Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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ritirrrv ami iiiuomimi.
tiinrmliiK Ntiiiiinor Ilres-ien lo lie llml
for I, lllli- .Miiii-.
NKW YOHK, Juno 15. "There she rocs!"
wblspetcd Mnlsle excitedly, peering through
tho vines. "Why, the best dresseil woman
In thin well gownod watering place, to bo
cure. I've been watching her like it hawk
all week, alnco from the bow In her hair
to the bow In her shoo she Is an Infulllblo
Indicator of which way tho wind of fashion
blows. Yesterday morning I saw her climb
tho Htcps of that new big colonial houso
down tho drive. Sbo was evidently a
luncheon nucut and i. her lovely chestnut
hair Bt a bin haw of blac'.: crcncdlno rib
bon, for sbo woro no hat, n no ond, I
thlnfi, nwcetly Informnl fathlon of dropping
In to pick one's midday chicken wing nnd
crush a strawberry with a friend. Of course
cho carried a parasol of white silk, with two
Inset bands of blark laco and r. whlto wood
stl 'k having a prodigiously curled ebony
bundle wlilrh wnn vrrv phi.-- Indeed. Her
gown, dear me! Now, why didn't I have ono
llko It, Instaid of my corn llowcr nuno'
veiling. Hum wns in pastel green, n veil
Intrusted In embroidered black ollk dots
and big, black delleato black lace Mowers
laid on nml the goods was not cut out be
nuitli, This formed the lower linlf of her
sweet waist and tho overdress, which last
wan cut In long points from tho knees
down In allow a vaporously light accordion
pleated llounco of tho flneH black silk mus
lln to llowcr out about her feet. The yoko
of her boily wns mailo of lino pleated green
muslin, with io.vs of black baby panno rib
bon running now and then between tho
turka and a narrow atrip of black panno
ran mound her slender waist, while a
broader band, with sheer muUn points
turning over, enclosed her throat."
"I llko It all except the parasol," com
tnontcd tho hostess, going back lo her easy
can chair In tho shady, breezy comer.
"There Is toniothlng newer than that a
parasol made wholly of tucked Swiss miw
lln. showing In set bands of Valenciennes
outre deux and beading, with narrow rib
bona run through the last. It gocH without
saying that doublet trills of gathered laco
finish off the bottom and such a cover
can bo dropped in nil Its transparent love
HnetH over tho nakeil ribs of u parasol and
used thus, or stretched upon a plain pink,
bluo or yellow silk sunshailo to Infinitely
Adorn U. That In the latest whisper from
Paris and seme, women I know are showing
off their genius for line ucedtowork by
making theso Hiiusbado covers of whlto silk
muslin nnd somo aro using the most deli
cate, handkerchief batiste and aro em
broidering their crests nnd Initials thereon."
Shci'I Si hi t Ifi I
"Thcro aro times," quoth Malsle, going
back to her chair nnd wupremo Idleness,
"when I am nlmoat persuaded by papa's
fatuous argument that the more simply and
least expensively u woman Is dreswd the
sweeter sho seems. I met two girl frleiuU
of mine on tho beach thl mornlnc who
wero,.such visions of fresh and tidy econ
omy In drefcs that 1 felt positively ashamed
of my puckered and flounced French mus
lin. One cat on tho sand baring her hand
bobio auburn locks to the wind and sun,
wearing tho nnarteet whlto outing cloth
gown picked out In clear crimson dots no
blggor than pin heads. Her waist fastened
In the back, bloused a trlflo In front and
ucrosrt tho shoulders, from tho front of tho
collar nnd over the top bf each sleovo ran
a strap of henvy whlto llannel stltchod
down. At tho baso of each sleeve a cult of
tho samo fell over her hand and a belt and
collar ol crimson otttched taffeta Just
touched tho whole thing off.
"Her friend was In pique, white, fipottcd
with mnrlno blue, plain skirt, a closo fit
ting sailor waist laid in tucks over tho bum
and having a big collar of stiff whlto linen,
turning back from a vest nnd collar of
solid bluo linen to match the dots In her
liown. Her belt and cuffs were blue and
under her collar waved tho soft silk ends
of a bluo silk tie. Sho carried a-scrvlceable
bluo linen sunshade, having u band of
white ubout tho edges, and her whlto
stitched linen hat hud a cloud of bluo straw
bows at ono side. They took mo homo to
their hotel and showed mo their things and
mado my mouth water with their flno bar
gains and my cheeks burn with shnino over
my own extravagances.
Moluilr iomi,
"What do you think of casino gowns of
cream whlto mohair, tho skirts laid in lino
tucks about two 'Inches apart and running
from tho waist to tho knees, theso worn
with tucked waist; of tho samo or of cream
taffuta, and finished oft with belts nnd col
lars of colored panno? Tho girls found
skirts llko that all tucked and put on tho
band ami ready to bo hemmed up tho proper
length nt tho shops for u simply startling
rlce. In tho evenings they wear whlto or
gandie frocks, with each a big cabbago bow
and slnglo fringed end of pastel tinted
panno on tho loft breast and n girdle with
sldo knot nnd fringed end to wear at the
waist. All In white, with thoso two touches
of color, they were charming, and by means
of having a blnck and n whlto and a colored
not of breast knots and girdles they con
trive to get ut simply no outlay at all an
effect of sevcrnl changes of costumes."
"It Is admirable," replied tho hostess,
"but I am afraid so much can't bo said for
' your prclty littlo glass of fashion across
tho way. No concealed bargain counter
about her frocks."
"I should say not," replied Malslc. "I am
told that sho Is tho girl who has set tho
fashion at Newport of wearing black voll or
muslin or net gowns, with a hat all of ono
bright color. A black liberty silk and n
toque of polarggnaum pink tuckod chiffon
lavishly trimmed with largo silk muslin
blossoms of tho samo shado Is what I mean.
Ail color, life and beauty to gray whlto o.'
liiea'neu imir rrouuees u new. iiuck
Krowtli on bald heads uml Immediately
arrests tho fn -34 out of hair. Cures
dandruff nnd Itching bcelp. UOKS NOT
healthful hair dressing for men and women
Nothing ilko It or Jut ua Rood. Uncqualud
us n quick nuir grower.
One Hottlo I offfo Oa KflfAt Lendlnc
Does It. LdluU DUli OUb Drue Shops
A iklii mt rtrnty U a Joy Forerer.
nn. t. ftairtx uoukauivh oiuuntal
Ilemore Tan, Piurlns
rri-ckloa. Moth, Patches
, wish ana sum in.
leaned, and ovprv
IbUmiluli oil beauty,
,11111 uenra aeioo
lion, It has stood
the test of 5'.' years
and Is so haiinloaa
v trnitii It to be
Burn It la properly
made. Accept no
rounteririi or simi
lar tiAmu. nr. L.
A, Sayre n.iiii to
any of thnhnut-ton
1:1 luticiit a you
.'adieu will uo
them I recommond
nn....,iL r.n, hi thn harmful of nil
binh,Ai,nii.,nM' Vnr ,:iln iiv nil Driirrlalu and
. ucy tloodit Doalera In the United Statea, Canada
nJ'Jil) t! UOPKiflB.yrop'r, 87 Jcoe Si, N. Y.
or you can wear a black voll with a wldo
pink straw hat burled In small pink roses."
A I'ciieoeU for I lie llitlr.
"She was the one I saw at the dance last
night wearing n truly attractive ornament
In her hair," answered tho hostess. "Tbo
hair was put up high, nnd then In front on
top was set a gorgeous peacock made of
spangles. Every ono turned nbout to wntch
It nnd wo women enviously wondered whero
sho had bought It. Uy day, when sho re
laxes her stately attitudes on tho links, 1
tnko very admiring noto of her shirt walsls.
Sho has been hero at least two weeks and
overy morning oho rejoices our eyes with a
waist of complete frcskncfs, In cut, If not In
color. It only goes to prove, of course, how
Inflnlto tho slilrt wnlst variations are. Yes
terday morning It was a pretty pink batiste
nffalr tucked n littlo on tbo shoulder, hut
chiefly relieved by tinrrow wblto boadlng
striping tho front nnd Intersecting nil the
seams. The day before that It was n white
lawn affair, every Inch laid In latitudinal
tucks, nnd a half-shaped cuff over the hand.
Ilcforo that Bhe went by In a very taking
little confection of French bluo batiste made
with a vest, Bailor collar, cliffs nnd neJk
hand of the sheerest tucked while Swiss.
Short skirts respectively of pink, white and
bluo linen woro ndopted with these, nnd
back of thoso three my memory won't carry
me. However, they were any ono excellent
models to copy, and It rejoices me to eco
how tho shirt waist wearing sisterhood havo
given up the hard, clumsy mnscullnc collars
they used to set so much store by.
Slilrt I'lvltiHi).
"Tho prettiest waists I have seen havo
ho tidy little trimmed neck fixings that can
bo worn with ribbuns slipped under tho
overturning embroidered edgo or points.
Another mode Is to wear a more or less
Imped turnover of whlto plquo and a fringed
scarf cravat tied under. Ribbons can bo
bought so corded that they will Rtnnd up
tnunchly about tho neck, nnd then by cross
ing the ends nt the back and bringing for
ward knot tidy as n man's evening tie under
tho chin. Asldo from theso I'vo had my
emptntlon from n window full of newly In
roduccd sash scarfs of pastel tinted liberty
tnffetn that Is very tender of quality, but
can stand up for Itself. These go twice
bout the neck, knot In front and let fall
to fringed ends that aro artfully fretted
open with floral bouquets of clttny lace.
Really, you know," sighed tho good lady as
ho rose at the butler 8 announcement of
uncheon, "thcro Is no end to tho excuses
for frittering away one'B Income In bewitch-
ng littlo trifles. On-o Is obliged to cultivate
a very stiff upper lip and closo purse fasten
ing theso days when the counters fairly
overflow with almost Irroilstlblo brlc-a-brac
of dress, as ono woman calls It."
,lti: (illOWINti 1IA.VUS0MU.
Anierlcnn JtrlH llnic I.cnriicil tho
Vnliio of l'xi'rulMi,
Tho rago for outdoor exercise that has
tnkeu posacfelon of American girls of lato
cars Is already bringing forth Its legitimate
fruits and unbiased observers declare that
they aro growing In grace and comeliness
overy year. They arc taller, stralgbter and
more healthful looking than were those of a
generation ago. Tho Increasing opportuni
ties for physical culture nnd open-air exer
cise have undoubtedly brought about this
change. Olrls aro lcnrnlng that tho first es
sential to good looks Is good health and that
health depends on plenty of exercise. In
Hnglnnd great nttcntlon Is paid to athletic
Bports for girls. They nro brought up to
take part In nil kinds of vigorous exerclso
and In pastimes which keep them out In tho
fresh air, such as riding, golfing nnd boating.
To many persons cricket nnd hockey may
scorn to be unusual amusomcnts for girls,
yet nt tho girls' schools and colleges In Kng-
lond theso games are nn popular as basket
ball Is In tbo United States, American girls
have nrrlved gradually at tho knowledge of
tho delights of outdoor life. Fashion, which
hns had much to do with bringing sports Into
favor, has really been a blessing In disguise,
but It In not probable that the enthusiasm
for athletics will bo a passing fad when ono
considers Its accompanying advantages to
health, strength and beauty. Well developed,
symmetrical muscles nro necessary to grace
ful outlines, roundness of limb and the case
nnd suppleness of movement which crento
admiration. Health not only gives bodily
beauty, adds a glow to tho cheek and a
brilliancy to tho eye, but It animates tho
spirits and makes the- possessor happy, A
dellcato girl who Is entirely unfit to rido a
hlcyclo or to play tennis may put herself In
good condition to tako up theso pastimes by
oxcrclslng with light dumbbells or going
through callsthcntlc movements in a gym
nasium. TOO 11 Hi A CO NT II ALT,
Women ('niiiuil Keep llouno unit I'nrn
Money nt lilt- Snine Time. 0
A woman of wide repute, who has been
both profesolonal nnd housekeeper by turns
and .tried to bo both at once, has this to
say of her experiment; "Until a woman
has tried he novor knows what It lviennn
to bo housekeeper nnd buslneis woman
combined and few can stand tho strain very
long. 1 break down every little while, but
Just now I do not bio any other way to
adjust matters, nut It Is this division of
dutlen that gives the opportunity for tbo
criticism sometimes hoard relative to
women's and men's ability In business. A
man Is not expected to do anything else but
attend to business during business hours
and then amuse himself In tho way ho best
likes afterward, Hut n woman Is not only
expected to thoroughly imdcwtaml tho busl.
nest, In which sho Is Interested, but to
know bow to conduct a house In all Its
details nnd furthermore to put this knowl
edge; Into practice, und a great many busl-
ncs women try to do too much. They are
at once their own cooks, dressmakers, mil
liners and household innnngers nnd follow
a buslncits pursuit In nddltlon. It must nat
urally follow that something must be sacri
ficed. Ocnernlly It U the woman's health
oo tho consequence of her conscientious en
deavor to do her duty Inside and outside
her home."
sham .n:vr.i, s roit snow.
Sew York SoolMy l.rr.ili'ri, Ilrilrcki-il
Vltll llOUIIM (it'lllK,
Moro bogus Jewelry and gems may bo
found at a fashlonnblo New York rc:eptlon
than most people imagine. It Is not al
ways tho sham aristocracy that array them
selvca thus, but many of tho wealthiest poo
plo ct tho metropolis nppear loaded down
with ccnis -that are cold by tho pint In
deed cf by the carpt. This Is duo In part
to tho fenr of robbery, for at nil tho swell
functions there nro present somo of the m03t
expert thlovca In tho country, ready to
snatch e. Jewel of v.iluo when they are un
observed. Hut In tbo vcarl";j of ornaments, as In
most other things, much depends on tho
woman who wears them. For Instance, a
largo row of sham pearls worn In the day
tlmo Is Btlgmatlzed as bad ttwte, v.iiilo a
smaller ono worn round tho neck in tho
evening would be unnoticed.
Iargc-stoned imitation diamond Jewelry
Is at nil times vulgnr, but a sparkling, well
made French ornament of sparkling paste
for tho hair gives ns good nn effect do the
real thing nnd Is only lesa good because It
has cost lciru money.
The greatest dlsndvnnlngo In a woman's
buying sham Jewels Is that It Is uch a tcr
rlblo waste of money. These things nro not
very Inexpensive when they ure good, but
they aro worth nothing It one should want
to soil or exchange' them. Aa a rule they
don't Inst long, needing often to be re
placed, so that Imitation Jewelry becomes a
Tory expensive fancy.
A woman of refined tnstc nnd good Judg
ment will avoid buying too many sham or
naments or those of too reanarknblo a f-zc
and then If she should ndd a Roman pearl
string to her real Oriental ono or put n
glittering aigrette In her hair sho will
find few to blame her or call her vulgar.
Olmert ntloiiH mill C'iiiicIiinIoiih of 11
.MUxiiiirl JmlKf.
Pollco Judge McAuley of Knncvts City
pays that men who spit In public plates need
expect no mercy If brought before hlui. lie
says tho habit Is not only filthy but dan
gerous to tho public health nnd he Is going
to do all In bis power to sco that It is
broken up.
In connection with this, reports the Kan
sas City Star, Judge McAuley has nn Idea
regarding woman's wearing- apparel, As
long skirts nro tho great distributors of
dtscaso genua In spittle, ho suggests that
a combination ordtnanco might be pa&cd
first prohlbltng spitting under the penalty
of n very heavy flno and second, compelling
women to wear wnlklng skirts on the streot,
tho bottoms o! which aro nt least two
Inches frcm the ground.
"Pleaoo understand, however," said ho,
"that this last point Is simply a suggestion,
ns I renllzo that to oven Intimate a slnglo
reform In woman's dress Is the most dan
gerous ground upon which a public ofllclal
can tread.
"It baa boon tho rule In this court room
for scmo tlmo that thcro must bo no spit
ting on tho floor. Resides, signs have been
posted In streot curs, elcvatoM nnd In
fact most public places, forbidding this
disgusting practice. It's a rule thnt should
bo carried out to the letter and I nm going
to do my part. I believe that tho entire
medical world lias agreed that tho easiest
way to transplant dlseaso germa !a through
dried spittle, A person with consumption
expectorates on tho tldewnlk or In a atioat
car. iA woman with long Eklrta cornea
along, wipes It up and goes home, whoro
tho skirt Is hung In n cbsot. Tho flued
drlto nnd tho tuberculosis germ la released,
to lodgo In the lungs of somo lualthy per
son. This may bo looked upon ns an exag
gerated example, but It Is not enly likely
to happen, but Is a matter of record In hun
dreds of enscn.
"A police order that gave mcro than
nrdlnnry pleasure wrs tho one I3sued a tow
days ago forbidding spitting on tho steps
of tbo federal building. I linvo walked up
1 11 r 1 "ii ! 1 11 1 11 ' 1 1 ' " ' '
thceo steps when the tobacco spit was si
thick that 1 felt llko gathering up my
trousers and holding them up to my ahoo
tops. If 1 felt thnt way how much more
disagreeable must it havo been for a
woman with long skirts. I sincerely hope
that theso custom house Bpitters will lio
brought before me nnd I'll guarnnteo that
that chew of tobacco will bo tho most cx
pcnelvo they ever took In their lives.
"Not only this, but tho ti'.dowalks particu
larly In front of the retail stores, should
bo guarded against these pests. Theso nro
not crank notlor.s on my part, but said In
nil earnestness. If a man chews tobacca
and enjoys It, that's his bufinesa mid privi
lege. Ho has a perfect right todo so. Hut
he must bo considerate of tho rights nnd
health of others nnd to long as I nm on the
police bench I nm. going lo look out for tho
comfort of tho other fellow."
HKHl'l Kit 11Y A (illtl. SWIMMIIH.
Dlvril from 11 Wlmrf nml Snvrd Ilie
I, Iff of 11 DriMvnlnn Iloy.
Lou la Hencpe, tho 7-ear-old son of Dr.
L. M. Benepo, 550 Dayton avenue, St, Paul,
owes his llfo to the ruro presence of mind
nnd heroism of Miss Dthcl Murray, who
plunged Into White Hear lake Thursday
evening to rescuo him from drowning.
MUM Murray, with tho other members of
tho fumlly, was seated ut dinner In tho
Murray cottage at MahtomcdI. From a win
dow overlooking tho lnko sho observed a
disturbance of tho usually placid waters.
As sho gazed an arm and a face rose nnd
disappeared beneath tho surface. A life
was endangered. With a warning cry she
sprang from her seat, dashed down the
winding pnthway nnd out on tho frail dock
100 yarda away. At Its end, scarcely paus
ing, she poised for the dive. A strong out
ward leap nnd her lltho flguro shot Into tho
water. In n moment, which seemed hours
to tho niembero of tho stnrtled family, nil
of whom had followed her to the dock na
raoldly ns they might, sho rose somo littlo
dtntanco from the pier with tho form of
a child In the frenzy of drowning clasped
closo to her elde. Tho battle then was not
for one life, but two. Mlsra 'Murray clung
to tho struggling child until ho lapsed Into
unconsciousness. Then tho bravo girl, sadly
hampered by her clinging garments, struck
out for tho dock, supporting the limp body
of the littlo fellow she hnd risked her life
to eave.
Her brother, Robert Murray, bad by this
tlmo reached tho pier and relloved her of
tho burden that must eoon have bomo her
down, The young herolno climbed to tho
dock unaided nnd quickly Bought her own
homo and dry clothing. Miss Murray Is
nbout 10 years of age, tho daughter of Mrs.
E. N. Murray of 35 Irvlno Park. Sho is
fond of outdoor amusements and la an ox
pert Bwlmmcr.
Siinirt lilnur 1'neftil May lli Lciiritoi!
from nn Atiti'CHH lOxiierltiiice.
Ono of tho most admired of American
nctrcfecs, both for her graco nnd comeliness,
has been divulging eomo of tho secrets by
means of which sho has preserved her
beauty. "Vigilance," sho says, "I3 tbo first
requlsllo. I am ever on tbo ulert and when I
discover traces of fatlguo or any other
beauty-destroying symptoms In my faco or
flguro I set about remedying It at once. I
don't attempt to bo anything but u profes
sional woman during tho theatrical season.
I don't receive and don't go to other people's
houses. I simply haven't time and I don't
mnko It. My mode of llfo la very simple. I
sloop nine or ten hours ns a rule never less
than eight. I cat regularly nnd heartily
and avoid everything that would be apt to
give mo Indigestion. Indigestion Is a power
ful foe to beauty, a greater foe than ago,
na great oven ns worry. . I walk overy day,
rain or shine, nnd I wear a corded corset
walBt nnd stout flat-heeled boots, I try not
to worry no matter what happens and I
nover tiro myself unnecessarily. My method
Is so very Bfcnplo few women would caro
to try it. It lms 110 balms or diets, and I
don't oven go In for fancy baths. A warm
bath at night nnd a cold bath In tho morn
ing are good enough for mo. On Sundays
I don't havo to go to tho theater, but I
don't dovoto It to lolling or rocolvlng
visitors. 1 havo my usunl amount of ex
erclto nnd then dovoto most of tho day to
manicure arid hairdresser. When ono's hair
Is five feet long nnd very thick It Is not an
easy tusk to havo It shampooed. How do I
keep tho samo weight nil tho tlmo? Why,
by vlgilnnee nnd determination. If I gain a
pouud I Immediately stop drinking water
nt meals and give up augnr for a while. If
tho bones In my neck begin to sliow I cat
banuuas and crer.01 nnd put nn extra spoon
ful of oil In my Fnlad. It'o so simple, but, of
course, It precludes much pleasure."
nin.vT post Tin: Mi:ssi:.(u;it.
An 11 ('oiiN-tit'iicr tin Wife Knew of
Her IIiinIiiiiiiIS Stitilcif iiki-.
Men nio leurnlng by degrees that their
wives lire not nil simple minded, con
fiding ercntures 11s they are popularly sup
posed to be. One of tbcue men learned this
fact greatly to his mortlflcattlon tho other
day. Ho met a college chum down town on
a ccrtnln afternoon uml succumbed, with
many twinges of conscience, for what ho felt
was a dojcrtlon of his better half to an In
vltntlon to dine out and have n gamo of
cards afterward. Hut In order that tho lit
tlo lady's feelings might not be hurt by tho
neglect he wrote her a note, which ran like
"Dcarcat: Won't bo homo until late; will
havo to atny nt the ofllco until midnight ut
least. Am there now working furiously and
will not be nblo to get any dinner, corre
spondence Is so piled up around me. Don't
worry, but upend tho ovcnlng at one of the
neighbors. Yours, JACK."
.Tho wife received the note with a shud
der of apprehension nnd read It with tears
In her e-yes. Her poor boy that was what
sho called him In her thoughts was so over
Then sho never knew what malign fate
mado her do It "whero was tbo gentleman
when ho gavo you tbla?" she nsked tho
small boy, who stood waiting for nn answer.
"At tho Illnnk hotel, getting dinner with
two other men," came? tho reply promptly
and cheerfully.
When milord reached home that night nnd
found the wenther marked stormy and wns
confronted with tho evidence of his villainy.
no made nut ono remark.
"To think," ho said sorrowfully, "that
after nil thcae years of experience I Bhould
havo forgotten to post that messenger boy."
I'rlllM nt riiNlilon.
Embroideries of sold on tulle nro a
featuro of tho new evening' gowns, with sil
ver and mother-of-pearl often used In com
bination. Silk, satin and even velvet stocks nro
worn with the cotton shirtwaists, being
vastly more becoming than tho stiff linen
Tho linen dustcoasts this season nro the
most attrnetlvo of all. Some of them, mnde
In tho Lmplre design, nro re-illy chnrmlng.
Pink Is ono of the most popular colors of
the season, uml the varying tints In tbo dif
ferent matrrlnls uro moro beautifully soft
than ever before.
For mourning pretty olouno wulsts nro
mndo of blnck net run through with black
chenille and worn with a ions net mish
finished tvlth chenille fringe.
That fashionable color culled khnkl hns
Improved slnco Is was first produced, nnd
tho iikiy tint of yellow brown hna merged
Into tlio soft fawn nnd belgo tints.
High corselet girdles are worn with shirt
vnlHts and dimity gowns ns well. Formed
.nt rows of lnco imil embroidered Insertion
runnlni; nroiind they nre especially pretty
for the flowered muslins.
Ono of tho new modes of trimming fon
lard gowns consists of bandi of whlto silk,
niacliiuu-atitche'il In straight rows or In 11
pattern, which mnkes them very effective
nn n finish for tho bodice, and tho flounces
In tho bklrt.
Se:mr.ito skirts of tuffota aro plain nnd
nro finished around the lower edgo with
three nnrrow shaped rullle.s or volantes of
the material. Tho little taffeta coats can
bo boui'ht now for much' less than woolen
Set etna of wicker linvo shelves nnd
pocbets for work or books, nnd big chn'rjj
of tnn Hume material have shelves 011 t'io
oultlde, where tho lounger can collect Ills
or her belunsln&s, to bo leached without
rhe most beautiful diamond linga no.v
shew nonu of the setting. In some of t ho
rings smaller stones nre set along the ring
on each sldo of the largo stone, nnd the
Jewels have the appearance of resting on
tho hund without vltdblo support.
IneriiiHliiK'y great Is tin rage for laco
nm.lliiiuH In vhlte. black nnd deep cream
color nnd laco In every pi-'Slblo form on
smart summer gowns. lmil wraps, bolerox.
fancy wnl-ts und hlgh-tinir summer mllll
nury. Fine old-fushloned thread nnd
Chntitllly patterns In white or crcnin color
are laid over Liberty sntln enpo collars
with fccarf etida, and tltu Insertion bands
nio luted as borders to rcvera, panels,
flounces and Jackets oil costly evening
JyV4 HMbMMWWlK V''' .SUPERIOR to all other '
vWPKkI .Comets In lightness, lies. '
M VJyiiWillflP fm lblllty- fftbrlC9- wcftr,n 1
ftPA ml!MWm $m nualltlcs.ntnml detail cC
$W M U II MWSSfl Wi S finish. Boned with pllahlo I
Vii I fm I &m Mf I rust-proof metal boulngj '
W MWfi Kvery letiKth of w.S, ,
S5v MffiBffix&fcSl I brcndth of hlp oml busfc 1
. ''KH I I ,irJ t-m I "mHKrtSV' D measure perfectly, fitted 111
j k-'IMls-- prices (rotn $1.00 to $3.00,
61 J -j ll 'L- per pair.
- m 1r". .
filsf Sfroof ioiifoi-nrei fine
A Itiffli-Clasi Residential and Transient Hotel. Located In the lie.irt of the, flno re-ddetice dtxtrlct.
Conducted In a manner lo attract the. best patronatre. Ilie must cotnfxriabli! ahldlni,' place tlla
year round In Chicago. Away from dirt and noise. Warm in winter. Cixil In Summer. 4fn largs
looiuv. All outside. Xo courts. Ftirnlslied tlirruglinut lit iiiabog.iiiv. 22(1 l'l vato liatlirontns.
tlltiini Central Kxpress Suburban trains overy 10 in'iimes. 7 minutes tt Van Huron Street.
Inspection Invited. Scud for handsome booklet.
Bee Publishing Company;
Genis My advertisement for servant
girl brotight vie the desired resutt. I had
twenty-seven applicants from one days ad.
Ed Sondheimer,
Manager People s Store.
The Qrent Sherlock Holmes Delecll ve Morion tirntlN lo Kvery lleudcr of
Til l I'liper.
Tho greatest dotcctlvo stories ever written In nny land or language are thoso by
A. Conan Doyle, die distinguished uiitbor, In which his celebrated chnrni'tor, Slietlock
Holmes, Is the central figure. These stories abound In mytery, stnrlllng surprises,
lrnmutlc situations nnd Intensely ex itlng plots. They nro celebrated wherever the
Kngllsh language Is epoken nnd have been translated into a number of foreign
tongues. Vo have collected some of the most popular of tho Sherlock Holmes de
tective stories, bv A. Conan Doyle, nnd now offer them to our subscribers.
The Sherlock Holmes detective stories will be sent to you absolutely grntls If you
will semi us nt once ' cents for a six months' trial subscription to "New York Homo
Life," the greatest of American magazines. This wonderful collection of stories will
bo sent free beiauso we want every ri-nder of this paper to bo familiar .with "Now
York Home Life." whMi Is the most beautifully illustrated periodical In the world.
Moro than SO exclusive features every month. Crisp, startling stories of Now iork
life. A now subscriber wrlte; us: "I consider the New York Home Life .Magazine tho
most Interesting and 'beautiful of any 10-cent or IB-cent publication In America.
Send your "5 cents In stamps or silver today, as the edition of this collection of
eherlock Holmes stories n limited.
Mention this paper when writing.
NEW YORK LIFE, 1293 & 1295 Broadway, New York.
I will guarante
thnt my Kidney Curo
will euro "0 per cent,
of all forms of kidney
oomplnliit and In
many Instances tbe
most serious forms of
Ilrlsbt's disease. If
the dltcaoo Is com
plicated send a four
ounce vial of urine.
YVo will analyze It
nnd odvlso you free
what to do.
At " dnifirliti, S3o, OuM to Ilealtk
mil mullral ndlce fre. 1COO Arch t . I'lilU.
In Tnlili'l I'orni J'leiiHinit to Tnke.
Is a sure euro for Dysiiensla; millions havo
been cured. Why not give It a trial; It
costs you a mero pittance.
I sutured so inieiiHeiy wnn uyspepsia
that It became unbearable After H'lend-
fng a furl ime 1 was leu wuiiuih
11 rent and without 11 euro. A
littlo messenger cmno one day to
my door- It was a t .mplo of Dr.
kJU iiurunari s vckciiiuiu -imiiimmumi.
vKtA. I began Its use nnd within two
V,av days tbo mcilleliio Improved my
condition. l pun iukiiik wmi
mcnt I wiis cured In two mouths
A. (.'. Howie,
I'nlontown, I'a.
Vnr salo by all druggists. Thirty days'
treatment fur 23c; seventy days .treat,
ment. fiOe; six mouths' treatment. 11.00; 10
days' trial treatment free.
Dr. V. S, lliiiLIiurt, (inrlniintl, O.
Ad Sense
Iti jJUmiBlllU lliuil'llljr ua ti jiHiaiMuni inui.., j
diet for tho busy business man. Send 10a
coin or stamps -for samplo ropy to Ad '
Scrsc, 83 Klfth Ave., Chl'-ago. Ono dollar a
year. Kvory month, from cover to linprlui
, M..t.lf..l.A.l . I U1 .. .. n nalolaliln lllnr'irU
It Is sugcstlvo of bettor things lu business.
It IXHti'H,
-'' ) ,' ,
A Bottle of the Misses Hell's Ccle
bated Complexion Tonic Without Cost
Thi.s generous offer Is made in
order that all may have an oppor
tunity to test its wonderful merits
Ilcauty's chief charm is tho complex
ion. If the skin is clear and Miwolh, n
woman will be classed nslieauti fill even
if naturo has not given her pufect
Tho Misses Hell, of 70 Fifth Avenue,
New York, when they placed their now
Justly celebrated Complexion Tonic be
fore tho public, gave to thoso suffering
from poor complexions n boon lone;
needed. Thousands have mado their
fcUlns absolutely perfect by lis tuo.
Now, in order fo still further Intro,
(luce, it, tho AH.cs Hell will ijivo to any
laeiy writing them during tho present
month nn opportunity lo tty ono largo
liottlo (llio price of which is $1) m
atwolutely no cost. Do nut wuit, but
Tho .Misses Hell's Complexion Tonic
Is not 11 paint or powder to cover up thu
freckles, pimples or moth patches, but
is, ns its naino Implies, a tonic for tho
skin. It eradicates tho blemish entirely
and forever. It not only docs Ibis, but
it beautifies tho nUIri, smoothing nwny
wrinkles, drawing out ALL diseolora
tlons, removing nil pimples, ncne,
eczema or rouglincst.
'I ho .Muses Hell have nt their parlors
more Hi 11 n ten thousand letters from
P'llrons acknowledging wonderful im
provements In their complexions, Tho
-MiKes Hell linvo never used n testi
monial in public print, ns they value a
woman's delicacy in such tilings, but
the original letters can bo seen any
time at parlors, 70 Fifth Avenue.
Itcmcmucrun opportunity Is given you
to try ono bottle of this really wonder
ful Tonic for tho skin FREK. Address
76 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Tho Misses Hell's Tollot Preparations nrn
for salo In Omaha by KUILV & CO,, the i
llublo I'reoi rlptlon Pharmacists.