20 TTTE OMAHA DATLY "REE: SUNDAY, ,TTTT,V 8, 1900. WAS A PLEASING SPECTACLE Kansas Oity Convention More Attractive Than tho One at Philadelphia. DELEGATES WERE ALL ENTHUSIASTIC Majority of Those Prrnrnt Vrrr In Vninr of Shle-TriirUlii I'rer Hllter, lull Wi'rr I'ori'cil to Aorcil II, "As a spectacle, tho Kansas rity conven tion wan more pleasing than the I'hlladel phla convention," said K. J. Cornish, mem her of tho Hoard of l'nrk Comuilnsloncrs, who -attended both of tho national conven tion. "There was n greater variety In the Kansas City convention. Tho men woro dressed differently. Ilesldo a dude ono could neo a man with a slouched hat. The clothing of many of the democratic dele gates marked them at enthusiasts. There won a much larger representation of south ern men. All of tho delegates nt tho Kan tan City convention seemed to follow their momontary Impulses, and In conscquonco the. convention was noisier and less digni fied than that nt Philadelphia. "At Philadelphia a great majority of the men woro clothe') that wcro cut In the usual fauhlon and worn dressed In such n way that them was nothing to distinguish them frim thousands of men you mcot In any city or (own. "It In not overstating tho rase to say that fully two-thirds of the delegates to tho Kamus City convention were seeking somn means or ildu-tracklng free silver. I do not mean that two-thirds of them woro opposed to frro silver, hut rattier that they were oprosed to allowing It to ho the great Issue this year. There was a great scram ble, among them to II ml tho best way of bringing about this nnd. Tho moro radical Insisted on having It In the platform. Clold men attempted to ellmlnntc It completely, und It was finally decided that the easiest way out of tho matter was to allow silver to go Into the platform. All factions real ized that to omit the silver plank would mean a long campaign, In which every speech must contain somo explanation of tho omis sion. Tho Insertion of tho plank was thought to bo less hazardous than tho breakers thnl would be encountered If It wore oralttod. "Antl-lmpcrlalism socmcd to be tho Issuo all the delegates wew determined on hav ing brought to tho front, and tho nntl expanslou sentiment canio to Its climax iv lion Tillman read tho platform and laid particular stress upon tho nntl-lmperlal-lstie plank. Ills reading wan very forcible and he emphasized thu Important points by striking a tablo with his list. Ho had complete control of tho convention nnd proved himself to be a mnu of great power. "Hill's hearty reception was ono of the features of the convention. No name, with tho exception of Ilrynn's, had ouch an ef fect upon the delegates and his nppcarancc on the stage was tho signal for thundorous applause. After seeing the great demon stration for Hill Jt is Impossible, to deny that he la thu great man of thu party, Ilryan excepted. Nobraska, n state with only right electoral votes and no great po litical lnlluonco to offer, has reason to bo proud of a citizen who can wield such an Influence as Urynn." A I'lnc lo Spcnil the Snmmer. On the lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY in Wisconsin are somo of the most beautiful places In tho world to spend it summer vacation camping out or at the olo gnnt summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beau tiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts nre all welly reached from Omaha. A book describing thorn may be had upon application at the Chicago, Mil waukee ft St. Paul Ry., city ticket office 1501 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good returning until October 31, now on sale. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Olirnp Hound Trip Union. On July 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18 and August S, 7 and 21 tho Illinois Central will sell tick ets, limited until October 31, ns follows: Waseca, Minn., and return, $10.35. Wntorvllle, Minn., and return, $10.08. Madison Lake. Minn., nnd return, $10.68. fit. Paul, Minn., and return, $12.65. Minneapolis, Minn., and return, $12.65. Dulutb, Minn., nnd return, $16.95. Superior, Wis., and return, $16.96. West Superior, Wis., and return, $16.95. For full particulars call at city ticket of fice Illinois Central railroad, 1402 Farnam street. MARSH LAND TO BE RECLAIMED County CoiiiihIhuIoimth Will Ileeoin-rac-ml lli llrnlnliiK of n. I.iirKe Tract 'rur Vnllcj-. County Commissioners Hnrte and Ostrotn havo spent several days In the northwestern part of the county to consider tho proper treatment of certain freaks and Irregulari ties in the Elkhorn river. Running south cast from Valley la a slough which renders worthless for four miles a strip of tho HncBt farming and grnzlug lands in tho west. Thero are about threo sections Included In the mnrsh. Tho commissioners will recom rnond that tho county proceed to drain tho lough, using road machines to cut a chan nel to tho Elkborn rlvor. Tho coat would Dot bo large and the vuluo of tho redeemed tract would amount to sovcral thousand dollars. Tho only reason which has hereto fore Induced thu commissioners to delay tho Improvement Is the annual overflow which would be likely to back into tho canals and spread over tho low country. The commis sioners argue, however, that It is better to have a periodic Influx rather than the con atant presence of a mlnsmatlc marsh. The commissioners also gavo their atten tion to other conditions In that portion of tho county. It will be necessary to alter the grade In a county road which now serves to force drainage water Upon prlvato ground In the neighborhood. Fnhlra of the Hull VI. A business man was Bitting in a dinning car ono day and when tho warier brought him in some sickly looking soup and gave lilm a small pleco of dry Bleak the man had ii fit nnd was unablo to closo tho big deal that he had on In Chicago the next day und thereby he lost $s.000,000. Moral Always go to Chicago via tho Northwestern line. The dining car scrvlco ! unexcelled. Cnmp 3trrtln at Ucustsln Lake Park, Maryland, LOW HATEP Via the rtaUlmure & Ohio Railroad. On July 5 to 16, Inclusive, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will sell low rate excursion tickets to Mountain Lako Park, Md., ao count nbovo occasion. Tickets will be good for return until July :o, 1900. For further Information call on or addreai nearest Daltlmore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or II, N. Austin, General Panenger Agent, Chicago, III. II ii 1 1 t I ii tc l'eriiiltn. The city Inspector of buildings has issued the following permits: Fred Knur, lirmvlne company. South Tenth, repairs, $100; M. Klisune. 2977 Dorcas, frame dwelling. $1,000; Frank Fogurty, lllnney, frame dwelling, Jl.lflO. N. N. Shampoo don't hurt the eyes. Kl'.M'.IlAI, JVOTICKS. T.TT5MTW Jnhn T. Hnttirduv. Jlllv 7. Funeral Monday, July 9, 2 p. m., from residence, ISO South Twcnty-nrst street. tub fo.Mn.RTn jKitvim Of llif "ChlcnKO-PortTnml Snerlitl" Vln 1 Inlnn Pnelllo. enables paieengers to reach the principal cities bctwfn the North Pacific coast and Missouri river not only In the shortest possible space of time, but also In Ihe most comtnrtable enjoyable, manner. The dining earn of thin train are (locked with the best the market affords. All meals served a la carte. City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St, Tclephono 316. Invc'f-tlKntlnn In liitltril. Tho plan of tho Tontine Beneficial asso ciation of Omaha at 317 New York Life building, gives to tho man of small means an opportunity of Investing his savings so that they will earn a large profit. The contract of the company requires the contract holder to mako an Initial payment of $3, to be fol lowed by tho payment of $60 In weekly In stallments of 75 cents for a term of seventy six weeks, at the end of which period the contract holder has the option of taking in full settlement either a pure white diamond having a retail value of $100 or Its equiva lent In cash at the wholesale- price, which Is S0. This company Is backed by ample capital nnd is doing a large business. It numbers among Its patrons hundreds of peo ple In Nebraska, a largo number of whom reside In Omaha. Among them aro raacy woll known business men, to whom any In tending investor will bo referred. Satis factory endorscmenls will be turnUh.'d at any time. The fullest Investigation of the methods of this company and the icsults produced Is invited. The eompny, legally Incorporated, provides a rrservo fund rnd gives a contract that Is nonforfeitable after twelvo week nnd which can bo settled on a cash basis, Snninirr OutliiK. As tho principal western resorts are best reached via the Union Pacific, that line has made the following special exclusion rates: Omaha to Denver nnd return, $19.00 Omaha to Colorado Springs and return, $19.00. Omaha to (llcnwood Springs and return, $31.00. Omaha to Pueblo nnd return, $19.00. Omaha to Ogden and return, $32.00. Omaha to Salt Lako nnd return, $32.00. In effect July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18, and August 2, 7 Bnd 21. Final return limit Oc tober 31, 1900. City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 316. Chnnice of Time. On July 1 tho Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul railway changed the tlme-of their trains between Omaha and Chicago. The fast train formerly leaving at 7:35 p. m. will, under tho new card, leave at 6:00 p. m., arriving Chicago at 8:30 a. m. In ample time for all eastern connections. The local train form erly loavlng nt 11:00 a. m. has been changed to n fast daylight train for Chicago,- leaving Omaha at 7:15 n. m. and arriving Chicago at 10:30 p. m. The IfortnvTFaterv Line EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Fare Charleston, S. C, Cincinnati and many other points. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Offices. H01-3 Farnam St. ALLAN MADE FIELD DEPUTY Will He Stntlonril nt the Indian Hewervntluna to Watch Illegal l,'ljuor Trafllo. James Allan has received word from Washington that ho has been appointed as Hold deputy of the United States marshal, with headquarters at Ponder, Neb. He ex pects to enter upon the discharge of his du tlsa Monday. His especial business will be tho serving of warrants on the Omaha and Winnebago Indian reservations. Tho restoring of the field deputies to the Nebraska district Is tho result of the recent visit of Special Agent McConnell to the reservation. After Investigation the ag?nt found that tho salo of liquor to the Omaha und Winnobago Indians exceeded th salo of liquor upon any other reservation of like population and that It would b Impossible to break up tho Illicit traffic unless a deputy marshal was stationed near the reservation, as many of the "bootleggers" make regular trim, but do not remain In the Indian reser vation, returning to Iowa at tho conclusion of a successful trip. It is said that the mothod of suppressing the traffic will be changed and that all Indiana found with liquor will bo arrested for carrying It upon the reservation. Take the 'Wntiaah For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and all the summer resorts of the east. All agents sell tickets via the Wabash. Ask tor them or call on or write Q. N. Clayton, Room 405 N. Y. L. Dldg. Choice of Ten I'leeea. Of furniture to the person guessing nearest the number of cakes of soap In Morro Castle built In our cast window. Orchard & Wll- bclm Carpet Co. Hamilton Warreu, M. D ectectlc and magnetic physicians, has moved bis office, to 709 North 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to nil long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children. Cincinnati and Iletnrn, 922.no. On July 10, 11 and 12, via Illinois Cen tral. Particulars at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam at. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone 883. Huherman, Jewelc:, sst 1866; absolutely reliable; lowest prices guaranteed. 13&Doug. Write ads. Sell cuts, Print anything. Stonecypher, 1201 Howard .St. Tel. 1310. Genuine imported H. D, Pilsner beer on draught at Ed Maurer's. 1306 Farnam" St. niank hook and magazine binding. A, I. Root, 414-416 South 12th St. Douglas Printing Co., 1C0S Howard. Tel. 644 Have Root print it. Dyball'a candy. Only Two Nights In ninkliiK the trip O in ah a to Portland on "The Chicago-Portland Special" ir.O Miles Along- the Columbia Hirer by I)aitsbt. ' City Ticket orrtre, iaoa I'araam It. Tel. 310. OMAIIANS AT YELLOWSTONE Attractions of tho National Park Becoming Known and Appreciated. TH.E . BURLINGTON MAKES A BIG HIT Uncommonly- l.orr Hnten, Omaha to the Yellowstone, liy the llnrllnK ton lloule, Which Is the .Sluirt est Line to the l'nrk. More Omahana will visit Yellowstone park this summer than In any previous year. Al though the park season only opened June 15, the Ilurllngton ticket office In this city has already sent out half a dozen parties. The trip through Yellowstone park is not nearly ns expcnslvo ns most people think. Every day tickets, Omaha to Mammoth Hot Springs (In the park) and return, are on sale at $47.60, return limit October 31. In ad dition, on July 17 nnd August 7 and 21, the Ilurllngton will sell found trip tickets to Llvlnston, Mont., and return at $35, return limit twenty-one days. Sldo trip, Livingston to Mammoth Hot Springs and return, $5. Tho twenty-ono day ticket answers every requirement. The tr'p through tho park takes only Ave nnd one-half days. If one wishes to stop off at Edgemont and visit Hot Springs, Sylvian Lake, Dcadwood nnd Spcar- flsb, it is entirely practicable to do so. The circle of the Hlack Hills can be made very comfortably In much less than a week. Tho additional cost is $10. Allowing four days for tho round trip, the entire time necessary for the visit to and the trip through Yellow stone park, including flvo dnys in tho Dlnck Hills, Is only a little more than two weeks. Tho Ilurllngton routs In tho shortest, quickest and most direct lino to Yellowstone park. Leave Omaha nt 9:30 p. m. and at 10:15 a. m. tho second day you nre nt Cin nabar. Only oife change of cars Is neces sary. That change is mnde in daylight and from one car to another In tho samo train. All meals are served in dining cars. Fidelity Oil Co. Oil and gasoline delivered to any part of tho city. 76'.. 998. See Hayden's Bargains, Page 11. HAYDEN Men's & Boys' Trousers One of the leading manufacturer's, of New York City, entire stock of men's and boys' fine trousers bought at 50t: on the dol lar on sale Monday. Almost five thousand pairs waists and from 29 to 38 lengths LOT 1 Consists of fine new elegant stripes and checks in worsteds and cassimeres worth $3.00 on sale at only LOT 2 Men's hair-line stripe cassiniere pants; also about 500 pairs sample pants, that retail in regular way for $2.50 to $3.50, on sale at LOT 3 1200 pairs trousers iv worsteds, all new, neat, up - to stripe patterns, worth 4.50 your choice LOT 4 Men's very finest Hookonum worsted and Washington MillB trousers, in club checks and neat desirable stripes, the materials alone are worth more than our selling price; make and trimmings equal to $7.50 to $10.00 made to order trousers, on sale at Men's $2.50 Crash Suits on sale at 95c and $1 .25 Boys' and children's Crash and Washable suits. and knee pants almost given away Knee pants at 8c, 10c and Boys' Washable Knee Pants Suits, worth 50c to $3.50 on sale at 15c, 35e, 50c, 75c, 95c and $1.25. HAYDEN BROS )lX " a ' fcoTTtft VtQtWUi I VltATl MfAr I j. L. Barnett, I Slim ITS So. Omaha. Olllll JO 1108 FARNAM STREET, n rt n C0!iSla&s5 And. Eourteen. Other NlHces to Select From. South. Qiauhtt.WhnH-oom.,. 025-27 N. 21th St. DAYI.KHIT THA1XM FOIl M'ltttT I.AKIS OkohoJI nnd ArnotiU l'nrk. The Chicago, Milwaukee- & St. Paul Rail way company have Just placed In service daylight trains between Omaha and Spirit Lake, OkoboJI and Arnold's Tark. Oolng tho train leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. in. and ar rives Spirit Lake nt 4:15 p. m. Returning the train leaves Spirit Lake at 6:15 a. m. and arrives Omnha 3:55 p, m, This Is the best service that has yet teen offered over any ono road. Round trip tickets, good re turning until October 31. $10.70. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, Oen'l Western Agont. Chicago Laundry. Telephone 205. Lest You Forget COCA CELERY IS THE BEST This season has been tho best for Coca Celery. Its refreshing, Invigorating quali ties, combined with the agreeable, aromatic flavoring, makos it the ideal summer drink. A few of our competl'ors aro still plugging away with an IMITATION, tho best recom mendation that the GENUINE has merit. Sold only by J. A, FULLER & CO. CUT IMIICK imifdfilSTS. Fourteenth and Unuitlns Street. Don't Neglect The teeth nature gave you, but if they are gone como to us for your next set. Fit guaranteed, Oold Set $5.00 dold Crowns $5.00 Gold Fillings $1.50 up T ait's Philadelphia Dental Rooms ir.17 IloiiKlnn St. s of fine trousers, sizes 30 to 50 in this sale. 1.50 1.25 2.50 fine pure - date 3.75 loc WE AUE NOT IN THE I,AU.UItV 1IUSIXKSS. Dut if you want to test tho dryness of the HERRICK REFRIGERATOR put a wet cloth or pleco of paper In one of them and you will bo surprised how quick ly It will dry out. This Is on account of the superior system of circulation employed. See the partition in cut. It docs the busi ness. DRY AIR. NO SCRUniUNG. NO MOULD. & Smith I p c Devo1' U Ollllllly Council Bluffi YOUR TEETH . MAY NOT TALK, but they can cry out In a language of their own and mako you feel it when they become worn out nnd decayed. They want relief. They'ro entitled to it and so aro you, when relief Is to bo had so easily. Consult us about the , teeth that aro glvlug you trouble. BAILEY, the Dentist 12 I'arton nik. 10th A Furiiuin. Lmy Attendant. l'liono 10HS. Western Agents for the - Sch-bert Plan. Mr. John Holts, One of the nioit popular pharmacists in Omaha, we called on a few days ago. at his ilruc More on L'7lh and Cuming streets. We nxked how the onlex of CHAMKIt'S KIDNKV (M'ltn wore; "phenomenal," said Mr. II, "My butne.is l most family trade and that keeps rue posted how It nets," "Why do you know that I have heard moro good report from It than niut tut en t medicine generally give, I invcelf don't hexltiito In recommending II. because It publishes testimonials from Omnha people, which I fometlilug others don't do. There's h man who reslden' on Sewnrd street who has been Iniylnc many different kinds, who kiiw It ndvertlsed nnd after using 3 bottloH came to me nnd told me that It wmm the best medicine he. ever took anil said that 1 should not hesitate to npeak of It. that I could not endorse too highly." We wished "John" tuieocsM and promised lo rail drain. SGHAEFER ' " DRUGGIST. Cor. tUtU muiI CUIeneo titrert. TO CHICIQ0 and ERST, LEAVE 7:00 A. M. 1:86 P. M.-7: T. V. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS, LGAVIS 6:65 A. M.-7:JS P. K. HOT SPRINGS - DEADW00D LEAVE 1:00 P. it. City Offices. 1401-03 Farnam. This is the season where tho question "What toDritik" Is of grave Importance. Intense heat dis turbs the gastric functions nnd debilitates the entire system. Tho majority of all so called cooling drinks bring no lasting relief, but rather unduly stimulnto a craving for more, until the stomach Is wholly demor alized. Krug's Cabinet will effectually bar out all Indisposition. A few of thoso dainty, gold-rlmmed glasses will at onco refresh and bestow enduring comfort. FRED KRUG BREWING GO. Phono for a case. Telephono 420. HAYDEHs Shirt Waists Our New York buyer as usual with his eye on the market has purchased just exactly 257 5-12 dozens ladies' shirt waists from one of the best manufacturers in New York city. As several Omaha houses are using his wnisls he does not permit the use of his name. It is unnecessary to state that, we bought these waists at our own figures. Otherwise our buyer would not have wasted time on them. We Have Added Our Own Tremendous Stock of Waists to this great purchnse.and they go on sale Monday morning. There are well known brands in this lot. The Koyal, The Mar quise, the Stanley, (he Geisha, the Cleopatra and others. 75 dozen Waists with new " S"y JJ iJifjC, French backs they are - JaTlLJ worth J1.00. for 1D0 dozen waists your choice of any colored waist In our house. In Im ported ginghams, madras, French lawns, worth up to $5.00 your choice for Our Annual Ladles' Rults, finest high class gnrments, in chocks, plaids, Mucks, tans and browns, silk lined throughout worth $30.00 for' 13.75 73 samplo skirts, worth $10 to $20 your choice of nt... nf tliam nt 8.98 Mlljr ui m v , , , v f 100 dozen wrappers In percales nnd lawns, tunic over shoulder and lfi-ln. iQ flounce, sepurato waist lln- 37 5 W lng, at each Great Sale on Summer Millinery HAYDEN BROS S SPECIAL SALE ON I SMMailroad Watches j Extra Jeweled, Prices, Complete, $15 up. John Rudd, Jeweler, jj Railroad Watch Inspector it? ns South Sixteenth St., Omaha. Tj Wo mako a specialty of repairing lino watches and 2 guarantee all work. DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A 1 I'll l Yob hive tbe BEST notwithstanding; they cost you nu more tnn Interior goodl. W. n. KICK M. e.CO.. M ANTJrACTCIir.KH, HT. t.OUIS, SUA, 11111011 H 1M C. A, HAILSBACIC, OilAJIA. IiJTIlUiUTOJi, URllM HAlfE I ARE ' YOU i i SATISFIED? Are yon satisfied with your shoes with tho way they wear, with tho comfort they give you and with their style? If not, como in and see us, and let us show you the kind of shoes that will satisfy ' you; shoes of tho highest quality, finest finish and most correct styles. You pay no moro for them, but wo glvo you more for your money than you ever received before irore stylo, more comfort and more, wear. Seo our $3, $3.50 nnd $." lines. CP. M. E. Cor. 10th md Douglu Ste. EaHICHCSTER'W EHULIBH ENNYR0VAL PILLS ,lja kTr.. ll..T,r.ll.ti. L41w. m Ur.itlrt 1FK. il-ir,lUfci, L41e. k Ur.itlrt for ( IllOllr.STKHS KNfU.ISlI lo Ur.lt .n't Gold Kl.UU tel.. M.ltl with bla HtboD. Tali, no other. Rtf-ia n(Mm Habituation, aad Intta. tion B.J .f jo.r Pr.giuv .r tm 4c. la t.m.i r.r rartltalara, Tr.llnjontala aa4 "RalUf rr Jdlra, It lllr, b; ra. tarn MaU. ia.OIIOtrallB.il.il. S.l.b .11 Dt.la. Calthr.Ur t'brialral Oa p.ptr. MaJl.aa Saaar. l-llll.. KlZ Mania, tkla CO dozen ladles' percale, lawn 4t g and gingham walstB, on xVC CO dozen ladles' percale, lawn and gingham walstB, on salo at 89c July Suit Sale 73 suits, odd garmonts, from our tremendous stock, first-class, well made suits, no bet mis, no net- $10 ter lij America, silk lined throughout for each 20 dozen ladles' underskirts worth $1.25 on salo . . "It1 at 175 Indies' taffeta silk, they aro $5 nnd $0; In all colors, no blackH, on sale at 239 U'LllM-i m One Capsule Enough (?) n Is Seldom l:er Necessary To Use More Than One Capsule. It has always ten a dinicult thine to re lieve or cure a IIKAD- a em:, esnocuiiy those eNerutlatliiK ner vous nnd sick head aches. Most "Hem! uche Cures" will not "check them nt all, virrorvs IIMAIIACIIIl t'.U'.st 1,12s will nhsolutely cw the most distressing heudiu'ln. no matter lu wlmt form. It very heldotn takes more than one capsule to relieve any head- ache mid never moro man two l'rlce, K cents per box. Sherman & Mcuonnell Drug uo., Kith mill Uoiluc .Streets. (I11111I111. Nell. .1 White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers Quickest Freezing, Best Results, Econom ical, Durable Are the Standard of Excellence Everywhere. Wt llnnillr tlir (ii-miliir Only. I'rleen Very I.imt. J. A. Weaver & Son, IIAKDWAKK and TINN'KRS. 27011 I.nvenvrorth St. Trl, 107N A Good Thing To take with you on your vacation Is a Kodak or Camera You nre sure to see somo ulct scenery you will like n picture of. Call nnil see us before going, or write for prices. We have the largest selection In the west nt lowest prices. Everything up-to-date in photographic material. 3 4 The Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Furnum St. Developing and Printing Done. Picture Frames Mnde to Order. Proud of Hor New Open Plumbing she It most naturally and properly, be en use the existence of unsunllar.v con ditions Is now Impossible. Disease and slcl;ness lurk in hiding as unbidden guests where the plumbing Is antiquated or defective. No precautions of the housekeeper can avert the evil conse quences. Don't trllle with danger when wo can make you safe in either gas or steam llttlug and plumbing at a moder ate cost. Free 6c Black, Phone 101!). . . 1S Fnrnnm St. Does Quality Count With You? The average portion doors not know qual ity Vou uHk 1b It pure, the answer Is ye". Hut hocaiiHo It's pure, does that Indicate quality? around pepper may be live years old and still be puro pepper, but s It llrst quality? A druggist may tell you his drugs aro pure. Perhaps they nre In the ordinary houso of tho word, but docs It follow that they uro the hlghem obtainable quality? We. do a big business. To keep thin busi ness can wo AKKOHD to glvo you less than the highest obtalnnblo quality? besides our volume of business affords you u saving on the. rost. Can you tifford to neglect this? rallie s Celery Compound 7Bo Cramer's Kidney (Hire TT.o Hood's Harsaparllla "&o Carter's Liver Pills 16c I'inkham's Compound 75c S. S. S T50 nr. Miles' Remedies 76o Alih OTIIHHB AT CUT PRICKS. COS CTORE U DRUG W DEPT. poooooooooooooooooo n IMI.VT TIIIIOW YOlilt movkv O O AWAV ON l-OOIl I It) SIC IF O VOL HIT A.W HUT o o o Goodrich, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o o You Will. THIS OOOIJIUCH DltANDS AUK; TniTOX, AVII!ltl,l0()I TOltlllSNT, I'l.AXUT, IMHUAUU, MUTI20II, AUTlisIA.V, EVKItY TOOT WAIIIIANTED. o Jas. Morton & Son Co.g O 1511 DODGIJ ST. O o o ooooooooooooooooooa IJOCUTA HAMIAIAVQOU CAIMIUI.UI Cure aattorrhoca. CJtret, unnatural dls nhnrirss fa a. fit'v aUxyii. AU ifrimctits, am'Jipt only Phnirta,, Uy mail O.nn,. Bull iflrKcrioua. Dink. Ht, Cn. UU- Oincrij- ttu, Now Sork. . .( i