R2Vc; October closed, 82Hc; wi icmuer. oj'.mav.ai;, ciiroi-u, 04-41. COHN Hecelpts, 2i4.tu0 bu.; exports. 13S, 97!) bu.; sales, 3.',,000 bu. futures, 32.000 hu. spot. spot. Ilrm; No. 2, 51Hc. f o. b.. afloat and GOSe, elevator. Options opened Arm on less favorabla reports from Kunsns than expected, but eased oft nharply with wheat, Later tho market was dull and easy, with considerable realizing. Closed steady at M tc net udvanre; July closed, 4974c; Sep tember, 4S,fi'IS,!c; closed, 434c; December, tSViMric; closed, 46'ifC. OATS Itecclpts. 20o,(iOO bu.; exports, 90, yi7 bu.; sales, KO.OOO bu. epot. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 29c; No. 3, 2Se; No. 2 white, 31c; No. 3 white, 30',ic; track mixed western, 29S30c; track western, 3u',4a3l'(4c. Options, Inactive and easier. HAY-Qulct; shipping. 70375c; good to choice. STTHe; state, common to choice, 1S99 crop, ll'yllc: old olds, 3'Sc; I'nclllc coast, 19 crop, 10?il3c; old olds, 3'jjCc. HIOKS-iFIrm; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., He; Cnllfornltt, 21 to 20 Ibn., 21',4o; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 40e. 1.1CAT1 1 fill Steady ; Iluenos Ayres. light to heavy solo. 23',i'(i24'ic; acid. 2314'324'jc. WOO!.-J)ull; domestic lleece, 2yrf28c; Texas, IMMSo. 1'HOVISIONS-Heef, quiet; fnmlly, ir.5VTj 12.(K); mess, $9.0M9.(V). beef hams, 20.Wfi 21.00; packet, J10.CO3U.00; city, extra India mcs, JlO.OiT17.50. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellleM, SUiJIOc; pickled shoulddrs, 6i; pickled hams, 10fl0c. I.ard, steady; western steamed. $7.22'-i ; July closed, J7.22i.fc, nominal; refined, firm; continent, J7.W; South AmcrUn, JS; compound, 6'.igc. Pork, firm; family, Jlt.601tl6.S0; short clear, J13.23; mess, J13.2G( 13.60. HLTTTKIt Steady; factory current packed. HfiltAfcc; Imitation creamery, lGy i7',p; stnto dairy, lS'it! IS'.iC. CIIEliSP-FIrm; largo colored. SUQJHe: largo white, 9US9)c. small colored, fiU Slue. KOGS Firm; stato nnd Pennsylvania, at mark, 14117c; western, at mnrk, 12H13c, for average lotn; western, loss oft, loc. 1'OTATOES-Qulet; Chilian, Jl; southern, J1.10il2.10. TAMOW-DulI; city. J2; per package, 2hc; country (packages free), iSifH-'c. HICK-Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 414 QBi-o; Japan. iii-4TBc. JIOLASSICS-Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 44J?vwc. CAHHAGKS Quiet; Long Island, per 100, Jl.OOifi'l.OO. FniilGHTS-null: cotton, by steam, 25c; grain, by steam, 2',4c. MI'.TAI.S-l'lg Iron, weak; northern, Jlfi.CO tfllS.C); southern, Jia.oOiraojo. Copper, quiet; broker, J16.20. Iad, dull; broker, J3.K0. Tin plates, steady. OMAHA. AVIIOLUSAMO MAItKKTS. Condition of Trade and lnotatlona on Stnplc nail Knney I'rodurr. KGOS Receipts, liberal; good stock, 10c. 1.1VK POUL.T11Y Hens, GHftScj roosters, according to ago und size, 3lc; broilers, 14 (tilCc; ducks. 41iGc; geese, 4tCc; turkeys, Sc. FllESH URKSSED l'OUISTRY Hcne, kr,f Site; roosters, CifGc: ducks and geese, 9R10C; broilers, H4 to 2 lbs., per doz., t3.0OU4.W;. turkeys, 12V4C. nUTTKH Common to fair, 13c; cholco. 15 trflCc; separator, 20c; gathered creamery, 173j lSc. FISII-Trout, 9c; bluo fish, 12c: pickerel, Sc; catfish, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; white fish, 10c; herring, Cc; black bans, 10c; sal mon, 13c; whtto bass, 10c; cropple, 10c; plk, 9c; halibut, 12c; bullheads, lOo: ring perch, Cc; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lobsters. 25c; mackerel, 20c; codtlsh, 10c; yellow perch, 6c, 1MGKONS Mve. per dor., &0cl.otf. A'KAUS-Cholce, IKj-lOc. HAY" 1'cr carload lots: Uplnnd, choice, 'j"'0; midland, cho4ce, JH.G0; lowland, choice, Z.C0: ryo straw, choice, H'. No. 3 corn, 37c: No. 3 whlto oats, 24c: cracked corn, por ton, 115; corn and oats, chopped, per ton. J15.50; bran, per ton, 112.50; shorts, per ton, J12.50. VKG13TABLKS. CCCUMnKHS-Fcr doz., 40350c. ASPARAGUS Home-grown, per Joz., 203 25c. NEW TURNIPS Por bu. DasKet, 7&C. NEW UEETS Per doz. bunches. 30c. NEW CARROTS Per doz. bunches, 25c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches, 20c. RADISHESr-llome-grown, par doz., 1661 20c. PEAS Per H-bu. basket, 60c. WAX HEANS-Per ',4-bu. basket, 403C0o. NEW POTATOES-Per bu 4W45c. CAHIIAGU Homo-grown, per lb., 1C CAULIFLOWER Per doz.. Jl. GREEN CORN Per doz., lOIilac. TOMATOES Mississippi, per 4-bnsket rrato, 75c; homo-grown, per Va-bu. bosket, 75c, RlIUIlAItn-Pcr lb., lV42c; home-grown, pur lb., 2c. ONIONS-Homo-grown, per lb., 12c. FRUITS. BTHAWRERH1ES All cone. HLACICHERRIES Per 21-qt. case, J2.25. HLACIv RASPHERRIKS-Per 24-qt. case, $2.73: por 21-it. ease. Jl.W. RED RASPL1ERRIES Per 24-qt. case, J2.2G. HLUEHERRIK8-H5-qt. cases, J2.25. CI! Hit ANTS Per 21-qt. case, $2. PEACIIES-Calltornla, per box, flOcQJl, APRIC'OTS-Callfornia, per box. J1.35. PLUMS-Callfornln. per crate, J1.25. PRUNES California, per crato, Jl.3501.60. HARTLETT PEARS-Callfornla, per box, J2.25. (UMJSEnnRRIES-Per 24-O.t. case, J2. CIIERRIES-Calltornla, per 10-lb. box, $1,104(1.25. JllBsourl, per 21-qt. case, $2.25; S-lb. baskets, C04i60c. WATERMELONS As to size, 25fl30c each. APPLES-Native, 00375c per bu. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Per doz., $1.6001.75. ORANGES California, Mediterranean sweets, per box, $1; budded seedlings, $3. LEMONS California, fancy, J4.75; choice, ;t :o. 11 ANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2.23tt3.v0. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Hickory, large, per bu $1.25) shcllbarks, $1.33; English walnuts, per II)., 12'u'13c; Alberts, per lb., 12e: almonds, per lb., lldflCc; raw, per lb., aiidtic; roasted, fi'.fcilTHc limns. HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 7c; No. 2 green hides, Cc; No. 1 salted hides, 7c; No. 2 salted hides, Gc; No, 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 3c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs,, 6c. ICaiisna City (Jrnlii unit Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July ll.-WHEAT-July. C9e; September. 69c; cash, No. 2 hard, 69MtW ,"0e: No. 3, CifcCaHc; No. 2 red. 74c; No. 3, 72S73o. CORN-neptembtr, 42'r42llc: cash, No. 3 mixed. 41',tti'.'e; No. 2 white, 45'ic; No. !. He. OATS-No. 2 white. 27U271,ic. RYE No. 2. 6Ce. HAY Chnlca timothy, $9.60010.00; choice prairie. $!).&. Hl'TTER - Creamery, HtflSc; dairy, fancy, 14e. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock. SV.e; seconds, 6c, loss off, cases re turned; southern, Cc; new whltcwood vases included, 'so more. RKCEIPTS-Wheat, 150.000 bu.; com, 31,. 100 hu ; onts. 5.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheut, 37.SCO bu.; com, 7.1W bu. Toledo Market. TOLEDO, July M.-WHEAT-Dull and lower; spot, Sic; July, Sic; August, 81c; Sep tember. Cljc CORN Dull and lower; No. 2 cash, 45$o; September, 444c. OATd-Dull and higher; No. 2 cash, 20c; September, 21I.e. RYE Dull and unchnnsel; No. 5 cash, 'cLOVERSEED - Dull and lower; 1S0J prime, $5.05 IS99 prime, $5.10; October, $0.75 , No. i, $4, 104.. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Crop Conditions Kesp Wheat Market on -own Grade. CORN STRONG-CLOSES SLIGHTLY HIGHER Onts Arc tVltlmnt lUeltcnien t, but Price Iteinnlii Plriu l.lttlr In Done ivltli Provisions and They Arc Lower nt Close. CHICAGO. July ll.-Whcat was weak from start to finish today and closed nt a decline of lUGl. This makes over 4c dc cllno In threo days, Tho marked Improve ment In crop conditions In the northwest has kept prices on tho down grade. Corn wns strong on the continued southwest drouth and closed l$c higher. Onts ad vanced He nnd provisions declined 6Sj"'jC- Within ten mlnutr3 after trading had started In tho wheat pit tho price of Sep tember had been forced to a point over a cent below yesterday's closing figures. Sep tember opened unchanged to Uc lower at 7D 79Uo and under selling orders from ull over the floor tho price wus steadily pounded down until it had touched "lo. The principal, In fact almost the only, fac tor In the rapid decline was th Improved condition in the northwest. Rains and cooler weather In the Dakotus and Minne sota wero reported to have greatly Im proved the condition of wheat nnd the Minneapolis Journal's rfltlmato of a crop for those threo states of from lIXS.OOO.OUi) to 150,000,000 bushels was given a great deal of credence by disgusted holders of wheat, who unloaded as fust net they could, At 77c the deinnnd, which up to this tlmo had been slack, Improved, tho northwest sending In good buying orders, while tho local shorts covered qulto freely for a time. Hut In the Inst hour of tho short sesfllon tho market again became extremely dull and weak, With the stoppage of tno de mand prices again slacked off very quickly nnd shortlv liefore tho clos tho lowest prices of the day wer reached, September nl1ln ... . T L ....... n i iiiiik iiuuii lu t , ,iy I f Rvi I'm until iiuum- tlon for that option was 77T4c. A good many etop orders were received during the final decline. Chicago receipts were 66 cars, 23 of contract grade. .Minneapolis and Duluth receipts wero 244 cars, against 137 Inst week nnd 611 a year ago. Total pri mary receipts amounted to 6:3.000 bushels, against W.OOO a year ago. New York re jiorted 6 loads taken for export. Corn wus qulto Htrong nil day. The drouth still continued In Kansas nnd Ne braska and dnmago In somu sections was reported as serious. September Ht one tlmo showed nn advance of n cent, but during the lJt hour of trading tho market was somewhat Influenced by tho weakness of whfat and prices did not hold. A good deal of long corn was sold on tho early bulge. Receipts were 63 tars. September ranjed from 44fi44'do to 44'.ic and closed Vc higher at 44ftc. Thu market for oats was firm, but fcaturclftfes, Trading wnn of only modorato proportions, with the prlc apparently con trolled entirely by corn. Crop reports were rather unfavorable. Receipts were 165 cars. September ranged from 24HttNT44o to 24H'd 34c nnd closed Ho higher nt 24tje. Little was done In provisions, Ixiwer hog prices and th weakness of wheat had dome effect on prices, which yielded slightly early In the session. At the decline the market became steady and hold so for the remainder of the session. September pork cltwed "'Ac lower at $12.65; September lard fie lower at J'ilvfttf.OO and September ribs 6o lower at $6.95. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, 95 cars; corn, 40 curs; oats, 225 curs; hogs, 31, 000 had. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July Aug. Sept, Corn July (Aug. Sept. Oats July Aug. Sept. Pork July Sept. Lnril July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. 78 78'1 79'.i 4l't 764 76Ti 7W 77'i 77 78Vi(h'; 44 1; 434 43?4fl7, 44V( 434 44 44Uf('H 4VO?4 43V44 44(S'! 444 24( 2.1 I4Vi 24iSV4 12 40 12 6214 IV, .a4 24V4 23Jfi?74 24'.4J 19 4V42l'.4a 24 24H 12 46 12 62H 6 S5 6 92H 6 95 6 90 7 00 12 45 12 60 12 45 12 60 12 40 12 55 6 80 6 90 6 92V4 6 92V 6 92V 6 90 6 87V4 6 90 6 fv 6 95 6 92',4 6 92V4 S $5 6 87V4 6 95 6 97V4 0 97Vj! No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet; winter patents, $4.1054.20; Btralghts $3.2Oft3.90: spring specials, $4.75 4.SS: spring patents. $3.7004.30; straights, J3.30fi8.S0; bakers. $2.404i2.90. WHEAT No. 3, 73y75c; No. 2 red, 79 CORN-No. 2, 44V4c; No. 2 yellow, 44Un. OATS No. 3 white, 27tt27V4c; No. 3 white, 26if27VtC. RYE No. 2, G8V4S0c. PARLEY Good feeding, 3S012c; fair to choice malting. 43MSc. SEEDS No. 1 flax und northwestern. $1.80. Prime timothy, $3.15. Clover, contract grade. $8. PROVISIONB-Mess pork, por bbl., $12.45 ffl2.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., $.83V4Cn5.85. Short ribs sides (loose), $0,851)7.15. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $6 75ft7.O0. Short clour sides (boxed). J7.6OQ7.60. WHISKY-Ilasls of high wines, per gal., SUtiARS Cut loaf. $6.78: granulnted, $6.22; confectioners' A, $6.18; off A, $6.03. Following aro the receipts and shipments for today: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 16.000 7,000 Wheat, bu 4S.C0O U.COO Corn, bi 618.000 207,000 Oats, bu 20S.OCO 200,000 Rye. bu 109.000 Barley, bu 9,000 On tho Produce exchango today the but ter market was steady, creameries, 16 lSV4c; dairies, llT17c. Cheese, dull at 9V4U lO'ic Eggs, steady; fresh, lie. MOVI!ME.TS OF STOCKS A XII BONDS. Even the I'mfcssliinnl Klrinciit In To 111 uur n Vneatl NEW YORK, July H.-Tho solo Interest attuchlng to today's stock market was as an cxamole. of dullness. In that respect It was a truo Index of the speculative condi tion, which Is ono of entire uncertainty and luck of conviction. Even the professional traders who havo constituted themselves tho champions of certain stocks during the week were not In evidence und only small trades between tho regulnr frequenters of the floor wore mado at any tlmo. Offers to sell made unduly large Inroads on prices, becnuse no one stood ready to buy and any demund to buy caused a rapid advance, be cnuse no ono wns on hand to soil. Most of tho board members wero out of town for u holiday, confident that nothing thnt con hi occur would Induco any sudden activity to develop, Somo desultory efforts were made to advance Union PnclHc by making bids for the next dividend on a speclrled number of shnres nt a higher figure than the pre vailing dividend rate. Rut theso efforts so cured llttlo attention. Tho mnrket wns us a whole lower than last night when the bnnk stntement appeared. Thcro was some light buying to cover shorts, but the largo Increase In reserves nnd In the surplus at tracted even less attention than did last week's unexpected decrease. Thero wbh no explanation of tho largo gain of cash and It was generally accepted ns the working of tho nverago system In tho roctltlcatlon of last week's unwarranted show of a loss. Thn sterling exchnngo market was nom Innl as usual on a Saturday, but the posted rates for demand sterling wus advanced Vsc In response to the rise In Imdon discounts. It Is pretty certain that theso developments foreshadow an advance In tho Bnnk of Englnnd minimum discount rate and ex port of gold from Now York next week. Prices of stocks aro higher again this week, but the movement was very irregulnr and the higher prices wero not maintained In any case. The movement was practically a duplication of that of last week and gavo every appearanco of being almost entirely In professional hnnds and under manipula tion. Tho news of tho week offered no rea sonable basis of explanation for tho action of tho market and It is necessary to fall back on technical conditions to find an ex planation. It Is evident for one thing that thorn has been formed u professional hull party, which Is considerably moro aggressive and commands si eater resources than nny ele ment that has been active for somo tlmo past. Tho sinull offerings of stocks on tho exchangu has convinced this clement that tho unfavorable factors In the situation und prospect havo been sulllelontly discounted und that no further active liquidation Is to ho feared unless conditions alter for tho worse. They were encouraged by the fact that the process of taking profits on last weck'H rise still left something to tho good on prices, They were assisted In their cam paign by the persistence of a large out standing short Interest, which was made nervous by the manipulation for the rise and by tho culmination of various factors upon which they navo relied to causo sell ing of stocks. The most Important of these factors wus the t'ovcrnment crop report, In anticipation of which the bears had put mil Inrse short lltus In thp urnlti tiirrylt.it roads and In the southern lott m lines nt well The ippurfnt anomaly, wnbh is nut at all unusual. wn tlvreforc ptesented of h rising stock mnrket with bad news With thft fun ftprvin I Inn nt I hrt nnUlilln lhat ta spring wheat crop was lurgtiy Impaired nnd that serious damnee hud been wrought to the rotton crop tho bears sought to buy In stocks ut n profit, but thoy found nn ns gressive bull party bidding up prices to take the mnrket away from them. Not only that, but the bears were disappointed In the government report on the corn crop, ns they had told the stocks of corn carry- hi, iwHua niiwt l in iwc ufiiti iii.ii iiie corn crop had already suffered from bad uenthor rri,i,1l I Int. . Am t. n ,., rtil .1 - ..... vvnvn.twii., . n iv ...... ....... .it ll.M.ls HC benefited by tho comparatively favoruble results of the winter wheat eron, the bulls found In that group, nnd especially In Union Pacific, the most effective Meld for manipu lation. The bituminous coal currjlng stocks wero found uvallnbte for u rise owing to tho especially ravornblo conditions In thnt trade, though thcro was a less Important short Interest found in them to bo forced to cover. Hero and thern In thn specialties wns found a stock which lud advanced easily nnd brought out little selling. Another matter which disappointed the expecta tion of the bears was the small effect pro dU' ed on the money market hv the unex pectedly weak bank stntement for tho last week. It was admitted by some of the for clgn exchange houses enrly In tho week that they might ship gold by this week's steamer, thus making further Inroads upon tho tush reserves of New York batiks, hut u-heii Saturday camo tho expected ship ments were not announced, owing to tho fall In discount rates buying wiped out tho prollt on tho transaction. This was n fac tor In Inducing tho bears to cover short contracts. The weekly statement of tho Hank ;if Lnglnnd, however, makes It clear that tho easing of tho discount market in London has been partly caused by heavy disbursements for government expondl turns, whllo the French demand has been making formidable lnrond. upon the bank's gold reserve. looking to the future, It Is seen to bo possible that tho Fntted 8tntcs mny have to supply lurge additional re quirements for gold by foreign countries somo time In the uutumn. There nro sev eral favorablo factors making for such a result: Tho postponement of the hoped for resumption of the South Afrlran gold sup ply; European governments needs for cap IISL t0 c;lrri' 011 military operations In China nnd of a posslblo Untuiclnl crisis in Kus'lH, owing to the over extension of credits there. Tho Intter contingency la ofTered as one explanation of tho pnllrv of tho Hunk of France In materially strength ening Its reserves and reducing Its commit ments, l.or the time being the season's re celpts of Klondike gold are In prospect for tho replenishment of New York bank re serve! nnd tho exactions of the subtrens ury upon tho money market for tuklug up surplus revenues uro unexpectedly light, owing to payments of pensions and pro miuma on refunded bonds, it la likely there foto that small additional Inducements would ba required to draw gom from Now in.rk..for-rorfl5-'" countries. It Is undoubt edly tho fact that largo foreign borrowings pro In process of repayment to New York banks. Considering this fact and the con tinuing largo trade balance in our favor, ns evidenced by thu figures of our foreign trado for the year Just Issued by tho Treas ury IJureau of Statistics, un outward move ment of gold would bo astonishing. New lork money lenders uro anxious to Place call loans on easy terms, hut tho stirrer rates domanded for longer periods reflect a feeling of uncertainty over thn future, which Is doubtless due to tho extraordinary conditions of tho International exchanges. It Is evident thnt uncertainty In the stock mnrket Is almost an great and outside the profi'Hslonal operations referred to there Is llttlo Interest In tho market. With the re duction of the short Interest and the tnklng of profits th nurket has been reactionary during the Intter part of the week. Honds have been very little traded In. In suite of tho case of money, and prices havo changed little in either direction. United States refunding 2s, when Issued, and tho Set advanced Vi and the old 4s In the bid price. Following are the closing prices on tho Now 'iork Stock exchange: AtchlKon do pfd linltlmore & Ohio. Canadian Paclllc. Cnnndtt So Ches. & Ohio Chicago (I. W C, Ji. & Q K'j Texas & ra-lrlc CS'i Union Paclllo ... 74U: do prd SS'i Wabash IS do pfd 571, Wheel. A I,. K... 11 do 2d pfd.... 124 Wis, Central .... .. ll'i . ii'i .. 71 . ; . if, ,. Si .. 23'4 . 14 .too ..115 ..153 . i; .122 '. s'l'i .. 58 .. 3!i .. 19 ,. .. SMi . 17 . 19V4 .. 6S'i . 22 i ,. 7tH4 ,. 20 . 7.1 . 92 .125 ,. 8914 Chi. Ind. fc V do jiffl Chi. & K. Ill Chlcnco & N. W. C, R. I. t P C. C. C. & fit. I.. Colorado Ho do 1st pfd.... do 24 pfd Del. gc Hudson .. Del. L. & W Bcnver & It. a... do pfd Erl do 1st pfd.... Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .... Hocking Valley . Illinois Central ,. Iowa Central do pfd K. c, p. & a.... Lake Erie & W... da pfd Lake Shore L. & N Manhattan I. Met. St. lly Mexican Central , Minn. & Ht. L. ... do pfd Mo. Pncitlo , Mobile & Ohio ... M., K. & T do pfd N. J, OMitrat .... N Y. Central .... Norfolk & W do pfd No. l'acino do pfd Ontario & W Ore. lty. & Nav.. do pfd Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd.... do Id pfd Klo a. XV do pfd . :!'4 Third Avenuo ... . W Ariftms Ex.. American Kx U. K. Rx W'ells-FVreo 17x. Amer. Cot. Oil . .15? .1CKS . 63 do Pfd.. 41'4 Amer. .Maltins uo pru. ill's Amer. H. & R.. ,176 do Pfd.. Si Amer. Snlrlts nfd 6-'4 Amer. H. Hoop 10"; do pfd Amer. B. & Vt' ,152'4 do pfd U'i Amor. Tin Plate... 34'4 do pfd lli'a Amer. Tolmcco ... 19 do pfd 47 Anac. Mining Co.. . 16 Tlrooklyn It. T H Coll. IMol & lty II. 00 Con. Tobacco 219 do pfd , T.'i Federal fiteel , S?i do pfd lMJijGen. Klectrlo 15 Olucoia Hurar .... M'il do pfd St Inter. l'apr , 31 I do pfd . 37 I.irlede Ons 10U, National Hlscult . 31'4I do pfd i:.1', National I-ad .... 12D'i do pfd 31 National Htoel .... 7Ti do pfd 40- N Y. Air Drake.. 70'4 No. Amnrlcan .... ll'i Puclflo Const 4 do 1st pfd 70 do 2d pfd 1574 Pacific Malt 17 (People's Oas 59 Prcsxed ft. Car..... 2SIS1 do pfd B94 Ihillman P. Car... US H. It. & T B'iiSuirar , do pfd , 32'l.Tenn. Coal & Iron, . 33', , "0! . !!. . 77 , -I . f-i ,130 , CI . 97 . rii 5' '. CS'.j , St . 11 , 50 , 2314 , si; ,120 . nt; . CO , S3 CO , 20"4 , iwj , 42 , 70 131 , S',4 117H ,11614 , s; , 07i , 23 91 , r.1 ll'i S3 57 at. r.. do do St. L. do S. P lt pfd.... :i rfd Routhw.... Pfd 0'4! TJ. S. leather 2li do pfd U. 44. Ilublier do pfd Western Union, ... Hepubllc t. & ft... at. raul do pfd 118, 171 110 Ht. P. & Omalia.. Ho. Paclfta Ho, Railway , do pfj Offered. .12V4 10; I do pfd. BUiT. C. C. & Ht. I.. Nc.iv York Money MnrUtt. NEW YORK, July 14.-MONKV-On call, nominal; prime mercantile paper, 3-)4G4V4 ner cent, 8TEIU.INO KXCIIANOE-FIrm, with actunl business in bankers' bills at l.8641f 4.S0U for demand nnd at J4.84U for sixty days; posted rates I1.S5 and J4.S7V40I.SS; commercial bills, $I.83VQ4.S3V3. SILVKR-Certlftcates, 81Vti52io: bar, 6Hc: Mexican dollars, 4i4c. BONDS Stato bonds, Inactive: railroad bonds. Irregular; government bonds, steady; 2s, refunding, when issued, reg., 103'4; coupon, IWVi; 2s, reg., 100; 3s, reg., lOi'M coupon, 10914; new 4s, reg., 131; coupon, 134; old 4s, reg., 114H; coupon, 114U; Cs, reg., 113H; coupon, 11314, The closing prices on bonds today aro as follows; V. B. ref. do coupon do 2s, reg do It, reg do coupon .. .. do new 4s, reg., do coupon ,.10J'l' ..IM'i! ,.1M . 1'4 . ion; ..nt ..114 ..llt'4 do it 91 1.4 ."V. i . u. is Ill N. J. C. gen. B... .122H No. r.-iclfta 34 M'; do 4s ICP,; N Y, P & St I, 4s.. 100 Nor. & W. c, 4a... 9714 Ore. Nav. Is 107 do cm is, reg. do coupon do it, reg.. do coupon ,.114'4 do 4s 1021.I . .11314 Oreeon B. I,. Cs 1:714 ..llS'j .lo consol Cs 112 ,.121 Heading gen. 4s SJ14 D. of C. 3 :..... Atch. general 4s....lOt4 Hlo O W. U i7i do adj, 4a f24 Ht I. A I M c. t...H0 Canada Ho. 2s 1074 Ht U & B P g. 61. ..123 dies & O. 4V4s 99'ii fit. Paul consols .. .167 do Cs 1K.i Ht 1'. C & ! 1 ..110'4 ..imj ., 79'i .. 7P4 ..11114 .. fi ..103 ..us ,..102 ...112'; ,.. M ... 90 C. & N. W. e. 7s. ..110'; do It , do H. F. deb. CS..120 Ho. Iuelllo 4a. Chicago Ter. 4s. 92 Ho. Railway t.. Colo. So. 4s i). a it. a. is.... do 4s Krlo general Is.. . dl',4 H. It. & T. Os .102 Tex. Sl I'oc la... 9714 do la. T'nlon I'ne. 4s.. Wntiakh Is do 2s West Shore 4s... Wis. Central 4s. Yu. Centuries .. r. w. n. c i.. 7H4 den. Klectrlo 5..11'4 la Central 1. 112"; "K r I' fz a t. I, & N, Mill, la ... M . K. .V V. 2.... 72'-i C9li When Issued. Offered. '"Trust re ceipts. XtMv York .11 1 11 1 11 ir Mocks. N13W YORK, July 14.-Tho following nro tint closing quotations for mining shares today: Choi lu r Crown l'olni Con. Cal. & Vn... p, aihvooj fiouPl &. C'urii .. IUI & Norcross Ilomestake Iron Silver Mexican Ontario ..6J0 .. 01 ., 10 ..150 ..700 Ophlr Plymouth Quicksilver .... do pfd Sler'a Nevada standard Colon Con ! Yellow Jacket . .155 .. 40 ,. 20 13 .410 . 17 . 10 AVt'ekly II1111U Statement. N13W YORK. July 14. Tho statement of the associated hanks for the week ending today shows the following changes: Sur plus reserves. Increase, 1 1,370. S2j; loans, de crease, 11,054,900; specie, increase, ?l,3S6,700; legal tenders. Increase. 11? 4.100; deposits, Increase, H.iiP. !, iinulaiton, Increase, K'l The Nlliks How hold JtP.HHO.iai 111 excess of tho ;." per rent leg.il rcuulroment. Ilnstiiii MtoeU mid Itiimlx, IJOSTON. July 14 - fall lonns, SH492V4 per cent, time loans, S'.frlH per cent. Ofllclnl closlns: A . T. Sc fl. K do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Ttell Telephone llcston r.tented .. liosinn A .Me C, II. ft Q , I'onilnlrn Coal Feileral Hteel do jifd Kltchburg pfd MfMcnn Central ., Mich. Telephone .. N II. O & C Old lomlnlon I'nlon l'ncltlc West Knd Wcstlngh. Kleetrlo J"ili At. hlsoti 4s 100 MVS' K O A C. hi .. Ct li:.,A.h,'ntiire 2H lift Alloues Mining Co.. 1 1114 Amal. Copper & 110 Atlantic 2I'4 1 1loton.& Mont 2f 121 Ilutte A lloton ... 04 3i tl. & Heel TJ) , M f'.ntennlal 10'4 Wi Krnnklln 1 137 Kceola 61 12', Tut rot JS'i ST'llQillncy 141 IV,Kanta IV Copper .. 114 HVTamnraek w MS'i'rtah Mining 20V, , 92 Wlnon. 24 , 414 Wolverines 3 l.oiiilun .ltlntliK Sll'Clis. LONDON. July 14.-2 p. m.-Closlng! Consols, money do nccount Atchison Canadian 1 '.trifle St. Paul Illinois Central . I.oukvI1Io Union I'ac. pfd.. ... 91YN. Y. Central . 99 13-10 Lrle ... 20'i' do 1st pfd. ... 91', I'ennsylMinla .. ...113f Heading ...IM4 N0. 1'aclHe .... ... 74l;IO.und Trunk .. ... 70 lAna onda .133 . ll'i . 324 ,. OTA, . 4 . 71i . 'i . S llAIt SIIiVint-Qulet nt IS 5-lCd per ounce. MO.VKY 1V4 per cent. Kate of discount In tho open market: Port bills, SS1)! per cent; thrcu-inonths' bills, SSj'J'a per cent. 11 mi 11c I n I .Votes. ST. LOFIS. July ll.-Clenrlngs. Jl.lCS.Wi; ir; sterling exchange. 14 S.'Mi I.Si'4. v NKW YORK. Julv ll.-Cleartniw. Jl.650, S73; bahinccs, lS.S63,k,9. HOSTON, July U.-Clcarlngs, J21.2C0.267; bulanres, 12,421.0.W. IMIIUADni.FIIIA, July II. -Clearings, jr.' $51,207: brtlunrcs, J2.3G7.W7. 1JAI.TIMORF. July 1 (.-Clearings, 13,727, W2; balances, II2B,9iw. mv York l'lports 11 ml Imports. NUW YORK, July 1 1. Imports of specie this week, ,3 gold and J13I.02S silver. Exports of gold and silver from this port to all countries for this week uggrcgate J9S1.41S silver bars und coin nnd J.l.ltrt gold. Imports of dry goods und merchandise, ut tho port of New York for this week wore vulued at $11,231,004. C'oiiilKlnii of 1ir Treasury. WASHINGTON, July 11. Today's state ment of tho treasury balances In the gen oral fund, exclusive of tho JloO.OuO.POO gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $113,313,576; gold, JC9,G37,313; silver, S,S5'3,3I2. Cotton rtlitrkel. N13W YORK, July 14. Tho cotton mar ket opcneil steady nt a decline of Sjtf points, following a break In Ungllsh mar kets. After the call tho market developed weakness of Its own, under generally bear ish udvlccs from the crop country. Tho olllclal weather mnp Indicated warm show ers In neurly every portion of tho cotton territory, which private dtsputches said was timely and would greatly benefit tho crop. On tho decline Liverpool and tho continent opened liberal sellers ot August contracts, which easily led the rest of the list downward. The south sold the distant months, room shorts uuletly gathered In prollts, whllo longs sold out, having become tired of the unsiitlsfuctory tactics of the market. Tho market was fairly ncllvo for Saturday, though now speculation did not como to light. The bulls wero disquieted by the gloomy pollllcul outlook In China. Tho market closed steady, with prices nt 12'f, 40 points lower, having broken at the close under a bad stampede and heavy bear ham mering. Tho fears of holders wero based on expected weak cables Monday und fa vorublo weather predictions. August longs were panlc-strlckon and dumped over great blocks of old long stuff. Thero wns a slight reaction ut tho vory finish. NEW ORLEANS, July 14.-COTTON-Kasy; sales, 1,100 bales; ordinary. Sl-10o; good ordinary. M4c; low middling, ni-llio; middling, 10 3-lfic; good middling. 10 7-10c; middling fair, lOH-lfie; receipts, 1,211 bales; stock, .'1,849 bales. Futures, sternly; July, lO.OOiflO.Olo: August, tM.Mi9.44e; September, 8.68W8.59C; October, S.lGftS.17c; November. S.015i8.02c; December. S.OOTfS.Olc: January. S.OOriS.Olc; February, S.015fS.03o; March. 8.02 (fjS.Olc; April. 8.04SS.06c; May. K.OiMiS.OVc. ST. LOFIB. July 14.-COTTON-ulet; He lower: middling, 9Tc; receipts, 415 bales; stock, 25,937 bales. Liverpool Urn 1 11 nml Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July ll.-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 northern, spring. Gs f.d; No. 1 California, lis 4dftCs Olid; futures, dull; July, nominal; September, Cs 21; Decem ber, fls 3?d. CORN Spot, new, lirm; old, unlet; No, 2 mixed, now, 4s lld; No. 2 mixed, old, Gs Ml; futures, dull; July, nominal; Septem ber. 4s 2,d. PROVISIONS-Hcef, extra India mess, dull, 77s; prime mess, dull, 7fls. Pork, firm; western line, ti7s Gil. Lard. American re fined, In palls, steady nt UGs Pd. Hams, poor; 14 to 10 lbs., Ilrin nt S6s Gd. Uncoil. Cumberland cut, 2S lbs., firm at 40s. Short ribs, IS to 22 lbs., Ilrm at 43s Gd; long cleur middles, light, SO to 35 lbs., firm at 43s 71; long cleur middles, heavy, 35 to 10 lbs., Ilrm nt 43s; short clear backs, 10 to IS lbi., Ilrm nt .".9j Gd; clear bellies, 14 to 1G lbs., firm at 41s. Shoulders, square, 12 to II lbs., firm at 3Gs. Lard, prlmo western, In tierces, stonily nt 35s 6d. CHEESE American finest colored, dull. 47s 6d. TA I.LOW Firm nt 27s; Australian In London, steady at 20s. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull nt S3 3d. HOPS At London, Pacific coast, steady, 2 12s73 13s. HUTTER-C.ood United States. 75s. PEAS-Canadlan. Cs 7!.d. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July ll.-COFFEE-Spot, Rio, steady: No. 7, Invoice, 9lic. Mild, steady; Cordova. UV&frW&c Futures opened Ilrm In tone, with prices S'oTIO points higher, and ruled higher on Ucrlln cables and nn Improvement In llrazll. Trading wns chlelly of 11 locnl professional character, though the bull contingent purchased thu near anil December months on a small scale. Speculation wns arrested to some extent by tho fact that llavro was closed In observance of n holiday. Tho spot mar ket lacked activity, desplto a firmer under tone, which conveyed tho Impression that buyers wero loth to follow the ndvatu'o In values and would hold off (or n reaction The market was finally steady, with prices net unchanged to 10 points higher. Totul sales of futures were 11,000 bags. Including September nt $S.10; October, $.35; Novem ber, ?S.15Sr8.50; March, XS.G5ftS.70; Mny, JS.SO. Oil Markets. OIL CITY. Pa., July 14. OILS-Credlt balances, $1.23; certificates, no bid; no runs or shipments. LONDON', July It. OILS Linseed, 31s Slid. Turpentine spirits, 33a Gil. LIVERPOOL, July 14. OILS-Cottnnseed, Hull refined, August, Ilrm, 9s 6d. Turpen tine splrltB. steady, 34s. Rosin, steady, Gs. NEW YORK, July 14.-OILS-Cottoneed, firm; prime crude. 31c; yellow, K'ic. Petro loum, steady; refined Now York. $7 85: Phil adelphia nnd Unltlmore. $7.60; Philadelphia and Unltlmore, In bulk, $5.25. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, $1.63. Turpen tine, steady, 46,.i(?H7c. Sugar Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 14,-SnaAR-Cen-trlfugal, yellow, 6I)0 6-16e; seconds, 3"B 4 9-1 fie. NEW YORK. July ll.-SCflAR-Strong; fair refining, IG-lCe; centrifugal, 16 test, 4 13-16o; molasses sugar, I 1-ltic; rcllned, firm; No. C, $0.(5; No. 7. $3.3i; No. 8, $5.30; No. 9, $5.23: No. 10, $5.25: No. 11. $3 20; No, 12, $3.15; No 13, $1.10; No. 11, $5.10; standard A, $5.80; confectioners' A. $VS0: mould A, $5.04; cut lonf, $0.40: crushed, $0.10; powdered, $0.10; grunulated, $0; cubes, $0.15. Iliilutli M'lif-iit Mnrket, DULUTH, July 14,-WHEAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 81; August. Sllle; September. 80-V,c; December, tOc; No. 1 northern, cash, uc; August, "0'4o; September, "Sc; December, "S?4c; N.i. 2 northern, 77!ic: No. 3 spring, 74c. OAT?-27fl27',4c. CORN-IISjII&c. IIIMvnukee' firnlri Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. July II. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 7Sc; No. 2 northern, 77f 7o. RYE Lower: No. 1. COflGle. I1ARLEY Easy ; No. 2. 4714c; sample. 10 QMc. I'lilliulelplilii I'rodui'e .Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 11. - Hl'TTER -Steady; fancy western ereumery, 20c; fancy prints, 22c. EGOS Firm and He higher; fresh nearby, 14c; fresh western, 131i13".e; fresh south western, 13c; fresh southern, lie. Mlniwiipollx Wlieiil .Market, MINNEAPOLIS. July II WHEAT In store: No. 1 northern July, 77e; September, 77'V; December, 7$?,e. On trnck: No, hard, SOVic; No. 1 northern, 7S4c; No. 2 northern, TGHc. 1'rnrln .Market, PEORIA, July 14.-CORN-8leady; No. 2, 43He, OATS-Inactive: Nn. .1 white. 25'tc. , WIIIBKY-On tho baBla ot $1,23 for fin ished goods, SOUTH OMAHA LIVE STOCK I Not Enough Oattlo Offered to Make a Test of tho Market. BEEF STEERS IN EXCELLENT DEMAND FtMv Stock Cuttle HcecHcit During the Week nml one Arc Wnntecl I'Vt'ilrr Trmle lit a MiuiiUtlll. SOUTH OMAHA. July 15. Receipts were Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. .. I.C92 fi.wil 7.UWJ ... f.,270 111,53! r..l7 ... 2,110 10,60-.' 3,2.11 .. 1,SV) 8,726 1.H22 ... 1,531 7,29 273 91 9.12J l.WJ Olllclal Mond.ty ... Ofllclal Tuesday .. Olllclal Wednesday Olllclal Thursday Ofllclal Friday ... Olllclul Saturday . Total this week.... Week ending July 7.... Week ending June 30.. Week ending Juno 2J.. Week ending Juno 16.. WVek nllltlMt- .1,1,1., 0 .10,3(7 .11,270 .lti.'.'til .u,g:g ..S.IIJ .12,876 M.23I 35.1SI (3.184 M,57S 49.3IS 61,410 19.ffl; 10,93'J 10.101 16,617 G.V'S 7.442 Average price paid tor ho;j tor the last several pays, with comparisons: lWO".lSa9.I88sTlUI7.lSe6.18?3.l$9l . June is..., Juno 16..., Juno 17.... June 1$.... Juno 19.... Juno 20.... Juno 21 Juno 22.... Juno 23...., June 24.... Juno 25.... Jllnn 9A. . 4 89 4 95 3 64 3 77 3 32, 2 93 3 90j 3 12 3 01 3 C2 3 63 G 03 3 S0 3 211 3 10; 5 W 3 61 3 iu 3 m I 2 96 3 15 3 21 1 3 02 3 21i 3 02 4 4 3 71 4 93 3 ca 3 81 G 00! 3 05 :i 72 6 13 3 63J 3 72! 3 62 3 6 3 69 3 26 3 00 5 10 3 23, 2 97 2 97 2 Da 2 91 2 93 2 96 2 95 2 95 2 98 2 ys 3 04 2 1 2 87 2 91 5 01 .1 63 3 64 3 15 June 27 5 03 3 (12 Juno 2S..!i. 5 11 3 63! 3 63 3 60 3 16 JUI10 23. .. Juno 30.... July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July G , July 6 , Julv 7 , July 8 July 9 , July 10.... July 11.... July 12..., July 13.... July II.... 4 S9 3 CS 3 24 G Oil 3 61 3 55 3 24 m 4 92 3 73 3 & 3 23 3 61 3 18 6 01 5 OS 5 16 G 11 5 13 6 13 G 01 6 02 3 7S 4 .1 7S .1 83 a si 3 86 3 90 3 96 3 21 3 66 :t f i! 3 2S :i 2S 3 "HI 3 87 3 32 3 7Si 3 35 3 2s 3 70 I 01 3 73 3 IS G 13 4 09 3 Si 3 14 2 97 G OS! ( 05 3 77, 3 15 3 CO Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by euch road was: Cattle, Hogs. Sh'p. Il'r's. C, M. & St. V. lty 1 0. ft St. L. Ry 1 .Missouri Paclllc Ry.. 12... Union Paclllc system. .. 27 .. 10 F., E. & M. V. It. R.. 1 43 1 S. C. H P. Ry 1 2 ('., St. P.. Jl. .1 0 9 11. & .M. R. R. R 26 .. 3 C, R. I. ,t 1. Ry., E. .. f. C, R. I. & 1. Ry., W. .. 2 Total receipts "i 127 T 13 The disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- bor of head Indicated: Ruyors. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha. Packing Co 1.6S7 0. H. Hammond Co 870 Swift and Company -4 1,724 Cuduhy Packing Co 1 2,3uO lis Armour & Co 2,095 Omaha I'. Co., from K.C. 19 Other buyers 12 Totals 26 8,676 lis CATTLE-There was pruetlcnlly nothing on sale today with which to msike a test of the market, and as Is always the caso on Saturday, no one was looking for supplies. Tho murket during the past week has been very liberally supplied. Receipts show an Increase over the preceding week of 5,236 head, and over the corresponding week of last year a gain of 3,499 Is reglb tered. In spite of thut fact, however, the market for beef steera has been In very good shapo, ns the demand was fully equal to tho supply and each day's offerings wero cleaned up at a reasonably early hour. At tho closo of the week prices on strictly cholco cattle are not much different from what thoy wero on Monday. Tuesday tho market went oft about a dime, but on Wednesday there wus fully a steady mar ket, und every dny since that time the market has beon strong und active, so that tho loss of Tuesday has been Just about regained. That Is not the caso with com mon btuff, however, which hns been neg lected nil tho week. I'nckcrs uro looking for cnttlc of good duality, and they only tako tho half fat and common stuff under protest. A number of cattle have been received of lato thut havo only been on feed about four months, und they nro sell ing around $1.50 and 4.75, and arc slow at that. Such cuttle uro fully 15c lower for t!io weuk. The cow market nt the close of the week Is not much different thun It wns 011 Mon day as far us strictly choice stuff is con cerned. Common und emitter cows, however, uro a big 15c lower und dull. Sellers ilnd It very dtlllcult at the present time to move dinners nt nny price. Hulls, calves und stags that are good enough for tho killers nro about steady with Monday, but stock stuff Is very slow anil lower. Very fw stock cattle have been received during the week und none were wanted. There Is practically no demand from the country at the present time, and doubtless will be none until more Is known regard ing the outcome of the corn rrop. As a result the feeder trade here Is at u stand still und prices aro uneven and considera bly lower than they wero a week ago. Ropresentutlve sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. 1 12M 2 40 1 H70 2 73 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 !.'j 2 60 ! 74J IS 3 770 3 00 1 400 4 23 STOCK CALVES. 1 S O 5 00 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 1 43) 2 :.0 1 4C0 3 4) HOOS Thero was a good run of hogs at tho yurd;' today for a Saturday and as re ports from other markots were nil In tho direction of lower prices, buyers started out hero to pound tint mnrket. The open ing sales were generally 5c lower. Medium weights nnd mixed hogs sold at nbout $3.07'.i and tho choker loads brought $5.10. 'Iho murket, however, weakened before sellers could let go of all their hogs and bids dropped down to $0.03 for most every thing, or a good "He lower. Thu long suing today was ut $5.0714, as against $5.12! yesterday. Tho hog market during tho Inst week has been rather unoven. Tho week started out with nn udvnnce of 2c over tho preceding Saturday and hold about steady on Tues day. On Wednesday, however, it took a droo of nbout 9c und on Thursday 2o moro wns taken orf, which wns the lowest point reuched since July 3. Tho mnrket recov ered on Friday, 11c being ndded. so that tho loss of tho middle of tho week was re covered. On Saturday tho market took an other tumble, which takes it back to about wiiuiu it wan on juiy 0. neprcsentatlve sales: So Av Sh. Pr. . . . 3 73 40 6 0-, ... .'.OS 40 5 03 fo s or, No. 66.... 6S.... .... 76.,,. 67.... 87.... 63.... 74.... M..,. 79.... 66,.,. 65.... 60.... 74.... rs.... 63.... 75. . . . 81.... 76.... 43.... 70.... 75.... 149... Sh. Pr. 60 5 O714 ... G07', 27. .... 07 ....1K2 ....194 ...:os ...210 ...234 60.. S.. ;.. ts.. 72.. :.. fti.. 71.. 72.. 170. ill.. 67.. Tt.. 80 G 07'i .202 120 5 07'i ....231 ..2.77 5 0716 .2:0 too 5 00 .176 ISO B 00 .220 120 C 02 ',4 .216 ... cm .210 80 r, 03 .1C3 160 r os . .260 ..2.12 ..218 ..276 ..233 ..243 ..220 ,.. r, 0714 40 5 0714 .. G07l,i 80 5 074 40 5 07V4 40 5 0714 80 6 07V. m 40 6 03 200 211 213 210 2-J9 40 r. 05 so r 01 40 5 0: 20 5 0.-, 80 5 a- .. B07H fO 5 071,4 .252 200 5 10 .) 80 5 10 .239 .230 .2'." '.10a .255 .211 .230 80 5 10 80 5 10 80 5 10 77 90 60 CI 61 rs 35 "0 64 66 76 SO W P0 76 1.14.... .20) 60 5 10 ..215 ... 6 10 ... 5 10 80 6 10 ..W7 1 G 07V4 ..206 40 8 07-i ..231 10) 5 07", ..226 80 5 07'., ..200 ... 5 07V, ..106 40 5 0714 ..192 ... 5 0714 ..201 160 5 (i7'4 ..W 120 5 07i ..216 fO G 074 ..211 161 5 071 ..215 ... 5 07 Vi 21 6 10 230 2S1 5 10 61.. 9.. 70.. 60.. 239 .. t 10 80 & 10 40 S 10 .. B 10 C 10 80 6 10 80 5 10 2.18 221 310 64.... .22 .'.241 74 81 79 70 84 02 65 67 71 62 84 83 60 S3 91 89 .211 221 120 B 10 66. 205 fO 5 07V4 .230 80 6 10 209 120 G 07'i 66 213 200 5 07'4 62 230 120 5 07"4 73 23S 13) 5 07'4 72 220 ... 5 9714 60 237 160 5 07ti 76 220 40 5 07 14 63 266 60 5 074 62 220 120 5 07'i 66 237 . . 5 f7'4 70 275 120 5 0714 72 223 40 5 07V4 201 120 B 10 111 40 5 10 80 B 10 8) 5 10 80 5 10 ... 5 10 60 B 10 ..257 ..213 ..243 ..273 ..248 210 240 S 10 ...242 ... B 10 ...2(0 40 B 10 . . 233 ... 5 10 ...233 ... C 10 DO YOU SPECULATE? I Oft 8 : 8 07 1, 6 ' $ 7't 8 i!H 8 "714 8 ITS 8 o;v. 71 71 M 188 M 66. . M t86 .Jl ti; -it VI , 115 m .241 IM 6 ID 8 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 8 10 t ll4 6 im i lilt 10 "1 . M Ut. s.. u. 4 8 om suBtti-iTPni receipts were raincr small, only u few being offered, which sold rather .,1 n, ...in rti'ti4i.v rrirr. The slu op .v.srlict ha not been In very good shape during the hist week. Iteeelpts were fnlrly liberal and the demand on tin part of killers wa not verv heavy. As a result tho tendency of prlcei was lower. Tho general market may lie saMy quolid a good 2oc lotter than It was a week ago Choice lambs, howeier. in-ie tu light sup' ply nnd rold nt about steady prices all the week. Feeders arc dull ami ljwer. Quutitlons: Choice wcntein grass weth ers, $J Sff4.00- choice nt vent ling. $4 0O.J 4.2S; cholco owe, $8.2Mi.1 10, fair to good ewes, J2.73H3 26; fair to Rood arllngs, $3.60 613.90; good to iholeo clipped lambs, $4 2tlp 4.60; fair to good clipped lamb $3.50lj4.25. choice spring lambs, IS 7,Vf fo, fair to good spring iambs, $5.25U3.C5; feeder wethero, JJOOiiJSO: feeder yearllnits, $.128173 50, and feeder lanitis, I3.301fi.W. Representative sales: No, 10 old 128 old Av Pr, , . . . 76 $2 00 ... 75 2 SO ew rs ewes ClllCVtitl I.IVll .STOCK MARKET. Cnttlp ntiilitnll,v Mcnily IIok Close, Acnl nml Limrr, CHICAGO, July 14 CATTLE Receipts, If' head; nominally steady; natives, good to nrlmn stcero. $i lmift 70; poor to medium, $I.G0'(M.I0, Hi'lotti'd teedcrs. $l.00'(I T5; mixed Mockers, $.1.75ti3.0, onus, steady. $1.0Dif4.;.i, heifers. M.OiVijIi.OO, cntiners, $.' nor,,2 so, bulls, Ilrm, $2.7.V34.50. calves. $ir.0$0.v.; Texas rs erlpts for week. 3.0."O lie.id; last week. 1700 head; Texas fed steers. $4.2oU00; I'exua grass steers, $.11034.10; bulls. $2 5i.12,V llOOS Receipts today, 16,000 head; Moil day. Xt.m heud; left over, 2,500 head, opened steady, closed weak to Go lower; top, $5; mixed nnd butchers, $5.10ii.43; good to choice, heavy. Jt.204iS.4J; rough heavy, $.u)Ki.10; light. Jfi.i5ftA.42i.ft; bulk of sales, $J.2.igifi.40. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 2.5W head; steady: good to choice wethers. $1.1041' u.f0; fair to choice mixed, $3.205.15; western sheep and yearlings, $.1,601(1.60: Texus sheep, Jl.lOpl.OO; native Iambs, JI.GOJiti.OO; western lambs. $3 rWiij.2... RECEll'TS-Thlrt week: Cattle. Gl.MV) head; hogs, 111,200 head; sheep, 71. 600 head. Last week: Cattle. 15.600 head; hogs, 93,200 head; sheep, &7.80O head. Km 11 mm city Mve Mnolt, KANSAS CITY, July 14. CATTLE -Re-celpts, 200 head; nominal prices; receipts this week, ;i3,0tx) liend; Increased supplies caused tcacttun from last week's udvnnce, tho decline amounting to 2;i3i2.'ic on killing steers, whllo butcher cows nnd htockers and feeders wore nearly steady; natlvo steers brought $1. 40iin.ee, stockers nnd feed ers. J3.50J4.75; butcher cows and heifers, J3.005fG.O); ennners, J2.POij3.10; fed westerns, $4 OOft5.30: fed Tcxuns, JI.15ii4.R5; grnts Toxaiis, $3.20'(I.10. HOOS-Recelpts, 6,700 bend; mnrket steady to Go lower; receipts tills week, 78, 000 head: liberal supply nnd good deinnnd at steady prices; untutlonH todny same ns last Saturday; heavy, J3.20W5.3O; mixed, J6.15ff.-v25: light. J5 05'o5 2): pigs, $(TOjjfilrt. 8MEKP AND LAMHS-Recelpts till 4 week, 10.000 hend; week's business most sat isfactory for several weeks; fat lambs ad vanced 25Iit0e, with mutton 10416c; Inmbs brought J4.25fi6.00; muttons. Jl. OOTil. 60: westerns, 8.1.76114 25; Texans, .'t "Oil I.C0; feeders, J3.25Jf4.dO; culls, J2.WS3.25, St. I, out l.lvr sioctt. ST. LOFIR, July ll.-CATTLE Receipts, l) head, Including 40o head Texnns; mnrket steady; native shipping mid export s'ecrs, Jl.031ikt.65; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. Jl. 353.35; steera under I.Coo lbs , $2.3G5pt PO; stoi kcra nnd feeders. $2 lOfft 40, cows and helferi, $2 OOflf.00; dinners, $1,5012.85; bull 1. $2.5Ofli.60; Texaa nnd Indian steorB. $3in(T 4.85; cows and heifers, $2 80111. 15. 1IOOS-Receipts. 2,900 head; ma'Uet easier; pips and lights. J3.30JiO.IO; packers, $S2Jli.rt5; butchers, $5.30fio 40. SHEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts. 200 head; market stendy: native muttons. $4 OOfpl 25; Intnhs. $!.5O5t6.00; culls und bucks, JI.33a4.0O; stockers. J3.S3, Noiv Yorl; Mve Mloelt. NEW YORK, July II. - CATTLE - He celpts, 323 head; no trudlnjr and feeling steady; exports, 1,455 head cattle, 73 head Bhcep nnd 7.120 quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts, 3 head; no trading of importance nnd feeling dull und weak; city dressed veals, SfllOe per lb. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts. 4.41S head; sheen, steady; lambs, slow nnd weak; sheet), J3.00lf5.00; lambs, J6.301.f7.CO per hun dredweight for fair to cholco. HOn.S-Recclpts, 4,112 heud; none for sale; nominally steady. St. .ToK-ph Mve .Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. July 14.-(Speclal.) Tho Journal (piotcs: ' CATTLE - Receipts, 100 head; market steady; demand strong. HOUS-RocolplH, 9.000 head; mostly Go J3 003 10 cnulc'8' J3.001jG.20; bulk of sales, SHEEP-Recclpts, 100 head; uteady and demand strong. Slock In Mprlii. Following uro tho receipts nt tho four principal western markets for July 14- (,.,, , . -ume. 1 nigs, .jiierp t'i(b,i viiuiiiu ;ii Chicago ir,o Kansas City 200 St. Louis 600 1,039 ti.Gon 10,000 200 Totnla 1,011 31,722 13,739 Wool MiirKft. .k?iN'D0Nf J"!-' llWOOL-At tho wool auction sales today 6.931 bales were of fered. Crossbreds were strongly supported p tho homo trndo and Merinos bv tho con tinent. Capo of (Join! Hopo a'nd Nntul wools were In small supply and sold readily. 1 unta Arenas wools were in good demand by tho continent at 11 farthing to 11 half penny advance. Fine Victoria grades wero netlvcly competed for at dearer rotc. 1 L?Ux0U,K ls ,l,u ?al(: N,'w Htli Wales. I.i. 1 bales; scoured, 81Ms3d. Queensland. bial18: "CO1"-1''1; Is 'idfl Is. Victoria. 1bulr.f: '0"r,l. Htlfi Is llid; greasy, RV.d 5? Oil. Tasmania. 300 hairs; greasy, 6A? llUd. Now .euland, 2,200 bnles; greasy, K fffld. Cape of Hood Hop,, and Nntul, If") bales! greasy; Mm WW c7T1J,.0ffl'r),n,?8 fnr. M'Kt tveok number G3, 870 bales. The arrlvalo for tho next scries aggrogato 143 573 bales, of which 29,0u0 wer" forwarded direct. The Imports for tho i lia hi u f''llows: New South Wales, 1,410 bales; Melbourne 3i,3 bnles: Smith Atistrnllu. 62 bales; Hrlsbane, 30 lmies; New Natal, t.G bules; llussorah. hl7 bales; Uro men, 970 bales; clm.wlieie, i.SJS bales. Cnllforulii Dried p'rnltK. DRIKn vmUf.'ca'"!!y, " CALIFORNIA DRIED MtUTS-ltuled nu ot hut about steady at unchanged prlci'S. Tho market for evaporated nnles WM ,' n fe.i- n?L08H; H"!tp' cnln'0n. 3!ifiGc; prln c. 5U J'G!4o; choice, GfCic, fancy. 7SilU.. L-Apri,rotHf Hoynl'. iiUc: Moor l!arlc, um.c. Peaches, peeled, miSe; unpecled GOLD A?l.? ,TiI0i T oi:t ,t control very iVnaJ"n ro'n'nK Proportles that are promis ing dividend payers. Should equal If not ex- ?cihi1om" .f lllu most fn'nous gold mlnesj of this country. flct In on Ground Floor Anil you will mnko money. Offer limited Address nt once for particular' CHFSTFii HjLAWRENCE, 92 State St Hoston. ' JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone loaf). Otnalm, Na COMMISSION, GRAIN, I'KOVIblONSaiKl STOCKS HOAIID OK TIIADE. Correspondence: John A. Warren r- wrect wire, to Chicago aid til Y0 BOOM 4 NY LIFE 6LDC DRAMCH 1030 liSt CMJll fi im'.OLfi rica If so, spcculato successfully. Send your ordors to a reliable houso, whoro they will bo placed In tho open mnrket. AVo can make for you In ono month moro Interest on your money than uny bank will pay you in u year, Send for our book on spec ulation. It Is free. JK. Comstock& Co. nooui L'U Traders' 11 Id if., CUlcugo, m sit iid ill 1 . 7 .111 III H.R.PEf4riE.aC0.