Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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tuxan MRNTIO.I.
t)avln sells glass.
It. At. I.ofTcrt, optician. 236 TV way.
Gas fixtures and globes at nixby's.
Magazines bound, Monrchouso & Co.
Budwelser bter. L, Ilnscnfold. ngcnt
Fine A. D. C. beer, Neumnyer's hotel.
Bchmldt's photos, new and Infest stylos.
Try Keystone Printing House. Tliono 37S.
You got the boot dinners at the Vienna.
W. U. Lewis sells monuments. 301 B'way.
Scientific optician at Woolmnn's, 409
IV wny.
Halo 8. lttitclilns left l.tst evening on a
trip to Spokane, Wash.
Tho vacation prize will go to the Council
Hluffs girl who hustles votes.
Ort your work done at the popular Ragle
laundry, 721 Hrondway. 'Phone 157.
V O. Estep, undertaker. SS Pearl street
Telephones! Olllce. 9": residence. 33.
r)r 8. K. Hhrlvcr will leave, today for n
Visit to his old home In Cambridge. O.
Mrs. Henry Dol.oug will lenvn tomorrow
tor Wcllsville, O., to upend the summer.
Kor tilclures. frames and artists' ma
terials, go to Alexander & Co., 333 Il-way.
W V. Graff, undertaker and licensed em
balmer. 101 South .Main street. 'Phone C.
MIsh Kthyl Church of Lincoln Is visiting
Miss Madeline Thernhitrdt of 312 Avenue O.
Mr and Mrs. It. II. Bloomer left Inst
rvcrilng to spend tho summer in tho Hlnck
Miss SlRafoos left Wednesday evening for
n trip of scvenil months nmoiis tho grent
The regular meeting of Fidelity council
No. I fi, Iloynl Arcanum, will he held this
even' Z-
The a will be a speclnl mcetlntr this even
ing of Myrtle lodge No. 12, Degree of
Jlono , In the Merrlam block.
The regular meeting of Companion rourt.
Wneondnh No. 30fi, Independent Order of
l'orcatcrs, will be held this evcntiiK.
All vot In the Council Blurts vacation
contest will b: counted dally and the result
will become moro Interesting from day to
Callln B. Skinner took out a bulldlnK per
mit yesterday for the erection of a one
storv framo cottage In Strcetsvllle tn cost
Tho police are still looking for a clew to
the two highwaymen who held up nnd
robbed Johansen Bros.' saloon Tuesday
Justice Vlen performed the marriage cer
emony yesterday afternoon for John Arm
strong and Flora Jackson, both colored, of
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. Messmore and fam
ily have returned from Boone. la., where
they were visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Orace Browne.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Fllcklnger left lust
evening for a two weeks' sojourn at Bat
tle Creek, Mich., for the bcnellt of Mrs.
FHckliiKcr's health.
Tho olllclal board of tho FlrHt Christian
rhurch has decided to extend a call to Uev,
W B. Crewdsou of Coming, la., to succeed
Uev. 8. M. Perkins,
Fltz M. Sackett of Albla. Neb., and Hen
rlettn N. Bowerman of Sioux City, la., were
married in tins city yesterday, me cere
mnny being performed by Justlco Fcrrler.
Miss Zoo Hill returned yesterday from
Lnscll, Mnss., where she has been attend
ing school for tho last six months, to spend
the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
v. it. nut.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Chllds of Seventh
avenue left Wednesday for an extended
visit to tho Paclllc coast. They will visit
friends tn Denver, Snlt Lako and Portland
nnd from tho latter place will proceed
southward through I'niifornia.
A. J. Allison of St. Cloud. Minn., who was
among the visitors to Lake Manawa on
Wednesday, lost a pocketbook containing
credits to tho nmount of JS.OOO. It was
picked up by J. II. Tabcr of 172S Second
avenue, wno lumen u over 10 inn poucc.
Tho now books recently purchased by tho
trustees for the public library have arrived
nnd Mrs. Dalley, the librarian, and assist
ants nro busily numbering them and plac
ing them on the shelves. Tho list Includes
many of tho recenL popular works of tlc
tlon. "Doe" a. W. Long, tho reformer arrested
Tuesday night for being drunk nnd using
ODsceno innguago on ine streets, succccueu
In securing a contlnuanco of his case tn
nnllce court yesturdny for two weeks, as
he has business of a pressing nature, out of
Iho city.
Charles Jensen of Panama. Ia.. camo to
Ihe Bluffs to celcbrato tho Fourth. Katiy
resterdny morning ho was found asleep on
tho sidewalk and In pollco court Judge,
Aylesworth assessed him $3 ami costs for
the accommodation. He pnld tho tine nnd
thought he had got on easy at mat.
Ben Tlnnell. who Is chnrged with slug-
f:lng a companion with brass knuckles dur
ng the progress of u dance In a resort on
Twenty-sixth avenue nnd Klnvcnth street,
was nrrested yesterdnv on .tho charge of
disturbing tho peace. He wIM hnvn n hear
ing this morning beforo Judge Aylesworth.
A steam pipe burst at tho Grand hotel
yesterday morning and some excitable indi
vidual seeing tho steam escape thought tho
hotel wns about to burn down nnd sent ' i
a Ilro alarm, which was responded to by
every company In town. Tho llremen had
ono line of hose laid beforo they discovered
It was only a steam plpo that was wrong.
James Itlchnrdsnn of 1C30 Avenue D,
charged with hontlug his wife Wednesday
ovenlng, had his case continued In pollco
court yesterday until tomorrow. Mrs.
nichardson was too badly battered up to
appear In court yesterday, lllchnrdson in
default of ball, which was placed at $1-1.
Is languishing behind tho bars at tho city
Jim Manning, n veteran of tho civil wnr.
living near Weston, came to tho city
Wednesday to celebrate Independence dnv.
lie met too many old friends and celebrated
to freelv that no fell nsleep on the side
walk. J ml co Aylesworth assessed him J5
and costs In police court yesterday morn
ing, but remitted tho lino and ordered him
released when the old man said ho had tn
go to the court house "to make his murk"
to his pension voucher and that no ono
else could do It for him.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250.
Notice tn Slnr Collect om.
Our now books, containing a larger Hit of
stores than over, will soon be out. After
July 1 wo will strictly enforce tho provisions
of our books nrd only redeem dill bouks
of atnrs. Detached pages or books In which
pages are Inserted will not be redeemed, no
do not mutllato your books. Our premium
stores have been imposed upon by persons
continually running tn with small orders
and we aro now compelled to strictly en
force the full b ok rules.
Savo your coupons and vote for the most
popular Council Bluffs working girl,
llnrrlnr" l.leiMises.
Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to
tho following persons:
Name and Itesldenco. Age.
JIobcoo C. McKean, Omaha i!5
Ollvo C. Van aildcr, Omahu 'Si
Georgo Watts, Goohncr, Neb 51
Dora A. McCord, Friend, Neb 12
F. M, Sackett. Albion. Neb 61
Henrietta N. Bowerman, Sioux City II
John Armstrong. Omaha 17
Flora Jackson, Omaha H
When you deposit your Tacuflon coupons
pin them together. It will make the couut-
ins quicker ana easier,
Ural Untitle Trnimfrra.
The following transfers were tiled vester-
day In tho abstrnci, uuo nun loan ouice oi
J. V. nature, im j-curi mri-ui.
uriBti I. MeMlllun to John A. Kirk-
land, scU swU SI: nwU no,i and no
nwVi 26-77-U. w d. ...... ............. ....Vim
Ueorgo W, liewill unu wun io .uussm
A llnlmes. lots 1 and 2. block 38.
Urown's subdlv. w d '-ff
Two transfer, total
D&vU sell paints.
Negotiated tn Kaittjrn renrak
and Iowa, ,'itmo N. Casady. Jr..
is Muln st duncii i"urts.
Savings Loan and Building Associate
Several Conflicting Stories Sot Afloat by
Mon in Authority.
.Mnnnmrr Itrrtl, Sloolt holders WntllcN
mill Illinium mill Attorney Wrlnlit
All liltr Dlirrrcnt Vrrsloim
of tin- llonl.
Manager W. S. Heed of the Omaha, Coun
cil Bluffs & Suburban Hallway company Is
authority for the statement that his com
pany has bought out the Omaha & Council
Blulfs Hallway and Bridge company.
Gurdon W. Wattles, president of tho
Union National bank of Omaha, who re
cently secured what was wild to bo a con
trolling Interest In tho Suburban company,
emphatically denies that any such deal has
been consummated. Mr. Wattles' assertion
Is confirmed by George F. Wright, general
counsel for and chalrmnn of the executive
committee of tho board of directors of the
bridge line.
Charles R. Hannan, cashier of the First
National bank of thin city and a heavy
stockholder and ono of tho promotors of the
Suburban lino, say "there Is a hen on, but
tho egg Is not ready to hatch," nnd that
there Is a settlement pending so that the
old motor company will not bo so aggressive
against the Suburban company hereafter.
v Rumors that tho two rival motor compan
ies were patching up their differences havo
been In circulation for several days and It
was generally believed that since the advent
of Mr. Wattles Into the Suburban line that
company had renewed Its proposition to buy
out the old company, but that tho Suburban
company has bought out tho bridgo com
pany Is emphatically denied by them. That
some deal Is pending looking toward the
consolidation of the two motor companies
and powdbly tho Omaha street railway Is
unquestioned, but In view of the conflicting
statements mado by tho officers of the two
corporations tho general opinion ts that
while a consolidation of the two local com
panies mny be looked for In tho near future
tho deal hai not yet been consummated.
Iteed In Very Kxpllclt.
W. S. Reed, secretary and general man
ager of the Suburban company. Insists that
his company has bought out tho bridge line
and that a reorganization of tho two when
consolidated will take place. Tho time has
not yet come, he said yesterday, to make
anything further public. He said: "The
authoritative statement can be mado that
tho Suburban company has bought tho
bridge lino and It Is useless for anyono to
deny that It has not. If wo had not mado
thl deal we would not be working to con
uect our line to Manawa with the tracks of
the old company on Main street at Ninth
Colonel W. J. Davenport, local freight
and passenger agent of tho Burlington sys
tern, said that the Suburban company had
mado application for crossings at Ninth ave
nue yesterday morning, that tho company
Intended to run Its line on Sixth street to
Ninth avenue nnd then on Ninth avenue
to Main street.
G. W. Wattles was In the city yesterday
afternoon and held a long conference with
Stono & Tlnley, local attorneys for the Su
burban company, tn their otnee. When
nsked If thcro was any foundation for tho
statement of Manager Reed that the Su
burban company had bought out tho old
company, ho said there was absolutely none.
Wattles Denies (he Statement.
"Ib thero a deal pending with that end
In view?" was asked, nnd Mr. Wattles (.aid
thcro was not. "Tho only deal that has
been pending nnd which has now been con
summated was one for obtnlnlng power
from, tho old company to run our cars until
such tlmo as our power house Is completed,"
ho said. "I do not want to bo understood a
saying that wo would not buy out tho old
company, If It wn3 willing to sell, but I
do say that no such deal Is pending at
present, at least ns far as I know, and I
can stato positively and nuthorltlvely that
no such deal has been consummated. This
Is nil I havo to say and In fact It la moro
than I really care to say, as I am adverse
to nowspaper notoriety, too much of which
I have aheady received since I becamo
connected with tho Suburban company."
When asked It an offer had been made
to purchase hU Interest In the Suburban
company, Mr. Wattles said that thcro had,
but declined to say by whom, He said
that since the city had given his company
tho permission to go upon the main streets
ho would not think of soiling out. Had
tho city refused this, he said, then he might
hnvo been willing to sell out. Tho npprovnl
by tho city council last Monday night of
tho company's selection of tho main streets
on which It Intended to lny Its tracks had
ended any possible thought on his part of
selling out his Interest In tho now company.
Cashier Ilannan of tho First National
bank, when asked what ho had to mako
public about tho reported purchase by tho
Suburban company of tho bridge lino, snld
ho had nothing to say. as ho believed the
"others had bettor light It out amongst
thenHolvos." Ho admitted that a deal wns
pending, but declined to furnish any In
Wlmt Attorney Wrlulit Sayx.
Thla Is Attorney Georgo F. Wright's
stntoment; "Tho Suburban company ha
not bought out tho brlJgo company. Thlt
statement I make with authority. Our di
rectum held a meeting TuesJay afternoon
at which Mr. Wattles was pro ont. Ho
stated to tho board that h'.s -oaipany ix
peeled scvoral thouraml visitors at Lain
.Manawa on tho Fourth and hs want-.d to
make an arrangement to secure pino.- fron
tho bridge line to run their caw. After
somo dlscunston the dlrectori d-cl'ol tn
grnnt tho requeet and Mr. Wattles was told
to send Manager Reed to make tho neces
sary arrangements with Manager Dlmmack.
Tho qucs Ion of ccmull iaCng the ih oe
companies the Omnha Street railway. h
Omaha & Counc I Bluffs I!allva and Bridgo
company anil the Omnhi, Counc 1 IV- ft
& Suburban railway had teen under discus
tslon at a meeting of tho board last we;k
and tho mnttor was again brought up at
this meeting. Mr. Wattles said that thi
deal to buy out tho bridge llao ha I b o.i
practically closed, but that the stockho'deri
had backed out and hid at ttu Ust mo
ment refused to sell thtlr ho'dings at tin
prlco agreed upon. Mr. Guy IDrton stnt'd
that such was not the fact. He said that
last February Dr. Slush, ono of tho pro
moters of tho Suburban company nnd oro
of Its financial backers, ntked f.r a prlco
on tho Btock of tho Omaha Street Hallway
company nnd tmbsequcntly asked for a price
on the stock of tbo bridgo line, as his nsw
company would buy out bmh. Later he
notified the directors of tho brldgs lino that
his company had decided that It did not
want tho Omaha Street railway, but would
buy nut tho bridge line, Stockholders who
had holdings In both tho Omaha Street
railway and the bridge line refuted to sell
unless the Suburban company bouiht out
both lines, They said Slush could not have
ono without the other and the negotiations
were accordingly declared off. Mr. tUrton
informed Mr. Wattles that ths stock of
tho bridge company wns stilt on tho mark t
at tho prlco named to Slush last February,
which was 60 ccntB on tho dollar. Mr.
Wattles told tho board that ho would tako
tho matter under consideration nnd too It
ho could mako the necessary nrrangcmenw
to buy tho stock. That Is till thero Is ttf
the reported purchase of tho old company
by tho Suburban and that Is as far as the
negotiations havo reached, Thcro Is no
Bale yet and 1 bellovo I am right In saying
that Mr. Wattles Bhotild know tnoto about
the matter than docs Mr. Reed. That la
all I havo to sny."
Wlmt Another Mnn Sny.
A gcntlemnn closely connected with tho
Suburban company, but who for cr8;nal
reasons did not dcslro his name mcntlonol,
staled Inst night thnt It was not tho In
tention of tho Suburbnn company to huy
out the bridge company. It had no noed
to, ho mild. In tho first place, tho new
company hns secured tho right to lny Its
tracks on all tho principal Btreets ln tho
city nnd under tho government charter
of tho bridgo across tho Missouri to tho
old company any company has tho right
to build its lines across It on paymont of a
reasonable toll. In tho event of a disa
greement as to tho rcnsonablo toll tho mat
ter would be arbitrated by tho secretary
of war. This same gcntlemnn enld that ho
knew that no deal had been conBiimmnted
whereby tho new company had bought tho
old. Any such deal, as ho understood, ho
paid, would havo to bo mado through Mr.
Wattles, who was tho money power hohlnd
tho throne of the Suburban company.
"Mr. Riley" E-ccnt cigar.
Wnter llllln.
Pay now and Bavo 6 per cent.
Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Office open
.Muyor .IcniiliiK' ICffortu for Safety
Prevfiit Jinny Aecld'nl.
Mayor Jennings' ordors governing tho dis
charge of firecrackers within the city limits
woro generally obeyed nnd after midnight
Wednesday tho exploding of crackers prac
tically ceased. Despite the Immense crowds
that visited the city Wednesday thero was
but little or no disturbance and very few
arrests even for Intoxication wore made.
The mayor's nollcltudo for tho pcoplo pre
cluded 'him from taking n holiday that day.
Ho stayed at home and looked after tho
wclfnro and comfort ot tho people. Realiz
ing that tho motor company would have
ho mo troublo In handling tho Immense
crowds at Sixteenth avenue ho ordered the
entire day force of police to stay on duty
at night nnd detailed officers for cvory point
where the people congested. The service
rendered by tho police, Mayor Jennings feels,
nverted accidents.
Tho Fourth passed without any serious
accidents outside ot the drowning 6t Fred
Mnyne. Warren Dalley, a former member
of Company L, Fifty-first Iowa volunteers,
while out with tho Dodgo Light guards cele
brating was accidentally shot In the thigh
with a blank cartrldgo from tt Springfield
rifle, tearing n big hole In tho flesh. Nels
Jensen received a broken collar bono ns a
result of his buggy tipping over Into a ditch
on tho wny homo from Manawa. C. J.
Neunas received painful burns about the
hands and face while tearing down n burn
ing awning In front of his store. Dr. V,
L, Treynor hnd ono hand somewhat severely
burned by the premature discharge of a
giant cracker. The little son of City Clerk
Phillips got too close to nn exploding bunch
of crackers and had his face burned some
what, but not seriously. Tho 10-ycar-old
son of Qeorgo Miller, 443 South First street,
had his face filled with gunpowder by reason
of too closo connection with n big cracker.
A small stock of crackers at 202 Broadway
went up In smoke, but tho firemen from
tho hose houso opposite got their work hul
beforo tho flames Spread to the building,
Commonwealth 10-cent elzar.
Gravel roofing. A. 11. Hcci, 541 B'way.
i'lilitkn Hit Turk Hoard Ought tn Give
In In the Motor Compiiny.
The answer of the Board of Pa-k Commis
sioners to tho Injunction suit brought by
the motor compnny restraining it from
grading tho dirt now obstructing the en
trance to Falrmount pnrk was not fll d
yesterday, but Attorney Hnzelton s'nted It
would bo this morning. Mayor Jennt gi and
other city olllcinls say they bellovo
a compromise could be effected with little
difficulty If tho pnrk commissioners wuu d
only conrcdo a littlo to the motor com
pany. Tho large number of people who
visited tho resort Wednesday wcru greatly
Inconvenienced by hnvlng to climb through
tho cut Into the park, mnny of them .bains
heavily lnden with lunch baskets and other
Mayor Jennings stated yesterday that ho
felt It was duo to tho people that a
settlement of tho controversy betweon tvn
park board and tho motor company b
reached without delay. Tho motor company
has certain rights which the board Is
bound to respect and the difficulty, ho bi
lleved, could bo compromised with vory
little troublo.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" wiirea cough, colds.
AVutor Bills.
Pay now nnd save 5 per cent.
Office open
Monday and Tuesday evehlngs.
Freil Muyne'H Viinornl.
Tho funeral ot Fred Mayne, who was
drowned at U'ike Manawa Wednesday oven
lug, will take place this afternoon at 3
o'clock from the fnml'.y residence, 802 Sev
enth avenue. Rev. W. S. Barnes of tho
First Presbytorlan church will conduct tho
eervlcea and burial will be In Walnut Hill
Fred Mnyno w'as a young man of sterling
qualities and his untimely death Is mourned
by a large clrclo of friends and acquaintances
and Mrs. Mnyne, his mother, who was re
cently bereaved by the death ot her hus
band, has tho sympathy of tho entire com
munity. Tho young man contributed largely
to tho support ot tho home, .Manager Heed
of tho Suburban company has offered to
donnto tho entire receipts of tho resort for
any day that might bo selected for tho bene
fit of tho family.
Wallace Shepard was not In tho boat at
tho tlmo it capsized. Dwlght Odell nnd
Normnn McAllister were In tho party, and
eoscaped with nothing worso than a wetting,
You can deposit your vote for tho mcst
popular working girl In tho vacation con
test at tho Council llluffs office.
Suburban! llenten.
The Suburban ball toam wont to Ol'n-
wood on tho Fourth, whero It mot u team
from that town. Two games wero played,
resulting In' a victory for tho homo team
In both games. Tho score In the foremen
was 13 to 7 and In the afternoon 10 to 3.
Nxt Sunday the Suburbans cxpoct to play
tho Missouri Valley team, but as yet tha
place has not been decided upon. It Is ex
nectcd tho game will bo played on the
homo grounds.
Water lllllx.
Pay now and savo 5 per cent.
Monday und Tuesday ovenlngs.
Office open
Vote early and cttcn.
Judge Bishop Finds Flaws in Building and
Loan Measure.
Lrllcr from IVkln to III
nt Den Jlolnrn Htntea tlint
Tlmrn Are tironlntr More Hi
cliliiK Kvcry liny.
DES MOINKS, July 6. (Special Te'.o
gram.) Judge Hlshop, in Polk county dU
trlct court, hold Thursday that tho build ns
nnd loan law pnssed by tho twenty-elgh h
general assembly is unconstitutional an I
void lu tho features affecting ex sting con
tracts. This applies to tho Interest, which
was legalized so far us It was above 8 per
cent by tho twenty-seventh general assonv
bly. Judge Hlshop holds that tho leglsla
turo cannot play fast and looso with tho
corporations of this character, whose con
tracts woro mado mutually. Ho bollovos
that tho law cannot In any wny affect ox
luting contracts In building nnd loan bust
ncss nnd that tho companies can recover
to tho faco of tho contracts. Tho case
was that of tho Iowa Central Building nnd
Loan association against Wilson, all Din
Moines parties. It directly raised Ihe ques
tion of constitutionality.
Mrs. Ida II. Conger, sister-in-law of Mln
Istcr 15. H. Conger In Pekln, received tho
following letter from him today, datod
Mny 26:
"Tho times grow more exciting every
day. The oppcnltlon to ralsslonailei and
nil foreigners Ib worso than It has been
for thirty years. Hence I am unusually
busy. Tho Woodwards of Chicago are stl 1
with us. They are here to stay until the
middle of June. We nro still IS tho city
(Pckln), but hope to movo up to tho hills
within ten days, It will bo quite warm
thcro, but we shall miss tho dirt of the
city. I enclose pictures of our apartments,
of myself nt my desk and of the American
legation, Including, besides tho minister,
First Secretary Squlre.i of New York, Sec
ond Secretary Balnbrldgo of Council Bluffs
nnd Interpreter Chesshlre, formerly of Iowa,
but who has been connected with the lega
tlon for twenty years."
Clillil Itnnillrn Fluid t'nrolrssly m
Mr. Itoninnn In I'rolinlily Fa
tally Injured.
DBNISON, la., July 5. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. J. B. Romans, wife of the
prominent democratic politician, was very
seriously burned by gasoline this afternoon
Her clothing was entirely burned off
and from her knees to her eyobrows she Is
badly scorched. It Is feared that the ac
cldcnt will bo fatal.
Tho accident wan caused by tho careless
handling of gasoline by a child. An open
dish .filled with gasollno caught fire In tho
child's hands. Mrs. Romans told her to
throw It away and In her fright the child
threw tho burning fluid all over Mrs.
Romans and In an Instant she was a mass
of flames. Mr. Romans, who ts attending
the convention at Kansas City, has been
tolegraphed. i n,
town Sinn Im Serlqnaly Injured by
IliinillliiK ( 1 it it t Crncurr,
FORT DODGE, Ia July 5. (Special
Telegram.) A fearful accident from the
effects of an explosion of a cannon
tlrccrncker occurred last night at
Vincent, where Will Krempeln of Fort
Dodge had his rlcht hand blown Into nhrndn.
Krempeln with somo others wns celebrating
the Fourth In tho npproved manner and had
lighted a giant cracker which failed to ex
plode. After waiting what he supposed wbb
a reasonable tlmo he picked up tho cracker
for a further examination. He had It firmly
In his grasp when the explosion occurred
His hand nnd wrist were Utterly torn Into
shreds, tho llesh being torn from the bono
in strips and the bones themselves fractured
above the wrist. Prompt nttendanco saved
him from bleeding to death and tho hand
was amputated above tbo wrist
ni:sini:ci: iii.ook is iikstroyeu
'IMnnntruun C.'niilliiKrntlmi Start from
Flrfornvkem In luivn City.
IOWA CITY, la., July 5. (Special Tele
gram.) A d sastrous conflagration fed by
high winds destroyed nearly an entire
block of flno residences hero today.
stnrtcd in Hon. T. E. Brockwny'a barn and
destroyed Brockwny's barn and rcsldcnco
Tanner's barn and residence, Dr. Andrews
barn, Dr. Harriman's barn and Mrs. Ixtwis
barn. The fire department saved tho rest
dences of Dr. Murphy, Ira Alder, Dr. An
drows and tho residence of McLean after
saturating them with wnter. The firemen
worked desperately In tho faco of a h:gh
wind and Intense heat or tho loss would
havo been terrible. Tho damage Is fully
covered by Insurance. Tho loss amoun
to $25,000. Tho blaze wns started from
CIiIcuko Concern Will Construct the
Worn! Iiury-Hnuo nil Cnnal.
ONAWA, Ia July D. (Special Telegram.)
Tho county auditor awarded the contract
for tho big Woodbury-Monona county dltcn
In Monona county this afternoon to th
Cannl Construction company of Chicago at
7U cents per cubic yard. M. Vincent of
Onawn had tho next lowest bid, 7 7C-100,
Wlckham & Co, ot Council Bluffs bid wns
10 9-10 cents, There woro eighteen bids re
eclved, ranging from 7Vi to 19 cents, nnd th
price Is for tbo average ot tho whole work.
Itnt'i' for AVoiiiiiii'h Wntuli.
FORT DODGE, la., July 5. (Special.)
As Conductor Will O'Noll's train was pull
Ing out ot Esthervlllo Inst ovenlug a young
fellow named Kelley grabbed a watch nnd
purso from a woman sitting near him lu th
Northwestern coach anil at onco Jumped
from tho train. Conductor O'Noll at onco
pulled tho bollcord and as the train slowed
up the train crew and a number of travel
Ing men on board got dut and gavo chase
and so well did they run that they succeeded
In overtaking nnd capturing tho highway
man. Tho young woman rocolved her prop
crty with many thanks to her protectors
and young Kelloy was held to answer for hi
I'nenpetl Couvli't Captured,
FORT DODGE, la., J.uly 5. (Special.)
Tho authorities of Hardin county aro rejolc
Ing over the capturo of a notorious criminal
Harry Adams, who escaped from tho county
Jull two years ago while under arrest for
running n poker joint. He ventured back t
his old haunts nt Iowa Falls this tveok and
was nt once recognized nnd nrrested by
Marshal Qlfford, Deputy Sheriff Lem liar
rls took him to tho county Jull, well shackled
on hands and feet to prevent him engaging
In another foot race for liberty.
Heel do AKnliiNt tiitxollnr lilnlit.
FOIIT DODGE, Ia July n.-(Spocal.)
The caso of tho State of Iowa against Th
White Light company nnd W. H. Curtl
agent, has been given n hearing In Water
Ion nnd a decision adverse to the use of
gasoline aa an llluralnant handed down, The
case Is of widespread Interest on account of
Its bearing on the gnsollno lighting question,
tho present Iowa lawn discriminating against
nd prohibiting Its use.
The present ease, which Is looked upon as
test case, Is ono where Mr. Curtis placed
plant lu tho store room of N. Federsplcl
Co. for the furnishing of a gaslight mnde
from gas generated from gasoline. Presl-
ent John Rush of the Swem Gas Light com
pany had a warrant sworn out for tho ar
rest of Mr. Curtis for violation of the stntc
w on tho uso of gasoline. The matter wns
hare been tried last Friday, but wns
postponed and finally has been given a hear
ing in Judgo Kuhn's court. Tho case was do-
Ided against Curtis nnd the White Light
company nnd Curtis h.iB given notlco thnt he
III appeal the caso until he has a dcci-
Ion from tho highest court. Mr. Hush sayB
that ho knows that the using of gnsollno as
adopted by the Whit Light company Is lllo
gal and proposes to prosecute every Infrac
tion of tho laws, so that an Interesting legal
fight Is asBtircd until tho statuto governing
the matter is Interpreted by tho supreme
Ntnrrh I'lnnt Will Ilroiieii.
SIOUX CITY. July 5. (Special.) A short
tlmo ago It was feared that the large plant
f tho Sioux City Starch company had shut
down for good, but It looks now as If the
plant would be reopened and that several
Important Improvements and enlargements
111 b mado and that the number of em
ployes will bo considerably Increased.
Dakota Crop Condition.
HURON, S. D., July f. (Special.)
orty-ono counties in South Dakota send
reports of crop conditions for tbo week end
ing Tuesday to tho government weather
bureau here, which may bo summarized as
follows. Since their receipt somo copious
rains hnve fallen In the Jim river nnd Sioux
Ivcr valleys and also In sections northwest
nd In 4ho central portions of tho state
which will result beneficially, corn nnd pas
turage particularly being Improved.
Tho hlirh temncrntnre. winds nnd absence
of sufficient moisture wero unfavorable to
mall cram, flux nnd crass and theno crops
were Injured to some extent In most local
ities, especially In middle nnd northern
Wheat, on tho whole, continues thin
tnnd. and the straw, though somewhat
lengthened, esncclnllv In southeastern lo
calities. Is still considered short, and In
most fields is uneven in lengtli. 1 lie mux
of the crop Is heading or blossoming nnd
tilling, nnd in most counties stnnus uuciiy
In need of rain.
Oats, on tho whole, ttromlHO a poor crop.
Barley Is considerably better In south
eastern nnd some other localities, but the
prospect Is only fair. Ttyo harvest Is In
progress In somo middle-eastern nnd south
ern localities, with light to fair yield Indi
cated. Tho Plowing tin nnd reseedlne of worth
less grain fields to late or fornso crops
continues In muny localities.
The prospect for llnx. on the wholo, Is
not encouruglng, and unless moro favorable
weather occurs soon tho crop will be light.
Whore not too badly damaged by drouth
early flax Is In blossom, but the bulk of the
crop, especially In middle und northern
counties, wns sown lnte, nnd thero Is much
In thfese sections which hns made little or
no advancement during the past week, nnd
somo In tho driest districts that has not
started to grow. The crop, as a whole,
smnus mucn in neeti or. moisturo.
Corn Is backward In northern counties,
and In some localities suffering; elsewhere
It has prospered, especially In southeastern
counties, where some fields urn laid by.
i'oinioes, on tne wnoie, nro less promising
than they were htst week, esneclallv In
middle and northern counties.
The prospect for hay has decreased, and
In many mlddlo nnd northern localities pas
turage Is getting dry.
While few apples are raised, tho condlt'on
Is uneven. Somo counties report them prom
ising well, while others poorly. They arc
dropping considerably In somo localities.
un tne wnoie, millet is less promlxlng
than It was last week, but would be much
Improved by good rains; much of the crop
waa sown lato.
Dakota Relief Corp Ofllecrn.
HURON, S. D.. July 5. (Speclnl.)-In gen
eral orders No. 1 Miss Emmer M. Cook,
president of the Womnn's Relief corps, de
partment of South Dakota, establishes head
quarters In this city and nnmcs tho follow
ing officers: Department president, Emmer
M. Cook, Huron; senior vlco president,
Emily Sllsby, Mitchell; Junior vlco presi
dent, Saiah A. North, Watcrtown; secretary,
Rose Blanche Spauldlng, Huron; treasurer.
Hattle M. Drake, Huron; chaplain, Waltz E.
Mead, Clark; Inspector, Loutso De Jean,
Planklnton; counselor, Alice M. A. Plckler,
Faulkton; I. and I. officer, Inez M. Owen,
Mitchell; patriotic Instructor, Inez Bush
nel, Blunt; executive board, Permllla Good
ell, Huron; Mary J. Geddls, Huron; Emma
A. Barr, Huron; Mary Rogers, Mllbank;
Emma Knapp, Alexandria; delegates nnd al
ternates to tho national convention, delegate
at large, Tllllo H. Lawrence, Pierre; alter
nate at largo, S. Nevada Hereford, Yankton;
first delegate, Alberta Snow, Springfield;
second delegate, Helen Bates, Flandrcau;
first alternate, Anna Nelson, Arlington; sec
ond alternate, Martha M. Drake, Planklnton.
Convention of Ilepnlillciin Clnlia,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 5. (Special.)
W. G. Porter, president, and A. B. Sessions,
secretary of tho Stato League of Republican
Clubs, nro In receipt of Information which
Indicates that South Dakota will bu well
represented at the annual convention of the
National League of Republican Clubs, to be
held In St. Paul on tho 17th Inst. A full
delegation will go from thU Btate In addi
tion to many other republicans who will
Journey to St. Paul at that tlmo to hear
Governor Roosevelt nnd other prominent
republican speakers who havo signified their
Intention ot being prisent and addressing
tho convention of tho national league. The
president and secretary ot tho stato league
whoso headquarters aro In Sioux Falls, will
arrango for stopping places In St, Paul for
all South Dakota republicans who wish to
attend tho national lenguo meeting.
Ayren Fepl Hurc of ('onjjrens.
PIERRE. S. D., July 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Thomas II. Ayres now claims that
his nomination for congress on tho populist
ticket Is assured. He has Instructed dele
gations from fifteen counties with a vote of
203 and 2S1 pledged, but unlnstructed dele
gnts, giving, him a total of tSO votes In a
convention wnere 448 H necessary for n
choice. Besides these practically n hundred
other delegates are favorable to his candl
dacy tn caso their homo men cannot win.
This Mr, Ayres says assures him ot the
Pnlioln Ilronth In Broken.
ABERDEEN, S. D.. July n. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho long drouth, lasting since
April, was broken by splendid rains last
night nnd today. Nearly two Inches of
water fell. Tbo storm Is reported general
all over the north part of tho state. Great
benefits will result, especially to fodder
It ii I n Full" In South Dnkntn,
PIERRE, S, D July 5. (Special Tele
gram.) An Inch end n quarter of genoral
rain fell hero last night and today, most of
It In a drlzzlo which wont Into tho ground,
but ono dash filled tho water holes. This
will help tho hay crop and practically ns
surcs It In most sections.
Curi'il ItroiiKlilnl Trouble,
Clias. E. DnvlB, 1071 W. Congress St.,
Chicago, says: "I suffered for years with
bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of
medicines without relief, until I began tak
ing Foley's Honey nnd Tar, which cured
me." For salo by Myor s-I)lllnn Drug Co.
Omaha, and Dillon's Drug Store, South
A u.(W.ImI(.,I ftflMt. Ill IM t III I IIKll.
CinrAfiO, July B. Tim capo of tho Inter
UCOail l'UniiimiK ci'ini"1") khiiipi nit 4n
Hoi'lHteti I'rpHu of Now VorK, which wan
JfCncilUlPM io rnniP uw oritur juiiki nrmi
1.. .!, ttnllAl Utr.U ..Ixnlllt .willrl f .1
day nn a motion l" reiramJ to the tuln
courts, turn uriiii (mibiiiuih-u ni'ji-iiiiii-i) ,1
an asreetnent of counsel,
VoU early and often
Do not submit to an operation or have it burnt out with plasters, but
send for our book on Cancer and writo our medical department (or uny
information wanted, explaining your case fully.
fannnr Ik j Cutting away tho fioro or removing it with
oi j n; caustic, flesh-destroying plasters, will not euro a
BlOOa Dlsoaso (iiseaso that hns taken possession of tho cntiro
blood system. That Cancer is a blood disease is proven by tho fact
that it may run through several generations; again, when tho eoro
or ulcer has been taken out, it always returns DoOB
at or near tho same place, showing the disease is AUJL Annnnr
jjik. j. Msj in tho blood. ouro ianacr
fXB BB AP9 ft- H. 8. tloes euro Cancer, liociui?o it goes nt It
ij In the rlclit way, forees out tho poison, enriches
.tk the blood, stojm the formation of cancerous cell?,
TB LWTA kvTH !UH' tmis makeH 11 complete, permanent cure.
mm mm Wo earnestly invito tho correspondence of all
r Cancer siifiererH.
Address Medical Department, Swfkt Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,
In JliHii'wiUHI
Real Estate
Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lots are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as the city
grows in that direction
present. Call at
M Wentworth Military Academy 'BM-
Government supervision. Htatft commissions tn craduntca. Preparation for I'nlvrnltlrs
JPfigfiffr nnd National AradeuilDi. COL. SANDFORP SELLERS, M. A.. Supt., tEXINGTON, ,M0.
Irct'rntiUrrn Ilemt thr, with Toy
1'Htoln Coin Ins; In m Close
CIIICACO, July 5. Tho Tribune says: As
a result of the celebration of Independence
day with firearms, toy cannon, giant crack-
rs and other forms of explosions thirty per
sons wero killed nnd 1,325 Injured, according
to reports received from 12, cities. The
toy pistol and tho toy cannon nro shown to
havo done as deadly execution as sometimes
haH been done In war by those loaded with
bullets nnd canister and aimed to kill. Sky
rockets, anvil nnd powder nxplcslons and
tho premature discharge of Fourth of July
cannon help to complete the list of miuhaps.
In povcral Instances persona wero killed In
runaway accidents due directly to fireworks.
ftro loss of $121,325 was caused by the
llreworks, In addition to tl4jnjury to human
In Chicago one boy was reported killed,
ngalnst one death last year, but tho acci
dents wero less numerous. Thero wero no
costly fires In tho city. Frankfort, Ky.,
alono suffered a fire loss of $"0,000 due to
flrocrnckers. Other cities also suffered
Out of this total of 1,22a persons hurt In
an attempt to bo patriotic 442 can attribute
their Injuries to firecrackers and dynamite
torpedoes. Tho deadly cannon firecracker
did mcst of this execution Out ot 152 In
juries by firearms lu sixty-seven cities the
toy pistol caused 105. Gunpowder explo
sions. Including the premature blowing up
of many vlllago anvils, caused tho Injury of
1S7 out of this list. Many of the injuries
included In tho list were reported as pros
pectively fatal.
Miiiilclpn'llty f llnvnnn llnlila It to
!! Mnltor for (ieneral
(iovcrnnif nl.
HAVANA, July 5. At tho first meeting
of tho municipality of Havann, held yester
day. It was proposed that Hteps bo taken to
approach each municipality In tho Island re
garding the payment or soldiers or mo
Cuban army.
A kcon discussion ensued, the motion bo-
Ing well supported by many councillors.
Senator flcner. however, mado a strong re
sistance, on tho ground of tho poverty ot
tho municipality nnd the irrovelcncy of the
mattor to tho municipality, claiming mat
It was n question that should be decided
by tho central government, and he suc
ceeded In having tho motion quashed.
it is nrobablo thnt within tho noxt month
thrco regiments of United States Infantry
tho First and Second und cither tho Fifth
or tho Hlghth will leavo Cuba. This will
leave only two regiments of Infantry In the
Tho blood Is strained and purified by tho
kldnoys. No opo of henitn wnuo tne
kidneys nro wrong. Foley's Kidney Curo
will make heallliy Kidneys unu pure mmm.
,... i.. i,v Mvptk. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha.
and Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha.
Iloholo-ii Victim llnrlpil.
NHW YOHK. July 5. -A largo number nt
unldentllled bodies recovered from thn
llobokeii steamship lire wen- burled In that
city tcxli.y There wero not enough hearfeH
In Jerioy tity und lloboken to carry till of
tho dead nnd the coroner was compelled to
carry hoiiio on truckH.
Voto oarly and oflen.
For Infauts and Children.
lite Kind Ycc Have Always Bough!
Dears '.ho
Qlfiuuturu of
7 ..
And the quality of our work should be
of interest to you if your teeth nro not
in perfect condition. It matters not
how little or how much you have to
bo done, we will be pleased to do it
for you, and the charges will be very
. ..Telephone 145.
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs-
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
is Rising
and the time to buy is the
SE KOK ,,M,W amiu,'B "
The Kearney Military Academy
KK.llt.M2V, M'.H.
Third year begins Sept. 12, 1900, with tn
creased factilt nnd facilities to give tin
boys of Nebraska complete preparation fof
University or Htislness. Charges moderate.
Address tho president.
dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It urtl itelully digests tins food and aids
Naturo In BtrenRllienlnu; and recon
structliiR tho exhausted digestive or
gans. 1 1 Is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
ttantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Ileatlachc,GastralBla,Cranips and
all other resultsof iinperfectdlgostlon.
Prlco 50e. and f I. Largo hlzocontalns2' times
tmallsle.UooKullituouti'yspopslumullcd free
Veoared by E- C De'VPT A CP., Chicane-
I do not bclierp thcro
is a caso of dyspep
sia, indigestion or
ouy stotnnch trnuhls
that cannot bo re
lieved at once nd
permanently cured
l)v my DYSPEl'SIA.
At all druggist
25o. a vial. OuId
to Health nnd medi
cal ntlrice free. 1505
Arch street, I'hlla.
SpS roryourfumlljr ' comfort
snu your own.
HIRES Rootbeer
iv": wl contrluutn moro to 11 man
tons of lr anil n KroM ot mui.
Iv; SgallormforMcfnu.
ir,li fo. ll.i f r.mlvma fferfl
ciiAiii.r. kiii lie co.
nciTtm, 1
nocrT.t s .M.i,vi)oi capsi i.r.s
CureH (loiKiniliiea, Oleet, llllt utlll ill (ll
chargew In a few day. All druggists, accept
only Doeuta, by 'null l 50, fm directions.
Dick & Co., 133 Centre St., New York.