net SPECIALNBTjCES Ail vr rllnrmrnla lor these column rrlll lie until I'i in. fur Ilic Mcnltiit rillllon mid until HiilO I. lit. tor inornliiK mid Monday edition. Ilntrii, I l-2c n itoril llrnt liinrrtloni 1c n Ttoril thrrrnf (T. .iitlilnir tnUpn for Irm tlinn U.c for Hie llmt lner tlon. Those nilvortUciiictitii in nut In; rnn coimrciitlt cl'. Advertisers, li- rrqtirxl Inn n num bered check, cull linve nimrrrs nil dremiril lo 11 nnnilicrei! letter In ore of The Hit. Aiihivith ko nililresscd ivlll be delivered on prcseiitiil lull of tlir cheek only. SITI)ATM),S WAVIER. AS TUTOH, governess or comp.mlnn. Ad dress K6, Roe. A-M687 17 COMPBTBNT nurse wishes to tako fharge of Infant. Address K 12. Dec. A-M7C2 IT WANTED, position by a middle aged ! married mini, nn nccoiintiint of good ox eeutlve unci business nblllty; experience lth references. Address IC 11, Hit. A 726-1 i A. TEMPERATE young man desires posi tion In olllce or clerking In gents' fur nishing or grocery store; references. Ad dress K .V. Hee. A S5S IT WANTED MAI III? IjI. A FEW MORE POINTERS ADOPT THE OMAHA t'OMM ERC'IA I. COLLEGE, IfiTH AND DOUGLAS STS.. ROHRIIOPGH PROS.. PROPS. POINTER NO. I-Mucli interest Is being taken In the exhibition to be given at tho rooms of the O. C. C. Tuesday even ing, Juno 20, In S. 11. and T. W. Speed contests of every kind and variety will bn given by amateurs ami experts. Spe cial opportunity will be given to see what can be done by from two to live months' (.Indents in Gregg H. 11. Several exhibi tion will bo given In Touch T. W. A pAMal Invitation Is extended to overv student within reach, now studying S. II. ami T. W. to attend that evening. They may learn something to their advan tage. Every stenographer, as well as parties Interested In stenography, are also Invited. Other entertainment will bo provided for the occasion. Do not forget tho date, Tuesday evening, June 26. POINTER NO. 2- Wo had another class In Grpgg S. II. this week. The attendance for the summer months Is the largest In tho history of the Institution by nearly M per cent. rOlNTKR NO. ,1-Several Gregg students have been given positions within the last few days. We are having an unusually large number of calls for stenographers nt this time of the year. If you want to obtnln a position attend the O. c. learn Gregg S. II. and Touch T. W. No antediluvian methods arc lined at till: Institution. It Is progressive in all de partments. It employs llrst-class teachers and lias the linest equipments. It has thn patronage of our business men and does tho best work. POINTER NO. I Our summer school for public school children above 1th H tirade begins Monday morning, July U. Special classes will also be organized In book keeping, shorthand and typewriting, ami tho normal branches. Anyone can spend a few weeks with us most prolltnbly anil nt small expense. Many new ones havo entered for the summer. It will pay you to Join our number. H 822 17 WANTED Wo have steady work for n few good hustlers of good habits and appear nnce, C. F. Adams Co., 1819 Howard St. B-i53 I1ARP.ER trade taught thoroughly In short time; cataloguo and particulars free. Address Western IJarbers" Institute, Omnhn, Neb. U-S51 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, ronk men nnd surfacing men, Neb., Wyo. nnd Iowa; free fare; highest wages; ship dally. Western R. II. Labor Agency, 310 8. 11th St. B-M852 SALESMEN, to sell oftlco specialties; fine side lino; used by all merchants; cata logue free. Model Mfg. Co., Ilox H, South Rend, Ind. B-S23 Jc2S WANTED, young man with some drug and soda fountain experience. 2102 Cum ing. B-M712 IT WANTED, men to learn barbel- trnde. We teach tho work In two months and in clude complete outtlt of tools for 30: $13 weekly guaranteed graduates. This offer made or. account of tho demand for graduates and Is good until July only. Can earn scholarship, board, tools or transportation to tiny of our branches nt Chicago, St. Louis or Minneapolis if desired. Mako application by mall today. Moler Harbor College, agent, 1623 Fur nam st.. Omaha. R-M710 21 WANTED, grocery specialty salesman. Olvo your experlenco fully to Insure n reply. Wo offer exceptional 'opportunity. Address J 41, Bee. B-M709 17 GOOD side line for traveling men In low.i and Nebraska ; largo protlts; short time required. IC 10. Hoe. B-M70I 17 WANTED-Canvassers to sell Blcholtz Harness Machines In Nebraska and Kan sas. Wrlto J. E. Grllllth, Carroll, la. II FAKE CAPE NOME-Transportatlon or Mining companies and Information bureaus are nlwavs exposed In "IN DUSTRY AND MINING." It Is tho of ficial paper of tho Alaska Miners' ass'n; better subscribe for It for three months nnd keep posted on the mining Industry out west; It will cost you only 50c nnd It may save you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry & Mining, No. 629 New York Block, Seattle, Wnsh. II CLOTHING SA LESM AN To open and operate agencies for the largest exclusive tnllorlng house In the United States; the proper facilities will bo given to the right parties, Including woolens In the piece for display purposes; this is a rata opportu nity to engage In a lucratlvo business without Investment; hundreds thus en- ?aged In this business now aro making rom $1,500 to $5,010 a year. Wrlto for terms nnd full information to 12 Agency Department, I ock Box No. 9.13, Chicago, II Representatives wanted-wo have something entirely new and very nttrac--tlvo an Illustrated weekly newspaper for boys and girls; good p.iy for good service; references required. Address stating ex periences, The Little Chronicle. Statu nnd Randolph streets. Chicago. l WANTHD. salesmen, nutoinatlc copying book; Just out; sells Itself; needed' by every business man; n bonanza for agents. Exclusive, territory. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Rend. Ind. H WANTED ruptured men to euro free, to prove easy, safe cure; quick method. Dr. Spelrs, Rox 400, Westbrook, Me. II ENERGETIC, trustworthy men to travel, nppolnt agents and mnke collections for Corporation with K'no.Onu capital; j'.oo per year nnd expenses guaranteed. Unusual opportunity Permanent pusltlon. "Uni versal," llox 733, Philadelphia. II CORPORATION wnnts to contract with capable district manager and general solicitor, permanent position. Hec'y.. No. 1229. 103 La Salle St . Chicago. 11-7.17-17' WANTED, by established, well rated llmt scheme or specialty men to sell an ex ceedingly attractive nnd salable line. Special terms and unlquo Inducements. High priced men Investigate. Rox Detroit, Mich. it 73U-17 WANTED, rollablo hutsllng man to sell country grocery trade. International Tnblo Supply Co., St. Louis, .Mo. H-733.17' WANTED, man to solicit orders, good salary. Perry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. 11-731-17 CANVASSERS wanted. Apply nt 707 N. 16th St., Domestic! Mercantile Co. n-732-17" GOVERNMENT POSITIONS: Don't pre pnro for nny civil service or census ex amlnntlon without seeing our catnlogue of Information, Sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, I). C. H-732-17" A IjAUOE and well known wholesale coffee firm wishes to employ a good, honest and Industrious man to represent them In Omaha nnd Council Bluffs; cnod opportunity to right party; experienced preferred. Address K 15, Reo. H-M729.1S WE WANT three experienced snlesmen to llll vacancies; wo employ the besi and pay nccordluglv. Addrexs Tho Eastern Mfg. Co., Manhattan Hldg., Chlcauo. 11 72-17 WANTED, balloon and ".larachuto man for Julv 4th. Address C. E. MeMonles, Lvons, Nob. U-8ia IS WANTED, men and boys In overy town to buy up old printed postal curds not used, Address National Curd Co,, Chicago, . U-S13 wavied male help. ATTKND HOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, HEE BUILDING. Th .. hool In which the lending business men ure Interested. StudfntM ure now being rapidly enrolled for the summer term and noon the decks will all be taken. If you are undecided where to bo select this reliable school and you will not be disappointed. A number have already enrolled to becln tomorrow. Join them. VISITORS. Intending students are Invited to call and see our equipment and special facilities for the rapid training of llrst-clnss sten oKraphers and bookkeepers. Ask to see list of positions tilled by our gradual s during the past month. Results speak louder than advertisements. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. Personal attention and Instruction Is one of mo riisunguisning onuraeicristic or this school, livery Individual student receive;! personal aid and encouragement from the proprietor and teachers. SHORTHAND SYSTEM. "What ystem of shorthand shall I learn?" That Is a question lo be settled In the mind of everyone who hns decided tn be. come a stenographer. While scores of Kystoms nave neen invented a large ma jority of the best writers use thn Graham. Do not experiment with untried systems. Look about you and see what system Is used by court rcoorters and tho best amenuensls writers. Do not permit your self to be deluded by some darning ad vertisement that .Mr. A of New York or Mr. II of San Francisco, or Mr. f of New Orleans acquired a speed of 20) words u minute In two or three months' time by studying some "greased llclitnlnu" mvm. i This last paragraph Is n clipping from a lf.00. that has suddenly come to the conclu sion that tho Graham system Is out-of to. The management of this school Is privileged to teach nny system It desires. There Is no Institution that has the exclusive right to teach any one system. Students who am Interested should Investigate very thoroughly, and by writing or calling at the college unbiased and unprejudiced In formation will be given them by short hand writers and rrporters of long ex perlence. After an explanation of the merits of different systems tho student will bo permitted to adopt tho system that ho deems best. Since tho 1st of ,1a nuary more Inquiries have come to this school as to whether or not the Pitman ami Graham systems nro taught than ever before in Its history. INVESTIGATE. The slightest Investigation among reporters and amenuensls of ability will result In one or the other of these systems being recommended ami any school that tries to build up another system at the ex pense of these docs It for personal gain, htudents who adopt either ono of these aluablo and long-tested systems cannot fall of success. i ho textbooks have been reduced to such a science that these sys tems are also "easy to learn, easy to write and easy to read" when properly taught. TOUCH TYPEWRITING. We tencli It Apply for catalogue and college Journal. -H HI STLINO salesman wanted by well known house ;natural nblllty and aptness counts for more than experience; give references. Box Three. Detroit. Mich. B-727-17' WANTED, salesmen nnd agents; salary or commission to able men. Chemical Flro Englno Co., Des Moines, la. 11-813 IT MANAf.LR-Capable man to manage 0mnJ.,!l branch. 'f old eastern house; mer cantile line; office duties; $100 month extra commission; must furnish $500 cash and good references. Manager 1103, 3u6 Dearborn Sl Chicago. H-7S3-17 TRAVELING salesman wanted for fall V e our speclnl makes of dry ?wiliito V'V'Jf. " commission. The 1 urnell Dale .Mills, -Box COO, Philadelphia, a' H-781-17' '"MONBV FOR IIUSLING SALESMEN. We want n. good man In every town to tako orders for made-to-measure suits pvorcor.ts nnd pants. Our prices are hUn ted s?"KV'?,,Iorln ho"so " too united Mates. Write at once with references fr irBn amr),e outtlt. teins Wored'NnL V!ll w"nRton Woolen' & "orated .Mills, Chicago, uydoLj;, GOOD barber. Alfred Harris, Pierce. Neb , H M-7S2-23 ' WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples etc niriurenf,1'1. P0"'1 Im'' Su Advert ing jiurcnu, Chicago. H 809 17 WANTED, llrst-class solicitors experienced jMfm sir" nmi ionn SALESMEN nnd solicitors, lntcllKont. well- tUVn PB, ,ne7' CUI,al)l0 r "nlng W.ou to S..0O per day; now proposition money maker; call after S:30 u. m S B Wlllsden, room 100, Heo Hldg. H-M731-23 WANTED, fi coat makers, .1 pants makers" Halre do. Co.. Ft. Dodge, la. ri-MTso-fo WANTED, man of good character; ilellyer f.lvf c,olll,ct for established house! -i, " Acar ilm! expenses guaranteed, Ad J,res?.i nn"faoturcr' 3J noor. 33" Dearborn St., Chicago. II MS32 17 V,irhD' '""'Puce'l traveling salesmen lilaco a high grade specialty lino with the general merchandise trade. Must bo or good appearance and address; bond required. Uox COS, St. Louis. Mo. R-S29 17 MILL niGHT forcmnn nt largo operating esta t.iishmout; only thoroughly competent parties need apply; atnto age. experience, references and salary expected. K 29 Hoe B MS," 20 " WANTED, two ladles, also two men. CaU Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, or ad dress O. Chedutd, Arcndo Hotel. I1-S50 17 AVAXTED FEMALE WANTED, 200 glrla. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870 C-53 Si) girls wanted. Canadian olllco 1522 Dougln.1 C-MI WANTHD. n competent girl for general housowork; family of two; good wages . -.-ls South 21st nve. C MT00 17 COMPETENT nurse BlrT'sil S. 29th nve C-717 li . . ,nn "-'elli'nt position for ludles to travel, under our new system fr creating business; the work is oajy ami Pleasant; no canvassing; country work; J.iO per month and expenses; experlenco unnecessary. Instructed. John E. Iloham Company, ;t!l Dearborn St., Chicago. C 745-17" SIIOL11IAND thoroughly taught by mull with positions. Natlonnl Correspondence fechool of Shorthund, Mllwuukce, Wis. C-7U-17 LADY agents make ft.' week selling Eureka protector; every lady wants one. bhltcy. Denver, Colo. c 713-17 WOMEN and girls to do nlco plensanTwork for us nt home. $5 to $s per week; material furnished. Address with stamped en velope. Ideal Homo Work Co., Chicago. C-7 12-17 WOULD like to cornspond with exT teacher, or well educated woman, relative to special work along educational lines; work pleasant and prolltnble; fair terms at start and further Increase later. Ad dress R 14, lice. C 741-17 LADY to travel In Nebraska; toO monthly and all expenses to start; permanent post lion If satisfactory; self-addressed on velopo for reply. Address Manager Mc Hrady, Star Hldg., Chicago. c-740-17 WOMEN wanted to crochet and mako fancy work at home; steady paying work, Herrsclmer Chlcauo. Needleworks. 321 Dearborn, V (U3-I - WANTED, bright lady to travel In Ne braska, splendid route, no oxperlenca necessary; good snlary nnd nil expenses to start. For particulars address Ameri can Literary and Musical Association, Chicago, C 739-17 WANTED An Intelligent woman to man- net llll ilfflpn mitul.l.. if II, a .-.lit, n.f... ences nnd security required. Call fore- 11UUH9, iuvi lo., jiQ ttee mug. C-M728-19 WANTED, experienced work. 2037 Dodge st. girl for second C-MS21 THE OMATTA XV. TEI1 KIJM A l,H HEM'. WANTED, girl to do second work out of city In town of 15o.O"i population; two In lamny. Apply 3S2 s. 37th st. C MS47 U FOR REXT-IIOUSns. IF YOt? want your hounea well rented placs them with Renew a A Co, D-S65 HOUSES, etc, F. D, Wcad, 1521 Douglas. D-iM ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos, Onicc, 151P.4 Farnnm St. Tel. 1559 or VIJ. D-S57 HOUSES, stores. Remis. Paxton ufk D-fSS HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Urcnnan-Love Co., 209 S, 13th street. D-S59 CHOICE houses, cottages, stores. Henry 11. Payne, C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 101C. D-SOO HOUSES nnd fiats. Mngwalt, Marker Iilk. D-S61 MAGGARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol ne. Tel. 1496, D-S6I 9-ROOM, also 12-room modern house, el.enp 1 to small families. 254S Capitol nve. Tel 673. I Tel., 1490. D-S6i ! COTTAGE at Lake OkoboJI, In., for rent. Omaha beach, A. M. Clarke, 2557 Harney. D-SU3 SIX-ROOM modern lint. 1112 South 11th. D-3G3 131 S. 25th St., 11-room, modern. D-M8'i3 MODERN 5-room house; In good condition. S31 S. 21st St. D-C5I 822H South 20th street, C. F. Hreckenrldgc, 711 New York Life. D-M228- ONE six-room modern house for rent, closo In. $17.60. Omaha, Loan & Trust Co., ICth & Douglas. D-C72 FOR RENT. 11-room modern Hat. 600 N. 17th st. Chas. L. Saunders, 211 S. ISth st. D-M328 3-4-G-ROOM houses. 968 N. 27th St. D-267 Jy2 8 ROOMS, modern, with barn; nil In extra flno repair; $25 to good tenant. Alfred R. DeLong, 43? Hoard of Trade. D M226 SUMMER COTTAGE. A beautiful summer cottage at Mlnnehaha-on-the-RuMon, near Maultou, Colorado, one of the coolest and most thoroughly delightful spots In the Rocky mountains, It has seven rooms nnd Ia completely furnished. This Is something fine and we will rent It for tho season ot a reasonable ilpure. For further particulars address or inquire ot PA YNE-KNOX COMPANY. 'Phono 1781. First Floor N. Y, Life. D-C15-19 UNSURPASSED, central, modern. 7-room house; 5-room flat; cool. Tlzord. 221 N. 21. D-574 17 SIX-ROOM cottage In the suburbs, nicely furnished, modern, for the summer; refer ence required. Address K 7, Hee. D-M690 17 TWO-STORY house, 922 So. 20th St.; modern conveniences: good repair. Apply to Clinton II. Brlggs, 226 Hee RIdg. D-697 FOR RENT, n furnished house, until Octo ber 1. The O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. D-693-19 FOR RENT, 2J19 N. 21th st.. 8 rooms, over store, city water in kitchen, flO. 2910 Beward St.. 5-room cottage, city water In kitchen. S10. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Streets. D-M317 FOR RENT, 6-room cottage nnd barn. 4 blocks from Burlington depot; rent, $12. Inquire 1C02 S. 10th St. D-M714 17 FURNISHED house for rent. Address "II." U. S. National Rank. D-TM-17 2523 Cnpltol nve., S-room. modern cottngo In first-class condition. $40. 2129 Farnam St., C-room, modern tint, $.'2.50. 1133 S. ICth st., 6-room flat, detached, tine porch. $12.59. 2717 Leavenworth St., store, room, $12.60. GEORGE A COMPANY. 1001 Farnam St. D-MS02 18 COZY cottage home, beautiful lawn, ver andas, south bay window, hall, parlor, sit ting room, two large closets, two largo bed rooms, dining room, kitchen, pantry, cemented cellar, city nnd cistern water, furnished or unfurnished, or would sell all or part of furnlturo on monthly pay ments; Leavenworth motor, one block; Farnam, four, 914 S. 40th, between Marcy and Mason Sts. D 74S 17 FOK RENT 8-room modern house. Kountzc Place. I. N. Hammond, 15th nnd Farnam Sts. D-747-17 FURNISHED 8-room, modern, new house for the summer, east front lawn, trees and barn. Call 140 N. 31st nve. D S36 17 NICELY unfurnished front rooms for rent. 2.110 Douglas st, D Sll 17 FOR RENT, 6-room, modern house. 2502 Bristol st. D 811 17 FOR RENT. You will nnd these Just what you want. 2902 N. 28th St.. 6 rooms, city water, barn, $12.00. 617 N. ltth St., 1 rooms, well and cistern, TU.oo. 3023 Pratt st., I rooms, very pretty little home. $7.60. 3107 Jackson St., 7 rooms, all modern, with barn, $20.00. 2I2S Bristol st., 7 rooms, modern, clegnnt, $22 60. 2SU Davenport st., Just what you are look ing for, nn elegant 7-room, nil modern cottngo, everything llrst-class, only $22.50. 3511 Jnckson St., 8 rooms, city water and zns. $22.50. 2215 Burt st., S rooms, modern except fur nace, $25.00. 3101 Center St., S rooms, modern except fur nace, $25.00. 2320 N. 2Sth nve., elegant 10-room, nil mod ern, house and barn, only $20.oo. 2123 Miami St.. ! rooms nnd bath, all mod ern, steam heat, larso barn, lawn, etc., elegant place for n home, only J25.01. HHIi and Center st., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $18.50. 2S20 Dodge st., hero Is something line, all modern, for only $30.0). Cnll and see us or 'phono 17S1. PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1st door, New York Llfo Hldg. D-M!s2? 19 WE hnven't a vacant house nnd our list Isn't small, either. This ought to mean something to Owners. Chas. E, William son, 1S03 Farnam St., U. S. National bank building. ........ rj j- 1M1 CHARLES St., 3 rooms, city water. $10. 2912 Farnam st.. 6-room Hat, modern, $16. 2720 Haword nt., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. 612 N. 25th at., 8 rooms, modern, $25. 1807 Plnkney st., 9 rooms, modern, $30. I'd! Plnkney st., 9 rooms, modem, $25. 330 N. Kith ave., 8 rooms, modern, $25, 1311 S. SOth ave.. 9 rooms, modern. $15. ri'RNISIIED-2107 Plnlcne.v, 9 rooms, mod ern. $.15. 2G12 Mason st.. 10 rooms, modem, $15. SOUTH u.MA ha 193 so. 'Jltli St.. 6 rooms, clti' wnter, $17. R. C. PETERS & C. 1702 Farnam St., Hee Hid. D-S51 17 l-'OIl RENT 1-imXISHEn ROOMS FURNISHED rooms, liousekeenlng 2621 St. Mary 'a. E-M507 Jol3 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. E-110 Furnished or unfurnished, 2576 Ilnrney. E-M5I5JY 9 FOR RENT, 3 furnished rooms, housekeep ing; will tako rent In board If desired. 1551 Sherman nve. E 570 1910 CAPITOL AVE. Furnished moms. E-5S7 Jyll 1709 DODGE; large, finely furnished room; private family. E 622-26 FOR RENT, furnished rooms for house keeping. Ilrst Hat. Sirs. C. A. Brockway, 413 N. 21th st.. South Omaha. E-.M6S2 IT FOR July and August, furnished Hat in Dnvldgo bldg.; no children; references. Address K 13, Bee, E-T16 17 1ST FLOOR of modern Hat, beautiful rooms, completo for housekeeping, piano and nlco shady yard. 514 Notth 19th. E-M797-15 NICE alcovo suite for gentlemen, also housekeeping rooms; best location. 116 So. 25th st. E-S5S 17 DESIRAHLE rooms for desirable people at 2236 Farnam. E-S55 17? PLEASANT south loom. 2315 Douglas. E-MS17 13 DAILY REE: SUNDAY, FOR It i;.T l'l IIMKIIEl) ROOMS. MODERN furnished rooms one block from ijcc nuuuiug. Address Jv zi, nee. K 19" j ! 616 N. 19TH ST.. several nice front rooms, I ! moacrn; rensonable; also nouseKeeptng. ; E-MS42 19 , TOIl RENT, two nicely furnlslied rooms. 2036 Farnam terrace. E-39 17 FOR HE NT, furnished rooms. 613 N. J2d st. E-MS1I 21 I'Mt.MSIinn ROO.MS AM) llOAItl). THE Mcrrlam, good summer resort, 28th & Dodge. F S06 aLENCAIRN,translents,11.23day. 1609 DeIs. F-M250 IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F 100 609 S. 25th nvenue, private family. F-M557 July 9 NICE rooms with board. 316 S. 26th st. F-M596 19 t'TOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-C9I. VERY desirable rooms; modem. 616 N. 23. F-M705 17 1711 DODGE, twolargo, finely furnished front rooms with board. F MS07 17 FOR It EST STORES AXI OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Hee Hldg. I 265 Olllfes $S and Up. UNITED STATES NAT. 'HANK RLDG. OIUccs spaces ground lloor, heat, light, tele phono. Also st. ire room. 120J Farnam. Same building. I-S26 17 AtJEVI'S WANTED. $2,600 CAN bo made during next six months by hustling agents handling our white and fancy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms nnd neckties; patented and guaranteed goods; Inclose stamp for special plan. M. & M. Mfg. Co., Sprlnglleld, Mass J-M300 AUB4 AGENTS on salary or commission. Tho greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight: 200 to 600 per cent protit; ono agent's sales amounted to $62) In six d;ys; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 16, La Crosse, Wis. J-M7C.1 17 $50 PER MONTH during tho campaign and permanent position after. Man or lady. .Icglcr CO., 322 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J M699 17 JU3T OUT Now Peerless gasoline lamp! enslcst lighted, most satisfactory, knock nil competition; agents coining money. Peerless Lnmp Co.. 214 Hallway Exchange bldg, St. Louis. Mo. J- STARK Nursery pays cash weekly If you sell Staik Trees. Louisiana, Mo.; Dans vllle, N. Y. J- AOENTS wanted to sell official campaign book, "The Political Rattle of 1900," pre pared under tho direction of and endorsed by tho national committee. Newly written. Issues and platforms u'oly discussed. Por traits and biographies of all party leaders. Llvo Issues. Live book. Biggest hook. Il lustrated. Best terms. Freight. Credit. Rig money. Bo first In the Held. Outfit free. Address Manufacturers quick. Mon nrch Book Co.. Chicago, III. J 7!s7 17 PORTRAIT agents can save big money by getting our wholesale jirlces on portraits and f-ames. Tho Grove Art Co., 175 E. Randolph 8t., Chicago, ill. J 7S5-17 ROYS, girls and ladles wanted to quickly earn sold watches, bicycles, dinner sets, bue ball ou'tlts, camer-is gold rings: choice 75 vnluablo premiums In cntalogue; hell is of our patented fountain pens at 10c each; to help you mako quick sales we give you free with each pen one pint wi luting Ink, vnluo 4Cc; you give your cus tomer 65c merchandise for 10c; sales easy and many; we trust you; no money re quired; wrlto Immediately; wo send you the goods, Instructions nnd premium cata logue, charges paid; when sold send money nnd pick your present; cash com mission If wanted; wrlto at once. Cham pion Supply Co., 46 E. Stato St.. Chicago. J 736 17" WONDEHIFUL 3-mlnuto Ice cream freezer and churn; 20 flavors at onco. New plans for country orders. Free sample to man agers; prizes to customers. Write quick for terms. Eclipse Co., Norwalk, Conn. J-7SI-17 AGENTS Campaign novelties now readv. On receipt of $1 we will mall prepaid 100 assorted buttons, ten beautiful designs. Headquarters for nil kinds of campaign goods. Cntalogue free. W. F. Miller, Chambera St.. New York. J 7S3 17 AGENTS. great money maker; most wonderful polish over made; exclusive control given: puts piano polish on every thing; send 23 cents In silver for sample bottle. Farrar & Co., ISO La Salle, Chicago. J 7CO-17 LADIES to work for mo selling skirt sup porters, nlso other practical novelties for ladles' use; late Inventions; lluhtnlng sellers. Cass Mfg., Depot 1710 Wabash, Chicago. ,1759-17 RELIABLE AGENTS In every town to sell our Improved gasoline vapor lainos; no torch; adjustable tlamo; polished brass: seven styles; handsome de-dans; good protlts. Write Studobaker Gas Lighting Co.. Dept. 27. 552 Main St.. Kansas City, Mo. LET THERE BE LIGHT. J-75S-17 MAGENTIC HEALERS make big money; famous Weltmer method complete by mall $"..oo. Journal free. National School, Cnrrolltou, Mn. J 757-17 GOOD AGENTS everywhere for latest nfilco specialty; sells Itself, with large protit: agents coining money; wtlte at once for ipeclal terms. Am. Lock. Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-756-17 nOOK AGENTS Send for our 175-pago Il lustrated catalogue and -plan by which you can greatly Increase your protlts; will not Interfere with your regular work. Co operntlvo Literary Society, 73 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J 78S 17 LADY cleared $020. mnn $1.1S2. last slv months IntrodueliiT Hollailay's Marvel Wnterproof Slice Polish; self-edilnlng; rus set nnd black. Why not you? Demon strated samples free. Ilnlladay & Co., room 3"0. US Monroo street, Chlcnoo, 111. Solo manufacturers. J 735 17 , OUR counter sndn fountain. $15; no chiirged I tank used. Great money maker. Agents I ....... 1..... f- 11...... 1,1 t.l.l.- ,,.ll,-l(, I' 1IA IV t If., I ll'ljllll JlMIl'., V. ill- cniro J 751 17 AGENTS Stereoscopic views, artistic, bountiful; sample 10c: agents make $2 to $5 il.iy; catalogue revolving scooes-.vlews etc., free. Artistic View Co., Akron O. J-7C3 17 AGENTS SI "LL THE ONLY OFFICIAL CAMPAIGN BOOK, WRITTEN AND EN DORSED RY THE LEADERS OF EACH PARTY. Most dlstlnyulshed authorship. GREAT ISSUES-EXPANSION. IMPE RIALISM. TRUSTS. MONEY. ORI ENTAL POLICY. NICARAOUAN CANAL ably discussed. PARTY principles care fully comnaied. LARGEST and REST ILLUSTRATED HOOK. Popular prices. Most liberal commission. Freight nnld Credit given. Wrlto for outtlt. MORSE & CO., Chicago. J-752-17 WANTED 100 good, llrst-clnss solicitors to pell a new .dan of Investment. The torn '.any has $1CO,000 on deposit with tho treasurer of the state of Missouri. Salary or per cent. Call at Room C27. Puxtnn block. J-M751-1S AGENTS Picture, book or Installment men on new scheme. Money maker. Weekly settlement. Call room 10), Bee Hldg. J -M 750-23 AGENTS wanted for the Idenl skirt sun porter and shirt waist holder- thn most simple, elegant and practical devlco ever Invented; tho best seller on cnrtli; onco used always used. Wrlto for terms. Geo N. Scoots, 45 Commerco Bldg., 16 Pacific Ave.. Chlcaco. J 719 17 MANUFACTURER wnnts men nnd women to distribute samples: tako orders; goods required in every household: largo protlts; steady work; samples for stamp. T. M. Sayman, St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS, ennvnssers. photographers, por trait men, coin money taking orders for our handsome photographic novelties, made from anv nlcturn Into luitinnu brooches, cuff buttons, etc.; pictures re turned uninjured: big commissions to hustlers; Illustrated catalogue, cranio rnoio iiiiuon .Mrg. t o., Hiam st.. Ch cn.o, 111. J 837 IT BIG profits bundling latest Improved ga?o line lamps; sells at sight; beats elec tricity; cheaper than kerosene; retails $4.00 up; 12 different styles; exclusive terri tory. Standard Lamp Co,, munufacturn s, Chicago. J-M831 17 JITXE 17, 1000. AVA NTHD TO HE.NT. WANTED, by a gentleman nnd wife, two nr three furnUbpd rooms, convenient to I good boarding place: private family pre ferred: state price jfr no answer. K 16, I I,ee- K-762-17 WANTED, furnished room for dltcrete ! couple; gas, bath. Address K Li Hee. ; W .61-17 WANTED. 7 or 8-room furnished houto with bath, modern; occupy Immediately until late fall. K!S, Hee. K-S10 1. WAXTKD-TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc., In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1106-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Rnnk accounts. Hrennan Love Co., 309 So. 13th. N-Sil HOUSE of about 9 or 10 rooms In West Farnnm or Hnnscom Place districts; must be modern nnd have a south or east front age and good-sized lot. Address J 32, Iee, SECOND-HAND roller-ton desk. Address 605 First Nat'l Hank bldg. N-M623 17 6 TO 10-HORSE power gasoline engine In good repair. Address K 18, Ileoomce FOR SAI.E-Fl'ltNITIIIin. ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. Is clOB Ing out refrigerators nnd gasoline stoves nt your own price. 102-lOi S. llth, cor. Dodge. 0-M124 Jyl SELLING out stoves, furniture, Ml-3 N. IC. O 953 FOIl SALE. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. PHAETONS, buggies, road wagons, harness Anderson Uuggy Co. 15th and Davenport. 1' S73 FINE driving horse, stylish and speedy, with buggy nnd harness. 1102 Farnam St. P-M229- VEH1CLES of all kinds made and repaired by Harry Frost, ltth & Leavenworth. P-ST4 GOOD young delivery team, city broke. Chas. Anderson, 21st & Manderson. P-MT63-1S FOR SALE, family horse nnd buggy; n bargain. 4315 Ersklno St. P-T6I-17 FOIl SALE, full leather top concord buggy, rubber tires. Just out of paint shop, nearly now; also two sets single nnd one double sot carriage harness, hand made. 1S23 Wirt St. P-7&5-17 FOR SALE, fine, large family horse, bay, good looker; safe for lady to drive. Ad dress K 27, Reo oftlee. V S4S 17 FOR SALE, young horae, wagon and har ness, also doubln carriage and double har niBs, A. P. Tukey, Hoard of Trade. P-SC2 17 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture & stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less, Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge, R-S93 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST nnd best poultry and hog fence. 601 Douglas St. Q 876 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman fi Mc- Connell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. U 377 2DHAND safe chcap.Derlght. 1116 FarnamT Q-S7S B. HAAS, Florist. 1813 Vinton Bt. Tel. 776. Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, rei dencc, wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q-890 FOR SAIJ:, binder twine nt special Inside prices, delivered at any railroad station. Say how muoh twine you require and we will quoto you a very low price. Address Sears, Roebuck & Co, (Hinder Twins Dept.), Chicago, 111. Q-M36S JelS' 6,000 FEET sewer pipe, all sizes; Inth, $2.00 thousand, nnd lumber, $5.00 thousand; kindling wood, 50c nnd $1.00 load. Apply office, Expo, grounds Q M5S3 18 FOR SALE, fresh cows and springers. James Whelan, Ith and Grace. Q-M598 IS CHICKERING piano; must sell; leaving city. 2211 Plnkney st. Q-M605 17 SAFES, buy sell. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Tel.1697 Q-S79 HORSE, bay pacer, record 2:14; pneumatic bike-wagon. H. E. Frodrlckson, 15th and Dodge St. Q-M940 FOR SALE, good 4-room cottage on south side of Spirit lake, Orleans, la.; nlso 21 foot naphtha launch. For full particulars address Miss Mattle W. Burgess, 101 N. Fifteenth St., St. Joseph. Mo, Q-M5S5 Je22 65 nrt posters postpaid, $5. Houston. 2020 N. 22. Q-2SS Jy 2 FOR SALE, chenp, latest style Voe piano; party leaving city. Address J 54. Bee. Q-M507 Juy9 WIRE fence. Leddy, 1617 Howard. Tel. 1590. Q-S91 All M. & W. tires. $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q 802 I. O. Augustson, granite monuments, 20 & Castollar. Tel A 2549. Also sandsttne. lime stone, ruble for bunk walls; right prices. Q-613-Jy.l2 GOOD 25-H. P. engine, 33-H. P. boiler, steam pump, fire brick and stenm pipes, $150.00. Chas. Andersen 21st and Mander son. Q-M7C5-1S FOR SALE, one National Cash Register, i keys. Geo. F. Abbott. 220 So. 15th. Q-.M794-1S $20.00, 4x5 focusing camera, superb lens, tlneH llttlngs, three double plato holders, $10.00. Address K 2?. Hee. Q-MWi 17 SECOND-HAND BICYCLES AT .Tlj PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICE. Phoenix, perfect condition $12.60 Wolff American, perfect condition 25.0;) Sterns 10.00 Chicago 6.50 Commercial "0 Arena 12. on World, good ns new K.50 Vim, good us new 9.00 Sterns, combination tanden, rood as now 30.00 Chicago Tandem, double diamond frame 22.00 Wolff American Tnnilem, good condi tion 23.00 Special prices this week on nil our now stock. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 15th & Harney. Q-725 17 OLEANDERS, over-bloomlng, very fra grant, different colors and sizes. 1717 Burt st. Q-S3S 17 CLAlllVOVANTS. MME. PALMER, the renowned spiritual medium nnd occult scientist, can bo con sulted dally on all affairs of llfo. Through her wonderful knowledge of occult science she diagnoses all diseases, In stantly locatli):: tho seat of trouble and thereby affecting a npecdy cure. If you nro In trouble, either physically or men tally, you should consult this remarkable medium, she unites the separated, alle viates domestic infelicity ami restores happiness. Resident e, 1623 Dodge St. S-S19 17 DEWEY'S FRIEND HAS ARRIVED. MRS. HILL. Sho Is tho seventh daughter; born with veil; tells your fortune, cures rheuma tism, lung, kidney, liver, eyes, deafness, iisthma nn 1 bloody piles; locates gold, hidden treasures; her mother was tho seventh daughter; stood by Abraham Lin coln In the civil war; pi Ice, ladles, 50c; gents, $1.00; readings In Germnn and Eng lish. N. W. corner 20th and Cuming, Omaha, Nob.; hourp, S a. m. to 9 p. m. and Sunday; letters answered containing 2o stamp and $l.Prof. Spelss, magnetic healer, faith cure; removes unnatural trrowths, warls, wens, bolls, etc H-S5217 GET YOUf' PALM ready for the world's greatest palmist, MADAM OYLMER. This wonderful woman has no superior as n llfo reader and she Is endowed with a superhuman gift which enables her to tell the past, present and future accurately. Her predictions are remarkable because of their exactness. She has helped Foores of pe-sons out of trouble. Her udvleo Is always beneficial. Sho Is held In high esteem by her many patrons and her reputation It that of an honest, upright, straightforward person. Parlors of Palm istry, 1505 Dodge., So. side new P. O. Send $1 and six questions answered. S-S61 17 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. HILL, 2002 Cuming st spless healer, S 273 JyJ MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodra O SJI MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, til N. 16th. 8895 ELECTRIC TIlKATMEVr. ELITE parlors. 1S 8. 16th, second floor. US JulV 3 MME. LEE, mHgnctlo treatment, 607 8. 13th; room 10. T-.NKO 19 MME. AMES, baths, 1615 Howard. Room 1, 3d floor: T-M333 BEATRICE HARLOW, magnetic treat- mont, baths. 317',4 N. 15th; 1st flat T M672 20 1'BHSONAL, MONHEIT, Chlropodlit, IBIS Farn. Tel. 2333. U SM LADIES hair shampooed, dressed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. Monhclt, 1518 Farnam. Tel 233J U 3'JI PRIVATE hospital for ladle before A dur ing connnemcnt; uatnes adopted, w, U-S95 DR. HOY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25c and upward. Room 12. Frenzer block. U-S93 PLEATING nnd pleated skirts of all kinds. M, Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-901 V4 SOLES, 35c; velvet rubber heels, 35c. The oia reliable, w. v, Petersen, lbtn & uuming. v-ya I D. Cone, hair & beard trlmmer.Darker blk. U-S49-Je-20 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 345 Hee bldg U-901 HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. U-905 PROF. LUND, chiropodist. 511 Knrbnch blk. U-M101 J 030 IIUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life bld., Omaha. U-950 LADIES, free, harmless monthly regulator; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R 126. Mil waukee, Wis. U M567 JylO PRIVATE homo before and during eonllnc ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Hurdette. U 300 BLANCH WILLOUGHHY, halrdres'lngT 601 Paxton blk. U MfiOS Jyl2 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sulfation free nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allcnder, 1613 Douglas. -U MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured, will Inform you of hnrmless, permanent home cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U BUST developed 6 Inches In 6 weeks; abso lutely perfect development guaranteed; personal attention of specialist given by mall until enlargement Is completed; 2,000 testimonials; send stamp for sealed In structions. Mme. V. Hastings, Omaha Building, Chicago. u VICTORY of nclence over disease; cancer baffling general practitioner's skill yields readily to our scientific methods. Mason Medical Co., 121 W. 42nd street, New York. Book and advice free. II MARRY lovely women and honorable men. Many rich. Send 2c for big list. Mutual Exchange, Kansas City. Mo. U I MARRY 23c for yearly membership In mat- iiiiiuiiiiu uiuu; no oiner exnense; namefl nnd nddresses sent free. Box 1363. Den ver, Colo. U-S10-I7 MCE looking young woman. Independently wealthy, desires to marry soon; would as slst capable husband financially; bank nnd other references. Address Dora 11., 5711 Wnbash nvenue, Chicago, HI. U-S15 IT LADIES, n secret to enlarge your bust six inches free. Kanzemetto Co., Dept. 3S3, Milwaukee, Wis. U T66-1T IF MARRIED or about to bo read "Naturo" for cither sex; 122 pnge Il lustrated. 10c. Lea & Co., Kansas City, Mo. r707-lT $100 TO $130 Paris and return; hotel, suldes, carriage drives Included; Switzerland, Passion Play, Arnessen Tourist Agency, Chicago. r 772-17 WEALTHY American widower would bo n devoted husband to tho lady who could give a mother's love to his little girl. Mr. Marshall, 117 East 23d street. New York. U 771-17 PHYSICIAN, widower, middle aged, hav ing extensive practice, lars" means nnd beautiful home, desires good, true wife. Dr. Home, 3903 AVest Bell Place. St. Louis, Mo. 1T 763-17 AVEALTHY widower, beautiful homo, will devote life to wife who will give mother's love to sweet, little girl. "Banker," 741 North Park Ave., Chicago. U 770-17' R. C. MASON OF NEW YORK, tho In spirational lecturer, will speau- and glvo tests at the meeting of tho Spiritualist Church tonight. Patterson Hal'. 17th nnd Farnnm Sts. Door collection 10 cents. U-7CS-17 SECOND-HAND MACHINES AT PRICES NEA'ER BEFORE MADE. Novor have we offered such mnchlnes for ns little money. They are genuine bargains. THESE PRICES ARE FOR MONDAY ONLY: Old Price. New. Singer $6.00 $1.60 Now Goodrich 3.00 1.00 AVhltehlll 3,iV) 1.00 Davis 0.00 3.00 White, high arm 11.0) 5.0.) Household 17.00 5.00 White 11.00 6 01 Singer, high arm "0.00 7.50 Singer, high arm 12. no 5.00 Domestic 12.00 5.0) Domestic 35. 00 12.5) Wo rent machines for 75 cents per week. Wo sell parts for and repair all makes of machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 15th & Harney. U-721 17 CORRESPOND with ladles nnd gentlemen for amusement or matrimony; send stamp for particulars. Champion, Council Bluffs, la. U 814 17 HYPNOTISM. Methods of WeitmeTTHnrT radon and New York Institute of Science given In our complete course. Price $1. Atlanta School of Suggestion, publishers, Atlanta. Ga. U-S30 17 DR. MITTELSTADT, 331 Bee bldg. Tel. 1415. U-MS23 Jyl6 TIN, galvanized Iron, zinc and copper work, spouting and roofing; cheapest plaro In the city. Savage's tin shop, 2822 Farnam at. U S53 17 UTAH excursion; correspondence wanted with parties going In July; object, secure diverse route by exchanging tickets. Box 491. Central City, Neb. U 863 17' MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money, 6, 6',-i. C per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 4S6 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas. W-937 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W-90S FIVE per cent money, Bcmls, Paxton block. W-900 FIVE per cent farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 910 MONEY to loan on llrst-class Improved city property or for building purposes, Payne Knox Co., New York Life. W 011 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $101 or any multiple. Any Interest dute. No delay. Brennan-Iove Co., 309 South 13th 8t Omaha, Neb. W-912 6, 6Vi, 6 per cent on Omaha, 8. Omaha. W. H. Thomas, 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 161$. W-913 MONEY to loan at 5 and 6U per rent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 8, 15th. W-914 MONEY to loan on Improved Omuha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-315 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms, W, Farnam Smith At Co., 1320 Farnam. W-916 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George St Company, 1C01 Far 11 am St. W-917 MO.M'.V TO I.OA.-RHl. ESTATE. 1 MONEY In any amount at 6, o'. 6 per ient, J W, RORH1NB A CO., Wtt 1 ARNAM ST. 1 W-915 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rate. O. F. Davis Co., 1605 Farnam. W-313 j3,ooo-n,trt-$j,ory)To place quick nt low rate of Interest on good real estate. Ad dress, J 13, Hee. WM6IS TO I3AN, on good security, nt reasonable rate. IJ'jO to $l). W, N. Y. Life W-MS13 SIOXEY TO LUA.V CHATTEL!, MONEY LOANED ON Furniture, pianos, horses. co etc. You keep the properly. Quick service. You may pay the money back In ono month or take ono year In which to pay It and you need not pay for It one day longer than you have It. We charge nothing for making or filing papers or examining security and wo keep nothing out of the amount you borrow. Be sure and get our rates before borrowing. MONEY IX) A NED TO Salaried people on their own names in amounts from 10.00 up. You may repay the loan all or In part nt any time anil you are expected to pay for tho money only what tlmo you keep It. Wo nro the only lonn company In the city giving you this privilege. All wo nsk Is a chamu to compare rates, strictly confidential. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Established 1S92.J 306 So. 16th Street. X-320 MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EAST" PAYMENTS a nd STIlIUTLiV t-U.N f I OKNTI AL. OMAHA CREDIT CO. Room 626, fifth floor, New York Life Bldg. X-323 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. YOU GET money at absolutely lowest possible rates. YOU GIVE your jilaln note without mortgage or In- dorfcr: $10, $20, $30, $10, $50, $60, $70, J SO, $30 $100, leaned to honest salaried people. We never sell notes given to banks. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 601. Bee Building. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 313 S. 13. X-921 MONEY loans on furniture, diamonds, watches: payments confidential. Omaha Chnttel Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. X-32S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R S, Barker Blk. X-925 MONEY to loan on household furniture. Bcrger's Loan Co., 1504 Farnam st. X-M245 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg. X-927 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J. W. TAYLOR, 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-M391 BUSINESS CHANCES. THE New Snow-Church Co, given prompt attention to collections nnd legal nffulrs. Associate attorneys In every county In the United States. 401 to 405 N. Y. Life. Y-930 FOR SALE, store and stock of general merchandise, for $3,000. Address Box 13, Big Springs, Neb. Y-M333 Jc30 FOR SALE, $.1,000 stock of general mer chandise In good southwestern Iowa town; n good opening for one wishing to engage In business; terms ensh. Address M. E. Smith & Co., Omaha, Neb. Y-M655 17 RARE chance; first-class butcher shop, es tablished trade; rent and fixtures free, K I, Beo. Y-M6S4 17 I WILL sell my Jewelry stock and fixtures completo for cash, on time, or on the In stallment plan. Parties meaning buinc.i3 please address Eldon A. MoMahan, Anthon, la. Y M681 17 FOR SALE, only hotel In town; good busi ness; good location; n bargain for tho right man. For particulars cull on or nddrcss J. II, Evens, Croston. Neb. T MI)7 19 $1,800 stock of genl. mdse. for sale at a nargain to close up nn ostnle. c. s. Otis, administrator, Blue Springs. Neb. Y-M706 17 I FOR SALE or trnde. In part, tho nicest drug store in umbiia. i.ow rent; good to. cation. N. C, Carrier 21. Omaha, Neb. Y 715 25 FOR SALE, stock of groceries and fixtures, Invoice $1,700; doing good business; no trade. B. R. Ball, 'M N. Y. Life. Y-721-18 FOR SALE, stock of groceries and fixtures. Invoice $2,7(0.00; doing good business; no trade. B. R. Ball. Ml N. Y. Life. A-720-18 FOR SALE, a stock of groceries and fixtures: Invoice $1.(V1.00. H. R. Ball, 901 N. Y. Life; doing good business; no trade. Y-719.18 $50 WILL net you good, steady Income; for particulars address, R. Powell & Co., 20 Commerco Bldg., Chicago, 111. Mention paper. V 789 17 WILL TRADE n i Interest In paying patent medicine for good real estate. K 21, Bee. Y-M800-19 BUSINESS CHANCE-For sale- My busi ness, paying well; sold cheap. For par ticulars address J 60, Bee. Y 777 17 FOR SALE, one phonograph outfit nnd 100 records; also stereopltlcan and moving picture machine. All $150.00. Geo. if. Abbott, 220 So. 15th. Y-'MTgi-lS "HONEST SPECULATION." Investments In stocks and grain by my "safe speculation plan" have resulted In large 'profits In 30 days and proved Its value over all other ways of dealing. Send for freo particulars. Customers and bank references. Stephen A. Clomons. Broker, SI Van Buren St., Chlcnjo, III. Y-7M-17 FOR EXCIIANGE-Splemlld general store, dry goods, domestics, furnishings, wash goods, notions. Stock Invoices now without fixtures. $5,500, In debt $2,f00. Owner will take farm or desirable city property for entlro nmount above debts If taken at onco. This was considered ono of tho best stocks in southern Min nesota. Report nroposltlon for inimodlato action. L. J. Wlldo, Trustee. 713 Wabnsh St., St. Paul, Minn. Y-M8U 21 FOR SALE; merchant doing tho largest business In a thriving Nebraska town of 2.000 will sell bis stock of general mer chandise of $3,600 for cash, or exchange for good land at reasonable price; Illness tho solo causo for selling. This will bear Investigation. Trlllers requested not to answer. Address K 23, Bee. Y MS0" 17 PHYSICIANS nnd druggists. If you deslro a good locntlon or -want to sill write Med leal Exchanse, Omaha. Neb. Elegant sanitariums and medical 'Tistltutes for sale. Y-S10 17 FOR SALE, grocery store, with splendid trade and In one of best locations In city; this Is it proposition that will pay to In vestigate. Address IC 26, line. Y M'-33 19 DRUG STORE for sale, umall stock, best llttlu town In state; must have registered druggist. E. Sturzenegger, South Bend, Neb. Y-SC0 17 FOR SALE, one of tho brft country news papers In a town of 3,00 In Nebraska ; re publican In politics; a rare chnnco for 11 good newspaper man. K 33, Hew Am 1 1 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt roller. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Conlldontlal. M WEAK men. young nnd old, suffering from seminal weakness, premature old age, loss of manhood, vigor and vitality, heart and kidney troubles, etc., should apply nt onco to Dr. IiCroix for freo sample of his wonderful remedy. Aphrodlslca, tho best specific genetic tonlo ami restorer for men known to mcdlrnl science. It re stores quirniy uuu n-i nitiiii-iiiiy 'lull ergles. Oor 200,000 sufferers have h LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills Aro the Best. Safe, reliable. Tako no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Lndle.i" In letter by return mall. Ask your I rusRlst. Chichester Ohcm cu Co., Philadelphia, Pa, en Olirfll U llll lll'l nun llli-H iruiriiy Wlinin tho last ten years. Wrlto for freo smnplo and convince yourself of Its wonderful curatlvo powers, LnCroIx Clinic, 189 Wis- consul !.. .iiuwiiuHee. 11 is. K v