THE OMAHA DAILY I'.KK: SAT 111 DAY, .IV 23, 1000. I 25c Neckwear 2k and 5c 10,000 Fans on Sale lO.tfO Fftm In almost eery known styls and -Mor, ;rifU'!li,g pliln and fancy palm lnf Fans. Hundreds -if Myles of plnln and fancy colored Jsosnesr l'ai.. worth up to !5c, to on bargain lointcr at lc, 2ic and 10c 1") A- tin b !. 8ummr .NVkwur, Ir M'jiJI' k rn.e ar.d si'k ti'jfTs Bilk nni plq..e ,',vr, h 'e a' J "ji-jfi-J wss'iuhle t:ts .L.BRAND&IS&SONS nd s'c K t olJara II BMIMI I 11 I fnar.y wjrih 2 2Jc and 5c - &,l In tvi. sale at .. 4 K&iHIIM MiJJJJJJJJJH 1JJJJJJJVB MMH June Millinery Clearance lot oni: IJvery hat Ji and $10, gain talk at , This is the Month for Suitors Hut we reduce thou) just t lie Kiunt, 2,000 Sallori, assorted rough an-1 fm-jith braHs, white or colors, marked to sell at 11.00 and 12.00, buy thetn Saturday iW3C for Ready-to-Wcar Hats Unlrlmmed Straw Shapes drapfl with llk very becoming anl flno brai ls and assort' d colore all new pretty- -marked lo eell at J" Hummer atyles valuej 12.00 and 13.00 -Saturday ,)C " 50 10 ,3 00 E at at Imported Flowers at 5c Bunch J. 200 bum-hen of Imported Howith, ineludlutf every variety mnntifnr'turod allies up to 51. SO per bunvli sill la one lot ut, per bunch Hosiery Sale Saturday 71jc duality misses' & childrons' s ftfwfy ,in0 in,ur'Ied fasl J. a . Li p&t&L Large bargain table piled high with ladles', children's and men's fast bluek and fancy U'L IIiuk full Krv-inilpRH. ululti (Inn rriliu'.i nnil r liuiii't; tiVt)mr1 tfrwr MV in this sale ut..... " X 2 &Ai5Vl&A Ladies full, refru ar made, fast black Hose, In plain utluuiH, worth saleut Ladies' imported French lisle thread Hose in plain blaok, fancy stripes and plulds, Rembrandt ribbed and opo n gj vork drop stltoh eflocts rogular price, 69c pair rin InthUaalo W Curtain Fixture Brass Extension Sash Cp Rods, worth 15c, go at-'" Fancy Brass Door "flffP and Sash Bods, each-lvu Largo Brass Extension Curtain Bods, with fancy corrugated ends, i Ein worth 50c, go at . . -l-vi Whlto Knamol Curtain roles, with fancy braas ends, worth 25c this buIo ut 7c Sale of Pictures Saturday On thousand idcture.s, famous sub jects ami cncry, worth I9r, f? on salo Saturday for .'...UC Two thousand pictures with lirasH frames with class, hIzl- kxll Thesu pictures uru reproductions ,of funioun palntlnBS worth 30c lr Halurduy aule price 1J Basement Notions Bargains All silk taffnta Hi-nm blndlntr, worth loo u bolt, only Z'4r Fancy Mulshing braid, s yards In a bolt, per holt. Stic. Heamluiis ntockliuit dn-ss shields, worth PC a pair, for Co. Lisle gurinr elastic, worth 15c a yd , 5c DOCTORS FAIL TO SHOW UP Cue A'tiaat Mrs. Mtrj M. Lin try ii Diiinlned by Judge Vinioahalcr. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS OUT IN FORCE Depuly County AHiirni')' nUn for ll I'lmllioui'l il, hli'li In Iti'iili-il Jerry MeilitulcU Aiiimitf TIiiin) rrt'Nfiit. The court room of Judgn Vlimnnhalor wn transformed yesterday Into a meeting place of Chrlstlnn Scientists. The proml tiont ailhereuts of tho doctrine were present In force to rendur their support to Mrs. Mary M. Lantry, on trial for pruci Icing md IcIik, without a license. Through iho sloth of tlm prosecution, however, tho enso did tint go to trial iinil the demonstrator wus dismissed. Mrs, I .an try. with an array of legul talent drawn from tlm mumliemhlp of her cult, ar rived early and wus fellow oil nt Intervals by other frlemls, until tho court room was filled. Tho defendant wus an elderly woman, with n kindly fuco und dignified carriage. She was subeily clad In Murk nnd had no appearance of being tho 'lllltorato and Ig norant person" named In tho complaint, ller supporters were mostly made up of women, who evinced tho liveliest Interest lu Iho proceedings, The Judge culled tho case of tho State agnlnst Mary M. Lantry for Illegal practice of medlclno In tho case of Jerry Sedgwick, who had suffered a niippnseil fracture of tho skull from a fall, nnd Deputy County Attor ney Thumuii icspoiitled. lit' suld that Dr. Crummer of tho Htatn Hoard of Health, who stood hack of tho proacdlng. had been un nhlo to aecuro tils principal witnesses, as two of them wcro out of the illy. Mr. Thomas, naked that tho enso bo put over. After n conference between Lyman W. Rlchurdsoii. Kllus Cobb, Judge Ilhilr and Dr. Cliudwii-k. for tho defense, tho former Insisted that the hearing occur at once. Mr. Rlchurdsoii pointed out that Mrs. Lantry hiul been tin dor arrest for ten days und that such nil In Horsford's Acid Phosphate A Great Tonic. It Invigorates and strengthens, re lieves nervousncBU and headache, and creates a gooo nppeuic. Of nuine lwir name lloMrcioi en wnpr Jj5.0 worth of M lllncry to be pla-ed on sals Ea'..rdy A tretnendo i" r tn .it be made to tloi out all tumncr Mi:ilncry before July lit Remember, everything la new and this Reason's syles. but this make r.o difference to u as our poil'y ig nevor to carry over Millinery ilock. Read the convincing prlcej quoted and then corae and participate In the griateit Millinery tale Omaha hat ever had. Trimmed Hats Divided into Two Lots marked JC. LOT TWO lilcgant and stylish lm poncd Pattern Hats marked to ifll at 12, US, go on bar. $2 HO and 25, go at $5 9c 5c b,ack ll0S0('ilk plaited. wnrl h lift t n rtti and drop btlteh and lace gj up to ,'i'jc pair In this I jC au-w Handkerchief Specials regular tip to 50c in tliis sale at I'lvo thousand unfrnmed matted pic turns, lze 15xJO, various subjerts, In cluding: tho hundaotueut landaoapvi and scenery 3o vuiuen lOc Passcnurtout. In varlou rinlshos. rite 1x9, cnnalstlng mostly of photograph ut famous men und women, worth 25o- speclul Halo 1ir prlcw IUW It U. Turkey Red marklnr cotton three carilx for one cent Tiger durnlng cotton live cards for two conts. Horn hair pins, each, Zc Mercerized crochut cotton, per ball, !'i cents, terval should nurely have hecn sufficient for the prosecution to ussemblo Its testimony, .Srtlicnlck Put In nil Aliprsraucr, At this Juncture a living testimonial for tho defense, Jerry Sedgwick, c.imo somewhat feebly Into the court room, Mr. Sedgwick's nppcarunco was In itself h trlhuto to tho curative ability of tho dotuonutrator. Tho wound, which wns supposed to have Inflicted an Injury to tho brain, was entirely healed and tho patient was apparently In tho robust health which he enjoyed during his term of service, as custodian of tho city hall. Mr. Sedgwick wan evidently exhausted by the long climb up the court house utcps und was cared for by his friends. When tho murmur following Mr. Sedg wick's arrival had subsided Judgo Vinson haler iiupilreil of tho deputy county attorney whether ho wished to mnko nny further showing. Mr. Thomas replied Hint ho had none to muUe and the Judgo dismissal tho ene. Ho snld that the time allowed had hecn sulllclent In hlu opinion fur the stato I board to present Its case or make somo ado- I putt, showing. I The members of her church gathered about ; Mrs. Lantry with their congratulations und the court room was cleared, the llrst case In the county against tho Christian Scient ists' d(gnm going by default. Dr. Chadwlck oxpicascd omo regret that no opportunity had been glvi n to the defense to outline Its position. He would cheerfully have gone on with the trial, ho said, as tho proposed line of art Ion hud been fully mupped nut. Nnno of Iho physli'lauu who have been most active In alnrtlng tho prosecution wor present. A Mounter l)i 11 KI11I1 llestroylng Its victim is a type o'f con stipation. Tho power of this malady Is folt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain, nut Dr. King's New Llfo Pills arc a safe anl I corlala cure. Ilrst lu tho world for stom ach, liver, kidney und bowels. Only 25c, at I Kuhn & Co 's drug store. SIXTH WAHDERS ARE PLEASED Nominee of the I'lillttilHplilii Conven tion Will Ho (ilven Their lleurty Supiiort, At a meeting of tho Sixth Ward Young Men's Republican club Thursday evening nt Its hcadmiurtoiH nt Twonty-fourih and Grant utreuu the following resolution waa unani mously and enthusiastically adopted: "Resolved, That tho members of tho Sixth Word Young Men's Republican club endorse Iho action of tho national convention at I'hlladelphla and plodgo their hearty sup port of tin, nominees, McKlnley and Roose velt," The club has elected b Us delegates to the Lincoln convention of tho League of Re publican Clubs Meters. Josoph Morrow, Howard Hnmmond, Robert Houghton. l J. Kelpln, Lymau Scarlo and G. W. Williams. Great Waist Sensation We had nearly enough shirt waist h lo supply every lady in Omaha fatturers of high grade Blilrt wutsU lu New York City offered us tui Immense lot buying thorn. T)!b lot enables us to Eell fashionable garrucuts u cheap that the way. Look at these prices and deddo If you can resist buying. 19c for 50c Shirt Waists In this lot you will find ex ceptlonally good quality zephyr gingham waists, band bomo patterns, new styles, now collars, French backs. Theso wulsts hrtvo never been sold for less than fiOc your choice while they lust 7 En or a - no wn0 19c Here is another value that will eaupe our competitorH to wonder hoir anythlnc of the kind can bo itucceasfully done. It Is all In the buying. Thcro are beautiful open work and lace lawn tftecli, alto India linen Shirt Walats fine tuiked. alilrred and corded Shirt Walata, trimmed with Insertion and lace, on h.iIr at Specials in Wash Skirts and Summer Dresses $6.50 Wash Skirts for $1.98 $3.00 and $3.50 Wash Skirts 95c 195 line sample waBh skirts made in nov. A big lot of dressy summer skirts in fine elty shapes nnd of fino FreDCh pique. Irish craih and washable materials, such as ducks, crashes, piques, etc., Imported ducks, all samples no two alike, CtJ -I f Q omo are Inlaid with fine Insertion, other aro f and made to sell for up to 40.50 7Q j Q braid trimmed and worth up to J3.C0 and $J.50 J for Saturday special r for Saturday- $10.00 White Lawp, Swiss and Dimity Summer Dresses $1.90 SI1 (TiO White lawn, dwiss and dimity dresses, some lace trimmed, some rO I 7 fj embroidery trimmed and others trimmed with narrow velvet ribbon, some raado with 1 vJ k Z. . W ,awn drop8kIrti worth up U, 810.00- Saturday V A S $2.00 Black Brocaded Skirts 69c On Basement) $7.50 Wash Suits $1.50 (In Basement.) A big lob of well made black brocaded This lot consists of odd pique, crash and skirts, cambric lined, Telveteen bound, (Pt. duck two piece suits, made In good styles tin g f worth $2.00 Saturduy at IPVU worth up to $7 50 Saturday at $luU Fine sheer handkerchiefs with lace cor ners and embroidered initials go in on bargain counter, at Large bargain couner with immense lots of ladies' ILne imported swiss embroider ed und lace, edged handkerchiefs in a great variety of styles and patterns,, worth 15c and 25c Big Watch SaleNow Is Time to Buy Men's watches, silverine caiea, screwed bevel ch. 81 bUu. toTTr back and Iront. warranted dust proof, with the celebrated jewels, warranted -j g American Waltbam movement, war- Qy -v r accurato tlmo 7r I Tj rantod and stainpol on movement, 15 353. vO keeper, salo prlco.. Jewels special sale price Lodliu' 0 slzn (Ladins Racine), a beau- Men's 10 size thin model 15K filled cases, Ms "lnaDdnd warranted 10 year., with g.O QQ with'is" wef swiB.Cjl EL QQ fine Jewlod Llglu movement fully war- rfj O . O movcment-speclnl jjCP t-J . Zs O ranted special sale price " - alevrlce.. .. The New Haven watch, the best time-piece tSi in tho world (or the money, a watch that keeps PS American, Wal- rrr f O perfect time mCl tham 15 jswol fa i . -J VI ?H sp eclal salo price movem t-price P A " SMYTH SAYS LAW IS VALID Injunction Prsosedinici Against Btati Board of Traniptrtation Being Heird. PRINTED SENATE JOURNAL INCORRECT Attorney (ienernl Produce Original Journal null Con It'll (In It Should I'rrrull Over the 1'rlutcil Copy, Tho hearing of tbn application for a tem porary Injunction against tho Hoard of Transportation was yesterday up beforo Judgo Munger of tho United States court. Tho attorney general thinks that ho ', has discovered enough lu tho law and tho nets of tho leglsluturo of 1887 to sot nt . naught the contentions of the attorneys of tho railroads to tho effect that the lnw fnlled j to pews under tho title which It now boars. Ho Htutes that ho has found that tho printed Journal of tho seuate Is not correct according to tho original Journal, which ho produced In court, and which he contends should prevail over tho printed copy. His argument to the court Is, In effect, that dur ing the thirteen yenrs slnco Its passage tho supremo court has recognized tho validity of the lnw by rondorlng declhlonB under It; that durlnc thu same time tho leglsluturo of the stato has recognized Its validity by amending It in threo Important partlculatu, Including tho section under which tho action was brought beforo tho board which theso proceedings seek to restrnln; and that dur ing th'ls time repeated efforts havo been made to lepeal the law, but havo failed. Ho then takes up tho decisions of tho su premo court In similar cnse.i and claims that tho conclusions were reached under the gen eriil rule of lnw and not under tho consti tutional or statutory provisions of tho state. "If, however," said tho attorney, "tho court hop's that ho must decide tho cuso under tho coiiHti.titlonal or statutory provisions, I hold, with Judgo Irvlno. that 'theso Journals nro not meant In after ycurs to Impeach tho solemn authentication provided for by the constitution.' This view Is sustained by tho ( Slipn IIIO I'Ulin ll! rirm Uh'OU.I. vum, ' the authentication of a hill Is made unim peachable proof of tho enactment of the law. If the general law rules, tho decision lu the case of Kleld against Clark must prevail. If tho decision Is lo bo rendered under tho rul ing of tho supremo court of tho stale. Judge Sullivan says in the ruse of tho State against 1'rank: 'Tho enrolled bill bears Ita own cre dentials. It bears about It legal evidence that It is a valid law nnd this evidence Is so cogent nnd convincing that It cunnnt ho overthiown by tho production of a legislative Journal that does not speak, but Is silent."' The attorney general contends that tho lawn and percalo Bhirt waiflts. ' ! I Corset Sale 5,000 slim mer cor sets, extra well made, best quali ty of summer netting, a 1 1 lengths and nlzest, recular price 70c, In this sale at 19c, 39c, 49c J history of tho present law shows that tho bill was amended In tho senate und that the amendment contained tho title which the law now bears; that tho amendment wus voted down, that when tho bill finally passed the senate It was under tho title It now hears; that the journul shows that tho tltlo of the hill was nmended, but 'foes not show what that amendment wnB. or by whom It was offered : that tho Journal of the houso shows that tho bill was Introduced by Its correct tltlq nnd does not show that It was over changed. That tho Journal of tho house does show that tho speaker certified that ho signed It under tho wrong title, but thnt tho enrolhr bill, which was signed by tho speaker, shows upon Its fact that that oOlcer was mistaken in his certlllcatc. On' the part of the railroads, tho attor neys produce tho printed Journal showing that tho bill Is referred to by tho defective tltlo at all times, and tlioy stand upon tlm printed record and the decisions In similar cases. Tho orlglnul bill, which under tho rules of practice euiinot bo used us evidence, shows upon Its faLO that It was amended In tho sonate and that It passed that body under tho tltlo tho law now hears. Court .NnlrM. Sheriff Power und Deputy Vlynn hnvo conducted two prlHoners to tho state tienl tciitlim. John tjShcM, two years for burglary, and II. W. Forward, one year for forerj. Hurry It. KIIIm Is seeking In Judgo Dick inson's court lu enjoin 11'. Shitpura und otherH from seeking to attneh his salary for a judgment of jw. isms nnius unit Ills sulary Is exempt under thu laws of tho state. Judge Hlubaugli has refused n now trial to J. M. Davis, who alleged t lint ln re ceived unions InJurleH In the eye while In tho employ of the (irunt I'nvlng company. DuvIh asked fur I.'.ooo and his claim was disallowed Nols MuthU'Knn l seeking a now trial In Judge lliixtern court In his eimn tuMlUfcl the Omaha Streot Hallway company. It was foimerly duelded bv Jury that he wan entltued to no ilamagis for injuries re ceived at Twentieth and Leavenworth streets. When tho preliminary examination of .1. !". Negreen, iharged with using canceled stumps for the transmission of letters through the mulls, was called beforo Com missioner Anderson Thursday afternoon, the defendant, who hail been released on his own i wounUance. failed lo appear Krlday morning an alius warrant was Issued for his arrest. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Person with Indigestion ure already half htarvcl. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what 5011 cat f.o tho body can be nourished whllu (he wornout organs are being reconstructed. It Is the only preparation known that wll Instantly rcllovc and completely cuio all sto'nuch trouble. It Is certain to do you good. N. N Shampoo cures dandruff. Saturday . but one of the largest manu- bo cheap that wo coiilil not resist crowd Saturday Is sure to come our for $2.00 Shirt Waists 50c In this lot you will find tho finest quality of Imported plngham, percalo nnd lawn Shirt 'Waists. Thesis wnlsts ore marked with tho nnme of tho shirt waist maker. nd he Is well novm to you nil. he Is well known to jou all. floor ut 98c, $1.25 and $1.50 Shirt Waists. In this Immense assortment on our sec ond floor you will llnd all high grade tailor made shirt waists. There Is hard ly anything Imaginable In shirt waists that you will not find on our second floor and at Just half regular price. 50c Ladies' $1.50 Kid Gloves 50c One bargain counter with thousands of pairs of ladies' fine imported, real French kid gloves made by the leading manufacturers of tho world In black, white, grays, modes,, e'o -some havo slight Imporfec- f tlonj, wor h regularly up to $1.60 pair fcVli In this aile at u 500 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed all silk mitts in black, white and tan worth 25c pair, iu this sale at. ALL HEAT RECORDS BROKEN Timperatnre Throughout th Northw at Thursday Was Without Precedont. THERMOMETER REGISTERS 108 AT HAVRE Minimum nt Omnlin Wiih lull 111 l)c- urci'N, but Hie Humidity of tlie Air .Made Hie Day P lii'cmilt e. If tho thermometer did not register as many degrees of temperaturo Thursday as It has dono beforo this spring tho nvurago citi zen of Omaha was ready to become an ag nostic cn thermometers In general, and thoso of Omuha In particular, for not In many years has there been such nn oppres3lvo heat us that of Juno 21. Hut even thoso who suffered In Omaha may thunk their fate that thoy were not In Montana, for up thoro the god of heat succeeded In breaking all records for tho month of Juno and in equalling his best record for any mouth iu any year since tho weather obsorvern began v.orli at I'"ort AsElniboino away back in tho "0s. The maximum temperature nt Omaha on Thursday was ;il degrees. At Huvro. In noill.iwestcrn Montunu, It was 10S. This extremely high tonipernturo prevailed all over tho west und northwest. At Miles City tho temperature was 10fi, at Helena, 101', nnd at Salt Luke, Wllllainn, S D V""d Junction, Colo., nnd Ll Paso, Tex., tho read ing of the thermometer i.unnt, ui . .i... hour showed 100 degrees Tho sensible heat at Omaha was, piobuhly, ns high as at any point in tho country hecuuso ut tho humidity. Tho warmest dny this year was Juno C, when tho temperature reached 01, but nn that day the pcrcentngo of humidity wns 28 against C9 for Thursday. Hut what has humidity got to tlo with if At tho local ofllco of the weather bureau there Is an Instrument for measuring tho power of tho ntmospheio to absjrb mois ture Air which will absorb no molsturo is iiald to pnssesa 100 per ceat humidity, and Iho difference between tho readings pf a thermometer exposed to tho nlr und ono whero tho bulb of'mcrcury Is plunged into water gives tho basis of ascertaining tho powor of the air to absorb. On a damp day thu perspiration, sensible and Insensible, Is not evaporated or absorbed by tho ulr, and thu scunlblo heat Is greater than upon a dry day with a higher temperature, (liven thu temperature of Havre with tho humid ity of Omaha yesterday and heat prostra tions would havo approximated a calamity. Onmhi's highest record of temperaturo was made July 2ti, 1591, when the mercury icacbud tho height of 100 degrees ou tho Umbrella & Parasol Specials $4.00 Silk Parasols for $1.49 500 plain and fancy Bilk Parasols, in all tho now and leading shades, em broidered, hemstitched nnd silk chif fon trimmed, worth up to 4.00 $1.49 go on bargain counter at Plain and fancy Silk Parasols, in a great variety QGp of styles, worth regular up to 2.50. go at z7 JJ Misses' mid children's Fancv Parasols in almost every style X.:!.'? He, 19c, 25c, 39c Ladies' and Gents' Silk Umbrellas Mig bargain in ladies' and gents' Silk Umbrellas extra well made, with paragon frame, good quality gloria silk, taffeta and fine and heavy silk scree- any styles of natural wood and fancy sterling trimmed hnndles umbrellnR worth up to 51.00 each so on bargain counter at 98c, $1.39, $1.69 and $1.98 Summer Underwear Sale Big Price Cuts for Saturday 100 dozen lino fancy ribbed lisle thread undervest, silk tanctl, handsomely crouhot trimmed nil stylos and all sizes H worth ud to 35o each B Ijl! in thlssalo Ladies' silk mercerized, fancy lace offoct and lino ribbed and open work " undorvosts In white, cream nnd fancy colors, regular prico 50c each, this sale. Misses', children's and boys' India gauze and balbrlpgan underwear, 4f 10c, 12jc nil sizes, worm joc in thU eale I 10c Big Ribbon Sale Saturday The only complete stock of wide and narrow velvet ribbons in Omaha. wM,thV,fPmIv vo,lvt..'lb,bon nt all Heavy satin back velvet ribbon In .Sit J T N- lnln VB0 S'' or tho t"13' nuallty. In nil widths, from unA'i&k :9 ' 3501 3301 Mc' 7501 Wc' &f, -Vo- - "P. ' yo"1- p''. "He 15C 19c. ana " s- 25c. Xx, 20c. c and 75c. General special offering In whlte.cream and black taffeta at vard. 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c. RIBBONS IN THE One 'biff counter of N'os. 5 and 7 fancy ana piain an ell It ribbon- ap- worm 10c yard, at '2' Grand special ofTorlne' of narrow ribbon. of plain and fancy narrow all silk ribbon thermometer, Tho highest record for June In 98, which was reached In 1881, 1890 and In 1897. Tho highest record at Kort Asslnl boino Is 103, which before Thursday wns reached in July, 1880. Yesterduy tho reports nro wed little re lief in the northwest, the reading nt 7 o'clock being from 70 to 72 degrees at the placeu named. The temperature was the sumo in Omaha ns ThursJuy morning, tut tho humidity was not so great and the nrth wind brought relief to tho people. All physlclnna agreo that wo drink too little water. All physicians ngreo that Col fax Water Is tho best for stomach and liver trouble. Gladstone Hros. nro agents. PREPARING FINAL LISTS L'eiiKUN (,'lcrl.n Aililliiiv N'i'iv nme to Those Alrrnily Itepurleil liy the llnumcrutom. The boys and bicycles loaned by the mer chants of tho city nro proving very effective, an census enumerators and Major Wheeler begins to bcc the end of the work In this city on tho population schedules. The work of tho boys Is verifying tho ro ports brought Into the olllco of the super visor and thero nro about a dozen wheel men carrying personal s:hcdulfA nnd a bunch of red memoranda over town calling j upon thoflo who wero missed. At tho nfllce. strictly shut off from tho public, tho clorks are listing and arranging the Information received and preparing data for verification by tho bicyclists. There aro two repotts1 for enuniorntnrs not yet closed, but thoy V In shape and names aro hclng added i each hour. Tho Washington officers are beginning to Pond's ivroArr A Uxd over half a century. H A.1 jTt m.M Refreshing and invigorat jmmmf inc. for the toilet or after sluviiie. Immediate relief to eyes irritated by wind or duit. As a Remedy, it controls pain, bleeding and inflammation. Used Internally and Externally CAUriON.-Wttch Hazel is NOT Pond's Extract, and cannot be used for it. Ordinary Witch Hazel is sold in bulk, diluted, easily turns sour, and generally contains " wood alcohol, " which is an irritant externally and, taken internally, is a deadly poison. Tond's extract Is sold ONL Y in SEALED bottles enclosed in buff wrapper. Pond s Kxtract Co., 76, Filth Ave., New VorV POND'S KXTRACT OINTMI'NT corn Itching or Bleeding Tiles, however severe, It ii a specific hi all skin diseases. & 19c HEADQUARTERS FOR Woodbury Facial Soap Facial Cream- prevents the akin wrinkling, crinkllnf and fading will not cause superflu Uhtw cures and prevents pimples, Ishes currs and prevents, pimple blackheads nnd eruptions will clear tho complexion and keep the skin young and fresh. WOODBUKY'S FACIAL SOAP. FACIAL CREAM. VIOLET POWDER AND DENTAL CREAM, rcg. price, 25c; our price 18c. Woodbury's Uair Tonic keeps the scalp'cleah and healthy, tho hair soft and fluffy prlco 49c drug dept. BASEMENT Ono blc lot of all ullk nlaln colored batln ribbon, worth 15c Sir, nt yard Ono big tablo of all kinds ut, yard, lc call for reports and the books can remain open but a short time. For this reason tho supervisor requests all persons to awht htm in securing names and can put a few moro wheelmen to work. BELLSTEU'S BAND CAN COME I'liiiiit mv t inier Wny to Knicnfsr It for u Series of I'ull Concerts. Tho commltteo to provide ways and means for the engagement of n great band for a Bcrles of concerts during September has been called by Chairman F. K. Sanborn to meet at 1 p. m. Saturday, Juno 23, nt the Commercial club to nrrango a plan of cam paign In raising tho necessary guarantee. D. H. nutler, F. H. Kennard, Fred Paffen rath, Kd Pickering, Julius Rosenzwelg nnd W. W. Umsted havo been added to tho com mittee. A messuge received from Louis Hallcnberg, manager of tho Delisted bund, says that tho band can coma during Sep tember, nnd It Is probable thnt it will bo thnt popular orgunizntlon that will bo secured. The promoters of this series of entertainments aro counting upon n con siderable financial profit and nre also dis cussing a proposition to uso the surplus as n nucleus for un auditorium fund. Cub If ,iic to Inland, ST. Hl.VACK. Mich., June 22.-A cable was successfully laid between this point nnd Mueklnne Island today bv tho Michigan Telephone company und speaking commu nication established with the Island for tho first time. Various cities east and west wero spoken with this afternoon Several of the company's ollleluls are here and will celebrate the day's event with a dinner at the Grand hotel. swrB 4 I