TIET3: STTXDAT, TTJLT 1, 1900. T8 TTTE Or ATT A T) ATLT SPECIAL NOTICES AtlvcrlUfiilfiil for Hie!' l ii tit ii lll lie lnli Ill I- in. for Hie ! f-VI-llllllf IMMIIOII llllll Illllll - .Ml l. Ill fur iiinrulliu mill Siitnliiy edition. Itnten, I 11 tt oral llrst Insertion. 1i 11 mml lliereufler. Nothing tnl.eli fur Icnn limn -" for the llrnl Invr II1111. These nil iTllieiiifiiln mini lie run i'oiiiitiiIH el . A il t erlNcri, li reiuoitlinf 11 ntitn liereil elHM'K, run hnvi" mimters ml tlrenneil lo 11 iiuiiilii'reil teller In care of The lire, timni'M no mid reused Mill lie ilellereil on ireneiiliilloii of lliu I'lieek mil). I WAXTI5I) NITI ATIOX. WASHING by dny or homo by dozen. Mrs. Norton, 2551 f limine. A-1IB Jy2 JHT-CLASS dnsmiiker will sew In fam ilies. K u, live. A--M."5" POSITION ns eli-trlelan for large build ing or hotel, references. Address I. 2. Ilee. waxthij male help. A FEW MORE POINTERS AISOI T THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. l.oeuied at the corner of Sixteenth una Douglas sts, Omaha, Neb. rnlNTKIt No. 1- An exhibition In short hand nnd typewriting, given last Tuesday r veiling lo 1111 iinuminlly large nudlMicc, proved u great sun ess. The records llilide. both In speed nnd ueeiirney, ,is t'lidshrd everybody. Tho following ne onla were made: C. It. and 15. it. Harper iiiid Miss I.ola Savage wrote new and dltlleult matter at l.'ll words per minute. They wrote studied matter at the into of HI" words per minute. They all rend th'lr notes readily. Miss Savage was then blindfolded and wrote 111! words per min ute from 11 letter handed In f 1 mil the tiiidleiiie and read her tmtes without er lor The following day she wrote blind folded from absolutely new mutter 133 onr.u iw.r oilouin ii tul tniiil,. but nun error In reiulfiiK It bark. An exhibition was given by 11 student In Gregg shorthanil, woo nan neen in scnooi seven mo. n- tvrfile from matter selected by a member ..f ih, iiiidinn,.,! frntn .'ta to 3.i words tier toimiie The Misses Van Deusen. who had ieen in school just six wecKs, wrote no 11 new matter at the rato of from 75 to loo words per mlnuto and lead their notes readllV. Tin. rnllnwliiir records wero mode In touch typewriting: Miss Pnuta-n wrote 71 words per minute, wnn two errors, anu .ir. l''urlotig wrote (;! words correctly. This was absolutely new mutter. From a loiter handed In from tho audience Miss Cleve land wrote 75 words, with three errors; Mr. Furlong 79 words, with three errors, nnd Miss Paulsen K wordi. with three errors. Prom u letter upon which they b,l tirnvlmiHlv tiriirtteiMl Miss linker wrote V) worus, wnn lour errors; .uiss Cleveland H5 words, with live errors; Mr. Furlong S words, with three errors, nnd Mlsa Paulsen 113 words, with one error. Mr. Furlomr wus then blindfolded nnd wrote from an urtlelo read from tho World-Herald G!) words per minute, with two errors. From a letter handed In from the audience ho wrotu blindfolded 70 words, with threo errors. When wo remember thnt the nbove parties do not pose us experts, but have recently been attending school, tho records they made certainly speak well for Gregg Hhorthnnd and tho Mosher system of touch typewriting. We daro say that very few old and experienced typewriter operators could compete with these par ties In both speed nnd nccuracy. Gregg shorthand nnd the Mosher system of touch typewriting could not havo received n higher commendation. roiNTKU NO. 2 Several now students hnvo recently entered tho Hhorthnnd de partment anil others havo made their nr rnngements to begin tho coming week. Wo uro expecting an unusually largo class to begin Monday morning, July 9, tho open ing of our summer ?hool. POINTER NO. 3 OJr now catnloguo nnd circular, which will bo out In nbout two weeks, will contain porno things nbout tlis superlnrlty of Gregg shorthand nnd t;e Moshor system of touch typewriting which win uHiomsu somo pcopic. iiioy ought to bo In tho hands of everyone In terested In theso subjects. They will bo sent free to nny address. POINTER NO. 4-Our Bummer school for publlo school children will open Monday morning, July 0. This week will bo a good tlmn to nrrango for this special term of six weeks. Reduced rates of tuition will prevnll. All-of tho work in tho grades ot trio puunc Bcnooi win uo laugui. IJ-G11 1 rTHIS VAN SANT SCHOOL. OP SHORT HAND. "Not tho oldest, not tho largest, not tho cheapest Just tho best." Investigate Tho Vnn Sant Hchool of Shorthand, In addition to Its regular work, will run as a Normal Shorthand School during July nnd August, paying npuclnl attention to getting tench cm ready for tho September sehooK While It will glvo special attention to touch tvnewr ting it win n so c vo in structlons In nil tho standard and modern systems or shorthand. tWhllo short terms uro not recommended, no shorthand school In this section of tho country turns out Bhort-term students in bettor form. Elan W. Nelson studied In 1lilu school threo mouths nnd nfter hold ing a position at $S0 11 month uctcd for two years us stenogrnpher for Governor Hol romb at II, W0 a year. Mr. Dickinson, tho olllclnl stenogrnpher In Judgo Haxter'H court, studied In this school tiireo months nnd ono week and Is now making nbout ?2.M0 a yenr. Miss Fanny Coggershell, who Is now getting 75 a month with tho Aotna Insuranco company, took a threo months' course In this school. Archie. Foster studied four days less than threo inonths In tho Van Sant School und took 11 position nt 50 11 month and was soon ndvaneed to $75 a month. Many other Hhort-tlmo students from this school eould bo nnnieil. but thoso who completo tho work nnd secure cood nnslllnns In nnv school or In any system In .three inonths nro the brilliant exceptions nnd no honest man win maim inut all can do it. A. C. Vnn Sant, tho llrst author of a chnrt system of touch typewriting, gives his undivided attention to his school, runs th, only strictly shorthand school In Omaha aim can sareiy promtso tho quickest nnd best results to bo obtained In this cltv. Investigate. Prices reasonable. Kesnliu certain. Rooms In tho Now York I.lfo building. Strlotlv modern. Strlellv Or... proof Those patronizing this school tako no risa 01 loosing meir ciiiiuren by lire. Go to a Hchool that has a rernnl of Kiln. cess and whoso students nro lining tho nc.il piiHiuons 111 me lailil. B 500 1 WANTED Wo hnvo steartv work for n fniv good hustlcra of good hnblts and appear unco. C. P. Adums Co., 1619 Howard St. B 550 BARBER trado taught thoroughly in short tlmo; catnloguo nnd particulars free. iiiircss western narbers- Institute, umana, jco. 11 S31 WANTED, Inborers, teamsters, rock men nnd surfacing men, Nob., Wyo. nnd Iowa; on ihti: niciieaf Viii?p4 anio , n t- Western R. R. Lubor Agency, 310 S. 1 1 tit is .MSj WANTED, men nnd boys In every town to "j i' i" piniirii initial cams not used. ,iu"i .Miuonai tarn Co., cnicngo. B-S12 WANTED, nn all-round mnrblo nnd granlto mnn at llarrloon Co. Mnrblo and Granlto ...'I nr. uifliuilir, iu. II .M.,0 1 FRATERNAL lnsurnnce ilenntv. In.l NP"y,0,!X; lb?ndln!;.WOrk: B0?jy20 ALI t nround tailor nt once; steady work; oil wages. Purls Woolen ..r- gooi nam WANTED, men to lenrn barber trndo; wo teach the work In two months, present ear 1 1 student With enmnlnl,. run ill nt l,,r,l pii Saturday wages from start, guarantee steady positions when competent, not less than $12 weekly, and furnish freo trans nortntlnn In our fnll,i?i ni roil. n u Louis or Minneapolis, Illustrated catnloguo nnd special offer mailed free. Moler Bar ber college. Representative, 1623 Fnrnnm St , Omaha. B-M390 & WANTED, ,'ANTED. two experienced carpenters nt once. llllnm Rued, Contractor. Carson. va, B-MI01 1 WANTED, clothing salesmen to open snles ngencles or "Amerlcn's Greatest Tall- ot." the proper fncllltles given lo tho rlcht lmrtlcs: woolens in the nln,... fn. nlshed for display purposes; this s a rare opiioriiuuiy in engage in a gnod paying nusincss wiinoui any invesinient ; a num ber of Hale.s agents are making from twelve hundred dnllnrs to thlrtv-tlvo Iran. dred dollars per yenr; write for terms und run inrnrmuiiou in uogers, ninKe & Co., :r,0 Fifth Ave. Chicago. b FAKE CAPE NOME-Tninsportntlon or Mining companies nnd Information bureaus are alunvn exposed In "IN. Dl'STRY AND MINING " It Is the of flclnl paper of tho Alaska Miners' nsVn: better subscribe for It for three months nnd keep posted on the mining Industry out west ; It will cost you only 50c nnd It mny save you dnllnrs In your Invest ments Industry A- Mining, No, 623 New Toric uioch, Bcuitie, .waan. u WAMI5II-M 41,15 11151,1'. WANTKD, everywhere, hustlers to tnek -I.,,,. .11.1 rll.nt,. rlrell AM. SamiUCS. Ct ii. i i nnvii-liiK. good pny. Sun Advertliing liur, .in. rhlciiK" 1 r:X III I'5N ' K t bookkeeper; salary $60 to begin with, line opportunity for advance. mint. L 16, J lee u .uito 1 WAS'TED-Canvassers to sell Llcnoitz Harm Jim nines in .eurasK nnu ivuii an. write J. n. uriiuin, uunuu, i ij REPRESENTATIVES WANTKD We have somotning entirely new, nnu very iiif tlve-tin llliitrnted weekly newspnper for boys nnd girls; good pay for good service; references required. Address stating ex- perlen, es, The I.ltt e 1. nron.c1e. aiaio anu linnfioipn sirecis, MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocnlne habit; myseir euteil, will iniurin yuu 111 harmless, permanent noma cure. .wis. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. u evRiinttTlc 1 nmtwnrtbv men to travel, appoint agents anil mnKO cancellous mi corporatioii wnn .i niiuiiu, iw year linn expenses guaiaiiiei' 1. "v,' ," opportunity. I'ermanent position. "IJnl- Versni, liox iM, i-niiaiieiiniia. u WANTKD. neat men to work dny or even ing; no canvassing; goon pay; win senu work that you can do In your room. Standard, 11.1 W. 23d Hi., xmow orK. ij 1 tj 1- WANTKD, by estnbllshed. well-rated llrm. scheme or specialty men 10 sen n eeedlngly attractive and salable line. u., ..i., 1 mrma niul nnloiio Indueemctus. Ilicii-nrlced men Investigate. Dox 3't.1, Detroit, Mlch ' i' w k vpr.-ri'eti..n imvpHiii? salesmen of ex- tierlence and ability ciipanio 01 rar good salary. Address with references, Kl.l -Mnnniiiinn mug., cniwii". , 11 . .) I 1 nt'STf.lN'f Salesman wanted by we.l known house. Miturni nmuiy ami upwicpn counts for moro than experience. Glvo references. Hox Three, ueiron. .Mien. li 1JI L- ni.'Mtn,Mi ATP. tnnn In ndvertlsn and estab att agents In Nebraska; JSO monthly nnd expenses besides commission; permanent; rererenccs. iv.-.i uuaruuin, v.un-, .,. It -H 1 va VTRli-fine sneelaltv salesman for Ne- brnska, ono for the unKoms nnu ono ior Minnesota. Address with references, W. 1). Cannon, Jr., & Co., lowa uiiv, in. WANTED Man or woman In every town to collect names; per nunnrcu. 11. n ltnblnson Mfir. r'o.. Chicago. 111. li lis 1- A MAN anil wife, colored, will bo given nii.-irtments. fuel. Hunt nnu oilier con cessions for the care of a small apartment building. Address s, nee. ji aiiw i wamko - a Hienuy nnu soocr coaenmuu for country nenr Omaha. Apply nt room 313 Omaha National Hank Uuildlng, Mon- iny at 10 o'clock. 11172-1 WANTED, traveling salesman, sldo lino 210 hlgh-grndo art calendars, fans, etc., for nil classes of trade: bitr commissions ad vanced: mention reference and other lino carried. J.nwton Ward Co., Station U., Chicago. a .Miii i- WANTED, cleric for office- work; must bo quick nnd accurate at figures. Address 1. 19. nee. u isu 1- WANTED, energetic business man to meet merchants, manufacturers and physicians. ftlcliregor, buuo liii itanuoipn si., um cago, 111. H 1st ! WANTKD-Compctent double entry book- . n . 1 . . 1 . 1 -. I . . I Keener ior or W nays, jijpiy in own nnnu wruinir. ij 11, nee. u iw 1- GOVERNMENT positions: Don't prepare for nnv civil service or census oxamina- won wnnuui peuiiiK our eiiiuiuKuo ui in- i lurmauon. nent iree. uuiuruuiiin orre- Bpondcnco College, Washington, D. C. 1111,1 1- WANTED ton for work on street. Apply Mrs. R. E. McKelvy, 2820 Cnpltol Ave., Chairman City Improvement Committee. 11 163 1 WANTED Kncrgotlc man to mnnago branch office for estnbllshed manufnetur- 111c house: sa arv. 1125 ner montn una extra commissions; must furnish JSOO cash ager, 3U0 Johnston Hldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ii 122 1 AGENTS WANTED; men who travel; Bide lino; profitable commission basis. Manu facturers Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. u Mm 7" WANTED, by a largo wholesale manufac- turlng establishment, for permanent po Bltlon In Iowa town of 6,000 Inhabitants, a man skilled In tho art of adjusting dis puted mercantllo claims by correspond- enco; must possess good education, havo Borno knowclgn of law and experience, bo quick nnu uccurnie in ugures nnu possess good natural business fiunllricntlnns nnd goou nanus, inose wno nnve nan experi- enco traveling nnu selling goous at wnoie Bale preferred; medium salary to start, but If possessing satisfactory ability will rnlso to llbcrul salary. If satisfactory nfter ninety days' trial will advanco monev to mnvo fnmllv. Address, with uge, nationality, married or single, sniary expected to begin with, present occupation nnd soveral references ns to morality, ex perience and ability. Wholesale manufac turer, 1'. v. uux 11-3, uincugu, 111. li its 1- AN Elderly gentleman for a permanent position In our business; former city busl- ness man preferred. Address, Ij 12. Uee. li M3 1 MANAGER, capable man to manngo branch of old eastern house: mercantile line, oil co duties. $100 ner month, extra commission; must rurnisn jxuo casn una good references. .Manager, liua, 3js near- born at., Chicago. is wi i- GOVERNMENT positions: do you want one7 Get ready now: circular 151. giving particulars ns to salaries, dates of ex amination, etc., sent freo by Nnt'l Corre spondence institute, Yvnsningiou, ij. u. W mo today. 11 i i- WANTED, experienced traveling finlcsmnn of good nppenranco and nddresn to place nigu-graue specially line wnn me general inerciianiuso irauo; position iiermaueni references anu ponu requirou. nox tm hi LOUIS, .MO. liVJi 1' RELIABLE, energetic traveler, with ac- qualntnnce nmong grocery trade. Address Johnson, 3io a. bin st., st. Louis. B-M479 ! AN INTELLIGENT young man to tnko a Biiortnnnd scnoinrsnip in nest scnooi nnu pay for It when courso Is completed und position secured. Address L 21,, nee. n ojj WANTED, young man nbout 21 ns bill elerk: must wrlto a good hand; state oxpcrlenco and references. Address i 23, Beo. u tsi l W'AXTnn-FESlALIC HELP. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, .BOYD THEATER BLDG. Summer term begins July 9. Non. hut ma.o tead.ersiployed, pract.ca. and experienced. Business, shorthand a Special advantage ol nd English courses. ffered publlo school pupils. This Is Mio Institution that finds employ- ment for Its graduates, uver ioriy recently placed In positions. Call for list. A n nvn A r.. President. .637 t AN INTELLIGENT Indy to tako a short hand Bcnoiursnip in nest scuooi ami p.iy for it when courso is completed aim posi. t on secured. Address L 2a, nee. c ojs WANTED, 200 girls, 1521 Dodge, . Tel. 870. C-i-53 SO girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1522 Dougjas THUS' rU'ORTHY lady to travel; good Bili ary and expenses, uoau .Manager, .ui Pnntlac bldg.. Chicago. C M3S.9 ! WANTED. 12 ladles to travel; salary $,S0 niul expenses; absolutely no canvuHslng; permanent position; references; enclose Milf-addrecsed, stamped envelope. Colonial Company, sm uenruorn St., cnicago. C M297 1" WANTED An experienced lady stenog. riinher. Must be rapid and accurate. Al- nlv hetwiMin li and 11 o'clock Monday morning nt Boston Sloro. J. L. Brundeis d Sons, Proprietors. C 10, 2 LADY to travel; good route: $30 monthly ami nil expenses to start: permanent posi tion If satisfactory; self-addresised en velopo for reply. Address, Manager Mac- urkay, star Bias., cmeago. WW XT l5l l-l ' I J M A I , I J II 151,1. COOK wanted at Sll l.mdon Court, 2Uli between St. Mnrys five, anu Jiuir-nownru c-toiV: ANY IjADY can easily make SIS to $23 per weeK by representing us in ner louiuiy. nnd, ns tho position Is pleasant nn.l proilt- alilo, 1 will gladly senn run particulars 10 nil. This Is no deception, oven your spare tlmn Is valuable. Address, .Mrs. .Mary is. Wheeler, hi Wushlngtoh St., Chicago. III. 1 WANTED, at once, lat-class linlr dresser. Ji 14. llee. - .muvj a rem rext-iiouses. hml(.e9 we ren,e(, ,nce ,,-.,,,. iinnewa & Co. D-S55 them HOUSES, etc. P. D, Wend, 1521 Douglns. D-S56 AIAVAY8 moving H. II. goods. Pianos. Otllcc. lallVli rurnum oi. ici. iuoj or '. u 00 1 HOUSES, stores. Uemls. Pnxton Ulk. D-S33 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Iircnnnn-lovo 1.0., uj a. join sireei. CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry H. Payne, C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, lOifi. HOUSE? nnd flats, nlngwalt, Harker Plk, u aoi MAOQAUD Van St Storage, 1616 Capitol ave. Tel. 1436. U-5U1 COTTAGE at Lako Okobojl, In., for rc Omaha beach. A, M. Clarke, 25j7 Ilnrn rent. ev. u si SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 South 11th. U iit5 131 S. 25th St., 11-room, modern. D-.M8C5 822V4 South 20th street. C. P. Breckenrldge, ill New 10rK U--.iu.a-" KOlt RENT, ll-room modern flat. COS N. lTtn st. unus. li. Miunucin, 211 a. mn si. 3-4-C-nOOM hoUBes. 9CS N. 27th St. U-2C7 Jy2 g RoOMS, modern, with barn; all In extra fine repair; 25 to good tennnt. Alfred H. UeLong, 437 Hoard or xraae. d J132S TWO-STOHY house, 922 80. 20th St.; modern conveniences; gooi' repair, 30. Apply to Clinton H. nrlggs, 22i3 Hen bldg. VVJl 813 SOUTH 23D; six-room houro, bath, closet, city water. 117.50: this house la closo In, Is In good condition and Is n bargain at 11113 price, umana Loan & Trust Co., 16th and Douglas street. u M-!W " " 2128 Bristol St.. 7 rooms, modern, except furnace, nice lawn and barn, J22.B0. We havo a nice 7-room, modern flat for !23.00. 15311 So. 2Sth St., 7 rooms, modern, except furnace; line, 525.00. Wo havo several very good S-room modern houses. H22.50 nnd S23.00 Der mo. 20.11 N. 19th St., 9 rooms, nil modern, newly painted, iZj.w. 2320 N. 2Sth Ave. Hero Is a snap: all mod orn, lino lawn, barn, trees, shrubbery; only J20.00. 1556 Sherman Ave., 10 rooms, all modern except 11 rnncc. barn, js.w. We havo two very line furnished houses which wo will rent very chenn. come in and see us iibout any of these or cnll us un. 'I'nono I7i. Payne-Knox Company, First Floor New "nvlr T I t Tll.li T" 1 iuia ..iiu u .,nv u EIGHT rooms, modern, 330 N. 35th Ave., $25 9 rooms, modern, 1S07 Plnkney St., 30. n room. mmlnm. inn T'lnWnm- t .. iiv 1 rooms mnnerti. t.iiu innnev sr.. sti. 6-room Hat. 2912 Fnrnntn St.. JIG. C-room house, city water, IN SOUTH OMAHA. 318. 10-room MODERN HOUSE FURNISH ED 3012 .Mnson St. INQUIRE AT PREMISES. R. C. PETE UK & CO., 1702 Fnrnam St.. Hee .iiiuc. X) iTs 1 TO IjET An 8-room thoroughly modern nouso; location most aigntiy and pleasant, ;in unci nun sireeis; nno irees ana inwn onrn ana cisicrn. To It An 8-room modern, brick house, To .ot A 7-room house, 4150 Harney St., iu cer Tnonin. To Let A 6-room house, 2415 Charles St. Jin scr monin. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Fnrnam oireei. uii3l FOR RENT, 6-room house, excellent loca tion. Zj2J Uhlciso St.: rent to tleslrnbln party, v.v.w. Apply jjyron Iteed Co. U M183 2' FOR RENT. J12.80 per month, 6-rooni flat, detached, large porch, 1433 South 16th St., on South Omaha car uno. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. D M49S 2 HOUSES FOR RENT. 550 S. 26th ave., modern, 8 rooms, J23.00. 2105 Miami, 8 r., bath, $20.00. 3021 Chicago, 7 r., bath. $18.50. 4416 Farnam. 8 r.. J10.00. 3317 Dewey ave., 5 r J10.00. OARVIN UROS., 1613 FARNAM. D M512 2 FOR II EXA HOUSES. 7.nOOM house with barn, largo lawn, ample shade; two blocks west of Hnnscom park Apply at asm nnu i-ine. u.wjzj. jyi 8-ROOM cottage. 2709 Douglas st. D-M960 IjARGE M-room hous. clou in, fine loea tlon, $00. iiicks, noara or 'iTaue. D-M9G3 3 FOR RENT, private residence, furnished for 2 months, it. c. l'attcrson, 3 is. 1 Life. D-981 FOR RENT, a comfortably furnlshedv ten- room nouso ior iiiu huiiiiuci. ,uif. ivioo., 25G8 St. Mnry's live. D-M25S 2 8-ROOM modern cottage, Inquire 2152 St. D-M255 1 Mary S ave. 11H54T RENT BARGAINS IN CITY. 3-room flats, closo In, only $7.00. 2512 Chlcngo st., 8-rooms, modern, In elegant repair, for $3U. 512 N. 25th st., 9-room house, finest new Btylo plumbing ana gas; now reany ior tennnt at S27.60. Several nicely furnished houses. Call and "TlKNRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-M277 1 CENTRAL, three-room cottage, five-room flat, seven-room nouse, an mouern. nzmu, 223 North 21th. D-M2S1 5' FOn REXT FURMBIIEI1 IIOOMS ROOMS Llsht housekeeping, 2576 Harney. li 31MDJ 1 - 1910 CAPITOL AVE. Furnished rooms. k mi jyn- NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent, wiu uoucias si. r. .mu ji- HOUSEKEEPING. 1713 Jackson. !. .M.J1 SOUTH front, modern rooms; $1.50 week. 514 N. 19th. E-261 30' 3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for mun wile, iieni inneii in uuam, oij r. ill vnn iikmt. furnished room, modern. $3.00; prlvato family, noaru ir oesireu. ;wi nuri. St. P. W. Blorbower, 423 Paxton Blk. J'. llU-i T.-nn. two months, from July 15. four rooms nnd bathroom, rurnisneo. ior pnrucuiars nddress, u 4, nee. iu j- 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th FURNISHED rooms. 2572 Harney st. E ISS ! LARGE front room, furnished or unfur nlshed. D2i n. win si- ai ij LARGE front room, well furnished, mod. era conveniences, priva-.o lamuy. ah. dresH L 22, Bee. , E-331 3 FUHXISIIEI) ROOMS AXI1 HOARD. THE Mcrrlnm, good summer resort, 25th & Dodge. . GLENCAIRN.transIent8,$1.25 day. 1609 Dsls. t09 S. 25th avenue, prlvato family. r-MWi juiy y UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-C9I. THE PRATl', south rooms, 212 S. 23th St X'. 915-Jyl3 'I IIMMII5I1 ROO.MM AMI HOARD. DESIItAIH.E rooms. 2M4 1,nrn,;.5M273 5 - oS'f'' yiNn ad01' r00m!, W'lh "p-iM""9 bonrd. o22 N J3d. 1 . CICELY furnished front rom". ,n,: If, or oil suite. 316 S. 26th t. 1.-MJ10 3 'on iti5T-rxiM iixisiir.n rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms, all m,l,;rn;,1111 No. 22d St. 5!?iL THRKE unfurnished rooms. 2220 Chicago St. CHOICE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, very cheap. 320 N. -h. Ci ois i THREE line rooms for light housekeeping; modem. 211 S. 24th st. a-tl5 1 noAitnixc. FIRST-CLASS tublo board by the week. 1I1 N. 17th St. "" FOR R!'5XT STOH I5H AXI1 OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In flrst-clnss location; rent reasonable. Apply it. i-cicrs Co., ground floor, Hco Illdg. I .66 TWO of the best rooms In the Continental olnck, 15th nnd Douglns street ; specially suited for a physician; will remodel to suit tennnt. Omaha Loan & Trust Cp., 16th and Douglas street. I-M-90I 'OR RENT, large store room very centrally located. J. 11. Parrottc, Douglas Hlk. 1 ' ilM-i. Offlnna M nnd 1111. UNITED STATES' NAT'L HANK BLDG. nfflrn Hiinee ernilnil floor. Large Vault, Junltor service, telenhone, eic. Also sioic fronting on 12th street. Inquire 1203 Fnr nam, same building. I-46S-1 FOR RENT, storeroom, southwest corner Kith and Howard. Apply wrignt ms. bury, 506 8. HUh. I-MI99 .1 A41I5XTS W'AXTEO. $2,500 CAN be mnde during next six months by hustling agents Untuning our wnite nnu fancy ruuner collars, cuns, nosoms anu neckties; patented nnd guaranteed goods; incioso stamp tor special pian. .m. v m. Mfg. Co., Spring He d, .-Mass. J-M300 Aub4 AGENTS on sniary or commission; the greatest ngents seller ever prouueeu; every user of nen nnd Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one ngent'H snles amounted to : in six nays; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 16, 1m Crosse, Wis. J M395 ! $50.00 PER month during the campaign nnd permanent position after; man or lady. V.lnclOf Co.. :t?2 nearlmrn St.. r'hlencn. J-M396 ! AGENTS wanted to sell official political book, "Great Political Usues and Leaders 01 uic vumpuiKn ni iuw; uumiiiK pouw- cal Questions bv Roosevelt. Uryan. Bev- erldee, Hoar, Cochran, Lodge, Townc nnd many others; ncknowledged by political authorities as the argument settler of tho campaign of 1900; everybody wants It; prospectus now rendy. free to workers; books Immediately after democratic con vention; freight paid; 50 to CO per cent commission; premiums; tw pages 11111s trntfil! nrlrn il.50: send 7 2c stamps to nay postage, returned witn nrst orner; write- ... 1. 1 . .. .. 1. 1 Til quick. W R. Conkey Co.. Chicago. Ill J AfSRN'TS to sell our toilet soans direct to consumer; Jl.'.oo per weeK gunranicca; permanent employment. Great Western Chemical Works, Kokomo, Indiana. J 411 1 JUST OUT New Peerless RasoIIne lamp: easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knocks all competition: agents coining money. Peerless Lamp Co., 244 Railway Exchang bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. J t .wit apt I T TIE R wants men nnd women to distribute snmples; take orders: goods required In every household; largo prollts; steady worn; snmpies ior sunup, i. .u. Sayman, St. l,ouis, .mo, AGENTS, $3 an hour easily made: greatest discovery ot tne age; somoiiiiiic cminij new; 500 per cent profit; no competition; lor sample, pnriicumra, riiLiunc muuii,. AIDailgU -Mlg. -"., U -J, v-ll.tllBU. J 441 1 AfiRS'TS "Political Rattle" by McKlnley. Brynn and others. Official Book, giving candidates nnd nil Issues. Extraordinary terms. Outllts free. National Publishing Company, Lakcsldo Blflc-. Chicago. J 126 ! nni.n PlECES-tM. $10. $3 for three best descriptions of ono day's actual experience distributing liouauay s .Marvei nriinu Waterproof Shoo Polish; sclf-pollshlng, russet nnd black. Literary ability not essential. Particulars free. Why not you? Hollndny & Co.. Rloom 838. 1SS Mon roe St., vmcago, in. j uif r AGENTS, $200 per month and expenses to call on hotels, restaurants, saloons, pri vate residences nnd lntroduco our goods; sample nbsolutely freo; greatest seller ever put on me marKei. uuoriess uisiii- fectunt Co.,B 43, Cincinnati, O. $100 MONTHLY, new patent metnlllo brend boards; sample iree. is. u. I'orsnee, 1. 111- clnnatl, O. , J-413 ! AOFN'TS wanted In every county for Pat ent S.mlnuto lco cream freezer: turns It out In rolls; exclusive territory. The John H. Kennedy Co., Sole Owners and Manufacturers, 119 N. Second St., Phlla- delshln, l'a. J 1 AGENTS Male and female: best seller on profl,s;JUBe.ls,Vt:se,lf.,U WeldoT 27WlillnlPr- Moss ls ""paralleled as a prognostic.,. St., New York. J-419-1 AGENTS New line campaign buttons. bndees. novelties, souvenirs: great money milkers; samples, catalogue, 10c. Callatln Co.. YorK, l'a. J 415 1 AGENTS wanted everywhere, either sex, largo income with or witnout canvnssmg; no soliciting or Investment. Address Homo Science Co., 918 Prospect Strent, Cloveland, Ohio. J 415 l- AGENTS wnnted. To ho Independent, learn tho grainiest paying protession or tno age. A beautiful book nnd Information nbso- lately free. American Institute of Science, isovnuu, .mo. J- GENERAL ngents In every locality In tho i niieu niaies lo represent large concern nnd nppoint agents on a strictly salary basis ot iss.w ner mount and nl travel ing expenses paid. Address Dept. 6S3, jy,u I'arK Ave., ."sew vorK. j 4W l AGENTS, If you uro looking for a fast sell ing nousenoui article write, enclosing stnmp. Hawkeye vBrush Works, Iowa city, in. j-493 ! AGENTS with $20 capital can mako bis money selling sporung gooas lo saloon trade. McDonald Mfg. Co., 85 Dearborn st., Chicago. J 491 ! AGENTS, canvassers, portrait men, take orders jnr pnoio puimus nnd pnoto jewciry. made irnm nny picture; hand some, popular: hlg commissions: cata logue. Cranley Photo Button Mfg. Co., UIIICIIIJO, J. J 482 i WANTED, agents who work manufacturers and mill trade. Address Speciality, C. tc v. il. li.. Ho ton st.. c eve unci. O. J-510 1 WAXTEI1 TO IlEXT. 5 OR 6-room house or suite of rooms. Ad dress L 3, llee. K M40I 1 WANT to rent a soda fountain. Address L 0. nee. K 152 1 WANTED. 1 or 2 rooms. In good locality, with board, or convenient to cood hoard. Ing pluco; prlco must be reasonable. L 17, nee. iv TWO rooms nnd barn wnnted bv centlemnn und daughter; good neighborhood; reason able lerms. Address L :v, Bee. K 516 1" WAXTEIl TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., in iiitk" or Binaii qiiuiiiiiius. unicago r ur- nuure io., nutj-ju uouge. tci. ajsu. N-870 WILL purchase a limited number of umana savings nnnu uccounis, nrcnnan- LOVO CO., 2UU HO. 13th. N S71 2D hand ladlca' wheels. Omaha Blcyclo Co, N .iljw- GENKRATOR for gasoline gravity lamp wanted In large quantity; send cut und cnc.ipesi casn prices. Address ijcneruior, io aixtn ave, isuw xorn, .-i-iirw WAX TED TO IIUY. ti wen . - 1..... - 1 . , r. , - ' "orsei must Le a bargain. 210 N. ISth iur v iK.r i WANTWTThootlnBiTrTuVfltTdt uross( j, A, uittmar. Ingden. Mo. N-509 1 F O II S A 1, 12 I-" V 1 1 X I T i; it n. ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. Is clos- ing out rcirigerators ana gasoline stoves ni your own price. 1W-IV4 s. 14th, cor. Dodge. 0-M12S Jyl skllino out stoves, furniture.. S01-3 N. 16. G-9&3- "OR S A 1,15, HORSES, VEIUCLKS. ETC. PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness Anuerson nuggy co. l&tn and Davenport. ! VEHICLES of all kinds mnde nnd repaired oy iiarry r rosi, inn Ac L,eaveliwortn. P-S74 RU11UER tired vehicles. Huy 'em now! Hliy 'em Mghtl Ask for Hnrt. 1307 Jones st. P-M937 J.V21 FOR SALE OR TRADE, a fine Victoria carnage, can at J3U Douglas st. P-M241 FOR SALE Young, well broken, good- galted, well matched team of Shetland ponies, with buggy anil harness, llnrrv A. Hurt. Dakota City. Neb. P-iiifi-l FOR SALE, line family horse 5 years old, koou iiriver, genne, win sen encap. Ad dress L 13, llec. p mo 1 FOR SALE MISCKI.LAXEOUS. CHEAPEST nnd best poultry and hog ICIll'C. .'Ul l,uuhiu ol. VJ ain CUTTERS of drug prices. Shermnn Ac Mc conneu urug wo., uor. ism ana Dodge. U 377 2DIIAND safe cheap.Derlght. 1116 Farnam. u 87S . HAAS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plunta, cut nowers, boqucts, hall, resi dence, wedding und grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. W 890 SAFES, buy sell. SchwarU, 1U 8. 13. Tel. 1697 CJ-S73 65x,arl. P9lers Postpaid, 5. Houston. 2020 N, Q-2SS Jy 2 FOR SALE, cheap, latest stylo Vose piano; puny leaving viiy. auuicss j tr, uee. W M&07 juiy WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. Q-831 All M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha lllcycle Co. y &9Z J. O. Augustson, granlto monuments, 20 ft .usienar. lei j. rj. iu i,iinusir.ne, lime etone, ruble for bank walls; right prices. Q-613-Jy.l2 4TH OF JULY posters, Burkley Ptg. Co. VI M879 jyi 2ND-HAND wheels. $5 to $10: new wheels. $15. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16 & Chicago Sts. q $n . FOR SALE Bldn will be received on to noon juiy e ior inn nouse locnicn on tnc southwest corner Twenty-tlfth and Hamil ton sts.. purchaser to move house oft the lot; separate bids will bo received for trees and shrubbery, which shall be moved ore the lot. :he lot. Send bids to J. P. Carpenter, i Cnrpenter Paper Co. Q M276 i caro ' iiiuii-i-jiiuii.u, uno oauy cnrriage ior saio 1. ...... . ..1.1.. .t. 1 All x 1 I. ... cheap; rubber-tlrcd. 601 N. 17th St. Q 470 ! FOR SALE $1,000 automobile for $200; in perfect running order. Address, L 7, Beo. M474 5 FOR SALE. 1 horsepower irnsollne enelne. iso. a names latno, w fonts new type mm cases in lots to sun; client), w. II. Bridges, 3221 Manderson st. Tel. K 2631. Q-187 1' PIANO Elecant unrlcht. almost new. nt your own cash price within u few days; party leaving city. Address L 18, Bee. Q-4S6 MUST have room for more Slnrers. 30 !d- nana koou running machines from $1 up. 15 new Singers, slightly scratched In shin- ping, wnrranted by company; low prices ior .i aays. urancn oiuce, lit is. ltitn St. Q-503 1 MisciaLiiAxnous. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhnnd furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less, unicago i urnituro co 1106-10 Dodge. n 893 FORESTERS' Field Day and Picnic, Water loo. August K. niggest event or the se. fion. Committee Is onen to receive nrono. Bltlons for various privileges on grounds. Address u. a, lirabrook, 2310 8. 14th, umana. 11 n3 1 CIAinVOVANTS. MRS. DR. MOSS. T THE WORLD RENOWNED CLAIRVOT- ANT AND PALMIST. Can be consulted dally nt 1704 Capitol ave nue, corner 17th, on nnythlng pertaining to life. This wonderful woman has been a clairvoyant for 22 years and her vnst experience, together with her superhuman gift, enables her to stand nt the head of her profession. Dr. Moss made pre dictions when In Omaha before which foretold Importnnt events, and time has proven the accuracy of her statements. tor, for alio docs not guess nt what will occur, but tears awny the veil of futurity, and peering Into tho great beyond she reads what ls in store for you ns though It were a printed code. If marriage, sickness, deaths, changes, travels, divorce, separations, lawsuits, business transactions, wills, deeds, mort- gages. Interest you: If you desire to be moro successful; if you desire to have your domestic troubles removed, your lost love returned, your bitterest enemy con. verted Into a staunch friend; In a word- whatever may be your troubles, suspicions or desires, CALL ON THIS GIFTED WOMAN and she will point out and show you how to overcomo all obstacles and gain happiness and success. . .i,ui ...i..-,a Among the many remarkable attainments possessed by this wonderful woman none- stands forth more pre-eminently than that . , ,,.,,ii-. Af iii rnt eirne of mental healing. At this great science Bhe knows her master mind and her re markable power to heal. Rates 50c, $1 and $2. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. All her patrons are delighted and pro nounce her work unapproachable. MRS. DR. MOSS, 1704 CAPITOL AVENUE. 8131-1 DEWEY'S FRIEND HAS ARRIVED. MRS. HILL. Sho ls the seventh duushtor; born with veil; tells your fortune, cures rheuma tism, lung, kidney, liver, eyes, deufness, usthma und bloody plies; locates gold, hidden treasures; her mother was the Bcvcnth daughter; stood by Abraham Lin coln In tho civil wur; price, ludles. 50c; gents. $!."; readings In German nnd Lng llsh. N. W. Cor. 20th and Cuming, Omaha, Keii lionrs. s ii. m. to 9 n. m.. nnd Sun day; letters answered containing 2c stamp and ! rroi. npeuss. iiiukuuiiu m-uu-i. faith euro; removes unnatural growths; warts, wens, uoiih, etc. n in i PSYCHOLOGICAL research society and un ritual nvest cat on. R. '. Mnt-on. u. a Puvfhle Mnrvlpes H ll nd ll v evening 111 Patterson Hall. 17th nnd FaniHtn; sub Ject, "The Undiscovered Country." Dis course loiiowen liy ,.T ritiu UC,ll,linn tlons, questions answered Admission, lOe. Exere ses beg n at S;30 prompt, r.x. ccllent music, B-445 1 CLAHIVOVAXT.'i. MM 15. GYI.MEI1. OMAHA S FAVORITE PALMIST. Rends life by a method which Is recognized me worm over as the only selcnuitc one. What she has aecnmnllsheil In nalinlstry Is tinrqualrd by anyone In the profession. She has gained a great reputation be cause of her extraordinary ability, and to day she Is known through the whole coun try us tno greatest palmist of the age. She tells PAST, PRESENT and FU TURE. She also gives Invnlunlile ndvlco in iovo an. nr.-, law suits, divorce cases, etc. If you are In trouble don't hesitate to see her Parlors of Palmistry, ltH Dodge, south side new P. O. Hours. !l to 7:30; Sundays, 10 to 4. Send $1 und six questions answered. S--H0 1 MRS. HILL, 2002 Cuming st splcss healer. siii jys MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 160." Dodgo n I MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 812 N. 16th. S33 MAX HANDEL, clairvoyant, 301 N. 16, R. 4. ii 219 jysi" 15I,i:OTIlIC Tit Ii ATM EXT. ELITE parlors. 6ir. S. 16th, second floor. 1JO JU1V i' ALICE LORA1NE, bathe. 16if. Howard, T-M23? 3 Room 1, 3rd floor. MM E. LEE, magnetic treatment. 507 S. 13th. room 10. T-M2J7 3 REATRICE HARLOW, baths. Arabian treatment, removed to 321l4 N. ir,th, flat A. '1 .MIIH 8 VBHSOXAI,. MONHEIT. Chiropodist, 151S Farn. Tel. 2333. U S96 LADIE8 hnlr shampooed, dressed, 33c. Hair toilet gooas. Monncit, itis i- arnam. i ci i.ku u yji PRIVATE hospital for ladles before k dur ing connncment; babies auoptca, ii:ii u. u 495 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 23c and upward. Room 12, Frcnzer uiook. u KM PLEATINO nnd pleated skirts of nil kinds. ai. uoiaman & Co.. :w uougias diock. u vui SOLES, 33c; velvet rubber heels. 33c. The old reliable, 8. P. Petersen, 16th & Cuming. RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Ltfo bldg., Omaha. u sou VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Uee bldg u-wi HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. UVVJ PROP. LUND, chiropodist. 611 Karbaeh hlk. U-M101 Je30 LADIES, free, harmless monthly regulator; cannot ran. Mrs. is. uownn, 11 120. .Mil waukee, Wis. U-M567 JylO- PRIVATE home before and during confine. ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burgct, 2620 aurdette. u 9UO BLANClt WILLOUGHBY, halrdrcselng. 601 Paxton blk. U-M609 Jyl2 PROP. D. W. JOHNSON separates bile In less than ono minute. 1711 Vinton, Omnnn u S7i-jy.r 6 PER CENT securities to exchange for equity In small dwelling, or whnt you have; glvo full particulars. K 4S, Uec. U lv VICTORY of science over disease: cancer baffling general practitioner's skill yields readily to our scientific methods. Mason Medical Co., 121 W. 42nd street, Now York, iiooK and advico free. u WEALTHY widower, beautiful home, will devote uro to wiro who win glvo motner s love to sweet little girl. "Banker," 711 North Park Ave., Chicago. I' 412 1 kmuuh your busts, LADIES 4 to lo Inches, at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust Tabloids, at trifling cost; $1,000 for a case we cannot; thoso developed in past li years provo 'tis permanent. Sealed facts, 4c stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO.. 22S Trcmont St., Boston, Mass. U 139 ! REFINED, cultured lady of means desires companionsnip and protection or gentle man. Mrs. Roves, 117 E. 23 St., New York. U 423-1 AN ATTRACTIVE young woman with means desires prcposesslng man ns cor respondent: object, amusement, possibly matrimony. Address, Miss D., 906 Cornp ton Ave, St. 1ouIh, Mo. U 425 1 PSYCHOLOGICAL research society and spiritual invcutlgatlon. It. C. Mason, M. A,, Psychic. Services Sunday evening In Patterson Hnll, 17th nnd Fnrnam ; sub ject, "The Undiscovered Country." Dis course followed by psychic demonstra tions, questions answered. Admission, 10c. Exercises begin at 8:30 prompt. Ex cellent music. U-410 ! BEAUTIFUL younir widow with Boveral thousand dollars, wishes to correspond with gentleman of rellnement; object, matrimony. Luclle, 906 Compton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. U-412 1 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts nnd moles permanently removed ny electricity; con sultation freo nnd conlldentlal; nil work guaranteed. iMIss Allender, 1613 Douglns, -U PRIVATE teacher. Intermediate grades; 25c an hour. L 15, nee. u 517 i CORRESPOND with ladles nnd gentlemen ror amusement or matrimony; send mump for particulars. Champion, Council Bluffs, la. U-4530 1 MONEY TO I.OAX-REAIi ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 5, 5Vi, 6 per cent: no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 r nrnnm. w 466 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. W VU WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants, n. c. retera sc. i:o., liws Fnrnam St., Bee Bldg. W-903 FIVE per cent money, Bcmls, Paxton block. W 3VJ MONKy t0 0an on nrst-elass Improved city property or for imiiatng purposes, i-ayne. J?!!?ljJLevI!lLe: LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at t, per ceni. uorrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest date. No deluy. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-912 6, 6H. 6 Pp cent on Omaha, 8. Omaha. W. 11. 1 nomaD, uw jai nut. umiK. 'i ei, iui3, W-913 jjonEY to loan at 6 and 5V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. R. Melkle. 401 8. 15th. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real e. Brennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-915 ,1(m and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 916 WANTED City loans, bonds and wurrants. Georce & Company, 1601 Farnam St. illl MONEY In nny nrnount at 5. BV6. 6 per cent. J. W. ROBUINS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W-91S MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. P. Davis Co., 1505 Fnrnam. i'jij j3000 000-$5,000 To place quick nt low rale oi niierrni. u kuuu ica, cpi.nf, .u dress, J 13, Bee. W-M645 TO LOAN, on good security, at reasonable rate, wu m v. am i. i. iuo i'iob. W M818 MOX'EY TO I.OAX CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You Upon ihn nronertv. Oalek service. Vnn may pay the money back In ono month or tako ono yenr In which to pay It and you need not puy for It ono day longer than you havo ll. wo charge nothing for making nr tiling papers or uxuiiiiiiiiik security and lpn mithlnir nut of Die amount vmi borrow Be auro und gut our rutea beforo borrowing. MONEY LOANED TO Salaried peoplo on their own names in amounts from 10.00 up. i ou may rcnay th Inun all or In part at nnv time and you are expected to pay for tho money only what tlmo you keep It. Wo nro the only loan company In the city giving you this privilege. All wo ask Is a chance, to comparo rates, stricuy coniuientlai, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN, CO., (Established lWi M Bo. 16th Street. X 920 .11 OX IJ Y TO LOAN CItATTni.S. MONEY MONEY LOANED SAIARIED 1'KOl'LK. No endorser or mortense required. LOWEST RATES, 15A8T PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CI) . IK I V K N II A 1 . OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 526, lift li floor, New York Life Hldg. X-923 MONEY loaned on planoi. furniture, jew elry, norscs, cow?, etc. c. i- . Jieeu, ai s. u. X-9J4 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments contldentlnl. Ornnha Chattel Loan Bank, 220 8. 15th, upstairs. X-92S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horsca, cows, jowelry. Duff Green, R S, Barker Hlk, X-925 MONEY to loan on houehold furniture. Bcrger's Loon Co., 1504 Fnrnam st. X-M245 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOR. 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-M391 MONEY lonned salaried people holdlnif per manent position with responsible concerns unoti their own names without security; easy payments. Tolmnn, 700 N. Y. L. Ride X-927 LIFE Insurance policies bought for cash or loaned on. A. It. Harvey Xr Co., 14mi Fnr nam st. X-M4V 3 iir.sixr.s.s i'iiAxci5.x. THE New Snow-Church Co. gives prompt attention to collections and legnl alTalrs. Associate nttorneys In every county In tno United States. 401 to 405 N. Y. Life. Y-rao STOC1C of millinery nnd llxturew for salo at bargain In a railroad town In western Nebraska; nice, clean stock; only been In business since April; best reasons for selling. Address KM. Rec. Y-M270 2 FOR SALE, a recently estnbllshed busi ness devoted to the manufacture of ex tracts, cold water starch and grocers' specialties. Best of reasons for selling; small capital required; will bear tho clos est Investigation, Address K til. euro Bee. Y-M256 I FOR SALE A bnkerv with soda fountain, lunch counter, wholesale lee cream and candy; doing a good business; situated in thriving town of fi,f") In western Inwn. Snap for right party. Address, CHIT c. Hlddleston, Missouri Valley, la. Y 127 - ! FOR SALE or trade. Bargain. Newspaper plant. Address, P. W. Whle, Onawa. la FOR SALE, good hotel In western lowa; town of S00; no fear of competition. Ad dress Cliff C. Hlddleston, Missouri Val ley, lo. Y-41C P DO YOU wnnt to mako money In wheat nnd stocks; If so. write to us Imme diately; I urn not a broker nnd do not solicit accounts. M. W. Roll, First Nnt'l Bank Bldg.. Chicago. Y-45X P WILL sell territory In Inwn, Nebraska and Dnkotns for new machine, well advertised, largo profits. Address for Interview. L 6, Bee. Y -457 1 WHEAT! WHEAT! WHEAT I $100 Invested In wheat by my Safe Invest ment Plan may make you Independent for life. Send for free jinrtlculnrs. Successful customer nnd Ilnancfal references. Stephen. A. demons, Broker, S4 Vnn Buret) St , Chlcngo. III. Y 159 ! 60.ROOM modern hotel, only one In city 6.0m) population; will sell equity for $6,Ch or exchange for city rental property. This hotel cost $32,0u0 to build, to say 110111111)7 of tho ground, which Is 70x140. tm um foered for $9.0Oi) o.t f per cent, due June, 1906. This u proposition seldom heard of. ANOTHER One of the best 100-room hotels In Iown; lease and furniture, $2..0u0; half down, balance 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 years. Hotel men, your attention ls especially culled to proposition property In lino condition. STILL ANOTHER-$1.500-$1,000 down will buy part of tho furniture and rent thn remainder; best 50-rooni nioncy-mnklng hotel In Ncbrnska. This is a bn renin; in vestigation invited. WESTERN HOTEL BROKERS, Room 101, Beo Bldg. Y 453 1 LET your money earn you ten per cent weekly. Speculation, 1610 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Y 193 ! CALIFORNIA oil Holds nttructlng wide nt tentlon; Blocks rnpldly enhancing; $5 to $300 Invested will make you monev. Wrlio today. Htnndnrd Crudo Oil Co., Los Angeles, cal. Y 494 1 1'OR SALE, physicians' practices und drug stores; nlso sanitarium and Bmnll medi cal Institute. Write Medical Exchange, Omnhn, Nebraska. Y 526 1 PHYSICIANS practices, a desirable one to dispose of In large town In centrnl Ne braska; terms right. Medical Exchange, Omaha. Nebraska. y 525 1 GROCERY store, with good established trade nnd nil rlcht location. Tiii ia ,. proposition thnt will pay to Investigate." L VI linn 1 rrn ... rv.. : II I- FOR ISA'CIIAXGH. HAVE 160 ncres land In central Nebraska and money to exchnngo for cottngo In Omaha. W. V. Hedgeu, 423 Beo bldg. 5C-MS27 FOR EXCHANGE, fine home, elbso in. eight rooms, modern throughout, bat neighborhood, $4,750. Will tnko one-hnlf In city rental property. Address H 47. Deo. JC-M494 WILL trade well estnbllshed livery busi ness, stock, carriages, etc., for properties tu or out of city. J. H. P., 2325 Sherman Ave., Omaha. Z 150 1 6 ACRES highly Improved hind In city of Omaha to exrnango for other good prop erty. W. V. Hedges, 350 Beo Bldg., Omaha. Z 523 1 A GOOD plcco land in Nebraska for clear vacant lots In Omnha. W. V. Hedges, ;so Beo Bldg., Omaha. Z 522 1 FIRST-CLASS improved Omaha propertj. paying fi per cent net, and $2,000 to $3,000 eush for So to 120-acro well Improved farn) In southeast Nebraska. W. V. Hedges, .150 Beo Bldg., Omaha, , 521 1 BICYCLE wanted In exchange for good ciear ioi, j, ii. jonnson, Ml . Y. Lire. Z-621 II EPICAL, LADIES out of hcaUh find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Conlldentlal. -951 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal 1'iiis Are inn nesi. nare, rename, tbko no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Lndles" in letter by return mail. Ask your (druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WEAK men, young and old, Buffering from Fominai weaKness, premature old age, loss of manhood, vigor and vitality, heart nnd kidney troubles, etc., should apply at onco to Dr. IiCroIx for freo sample of his wonderful remedy, Aphrodlslca, th best Bnccilic genetic tonlo and restorer for men known to medical science. It re stores quickly and permanently vital en ergies. Over 200,000 sufferers have been cured by this old tind tried remedy within tho last ten years. Wrlto for free Bnmplo nnd convlnco yourself of Its wonderful curatlvo powers. LaCroIx Clinic, 1S9 Wis consin St., Milwaukee, Wis. GONOVA Ih a French treatment for main and female, for the positive euro of Con. orrhoen, Gleet, Unnatural discharges, In IlammatloiiH, Irritations nnd Ulcerations of tho mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst eases In nno week. $3 per package or 2 for $5, Sent nny. whero on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., 'Elgin, III. American Olllco, retail, wholesale, Myern-Dlllon Drug Co, Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full Hue rubber goods. SIIORTIIAXD AXI1 TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. -911 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Beo Bldg. 92 NEBRASKA Buslners and Shorthand Col lego. Boyd'B Theater. 943 GREGG Shorthand taught at thn Omaha, Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sts. -944 HOTELS. THURSTON, 16th ft Jackson: American As European. Nowly refitted. Prices moderate. 919 HENDERSON, $1.00 per day house; board $3.50 to $3 week, 8th Si Furnurn; tel. 1246. t