Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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When we cut prices we cut them so deep that there is absolutely nothing more to do We have made up our mind to get rid of an immense lot of men's fine
suits because the season demands it because we have too many because we must and without any further talk we cut prices
to such a sensationally low figure that almost everybody in town will buy tomorrow.
$1 Boys' Wash Suits 45c
Consisting of blouse nnd punt,
nges to jO years, in good
washable striped and figured
materials as well as plain linen
and linen crashes; formerly
sold up to $1.00, on sale Sat
urday at
$3.50 Boys' Knee
Pant Suits $1.98
In handsome plain and fig
ured cassimeres aud cheviots,
fancy and plain worsteds, etc.,
strongest silk sewing through
out. We can lit any boy be
tween 7 and 15 years of age.
'lie sure to look at one of these
for him Saturday at only
$3.50 Boys' and Youths'
Long Pant Suits $4.50
These suits come in finest all
wool cassimeres, cheviots and
worsteds, in checks, stripes and
plaids, cut and tailored accord
ing to newest styles and Xully
equal to suits sold elsewhere
at 7.50 and S.50. Saturday
Douglas County's TJntcrriGed Tnrnod Down
Hard at Lincoln Convention.
Hilly 11 ii in Doled Out ut the Thrce
Illnueil Clrcim Fell Into the
IlnnUct Held by tho Sit
ter lloiiublluuim.
"Douglas county's uumorous delegations
to the three-rlcgod convention In Lincoln
did not bring back any vary substantial peace
Hirelings to lay at tho feet ot their con
stituents," remarked a populist who bad
not yet recouped himself for tho losa ot
bleep at the convention and was theroforo
In a proper humor to rolloct tho prevailing
sentiment among fusloulsts of Douglus
"When I think of tho achlevomonts of our
county at tho conventions I cannot help re
calling tho Illustrious general with G.000
men who marched up tho bill and down
again. Wo Bent down 10D populists to a
contention ot 1,226 delegates. Wo sent two
delegations ot eighty-eight men each to n
convention of 1,029 democrats, and Douglas
county men comprised tho biggest portion
of tho silver republican convention. Tho
populist delegation took down with It a
cubornatorlal boom old enough to merit some
recognition, and a young and vigorous can
didacy for tho attornoy generalship. The
democracy took down tho aspirations of one
ot their leaders, Joseph A. Connor, to bo
ono of tho electors, ana too suver rcpun
llcnns lugged along u lusty boom of the
oamo kind for Frank Hansom. Thus
marched tho army up the- hill to do battlo
for a sbaro ot tho spoils that would appease
tho nntl-l'oyntor sentiment hero at home.
Livery One. 31ml aud lllmsuiiteil.
"I blush to tell of the result. Tho dem
ocrats came homo empty-handed, mad and
dlscusted. So did the populists, while tho
only plum out of tho woll-fllled trult basket
that flew toward Douglas county toll Into tho
Uttlo basket concealed among tho effects of
tho silver republicans. This will doubtless
bo a great satisfaction to tho two or three
wore sliver republicans in the county, but
It will hardly heal tho soro spots among tho
democrats and populists, or urreHt tho vig
orous suppuration that has promlsou a ma
trrlal slouching oft from the fusion voto on
the state ticket.
. "It has been suggested, with apparent
Suits worth twenty-five dollars.
Suits worth twenty dollars.
Suits worth eighteen dollars.
Suits worth fifteen dollars.
All go at $12.50,
Take Your Choice-None Reserved Every Suit Goes - First Come First Choice
THIS magnificent offer gives you your choice and includes nil the men's all wool, fancy striped and checked worsted suits, round or square corners, lined with all
wool serge and Italian cloth, hand made button holes, stayed pockets. Suits we have been selling up to now at $25.00 take your choice for $12.50. This sale
also includes men's black all wool 20 oz. clay worsted and unfinished worsted suits, Avith satin and Italian Cloth linings, hand made buttonholes suits thnt
wo have been selling at 22.50 you take your choice for $12.50. This sale also includes men's all wool cassimere suits, in light and dark colors, plain and small
checks, round or suunrc corners, sack conts ined with Italian cloth nnd all wool serco, hand luudc buttonholes suits that wc hnvo been selling to SUL'.nO take jour choice for .$U!,50. This sale also Includes
man's all wool suits, In cheviots, vicunas sack coats, cut round or square, lined with all wool sorgo nnd Italian cloth, with piped edgings also men's all wool extra llnoNbluo sorue suits, single or double
breasted, silk faced, lined with all wool serge, stnyod pookets, hand made button holes, regular price $22.")0 take jour choice for $12.fi0. Just as wo state above, wo kIvKa-ou your choice of any suit In
our regular stock on the main floor In tho house worth from $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 at the sensationally low price of $12.30. Every suit guaranteed to tit perfectly.
mm& vmsr wmmr mm wmmm
made and perfectly fitting shirts, in all sizes, in nearly 00 different styles, in
madras, percales, penaugs, chambrays, etc. Each shirt has two collars and one
pair of cull's detached. At tho same price, 89c, we give you choice of an immense
lot of men's negligee shirts, with collars and cuffs at
tached, in all the swellest styles and in all sizes.
Also a big lot of men's fine white laundered shirts, with
reinforced linen bosom and back, stayed seams, gus
seted and continuous facings throughout all sizes
long and short bosoms and sleeves your choice for 39c.
1200 pairs,black and tan,
men's fine shoes.made to
sell for three dollars and
a half
Exery pair stamped on sole, $8. 50,
on sale at
(reason, that there were Influences at work!
to prevent tho bostowal of any material '
recognition upon Douglas couuty at this
time, bo that, at a future date, tho county
may present heavier claims upon a United
States Heuatorshlp nnd that tho ambitions
ot local democrats and populists were sac-
rlllced to bolster up the aspirations ot a
Douglas county would-bo senator."
A local populist who attended tho conven
tion Insists that tho democrats have no
reason to complalu ot tho slight recognition
thoy received In tho make-up of the stato
ticket. "They gavo up," ho said, "nn op
portunity to get two places on the tlckut
and allowed M. F. Harrington to run a bluff
on them In tho Interest of his preferred
candldato for state treasurer. They could
have secured two places on tho ticket It they
had not allowed Harrington, aided by Old
ham's friends, to run the bluff upon them.
Had the democrats not been so anxious to
place Oldham I know they could havo had
two places, cither of which Is better In point
ot patronngo than tho attorney gcnoralshlp.
Look nt tho places the treasurer and tho
land coramiFSloner have at their disposal,
while tho attorney general Is able to afford
euiploymont to but two or tbrea."
Street Clennlni; Miiehlnen AVI11 Not
Deprive I.nhorern ot Their
Mt milium.
There has been somo objection on tho part
of workmen to tho Introduction of street
cloaulng machines In the city because It Is
thought they will throw many laborers out
of employment. It baa ovou been rumored
that an nttempt might bo rondo to prevent
tho uso of machines, because tho charter
states that tho work shall bo done by day
labor. In tho opinion of tho city engineer
tho street cleaning machines will not throw
laborers out of employment, but will mako
It posBlhlu to clean several times as much
street with tho same expenditure of money.
Tho Furnas machlno requires several men
to operate It and carts and men follow tho
macnino to pick up tno sweepings it dumps.
Tho Eureka gutter swecpors, to be used In
connection with tho suction machine, also
roqulro several men.
A gentleman recently cured ot dyspereU
gave tho following appropriate rendering of
Hums' famous blcsMug: "Some have meat
and cannot oat, and some have none that
want It: but we have meat and wo can eat,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked." This
preparation will digest what you cat. It
Instantly relieves and radically cures' Indl
gtstlon and all stomach disorder.
1 5nyS1!Psu& jflll
t 111 Our Regular Stock on the Main Floor for W iW?
jrfrxi vm svssvs? immm -d?faOTBWK i
Saturday we place on sale an unlimited va
riety of fine straw hats, including all the
very latest styles in rough and smooth
straw braids, in both plain .and fancy, with
black and blue bands somo havo cablo brim edges
and doubla under brim hat worth up to $1.04, on ualo for .
Entire wholesale stock of shirts at prices that sim
ply baffle either imitation or competition. All on
bargain squares. On main floor, on bargain squares
at 39c, we offer nearly D,000 men's elegant first-dass
There's a heap of difference betweet our shoe selling and
other folks. We have practically sold out at all the summer
shoes and oxfords, wo bought, for this season and have been obliged to buy
more. We sell bo many, that you can't help but got tho latest and newest styles when you
buy here
If you want the best and newest styles of shoes you must buy them
of us. Ours are always the same as they wear them in New York
Commercial Interests Working for the Irri
gation of Arid Lands.
Promote of the Scheme, to Ilecliiliu
Land Noit Wortlilenn linoiiiirnufU
by tho Succcim with "Which
They Are HcotluK.
Oeorgo II, Maxwell of Chicago, the Irriga
tion expert, Is In Omaha enrouto to a meet
ing of tho executive committee of tho Na
tional Irrigation nssociatlnu nt Cheyenne, ot
which he Is chairman. Mr. Maxwell 13 feel
Ing much eucouragod over the prospect for
tho accomplishment ot tho work, in the
promotion of which ho has long been en
gaged, which Is the construction ot
reservoirs at tho headwaters of western
rivers In which to catch surplus rainfall,
thus preventing freshets and permitting Us
gradual distribution for Irrigation purposes
over now waste and arid government lnnd,
Congress will be asked nt Its next aeaslon
to appropriate from $5,000,000 to 510,000.003
for tho construction of reservoirs, follow
Ing the plan contemplated In tho recent ap
propriation of $100,000 for the necessary
prollinluary surveys. Itenewcd confidence
In tho accomplishment ot tho project Is In
spired by tho tact tbat planks are found
favoring It In three ot tho recently adopted
political party platforms. Tho republican
convention at Philadelphia led off with tho
Initial declaration In Us favor, and the demo
crats nnd silver republicans declared for It
In their Kansas City platform.
Mr, Maxwell thinks that when an ap
proprlatlon for construction purposes Is
secured ono of tho first reservoirs provided
will bo in Wyoming on the hcadwatora ot
tho Platte, As far as posslblo tho work
will bo pursued in the selection ot natural
reservoirs, whero depressions ot tho surfaco
can, by properenglneerlng, bo utilized for
storage purposes. Irrigation englneors have
already selected one in Wyoming in which
eon bo stored 000,000 acre-feet, or enough
water to covor 000,000 acres to tho depth of a
foot. All through the foothill counties
similar basins can be, found, which will
materially nld and strengthen tho proposed
work and lessen tho expeuso ot erecting the
necessary work.
a Merchant Tit U I up Up the "Work.
Western merchants havo taken up tho
promotive work by sending to their eastern
On Bargain
of men's fine underwear in cream, pink,
blue, light and dark tans, as well as
fancy striped and mottled underwear.
AUu India gauze, Egyptian cotton, nnrjo.a mixed
Met underwear Hint fancy tinted French balbrlcgan
underwear, silver pray underwear and fancy lUn
dom mixtures. All such soods ns would retail nt
u(, they co on salo tomorrow on bargain square at
!c, on main floor and basement
R bluo, light and dark
U men's underwear In
special lot of elastic
connections letters detailing tho project
and Its marvelous promise ot lucrcablng
tho wealth and commerce ot tho whole coun
try. Tho first work In Hub lino was done
by the merchants ot Loj Angeles, who sent
out In about throe months G,S00 totters. St.
Paul followed, and thou tho Commercial
club ot this city took it up, with surprising
rosults. Mr. Maxwell has received In 'o-
sponse to tho Omaha appeal hundreds of let
ters from tho great business establishments
of Now York, Philadelphia, Uoston, Balti
more, St. Louis, Chicago und the great cen
ters of commorce and finance, heartily en
dorsing the project, promising It their earn
est, active support nnd sending tholr mem
bership foes In the National Irrigation as
sociation. This promotlvo work will bo
carried Into all tho principal cities ot tbp
west nnd within a short tlmo a million doc
uments a month will bo sent eastward to
men and flrma of Influence
"Tho tlmo has come," said Mr. Maxwoll,
"when this Is no longer looked upon as a
western scheme to benefit only the west,
although somo of tho western congressmen
for a tlmo mnde tho mistake ot pleading
for It as u concession to tho west. It Is now
recognized ns a national measure, hardly
moro beneficial to tho west than to any other
Sixteenth Street Viaduct Will
Opened (or Trnlllo Huuilny
Tho Sixteenth street viaduct will be com
pleted one day earlier than was expected
nnd will bo thrown open to travel Sunday
morning. All the South Omnha street cars
will resume travel on Sixteenth street Sun
day. Tho asphalt paving at tho south end
of tho viaduct is almost completed, but will
probably not bo rendy for uso until Monday.
Tho grnnlto block paving ot tho double car
tracks will afford suluclont room for all
travel, however, and tho opening will not be
delayed on that account.
A sovoro sprain will usually disable the
injured person for throo or tour wookJ.
Many cases havo occurred, however, in
which n cure has been effected In lies than
ono week by applying Chamberlain's Pain
UiilltlliiK l'crmlt.
Thn city Inspector of buildings has Issued
tho following permits;
Mrs. U. C. Younctf, Florenco boulevard,
two-Htory framo dwelling, 12.000; C. N.
DelU. Thirty-eighth nnd Dowoy avenues,
framo burn, $3,000; alttrutluus to dwelling,
tMmP? mm mm 3 mmsm
Your choice of the finest straw hats in the
house Saturday for 9Se. We include the
hats that sold for 2.50 and ?3.00 at the
beginning of the season every size and
every style all go in one grand lot at...-
75c Men's
for 25c.
Square Xo. 2 we place on sale
$1,25 Men's Underwear 50c
un main noor on Bargain squares ana in our regular n en s tur
nlshlng goods department we place on salo 223 dozen men's finest
$1.23 French balbrlggsn, fancy mixed balbrlggan underwear In pink,
tans, also m odium weight balbrlggan underwear nnd
fancy stripes, summer merino, lisle finished and a
- seam Jean drawers; choice of tho ontlro lot Saturday
Knights and Daughters of Tabor Invado
Mr. Bryan's Municipality.
Only Unfortuunto Incident Conneeleil
ivlth tho Start thnt of ii Ven
erable Deacon,' Whs
Got Left.
Ono hundred and fifty men and women,
representatives or tho elite ot local colored
(society, mado an nnlmatod scene at tho
union depot yostorday, when, nt 8:30, tho
crowd surged through tho gates to the
train tracks and boarded thrco special cars
on- tho Hock Island. It was the occasion
of the r.nnual outing of tho Knights and
Daughters ot Tabor, and the excursion was
bound for Lincoln.
No happier, more Joyful crowd ever aot
out upon a picnic excursion. The pic
nickers bogan to assemble early in tho morn.
Ing, hours betoro the tlmo scheduled for
tho departure of the train. No falso note
cntorcd in to Jar tho harmony of the affair.
Cay laughter resounded through tho big cor
ridors ot tho depot and the ploasutes ot the
day began from the moment the first ar
rivals reached tho depot with huge lunch
bankeln bulging out with unmlstakablo sug
gestions of great feasting later in tho day.
Not oven tho fact that the day was Fri
day and tho date the 13th was permitted to
mar tho anticipations of a delightful outing,
Tho only ono who took cognizance of tho
baneful circumstances was an old deacon,
who almost tumbled down tho marble flight
ot stairs leading to tho train tracks in his
hasto to cntch the train. Hut be was too
late, and tho train bearing tho happy ex
cursionists was already crossing tho brldgo
when bo appeared at tho gate. J. S. Mc
N'ally offered tho comforting suggestion tbat
It wan after all a pretty unlucky combina
tion ot circumstances, Friday and the 13th
at that, and tho belated traveler expressed
himself as halt glad ho had mteted his train,
Thoro wero any number of amusing inci
dents connectod with tho waiting for and
tho boarding of tbo excursion train, Tho
short Journey promised a real treat for many
of tho colored people, and they were Joyfully
agitated and excited. One tnlddlo-aged
woman lost her pocketbook in tho waiting
room and almost started a panto In her
frenzied zeal to recover it, Morris Flem
worth twenty-five dollars.
worth twenty-two dollars.
worth twenty dollars.
worth seventeen dollars.
All go at $12.30.
immense quantities
New mannish welt oxfords, in black and tan, for
street and golf.
for dress and summer hotol piazza
for street wear.
ing the depot guard, located the missing
purse and sent Its frightened owner on her
way rejoicing.
Charllo Rutherford, general Agent of the
Hock Island passenger department, accom
panied by a potent rabbit's foot, n flaring
rod badge bearing the Insignia of tho order
giving the picnic, and one of his most pleas
ant smiles, chaperoned tho party to Lincoln,
determined that nothing should be over
looked that would enhanco tho pleasure of
tho Journey for his meat appreciative pas
John Itrlnk Itellereil of III Mousy by
n Sow Found Aciiuulnt
nni'e. When John Drink awoke Thursday even
ing he found himself lying on a bunch of
straw In a box car near tho Webster street
depof. Hy bls s,tlu was a Purse with tho
leather freshly slit as with a sharp knife.
Tho purso was empty. Feeling through his
pockets he discovered that his razor was
also missing. Then, realizing what had
happened to him, ho went to tbo pollco
Btntlon nnd told his story.
"I had $12 In money," said ho, "and no
Job, so I thought I'd go to St. Taul to look
for work, I was on my way to tho union
depot to take tho train when I foil In with
a fellow who scorned to be very friendly,
though I'd never seen him before. I told
him whero I was going, and ho said:
" 'Como with me to tho Webster street
depot and I'll show you bow you can go to
St. Paul and It won't cost you nothing.'
"I went with him. Wo climbed into a
box car and I guess I must havo fallen
asleep, Anyhow, when I came to my senses
tho fellow was gono and so was my money
and razor. Tho money was In a trick purse
and he couldn't opon It, so ho cut It open
with my razor."
As Drink gavo a good description ot the
thief the pollco are now looking for him.
Fluht to I'ontu Chllrl.
MAHYVILLE, Mo., July 13. (fcipeclal.)
Ilov. Father Ansolin, pastor of St. Mary's
Catholic church of Maryvlllo, returned last
night from Pendor, Neb., bringing with him
il-ycar-old Irene Mary Lawless, who had, to
all practical purposes, been abducted from
the sisters of St. Joseph's hospital in Mary
vlllo. Charles Lawless, whllo working In tbo In
dian Territory several years ago married a
half-breed Indian woman by whom ho had
this child. Six years ago tbo mother died
and tho child was given Into tho keeping
Bankrupt Sale
Fine Silk
Fancy silk band
bows, full silk bands,
iu latest patterns. White satin
band bows. Wbite filk band
bows. English squares in
waBh Madras and percales,
5c, worth 25c.
50c Neckwear 15c.
English squares and
imperials in all the lat
est styles, including polka
dot, Parisian patterns with
fancy bordered ends, 15c,
worth 50c.
$1.00 Neckwear 25c.
English squares cut
in the latest shapes in
fine gros grain silk with
embroidered fleur-de leia in
white, pink and blue, dark
blue and black and other de
sirable BhadeB; also in fancy
silk mixed light and medium
shades, worth up to $1.00,
go at 25c.
of tho sisters. A short time ago sbo was
taken by two of the aimers to Lyons, Neb.,
to visit relatives of her father. While thoro
a brother of her mother at Pender, himself
a balf-brecd whoso name Is not known,
asked hor to visit blm and she was allowed
to go. After getting tho child Into his pos
session the Tender man, who Is a lawyer,
had his law partner, who la probato Judgo
of Thurston county, appoint him her guar
dian, and refused to give her up. Father
Anselm and the child's futher, now n resi
dent of Port Arthur, Tex., wero sent for
and succeeded In getting possession. It Is
understood that the principal reason why tho
child Is in such demaud Is tbat her Indian
blood entitles her to eighty acres of land
somewhere in the Territory.
.Hit)' He Conlil ol J'ar the fee Ile
ninnileil for II In tlcfennc nud
Decided in I.cnve.
In charge ot two deputy United State
marshals from Washington and aocompanlod
by Postofflco Inspector A, O. Swift, J. F.
Negreen was brought back from New York
Negreen is tho young man who left town
under charges of using canceled pottage
stamps for tho transmission of letters nnd
who was arrested as a fugitive tram Justice
by the New York authorities, Deforo Com
missioner Anderson be told tho reason tor
his flight from Omaha no follows:
"When I was released, pending examina
tion, I went to a young lawyer and consulted
with him, I offered blm a fee which ne
scorned to think too small, and he told m
that what I bad done would surely land mo
In tho penitentiary unless ho had ample
funds for my defense, I didn't havo tho
money he required and so I doclded to run
Negreen left so hurriedly that he did not
tako time to draw funds from tho bank and
was pennllose when discovered. Ho was
bound over In tbo sum of $1,000 to appear
beforo the grand Jury. Dond was furnished.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Good Digestion.
Taken regularly after meals, removes
tho cense of distress, oppression and
"all gone" feeling of tho stomach.
Genuine stirs nunc IIossfosd's on wrapper.