Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1900, Page 21, Image 21

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Good Steadj Djtmnd for Sewonabla Mo
chindisi of Al Kiadi.
Some I. Iocs Sliou Decided Mroimlh
Mini Ol hem Incline o Weakness
Co 111 In K (ilp Freely
t fur 'I'll t Month,
Trade conditions In this seaion of the
country continue most prosperous. There
J no Particular rush of business, but at
the same time there I n good, steady dp
mand for practically all HnM of seasona.
ble - Roods, and when comparisons arc made
lth last year It Is found that there Is no
cause for complaint with the present mate
heJn", ""V""" arc Perhnpn rather
run..1 !,,ockcl: bu' ot whnt might be
eW V taV0 n ,mn'1 nro 80d P"B
e) naVe ,lo"e 'nore business this
heir hi?. eVV bf"0rp' bUt 0n accoul f
their having- bought heavily early In the
ouplliate orders as In some years mist
cn IcT? m ""J WM "".of normal
Please, wlt'hMw""' however, arc greatly
, .C. '"roushout the country r-cems in
IguVtV Mn l0,1"., nml Jopal'njobber3
"Kiirn tnat In a short time prices will ii
down to n fairly steady basis The crocerv
SlmSct 1 Very .,,rm the fiJ ? ami
lZo .trr,ePorJtyUnCCS haV0 Uken ""
HiiKnr .nnln Ailvnncm.
mThkn.Iirl,0ci?a! x,cltcment on the urocery
rnarket last week was the advance In
Thul2ir2JSounj,iir 10 100 Pounds
This afrpct.H all 1 ne. Tho demand U Mil
"nsn'l- heavy for even VhU Season of
io efXSafhllnI l '." thought wl" comlnJi
i? n or . tho 1,0X1 twenty or thirty dais
Jlennerles aro oversold 'from ten days to
two weekfl, so thero Is a pood prospect for
M1.lL,0r,ni:o- .1,cal. Jbb nro ad? sing
,h,vr,fnni.ronR to anticipate their wants and
iLult,"?" ' .as hcre is no chance of the
market coins down for the present, nnd it
y n'lvance still higher. Hesldes that a
IriiS on 11 mi,y "ot b0 'luestlnn of
any ilBurc 11 1UMtlon of Betting stock at
The coffee market Is also very stronp, and
o a t j- a U v 1 c o report prices advancing as
RJ1? 1111 of the reduced estimate of the
iV?.1. clop:...VeJioma continues very
heavy and still higher prices are betnir pre
dicted. The decrease fn the visible supply
last month amounted to about SS.MO bags.
Tho principal feature to the canned goods
situation was the failure in tho Baltimore
pea pacit. Tho pea louse mado his ap
pearance this year, the name as laat, and
entirely destroyed the vines. As a result
the market advanced 1025o per dozen.
It Is Imaosslblo as yet to tell what tho
outcome of the western pack will be. but
the almost total failure of tho Baltimore
pack has affected the western market and
there nro very few packers who now have
anything to offer. The market on spot
tomatoes Is firmer In the eait, but arlces
"ero remain unchanged. Chese, on account
of light supply and heavy demand, was
'KWie. at all cheeso board in
Isconsln the early part of last veek. and
.hX. .rk atat0 m!rkcts also advanced
IIa V,? ". responding amount, in
the dried fruit line there Is little change
pxrept in evaporated apricots, which are
being quoted a little lower. The decline U
owing to tho near approach of the 19(0
eror. tho first arrivals of -which aro cx-
piedol..th0.nunk,.t car'y ln July.
The California- Fruit Cariners association
named the opening prices on their products
last week. Tho quotations aro considered
very reasonable by local dealers, taking
Into consideration tho higher prices ruling
this year, as compared with last, on tin
cans, boxps, labels, etc.
llnrilTvnrc Market Ilnnettleil.
The hardware market is still In rather
an unsettled condition. There also seems
to bo considerable dlfferenco of opinion as
to the future course of the market. Some
hold that the present Jlutterlngs are only
temporary, and that In a short time prices
will again utart upward. Others, on tho
contrary, are of the opinion that the pres
ent disturbed condition Is more on tho
surface and that there will bo some farther
weakening. But whichever mny be tho
ease. one Is looking for anything re
sembling n general slump, nnd the feeling
Is that hardware Is good property. The
nigh points will doubtless be cut down, but
tho market as a whole Is in too healthy u
Ixtcal dealers report an unusually heavy
demand for this time of year and ay thev
nnvn nhnnt fill tlm knaln... 1
handle Collections aro moving along In
good shape, nnd as far as could be learned
there was absolutely nothing to the dislike
of Jobbers.
Ury G'oodi More Freely.
The local dry poods market Is in a very
satisfactory condition. Jobbers renort a
good movement In all seasonable goods and
fall business Is also In elegant shape. Retailer.-!
out through the country are all
pretty well sunplled with goods that they
bought early ln the season, but thev are
Tiavtnra. good trade and are not worrying
bout'TH'lr stockP They arc also looking
for a big demand In the fall, and the way
they are placing their orders would Indi
cate, that they havo considerable confidence
In tho future of tho market. Local Jobbers
report considerable shortage In honlerv and
say that It Is a dimcult matter to get stock
at anv nrlre. Manufacturers aro not ofTer
Ip their lines for next summer on tho
mnrket. end say they will not before Sep
tember. I'nderwear Is another line thnt Is
rather cerce and next season's prices will
prohnblv be considerably higher, especially
on the liner grades.
I'nll IIunIiipkx Co in I iik Hons.
The bcot and shoe situation Is much the
same as It has been for several weeks Jobbers are not helng rushed with
huslncs.- but at the same time thev are
dolnr fully ns much as tev could rea
sonably expect, taking everything Into con
siders Hon. Fall business Is unusually (food
and the prospects are that before the sea
son Is over iobbers will be able to make a
verv favorable showing a.s compared with
previous years
In rubber goods there Is verv little doing
In Immediate business but fall business,
the nrre as ln leather goods, is entirely
The hide market Is lust about In Hie
same nosltlnn It was a week ago The
market Is not very firm, but still no marked
decline Is looked for at present.
Krult a nil I'roilure.
I.-ist week was another busv time for
fruit wild rrodure. men. Thera was a
falrlv liberal supply of strawberries on the
n'Hs.(ct. but ire season 4 now practically
at an end. only a few hrrrles from renrhy
points coming In. Ulai kberrles are begin-nlc-
to coto and are nuoted at J1 25 "er
t.r-i-t rase Both red and black rasp
berries are jlo on the mnrket. the former
sej Ing at H1 oer St-nuart ease, and tho
latter at .5rt .t r,,rran(s
lire also to bo had at " per H-quart case
The qtiolHtlnpK on California fruit are de
cllnlng slightly, ns V "itnply Increases
rMPho are worti II frt n 1 .mrlcots Jl '
There Is nothing pflrtiriilurlv new In th
vetab'e line except that prices are still
coing down, especially on new potatoes
Th" surpl." of old stock Is gettlnc- pretty
well cleaned ui. and nlthough th new
potatoes are coming from pretty well south
tliev are of good quality.
The er market eased off a trhlc last
week owing to heavy re-eni.s. This ma--ket
I'sh been high l comparison with sur
rounding nolnts. and as a roult this mir.
Vet Is hravllv suppl'ed Butter Is quoted
aboi" the sai" U has been, but that
too. Is rather hlch as comnarod wlt'i other
'lares, and receipts are falrl liberal.
PmiHrr. however. Is tinner than It has
been. The simply of lisp Is also qnlto
I'beral. fcr which there is a good steady
St. I. mils (irnln nml I'mvlnlnns.
RT LOUIS, June 16.-WMEAT-rHrher
No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 7:14c: track. 7Uo
June, 73W.C: July, 714c; August, 77iie; Sep- '
tetnriAe 71fl7-'i I
CORN-Hlcher: No 2 cash, 394c; trnek.
40ff40-c; June, 3H5o; July, 394c; September,
OATS Higher; No. 2 rash, 2le; trick,
244c: Juno. 2lc July, 23c; September, 224c;
No. ? white. 27Uc
RYE No market.
FLOUR-Bctter: patents. U.ffiQ.I.SO: extra
faucv nnd straights, J3.23Jf3.IJ; clear, J2.70
61 fn.
BRAN Steady; sacked lots, east track,
CKEDS-Tlmolhy, higher, K.lMjC.K; ordl-1
1 C-kCItsk.!-- Auku" -
niVKTlfllVftf- nrn' -2-8S: Prairie. II 5!
I ti n higher; primp steum, $6.3, choice.
iJi'S?- 'Jfon boxe.l). hlghr: extrn shorts.
,.t . . ,r.r'1"' : r"1"' sides. $7.Si4.
METALS-I.ead. .lull. $3.70. Spelter, dull;
' l'Ol'I.TIlV nKlbor.. '
ISftllc; turkeys. 5c, duckn, Cc. springs. 5c;
F.aOS-Steady. Oc.
UfTTUU-Steady; creamery. HOlSc;
dairy, llfilfk-.
UKCKIPTS I'lnnr. B.ofr l.lil h-Km) it . '
I 00) bu.. corn. IU.OiiO bu.; oats. bu. " ' I
! SIltPMKNT-Flour. bbis.: wheat,1
uu. ; corn. uu. . oats, -ji.ojj uu.
Conilltlnn of 1'rnile nml (liiotntlniis 011
ivJJa'n1'' l"!'1 m""?' l'r"'lnt'v- .,
, 1,1 t, POt I,TH Hens. C'jK'c; roo'tcrs,
according to age and size. 31i lc; broilers.
15'dZW: (lucKs, 5'.4ljrc; EeeFe
IMGKONS-Uve. per doz., S0c9tl.C0.
r., Liioice,
tlo; bran, per ton, tl2.0J?12.56; shorts, per
ton. 112.50.
CrcUMBEBS Per doz.. 50c.
A8PAHAUCS Home grown, per doz., 20
NEW TCUNIPS-Per doz. bunches. 23c.
f PINACH-Per box, 441.30c.
NEW BEETS Per doz. bunches, 3H33c.
i.Lrn.'i.'K-j'er dozen bunches. HoftlJc.
tADISHES Home grown, per doz., 13
" PEAS Per ,-bn. basket, 40e.
WAX BEANS Per 1-3 bu. box. 50360c.
POTATOES-Pcr bu. choice. 253400.
NEW POTATOES Per bu.. 70c.
CABBAGE California, per lb., 2c.
CAL' LI FLOWER Per doz.. tl.
TOMATOES - Florida, per six-basket
crate, t3.23; Mississippi, per four-basket
crate, tl 60.
MrSHROOMS Per pound box. 50c.
KHI'BAKB Per pound. l'.!i2c.
ONIONS Now Bermuda, per 50-lb. crate.
12.50; now southern, per Jo-lb. sack, 12;
California, per sack, 12.15.
STItAWBEItniES - Missouri shipping
stock, per 2l-it. Ciuse, !2.2&y2.50; home
grown stock. ti25H2..V).
B LACKBEBHIES Per 24-qt. case. 12.55
BLACK ItASPBEItniES-Per 21-qt. case.
13.00; per 21-pt. case. 11.75.
BED UASPBEBUIE8 - Per !4-pt. case,
CrnitANTS-Per 24-qt. case, t2.00.
PEACHES-Callfornla. per box. 11.
APBICOTS-Callfornla, per box, 11.25.
GOOSEBEItBIES-Per 24-qt. caae. 2.
CHEHBIES-Calllornla, per 10-lb. box,
11.10; Missouri, per 24-qt. case. t2.
PINEAPPLES-Per doz., t2.00S2.60.
ORANGES California, Mediterranean
sweets, per box. 14.00; budded seedlings, 13.
LEMONS-Callfornla, fancy, t3.7&4.00;
choice, 13.50.
GRAPE FRUIT-Callfornla, per box. II.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
HIDES-No. 1 green hides, 61ic: No. 2
green hides. 5Hc; No. 1 salted hides, 74c;
No. 2 salted hides, 6sc; No. 1 veal calf, 8
to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Sc.
NUTS-Hlckory. large, per bu.. 11.25;
shellbarks, 11.35; English wulnuts, per lb.,
12ljl3c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per
lb.. 14I16c; peanuts, raw, per lb., 5Hfi6c.
HONEY Per 21-scction case, J3.5C83.75.
Qnotatlous for the liny on Vnrlona
NEW YORK, June 16. FLOUR-ReccipU,
13,156 bbls.; exports, 6,500 bbis. ; etrongly
hcld nnd a shado higher on asking prices,
hut not nctlve; winter patents, t3.70f4.03;
winter straights, t3.5SSO.70; .Minnesota pat
ents. t3.1034.25; winter extras. t2.60S2.90;
.Minnesota bakers. .MVStt.lO; winter low
grades. 13 43,'a2.iO. Rye flour, steady; fair to
good, 13.00fi3.20.
CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, 66c;
city, ttc; Urandywlne. 12.40fr2.43.
RYE Steady ; No. 2 western. 63c. f. o. b..
ailoat; state, 59c c. I. f.. New York carlots.
BARLEY Firm; feeding, 4IH860C. c. 1. f.,
New York.
BARLEY At ALT Dull; western. 65jlH
WHEAT Receipts, 7.300 bu. ; exports 102,
2S7 bu.; sales, 3.0T5.000 bu. Futures, S.C00 bu.
Spot, strong; No. 3 red, &64c. f. o. b.. a-tloat;
:so. 3 red. M-c. elevator; No. 1 northern
Duluth, 62Vjc. f o. b., otloat. prompt. Op
tions opened strong on higher English
cables and continued bullish on northwest
crop news. The advance met nctlve reallz
Ing, however, under which prices eased off.
Tho market finally rallied again on heavy
covering and closed strong at lUfflHc net
advance; July, 7S l-10c; closed. 7ic; Sep
tember. 79 3-16'Jf01ie; closed. f0ic.
CORN Receipts. 77,025 'bu.; exports, 47,536
bu. Spot, strong; No. 2. 4;c. f. o. b.. afloat,
and 45c. elevator. Options opened firm on
strong cnbles and covering, but subse
quently yielded to unloading Inspired by
wheat's decline. Later the market recov
ered with wheat and closed strong at Kc
advance; July, 44H343c; closed, 45c; Sep
tember closed, 4Hc.
OATS Receipts, 1S.200 bu.: exports, 131,136
bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 27c; No. 3, 264c:
No. 3 white. 29Hc; No. 3 white, 29c; track
mixed western, 27fi2)it,c: track -white, 19U
3lic. Options quiet but llrm.
HAY Steady; good to choice, S0fi90c.
HOPS Steady; common to choice, 1S93
crop, llS14c; old olds, 3S5c; Paclllc coast
1S99 crop. 10613c; olds. SflCc.
HIDES-Steady; Galveston. 20825 lbs ISc
California. 21 to 25 lbs., 214c; Texas dry. 24
to 30 lbs., 14o.
LEATHER Quiet; hemlock sole Buenos
Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 23'fc'n2!.c:
acid, 23H'o24c.
WOOI-Qulet; domestic fleece, 25g26c;
Texas. 15016c.
-,'ililPV,SlON?r,Beef. steady; family. 110.50
J12.00; mess. 19.defi.50; beef hams.
21.00; packet. $10.f4Jll.50; city, extra India
mess, 116.00517.50. Cut meats? steady
pickled bees, gftoc: pickled shoulders. 6f't
.e; pickled hams. WflOl.c. Iird, llrm;
western steamed. 16.9214: refined, rtrm; conl
tlnent. 1.; a. A., 1...5; compound. 16.50. Pork.
ti&J 8hrt C,Par' 13-10
BUTTER Strong; creamery extras. IZO
15tc; creaniery. llfllSc; Imitation cream
eiU.i'HS.; tat dairy, 15ti1S'.,c.
C HLLSK-Strong; large white, 95,c; large
tiered: mX'c Mn"" WhltC' 969l?! smaU
r. ei.H-sieauy; state and Pennsylvania.
f 1.1 X " dUlliril rt m n 1 S I ! .
loff.Wn!:.111 mark' '0S134C: -western:
1 A I I "111 L' . .... .
im.uui -in,) , cuy vi per pKg.), 44c
country ipkgs. free). 44fl44c
RICK-FIrm: domttlc. fair to extra. 44fi.
44c: Japan. 4il4e. u
PEA.N UTS-Steady; fancy hand-picked, I
044c; other domestic. 30il4c.
Knimns City Grain nml Provlslona.
66tjti74c: No. 3. 618664c: No. ': Veil. "63fi70c:
No. 3. 66fi6s0. "'
.i-i.1 Ier?V 102 lbs" rcr i0T- .orLf.,0; , "mc he trade was altogether too large , calling of government deposits from nu-' ...
' ,.:jJJ'.r'. . 10 IO1I0W in detai . In n cenernl wnv II 1 tloniil hantcs Inln the trea.snriv hn nivnk. l innneini .Mites.
IS e- sen7rninr waj market made by an armv of buyers I eneil some vague questions as to the effect , CHICAGO. June ltf.-Clearlngs, ti9.02l.S!S;
ilTfj-Se' 8cparator' R'tthered creamery., andTmimeroiis r ll I ' our money market. But the fact that balances. I.5.7. Posted exchange. t4.S5i4 I j -r
1 F SH-Tront hlo a.), i-n- M.-L-erei ' loiii n, nt, 1 rt.T t contingent of tllc government extended 2 per cents have M;W4. New York exchansc. 3 premium j""" i,
I ,J. i?fiT.rrP-uV bl.U? I"1'. l?c; pickerel. , longs ot.t after profits. The buyers were , heen enlle.l for redemntlon nml ihm the ST. LOt'19. Mo.. June li!.-ClenrlllL's. ii.. I""? ;
. i"I"'i.-iV.' .?i5f8e'V. t,"'fn'": .roe .8"a,! ; tho more numerous, ns well as the more 1 denoslts withdrawn from the banks are to KI4.320; balances, 613.101. Money. 4fi7 per , ".."; r '
,, wi, nuiiciun, jijc; nerring. oc; oiacK mn,. ... " ... .. i
1 oas.s, h;c; salmon, 13c; white bass, 10c; crop- , r, " ","". uuunce was ine re
pe. 10c; pike. 9c; halibut, 12c; bullhead. fi iJLPffi1,., lc 'i'hpr at .75c
Oc; ring perch. Cc; lobnters. green. I.'c j, .' "L fh""'), "terward sold at 75e.
boiled lobsters, 23c; mackerel. Wo: codfish. fifl'.P00.' , was '' n'Kher. an evidence that
in .Aiin... h...i. - nit: r.iiKiisn nro nt in-it iioifinnin i
.vv. ,, i-iiimi lll-.l-li, uv. (
i r-., I fliilr1! U'iTIIl i l
HAY Per carload lots: Upland, c hoice. I r?ul."em -Minnesota had some rain, but
17.30; midland, choice. 16.50; lowland choice. I J,ne Wcrc not general. From the south
13.&0; ryo straw, choice. $6; No. 3 corn. 33c; u,?re ue.r? more complaints of the heavy
No. 3 white oats, 23'io; cracke.1 corn, per ' Ta,nL 1 w'!8 the lineup of bullish news
tlir.1. a..h -U.I i 1 . ' . M-lllPh Wns nf IntlllAnr.. dn.l,. n.i.l il,p.,.n,i.
CORN-July. 3646 : September. 364c; cash !?il!ic.m'"t" a1,0Pted by the Northern Pa
No. 2 mixed, 37411 3Sc; No. 2 white 3S4W i 7 '.f wa' taken for granted would have
1C1. V 1 ' "lull, M'tt nil InflllPtlio nn nthor rnllrnn.l .11.
SSliW i
pA'TS-'No. ' white, 2l!-.i725t;c.
iv i r-.iu. ic
timothy. $10.00010.50; choice
prairie, !6.50fi7.0i).
fancyTT'c.U"CrWmCry' ,s5"?sc; dairy.
EUGS-Steady; fresh Missouri and Kun-
.,.,!, o-v- iiuz. ; seconds, c. loss off,
cases returned; southern. 6; new white: '
wood cases Included 4c more,
iii.v.-1-.icra wneat, 36.10) bu.
. nrrA
bu.; oats. 7.IO0 bu. ' ' ' ",lvv .
SllIPMENTS-Wheat. Si.M bu corn
300 bu.; oats, 1.CO0 bu 1
:!.,"V."'!U' Wbenl Mnrke..
.Mi..-i-;.i-ui,ia. June 16. WHEAT In
hrr!?'":. 1'. J'ilV. thfow.r",ho" Chinese - MtSSt rV"
I h.ird. 73Ue: Xn I inJii,-; ' f"'.; ru "".e. and the market, w
;k.. -o. ' "i-' - , lieen wait nir In lionea nf
IIU. , CI II. .l .
FIajUR Hl"her; tlrst natents nil- .on u uhoii m mat situation,
ond patents. $3 SO; tlrst clears $; siennil ,hrew over sl0ck8 ln hav volume. After
clears. li'tV,: ' ',VJ' PCOni,!a momentary pause, when' room shorts Ve
nn 4Vi n vrj.i ,n gall to rover, the decline was reneweH nn.1
Duluth Wbent Market.
DULUTH. Minn.. June I6.-WHEAT-N0.
lhanl. cash. 76t?76Sc; July, 77c; September,
ii;,c! 1 northern, cash, 744c; July.
54c; September. 76e; No. 2 northern. 73c:
No. 3 fprlnr. 104c.
-TKdS in Wheat Uirkat in Eroad and I
" "
Com Firm lint Trnde .ot Pnrtlrnlnrl)
Acllvi Out I', .lions Lend of
AVlient Provision Market
Aotlvr nnd NtroiiK.
CIIICAOO. June 16. A heavy trade and
a big ucncral wheat market today bore
I testimony to the growing Interest in tho
calamity which it was believed had be-
lamn a previously promising crop. July
closed at Uitd'Jc over yesterday Corn
-Ioe.J Uc and oats i.c Improved. July
July j lbs 15c hlghpr.
I he wheat marnct today was broad and
f nu.
predate something of the reported blight
hi .nu iioriiiwest. noutn uaKota and
out the day. During the whole session the
wires were hot with reports very gloomy
.11 V"" "ullo"l( " fc nortnwest. July.
rollowlng tho opening, was crushed back to
4Se by the liquidation of longs. A rally
ensued. The long Ktuff wns well taken
nnd on the dip eased up. while the demand
continued unabated. July advanced sharply
in T'.-i n lha I . . V. . . u . , . .. .
, - , i,..vai .i.u ui nil.- Itrwvlll
bulge, and held nearly all off. Over 75c
thero was heavy selling by longs, but so
well were their offprints taken th.n .tulv
reacted only f4c and closed buoyant unit
i'tvti',40 over yesterday at 7a if7o4C Gen-
erally the advices from the spring wheat
authorities were that the failure this season
would prove the worst the northwest has
ever Known. France, it was said, would
havo to Import SO.Ojo.O'"" bu. to make up'
her shortage. Complaints of excessive .
rains were received from southern Illinois,
Kentucky and Tennessee. Clearances In '
wheat and flour were equal to 637.000 bu.
Primary receipts aggregated 627,030 bu., 1
compared with 732.000 bu. last year. Mln-
neapolls and Duluth reported 451 cars, ;
iguinsi nu mst ween ana 3'J7 a year ago.
Local recelnts were. 72 enrs. ntin nf nnn.
tract grade.
Corn was llrm, In sympathy with wheat,
but trade was not particularly active, there
being a number of desertions from that pit
to wheat. Country acceptances of last
night's bids were small, which was also
a help. The Argentine corn surplus avail-
able for export was put at 12.000.00i) bu a
condition to which the bulls called ntten-
tlon. Local receipts were 6S1 cars. July
sold between 39c and 39Hc, closing Uc up
at 39Mc.
Oats followed wheat and corn. 8hort.s
were good buyers of both July and Sep-
tember, while the best selling came from
profit-takers. The northwest took profits
liberally on their September stuff around
22ic September opened at 224ft22c, sold
to 22ic and closed at 22;c. July sold be-
tween 22-c and 23c. closing He over yes-
teraay at ac. iteceipts were an cars.
Tbe provisions market was rainy active
n.,1 -lnn. Th. .tVAncrtK Knli... nt
light hog 'receipts, higher prices at the
1 . uiinrjJ-, . exCHPIl T11A nniiin. ...,t.l. I. Ilin u-itnV'a yhltitnpnl nT S.IiIOj,! In ll'Karil U 1I1P interior linillTS 111 1"!.11I1.
yards and to a degree on the grain strenEtn. ' it pm
July pork sold between tll.30 and 111.50. and I ''o ;'l I'M
clnseri "TyTiSTUn over vestprdnv nt 111.50: I 1110 -
uuiy imu ycuncii nnu iv, liu?iii
174c up at 16.70. nnd July ribs between
16.60 nnd 16.70, with the close 15c higher
at $3.70.
Estimated receipts for Monday; Wheat.
93 cars; corn, 740 cars; oats, 100 cars; hogs,
35.000 head.
T. . I . . I 1 I. . ,1- f.1 ,1 J -A flln.l..
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles.' Open" Hlgh.l'Low. fCloseTl Yes'y.
Wheat"! I
June ! 714 73'i
July 74H975 7H 74s 754 74
Aug. iTCiyTs 764 7514 75Ti'8i6l 74Ti
Corn- I I
June 139'iW 39H 39 39 T.S
July ISJUfi'-M 39-H 39 39, 3ST
Aug. 39-Hl 40 39i 391. 334
Oats 1 I
Juno I 22, 22-i 22i 22;' 22s,
July 22BT 23 224 22Tift2.l22Va
Aug. I 22S 224! 224 22, 224f(4
Julv 11 33 11 50 11 30 11 f 11 23
Sept. 11 30 11 674 U 43 11 674 U 25
July 660 6 70 660 C 70 6 52'.
Sept. 6 674 6 724 6 674 6 774l 6 60 "
Ribs- '
July I 6 60 6 70 6 60 6 70 I 6 65
ept. I 6 65 6 75 6 63 6 75 6 00
224B4 1
No, 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Strong and quiet; winter pat
enta. t3.75tt!.!)): straights. 13.0OTi3.6O; clears,
12.Wi3.50; spring specials. 4.iIil.l5; pat
ents. $3.3033.75; straights, 3.oj.1.23; bakers.
WHEAT No. 3, 705724c: No. 2 red. 77W
CORN-No. 2, 3Wi3ST,c; No. 2 yellow. 33;
OATS-No. 2. 234R23; No. 2 white. 26'if
264e: No. 3 white. 23Vi''a264c.
RYE No. 2. S$4c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 37gSSc; fair to
choice malting, 41'fil3c.
SEEDS-No. 1 flax. $1.S0; No. 1 north
western, tt.SO; clover, contract grade, t7.75'if
.PROVISIONS Mess pork per bhl., tlO.Viff
ll.oO. Uard, per 100 lbs., t6.60fi6.70. Snort
ribs slde9 (loose), K55fi6.f3. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $!.EOft6.75; short clear
sides (boxed), tM5'Tj7.23.
niaivi iiasis or nigh wine. 11.21.
SUGAR-Cut loaf. $6.3S; granulated,'$3.S2;
confectioners' A, $5.78; oft A, $3.63.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today;
Flour, bbis
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Receipts. Shipments.
JJ.ow 10.CH) "Oen. Klectrlo :s...H74 do 2a
t-,S?-0M 4,C"0'la. Central In 112 Ve,t Shore 4...
5"J'S!5 2T2,tOO K. C. I'. & o. U.. WJ Wis. Central Is..
"J'PJ?0 :!.( . I,. & N. unl. 4H....U0 "Va. Centuries .
Rye, bu
-' 1.0.0
nancy, nu 8,000 i;,ooo
On the Produce exchange today the but-
ter market was steady; creameries 140
llV&, 5B,fteB' tM6t.;chee.mead-t
S4(l94c. Eggs, slow; fresh, 10c.
Session of Stock Mnrket Is (ilven tlx or '
to l.loiililull.... '
NEW YORK Tune is Th-,.i , 1
fndnt. V .u 16--The stock market ,
toda assurred the attitude of waiting. In '
" necn so long steadfast and i
iravp ltate . u
.w iu iniuiuaiion. i wo ex
pected Incidents woro the cause of this
chan-re. First of these was the action of
mo inreciors or tnp northern P.icinn un. I
nouncrq nfter business hours yesterday In '
lpfi llf-l n i Inn Ixl.l.n.i .... .i. ... - .''
redurlnir the dlvl,!en,i .,, , ' . "
ex-., . . ' " v I.VJ1IU1JUI1 elCICK. i
Xe n i0!;'" a1 a w considered and ,
well Informed decision from -on?ervatlv '
ock i
nuinormes trtat a serious shortage In the
wheat crop In Dia northwest was to bo
ifnSel i'in'!' 'Car ,,u Period 'of deelln- i
II rnanl, I.U ,1.. .. ' U"
...I I.....UU.I ro II1I1K.-, 1VHH in n. nvn.....n,l .. '
v...Vi.,.:. "Vh. H - reaction in general
business. The effect was pronounced on tho
Mock of grain-carrying roads, especially In
tho northwest, and the rather numerous
group of stocks which have risen i In "rice
iM? MSlS-Sr. ..:ar"!"5?a hopes of
llbera' dividend disbursements The policy
of extreme conservat sm In dlvldomi .iJ.
extreme conservatism In dividend iIIh-
. .. niiM-ii iui sraniPU would h;
an In lUCtue on other rnllrnn.i ,nra.n,L
' The renort of a strike nt in mr,in..'. .
tho Tennessee Coal and Iron comnany
weakened that stock and other like pr-n.
ertles by sympathies This mlgnt be cal.ed
the first phase of the short Saturday ies.
"'I'm .At i,hc rml. f the first hour, what
with the demand of shorts to cover supnort
Ing orders by the friends of different stocks
LL 7 .rn.T." .?Zn atFU '!nrt the presi
, ... v;i ;" ..',' "i r.
nrlM, TV, .,...,i iT .... .I'lliJ III
,ii.. i..
. kiuiiu Ullll iiecisive DlinMP lio.
snn itn a resumption of realizing In some
"us precipitated nto ncute
weakness bv the publlc-itlon of the bulletin
reporting the destruction of the fore I en
S;""?"' Vnii "?,2"'1 ""?.? ."f the
I n 1 1 o til c hi I on n tl r mill " . "
1'icu as
nto nn
h eh has
nf...fir.,l .....I
; un,iue.-. i. .; . r. i--v,", uu
the clo"'.-. was active nnd weak at tlo
IU" rn,
the nrlnclnal active stocks inn tmm 1 .
24 points as a result of the two hour'
deal In-. Northern Paclllc shows a loss of
44. Grcnt Northern preferred 4 and St.
Lo-'s r ;olnts.
The movement of prices In the Stork ex
change has no significance this week. The
market was entirely In the hands of "room"
traders, nho ojperatt on their own account
I. 7 ' ... . .
null crnPM v rnnni ,tn , main n.,,.A..a-. i a.....t.. . i ....
before -the day ends, taking tnelrom or c. rS&"--" 'on 'l ' A A IVl?
.Vi'it. '"f " n cum mny be. The Inertia M6.t0; legal tenders. : " " -
ir.niT r.n..Vii.n. i. nV. .... e"r,'"- po". increase. 12.02I.MV. drcu Htlon In-
i ,n. ,i,f IH,r;'..' "nt urt l R0?" KV".,f'.'-f I"11""- The banks now hold 117. 49,.
wiai till' IrVPl or prices rem hed .he T5n It, ..v..... ..e .... ............. ..... .C.
i!0mV'" ?'' ,he rc,.,l1un'nprs n "tocks are
--""- mini iu anuu iiinif oviiniip nvri-
opmcnis rejnrllng the future The lasel-
tuclo In the bond market Is especially sU-
nlllcant. In view of the present low Interest
rules fnr mnna tvhlh tlM....i I -i 1.1 ..
fjrves to bring an Investment demand Into
the bond market. The pressure of forced
liquidation In the Berlin market has been
relaxed without the disastrous results
which were dreaded.
The nr-.i.t,..Pf nf .linn r f ...
is wittinni .intii.. mi un.iurii'i,,. ........
n-lv.... .in.i......
the doubtless hesitation In Wall street over
tno speculative movement Ue;orts bv " . nc oourso today, international se
conservative authorities of damage to curltles were quiet. Spanish 4s were easier
wncat along tlieir lines nave had more ""' iu me apunisn interior situation. -Influence
on sentiment than the sensational Americans were weak on the announcement i
renorts riirrniii
urrent In the wheat mnrket. The
deorpsslnrr InOiirtirn nf the f nnr it-l-n if nrn.
pects is emphasized by the continued de-
cllne In prices of Iron and the extreme.
sluggishness of the consumptive demand,
The conservative course which is being
pursued by the Bank of France In Increas-
Ing Its gold supply and reducing Its ob-
ligation causes Increased surmise in the
flnnncliil wnri.i nml keens nilv,.
I ....p i. M,..n'n. u i 1 1..'
ducements oiTered by this Institution drew
be available for this purpose quiets anv
real apprehension.
The bond market has fully rhared In1
the dullness of the stock market and the
movement of nrlpes has not been Imnor- !
I imit. f S new 4s liuve iiilvnnepil it. nnd
and ii ,d bid price.
Following are the closing prices on the
New YorkStoi'kexchanRe:
Atch:cn . JUi Union "pacltl- -,
Baltimore & Ohi..' 744
1 C.ina.lla-i Pacific... si,
U9 pri ss', uo lira 7.",
do pfj
Whe-I & U k.
do M pfd..
Wis, O-ntrul ..
ThlrJ Arnue .
Adams Kx
American I-:-;...
V. S Hx
WeltFargo Kx
iner. Cot. Oil.
; vanaaa so
' flies. & Ohio...
' 'hicigo o. W..
I ' . H. A- q
1 Chi . In.!. & L. .
I do pM
' in.i . 1. ,11
. r..
. OH
. 50
: 1
. 11
. m
' in
Chicago & .V. W..U6H
I c . it. I. & v h
C. t'. r. & si. 1,... 5:
uo iifd..
1 Colorado So V, Amer Malting
o "t pra 'j
do M pfd 1;
1 npl Hudson lilt,
! Del. L & v rr.i,
uenver ft it. o
do P-'d
do lt pfd..
r,t- -svr. pfd....
Hocking Cool ...
Hocking Valley ,
Illinois Central ,
Ioa Central ...
ur ptil
Amer y ,t W ..
do pM
Amfr Tin Plate
do pf,l
Atner Tobacco .
do pf,
Anac. Mining i'o
. 734
. 50
. :i
I K. C . IV
a ...
nrooKiyn It. T
'1" Er'f W
Colo. Ki.i & iror;' nra,
Con. Tobacco n.
, do pfd
I'ak'' Shore ....
1 J';
' "miattan j,,..
J'et. st-
1 Mfilcan Central
1 Minn. & St. I...
d0 PfJ
i Pacific
; 'obl' 01110
, M . K. i: T
I Pw
"nti-al ..,
J". c'nl1
Norfolk i
j .. o Pfd
1 No- l'-cinc
I - 60 I'M--
.. 91
.. 17.
do nf.l....
Federal .Steel ...
do pfd
O'n. Mectrlc ...
Olucoye Suirar ..
do pfd
Inter. Paper ....
do pfd
Lncle.Je Oas ....
National lllscult
do nf,
.. 31";
.. 11
.. l
.. 974
.. !2i
.. 644
.. 714
. T9
.. 11i
.. Mi.
.. K
.. 15
.. V)
.. i:
.. SS4
.. 26
. . 94
.. II
.. I
.. so
.. 4Di
.. 3
.. 1CU
.. 31'i
U3i, National I.ead ...
.!?; I do pfd
. jjiNallonal Steel ...
. TS do pfd ,
Hi N. Y Air Drake
.. 73
o. American ....
Pacific Const
do tut pfd....
do Id pfd.. .
Ontario & w
.. 19';
vl 'i"1
ureiKHi Ry. Nav. 12
I'aclllc Mall
, fading ?S People s Oas
Prensed S. Car
do pfd 72
Pullman I, (.'nr.. ..150
Standanl It. & T .. 5
Surar u:
do pfd lit
Tnn. Coal Iron. 64V,
I, if. Leather 14
do pfd 64
V. i. Rubber 254
do pfd 114
Western Union SO
Republic I & S.... KM
do pfd S3
P. C. C. & St. I,... 54
do pfd S3
St. L. & S. F Si
do lit Dfd 9
do Id pfd....
ft. L. fc'outiiw....
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
.st. P. & Omaha
So. Pacific
So. IUII-May
do pfd
Texas & Pacific.
Offered. "Assessments paid.
Xevr York Money Market.
NEW YORK, June 16. MONEY On call,
easy at 2 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper,
34&4U per cent.
actual business ln bankers' bills at t4.S74
ffi4.S74 for demand, and at JI.84HW4.S4Ti for
sixty days, posted rates, n.t&4B4.&s4; com
mercial bills. ll.Nlj4.S4U.
SILVER-Certlflcntes, 60t6lo; bar, 604c;
Mexican dollars. I74C.
BONDS State bonds. Inactive; railroad
bonds, heavy; government bonds, easy;
refunding ,2s, when Issued, reg.. 103;
coupon, 1034; 2s. reg.. 100; 3s. reg. nnd
coupon, 109; new 4s. reg. nnd coupon. 13t5;;
old 4s. reg., 1144; coupon, 1154; 3s, reg. and
coupon, 1134.
Tho closing prices on bonds today are as
I. 8. ref
.103 ,M . K. & T. 2j CT'i
do coupon IW
do 2, reff 100
do 3s, reg IM
do coupon IM
do new 4, reg III1,
do coupon Ml1,
do old 4s, reg Ill';
do Ii y
.V. Y. C. Is I'll,
.V. J. C. gen. 5S....12H,
No Pacific 3s f4
do u 101
N Y C & S I, 4s..K
.V. & AV. consul 4s. 97'i
Oregon Nov. Is ICS
do 4 1051,
do coupon 115';
do Ss, reg....
do coupon . .
D. of C. 3 60s
nr.'., u. .s. 1 ts i;4
III I do Ss in
Atchison gen. 4S...10U,
do adj. 4s W,
Reading (reneral l. SI
Itlo O. W. U l(o
una la so. : 10;
St I, & I M c 5s..U04
C. i: O. 44 J-iiSt. I.. & S. F g. !!:
do 5s IK'd.St. Paul conoli....K0'u
C. & N. W. -. "S..1414
St. P.. c. & P. a. 1:0
do S. F. deb. 3s.. 1174
do Ss IM
.-o. Pacific 4s t-0
I Chicago Ter. 4 !C',
Colo. ro. (s IV,
1). & It. O. U H4I
so. Railway 5s
?i I', 'H1'
ei & I'acinc is ' iiiv I
ex. & 1 acme i --1124
uo - I
do 4 101 Te
II. T.. V. & a. Is.. 1)3'.
1 ' . fr.A- I. Til. l'niAn ,',..". ,.
P. V. . u. c. 'ii" 7t Wabash is .'
.. 'KS
. . S2S
When Issued. "Offered.
llnslon Stocks nnd llnndn.
BOSTON, June 16.-Call loans. 2fi3 per
cent; time loans, 2403 per cent. Olllclal
A., T. & V :"4 Weil End 91W,
uo mil fi t .Mention 4h uo
Vm,r Sueur U'.S .V. K. O. & C. 5... 614
P'a ' i'eniure 3
,Ml ""Thone so: Allouej Mining Co t
iioston & Albany.. :il lAinai. copper ... . i
oton i:ivated ...3'7 .Atlantk- .
"oon Me is: inoaton & Mont Sii
c , a & o.
...13IH Untie & Iloiton . ... 43
Duminlon ccal
do pfd
Federal h'leel .,
. .. in, Calumet & Hccla..J15
11- Centennial
W4 Kranklln ..
. M
. SO
. 3S4
. :i
. J4
do pfd...
CIS Humlioldt .
F'trhburg pfd 13'.4 Osceola ..
. ... .....
"iii. r.ii-viriL- 101 i nrrui ...
! HI
Mex'cnn Centi
. ..if, yuincy
11 'unta Fe Copper.
.. I, Tamarack
i: I'tah Mining
.. "3 Winona
. 00s
N' B-
nM Do"i
& c...
Dominion .
t'nli.n Parlflc ..
London Slock Quotations,
LONDON. June 16.-2 p. m.-Closlng:
Cons., money ,...101 1.I6 Urle-..TT7. ...T uji;
do acct 101 ll-'.ij do lt pfd 144
Atchleon N Penmylvanla 60
Canadian Pacific... SIS Heading yi;
St. Paul US'i N".). Pa?tfle pfd 734
Illinois Central lMSIClrand Trunk S
I-outsvl He 7SV, Anaconla 84
Pn'on Pac. pfd.... 71 lltand Mlnei iv.
N. Y. Central lilSl
BAR SILVER Firm. 27 Il-I6d per ounce.
MONKY-14 nor cent.
Tho rate of discount In the open market
for short bills l.s 2VM 7-16 per cm x for , ' of it -thrte
months' h i s. 2,fi2l, nor ,. !?.U( Muy :
thrte months' bills. 2:4t24 per cent.
Nimv York II 1 11 1 11 u (Imitation,
NEW YORK. Juno 16 -The following
are the closlnc quotations for mining
shares today.
Crown Point
Cm. Cal 4- v...
. 11 Ontario ....
. S Ophlr
Ill I Plymouth .
. 30 IQulcksllver
.'. 10
. .800
. 21
. 3
.. 11
. 11
flouU & Currle.
I. do pfd...
Halt & Norcrom.... 21 Sle-ra Nevada
HomcstakA .W,1 iritanilnt-,1
Iron SlUer fO jt'nlon Con.. ..
Mexican 21 Yellow Jackt .
Condition of (lie Tremur)-,
WASHINGTON. June 16 -Today's state,
nient of tho treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold
leserve In the division, of redemption,
shows: Available cash ba lances, 1149.077. 05
gold. 171.656.CS9, '.. 1-A).
Weekly Ilnnk Stntrmenl.
NEW YORK, June 16.-The weekly bank
itatement shows the following change?;
,JV2sE 17, 1000.
.T, tier cent rule.
.. . , ... , .
ln..r,v l"m' "1,
L"'V .'v.' Jun I--American railways
opened dull on lower nvernl'-hl tiHeo froni
-jew Vork nnd afterward partly reeovereil. I p atti r TRinr rnn xinv CiTlcr'rTnov
The market ruled unsettled nnd inclined toit-AMLL I HAUL fUK WLtK SATISr.CI0Ry
'ival further advices from Wall street, j
At the close the tone was steady. Bust- I
Hl'M uaH vm restricted Amount of bill- ; ii, m,.,,. (2l,.,.t i.i,.-,.,... ...i,
lion taken nto the IU11U of Knulmul .1.1 ""a 'I AlKnlllM- for loiln
bnlfltirn tniliiv r? faitl
balance todnv.
BKHMN, June lfi. Prices were Irregular j
01 lno ' imciiic dividend, llank shate.s 1
were nrmer. Mine sbtirns hnrilpneil On
the street, after the cloe of regulnr busl-
nes'' 0,1 tno bourse, prices relapsed owliv.'
to ; realizations. Kxchange en London, :vm
PfB"- Ulscount on short bills, per
ie"t; three months' bills. 5 per cent.
. PAH1S. June Iri.-Buslness on the bour.-e
' today was Innnlmate. though certnin ln-
ilustrlnls wore frtelv offered. Interniittnnnt
seetirltlps urt-n .ml,. 1 finiiUli Ja urn rtrtv.
ered In spite of the unfavorable reports In
, 5-'Vnt- New Vork exchange. 10c discount
mu. Par asKed.
BALTIMOHK. June 16. Clearings, $.1.332,.
063; balances. $176,203.
PHILADELPHIA. June 16. Clearlnirs
117.613.430: balances. J2.3.TJ VJS.
NEW YORK. June 16. -Clearings. 1176,
! 634,tCil; balances. t9.S92.67S.
1 BOSTON. June 16 -Clearlngs. $20,227,030:
balance, 11.9SI.5I3.
Liverpool (irnln nml I'rox Islotis.
nrm; .o. 1 nortiiern spring, is; No. 1 Cali
fornia. 6i2dfft's1d. Futures, llrm; July.
6sllVI: September, 5s llTd; December,
--ii v-
CORN Snot, llrm: American mixed, now.
3s lC4d; American, old. steady. 4s 3d. Fu
tures, quiet; July. SslOl.d; September, 3s
FLOUR St. Irfiuls fancy winter, slctid.
u 9d.
PHOVISIONS-Beef. extra India mess,
clear mlddlts, light, 30 to 33 lbs., dull. 42a d;
Ion? clenr nililillo hni-i irt jn n. .1,111
42s, short clear backs. 16 to IS lbs., dull. 37s
6d; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., dull, 40s. Sh'oul
uiT, square, ii to u ids., dull. 3s 61.
CHEESE American llnest white nnd col
ored, llrm. Mts.
TALLOW Prime city, dull, 24s; Austra
lian, In London, dull 23s.
1 ..i1," 1 Lonao" 'Paclllc coast). 2 15sfi
i ...
PEAS Canndlan, 5s 7d.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. June 16.-COTTON-Spot
c osed dull: middling uplands, 9 1.16c; mid
dling gulf, 9 5-16c; sales, 30 bales. Fu
tures closed steady, June. 1S.67; Julv. IS.tO;
August. 15.33; September. 17.84; October.
$1.60; November, 17.53; December, $7 51 :
January. 17.53; February, 17.51; March. $7.57:
April, $7.50; May. 17.61.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 16.-COTTON-Un.
changed; middling. ",c; sales, 664 bales:
receipts, II bales; shipments. 101 bales;
block, S-i.olS bales.
Dull; sales, 2,050 bales; ordinary, 7 lt-lfic:
good ordtnnry. S3-16e; low middling. S5-16C;
good middling. 94c: middling fair. U'-c;
receipts, 191 bales, stock, 74,212 bales. Fu
tures, steady; June, t5.937i8.95; July, lS.99ff
9.CO; August, $S.30fi8.3"; September, $7.67'(f
7.6S; October. $7.3S'd7.39: November, $7.29!?
7.30: December. 17.2SJi7.29; January. !7.2y?r
7.30; February, 17.31tit.33; March, $7.34?f7.36.
Coffee .Mnrket.
market for coffee futures opened barely
steady at 10 to 20 points decline, under
heavy receipts at Rio and Santos, nnd pre
diction of steadily increasing new crop
movement, with cables a disappointment
nnd disposition to liquidate general. No
outside support and considerable pressure
to dispose of spot supplies the mnrket
closed steady at a net decline of 10 to 20
points; total sales. 13,730 bags, Including
July at J7.40S7.45; August. $7.10: September,
$7.40; November. $7.40; December. $7,551?
7.60: February, $7.60, March, J7.70J57.75; May,
Oil Mnrket.
OIL CITY. Pa., June 10,-Credlt balances,
$1.23; certificates, no bid; runs and ship
ments not reported.
NEW YORK. June 16. Ol LS-Cottonseed.
dull; prime crude. 33c, nominal: vellow. 33
ffi36c. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York,
$7.S5; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.f0;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk. $,25.
Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good
$1.05. Turpentine, steady, 471fl74c
LIVERPOOL June 16. OILS Cottonseed.
Hull rellned. June and August, dull, 21s.
Turpentine spirits, dull, SSs. Resin, com
mon, llrm, 5s. Linseed, 36s 6d. Petroleum,
SiiKitr .llnrket.
Strong; centrifugal, yellow, 4',-'05c; seconds.
NEW YORK. June 16. SUGAR Raw.
strong; fair refining. 44c; centrifugal. !K
test, 4ic. Molasses sugar, 3Te. Rellned.
Arm; No. 6. $5.20, No. 7. $5.15; No. 8. $5.10;
No. 9. $3.03; No. 10. $j; No. 11, $1.95; No. 12
$4.90; No. 13, 11.95; No. 14 $1.9); standard A
Ij.50: confectioners' A. $5.50; mold A. $
cutloaf, $6.10; crushed, $6.10; granulated.
$3.70; cubes, $5.S5.
Dry (."oods Inrket.
market closed with general business still
slow. Prices on ynrd-wlde 61-squaro
bleached cottons are very Irregular and
pill 14.P In Bnmn ill.nploru T-1....1. i..
Sir dcmSnrtT'-No othVr" fe.txVw In cotton
K0..'?,'j Cotton yarns weak, heavy and un-
eUed. and agents refusing in some cases
tn t.i rn. r..-,... ......
... ....... vnvi.i. uiilii;, 9Jll.v;iUI cull-
Toledo .llnrkot.
TOLEDO. O.. June 16.-WHEAT-Actlve
and higher; spot, 7Sc; July, 79c; Febru
ary. 79Tsc.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 404c.
OATS Weak and lower; No. 2 rash. 21c.
RYE Dull and unchanged; No. 2 cash,
'SEEDS-Clover. dull but higher: '9S prime,
I $5.(0; '99 prime, $3.30; October, 15.75; No. 2,
Cnllfornln Dried Fruits.
DRIED FRUITS-Market nominally un
chnnged; evaporated apples steady at un
changed prices; state, common. 4V.fi6c:
prime. 6Vi6c; choice. 614fj7c; fancy. "74'tf
Sc. Dried prunes. 34fi7c per lb., as to slzo
and quality. Apricots. Royal. 124-0 lie;
Moor park. lMilSc. Peaches, peeled", 16ff
20c; unreeled. 6'ti9c.
Illlivniikop (irnln .Market.
ket higher: No. 1 northern, 71875c.
RYE Hlrher; No. 1. 5Sc.
nARLEY-Hlghfr; No. 2. 4lf346c; sample.
Peorln Markets,
PEORIA. Juno 16.-CORN-Hlgher; Nn. 2,
OATS Higher; No. 3 while, IlffSliJe
WHISKY-tI.21 fur flnlshed goods
Don't you know some deserving girl who
ought to have a vacation? Cut yout vaca
tion coupons from The Hee and sav.- them
for her.
Wnr Sur Ivors Iteiiieinlieri-d li- the
(Jenerul Co veriimeiil.
WASHINGTON, June 16. (Special. ) The
following pcns.ons havo been granted:
Nebraska: Original William a 'h..
man. deceased. Hastings. t6: iFac Meser.
null. Donlnhin. $6; Joeph M. Keach Una.
dllla. IS- William S. Shunter. Shlckley $p'
Supplemental-John R Little. Pawnee City
V9h .Uur ,.wi'th., Srai"l; or'e'nal-Willlam
Johnston. Valentine, $10.
Iowa: Original John 11. Anderson. Earl-
ham, $6, Anton '.ugenbuc-hler. Dubuque, $6;
Ilulburt Da- M-shlro. Washington, tr. John
Kngle. Rl .. $?; John It. Gay. La Porte
City. $6: I ".- Pulley. Derby. $12: Samuel
J. llendeis 1 Muscatine. $s. Addltlonal-
Henry Darxl.le. fames. $12; John II. Smith,
Ku',f.7.. '"rease-Jnhn J Fa van. Cascade.
tr. William Laird. Gravity, 110; Oeorgo T.
Claypoole. Marshalltown. 110; Henry F
llodges, Stuart, IS. Albert Dunlap. Creston
$S; Joeeph Usher. Davenport. $10. Thomas
II. Lano. Osceola. $11; Wilfred M. Sturdo.
vant. Stanwood, $5. (upeclal act. June 2)
r.eorge H. French, Perry $20: art.
Juno 2), Abraham Sanford, Mapletnn. $24,
Reissue-George II. Klnnalrd. Wlnterrot,
$10. Original widows, etc.--Narcissus F.ani
agan. Blanchard. $S. sisters of William B.
Long, Creston, $1, (special accrued, June !).
Julia A. WillUmson, DeWltt, $1. '
.... 3 I steady. 76s 3d; prime mess, steady. !! I c s't P l t-'n 'lVv
no pm jo " i jiiinic incs!-. une esnrn, sieauy, w, 1, . ,, ,, --
Anvr. s. & it..., jo- Lard. American retlncd. In palls, dull. 03s. I v fV iV.. 1
do pf,i prime western, dull. 34s, In tierces. Hams, ! V.- iv V
Amer spirits ...... 31 T hort .rut. II to 16 lbs., steady. 47s. Bacon. I V.' lV hJ' :
do pw 4 Cumberland cut. 2 to 30 lbs., dull. 41s fid: - l
Amer ir short ribs. IS to 411 lbs. eilsv. llslil- lnii .',','. ' P.. WeSt
U I Utll ill 11 II 11 u 1
Ho Cittle of Any Kind to Mak. a Ttst
tr .
01 VilUiJ.
' lull fur flu Wfi.L: It... 11.
liiiner-ul I'.iiouuli Mieei or
I, it nib to Mul.i- .lliirki-l.
SOL'TH OMAHA. June 16.
1 "efe'pts were:
"I'10'".1 Monday
, e a Tiiesdny
c aj V ;ednejda ..
, " Ihursd.iy ...
1 X iU V .lny,
1 omcial Saturday ..
Cattle, tlogs. rihesp
l ii
.. 1.77: 4,775
64.11') 7,412
1 Total this wepk
,eeK end ng Juno u
1 v.. . -uuuii; .nine -
Oi.3)l l-'.ivj
eek ending May 26 ....H.560 isi.MI lo.2il
eek ending Mny 111 U.lsi; 61..73 l.tH.
Average price paid foi nog foi the mm;
i uays, with comparisons:
iio,th iwi ,in n'iins- ioi
1wW.i1S,ij.,1Ms.,U37.1sJ(i.1S?j. 15JI.
I 4 iS 3 'J) 4 21 3 401 2 iC 4 C0 4 0.
' 4 S3 3 iU 4 12( 3 32i 2 SI, i 4 U
I- I 3 k) 4 03 3 36, 2 bl I St "
4 53i i 4 lo 3 32l 2 s7 4 .Ti ( 41
4 91 3 US 3 311 2 93 4 33 4 49
4 !M 3 ii 4 01 i 01 4 W 4
i I 9il 3 t7 J IS 3 30 14 3li 4 30
Juno 5
June 6....
Juno 7
Juno s....
I C 021 3 60 3 S7 3 31. 3 OS I 4 ai
June 9..
J u no
inaicutes s?undny
The olllelul number ot ears of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Cattlc.H'gs.Sh'p.H'r s.
C. M. & St. P. p.y
l iV M. I.. itV
Missouri I'acitlc lty
Union P.icltlc Hystem....
C. & N. w. Ilv
i F.. E. t M. V. R. R
M. 4.. iV I'. IV...
Total receipts
The disposition of tho day's recelnts was
f, c. fltn.... 1. . . .. JL..,.. ..
m .ii.,.. .- run mi) rr inircnasing tne num-
ber of head ttidlcatud:
(flttT llriU CliAsn
(,. H. Hammond Co 1.137
Swift nnd company 1.4J0
Cudahy Packing Co 1,3T " i
Armour & Co 1,71 1
Cudahy Pack. Cp., K. C....CS
Swift and Co., K. C '-Vg
Other buyers H .'.'.'. -j
Totals m
CATTLE There were no cattle hero
today to make a market and the yards were
as much deserted as l.s Hip case on a Sun-
The cattle market this wek has boon In
good shape and ns a rule sellers have been
very well pleased with results. Prices
have averaged good as compared with the
prices paid at other market points. There
have been little ups and downs In the mar
ket, hlsher one day nnd lower the next
but the fluctuations have been small and
not of nnv v.rv crrem fm-inf-tn,,... ni.
demand every day has beeti good and the
cattle have sold freely at prevailing prices
While the nualltv of tho pniitn (j .i..,m.'.
lmrovlr; as the season ndv.imes It la
notlcearie nut that not u single prime
load of cattle was received durln- the
weeK. some very int and well tlnlshcd
cettlo were received, but none that were
both fat and of good quality For that
reason no very toppy sales were reported.
While no very great change can be re
ported in tne maritet lor rie week, such
changes ns have taken pl:ne have been on
the side of better prii es fur good kinds
of fat cattle Tho less desirable kinds ot
cattlo do not show much change as com
.-area wun a v-pck aro.
Desirable cornfed cows and heifers have
been cood sellers ell tho week, but cras
cows are considerably lower and very slow
I 'ttlo .stoik heifers are also lower. Not
enouih feeders or stockers have been re
celved to make a test of the market, and
trade In that lino has been very dull.
Representative sales:
Av P.. I !43) 3 TO
A P-
1 1010 .1 25 I Iiwi 3 -A
5 44 3 3D 1 10:0 3 CO
1 T"o 3 :o : iv. 1 ::.
HOGS There was a pretty decent run of
hogs hero today for a Saturday, and the
general market wns In fairly good shape.
Earl;- It was active and everything
f-nld In vry good season, tho general mar
ket being or higher. Tho extreme close
was slo"- and weak. The hovs sold very
largely nt 1193. ss tigalnst 11.90 yesterday
Any good mixed hogs would bring $4.95. but
It wu.4 almost Impossible to gel nny more
for anything, no matter how good. Buyers
seemed to co on the principle that they
would pav 11.93 for anvihlng. unless some,
thing very eommon. but they did not want
to pay any inoro.
The prespnt week opened with a steady
market, but on Tuesday values dropped
74c, and on Wednesday and Thursday nn.
other 7p was lost. In other words, hojs
sold 15c lower on Thursday than on Mon
day. On Friday and Saturday 10c of this
decline was recovered, so that tho week
closed with the market Just nbout 5c lower
than it was at the opening. Representative
13 ..
75. . .
83. .
7). . .
79. . .
Av. Sh. Tr.
I 5 01! 3 61 3 9i! 3 19 1 .1 01 1 4 jJ sr'IS. .tune
?' ' ' r .J 3.'1 2 Hi T, A t' , head; market steady, native shipping
J I 5, ?' .. .. J .'6, i -'I I ) : and export steers. $l.7Mlfi 60; dressed beef
:" " '! ' I 3 J- i i'J : and butcher steers tl.SoflS.ji); steers undisi-
3. UliJIS, 3.0 i' 1-0") lbs. tl.IMlS.15; stockers nnd feeders.
,- ' s? 7 I? 3 ' j f l' S.:.fOft-l.s; cows and heifers. $:.p,Mi4.90; tan-
::::' i S S f, l ?i..!'.J'v,' S'-IrM
... -v. mw-- - wv. 1 - , 1111111111 Bin-in. ..iMii. ld . ,a I. nil iiniifirn.
1 Illinois central
No. A v. Fh. Tr.
CI 237 80 4 13
82 2S2 80 4 93
70 zn 80 4 Si
131 23 80 4 91
51 222 120 4 93
79 JO 8.1 4 9".
64 215 40 I 95
SO 23D 100 4 9!
70 220 80 4 9".
80 234 ... 4 91
73 223 10 4 95
19 27 160 4 0-.
50 MD 80 4 95
74 231 SO 4 91
73 211 ... 4 95
72 207 . . 4 91
70 ;ic 40 4 05
B 262 HO 4 93
37 269 40 4 95
51 241 80 95
70 2G1 40 4 V,
73 2.V) 2W 4 "5
M KS 2M 4 91
IS Ml ICO 4 '5
K 222 fe) 4 93
90 192 120 4 93
M 231 60 4 9.
K 256 80 4 91
CI 231 1J) 4 91
61 262 240 4 9.-.
75 2 9 200 4 '
71 27 . . 4 9",
C2 214 80 4 0-,
.15 2J1 41 4 9".
SI 202 4 95
16 24) 110 4 05
W !8I 160 4 95
63 JO 40 4 95
13 23 ... 4 95
M U6 . . 4 97U
70 27S 80 I 174
57 $ 80 I 971,
61 . .. 211 40 4 eT'j
'V . ..?:( , S ni
S3 :94 , . ;u
80 4 S.-,
.. 4 M
. 4 914
80 4 924
0 150 4 9:4
19 4 9:',
... 4 9:4
12) 4 9J4
... 4 924
.2 9 40 4 954
.301 IM 4 92,
,vr, ... 4 9:4
.VA I ft) 4 9'4
.103 (0 4 934
.200 80 4 9!4
.191 40 4 9:4
.230 100 4 924
I 160 4 9'4
210 40 4 914
4 9i
4 V,
40 4 95
!l 40 4 95
SI IM 80 4 93
2J3 ... 4 93
. .216 F0 I 93
80 4 93
...Kl 160 4 91
...:ei ... 493
...6 . . 1 ss
...2.13 ... 4 03
. . .29 SO 4 91
.. 213 ! 4 91
.. 231 80 4 95
...361 1ft) 4 91
...211 ... 4
. .213 ... 4 91
...221 2fO 4 M
...!I7 :M 4 63
. . Ii) I 9".
.217 41 t 91 :to 4 93
. . V IS" 4 v,
. . . .
M. . . .
78 ...
79. ..
76 ..
67 ...
CI . .
67.. .
69 . .
:5o 100 4 9'.
SHEEP As predicted n week ago re
celpts of both sheep nnd lambs liavc been
extremely light all this week and arrivals
havo not been sulllclently numerous to ex
clto any great Interest. One thing Is cer
tain, and that l.s thnt there is a steady
demand for good muttons nt this point
and that anything in that line could bo
depended upon to sell at good prices as
compared with other market points
Quotations: Cllpned wethers, tl.90'55 15;
clipped yearlings. 15 23fi.3.(0; clipped ewes,
good to choice tl.23fi4.50: fair to good
dlpned pwps tJAVfi I CO- good to choice
pllppcd lambs, 13.75ft6.0O; fair to good
clipped lambs. t5.3tfi5.50.
Kit 11 aim City I.lxe Slock.
KANSAS CITY. June 16. -CATTLE -Receipts,
head; rnarket nominal; receipts for
week. 21X00 head prices show very little
change from last week, a few plain hunches
sold a trllle easier: all desirable stulT of
fered was fullv steady: heavy native steers
brought, $I.Mrj5.53, stockers and feeders.
anners. ti tiWi 2 r.i n
' ft IV Tpnans M livui . "
, Itons-ttecelpts. (, head market ac
I Vy? "n,l higher. hea, l Ktt6.0.V mixed.
: VA?iKtit ffl
i hanned from Ust mii
I 8HKEP AXU I.AMIW. Il, r.. ...!,
1..O0O head, supply Insuilllrie nt to meet de
mand In all killing grades, excellent de
mand at ilrm prices; spring lambs. s lr
mlxiHl.; Texan. ll.5niil.S5.
feeders. M.wbi 00. mils. CtWO l.ou. no re
ceipts today.
Cllll'.Vfill 1,1 VIS JTIint Mitir.i
Cnttle .Noinlnnlly stein! j llous lllulier
Nlieop nnd l.nnitis Stt-iid.
CHICAGO. June 16 -CATTM.-Ueccfpts,
10) head; nominally steady, natives, good
to prime steers. tS.lOtiS.TS. poor to good,
J4.5Ctffi.0O; selected feeders. Jl.2f.tifi f). mlie.l
' .tockers.; iow, J3 f'MJI i. heifers.
H.2.V6 0; dinners, H.3Zt, 00. bulls. !3.Cii
4.40, calves. !l.wj,..i, Texas fed steers.
tl.e.fi6.Ti. Texas grass steers. !3.S5fM.40.
Texas bulls. t1.15tJ3 63
HOGS-Hecelpts toda, 12.C"i) head; Mon-
ony. estimated; lert over. I.5O0, gen-
, erally fc higher; top, J.124; mixed butch-
ers. tl.ii3i3.12'; good to i holce heavy, 13.00
yii.uii: rougn ne.ivy. ii.saio.W: light. tl.So
f5.12i; bulk of sales. t,i.CUi.
a II IS BP AND LAMBS-ltecclpts. 3,(0)
hnd sheen anu Inmbs. steady, good to
uuh-h wemers. h.mhiu.w; lair to cnoico
"l,xed. H.ftlto tO: wis'ern sheep. tl.76HG.2i;
ymninrs. t3.50SfS.i. native lambs, to.fofi'
C.50: western lambn. $6.0iVu6.?'"; soring
lambf. $3.Wfi;.(0.
, lteiel.Ms this week. Cattle. 47.000 head;
hogs. l9.10O head: sheep, C2.200 head. Last
week: Cattle. 43.4(0 heaii. hog.s. 169.500 head.
sheep, 36.SW head,
Si. I, mils l.lve Slopk.
t- o-r..i n 1
IIOGS-Recelnts. !.10 head: mnrket
strong ard f- higher; plus and lights, tl.fft
.; pncLXTs. il.soflS.OS. butchers. $5.00iif
! , ... . , ,, . ,
: SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 100 head.
iiuiirt-i ioivit; unlive minion. i.. 011.1. v;
" 1 lambs. $3.00f7.30. culls nnd bucks. $3 oofr
5.00; stockers. $2.75x7,1.50
.rvt- York l,lxr Slock.
NEW YORK. June 16.-BEEVF.S-Rp-celpts.
.110 head, no trading. Market feel
ing steady ; no Intpr cables ; exports, 5")
cnttlp nnd 6.113 quarters of bppf.
CALVES Receipts, none, no trading.
Market feeling unchanged; city drcsed
venls nt Ofjlfle per lb.
SHEEP AND I.AMBS-RpcPlpts. 4.321
head: 19 cars for sale: sheen, steady; cotn-
10 mon lo good medium lambs lower, good
lambs, steady; sheep. $.1 50fi"i.23; lambs. 1323
-,?Vjl- ,,imninii ,,! r 1 1 ii.-a W
;;;;, ,. , , -"'.;. . ..
1 HOGS Receipts. 1,760 head: none for the
market. Market nominally steady.
St. .!nenli I, Up Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June !6.-(Spe-clal.)
The Journal quotes:
CATTLE Receipts, 1 head. Market
stonily: demand strong.
HOGS Receipts, 4 1U0 held. Mnr'se' n--live
and 5!i74c higher: all grnde. 119
5.05: bulk of rales, l.!24Ti l.97..
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts. 2f0 h a
Market stead-.
Stock In Slulit.
Folloln? are the receipts nt the four
principal western mnrkets for Juno 16:
Cattle. Hess. Sheep
South Omaha
Kansas City .
St. Louis . ...
Totals ...
II 00O
...1.102 25.122
I Mump Tux Decision.
CHICAGO June 1C The United s-Vatos
I circuit court of a'meals todav announced
f decision nfflrmlng 11 decision of Judee
I Kehlsnat unhnldlng the claims of Chicago
breweries for a discount on the stauin lax
paid under Cin Dlngloy act. A recent de
rision In Cincinnati was used as authority
ln making the decision The suit was by
the Manhattan Browing cnninanv against
Colleetor Coyne to recover H.COO. tho
nmount of a 7U nor rent discount on stnmns
purchased a few hours before the Dlngley
act wpot Into effect. There are hundreds
of similar cases throughout the country and
tne case was regnrucii ns 01 great impor
tance lo the government. An npncnl will
be trade to tne supreme court as a test
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturdiy.
June 16. 1900:
Wnrrnnty Deeds.
E. .1. Murray and wife to S. R. Rob-
Insnn. s4 nt 12 block 10. In 1st add
to South Omaha $ 430
C- If. Pavno nnd wife tn L. M. Knox.
lot 6. I.a Fayette Place 4.0M
G. H. Payne, trustee, to same, lot I,
same 3,500
Sa to np, o IS feet lot 4 and w
16 feet lot .1. block C. Prospect Place 10
A. W. Dlrkerson ami wife to J. If.
Perkins, lot II. b'ock II. Jotter's add 617
R. B. Grlfllth to C. O Compton. 114
no and 114 nw 3-14-10 2,700
E R. Hufp to J R. Uii-snn. lot 3,
block t. ;litltivlow 700
A c. Davenport and wife 10 Peter
Klow' lot 6. block 19. Hanscotn
Place 7ft)
E. M. Morsman. Jr.. to A. J. Cl-trk.
lot 17. M.iyne's ndd to Orchard Hill 7M
P W. Horbach to Omaha Bridge and
Termlnnl Rnllwnv comonnv. right of
wny In tax lots 27. 2 anil 30 In 3-13-13 i.lM
Mnry Hart and hi"h mil to Tonev
Kltzhergcr, lot 11. blo k 1. Hawley
Terrace 425
L. M. Moor and hii'h.ind to W. L.
Selby. lot 3. block 2. Sheridan Place. POO
L. R. Seymour to Omnh-i Savings
nana, lots 1 to s. 1:! o 21. block 1.
and other property In Sevmour's add 3,000
M. II. Green to H. E. Naitlnger. Ints
3 nnd 4. block II, Nnae it S.'s add.. 1,0"0
E. L. Emery to E'lznbeili Dufrenc,
part of sublot 9 In lot 2. Canltol ndd. 3,301
Benson Iand comnanv to Fritz Hn
mnnn, lots 1 nnd 2. block 41, Ben
son (yv)
Quit Clnlni Deeds.
F. E. Horbach and wife to P. W. Hor
nach. part tax lots 27. 21 and SO, In
3-15-13 i
J. F. Flack comnnnv to I). S. Coch
ran, lots f, 9, 13, 23 and 21. block 3,
Shelby's 1st ndd 6
Sheriff to F. E. Horbach, part wu sw
3-13-1.1 22,500
Speclel master to J F Flack com
pany, lots 5, 9. 13. 21 and 25. block 3,
Selby's 1st ndd . n?
Total amount of transfers..
... $15,2.36
Write Today
for our hichljf InttrettintT anil iluiblc weekly
We.ll Street
of service to eery speculator and Investor
who folloui the
stck, Grala and Coiii Market
malted free. Send us our name, tell us
what you now hold and ucwllladviseynu.
Accounts carried on j per cent, margin.
Correspondence solicited
32 Broadway, ew York.
Telephone KKJfl. Oinha, Ss
Correspondence: John A. Warren Co
uirect wires to Chicago and Nw YorS
roi.t mi
1 1 j via. 1 1
BRAMCrl 103 rUt
1 i'i 4-
It bo. epectilato successfully send your
orders to n rellablo house, where they will
be placed In tho open mnrket. We can
make for you In ono month more Interest
on your money than any hank will pay
you In u year. Send for our book on spec
ulatlon. It la free.
J. K. Com sto ck& Co
Room 83 Trader' IMU v.. Chicane,