Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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MUST RETURN TO COLORADO sanest man in Nebraska! big sale at boston store
Manlacola Given Into Custody of Sheriff
Olark of Trinidad.
Urllnnl Hint He I Our of Tlircr Cnii-
lilriifnrn Who 1 1 ml I'lnniwil to
JliiWe Ihc I lint I nml I'li-i-to
O. C. Clark, the Rhorlff from Trinidad,
Colo., nrrlvcd In Omaha yesterday to tnkf
Into custody ttao prisoner, Michael Manlacola,
who had neon In the city Jail Blnro Sunday.
He took the Italian back to the scene of
hlfi Alleged crime last evening.
Manlacola, nn Indigent fruit peddler of
Trinidad, Is charged with stcillnR $S00 be
longing to his brother-in-law, Ness Assylo.
While being searched at the police station
Sunday a belt was found concealed under
bis clothing containing J0S2, which Is be
lieved to bo a part of the loot. He was ar
rested on nn eastbound Ilurllngton train.
Tho Bupposltlon Is that ho was on his way
to his former home In Italy.
"Hack of tho robbery," said Sheriff Clark,
"was a murder, and It Is believed that the
theft of tho $800 was but an Incident In a
plot hatched by Manlacola, his brother, An
ton, and his slslcr. The sister was married
to a worthless fellow named Moretz Moroso.
One morning about two years ago Moroso
arose, drank a cup of coffee and a few
minutes later died. Thu coffen had con
tained roiigh-on-rats.
"Tho ulster and the brother, Anton, were
erreotcd, charged with murder and were
convicted In the lower court. Their at
torneys however appealed and In the higher
tribunal the cami was remanded for a new
trial, but It was not heard tho necond time.
"Meanwhile tho woman, being out on
bond, married again, taking uh a hutthand
a well-to-do miner named Ness Assylo, with
whom she had been on very friendly terms
for Bovcral yearn. Manlacola, It seems,
learned that Assylo had a largo sum of
money concealed about the house, and ono
night about a week ago ho secured this
treaHuro and decamped. Tho mippoMtlon '
that the ulster and brother wero In tho
conspiracy with him and Intended Joining
him In Italy."
l-'iiniltiirr nntl Soup Free.
Tho guerslng contest on tho number of
piece of Castllo soap In Morro Castle built
In our east window will close Krlday night.
Tho penson guessing nearest to tho correct
number of cukes will receive their choice
from tho ten beautiful pieces of furniture
offered as prizes, the Kccnnd nearest tho next
choice, tho third guess the third choice.
Saturday tho soap of which tho castle Ib
built will bo given away, each caller re
ceiving a cako free.
Ciitism the Arreot of n Sinn Who llnil
Mtlil Mini Whlnkr for III
Xlek Wife. I
Emerson Ilenedlct. deputy Internal revenue I
collector, thinks he has found the meanest
man in the state of Nebraska In the person
of a resident of a small village a few miles,
from Omaha.
A day or two ago the collector's office re
ceived a letter stating that the principal
merchant of the place was selling liquor
without a license. Accompanying the letter
was an affidavit of a citizen of tbo place
setting forth that he had purchased whisky
from tho merchant. Armed with the letter
and tho nnidavlt Mr. Ilenedlct made a trip
to the village and investigated the case.
Ho found that the merchant had nt his home
a jug of whisky, wh ch he hail purchased
for his own consumption; that the man who
mado tho nnidavlt was tho husband of n
woman In delicate henlth and that a day or
two before the affidavit was signed he had
called upon the merchant and told him that
liquor had been prescribed for his wife nnd
that none could bo purchased In tho village.
Taking compassion upon the wife of the man
the merchant gave hltn a pint of whisky and
the man, over tho protest of tho merchant,
paid him for the liquor and Immediately
Hied the aflldavlt with the merchant's busi
ness rival, who had the letter sent to tho
Under the circumstances tho deputy re
quired the merchant to pny two months' tax
as a retail liquor dealer and the penalty for
selling without the llccnte.
The Ximv Ti-riitnieiit for ItlirninntlNiit.
Tho treatment of rheumatism by tho ap
plication of electricity In recommended by
tho leading physicians evcrywhiTC. It Is
also well known that thcro Is nothing so
good as thorough matnago treatment In com
bination with n Russian or Turkish bath,
The Uenstrom treatment, which Is given at
the hathery In suite LM6-218-220 of The Ike
building. Is the result of long study of both
tho disease and tho mechanical and elec
trical apparatus, which In In use there.
Tills treatment, combining as It docs the
bent of thermal baths with electrical appli
cation, together with mnssage treatments by
experienced mawscuses, will bring relief
where- nothing else Is of avail. Tho meat
obstinato cases are relieved and cured.
Hverythlng is most conveniently arranged
for this novel but effective method of com
bating with rheumatism.
Tho 'nntltuto Is conducted for ladles only
and a maid Is In attendance for their con
venience, ns well as lady masscUHCH. Ap
pointments may be mado by telephone No.
1716. If you are being treated by n physi
cian It will bo well to commit him first and
have him glvo hl directions regarding the
application of electricity and their fre
quency. Otherwise free advice will be given
by Mr. Uenstrom, tho Inventor, who Is In
charge of the Institute.
Krnlt nml Vi'uclnlilc I'oililler Are
JIukiliK AltOKllnr Too .11 u eh
I'm- of Tln-ni,
The use of short measures hnn become
o common among tho fruit nnd vegetable
dealers of tho city, particularly among the
jieddlers, that City Attorney Council Is con
templating a now ordinance which will pro'
vldo a sovcro penalty for tho manufacture of
measures that fall below the standard, r.
1'. Mahammltt, city Inspector of weights nnd
measures, ha found where many of the
uudurelzed measures aro manufactured and
believes that the only means of picventtng
further fraud is to place uch a heavy tine
on tho makers of theso measures that they
will quit tho business.
In one shop In Omaha vegotnhlo measures
nro kept which uro up to standard, but
have no bottoms In them. Thick wooden
bottoms are sold to the purchasers. By put
ting ono of thcuc heavy bottoms In a meas
ure Intended to hold n bushel It is possible
to lessen tho capacity of the measure nt
least a quart. In order to provent tho man
ufacture of measures Intended for fraudu
lent purposes City Attorney Connell would
forbid tho salo of unfinished measures.
(iieiiii lloiiml Trip Union.
On July 17 and IS nnd August 2, 7 and 21
tho Illinois Central will sell tickets, limited
until October .11, as follows:
Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35,
Wntervllle. Minn., and return, $10.68.
Madison Lake, Minn., nnd return, $10.68.
St. Paul, Minn., nnd return, $12.03.
Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65.
Duluth, Minn., and return, $16.95.
Supurior, Wis., nnd return, $10.95.
West Superior, Wis., nnd return, $16.93.
For full particulars call at city ticket of
fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Karnam
Ladies' Fine $17.50 and $15.00 Lawn and
Swiss Suits, $6.08 Today.
AIo Kvfrnorilliinry Snlc l.nillf" 91.00
White l.nivn Shirt Wiilxtn, li.-.c, mill
iftf.on Shirt WnUtu, title 15 cry
I, nil)' In Oliilihit Should Come
17.50 AND $15.00 LAWN AND SWISS
Hnvlng purchased from a New York manu
facturer a handsome lot of fine Swiss and
lawn summer costumes, at COc on tho dol
lar, wc placo them on sale Thursday, July
12th, nt ono prlre, for the choice of all, $6.98,
and any ono worth from $15.00 to $17.50.
Such an offering right In tho heart of the
season Is remarkable and unprecedented
now, Just when you want them. They arc
made In fancy, dressy offectB, lace and
ribbon-trimmed, of fine qualities of Swiss,
lawns, etc.. some with accordion pleated bot
toms, others with full ruffled effects, and nil
with big. full drop skirts.
Why worry over making your wash and
summer dresses, when you can, during thin
sale, buy one ready to wear for the cost
of the mnterlnls alone?
We have placed a few of these on exhlbl
tlon in our larco show windows and we In
vito you to examine them when passing.
As the number is limited, wo advise you
to come early and get your selection before
all are gone.
Remember, this is for Thursday only, July
12th. They arc worth $15.00 and $17.50, will
be sold on main floor nt $15.1)8 each.
$1.00 WRAPPERS AT 50C.
200 dozen ladles' wrappers of Mtrong. fine
qunllty of lawn nnd percale lu utrlpes and
flguies on light and dark grounds, made
with fitted back, full front, plain and
flounced skirts; these are all new and be
coming styles, nitely trimmed with laco ami
embroidery, sizes from 32 to 16, on salo on
main Moor at 50c.
Having purchased tho entire stock of a
largo Now York shirt waist manufacturer
we will begin tomorrow, Thursday, to glvo
extraordinary bargains.
All of tho $1.00 white lawn phlrt waists,
handsomely trimmed, all sizes, on sale on
second floor nt 25c each.
$1.50 while nnd'co'.ored shirt waists, tucked
and trimmed with embroidery, made In the
latest styles, French or yoke back, on Bale
on main floor at 60c.
In this Immenso assortment you will find
dome exceptionally lino white and colored
shirt wnlsta.. every one the. latest style, all
of them made of white lawn, percale and
Madras cloth, nn sale on main floor at 69c,
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas,
CIiiiiikp of Tlnir.
On July 1 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway changed the time of their train
between Omaha nnd Chicago. Tho fast train
formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, under
the new card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving
Chicago at S:30 a, m., lu ample time for all
eastern connections. The local train form
erly leaving nt 11:00 a, m. has been changed
to n fast daylight train for Chicago, leaving
Omaha at 7:15 n. m. and arriving Chlcag)
at 10:30 p. m.
Miike Vour l.lvi-r Lively.
A lazy, languid liver keeps you In bad
health all tho time. Wake up to lively ac
tion with CiiHcarotB Candy Cathartic. All
druggists, 10c, 25c, 60c.
The .N'ortlnventcrn I. Inc.
Half Faru
Charleston, S. C,
many other
City Ticket Offices, 1401-3 Karnam St.
DfTDf AT I tail' iiniinn
ntl ntAI For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and all
tho summer resorts of the east. All acents
Catholic I'rlentn Drvnir n Wr-U- to 0CU tickets via the Wabash. Ask for them
Inntrtictlou. M.-.Ittut tun nnd or caii on or write O. N. Clavton. room 403
' -r. x. y l. building
Half of tho priests of tho Roman Catholic
dlocesn of Qmaha nro now at Crclghton col
lege, whero they will remain In retreat until
Friday. Next Monday morning tho second
rotrwtt will begin nnd will Inut until tho fol.
lowing Friday. During the retreat the
priests devoto the time to prayer and medi
tation and listen to four sermons a day by
a priest designated by the bishop. From
12:30 to 2 p. m., and In tho evening about 7
o'clock, there nrc periods of Intermission,
during which the priests may receive visitors,
and many of tin- people of Omaha are calling
upon those with whom they aro acquainted.
Wn It ii Allrncl.'.
"The marvelous euro of .Mrs. Rena J. Stout
ot consumption has created Intenso excite
ment In Cammack, Ind., writes Marlon
Stuart, a lending druggist of Muncle, Ind.
Sho only weighed 90 pounds when her doc
tor In Yorktown said sho mimt soon die.
Then sho begun to uso Dr. King's New DIs-
covory nnd gained 37 pounds lu weight and
was completoly cured." It has curod thou-
sands of hopeless cases nnd Is positively
guaranteed to euro nil throat, chet and lung
disease. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free
t Kuhn & Co.'h drug store.
Sure Death
water bugs, eochroaches, ante
mosquitoes, moths, carpet or
buffalo moth, and all insects
and vermin.
Pint Bottles 20c
Half Gallon Bottles 50c
One Gallon Jug $1.
QftlllCCCD cut price
Cor. lUih and Chicago Ktraata.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, ennvns goods, 11 nnd Harney, phone 883.
Take at any time
t o o
0 Ciinm-
' It.. ,1
Aflf r
Tomorrow Wp I'lnfe on Snip tlir Sre
onil .Milpinrnt of 31 lit" inn hut Shoes
New golf boots for ladles.
New bicycle boots for Indies.
New golf oxfotds for ladles,
Now French heel oxfords for ladles.
New welt oxfords for ladles.
Now ox blood shoes for ladles.
New strap sandals for children,
New button oxfords for children.
Now tan shoes for men.
Nov button patent leather shoes for men.
Our assortment of summer shoes la finer
and greater thnu nny or all the stores In
Omaha combined.
Wc are sole agents for Edwin C. niirt'p
Indies' flno shoes; Queen Quality flno shocss
Fit-Easy lino shoc3 for women nnd Dr.
Reed's cushion shoes for men.
Theso nro all the finest shoes that money
will buy,
nkohojt nml Arnold I'nrk,
The Chlcngo, Milwaukee -. St. Paul nil
way have Just plavr I In service
daylight trains between Om.ihii and Spirit
LaVc, OkoboJI and Arnold's Park, doing the
train leaves Omnha nt 7.15 n. m. and ar
rives Spirit Lake at 4:15 p. tu. Returning
tho train lenves Spirit Lake at C 43 u. m.
pud arrives Omaha 3:C." p. m. This Is tho
best scrvlco that has yet been offered over
any ono road. Round trip tickets, good re
turning until October 31. $10 7u.
City ticket otilcc, 1501 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH, (leni Western Agent.
Vln ItoeU lnlniMl lluiilc.
Tickets on sale July 10, 11 and 12. Trains
leave union Btatlon nt 8 30 n. in., 1:30 p. m.
nnd C:r,3 p. nt. Securo tickets nt city ofllce,
132J Fnrnnm street, or union station.
Special I.ou- Itnto i:curilon.
Omaha to Hot Springs, South Dakota, and
Dnte of next special plccplng car excur
sion Saturday, July 14, 1000.
Tickets on salo and sleeping car reserva
tions mndc
1401-1403 Farnam St.
Have you over visited tho historic lilack
Hills? This Is a good chance.
Perfectly harmless. N. N. Shampoo,
Only Two Wights
In m n I; I n u the trip
OiiiiiIiii to I'orlliiml
"The Chicago-Portland Special"
inn Miles
AIouk the Colnmhln Ittver
lij I)nilKhl.
City Ticket Office, l.'IOS Fnrnnm St.
Tel. :ui.
As Victor's
Headache Capsules
cause no disagreeable
after "(Tccts. they can
be taken nt any time S
before, after or be-
tween meals. The re- g)
milts nrc most satis-
fylng Indeed. No mat-gj
tor to what extent V
you arfl suffering, it 0
v.ill never 'take more
than, two capflules to
r.llov vftti nnrt virv W
soldom more thnn one. Remember
are offering you a tk.n .minute
0 r.cnmi' lie cure, j-rice oc a dox. t
J Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
JUUi and l)nlnr Streets.
Omaha, Neb. 4
From Council Illuffs, South Omaha nnd
nil over Omaha como good reports, from
those using
Rheumatic Remedy
Wo have been selling this preparation for
ycrs, and If you aro afflicted with rheuma
tism, neuralgic pains through the body call
at our store and wo will tell you what to do.
Wc have cured others, and know just what
we are talking about. It Is specially adapted
to women troubled with rheumatism. For
sale by
Fourteenth nml Unniclaa Street.
JPf Waists
1 1 $3.50
-the WOO kind. They are blnck they are
tucked all over they nrc lined only over
shoulders- they are the prettiest you've
seen this j-eur. t'onio und nee them or or
der by mall.
Hulhlng nulls, navy brllllaiitinc $4.50.
ri niln niTPn
1510 Douulas St.
(j iiJ urn - t
The teeth nature gave you, but If they are
gono como to us for your next set. Fit
Hold Set $5.00
Cold Crowns $3.00
Gold Fillings Ji r.O up
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1.117 llniiKlnii St.
Proud of Her New Open Plumbing
sho It most naturally nnd properly, bo
c.iUHe the existence of unonnltnrv con
ditions Is now Impossible. Ulsense nntl
sickness lurk In hiding us unbidden
quests where the plumbing Is antiquated
or defective. No precautions of tho
housekeeper can avert the evil conse
quences. Don't trifle with danger when
we can make you safe In either gas or
steam llttlug and plumbing ut a modcr
ate cost.
Free6c Black,
Phone 1049.
1806 Farnam St.
A l'lnt'e to Spend the Summer,
On the lines of tho MIIWAUKEB RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin nro some of the most
beautiful places In tho world to spend u
ummcr vacation camping out or nt the ele
gant summer .hotels. Don ting, fishing, beau
tiful lakes and streams and cool weather.
Thoso roaorts nro easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may bo
had upon application at the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Ry. city ticket offlce,
1G04 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip
tickets, good returning until October .11,
now on eala. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
fitM I
Cniiip .Mrrtlim
at Mountain Utko Park, Maryland.
Vis tho Raltimore & Ohio Railroad.
On July ft to 16, Inclusive, the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad will sell low rate excursion
tickets to Mountain Lake Park, Md., ac
count above occasion.
Tlckotn will bo good for return until July
20, 1900.
For furthor Iformntlon call on or address
nearest Paltlmore & Ohio ticket agent or
II. N. Austin, Oeneral Passenger Ageut,
Chicago, 111,
Fiihlrn of the Hull. X,
A millionaire was Sitting In his Humble
mnnslon One day when tho Head Duller
brought In n Telegram from his Business
partner Informing him that IiIb cashier
had Stolen nil tho Money In the Vault. This
was Sml, hecauso the poor Millionaire had
on tho Morrow to pay his wlfo's Millinery
mil nud ho saw Bankruptcy Staring htm In
Moral If he hnd spent his money trav
eling on tho North-Western Line It would
list have becu utolcu by his cashier
Study the Figures.
Cincinnati nnd return, $22. W, July 10, 11, 12.
Denver, Pueblo, Colorado tiprlngs and return
$19.00, July S, 10, 17. IS, 21, nnd n.
Cllenwood Springs and return, $31.00, July 9, 10, 1",
And is.
Ogden, Salt Lako City and return, $32.0), July 9, 10
17 und IS.
Hot Springs, S, D. nnd return, (18.40, July 9, 10, 11
17, 18, 21, nnd 28,
CuBter, S, u. (Sylvan I.nke) nnd return, $20.C0, July
j, iv, ii.ti, is, .i, aim .3.
Tlckot Office,
502 Farnam St.
Tel. 2B0.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tel. 128.
IBS Railroad Watches!
Extra Jeweled, Prices, Complete, $15 up.
John Rudd, Jeweler,
Railroad Watch Inspector
115 South Sixteenth St., Omaha.
We make a specialty of repairing fine watches and
guarantee all work. Our prices are reasonable.
To make room for the 22,000 pairs line shoes purchased by
our buyer (now in the east) at l(!c on the dollar, we are cutting
the prices on every pair of shoes in our store.
QDp for misses' shoes, H "to 2, worth $l.r0 to 2.00 a pair,
VOW i tan or black, button or lace.
for ladies' tan or black vici kid, lace or button shoes,
worth up to $3.50 a pair, sizes, 2i to 7.
for women's line vici kid shoes, tan or black, formerly
3.50 and $4.00, while they last only 1.87.
for men's fine vici kid, box and velour calf shoos, both
black and tan, worth 3.00 to $4.00.
The biggest shoes values in Omnha.
Jotiasoti's Entire
Jewelry Stock,
on Sale Saturday.
At 1-10 to l-l Jonasen's prices. Nothing reserved, from pure
onyx clocks worth 50.00 and genuine bronze pieces worth
100.00, down to the smallest article in jewelry and musical mer
chandise. All will be closed out without regard to cost or value.
This is a Boua-Fide
Clearing Sale.
We must dispose of every dollar's worth, no matter what
the price.
We have received another shipment of Holding Bros, best
quality sewing silks; color and yardage guaranteed;
will be sold on Monday at per spool
Ladies' Shirt Waists
To be Sacrificed in this store,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Shirt Waists, made of the best
standard percales, lawns, ginghams
and madras cloths all made with
the new collar, new sleeve and new
back not a waist in this lot sold
for less than 1.00, and most of them
1.50 ami 2.00 all newall latest
style your choice for
See Farnam Street Window.
We-are at the mercy of no competition,
for we control the avenues of trade in a man
ner insuring' us every advantage in the own
ership of the goods we advertise in this
II AV nCII' A World-Beating
IIAT UkllSSale on Wash Waists,
Wash Skirts and Wrappers.
The second consignment of the manufacturer's stock from
New York City recently purchased by our resident buyer has ar
rived and the prices will be about half what they were last week.
The garments are new, stylish, clean and up-to-date in every re
spect and the prices lower than the cost of the materials.
1 table of waists in the newest styles. They are worth
75c and LOO; Or
for each 4kJ
2 tables of waists in nice lawns, Scotch ginghams and other ma
terials, warranted to keep colors. They are worth CAp
1.25 to 1.75; on sale for only kJVJKs
Your choice of 3 tables very finest waists, including all our own
fine goods, waists that have been selling for 2.00, 7Cp
2.50 and 3.00; your choice CC
The above are the greatest bargains ever offered in Omaha
or anywhere else at this season.
Wrappers and Wash Skirts.
250 wash skirts with 15-inch flounce,
worth 1.00, for
25 dozen wrappers in blue, black and red figures,
1.00 quality, on sale at
50 dozen wrappers in lawns any percales, light and iniwa ivilli 1 O-i iif.1i llmtiicp for J iy s
uui n .4t, .,. . , .... . . - - . . . . - . . .
100 dozen wrappers, worth 1.75 and 2.00,
on sale for
75 ladies' sample skirts, the cream of the market, the latest styles,
they are worth 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00, on Q QO
sale at 30
Ladies' black brocade skirts, worth 1.50, for 69c
75 ladies' golf skirts at 2.98
1 table of ladies' silk taffeta waists, worth 5.00 1 QO
n.irl li HO nn unln MMiiiVQflnv !i i" 1 3
1 table of silk waists, worth 7.00 and S.00,
on sale at
Watch for sale of Jonasen jewelry stock Saturday.
Our Patrons
aro amongst tho peopla who have been
freed from tho imln cnusoil by docayed
teoth. Our
Superior Dentistry
work has proved a hoon to thousands.
AH operations aro conducted on ucleu
tillc principles. Modern methods and
unlimited facilities ensures success la
every case.
Wo practlco all description of work
linown lo modern (lout 1st ry.
BAILEY, the Dentist
itl'J I'm Inn lllk. Kith A. I'll run in.
I. nil' Attendant. 1'liuue 10H..
You hve the REST not wlthst jndlna they cost you nu cmro than Interior aoodu
W. n. mcE m. r. ro mani'factuiu'.ks. hy i.oiiis, io. IIMintl lllfiE
( I