THE OIAHA DAILY UEE: TUESDAY, JT"E 26. 1900. !me NEOPHYTES COME IN T' b) of Ak-3u-3en Con tic nn to Add to Itt Idtmbmhip. TWENTY-FiVt INITIATED LAST NIGHT JAP ROSE SOAP i 1 ROADS NOTIFY SHIPPERS put Mxut Be Unletied Htrexftir Within Forty-Eight Houn. IRONCLAD AGREEMENT IS ADOPTED Omnrracr ('barer In He l.elrd Against All (in 1lia( Art- t I'uIonUrd Within Hie Sprrlflrd 'II in r. Prominent shippers of Omaha have been advised that, beginning next wt, thr iron clad rule of the Western Cur Service as sociation will become effective In this city. As a result they are providing necessary storage iBrllttlf. and are unloading all care tt present on hand, in order lo start in under the new regime without any demur race assessment being checked up against them. A.. C. Jones, the manager of the assoclu tlon, taya that IU rules will become opera tive July 1 and thm the will be observed to the very letter. Every railroad en. tering Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs is enrptled as members of the nsso elation and the officials of the operating and traffic departments hope that the conges tion of freight cars and the frequent short age, because of dilatory unloading by con signees, will soon be a thing of the past, .shipper iiilBrd of Jer Mulrx. The Car Ssrvlc association has notified all the shippers in the three cities efnhc rules that will be observed, enclosing the schedule of demurrage thaipes thBt will be cnargeo against an anipments wnicn are uoi removed from ierlght cars within the limit of time allowed. The demurrage charge that will be collected on the mujorlt) of shipments will be Jl per diem, beginning j forey-clght hours after, the receipt of the car in other words, the consignee win have forty-eiht hours aftr the arrival of ' the car containing his good, to remove the same, lAtlcr that time, bo will be compelled to pay (1 a day as storage charges. "The Car Service association," said one railroad manager. "Is cot designed to work a hardship upon any shippers, nor Is it ex pected to 'be a money-making institution. The railroadt derl'e no financial benefit from It except in thr loosening up rf their cars. Shippers will toon get into the habit of unloading their shipments as soon as they arrive, instead of permitting them to remain in the cars, and the plan will be a profitable one for both railroads und shippers. The rules of the Car Service association are suftlclently'betal and there are exceptions which grant the shippers great latitude. For lnstaDoe, cars loaded with coal art1 given 'free trackage for seventy-two hours -After arrival and forty-right hours' unloading time, thus giving coal shippers five days before demurrage charges are assessed against the shipments. ' RAILROAD MAGNATES rOM'KItniMi. nxrrntlrr OfHrrrs of Three Allied Roadi Holding? a Coaferener. Executive officers of the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and Oregon Railway Navigation company met In this city yetttr day for the purpose of holding a conference relative to railroad matters, in which the three railroads are mutually concerned be cause of their clo.ely allied Intrrrsts. The meeting was held in the private office of President Burt at Union Pacific headquarters. It was attended by President Burt of the Union Pacific, V D. Cornlab of New York, rice prraident of the Union Pacific and the Oregon Short Line W H Bancroft, vie president and general manager. S IV Eccle. general traffic manager, E. E. Calvin, gen eral superintendent, J. K Dunn, superin tendent of motive power, all of the Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake, and B. Campbell ot Portland, general traffic manager of the Oregon Railway ft Navigation company. VJcr President Cornish arrived from New York yesterday. .He was accompanied by Mrs. Cornlsb and his private aerretary. 11 B. Taylor, a young mao ot thin city who was with tb Thurston Rifle during the Philippine campaign. The Salt Lake con tingent of the Short Line arrived from the west yesterday Accompanying the party were Walter Anderson and H. B. Looker of Salt Lake President Burt autborlr.ed the information "lb American Porter" possesses a mel low flavor peculiarly Its own and Is unlike any other brew on the markrt. whether of fory-lgn or domestic production Orders ad dressed te Geo- Krug ip stiver Omaha kranch, will be promptly executed. Dftltincf Powder Absolutely Pure Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome no yeast germs, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit and pastry of superior fineness, flavor and delicacy. Makes food that will keep moist and sweet, is most economical, because it is the purest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy, expedi- tious preparation of the finer cakes and pastries Royal is indispensable. ROYAL BAKING fOWDF-R CO., that the meeting it as purely a routine one, tuch as are held at intervals for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the traffic and operating departments ol joint interest to the three systems In some quarters the belief if held that the meeting is preliminary to Vice Presi dent Cornish's resignation from his official relations with the Vnion Pacific and jts allied lines.. Judge Cornish was elected last week at vice president of the Chicago & Alton railway Prom an authoritative source, however. the information Is vouchsafed that Judge Cornish hut, no in lention of resigning from the Union Pacific, but will continue. In his present official capacity and at the same time assnme the added responsibilities of the v?ct presidency of the Alton. "Judge Cornlsh'a election to the vice presldcnry of the Alton," said a well informed official, "is merely In line with the closer relations that have been cui-ciru lur Am nuu mi- i. uiun j j-aciuc his connection wnn noin roans wiuitbat the soutb Omaha packing bouses are unaoupicaiv result in an alliance ncmeen mc i,mon racinc ana me Alton at Kansas City equally as strong as that existent be- tween the Vnlon Pacific and the North western in Omaha.'' i:OKMOV TIl.lVEL, 15 IIKAA , I Itallrinitn Obllcrit lo Itnn Trnlns to Unudlr HnxlurKK, The second of the season's castbound ' excursions from Colorado points to the east left Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo , last Saturday and pussed through ibis tl y Sunday. All of the three railroad competi tive for this business bad an unusually large patronage at a result of tho Induce ments offered. The Hock Island inn a special train, the Union Paclfii called Into service a large number ol. extra cars and ihn Rurllneton ran its Chicago train out nf npnvrr Saturdav afternoon in two see- tions. The first section of the Burlington train. composed of twelve coaches, had rather a fllKtiKtrous run from Denver to McCook 0.ltlf. t0 nm noXes. and reached McCook bout an hour ,ate. From there to Omaha, a distance of 2t3 miles, the heavy train re duced the delffy forty-two minutes, and that, too. on a schedule exceeding forty miles an hour. Frrliclit Train Ilrraili-d. A freight train castbbound on the Rock Island was derailed near South Bend Sunday night. Reports received at the local ofhee were 'to the effect that no Injury was sustained by any ot the trainmen and pas aengera, although the drbrla caused by the derailment promised to delay the operation of passenger train. To avoid 'this an arrangement was made with the Burlington whereby the morning and noon trains of the Rock Island were operated between Omaha and Lincoln on the Burlington trucks. Italltvn; Aotr and I'rrnonnl. J M. Campbell. advertlHing ugent of the Burliucton, has returned from Denver. J tt" Munn. assistant general passenger ngent ot thr Elktioru, accompanied, .by his family, spent Sunday at Boone. P B Chnutr renerHl ucrnt nf lh Vnlon Puetflc railroad at Salt Luke, accompanied by his wife. Is n gueet tn the clt) General Paenenger Agent E L. Ivomax of the Union Pacific has returned from a week's business vlalt In Chicago. Bert Phillips of the Elkhprn general pas sencer department has returned to work after a couiile of weeks vucation V R Kelly, general eouusel of the Union Pacific, and Attorneys G. M. Lara twrtaon and F 11 Hall of the Union Parlflc legal depurtment have returned from a bualneis trip to Suit Lake City C E. Wantland, general agent of the Union Pacific- land depurtmrnt at Denver, is in 1?ie clt) Mr Wantlmid has Just returned from a trip 'through the wtwtern part of Kansas and brings with him glow ing reports at the conditions existing -there at this time. 1 O. Rhoadc, purchasing armt of thr Oregon Short Line ul Salt Lake, is In ern trip Mr Rhoudes was formerly eon- nectrd with the general purchasing depart- mem oi tnr I'ruon rurinc ana nus munv friends in Omaha for whom his stay was altosether t'io brief W M. Abrams, agent of the Elkhorn at Surprise, raa Just forwurded to the of ficials at general headquarter .samples of the finest specimens of winter whrst ever exhibited in this city The wheat was grown near Surprise and Agent Abrams 5SrmlAV f ."S.B1,:,:fi r!ulS '-""L arL? vicinity Tried lo Hitk l.lxirrr, Six laborers giving the names of Philip Cown. Henry Hoovrr. Charles O'Netl. John Holsteln. Frank Morris and John Klrk wood arrived in Omaha Sunday cvemtig and applied for work at a local eraployjnsot agency Each of the men paid II und was iirnnilred concrete work In Omaha at Jl.Jl per day The nw-n reMrted for work aud were lakeu to Where contractors are tepdiilng the pavement und sidewalk along Vinton turret near Twenty-third Kltwl The iiots In criUige ot the work nld br did not nerd mn and the six laborer camr, back tn the office and aakrd to have their ironry returned. The tiumager asnured them that he would have no-k for them todai lijt the men tellrveil be was only tnltig tn put them off and repined the matter t.. the uy attonie When told that he was llablr tr pr sr utiou for s. ring rninev i.tiuer falce nre erises the munugcr promistd 1 Ij return the taent-y. Care must be talcen lo avoid baking powders made from alum. Such powders are sold cheap, because thev cost but a few cents per pound. Nftt only will thev spoil the cake, but alum is a corro sive acid', which taken in food means injur' to health. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ASSESSMENTS TO BE RAISED Jobben and Eeitilen 3Tot flirrjicg Thir Ehtrc cf Public Bcto'ccl SO SAY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Valuation of Abont Onr Iluadred I'lrino to Dr Inrrratrd Onr Offers Any Ob Jrrtloit. The county commissioners, as a board ot equalization, have come to the conclusion that the jobbers and large retailers of the cuy are not carrying meir snare oi tne pun-j JJC ouruen. j ae commissioners aiso re.ieve escaping with too Might a tribute and their assessments arc likely to be doubled for : the ensuing year If the present plan ofi , radical Increases is carried out by the board; the decreased returns of the assessors wi.l , , be offset and there will be a gratifying (swelling of the county revenues for next) year i Commissioner Ostrom remarked yes- j t'-rday that be has In process of tabula- j Uo B long list of Jobbers and rrtallers who will be invited to show before Wednesduy ( morning wny ineir valuations snouia not I gan. secreiarj . c. ai. lorsaian. jr., ut be materially increased. The list includes j urer. I). N. Tracy, assistant secretary, such heavy taxpayers as the Boston Store.) Short addrenses were made by several of Hayden Bros., V. R. Bennett company. Pax- j the newly elected officers and the meeting ton & Gallagher and Allen Bros. In all It j adjourned. is contemplated to raise the a,sements of Ward Itrpul.llen.... about 100 concerns. The alterations will Th( Republican club met be for the most part In the personal tax . ., .., . .... !,,,. ..n list and the county books are bting com- pared with those of the city to ascerta n more fully what the Just appraisement, SnOUlO De. , The board is at present lislenlng to the Joimson and E. M. Bartlett George A. Day showing made by the South Omaha parkere. j k( promm. Lee Yates as vice preaidem Us next labors will be to assess the prop- and e T. Peterson as secretary are dele crty In the Fourth ward. South Omaha, for , gatCg ry reason ot the offices they bold. wnicn tne warn nniciait tauca to return uny. snowing. ' A sign pointing to the general prosperity of Omaha buslnei-s men,'' remarked one of the commissioners, "is that no one Is raising any objection to the proposed Increase, C E. Yost of the Nebraska Tele phone company and Stockton Heth of the Omaha Water company hare Just called to inquire regarding their valuations and pro fet a willingness to accept a higher asrrsi ment, in cube other corporations receive the same treatment Other officials have shown a similar spirit They all put It the same way; they are willing to pay more taxes if their business contemporaries are taxed In a similar proportion They recognize the justice of the county's p.oitlon, tor thore Isn't thr slightest doubt that there are meny firms not .paying taxes on one-twentieth ot their holdings, much less one-sixth, as the law provides." The bankers of the city will appear before the board this afternoon with statements of tbeir deposits and aocounte. More than one-balf have already filed their showings and little complaint is beard ot the board's failure to reduce their asse-ismen's fiom the one-sixth variation to the one-tenth, as de sired. CITIZENS WILL FIGHT FIRE Itrsldrnts of Onlral Park Ask Per illing I on tn Prolrrt TUrmnrhri AKninst thr Plauirs, fharles H. Gratton E. M. Rob.nson und other citizens living in the neighborhood of Central Park school hare crganlzed a volun- leer fire department and nresenteJ a petition to the fire and polk commissioners Mon- eight asking that they be granted the j use ot a hose cart, nozzle, hose and hydrant : wrench The matter wa referred to the committee on property and buildings. Prank S. McClurc aud John H. Webke, both of whom have served on probation In the fire department for sixty days, were appointed as regular firemen. B. P. Halgbt and A. C Adams, the pro ! Tutors of a new drug store at 4M1 North Twenty-fourth street, were granted a permit to sell liquor. Michael Miller waj granted permlstlan to move his aaloss two .doors north ot its present location at "20: South Sixteenth street. An invitation was accepted to attend a logrolling and picnic to be given by the Woodmen ot the World at Rherv.ew park on JUiy . Reports show that over fifteen hundrtfl lives have been saved through the u.e ol One Minute Cough pure. Most of these were cases of crionc. croun. asthma, whonn. Ing cough, bronchitis and pseumonla. early use prevents constimptan. Paris Exposition Pictures, Part III now ready 10 rents sod a coupon cut from Ths , Bee page i i j, -j ... PATRIOTIC LEAGUE STOCK Our Hundred nnd Four I'rrixm Hold 10(1 Mmrm In llir HeorKsmlied Conor rn. The Patriotic league held a meeting las; night at the Millard hotel for the purpose of reorganizing for the year of 1S00. Emerson Benedict was chosen chairman of the meet ing and C E. Morgan secretary. As chair man of lie reorganization committee Mr. Morgan re-joned that 306 shares of stock had been subscribed by 104 persons and that by virtue of the resolution under which the reorganization is being perfected the meet ing was called. On motion of John L. 'Wchster a commit tee on nomination was appointed and all nominations were referred to this coramlt- j tee. which was composed of Cadet Taylor, P j. Blrr. A. w Jefferia. C, 1 'Huntington and John C Trouton. The rommlttec re- ported from the llst-of name svrbmltted the .following officers who were c elected by the artontinn nr ihr rrnnri John L. Kennedy, nresident: C S Hunt. mgton. first vice president. Earl Matthews, second vice president : Isaac Hascall. First ward vie president; G. E. -Gilbert. Second ward Charles Tuttle. Third ward. John Parnsh. Fourth ward: Oscar Engler. Fifth wari. Samuel Walkup. Sixth ward. J O. J)etwllcr. Seventh ward C J. Anderaen. Eighth ward: Charles Cnltt. Ninth ward, John C Trouton. South Omaha. C E Mor- . fV, rn',Pntlan of thr' Re- putin Leapue of Clubs at Lincoln. June ih. fnnnK- jUnr Brn s. Baker. .1. L. pur. nin rm- Th.nilnrr Ollir-Ti Prsnl- X Second Wnri) Itrpnlilirnn tiob. Members of the Second Ward Republican club are requested to meet at Sixteenth and William streets Wednesday evening to elect delegates to the Republican league. r;irlou rw Comes from Dr. D. B. Carglle of Washita, 1. T. He writes "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula, which bad isused her groat suffering for years. Ter rible sores would break out on her head and fate, and the best doctors could give no help, but now her health is excellent " Electric Bitters is, the best blood purifier V.lowd. It's the supreme remedy tor eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bo els, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds lip the strength. Only DOc Sold by Kuhn U Co.. druggists. Guaranteed. FALL CONCERTS ASSURED EsonKh lnnr) liaised tn Tbrrr Honrs to Warrant tlie ('.m.-nvrnirul of a Baud. TLe committee on ways and means for securing a series of ep;ember band concerts in Omaha mot in the Commercial club rooms yesterday and apportlored the city Into working districts, committees being ap pointed to solicit among the wholesalers, the rrtall establishments and other specified classifications. When the committees met again at 1 p. m tbey were ready to testify to the taut that the enterprise is a popular onr. tor the various committees had se cured the subscription ot S5,5& to the guar anty fund und had cold tickets to the umount of IS.CsO, all within three hours. The committee headed by Rome Miller had sold (ITS worth ot tickets and had 400 of guarantee.; that headed by E. J Chlssell had sold tickets to the amount of tYSO C C Rcsewater and Jay Foster bad secured t3,i(K) In guaranties and sold t'Jil In tickets H K. Burlet's committee mid sold tickets for 1130. Alfred Millard's committee bud sold tickets for 4f0 and bad an equal amount signed to the guaranty fund A Hospe's committee, J4I.0 in tickets und $l."dO guur auty. Ed Pickering. 8C In tickets; F E. Sanborn. t00 tn tickets, C S. Elgutter, riOO in tickets Committees were appointed to secure fur ther subscriptions from parties from whom the committee thinks it has a right to ex- , peflt thm mwf toc breweries. large business establishments and tbe street company. Messrs. F E. Sanborn, c c Row water. B, D. Butler, W H Wilbur A. C Smith and J S. White will ,ool: lcr the Btreet railway company. jtJ i a rammiiior on vo-uperuuon wun the 1 unigtits ot AK-bar-tien was apjiointed, com i prUing F E. Sanborn A Hospc Rome Miller C. F. Weller and J S. White Tbe manager ot Inncs band will meet the committee at 2 p o, today. Hoard of (iotrrnort Meets nltb Inn. ( miller from Commercial t'ltili and IMruirfi nnnd Proposition I'reinont rxt VrrU. It's really surprising, when one eosne to ( alt dewn and think it over calmly, what a great thing the order of the Knight oi Ak-Sar-Ben really Is. It may not tie glo- I rious; it may not be even wholly good; nut I there la no doubt about Its greatness, and . the best part of it is. it's getting greater , all the time. i Last night twenty Sit more pilgrims drew' scar to the tents of the sheik and sent word that they wanted to join the great caravan ' that is moving toward the Ides of ueit Sep ' tea tier. They had seen the runners whom the sheik has been sending out and so wrought upon had they been by hi elo quence that they had made a pilgrimage oxpretsly to "get into the game " at one of the company, borrowing an expression that is not of Oriental ongln. put It This . rcmarK. pj me way, came neai queering inr j game. lor nothing of Occidental origin is ' allowed to ereep into the mysteries with " which the tribe surrounds itself However, , due apologies were made and the welcome I the band received was no less hearty tor the break their stol.erman had made Tb teJI what was done to the pilgrims. would be either to repeat much of what has already apjietred in print or to violate ; a solemn oath not to disrlote what happens when thr Grand Mufti tenures lo get hold of a lot of pilgrims who exhibit some symp toms of being a little fresh It is enough to saj. then, that they were entertained in i a royal manner and that when they were ' " u"a m me aeeiopmem oi anj awm Bent and was unable to give anj partteu finally admlHed to full fellowship they were ' nlch Mr Coon ahould locate tor the cosi-j jBrk ready to admit that they had had the best j P80?-- "J luue just returned from down east ' time of their lives since the days when they Ed North, deputy Internal revenue col- Br aft toUfcr(.uee th in- were barefoot boys and sneaked under the ,e(ltt,r' 1 in rrclpt of a letter from Mr. trrcf;tca j)rront 1 hac decided that Jt will tents to see a performance of old Yank . ron Mating that he. in -comDan with his bc tfac .jfcor lX)Ursc i0 jj,Bi.r a temporary Robinson's rlrcur The eterans of the tribe , on. Mr Driseoll and Mr Troup, left Se- assignment. In this war the most eqult enjoyed the Initiation quite as much as tke ' "tUe May on the. steamer Santa Ana. We 3,rotectiozi will be afforded to all cred- neophyte and the ceremony passed off with a pleasantness that is characterise of au the events held In the big den out on North Twentieth street. Bnnd Qnrstlun run r 1'ronlilrsomr. Prior to the festivities ol the evening the lioanl of governors held a session at the Omaha club, at which the question of en gaging a bund for a series of concents was discussed at length. Cojimlttres repre senting the Home Patronage bureau and the Commercial club met with the board and the question as to who shall assume the responsibility for this feature of lhr Jail festivities was raTiestly debated. 6o far as can be learned, there la an honest differ ence llf Tinlnlnn nn th1 hnfnl Trr-t dr Urim whn fvnr h. w,rrtv responsibility on the ground that it will t0 advertise Ak-Sar-Bcn week and pave the way for a wind-up that shall be the most brilliant ever witnessed in fhe city. On the other hand the governors in sist that they have all the burdens tbey care to assume at present They are willing to co-operate with the projectors of the band feature, but do not leel disposed to go fur ther at present. The question will ! taken up again at a meeting to br held at the Commercial club at 1 o'clork today. Next MoDday night a caravan frou) Krr. raont, SMi In number, will arrive at tne den on a special train and be inducted Into the mysteries of the order. They will ! wiher Tuesday that they were Monday, but they won't feel bait' eo much like working. KniKtitK Will .Not Manner It. At the Den last night after the Initiation work was over a meeting ot the knlght6 was held and the following statement is given out as a result of the deliberations- Thr Knights or Ak-Sar-Ben. after rar-ful consideration of thr four weeks" band project as jiropoM-d hv the Home Patronage Bureau, dec-ides that it would be impossible -for the knights to assume any responsibility for It as the amusements which they propose giving the lasi -week in September are of vuch an ext-n,sive charac ter that they will have all thev can jk. sibly attend to. provided they "can secure the funds necessary for carrying out their Plaus. Ill. LIFE SAVED By Chamberlain's Colli:, Cholera nd Dlurrboru Itrinrdr, "I am burr that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at one time saved my life," says A. E. Laf alette ot Gregory Landing. Clark county. Missouri. "1 was in such bad shape that the doctors said I could not live When I was at the lowest rbb onr of my neighbors brought in a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and 1 took it and got Instant relief. I soon got up and around That was nine years ago and I am still in good health. Since then that medicine has always bern in my house and always will be. It U thr best on earth." When you deposit your racaflon ermnons pin them together. It will make the count ing quicker and easier. CITY'S CREDIT STANDS HIGH Host oh Itrokrra !' Ilich Prrmltuu on Tim Issues of Mrret lin 1 prot rnirn t Bonds. Blake Bros. & Co. of Boston secured the J12S.OO0 worth of puving and Btreet im provement bonds which were recently ad vertised tor sale. The bonds were in two lots. The first lot was $25,000 worth of twenty-year, semi-annual, 4 per-cent, non optional paving bonds. The second lot was f 73,000 worth of serial, 4 per cent, annual street Improvement bonds. Blake Bros. & Co. offered J2C.4-0 for the 125,000 worth of bonds und t"3,4S6.W tor the 172,000 Jot Denlson, Prior A- Co., Cleveland, offered t:C,f05 and I74,0r6 tor the two sets of bonds. W. R. Todd & Co of Cincinnati made a bid of 26,200 for the small Issue ot bonds and Seasongood & Mayer ot Cleve land offered J:C,1C6.50 for the same bonds. Neither of these firms mude an offer on the ITS, 000 lot Although the offer of Denlson. Prior & Co. was t&O lietter on the small iBsue of bonds, Slake Bros, i- Co outbid them on the entire issue and made their bid with the provision that they have all the bonds or none. The premium netted on the bonds amounts to S2,MC.50. HEAD ACHE "Both kit trite and myself bnre born natn; CASCARETS nnd tbey are the best mcdlcipu wc bivt ever bad In the house. Last week my wito was frantic with headache tor two days, sho tried some of yourCAsCAKETS, and tbey relieved the ialn in ber head almost tmmedlauiy. Wr both recommend Casxareta." CltAS. STTIltrplttl. Pittsburg Safe &. Dcjosit Ca. Pituburg, P. CANDY a pr vri i ii taapf suaa Mtwiam Ple&ianl. r-lttAl,U. Pntrnt. Tact RmA rwv 1 Ooa, Nrrr birseo, Wcakeo, or Gnpe. llie, Scite. , ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... j wrtlf I .; Imwi, ftkin, S iml, X Jmt. lit Mn.Tn.ll R s?ld c CV2.ran,''l all drug. I RVMV'Mw iwtotV;TvbcceUswv Tt.All MARK j IS THE BATU BRISGS HEALTH and BEAUTY It is Cleansing, Soothing and Refreshing, because made of pnre oils, cocoa -butter, glycerin, and the perfume of natural rot-cs. KIRK MAKES IT DEALERS SELL IT . , rXnuUJlAU I O HAVC CAU LUUn - 0li .old hrrUrrs alrrl Ulsastrr ' Hnm to Cir Aomr. ( Ba 0111 b"ftl ei.'rid from one : f hr 8rt of the Omaha adtenuirrrs to start to Cape Nome. 24ay t C. B Coon othejs started to thr new gnlefteldi A numter of Omaha people went lnte thr ad. venture with the party and purchased a quantity of goods, which were to be taken to the Arctic region for nale, the proceeds June 1, when mile from Seattle and 4W) . miles irom uie A un coa,. nrr ais- covered In thr bold of the vessel. Us exact posltios could not be eirrmined iio thr 1 hatches were battened down and steam from j the boiler turned into the hold This was contlmed Xor two davf. when the fire wae I located and extinguished An examination - , of the goods stored In' the hold showed that practically the enUre nutiit of the party was destroyed by steam and water. Including the tents and food. The goods of the company. ... A sna w vrt, D0t damnged. Thr KtMTTinr nrn- ceeded upon it way to Dutch harbor SUiO miles from thf scene of the nrr. where be ' , "r wrote thr letter received In Omaha He nDi th he 0"ld W aWc lo rctume In stated that the trip to Nome was difficult J 'U'D B "bor ; and uncertain, by reason of the ice. which . sncriff Power had little further Informs was moving In large quantities, and tbatl 00 tb - The goads had simply the Senator, one of the largost boats In the ''e,"n ,ur,ifd oxrr lo hm- bp M- n!5 he trade, was forced to turn back 160 miles from bd Put 8 dpJ'ut'' ,n Tc It was his the harbor understanding, the sheriff said, that a ecr- . . tain creditor bad threatened to make trouble Mr, A oar of hanl. Ann. Bna nmvn WF laU,n , loreBtaI, Mrs. A. C. Troup of MS St, Mary't avenue"! hwh nosllle artIon Hc bH& npen 1(.d l9 has received a letter from her husbani. who, t.elieve. he added, that the firm would re was among the gold seekers who made thr , sumr business on Julv 10 und iht ih fin.n. trip from Seattle to Dutch harior on the unfortunate vessel, Santa Ana. Beside m cnuntering severe storm the vessel took f torn In thf. hnlrt onH fn. t f filir V, .'iw it fceemed that thr crew would ro b? a " to check the lames, v-h: b dam aged all the cargo und the tmggagc. When the Santa Ana arrived at Hutch harbor twenty vessels and 6,000 men were at oer 1100 per day. preparing to make the trip l0 Cape Nom. I The rtocW of the' company Is at present The Jennie and thr Alpha, the first two i owned ulmoxt entirely by Samuel A. Gamble, vessels to make the round trip to Cape; who came west as the manager of the eom Nome this season arrived in Dutch bty on : pany The business was purchased from tbeir return from the gold fields and brought the iiompuDy several jears ago by Gamble back six prospectors and about and Rlt'bards. the latter being "the head worth of gold dust. One Denver man tn the ' bookkeejier. Ijiter Mr Gamble acquired party had ,80,000. ' Mr Richards' equity and operated the busl- Lettcrs mailed on the Jennie and Alpha t ness himself The value of the stock as It are the ones that have been received ia appears on the books of Tax Commissioner Omaha within the last few da6. When the Fleming it JH.tyiO. This is supposed to be Santa Ana left Dutch harbor all the pro peetive gold seekers bad recovered frrm the seasickness suffered on the trip from Sea.tle and' were in high spirits on ccconnt of the excellent reports ot new anas nrougnt ny the Jennie and the Alpha. A Monster IrU I'lili Destroying Its victim is a type of con stipation. The power of this malady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But I Dr. King's New Lifs Pills are a rate ana ' certain cure- Beet in the world tor stem- j ach ller kidnej6 and owls. Only Sic, at j Kuhn Co.'s drug store. McI)o rll'n Condition Imprmri, Dr McDowell was not lnjurrd as seriously as was thourht at first His skuil was not fractured. tut there Is a concussion nnd the lower lawbone is -broken He withstood the ope'atlon ierformed -upon him Monday and there is now every indication ot recovery SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's FoDt-Ease, & powder. It cures painful, smarting, swollen feet and Ingrow ing nails, and instantly tnkes the sttng out of corn and bunions, lt'o the greatest comtort discovery ot the age. Allen s Foot Ease makes- tight or new shoes feel esy It Is a certain cure tor sweating, callous sjid hot. tired aching feet. Try it today'. 6old by all druggists and shoe stores. Br mail 2&c in stamp Trial package FREE. A.d dress. Alien S. Olmsted, LtP-oy X. V- When You Buy be sure tuid. set a Kimball. Thh. world reuowncd piano If- tukliit' tlif lt-ad In the I'uitfd Stater toda.r. Thlf In a fact when jdu consider that the sire and output of the Kimball factory If more than double that of any similar institu tion iu the world. These planoF are made in the very choicest of veueors. belue the most exjiensire procurable, and the lone und touch cannot 1 x celed or even equaled. They are full of the very latest modern ituirove ments and it would be time well Kjent if you will plve us a call and allow us to jiolut out all these fact to you. A. HOSPE, Mule Mi Art. 1613 Dh.ii. The Policeman On The Beat knows' a rod tblnp when he fee it uu I If you tvntit lo be us wise you've pol t- come to our store and see our new liu of misses' and children's strap slippert the Ideal hot weather shoe. We have them in three styles of buckle and bow to match color of liper black, tan ot patent calf mlssetf' slacs, HVtt to fl.-5 to fl.T.V-chlld's sizes, si.'j io 11. $l.(l to $l,.Vs-younp ladles slz-s. '2V to CL'U in t'l.W. Wc hare added h new Jlue of red strap paudnls in . to R fl.S,; fft, to 11, fl-Ta. They are UK correct thiue for summer. Drexel Shoe Co., ska.' CptWlat Cax Basst, 1419 FARNAJ STREET. - .... . .inr.r lUfl I Intri 1 AL bLUtd UUUKb Clofliluc Cum run; Mnkr Irmpornry AKsiKniurnt lo berlll rourr AVllI I'mlmWI; llnnuir xrtl llonb. The Continental Clothing company mads an kwsicumext of its suick of clolhlnc anl men's furnishing goods to Sheriff Power yesterday and the building has tieei closed b that official pending an adjust ment of the difficulty. A deputy has len placed in charge. Manager S. A Gamble WIUi rettent regarding the cause of atgn- ors of ,hp oompan ..w lbert. M d4fc,rc , ,rrrnbc lhr. a). w& hoM,lt. actton , uu OM nM particular?" -Not ' h fc d financial stringency a little further along. " . ... . ... iriiix.n "ki r i.n,rii,i The manugrr added that he eould not at JT 'v n u a V ,n " . ,7 j !C? , f .ln'riB rk h-d b"." ork 'on the siork for several days and that a - lJ iuu i. day afternoon. Mr Gamble rxpressrd con- cla embarrassmrnt would not prove vcrious. The assignment -of the Continental com pany was no surprise lo Omaha merchants, wbo had foreseen the iirobable outcome f-r level al montlis. The exiensUr alterations in thr show windows Interfered seriously with the business, the direct tailing off in i sales being estimated by one of the cdmnanv cne-thtrd of its real value. See that your hotel keeper has Cook's Inl perlal Extra Dry rhampagne on his menu. u has no superior CRUTCHES The best quality of maple crutch, per pair, $ 1 .50. CRUTCH TIPS 25c A Pair, Postage, Sc. The Aloe & Penfeld Company, iMMararityBraca Manufacturers. l-tOSta Mrsct. Oasaa.