THE (XMAJIA DAILY 11 BE: SUNDAY, .1 IMS E 10, 1!HH.. $5 AND $6 TROUSERS $4. $7 AND s8 TROUSERS !Ttd $5. $850 AND s9 TROUSERS r.ccd $6. $9 50 AND $I0 TROUSERS ?0!d $7. WE want you to know that commencing tomorrow we shall inaugurate a JUNE STOCK REDUCING SALE ot Spring and Summer Woolens The like of which Omaha has not known. s20 AND $22 SUITS r."c?d $I5. s25 AND $27 SUITS r.".ced s20. s28 AND s30 SUITS rdC!d $22 $32 AND $35 SUITS T?. $25, A value-giving cfibrt, that Avill anchor your trade to us permanently in the future. Thousands of yards of this season's fabrics, cut to your order, at prices that are indeed a temptation. It's Niooll's way of reducing a large stock at the close of the season. It's NicoiTs way of winning hundreds of now friends. There's little profit in such prices, but it reduces the stock to where we want it, CLEANS UP HUNDREDS OF ODDS AND ENDS, AND KEEPS OUR LARGE FORCE OE TAILORS BUSY during the summer months. See the fabrics and prices in our windows. Beafin mind That every garment is carefully fitted to you before being completed and all necessary corrections made at that time. This insures to you perfect fitting garments. ALL OUR GARMENTS MADE BY THE BEST SKILLED TAILORS' OF OMAHA. 209 AND 211 YnovCvre south fifteenth street. Get your order on our Hooks early on .Monday. Store open 7:110 it. in KARHACII BLOCK. Your money back if wo fail to please or satisfy yon. LONG TAMMAS FALLS DOWN MoaiUiuein Swat Him Here, Tbora and Eytrjwhers Else. TWO UNCONQUERED HEROES DO BATTLE In the first eight innings. In tho ninth the champs gavo tho public ft hot finish and It looked as though they were going to win a victory at that belated stago ot tho game. Tho mountaineers had succeeded in piling up flvo runs and at tho beginning ot tho end tho champs had nothing to show for their efforts but a wcll-flllod basket of gooso eggs. A baso on balls, a single and two doubles netted threo runs. This all happened before mora thair ono out had been accomplished. Then Kyler put tho Hnnhra nml 11 lor, Neither of Whom finishing touch to his excellent work and Schrall, Hall. Struck out: By Pnrvin. 5; Herman. 1. Timo ot game: urn- re: Ebrlght. UK1II.O GETS ANOTHER FOUNDING. by pll Den MoincM Corn After the fircnirn In tin- Mont Approved Style. DES MOINES. Juno 9. 'Special Tele- Hnri l.ont it Gnmc Titus Knr In the Srnin, Pitted AKnlimt KncU Other. Jniifr, fit Onintin. St. 4loux City, St St. .lom'ph, 1. lies Mnliiea, ISt Put'hlo, It. IMitlnilpliihln, t) Cincinnati, It. Brooklyn, II) Plttnhurur, SI. ChlCMKO, lit lloitton, St. I.ouln, (I New York, :t. finnan City, 1SI Clevelnntt, 4. Chicago, n Detroit, . llutTulo. rt Minneapolis, O. Indianapolis, Mj Milwaukee, 2. struck out Hoy and Hughes, tho last two men to try conclusions with his offerings. Score: OMAHA. An. It Itaer, If f. 1 Toman, as .McVleker. cf 3 Itebsamcn. rf 4 Wilson, o 4 I O'Connell. 2h 4 l.nuzon, lb lioy. 3t Hughes, p 3 Totnla .... H. 0 0 0 1 O. A. 0 0 3 1 1 6 I IS 1 0 Miller, If Long Tanimas Hughes has tumbled from itickev. 3b'.' tho high pedestal up which ho had clam- Preston, cf bered to tho very top as a result ot his l? marvelous ball tossing. Ills precipitation i.ewce, ss .'. eamo yesterday afternoon, when Denver de- Lyler, . Oninhn v n srnrn nf f. to 3. This Tinker, 2b - t . . ... vizard, rr was accomplished by reason of tho merciless , 30 DENVER AB, 4 3 27 20 3 .4 4 , 4 . 4 It. II. O. 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 12 0 1 0 1 n 5 1 4 0 E. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 treatment tho mountaineers doled out to Totals 32 5 10 27 It 1 tall Tommy. They Wed him here, there Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-3 and everywhere and the Omaha fielders urt OmaCV Denver. ?. t wero kept on the continual Jump In their i,af0 i,its; Hebsnmen, Wilson, Lauzon. effort to head oil tho impending ilisastor. inree-uasa mi: uewee. Home run: l.owee. T lttl TVimnn .li.i reillv marvelous work Sacrifice hits: Hlckey. McCauslnnd. Passed l.lttlo Toman did realty niancious worn l).ulM. MoCftuslam1i j; j,.,,, ou l)as. Uy and to htm tho thanks of tho elongated Hughe. 2; by Kyler, 3. Bases on hit by twlrler arn duo that moro than tho ten hlto pltrluM bnll: By Hughes, 1; by Kyler, 2. ni . ..i nn.m.i him Struck out : Hughes, 4: by Kyler. . .v..w Double play: Toman to Uiuzon. Triple iumuu nsveinixi iwcno tuau.t; uuu umuc piay: 'iinKer to jywee to Holland to Jlc not tho slightest error. Causland. Tlmo: 2:00. I'mplre: Mauck. ureal ciouus oi uusi ruum in uum mu MOfX PI.AV 1.1K1I A HAM. TKAM. diamond to tho grandstand and tho bleach- ' " ' " ers and, added to tho Intense heat, mado I'nrtlit Mitkr Monke; of Hip SnlnU tho early comera about aa uncomfortable as it would bo posslblo for mortals to be. Through this discomfort Oeorge Dolan's peanut venders shed a rift of hopo by shout ing out tho Intelligence: "Tho game of the eatton. Hughes and Eyler in the box. Not a gamo lost by "either. Buy a scoro card ii nd the Whole Crovtil llntx Well. SIOUX CITV. la.. Juno 9.-(Siecliil Tele gram,) Captain Jack Cilnsscock's latest acquisition to hid big staff of twlrlers lA'tiKthy" Parvin, proved an enigma that St. Joseph's yellow legs could not solve this afternoon, ntut they went down In de. iciii ueiore tne tanenuers uy a score or peclally In tho eighth. The fielding of Williams and tho batting of Jennings nnd Cross were tho features. Attendance, 4,500. Score: nnooKi.Y.v. i riTTsnuna imi.o.a.i:. Jonf. cf....O 110 O'Coolcy. lb.. 0 1 19 0 0 Kwler. rf... I 1 2 0 0 llitchcy. 21.. 0 0 2 7 2 Jcnn'KS, lb.. 1 3 9 0 O lteaum't, cf. 1 1 0 0 1 ir. ...... 1 rt 1 J A 1 M'-iot..... ft 1 1 1 rt ft gratn.)-Des Moines had on her bnttlnc IhhlJ .1" t 2 a 1 owni-nw! aii'.'o 0 1 8 0 clothes again today and hammered out tho cross, 3b.... 2212 OO'Ilrion. If.. 02201 third straight victory against Pueblo, mnk- Paly, 2b 22210 uy, s 1 1 0 t. 0 ing a total of nineteen hits. .Ivo of which , ' 5 J ? 2?Shlll.Cp 0 0 0 wero doubles, nnd ono n home run. Tho 1 locals hit tho bail tit will and wero simply Totals ..8 1127 C 11 Totals ..3 8 27 23 4 lnvmcioie. ino visitors wuio uuhiiib i 1 nmnlilvn 01 1 0.n.nS A t hit McKarland. except In tho seventh in- "r.0" " 0100000 2-3 nlng. when they rapped him for two dou- Pittsburg .....0 0 1 0 0 o v t) w-J blcs and two singles. In tho eighth Inning Earned ru"?: "rooljl-'J ,Pi"J,S"rY3 Hulen nnd Blackburn wero put oft tho Three-baso lilt: Cross. Two-base hits: Jen grounds by order ot Umplro Tratlley. be- nl"g (2). Karrell. Cooley. Left . on bases: causo they abused and cursed him. Hulen n,r.k,'E' 9; VUt.nburR,i .Ti i81'01!15 EJ i....i, n.t wni.-n , .11,1 nnt nwn I iMcGlnnlty 1 : by Tntinehlll, 1. Stolen bases: """ ""'I i.i... n. nl,l,, rli. Ham. nn linllQ. tho decision, ncgan to nouso irainey. a i V,c"'7'; -'itv "V V'.. r, n'niVni I hniihin Ilvo-mlnuto Jnnglo ensued, tho men lvcrc . y Met. InnltJ, . 1; by rannehl 1. 4. Doublo put oft the grounds and Andrews nnd An- 'lay: llllan to ool e . Iassed ban. iprsnn went In nnd tilled un the nine for Zlmmer, 1. Time: 1.43. Lmplre: Swart- Hit by pitcher: By Weyhlng, 1. Time: 2:3C. Umpire: O'Day. Stnnaiuir nf (he Tcnnim. Philadelphia Brooklyn .... Pittsburg ... St. I.ouls .... Chicago Boston Cincinnati .. Now York ... Played. Won. Lost. P C. .. 39 .. 33 .. 43 .. 39 .. 41 .. 37 .. 33 .. 37 21 20 20 17 Hi II 14 It! 20 19 21 29 .Clt .57H .r.37 .513 .IsS Chicago 43 Kansas City 45 Clevelnnd 40 Minneapolis 44 Buffalo 41 Detroit 40 23 20 .K37 23 22 .511 20 20 .60) 22 22 .50) 15 2t5 .360 13 27 .325 CAMKS OP THi: AMKIllCAX I.I1AOL Brooklyn Club for WnnhltiKton. PHILADELPHIA. Junn !) It U Htnteil .JoS.hero today on good authority that the 4;1 I Brooklyn National leaguo hall club Is to 37s t.o transferred to Washington. The reason nsslgneu Is lack of patronage. After a continuance of poor attendanco It Is snld tho Brooklyn otllclnls communicated with President Young of the Nntlonnl league, ex pressing their dt-slro to transfer thu Brook lyn team Intact to the capital. When the leniruo cut down Its circuit at tho last March meeting In New York It WINS BY NARROW MARGIN Univeisitj of Michiean Score. Victory in A. A. TJ, Mist at Detroit. tho llttlo of tho game that remained. At tendance, wo. bcore: DES MOINES. Thlel. 2b Kagle, cf Hlnea, If Brain, 3b Warrendon, rf.... Hill, it) Ball, ss Selsler. c McFnrland, p.... Totals AB. ... r ... 5 ... 4 ... 5 ... 4 ... 4 ... C ... 5 ... 4 ....42 IS n. 3 3 : 1 0 1 19 PUEBLO. ab. n. ii. Mcllale, cf 5 0 1 liuien, ss i v u Wilder, c 4 0 1 Parrott. lb 4 12 Johnson, rf and p.... 3 1 1 Dalrympio, if i i Kelly. 3b 4 0 0 Graham. 2b 4 0 2 Blackburn, p Totals 35 3 S Des Moines 2 1 7 0 4 1 Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 1 Nngle. Parrott (2), Johnson. Wilder. Homo run: Brain. Bases on balls: Off Mcl ar lnnd. 1; off Blackburn, 4. Hit by pitcher: By McFnrland. 1; by Johnson. I. Struck out: By McFarland. 3. Time: 2:05. Umpire: Tratlley. StnndlnfiT of the Tcnnti. Played. Won. Lost. P C O. A. E. 2 3 0 10 0 6 2 0 2 3 1 10 0 7 0 0 5 1 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 7 la 2 O. A. E. 2 0 0 3 1 1 110 11 0 0 111 10 0 0 12 2 4 1 0 6 0 21 IT G ) 0 4 '-IS I 3 0 03 (2), Brain, wood. Orllllth Still it Pitcher. BOSTON. Juno 9. Grllllth was Invincible today, except In tho fourth, when Boston scored two runs on four singles, Tho bat tins of Lowe nnd Mertes wa3 tho fea ture. Attendance, 7,600. Score: BOSTON. CHrCAOO. lt.H.O.A.K.I H.H.O.A.E. Hamllt'n. cf 0 2 3 0 0 Me rtes. If... 1 2 3 0 0 Collins, 3b.. 0 0 1 2 0 ClillJs, 2b... 0 13 3 0 Tenny, lb... 0 0 11 0 0 Ilyan, cf.... 0 14 0 0 Rtahl, If.... 0 0 0 0 0 Green, rf.... 1 13 0 0 Long. ss.... 0 0 1K OOanicI, lb... 1 0 4 0 1 Freeman, rf 0 0 4 0 0 MeCor'k, 3b. 0 1 3 0 1 1iwe, 2b Totals Boston . Chicago Earned runs lviKf hits: Gt Homo run: Mertes. Stolen onses: i,reen, Chance. First baso on balls: Off Lewis, 3; off Griffith, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Chance. Struck out: By Lewis. 4: by Griffith, ,. Time: 2:33. Umpire: Hurst, llnonlcni Slip Alouir Himy. MILWAUKEE1, Juno 0. Indianapolis played in great luck today and won easily. Barnes nnd Sparks pitched well, but tho lucky hitting of tho visitors won tho gamo for them. Attendance, 3.500. Score: MILWAUKEE. I INDIANA POL! 8. n.H.O.A.E.I II.H.O.A.B. Waldron. rf. 0 1 1 0 0 Iloffr-ver. cf I ! 4 0 1 Cursey IIpkIh with Kiiiihum City hy Winning "In (iiitne, KANSAS CITY, June 9. Carscy, whom Manning secured from Buffalo yesterday, and nltched an effecUvi imtatt 1 prcureJ tho lcases 0,1 tho Washington and rhTvhnrt 1 nlthnnh twflvn hits wero i Baltlmoro grounds and therefore It will bo sl'cureoftX, wto'S i SSJ3J?rtlvc,sr 8Sy f0r tho Uansfer to b0 Ml"? iWS'L'ir .Manager Hanlon,. who Is also one of tho ; , . 7, Ti.-i Sri.' directors or tno uroomyn uase hall club, tendance, 2,500. bCOre. .lonloa fh atnrv nf a transfer nf tho UrnnlI on. He contem- K.VNS.VS CITY. CLEVELAND. . iyn baso ball team to Washlngt n.H.O.A.E.I 11.H.O.A.B. , says such action has never been Hemrhlll. rf 2 2 1 0 0 Picker's, rf. 1 2 0 0 1 elated. WnKtier. s. 3 4 4 3 1 Gcnlns, If... o 110 0 WASHINGTON. Juno 9. President Young O'Brien, If.. 0 2 3 0 0 Sullivan. 3b. 2 l l 2 1 1 0f the National league says he has heard Dunsnn. lb. 0 0 7 3 0 Flood. 2b.... 0 3 2 3 1 ; absolutely nothing In an official wav con- Farivll. cf.. 0 0 4 0 0 Lattice, lb. l 111 0 0 t cernlng the reported transfer of the Brook- Coughlln, Sb 1 1 ! 3 1 MoAleer, cf 0 o 1 0 0 yn ijase Ball club to Washington. Schaefer, 2b 3 4 1 4 onierb'r. m.. 0 3 1 4 2 Wilson. C... 2 3 4 0 OCrl.ham. c. 0 1 2 3 0 ,... K. carsev. n. .. - sis o Kern, p o l s o o, . ..... M v uuu V P2 I TECUMSEII, Nob.. June 9.-(Speclal.) Totals ..II 17 27 15 21 Kansas City uieveianu Earned runs 1. Two-bnse Totals .. 4 12 24 17 3 The Tecumseh Gun cl'ub Is making arrange- i K4onntO n "is ,or 11 snooting tournament tor i ixUxi- -'? Wednosdnv. Juno LM. Tho nmmm will In. u V - V - O H U V 1 .ln.1, nn inn.tnpt.nt ..,nl .lV. ,. r, nntru : Kansas City, 4: Cleveland, , feo 0 ,. eiEht fifteen.tnriret events with hit. Wflpnpp lJl. tl lirien. - m -''- '".- ' " 1 5 i XxLln,fmn- "2 ; ; i Pickering, Carsey. Three-bnso hits: Wll- ' twenty-target event with a V entrv fee" 1 ? 5SC!' c"'7 2 S ? I son, Hemphill. Sacrifice hits: Wilson, Car- 0o miss T and out event with thS entry at .0101 O Grimth. p... 1 2 0 1 0 sey. struclt out: By Carsey, 3: by Kern. 1. , and one , llv T blrd evenl The gSn clubs , Double plays: Blerbauer to i lood to La- . from over the state will he invited nml it . 2 7 27 13 o' Totals .. 6 6 27 3 chance; Crisham to Kerns to LaChnnce. ' jg expected tho occaVlon w I be one of 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-2 Left on bases; Kansas City. 9: Cleveland, Kreat Interest to fnmen Th" money" wfll ... 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0-6,9. Hit by pltchor: By Carsey. 1; by Kern, ft : Boston. 2: Chicago, 3. Two- i. ljases on uaiisiy carsey. . i.y second, 30 pur cent; third, 20 per cent; .imti, 1 .. Dvnn rforfoa lid Dltchl KCmS. TltnC: l.J). Uinplrc: I fourth. IS tllr ponl nf nnltila mnilo . MILWAUKEE IS BEATEN BY SIX POINT A iii o ii w the Interested Sprctatom nt the Track Side Wim Aclralrnl Dewey, Who Watched the Siiort for n Short While. as a souvenir." They wero right. Neither to I. In all tho nine Innings St. Joseph Pitcher had lost a game and the- struggle mantfa In hhe jJt waj looked forward to with an Interest surtl- fr the Indians and they pounded him for a clently lnten to causo tho fans to lose all total of thirteen hits. St. Joseph's ono run nf Ihn nnnrraslve heat nnd tho wus "ol eartun, uiu nus nuiiio uy scnrait thoughts ot tno oppressive neat ami inc 0) a ,)uso on i,ai8 In the fourth Inning disagreeable duststorm. ,i n wlltl throw of Parvin to first base. hix or sioux city s runs wero earned, m Omaha Pueblo Denver Des Moines ., St. Joseph Sioux City .. CAM I'.S OF THU NATIONAL l.K.Vfil'D. 29 20 31 20 2 29 McDonald. ,j"V"""",,r""""r"" Field Hay nt Fremont .iii..MS;fULiio, June f. nuuaiu suui i pnpMnvr t..o o Bi., . ,. Mlnneanolls out today In the first came of I LlL?-:l0VT!uNe.Pj. tho series. Hooker, who pitched for the I Seld div snorts it iht! prnii nf ih nriS visitors, was a puzzle, threo singles nnd a ' Pne'd aksPr', double being the only hits secured by Mln- i '.n,,f.ak, ?,"ah"V A'lY- a."f L"0011: neapolls. Hast! for Mlnnonpol!s, errorless game, little damage, 1'on. Lost. P C. t carry, cf.... 1 0 0 0 1 lleydon. rf.. 1 1 1 0 0 1)1 IS 11 ."21 DowJ. If.... 0 0 0 0 OMagoon. tb. 2 2 4 3 1 I Wl 17 12 .f6 Anders'n. lb 0 2 13 1 0 MadUon. ill ! 1 ! 1! W. 17 It .:" rulU. !b.... 0 0 2 1 l Keny. in... 12 14 .4-' Conroy. .. 0 0 3 7 oPowcn, c.. 12 1 .lit nurke. 3b... 0 113 0 Klynn. If... 10 19 -315 smith, c... 1 1 3 0 0 Hlckey. 3. Frrk, p... 0 3 0 4 I llarnes, p.. Noodle llnhn I'rnvm nn Ksy Slnrk for tht tlitaUer MuirnerK. PHIIADELPHIA, June 9.-Pltcher Hahn 1114 1 Totals ..2 S27 17 V Totals .. S 12 27 1 6 Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 Indianapolis 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 1-b Earned runs: Indlannpolls. 2. Base hits rk for Phil-, "ogrlever. Sparks. Powers. Three-bane , hit ' tho third Sioux City did a lucky line of adclphla until tho end of the seventh Inning, ' "Q' ;,.arVs, l; off Barnes. 2. Hughes certainly had an off day. but ho ""J' 'p.An' . rtVSCfh'P iniiebi'lvherS ' wlc" l' wns withdrawn and Newton sub- ' fyVtXd ball: Kelly! .Wild Pitch: .ccepteU it philosophically and tho fans geft,1 Tho latter was effective, hut it Sparks' 'struck out: .fvSparks. 4 I.oube were not dlsrowM to criticise, him too tho longest hit of the game, a three-bagger was too late to save tho game and tho pay: Kellj to Ma dl?n- " "nffl1'' harshly, remembering, as they did, hta pro- In tho fourth, which scored two runs. The .locals won by better a 1 round playing. At-. s 'wn"re.- d i-oWcr's. rmptre ..i. .ni.n.iti i..,i .,.. v,,tivi gamo was clean and fast on bott, sides, tho , tendance, i.uS. facore; lilts, liognever, .-itmiuon, i ovi. ui lous splendid record. Instead they cnted ,lf i..ln, i,.!,,-, u,nn.!.rriiiiv ' in,. m-.ivv.Ti i ritiT.Anii.iitrA. Dwicr. Time: 1:1 the iraino In taking his place. Attendance, 2,(j0. Score MINNEAPOLIS. BUFFALO. 1UI.O.A.E I R.H.O.A.E, Dixon, cf... 0 110 0'Oettman. cf 1 1 1 0 6 llmot. rf. 0 1 3 o o ptiearon. rf. 0 o l o 0 nlen. rf.. 0 0 0 0 0 BalllMn. If. 1 12 0 0 1 1 10 3 1 Uilty. It 0 0 4 0 0 Srfireck. c. 1 1 3 0 0 0 112 0 Qrlm,' lb.... 0 0 11 1 0 Carey, lb... 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Nance. 3b... 0 0 0 2 0 Mailman, uO 9 ! I 0 12 11 l 'Abbaflo. 2b 0 1 2 3 2 Crooks. Sb..O 0 E S I Smith, ts... 0 0 2 0 0 Andrews, 3D 1 1 0 4 0 Fisher. C....0 1 3 1 0 Hooker, p... 1 2 0 3 0 Hastings, p. 0 0 1 5 II Totals .. 5 6 27 13 1 Totuls ..0 4 27 12 Si Minneapolis 00000000 0-0 Buffalo 10 2 0 0 0 2 their, vexation upon Al Mauck and tho way proved since Glasscock has had charge ot ther did It as certainly In nowlso cred- tno team, bcorc Ituhlo. A usual. Mauck umnlred as KOod SIOUX CITY. a game as tho ordinary Indlv ibly desire, but, unfortunat thero wero soveral decided to bo made. In each case ently proper and right when the game was over faus rushed out upon tho tarteJ to talk loudly mildly, apparently deluded In the belief that Totals uch action would change tho outcome of .i.A lUnnllv. nn vloleneo was fA. t it k' MMIIIV, ..-."., - " - . sorted to and Mauck was not molested. It "leKibben cf";! la a. regrettable matter that such a condu- sehrall. If Ion brought the Interesting game to an end. linn. ss..... Th ttverace sntvtator does not relish a 1 J;.,.1.' 1 continual wrangle enacted on the field and Kllng, c....!!!!!!'.!"'.'.'. 3 B.H.O.A E.l n.n.o.A.E. Barrett, cf.. 0 2 2 0 0 Thomas, rf. 1 0 1 0 0 Corcoran. 0 1 0 3 1 SlaKle. if.... 1110 0 t;ienon' Costly ninnder. seiv YOP.Tf. Tune 9 The New Yorks lost a ten Inning game to St. IxmU today would cut out their scrappy proclivities nylcr'Si Maatcrly Work. AsIJe from this unpleasant feature ot the Totals ....IS St Joseph 0 0 0 Earned runs: Sioux City, 6. Three-base Batted for Hahn in seventh Inning. I iVuran. M... 0 0 3 S 1 .HmlUl. rf.... o u 1 e o inirmi, ii.. . i u v of them putting tho shot In which ho mado a record of 3J foot 9i Inches, Irwin West won mo nun mue, cignin grade, bicycle race In 1:29. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tho Omahu Hebrew club will hold Its sixth annual picnic today at Auhuusur Busch park. Mary Brown, colored, was lined J10 and costs In pollco court yesterday for throw ing a lighted lamp at Nettle Miles, also colored. The nffray occurred In a resort ut Ninth and Capitol uvcnuo Friday night. 0 05 .Memners or tno county Democracy In 1 hits -! dlgnantly deny tho assertion of one of thel r.arneu runs; uuiiuio, i. rwo-naso nits; .nV ,,.. iii, t,..V . n.i Abbatichlo, Andrews. Home run: tlett- ; ,lumbJ,lluLl m.o lkft,hu.,?.t0T-iVvor'il,y an. unses on nans: on Hastings, 3: orr ; ."'r,' . "-i, .","",. v-,lJ Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0-3 aieason, 2h. 0 1 4 4 1 McOann, lb. 1 2 It 1 0 Philadelphia 2 0 0 3 2 2 0 0 -9 lu km'n. Sb 0 1 2 2 1 Qulnn. m,... 1 17 4 1 Earned runs: Cincinnati, 2: Philadelphia, noer,n. c. 0 1 6 0 2 noblnoti, c. 1 J I 0 0 . Two-base- hits: Slagle, Dclehanty. Mc- Hawley. p.. 0 1 0 0 lYeyhlne, p. 0 1 1 4 2 Karlaml. uotan. uernnaru. .Mctinue. 1 nree- wamer ...1 1 v 0 tiase hit: Flick. Home run: Crawford. Stolen bases: Corcoran 12), McFarland nitlifH UitPI'Si V Ullulttii lf. ..iiv n,iu. Delehanty, Wolverton. Double plavs: Cor coran to Stelnfeldt to Beckley; Flick to t 12 39 4 Totals Totals ..3 7 17 Batted for Hawley In tenth. 6 First base on balls: Off Hahn. 2; off Earned run: St. Louis. 1. H"t on liernhard. 4, Struck out! By Hahn. 3: by errors; New York. 2; St. Louis, 3. Left on Newton. 3. Time- 2:00. Umpire: Emsllc, bases:. New York. 7; St. jouls. 1.. Bases on " . . ' ... , balls: Off Han ey, 3; off Weyhlng. 4. Struck Itronklyu Win. from IMtt.hurtr. .. Hawley. 4, hy Weyhlng. 2. Two. nimnk'l.VV. S Y . June 9.-MeC5lnnIt- h.ise hit: Hlrkman. Saenfico hits: Selbarh. had the Pittsburg nt his mercy today, Doyle Stolen bases. Dile hmltn. uower .. . - . . ..1 -. 1 t,ll ltrnfthnr tnlpn hsfl: l?lUBnoV 1 1,.1 th game, 11 f. VJ." .u I t2i. Hallmart i2l. V.ettz. Double play: Kllng , holding them down to four hits, until the. man Burkett. Koblnson. Oleason. Kelster .yier piicuoi i iu.ivnj Sa.B , lUitow t Kllng Bases on balls Camp ninth w Hooker. 1. Struck out: By Hastings. 3 by Hooker. 1. Stolen bases: Carey. Hooker. Sacrifice hit: Crooks. Double play: An drews to Crooks to Carey. Ift on bases: Minneapolis, E; Buffalo, 6. Time of 1:30. Umpire: Sheridan. ChlciiRO DotviiN Detroit. CHICAGO. June 9. With tho help of an error. Padden's three steals and by timely hitting and three clever doubles Chicago defeated Detroit very handily today. At tendance, 3.S0). Score: CHICAOO. I DETROIT, H.B.O.A.E. R.H.O.A E. Hoy. cf 1 1 5 1 0 Casey. 3b.... 0 0 110 llrolle. If ... 0 1 4 1 0 Ilarley, cf.. 1 13 11 McFarl'd, rt 0 0 0 0 0 Elbcrfeld, ss 0 2 0 2 1 llartm'n. lb 1 1 1 3 0 MoAl'a'r. 2b I 0 3 S 1 l'adden, 2b 2 t 3 2 0 Holmes. If.. 0 0 2 0 0 Istll. lb.... 0 2 0 0 Dillon, lb... 0 1 It 0 0 convention are scab hats. They declare, on the contrary, that they are union made. A dojr supposed to bo mad precipitated a region of terror In the vicinity of Twenty first nnd California streets yesterday. The pollco wero notified by 'phono and Oificcr Coolc was sent to the scene. After sorao trouble he located the beast under a sidewalk und dispatched him with a bullet jrum jiin ic,yn. Tho rcgulnr weekly meeting of tho Patrlotlo leaguo was held lust night at tho Millard hotel and wus nddressetl by Hon. Charles II, Dietrich und several other cannioaies un me sinie ttcKct. Barnuel Morris sang a sqlo entitled "Bryan's De fective Memory," tho words of which were composed hy a member of tho league. Tho attendanco was large, J. W. Lyons, colored, has been arrested Sril.: 2 5 osuiuw. rt 11 o .'Ion a .charge , of holding .up nd robbing b! ttors, only three hlti being mad off hln 1 1;, nuos, Cote, Brnfhtar, Zeltx, Strang. The Urookly URden, c.,.0 1 3 2 0 Shaw, c 0 2 3 1 0 Denier, p... 0 0 0 1 0 svers, p.... 0 3 0 4 0 Totals .. 6 10 27 12 o' Totals .. 2 9 21 11 3 Chicago 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 -5 Detroit 00010010 02 Earned runs: Chicago, 1; Detroit, 1. Left on bases; Chicago, 6: Detroit, 3. Two base hit: Brodle. Shugart, Sugden. Stolen bases: PaUden 12.) Isbell. Doublo plays; Shugart to Isbell. Brodlo to Hhugurt, Pad den to Isbell. Struck out: By Denzer. 2; by Severs. 3. Bases on balls: Off Denzer, 1; off Severn. 1. Time of game: 1.30. Um pire: Cantllllon. .Man ill ii a nf the Trnma. Plaved. Won 1-ost P r vhen ho allowed them as many mor- I Doublo pln;s: t'ocan to Oleason to Doylw Indlanaios 37 l .jj ooklyns batted Tannchlll at will, es-J U), Qulnn to McGann, Weyhlng to Qulnn. i Milwaukee 4. 3 19 .US 11. Chubbuck near Eleventh nnd Dodge streets Tuesday night. ChuMmr-ir i candy vendor. He suys three negroes over powered him and fctole seven pounds of cream chewing cundy." He has Identified Lyons as ono of tho men. Tho remaining two are still at large. Two negroes, named George Jones nnd Itobert Kennard, after a hearing In police court yesterday, wero acquitted of a charge of burglary. Tnoy were discovered last Monday night In a Union Pacific box car by Watchman Pat Lynch, who promptly closed the door of ths car nnd fired his revolver several times to attract the attention of any policeman who might he In the vl'lnlty. Finally help came and the men wero arrested. As Uere were no DETBOIT, Mich., Juno 9. The Unlveialty ot Michigan won tho track nnd field meet of tho Central Association Amateur Ath letic union on tho Detroit Athletic club field this afternoon by the narrow margin of bI.k points. .Had a literal interpretation of tho rules been insisted upon tho victory would havo gone to tho Milwaukee Athletic club. Tho men in tho relay had been in structed to hold their marks until touched by tho (men they were relieving. Nuefer, who ran tho econd quarter for Michigan, left his mark nnd took a step backwards as his man approached. Peter F. Murphy of 'Milwaukee protested 'tho race, because of this and Itcfcrco Lylnger disqualified the oiicnigan team. Captain McLean protested vigorously and as "Michigan had won by 150 yards Mr. (Murphy finally withdrew his protest and Iteferee Lylnger thereupon re versed his former decision. Had these five points been taken from Michigan she would have lost tho meet. Admiral Dewey was on the erntind for a short time. Both Michigan nnd MllwnuWnn .Ithlotle clubs scored in every event in which they wero entered. Following are the points scored by each team: University of i.MIchlean. Bit Mil waukee Athletic club, 48; Detroit Athletic club, 1; Sodality Athletic association of MllwaUkpC. St: Vnnni. Mn's nhrlillin tun. elation Athletic club, Cinclnnattl, 3, and west Side. Chicago, 3. Running high Jump: Flournoy of th University of Michigan, first, height 5 fee' 10 Inches; Fred Franze, M. A. C, second. Dnvld Davles, Young Men's Christian As sociation Athletic club of Cincinnati, third Mile relay race: U. of M first; Sodality Athletic association of Milwaukee, second. M A. C. third. Time: 3:31. Mile run; M. J. Conner. Milwaukee Ath letle club, won. Time: 4:M. Discus throw: Churle.-i II. llenneman. Milwaukee Athletic club won. Distance. 113 feet 84 inches. Forty-four-yard dash: c. T. Tcetzel. U. of M.. won. Time: 62 2-5. , Bole vault: Fred Frantz, Milwaukee Ath letic club, won. Distance: 10 feet 6 Inches Ono hundred-ynrd dash: Roy Ellis, De troit Athletic club, won. Time: 10 3-6. Ono-milo bicycle race: Walter Brydon. Detroit Athlctlo club, won Time: 2:11 1-5 Urst A. A. U. event: Ono hundred and twenty-yard hurdle. John S. McLean, Uni versity of Michigan, first. Time: 16 3-S. John B. Hoblnson. U. of M.. second; J. C IJSy.e' Milwaukee Athletic club, third. Throwing sixteen-pound hammer: A llen neman, Mllwnukeo Athletic club, won Distance: 130 feet 7 Inches. . ....... n ....... ,,,, P4IU V , lltllCO 14 llenneman. Milwaukee Athletic club, won. distance, 1 feet 10 Inches; R, J. sigmond. U. of M., second; C J. Tompkins, D. A. C tr.lrd. One-mllo relay team race for High schools and academies: West Hide Hlch school, .Milwaukee, won; Detroit University bchool .-cuMu; rtiiii Aroor jngn ecnooi, llll9 w.l Admiral Dcwcy arrived on tho grounds soon after tho contct8 began waj received with much enthusiasm. third. club lis llowllnHT llccord Axaln Droken, DUBUQUE. la., Juno 9,-The atate howl Ing record .wait again broken hero today hv H. 11. Kmltti nf KI. nl... l.u . .f- ,h6 highest iirevlous record wa -ji mado by George Bchretner two day ago. TOO I.ATK TO III: CLASSIFIED. -, tho A NICE family r.irrlrii... tnr liU Davenport tv p279 H 114