24 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ,1UXE 17, 11)00. WOULD BENEFIT RAILROADS faustument of Oltj Property Would Ex empt Thorn from Tintion. 8ACKETT STANDS UP FOK PRESENT PLAN Cash Vnlm- if l'roirr(y linn in lie A vcrtiilnnl llcfore Any 1'nrt of It tun lie Tnld'n nn n Haul of 'iiixutloii. "Tax Commissioner Flemlug's plan of re imosslng ull the property of tho city at Its actual cash valuo will exempt the railroads almost entirely from taxation. The higusr the percentage of valuation upon which the city levies, tho smaller the levy It. Inu valuation of tho railroad property in Omaha Is fixed by the Stnte Hoard of Equalization. It 1b Impossible for the city authorities to make any change In the assessed valuation of such railroad property. The rcsjlt Is that a decrease In the levy benellts the railroads to tho detriment of other tax payers of the city." Such Is the opinion of Kred J. Sackott, nsolHtant city compti oiler, who was tax ommleslonor for two terms and Is as fa miliar with the situation as any man In Omaha. Mr. Sackett was tax commissioner nt the time of the reasaessment of value? In 1897 for the tnxes of 1S9S. At that tlmo Ihe percentage of valuation upon which taxes woro levied was Increased for tho purpose of prcontlng the bonded Indebted ness of the city from exceeding the limit provided by law. "The reasswKment of 1898 cut the rail road taxes in two," Mr. Sackett explained, "but It was necessary to niako tho change nt that tlmo to protect tho credit of the city. Previous to that time tho ratlroajs paid about $9,00u taxes upon tho property in this city arflefiaed by tho State Hoard of Equalization. Since 1898 thu taxes paid on this samo property have been about $1,600. lAn increase of the assessed valuation of the property of tho city to Its actual valua tion would mean a reduction of the levy to nbout ono-thlrd of what It Ih nt present ii nd a consequent reduction of the amount jpald by tho railroads to $1,500." When naked what benefit such a re assessment would confer upon tho taxpay ers of tho city, Mr. Sackett said that ho did not think an attempt at arnoislng tho property nt its actual valuation could bring nbout any moro equal distribution of taxes than was accomplished by nswsing the property at one-third of its actual valua tion. "It I necessary to inquire tho actual cash valuation of property before !t is possible to assess It at 33 per cent, 40 per cent, or any other per cent of Its cash valuation, and tho method used formerly was certainly as Kood an can bo devised. There will always bo some Inequalities," said Mr. Sackott. In the opinion of Mr. Sackott It would he Impossible- for three or four men to re iwsrHS tho proporty of tho city as planned liy Mr. Fleming, nnd ho believes that such n plan would fall and compel tho comm's rlonor to summon a largo co.ps of nsilstants to bis assistance. Tlir Cnnl Denier' Kxctirnlnn To Colorado via Tho Rock Island Route Junn 21st to 27th, ljno, Is for all coal men, their families and friends. Thoso who de Blro to visit Denver. Colorado Springs, Manl-1 ton and Pueblo, nnd seo the Loop, Pike's I'onk, Oarden of the (lods and the Innumer- 1 cihln nthrr mIctMr nt. thnttn nnlntu nt n vp-rv I Jow cost, should arrange immediately for berths and tickets with the undersigned or at tho city ticket office of tho Rock Island Iloutoi at 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, or 16 D'earl St., Co. Bluffs. This special train can Ibe taken nt Co. Bluffs, or Omaha, Lincoln, Falrbury or Beellovllle, Kansas. The round drill can be made by this train nt nn expense npproxltnatlng $35.00 per person for railroad fare, sleeping accommodations and meals. Tickets good to return with the excursion i or any other regular train up to Oct. 31st. Train leaves Co. Bluffs 5:30 p. m. nnd Omaha D:45 p. m. Juno 21, 1900. Thoso desiring to accompany this excur sion should remit $6.00 immediately to se cure sleeping accommodations for tho entire trip. A full berth will bo assigned to each (person. Address FRED II. COSOROVE, Secretary, 409 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. ftprelnl Vncnllon ltutea Via ROCK ISLAND 110UTB. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and re turn. $19.00. Olcnwood Springs and return, $31,00. Bait Lako City, Ogdn and return, $32.00. On June 19 and 21, July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and J8, August 2, 7 nnd 21. Tho Rock Island Routo Is tho short lino io Colorado Springs nnd Manltou and the only lino running through trains from Omaha to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Special trains will leave. Omaha nt 6:40 n. m. June 21, July 10 and 18 and August 2, arriving In Colorado the samo day, making tbo trip lu daylight, thus saving expense of I c1flflnri I For further Information call at city ticket Ifflce, 1823 Farnam street. Your Summer OiiMiik. Now Is tho time to consider this question nnd the Northwestern lino submits the fol lowing for your information: Special excursion rates, with limit Octo ber 81st On sale Juno 21; July 7, 8, 9, 10, 18. Jlato one faro, plus $2.00, To Kasota, Waseca, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Superior. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Your Sum m it Outline. Now is tho tlmo to consider this question suirt tho Northwestern lino submits tho fol lowing for your information: Special excursion rates, with limit October 61st. On sale Juno 19, 21; July 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, IS. Rato ono fnre, plus $2.00. To Hot Springs, Rapid City, Dead wood, Casper. Ticket OfTlco, 1 101 Farnam St. A Cliiuine nt l.niiKtlon. Mr. It. A. Dlttman lias Just purchased from Frank T. Vost tho Iingilon Hotel at Langdon, JIo. This Is MlFsouri's famous Ashing rwort, and with the Improvements ho contemplates inaklnR thero is but little ques tion that he will securo a largo patronage from Omaha, Ho extends an Invitation to all old patrons, ns well ns new, to stop with him when thoy go to Langdon. lAmiinil Soelul of Holy Finally Cliureli. ThU very popular event takes plnce on Thursday evening, Juuu 21st, on the church lawn at ISth and Izard. It will surpass nil previous socials and koep up the reputation of the Holy Family church for leadership In this Hold. A splen did program Ih being arranged and tho oven ing will bo one of pleasure and entortaln oneot. I Huberman, Jeweler, est. 1S66 ; absolutely r.'ll&bto; low'knt prices guaranteed, U&Doug. Omaha Trnt and Awning Co., tents, awn Dgf canvas eoodi, 11 aud Harney, phone tSt LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE fire Deportment OIiIIkoiI in MnUo Two rttiiiK TlirniiKli the Itnln lilttlc IliiiiiiiKc Done. Two buildings wcro struck by lightning during tho storm yesterday, and In each caso a fire alarm was turned In, but the damage was only nominal. Tho llrst report was from 2533 South Tenth street. A one-story frame dwelling owned and occupied by Alex Hodges was struck by nn electric bolt, and In an Instant tho roof was In Homes. Haiti was falling In torrents nt the time, how ever, and thla, supplemented by tho efforts of tho family, kept the blaze In check until tho flru department arrived. At 1:30 tho department was notified of a fire on William street, between Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streets. A one-story frame dwelling had been struck by lightning, hut the Arc was quenched in tho sheets of rain and when tho hose cart nnd engine arrived all danger had parsed. :xt:uitsio iiaths Vln Chlcngo. Mllwntilirc A. St. I'll ill Hull vn . Juno 2. 3 and 4, Milwaukee and return, 116.73. June 14, IS, IS and IT, Philadelphia and return, $30.71. June 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return, $12.7.'. City Ticket Office, 1S04 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. ( y in ii ii h 1 1 f t'nloii nml KcMlvnl, 1 It 1 1 mlcliililn, I'll. ! HALF HATES. j VIA BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. June 15 to 19. Inclusive, the Baltimore & ' Ohio Railroad company will sell excursion ticket from all local stations to I'hiladcl- 1 phla, I'a., at rate of one fare for tho round trip, account Oymnnstlo Union nnd Festival tTurnfest). TIcketH will bo good for return , until June 26, 1900. Stop-over not to exceed ten days within limit of ticket allowed at Washington, D. i C, nnd Baltimore, Md. , For further information call on or ad dress nearest Baltimore & Ohio ticket agent or n. N. Austin, gonerul passenger agent, Chicago, III. "The tMerlntii! ttflilte," The only direct route to and from the ' Pacific coast. i Two trains dnlly to and from Omaha nnd Denver and Colorado points. Two trains daily to nnd from Omaha and . San Frnnel3co and California points. ' Three trains dally to nnd from Omaha nnd Rait Lako City and Utah points. Two trains dally to and from Omaha and Portland nnd North Pacific coast points, with direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle. Buffet wmoklng and library earn, with bar- bcr shops aud pleasant reading rooms. Double drawing room palace sleepers. Din ing cars, meals a la carte. Plntsch light. City ticket office, 1302 Farnam St. Tel. 316. The lfnilmiii Itlver liy liny limit. The Lako Shore Fast Mall No. 6, leaving Chicago dnlly 8:30 n. m., with through buffet sleeper, Ih the only train from Chi- cago making direct connection with tha i Hudson River Day Line boats from Al- I bany. The New England cxpresj Is tho 1 only twenty-six-hour train between Chi cago and Boston. Leaves Chlcigo every ' aftornoon nt 2. Tho Lako Shore Limited is tho only twenty-four-hour train between Chicago nnd New York, passing through tho beautiful Mohawk Vnlloy and nlong tbo banks of the Hudson river by daylight. Summer tourist tickets are now nn Kile. B. P. Humphrey, T. P. A., Kansas C.ty. Mo. F. M. Byron. O. W. A., Chicago. MID R0ADEKS STANDING PAT Will Pot Dp n Full Slnte TleUol nml illnke (,'oiixri'lniiiil ."toinl intlotiH. Omaha mid-road populists claim that their party will not only have n eomplcto state ticket In tho field this year, but they will hnvo congressional nominations In every district, nnd In many Instances full county tickets, their expressed determina tion being in this wny to maintain tho identity of the populist party nnd preserve It for future usefulness when tho fusion wing Bhnll havo seen the futility of demo cratic affiliation and want to get back to populist first principles. Hp Ih All Itlnlit. C. C. Green, who Is selling cut rate cou pon contracts for our studio, Is our legal agent nnd his coupons nra all rlcht. Under tho now nianngcment the standard j or worn in tnis studio has been raised until It now occupies a place second to none In the city. Our easy, graceful posing Is the ad miration of nil. Call and investigate us. At Tho Matzen Studio, 1406 Farnam St. 0. W. Hutchlngs, proprietor, lato owner of the Murlllo Studio, St. Louis. A I'luce to Spemt tin- Summer. On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin are somo of the most beautiful plaies In tho world to spend a summer vacation camping out or at the ele gant summer hotels, Boating, fishing, beau tiful lako and streams aud cool wenthei. Thesa resorts are all easily reached from Omaha. A book describing them may be had upon application at the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Hy., city ticket office 1501 Farnam street. Omaha. Round trip tickrts, good returning until October 31, now on salo. F. A. NASH, .General Western Agent. The irtli veterii I.lne EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. Half Faro Philadelphia, Chicago, Charleston, S. C, Cincinnati and many other points. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. City Offices, 1401-3 Farnam St. "lie!! lldiiinl Trip llnte On Juno 21, July 7, S, 9, 10 and 18, nnd August 2, tbo Illinois Central railroad will U tickets, limited until October 31, as follows '. St. Paul, Minn., and return Minneapolis, Minn., and return 12. 65 Duluth, Minn., and return lG.Ob Waseca, Minn,, and return 10.35 Superior, Wis., and return 16.9S J West Superior, Wis., and return 16.95 for full particulars call at Illinois Central city ticket ofllce, No, 1402 Farnam street. Ileyn'n Free Sonveulr Continued. i Juno 7 to July 7 wo present fice a "now process' water color photo, handsomely matted, with each now dozen platlno cabl- , nets or larger photos. Hcyn, tho Photog raphor, 313-317 South Fifteenth, , Wrlto aaa. Sell cut. Print anything. Etonecjphcr, 1201 Howard nt. Tel. 1310. Fidelity Oil Co. Oil and gasoline delivered to any part of tho city. Tel, P98. Dlank book and magazine binding. A. L Itoot, 414-416 South 12th St. Dr. Gertrude Cuscaden,171B Dodge. Tel. 496, Douglas Printing Co., 160S Howard. Tel. 841 ' A. D. T. messengers. Tel. 177. Chicago laundry. Telephone 205. Dyball's candy. Tho coolest places havo been selected for the Working Girls' Vacation Contest trips. THEY'RE OFF TO COLORADO Omahins Rather L!ka Burlington's Low Ei cn!on RUos, BURLINGTON ROUTE REDUCED RATES I.imv lii Price, II lull In (Iriulr Are .Summer Trips to tin- Slt.er liinil of A tin-r I en Vln (lie IlurlliiKton It lite. If you ar contemplating n visit to Colo rado tho Burlington's Colorado book a handsome publication of "i pages, with 7." Illi'Htratlons will give you much vnluablo Information about tho various resort. It 1& free on application. I A request by postal card or telephone will bring nn agent of tho Burlington Route to your home. Ho will be pleased to nsnlst you In arranging your trip. RED LETTER DAYS. Here are tho date3 and the rates of tho Burlington's ohetp excursions to Colorado and Utah from Omaha. Juno 19 and 21; July 3, 7, S, 0, 10, 17 and 18: Auguit 2, 7 nnd 21. Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Sprlnsu and re tutrn, $19. (llrnwood Springs nnd return, $31. Osden. Salt Lake City and return, $32. Tickets good to return until October 31, tho longoit return limit ever made for tickets sold at eo low n rate. THE DIRECT ROUTE. The Burlington Is tho bhortcit line to Denver, and Its trains run on tlmo. The Denver Limited leaves the Burlington Station, Omaha, nt l:2."i p. m. dally, nrrlv Ing In Denver nt 7:10 a. m. tho next dav. Tho equipment Includes free reclining chnlr cars, craches. Pullman .sleeping cars nnd din ing car In tho dining car you pay only for what you get, and you get only what is good. Tho moalu are well cooked and ad mirably nerved. The nnpery Is exquisitely clean, nnd from the llowers that adorn tho tablo bouquets are presented to tho patrons after each meal. TO THE BLACK HILLS. On June 19 and 21; July 3, 7, 8. P. 10. 17 and IS; August 2, 7 nnd 21, tho Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, S. I)., for $18.10, and to CiiHtcr, S. D., (Syl van Lako) for $20.C0. Literature le.crlptlvo of these and other polntH in tho Black Hills furnished on re quest. TICKETS, 1D02 FARNAM ST. TnUe the WhIihhji For Nlagaia Falls, Thousand Islands and all tho summer resorts of tho east. All ngents sell tickets via tho Wabash. Afk for them or call on or wrlto G. N. Clayton, Room 405 N. Y. L. Bids. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnotlc physician, has moved his offlce to 709 North 16th street, room 13, Special at tentlon to all long standing or lingering dis eases aud to diseases of women and children. SPECIAL OMAHA to DIJNVER nnd Return $15).0() OMAHA to COLORADO SPRINGS ami Return.. OMAHA to GLIJNWOOD SPRINGS ami Return.. OMAHA to PUEHLO and Return OMAHA to OGDHN and $10.00 $!U.00 $10.00 $:t'2.oo Return $;t; OMAHA to SALT LAKE nnd Return $.12.00 In effeet June 21. July 7-S-9-10-1S nnd Aug. 2. Final letuni limit October 31, 1000. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO DENVER and COLORADO POINTS. TURKU TRAINS DAILY TO SALT LAKE CITY and UTAH POINTS, City Ticket Ofllre. 1.102 Farnam St. Telephone 316. EXCURSION RATES VIA You can get your money's worth by keeping your eye on Hay den's daily "ads." See page 13. HAYDENs T Shoe Stocks Over 19,900 Pairs on Sale Monday at the Big Store Over 19,000 pairs of fine oxfords and shoes secured for spot cash, from the Rochester Shoe Co., P. W. Wadleigh & Co., and Preston B. Keith, go on sale at less than the cost of making. I hese shoes were made for other dealers and as their orders were cancelled and the season was late, the manufacturers sac rificed them to us. Child's fine $1.25 kid strap slippers, sizes 8 to JJ, on sale at 73c Misses' fne $1.50 kid strap, turn sole slippers, black and tan,sizes 12 to 2, at 97c. Ladies' fine $1.50, kid, turn sole, oxford ties, sizes 3 to 7, at 98c. Ladies' fine $2.00 and $2.25 oxford ties and strap slippers, sizes 2 1-2 to 6, on sale at $1.23. Ladies' fine $3.00 and $3.50 vici kid shoes, in tan or blacks, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, widths A to E,at $1.87. Boys' fine $1.75 and $2.00 calf and tan goat, lace shoes, sizes 2 to 5 1-2, in this sale at $1.23. Youth's fine $1.50 satin calf and tan kid lace shoes, sizes 9 to 13, on sale at 98c Men's fine $2.50 and $3.00 satin calf and tan box calf shoes, sizes 6 to 11, at $1.46. HAYDEN BROS. ItKIM IIMCAX XATIO.VAI. Ct V KNTIOX. I'lilliulelnlilii. Pn.. Half Union Tin lint 1 1 more ,fc Olilu It. II. For tho above occasion tho Baltlmoro & Ohio Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia, Pa., and return at rate of one faro for round trip. On this ba sis tho Excursion rate from Chicago will be $18.00. Tickets will be Bold June lith to ISth, Inclusive, good for re turn until June 26th. Stopover nllowcd nt Washington, D. C. nnd Baltimore, Md.. within tho limit, not to exceed ten days. City Ticket Office 211 Clark St.; Depot Grand Central Passenger Station, corner 6th Avenue and Harrison SI., Chicago. For further Information address H. N. Austin, O. P. A., 010 Fisher Building. Chicago, III. .Spirit V.nKc, In.. Quickly and conveniently reached via tha Illinois Central railroad, nound trip ticket now on salo at city ticket office, U02 Far nam street. Interest on city taxes (real and personal) for year IPm), at tho rate of 1 per cent per month, will bu charged on and after July 1st next. Oenulre Imported B. B. Pilsner beer on draught at Kd Mnuter's. 13C0 Far. mm ct. Superintendent of tho public shool build Ings In Omaha, says "I have been troubled with my kidneys nnd liver for ulxiut three years. I have tried different remedies nnd have also con sulted several doetors, but of no avail un til ono day 1 read of CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURB and of the munr who liiivc been fined by its use, and ho decided to try It. After taking It for a certain length of tlmo 1 can han:d!y say that I no longer suffer from nny of these troubles. That I am euted many of my friends know, for they heard me complaining for yearH, nnd that CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE a wonder ful medicine Is only giving it the credit It deserve!", and I freelv recommend it to nil who suffer from Kidney nnd liver diseases. Mi-Kiilnr I'rlee (f I.OO. Our fill 1'rlee T.-.u SGHAEFER CUT KV.isr. Cor. l(Jih ami Chlcmro SlreeU. $, j, j .t ,).? j 5j s i t 'i' Q Wo can't all ride In carriages, f Y I'A I.AC II CAIIS J' a co to nmioi'i: . on i'i.av tioi.K t r . Hut fate cannot prevent the can- s . lions man front owning a cood, :. : reliable piece of hose, from which i he can et Just ns much fun as tho next man. , riHST-CI.ASS IIOSH Not ehenp, nor from nn unknown mmree, 'i' " but Hone ivltll mieli it liunie UH ' ! "GOODRICH." I 4 r Then you nro reasonnbly suro of S plensure-dry pedals, cooling effects'' $ und irreen lawns. j J Toe Mni.nH X- Sim Cn t 1511 DODGE ST. '': v ' ? t !' S S S & ? Ft is a fact. No ono store In tho city soils everything lower than tho lowest prices of all tho other. Hy comparing prices you will find theso as low ns tho lowest. Can you boat them: 91 .00 Plerco'3 Prescription 7"c $1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla "lie 2.'c Danderino jot- fl.00 Pe-ru-na iSc $1.00 Plnkhum's Compound 7.I.- $1.00 S. S. S 75c 91.7." S. S. S $l.Lr, 2.ro Woodbury's Soap lfc 25c Cutlcura Soap 20c 2.re Packers' Tar Soap 15c fiOo Pozzoni Powder 3,"e fiOc Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c 1'oInoii Kly Iiiier. Sticky Vly Puper, 'Z double Nheeln Tie. J. A, FULLER & CO cit rniru immkjci.st. Fourteenth una Uniiclun Street. Who have not seen our line of Summer Footwear, should call and sec it without fail, before they buy, for it is the HANDSOMEST LINE OF MEN'S FOOTWEAR that litis over boon nhowti In tho city. At the popular prices of $3.00, S3. 50, and S5.00 Wo nro Mulllnjr tho most atyllah, porfoct HUmr, il' ublo rhoos oversold for that monoy. Oxford Ties und hlt'li shoos In tho nowest tan and bltiok leathers. T. P. Cartwright & Go N.K. Cor. llllli .t DoiikIh nv. Vou Cm (Jot Ytnir .Money's Worth by Kcadiiif; Ilnv'cn' ! illy iuN. P'ri S The Best Savings Bank in the United States. Thero is not a store in the country better equipped to fill the wants of rich and poor alike than tho big store, and at a suro saving of money. All Omaha knows this by actual experience. Come and let us prove it to you again Monday, or any day this week. Men's Pants Offers You may select a stylish pair of trousers, in all sizes up to 50 waist We can safely assure a saving of $'2 to $3 over ordinary prices if you come here Monday, or any day 5 this week, special at 1.50, $2.50 and .J Men's and children's hot weather clothing, at less than half wholesale prices. Men's S'J. 50 crash suits for 95c Men's 81.50 crash panttt at 50c Hoys' washable sailor and double breasted suits 1 at 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 95c and l.L Too Many Young Men's Suits, In order to move thoin quick, we will place on sale, young men's stylish summer suits, worth from $9.00 to "T ELf $15, at $5 and $10 Men's Fine Suits at $4.75. Men's $22.50 and $25 finest ready-tailored suits, made and fit equal to $50 made-to-ordor garments, & OO Men's fine coats and pants, come single and double breasted, on sale for HAYDEN VsP" rT l f 0ft AM 1 1 I MtATlnAl I y no J LsSIL I Squires U08 FARNAM STREET. il.iti i ImI , , I.. I,. ,nli iiliilntn I'll I MV.K US Arctic and White Moun tain. L.WVX .MOWI'.ltS Ynlo. Continental nnd National. IIICYCLKK New Advance -wheol, 'Ha ma In nt JL'0.00. STOVKS Insurance Gasoline and Cook Stoves. iKisi: flood quality of ?i-ln. hoso ut lOc-lietter hoso at prices which will bo satisfactory, PAI.NTS. OILS AXIJ YAHVISIinS, J, A, Weaver & Son llardwaro ,V Tinners 2T0U Li-iiMMitvortli St, Phono IC7S. 'I"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!"!1'!''!" DON'T FORGET THAT You bive the BEST notwlthsundlnn they cost you no moro tUjn Inferior qooUU V, It. RICK M. V. i O.. MANPVAUTUItHHS, ST. LOUIS, MU HUinU II ADC C. A, RAILSHACK. OII.UIA, DiaTIUUUTOIt. UnlUll AU mm .... ...-WS Clothing Department 4.50 Omaha Slow? 0h! ! Don't Know! Thoy Hccm to catch on to a good tiling llko The Herrick Refrigerator Quick enough still thoy ought to. Thoy aro ho clean, dry, free from taint and mould. & Smith, P. C. ObvoI, Council BlufTi We All Carry Teeth. nut aro they natural or artificial? At any rate, you don't want tlicm to bother you. The teeth, llko most everything elso about tho human frame, do not worry us. ho long aa they aro ull right. When they aro out of flx they hurt and bother us, If neoplo wcro wlso they would visit ua and have their teeth examined, whether thoy hurt or not. BAILEY, the Dentist HI- Pn xt on Mile. 10th A. Furnani. Lntlr Attendant. I'liune 108.'.. Soap Sale to Be Continued Mondny. Notwithstanding our big salo Saturday we havo a good supply yet for our .Monday lale. Here is nn opportunity to buy soap at loos than you over purchased It before, COQUIOTTK SOAP, TIIHHU CAKES IN A I10X This soap never sold for less than 25c IMPOHTUI) CAfiTIMl SOAP regular prlco 35o 12 SAVON 1II2MOTKOPE SOAP PER DOZEN CAKES 3(To HfiO WHITE SOAP, nox ISC Como Monday to tbo Iloston Store If you want Boap burgalus. ROSTON 5T0RE U DRUG 1? DEPT. WHEN SMOKING A Purifies and Refreshes You can make live gallons ot root ber with ono bottlo of Vermont Root Beer. This la concentrated extract of tho HOOT.-t HUIUIS, IIAIIKS AND (ItWIS. Kaoy to mako, DttUCIOUS In taste, HBALTHKULi In Its cITectH and trilling in cost. Wo sell tho "!c bottles for lie. It purines your blood nnd refreshes. Wo Bell nil kinds of ginger ale, phosphates and mineral vatcr. Sherman &McGonnell DrugGo. Corner llltli nml Undue. i ! Save the Egos and other provisions during tho com ing warm weather by placing them on Ice. To savo tho Ice and your pocket-book- Buy a Refrigerator Ami lu buying be suro to nelect a good one. Do not attempt to save ono dollar In cost of refrigerator und lose Iran;- dollars tu Ire wanted and pro vision spoiled. "VL'ICO.V," (white enameled. "OIIAI.LHNOK ir-KUHnO" nnd L.KADHIt" IlefrlgeratorH nro strictly IliHt-claHs nnd warranted to clvo satisfaction. Wo sell theni and invito vou to ask for prices. John Hussie Hdw. Go., 2407-09 CumingSt. If you buy it of Husslo it's right." v uvniiv r.sii!i.ni,t; siyp'Tiun' Diti.MC "Kiu;; iu..;t." tiii: nnsT. this inriti:sT. tiii: run- l'KltltlM). ALWAYS PALAT- AiiLi:. si;li-:;t. SUIISTAVriAL AM) II.MFOIIM. rmmoTioii op i)m:i:stiu. pak i:ci2llk.ci-:." iiiti:vi:n n y FRED KRUG BREWING CO., mi ha, m:ii. N. n. If health Is tho greatest of boon, "Cabinet is tho drink for while man nnd coon. It's better than yours TIIK new ni'LLAIU) uMAOAJINK CAMKIl'A is tho most up-to-dato In strument of Us kind. Holds aa many ns eighteen plates without reloading. Call aud sco this. It will plcaso you. PRICE $10.00 All other Kodaks and Cainuraa suit able for holiday seekers. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 Farnam St. I)rvcloilnu nnd Printing;, 3) C: ft) wens. How to Be Beautiful V- .I.a rrmnt nrnVlrm with (lift llllllpri. JP til.? h"p. ,..v.... --. .....It n in It in lin:lllllV. fri'MM nn on huh ... ... . ....... and wlinlesomo nnd thero Ih nothing that wilt do It llko Hi dally bath, livery woman knows I ho benonts of proper bathing and up-to-dalu sanitary plumbing In Ikt h.mic. When you want anything dune In plumbing, steam or gas lilting wo aro experts In our trude. ! FREE & BLACK, Phono 10 10. ISIKI I'urnuni St s m i iiiiiu Dentistry Is what you want when having your teeth fixed. Our work Is of tho hlghost order, and dono by tho best workmen all ex perienced. Silver rilllngs 75c (lold Crowns f..OO O Id rillltigs 51.no up Taft's Philadelphia Denial Rooms 1517 DOUOLAS STIICBT. lJJJj,l 1 J V