THE OMAHA DULY BEE: UXDVY. ,fUL,T R. moo. TP POM SALH-ltntl. nsiATK. COOL. SHADT ROXSI "WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT A HOME I ana I WHAT IS HOMB UKUH35 TOU OWX IT? ' George P Baratr' real estate beadcroartr? are in reruns S4 to Paxtaa Marti. Cfcll there or h tdfMxmt Jo jV for further particular remr4Unp the follow?; ar tains la ik ; sbs, lots. Farms and lanus House of three room and pantry, lot MxlS. tifi Mock from 9th t rw line, nea: K'.untzt Place, a good location at, cheap tm 10-rmm hone, corner lot RtM. In OWo st.. rk Stmrsaan ava car line, farnae. lur.l. pas and firture. larr cellar and ( men,, everything In hne condition. .'' 10-rnim bwf In Kowitz Place. near Harvard strictly mod. In pood eow cV.ion and a leevery location. 54.. Mai: u an offer for the acre lot and small hoe Jtwt north of the pleanaat hMne of Oen Pa A pent John Francis. bilax 1K ft rant frortar or, STth bv I It. ith frtmtaff tm Marry t Price. ,'. Hoiff of 7 rooms and s lot, on' one rr tw b)oek north of the Countrj rlubhntiwc. 'art east of Re-neon and on motor line: all kitidr of fruit. Wrles. etc. Only X2.IN. We have only a few of thoe Veaotlful rel nence lots left in Seywur adcltUof IWI.T FIVE MINUTE' WALK FROM SKERMAS AVB ANDWTHs'T MOTOR LIKES Never attain win job te able to Jium haw such lot at such price and on such term Onl OS to flTf each. V down una per month Call for slat and fur ther particular. We have two llvr-arr tracts, with Aim- f r'. ,m bouse and outhulldlngf , frultr ana 1-errie of nil Iduo; naar achool and motor line Tin are strictly Orst-das suburban Hnve another 7-rttoai hofe a4 I acre.. iMi-tiruilv locatod and oilo-fi-tt. lor only m.ft. Also have reveral nice ?tbortin hatnef: rood Itotifu. with 1 to I uerae Bach for r WKi or thereabout. How would j-ou Mhe a lieaotlful I. 19. lfc or y-arre tract within neve ratio wet of Cmaha tKtr Sice, atrtiut two mile houth ent of Bentwin and only one mile north ot nt. macadam road, at I7J to fltl' per HrrcV Come in and look into theoe iiroj Kl'lona. Do vcu want a irood farm near Omaha? If fo, come and f,ee ac. Do you want a rood ranch In central or wert era jiart of the Mate? If t-o now if the time to buy ont Do r,u want to trade Omaha property for r.' a utort. liotel and aweutnr lumw in a -'"a Iowa town of E.' population? If po ctm In and pw further dttalls. Dr. "u want a cood Invertment In way of frst-i-lBK In Hide lticome-jiroiluclnp brlcl; Mwiat in triif ty- it m !omr in ana cn rlcht dawn to huHtti,f and will rive you a Dr you want a Food site for wholesale. Job- ii'.iiR or munufacturinc busiitieMi? If ro we e cot thm and will be much pleat-od it. uicm ap to you. We have Mime of the bert barcalnn in trlit. ecire. STRICTLY MODERN houtoe in et Prnkm and Han worn Place dlf- trictf that can be found on the market. 'T YOr WANT TO BUY. WANT TO BELL. WANT TO TRADE. WANT TO KENT ANTTHING IN THE REAL KSTATE LINE. LET VS HEAR TKOM TUL IP YOr WANT ANY l PER CENT MONEY AND CAN GIVE STRICTLY GILT-EDGE SECURITY, WE HAVE IT. IE YOU WANT ANT GOOD. POUND FIRE. TORNADO OR PLATE GLASr INSURANCE DON'T TAIL TO GIVE US A CALL GEORGE P. BUM IS. Telephone WC. (Established la W. Pax ton Block RE 75D i POR SALE. IP-room house, modern conve niences, fine location, cast front corner, nice trees, only one blotk north of Huns mm park. Easy terms If not sold by July tli will rent furnished or unfur nished Wm. H. Alexander. 13K S. Ulst st. RE M71H 1C NICE cottace beautiful homes, palatial residences on the fine streets and boule vardes of the city can be purchased now w hlle property is cheap. B. R. Ball. WJ1 N Y Life, Tel CIS. RE M7!M IB 7-ROOM house. I block from corner. 1350; monthly payments, r-room houee N r7th St.. r756. t-rO"ro house. N 27th St.. TLOGO C eottnpes that will pay Jl jex cent net. Tel mi B. R. Bull, Wa N. Y Life. RE M7X. ID tlfi TOR Exl"0 feet near S4th asid Spracut fits near car line rTHi full lot. near th und Mason n.7T.(i for frooro house, !kvv So iMtb St. t;.rv for two houses at 1141 and 1147, North 17tb St , lot fixJ40 feet . pa vine paid Kt.Wi, olpbt rooms. 1S45 Park Wilde Ave K.rifm West Farnam street. 1-room house. bam. corner lot. Snap U 5"0 for W acres 11 miles N W.. price ln- oludcs farm implements, stork and pram. tr,.W -for 11-room rotiiern house, corner lot, within four blocks of P. O I7.2W. lfio acres, smooth, level land near Brntilnirton. fair improvements. !u,(i"0 fir StlSI feet with three-story brick bulldinc, on Parnam. near 14th St. TO EXCHANGE 4 acres improved, this tilde of Benson, for Omaha lionse and lot 34-room modern house within 7 blocks of court bouse, for smaller residence. Plve (6) per cent money to loan on pilt- edpe property and farms John N. Prenser, opp. old P O. RE CM I THE owners of the property offered today desire to sell quick and will make barpaln 202T. Miami ntv f-room cottace. eelltr. city water, uice lot. house newly painted and papered Look at tills property and call Monday for price. 2SKi Saltier s-L. &-room cot in pa, barn, corner lot Price cut to a.lOH.00 2210 N 27th st., pood oottape, rents fciCOB. I'rtce.. Near Hansoom park. dvelHnp, 7 roamf. barn, lot SOxlSe ft., puvinp tax all paid, lnvcstipate this. Price, CWQ-Ou. GARVIN BROS.. IKS PARNAM. HOUSES FOR RENT ISO S 20th ave . modern, s-r., tX.eO. K21 S IHth. 10-!.. bath. IS 00. 20C S 34th. H-r . modem. SI7.S6 441C Parnam. s-r . city water. Sj 2217 Dewey ve.. F-r. idty water. ri.(. GARVIN BROS.. 10U TARNAM B M744 10 W. L. SBLBY. f-room house S1.3W t-room housa. 1.1 Kroom hoose. 1.509 M'-room house. S.W0 Either one of ths. ISO mh, balance lit to 130 mouthlr. W. L SELBY. Rents, Real Estate and Loans. Board of Trade Buildine RE 71i. (i TARM. (S acres In jmrth part of Pottawat tamie, la . i mile west of Honej creek Address L 4K Bee RE PAY NE-KNOX CO . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW EST RATES on LOANS. SoUND IN SURANCE, HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First aww, N. Y. Life Bide RE-2M rOR SALE A hne trackape property. IZIctrant redeace proporty. Greatest burpalos in property, vt J Kxannrl i- Son. SID Brown tilock RE-S54 HENRY B. PAYNE. Ml N Y. LIFE BLD'1 Real Estate. Rentals. Loans. Insurance RE 257 LAND FOR .KALE, H.tW) acre of unirn pruved prairie lands for sale Tteee lanos are locxted In Valle'. Sherman, Oreeley and Howard counties. Neb.. In the Loup river coji.try. is well settled In that vlimlty and with excellent railroad f-til-Ities. W1U soil for one-sixth cash, balance In five eaual annual payment. Tft ould prefer to soil all these lands tt cne pur chaser Addrest Jno C David, care First National Bank. Pawnee gg,, LARuE RESIDENCE. It rooms abwe basement: modern throughout, plate elaic la all front windows, vide pwch. larce stable and carrlaKe hvuse No 2H Chl Mc street Price SS , ApplJ to ron Reed Co Omalia or W H Gntt rT, McOuiloph .mumjre ron sale real otate. SPECIAL PAROAIXP IN OMAHA RESIDENCES PitwKiioi Co are loot new patting an the market none of tie finest BARGAINS to ral estate ever offerod. Notice care hilly the properties To a perm-late lh tb-r lout be rn Call at the oSee and h't nt take ytm e: and Fhow them o IBS roosi. uU modern laprarc tncnta. rentf for IM i-r ma nth. Price tl.W Ttiw JfW cash itad J er moath. 1 cnt itrret. Ja 1SUI roonif.. modern lninrove- rt, rent for M rer manth. Price U.4db TnrnM : MA rath and SM ier ith. 0 par cent Intorert. Xa Hlf T rootnx. all modem eseert fur nace. rmt. far SM er raonm. Prlcf St AN Term : 5 cash and t2.St jx-r awnin, i ?er crai niiureFi . No. S 7 room all modttra, pood trn rent for ttt & r month. Price K.40O. Termf HW cah and 19 icr month, t rer ceat lat-rejtt. No MOi I room, til modern, farmer.. rrair lor wt, per jbodui. rnw, iz.aua Tttrnir JK oath tsid JX. per month, c per cost latereft No 1B 9 reomR. tJl modern, newly re- sairnd. rrnt for im ier month. Price IS. m Term Hm rah and ttt jcr mowth, f, iHir cent interest. No 1S7 $ roamf, root ronatr. roofl fur- nare. rnnte lor rmr month, price tJJK. Tt-rmp. ;W c&nh and K!l per month, 6 ;er cent Interest. No 11M 7 roamf. new, cJeca&t. furnace all modern .rentt. for vm rer month Price SLHig Termf: WiO cash and 12 ptr motnu, b per cent lntereft. No. Ufif 7 rosmn. new. eJecantlr finishes furuw, all modern, rentf for X30 pr mootn. i'nee ;;.mmi. lermf. ctsn and VJ& per month. C pr cent Inttreft. No 11CS Beautiful new Pwta. cottace. ht wter heatinp. ca. elertrlc llcht. rentf for XC per month Prlre K.BOO Termf JHW rant and J per month, 6 per cent Interest No 1W7 i room new decant 'hoHe. electric Debt. pas. furnace, etc . rents for US per month. Price C5M. Termf ; 11 ( cash and JSO per month, 6 per ceat interest No 12W -room modern house, rents fr X30 per month I'rlce XJ.260 Terms K7. ....... . . r . . . . r m. v , No 1S4S E roome. dty wttcr. larce lot Sne location, rents for tSl. Price IS.BW Termf tK cash and 130 per month. C jkt cert interest. ( No. B3P f, rooms, all roo3exn, rents for t2( i per month. Price i:.2Cu Terms: Imo cash and CO per msnth, C per cent In tercut. The terms on any of the above are tub 3ect;.no any reasonable qhance. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Sole Arents , Main Floor N. Y. Life Bide j Bulletin No J7, June 39.1950. RE 65-f I BARGAINS: We oScr three special barcalnr In nouses These properties are cheap, look at them on Sunday, see ut Monday m IMS Cunrinp st . newly paved, lot 0xliA well built b-room house furnace, sewer, , hath. pas. two mantelr. cost to build SS.500 House, lot and all po for 12.500 SCI 1028 Sauth Slst Ft . east front, first house north of Pacific st . car line, full lot. . room, strictly modern. One finish furnace pood piumblnc. barn, etc . owner left city polnp to sell, ask S2,&00. See this and " us an oSer 21 Z11C Cass street, OOxlISi, 10 rooms, all modern house, well built, but old Thl property has pot to be soli. Make us a bid on it. VACANT LOTS We offer Summit Place, on West Farnam, 4ina Deer Park in soutn part oi me cuy at niienomenal barcalns Tel. 470. Potter-Sholes Co . 210 N Y Life BEAUTD7UL DEER PARK. THE IDEAL SOUTH SIDE ADDITION LARGE NATURAL SHAUi. ( 1. i-rs l LOT PINE BOULEVARD AND DRIVE BEING COMPLETED. MAKING THIs -T'TJTT Wip 1 f-HmPK HOME The prices are low and title twrfect an ab stract peine yuniieiiea witu rii iut TerTT Tiiirt rush balance easy Prices from $250 to S.V per lot It takes rears to prow trees sucn us are on uui:e lota. Take street car to 20th und M l n and po one block south to the lioulevarl runnlnc east throuph this BEAUTIPI'L addition We can send you a plat, show lnp prices of every lot for sale, or we will drive you out to see them any time EIGHTY CHOICE LOTS DEER PARK. POTTER-SHOLES CO . Sale Acents Telohone 470. ao New York Life f.iu oit t HOUSES FOR SALE. Ji'.lOOOO for small house and lot, 1E2x1GT ft.. 5 V. Cnr SSih and Dodce Sis JG.lKKi 00 for f-room modern house, nearly I ii "sn no for s-room moflrn house, lurpe comer lot, one block north of Hanscom , Park, on car itne, paving ana uu mtoi taxes paid In full J2.loo.00 for f-room cottace. 2502 St. Mary Ave. for house, 1418 N. 2Mb St. JWW ( for house, 221S . 15th St Huo.OO for house an larce lot S. 14th St near Boulevard UNIMPROVED PROPERTY tl,200 00 for N. W Cor 2Mb and Harney. Sts tl.2tiO.Wi for south front on Harney, near 2T.d EL tl.lMOO for lot on Chlcaco, between 30th and Slst Sts . tl.0".'i.00 for lot on Parnam. between 40lh and 41st Sts t2&0 r for yciur choice of several east front lots on South 13th St on car lint. tlSOO each for lots on South 14th St, near the Boulevard, email cash payment baj- Ktiee moiithlv tioaw- to S150.00 each fornts six blocks S W of packlnc houses in soutn umana small cash payment, balance monthly i WAftfl .1 h ,ltk.ln fftHf T-l .leK r.f ' ;oRtof!lce I rniu.OO for acres In southwest part rrj SsOO.oO te S159.M ier acre for E and 10 acre , tricte near Couth Omaha. GEORGE A: COMPANY. 1601 Farnam St maha. or 417 North 25th St.. South maha. RE MC37 1 S ACRES, with new 8-rooro house, city and csteri) water larce burn and sheds, acre Concord crapes from hkb H"0 worth of wine was produced last yenr between IBM and S0 ehe-m and plum trees, property enclosed with fenc . t ' s blocks from oar line, northwest nan oJ elty: win exchanpe for lowa or Neb-aska improved farm. J H Johnson Ml N Y LUe RE i W. H GATES, CIS N Y Life 'Phone 12M l-roiim modern house, pood as new. hot water beat hardwoi.d finish, percela'c bath. el?'trie llcht. Utindrj'. r ttt-"-date home, corner lot. 2301 Burdette street SCOW 00 7-rooro. pas. sewer, water 2S27 Dvenp'rt t2.noo.ou 7 rooms, full modern except furnace. 5(-fotit lot, paved street. S2.0JGM C-rttms. water. seer. HOxllO, N. E cor Hub R-3 Lake MWi t-rtioms. water sewer. 30xl4i(. on Boulevard near Lake. ?l ano.tKi C-room house larpe barn, full acre prouad, corner 27th and Browne. n.SVHiOO 132x350 on ?4th and Tort st . vacant. Sl.BffltKi 1X2x350. on North Boulevard, lays nlcr Sl.500.00 RE-C I WYMAN. CHRIVWR CO . 1-room eottnee. corner. N Sth 8t , I7M0 ' cash, fl" per month: ajxti. , Full lot, S houses. Rees una 2th, Sl.BOO 10-rMn brick house, Kountse Place all modem. St,Ki . Two full lots 7-roem lteuse. etc. on Sew. ard St. a.Knj G-room modern house, listb and Locust Su., : t 000 J I-room ooUacc N. 2Sth St.. Coo. r-rnotn nottace.. half let, Parker and 27th , St.. SJ80 ' F-room modern house, larce barn, 224 and 1 Jirart. ri.tri Full lot east front 10-room mod. house i)ne shaj'e. Hanscom Pluec. JC mi RE 112 t H HSES farms R C Patterson fSNTL I RE 358 "OK Vl.I REAL 1BTATE L1?T jour Wrraitif n Omaha imnroiei property wftli tit We hare tb "jf t-rt'- Payfie-Knox Co Rb-MSU k IP YOU want to but m-U. exibanae or rent four nropei-fy qultt ?-ee J H Jo' n eoa. h: S 1 Ll: r R&-H HorSES. ot farm?;, landr man, ateo Ure instirance. Bemlr Faxion hlL RE BZ RANCH AND PA JIM land for sale by the Untoa Pacifie Railroad company. B A XcCallftMer. land rommieHcitHir. Union Pacific Heodqaarterf.. Omahk, Neb. A GREAT BARGAIN IN HOMES. A client of our, ewnlnp altottt a doarn houef lmtruct ut to cut the prlte of each property from X2' ta nn each and force a pale Homer from (Law to K.(K Plree call for bulletin No 17 and let ire show ytm the projierty Psyne-Knex '"n , sole acentt. RE MB4 E WB bare a customer wltr. T10.W cash to pot Into a nap In lmpri vcfl Omaha Trop crty What have you? Payne-Knox Co. RE-MSU It rOR SALE f-room houe two lot, layf ne for t! Two l-room housos In fine conoltlon. mod ern, te-lnji' ech, ! Woel: from to car line Bcnawa A- Co RE MC11 t CHEAPEST tana In DowClaf Co.. 1 acr-a. west of Millard; all under coloration . fair bulldtBc: artce f7. per acre, will tent for lllJA a year. The Byron Red Co . Hi So. 14th St. RE M7 A GREAT BARGAN IN A RANCH We have a client ho own? 4 74T acres t to It miles sooth of main line of the U P. Ry . adiciltitnc the Neibraslta-Wyomlni: lln. at TIM per arre or I? .MO1 Owner will take one-half in iitinrcned Omaha prof etry. Cull for buUotlr. No PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Acents RE MS 1 MATIMMO.MAL. GET Married Anv lady or pent wlshlnc te marry wrRe at once te us We will Ittrc duce you K, our numbers mai1 pretty respc ta'ble aid weaithj luCi-t arid honorable rer.tletnt r. to marry ktrittly eonnder.?ii seno stamy for 5ar-ti'-ulars tr Stan-urd Cor Cub . Stu E Chinee . IU MAIL ORDERS. ! THE BA' HTL' RS W'FE-A new bj:or a1 m:e nr. e best 'v p ;t' Sir , dor ts ma.' preri.11 ..cttt v.t'ea Drpt E Omaha Spt .z. r fx , T WHO IS DEAD ? Eastern Brother Telegraphs Omaha Firm for Explana tion of Black Border Around Advertisement. About S oUo:t ycftrday aft ernoon a perfp.naE tncEseEfer bey CiRmouDted at the ccrarr cf lfith end Harney streets and am bled into the office of the Drum monfl Carrlape oorrpitty a tejepram and a terse demand for "Rr cents charpes." The cashier handed out the ch-ape aad a member of the firm opening tie envelope read the teleprara. As he did so his face clouded for a rnomcat and tbea broke Into a broad emile. The mefisnpe had been sent from Amesbury Mats, and read ' Bought an Omaha Bee here today and Dotlce your ad has mouralap border arouad It Anylofly deod" "It's from a brother of ralae " explalaed Mr W. R. Drummond, founder cif the firm, "who If .a this same business back there and is a pood deal of a joker He knows of course that ao one Is dead tad only wcats to Jolly us a little at our expense But he can't claim much oriptnal.ty la this iastance as we have alreaiy iH'ta jollied a pood m&cy Lmes about thote black ud borders We h't upon them some years apo as a pood tLstlnpuishinp feature for a".l cur newspaper displays aci have been stlckiap to tbcm ever s c-e with the result that we have beea sco'.defl by some of the printers reproacbjfd by some of the un dertakers copied by some of our competitors but noticed by all of the people v. ho read In this ad raaeed Cay you know, a firm has to show ind.vtduallty If It waats to be at the front, tad for that very reason we make our ads aad our methods of business as dif ferent from other people's as we consistently can "The result has beea most sat isfactory We early pained erect prestice with the members of Omaha's '400 ' but havlec all kinds of vehicles (and harness, too for that matten. lor all kinds of use we wanted also to ploce ourselves la touch with the more pcneral trade and thlt same ec ceatrlc use of platers Ink aad printers' rules that we are belnp Joked about has accomplished that des're. ' What, -ou ask me. are the fa vorite vehicles this season aad ho are buylnp them la an fwer I may ,say that the paea ma.r ball-bearinp bike waponf seem to be still asceadinp la fa vor because of thtlr stylishacsf aad comfort, tad that we have t-n!3 them to such conaoisseurs as Messrs P A Nash. B B Wood, W H McCord. J. H Evans, H H BcJdrice. T H. Davis C E Winas, S. nemmlnp. C H, ErlppE E L. Duca P S Kehoc Mrs Wllklne John P Cudahy T C Havens. Gould Dletr J E Byers C F McGrew of L!nco!a WaMer T Pope. Cliff Colt Arthur Encllsh, Paul Houdand. Will H, Carfc ' Phaetoas aad StanhopeE ton are be np sold tf nwh as ever usfl w th the advent of ps'f 'm mortal parre has come a creat demand for two and three-seated bouleva-d wncoas. The deprt or sa,lon waca. ImmeasUy popu lar in the cast. If superceaiap the o!a-syle rxtensioa top vtfcrle atocne our recent purchasers of the former being John P Cuiahr T E Her B B Wood S A Whortcr Mrs G. A Hoaplanfl and E, P Peck We have also put cut a number of vehicles of sinfiar Had entirely of our own manu facture and take a pardonable pride in the fart that they are the proud possessions of such emi nent men as Genera Mtnflersrn Tresl: Murnhy Henry Yates, W J Austin. Thos. tl: G P ' Vcrehcad, H Kounue Chos T Kcun'xe and many others "These ,1 merely mention as be lnc amonc the most notable of our sales, but we are supplylnc inccy others w'tb. etiu. paces cuc y et'-ellent und r feel that our method of aflver".s cr l!Ve our meUioa cf marufacurCL and of eerinc. It hrlcpinc sure and ample reward," money hk,' ivor R) hare 4i? r.a:.""!t Lot-7 rot mi. POUND and F, a hi - frout!: e bv Ainw Thurl?w. flst omatia round 7K PRIVATE les.tir In dat.nric ctven In- Mrs Morand Cai: or writ Zjoc Iiodae 757 SIDKW.tLKS Bnc-h. 7,c foot, laid J McGcwcr. Mf S St, -f7-JJ -2- PI KMTt RE PACKING. Oaa. Van i- Sior C'o.lSllH Pare Tel,. UKk-SOl, ( -SI- dank tati:m i:ts. Charter No m RelKirt of the Condi :i ,ti of the O.MAUA LO.V AMI Till! IMMI'AM AV1GS HAMv. (Incorporated) At Omaha, in the State ft NebSiiSka. at the Close of Bustae., RESOURCES Loans and discounts Stock, securities. Judg ments., claims, etc Other real estate Checks and other cash items Dae from national, state imai ii 4I.W7 it 1.WIM. and private banks aa bankers f7K.HH 9 Cash V.TJ1 M Total catth on hand Ml, (7 bC Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock jiaM la Surplus fund Individual desKHdts rl- 5 riut,oe Ject to cbck nC.14S 3C Demand certificate! of deposit 17.9K It Time certificate of ot- poult r.7.i. K S.HT t Total XMa.94; 9C Staie (f Nebraska. County of Dourlal. f: I Frar.k Brown cashier of the above named bank, do solemnl swear that the abtn t statement Is onrreet and u true copy i the reiKirt made to tin State Ran kin r f. ,i,ed PRANK RRCWN Cashier. A-' tFl . A T WYMAN Director J J BROWN Director. S-'- r bt an sworn u titfore me this 'i Ll, jI J-'V H r WEEDEN N'tarj- Public i St. RAILWA"! TIMC TABU. CHICAGO. s"I PAUL Mirneapcilf i- Omaha Rai.way "The North western Line'' GenertJ OSirts. Nebraska Dlvi- , rJcn 16-h and vtrr.r , 1401 rarnojn St Telephone 5a Depot, lfctn i aad Tebs.crta. , . J'y;t: f'Ul?'rr, 1 Twin City Paasencer. .a t:0o am l 1:1b jn Omaha Ptssencer .... U: am Si.x C ty North .bsf Veirrit.l:n . . . .a ZiiiU Tim Oakland Local -b &:4D pm b IHL am a Da.r b Dal'j- except Sunday. stotx ciTT i pAcinr Rai.rotd - "The North wes'era Line" Gent ral Cifhr-es. United State Nftlonal Bank Builfilnn. f W. CBi-ner Twelfth and Psmarr. Sts Ticket CSce, 14D1 Farn'-n St Telephone 6C1 De pot, Tenth &. ilawn Su. Teleahone 28 Leave Arrive. Twin City Express .a f :5t, am al0:50 pm Tw n Ciy Lira, ted ,a i .Si, pm a snS am S.oix C.ty Local .a i:uo am a 4 SO pm a Dally CHICAGO NORTH wes'ern Railway "The N-rth western Line" C y Tl.ket Office, 1401 Street lele pboce &a Depot, Tenth and Mason Stleets Tele Leave. Arrive. phone. C2S. Daylipht Chlcapo Bpe- ciai a 7:00 am all:3D pm 4:1L pm a 1:40 am Eastern Express. Dct Moines. Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi- rtpo alO:E5 am t G pm Eastern Llro'ted, Chi- capo and East a 4i5 pm a 4:0C pm Past MkiL Chlcaco to Omaha a pm Omaiii-CUcago Special. a 7:45 pm a t:oo jtm j raat Mali . a :3l am i FREMONT rSLKHORN k Missouri Valley Railroad 'The N-rth western Line" Gcneraj Offices United State National Ek Eldp. E W. Corner Twelfth art Farnam Sts Ticket Cffict. 1401 Tarnam St Telephone 6Q De pot, ith at3 Wthttcr su Telephone 1451. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. DcadwDOS. I Hot Springs .a t 00 pm a t:00 pm I Wyoming. Caspar and Doupias . ... .d S:00 pm eOS:00 pa i Hastlnrt York. David ' City. Superior Geneva, Exeter and Seward .t E:00 pm h 1:00 pm ! Norfo.k, Verdlcre ana Fremont . .b am mo tm Lincoln. 'Wihoa and rtninnt h T '-ft urn IffT?. m I a Dai.y b Dally except Sunday, c Sua- day only e Dai:y except Saturday. limy extent aioncar EUEUNGTON i- MIS- " h'1 Bu-lVn aPPoute Gineral "offices N V Corner Ten.h and Taraam Ets Ticket Office. 1502 t arncm street Telephone. ii, ti-,,,i, ctation. Tenth and Muts: .... , ... - . - Streets. Telephone, 12S IJfvo.n Kasuag and M Caok .a S:4B am a 7:E pm Lin Denver, Cole- i radf Utah Caliornica 4:25 pm a I'OO pm Lin--.n & Black Hula a ao pm a S:oo pm M-rttr.a Puget Sound .a ?:30 pm a C:4, am Lincoln Tast Mail .05:00 pm all:25 am Denver. Cc.srado. Utah i i & CoUIornla t:4 am i a Do.y CH1CAOO BURLINGTON A: Q'-ln-y Ra.lroad "The Bur.irpton Route' Ticket Olice 1602 Farnam St. Tel 250. Denot. Ten"h Ac Mason Streets. TUephona, Leara. Arrive, Chicago Spe- ,t 7:00 am Puorla Evtir,i.i, CM ap3 Veaubuied Ex a 4:00 pm ChicoFa Lo ai Express a f:50 am Ch. Jigo . .a 7:45 pm Pacific JunctLsn Lscai alO:-! asn Tost Ma.J . .. a Dk-ij 17ANEA5 CITT. ST Jo seph At Council E.iiffs RoJrotd "The Buri nc ton Riute Ticket OfTi 15L. Farnam street Tele, rr re 25t Depot. Tenth a d Mae a stietia. Tele nhac. IM. : 1 Kansas City Day Ex aV:50a"'m ataDp'm jvuesas c-uy Nignt Er. .tlt.i pm a COS km 6t LCuis Fiver for St I l Jose: h nnl Bt Lctm .a :ST. ,, t Ds-ly C MAI" A 4- ET LCUIS RAIL road Omtho, Kansas City i A- Err em Rai. road "The ! ncy x.vvu Ticket Of-r-e 415 Street Telephone. 222. Depot. Tcnb ana Marcy Strttto. Tejt- i none, r. . .,Ltve- Arrl re fit Louis Cannon Ball Erpres a t:0D pm a 7:5E am Kansas c.ty ana wujicy i Locai ... .a .:oo am a t-M am a Daily UNION PACIFIC-THE OVER land Riutt 'General Offices N E Cor Ninth and Parnate F'reett CHy Ticket Office, 13I, Fcmam ttreet Telephone, 2H Depot. Tnth and Matin St Telephone. 25 Leave Arrive Te' Tr, ftverli.r,ft Limited.. a kU!0 tm a 7:SE, nm I Trie CH.rogo - Portland Speeta, a am a 7:35 pm The Fast Mall a kiO am a t:S pm The Colorado Special .all'25 pm a f:50 uni The Tast Mali a 4:35 pm 1 jiucdu., iica tr r auk i Stromsburp Exprcs b4 30pra bl;2C cm Fbs- Fi:rcs ,i (S am Tie A..r. a Express a CD am Grand Islet 6 Local b t: cm b l:30 am utir o uiuiy excent tiunoaya. W A B A E H RAILROAD Ticket ORire. 1Srl Pmtn Street. Tulephone tS5 De , pot. Tenth and Marcy l Street. Ttiephont C21 ' Leave. Arrive. ' ..xprea a 1:05 pm a 7.55 are Bt L- i Cui.aoo Ball.' a Dalir. I?T porfcethook IB patw ra-e pTn-, I I' note it. Le- r: naro street Dayllcht a pm GORDON SUFFERS DEFEAT Eii Sn ActinR tit CHtj far Cikry Bsetdfi A rain m Him. WAY APPEAL TO THE SUPREME COURT Jndcr llMrlle llidds that the Salary of Police Judge tin nrrn fUWi Per Tear Mnee PfliS, After a dlsptiie arpvea for over - yaxr Ik iB.-e the city council and l& the crurti, Police Judge Gorton has been warsted 'c bt clahs for f J 0W apalatt the city. It bi abplic&tleti lor mandan'ut brmtpht In Jd Qatelle f ooart a& eptalea was fckntei ddwa yiitnorday vhteb held with tbt city on tverv potat. The poli.e Judpt. thtreforr, will either drw his dimiaifhed sslary war rants, v hirh have laid Idle id the city treat arer'f e&ee lor two years, or af he ladl oalei. appeal to the tvpremr B'l in his opinion Judpe Kttelle said tt-t the lata of the jolice juflfe ttran Jtaukry l, ISH, and extended for twe yetra The he charter or May. l.:. cut hu r.alary SS.MN ie Sl.SW per ycr The rhenpe could not re lata tfiect. honrver. until the end 1 the year because of the conetitutlonl prorleloa that the vapef of a putll: cfh.ial shall hot be rctnped fluritp bis term , sfUce. The Judge's salary, thereijie, eon- j tltond as before in til January. IStoi. i Judpe Gordon clclmt that from that date hr enntlrued In ofSce uader his old certlD- cate of elect iec and was entitle! to a s<rr I at the former rate until hit suetefsor h.ii been dull elected and gaUlirC. Judp; i Efitelle. hoverer. drew a nice difctlar ion between the express, eat "ttrm of oaice" and the "term of ofiiet bo'l'sc " Whl e Gordon mlpht have hol3 over Into atnthr tor a. hit lepul tpan wtt concluded on Jasaar; 1 IKVs. and the bolder cr term would be ccverned by the salarj provislca In reput under the new charter Tor li.PS tad ItM. therilorr Jude Est lit vai i uaahle to see bow the police Juipf at ec- titled to more than 11.204) per annum The declsioc vas a sourer of pratls atioa to the city oQclals interer.ed la the cta- tontloa City Attorney Ctnaell. who hat conducted the clty'6 case, said: ''The qu- tloa hat beea plainly decided, nst upoa cay technical qucst.on or formality, but u;oj the of the cast Judpe Estelle virtually decidt-d every paint la accordance with the city's brief, with the uddl Ion that when the duratlca of & term o! offire which J""'" vi J'd'Uiar ciecuon it a oucstioa .r doubt or uncertainty that interpretation tiiould be followel whirh iim.ts Us duration to the shortest pceslb.e tirai COXTRARY TO OKUEH OF COlnT. Sirs. Kclpln Dlmbejed the Court's Mandate In 'Inkinc Her Son. A mother wot on trail in Judpe Kevsor't court ;esterdsy on the thurfcr ot ctwJ lnp her own child. According: io the -accusation of Efwin Jackson, the father, hi divorced wife now Mrs Georple J Kelplt. I went to Btatnce for the purpose of luring her son. Efiwin. from the custofly of hit prtndmother Mrs Lucy Horte. Dy e de cree of Judpe Irvine, la 1I.H2 Jackson was praated a divorce aad the child, tbea i year old. wat entrusted to It maternal grandmother. Jucksnn claim that Mrs. Kelpin has acted in coutempt of court la coaxlap the hoy to live with her aai her more recent husband in this city. Mrs. Kelpin made an earnest appeal in i her own behalf She said that she went to Beatrice on the urgent lnvitatioa of her mother. Mrs Hcrte. cad that her son beppefl to be takea to Omaha Mrs. Kelpla louad that hit surroundings there were not proper and brought the boy to thlt city with the conscut of Mrs. Harte, the legal guardian Mrs Kelpin added that she in- tended no contempt of court and that the i,6l Drrt.a to provide the boy with money whenever he wtthed to go hack to Beatrice.. Judpe Keytwr said that, althouch there might hove beea ao willful coatempt. Mrs Kelpia was still actlap coatrary to the court s order. If the mother thoupht tht boy was being Improperly treated her re dress wat to petition the court for an alter ation of the original decref Judpe Keynor took the matter under aflvinemeat and will render hi decision one week from next Monday. ?Vo Frnndulent Intent Shorm, Judge Keysor has vindicated Charier. J Barber of any froudulcnt Intent upon the stockholders of the Home Fire Insurance company during his larumbency at manager The farts dierlosed that la December, lKStd, M L. C ruakbotiser of Chicago bought all of the stork and business of the company .rora Mr Barber aad that the purchase price I vat t,nt'ed UI'0n tht beXt tnfl lltWlltJes of i the company The court wat inclined to the 1 opinion that this suit war an attcmnt ty Mr. Fuakhouser to recover from Mr. Barber a part of the purchase price paid by him tad at the same time to retala the stock and as sets of the company. The lnjuactioa sougit by the Home Fire company was dealed and the case will come to trial oa it merllt tt the next term of court. Court te. The dockets of the seven district courts closed yesterday and adjournment bos been token until October The county court will probably remain la session for ncvtroJ weeks Judge Keysor tas concluded the hrarlnc in the case of John Scott oralnrt Mary tepn r.h,,: win prooauiy not an , nouncc a de-ision until tbt next terra of RAILWAY TIME TABLES. CHICAGO. ROCK IEL and i Pacific P.allroto "The Great Rtct Isl and Brute ' fity Tl.k et Office, 1222 Farnam Street Telephone 42S Depot Tenth A- Mason btreets ieiepnonc, ca. Leava. Arrtvt. Dee Uolnes and Daven port Local a 7:25 am Chlcaga Lxpres ....bll.ltam Chlcaco asi Express a t no ;iin LitiCj'n and Falrbury iam Lincoln Cioraso Sppt . hU:S am a b:10 am a 1 .2.' pm a 7;D0 pm ueaver. i'uesio ana Wert . . . .a l :30 pm a 4:15 pm De Moires Rod tsl- and and Chicago a 7:11 pm Colorado 4-Texa riyer.a 5:55 pm a Dalir b Dallv except Sua as: a 5:50 pm a t:ll am Mispjrr.i rAcinc rail- road General Office and T ckct offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 104. Depot Union station. Leave. A. .al0:D0 am . .oll:I0 pm Arrive. a C:30 pm a l.H am St Louis, Kansas Nebrabfca Limited K, C-St, L Express wave from 15th and Webster sts Nebraska Local Via .. . r 4:i tim a!0:45 am Wepplnc Woter a iauy b Daily except -Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam street Telephone, Depot, Tenth and Maaaa meets Lesvc. a U no am a 7 :45 pm Arrive.. a 4:05 pm a 1.15 am Chicago Express tr.noro Lim-tefi Si.cneapcnif aud I ill! ErtireEC . St St b 7:00 tm b 1:40 pm a 7:45 pm a sat am Minneapolis and Paul Limited For" Dodce Lora. from Co. Bluff .. h 4:30 pm C 10 :1S am aJJailr b Daily excep Sucdcyt. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE dr St, Paul Railway - CICty Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam Street, Telephone 2S4. Depot. .tenia one uason Street c.U phone C2S. ' rap ,-.;rr -eo ti a i.w pm a s-'i am Uhjac k Omaha Ex o 't,ii am b S,5ii pm a DaLy b DUiy ccccsi Eundaj. '3rSaW JkAlttil M fIN f tit Tm. I HikJHzE? BbB i turned rver c hi wtft The f-outity ; otr mlenuoner were oblireo pis: pone tneir -eri ir tHturaa ruee:.'s litau of the beet if of tp (-ommts't:,' -er from the rl'.y Th ooma!eC bus,, ness ttt.i dtsfovd of next week Wesin r- a firm'y establlsbea ij Judpi Iirfclnwi teetcrnay In tit soat at. president of the South Omaha m'i. The court helj thm the p-esl-denry of the lan-nu.)cinr body was not a Rubllc office and that quo warrant proceed ipr would not vall to ourt an inrMmbcnt. It was contended by the plaint IT that Adhlnt hud setured r.if ( hair throurb the vow of Mor Kelly it ho had no rlcht to jartlrtpate in the proreedlnr HURT FAMILY PLEADS GUILTY Pother Admits I liip a Seine In tot OR Lake JodLe Snspentls Sentence. 'I plead pullty to fishing tub a seine.. Judpe." said Andrew Hurt in Judpe Baker t court room yesterday, "but 1 have a family of ten to suptiert 1 am a poor man and have oalj one arm My hoyr hare been sick -with malaria ant haven't beea tale to worl..' Hurt stood liefort the bar with H two sons. Henry and John, caucht refl-haaaed with a 25('-toot setae la Uioir pnotcbina Tht bcyi were twins, 17 jean old. "Three years aco " coatlaued Hurt, "I had a pood farm la Colfax county, but tht hot v lnde spoiled my crops vary summer tad the msripape wat foreclosed. Then 1 broucat my family to Omaha tod po'. per mission to live on some railroad land near South Omaha. 1 tithed with a trotllae at first, and then, whea 1 saw iter) body else utitp svi&et., 1 Ufcei one. too " "The fact that you are a poor tnin aad have a ltrpe family." remarked the Judpe repardlnc Hurt rather seeriy. "doe not rxcuse you from violLtlnp the law ' "1 hate pood reasrn to ballet t." Inter posed Special Deputy KeaworiLy. who mude tht rapture, "that Hurt has been selalnp In the lake any tlsii these eichteen years back. 1 understand he ir aurustomed to send hi boys inte the water hMe he pt I trola the bank with a Wir chef trp rifle." J The old man riporously denied the charpc Judpt Baker ceaeulted with Deputy 1 Couaty Attoraev Helsey. who waf ia favor of lettiap the oSenderr off with a minimum sentence of tea days is Jail or $21 'la tit w of the circumstance aad the I ftrt that yoar family need you." announce 4 the court, "I don't think I will impose any ; sentence at all this term. You will make ta appearand, hew ever, en the flrf. day of ' the fall term, and if you have done aa; j selalnp in the meantime I wct't let you oC i with & pood many timet trn dayt la Jail " , The Hurt family took the oath to make appearance aad thankfully hurried out of the court room The tclnc. which is in i the possession of the sheriff, will probably be turned over to the Pith Protective as sociatloa. WAR ON SODA WATER TRUST Dissatisfied Stockholder of Star Itot tllni: Works Declares Ilnktllllles Tilth the Flat Combine. The Omaha bottltnp works, which recently has come to be known as the "tzz trust." it not coiap to have cvervthlap lit own way If there it any weight to be attached to the rtutementt of M Horn, late manager secretary of the Star bottling works, which hae been absorbed by the Omaha company In the first place, Mr. Horn wn not sat- trfiert with n, ..Me The ,f.liler. nf three. fourths of the stock votefl to make the deal, ever his protest, and when the transfer wat made and the debts were paid there re clamed but Sr.50 In the treasury. Hora re fused to accept hit share ot the taoaey and threateaed to sue hit former nssoclatee The matter was left to arbitration, how ever, with the result that S250 ot the $350 wat trtflElerrod to tht pockets ot the protesting stockholder. Now he has declared war oa tht trust. Hit compolgn wat opened yesterday, when he started out with controls to be signed by the users ot seltrer. pop and other car bonated waters, in which he offers to sup ply pop at 110 cents a dozea instead ot the prevailing price of CO cents. He offers corresponding i eductions In all waters. Mr. Horn styt "Tht pro:cietort ol the Omaha battling works suy that they have but restored prlcec to a living basis. At the price vt were eelltap wt were maklag 100 per tent prom ana tney nuve increased uie price fiO per cent- The druggist who thinks he is losing only the former discount on the price of his drums of carbonic acid should measure those drum aad he will had that he i losing twice or much at be thlnV.t he is. The Omaha compoay bought the Star com pany ia a way in w hlch I cannot understand, for we did not receive as much tor the plant as the material reduced to metal would bring at u junk abop. I have the ma chinery and plant necessary for the work and am la the fight to beot the trust." CAN EXPLAIN TO THE COURT Fred Tlcbe Arrested for Refusion lo Aamrr Questions Preponnded by Censos Ennrnerot ors. Prefl Tight housemca at the Paxtoa hotel, was arrested yesterday for refuting to it-ply to qucetlOBc takes by the ccasut enu merators According to the story told by the prosecution, Tlphe's arrest 1 the result of the employment of a negro at aa enu merator. Whea Ctrr the negro enumerator, arka Tithe the aecersary quertloat be refused to antwer cad told him to send a white mr.c When a white enumerator called Tide ti at haA V 1 m avi. t A ant tmA 4m t, t.-ione tnyoaa The manager of the hotel sent lor klm to meet oa eaumerator without succt.t aad the worraat for hU arrest It tht remit. POWER GOING FOR POACHERS Seiners at Cut Ofl Lake Are Rapidly Depleting the Moclc of Flak. Sheriff Tower hat started a war on tht persons who seine la Cut Off lake.. Mr Tower tnaouace that he will hove search warrants Issued for suspected places and that all selaes nets aad trap found will be destroyed, under authority conferrca by the state game and fish laws. Selnlag la Cut Off Jake 1 becoming so common that the ttb are being rapidly destroyed. The lake was stocked with pome fish from the goverameat hatcherle some years ago aad the buss aad crappie found the environments ao pleasing to them that they hud lacreased to large cumbers before the sclBlag began. The law- holdt both make: aad circulator of c couatcrfelt equally pullty The dealer who sells you a dangeroua counterfeit of DeWitt'r Witch Haul Salve rlakt your life to rooTie a little larger profit. You cannot trurt him. DeWltt't 1 the only genuine and original Witch Harel Solve, a well known cure tor pile, aad all tkln diseases. See thtt your dealer give you DeWltt Salve. Major rtor Fewer Meeting. Mayor Moon Is anxious lo have the city ooutu-li and Board of Fire and Police coni. mlssluners discontinue their weekly meet ings In fevnr of bl-wttkly meeting during the remainder of the summer. Tne niuvor will brlntr a resolution to thlr effect be fore the Board of Fire tnd Police Com missioner at its meeting Monduy night atid it is likely that a similar re,olitlBn will le presented in the oounetl. There Is some Question as to the rich: of the counct: o waive Its weekly roetitlnrs but Cttv Attorney Cornel! i of the opinion that tht re would be nothing irregular in suOi a, "-or,. Vote early and often. XEW TOURIST L1XE PLANNED miaou OeztnJ Makes CSo Lifters and "Western AlbinooE, STRONG COMBINATIONS ARE EFFECTED ,fn Itond Prouile tu Become Promt nrnt Factor In 1 ranseoatlaeatal I'tKtratrr lale 111 Bid for (irthwrlrr Trafllc. The extearloa of the Itlinoli Central lata Omaha hat made possible a plan ot cost nlderable mapnllude uo under adMsemcnt by eSlelklt ol that road, whereby It prom ise to become a prominent factor la trans rea-.lnratal passenger affairs The preposi tion w hicb the traffic kbd operating official hae jointly had under advisement It tht establirhment of a aew tourist route to th northwest And California points. It 1 stated that thl Idea was the paramount rae In thf location of office la Denver, San Francisco aad other western clue. Office have also leen opened at New Ytrk and Buffalo In connection with the Mlchipan Central and Lal.t Shore the Illinois Central will soon be able to route parsehfert from New York to Omaha, from Omaha to Denvr Tla liu Rock Island and thence via the Denver b Ki Grands. Rio Grande Western and Southern Ptsllic to Saa Francisco. Other alliance will be made It l said cnablmc the company to carry its pansenpcrr to nar.hwtrt coast points and Illinois Central officials belief c that their liae will Im mediately assume a position of cuch promi nence in transcontinental bticlms The reported kuteaticn of the Illinois Cen tral to ull.t with the Rock Island on bus! ncet from Omaha lc Denver it somewhat of a surprise, ewins tt the olose relations limine, between the IlliDois Ceatru aad the thiuE Pacific because of the Luanda! in both roadt of pramlncat ffaaa clcrt. The selection ot the Rock Island, however. If tuch hat been apreed upon is F tier ally belietcd to be tor the reason that the F.oi-k Island has at present ao clost traffic spreemeatt with any other line in Omaha aad a combination between the two lines would be a ttronp one rn Titi- Prerlns. General Pamenper Agent Francis of the Burimcton hat returned from hit firrt trip ever the Burilnptot'r new ertea len from Alliance to Guernsey Wo Mr F-tn-lf was much pleased with affairs at he found them The country tributary to the aew Hae wnd tht torat located oa It show every ladicatloa of proiperity Kallviay ote and PrrtonaK A Darlow advertlslnp agent of the Union Pacific. 1 absent oa a short trip over tht line. r C McMillan commercial spent of the Wabash tt Des Moines. If a visitor In the cits-- Astlstant General Freight Acebt George M. Entrlkln of the Omaha a. St Louis has returned from an eastern business trip Assistant General Freight A rent J O Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacific has re turned from a vtalt to St.. Louis and Kan- , so rati. H P Either travellnc frefpht aprnt of 1 the Missouri Pacific, Is In tnwn to rpnd 1 Sunday, having returned from a trip j throuch KansaK t Thl Burlington ran a special tram yester- da f-om Lincoln to Seneca Neb . to 1 st eomtr.ndate the part of Senator Clark of , Montana enrquie to iJutie irom vanros Cit) The special overtook the rerular uiuinrr train at Seneca and the aperlal cart of ttte party were attacarc to tne rerular train CONCERNING THE CHINESE Impressions ol the People of the I'lorier?' Kingdom i Gained 1'J a British Officer. Mist L. A Turaer of Omaha hat received t letter of reseat date from aa officer la the British army, who resided live iears ia China, la which he relates some interesting tuctt about the people of that country He tayr "The people of China are Intensely pa triotic and brave, although the latter state ment may surprise you. Many of tbem are well termed and fairly well drilled and could. If necessary, rolse aa army of 50.000, 000 out of a population which In 1R00 num bered 500,000.000. There ore no railroads ( to speak of and an army of 100.000 men marching into the interior 1,200 or 2,000 xnilet could lie annihilated tt the celestials wire unltea The Tartars govern these people through the Chang family a warlike people who subdued by force cf arm the eastern port of Asia about 500 years ago. It It not a popular family, but under pres ent conditions it lc exceedingly dangerous, as it has the support of th Boxers, who In this country would be called Turner., n Immense athletic uesaclatioa, embracing over one-halt tht male population ot the empire. Emprest Aa Is halt white aad It she doet not support these Boxers she will lose her head; and it she does support them she will anger the whole Christian world. It is a proverb over tier that the Christian nation send 'first, the mission ary, then the consul and then tht general. and, oad to relate, it ic a fact, tor la the Orleat the crott bo ever been lollowoi by the award. "You see those people pay ao attention to what foreigners say, but Judge tbea by what they do. They Judge the Christian tree by its fruit and up to date we tsust admit that thl fruit ha been a hitter to their lip a dead sec epplca. The paper tell about 'Christian Chinese. I do not pmend to say there are none, hut among the raony million I have met I never civ . on.' "d. " 1 00 believe a ringl. celestial ever embraced Christianity la fact. Did you ever see one who will not wear a tjueue Whea you do, try aad learn If It was aot removed by forre or Health. John Chtaamoc will Join a Sunday school class for the novelty and may join a church for a like reasoa, but he will retain hit tjueut and oa each Chlacse Sabbath will bum joss clicks to bit joHt god. "Yet he Is honest and, according to hi Heats, a gentleman, and I would trait my money with a strange CkinLzaan without taking a receipt I litter knew oat to default or betray a trust He It educated alwayi. skilled la f.gurcs aad well up ia literature. He 1 Invariably clean, so far at he hat come under my observation, but Christianity does not improve htm, It is true he eatt ome thlngi at which wt would revolt, but some of our dlehct art equally revolting to him. He eau ttb largely aad whea he cats a chicken he does so at a religious rite. I like the Chi aomoa and am sorry that the miEblonarlc ever weat over to that rnuatry: they have outrtred the religious viewt of it people and stirred up all of the trouble the wett cm world hot ever bad la Asia. The Chlaa maa doet not object to the western buslneat man. but be doe seriously object to su bible." "Ice crtam ard cake" lc naturally the fa vorite summer rctrethmect. Be sure yonr coke It nice. "Cake Secret.." a bock filled from cater to cover with valuable Infcrma lion oa cake making, will ! mailed tret oa receipt of yonr name anfl addre by C Igle boan Brut., Evomrlllt, lad. Mention a leudlng grorer Mortality Statistics. The following death and birth were re ported to the city Board of Health for tht twenty-four hours ending at noon Sa'ur das' Ieothi Georce H. Duncan, 102S Stuth Tw et :j -third, aped 47. Births- J'lStph Muenth, 701' Leaves 'Tth, hoi Twen Eta'k. 241 Parker boy. fieme't rtark 2221 Burt hey H P Ien bo.t 4541 North Thlrty-slxih avenue, by, CoTi VI lege IM2 South Twenty-firm, boy.