Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1900, Page 23, Image 23

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 11 EE: Sl'XDAY, .TVS VI 17. 1!()0.
roil sale-heal estate.
P. HUM is.
Telephone, S. Paxton Block.
House In Hnnscom Place, ! rooms, bath,
f irnarr. city water, excellent well water
iin'l cistern. Kast front, house Is well
built iitirt tins every convenience. A fine
barn. everything Is In Rood condition nnd
I it Is 30xlu0 ft. The owner wants to sell
tMs AT ONCK. lie wants the money,
lie offers It nt $3,0".). and It's a groat sac
rltlre. Look t thts and make us an offer
ROOMS, on the 1st floor mnl .rmce for 4
rooms upstairs. Rood cistern, with filter.
Rood orchard, cherries, plums, etc., fill
In bearing, only $2,5). and on easy terms
8-room hous.. bath, gas, city water, good
rollnr, near 20th and Hamilton nt., J2.fA.
House nnd corner lot, two blocks from
High school. 10 rooms anil three rooms In
cellar Large cloets Htid bath room.
Furnace, pas and fixtures. Hot and cold
water plumbing An excellent neighbor
hood nnd house Is In perfei-t oondltl'Ui
Owner has recently ntlded leveral hundred
dollars In rearranging nnd newiv deco
ratlnR. AN ELEGANT HOME, J.f"i.
7-room house, on 10th St. boulevard, nnr
Hurdclte. Bath, gas. cellar, water and
shade trees. In Rood condition. A nice
lorallon and no special taxes to pay.
6-room, strictly modern house, recently
built, in walking distance of the post
office and Hnnscom park. AN IDEAL
I I OMR, J2.W0.
House of & rooms nnd small lot In VERY
CENTRAL LOCATION, within five mln
utes' walk of postolllcc. only $l,C.
Another house of 7 rooms, full rorner lot,
a little further out nnd has small stable,
all for !Ijo.
CottiiRO of three rooms and Rood sized
lilt, with hall, imntry and closets, be
tween Omaha and South Omaha, only
I 50.
Another cottaRe of four rooms and cood
lot. near 13th and Vinton, only H.
Still another, l-rnnm cottage nnd lot, also
stable, near SOtli and Cuming, only ll.Ofl.
Remit If ul new, strictly modem residence,
on West Farnam st., only $5,000.
A JIO.CK) house and Inrgo lot, near 25th and
Leavenworth, only J7.MO.
Hofiso and linxlM ff. of Rround. Park nvc.
and nar Mason st , only $6.rii.
2 beautiful east front lots In southwest
part of city, sldcwulk, seweraRO miiU shade
trcc., only KfK; each SNAP.
East front lot on )tli St.. Just north of
Vinton. !. A REAL BARGAIN.
n ran still ofTer you a few more of thoe
beautiful Seymour addition lots nt from
JliTO up; $3.10 ilown nnd per month.
Don't put off buying until II Is too late
Aiu, tni nenr 2lth mid Manderson that
ANT Hi: HI3AT, for $30), $10 down and
$10 i"r month .
Choice corner lot. near High school, CCx
132 ft., only H.C0O.
Lot, 80x132 ft . Fnrnam Terrace and
Hachelor's quarter, only $3,00).
6xlX2 ft . Farnam nnd 23th. only $4,000
$0x130 ft . Capitol ave. and 23th, only $2..i00.
16x132 ft , near Douglas nnd 10th, only
132 ft square, 19th and Douglas, only
VW. .
Corner lot and brick block, Karnam. near
Dili, bringing In a splendid Income on
$60.uu0. Price, $M,on,
Hrlck block of 11 flats, near Wh nnd Leav
enworth, only $11.00). Make an offer.
Uriels block near 29th nnd DourIus. brine-
Ing In large rental. KS.OuO.
Brick block, 21st rind Douglas, renting for
$l.r). Price, only -IR.
to loan on gilt-edge real estate security on
either farms or city property.
Also Issue tornado policies.
geo p. bemis.
Established in HSS.
Telephone, f3. Paxton Block.
RE-S33 17
J. W. nOBHIN k CO..
1S02 Karnam Street.
WE have so many bargains to choose
from that we hardly know which to call
the iiost, but here are a few for samples:
A nice brick, S-room resldonco on a very
Inrrit. Imilllllflll lof within' tWO blocks of
tho court house for $1,3(0. Only $2.iw
A beautiful home within one block of the
park on north wide, full lot, largo trees,
nice lawn, line !)-rooni residence for $1,000;
rented to good tenant for 2 years nt $35
per month. Splendid Investment.
Wc have n 7-room house nnd Rood barn on
a full lot on paved street In Hanscom
iark; within two blocks of street car for
$2,OX). Nothlns cheaper on the hill.
For North end property we have an elegant
0-room hoime anil fine barn on corner lot
with paved street .beautiful shni'e trees,
some, fruit; one block cast of Sherman
Ave., for only 3,230.
Item Is a dalsv Tho t nest resilience on
tlf Murv'u Avenue, ronslstlnir of M rooms,
fully modern residence, line grounds, large
comer lot. line shade and beautiful
flowers, on paved street and permanent
walks, ail paid for ana an lor
Wo have a business property, a corner on
..,trnt i."nrnnm Htr.-nt. that is rented for
over 8 per cent net on the price at which
wo are authorized to sell It. Look this
us for an Investment.
xv Viavn hundreds of n'ce residences In
all na'rts of the city, many of which we
aro offering at much less than the coat
of the buildings, with the lots thrown
In. Come and see us, wo will take groat
pleasure In showing you property that
cannot ncip uui weiine.
J. W. Bobbins & CO.. 1502 Knrnam Street
RE 1 22-1 1
F.initT-ROOM modern house, 2Cth and
TneUann. SY.VlO.
Grain elevator, low-a town, population 4,000,
to exchanro ror lanu.
71S a, 2Sth 7-raom, modern, $1,000.
40 acres. Sarpy county. $l.c). A4 .
lt 3. block 11. Brlggs' Place. $1
It 17. block 4, Cunningham 8 Sub of Cun'
nlnehnm Brcnan. $100 '
Lot 15. block 1. West End, $1 SCO.
East 50 feet lot 1. block D, Ijowe's Add
nttn?e. 11.50O.
S. 15th St.
at north of Knrnnrti St.. S-room boUe.
strictly modern and nearly new; also
burn, te.ono.oo.
Near 30th nnd Marcy Sts.. S-room cottage.
modern, $3,500 (".
Popplcton Ave. nnd 32d St.. S. E. Cor.. 9-
room modern, good barn. $1,101.40.
2502 St. Mary's Ave.. S-room cottage In first
class condition, special taxes paid In full;
$2,100.00. ,
R E. Cor. of 20th and Martha Sts . 4-room
house. $1,350.01.
S30S S. 20th St., 5 rooms, 5.00.00.
2224 H. 18th St.. 5 rooms, riOO.K).
1321 Martha St , 5 rooms. $700.00.
Flue building lot. south front, on Harney
street, near 33d street. IlfAW
Full lot. Lowe Ave., specials all paid, $1,230.
itTlli ft , near Fnrnam, east front, $1,050.
Full lot on Chicago st.. near 30th St.. $1,100.
Choice lot on Franklin St., West Military
road, t3M.
Iots on 13th t . nwir Boulevard, on grade,
54th st . sputh ot Vinton st.. 50-ft. lot, spe-
olaU iU fid. JWO
RE-M501 15
EIOIIT-ROOM house, modern except fur
nice, corner paved street and boulevard,
New cottage near Ames avonuo car barns,
city yyator. electric bells . $1,200.
Choice live acres, half mile inside city
limits, small house, city water, fruit trees.
$' WO
t-room house modern. In Kountze Plucc,
corner, $3.Sfl0.
I N HAMMOND, N. W. corner 15th and
Farnam Sts. RE-74S-K
icro. Three dwellings within three blocks
of court house, on paved street; two front
dm nt so ft. each: always rented; annual
Income $19; buildings alone could not be
replaced for price iibkcu; lauu uione wurin
$3.0C0 to $1,500. , , ,
$l.t(0 Corner lot. 00x127 ft., wltli 6-room
cntt.iBo. all In cood shape, near 23th and
Parker streets; room for three more
houses, . ... .
$1, &-, Good S-room house, with barn, near
l anil urani mreeis.
Ivh 19 ll
Ne and complete, modern house: lino home
und Ivst location In addlt'on. Onlv $1,5(0.
Very neat house of 6 rooms, bath, closet.
Kil. lull tuii iit-u v..., T--.-.
many other fine houses In these locations,
ranging irom no m
House of 3 rooms, ft) ft lot, at 19th and In
ton, Only $T30. Submit offer
l" W. Spencer, 1WI N. Y Life Bldg
l"3f If
i'dii sh.ekkai. estate.
I -
HeverHl of our properties advertised the
last few das have been sold, which Is
sufllclent proof that the PAVNB-KNOX
COMPANY offers good bargains In real
estate, and as further good evidence let
us show you one or more of the following
141ft Near Mr Yates' fine residence, n ten
room house with snlcndld bnement. one
of the finest bath rooms 1n the city, an
excellent barn, large lot. on paved street
with all special paving taxes paid In full.
A lino bargain at $7,500.
lX-S On Cass Bt , near ICth, Is a nine-room
nil modern house, cood lot. south front.
property In corfd condition, will become a ,
line business property owner is very
anxious to sell and offers It at 15,000, on
reasonable terms.
171-Wlthln one block of the Dodge St.
car line, on 25tli Ave., we ofT-r a delight
ful east front lot with nil modern ten
room house and good lit rn, property high
and sightly, needing only about 200 re
pairs to mako It first class In every par
ticular. Price, J2.0"). The house alone
could not be built for this money.
190 Two blocks from Ames Ave. car line,
In Monmouth J'ark, we have a six-room
house on a WtlSMoot lot. In good
neighborhood, with city water and other
conveniences, which Is offered for 1.W0.
on - terms.
In Central Park near Tort St.. we have ft
five-room house with city water,
property In good repair, full 50-foot lot.
Just the place for a party Wanting to
raise chickens, for $joa; terms reasonable.
On 23th St. near Maple, Is n tine nine-room
house, all modern except furnace, with a
splendid barn containing city water, lino
lawn and Rrowlng trees, cast front, one
of the best built houses In the city.
Offered for f2,H"), on easy terms.
Let us show you a tine vacant lot on
Harney neur 36th St., fncing south, which
the owner Is anxious to sell and offers
for $1.W.
Wo have two lots left on 40th nnd Lowo
Ave. 'ono having been sold this. week,
which wo offer for $1,100 and $1,200 each.
Chea.iest lots Jn Omaha.
If you wish to purchase on of those tine
Hemls Park lots you had better do so
between this nnd July 1.
For further partlculsrs Inquire ot
Main Floor N. Y. Life Hide.
Tel. I7S1.
CIS N. Y. LIKE. 'PHONE 1291.
lu-room. modern, N. E. cor. M and Chi
cago; a Rood hrtmo close In. $o,000.w.
A new 10-room house, barn and shop, 2i1j
Parker. JL.VW.o).
S-room, full 2-story, bath, barn: a cheap
home, near 22d and Grant, for only $1,6CM0.
7-room house, barn and full acre of as line
laying Rround as can be found, !Mth and
Spencer. $l.sO.U.
2 cottages and lot at IW S. 12lh St.. near
1-room ccttaue and unmll lot, 2M3 S. 2.)th.
... . . . , , , r. ann -
Mini an oner on inis. nr. ow
FOR SALE, on monthly payments, ". cot-
tnges at 27tn nnu a sts., souin umana,
at $l.W0, $1,200 and $l.0O: an opportunity
to get a house for half It costs you to
rent. Omaha Lo.m and Building associa
tion. G. M. Nattlnger, secretary. Bee
bldg. RK MWfl 23
LOOK at I02i .Miami street! good cottage of
a rooms, cellar, city water, lot 40x122 ft.; n
bargain. Price. $l.00.W.
Near 21th arul Ames hvc. two desirable
houses In first-class condition, for $1,20).W
and $l.s00.f'), rc?uept,lvely,
Vncent lot on Hnrnr y.
near 36th at., choice
location, tor ji.sw.w.
RE-S16 17
i ACRES choice land adjoining Omaha
for $2,100. Write K 31, Bee ofllcc.
GREAT sacrifice', X feet right on 24th iicht
j , so. umana. ror ti.tuv. Auaress k S2,
care Omaha Bee.. HE 662 17
for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso flro
InsMrance. Bemls, Paxtoti blk. RE-034
FOR QtTICK returns on bargains only see
H. A. jiroadweii, 501 rv, y. ro mag.
RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho
I'nlon I'acino uanroad company, u. A.
McAUaster Land Company, Union Pacific
Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 11313
A line trackage property.
Elegant residence property.
Greatest bargains In property.
M. J. Kennnrd & Son, 310 Brown block.
CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In
surance. Money to loan. G. E. Turklng
ton. 603 Bee Bldg. RE-910
SNATS In real estate, money to loan. L. L.
Johnson Co.. 314 S. 15th St. RE-93J
Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance
HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N.Y.L.
IF YOU have a bargain to offer In ronl
estate, see S. A. Brondwell, 501 N. Y. Llfo.
GENUINE bargains, will advance 20 per et.
In 2 w'ks. Boyer. 22 & Cuming. Tel. K-2C52.
RE-201 Jy3
ABOUT 3 lots with houe and barn at 11th
nnd Bancroft sts., $1,250. Address, J 0$,
Bee. RE-M551 IS"
I HAVE somo delrabl- cottages on North
18th. 19th and 20th streets. B. R. Ball,
101 N. Y. Life. RE-71S-1S
7 acres 3 miles P. O., good residence or
garden property. JJC0.
21 acres 4 miles from P. O. Mid 54 miles
street car, $1,230.
GEORGE & COMPANY, 1C01 Fnrnam St.
FOR SALE, a lot 50xl2S ft on 36th st. near
Ames ave.; price kji.w; jo.o) casn. nni
anee 10.W per month. F. Ralowlcz, No
1012 Farnam St. RE-773-17'
FOR SALE, lO.C'JO neres hard wood timber
land on Cotton Belt R. R.: will rent $2.50
per ncro when in cultivation; bst In
vestment in soutn. j'ricc ?3."o per acre,
F. M, Mcllsford, Texnrltatui, Texas.
RE 771-17
FOR EXCHANGE, fine home, close In
eight rooms, modern throughout, best
neighborhood. $1,730. Will take one-half
In city rental property. Address ll 4
Bee. Z-M4M
ONE store and two cottages, lot SxJ33;
property clear: to trade ror general mer
chandlse. J. II. Sherwood. J3a N. Y Life
a Cf.TKNT of ours has ft nice 9-room mod
ern bouse near tnc neart m xne cm- worm
$4,0'J; will trade tor a gqoa rarm in west
ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska and will
put In $l.v to $2,000 cash. Puyne-Knox
Co., .Main rioor i. i.iie uuig.
X. M624 20
DIVIDEND paying stock. In well estab-
llsnea local corporation to irane tor coi
tusc. K 19. Bee. y,-M79j 19
FINE farm and pasturo land near Platts-
mouth to trade for city proporty. k i'o,
uee. f. Jii;i-ia
S3 ACRES garden tract, clear, tieor South
omnha, to exchnnge ror umana or eo
Omaha property. K 22, Uee.
Z MW1-19
TO EXC1IANGH for mdso. only. 5 farms
120 to J.JO acres each; prices from $10 to $20
per acre; to ju mucs rrom city; win not
pay one-utin to onu-nait casn OlfTerrnce.
j' . m. weusioru, l exarKana, i cxas.
Z 773.17
HAVE 160 acres land In central Nebraska
and money to exchange for cottage In
imau.i. . iirugeB, t.i me uiag,
POULTRT nnd stock supplies; plenty of
eggs, freedom from vermin, ajia strong,
healtlu' chicks where, Lee's Tonic Pow
der nnd l s uee Killer are ued. Any
druggist or 1000 Farnam St. 35J J17
llielLMP Cln.,p- nn 11. .thnn.. n 0 1 T
914 Jones, general storage and forwarding
Om. Van Stor, Co., 15UH Karn. Tel. 1569. S63.
A. C. VAN 8ANTS school. 717 N Y Life
llOYLKS' College, court reporter prlnclpa.. I
Ilee nidg. -912 1
NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Col
lege. Hoyd's Theater. 913
OREOO Shorthand taught nt the Omah.i
Commercial College. 16th and Douglas Sis.
Ht'CKB nnrl Docs. $5. 110, $13, $: ench
We are, the largest Importers In America,
Stnrt out right, buy the best pedigreed
rjoldcn West Uelglan Hare Co .
P. O. J4ox 421, Los Angeles. Cal
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school,
Ktrksvllle, Mo.. 601 Paxton BIk. Tel, 136
JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 515 N. Y ,
Llfo Bldg.; Alice Johnson, D. O,, ladles' 1
aept.; uia i-. jonnson, usieopatnisi, -Mgr
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, VOth
e. vott
and L.aKo sis.
II, HEMPEN & SON. screen work and gen
eral repairing. 2223 Leavenworth Tel
2111. -M127 Jyl
METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug
las; lowest rates. Wm. Barr, Mgr. Tel. 244.
THURSTON. 15th & Jackson; American &
European, -sowiy rcnttcd. prices moderate,
GAS, gasoline stoves repaired, stoves
stored. City Stovo Repair Wka.. 200 S. 13th.
LAOLE liOan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential, 1301 Douglas.
. 033
CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil
bin, 1503 Karnam. Telephono 7S4, SC2
ri;iiMTi;Rn itc.p aihim;.
PACKING, upholstering, mattress, feather
renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walkln, 2111
Cumins SL 932
LOST or stolen, small, red and white
heifer, halter on. Address 'jTO N 27th
Iost-M;oi 17
IN families. Mlsa Sturdy, 216 Davenport.
-MS23 le23
Miss Kuhl, 501 Knrbach
-M0j6 Jyl I
Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 705 N. 16 i
CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg.
THE NEBRASKA, Incorporated, 1515-1517
Chicago street, omana. J1333
STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003
SHARPENED and repaired. P. Melcholr's
-Macntne wks.. i3tn anu uowaru. tci. zmo.
ACCORDION pleating, lvory-rlm buttons.
tuts, iimtn, titt. uuu t uiiiniu. iutjiiin 4-11.
TURKISH bath, 60c; open nights. 107 S 14
OMAHA Auction Co., 520 N. 16th. Tel 2163.
M 245 Jy2
OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars.
i, vims, c. iiv ui'ai rim ui in. l el. tiw
TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Farnam.
GREAT Western institute, 1623 Douglas St .
enronic aiseases cured; no drugs surgeri.
-M233 Jy2
GOOD pasture, $2 per month. J. W. Phelps,
207 N. V. Life Bldg.. phone 1031, -232-J27
Tt.'TOR In Latin and Greek. Eugene M.
.tiacKin. sis 12a t l'none 19S4.
-M633 IT
HAY. corn and feed of all kinds; lowest
prices, at aicfciaons, uit St. Mary's Ave.
OM. Van&Stor.Co.lStlHFarn. Tels. 1550-563.
SHOES ij-soled while waiting. 40c; work
guaranteed. Gu9 N. 10th. opp. Drexel hotel.
-M557 Je21
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam.
!.O).0OO NEW BRICK now ready for de
livery. Wlthnell Bros i Smith. -913
Furnessla . June 23, July 2S, September 1
Anchorla....July 7, August 11, September 13
City of Rome. June 2, June 30 September S
Astoria June 12. July ll, August is
Ethiopia Juno IB. July 21, Aucust 25
Or with tour embracing Scotland Eng
land and Ireland. Berths must bo reserved
now for best accommodations. Appiy to
any of our local agentc or
176 Jackson Boulevard. Chlcaeo. 111.
The undersigned trustees of tho estate
of R. T Hochford & Co., bankrupt, will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder tor
cash the entire stock of goods of snld
bankrupt, consisting of hardware, furni
ture, groceries and fixtures at Louisville.
Cass, county, Nebraska, on Thursday. June
21. 1900. at 1 o'clock p. m.
Dated Louisville, Neb.. June 11. iroo.
J13 e&s9t Trustee.
Twenty-five head of pure bred registered
Jersey cows, heifers und young bulls, at
"East Lawn," corner 33d nnd O streets,
Lincoln, Nebraska, commencing nt 1 p. m ,
Tuesday, Juno 19, U-oo. For catalogue n I
dress WM, M, CLARK. Lincoln, Neb,
i n&
This Week
Wc Close Out
Including Concords,
Runabouts, Covorts and
Businoss liuggies
At prices which we are
not ablo to duplicate.
It will pay you to
call prices from $ys
up to SS5.
If ycu wunt a crood bupy
chenp, now is your opportun
ity. Visits
18th and Harney Sts.
The Board -f County Cr.mmlsJioners of
Douglas Coin'y. Nebiaska. will lt i-i n
Board of Equaliznt.nn. fir th purpni of
equalizing the assessment of Hong. ,s
County for the $car UOO, in the Commis
sioners Chamber nt the Court Houf. ,
Omnha, beginning Tuesday. June 12, i9J0,
at 10 o'clock a. m., and continuing from
day to day up to and Including June 23,
1500 (13 days, not Including Sundaysi. All
persons owning real or personal property
subject to taxation fchould call and ex
amine their assessment that any errors as
to valuation may be adjusted by said board
as the law provides
By order of tho Board of County Com
missioners. D. M. HAVERLY.
M23 d21t M&E County Clerk.
sourl River Railroad
"Tha Burl.ngton Route ' i
Gtnerai Ofttces. N. W.
Corni-r Tenth and Farnam
Kts. Ticket Ofllcc, 150J
Pncinm tief TnlenVifin 1
230. Burlington station, Tenth and Masor. i
streets. Telephone. 12S.
Lincoln Hastings nnd I
MeCook a .I0 am a.:35pmi
Lincoln. Denver Coio-
rado, Utah Callforn-a n 4 2u pm a 3:00 pm
Lincoln & Btaik Hll.s a 9 :10 pm a 3:s) pm
Montana. Pug- t Sound, a 9 30 pm a 6:15 am
Lincoln Fast Mai) ..aJ:iOptn al0:35 am
Denver Colorado, Utah ,
& California a 6:45 am j
a Dally j
& Ou.ncy Railroad "The '
Burlington Route" Ticket
Ofllce 1002 St.
Tel . 230. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Telephone,
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 7:00 am
Peoria ExprcBs a 9:23 pm
Chicago csitbuled Ex a 4:01 pm a 7:43 am
Ch cago Lo at Express. a 8:30 am a 4:03 pm
Chicago Limited a 7:43 pm a 7:15 am
Pacific Junction Local .al0:15 am
Fast Mall a 2:45 pro.
a Dally.
scrh & Council Blurts
Rat!-onl-"The Burling
ton Route "Ticket Offlc;,
15c. Farnam street. Tele.
ph ne 230 Depot, Tenth
nrJ Mason streets. Tele
uhoas. 173.
Kansas City Day Ex. . a 8:50 am
Kansas City Night Ex .al0:ir. pm
a 6:10 pm
a 0:15 am
oi l.ouis i-iyer tor st.
Joseph and St. Louis., a 4:55 pm all:15 am
a. Dally.
and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Reel: Isl
and Route." City TU k
et Olllce, 1323 Farnam
hrreet. Tclepnone 42S.
Depot. Tenth & Mason
Streets Tolophone. 20.
Dcs Moines and Daven
oort I.opiiI a 7:2Ti nm hnnm
Chicago Express .. .....bll:15 am aS:10am
Chicago Kast Express .a 5 oij pm a 1:23 pm
Lincoln and Falrbury.. .a t:39 am a7:C0pm
Lincoln. Colorado Spgs..
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm
Des Moires. Rock isl-
nnd nnd Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:50 pm
Colorado & Flyer. a 5:53 pm a 9:15 am
n Dally, b Dally except Sua lay.
Rallroa.i. City Ticket Of
lire, 1402 Farnam street.
Telephone, 243. Depot.
Tenth and Mason streets.
a 11:10 am
a 4:06 pm
a 8:13 am
Chicago Expre.-s
I 'hi. -ri lrt f I m - mil
a i .In pm
i MinnrnnllB
Paul Express b 7:00 am b
S:40 pm
8:13 am
-Minneapolis and St.
Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a
For Dodce Iocn.
from Co. Bluffs.. .. b 4:30 pm p 10:10 am
a Dally, b Dally excep' Sundays.
land Route "General Offices.
N E Cor Ninth and Farnnrv
streets. City Ticket Office, 13Ci;
Farnam street. Telephone, 2i
uepoi. i-i.ui aim Jiason Sts
Telephone, 629
Tho Overland Limited a 6:20 am
The CM- ago - Portland
Special a S:20 am
The Fast Mall a S. 50 am
Tho Colorado Special... all. 3a pm
Tho Fast Mall
Llneolr.. Beatrice and
a 7:35 pm
a 7:3J pm
a 3:25 pm
u 6:50 am
a 4:33 pm
Stromsburg Express. .b 4:10 pm bl:25 pm
I aillii r.A,ui-nB u l
Tho Atlanta Express ..
Grand lslaid Ixieal b 5:30 nm
a 6:50 am
b 9:30 am
a Dally, b Dally exceot Sundays,
St. Paul Railway - CICty
Ticket omce, 1501 Farnam
Stret. Telephono 214. Depot,
Tenth and Mason Streets
Telephone 629.
- ieave. Arrive.
cago Limited Ex . a 7 33 pm a 8:r. am
Chicago iz Omaha Ex bll:00 am b 3:13 pm
faloux City ana Des
-Moines Expreii bll'.OO an b 3:55 pm
a Dally, b Dai!r esccpt tSundav
Ticket Ofllce, 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone 590. De
pot, Tenth and Marcy
StreMs. Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
..xnreas a :03 nm a 7:55 am
. St. Louis "Cannon Ball."
i ft Dally.
it ui.u vv timi: t wii,i:s
l?T;f"AOO tt NORTH,
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line-' -City
Ticket Onic. 1401
Karnam Street. Tele
phone Ml. Depot, Tenth
and Mason Stteets. Tele
phone, G2J. Leave.
Daylght Chicago Spe
cial . ...... .a i :M am
f huago Pisscnger a 4:LS pm
Lnstern Dxpr.'ss. Dtt
Molr.cs, Mars.'ialltDW",
Cedar P.apl s r.nd Chi
cago al0:!3 am
Eastern Limited, Chi
cngo and Last a 4:C5 pm
Kant Mad Chicago to
Oma i C' i- lg Special. a 7:45 pm
Kast Mall
att:30 pm
a 1:40 am
a 4 05 pm
h 4:03 pm
a 2:43 pm
a s;0) pm
a t:30 am
XQSF&Sffi Mis.ouii Valley Railroad
ftKrtTffril J "The Northwestern Line"
iSWflTIi Clfes5" General Offices. United i,W.N "Tweufli i
and I'nrtnim Ri Tiu.i
S?.lcVisM r?r"am st- Telcphpnj Ml. De. j
pot. Lth and Farnam St telephono 14.,. ,
Black Hills. Dcadwooa,
Hot Springs a 3 00 pm s 5:00 pm
Wyoming, Caspar and
Douglas d 3.00 pm eO3:00 pni
Hastings, York, David
City, Superior, Geneva,
Lxcter and Seward.... b 3:0) pm b 6:00 pin
Norfolk, Verdlgro nno
Fremont b 7:30 aro b)0:23 am
Lincoln. Wahoa and
Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:J$ am
tremont Local o 7:30 am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only d Dally except Saturday, o
Dally except Monday.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway - "The North
western Lino" General
Offices, Nebraska Divi
sion 15th nml Webster
Hts City Ticket Offlre,
1101 Farnam St. Telephono 561. Depot, 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive,
Twin City Passenger... a 6:00 am a 9:10 nm
Onrnha Passenger a 11:10 am
Sioux City North
cast Nebraska a 3:50 pm
Oakland Local b 5:43 pm b 1:13 am
a Dally b Dary except Sunday.
Railroad "The North
western Lino" Oencral
Ofllccs. United State
Netlonal Bank Building,
S. W. Coiner Twelfth
nd Fernam Sts. Ticket
Ofllcc, 1401 Farn' n St. Telephone SCI. De
pot, Tenth vt Mason Sts. Teleohone C29.
Leave. Arrive
Twin City Expres". u l;ff am al0:50 pm
Twn Clt Limited. .... .a 7:33 pm a 8:15 am
Sioux City Local a i:0o am a 4 20 pm
u Dally.
road General Offices nnd
Ticket offl'.cs Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Sts.
Telephone 104. Depot Union
at Luuls, Kansas
Nelirijyka Limited ....al0:00am a 6:30 pm
K. C-St L. Exprcso....al0:10 pm a 6:15am
Leave from 15th
fbjter sts :
Nebraska Local
uaicr.. n Pm ni0;43 am
Dally ixcodI Junday.
road Omnha. Kansas City
& Eastern Railroad "Th
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of
fice. 415 Farnam Street.
Telrhone. 322. Depot. Tenth
and Marcy Streots. Tele
phone, 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis cannon Ball
Express a 5:05 pm a 7:55 am
Kannae City and Qulncy
Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm
e Dally.
I Ante Room Echoes ?
Nebraska Masonry has r laced Its.'If In the
van of the organizations which work against
the tralllc la malt and spirituous liquor,
tho last meeting of the grand ledgo taking
a step far In advance of nny of the sratca
of tho west upon tho subject. For c veral
years the ques'tm of the Mascnlo eligibility
of persous connected with the liquor busi
ness has been up before tho grand lodgo
and each tlmo has been dee ded adverre to
the parti who desired to Join the order and
continue In the proacrifced trade. At the
Lincoln mooting. In 1S99. It wrs decided
that a bookkeeper In a brewery, otherwise
eligible, could not be received as leng a.i
he continued In the employ of the drink
factory. It was hoped tiat thts would sattla
the question f.r all time, but this year a
lodge In the state wished to Initiate a man
who Is a member of ono of the lending
churches, a man of great charities and a
model citizen. Unfortunately ho Is tho
manager ot a brewery. When the niattor
wnii first presented to the grand lodge It
pcemed that managc-ra would be exempt
from the rule, but after speeches by- one
or two members the lodgo was stampeded
and everybody was anxious to vote against
admitting the applicant.
Several Important matters were carried
over to tho next meeting. The matter ot
tho recognition of 'i:a grand lodge of Wash
ington Is practicably where It was .at the
assembling of the lodge. Few people, even
among those In the ledge room, know that
tho lodge practically adopted a resolution
declaring tho rc-lationa between tho Ne
breska grand lodge nnd the Washington
lodge severed and that tho matter was cf .or
ward placed In shape to bo referred to the
next me3tluK by the action of a few mem
bers who are friendly to the Washington
lodge. The committee on foreign corre
spondence submitted a report which In
cluded n ivfolutlon declaring tho relations
severed. Tho report was accepted and
would have been adopted had not one mem
ber moved that the resolution bo re?errd
to tho committee on Jurisprudence. When
tho report of that committee was received
it was dlscufljod for two hours and then
passed over until the next meeting. It Is
said that the Washington lodge has changed
tho oftenslvo rule, although Past Grand
Master Keysor, In his report .seems to
think that tho change has mads little differ
ence In the practice of ro:ognUlng negro
lodges. In fact some of the friends of the
Washington grand lodge ray that where a
negro, free lorn. Is made a MfiRon In a lod?o
not specifically declared clandestine tho
i.Masons of all Jurisdiction) must recognuo
him nnd that that Is nil the Washington
grand lodge proposes to do. The grand
lodge decided to uso 73 per cent of the
interest derived from the educational fund
for tho education of children ot deceased
members of the order.
It Is the general opinion that tho grand
lodge of 1900 was tho meat harmonious and
hard-working lodge of any held In the slate
In years and tho grand master's nddroes
was pronounced one of the best ever read In
a Masonic gathering.
KnlKliI" "t KlioriiHsitn to I'Vnst.
Monday, July 9, Is marked In figures of
red In the calenders of tho members of the
Dramatic Order. Knights of Khoraasan.
That is the date of tho banquet and cele
bration which Is to be observed this sum
mer In Omaha. Tho Knights of Khorawan
Is a comparatively new order, but It makes
up In snap and vim nnd Interest all that It
misses by not carrying upon It the musty
odors of antiquity.
Tho order bears to the Knights of Pythias
about the samo relationship that tho Mys
tic Shrine does to Maionry. It has been
organized but a short tlmo In Nobraska.
There aro only two lodges In the state, one
at Omaha and one at Lincoln.
The meeting In Omaha on July 9 Is the
second annual summer meeting of Its kind.
Twice a year tho lodgo holds such a meet
ing for the purposo of Initiating candidates
resiling outatdo of tho city, and from pres
ent reports there will be present at least
100 persons who will be Initiated thit nlgbt.
North Platte alcne has tweuty-flve person
to Join at that time. At the meeting last
vear 150 wero Initiated, Momters will bo
present from all over the country and the
local lodge is making great preparations tor
their entertainment. The
oery Monday ntfcht In Myrll
tiental building, and the degree staff U prac- j
ticiug so as to be able to give the visiting
candidates the value of their money. Rnd
the best part of It Is that It Is practicing
upon candidates residing In the city, who
arc coming Into tbe order at a reinarkHbty
rapid rote.
Mriunrlnl Ncrx Ice.
This evening at 7-30 the members of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows will meet
at the hall, Fourteenth and Douglna streets,
for the purpose of holding solemn memorial
service In honor of deceased members. All
of the lodges of the city will combine In th
service, which will be presided over by
John Alverjon. past grand, and a memb.T
of the memorial committee. No srv-,es
outside of tho ritualistic work will bt
MonJl, ""'OK T,,ln, lR.NO' 5 n"'1
at Its hall In The lire hlllldlne. where
memorlat services in honor of departed
mt,mbor8 wcre obifrved. Thc nddress of
the occasion wos delivered by George Mag
) ncy. whoso remarks were pronounced to be
I of the highest order. A short aJdress was
made by John llexten, grand chancellor of
Nebraska. These addrciaes were followed by
the ritualistic work.
I'rntpriitil I nliin of Atiiprlen,
Mnndamln lodge. No. 111. met Mmday
evening, and after the regular business cf
tho evening was completed thc lodge gao a
high five psrty. Next Monday evening a
number of candidate! will be Initiate 1.
Banner lodge, No. 11. met Thursday even
ing with a largo attendance ot members r,ml
visitors. Three candidates were Initiated.
Omaha lodge. No. 311. met Wednesday
evening and Initiated three candidates. On
account of the resignation of Fraternal
Master Davis, who hns moved to CMcngo,
Thotnnn Standard assumed the position na
fraternal master. This lodge will give n
public entertainment July 11 and thereafter
on tho first Wednesday of each moath.
Imperial .Mjxtlo I, onion.
Supremo Regent Akin and Supreme Sec
retary Packard visited Murray cutlo at
Murray, Neb., Monday evening. There was
a large attendance and thc supremo ofllceM
were royally entertained.
Warwick castle of Harvard. S. D.. will
hotd their first annual picnic Juno 20. Su
preme Vice Regent Duggan will preside.
Deputy Goldsmith has org-inlzcd n cutlo
at Craig. Neb., with forty membefs.
I, mitten In I'nrmtrnplis.
Tho four Masonic blue lodges united In
Ini-tallatlon ceremonies Friday night nt
Masonic hall.
Omaha lodgo No. 73. Star of Jupiter, will
give a musical and literary entertainment
Friday evening. June 22.
Tangier temple, Ancient Arabic Order
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine wl'l meet
Friday. May 22, at their hall, at whlrh time
a full report of the proceedings of the Im
perial council at Washington will be sub
mitted. There will be a Joint meeting of nil of thc
hives ot the Lady Maccabees of Omaha Mon
day, Juno IS, for the purpoie of mtktng ar
rangements for the grand clars Initiation
June 29. All officers und members are ex
pected to be present.
A new lodge of the Sons ond Daughters
of Protection was organized at Ashland.
Neb., on Saturday evening. Juno 0, by
Deputy Supreme President W. V. Howard
of Omaha. Forty-eight members were re
ceived at the first meeting. About forty
forty members of thc Greenwood lodge were
In attendance, accompanied by the official
lodge band of that place.
Tho Lincoln council of the Royal Arcmum rejuvenated Friday night by the Initi
ation of twenty-eight novlates. The council
had been in a oomatojo condition lor Ave
year. Those who went down to the Capi
tal City to attend tho cersmony wero Grand
Regent W. M. Ciller. Harry Morrill, C. A.
Orlmmel, N. F. Seckard, Elmund nurke.
Howard Bruner. H. K. Burket and A. P.
The entertainment of Gate City tent.
Knights of the Maccabees, Thursday even
ing was a decided success. Tho proceeds
of the entertainment were turned over to
the First National bank, which bca rent
them to aid the starving In India. Th'fie
who took part In tho program were: Rob
ert Bouhtcl. Cecllle Thompson. Marie and
Rosa Lank, George Gelonberlk, Lapetlte Mc
Cain Herman Scaonflcld, Ml3s Sadie Chad
duck, Miss Butts, Miss Spencer, Elmer BjI
Iard. Minden lent, Knights of the Mnc?abe-s. of
MlnJen, held a public smoker, sjcDI and
reception In Knights of Pythias hall, the
14th inst. Fully 200 Invited guests were
present and lntioiiuced to the now itate
deputy. Sir Knight L. M. Thomas, recently
ttansferred from Dos Moines, la., to Ne
braska, with headquarters at Hastings. Mr.
Thomas Is now In charge of the ent're
central and western district of Nebraska
and will remove his fanjlly to Halting nt
Story irltli n .Mo nil.
Detroit Journal: This Is the .story
Cuthbert aud Clifford.
Cuthbcrt aud Clifford were originally
boys, but In time they grow to manhood
and then they resolved to dovolc them
selves to the welfare of the human nice.
Cuthbert accordingly studied and became
a eoslologlHt and gave advico to the poor.
Clifford, on tho other hand, studied and
became a lawyer and sold his advice to lurgo
corporations and gave the proceeds to the
Moral: There ! more than one way to
skin a cat.
To pull a trolley pole down when It slips
off tho wire a new device has a sprlng
ttctuated drum, on which ono part of a
doublp trolley rope Is wound, to wind up
the ropo by releasing a pawl, thus pulling
the other lope Into position to repluce the
liolo on the wire.
Two Pennsylvanlans have designed on
electric lock which has a pair of magnets
to draw tho locking bnr out of contact
with the catch when the current Is turned
on, a steel key being used to connect two
contact points for tho passage of tho cur
rent to tho magnets.
To extract Julco from lemons nnd oranges
nnd free tho liquid from the pulp a new
glass utensil bus u pyramid set In the
center of a flat base, tho latter resting on
a, tumbler and tho former havliur sharn
corrugations, "with perforation to strain tho
juico into ino mass.
Window sashes can bo left partlallv open
without fear of burglars when provided
with nn Improved fastener, which com
prises a bracket for attachment to each
sush, with two rods pivoted to ench other
and to tho brackets, nllowlng tho sash to
ne moved witnin tlxeu limits.
In n newly designed door bell a flat strip
of metal Is twisted Into spiral shape und
Inserted betweon tho push-button and the
ben mecnanism, passing through a slot
near tho bell, which gives it n twisting
motion when pushed In by tho button,
rotating tho clapper Inside the boll.
Trees are protected from frost at nlaht
without shutting out tho sunshine In the
nay time tiy a Florida man s Invention
having a vertical polo set In the ground
with n crossnrm to support a horizontal
ring over tne trees, n curtain being sus
pended by gathering strings from the ring.
Burled treasures nnd metallic minerals
can bo easily located by a Chicago man's
invention, which utilizes the electric cur
rent to cstnbllsh nn nlternntlng circuit
through a definite section of earth, with
nn Instrument for measuring the resistance,
which varies when coming In contact with
To prevent the stealing of a watch from
n vest pocket u New York man has pat
ented a safety attachment, which can be
sewn In any pocket, being formed of a
heavy piece of fabric, with two eyelets In
Us upper edge, through which tho chain
Is laced before connecting It with tho
An Improved printing device for roll
papernoider. lias n metallic casing sus
pend t-d on ono side of the roll, with an Ink
reservoir In the bottom and feed rollers to
transfer tho Ink to a roller provided with
a clamping device which holds rows of
typo In place to print thc advertisement on
xr.e paper,
arhirfflfsiiORr stories of the day
Cltrsjnifn Miktt t Discomj Cocearning
His Etrndij School Ecbolirs
Oninlin ltcslileiit Whose !oii I Ao
t'liiiiiilntliitf llonrj- I'nster Thnn
III I'nther ty !nvlng
A leading clergyman of the Episcopal de
nomination In the city made tlie discourag
ing discovery recently that the members of
his Sunday school were giving more thought
to the things of thin world than to th
events related In the International Sunday
school letaons. It was the week of thc quni-
terly review and the rector had catcchlied
the school at some length on the sacred
history traversed during the preceding three
month. The questions were answered fit
fully, hero and there n teacher or ti larger
pupil carrying tho burden of tho Inquiry.
Tha rector finally proposed the question
"Why do wo ohserve Ascension Sunday?"
The 200 scholars In the room looked at each
olhcr hopefully with the belief that nomc
ono would certainly relieve them of the re
fponslbllity. Not ono hand was raised and
the fcllcnce grow painful.
Tho rector had made a npeclal point of
this occasion a few weeks beforo and ac
cordingly looked rather grim. Ills nas a
nature, however, which knew the whole
some, refining Influence of a sense of humor
Ho looked up from his apparent abstraction
and asked abruptly:
"Is there nny ono hero who known how
the ball game cauio out yratcrday?"
"Flo to 4hreo in favor of Denver."
shouted the school In unison.
Tho rector turned sadly and walked to his
study without a word. "Well, I'm glad they
knew about tho game anyhow," he was heard
to mutter as he passed along.
"It's sort of hard for me to get used to
thcio pennies," said a resident ot Omaha
who has lately moved from a western state.
"When my son wim flvo yeans old his mother
nnd I decided to give him an Interest In
life and to trach him economy by creating
a fund for him out of tho copper pieces wo
received In our dealings.
"Until we en tu o to Omaha this money
didn't amount to over ten or fifteen cents a
week. About the only placo we got the
copper cent was the postofllce. Slnco com
ing to Omaha, however, It Is different.
Whenever my wife goes to a store she buys
something for an odd number of cents and
receives her change. It was part of our
arrangement thut wo were not to cheat the
boy'n fund by having copper pieces changed
Into ninis of larger denomination, so that
each shopping trip means several cents to
him. Last Saturday night I thought I would
see what the pi mi was costing and after 1
counted tho pile the boy hud accummulnted
I felt that I would he willing to change
places with him, for in thc ordinary course
of the week his mother and myself had
turned Into tbo educational fund 633 copper
cents. If we don't do Fomcthlng he will be
nble to buy us out In a short tlmo."
The first experiences of new po'lcc officers
are nearly always amusing and sometimes
even heartbreaking. One such experloncc
out of the many that might bo told Is that
of a policeman who may be called Officer
Fritz, though his real name Is quite differ
ent. On a winter's night several yean
ago Fritz was patrollng a beat on Sherman
avenue when he found two drunken men,
ono lying on the sidewalk sleiptng soundly
and tho other bnrely nb'c to nsvlgnte. What
happened Is pefuaps best told In the office-'
own words, ns he explalnod thc circum
stances to an angry patrol conductor.
"Veil, I dells you yust how Id happens.
I van valklug down py der street ven I
finds mo fwo drunken fellers mlt Jags on.
One vas lying py dor valk sound aleep and
der oder fcllrr valked avay already ven he
saw me coming, but his legs vas mighty
unsteady mlt him. Veil, I goes back py
der box und rends for tier vagon to come out.
Den I goes to der first feller vat vas nlep
py der valk und makes bot hts foots fast
mlt baled hay wlro und den I ties dor vl e
tight py der fence so he vlll not get avay
vile I goes after der ode.- drunk, but I
don't get him, he vas so far gone already.
So I comes back to der first ono und vat
you tlnk? (loot Graciors thlmlny, he vai
got avay. He had vaked up himself und
made bot his feels loose py tier fence und
eo I haf got nodlngs for you."
Could Do I.esH Real Worll.
Chicago Post. The man was talking of
the woe and the needs of labor.
'If It camo to a choice," put In the
stranger, "would you rather have more pay
or less work?"
Tho orator drew himself up haughtily,
"Your question shows that you do not
know who I am," he said. "I am a business
agent, otherwise known as a walking dele
"Oh, I see." replied tho stranger. "You
couldn't do any loss real work, could you?"
A I'm .llnirllnir llt-murkft mi n tlrnl
Home Topic.
Denver Post.
We are taught from enrlv childhood that
the aneelri In the nklPH
Aro as chaste as aro tho teardrops in it
new-born Infant's eyes
Are as pure as breath of springtime, and
as lovely tho flowers
That are blooming In their beauty In the
iiiiiii reirmiai nowers.
e nre told that nothing mortal, nothlns
earthly, can compare
Ith those s"-eet ethereal creatures
"angels ever bright nnd fair,"
But we have an earthly angel who Is not
so far behind
Those Immaculute creations of thc upper
ansel kind.
She's the home girl, don't you know.
Oftf-n dresjed In culleo.
But her beauty plainest garb can never
Ship's Hint sweet domestic pearl,
That plain, modest, peerless girl
Who tries to lift tho burdens from her
i mother.
She Is not a bud of fashion, not n butterfly
of ptyle,
And there nro no bogus trimmings In the
make-up of her smile;
Needs no artificial fixing to enhance her
girlish chnrms,
And a god would go In raptures o'er tSe
plumpness of her nrms
As she wnshe.s up tho dishes, and the min
utes speed nlonir
Dancing gnlly as they pass her to the
music of her song.
In her eyes n soft expression of a pure
maternal lovo
That must surely be tho envy of those
angels up above
She's the Joy of every homo
Utdirneath yon arching dome
Till she elves her heart's affections to an
other Lucky ho who wini the true
Loving loyal maiden who
Trie to lift the dally burden from her
When the weekly toll Is over nnd she dons
her Sunday gown
There Is not a namiered darling on the
earth can turn her down
In tho winning gamo of beauty; 04t n
fashionable pearl,
Though ablaze with costly Jewels, can out-
shlno tho mother girl.
Sweet simplicity Is noted In her unassuming
And fhe needs no color touching to nut
l.loom Into her fnco.
For tho blood of health Is coursing throi'i
her veins, her rosy blush
Isn't made for the occasion by the dco'
tlvu brush,
She's tho very fairest gem
In our beauty diadem.
Search creation and you cannot find
On tho face, of nil the earth
That possesses hnlf the worth
Of the clrl ho lifts the burden from her