Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Dimecratio Wing of tbt Alllid Fotcsi
WtntiMori Offictf.
I.lnt nf Pnritillftt CnmllilnlPM (IrcMrlnit
I,omkt Kiit)' Hour ..limit One
lliimlrril .)lranlN Alrriiily In
MIkIiI. "ltli Mori- In I'ollou,
A uplrltcd rrnv Is browing In the fusion
ranks over tho distribution of the ollkis
when tho nominations at tho approach. n
thrco-rorntrod stnte convention shall b)
made. Since the supremacy of ftis.on In
state nffnlrs tho democrats havo conttnted
thertiRclvoa with hut ono of tho state ofllcei
out of eight, although tho populism claim
that their enterprising nllles hnvo always
gotten away with tho lion's eharo of tho
lucrative appointive ofllces under the state
This year the democratic loaders arc pre
paring to mako a bold stand for three
of tho oniccs. nnd will not, It Is Intlmu'.o'l.
listen to any suggestion of loss than two
Tho two for which they Intend to muke
their unalterable demand are attorney gen
eral nnd state treasurer, while there ais
democratic usplran's for the nominations for
state nudllor, roiiimlRMtnncr of public laud
nnd buildings anil Hccretary of sta'o. Tho
populhls of Douglas county do not yet ap
pear to havo learned of tho growth of
democratic ambition In regard to the dis
tribution, but II Is a matter of o.nm n
knowledge among democratic lcadeis that
nothing less than two of tho nominations
will go with them In making up tho fmlon
ticket. ,
Meantime the list of populist candidates
for positions on thn ticket grows hourly
larger and more formidable. It Is asserted
by well-posted fuslonlsts that more than a
hundred candidates want to fquoe.e Into
tho eight places. Kvery county Is a Icklng
up a populist lightning rn.l, nnd It Is be
coming evident that If the democrats suc
ceed In wresting from tho populists nomi
nations for nny of thn oinces now hold by
members of that party It will hive ac
complished something remarkable.
Tending the accomplishment of tho dis
tribution between the parties few aro will
ing to hazard n rucks nn to the prohablo
personnel of tho fusion, but James ('. DjIiI
man, who from hla long service as chair
man of tho state committor is doubtless
nbout ns well nuallllnl to form nn Intelli
gent and nccurato forecast, gives his vl'wj
ns follows:
"I think that V. A. I'oynter will be re
nominated for governor, W. 1). Oldham of
Kearnoy for attorney general, (?. A. l.ulkart
nf Norfolk for stato treasurer, K. A. Gil
bert for lleutennnt governor, Representative
C. Wheeler of Kurnas county for stato
auditor, J. A. Ileck of Hurt county for
superintendent of public Instruction. Hock
Is now tho deputy superintendent. A man
named Swoboda, ft liohcmlan of How
ard county, stnnds a good chance of belns
nominated for secretary of stato If It Is
not thought that he Is too near tho home of
Wheeler. All of these are populists except
Oldham nnd Lulknrt.
Anil Tlieri- Aro Oilier.
"Among tho many other men who are
being discussed us aspirants among the
populists aro Theodore (Irolss, county treas
urer of Clay county, who wants to bo Htntn
nudltor, l'eter Kbbcrson of Howard county
to bo stato treasurer; a populist
named Allen of Ilutlcr county to
bo commissioner of public lands anil build
ings; II. I). Kelly, a nowspapcr man of Fre
mont, Ib mentioned for auditor; Prof. An
derson of Howard and a man named Oliver
from Cars arc grooming to be superintendent
of public Instruction, and O. 0. Wecsncr,
ilopttty secretary of tate. Is mentioned as an
iisplrnnt for tho broganB of Secretary
"Among tho democrats frequently urged
for places on tho ticket In addition to those
I havo named aro Henry Schlotfoldt of
Orand Islund, spoken of for treasurer, and
nnother Ocrman of that placo, whoso name
Iibh slipped my memory, Is being pushed for
tho treasurcrBhlp; Nick Krltz of Pender
asplrea to be land commissioner, and J. C.
Hronnun of Omaha seems to want the same
place, while A. T. (Jatewood of Oothcnb;irg
In ft democratic possibility for secretary of
"Another prominent democrat declared:
Wo aro going to make a very strong play
for three places on tho ticket this year be
causo wo hellevo wo nre entitled to It and
that It will bring strength to tho ticket. I
expect to bco a hot fight over tho appor
tionment of tho nominations, but thero Is
no question that wo will get together after
the atrugglo and bo Just as harmonious as
lii'diliiiile of Toeliiilrnl .ilionl nmt
( Mi''liil A unit of (lovoriiiiii'Mt In
I in rxtlKiiti' Cotton Industry.
Omaha Is entertaining na Its guest M.
Harada, an intelligent Japanese, who Is vis
iting his friend. O. Tnkayama, located hero
slnco the exposition and pursuing his studies
at tho Omaha High school. Mr. Harada Is
a special agent of the Japanese government
sent here to Investigate and report on our
system of cotton Inspection. He Is a grad
uate of one of Japan's best tc&hnlcnl schools.
"I expect to visit a Ith my friend hero In
Omaha for two or three weeks," said Mr.
Karadn, "and then go south. I may stay In
New Orleans six or eight months to become
thoroughly familiar with tho cotton Indus
try. I studied Kngllsh under a private
teacher and understand It, but nm a little
bewildered by hearing everyone speak It ns
you do in America."
Mr. Takayatna and his guest went through
Tho Ileo establishment yesterday and wore
thoroughly enthused over the marvellous
proccseei. In newspaper making witnessed.
Paris Exposition Pictures, Part HI, now
ready. 10 cents and a coupon cut from The
Hue, page 2.
(yniniiKI Ic tinlon nml Kcntlvnl, I'll II
nileliililii. Til,
half hates.
Juno 15 to Id. Inclusive, tht? Baltimore &
Ohio Itallroad oompnny will sell excursion
tickets from nil local stations to Philadel
phia. Pa., at rato of one faro for the round
trip, account Oymnastlo Union nnd Festival
(Turnfest). Tickets will be good for return
until Juno :c. moo.
Stop-over not to exceed ten days within
limit of ticket allowed at Washington, I).
C, and Baltimore, Md.
For further Information call on or ad
dress nearest Baltimore & Ohio ticket agent
or H. N. Austin, general pasicngcr agent,
Chicago, III.
Ri.dy to Co-Opirate with Ak-9ii-Ben Got
trnori in Securing FavorabU Rita).
I'lirthcr $lrt to lie in ken to Assist
Muppr l"or AVIiooIrr III Olitnlii
llitf n l'u 1 1 mill Complete
' Census.
As tho
Principal WcHlcrn Ill-sorts
aro best reached
via tho
Union I'licHtr,
that line has mado
tho following
Spi'clnl n&oiirnlon Hilton,
Omaha to Denver and return, $19.00.
Omaha to Colorado Springs and return,
Omaha to Olonwood Springs nnd return,
Omnhn to Pueblo nnd return, $19.00,
Omaha to Ogden and return, $32.00,
Omaha to Salt I.alto and return, $32.00.
In effect Juno 21. July 7-8-0-10-18 and
August 2. Final return limit October 31,
Two Trains Dnllj- to
lleuvor unit Colorado I'nlnta.
Three Trnlim l)nll (o
Knit I. like I'll) mill I'tnli Point.
City Ticket Oillce, 1302 Farnnm street.
Telephone 316.
Vln ClilrAgn. Milwaukee A St. Pan I
llnll wiiy.
June 2, 3 and 4. Milwaukee and return,
Juno 14, 15, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and
return, $30.75.
June 25, 26 nnd 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Office, 1501 Farnnm street.
General Western Agent.
Mrs. Charlton F.dholm, nuthor nf that
startling book, "Traffic In fllrls." and Purity
evangelist of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union, will give a free lecture in
tho First Christian church Sunday evening,
Juno 21. Mrs. IMliolm comes fully endorsed
by such workers as Frances K. Wlllard,
Lady Henry Somerset and Anna (lordon.
Tho i-rcrotiiry of our own Young Women's
Chrlstlun utsoclatlon says of her: "1 havo
tho highest respect nnd admiration for her
as a Christian woman nnd effective worker."
All aro cordially invited to tho lecture.
rl"n Itotiuil Trip Ilatrv
On Juno 21. Julv 7. S. 9. 10 nml 18 nn,1
August 2, tho Illinois Central railroad will I
tcu tiCKcis, limited until October 31, as
follows'. I
St Paul, Minn., and return $12.i I
Minneapolis, Minn,, and return 12.65 i
uttluth, Minn., and return 16. 9i
Waseca, Minn., and return 10.35
Euperlor, Wis., and return 16.9S ,
West Superior, Wis., and return 16.95 i
nor run particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket office. No. 1402 Farnam strocc
The North western line
Half Fan
Charleston, 1. C,
many other
City OITlccs, 1401-3 Fnrnam St.
Cn in p Meeting
at Mountain Lake Park. Maryland,
Via tho Haltlmoro & Ohio Railroad.
On July r. to 16. Inclusive, tho Haltlmoro'
& Ohio Itallroad will sell low rate excurilon.
tlckotB to Mountain Lako Park, Md nc-'
count above occasion. I
Tickets will be good for return until July I
20, 1900. I
For further Information call cn or address'
nearest Haltlmoro & Ohio Ticket Agent, or
H. N. Austin, Oeneral Pamonger Agent,
Chicago, III.
Rates for the approaching Ak-Sar-Hen
festivities were discussed at tho regu
lar meeting of the executive commu
tes of tho Commercial club, and
the secretary was directed to notify tho
board of governors of AkiSar-Hen that the
club Is ready to co-operate with It In any
way possible In securing favorablo rates.
This action wna taken Incidental to a state
ment by Mr. Hospc of tho plan of tho music
committee of Ak-Sar-Hen to hold a meeting
Thursday noan at tho Commercial club, nt
which It hopes to meet nil Omaha citizens
who arc Interested In tho proposition to
securo Hcllstedt's band of Clnclnnntl for a
four weeks campaign of concert music in a
tent, to bo located In tho vacant block on
Capitol hill during tho Ak-Sar-Hen week
and three weeks prior theicto. At that
meeting plans will bo discussed looking to
tho mUniico sale of books of tickets of ad
mlfwlon to tho eoncerts and securing favor
able rales from tho railways. Chairman
Pickens said he hoped to sec a largo nnd
rcprcrentatlvo meeting with the music com
mittee on Thursday.
Various propositions woro suggested for
securing nn nccurato and complete census of
Omaha. Mr. Umsted of tho Commercial
club committee on census affairs reported
that tho club had furnished to several
hundred employers of Omaha blank slip
upon whleh they had sent In to tho super
visor of tho census something over 16,000
names. Ho said that Supervisor Wheeler
had stated that this was tho means of secur
ing many names that had In somo way boon
overlooked by tho enumerators. Tho possi
bility was also discussed of furnishing
tho supervisor with lists of tho 32,000 school
children of Omaha, as shown by tho school
census, and with also enabling him to chock
over the personal tax IWts, which, It was
said, contained not only lists of every houso
In tho city, but tho number of pcoplo found
In each.
A. J. Dockarty presented n plnn for the
publication of a book descriptive of Omaha,
but tho committee decided that It was not
tho province of tho club to endorse nny
such publication in advance.
I.croy Corliss, fj. I.. Barton, Henry Wind
helm. E. F. IIowo, T. F. Balfc. II. B. Cooper
nnd Cllnlon Miller were elected to member
ship In the club.
J. F. Carpenter, F. E. Sanborn and W. S.
Wright were mado a eommltteo to Investi
gate tho merlin of an Incubator Invented by
nn Omnhn man nnd consider tho possibility
of organizing n $10,000 stock company to
conduct Its manufacture.
A letter from Oeorgo II. Maxwell, the
Irrigation propagator, directing attention to
the appropriation by tho government of
$120,000 for preliminary surveys for tho
storago of waste waters for use In Irrigation
of government lands, conveyed Information
that Mr. Maxwell will bo In Omaha during
tho current month to start tho movement
to securo nn npproprlntlon of $3,000,000 or
$10,000,000 for tho construction of reservoirs
nt tho headwaters of tho Platto nnd nt other
points. Sccrotnry I'tt will try to havo him
present nt tho meeting of tho eommltteo
noxt Tuesdny,
Speelnl Ilnyllurlit Triiln
will leave Omaha 6:40 a. m. June 21, and
arrive In Colorado same evening. Take
this train and save exponso of sleeper. Law
excursion rates. Short line to Colo-ado1
Springs nnd Manltou. City ticket ofTlco
1323 Farnam street. j
Tho coolest plaees havo been selected for
the Working Girls' Vacation Contest trips.
Interest on city taxes treat and personal)
for year 1900, at tho rato of 1 per cent per
month, will bo charged on and aftor July
1st next.
Omnha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn
ings, canvas exdi, 11 and Harney, phone 881
CLARENDON Edith II., daughter of A. E,
nnd Marchi A. Clarendon, died Sunday
evcnlnr. Juno l"th. tit her home, corner
Park nvenuo nnd Dorcas street. Tho fu
neral was bold nt tho residence on Tues
day afternoon. Rev. Riley of St. Mathtas
otllpliitlng. The Interment was nt Forest
WITTIG-Wllhelmlna D.. wife of Edward
SI. Wlttlg, Juno IS,
Funeral will tako plneo from tho family
residence. S10 S. 21st, Wednesday afternoon
nt 1 o'clock. Intormont at Wnlnut Hill
cemetery. Council Bluffs. Council mutt's
papers please copy.
SteA IT LI FFK SI r, Samuel, Juno 16th, 19X.
lit S n. m. at 2512 S. 12th St., age 55 years!
Mineral Thursday morning. Particulars
OLSON Annie. Juno IS, 1900, nged 61 years,
10 months; wife of the bite Ole Olson.
Funeral from residence, 2507 Chicago St.,
at 2 p. m. Wednesday, June 20. Friends
Invited. Interment Forest Lawn.
The lluilnnii Illver j- nny nnnt.
Tho Lake Shoro Fast Mall No. 6, leaving
Chicago dally 8:30 a. in., with through
buffet sleeper. Is tho only train from Chi
cago making direct connection with the
Hudson River Day Lino boats from Al
bany, Tho Now England express Is the
only twonty-slx-hour train between Chi
cago nnd Boston. Leaves Chicago every
afternoon at 2. Tho Lako Shore Limited
is tho only twenty-four-hour train between
Chicago and New York, passing through tho
beautiful Mohawk Valley and along tho
banks of tho Hudson river by daylight.
Summer tourist tickets are now on silo.
B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A Kansas C.ty,
.Mo. F. SI, Byron, O. W. A., Chicago.
Tnwe the Wnlmsli
For Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands nnd all
tho summer resorts of the east. All agents
sell tlckois via tho Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or wrlto O. N. Clayton, Room 405
N. Y. L. Bide-
Milk Sterilizer
Tho Arnold steam sterilizer Is really the
only ono which has any special mor.t. It
Is fitted with seven graduated bottlej hold
ing olght ounces each. It Is mado of henvy
tin with copper bottom. It can bo hotted
on gas, oil, gasoline, alcohol or kitchen
stove. Its advantages over nny and all
other sterilizers aro too numorous to men
tion here. Prlco $3.00 each. Call for book
telling all about them,
Stierman&McGonnell DmgCo,
10th nnd Dodgo Streets, OMAHA, NEB.
"The Ovorlimit Route."
Tho only direct route to and from the
Paclflo coast.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Donver nnd Colorado points.
Two trains dnily to and from Omaha and
San Francisco nnd California points.
Three trains dally to and from Omaha and
Salt Lako City and Utah points.
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
Portland and North Pacific coast points,
with direct connections for Tncoma and
Buffet smoking ami library cars, with bar
ber shops and pleasant reading rooms.
Double drawing room palace Bleepers. Din
ing cars, meals a In carte. Ptntsch light.
City ticket ortlce, 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 310.
A Place to Spend the Summer,
On the lines of the SULWAUKEB RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin aro somo of the moat
beautiful plaiea in tho world to spend a
summer vacation camping out or at tho ele
gant summer hotels, Boating, fishing, beau
t tf til lake and strcaws and cool weathet.
These rcsorta are all easily reached from
Omaha. A book detcrlblng them may be
had upon application at the Chicago, .Mil
waukee & St. Paul By., city ticket offlc
1R0I Farnam street. Omaha Round trip
tickets, good returning until October 31,
now on imU. F, A, NASH,
General Western AjenU
HIE wmm
Burlington Reduced Rates
ChlwiRo and return, $12.75 june 25, 2( and 27
Kansas City and return. $3.80 . July 2, S und 4
Charleston, S. C nnd return, tK.K-July 2, 4, 6 and 7.
invr, ruebto, Colorado Springs
nnd return, JI9.1W..
Ulenwood Springs nnd return, jai.00.
Cltv nml
return, jk.oo
Hot Spring. 8. D., and return, $13.40.
CusUr, A. D. (Pylvan Lake),
ana return. JJ0.60
June 19 and 31.
July 3, 7.. J. .
19, 17 and 18.
August 2, 7
and 21.
Tlaket Ottloc,
1902 Farnam St,
Tel. 259.
Burlington Station,
1 0th and Mason Sis.
Tel. 118.
)Jtiiij nnn.T .hiiom s.vt.n contini'iis.
Snle Men', Women'., ( till. Iron's nml !
iitnntM' Simon nt llulf Prlco.
Tho bbIo of the Chicago wholesale shoo
stock still continues. It Is your golden op
portunity to buy desirable footwear.
This lot Include. ovory kind of shoo and
slipper worn by man, woman or child, every
color, size and stylo.
Tho departments on tho main floor and
In the bimement havo been transformed
Into calossal bargain counters.
Thc3c Include nil tho men's shoea of every
description In black nnd tan, all made for
thin season's wear, in tho very latest and
newest summer styles. In vlcl kid. Russia
calf, horse hldo and vclour calf, with the
finest (loodycar welt hoIcm. wortli frnm
$2 BO to $5.oo pair, each size on a bargain
sqtiaro of Its own, all nt ono price, only
WOMEN'S $1. $1.50 AND $5.00 SHOES. $2.f.O.
Indies' fine hand-turn shoes of Imported
and vlcl kid In black and tan with plain
and fancy facings nnd toppings, also tho
flncflt patent leather shoes. Thoy were made
to retail for $1.00, $4.50 nnd $5.00, on main
floor nt $2.50.
Ladlcfi' fine hand-turn and McKay sewed
shoe.1. mado to retail for up to $1.00. ln
oludlng almost every kind of shoe worn
today, every pair strictly up-to-date, all
sizes, on salo In basement at $1.59 pair.
On tho main floor and In tho basement
you will find an almost endltus variety of
now oxford thn In black, tan nnd patent
leather. Somo In original cases and others
on bargain squares. Tho cheaper gradm
arc on sale In tho lMseinont and the better
grades on sale on main floor. Every pair
will bo sold at about half ll value. Prices
rango from 89c to $3.50 pair.
Atlases', children' and infanta fancy
strap saadalH and slippers In blnck, tan anil
patent leather, most elegant hand turn
goods, go on sale on bargain square on
main floor at 59c, 75c. S9c and 98c pair.
Bo sure to attend this sale and derive Its
X. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Paris Exposition Pictures, Part III. now
ready. 10 cents nnd n coupon cut from Tho
Bee, page 2.
Write ado. Sell cuta. Print anythlnc.
Etonecypher, 1201 Howard ut. Tel. 1310.
Go Where You Please
When you go to your physician nnd ho
given you a proscription you aro very apt
to iisk him whero you shall have it Illicit.
If ho tells you to "Oo where you please."
then you are In the liand3 of a Gentleman
and a doctor.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 7-,e
Suro Death, for hues ale
Peru nu -,
Ilostettor'H Bitters " 7,v
1 dozen 2-graln Quinine Capsules 7o
I dozen 3-grutn Quinine Capsules nv
1 dozen 5-grnln Quinine Capsules 15o
Pnzo Pile Ointment 41),.
Pyramid Pile rurc n0
Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills.... $1
Wine of Cnrdul 7:,(.
Plnkbam'H Compound " 7,v
Wnrnor'H Safe euro :i)c
Palno'H Celery Compound 7,"e
Hood's Sarsnparilla 71e
S. 8. S , 75c
Car. lflth nnd Chicago titrcct.
Tho ONLY DIRECT ROUTE to and from
tho Pacific Coast.
lif! Per Cent lllnrount.
On nny refrigerator In our hotife. A car
load of tho celebrated North Star refrigera
tors Just received, and to move them quick,
we will allow 25 per cent discount from the
tegular prb-es. This will be the greatest re
frigerator solo of tho peasiMi. Just ut a time
when you need them, demonstrating thnt we
aro value glvcra on seasonable at
seasonable times. "Cork lllled" removable
Interior, a refrigerator that maintains tho
highest temperature, gurarantced by tho
manufacturer, also guaranteed by us. Our
entire furniture stock nt upeclal June clear
ance sale; off nny rofrlgcrntor lu the
$9.60 refrigerators go nt $7.13.
$10.50 refrigerators go at $7.88.
$12.50 refrigerators go at $9.3S.
$13.75 refrigerators go nt $10.31.
$16.50 refrigerators go nt $12.38.
$1S,50 refrigerators go at $13.88.
Don't miss thl great refrigerator sale.
I'npnrallelod offerings await you.
1411-1 116-1 US Doitglaa St.
Spirit In..
Quickly and conveniently reached via the
Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets
now on sale at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Far
nam street.
end Thursday
will bo tv?o memorial shoo
days for Omaha, on those two
days wo placo on sale .John
Foster', Pingreo & Smith's,
J. T. Ford's, Wright Peters'
and .lenness Miller's ladies'
fine footwear. Wo quote one
Foster's $5.00 Shoes.
Sale price
All others in proportion, the
world knows no better.
1515 Douglas.
Two tralnn dally to and from Omaha and
Denver and Colorado points. m
Two trains dally to and from Omaha and
San Francisco nnd California points.
Three trains dally to and from Omnha
and Salt Lako City and Utah potntx.
Two tralr.H dally to and from Omaha and
Portland und North Iticlflc coast points, with
direct counections for Tncoma nnd Seattle.
nuftet, smoking and library cars, with
barber hopn and reading rooms.
Doublo drawing room palace sleepers. Din
ing cars, meals a la carte. Iintsch light.
City Ticket Office, 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 31C.
It's better
than yours
CAMERA Is tho most up-to-date In
strument of Its kind. Holds as mauy
nn eighteen plates without reloading.
Call nnd sco this. It will plcjso you. g
PRICE $19.00
All other Kodaks and Cameras sult
ablo for holiday tcokera.
The Robert Dempster Go,,
1215 Farnam St.
lie vi-Inplnur nnd 1'rlntliiK.
UAVncy: Great Sale of
Big Shoe Stocks.
From The Itoclioslor Shoe Co., Trenton II. Keith, nml 1. X. WuillelRh ,fc Co.
Selling over 19,000 pairs of fine shoes pur
chased for cash at a big sacrifice from these
big manufacturers at less than the cost of
Nebraska Nuggets
You may dig through nil tho stores for
tho brightest and biggest bargains, but
our mine turns out tho choicest of the lot.
Men's Summer Suits
All wool serge fast colors correctly
tailored extra quality lining
at est styles- a nugget
of the first
Ladies' Wrappers
r0 dozen Wrappers made of lino
lawns and good standard percales
extra wide skirt and full over
the hips some have white yoke
and others aro nicoly trimmed
with lace and braid 7Cr
wrappers worth $l.'J,r) and (T
$ 1.50-for Wednesday... fi
: t?s tS5 tS
$8.09 Buntin
0 rraflS $3.50
On Wednesday wo will offer the greatest bar
gain in a strictly all wool standard bunting regula
tion United States Hag, size GxlO regular price $S
only $3. 50.
$1.00 Hammocks 45c
Wo have the hammock stock of Omaha.
Prices cut on all kinds for "Wednesday.
$1.00 Fine Laces 50c per dozen yards
C4rand lace sale Wednesday wash lacos.
1. 00 fine Val Lacos 50c per dozen yards.
80c fine Val Laces 39c per dozen yards.
60c fine Val Laces 25c per dozen yards.
40c fine Val Laces 15c per dozen yards.
25c Fine Net Top Laces 5c per yard.
50c fine Net Top Laces 7ic per yard.
$100 Ladies' fine Belts 25c
The greatest belt sale of tho season.
Eelts worth $1.25 for ('
Belts worth $1.00 for 'J
Bolts worth 50c for 1 1
All kinds, all ono price, all duud J
colors, all choico T
Child's fine $1.20 cjuality vici kid, strap
slippers, sizes 5 to 8, on sale at J. kJ
Misses' fine $1.50 quality vici kid, tan and Q&r
black strap slippers, sizes 11 to 2, at -Ov
Ladies' fine $1.50 vici kid, turn solo oxford
ties, sizes 3 to 7 in this sale at 37
Ladies' fine $2.00 and $2.50 vici kid, hand i Oy
turned sole oxford ties, all sizes at I
Ladies' fine $2.50 and $3.00 quality vici kid 1 O
lace shoos, in tan and black, all sizes at
Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 vici kid hand welt and A O
turn solo laco shoes, all sizes at .t-O
Misses' fine $1.75 and $2.00 vici kid single and 1
double solo lace shoes, sizes 11 to 2 at
Child's fine $1.50 and $1.75 vici kid laco shoes Qftn
in tan and black, sizes 8 to 12 at z Cj
) BSE i r
I teuntftlvtOiTAeasI
-JL-i -
I iiat I ricAf r
k Damp House
creates disease so doos a damp re
frigerator The
is absolutely dry, because it has a
positive (no-way clrciilfttluii of cold dry air,
proventing Uuiupncud und tho mixing of food
J, L. Barnett,
So. Omaha.
iJWUHIW W lummy Council Bluffs
! rMP Wenflworih
m- i
WMtiw Academy
i?, - - V j central Wet.
I lUSKiii ciovernnii'ntiiiir'rvuion, htMocominlilon.i In Kriulnntrt. I'ruporatloii for unlrrraKIri
'Jfl Mi?"l?!?:v!''. SANUF(inD SELLERS, M. A.. Supt., LEXINGTON, MO.
tsars rum BAUir.
Urlr.Xwttil K.tri llnlr ijouln.
f).rr. r'lb!. I.aillf. ait llrurilil
iir i iiii'iir.Mn.ii r..Mii,irm
A 10 Ui:i .el Hold latum. ,.ui
1 " fry tlurt. . mt j9,r iTufgitt r w4 it. i
KuUta Ull
.'.rr- I .nirniri .iinoniaii
1 1 " Keller fur l.u Jlf.." Ik l.ll.r. 6J rr.
' turn Mll. 1 u.Ottli Ti.unoiiUli.
ttlf,) 4'hleiir.trp'lirnit 'tl f'n.,
.llHl. il4lua (Hits I'UiL l'J
mam w . -ir
- aw jruur uyi n
HIRES Rootbeer
will contribiim more to It than
L.V ! CuHnilH tnr ..r.i.
tt- .!.. . ' .
L ...... ...... ylHm, ,,
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