Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Rev. MicAjeil Pleadi for tba Austerity
Embodied in Oahiniim.
IIokI. of CnMlnlNiii l Otf UocoKtiKloii
of tlir SowtHkiiI- f '"' imil H
Ih OihhinpiI lo WoiIiIIIhi'hi
mill Mutrrlullxiu.
(Itcv. Howard S. MncAycal, ormcrly of
tho I'lymoiitli CoimrcKntlonal church of this
city, occupied tho pulpit of the Central
United Presbyterian church yesterday morn
ing. Mr. MacAycal now has a pastorate In
St. L'.uIh nnd has boon In Omaha to con
duct tho inarrlaRo ceremony of two of his
former parishioner. A number who were
otico members of Mr. MacAyeat'fi congrega
tion wero present yesterday morning.
Mr. MacAycal's discourse was a pica for
tho more auetere but none- the lcm vital
portion of Christianity embodied In Calvin
ism. That principle, ho said, In firmly op
posed to tho great evils which Imperil Chris
tianity today and makes up the hauls of
nineteen of tho twenty-six creedn. "There
Is a storm cIobo ahead for the Christian
church," continued Mr. MaoAyeal, "and the
principal danger lies In tho fact that Its
members uro lit many cases complaining
agalimt tho i,trlctncf of tho Calvlnlsttc
creed. Tho Methodist church has lost 20.000
members within the lnt year and In one
third of tho l'resbyterlan churches of the
country thero lvo been no accessions by
confifislmi In that time. Tho rennon for thin
lies In tho revolt against tho restrictions to
personal liberty Imposed by the doctrines
which tho Calvltilsts establlHhed by tho
shedding of their blood. That creed, Uko
every other which has lived on, hns been
wrought out In tho whlto heat of conflict,
however, and no man can alt down In cold
blood nnd write a substitute.
"Tho basis of Calvinism Is tho recognition
of the sovereignty of Cod und the principle
Is therefore opposed to the worldllnets nnd
materialism Into which the modern civilized
man Is drifting. Life Is coming to be a
mad struggle for tho honors and emolu
ments which this world has to offer without
thought of a future! In the words of the
great agncstlc men believe that 'one world
Is enough nt a time.' Then there Is tho
Bplrlt of skepticism which Is threatening the
fabric of the Christian church. Kvon pro
fcsslng Christians are using tho words 'I
think' Instead of 'Thus salth tho Lord. The
principles behind Calvinism inut bo the
rallying cry to which all must respond who
wish to preserve the fnlth of their fathers."
i.Mi'oitT.vxcu or siMiirriAi. i.iri:.
while tho people of tho earth had probably
reached the zenith of science, literature, art
and architecture before the Christian era,
It was not until after Christ came that they
began to develop In morality and expand 'In
spiritual grace.
If Ih Tim I AVIilrli Kcepx Man In Touch
Willi lioil.
Itov. J. A. Montelth preached his first ser
mon ns pastor of tho I'ark Avenue United
rresbytcrlan church Sunday morning. Mr.
Montelth comes from Cedar Haplds, la.,
whero has has had charge of a church for
tho last fifteen years. Ills theme wns "Jesus
Christ and lllm Crucified," tho text being
1 Corinthians 2:2. IIo said:
"Fifteen years ago May 15 I announced
this text as my motto nnd this text I again
announce today. At that time I was look
ing forward to I knew not what, and today
I am looking forward to what I cannot toll.
"I will notice first that which stands first
tho supremo Inpartanco of tho spiritual
life. Unless wo realize this wo can have no
conception of Jesus Christ and Him cruel
fled. Tho spiritual llfo la tho life which
lives close to Ood, which keeps In touch
with the spirit of Ood. I bellevo most pro
foundly In tho personality of tho unseen.
Tho spirit of Ood Is everywhere present
tho bible tenches this. It Is exceedingly dif
ficult for tho man of tho world to realize the
actuality of tho spirit of Ood nnd tho real
ity of tho presence of Ood, but when onco
taken Into the knowledge of tho truth It
has a great Inlluenco upon human life.
"Wo do not llko to think of And. Tho
carnal mind Is not subject to Ood, a3 tho
sinful man Is living npart from God. To
trace this wc must go back to tho time of
tho Oarden of Kdcn; thero man had no diffi
culty In realizing tho presence of Ood. How
Ood revealed himself to man In that day I
do not know, but ho did make His presonco
known. I bellevo that wero wo not In sin
tho most natural thought of every man and
every woman would bo of Ood nnd His
presonco would bo the mcst real. Sin has
separated man nnd Ood. Man Is tho same as
before tho fall. Ho has tho same physical
nature, and It Is fed tho same way; ho lias
tho samo mental nature nnd It Is developed
tho Game way; ho has the b.uho spiritual na
ture, but it Is not fed today us It was then.
Man's spiritual nature has no access to Its
natural food. Man does not know what his
spiritual im t uro needs, but he realizes It
needs something. Tho spiritual uaturo of
man must be fed by Ood's presence. In
Jesus Christ and Him crucified wo II ml this
"With llio crucifixion of Christ God has
opened up a fountain near nt hand In this
worln. whero tho soul mny drink nnd be sat
Ifcflud. For this purpose n pcoplo was raised
up nnd for fifteen centuries God watched
over them and led them, so that In tho full
new of tlmo from the midst of that pcoplo
tho fountain should flow. Tho wages of sin
Is death. In tho tomb Christ deposited tho
debt which you nnd 1 nro owing. Ho
burled In tho depths of Ood's forgiveness our
sins. This Is tho fountain which wns
opened tho complete ntonemcnt. Through
Jesus Christ sinful Bonis find nccess to God's
presence. I cannot understand how Jesus
Christ cancelled my debt, but Ho Invites mo
to come, nnd I take my Savior at His word.
Around tho croFS of Christ Is tho life of tho
Christian. If religion la worth anything It
Is worth something In this life. It la prac
tical Christianity I desire to preach. Some
one hns said that Calvin announced no new
doctrine, but that ho made the doctrino of
AugUHtlne wnlk tho streets of Geneva. I
would have tho gcupel of Jesua Christ wall:
tho streets of Omaha."
I.IkIiI of Truth Klliiiliinfrn ISrlf.
Itov. Otorgo W, C. Smith of Adrian,
Mich., preached yesterday morning at tho
Free Methodist church, Kleventh street nnd
Lincoln avenue. "Howbelt, when He, the
spirit of truth, Is come Ho will guUo you
Into all truths," was the text chosen. His
sermon wns earnest and eloquent and dealt
with the exact naluro of God and tho va
rious ways In which tho divine spirit makoj
Itself felt by mall.
Tho words of tho text wero uttered by
Christ when Ho was about to leavo Pal
estine. He felt that Ills efforts must not
bo confined to nny ono locality and Ho ex
plained to His followers that Ho wan- but
tho forerunner of Owl, who would come
Into their lives and work a complete
"When Christ called God tho spirit of
truth," said llov. Smith, "Ho referred to
Him as tho author and maker of truth, the
ono person In whom nil truth rests, the
embodiment of nil truth. Spirit is not
used in tho senso of some ethereal being,
but In tho sense of a person with nil tho
attributes of man, together with tho at
tributes of Ood.
"The nppcarnncc of this omnipotent per
son, this person of truth, In tho llfo of n
man means eternal happiness. Tho Hgnt
of truth onco thrown on a mnn s soul
eliminates all that Is evil and prepares tho
soul for n realization of tho Ideal IntcnJe.l
for It."
Many Btrango manifestations of truth to
. . . . . . i . . .. i
man wero related uy mo prencner. uj
may appear to man In church or may show
him tho straight nnd narrow way wnuo
ho Is groping In sin. In God thero Is rest
nnd penco lind when mnn finds his Savior
ho nchleves a victory over nil that is uase
nnd prepares for himself a life of perfect
I'rrxli) try to Meet.
There will bo a meeting of tho 1'resbytery
of Omaha of tho United l'resbyterlan church
at South Omaha Monday evening. At tins
meeting the date will bo set for tho In
stallation of Hcv. J. A. Montelth ns pas
tor of tho I'ark Avcnuo United I'rcJby-
terlan church.
A I'rliifer fJrcutly Hiirirlpil.
"I never was so much surprised In my
llfo," says Henry T. Crcok, pros3mnn of tho
Ashcvillc (N. C.) Gazette, "as I was w:th
tho results of using Chamberlain's Pain
Halm. I contracted n scvero case of rheu
matism early last winter by getting my f ot
wet. I tried Bevcral things for It without
benefit. Ono day while looking over tho
Gazette, I noticed that Pain Ua'm was posi
tively guaranteed to cure rheumatism, fco
bought ft 23-cent bottlo of It. nnd befo o
using two-thirds of It my rheumalLsm had
taken Its flight nnd I have not had a rheu
matic pain since." Pain Halm nlsa cures
sprains, deep-seated and muscular pains.
The ('mil Dcnlcru' Kxcui-nIou
To Colorado via Tho Hock Island Itouto
Juno 21st to 27th, 1900, Its for all coal men.
their families and friends. Those who de
sire to visit Denver, Colorado Springs, Mnnl
tou and Pueblo, nnd see the Ixyop, Pike's
Peak, Oarden of tho Oods nnd tho Innumer
able other sights at theso points at a very
low cost, should arrange Immediately for
borths nnd tickets with tho undersigned or
nt the city ticket olllco ot tho Hock Island
Iloutu nt 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, or 10
Pearl St., Co. Illuffs. This special train can
be taken nt Co. IUuffs, or Omaha, Lincoln,
Falrbury or Heellcvllle, Kansas. The round
trip can be made by this train at an expense
approximating 3.".00 per person for railroad
fare, sleeping accommodations and meals.
TicketB good to return with tho excursion
or any other regular trnln up to Oct. .list.
Train leaves Co. Illuffs 5:30 p. m. nnd Omaha
5:45 p. m. Juno 21, 11)00.
Thoso desiring to nccompany this excur
sion should remit $0.00 Immediately to se
cure sleeping accommodations for the entire
trip. A full berth will bo assigned to each
-101) Drown Illock,
Omaha, Neb.
Thoso who havo fancied that Omaha was
to bo numbered among tho cities lu which a
production of "Sapho" would not bo wit
nessed havo been doomed to disappointment.
For tho celebrated play was given Its Initial
presentation at tho Trocadero yesterday
afternoon beforo an nudlcnco which was
neither largo nor representative.
Moreover, those who visited tho theater
on that occasion In the hopo of seeing some
thing salacious wero also disappointed. As
presented yesterday, thero was absolutely
nothing In tho piece to offend. Compared
with "Cnmlllc," which It resembles both In
plot nnd story, It Is as mild as a sucking
dove. Set It besldu "Carmen" and It Is as
Innocuous ns lamb's milk. Its moral tono Is
qutto as high as that of "Tho Moth nnd tho
Flamo" or "Tho Crust of Society," or a half
dozen others which could bo named, nnd
which nro witnessed nnd applauded by pco
plo of whoso respectability thero can bo no
question. Tho stalrcaso scene over which n
certain New York yellow journal throw fits
until It finally Bank Into a stnte of exhaus
tion has been eliminated. Possibly the play
has been emasculated In other particulars.
If bo, much tho better. As a matter ot fact,
thero nro many worso plays than "Sapho"
now beforo the public. Thero nro some
strong situations, some bright lines nnd (t
few passages that nrc strongly reminiscent
ot tho poetical nature of Alphonso Daudet,
the author of tho book. Sentiments are ex
pressed that nro lofty and couched In lan
guage that ts rhasto and elegant. There aro
other expressions which add nothing to tho
forco of the dialogue, and which, whllo not
perhaps vulgar, would be better eliminated.
Tho company Is weak and somo of tho
members are most decidedly nmateurlsh.
Lylllan Atwood, who csmiyn tho role of Fanny
LaOrande, Is easily at the head of the fc
malo contingent nnd her efforts to mako the
most of her part nro commendable. That
sho does not wholly succeed Is duo to tho
fact that sho has not learned tho art of hus
banding her reservo forco nnd to tho fur
ther fact that she lacked adequate support.
Ervln lllunkhnll was tho Jean Gasstu ot tho
plcco nnd did fairly well. Oraco Valals was
quite effective as Ireno Uauchereau. As for
the others, It were kinder to pass them over
In silence.
Sfemorlnl RvprclnrR for Denil Members
of Woodmen of World Held nt
Ilntinrnnt I'ark.
Tho Woodmen of tho World of Omnha held
memorial exercises nt Ilnnscora park yes
torday afternoon and. dedicated n monument
to tho memory of tho members of tho ordor
who aro burled in Omaha. All tho cloven
Omaha camps nssomblcd nt Woodmnn hall,
Sixteenth nnd Capitol nvenue, nt 2 o'clock
yesterday nftcrnoon nnd marched to tho
park. At tho head of tho procession wns
tho Woodmen of the World band. Next in
lino wns a carriage containing John L. Web
ster, tbo chief orator of the day; C. C.
Wright, J. T. Yates nnd Dr. A. I). Cloyd.
Officers of the different lodges followed In
carriages nnd 200 members ot tho order on
foot brought up tho rear of tho procession.
Tho lino of march wns west on Farnam to
Twenty-fourth, south to Leavenworth street,
west to Park avenue nnd south to Hnnscoin
Tho exercises nt tho park wero held near
the new monument, which Is situated closo
to tho lake. Tho ritualistic ceremony of tho
order wns varied by an address by John L.
Webster nnd tho reading of tho poem, "Why
Should the Spirit of Mortal Ho Proud?" by
C. C. Wright. Mr. Webster paid high
tribute to tho fraternal spirit which prompts
men to remember their departed brothers by
erecting monuments to their memory.
"Tin- HiirKomnNler"
CHICAGO, III., Juno 17. "Tho Burgo
master," an original musical comedy by
Frank Plxley and Gustav Ludcrs, both of
Chicago, received Its Initial production to
night at the Dearborn theater before an
overflowing nudience and scored nn emphnHc
success. The piece hus a prologue and two
acts and the stnge settings, which nro elab
orate, show New Amsterdam In 1CC0, Uroad-
way, Manhattan llcach, Madison Square
Garden, Randolph Btreet, Chicago, and tho
Court of Honor nt the World's Fair. Tho
musical numbers nro particularly bright nnd
catchy, tho comedy Is brisk nnd tho story
rather more consistent than Is usual In such
plays. Individual hits wero made by Wil
Mam Norrls, Delia Stacy, Knox Wilson, Ada
Dcaves, Charles Allison, Pattl Louise Itosa,
William ltllcy Hatch, Hessle Miller and Josephine-
Newman. Fine chorus work wus a
feature of the production, which employs
sixty people. Nearly every number was en
tliuslaetlcally encored. It Is tho first of a
series of summer productions contemplated
by the Dearborn management. "The llurgo
master" will inaugurato Its regular season
In New York In September.
Special Viieiitloii Itulrx
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and re
turn, $19.00.
Olenweoil Springs and return, $31.00.
Salt Lake City, Ogden and return, $32.00.
On June 19 and 21, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and
18, August 2, 7 and 21.
Tho Hock Island Itouto Is tho short lino
to Colorado Springs nnd Manltou and the
only lino running through trains from
Omnha to Donver, Colorado SpilngJ and
Speclnl trains will leavo Omaha at 6:40
a. m. June 21, July 10 and 18 nnd August 2,
arriving In Colorado the same day, making
tho trip In daylight, thus saving expense of
For further Information call at city ticket
office, 1323 Farnam street.
CSyiiimiMtle Dillon unit IVntlvnl, I It 1 1
ndelihlii, I'll.
via nALTi.Morti: & omo railroad.
Juno 15 to 19, inclusive, the Ualtimorc &
Ohio Hnllruad company will sell excursion
tickets from all local stations to Phllndcl
phla, Pa., at rato of ono fare for the round
trip, account Gymnastic Union nnd Festival
(Turnfest). Tickets will be good for return
until Juno 2C, 1900.
Stop-over not to exceed ten days within
limit of ticket allowed nt Washington, D.
C, and Baltimore, Md.
For 'further Information call on or nd
dress nearest Daltlmoro & Ohio tlckot agent
or I). N. Austin, general passenger agent.
Chicago, 111.
Nuinliers Appropriate to (he Srnciii nt
I'irNt Medio. IInI Church.
A program of sacred music was the spo
clal featuro of services at tho First Meth
odist church Sunday morning, each number
ot which wit npprnprlato to tho season of
growing grain and opening buds. Tho choir
snug n hymn, "And Ood Said Let tho Earth
llrlng Forth," nnd n chant, "Venlto." For
tho offertory tho Inimitable Jules Lumbard
rendered with all his old-tlmo vigor and
power tho recitative and aria from tho
"Creation," by Haydn, entitled "With Olnry
Clad." This music abounds in oxquislto
crescendo nnd climax effects, Mr. Thomas
J. Kelly, organist and choirmaster, played
tho preludo to "The Deluge."
Tho sermon, by Rev. Mattleon Wilbur
Chase, pastor, was In keeping with tho spirit
of tho song scrvlco and tho season. The
text was from Psalms 72:6: "IIo shall como
down llko rain upon tho mown grass, as
showers that water the earth."
"During my trip down the Pacific coast,"
snld tho pastor, "I was Impressed by the
vast deserts In southern California. Thero
Is a broad domain, of which the soil pos
sesses all tho Ingrcdleuts of fertility, yet It
Is a barren waste a wilderness upon which
nn nreen thlnir grows-elmply because no
rnln falls upon It. It seems to mo that the
counterpart of this sterile region Is often
seen In tho human character. Wo como
across men of excellent parts, generously en
dowed with talent, energy and judgment,
vet who exert very little Influence for good
In tho world becauso thoy refuse to open Buportor, Wis., and roturn 16.9S
tholr souls to rccclvo God's blessed showers i West Suporlor, Wis., and return 16.95
of truth." l'or (u'l Ptrtlculnrs call at Illinois Central
Tho pastor then went on to show that, city ticket office, No, H02 Farnam street.
The Hudson II Ivor Tiy Ony Itonl
Tho Lake Shoro Fast Mall No. 6, leaving
Chicago dally 8:30 a. m., with through
buffet sleeper, Is tho only train from Chi
cago making direct connection wth tho
Hudson River Day Lino boats from Al
bany. Tho New Knglnnd cxprcsj Is tho
only twenty-six-hour train botween Chi
cago and lloston. Leaves Chicago every
afternoon at 2. Tho Lako Shoro Limited
Is tho only twenty-four-hour train between
Chicago and New York, pausing through the
beautiful Mohawk Valley nnd along the
banks of tho Hudson river by daylight,
Summer tourist tickets aro now on Bale,
II. P. Humphroy, T. P. A., Kansas City,
Mo. F. M. Hyron. G. W. A., Chicago.
The .NorllnvcHliTii I.lne
Half Fare
Charleston, 9. C,
many other
City Omccs, 1401-3 Farnam St.
r lie n It on ml Trio Hate.
On Juno 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10 and 18, And
August 2, tho Illinois Central railroad will
seu tickets, limited until October 31,
St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.6$
Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12.65
lluluth, Minn., and roturn 16.91
Waseca, Minn., and roturn 10.S5
The T.vnewllcr Invention.
A ptatlstlclan has proved that the Invcn
tlon of the typewriter hns given employment
to 500,000 people, but h falls to state, hov.
many casea of weak stomachs and dyspepsia
It has Induced. All people of sedentary oc'
cupatlon need Hostetter's Stomach Hitters.
It helps nature to bear the strain which
ensues from confinement and It Is n won
derful ircdlclnc. No one realizes this more
keenly than the man or woman who has
been cured of stomnch trouble by Its use.
a. II. .TnckHon fltnbn l)n Born
Disturbs the SIckIii nt tho
Pollen Atnttnn.
Your Summer Outing;,
Now Is tho time to consider this question
and tho Northwestern lino submits the fol
lowing for your information:
Special excursion rates, with limit Octo
ber 31st.
On salo June 21; July 7, 8, 9, 10, 18. .
Rato one fare, plus $2.00.
To Kasota,
St. Paul,
Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St,
Via Chlenito. Milwaukee A St. Pnnl
Juno 2, 3 and 4, Mllwaukeo and return.
Juno 14, 15, 16 and 17, Philadelphia and
return, $30.7!..
Juno 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return,
City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam street.
General Western Agent.
Spirit l.uur, In,.
Quickly and conveniently reached via tho
Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets
now on salo at city ticket office, 1402 Far
nam street.
Wrlto nets. Sell cuts. Print anything,
Stonecyphcr, 1201 Howard ot. Tel. 1310.
After tho exciting events of nn unusually
busy day tho onjco fore at tlje police sta
tion wero cnjoylns tho customary quiet of
a Sunday afternoon, when they wore startled
to hear a terrlflo crash of glass. Looking
across tho street they saw a negro running
north on Eleventh Btreet, who bad evi
dently Jumped through a widow of tho Dlk
horn Valley house. Chaso wns given and
tho negro captured at Davenport street. In
tho mcantlmo other officers had entered the
house, whero they found that tho clerk,
nen Horn, had been murderously assaulted
with a knife,
Tho negro, who gavo tho name of G. II.
Jackson, had a dlsputo with Horn about a
trivial matter ten days ago, and It had not
been scttle-d to his satisfaction. Ho entered
tho hotel ofllco nbout 3:30 and resumed the
quarrel. Horn ordered him to leave and he
refused to go. Jackson pulled a knife and
cut Horn six times nbout tho head and face.
Nono of tho wounds nro deep and they nre
not considered dangerous. Tho Injured
man was attended by Pollco Surgeon Ames.
Jnckson wno charged with cutting with In
tent to kill.
Your Summer Ouflnir.
Now Is tho tlmo to consider this question
and tho Northwestern Hue submits the fol
lowing for your Information:
Speclnl excursion rates, with limit October
On salo Juno 19, 21; July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10,
17, 18.
Rato ono fare, plus $2.00.
To Hot Springs,
Rapid City,
Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St.
Superintendent of tho public shool build
ings In Omaha, says:
"I liavo been troubled with my kidneys
and liver for nbout three years. I havo
tried different remedies nnd have also con
sulted several doctor?, but of no nvnll un
til ono day I read of CRAMER'S KIDNEY
CURE and of tho many who have been
cured by Its use. and so decided to try It.
After taking It for a certain length of tlmo
I enn happily say that I no longer suffer
from nny of theso troubles. That I urn
cured many of my friends know, for they
heard me complaining for years, und thnt
ful medicine is only giving It the credit It
deserves, nnd I freely recommend It to all
who suiter from kidney und liver discuses.
ItcKiilnr Price If 1.(10. Our Cut Price 7.".c
Cor. lUth mid Chlcuico Street.
A Place to Spend the u miner.
On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL
WAY In Wisconsin nro somo of tho most
beautiful pla-eH In the world to spend a
summer vacation camping out or at the ele
gant summer hotels, Hoatlng, llshlng, beau
tiful lakes nnd streatns and cool wcathci.
Theso rcsort3 nro all easily reached from
Omaha. A book describing them may bo
had upon application at tho Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul Uy., city ticket offlco
1501 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip
tickets, good returning until October 31,
now on sale. F. A. NASH,
General Western Agent.
Till. e the WnluiMi
For Nlagaia Falls, Thousand Inlands nnd all
tho Bummer resorts of tho east. All ngents
sell tickets via tho Wabash. Ask for them
or call on or wrlto O. N. Clayton, Room 405
N. Y. L. Hide.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, nirn-
Ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phone 881
and Refreshes
You can mako flvo gallons of root beer
with ono bcttlo of
Vermont Root Beer.
This is concontrated extract of tho ROOTS
In Its effects nnd trifling in cost. Wo Bell
tho 25c bottlos for 14c. It purifies your
blood nnd refreshes.
Wo sell nil kinds of ginger n!o, phosphates
and mineral water.
Sherman & McGonnel I DrugCo,
Corner Kith ami Undue.
5 PlcTOf
Hcturn S 10.00
SPRINGS and Return
SPRINGS nnd Return....
Return $10.00
Roturn $32.00
und Return $32.00
In effect Juno 21, July 7-8-9-10-18 and
Auk. 3. Final return limit October 31, 1900.
City Ticket Oftlce, 1302 Farnam St,
Telephone Sl.
Burlington Seduced Rates
Chicago nnd return, 112. 75 june 23, 2(1 nnd 27
Kansas City and return, $o.S0 July 2. 3 and 4
Charleston, S. C and return, tZG.Kr July 2, 4, 5 und 7.
Denver, I'uehlo, Colornuo Springs
nnd return, $19.00
Glonwood Springs nnd return, $31.00...
0den, Halt Lako City and
return, $32.00
Hot Springs. S. D.. nnd return, J1S.40.
Custer, 8. D. (Sylvan Lake),
und return, iM.lM
Tlckst Olllco,
1 502 Farnam St,
" loi. ou. i ci. iao. j
Juno 19 nnd 21.
July 3, 7. 8. 9.
10, 17 nnd 18.
August 2, 7
and 21.
Burlington Station,
1 0th and Mason Sts
Tel. 128.
You can get your money's worth by keeping your eye on Hay
den's daily "ads."
UAVflEy' Three Big
HAY UCnS Shoe Stocks
Over 19,000 Pairs on Sale
Monday at the Big Store
Over 19,000 pairs of fine oxfords and shoes secured for spot
cash, from the Rochester Shoe Co., P. W. Wadleigh & Co., and
Preston B. Keith, go on sale at less than the cost of making.
These shoes were made for other dealers and as their orders
were cancelled and the season was late, the manufacturers sac
rificed them to us.
Child's fine $125 kid strap slippers, sizes 8 to 11, on sale at 73c
Misses' fne $J50 kid strap, turn sole slippers, black and tan,sizes
12 to 2, at 97c.
Ladies' fine $1.50, kid, turn sole, oxford ties, sizes 3 to 7, at 98c.
Ladies' fine $2.00 and $2.25 oxford ties and strap slippers, sizes
2 1-2 to 6, on sale at $1.23.
Ladies' fine $3.00 and $3.50 vici kid shoes, in tan or blacks, sizes
2 1-2 to 7, widths A to E,at $1.87.
Boys' fine $1.75 and $2.00 calif and tan goat, lace shoes, sizes 2
to 5 1-2. in this sale at $1.23.
Youth's fine $1.50 satin calf and tan kid face shoes, sizes 9 to
13, on sale at 98c
Men's fine $2.50 and $3.00 satin calf and tan box calf shoes,
sizes 6 to 11, at $1.46.
Shoe Trouble
To brood over tho past Is to
misspend tho present and to Joopar
di.o tho future.
If you've been paying too much
for your shoes, stop it. Como to
Tbo Nebraska. Shoo service here iB
beyond worry. We do all tho
fretting ourselves. If a Bboe does.
n't give good service, wo
make it right.
SsWiS I" IH"
in a complete line
with or without
vesting tops, coin
toe, ovory pair
in all kid, made
with extension or
medium solo,guar
anlee with every
in tan, with or
without vesting
tops, nicely made,
comfortable yot
stylish, all sizes.
lidim 4Sa
You Can Get Your .Money's Worth by UoailliiR
IluyJon's daily nils.
S Department
The Best Savings Bank in
the United States.
There is not a store in the country better equipped to
fill the wants of rich and poor alike than tho big store, and
at a sure saving of money. All Omaha knows this by actual
experience. Come and lot us prove it to you again Monday,
or any day this week.
Men's Pants Offers
You may select a stylish pair of trousers, in all sizes up lo 50
waist Wo can safely assure a saving of $'2 to 3 over ordinary
prices if you come hero Monday, or any day I fj C
this week, special at $1.50, $2.50 and kJkJ
Men's and children's hot weather clothing, at less than half
wholesale prices.
Men's 2.50 crash suits for 95c
Men's $1.50 crash pants at 50c
Boys' washable sailor and double breasted suits 1 OS
, 1 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 95c and
Too Many Young Men's Suits,
In order to move thorn quick, wo will place on sale, young (
men's stylish summer suits, worth irom tf'J. 00 to rj Cfl
$15, at $5 and
$10 Men's Fine Suits at $4.75.
Men's $22.50 and $25 finest ready-tailored suits, made and,
lit equal to $50 made-to-order garments, 15.00
Men's fine coats and pants, como single and A 50
double breastod, on salo for
Shun a Firetrap.
How much would It cost you lo replace- your lwoUs mid papers If tha
Bholl of a liullrllnj.' In which your olllco Ih nhould burn toulRlit? How
much Inconvenience and anuo.vnnco would It cost you? Isn't It worth
while to know that llio cannot reach you? An ofllco In
The Bee Building
Is the best Insurance policy. The entire fifth floor will he vacated by tho
Army Headquarters and this Is an opixirtunlty which you do not often
But. ' Wo havo rooms from ten dollars per month up.
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
ISaThe Best Cooks
in the Country recognize the
superiority ot
M -"(Mure
, ' Oolite.
iV' onJ every vnrlrlyol mude dlliei,
(ftdZ. tX&&rrtUi it mot InvaluaMe.
Joiim I)ln.n'sSon, Agents, iiiw Yok,
Tor flame, filtaks, Roasti, Soups,
X X I 1 I 1 X
t So
At XrA&t it does not
seem so when there ia
HIRES Rooibaer
oa hmiid. It ketpt jour blood ccot nt
Sour Imptc evn. A !S c icko
kMS ksIIom. Wilt fur Hit of premium
offered free for 1uLU.
Not onco Mi a
luiiuln'il tlmea
(loon Antl'Kuwf fall
lo cure a cold. It'u
Ho your (IruijKlat. lie Delia It.
Cure Oor.orrhocn, Gleet, unnatural dl
charges III a taw day. All drureUts, accept
only Docuta, by mall Jl.W. full illreotlon.
Dick 6 Co.. 133 Centru St.. New York.