10 TI1JD OMAnA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 2S, 1900. Wheat E'.coyin Boms L at Ground nd OIosm Uigher STRONG BULL FACTORS KEEP CORN UP Ont Open nt n Decline, lint Hcrnvor Loss l,n t it Priivlxlini Mnrket Is MruiiK mill AclhPi Helped Ity (irnlii HtrniKtli. CHICAGO, Juno 27. Wheal was active and firm, closing llic over yesterday. The recovery was luc principally to a cessation of liquidation. A big cash business helped torn futures. July llnlshlng tho session IV Improved. Out closed it shade higher and provision strong, July pork 52'2c, July lard 22' and July ribs 2214c better. Tho liquidation which wet In Monday had not finite spent ItBcIf last night and some' tan ends of It tumbled Into the wheat pit at the beginning of business today. This, together with some, decline In Liverpool cahles, rnused easiness early? July npeneil unchanged to up at S2fiVi'ie and (illicitly hold off to Slide. At this point the llqulda tlon took the form of scattered soiling. The dematiil was excellent from tho northwest nni the seaboard and soliLollt bulls vnro also active In replenishing their stocks. 1 ho jemalnder of the session consequently was strong. Compared with recent sessions trade was quiet, the rally was gradual and the best price was not reached till afternoon, when July pi relied at M'.sc, The bulge brought out prollt-sceklng Muff and a dip t0 M'de followed, but the market quickly recovered to and closed tlrm. July l'VjO over yesterday at S3dc. August wheat sold between fi2'c and JfAc, closing Kc up at 5Pc. Liverpool, following Its opening wr.ikness, turned strong and was In this nay of somo Intluenco In the recovery here. The crop situation was not materially changed, according to private messages. There were light rains In the northwest. They were a factor In the drop from Sl'e to H'c. but the recovery which followed this nowed the prevalence of the opinion that the northwest crop Is practically beyond Jnpe New York reported 10 loads taken for export and there was some export In quiry here. Clearances at the scabonrd In wheat and Hour were eoual to sm.OCO bu. Primary receipts were 4.10.000 bu.. compared with 872,010 bu last year. .Minneapolis and Duluth reported 211 cars, against 351 last week and 191 a year ago. Receipts hero were 90 cars, It of contract grade. Corn did not share In the earlv weakness of wheat, lint readily responded to Its latpr strength. The fear of possible damage to growing corn from excessive heat or some other cause was aggravated hy reports of extremely high temperatures In parts of Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri! the toss of the hay crop In tho northwest and an ex cellent shipping demand were llkowlsn strong bull factors. Heeelpta here were f19 ears. Country acceptances were light nnd Liverpool v-ns stronr. July sold between IVlllic nnd A?,c, closing l-c up nt 42ic Oats were strong, opening at u decline, lint recovering It. Trnde was rather quiet and the other grains were the chief lnllti enees, July sold between 21o nnd 2Gf;iC, closing n shade over yesterday at 2j?hc He cc!:tH wcro 220 cars. Provisions were strong nnd fairly active, helped witno by the grain strength, but thirdly bv a good outsldo demand. July pork sold between 112.40 and $12.80 ami closed fi2'fcc over yesterday nt J12.S0; July lard, between 46.90 and $7.0214. closing 22'.4e better nt $7.02',,, nnd July ribs between $7.05 nnd $7.20, with the close 22'Ac Improved nt $7 20. Trade Is gradually shifting to the. ScDtombor delivery and In these ontlons tiork closed GOc higher at J13.02!s: lard 20c better at JT.lT'.i and ribs 20c up at $7.27'.Vfr 7.20. Kstlmnted receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 10T ears; corn, SS0 cars; oats, 350 cars; hogs, 10.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.! Yes"y! Whent Juno July . Aug. Corn Juna July Aug. Oats July Aug. Turk July Sept. I.ird July Sept. Oct. Ttlhs July Sept. 82T4 81' 12, 81 82 83U 41U 4l 4214 S2Hi Silt siv; S2i 4llIi mml 43-Ji 51 ',4 mm. 42',4l 2 ltd 2li 25li??i ! 25i 12 SO -.78 12 27U 12 1715 6 80 97', 7 (0 6 97',i 7 10 40 12 SO 13 05 12 40 12 CO r, so 7 or. 6214 13 0214! li 90 7 or. 7 ir, 7 ffi 7 13 7 02! 7 02i 7 17(4 i in 7 221V 7 rii i -J 7 2ft 7 30 7 20 7 ::o 7 or. 7 15 No 2. Casii quotntlons wcro ns follows: KLOI'H Klrm; winter pntents, JI.2OJr4.40; straights, $3.20f(4.10; clears. $3.(XVfi3.S0; spring hpeclals. $1.73; patents, J3.GOft4.20; straights, .!.2::.70; bakers. J2.40fi;i.OO. , WIIISAT-No. 3, S0fiS2c; No. 2 red, OC COUN-No. 2, 42?iQ41',i,e; No. 2 yellow, 42'i lltjcv OATS-No. 2, 25iifi2fic; No. 2 white, 27,.!fii 271,c. No. ;l white, 27fi2.Sc. UYK-No. 2, UlflciVic. HAULHY-C!ood feeding, 3Sfi39c; fair to choice malting, 43Jf 13c. SKKDS-No. 1 tlaxsee.1, J1.S0; No. 1 north western. Jl.SO; clover, contrnct grade, js. PnoM8IONS-Mess pork, per bbl., Jll.KVf?) 12.RO. Lird, per 100 lbs.. M.90i(7.02H. Short ribs sides (loose), t0.05ff 7.23. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). Jii.731i7.00. Short clear sides (boxed). $7.GOff7.fiO. WMISICY-Hasls of high wines. $1.23. SCOAR-Cut loaf, J1.4S: granulated, $5.92: confectioners' A, $5.S8; off A, J5.73. Following nro the receipts and shipments for toilai1: Articles. Hecelpts. Shipments. Hour, bblrt 43,000 13,000 Wheat, till 101,000 r.1,0.) Corn, bu 781,000 23il.f0) Oats, bu 620,000 207,00) 5,p; btl.. 2.000 31,000 Hurley, bu 20,000 3,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was strong; creameries, 14?j 19c; dairies. 13jlGc. Cheese, steady, S'i 3ljic Kggs, tlrm; fresh, 13c. xnv vtutK (h:m:hal mahkmt. ((iinlnt Iiiiin for tlii liny on Viirlium ConiiiiodltlfN, ..NV.':V.yo,lIC- J""" 27 -KLOL'H-Hecelpts, 11.211 bills.; exports. 3.7'JO bbls; quiet, buy ers refusing to meet the high asking rates; winter patents, JUOfTl.OO; Minne sota patents, $4.80fcj.25; Minnesota bakers. $3.20(t 3, (15; winter straights. $3.9tK I.2Q; winter extrus. $2,755)3.15; winter low grades. $2.Xif 2.8T, Itye Hour, tlrm; fajr to good, $3.15fj3.S5; choice to fancy, $.1.4013.73. COKNMHAI Klrm; yellow western. SOc city, file: Urandywlno, $2.S05i2.iV). ' ' COHNM KAI I'"lrm; yellow western. 93c city. Me; Hrandywlne. $2.wy(?2.rA ' nvn-Weak; No. 2 western. 7Hc. f. o. b.. atloat; state. oSittilc, c. I. f New York, car HAULNY Dull njid nominal; feeding. 4Sc. c. I r New York; malting. 60853c. e. I. f. New York. ' J!A!l.W?.' tMALT-Nomlnal at 55j75Sc. WHIOAT Hccepts, 117,725 Int.; exnorts 102.000 bu. Spot! lirm: No 2red '91"; f. 0, b., atloat; No. 2 red, !)it,c, elevator No, 1 northern Duluth, D2c, f. o. b' alli.at. nominal; No. 1 nurd DiiluUi, ur.'.e; options npeneil weak, under foreign sell ing, but promptly rallied und were linn to strong 11I day, with an active general trade. I ho Improvement was based on late strength In the Kngllsh market, rceovery In the northwest, the Jump In corn, less favorable crop news and speculative buv 1 U K J 1 llrn. I'HthC net advance; .ln"'y, R.S190 l-lbe: closed 89He; September, K.ifi S9e; closed S9,e; December. 87M(!o,,e; ( (JHN-ltecelpts. fti.075 bu. ; exports, 33. M bu.; spot strong; No. 2. noUc atloat and 4!',n elevator; options strong all day on higher cables, light countrj acceptances, renewed cash demand nnd liberal covering by shorts; closed strong at o net higher; -i',iW' l0:, ; ?'"l1' 4S,',; September 4i'-549Se; cloeil 4STic OATS-Hecelits. 44,800 bu.; exports, B33S bu,; spot llrmer; No. 2. 300; No. 3. 23Ue; No, 2 white, 32c; No. 3 white. 31i,e; track mixed western, 2!)w.'ii30o. track white Soy,35Uo: options quiet, but tlrm. PnOVISIONP-Heef, tlrm; family. $lo.Wff 12.00; mess, $:i.fWi!i.no. Heof hams. 20.tH 1 21.01); packet. $10.50, u.50; cllv. extra liullii mess, $ii.0i'Vi(l7,5i). Cut meats, steady: pickled helllrs, $.12Vii9.00: pickled shout ders, $h.(5j pickled hams, $9."51il0,25. Lard, weak; western steamed. $7.25; rellneil, weak; continent, $7.50; s, a., $S; com pound. $r..25'nti.37's. Pork, strong; family, V.5'V'Mi-fi)! Bhort cIear. l3.0iVB15.25; mesa, Il.vOinll3.ib. UAY"-QC'! choice, S0S7!-e; shipping, 70 a "re. llOPS-Stendy; state, common to choice. '99 crop. UUUe: old. 31tr.c; r.icllle coast, ",0 crop. lKiiltc; old. MiOe. H1DKS--Steady: Oalveston. 20 to 23 bs ISo. California. IS to 21 lbs,, 2'Ac; Texas, dry. 21 to 30 b.. lie. LrJATIIKlt Klrni; hemlock sole. Huenos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 23W2ljc; ncld. 23!ti2lc, niCK-l'Irmi domestic, fair to extra, Vi Cl'vc iilrniU-rtccclpts, l,UW pkss.i market Drm. creamery, extras. Kf?20c, factory, ng lOttr, I'KANfTS- (Julet; fancy hand-picked, 4 fft'jc. other domestic. 3fl.1'4C. TALt.OW-Dull; city ($2 per pkg.), 44c nominal: country (packages freoi, 4MMiiC. CIIKKSIJ-ltecclpts, 10,101 pkgs.; unset tled, large, white nnd colored, y'.ic; small, white and colored, Olsc. KOOS-Keeelpts, 17,5f!i pkgs.: irregular; western, losa off, ungraded, lie; western, ungraded, nt mark, lofic. MHTALS-In sympathy with n drop of some 15s for spot unit 111 10s In futures nt London, the local market for tin eased off considerably und closed wenk at $10.25'ii ,'!i.62l4. Lake copper ruled quiet and un changed at Jlii.'iO. Lead was rather un settled on the basis of tlTZWl l.27li. Spelter was tolerably steady In tone, but un changed as to price on the basis of $I.2'W I.S6. Pig Iron warrants were weak and nominally minted at 513.25, Tho brokers' price for lead was $1.10, nnd for copper, 110.25. OMAHA WIIOIKSAI.i: MAHIviyrS. Condition of 'I'rnile unit Unolntlons on Htniilr mill I'niiey Produce;, KC.nS-Hecelpts liberal; good stock, 9c. LI VI-! POI'LTltY-lIens, 7fJ7'4c; roosters, nccordlng to age and size, 3'itlc; broilers, KlrftlKo; ducks, 4f5c. geese, 4f(Gc; turkeys, Sc. I'ltMSIf DIU:RSI-2D POt'LTIlY Hens, S$ R'ic; roosters. MiGc; ducks and geese, !i'rf 10c; broilers. Vf, to 2 lb',., ptr doz, $3.0034.60; turkeys, 12'e. mTTI!rt Common to fair, 13c; choice. MfdGc; scp.irator, 20c; gathered creamery, 17ft I sc. I-'ISM Trout, 9e; blue llsh, 12c; pickerel, Se; catllsh, 12c; dressed bulTiilo. He: whlte tlsh, 10c; herring. Bo: blnck bass, IBc; snl mon, 13c; white bars, 10c; oropplc, 10c; pike, 9e; halibut, 12c; bullheads, 10c; ring porch, fie; lobsters, green. 22c; boiled lobsters, 2c; mackerel, 20c; codllsh, 10c; yellow perch, tc. PIOKONS-LlVe, per 1I02., 9Ocg$1.0O. VICALS-Cholce, JfflOe. MAY Per carload lots: Upland, choice, $7 50; midland, choice. Jfl.60; lowland, choice, $5.50; rye straw, choice, $(!; No. 3 corn, 35c; No. 3 white oats, 2Ujc; crncxed corn, per ton. J1I.C0; corn nnd oats, chopped, per ton, J15; bran, per ton, $12,00312.50; shorts, per ton. $12.C0. VEOETADLE3. CUCL'MHEllS-Per doz., 50c. ASPAHAOUS-Homo grown, per doz., 20 2)C. NEW TUItNIPS-Per. doz. bunches, 23 30c. SPINACH-Per box.HOflMc. NEW H EETS Per doz.'bunches, 26c. NEW CAUHOTTS-Per doz. bunches. 23c. LETTl'CE Per dozen bunches, 2ij25c. ItADISIIES Home grown, p:r doz., 15 20c. PEAS-Per U-bu. basket. 60c. WAX HEANS Per 1-3 bu. box. 10c. POTATOES-Per bu.. choice, 2510c. NEW POTwVTOES-l'cr bu., COc. CAItHAOi:--Home-grown, per lb., 2c. CACLlI'"LOWl!H Per doz., $t. TOMATOES-MlsslsslppI, per four-basket crate. Sl.OiKr 1.10. .Ml'SIIROOMS-Per pound box. 60c. HHCHAUn-Per pound. I',Mr2c. ONIO.N'S-Cullfornla, per sack. J2.0OS2.2S. l-'HUITS. STUAWnEnitlES - Colorado shipping stock, per 24-qt. ensc, $2.75'if3.00. ItLACIiBEUKIES-Pcr 24-qt. case, J2.00S 2.25. HLACIC H A S P Fl E HR I ES Per 21-qt. case, $2.75: per 24-pt. case, $1.60. RED RASPBERRIES-Pcr 21-pt. case. $2.60. CCR RANTS Per 24-qt. case. $2.00. PEACIIES-Callfornln, per box, $1.10. APRICOTS-Caltfornta, per box, $1.35. PLl'MS-Callfornla, per crate, $1.25'nl.50. PRt'NES-Callfornln. per crate, $1.605J1.75. OOOSEHERRIES-Per 21-qt. case. $2. CHERRIES-Callfornln, per 10-lb. box, $1.10; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $7.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., $2.00. ORANGES - California, Mediterranean sweets, per box, $1.00; budded seedlings, $3. LEMONS-Callfomla, fancy, $4.5034.75; choice, $1.25. ORAPE IMtriT-Cnllfornla, per box, $4. HANANAS Per bunch, according to size, t2.25ft3.00. HIDES. HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 6Uc; No. 2 green hides, Blfcc; No. 1 salted hides, 714c; No. 2 salted hides, tflic; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Do; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-IIIckory, large, per bu.. $1.25: shellbarks. $1.35; English walnuts, per lb., 12313c; tllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb., llfllCc; raw, per lb., 51436c; roasted, CV4Q7HC St. Louis (Srnln nnd Provision. ST. LOUIS, June 27. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator. S2lic; track, S3fc. 85c; July. 82Hc; August, 82Uc; September, 83c; No. 2 hard. 70-fi SOc. CORN-IIIeher; Nq. 2 cash. 42ic; track, 43j43'4c; June, 1214c; July, 42Vfcc; Septem- bOATS-i Uglier; No. 2 cash, 25Uc: track, 2tlc: June, 23HC; July, 25c; September, 24 Ji2ITde; No. 2 white, 2Sc Jli I'irin Hi wr. w KLOl'Il Firm but unchanged. h rji!Lo 1 1 mo my. 110 uucuns:, Flax, nomlnnl at $177. CORNM E A L Higher nt $2.1532.20. HRAN Firm; sacked, east track. (S370c. HAY Timothy, strong nt $S.0O313.00; prairie, easy at $r,.00fi7.(O. WHISICY-Steaily. $1.23. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.30. H A G O I N C.-7T4T( Sc. HEMP TWINE-Sc. , , , , PROVISIONS-Pork, higher: Jobbing. $13.00. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.S5; choice, $6.90. Dry salt meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $7.50; clear ribs, $7.2'j; clear sides, $7.S7li. Bacon (boxed), extra shorts, $S; clear ribs, $S.12',j; clear sides, $S.2n. METALS Lead, higher at $4.25. Spelter, better. $1.05. POULTRY Steady: chickens, 714c; springs, 10312c; turkeys, 4c; ducks, 414c; springs, 8c; geese, 3c; springs, 7c. EGGS Steady nt 10c. V Ht'TTER Steady; creamery, 1631914c; dairy, 143 16c. RECEIPTS Flour, 4.000 bbls.; wheat, 25, 000 bu.; corn, C6.000 Ini.; oats, 11,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 10,000 bu.; corn, S4.C00 bu.; oats, 26,000 bu. Kiiiimiik City 4ruln nnd Provision. KANSAS CITY. June 27.-WIIEAT-July. 7llir3illo; September. 7ti',4c: cash. No. 2 bard. 75e; No. 3, 723 7414c; No. 2 red, 813 S3c: No. 3. 74378c. CORN July. 4OV4fil0V: September, 411431 tlc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 40Vc; No. 2 white, lllic; No. 3. I0V4C . OATS No. 2 white, 2727!4c RYE No. 2, 56c. KAY Choice timothy. $10.00310.50: choice pr.urle. ji.wwiT.&o. I1UTTER Creumery, 15318c; fancy dairy, lie. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Knnsas stock, Sc; seconds. 5c, loss off, cases re turned; southern, 6c; new whltewood cases included, '.fee more. RECEiPTS-Whcat. 30.000 bu.; corn, 27, 300 bu.; oats. 12,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 30,600 bu.; corn, 27, 300 bu.; oats, 3,000 bu. M viM'iiiu.l (ii'iitn nnd Provlslnnn. LIVERPOOL. Juno 27.-WIIEAT-Spot. dull; No. 1 northern spring, Gs7'.d; No. 1 California, 6s7d36sSd. Futures, llrm; July, lisOd; September, CsC'id; December, nom inal. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, Mteady, is 'id; American mixed, old, firm, 4s Id. Futures, strong; July, 4s?4d; Sep tember. 4s2Wd. PROVISIONS-Ilacon, short ribs, dull, 42s t'.d: short clear hacks, steady. 37s. CHEESE American Uncut white and col ored, steady, 49s. Toledo Market. TOLEDO. June 27,-WHEAT-Active and higher; spot. SSc; July, SS'.lc; August, SSc; September, 8Sic. CORN-Actlvo nnd higher; No. 2 cash, 45c; September, 43'-e. OATS-Aitlve and higher; No. 2 ensh, 26c; September, 25Hc. RYE No. 2 cash. C5c. CLOVEHSEED-Dull; IS9S prime, $3.t0; 1S99 prime, $3.35; October, $3.9730.9714; No. 2, nominal. Mlniienpoll Whent Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 27,-WIlEAT-No. 1 northern. In store. SlUc; July. 8l?ie; Sep tember. SSVjjfSOc: on track. No, 1 hard, 8..V: No. 1 northern, SSic; No. 2 northern, Sto. FLOUR First patents. $1.90; second pat ents, $1.70; Hrat clears, $3.60; second clears, ' "i'l It A N-I Usher-, In bulk, $13.00gl3.60. I'lilliidelplilii Priiiluce Mnrket, PHILADELPHIA. June 27.-I1UTTER-Flrm; fancy western creamery, 20c; fancy prints, 21c. EGGS Dull, unchanged; fresh nenrby, He; fresh western, 134c; fresh southwest ern, lie; fresh southern. 12c. CIIEESE-Dull and lower; Now York full cream, fancy, small, Wo; New York, full cream, good to choice, 9'i'nl0te. llnlnlli Wheat Market. DULUTH. Juno 27.-WHEAT-No. I hnrd. cash, Sfi,c; July. Sfi4c; September, SSc; December, 87ic; No. 1 northern, cash, S(?i; July. 8?ic: September, HHc: December, Sfi;c; No. 2 noithem, 83c; No. 3 spring, '()ATf-27iih25c. CORN-42MiC. llluniikeo (irtiln Mni ket. MILWAUKEE, June 27. - WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 8l',4Jj85ej No, 2 northern. S3'il!84c, R Y E Firm: No. 1, t3ir. HARLEY Higher; No, 2, ISfi49c. I'nliriiriilii Dried l-'rnlta. N'FW VOFIK. June 27 -CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS- Inactive and nomlnul, Luslne.is wi.s of a han I to mout!i order Id evaporated apples today, with sellers hav ing the upper hand. The feeling wns easy at unchanged prices; state, common, 3'ytf prime. A'iftivjr, 1 holre. o-VifiV'. rnncy, 73'7'ic. Prunes. Ut7c.- tier It. . as to size nnu quality. Apricots, itoy.ii, u'stihc. Moor Park, 14Ti Joe. Peaches, peeled, XVW i"(K ; unpecieii, 6391. .MOVIl.MMXTS Ol' STOCKS AMI IIOMIH. Prlees l-'nll in Hold nnd MnrUct Siif-fe-rs DiiiHiiinril Mm onient. NEW YORIf, June 27-Prlees failed to 3old in today'x stock market and after nr. early period of advance turned generall downward until the average level had fal len to below that of last night. There was somo Irregularity In the movement amongst tho Industrials and railroads, but tho touo of the market during the latter part of the day was undeniably heavy. The Irreg ularity consisted In the better resistance to the depression offered by some stock. This was true of the steel stocks and of the coalers, the latter being affected by n good showing of "nrnlngs for .May by the Erlo and the Rending companies, by announce ment of an advance In the price of coal by tho Erlo company nnd bv reports that other co!-;vnles would follow suit. Some of tho oft coal roads'were also strong on the good conditions In that trade. Hut tho railroad list as a whole gravitated down ward quite heavily The buying demand which was In evidence yesterdii and tho day before and from which mutii had been honed In rallying prices showed Increasing Indlfrerx.o and lassitude at the higher level nttalned. The course of the market was a Htrlklug testimony of the dnmlnanco of tho crop prospects as an Inlluencc on prices. London nnd the European bourses werft all higher on the reports published nbro.id of the rescue of the foreign legations by Admiral Seymour's force nt Pekln and the opening hero wns strong In sympathy. Hut this and the growing need of money did not avail to hold prices In face of the rally In the wheat mnrket, which was accepted as a plain Intimation that the reaction In that market was imrelv technical In Its cnuses and that there was no subsidence of ap prehension of extensive damage to the crop. Tic May statement of net earnings of tho St. Paul company had a cumulative effect on sentiment In connection with the crot) damage reports and all of the grain carrying roads fared badly. Northern Pa cific was most nffected nnd showed on ex treme) decline of nearly 2 points. Great Northern preferred lost lty net. St. Paul's Increase. In operating expenses for May of over 2i per cent was a discouraging evl denco of the Inroads made by higher prices of material upon the cost of operating rnll roads. The growing ease of the monev market In faco of the pending July I settlements Is nn agreeable surprise to the peculatlvo world. Not only do cnll loans continue ens:', but time loan rates were quotably lower today, notwithstanding the fact that the subtrcasury hns absorbed nearlv $: 000, CJ0 from the market since Inst Frldav nnd thnt the dividend and Interest disburse ments which must bo arranged for at the beginning of tho fiscal year approaching nro tlie largest In the history of the country. The, total Is estimated at over $100,000,000. The course of the exchange market Indi cates tho presence In the market of large available supplies of bills of exchange and uneasiness over the course of foreign money markets Is correspondingly diminished. liustneos in bonds wns small, but prices were much better held relatively thin In ?J0fk!V lotnl "ales, par value, $1.0S0,00O. 1 tilted States, bonds were unchnnged In tho bid quotations. The Commercial Advcrtlsnr's London financial cablegram says: It took only naif an hour at the opening of the mnrke: nero today to exhaust the buoynncy caused by the news from China nnd during the re mainder of the session den I Inns were 011 a small scale, with an Inclination In prices toward heaviness. London continued to buy Americans quietly, but stopped these operations on noticing the steady sales by New ork. The bank sold l0.m gold In I-rerich coin nnd lost S.00O for export. A good business In loans and discounts wns ilono by the bnnk Inter, the rates being ?A1 3XTT CPnt,- whlch s reasserting Its control of the market. Following nro the closing prices on the New ork Stock exchange: Atdilson lo pfd rinlttmorc & Olilo.. Canadian Paclflr... Canada So Che. & Ohio 21'; Union I'arlflo Tfaj do pfd CP, Wnbarti S"i do pfd 49 Wheel. K- U K.... 2l'i do 2.1 ,fd 101 i Wis. Central 122'i Third Aenue IS Adams Kx 48 American Kx 9. lf. S. Kk 131 Wclla-Fnnw Kx... 103'i Amor. Cotton Oil.. .-Al-I H11 f.l . ni ' 17Ji 'i '. i3i; .10(1 .111 ,151 . 4.1 .1?) . 3Cj , 88 ! is . 3-,)i . sen 1'. . 17 , H . fi.". . 30 . M'4 . 18,4 . 72 . .129 . 3H i . .11-4 . 30 . 2214 . 7.-.W . v; . fil .127 . 13 . S7 . S''i . 1l4 . 70 . 2S . 7!()i . 22 ChlcnRo a. W c. n. & o Chicago, Iml. & I,. tlo pM Chicago & IJ. in.. Chicago & X. w... c, n. 1. & p C. C St. I... Colorado So do lt pfd 5'i Amor, Malting".'.'.'. . 40 no pm Amor. S. jfc It do pfd Amor. Spirits do Pfd Amor. S. Hoop ... do pfd Amer. . & y do pfd Amor. Tin Plato . do nfl rto Id nfd , 151 4 Del. Hudson... . .110 Del. L. ..177 .. 17'i .. .v. .. 11 " .. Ml', ..US .. lli .. II Denver & It. G. 10 nfd nrlp do lt pfd... Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal ... Hoclclng Valley . Illinois Contrnl . Iowa Central ... ..M14 .. 13 Amer. Tol.acoo ... do pfd Anac. Mlnlnc Co.. Ilrooklyn It. T ColO. I-'llf! X- Irnn do pfd "Iv. C. P. & O.. Iike i:rle w.. do pfd Lake Shore L. & N Manhntlnn L Met. St. Hy Mexican Central Minn. & St. 7,.... do tlfd . II . 28 J . fl .:osi2 ,. s.-.u ..11? . 12'i . Ill, . s ,. ITU ,. 21 . an Con. Tobacco do pfd Federal Stool do nM Oen. Klertrlo Glucose Sugar .... do pfd Inter. Paper do nfd Mo. Pacltle Mobile & Ohio .... M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central .... Norfolk & V do pfd No. Pacific do pfd Ontario & W Oregon Hy. & Nav do prd Pennsylvania Rending do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Laclede Gun . . National Illscult . do nfd... .122i'ij National Lead" 12 do nfd 31 ti National Steel do nfd 7Vv4 ... 1014 , in; , 1"i , 42 N. Y. Air Brake. No. American ... Pacific CoaM do lnt pfd.... ,1,, e.i nf.l .122 U'i . io . 1 . m . 21' 4 . AM', . I2"j . 73 .171 4'4 .112 .111 . fil . S'i . ffi .. 25 . '12 . 7Si . r,oi4 . d) 71 .i:si, I'aelllc Mall .. 11 I People's Gas . .r.6Vil Prened S. Car .. .. 27 I do pfd . :.3'4 Pullman P. Cur . . E'l'j Stundard It. & T. . 9 HUR-.ir . fir, do i,M lllo o, w Mo pfd St. L. fi S. V.. do 1st pfd.. do 2d nfd... . 3l?i Tcnn. Coal & I,., Ill I' U TAn,l.AH Bt. L. Sonthw do pfd... St. Paul do nfd... . :3i do pfd , .10'jii;P. S. Rubber .170V, do pfd St. P. H Omaha. .US Wenlern Union So. Pacific .... So. Railway ,. do pfd Texas & Pacific . 31'V Itopubllc I. & 'S.. . 11 I do pfd . W'i P. C. C. & St. L. . 3i' Offered. Assessment paid. Nmv York .Money llm-ket. NEW YORK. Juno 27.-MONEV-On call easy, nt 1'4 to l',4 per cent; last loan. 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. .IMMW per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Irregular, with actual business In bankers' hills nt it Mil'., ffil.Wj for demand and at $I.f3VT 4.S3?, for sixty days. Posted rates, $l.s5ff l-S7l; com mercial bllK Sl.SJtTe l.sa. SILVER Har, liUic Silver certlilcatcs, GUMiitfo. Mexican dollnrs, 4SVic GOVERNMENT HONDS-Steady. Tho closing prices on bonds today arc as follov.-n: I. S. ref. 2 102'i M . K. & T. 2a rm no coupon do reg do 3s do coupon do new 4s. reg... do coupon do old . reg.. do coupon ..113'iL do 4s 1i" .N. Y. C. Is llli', ..IWt, N. J. C. Kin. 58....JJ2 10 No. Pacltk- 3 Mi; .131 do 4s 103', .131 N V. C & Si. I. 4H..1M 114 Nor. & W. c. 4s OTVi 111 Oregon Nav. In I'll do 5s. reg In do coupon Ill 1). of C. 3 C".s 123 Atchlnon, gen. do adj. is Can. Southern 2a. .107 do 4n ,.152 Oregon S. L fin 127'i do icnuol Ca UVJ IteiidliiK Ken. 4s SS Itlo el. W. Is liO'i St. I. & 1 M v. Is. ..110 Ches. & O. 41as !SVSl U ,t S F g. 6 .121 00 i 11 i'l,, ht. Paul coiiHo s .leu; C. & N. V. c. 7H....1I0 St. P., C. & p. Is.. .ll'IU do S. l- del,. 5.12i ail. Terminal 4 91 Colo. South. 4s sp. 1). H R. G. Is 10m do 4s Ti', 13. T , V. G. In. .113',.. Krle general 4s 70 P. AV. fc I). C. Is. 70 Gen. Hie-. 5s 1174 Iowh Central Is. ...112 K C, P G 1.. 66 do Ss 1195, Ho, P.ielllo 4... 781J 4. Railway Ga 110'j 'tandaid It. & T. 6 70 Tex. A Paillle Is. ..lift); do 2s .17 t'nlon lMelllc la...in.1i Wabash Pi 11414 do 2s in,) West HMnre Is 11314 Wis. Cential Is ! Va. Centuries 9Ui Louts. & N. mil. 4s.loau When Issued. "Offered. Trust receipts. Xev York Mining: Stock, NEW YORK. Juno 27.-The following aro tho closing quotations for mining shnrs toda;': ciiollar 11 Crown Point 7 Con. Cal. & Ya. ...141 Dendwond 10 Oculd & Cui-rle ... 10 Hale d Norcross 23 llomeiiuke 5001 Iron Silver 51 Mexican IS Ontario nphlr Plymouth Quk-kslher .., do pfd. ... Meira Nevada Stan. laid I'nton Con Yellow Jacket 673 6S 10 ISO 7'i0 23 375 17 8 I'd re I it 11 I'luniii'lnl. PARIS. Juno 27. Thero was a marl'ed re envery m prices at the opening of the bourse today, owing to the continuation nt the advices In regurd to Tien Tsln and there were large repurchaces. Parquet stocks were In particular deniH"'i Toward the close numerous renllzntfC"" caused reac tions und tho movement Hrlshed dull. Span ish 4s cpened very strong, but fully de clined Brazilian securities continued ti rife, Tho UnUt. were agitated on London rSr . 1 I,,,' 1 lupin lu it; iitiiL- yestiTibiy's llgure's. Kafllrs were fairly steady. DeHeers were easier on dividend minora. Thlee ner i-etit rentes. lOOf .".V for folhe ij,uu,, June 27. Tlie mnriiet ior American scui'ltles continued llrm at the opening, with Northern Pacific showing the most pronounced strength. At the close tho tone was llrm. tho demand wns good. Span ish U closed 71. 'The nmotuit of bullion withdrawn from the Rank of England on balance tod ly JCIS.OOO. Gold bars are nuoted In the open market at 77s IOI41I. Gold pre miums at Lisbon have advanced to 39,50. BERLIN. June 27. A more cheerful feel ing prevailed on the bourse today, owing to the morp satisfactory Amerlcnn advices, tho lower price of whe.it and the more reas suring view of the situation In Chln.i The, fsvorable bnnk ret irn helped In the Im provement. Intern it'-uial nnd America, 1 securities were harder. There win A gcod recovery In locals, the forced sales appear ing to hnvo ccnifM. Huston Stocks mid Iti.iuls. ItOSTON, Juno 27,-Call loans, 2"4f 34 per cent: time loans, 3!4ff4 per cent. Olllclal eloping: A.. T ,t St. Fc.... do pfd .mr. hintar do pfd Hell Telephone ,, 11 mton & Albany. lloftnn L C , It. & () Dominion I'oal .... do pfd Federal Steel .... Flti-hburg pfd 1M lllee. Ill Mexican IVnlral . Mich. Telephone . N. K. G. C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Rubber Union Paclfle .... . 2t' Weft I7nd 92 70S Atchison 4 O'.i 112 N. li. O. & C. 5.... 61 ..11T4 Adventure .'. n' Amal, Copper S31; ..21.' Atlantic 22 131 H09I011 Montana.. 2V. I22'4 Unite & lloston 11 . 37 Cal. ei llecla 71 .lU'i Centennial 15' . 31141 Franklin H'i ..l!5ii O'cooIh M .20'. Parrot 5SH .. 12i tjulncy 124 . v Santa Fe Copper.... 4U . H Tamarnok 171 .200 Utah Mining 23 . 11 , Winona 2'4 . 2." Wolverines J3',4 . 49 London Stuck (Im.tnt Ions. LONDON, June 27. I p. m.-Closltig: Consol, ,money7l00 'n"lo7:;."-r Central 131'i do account lOOV Pennsylvania 63 At bison 2-i Reading S14 Cnnaillan Pacific . . 1U, Krle 1st pfd J4i t Paul 113 No. Pacific pfd 73; Illinois Central 114i Grand Trunk C'i lAiilsvllle 77 Anaconda 8'.4 Pnlon Par. pfd .... 74H Rand Mlnes.... 40H HAR SILVER-Strong. 2S9-1!d per ounce.' MONEY l1tf(2 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 2HR274 Per cent; for three months' bills, 2 ll-lCi2 per - "lit. Hunk Clenrlnns. CHICAGO. Juno 2S. Clearings, $24,9l2,99fl; balances, $2,00s,00j. Posted exchange. $l,S5f,f 4.S8. New York exchange, 2Gc premium. ST. LOUIS. June 27.-Clenrlngs, J5.427.7SO; balances, $971,3iS. Money. If?7 per cent. New York exchange, par bid, 10c premium nsked. HALTIMORfE, June 27.-ClcarliiBS, $3,135, 225; lxilances. $02.1,251. PHILADELPHIA, June 27. - Clearings, $Ifi.lfi2.300: balances, $2,1(77,310. NEW YORK. Juno 27,-Clearlngs, $141,121, 421; balunces, $7.9J,31S. HOSTON. June 27.-Exchnnges, $16,711,370; bnlances, $1,321,619. Condition of the Trenmiry. WASHINGTON. June 27. -Today's state ment of tho treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Amllablo cash bnlnnce, $151,396,437; gold, $69,613,091. Ciittnn Market. NEW YORK. June 27.-Optlons In to dny s cotton market were nt sixes and sevens with speculation, while on a smaller scale than since the present bull move ment set In. The nveraen of nmva wum bullish, but the best minds In the trade eVI.resSPfl thn fnnr flint !,.! .... ..... j,,u,ir 1111,1 11111J covered up their trucks and left nn enor mous long Interest to be unloaded. The cloudburst news from the Mississippi val ley last night to Liverpool sent European bears Into a spasm of fright and started an Irresistible wave of bull speculation thin morning, on which futures ndvnnced somo fi'.i to 1 points, with scarcely a check, bplnners became alarmed and .purchased fully 18,iv bales spot nt materially higher prices, American middling in that market having advanced to 5 7-16d. Thus, when our market opened Liverpool was far above u parity with prices here. Kntures closed steady; June, $fl.2S; July. $9 29; tVi?11.' 30?: September. $S.70; October. $8.53; November. $S.I3; December, $8.11; Jan nary. $3.40; February. $S.42; .March. $S.43; April, $S.I,; .May. Sr.49. Spot closed quiet, 1-11,0 advance; middling uplands, 9Hc; mid dling gulf, 9?iet sales. 2,350 bales. ST. LOl'IS, June 27-COTTON-Stcady; sales. 600 bales; middling, 9 3-16c; receipts, 61 bales; shipments, 192 bales; stock, 36, 400 bales. NEW ORLEANS. June 27.-COTTON Mrni: ordlnnry, 7Te; good ordinary. Sic; m (Idling, 9',4c; good middling. 9c: mid dling fair. 10c; low middling. H9-16c; re ceipts. 1..00 bales; snles. 300 bales; stock, 63,9,5 bales. I'ntures steady; June nom lnnl; July. $'(.i;99.70; August, $9.22jj9.2:i: September, S.(ifjS.fiI; October, $S.30fiS.3I November, $8.2Kr(8.22; December, $S.20fiS.21: ColTcf .Market. I NEW YORK. Juno 27.-COEFEE-Future3 opened steady with prices 5010 points higher nnd Improved on active general buying, prompted by light Brazilian receipts, re ceipt of news of twenty-tlvo new plague cases, strong European mnrkots nnd the better feeling In tho spot department. Later lie market partially reacted under reallz '.7' 1 .? W0ill",", In Hrnzlllan markets and the lull In covering process, though ruling genf rnllv steady. The close was llrm with prices GfJlO points higher. Total sales, 33. VC,2,nP' liicluding: July. $7,151(7.25; August. $;.3j. September. $7. IjfT.OO; October. $7.45; November, $7.fft7.53; December. $7.70f7.73: 'lmP'' t7'?,0,1 Mnrel1- W.IHVB7.IW; Slay $7.95 73.00. Spot. Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, S?Jc; mild, quiet: Cordova, 9VS13'4c Dry (.'(mils Mnrket. ,nI3U YI1'. June 27.-DRY GOODS rhe market for all kinds of cotton goods continues very good. The advance In raw cotton Is not stimulating buyers, but makes somo sellers more careful. No bus. Iness ffi print cloths at yesterday's reduc tions. Men s woolens and worsteds slow nnd Irregular. Dress goods dull nnd gen erally in favor of buyers. Oil Market... NEW YORK, Juno 27.-OILS-Cottonseed. I!Sm: r','lmn crude, v,tiwrjVl prime yellow Turpentine, steady, 45frl5Hc. ,,HN '''"'"OL, June 27.-OILS-Cnttonseed. ''I'l1 r.U1,n.'' Ill,.v nd Aucust, steady, 22s. LONDON. June 27.-OI LS-Caleutta lln- BpTrVtaT,3lH0t. llnscei1' 3,8 9l1' T-Pentlne Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. June 27. - WOOL - Steady; medium t'rades.1ip20i,4c; light line. 13fii7c heavy line, llflllc; tub washed, 18ft2Sc. Siiunr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. June 27. - SUGAR -Steady; centrifugal yellow. S'iftSVsc; sec onus, ivhc, Will DlNliifi-ft Clilncse (limrlcrn. nXnh'i YORK.'. J."" 27 'Clio Hoard of Health has decided to thoroughly disinfect 1 ll,i r..1J,'",Crti r,mmr"1rt' I" Mnnlmttnn. Ilrooklyn and Coney Island, as a measure of precaution against the plngue. The board of estlmato today anprorrlatcd $29,CCO for the work, which will bo Immediately I'uni ral of Martin II'iihxpII, .iL',.,U,'All0,,J",!p -".-Tho funeral of Mar tin J. Russell, who died at Mncklnac Inland Monday, was held here today from St. Ihnm.is Catholic church. The pallbearers were, members of the Chicago Chronicle 1 ' lap"r mo deceased wns editor and part owner. Lend 'I'nkes I mrnrd Turn. UN,?.V YOUI- J""" 26. -Tho Amerlcnn bnieltlug innl RcllnliiK company made 1111 iither lulvaiico of ij, of a cent per pound today, making n second ndvance In two days. '1 ho price for bad Is now Pi cent- a pound ns against 5, tho bottom price of tho year. ' THE It 1-3 A I, TV MARKKT. INSTRUMENTS pfacodon record. Wcdnea. day, June 27: Win-runty lleeil, Luclen Woodworth and wife to K. K. Wood wot th. lots 22 and 21, block 1, and other property In Crelglilon Heights $ 1VA J, P. Urecn to A. S. Stllben. lot 21, block 16, Hnnscom place 3,100 Lunette Rlcltler to W. C Peterson, lot 3, block 1, Andrews fc II. 'h ad illtloii 475 Maty Woolsteln et al. In M, Wool. stein Co., lot 7. block 76, Soulh Omaha S.ftW Dr. II. J. Kay Medical company to rt. A. McWhorter, w36 feet sub lot 2 and 00 feet sub lot 3 of lot 5 und 6. Capitol add 6,000 li. A. Sandell to A. V. Wlckstrom. tiV. sub lot 2 In tax lot 31 In 10-15. n.. 775 Tilda Wltxiulst and husband to John Cadek, lot 14, block II, tlrst addi tion to South Omahn !VX) (ttiit Claim Deeds. E. M. Andreesen to A. A. Kountze, undivided half lots 1. 2 and 3, Stew, art place 1 Total amount of transfers $1C,V51 . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Contf.d 8tn. in D.mind at Sttadj Fr;cs. HOGS BRING A LITTLE BITTER PRICES (nnd I'nt Sheep Mendy nnd Drmnnd (ionil, lint Co nun on Kinds Are Very Sleivr nnd Wenk Most Kvitj thliiK Sells Enrly. SOUTH Receipts were: OMAHA. June 27. Cattle. Hogs. SheeP. Olllclnl Monday 2,230 Official Tuesday 1,117 Olllclal Wednesday .... 4,212 7.SCS 1,31.1 12,9) 9.2)4 30.202 27,9.10 2S.512 2I.5-.2 31,89) 3.799 3,052 8.HV4 12,635 5,232 6,424 fi,95S lft.ll Ihreo days this week.. Samo days last week .. Same days week before. Samo three weeks airo .10.556 . 9.152 .12,458 7.6M1 Same four weeks ago. 11,9 IB Average Drice nulcl for hozs tor tne tcveral days, with comparisons: 11900. I1S99, 11888. 1897.ls96.18?5.l4. June .... June 2,... June 3..,. June 4. ,. June 5.... Juno 6.... Juno 7.... June 8... Juno 9f... Juno 10... Juno 11... Juno 12... Juno 13,,, Juno 14... Juno 15... June 16... June 17... Juno 18... Juno 19... June 20... June 21... June 22... June 23... June 21... Juno 25... June 20... Juno 27... 4 881 3 501 4 21 3 401 2 !6 V 4 34) 4 39' 4 35, 4 29, 4 SI 4 l 4 W 3 M 4 121 .1 33 2 83 2 86 2 87 b:i I o 58! 3 65 3 67 4 0 3 4 S3 4 10. 3 32 4 41 4 4$ 4 53 4 50 4 51 4 53 4 61 4 4 74 4 70 4 M 4 5) I 63 4 70 4 60 4 67 4 77 4 82 4 91 4 94 3 31 2 93 4 01 I 3 Ol 4 95 3 88 3 30 3 31, 3 22 3 27 4 34 6 02 3 60 3 8 3 OS 3 04 b 01 6 00 4 92 3 61 3 59 I 3 57 3 92 3 US, 4 38 2 SB 3 27 2 91 4 44 3 31 3 W 4 3 4 86 3 61 3 3 3 03! 4 32 4 851 3 661 3 29 4 38 4 89 3 64 3 77 3 32, 2 9 3 01 3 08 4 41 4 95 3 62 3 90 3 22 3 63 3 Mi 3 b 4 l 5 01 3 801 3 SO' 3 8b 3 21 3 15 3 15 3 21 3 21 3 10 3 02 2 95 3 02 4 46 4 4S 4 15 I 37 o l6l 3 Ml 4 91 3 71 4 93 3 69 5 001 6 131 3 65 3 03 3 72 3 72 4 40 3 Ol 3 62 3 68' 3 69 3 26 3 00 4 10 5 10 3 2 97 2 97 4 46 4 85 5 01 3 63 3 61 3 15 4 52 4 7( I 5 03 3 62 2 96! 4 5' 4 73 Indicates Sundny. The otlk-lal number of cars of stock brought In todny by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. u rs. C. M. & St. P. O. & St. L. Hy. Hy.. 1 n I 19 3 60 1 13 33 S 'i 3 110 Missouri Paclllc Ry... 22 t'nlon Paclllc system. 32 C. & N. W. Ry 2 R, E. & M. V. R. 11... 55 S. C. & P. Ry 6 C, St. P., M. & 0 7 11. & M. R. R. R 62 C. . & Q. Ry 2 K. C. Sc. St. J 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry., E. .. C, R. I. Sc V. Ry., W. .. Totnl receipts. ...190 14 Tho disposition of the dny's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. her or nead inaicntea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 567 1.031 Omaha Packing Co. ii. 11. liammonn uo Swift nnd Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour Sc. Co Omaha P. Co., from K. C. Cudahy P. Co.. from K.C. Swift, from K. C 482 1.039 675 655 79 101 85 297 60 61 714 221 1,222 683 4,581 790 271 252 Armour, from K C Lobman Ac Co Livingstone & fichallcr, J cudahy tiros' V;u.uu,1Jl .Norm l'. & i'. c:o 142 1,973 Other buyers.. 161 856 Totals 3,968 9.937 2,808 CATTLK Vhere was a good run again todny, c ..slstlng nlmost entirely of cornfed beevrt Early advices from other selling Foln. were not very encouraging and buy ers nt the opening bid lower In a good many cafes and appeared to bo acting rather cautiously. They wanted the cattle, however, nnd the trade llnnlly de veloped Into Just about a steady market, with no very noticeable chnngo In any direction. Common kinds of cattle are not good sellers, as has been remnrked almost every day for the past two weeks, nnd every time a seller has anything showing grass lie thinks that the market Is lower, as buyers are certain to discriminate against It. Most of the cattle changed hands In good season In the morn ing nnd sellers appeared to be well pleased with the day's operations. Tho mnrket closed slow and n little lower with some cattle still unsold at miuday. Cows, heifers, bulls, etc., sold in about the same notches ns yesterday nnd the market was without any very noticeable change In any direction. Tho offerings were light und an early clearance was effected. ery few stock cattle or feeders were on sale and the market wns without note worthy feature. Prices on this kind of cattle have shown no material change this week, but they are decidedly lower thnn a ween or icn nays ago. Representative buil-m; BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. . 510 3 75 . . 870 4 00 No. 31 1 21 IS. 41 37 46 44 si.'.'.' .'...'!.' &3 20 Av. ..1201 ..i:iO ..11711 ..131.1 ..1136 ..1219 ..1039 ..1223 ..1261 ..1150 ..1149 Tr. 5 0) 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 0214 5 05 5 05 5 C6 5 03 5 05 5 01 5 05 .1 03 5 0.1 5 10 5 10 3 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 11 5 13 5 15 5 IS r 1.1 5 15 5 13 5 1.1 5 IS 5 15 5 20 5 20 5 2) .'. 20 .1 20 5 20 5 20 .1 25 5 30 5 10 5 10 .1 1(1 5 10 3 90 3 SO 3 P.I 3 90 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 frt 4 10 4 10 4 1.1 4 20 4 15 4 11 4 20 4 20 4 23 4 30 4 30 1 40 4 33 4 C 4 11 I 60 4 6) 4 61 4 73 1... 1... ....1110 ....1015 910 .... 660 .... 940 ....1046 ....973 ....1022 ....1120 .... C0 ....1033 ....1040 ....1109 ... .1001 1049 .V.1130 ....1IU ....1160 ....1056 1136 .... 963 M..I1M .... 06S ....1003 ....1260 ....1278 ....IOCS ....lilt 1230 1CS2 1007 ....1091 1111 .... II IR 1143 ....10.-.4 979 ....1097 ....119.'. ....1I93 4 (O 4 2H 4 25 4 r. 4 31 4 45 4 65 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 S5 4 " 4 83 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 90 4 80 4 M 4 SO 4 S5 4 S3 4 9.". 4 93 4 3.', 4 70 4 F0 4 SO 4 fO 4 S3 i 90 4 no 4 90 4 fO 4 90 4 90 4 95 4 91 r, 00 5 00 3 fti .1 M 1. 19.... 13.... li.... is.... 6.... 18.... 23.... 12.... 1.... 18.... 1.... ....1135 ....1221 ....1324 ....10S7 ....1150 HOS 1J10 1336 ....1234 ....1263 ....1212 ....1110 ....1271 ,....1193 1336 1297 1217 1287 1360 1276 12S2 1331 ....KM .....1205 ....1276 1301 ...M.V17 ....1466 ....1.103 ....1224 ....1202 ....1312 ....1362 ....1303 IS 66 22 15'.'.!!'.'.! 20 26 28 21 16 :o!'.!!!!! 19 13 8 57 , h'.'.'.'.'.'., 21 31 36 5 IS 46 31 10 20 26 17 20 II 60 f,j 10.... 23.... 10.... 8.... 100... 19.... 41.'.'.! I. 1.... IS.... 40!!!! 42..., 15..., 20-. . . , 73.... 10.... CI.... 21.... II. ... I 19 17 22 1176 41 1129 31 1301 31 1291 ..1410 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 27 4 21 647 4 40 13. ....1331 ....104.1 ....1230 ....1031 ... 62 ... 961 ...1071 4 50 4 .11 IS... 13... 57... 4 SO I 2 01 2 00 COWS. .. SM .. 960 .. s.10 ..1000 .. 730 ..1110 .. 9S0 .. s.10 .. r: .. 76) ,.1110 .. 910 ..1040 ...1C60 ...1420 ...1333 ...1020 ...1090 ... 952 ...10.1S ...11(0 ...10S0 ...12.H1 ...J 29) ...1210 ...1210 ...1200 ...1020 ...1070 ...1014 1 2'.'.'.'.'. 3 4 8.,... 3 1 fl i...'!! 1 1 i." .'.'.' ,' 1 7 1 1 50 2 9) 3 00 3 21 3 23 2 23 2 75 3 23 3 60 :i 41 3 50 3 65 3 75 3 75 3 fO 2 1335 1 1110 2 955 2 1330 1 1140 .1 1040 1IS0 3 8) 2 1310 1 1270 1011 3 M COWS AND HEIFERS. 107.1 3 90 11. s.y 4 1 1 1 1; n I.'!!!! 8)0 , 690 , J50 1710 663 KO , C60 13S0 1"S0 107.1 1190 1010 1 3C0' 1WI 1610 1630 260 163 S50 4 15 3 .1703 . 711 . Sh5 . 621 . S.'O . 996 HEIFERS. 3 : 3... 3 ro 3 61 1 00 4. 1. 1 41 8.., 4 (1 BULLS 3 15 1.. 3 30 I.. ...1270 ...1110 ...1.1(0 3 75 3 90 3 90 3 10 3 90 4 CO 4 01 4 33 3 30 3 35 3 10 3 10 3 50 3 50 3 60 1 1230 1 16S0 1 1690 1 123) 4). 56S CALVES. 6 VI 1 6 73 STAGS, 3 63 10 150 7 (W ...1337 4 53 .1.120 I 31 STEERS AND STAGS US 4 10 STOCK CLVES S3) 3 50 2 2(0 4 50 370 in) 1... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1... 29... 711 2 50 23.. 910 4 2.1 711 JC0 63 623 3 50 4 00 4 10 4 IS 47 6 6 10 . 911 4 25 S16 4 23 . .130 4"(1 95S 4 S3 5 3 HOGS-Flrst bids this morning were little better than steady, but first sales were j generally a shade stronger than yesterday's , general market Some of the holiest pn'H" ers held bak. apparently haling no faith In the future cf the market and being un willing to pay more than $V One hnite did not buy nny hogs at all Still there was a good demand. suflU lent In take everything on sale, and the bulk of the receipts changed hands In good season. The general run of good mixed loads, such as sold for $5.() yesterday, brought $o.o2i today. Later on In the mornlnsr the mar ket seemed to grow a little stronger mid somo of the better loads brought $j.05. Sellers were pretty firm toward the last and were holding on for belter prices, so that the extreme dose wns a little slow. The ho;s today so'd on an average close to 10c higher thnn one week ngo und li'e higher than two weeks ago. Representa tive vales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 10 111 ... J1 (0 M 27 ... ,1 Of, W 243 ... SO) t7 301 ... 5 0.1 61 194 ... 5 0) 77 IW 10 5 01 74 M7 SO 6 no 6 261 160 5 W m 225 ... 5 00 M 241 ... SM 58 256 120 B f W 24S 120 6 CS 74 212 fO I (0 6S 214 40 5 OS 77 204 ... SCO 61 260 SO 5 01 79 179 ... SM . 43 2 SO 5 01 82 215 240 SuliJ 61 210 fO 5 01 67 170 0 5 W, 7S 51 12) 5 05 91 211 SO h 021, 54 237 SO 5 01 4 214 120 5 02' .IS 2S l 3 ftH 82 241 ... 5 'i2'4 M 218 11,1 5 12'. 72 253 fO S ni', SI 200 S1 5 02' j 50 216 ... 5 01"j 61 JI1 M 5 fSi 67 MJ ... 5 021.', 72 2H ... 5 'i 6.1 217 SO S 02'i 5.1 202 40 5 021, 140 222 2) 5 0J1J 31 2V. M ,1 W, V) 210 ... 5 e2ti 61 243 IM 5 AJij f,S 232 ... 5 02'i 51 SfA ... 5 0214 43 211 V) .1 OJi, 61 24S 160 3 02", J9 m ... 5 02', 77 214 120 S02ii t,S r.3 40 3 02'i 61 KS 200 5 i2'4 77 193 40 50JIJ 38 ... S W, SI 2J3 ISO 5 02'4 31 26S ... S 021 j 63 2(7 ... S fll'i 51 276 SO 5 Oil, ,17 214 ... 5M'i 31 241 ... 5 rtVi 78 23S 2C0 .1 f2'4 51 334 ?00 S 02', 77 16 KO S 02ty 71 26 W .1 02', 75 W 161 5 0JH 61 26 241 5 f2H 76 221 SO 5 fvjii 61 231 70 5 02'4 74 22I ... 5 03H 62 20 IfO 5 02 63 2.1S . . 5 f2'j 73 23.1 40 5 02i Vi 201 40 5 02'-i ft 210 200 5 12N 63 231 SO 5 0211 60 Ml J00 5 02', 79 236 120 5 02', 25 21 SO 5 024 71 215 40 5 70 Ml 160 S OJi, 7; 21.1 100 sej'i CS 210 SO 5 02' 4 ti 197 S) 5 02'i 51 274 IM 3 02', 31 203 ... hWi 57 275 SO IW( 78 22S 160 3 0211 M 254 210 5 rri'i 72 221 120 5 02'J 60 264 SO 5 fll'i 17 216 SO 5 02',i M 240 120 5 02'i 61 2(1 ... 5 ftj'4 64 120 3 02', 2S 221 ... 5 02 4 63 2IS 160 3 f2'4 63 267 ... 5 02V4 61 IM SO 3 02' 71 23S SO 5 02',i 65 211 . . 5 02'4 67 2V. 160 3 M'.i 72 224 ... 5 02'i 65 212 12) ,1024 61 20 ISO 5 01 113 263 120 3 02'4 60 2S3 SO 5 0.1 43 2.10 ... 5 02'j 65 263 fO 6 0S (1 230 210 5 0iij a 291 ... 5 01 t 26S SO 5 02', 61 270 Vi .1 01 73 200 ... 5 024 7 216 40 5 0.1 67 223 160 5 ( 5 30 311 ... 5 65 77 213 ... 5 61 SO 270 ... 5 01 7.1 231 120 5 03 fi 251 SO 5 01 53 267 10 5 01 65 262 ... 5 f5 64 257 SO 5 01 61 232 ... 5 05 S4 297 SO 5 01 33 2S6 130 5 fl 55 22 120 5 0.1 30 306 ... 5 05 6.1 25S ... 5 05 30 27t ... 5 0.1 SS 211 SO 5 (VI S2 246 41 5 65 10 214 ... 5 '5 50 336 ... 5 07'i 52 276 40 5 0.1 54 306 ... 5 07', f,9 "OS SO 5 0.1 E2 330 SO .1 07'j SC 270 40 ft 01 57 299 SO 5074 49 361 SO 5 0.1 139 216 ISO S 074 114 2S5 ... 5 05 143 250 40 5 10 SHEEP-As wns the case yesterday, the choice fat sheep, of which there were only three or four loads, were In good demand nnd tho market on thnt kind was fully steady. On the other hand, the common kinds were slow sale. A large proportion of the receipts consisted of shre: hardly good enough for killers nnd really only good feeders. As It Is too early for feeders to be In demand shippers will readily under stand why the market on common stuff was slow. Quotations: Western grass wethers, JI.00 (!J4,25; choice grass yearlings. $l.65fI3 00- fed wethers, $l.7Tjfi'5.00: fed yearlings. $5.00ff6.40; fed owe, good to choice, $1.1504.3'.; fair to good fed ewes. $3.65174.00; good to cholco clipped lambs, $5.75ff6.0O; fair to good clipped lambs. $G.338G.50. Representative sales: No. Wt. Pr. 3 grass ewes 102 $1 00 90 cull western ewes 'I 2 25 2',2 wetern ewes !;2 3 ?. 20 culls 100 3 50 10 culls f6 3 50 15 western wethers 103 4 00 261 Wyoming grass wethers 97 4 00 252 Wyoming grass wethers 96 4 00 439 AVyomlng grass wethers US 4 05 125 grass ewes 102 4 10 69 Idaho yearlings 57 t 50 187 Idaho vearllngs S6 4 65 221 Idaho yearlings 91 4 75 CHICAGO 1,1 VI3 STOCK MAnK13I Cattle Mnrket (lenernlly Stonily Mors Active nnd Simile MlKlier. CHICAGO. June 27. CATTLE Receipts. 13,000 head; market generally eteady; na tives, best on sale today. 7 head at $5.70. and 21 carloads at $5.50; good to prime steers, light and medium, jQrm, $5.10ifi5.75; noor to medium, heavy, nbout stendv, $1.K0'B5.0i); se lected feeders, slow, $3.90fJ4.76; mixed stoek ers, weak, lower. $3.15tt:i.S0; rows, $2 901(4. ."0; heifers, $1.CO$4.75; canners. $2.20Tj2.73: bulls, steadv. $2.75154.50: calves, stendv. $l.5Mld.C0: Texans, receipts, 50) head; best on sale toclav, 4 carloads at ji.iu; 'lexnn leu steers, steady, $4.30tf5.15; Texas urasf steers, $3.65fi 4.30: Texas bulls, steady. $2.75fi 3.40. HOGS Receipts today. 27.000 head: tomor row. 25,000 head- estimated left over. 4.0V) head: active, Hhado higher; top, $5.274 ; mixed nnd butcher. Sl.101i5.274; good to choice, henvy, $3.20fc 5.274; rough, heavy, $5.10fi5J0- light. $5.00fl5.25 bulk of sa'es, S5.174175.224. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.00) head; choice, strong; others) stendv to slow good to choice wethers, $4.0OT1.75; fair cholco mixed, $3.S5ft4.10; western sheep. Jl.0C-34.eu; Texas sheep, $3,5011.01: na'lvo lamb. $3.COf?6.00; western lambs, $5.60fpi 00, spring lambs, $4,501(6.50. Xriv Vrk Live Stock. NEW YORK, June 27 REEVES- Re ceipts, 167 head; steers In light supply nnd 10c higher; bulls. 105i15c lower; cows, baioly steady; steers. $5.)T5.75; extras, $3.S0; oxen and stags, $3.25fi5.15; bulls. $2.!f4.3u; town, $2.25fT4.00; cables steady! shipments. 50 cat tie and 3.716 iiunrters of beef. CALVES-Recclpts, ,m head; veals slow, some snles higher, generally lower buttermilks, 25T50c off; veals. $4.50J6 50, choice and extra. $6.(05(6.65; culls, $1.01, buttermilks, $3.1241?3.02'. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccclpts. 7.CSS head; sheep very dull: lambs slow and 10fi25e lower; sheen, tt.njjjl.25; culls. $2 0 2.50; lambs, $1,5016.25; extra prime, $6.301J 6.40; culls, $3,0014.00; general sales, $1755 5.90; car of good yearlings, $1.23. HOGS Receipts. 5,933 head; steady at I5.65fj5.80; choice light state, $5.S5. St. Li.llU Slock. ST 1OUIS, June 27.CATTLE-Reeelpts, 2,900 head, including 1.2C0 head Texans; mar ket steady for Texans. with native a shade stronger; native shipping and export steers. Jt. SOT. ".! dressed beef nnd butcher steers $4,401(5 30; steers under 1,001 lbs.. $3.SVBI.S5: stoekers nnd feeders, $3.501.s5: cows and heifers. $2.001! l.tS; ennnerw $1.50152 S5: bulls. $2.7553.0; Texan and Indian steers, $3.S5f( 1 4.tt: cows and heifers. $2.IOf'3.90. ; HCGS Receipts. 6,900 head; market! steady to 5i- higher: nlas and llshtn, JSOOirl 5.15; packers. $3.051jj.l5; butchers, $5.15U 1 "s'iJ'EEP AND LAMRS-Rorelpts. 1.SO0 head; mnrket 151j20c liwcr; intlve muttons. J4.O0H4. 40; lambs. $3.5011 30; culls and bucks. $.50fH.5O; stoekers, $2,251(3 50. Kn 11 nun City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. June 27.-TTLn Re ceipts, 6.IXO head natives, 1.20) lied .Tex ans; hesi grades strong: medium stork steadv: heivy native steers. JI.Vi'nilo atockers nnd feeders. $1,751(5.05; butchers rows nnd heifers, $1001; I 90: 1.111m rs. $2 .'On 3 01; fed westerns, $1,251(0.13; Texans, f!23Jr l.rn. HOGS Recelnts, 9.7M) head- mnrkrt a -Her.. tVfrlfV lileher: lienvv. $ll31l521: mixed, $5 1015.20: light $l.fcfj5.r: nltrs. $15511.90 SHEEP AND LAMI1S--Iteiel il. 2 '0) head; supplv made up mostly of nnimou stuff; market lower: lamb, '."': "I, year lings. $1,751(525: muttons. Jl 'Of4. 75 Tex ans. $3.S5fj-4 0): feeders, J.I.OOff .o; i ulls. $210 (&J.00. St, .lonfiib l.lvc Stock, SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 27 (S'leclnl. 1 The Journal imntrs: CATTLE Receipts. 1.60) head: nrirket steady; unlives. t(.15fi5. 0; Texins nnd westerns. $I.Oo15.15; cnwn nnd hr lfers. XI 25 H4.S0; bulls ami sinus, $2 251(1 90; yearlings and calves. I.O0lj5 oil; stocVcrs and feed ers. M.254fiO- venN. 5 O0f(i',.75. HOGS Receipts, 6.100 bend: market SlilOc higher: all grades, $5.0".f5.23; bulk of sabs. $5 07'.1'(5 17'.,. SHEEP-Recclpts. 700 head: nurket ttead:'. Stock In Slulil. Kollo"-ln? are the receipt at C'e four principal western markets for Jure 27: Cntlle, I1o-i . Sheen. South Omaha 4.212 9."nt ! iv. rhlrngo IS.ooo 2;.ooi is.orv, Knnsas City wn :i.,ni .'( St. Iritis 2,90) 6.900 1.S0) Totals .26,613 152 KOI 19,912 Hi. I WrntliPr In W i.iiiIiik. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Junn 27. (Speihl.) The wcathsr bureau reports that the Inst week was thn warmest of Ihe cea inn 'o date. Maximum temperatures for tho we-k ranged from R0 to 99 degrees, thn latter temperature being repTlcl fr"m Wh'al n'ld and Parkman on the 2Ut. Tho we-k wai dry nnd hoi over most o' t'.e f-.t'e but local showcis have rr'leved droit1!, iondl Hong over mnny rikU.mis. The w ek uns very favorable to all Irrigated croj,, whirh made rapid growth. In men' ncctlons un Irrlgnted crops have miffero.1 nrfd rant, s aro drying up, but the stand of gram U uniiaually good. 0rr mofl of Kremont nnd Uinta countlc ctops .ire not nuffrilng yet, but rnln would be henellclnl. The first crop of alfalfa has been secured over I e greater portion of the cistern cotintlc and In most sections the crop Is fx-e'lept. Native hay Is nlso being cut. Water lit etrcitiiH of the hcaihuiiers of the L-irnmlo nnd l'latto rivers li plentiful, hut rcior.s from Natrona nnd Sheridan counties statu thnt streams nro low. Sentence IkiiIiinI Mini Viii n ed. HiniO.V. S. 1)., June 27. (Special. At ihe late meeting of the Department of Soi.ih Dakota, Grand Army of the Republic, at Mit. ehell, the findings of the court martial in the matter of Sllns A. SlrleklRnd post. No. 127, dishonorably discharging Arthur Linn, commandant of the Soldier' home at llt Springs, from membership In that post, ne.o confirmed. The charges against Mr. Linn were based upon the severe discipline and dlschargo from the home of certain Inmates because of trivial offenses. The encamp ment examined the matter carefully and the following order hns been Issued- Headquarters Department of South li.i. koln. Grand Army of the Republli-. Mil, licll. S. D.. June 20. IW-Gi-ncr.ii Order Nn , Hy virtue of the power esteil In nu- as commander of the Depart men t of S11111I1 In kota, Grand Army of the Reiniblb-. I li r approved the senlenre of a rntirl-m.u mil regularly (-(invened by order of Silas A. Strickland post Nn 127 of this deparlmei t. dlshonorabl.N discharging ('omrade Arth ir Linn, a membrr of said post, from tlin Grand Army of the Republic. All posts and comrades will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. L. PALMER. Commander Department of South Dakota, Grand Army of the Republic. Olllclal: E. M. THOMAS. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. A Wealth (.( tleiiiif.v la often hidden by unsightly pimple', eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt rheum, e'c. Rucklcn's arnica salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, also ctt , bruises, burns, boils, felons, ulcers and worst forms of piles. Only 23c a box. euro guaranteed. Sold by Kuhn & Co.. dniRgitts. Mil lit Plnlll (11 Reninlii. Chairman Howell of tho ilemocraiic county central committee Is nttthorlt) for the statement that there will be no meet ing of that organization until after Mia coming state convention, and that there, can, therefore, be no Immediate nctt 11 taken tin tho resignation of Secieiary Plattl. livery possible effort will be ex erted to force Plattl to retain the secre taryship In spite of his notion that, having been elected one of the delegates to the) national convention, he has passed Into thn realm of greater things than county sccro taryshlps. When you deposit your vacation cnupins pin them together. It will make the count ing quicker and easier. Heaths front I lent In (lilcnun. CHICAGO, June 27.-Two death- wern caused by excessive hent and numidity today. Antonio Shoggetiw dropped 1e,i 1 on the street and Oscar Herner, oer .-no whlln slttlr.i; In a second-story window, rll to the si-, ind. sustaining fatal 'ii'iitlos. The thermometer registered S9 on lim street and humidity was nlmost at tho saturation point. A heavy nhower late In the afternoon afforded pome relief. ('(iiiil.lnc llnndlcR Prime Crop. SAN JOSE, Cnl , June 27 The Callfni nt.i Packers' company hns dually arrang-d with the California Krult association (thn prune men's combinei for handling tho coming crop. The llxlng of prices Is le't to tho direction of the association There will be no bonus on foreign exports Summer Excursions HALF RATES Chicago and return June 25th. 26th 27th Kansas City nnd return July 2d. 3d. 4th. Charleston, S. C, and return July 2d, 1th, 5th. 7th. Spcclnl train to Kansas City July 3rd. Tralr.9 Icavo Union Station dally for j KANSAS CITY. QUINCY, ST. LOL'IS and all points cast or south. All Information at CITY TICKET OI-TK'r:, 1415 FARNA.M ST., (Paxton Jlotol Plork) or write Harry E. Moores, C. P & . A., Omaha, Keb. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service iViCWTH. DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST, Trrats ell Formi cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Years TxpKtnci. 12 Ycarsin Omiha. M.rtCTIIICITY and SMKPICAI, TrcAtnieni combined. Vj mocele. Slrlctnrc, Syphilis, LosBofVlcor and V. tali tjr. n'HKS Ot'AItANTKKI). Charges low 110,'IS TltFAl HUM. llonU, Consultation and Exam ination 1'rrp Hoiur.S a. r.i. tot; 7lo8p, ni. Sunday, 9 to 12, PO.I's7ti OrOrr, N. K. fr. )!ii and P - u R' "' r".'. :L, Ul'.U. Pelilllty nnd Its Compll. rations, nu-ll nn wc-aUnc I VkflrN nuxieiy ii(irvi(.-srncM,occiiin 'IU HvV ' "crve force nnd control, 1 1 1 i H en red forever by our exclu A 3nasl ",vo irealment. which iicfn(l ' yiii on nijirorni. II not bucccu, return It ot our ex. jxiiiso nnd Pay Nothing, rail account mulled maIcc; no rliarxo ERIE MEDICAL CO,, DUSfALO, N.Y. JAMES F, BOYD & GO., To.cpjioilo 1()!!). Otiinlli, Nil COMA1ISSION, (JHAI.N, l'HOVISIONSaml .STOCKS IKIAIIII DP THADK. Correspondence; John A Warren & Ca jjirect wires to Chlcutco and Nw Yori H.RPEMMEY&CO. BooM4tir urEousa oiiaiia nto- OKAMCh lOS&rUt JJly US .ntt nit