t 18 TITE OMAHA DATLY 117313: SUNDAY, JULY 8, 1000. SPECIALJianCK Advertisements for thrnc eolnmns vrlll lip tnken until 12 in. for the rvpnliiK edition nnd antll p. ni. for iti i) nil ml: nnil Snnilnr edition. IlntPi. 1 i-'ic ii nurd first Insertion, Jp. u noril thereafter. Nothing tnUen for lenu than !tBri for (lie first Inser ilnn. 'Ill me nil vf rtlsPHicliU lnut le run ponseeiitls ply. Ailvprllsprs. lir rptinestlnir n nnn- lipn-il rlirek. rim liue nnTPr ml- drpsspd In n nuniberptl lettpr In pnrp of TIip IIpp. tnmrra no nddrpsspil will hp delivered on nrcapntnllon of the i'IipuU onlr. .SITI ATIO.NS AVAATED. BXPEIUENCED lady stenographer defrfes petition. Address L 60, Bee. A .07 S YOt'NO lady of rellncmcnt nnd education umiilit lllti. n tinsltlnn ilurlni? the summer months us companion to an Invalid or to lake care or children unu ncip in miusc work. Address 1, 17, llee. A-Mil 9" AVAXTEII-MALE II 111,1'. A KBW MOUU POINTERS AHOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Located over Boston Store, 16th and Doug las StH. Rohrbough Bros., Props. roiNTER NO. 1. Our summer flchool for public seh-M children opens Monday morning. Public school children of all grades will bo admitted nnd given In struction In any branches desired. This xlv.u'i.i'k' Irrm will nfford a splendid nniuirinnlt v tn nilvniirci or makn tit) a grade. New clauses will be organized for their especial benefit. Already a number havo entered nnd begun their work. This Is the best, time to begin. .... gnnlzed In all tho business brunches, also Hborlhand and typewriting. Rates of tuition will bo very low for this special IfirNTHll NO. 3. Pnnlls of the Eighth grade nr tho High school will find thin a splendid opportunity to inne up mo sub ject of shorthand nnd typewriting. In six weeks they will bo able to learn ninti"h nr it tn Im of iirnotlcnl use to them. Anyone expecting to go off to col lege next year wouiti i" wen in menu these six weeks In shorthand and tvpe- rMNTrin, NO 4. During tho last five, mnnihu u- linvii hnrl between fortv and flf t students who have taken up Gregg Hnoritinntl Who nnil previously siuuicu one of tho older systems. Whllo we hnvo known of many stuilents who have turned fmm tho lMtmiiiile systems to the Gregg, wo havo never heard pf a student drop ping thu liregg Hysicm aim laanig up uny ntlw.t POIN'l'lR NO. C. The following studestB hnvo been given positions during tno last thren or four weeks:. ... Gall Shlpnian. Piano Manufacturing Co., 4nnnH1 ltlllffft. In. MIm Anderson. Omaha Trust Book & Credit Co.. City. . I'ay Manney, Swift & Co.. So. Omaha. .Miss Mevers, Wearo Commission Co., City. Ji-ny Wellde. W. R. Bennett, City. Mr. Jackson, Frt. Auditor, U. P. R. R.. City. Mr. Turner, III. Cen. R. It. (tla Turner Sivlft Sr. Co. Miss Murphy, National Life Ins. Co., Pax- ton iiik. Bertha Matthles, Swift fc Co., So. Omaha, Nob. Ora Norton, W. H. Sadler, City. Beth Hall, .Miss Orezg. W'm. Moore, Woodmen Circle. Tearl McCoy. Chns. D. Thompson, nnnlel I.vneh. U. S. Sunnlv Co. Llir.le Garrett. Conservative Sav. & Loan Ass'n. Llzzln Howe, John Steel. Mr Hanley, Walter Mnlsn & Co. Mr. Shank, J. P, Cooke ft Co. Antoinette Sadcllk, Implement House, Co HlufTs. In. Jos, Beckmnn, Cudahy 1'noklng Co. Com Persons. Persons ft Ilerrv. "has. Thatcher, Kennard Glass ft Paint Co. Amanda IJfstedt, Haller Prop. Co., Blair, NClS "W. A. Cox. Kharan Magnetic Inf. Sirs. Dibble, Puxton & Gallagher. B-S-S WANTED: we hnvo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and nppcar- unco. u. l' . Adams jo iwj iiowaru hi. B-2S2 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short tlmn; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. H-.-M WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men nnd Hiirfnclng men. Neb., Wyo. and Iowa; free fure: highest wanes: snip unuy. AVebtcrn R. R. Labor Agency, 310 B. 11th St. u-ai FRATERNAL Insurance deputy, lndy or gentloman: special work: good pay. 626 N. Y. Llfo Building. B-3S3-Jy2S AN INTELLIGENT young man to tako a shorthand scholarship In best school and pny for It when courso Is completed 11 ml position secured. Address l. 30, lice. B-53D WANTED First-class bookkeeper, married man preferred; nddrcss, giving experience and references, L 33. Bee. B-5S6 8 WANTED, men to learn barber trndo; spe elnl offer of HebnbirHbln. tools, board and free trnnsporlntlon at our colleges at Chi cago, st. IJUls or .Minneapolis continued until August on account of tho demand for our graduates: unlemllil chance for nnnllrants from distance: catuloguo and special Inducement mailed free. Moler Barber College, Agent, 1C23 Farnntn St. Omaha, Neb. B-M633 12 MAN of uood character to deliver and col lect for old established manufacturing house; J900 a year nnd expenses guaran teed; enclose reference nnd self-aildressed stamped envelope. Address Manufacturer, uii uoor, J.J uearooru cnteago. B-MC26 S WANTED, a first-class salesman with nn estubl shed trndo for tho stnto of Ne braska; a good opportunity for tho right man. .nuress J. 11. lieu & vo.. Teas, t;oneeH, spices, etc., unicngo. 11 MIC3 S WANTED, caller out for speculation view photographer, l'lshbnck, 1543 N. lfith st. B-M040 8 WANTED, 2 men for Council Rlults to tako orders for household specialties sold on easy payments; commissions advanced Saturdays. Call Domestic Mercantile Co., 707 N. 16th. B--6I1 S WANTED, clothing salesmen to open sales ogncles for "America's Greatest Tail ors;" tho proper facilities given to tho right parties; woolens In the piece fur nished for display purposes: this Is a rnro opportunity to engage In a good paying business without any Investment: a num ber of sales agents nre making from twelvn hundred dollars to thlrtv-llve hun dred dnllnrs per year: wrlto for terms and full information to lingers, innKo ft t'o., 3t nun Ave., unicago. u FAKE CAPE NOME-Trnnsportntlon or Mining companies and Information bureaus aro always exposed In "IN DUSTRY AND MINING " It Is the of ficial paper of the Alaska Miners ass'nj bettor subscribe for It for three months nnd keep posted on the mining Industry out west; It will cost you only 50o nnd It mny save you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry ft Mining, No. 529 Net York Block, Seattle, Wash. II REPRESENTATIVES WANTED Wo have something entirely new and verv attrac tive an illustrated weekly newspaper for noys and gins; goon pay tor goon service; references reoulred Address stntlni: ex. perlences, The Little Chronicle. State nnd ltanaoipn streets, tnicngo. 11 WANTED, experienced elevator conductor: must hnvo good references. Apply to Buperillienueui nee nuiiiiing. it mi WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tnck signs, illstriKUto circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B-6jS S YOUNG man. hustler, with $200. can mako a lucrative Income. Inquire O. W. Buck, 36 N. Y. ,1.11c, wciinesuny, a n. nt. B-656 S GOVERNMENT positions: do you want net rendv now: circular 151. iilvlnir particulars ns to salaries, dates of ex nmlnation, etc.. sent free by Nat'l Corre spondence institute, ubiiiiikiujii w. u. Wrlto todn it-cw-8 HAKE a fortune In your back yard rais ing Belgian hares: $10.W up starts you; full Instructions free. Box Ml, Denver, Colo. ll-tl,..V HUSTLING Kalexmnii wanted by well known house Natural nblllty and apt- iichh counts for tnoro iiian cxraiiiiivo, Clvo references. Box 3, Detroit, Mich, U 715 5' AVAXTEIl MALE HELP. TOMORROW, MONDAY, JULY 9TH. SUMMER TERM OF 1000. BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. BEE BUILDING. Tho management of this Justly popuior school has been so fortunate as to secure for this term nnd tho ensuing year the best faculty of Instructors In every de partment that It has ever had. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Shorthand and typewriting are among tho . . ... ... .mji.a M .m. I IIIUPl ilU.I U I II 1 UIIU UKIUI nfcM.v. - . coIIckc, opening up to young people a very profitable, Intellectual and pleasant way of making n living. Tho fnculty In this department Is composed of four regularly appointed official court reporters, who nre nsslstcd by other teachers of practical experience In tho shorthand Held and as instructors. Tho following Is a list of teaohers now en gaged In this department! H. II. Doylcs, Ofllclat Court Reporter. Mrs. H. U. Iloyles, Official Court Reporter. T. K. D. Madelson, Official Court Reporter. Miss Mao Wcstover, Official Court Reporter Ml Nellie Crandall. Miss Ora Trambllo. THE BUSINESS COURSE. nls course qualifies young people to fill , i,i ,,m positions na bookkeepers, cashiers, bill elorkn. nte.. nnd furnishes a fund of practical knowledge exceedingly useful In every sphere of life. Tho following Is a list of teachers in mis department: W. V. Larkln, Dean, Prof. V. W. BoylcB. Prof. O. G, Btutholt. Miss Mnc Smith. A SELECT SCHOOL. Students. who wish to enter an Institution where they will bo enabled to advance stendily nnd systematically through the various stages of the work and whero the . ii nr ilia Inntriietlnn will Huncriui uAttiiuui-i; ennbtn them to bring out tneir nignesi. possibilities In the various studies pur- sued, will bo thoroughly pleased with this college. Students nre thoroughly qualified to do business na It Is done In the business world receiving a business or stenograpttlo training embracing the most modern and progressive methods employed by the leading firms today. SPECIAL NOTICE. Those students who have called desiring; to bo enrolled since the desks were all filled are now Informed that the rooms vacated by the War department will be furnished with school equipment and ready for occupancy by the college at the opening of this special term tomor row. The capacity of the school has been greatly Increased, and those students who select this school will not be disappointed. ENTER TOMORROW, MONDAY, JULY 9. B-650 8 WANTED Immediately, a first class whip walcsman: uo not answer tnis auvcruse- metit unless you can give best or re ferences. United States Whip Co., West field, Mass. B-662-S WANTED, a Al salesmen to fill vacancies ity 01a cxinDustiPii nnuse in uno nanuica bv neneral merchants, drucclsts. etc. Continuous position to right partlea and goon pay to such, nox -11, iinneanous, Minn. ij oiia-s- WANTED, salesmen, salary to experienced men or commission, u. a. I'age. ues Moines. In. -uj7 5- WANTED nt once, 1 cornet nnd 1 nlto nlaver who aro machinists: good position in II. It. shops; must uo a ino. 1 musicians nnd good character; wrlto at once. L. 11., 127, McCook, Neb. H-T2J 0 WANTED by an established well-rated firm, schemo or specialty men, to sell nn exceedingly attractive anu snicamo line; Hneelnl terms and unlnue Inducements: higli-priceu men investigate. nox hj.-, Detroit. Mich. H 71 b" WANTED, premium goods salesmen: sell to tho trade: experience not necsary: liberal inducements offered tho right man. Tho old reliable house, Imperial Portrait Co., 411 wanasn ave, umcago, in. 11 is UMVfl..'n ,.n..Alln.. dnUamln .Mn It.... I t J 1 1 IIAX.IItlF, B,l,T t.t,V ,1, OI.U, 2iu high art calendars, tans, etc., ror nil classes or trade: bit commissions ad vanced; mention referonce and other lino carried, i.uwton-warn uo., etntion u, Chicago, H 721 TEMPEHiATE man to travel and nppolnt ngeniB in iscurnsKa; u montniy nno ex- penses besides commission; permanent. is. l'lerson, uearuorn, unicago. 11-720 8 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, where they nre. now ontained. salaries nnld: par- tleulars free; write for circular. 151 Na tional Correspondence institute. Wash ington, D. C. 61-8 WANTED, experienced salesman to sell holders nnu Hinders ror order manus anil loose sheet systems; liberal commission:; state experience or no attention. Ameri can Stationery Co., Chicago. B 6C5-S WANTED, a stenographer -with some Knowledgo of bookkeeping. Address L S3, 'itee. 11 tm s WANTED, by reliable house, several wlde- awaKe, nctivo traveling salesmen 10 handln a hlgh-grado specialty line. Box 60S, St. InilS, Mo. B-73S & SIX MILES of ditching work can be dono witn rnnu graner. Apply to is. v. .Mor gan, Herman isep. u 727 WAXTEO-FKtlAM: HELP. AM INTELLIGENT lady to tako a short- hand ucnoinrsnip in uesi scuooi and pay ror it when courso is completed anu posi tion secured. Address L ., Ilee. C o3S WANTED. 200 clrls. 1521 Dodco. Tel. 870. 80 girls wanted. Canadian office 1522 Douglas w .30 rnnsETS fitted on. 39c. 1612 Cnnltol Ave. U J'JU At WANTED, competent girl for general housowork, nt oil s. 23in ave. u .mbio s WANTED, good girl for gcncrnl house work, inqu ru ill 41.J I'urnam hi. C M0O5 S REAL good situation to steady girl for Kcneral nouseworK. mj a. zain ave., a. Brodkey. C-M60Q 8 WANTED, experienced cook and lnundress. 2037 Dodge St. C-617 8 WANTED, 12 ladies to travel; salary $780 and expenses; nusoiutciy no canvassing; permanent position; references; enclose self udntrSRed stamped envelope. Colonial Company, 330 uenmorn St., unicogo WANTED, for a permanent position In our business, inuy or prepossessing np pearanco and fair education; experience not necessary. Ainiress 1, i, jier, C-C12 8 WANTED, a girl for general housework; no washing. 27o9 Webster bi. c bio j WANTED, girl for general housework. Jlrs, 11. 11, coryeu, is, v. cor. .0111 ave und Douglas, C-647 8 WANTED, good girl for general house work. 1913 Wirt street. C-649 8 CROCUETER8 wanted, to crochet for us nt home. Good pay, Chicago Crochet Co., J56 Dearborn nt., Chicago, ill. c aa'axted-fumai.e help. ANY LADY can easily make IIS to $25 per wopk oy representing us in iter locality, nnd, as the position Is pleasant nnd profit nble, I will gladly fiend full particulars to nil. This In no deception; own your snare time Is valuable. Address. Mrs Mnry K. AVhcolcr, S7 Washington St., Chicago, 111. WANTED, a lady to represent us tn her own town, no canvassing; oig money; circular nnd particulars for stnmp. The Weymouth Co.. 131 Trcmont St.. Boston, Mnss. C 66S-S WANTED, competent girl for housework in n, family or tnree; no children; must come well recommended. Call nt ZSli Hickory street 6 p. m. C "13 s ron hext houses. IF YOU wnnt your houses well rented place lliuill Willi xi-ui;t 1 WW. u . j HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas. D-2SS ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Pianos. Office, 15U'.4 r amain hi. ici. jiwii or vm. uzyj HOUSES, stores. Bemts, Pnxton Blk. D-290 HOUSES for rent In all jarts of the city. 13th street. D-291 Brcnnnn-Lovo uo. jw t CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry B. Payne, eui n. x. i.uo. i-none, nun. u ..13 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. 1310 NORTH 2Hh St.. 6-room fiat D-6o3 12 FOR RENT, modern 8-room houso nnd barn on paved st., av.w per mo. i-aii ai premises, 3015 Chicago st. D-M7I1 10 MAGGARD Van ft Storage. 1616 Capitol ave. Tel. 14TO. U.JI COTTAGE at Lake Okobojl, la., for rent, Omaha beach. A. M. Clarke. 2557 H'uney. BIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 South 11th. D-3G5 131 S. 25th St., 11-room, modern. D-296 FOR RENT, 11-room modern flat. C05 N. mil st, cnaa. l. saunaers, zu a. mn st. S ROOMS, modern, with barn; all In extra nno repair; to good tenant. Aiireu u. DeLong, 437 Board of Trade. D 20S TWO-STORY house. 022 So. 20th St.; niuuci" cu nuireiM.. , '!"". ' Ann v to unnton ii. liritrcs. zza llee nine. uvji 3 SOUTIi 23D; slx-room house, bath closet, city water, J17.G0; this houso is closo In, Is In good condition and Is a bargain at this price. Omaha Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas street. 8-ROOM cottage, 2703 Douglas St. D-M030 NEW 10-room house, water and gaa, 5 blocks from school and street car. In qulro W'm. I. Klerstcad, city hall. D-634 8-ROOSI modern cottage. Inquire 2152 St. D-M60S 9 wary a ave. FURNISHED house, 8 rooms, long as de sired, reasonable. 629 So. 17th Ave. D-618 S NTNE-ROOM house. J35; gas, water, fur nace, cistern, line snaue trees: convenient to four car lines. Inquire at 716 N. 22d St. D-619 12' FOR RENT, strictly modern cottage, seven rooms, close in, .so. inquire 2212 .Mason. u IH.i s FOR RENT, No. 2422 So. 11th St., 7 rooms, nil modern, laundry, etc., vz.w, nlcp lo cation, one block from motor line. Wy- man, Shrlvcr Co,, N. Y. I.lfo BIdg. D-C31 8 -ROOM house, modern. 1512 N. 17.. ..V H.00. 7-Room house, modern. 1614 N. 17 25.00 30.00 60.00 7-Room house, modern. 1144 80. 32d.. 9-Room house, modern, 1111 So. 31st.. e. J. suuivan, 721 is, v. Lire umc. D 6G9-S' J12. 2523 Caldwell, 6-r. cottage. (30, 3015 Chicago, all modern, barn. is, 1915 s. ssth st., 3-r. bricK. $6. 1937 S. 29th St.. 3-r. cottage. J6. 2029 Dorcas, 2-r. cottage. Inquire 1203 l-arnnm st. D-733 S FOR RENT, five-room cottage, 26th and iiionuo streets, Apply at 697 North 19th street. D 73J ron nux'T I'l'it.visiinn iiooms. ROOMS Light housekeeping, 2576 Harney i'j .Mjis-jys 1910 CAPITOL AVE. Furnished rooms. E-5S7-Jyll 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th E-42G SOUTH front, modern rooms; 11.50 week. oil is lain. 1 .tiros v HOUSEKEEPING. 1712 Jackson. K M54 S DESIRABLE rooms, modern. 1617 Cass st ii aiiio b FOR RENT, furnished parlor bedroom. 1SU Uass St. K 01712 11" THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 1551 bncrman ave. k 711 VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS with all conveniences. 116 8. 2nth st. E-M73I 10 FOR RENT, south front room, elegantly rurnisneu. mouern conveniences, xniu Harney st. E 748 8 TWO front rooms: also rooms for house keeping. 707 S. 16th st.; top floor. E-752 & ROOMS. 1906 Cnpltol ave. E-M75I 14 LARGE, cool south front rooms, gas and bath; private ratnliy; rent reasonable. Harney. E-759 s FIRST floor, also other clcgnntly furnished rooms ror nouseKeeping; board tr tlesireu, 617 N. 20th. E-760 S' FUIl.MMHEl) nOOMS AXD HOARD. THE Mcrrlum .good summer resort, 25th ft uonge. ! 233 GLENCAIRN,translcnts,$1.28 day. 1C09 Dgls. i- auo 609 S. 25th avenue, private family. F-M557 Jys UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-691 THE PRATT, south rooms. 212 8. Kth St. F 915-JJ-19 NICELY furnished front rooms, slnglo or on suite. 316 s. 26th at. F M5S2 11 DESIRABLE rooms. 2084 Harney. F-M616 12 IN prlvato family. 202O St, Mary's nvc. 1- 614 FINE south room, prlvato family, modern, tietacneti nouse, large yarn, simile trees, walking distance; for tho summer months, Lf6, Dec. F EXCELLENT dny board nnd cool rooms. IIS N. IStll St. 1' J17S1 iu FOR HEXT-UXFlinXISIIUD ROOMS. THREE-ROOM apartments; ull modern, G-GI5-C' 816 Ii. 22nd St. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, porcelain both, everything rnniiern; aiso iiirnisneii rooms. 1205 Douglas, 2d lloor, 4th door, a "01 S FOUR modern unfurnished rooms, desira ble, '.'joi l-arnnm. u ci&-a- FOR RISXT STORKS AXI OFFICES. FOR RENT, Btoro In first-class location; rent, rcifonanic. Appiy jt. i-eters Co., ground lloor, Ile Bldg. 1 2'jti TWO of the best rooms In tho Contlnentnl block. I6th and Douglas street; specially suited for a physician; will remodel to suit tenant. Omaha Loan & Trust Co,, 16th and Douglas street. I MWl FOR RENT, after August 15, a store room "itcya'i. 1111 cnmoieie. witn Kneives. count ers, show cases, basket parcel carriers, Rteam heat, modern front, in hest loca tion In Des Moines. Ia,; suitable for clothing, shoes, dry goods or ladies' fur nishing (no exclusive Indies' furnishing In the city, population 75.000), or for any other line. J. A. Snyder, Des Moines, la., Manhattan Ming. 11.3 o FINE large store room, very centrnl, suita ble for drug more, J. u. rarrotte. uoug las Ulk, " 1-M6S7 9 AGEXTS WAXTP.IJ. $2,500 CAN bo made during next six months py hustling agents hnimiing our wiiuo ami fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms nnd nocktles; patented and guaranteed goods; Inclose stamp for special plan. M. ft M. Mfg. Co., Springfield, Mnss, J-M300-Aug.4 AGENTS on salary or commission: the greatest agents seller ever prouueuu; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to ffio per cent profit; ono agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 16. La Crosse, Wis. J-M630 8 AGENTS wanted of experience nnd abil ity who can give goon reierenco ns 10 character and success to canvass n high class publication on monthly payments lit connection with an mutual subscrip tion to a leading dally; salary $15.00 per week und transportation; also additional cash commission that can enslly aggre gate $50 00 per week; an extraordinary op portunity; only agents of character and nblllty desired; write, giving ngc, expert, ence, name and number of books sold, etc. N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. J M625 9 $50 00 PER month during tho campaign nnd iienuiiiieiii position niter; man or tatty. Zlegler Co.. 322 Dearborn St., Chicago. J-M62I S' VOENTS wanted. To bo Independent, learn the grandest Paying profession of tho ago. A beautiful hook and Information abso lutely fiee. American Institute of Science, Nevada, Mo. j AGk.VIS wanted to sell ofllclal political book, "Great Political Issues and Lenders of tho Campaign of 19W;" burning politi cal questions by Roosevelt. Bryan. Bev erldge, Hoar. Cochran, Lodge, Tonne and many others; acknowledged by political authorities as thp argument settler of tho campaign of 19)0; everybody wants It; prospectus now ready, freo to workers; books Immediately after democratic con vention; freight pnld; 50 to 60 per cent commission; premiums; 600 pages Illus trated; price $1.50; send 7 2c stamps to pay postnge. returned with first order; wrlto quick. W. B. Conkey Co., Chicago, in. JUST OUT-New Peerless gasoline lamp; easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks all competition; ngents coining money. Peerless Lnmp Co., 244 Railway Exchange bldg., St. Louis, Mo, J STARK Nursery pays cash weekly If you sell Statk Trets, iKJUlsInnn, Mo.; Dans vllln, N. Y. J MANUFACTURER wants men nnd women to distribute snmples; take orders; goods required in every household; large profits; steady work; samples for stamp. T. M. Sayman, St. Louis, Mo. J E WANT CO good sales agents at once. Wrlto for our liberal terms. Red Oak Portrait Co., Red Oak, Iowa. J-S72-S CAMPAIGN BUTTONS, tho best selling line of campaign buttons on the market; send ten cents for sample card; samples will retail for "0c. Agents wanted. Na tional Campaign Button Co., 6962 Horton i-iace, at. i.ouis, .lo. J oetj-S" AGENTS. McKinley Roosevelt, Bryan but tons, badges. Jewelry, lithographs, photo graphs, rabbits feet, old glories, souvenir opoons, trays; iwi assorted sample but tons, $1.00; 5 fiamples 10c; catalogue free. .Miner, z unnmuers St., iscw York. J-6CI-8' AGENTS, wo havo the finest pictures of Bryan and McKinley. They are great sellers; sample mailed for 15 cents, 2 for 23 cents. Now Is your time to coin money. iveieer .Art vo., wnicngo, ill. j otxl-S" AGENTS, canvassers, portrait mm. take orders for photo buttons nnd nhoto jewelry, made from any n dure, hand some, popular, big commissions, cntalogue. 1. raiiiey i-nu oto Button Mfg. Co., Chicago, J-674-S 111. $1M MONTHLY, new patent metallic bread boards; samolo free. I. J. Forshee. Cin cinnati, O. J 673-S AGENTS, male nnd female, best seller on enrtn: just out; sold in every house: bl profits; sells itself. Weldon, 27 William Ht iscw vorK. j 671-S AGENTS, new line camnnlcn buttons badges, novelties, souvenirs: great money makers: samples, catalogue, 10c. Gnllatln Co., York, Pa. J 670-S AGENTS wanted. Instant lighting casollne Inmps nnd piping .system; 100-candlo power, right prices; positively lights in stantly. Wrlto American LUhtlng Com pany, 62 Plymouth Place, Chlcngo. J-670-S' SOLICITOR, lady or gent, before 1 o'clock Monday, uoom ay, u. a, ivat. Bank Hing, J-731 & AGENTS wanted, greatest seller over pro duced: big profits; sample 10c. Mather ft Co., Cedar Rapids, la. J-730 S AGENTS, you can make $5.00 a dny selling waiprproot snoe pousn; no money re nulred: sells on slcht: send for free donv onstrntlve sample. Wonder Shoe Polish Co., 10S Randolph st., Chicago. J 723 l AGENTS, canvassers, street men. we have the tinest campaign portraits. McKinley, nrynn nnn others; neavy paper; two col ors; 22x2S; snmples, 15 cents: dozen. 7! cents: hundred, $3; order quickly, Nlelen's Art Emporium, Cincinnati, Ohio. J-717 8 AGENTS! For "Bnttlo of 1900." Official handbook for everv Amerlcn citizen Officially endorsed by the ropubllcnns. BIocrannleH of McKinley nnd Roosevelt. Big sales; liberal terms. Write at once for outfit to D. D. Darrow ft Co.. Pubs., fit. josepn, .mo. j MViii 10 WAXTran TO RKXT. WANTED, to rent six or seven-room mod ern houso; state location anu rental. Ad dress L 37, Beo. K-M609 9 YOUNG gentlemnn desires room and board two meam a nay; privnio lamuy pre- rerred; state terms. Address j w, nee. K-M602 8 SINGLE man wishes large, cool furnished room with bath with llrst-class private family. Address L 42, Bee. K M627 s WANTED. room Bee. and board by a gentle- man. L52 K 739 i WAXTEIl-TO niiv. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc, in large or smuu quantities, unicngo e ur nlture Co.. 1 urn-Ill Dodge, lei. 2WU. N-301 WILL purcliase a limited number of omnhn savings nanK nccounts. urennnn Love Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-302 2D-hand Indies' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co IS J1S& WANTED to buy good second-hand fixtures for cigar nnd newsstnnn. Anuress 1.111 Bee. N-713 8' for .s.w.n-rrii.MTi iti: SELLING out stoves, furniture. S01-3 N. 16, u 'JjJ FOR SALE, nnrt of furniture of pretty five room cotttige; rent 01 cottage jiu.cu. yji N. 23th Ave. O-C70-S FOR SAliE HORSES, VDIIICI.ES, li'l'f PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness, Anderson Buggy Co., 15th nnd Davenport i- JVJ VEHICLES of nil kinds made and repaired by liarry i-rost, l4tn anu iavenwortn 1- oVI ItlTIinER tl-ed veh cles. Buy 'em now Buy 'cm right! Ask for Hurt. 1307 Jones P-M937-Jy-21 LADIES' handsome bay driving horse and high-wheel phaeton ut it bargain; will diivo around for Inspection. 1. 3.. nee. P-M500 8 YOUNG city brnko horse, harness nnd nearly new phaeton for sale cheap ut 27U1 wooiworin ave.; musi no snui. ivi a- BAY horse 7 years old, weight 1,200, sound nnd gentle, i.'uj iiownra. ! ois-s DOUBLE-SEATED carriage at a bargain Inqulro 220s Miami St. P-OTT-S' FOR RALE, 2 covered wagons, cheap. Peo pies' Store. P 700 8 1'OR SALE MISCEM.AXKOUS. CHEAPEST and best poultry fence. 901 Douglas St. and hog u sou CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman ft Mc Council Drug Co,, Cor. 10th und Dodge. Q 2U6 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Fnrnam ij wi ll lfASS. Vlnrlut. ISIS Vinton St. Tel Plants, cut llowers. bouuilts. hall, rest dence, wedding und grave decorations Orders by mall or express promptly filled w iv for 5.ai,e-Misrni.iiAxnot'ft. AFES, buy sell. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. Tel. 1697 U WJ FOR SALE, cheap, latest style Voae piano; party leaving city. Aiiuress j (m, tier. Q-M507-Jy-9 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. O-310-A-14 M. ft. W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Blcvcle Co, Q-311- O, Atigustson, granite monuments, 20th ft Cnstellar. Tel. A 2349. Also sandstone, lime stone, ruble for bank walls: right prices, Q-61JJyl2 2ND-HAND wheels, $S to JtO; new wheels, $15. Omaha Bicycle co i6tn & unicngo sis. Q-914 ONE good hand elevator. A. Hospe. 1614 Q-570 izani. NICE oalt bookcapo for sale. 2S0B Douglas. Q-M596 12 221 WILL buy fine Chlckerlng piano. Ad. ttress ij ii,, nee. w .ii t- 'OR SALE, four 7C-horso power tubular by boilers of liAllAi-a InlAltt l an arAl larger .-apaclty; in good order; promptly nvnllable nnd cheap. Swift and Company, Stock Ynrds station, Kansas City. kns. Q M63 20 OR SALE, fine. et of ofilce fixtures and furnlturo nt a great bargain. Address L 41, Bee. Q-643 9 STORE building. 7H N. 16th St. Q-4I5I 10 MUST have room for more Blncers; 30 2d- hand, good running mncnines from i up: 15 new Singers, slightly scratched In ship Ping, wnrrnnted by compitny; low prices for 3 days. Branch office, 1106 N. 16th st. Q-737 8 REMINGTON typewriter No. 6 for sale cheap. Ij 45, nee. tj .sitiia ii- NEW Rambler bicycle for sale chenp. L 46, Bee. CJ-J16W ir OR SALE, $65 Wolff American blcyclo, good ns new, chenp. G. W. Buck, 324 So. 26th, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Q-6S1 8 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, countrv dealers. 2dhand furniture &: stoves nt lowest prices, carioau lots or less. Chicago j? urnlturo uo., liw-io uonge, R-313 CIiAIRA'OAMXTS, MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE I'ALMIST. Since tho heglnnlng of history there has ucen in extnnt many so-cnueu rortunu tellers, such ns seers, mediums, cinirvov nuts, psychics, etc. All these names Indl cnto ono thing nnd that la "fake." Any ono who pretends to communlcato wllh somo person or being In some other world through any source whatever Is a nrovarl- cator nnd an Impostor. No human being with nn ounce of bra ns today nuts any stress on phenomena, or miracles. This ago is too much enlightened for their pro ductlon. Miracles are performed and phenomena are produced onlv to the lir nornnt. There nre Just two methods of llfo reading nnd they appeal to the scien tific nnd Investigating mind and not to the ignornnt nnd superstitious. These methods aro PALMISTRY and ASTROLOGY. They were developed through scientific Investi gation and stand today in the front rank of sciences. The lines In tho palm avo an Index to the life and the past, present anu luiure can positively 'be told as mul cntod by theso lines. Mme. Gylmer has deveted years of her life to tno stuoy or palmistry and l now recognized throughout the United State as a master of the art. She reads life scientifically . accurately nnd honest v See this accomplished woman and learn what Is In store for you. Parlors of palmistry. 1605 Dodge, south s de nostof. lice. Appointments can be made by Tel. 110-'. 8 740 S PSYCHOLOGICAL Research 8ocIcty-R. C .nasun, a., pnycnic anu meuium. uranu test seance Sunday evening, July 8, 8:15 p. m In Patterson hall, 17th nnd Farnam, Splendid music. Welcome everybody. Ad mission, 10 cents. Mr. Mason Is college bred, master of arts, magnum bum Judl, member of Theosophlcal Society of Amer ica and recognized representative ot spiritualism. 8 753 S' MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodgo a iij MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 812 N. 16th. 3-314 MAX HANDEL, clairvoyant, 301 N. 16. R. 4. o 219-Jy24 ISI.ISCTRIO TIIBATMEXT. ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, second floor. T ,M573 A3 MME. LEE, magnetic treatment. 507 S 13th, room 10. T M&so 10 MME. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard. Room 1, ad uoor; aiienonnt. t .mssi io BEATRICE HARLOW, baths, Arabian trcntment, removed to 317ft N. lfith. fiat F, M .MWS 13 PERSOXAI.. MONHEIT, Chiropodist. 1518 Frn. Tel, 2333. U-316 LADIES hair shampooed, dressed, 36c. Hair toilet goons. .Monneit, ibis r arnnm. lei iwi U 31ti EPPERLY corset to order. 1S12 Cnpltol Av, U 691 A4 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before ft dur lng confinement; babies aeopteu. 113K .n. 17, DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25o and upward. Room 12, Frenzer block. U-318 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds, M. uoidman ft Co., zw uougins biock. U-319 SOLES, 35c: velvet rubber heels, 35c. The 01a rename, a. 1 . i-eterson, itn Ac. itiming, U-320 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; penu mr eircuiurn. r.mpuu itnp ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. U-3U VIAA'I, woman's way to health. 316 Bee bldg U 322 LADIES, free, harmless monthly regulator cannot lau. .Mrs. is. jtownn, it. nn. .Mil wuukee, Wis. U-M507-Jyl0 HOFF'S Express ft Messencer Co. Tel. 1717, U-323 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted, Mrs. nurget, 2620 nurdotte. u 321 BLANCH WILLOUGHBY, halrdresslng, C01 I'axion uik. 1; .mws jy-i PROF LUND, chiropodist. 611 Karbach blk, U A-S SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed uy electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allcndcr, lbU Douglas, u MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit: myself cured, will Inform you o harmless, permanent homo cure. .Mrs Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U DO YOU wnnt to marry? If you nro hon orablo und worthy wo can assist you t'orrespomience strictly coniiuentiai. au dress Co-opcratlvo Aid Co., KansuH City .mo. u Mi a- CORRESPOND for nmtiscment or tnntrl mony; sealed particulars, 2c. Champion Council Bluffs, la. U-M7I2 9 SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES AT PRICES NEVER MADE BEFORE Whv not buy your wlfo a mnohlno? THESE PRICES ARE FOR MONDAY ONLY. Old Price. Now Singer $ 4.fl $ LOO Whltehlll 3.00 1.00 Duvla 6.00 3.0 llniisehnld 13.00 6.00 White, high nrm 15.00 6.CO Slncer. high arm 20.00 7.50 Singer, high arm, good ns new r.!-r) Singer, high arm l.'-" iv.mcmln 25.00 15.0) iS:ft Wn rni mnehlnes at 75 cents per week Wo sell parts for and repair all make or sewtns mncnines. . . NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 15th and Harney Hts. U 653 8 AITRACTIVE young lady. Independently wealthy, wisnes to marry soon; wuuin iiat kimt. entiiihln liiiHhand In business bank nnd other references. Address L 61 Ilee. U-735 R iTTnir'Ttvu. well. bred ludv. Indenend ently wealthy, refined and generous, will llA l.lrt.1 hltahnllfl It ell .1 bl l.M 711 North Park Ave, Chicago, ill. 111111117 II, V V U -.! (lU.Ju,.'.. PERSOXAI.. 1X1VELY AVOMEN and honorable men want to marry; many rich, descriptive list, 2c. Mutual Exchange, Kansas city, Mo. U- AM 61, unincumbered widower of wealth, am generous nnu reuned; desire Home loving wife Mr. Williams, 117 East 23il St., New York. U-CS3 S MOXHV TO I.OAX-IIIIAI, ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 6. 6H, 6 per cent; no de lay. unrvin iiros.. 11,13 f arnam. W 325 W A NTl'.ll Til V nn.l firm Inn... ,,l.n nnd warrants. R. (.'. Peters 'ft i'o.. 1:02 'arnam St . Beo Bldg. W 327 'RIVATE money. F. D. AY'cad, 1621 Douglas. W-32S 'IA'E per cent money. Bemls, Pnxton block. W-32S MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city iiniprriy or lor nniining purposes, raync Knox Co., New York Llfc W-329 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western lowa farms at 6 per rent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennnn-love Co., 3u9 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 330 , 6',4, per cent on Omaha, 80. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 148. W 311 MONEY to loan at 6 and BV4 per cent on umana property. v. n. Mclkic, 401 s. lsth. W-3.12 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real eetate. urennan-ixive (JO., sua so. l.itn. W 333 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property unu rnrms. av. rarnnm smith ft t'n ITVI '.nrnmn - 111 WAITED City loam, bonds and warrants. ucorge a company, lboi r arnam Mt. W-333 MONEY In any amount nt 5, 5'4, 6 per cent J. W. HUUHl.NS ft CO., 1W2 l-'A RNAM ST. W-336 MONBA to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates, u. l-. Davis uo., 1000 r arnam. W-337 $3,CK)0$4,OOo,-,,000-To place quick nt low rate or interest on good real estate. Ad dress, J 13, Bee. W 338 TO LOAN, on god security, nt reasonable rate, $300 to $100. 606 N. Y. Life Bldg. V 4t01 MOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You Keep tne property. ijuicK service, you may pay tno money back In one month or tako one year In which to pay It and you need not pny for It one day longer than you have It. Wo charge nothing for mak ing or filing papers or examining security nnd we keep notthtng out of the amount you borrow. Bo aliro nnd get our rates beforo borrowing. MONEY LOANED TO Salaried peoplo on their own names In amounts rrom iu.uo up. xou may repay th a loan all or In part at any time and you are expected to pay for the money only what time you keep It. AVe aro tho only loan company In the city giving you this privilege. All we ask Is a chance to compare rates. Strictly confidential. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. (Established 1E92.) 306 80. Hth Street. .-.jiii MONEY MONEY LOANED BAIjAKIKD fUMl'La. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASA PAYMENTS and 8TRICTIY CONFIDENTIAL OMAHA CltKIllT CO. Room 526, fifth floor, New York Life Bldg. MONEY leaned nn nlnnos. furniture. 1cW' eiry, norses, cows, etc, u. ! . lteeo, .u n. 14. MOVF.Y tnnned on furniture, diamonds watches; payments cnniidcnttai. umana Chattel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, uostnlrs. IS 3(3 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry. Dim ureen, it s, uarKt-r uik MONEA" to loan on household furniture. Berger s Loan Co., lfiOl rnrnam at. X 345 S A LARA LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOIS, 218 First Nat. uann ning. X 316 MONP.Y loaned salaried neonle holding per manent position witn rcsponsiuie concerns upon tneir own names wnnuui irauu, easy payments. Tolman, 7C6 N. A . L. BWg. BUSINESS C1IAXCHS. FOR SALE, grocery store, smnll stork, llrst-olaBs condition, guaranteed good trade; will glvo good reasons. Address L 3?, Bee. A' M59S 8 FOR SALE, A ',4 Interest In a first-class honsefurnlshlng business in 11 city or 10.000 In southern Colorado doing good business; reason selling, 111 health; con genial partner or would sell all. Address L 40, Bee. A-620 S FOR SALE or exchange, merry-go-round. 2203 Lake at., Omaha. i-.ni MAKE MONEY In Colorado In summer. For sale or trade, small restaurant ooing big btulness; feeding over 200 dally: town full of people: best location In town: best town along the line; prlco only $150.00; must sell; Investigate) this. Call nr nd drcss Johnson Bros., Florence. Colo. Y M631 8- FOR SALE or trade. Bargain. Newspaper plant. Address, P. w. whip, unawn, ia. Y AN established $250,000 Ohio corporation, composed of men rated over S5,0rto,0o0 (fur nishing highest banking and commercial references), operating on the Carneglo profit-sharing plan with employes, desires correspondence and Interviews with men able to earn salary and commission of $3,000 per annum. To comply with co operative conditions and obviate Klylng bond nn Investment of $1,000 tn $,000 abso lutely necessary. Address Auditor s de partment. 200 to 205 Wyandotte bldg.. Co Itimbus, O. ' DO A'OU want to make money In wheat nnd sticks? If so write to me Immedi ately. I am not n broker and do not so licit accounts. M. W. Bell, First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago. A' 718 A TARTY having capital wishes to Invest In either good stock of general merchan dise, with trade built up, or will put n new stock if ho enn secure good room In good town with good prospects of build ing up trnde. Answer, with particulars, J. F. C. Teknmah, Neb. A" 721 8 BUY WHEAT. AVe believe thero Is 10c a bushel profit to be made ut present prices. Send for our book, "Successful Specula tion." J. K. Comstock, 23 Traders' Bldg., Chicago. Y-722 S' 4 STOCKS of groceries, from $150 to $1,500. B. R Ball, 901 N. Y. Life. Tel. m A" MT03 10 AVE manufacture llavorlng extracts and grocers specialties; want omifilbHlon house to bundle goods In Omaha ntul vlcinllv. Crown Chemical Co., W0 1st Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Y-C9I INA'ESTIGATE our plan for making money In oil stocks; failure Impossible tinder nur system; one man Invested $12.50 per inofitli for eight months ami cleared Jl.lfO: Limn Colds the greatest In tho world; best ref erences; particulars free. Union Oil Co., Lima, O. A'-693& STAN DA R D MU TT A L FIRE INS. CO., Suite C25-6 N. Y. Life. Phono 2231. F II. Bcntlcy, Secretary. A C.C 8 FIRE Insurance, sound compnnles, nt re ' ducrd rates. Phono 231. 025-0 N. Y I. te. F. II. Bcntlcy, Secretary. A -691 f WANTED, bv a manufacturing and lobbing company of Omaha, a man with $VX) and services; money secured; will htand thor ough Investigation; roferences required. Address L 66, Bee. il7' FOR SALE, nn up-to-date drug store, lo cated on a prominent corner In Omaha, doing good huslnc.su; might tnke some trade. Address L 6S, Bee. A'-M753 14' THE furnished rooming fiat, corner 16th nnd Davenport, Is now on tho market for sale tn highest offer; 14 rooms well furnished; best location In tho city. Applv .1. N. Thorson & Son, SIS 8, 10th st, Y-M75S 9' FOR SALE, stock groceries and fixtures, with well established trade and good loca. tlnn, Address L 67, Bee. Y-M756 9 STORAGE, PACIFIC Storage and AVarchnuso Co., 912 914 Jones, general utorago and forwarding, 36S Ora. Von Stor. Co., VIVA "arn. Tel. 1559. R63, 369 for nxciiAxm?. HAA'E 1P0 acres land In centrnl Nebraska nnd money to excnnngo ior nuiiiso m Omaha. W. V. Hedges, 423 Bee bldg. Z MS27 FOR EXCHANGE, fine . home, close In, eight tooms, modern throughout, nrsi neighborhood. $4,7W). Will tnke one-half In city rental proptrty. Address II 47, Bee. Z 349 BICYCLE wanted In exchange for good clear lot. j. 11. jonnjon, mi is. 1. i.ite. Z 62J HARDWARE stock, brick store building. centrally located, witn goon estauusueu trade, In town of fi.ooo population In N. E. Neb.: will exchange for Improved farm In N. E. Neb. or Iowa; value $12,000. Box 71. Norfolk, Neb. Z-M629 9 NO. 1 drug store to exchnngo for land. J. II. Purrotte, Douglas Blk. X.-M690 0 FIX tXTIAL. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ROOM 803, Third Floor, Pnxton Block, Cor. 16th nnd Fnrnam Sts. SALARY LOANS! SALARY IOANSI $10 to $100. Wp loan money on plain notes to employes. NO mortgage; NO Indorser. Most liberal terms of credit ever offered in Omaha. AVe have a record for square dealing that's unequnled. AVe point with pardon able pride lo these facts: Lower rates, easier payments, largest company. Aro you taking advantngo of our liberal terms? A permanent position with re sponsible firm the only requirement. Open noons; Snturdays 8 p. m. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Take an hour TODAY and call. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. -3C3 8AI.ARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES AT MUCH less cost and embnrrasstnent than has heretofore been possible. Quick nnd confidential service. Special terms to school teachers during vacation. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee Bdg. -.MSW SHORTHAND AM) T YPEAVRITINO. A. C. A' AN SANT'S school. 717 N. A'. Ltfe. -35S BOA'LES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. 360 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. 361 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha. Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sts. -3dl NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. BOYD THEATER BLDG.. OMAHA. Summer term begins July 9. Special rates and every advantage offered. A. C. ONO, A. M., President. -725 8 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Nob. Confidential. 364 LADIES! Chichester's English Pcnnyroynl Pills Are tho nest. Snfe, reliable. Tako no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your (druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. DR. LB DUE'S Female Regulator, pnsl tlvely warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions nnd suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $2 a package or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre paid on recMpt of price. The KIdd Drug Co., Elgin III. American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: M. A Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. HOTELS. THURSTON, 15th & Jackson; American Si European. Newly refitted. Prices modcraU 34j HENDERSON. $1.00 per dny house; board $3.60 to $3 week. 9th & Fnrnam: tel. 1246. 952-JJ-22 OSTKOPATIIA". JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Life Rldg.; tel. 1661; Alice Johnson, D. O., Indies' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathia!, Mgr. -9t5 M. E. DONOIIUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrksvllle, Mo., 604 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367. asa RXGIXIS, 1IOILICRS, ETC. L. C. Sharp Mach. AVks.; motors, dynamos. 2S1 2D-IIAND machinery bought nnd eold for cash. A. P. Ely & Co., 1110 Douglas st. -M6I1 J CARPENTERS AM) JOIUIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 201h nnd Lake Sts 371) DRESSMAKING. UP-TO-DATE. Miss Kuhl, 603 Karbaoh Blk. MS86 Jv-14 IN Families, Miss Sturdy, 2G10 Harney. 406 Jy-29 DRESS MAKING, experienced help only employed. E. G. McDonald, 1612 Cap. Ave. 5S9 A4 STOVE REPAIRS. GAS, gasoline stoves repnlred; stoves stored. City Stove Repair Worke, 209 8. 13th. -372 SURVEYING AXD DRAUGHTING. AV. J. McEATHRON, 626 Paxton block. -644-A-l TURKISH IIATIIS. TURKISH baths, 60c; open night. 107 S. II. -373 SEAVIXG MACHINES. REPAIRED. Omaha Sewing Machine Re imlr Works, cor. Dodge & 10th sts., J. K, Phillips, Prop'r. -M402 Jy23 TRUXK FACTOIIA-. TRUNKS.travellng bags, suitcases. Trunks repaired, Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Fnrnam. 370 FURNITURE REPAIRING, PACKING, upholstering, mnttress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. AValkln, 2111 Cuming St. 371 PAAVMIROKERS. EAGLE Inn Office, rellahle, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -3S0 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collnrs, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -376 IIIIIIIS AND TAXIDERMY, STOCK'S Bird Storo. 1603 Invenworth. 332 MIRROR I'ACTOUY. Damaged looking glasses rcsllvcred. 703 N. 10 33 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Rldg. -374 EMBROIDERY. SILKS nnd linen, stamping, 1612 Capitol Av. 591 A4 DENTIST. DR. MITTKLSTADT, 331 Beo Bid?. Tel, 1415 823-Jy.l6 MAGNETIC INFIRMARY. 'rUS NK'mAHKA. Incorporated. 1515-1517 Chicago street. Omaha. M339 TICKET IIROKKR, CUT rato tickets everywhere. P. H. Rhll bln, lfA Farnum. Telephone 781. -377 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. UK Farnara.