if a. TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TXDAY. E PRICE OF AXOlilER PLACE 1000. SPLIT OS THOMPSON'S SAME Dtnccrxti Mail Ssppsri Townt to Appttis Ntbruki PopnliiU. FUSION TAKS ON AN ANGRY ASPtCT Element of the Tripartite Conglom eration Tnnrnlr Annln and lim-h l Item on IM r rrrnrhlnsr. the Other. rr.B am a large portion or be morey i so re etved was turned lnl9 the fui-ti 'am palgn fand It is understood that a aliBi!.ir privilege will he accorded the club tots ' year, but there is some uncertainty a to , , , , whether the leader t the bind will be ai- Aorirum Lincoln Eiscb ictn Olab of Lit i lowed to charge a fee fer reserved seats. ' eals T)iTir?.i n The Board of Laid and Buildings has taken ; the .witter under advisement, however, and ' It ) see fit te grant the privilege, even ijryj ri IIR MRMm ronw tu- dpit-cc If the proceeds are net turned Into the "tW tLUa furt!VltD f0M THc. BCLTtfiS ful3n campaign fnad. 1 Prof. Hsgenow will give twenty can certs during the summer and the number will be divided between the capltol lawn and the grounds surrounding the federal building. mnIlpox Htiintlon. Mayor Winnott has Issued the folloirlng music and addresses by the re ring pres ident H s Norton and other The las of lMHi was welcomed to membership by George Lee of the ela of 1S99 aad Mts I Persls Pryse responded on behalf of the ' incoming class. Several claw histories (ol- lowed, one In verse by Fred R. Linn. A ' banquet followed the program. j iu:.vv vtoum i minu v coiwtv. ' KELLEY. STIGER & CO aai me division r the pop:cratlc ncaslna- i upon the action cf the national democratic pox In our dty at the pres Wind anil Vnnd Do Mlli-h Homier In ' nnd Aronnit Alnmiorlh. AINSWORTH. Ntfc.. Juno 9. iSpeeal Tdegraai. i The heaviest wad and sand-' stcrra that ever visited this se-tlon came frox the southeast last night, doing great damage to crops, tearing down cattle shed. I fanfa ImaIIm. 1 .Mil J ., -iflJ; . (special Telegram. panic among the people. The coping along .v :ter a atortny and tumultuota debats the north side of the brick bank building hcn ltrfu-.nl to Adopt tlir Resolution Lends to n How In Which Ch.ircr Aenlnst Tliiimimin Are Frcelj Ventilated. Wash Goods COR. FARNAM AND 15TH STS. Corsets for Summer wear you choose from this stock there Is Ventilating Corsets, 39c Extra Net Corsets, 50c LINCOLN. June 5. (Special.) It fe cen erally conceded la fusion political circle t'eent concerning the smallpox situation ui the d.v.sten of the pop:cratlc ncalna- r ...... over a resolution eid.r,l.7 7.7,. , V. " .. " !"IK. u. " .mm vl". . r" Yerv best NTfit Porta 1 Of. o: many xsise . - . w uuu i.? ili- uu .en i nf siac . w. t . . ijuau4m tau eijir?. -w lence of small- . Thompion for failed Statoi sen- walk, one cf our townsmen narrowlr r. Wish we could tell th torr in full i-,.t.i UTt,U T!nl,Vu , ; nn r nrf-nt iim. i 1 ior. aoout inn n.nw. .v.. ivi ' , , . . ... . , n uui, -untitle vjuiscis .di.imi crnventton at Kaneas City. The accepts ace ',a it wi to mk- a Vutemtrit Inform- ' Uacoln Rpnuhn- IVJr.. :. ." i uunucg wun a nnger long list like this of the populUt aomlkec for the vlee presl- , LVZT. (1 "ff!". embetsh,p in that orVan.Va T ten Bh, '5 J':!''." '"ft '! A " tc ducking, with oolored onry win. it is asr.il. have a tendency the nrMrm tlm nl- .i.n .'.,. f and formed anal... w mi- .c7atxa ptpvnftis Ifs rvissn "iuaopox inn varioloid. In the distribution of the ncmlnations. bul There ha? ben no spread of the disease 1' Tot I. furn.H u-.... no-' ,h' couW b attrlbttted to laxity In the !l m. rntl down at Kansas Oily ,,,rantlne of thwe already stricken. The tcer win und-ubtedly demand everything two gret.t dl:nultles In securing com they no have, leaving oaly the attorney 1 P'p" control of the situation have been: ...ww u. uir .rn.ii-na urii'siion io me i tne neaitn ilepartment. and. organization ten cht th eradnatim- .iui r h. u.i. i i club under the name was only averted by the presence"of'mlnd ,trlp"- sulub,p for 'dl (lrt. m..k ii.""' Abrah,lm Uocoln Republican , of Principal Gtffln and a few others. new organization endoised ; draw boy- suits, etc. enly 6 l-c yard. A young son of DARAlRtivl MAMM I. . . . - - I . . . . -'"" wmuijurcs iu . a corse- iaI nipn? dUlnratlnir a fln l".(H r ..l n . u v- . . . . . UP a constltatton .nrf , ' . . . 'a yi -.. ,. , " . -" "iteuag oi me urown county Agrl- quality and nnlih. only lJc yard. Permanent meeting place for cultuial eociety dlrecxry today D V. Car- ' the lUb. 1 nrr.A.r . .:,. U" ...... i FRENCH PERCALE The sr. V rr-4, ti , cirviru pi rsiuru t , VjrorKr Julie 3 . iae rt:Iutlon which catused the split In tecretary and J. B. Finney treanurpr Thr vaIu' ad while they last will be told at Linen Corsets $1.50 and many other styles, "V. - - h; wmirgiiv rriaiire 10 me in- i iiinj prvjii--. uici- i iue ranks or the Abraham I tnrntn !-ih .w . ... lie vard dorscment cf Tone will also have eacsld- "flclent as to the correctness of their I wa. ..".h .! Aoraaa,al uncoln dab date of the next county fair was set for yard. . V ine win also, nave cocsm- . own otinlon. .... mHin,aini th.t -mall.1 introduced at a meeting a week aso i Sentemhr i , -i loiin . I . eranie waring upon the situation In Ne- j rox not exist, and that our state anl I d brides endorsing Thompson expressed Installation C oBcers' of the M,,nie v , I , 1,fetV.T, .are " 0001 bril.a. In any event, the fusion canven- 1 munlclpul ofilcers were not competent to approval of the polK-v of the mil L a tJ.. ' 1 u w , ? . Masonlc beer fabric, reecroblln? madras In style and tlor. in this city July 11 will probably be as ' ft'"Jfll eorr-t conclusions reading m,nlatraton. Thp7 atter part was id Med ' IV ? . I J? " W"" Tfrr popuUr for ,adlft' "aJ'l!'- !5 rd. "'formed885' 1 ! X'f eiar conception. t.,re j ut d.cusf,cn. 7 VnVn Vffl SnV 'gST SHIRT WAIST LINEN The bet and "h nttntien betwe-n the popull.U and ! As'e eTcept bmo're or Jwnttaatt as! BlHtapKy . 31 BlSnlh ' V S" W- T" Z? "J"" "llet! the democrats hM rai I the fr. .iiv-- I station with a patient, or with some I ..fiJ!, , fi. l tonight s age. J. W.: W. H. Williams, te.-retary; R. : Special price this week. 3Jc and :?c yard- r7bltr,Y.v ft! li L Person or ob:ect which has been in con- f "ting to enable the club to give it a s. Rising, treasurer: W. H. Founier D .reduced from 36c and 50c. rJbl.cans to lay plans for securing one nom- tact with one suffering from tho disease. fair coEo'deratlcn. Since the meet ng laat w. B. Eli- J D n Mar-in t i tut.j-ii airri :nji oi neuTenni ervmmne ' if mupi inurni taciors in uiiiinK (a- weeic the ,nt .tvam.... , k - ' u mai.k wiiiii. nHAi.i.ii.ThM. are in. . I - N.i-i.u.ficvu t 1 1 ! i r i ) t i - - . - - . v ivv U. u. . ' . K . "V. K." in r E. Hollcpeter fell from DIMITIES Just received a new line of oil ci7pq t. dislocating a writ. , fine dlmltlfa. equal to the best In style. Special sale of Ribbons 15c and ISc To oe sold In two lota at two prices. 2.000 yards highest grade Taf feta Ribbons, plain colors, with corded ael vages, hemstitched effects. Taffeta plain with white corded lines, new stripes, plalda and pretty novelty weaves. (For stocks, Belts Fine Leather Pulley Belts la patent leather, seal, morocco and ooied calf, only 50c each. ' Fine White Washable Lether TulUy Delta at 50c and 76c each. Black Satin Pulley Belts at 50c, 0 and SI :5 each. All-Overs New Embroidered, Tucked and Le Strip ed All-Overs at K.:5. $3.00 and I3.TS a yard. New All-Over Tucking la narrow medl urn and cluster at 50c, 5c, 75c, J1.00, .:5 and 11.50 a yard. Lawns 3S-lnch Fancy Dotted and Striped Shirt TVaiat Lawns something- now, tea them ' only 75c, S5c, J1.00 and ll.K a yard. Inserston 1 Fino Nainsook and Swiss Embroidery In sertionsfor trimming shirt waists at c glrdlca. children's wear, etc.) They are of 10c' 1I4c- 15c- :0c -ad :5c pnjbay go u E. A. n.lber, of j XoVu "7 -.ault. They p'ace their hope In ! all right-minded people wit vrvuwnK -vui- .... i ... i ,. . . . ri.miin of i "'"') 11 wo- aco tonignt were prepared with the authori- , for a fight. On the ether hand, the Thomn. ties and by the securing of ser.eral yard a- ton supporters also took advantage of the which will York by d a cscpronuee to settle a dispute as to end or' MM C?"- 4tCe'Ve "r' 1 rneanV'tor h" p?even"uonn'of5 the PPortlty presented and mustered a large ae you think end or i .Ird nomination. The candidate I disease !n ca of bxnosure. fore for tonight's meeting, many cf whom .c.- tivc picked out as being moM promls-1 jjrj. t.n. Francis Fuller, sister of Lieu-' wefe not members of tire club. Fnllerton Trnetier Appolntnl. jr. ,- ' I' YhJ sap"'.es u-pJ tenint Townley of the navy, now stationed, Url.ntr Wn. Krre and Lo.nl. 1, it ., " uTman a. Washington, died In this c:ty (olay o . ..1-.,ua. iMirmio oi me iree pliver Where does the moat popular vounc ladr ' ve the same general make- In Nebraska, live north or south of the up 3aa nnUS ef the' best Kxm Price S5c Platte river? What do you think Vol! yard- j WHITE GOODS The way the public con : tlnue to patronize this department is a sure irinriiiirii. i ..... .. FCLLEHTOV v.h inn. inaication mat we have struck the true key- i, , 1.. . V. .. '. . note In value glvine. Our work is to know Pandemonium reigned in the hall for two president and secretary were authoring to -TUr "T aad ,U?plr then at ,0"" pr,Ce6 30c and 50c value jSle'VnttB!al!tt'SUi "-tr8Urer ot property In Lincoln and was cne nf ths oil! fere the house. The c "hair was noiMr ,1 . contracts with the following they are candrfatcs for different offices. """ y"lr """ I r " ' a 'lh ,n 'hrdtenlni: prtne!pal. Miss Anna Meek, grammar fchol W-Ule. e the ,,e. . Theol.owlng Nebraska county fair date ?XxV?J ?!l5s aman: t3nd grammar! t . . for th s year are announced: . LUV"V" lo a lole. a m.non to adjourn JJtes A ice sDiVely lntermrd'Tie ti of I "a", fuonn'on."?" dUbK Vhf mlUiS r Hanln.ton. September 1Mb ' IT, ""J"' Maudc rker Ml, Anna Jeef and Mi' of 1-csl fusion pollfclans who have taken to 21st: J N Lemon. secrttan, Hartlngton. ' Thc boiter theD formed their Independent Gertrude Morri. eco-d nrina-v i u.T ro part in the gubernatorial fight that the1 'hase county. Imperial. September 19th to organiratlon. end-wd Thompson and after V. V - I Pnma.y M:rs Hit- ?B?Tr?jataewH rsLr: tiea BatcheiioGrraaEe-flrst prlaar5r-M1" Edlti Chairman J H Edmieten of the ponullst ! to 2ith: O. C. Williams, secretan-. riav . ,,ft ,he fca11- '"vinc the antl-Thanpion . 15e and 19e Ribbons for Graduating Dresses -while they White and colors in taffeta, &atln. gros grain, double faced satin and fancy H-lnchj i Embroideries j Fine Cambric and Nalcaook Embroideries special values at 5c, THe, 10c, 1:40 and 15c yard. Handkerchiefs White H. S. Lines Cambric Handkerohlets ',4-lnch hems special value tKe each. Whlto H. S. Sheer Linen Lawn Handker- peclal values state central committee It was thought that the differences that have existed be tween thisc two men fcr several years were settled at Sioux Falls, but recent develop ments have demonstrated clearly that Ed mlsten is eppssed to the renomlnatlon of Poynter. fnder date of June 1 Mr. Ed inisten sent out letters to every precinct committeemen in the state and msny of the delegates to the convention asking In an In direct way that they oppes the candidacy of Poynter. No names were mentioned in the letter, but the language used clearly In dicated the Intention of the writer. A copy of the letter written by Mr. Ed mlaten follaws. the portion within quotation marks being heavily underscored In sriginai Center men still In their chairs. They ordered unter county. Broken Bow. September ; the lights extinguished and for a wh'l: "en Bow : " P""lU ,ecreUr'- Bro' the hail was In darkness. Frank M. Hall. Dodce county. Fremont. September ISth to c- O. Whedon and Frank Kelly led the Ji.i. w- 11 Haven, secretary. Fremont. I opposition to the Tnoornon resolution. Mllmore county. Geneva. August Jlst to 1 wj,trh rat fimreH hv -rinH" 1 i,i.. 1 Ilth: F M. Flory. secretarv. Geneva. 1 !!?IC h" favored by Bud Llndsey. L. Frontier county. Stockvflle. September Bllllngsley. D. G. Courtnay. Elmer 15lh to list; L. H. Cheney, secretary, I StepheE8?n, Robert Dorgan and "Sandhill" StKurn'a"e county. Beaver City. September;0"' taf,ked Mm 100 otter pcrsons- 11th to nth: J. F. Nickerson. secretarj-. oostlr railroad employes Beaver City. As soon as the meeting was called to to?tPhr.VWe!0 7"W,e" Johnson announced the first Hamilton county. Aurora, September , order of business would be the consideration 25th to Sth; B. F. Isaneau. secretary, of the Thomson resolution, and he askel Aif,?I.. ,. j the members not to forget that they were re- secretary. Orleans. puoiicaas. Inches wide, very sheer and washable, at 30c, 40c. 50c. 55c. 60c and 70c yard. Cltrltlnn Knilrmor Convention. i...n c... j ...... L. nii.Hr, 1, , , f "-'SPlal.l-The for children's dres.es and fine undergar- tn p ' "."H. d,Strl" f f . at 35c. 45c. 50c. 60c and 75c yard, the loung Peopled society of Christian En deavor opened last evening at the Congre- Check and Stripe Dimity at 15c. 15c. :0c, gatlonal church with an address by Rev a. "e- :5c 30c- 350 and 35c Jard R. Scott of Omaha on "Same ProbUtss Table Linen Let us show how much we Confronting the Chr.atlanlty of Today.-' It can save you In th! line. Our 72-lnch wide was a strong appeal to the young people to goods at Jl 00 yard Is simply beyond corn active endeavor In the bat'le of life along petition. Large aum-Jlatlon of remnants linos that afford the greatest usefulness, at cost and less The address was practical and well received. ' SO pieces of check nainsook, last Sc yard. ... , , . . . .. . . ' chiefs 1-S and 1-4-inch hem- ISC Sic, 46c and lie yard. ' ribbons fashionable for collar, ties and , 15c nch Perblan Lawn at SSc. JOc. 35c and 40c yard, cmt-h belts. J H. S. and Scalloped Embroidered Sheer Persian Batiste. 4S-tneh wide. 45c and 50c Handkerchlefs-verr dalnlv d!rns- yard. Mull a .i SnUe IT Inrh.. - M. I NECK RUCHINGS Mouseellna do I at 15c- :Sc- 30c ai 50c attl' NECK RUCHINGS Mouse ellno de Sole and Chiffon, in all colors and black or white. RL'FFLINGS of moussellne de Sole Chiffon. KNIFE PLEATED with ruffle edg ing. 31? and 5-Inch. NEW PLEATINGS rude edge and miniature fringe finishing In 4-inch and many new features are to be found in our ribbon department Fans , Fine Imported Gauze Fans dainty band painted and spangled decorations at 75c. J1.00, U.I5, J1.50. $2.00 and 12.50 each. Fine Japanese Fans very latest styles at 10c, 124c, 15c, 25c and 35c each. Ribbons All Silk Taffeta Ribbons In all the latest shades. the .i,fflw.of J E,mist-n. Member of Na CnmmitS2?nU,t"et ?nd airman of State t iJiieop,Ie!! Pj"-:. At thl time ir.e members of the peonies nariv nre Ilj .1? for bMt men the" have to till trie arlous state offices and the best men SLrff. 1?" KnIy hp wronger. The people's party has been built up thu far by stand i?ffor Pr'nclpl" and then nomlnattns strong men who defend those principles, men who were strong politically and per sonally It has been decidedly successful up to this time and this record must not dc nroMcn. We believe the party's interests rise above the personal ambition of any Indl Mdual and therefore urge that we cannot arrord to nomlnute any per.on fop state onice where there Is strong ob'ecUon on the part of our party, providing objec tlons are well founded; that if any person Has held efflep for two r.i.n a not..hav" the full support and confidence Sr thp p?rt"- U certainly Is unwise anl bad politics to force such a man on the ticket. We must have our forces united to bring victory not only to o.-.e part of the tlcKet. but it must include state, congressional nnd legislative Jo Interest of any of thee officials must b? neglected. Hoping you will see the necessity of actlrp cautiously as well aji wisely. I am. yours for a rousing- sue cess in Nebraska this fall. J. II. EDStlSTEN. I'oynlrr'i Frli-aitu Jlcurut It. The circulation of this communication by llr Edmlsten In his official capacity has aroused the Indignation of Poynter's friends and should the former come out za a can didate for chairman of the state central committee, which is very prahible. he would. or course, encounter the opposition of the united Poynter forces. Notwithstanding the fa;t that Edmlsten was elected vice chairman of the national committee, it is generally believed that he will attempt to succeed himself as chairman of the atate committee and that If successful will dis charge the duties of both offices. Western headquarters of the national organization have already been opened In the Lincoln hotel and a large clerical force will soon b employed. The local supporters of Governor Poynter are not apprehensive of the result of his candidacy for renomlnatlon. They claim that enough votes have already been In structed for h'.ra to Insure his success. The opposition, while very general all over the state. U unorganized and apparently no effort has been made to unite on any ono man as a candidate. John O. Velser of Omaha Is considered the only strong oppo sition candidate. AilmUalnn lo Capitol CronniU. Prof. August Hagenow of this eitv applied to the State Board of Pnbllc Lands and Buildings for permission to charge a fe of 10 cents for reserved seats on the capltol lawn during his band con.-erts this summer The board last year granted the Woman's Bimetallic league, a local popocratlc or ganization, the privilege of selling refresh ments on the capltol lawn during the con- Tnlne AiMOclntlon Formed. BENEDICT, Neb.. June 9. (Special.) The Farmer' Tvre D,tfwtB,i.n 1. .u- Hitchcock county, culhertson Sentemher ' Ex-Congressman Strode was first to szeak v,.. ... i..., ?u?ber?son5th; W' Z' Taylf- -retard ; In opposition to Its Passage He based hi, o'' .Johnson county. Tecumseh. September ?b3,,ons ""J .lhe fha.rseJh" Thmp80n la carload lots, saving middlemen's com-1 in to :in; w. K. Hood, secretary. "au tlurl,:u "lku me msioaisia m g3icn. The first ear nt ie 1 Tecumseh. to defeat Hayward for United States senator, Incaster county. Lincoln. E. F. Fawett. I flht unIe!s ,ne Inithfulness of these 3. j. Myers president; A. M. 1 secretary- Lincoln. Same days as state charges would be proved celved here last week, costing Its members were elected. He referred to , retary. D. W. Baker, treasurer, and' Bert KELLEY, STIGER & CO., COB. FARNAM AND 15TH STREETS. lair, on same grounds. September 3d to 7th. , the challenge recently made to Thompson t,n , Jiaaison couniy, Maaison. September 11th hr FnV Hll .nn eollert nnnn th. 1 ,,.,1 to 14th. J. F. Rynearson, secretary. Mad- 49UI1. Merrick county. Central City, September 11th to 13th. H. V. Persons, secretary. Cen tral City Nuckolls county. Nelson. September 15th to 21st; . G. Bradley, secretary. Nelson. to now produce his proof. strode Demands Proof. "Let him prove those charges." he said. "or stand u.t and admit before the meeting that ther am false." Mr. Strode's remarks created a sensation 1 ' sion Is to hnr lots and locate here. t,.r.il"!.ior.W",t Ho,n: V'an' llevlng that the Omaha & Northern EaT POINT. Neb., June S.-(Special.)- make lu debut In Burt county. v.iirirs orexer, a nepnew ot Kev. Joseph Kueaing, will be ordained to the priesthood 1 at the Episcopal church, Twenty-fourth and J streets. Shipper. Complain of Itsllroails. M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. June 9. (Spe- m .ciTOrair uis nrai maw jn iae cuurcb t ciai.) tievater men along tae Kansas uuy: keip the unpaved streets In repair at a lesa In the hall and there were loud calls far a 01 au M"T nt. This young, & Omaha railroad in tork county complain ! Bt tnan uuder lhe pTnfat irstem. Sulta- be- although no resolution to the effect was will passed, that city officials should so covern themselves that no scandal should attach DrJ' J?.hn!?on1ai"Id Mi," J . . of Indiana are here, visiting Rev. Dr John- lu lur,r son and family. It was the general sentiment that a road Mr. u w. Ames haa returned from machine should be purchased in order to Kansas, where she was called by the death ot ner tamer. Rev. Dr, Johnson of the Methodist church flf the eafeel In I t..- en ..J Richarrtnn mnntv i-V.iC." .' ,.u teat tner are, false. ' r . . . . . . to 14 th; V. Arnold, secretary-. Verdon. Sarpy county. Sorlncfleld. sntmhi- to 14th: Charles Nownes. secretary. Panll- t ,,,.. u.n v- a man received his preliminary schooling at ' that thev are unable to sell on track to ui- j..i a. . .... announces that Bishop McCabe will spend lion. , "-"" i.e.,. . arcic tv. t,,, c . . , . , "' iuiuicuvi.iiuuB in uc tuouc i iuc a weeK Here early in July. Washington county, Blair. September 19th ana sala tnat ne 8aw no reisan why he ' e tpem al wiuui,. u. ... uu,o clty councU in connection with this matter. . Mrs. E. S. Harrell writes enoouraxlngly Blair. should be compelled to prove the charges t wmacy. 111.. ana " iv. A road machine can be purchased now for 'from Colorado about her health and also of an alliance between Thomson and the nve ears ln st. Marys academy at Baltl- do so. as a through run and better accom- .h. nn ,. . ...... h fhn. h . that of her brother. Mr. Akin. xusionists. He said Ue was satisfled that uuawuu a. Cu. .rH interested that the amount Daid for the mi. ' xEarKeis. uw nr io tais isuin umaca nas . , . ... Clnr Onirr r.mdn.ti.. 1 i 1 .V a u j . eCi -! chin can be saved within a month or two, CLAY CENTER. Neb.. June S.-iSneclal i a , ,u. besides keeping the streets ln a first-Class to list: Oscar Newell, secretary II line' CollcRr Commrncf mrnt. mSTIVRS VeS T.lne O , C 1. 1 . The commencement eiercise' of ulstin-s , 3n a,1"'nce had been entered into and added rMiee. .in Wm IJ Ha ."L 1 that Secretary of State Porter had told him in the Presbyterian church as follows: Bac-1 SeaatCr Hfa",0f MadU" couaTy calaureate sermon by Rev. E. Van Dyke lJZl l as"c:oent b Tfcoapion Wrirh- Sunday ovenln .rtr... Jll L"! 10 Wh,rh thc Sl:n" a?reed 10 SUPPO a The Clay Center High school, under th. ' management of Prof R. V. Clark, turned ; out a class of five graduates, who received th. "Christian association " by Rev. G W. ' rJTJ . "! ' the" dlpIoa3as Ia " P-ence line to the Burlington are trae. as they! codllon' would then be assured ot Omaha connections. Abbott. Monday, June 11, from S to 10 1 P. A. Weils and D. P. Emery were elected director to succeed E. H. Howland and E. J. Seykora. , of a large congregation In the Methodist p. m.. at Rlngland hall, general recention ' Episcopal church, which was filled to Its hv ih f.n.Uv ir. .h. ,i-, j .,..a..... ! auul"u"-' prooj. tie nexi reaa an am-, caDa.ltv Th- eraiuitlnsr ela.c nr.i.f. t Board of Trans Donation today were served Workmen Celebrate Floral IJay Floral day will bo observed by the An al Presbyterian church, graduating Cited to ppenr In Oiuolin. LINCOLN. June 9 Members of the State of the college. Tuesday, from Uu Tp m'Z,?' Sena,r Sm'th f Aa,elope he following- Miss Ethel Hedrick. Frank- ! with notice to appetr In the federal court cient Order of United Workmen today at . . . ,u " v- J-. county. .. . . ... . rt . . .... Syndicate rtarlc Th. flrt dlv.c nn cnnnQiwl nu .. oauer. ausie L Alien. Horace C. i at umeaa juae oeo ice coaimuuDuini; - r -- Seellg. MaUada M. Schwab. I of the act creating the board will be tested, of Praha lodge No. 3IS. will form at Twen .the legality of the act and organization !th and Q streets and march to T-entv- Iloy's Arm Ampatnted. , v.,-- n.HnneH hut hu will he the flrst fourth and M streets. Nebraska lode No. that Thnmnsnn had acree tn ci.nnnr, PI ITTSMOITTU V.K T t. r. a I -1 .' . . . nn- ii, . j..., alumni breakfa.t at the hum. f u v I ... 7 "7 .' . w --" wF.,., test case. Tne Burlington Kauroaa company -- ui cuujijuc ut sreoiu ajvision. meei- r - " jjuutiyics oi iae iunoa pariy. tie was .nr looks mue sen. l.ynn, fell from a yer. rrom 3 p. m annual meeting of , shown a paper signed D. E. Thompson , wagon a few days ago and fractured his board cf trustees at Presbyterian church. , in which the signer agreed to oppose lm-' right arm frightfully at the elbow. The eancsday, S p. m.. at Presbyterian ' neriallsm. covernment by inlunrtion. in- bones were nut in niare hut ,h. trn,,,.. ... eaercisrt, oi college, i creasing the standln; army, entancline alii- .fused to heal and fearing death - CXer- 1 SP l flr Aannana th.t n . V. J... er.. nf imtl.ml. A n n m n . t-. . ' " 7 V. . . " , , , . Hayward was elected senator he was impor- nlght at S o clock, class night exercises at , t,mei tn mi. fr Tfc,.. .- t-utirsr tuatri. ,Yruuepaa-, irom lu a. m. church. Is the plaintiff ln the action. The addrtfs will be delivered by Dr. Clel- ances with foreign nations, retirement of , sue from gangrene, the arm was amputated line now receive the V! iLaCAfee college. Parkvllle. greenbacks. ln:reaslng national bank cur- between the shoulder and elbow. Drs. E W forenoon. G. A. I Mo. Those who will graduate- are: Misses J rency and favoring an income tax and the ' Cook and J. 3. Livingston performed ' the i weather clerk for th ; ing at Twenty-sixth and N Jtreets and fall ' lne ln line behind the flrst division. Pen h Fnrner Get Weather Report. j Omaha lodge No. 66 meets at Twenty-fourth TECUMSEH. Neb.. June 9.-(Speclal.) ; ,nd N- ....... Tw. ..,r qrfI.,. The farmers along the free rural delivery n,rk , b. ..ni!ur.n, hv p.v n. weather report each Rev tQhnson "and nennty nrand M,,i.r Laveland of Lincoln. ! w..Vm. v,n..i,. u.i. .. .. v., William Truslove, who is a patient at the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha, li reported to be doing very nicely. Harry Tnimblo of the clerical force ol the Packer'' National bank his gone ts Cleveland, O.. for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Sarah Christie came over from her home at Dexter, la., yesterday to spend a few days with her sons, Harry, Sam and Joe. A thirty-two room hotel building In South Omaha for rertt. Splendid location for right Sarty. O' Neil's Real Estate Agency, South maha. Rev. William Crothers of Greenfield, O . will preach at the First Presbyterian church this forenoon on the topic, "The Prodlral Son." Rev Irving Johnson will preach at U o'clock today at St. Martin's church on "The Light of Heaven."' There will ba no evening yervlce. Margaret Jones. Margaret Hang-Lawoui. ! increased use of silver as monev. Julia Heortwell. Dena Webber. Messrs. Jo- Hall had a lot of papers ln his hand which seph Bailey. Roy White. R. M. Smith. John he said were similar to the one he had read. Brown and Harry Wigtcn. (but the- club refused to listen. , , ; i L. W. Blllingsley began the trouble bv , ,vr.,,,v-r w"mt" r-Tnle. interrupting Mr. Hall, saying that he had LINCOLN. June 9.-(peclal.)-On Tues- had enough of "that hogwash." uay miernoon oi commencement week a ' large number of the women graduates of ! the university met In the library building this district, telegrapiis amputation. the report to Postmaster Brundage eich I ntnrnini. nnd thn nostmaster sends the newl Where does the most popular young lady I out by the rural carriers. In Nebraska live, north or south of the ' Platte river? What do you think? Vote j Schools Clone nl York. as you think. YORK. Neb.. June 9. (Special.) The an nual commencement exercises of the York I High school were held last evening at York's i by the South Omaha Military band. All j members and friends of tho order are in vited and those who attend are requested to bring Cowers. l're.eut Flntr at l'latt'mou th. uiiiinKir i alien Uo,n. , PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June 9. (SnoMnl I a tu,. a 1 ,-sr---w . larKr Lc tt UU I lUi . UUJ- lUia jcji o fa i - I rresiaeni jonnson calmly called Billings- congressman E. J. Burkett has presented: n,ie ei9 of twelve Is the smallest for and took the preliminary steps toward or-1 lef a a"entln to his own resolution defer- j the B. & M. boys at the shops with a large j seven years, ganizlng a Nebraska branch of the Asso- ! rlng ,bt' matter for careful consideration. flaS- During the noon hour the emblem of elation of Collegiate Alumnae. Dean Emma ! Tht latter dented that he had made such a l liberty was floated to the breeze from the Backache should never be neglected. It Wilson acted as chairman and Chancellor Bessey gave emphatic sanction to the move ment ln a short talk. He said that the ad mission of the University of Nebraska to institutional membership in the association was a recognition of the- standing of the motion and the records were produced to J flagstaff. F. H. Stelmker and John A. Gut- I means kidney disorder which, if allowed to prove the president s remarks. ne each made an appropriate speech and a ' run too long, may result In Bright' disease. There were calls for a vote from all parts of the bouse ar.J Tom Benton and C. O. Whedon both arose to points of order. The chairman refused to put the question and state school by a scholarly and dignified ' bls decision was appealed frcm. In the con- uiii.i;m)jii: aovici: For Are l'eoilc Wlittir Moiuarha WrnU nml llleentlon I,,., Dr. Harlandson. whose opinion In dis eases is worby of attention, says "When a man or woman comes to m mm.t.i... pouy and that it was a duty which the alumnae owed to their alma mater to or ganize and maintain a vigorous branch of the association. The women present at the meeting showed considerable enthusiasm and thirty names were enrolled upon the application blank. A second meeting to consider a branch constitution and elect ofilcers will be held on June 14 at 4 o'clock In the library. I iiwigu oies were taKcn on appeal on a dozen different subjects. A demand was ('umiiirnerniriil nt Ox-cola. OSCEOLA. Neb.. June 9. (Special.) commencement exereises vote of thanks was unanimously extended j diabetes or other serious and often fatal the donor for his kind remembrance of them, i complaints. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well. Take nothing elese. Myers. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha, Dillon's Drug Store, Coort Ailjourna at I'lntt. mouth. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June 9. (Special.) ' ,,.,iT rwiaha Judge Paul Jes sen came up from Nebraska I City this morning and. after listening to the then made for a reorganization of the club ' lZ " 'a .V ' and D. G. Courtnay said In an excited tone- l ad,", ' A ,. ! ,dVB 1 fe,f raInor casea' "There's your president and there's your jf, liUlCt "U" Ua,tI1 the m,dlle ot secretary: what are you going to do with ! t " . ....... - - . . - were uftcu Who is the most popular young lady In Nebraska If you think you know, vote for her. them?" At this point Robert Dorgan waved a large , club over the audience and demanded the t under advisement. I'lrntr-i Abandon I.n ii n It . chairman to take a vote on the resolution. ! HONG KONG. June 9. The ateim launch Secretary Kelly refused to read the resolu- i owned by Chinese merchants here, which was j SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. t i of Indigestion. los of appetite iour .Z 1 k I Z.Z ' emooisi cpuci .eh heiehme L .FF'-"' .w et0:a ' church. There were twelve In the cl aches, sleeplessne... lack of ambition I 2fht ?fUSK Wm.ta aad fUr S-en-' of the m a general run down nervous eondi.i , . Edaa "' Baura' MaSRle E' Ryaa- Mlltle D- 1 ar" lnK vuV them To take after ch TJ' l ad; ! .Donald. Eugenia M. West. DeMa M. Kel- Hon of th The charter revision committee of the tlon and someone yelled: "Make a rush for ) attacked June T by pirates In an armed Commercial club has done nothing toward the records, fellows." Junk off Cape Sulman. elirht mile, fmm bringing about a revision of the charter At There was a few minutes' silence follow- Hong Kong, returned today. The niratea e. ! least a report to this effect was made to "ctc nem nere iag ua uuiorean. dui tne storm soon be- I c"iea aoout 1600 on board and used the i 1 uirwiorfc oi iue ciuo ai ine meeting Hecepllon to Ilrttle Moore. The reception to be given on Tuesday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock by the ladles' auxiliary cf the Young Men's Christian a: sociatlon In honor of Miss Hettie Moore at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. SchlndeJ. Is open to all friends of this popular retir ing teacher of the public schools. Brief remarks will be made by Rerv. Dr. Wheeler, J. A. Beck. Mary Rcs3. E. O. Mayfield and Mrs. E. B. TowJ. Thc music rendered oa this occasion will be under the direction of Miss Jean Boyd Mullan. t llnlldln anil Loan Company. A Bohemian building and loan asso:lt'cr. Is projected here and for tho purposs cf promoting this idea a meeting cf Interested parties will 'ho held at Koutsky's hall this evening for the purpose of organizing. City Treasurer Koutsky is one of the promoters. Quite an amount of stock has already been subscribed and It Is the purposo of those Interested to elect officers tonight and at once place the new association on a sound financial basii. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Persons with Indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of whsleioms food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests whit you eat fo the body can be nourished whlla the wornout organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will" Instantly relieve and completely cure all sto-nach troubles. It is certain to do you good. Questions and Answers. OMAHA, June S. To the Editor of The. Bee: 1. Has the state supreme court final Jurisdiction as In the contempt case against The Bee Publishing company i Can the matter be carried to the United States supreme court? A SUBSCRIBER. 1. Yes. 1 No. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Generally Cooler Brand of Atmos phere Is I'ronil.ed for West ern Slates. 9. Forecast for r naay evening at the Methodist Episcopal : gan again and listed until adjournment. I launch to catch three other craft which thev I neld Friday night. At the time this special ass., ooiu iuc are icuignant over the result ietj. iney teen asanaoned the launch to committee was appointed u was me inten meeting and threats of vengeance ' tae cfe made. The antl-Thomreon nor- I . . ' fter each meal nn. 7 ' ru.r.. ".'ut 15 el- "on ot tne ciuo win maintain an organlza-1 TrrY-uVru vA 7""'un ' "V"' two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tiblets aiw ' . 'J , .. ' "' ' e"'e u -Mcuraw- "ader the original name. j " . , ' --tPwii.i Tae Ing the tablet to dissolve In ih. m;..S"!!; , f .Kunk"' G"-ge E. Campbell. Frank H. . : ! anDUal of the county teachers' a.so- thus mingle with the food ea ten -rt " "lnae"n- an Holcomb, Roy Ludden. The I "ur"' """ "r. !""u c,08ea yteruay after a one week's . . . . . juvj eaten The pFirfiinHt,. ... . . , FREMONT. Neh Tim. c c ,., mi-vtiilnn nif v r?ni. - i.il "cir irn-nj- puonea oy : w.i - .. w-. .. wtuu u, .-uuauKes siai .isrui i.ieeiyn ot tae Fo.toffice : aau -11188 Alice c Wilson of Dei Moines result Is that the food Is speedily dlresiedlfJ i ,K e"rcls' were n'C''' Planned by!, before It has time to sour and fsrrn, ' th" baTlDS tb'm D arge and the prograa fr These tablet, will digest the food ,. I k" V marc?.br MI" Mau1 RS- PWer . Je way, whether the stomach wants to , ,, 1 by ?5r J' t,"an' voca' "lo by Mrs. L. ! te tl... ltO f V. . W Mllt.lM I... t .. u.rmiess digestive ' principles, vegetable essences, pepsin and Golden Seal, which supply Just what the weak stomach lacks. I have advised tha tablets with great sue- cesi, Dcia -unng Indigestion and hulld up the tissues. Increaslnc fleh thin, nervous nallenm nh.. ..i . w. was dyspepsia, and as soon as thc stomach ,CStrUC"r ,u ,15ut. mc.- mu 001 Know Hll Vel.rn.Un., I.ee vt,o4.,uik ,.. urcu iu ian city tne past "n lomruciors ana tney gave gootl ew days invest.gatlng proposed routes fnr satisfaction. The attendance wa. inn Shaw, addrets by Fred A. Stuff, who is I rural mal1 delivery, one extending north and . dally. Including nearly every teaeher in .v.. a professor In the Nebraska Wesleyan unl- I we,t of ,ae eitf a fa" Bang postoSc county. icrsiiy ai uincoin: vocal solo by Prof. J. , ana lne iner acrojs tho river In Saunde s H. Henderson and the presentation nf hi. i county and Including a laree nortinn m plomaa by the president of the school board. ' Inglewood subdivision laying between the sickness was." Make Irrangetn-nts tor Picnic. SHLAND. Neb., June 9. (Special.) Dr. T. P Mabammltt, the Omaha Enterprise, were ernoon maklni arranre- It is thourht that th. f.-n .. .. ments tor a colored Masonic plcnl?. frnm ef tablished shortly after July 1 The csr. I 03ana wnlch wl" be ne'l at the driving . . . . 4MP nark httrn Jtin ? , - . " wMvut uvmu, - w.,nccu ice . r r t ... c Hon. H. T. Arnold. This Is the largest and , city limit and the Platte river. Both of 7 ' ' H, fkelt! taiJ n I 1IPP graduating class of the Osceola ! these routes lay through a thlcklysettlel St,fr "r vf lh? m: ,i. : Hl?n tthcai ani1 "Beets great credit on ths , community, reaching a good many farmers ' A,D,n(l 'n' afterno medicine, they can be used as often deilred, with full assurance that they con tain nothing harmful In the slightest de gree; on '.he contrary, any one whose stom ach Is at all deranged will find greit benefit from the use of Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets They will curs any form of stom ach weakness or disease except cancer of the itomaeh. tor .DriiMii. .i... w. . i .. . OSCEOLA. Neb. June .-;Spoclal.)-Thls appomtea. Humboldt Alumul Meet. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. June 9. f Special.) The fourteenth annual meeting of the Aiumnt association of the Humboldt High A fifty-eent pacU.g. of Stuart'. Dys- mornlngEvin " S. '.on "c Ho7.T H Mey I pepsla Tablet, can be bought at any drug ' started on a three months' W.nd " f ''.'"M' Xhtr " 001 a ,eoret Pa,ent tnm New York on the Sid of this month j medicine, they can h used n. n .--..- . ; . OI lala montn, I visiting England. Ireland. France and other European countries before he return.. Body of Uoy Itrcot erril. NEBRASKA CITY. June 9. (Special. ) me body of Floyd Meredith, the i:-ycar-oM masonic nan. The attendance was large and the program unu.ually fine. Election of officers for the ensuing year was the flrst h1lnea nnA lha.l.. L- n... . eon rf Rlrh.rd M.rli.K j '. "8 eiectea ti.. i V...i i . .iruru, pretiaent Miss Ida Ha v.-e president n the Messcurl river two week ago wa Frank Novak sectary and treasurer The found near Nem.h City last night. program con.S(.d of vocal and 7nS!iJul Hand Concert at Plat laniouili. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., June 9 (Special.) The B. : M. band gave the flrst open air concert on the street Thursday evenlnr. school was held Wednesday evening at the ' hl,C,h, V UrBeIy at,eade1 an un- r i. n. . .. . " l Qualified auccncji fram everv - -. rf (.HUUUIUl. lown .Men In llrcalnr. DECATUR. Neb.. June 9. I Special.) Representative business- men from Blencoe, la., were In town Friday as follow. Cun ningham Gray Judge Peake, Tom Browr.e. Danfjrth and Will Hogue. Their mls- tlon to have a, similar committee appointed from the council and also a committee ot business men. making a committee of nine. It was quite a surprise to some of the di rectors to learn that no steps toward revis ing the charter bad been taken. Mayor Kelly arscrUt that be is ready and wining to appoint a committee of the council and business men at any time. Further, he la anxious to have the charter revised and a bill framed before) the legislature meets. Any number of Important changes in the charter are desired, among them being an Increase of the levy for fire and water pur poses and the election of a city attorney by the people. Seme regulations regarding grading aud paving are needed and a pro vision for the repair of paved streets la wanted. Something must be done with Twenty-fourth street before long, but until relief Is granted by the legislature all re pairs must be paid out of the general fund or money transferred from the special -censo tax fund. It is the Intention to take up the present charter section by section and go over it, making revisions wherever a change la deemed desirable. In regard to the liquor license fight now on. the directors of the club decided that Inasmuch as tho club was not in politics. It would cot take any pan in the fight 3t this ume. but would wtt h the outcome with tctereit. It was the secae of the direct-, Workmen Rlrrt Ofllrrn, Nebraska lodge No. 227. Ancient Order of United Workmen, elected tha following of ficers at a recent meeting- A. Smyth, fare man: A. B. Schmidt, overseer: J. J. Night engale, recorder: A. M. Weppnor. financier, J. P. Lang, receiver: A. h. Rushforth. guide: N. Mertei, Inside watch; J. Marek. outside watch; M. Rock, trustee; Drs. W. J. McCrann, W. Berry. W. H. Slabaugh anl W. S. White, medical examiners. MokU- City Co mil. Cottage built to suit buyers. Jno. J Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Andrus of Cheyenne arc here v'tltlns friends. Adolph Swoboila Is building- a new house at Twenty-fourth and K streets. A. lawn social will "be riven at St. Bridget's church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. A Johnson has gone to Jollet. III., to spend the summer with relatives. Mrs. F A. Broadwell spent a portion of last week visiting friends in Sioux City. A daughter ha been born to Mr. and Mr.. Len Drum, Thirty-first and R streets. Mrn. J B. Reeves and children will spend thc summer with relatives at Dexter. Ia. George Parks came up from Kansas City yesterday to spend a day or two with his family Children day exercise will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Mrs. Henry Mies, wife of former Council man Mies. I rpendlng this week ln Berlin. Germany Carrier boys are wanted at Tho Bee office In South Omaha for both horse and foot routes. See Kd Munehaw Co. for lumber Tel On Sunday. June 17, Modem Woodman camp No. luft will bold memurlal services WASHINGTON. June Sunday and Monday. Nebraska Cooler Sunday: fair in western and showers, followed by fair ln eastern portion; Monday fair; northwesterly wind Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Arkantas Showers and cooler Sunday; shoncrs Men day: southerly, shifting to northwesterly winds. Western Texas and New Mexico Fair n southern portion; showeti and cooler in northern portion Sunday; Monday fai southerly, shifting to northwesterly winds'. Iowa and Missouri Thunderstorm, ant cooler Sunday; Monday fair: brlek iou h easterly shifting to northwesterly winds. North and South Dakota Fair Sunday with cooler In centml and eastern portions Monday fair: northwesterly winds. Kansas Thunderstorms and cooler Sun day; southerly shifting to northwesterly winds; Monday fair. Colorado Fair In northern portion; cooler with showers, followed by fair ln southern and western portions Sunday; northesteriy winds; Monday fair. Wyoming and Montana Fair Sunday and and western portion. Sunday; northwester')' winds, becoming variable. Idaho Fair Sunday and Monday; varlavl winds. Loral Itecnril. n?iAMI7EPP T,n,Ei,'.E.ATHER BUREAU OMAHA. June 9. Official record of ten, lerature and precipitation, compared n-ph the corresponding day of the last th- years; . ' lA IK. ir isr Maximum temperature . frt th 7( Minimum temperature ... c 55 si ii Average temperature ... 7S W a Precipitation ... . .W ; gz t Record of temperature and precipitating at Omaha'for this day and since March ' 1Mb- Normal for the day Kxcebs for the day t Kxr-ss since March 1 Normal rainfall for the day.... Pendency for the day , Total klnce March 1 Dertcienry since March 1 .... Deficiency for cor period, H9J. . Deficiency for cor period. IkSJ. . U A WELSH Local Forecast Official. 3:7 IS Inch 19 Inch 7.a lne les I.M Inches 2 tl !m he, 211 Inches