TIIE OMAIIA DAILY 11EE: VRIDAY, JUXJ5 S, 15)00. SLEEP! SIMMONS' BAD START Oraiha OIym tha DanTtr Phanom a Rude Recaption Indeid. TWENTY-TWO HITS IN ONE AFTERNOON NlntiRlitvr Mnrln Hnrly mill Keep li I mil All llnniln Are Tlrcil nml Unit from Mirer Hiliittifttlnii. . Maupln, p 3 1 1 12 Totals 27 4 5 llallmnn lilt by batted' ball. Hloux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 SI. Joseph 00000400 I Earned runs: Sioux City. 3j St. Jo;j?nli, 1. Two-baso hit: Nile.. Stolon bases: Hull, mnn, I-'erguson. Double pluy: Manpln to Hrlstnw to Davis. Bhfm on balls: Off lirashear, Hansen, Hall, Strati (2), Srhrnll. Struck out: Hy Ferguson, : by Jlmipln, 1. WJId Pitch; Ferguson. Time: 1:13. t'mplre: Ebrlght. ola pitcher from the Chicago club. Attend ance, 1,000. Score: 1 NEW TOltK. I ST. IOLlS, It.It.O.A C. II.H.O.A K. i rmmmw by a sprung hail Oniiihn, IM l)rni-r. (it. .'iiki'I'Ii. -It Slim '!, !' lira Milium, 7) I'iii-IiIii. -. cini'iiiiiiiii, r.t l'liiimii'iiiiiiii, i. rittRliurK. T llroiikl) n, !. ' llnnlon, ClilritKO, I. York, ID) HI. I.miiIh. . ('IiIpobo, 7 1 Cleveliuiil, -. tin rTn In, 11) Khiibiim t'lly, I. Detroit, 1 1 MIlMiiulii'f, O. Iiiillminpolln, fit l I n uv n p n 1 1 , -'. The man who diagramed the oITlclnl score liook had never contemplated such liberality on the part of a baso ball pitcher n that j MOIXKS STOPS 1M IJHI.O'S USII. Three Tliounniiit Tropic Wntoti the Prohibit IoiiIkIn I'oimtl I'rlee. DES MOINES. June 7 -(Special Tele- i grnm.)-A crowd of 3.M0 people today saw j Pes Moines defeat Pueblo In one of tho bent game of tho year. Tho locals had on their batting clothed and Hlmply hammered nut n victory, while tho visitors could reach i Wclmer safely but three times and one of those lilt wan a scraicn. vjiiuiiuhuu fries umpired tho come, Jeffries made Just twelve decisions In the garao nnd for this work ho received VM. Attendance. 2,5mi. Score: DKS MOINES. AH. II. r, 3 r 5 u Thiol. 2I.. . Nngle, 'f.. lllnes, If.. ilraln, 3t. 1 Warren, rf. Hill, lb Hall. kh Srlsler, C. AV'elmcr, p. Totals . 1'UEULO. A 13. It. II. O. A. K. 0 14 1 3 2 O 0 3 10 0 1110 110 0 0 10 1 0 0 12 1 1 S 1 0 2 15 0 U 25 It 2 H. O. A. K. 0 2 10 o i a o 0 16 1 0 it o 1 1 1 0 II o :i o o 0 0 4. 0 10 2 0 12 10 "3 27 15 1 manifested toward tho wlllow-wloldors of the local team by Denver- hitherto promis ing amateur, "Slce-py" Sinimonn, at tho Vin ton street reservation. When an Impres ario In tho gulec of an enemy hands us no lean than fifteen Kindlon, threo two-ua'jgers and four well-burnlnhud three-baggers, he Is a philanthropist of tho Ural water, and nuien, ss thn Omaha mirinters never neglected to 1 Anderson, take advantage of his bargain-day ausort mcnt In fattening up batting averages. Ah h tender-hearted philanthropist, Simmons is n veritable nugget from the hands of Cherry creek, but tho retmltfi of this spasm of warm heartednres will doubtless breed consterna tion In the Tebeau hacienda at the mouth ot I'lattfl canyon. This young man has hereto fore; held a strong arm record with the avnrngo of them, nnd as Premier Hughes was to go against him, tho local admirers of tho gamo had gone down to the green expecting to sea 11 tight llnlsh. Hardly had tho gamo opened, however, before runs be gan to accumulnto to the credit of the home team In showers nnd in a short tlmo tho fans were collectively down on their mar rowbones praying tearfully that tho carnage should cense. It was distressing to witness the sprinting exertions of thu hoys, and the utter bewilderment of tho Hocky Moun taineers as tho hot grounders hot past them nnd bumped against tho sign boards on tho outskirts, or as the sphere ruthlessly ruptured tho empyrean only to fall Just out tdilo of reach. ("line In (Jreut lliinelic. Tho first ttmo up Omaha was blanked neatly, but In tho so with a slneli , ..ii ...1 1 I 'written. itV h p ' , """- ,"" In tho first place tho management was bled O Council s grounder, but he. j ' 1 JUr-tand by Jeffries' press agent too. was caught o f the bag by Sim- , hn , n mmlon t? umpiring mons. After these two heartlra weio out I the game, would spar threo brief rounds a scratch by Hoy, a three-bagger by Hughes nnd when ho came here with his left arm snd a brace of doub.es by Haer and Toman 0UlUWol netted four runs. It was Just as tiny To- 1 ),s malinger, that he must announce this man stepped to tho plato that a messengor fact and tho causes therefor to tho spfc . ... . ifnm thn pnmn liecan. Ho failed appeared wun a uoqtict. ot urilllaut liowers , r'"-,.,,r rn'mT.nc to do so. a fact .Mellale, cf 2b.'.'.'.'.' l'arrott. lb Johnson, rf Dalrymple, If.... I'rlee, p Kidly, 3b Graham, c Totals l'arrott out for Interfering with batted ball. Des Moines 1 0 0 0 3 0 a 0 17 l'Uoblo 00000080 0-2 'Hasea on balls: Off "U'olmor, 2; oft Price, &. Two-base lilts: "Welmcr, Johnson. Do li bit! play: Kelly to Anderson to l'arrott. Struck out: Hy Wclmer, I, Wild pitch; Wclmer. Tlmo of game: 2:05. Umpires: Trnllley anil Jeffries. Standing of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Vanlt'n, rf, (1 Mreer. rf. . 0 Hslbach, If.. 2 Pavl?, ss... t rjyle, lb.... 1 r)lfoii, lb. 0 illckman, 3b 2 Warner, c... 2 Seymour, p. 1 Total ..10 14 New York 3 0 0 McOraw, Ob. 1 0 ISO 110 Donovan, cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Keliter, :b.. 0 3 3 6 1 4 10 Donlln, rf... 0 10 0 0 0 Otiurkett, If.. 1 2 5 0 0 4 2 0 MeQann, lb. 0 1 10 1 1 3 1 OQuInn, ... 0 12 2: 3 10 Iloblnson, c. 0 3 3 3 0 0 4 1 Jonea, p 0 0 0 3 0 .Your.ff, p Zt n 1 ncen made ny 11 ma sen's -world's record li tiutilonr r.tnen A ru- ilnvs tied lie nut till 11 score" of 92, his llrst seven shots being bull's cVe.i. mid hurt not the -wind chanaeil suddenly after the seventh shot It Is bo Train on tbt Milwaukee. Mtsti Accident Near Peniiai llcved a new world's record would have been established, Mr. llergersen Is In line form and is liable to put tip a M or !0 and even a possible 100 beforo the end of the present seusoii, mu. .11.... ...... lit .. 1 . 1 . . n f rSV'BfiL'TniVKS? o"U"he "some S'.VERAL PASSENGERS SERIOUSLY HURT a a a a a I tlmo durlnir thn month of AUisust on tnc 1 rantrc of thn rlnh uniilh of the city. Valll- Totals .. 3 10 21 17 4 ! blo cash prizes will be hung up nnd efforts 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 1 ,,luuu u' "'IIIIU Ol lliu urn, luiitnsiurii 11, Ht i 1 n o V n n 1 h (C a I ,,le ,,n,te SMe participate. Team Ht;. Lou 8 1 . Q . , 3 contests will be made a special feature, the learned runs: New ork, 1; St. Louis, local team being anxious to meet the best 1. Klrst base on error: New "York, teams In the country. Left on bases: Now York. 7; St. IxOtil. 3. Two-base lit: Selbnch Sncrliico hits: Warner, Davis. Stolen bases; Selbnch, Hickman. Double plnys: Davis to Doyle, MeOnnn to Iloblnson, Kclster to Olenson, Davis to Doyle. Hasc on balls: Oft Seymour, 11; off Jones, li oft Younz, 1. Struck out: Dy Seymour. 4. Wild pitches: Jones. Passed balls: Itoblnson. Hits oft Jones: 11 In llv In nines. Time: 2:19. Umpire: O'Day. Standing of Urn Tennis. Played. Won. Iost. P.C. Philadelphia Hrooklyn .... Pittsburg ... St. Louis .... Chicago Boston Cincinnati .. New York .. 3S 37 42 38 39 35 37 36 24 21 2-1 1!) Ill 16 l(i li It Hi 111 m 20 10 21 .632 MS .SIS .500 .H7 .t:,6 .4.13 .MO CAM MS OI T1IH AMKIIICA. MlACI'll. Omaha Pueblo I Denver St. Joseph .. Des Mollies Sioux City . 27 27 2U 26 21 27 17 17 16 12 10 S 10 10 13 II II 19 0: .B29 .552 .161 .417 .206 (Mill) 'HO.M IMlKSIDtlVr KKITKt ll Kxplnlns Ills Connection with Jef fries I'Iiihco anil Aiiilonl.e. OMAHA. Juno 6. To tho Kdltor of Tho Hce: Keeling that somo explanation Is duo the baseball public In relation to tho exhl- se:ond Wilson opened Bam ot, 1 1I,I,n? 'Llht0'!!! to left and died wlu rpcclvo th'9 ln lnc splrlt ln whIch U ls C'hlcnRO nnd Cle-vclnnd SIhmt n lie ninrkntile I'lnlsli to n fiunil tiinue. CHICAGO, Juno C. Two errors, a pass, a sacrifice ami four lilts gave Chicago to day's game In tho eighth inning. After two outs In tho ninth 11 gift nnd three hits gave Cleveland two runs. Attendance, 1,100. Score: CHICAGO. I CLEVELAND. It. II. O. A i:. R.H.O.A U Hoy. cf 1 0 2 0 0 Picker's, ef. 0 1 2 0 1 Ibell. lb.... 10 0 1 0 CrMiani, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 McFarl'tl, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Sullivan. 3b. 1 1 3 Hartm'n. :b. 1 3 0 1 0 Oenlns, If... 0 1 2 llrodlc. H... 0 0 2 0 0 IiCli'ce. lb. 0 111 I'adden. 2b.. 2 1 1 3 0 Flood. 2b.... 0 0 0 3 0 Bhusart, es. 0 1 3 3 1 Dlerb'r. es.. 0 ft 1 1 3 Ittickley, c.. 0 0 4 0 oppiee. c 0 0 - 1 0 JSug-di-n, c... 0 2 4 1 0 HofTi-r. p.... 0 0 0 3 1 l'Uher, p.... 1113 0,McAIeer ...0 0 0 0 0 Totals ..7 8 27 12 V Totals .. 3 4 24 13 3 McAlecr batted for Holter In ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 fi 7 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Earned runs: Chicago. 2: Cleveland, 1. Left on buses: Cblenco. li: Cleveland. I. Two-base lilts: Stigtlcn, Pickering. Shugart, llurmaii, I'nrtden. suilivan. sacrinc 1111s: Isbell, Shugart. Urodle. Stolen base: Me Kariand. Struck out: Hy Fisher, 3; by Hof fer. 1. Hases on balls: Oft Fisher. 2; oft ltoffer. 1. Time 01 came: i:sj. umpire: Dwyer. Amoie itenccins iinnarir. KANSAS CITY. June 7. Patten nroved an easv mark for tho visitors today, they securing fourteen lilts In seven Innings. Catcs, who relieved htm in the eighth, was also easy to solve nnd Buffalo won In 11 walk. Amoie, lor me visitors, iiitcneu 11 good game. Attendance, 2,000. Score: lint t (11.1 tint nnnreclate. until the contest was well under way. With reference to our failure not to announce that the gamo wan an exhibition affair I will confess this was an unpardonable dereliction on our part, but wo thought tho fans were familiar with the Hchcdulo nnd It was not necessary. We now rcullzo that It was a mistake, but In so far as any collusion on tho part of tho maiingcmont to hoodwink tho people with tho Idea of Increasing the gate receipts Is concerned wo disclaim anything of the kind. Wo are moro than Batislled with tho lib eral patronage wo have had and Intend to demonstrate our appreciation by giving the public tlie very 'nest uaso oau our iimueu means will permit of. HUCIC KEITH, President. (iAMKS Tllli .NATIONAL I.KAOUD. us big as a bucket. Thu youth was visibly touched and as ho waved tho boquct he roically toward tho bench everyone ex pected to seo blm rutlro thu side right there, but ho lined It out for the two-bagger aforesaid. In tho third a single by Kebsamen, an t'ggrcglous error by Lowco In throwing wido to second, n triple by Lauzon and singles hy Hoy, Hughes and Ilacr netted another four runs. In tho fourth Omaha had ten men up nnd raked off flvo tallies on a single by Hebsa inun, n three-bagger by Wilson, a double by O'Connell. a triple by Lauzon, a baso on balls, to Hoy and a single by Hughes. In tho llflh singles wero recorded for Wilson, O'Connell, Lauzon, Ilaor and To man, which, with n luscious error by Tinker, piled flvo more runs upon tho Omahn dump nnd completed the dozen and a half. For four Innings Denver declined to show Its colors, hut In tho fifth Manuger Hourko took Hughos out and put him away for fu ture service, Inserting Nowmcyer. Up to that time Denver had nchlovod but two hits, whllo Hughes had helped himself to threo hits and two runs out ot threo times at bat. Tho mountaineers opened up on glos that netted thorn n slnglo run. In tho ! Hockley, 11,. 0 2 8 1 0 Deleh'ty. lb 0 1 10 1 soventh Miller got to first on balls and Mcllrlrte. rf. 1 1 0 0 1 Fll:k. rf....O 1 1 0 I'lilludelplilu I.rlH Co of Onr to the Cliicliniut I Teiiin. PHILADELPHIA, June 7. After a lone drawn out llrst Inning, In which a wild throw by Cross, two singles, a double and n triple by Cincinnati netted tho visitors four runs, tho gamo today between that team and the Phllndclphlas continued ln n listless manner. The locals could do noth ing with Scott and what hlta they got wero largely of a scratch kind. Fraser was ex changed for Mnul ln tho fourth limine and pitched 11 good game. Attendance, 3.2S4. score: CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.S.1 It.H.O.A.K l)arrett. cf.. 1 3 3 1 0 Thomas, cf. 1 3 2 0 corod on a slnglo by Tinker and an error by Haer. Score: OMAHA. AH. It. H. O. A. K. Haer. If r. 2 3 2 0 2 Toman, ss 5 0 2 3 0 McVlcker. cf S 0 1 1 0 0 Itehsamen, rf 6 2 3 2 0 0 Wilson, e f 3 3 10 3 0 O'Connell. 2b B 2 2 2 4 0 Lauzon, lb I 4 l C 1 0 Hoy. 3b 4 3 112 1 Hughes, p 3 ' 3 0 0 0 Newineyer, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Totals II IS 22 27 12 DENY Kit, AH. It. II. O. A. K. Miller. If 3 113 11 Tinker. 2b 3 n 1 r, ;t 1 Preston, cf 11110 1 Holland, lb 3 0 5 0 0 Hlckev, nil 3 0 1 0 2 2 Vizard, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 McCausland. c 1 0 0 3 3 0 I.ewee, ss 4 0 13 10 Simmons, p I 0 1 2 2 0 Totals 33 2 S 21 12 S Omnha 044550 0 0 IS Denver 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Crawford, If 2 1 2 0 0 DouKlass, c. 0 0 3 2 Irwin. 3b.... 0 2 3 2 0 Wolv'n, 3b,. 0 12 1 StPlnf'ill, 21) 0 0 1 1 0 Dolan, 2b..,. 0 0 0 5 I'clti, c 0 0 l 1 0 CroM, es.... 0 0 4 3 Scott, p 0 0 1 3 0 Maul, p 0 0 0 0 IFrazer, p.... 0 0 0 1 5 12 27 10 1 Mackll'ch .. 0 0 0 0 1 8 2T 15 3 Totals named runs: Omaha, 11. Two-base hits: Haer, Toman. O'Connell, I.owee. Holland. Three-baso hits: Hughes, Lauzon (2). Wil son Passed ball: McC.iusland. Sncrliico hits: Toman McVlcker, O'Connell, Hoy. Preston, .McCausland. Stolen bases: Haer, Toman. Hoy (2), I.nuzon. Hases on balls: OfT Hughes, 3; off Newineyer. 1; off Sim mons, 4. Hases on hit by pitched ball: Oft Newineyer. 1 Struck out: Hy Hughes. 6; by Newmeyer. 4; by Simmons. 2. Double play: Toman to O'Connell to Lauzon iiAim mcic i't:it!Li:s sun t city. St. .Ioni'iiIi (ietx i tiinue Hint .Should Unto Heeii n Defeat, SIOl'X CITY. June 7.-(SpcclaI Tide-cram,)-Hard luck, pine and simple, ai counts for Sioux City's defeat by St. Joseph today. It was a rnttllng good game, neither side making an error. Sioux City batted better than tho Missouri nien, however, getting eleven hits to St. 'Joseph's live The. sixth was St. Joseph's lucky Inning Mnupln singled and Strang walked. Me Klbben bunted toward llrst. Hoth Class 'tho tntYL ,ulrcUB0" went after thn ball and the Inltla bag was left uncovered. A mlxiU. fo lowed n which the ball got out towurd right Meld, tllnsseock and Kergu. V.V'01;0 Mc,KH,.be" k,ckp'' t. which Me nV1101 ' ol'.'Pln nd Strang scored. McKlbbei got around the bases and eamo n on ri wild pitch. Schrall walked mid was brought In by Davis' hit. In the eighth In nlng Slouv city nearly tied tho score S - lc5 ,,)KiFf.rKUSv.,!,i' "'"'""'i mid Hansen ai d a double by Nllcs netted three runs, but " "mil. Jack Oliisscock p ayed h s llrst game, as captain of the Sioux City nine. He arrived this morning. Score- O. A. 13. 1 Totals Batted for Fraser in ninth. Cincinnati 40100000 05 Philadelphia 10000000 0-1 Earned runs: Cincinnati, 4. Two-baso lilt: Harrctt. Three-base hits: McHrlde, Crawford. Sto en lvnses: Hnrrott (2 . craw- ford, Irwin. Double plays: Darrett to Ir win; Douglass to uelenanty, eirst nase on hn s: Off Seott. 1. Left on bases: C ncln natl. 9; Philadelphia, 8. Hit by pitched ball: Douglass. Struck out: Hy Scott. 5: by Maul, 1; by Fraser, 1. Passed balls: uougiass, 2. rune or game: -:u,,. umpiic Emslle. I'lttsliiirnr Coining I'nut. HltOOKLYN. N. Y.. June 7.-Wngncr and Phllllppl did tho feature work today, tho former liattlnc. heavily and ileldlnx bril liantly, whlln tho pitcher had Brooklyn HUcssini? until the ninth. Then a base 011 balls, lour hits nnd Hltchlo's fumble let In threo runs. With thn bases full and two out Kelley lifted a foul to O'Connor and tho tramo wus over. Attendance, 2,000. Score: l'lTTSllUItQ. , HltOOKLYN. it.it.o.A.u.l a.ji.o.A.n. DlnliiR Cm- mill Tun I'll limn 11 a liver Hip Ilnnk nn n Itrsiilt of n I'eettlinr Conilltlon of the TrneU. (in (let nn early start ln tho Working Girls Vacation Contest so that you may let your friends know that you aro In tho race. I.ee IvIiikt nnd Found Were llic Only I'ntorltes 'Which Fin ished First. KANSAS CITY H.H.O.A.K, Hemplilll. rf 1 1 2 0 0 Wanner, ss.. 110 2 1 Oenr. cf 1 0 2 0 1 O'llricn. If.. 0 0 4 0 0 Ihinimn. lb. 0 2 9 0 0 CoiiRhlln, 3b 1 2 3 2 0 Schapfer, 2b 0 0 6 3 0 Condlns, c 0 3 1 2 1 Patten, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 Catcs, p 0 0 0 0 0 UUKFAI1. It.H.O.A.C. GetUnan, cf 0 1 2 0 0 liearon, rf. 1 4 1 0 0 llalllffun, If. 1 12 0 0 Schreck. lb. 3 3 10 0 2 Carey. 5b.... 2 3 2 1 0 Hnllm'n 2b. 3 3 4 5 1 Cumey, ss... 3 Specr. c... Amoie, p.. Totals .010 .14 20 27 Milwaukee train No. 2, which lett here at 11 o'clock yesterday morning for Chicago, was derailed at Persia, la., thlrty-flvo miles GOOD RACING AT ST, LOUIS ca8t of 0maha' Threo cars wero ditched and a number of persons wOro seriously hurt. J. n. Nlpp, a Kansas City traveling man, who has been making his homo with h!a son, It. A. Nlpp of 1839 North Nineteenth street, Omaha, Is dangerously hurt and may ut t.nt'ta t.,r. t a 1 1 imiii, thn I not recover. I wn tint runt. rnrlntr rem tvitncM.n.i .Mr. .Nlpp leit uraana yeHtcroay niornins nt tho fair grounds todny. Leo King nnd for Chicago. Early In tho afternoon his Found wero tho wlnnlne favorites. Sum- son was notllien or tno acciucnt ami iuii marr: for Persia. Tho Injured man has a broken First race, maiden 3-yenr-olds, six fur- collarbone, several broken ribs and suffered fcMaceon. internal Injuria which arc thought to be 4 to 1, second: Glen Lake. 112 (Dale), 4 to 1, very serious. Mr. Mpp will bo brought to third. Time: 1 : lDVa. Hohul, Hello Simpson, Omaha ln caso ho can bo moved. Wlnnebajour. Bangalore, Jlonughau and Thu noreons who wero most Berlotisly In Second race, Celling, one mile nnd nn Jured were In dining car H. which was next eighth: Duko of Melbourne 92 (Tiiliey), to tho last car lu the train, the last car ullinnn. A colored porter nanictl bo was In tho diner, had his arm Low. Henner. Honire-et-Nolr. Joo Douglas, broken aud suffered Internal Injuries, rho Mitt Hoyklit, Mutondlkc, Hrlghtlo II unu dining car conductor suffci-pd a severe cut Derhiso nlso ran. ... . . . .. n, ,, t,.. enlnrml rnnlta uern Th id race. 2-venr-olds. nvo furlongs: All ' . . . .Inek. 110 fMiirtlnl. 2 to 1. won: Hccoiul uaoiy scaiaeu. a coiarcti winter iidu .1 nnger cut off. Tho news agent, vuiiiam .n. Cordell of 181 Armltage avenue, Chicago, eighth: Duko of Melbourne. 92 (Talley), to tho last 8 to 1, won; Pacemaker. S3 (J, Matthews), belnc a Pu even, second; School Olrl. 101 (Fullehy), . C , A, third. Time: 1:5S. Terra Incognita, S.tdlo ht, whi 4 0 1 ' 1 tin ,i,i,... n I., n n.i 1 t.i 0ft I x Mill,', iiv iiuiurj, v .,.. ... 0. u.,.,.i. n.,.,.,.. 1 i, in,! irv tlllt.,1u ti.lni Time: l:02i. Pirate Queen, Selde and Ampere also ran. Fourth race, Press stake, valuo $1,001, heats, live and a liulf furlongs: Hummer, loo (Woodn). 8 to 1, won: Found. 110 was ibrulsed nnd shaken up. llnll Out of I'lnee Tho train left Omaha on time nnd was (Domlnlck), 3 lo 1 nnd 3 to 6, second: Ed pulling Into Persia at 12:3S yesterday after L, 101 (HlndrliO, 10 to third, l'lme: when the. ncclilcnt occurred. Le3s than 1:15 1-5. Hottentot nlso ran. Second heat- noon wnen inc. iicciacni. occurmi. im Found won. Hummer second. Ed L third, ti mllo west of Persia a rail was sprung Time: 1:09b. Hottentot nlso started. Hun Ullghtly out of place. The cnglno aud Jrout "it-Founu won, uumtner tcconu. nine; part ot tho traln ,eft tno rall but juinpcii Fifth nice, one mllo nnd n sixteenth: back on the track. The Pullman car. which Itolla. 101 (J. Matthews), won; Tullo Fonso. was nt the end of the train of seven cars, 111 (Martin), 10 to 1. secc m ; i.auieaie jiu Jumpoa tno track 1vhoIl H hit tho sprung aKm0, 1 'U rail; tho front trucks righted themselves, siviii 'mrrv nelllnir. six furlongs: Ned but the rear trucks failed to Jump back Wlckcs. 10S (Morse). 7 to 2. won; 111 Nockcr. lnt) paco anj pullcl tho dining car and l?eriVaer.!S).'07C vltVro'Wnl! chair car off tho track. The threo ears Time: 1:15. Whirl Away, Dolllc WelthofT, wero detached from the rest of the train Tenolc, Menu and Lnka also ran. Bnj (ho dining car broke tho couplings that "7 . . Inttnched It to the other two cars and fiood IJiij-n Sport nt .Newnort. . ,,, u,u mv,nirm,.nt u-hr U ifiwivvi-ir tiini. 7. Favor tes nnd 1 i""n- -.. second choices dlvldcit tho card nt New- stood on cnu. port today. The track was fast and tho Tho .Milwaukee oluclals were notllled 01 racing exciting uirougiiuui. "vuk. .. nCC dent nt once nnd . a special train tint, llesults First raco, seven furlongs, selling: Win- bearing Dr. Donald Macrno ter. 108 (AUer). C to 2, won; Sarllla, S9 (C. other Council Bluffs physlcla Murphy). 12 to 1, second: Polly Hlxby. 9S (Michaels). 12 to 1. third. Time: 1:27. Little Veronlc. Aureii, Violet Parsons, Nina B. L. and Sadie Hurnam nlso ran. 'Second race, four furlongs: -School for Scandal, lCrt (.Michaels), 9 to 2, won; Lady Bramble, ion (Ilertlng). 6 to 1, second; yn Macrno and several una was sent to tho scene of tho wreck nt once. Tho Injured persons wero taken to Persia, whore they wero cared for. A wrecking crow was at work In less than two hours and had tho track cleared Totals . . I 9 27 10 3 Kansas City 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-4 Buffalo 0 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 0-14 Earned runs: 'Buffalo. 9. Two-baso hits: Shcaron (2). Cursey. Three-base hits: Carey. Shreckencost, Hallman. Sacri fice hits: Gondlng, Patten, Amoie. Struck out: By Patten, 2; by Amoie, 4. Bnses on balls: Oft Patten. 2: off Amoie. 3: off Cntes. 2. Left on bases: Kansas City, 10; Buffalo, innings pitcneu: uy fatten, 7; uy uates, Hits: Off Patten. 11: off Cates. 6. Hit by pitched ball: 'By Amoie, 1. Stolen base: itniiman. wun pitcn: Amoie. Tlmo 01 game: 1:35. Umpire: McDonald. Umpire Wins for Detroit. MILWAUKEE. Juno 7. Heldv nnd Yen- ger pitched great ball today. The umpire prevented the homo team, in the ninth In ning, irom scoring two runs uy caning Waldron out nt tlrst, when he was clearly safe. The victory went to Detroit by a score ot 1 to 0. Tho fielding of Ilurko and Jioimes was tno feature or tne game. Attendance, 1,000. Score: MILWAUKEE. DETIIOIT. n.H.O.A.E.I Il.H.O.A.n. Waldron, rf. 0 0 3 0 0 Carey, 3b.... 1114 0 Garry, cf.... 0 2 1 0 0 Holmes, If.. 0 0 4 1 0 Dowd. If.... 0 1 1 0 0 Hurley, cf.. 0 2 0 0 0 Andcrs'n. lb 0 1 10 1 0 niberfeld, us 0 0 3 2 1 Fultz, 2b.,.. 0 0 2 2 0 MoAl's'r, 2b 0 0 1 3 0 Conroy, si.. 0 0 6 2 0 Dillon, lb... 0 1 14 1 0 llurkr, 3b... 0 0 2 5 1 Stalllnas, rf 0 0 10 0 Smith, c 0 0 2 0 I Ryan, c .... 0 1 3 2 0 Iteldy, p.... 0 0 0 1 0 Yeaser, p... 0 0 0 1 0 Dlgeins .... 00000 Totals .. 1 5 27 17 1 Totals . . 0 4 27 12 2 Batted for Heldy ln tho ninth. Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Earned runs: Detroit, 1. Two-baso hits: Carey, Dowd. Bases on balls: Off Yeager, 1. Stolen bases: Anderson, Harley. Struck out: By Heldy, 1; by Yeager, 1. Double play: Ilurke to Anderson. Sucrlllco hits; Fultz, Ryan, Yeager. Left on bases: Mil waukee, 4: Detroit, 4. Umpire: Cantllllon. Time: 1:15. Slorr nnd 1nlnterratlntr. ' MINNEAPOLIS. Juno 7.-Indlanapolls won tho second of threo games with Min neapolis today. The playing on both sides was slow antl very little enthusiasm was shown. In tho fourth rain stopped play for Ilftccn minutes. An error by Nance on second base ln tho first Inning netted tho visitors one run and another error ln the second Inning by Barnes In left Held wns responsible for tho three runs. He dropped nn easy fly. with two out and 110 runs. Parker pitched lino ball for Minneapolis, as did Oonr for the visitors. Attendance, 1,500. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS. Il.H.O.A.E.i n.H.O.A.E Hums. cf.... 0 1 2 0 lllogr'ver, cf 3 3 4 0 Wllmot, rf. 1 110 0 Heydon, c... 0 1 6 1 O 0 Munoon, 2h. 0 1 1 3 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 MadUon, as. 0 0 0 1 8 0 Kelly, 11 0 0 12 0 3 0 Flynn. If..., 0 0 10 1 0 Hlckey, 3b.. 12 2 2 I 0 0 i conatcd 'sandy, 113 (W. Ilooney). 10 to 1, sufficiently by 1 o'clock ln the afternoon third. Time: 0:1S1. May Cherry, Sim t0 nnow trains to pass. Tho three cars CHennonllnandQc!!doI'ito,lrS that wero ditched were badly broken up. ran. 1 1110 uiiiiiik ..uuiiiicii? . ,uv . Third rnce, one. nnd one-sixtccntli miles, cur gij0t jown tho embankment and lit on selling: tune, iuj uKerj, 0 10 1, wun; uui burst, 99 (Hnrshbergerj, CO to 1, second; Ennomla. 109 (Overton), n to l, tlilni. Tlmo: 1;4S!i. Tim Galnev. W. C. Welch. Mv But terfly, Gooso Liver nnd Covington, Ky., nlso ran, Fourth race, six furlnncs. selling: North. umberland. 104 (W. Alahoney), 6 to 1, won; Sakatuck. JOu t.Muson). 3 to 2. second: men. helm, 101 (Hnrshberger), 5 to 1, third. Time! Its end -with such forco that all tho fur nlshlngs ln tho car wero piled Into oue end. Tho windows wero all broken nnd the unfortunnto men who were ln the car were dug out of tbo masH ot debris. Injured Men In Cloic (Innrters. Although several iiersons Were hurt in 1:13. Kcfused, Heekman, Loxllne, Bently tho other two cars, those who wero lujured ;'3: "J? Tl'4fMn L.'i'llLiiin. "':,. tho most seriously were In tho dining car llcht. 104 (Van Camn). 4 to 1. .won: Mlz- Besides bolng buried under tho mass of zoura, 101 (Hnrshberger). 10 to 1. second; -wreckago tho men In the car wore sub- j-iop, iui i.Mayi, 111 10 1, num. jime: 1:4. trcted to tho steam that cscaned from the Seattle, Estill. Miss Dcde. Hound O, King Jcctcu , . Jl J ,ii ,1.' h.i, Klkwood antl Fdurtli wnrti also ran. '""w "" UJ u..... Sixth race, onto' nnd one-sixteenth miles, I class- and dishes. selling: l-annlo 'J. aylor, 102 (May). 11 to o, William N. Cordell of Chicago, tho news won: High Noon, 103'(Aker), 3 to 1, second; Dandy II. 101 IVtm Camp). & to 2, mini Tlmo: l:4Sfc. G. il. Cox, Trcbor, Peter Dur. yea npd Samar also ran.. HInii AVIiih First 111 Hie l.'iint. NEW YOHK. Juno 7. At Gravesend to day tho truck wus fast and tho eartl moderate, in tno llrst event Tlie I'untan heavily against tho side of the car and agent on tho train, saved himself from serious Injury by his presence of mind. He felt tho cars leaving tho track and having been ln several previous wrecks prepared himself for tho worst by grabbing a. hat rack and bracing himself. Ho was thrown llallmnn. If Hrashear, su Cote, c Hnuscn, cf Nlles, 3b illnsscpek, lb... Heltz. 2b Wood, rf Ferguson, p Hoth I BlUUX CITY. AH. H. 11. a I 0 l 0 0 0 (1 1 0 0 Tutuls 3fi 3 11 23 11 Hoth batted for Wood In ninth. Davis out on foul bunt. ST. JOSEPH. AH. It. H. Strang. 3b 2 1 0 McKlhben. cf 4 I 1 Schrall, If 3 1 Hull, ss 3 0 0 Davis, lb 3 0 I Hrlstow, 2b 3 li I Zeltl, rf 3 0 0 KllniT, C 3 0 0 A. E, 1) 0 Cuoley, lb... 0 Illt"hey, 2b. 0 llraum't, ef. 0 WiiKnor. if. 3 Wlll'ms. 3b. 2 O'llrleii, If.. 1 1 2 Ely. 1 O'Connor, c. 0 rnuiippi. p.. 0 Totals 0 0 Jonea, cf.... 0 2 1 Keeler. rf... 0 0 0 Jenn'ti. lb. 0 0 0 Kelley. If.... 0 3 0 D.ililen. ss.. 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 12 27 8 9 t 1 1 2 3 f 1 1 0 0 Cross. 3b 2 3 6 0 Daly, 2b... 1 4 0 OFarrell. c. 0 0 0 0 None, p. . . . Hhreckaid 7 12 27 11 1 1 Totals Hutted for Nops In tho ninth. Pittsburg 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 0-7 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 31 Earned runs- l'lttsburir. 4: Brooklyn. 2. Three-base hits: Wugner, O'Brien, Ely. errors: Hrooklyn. 1. Left on bases: Pitts- ' Jr.'"1"?8 clt burg, 0; Brooltljn. 9. Struck out: By Phllllppl. 3. by Nops, 2. Sacrifice hit: Phllllppl. Stolen bnfes; Wagner, Cross. Bases on balls: By Phllllppl, 1; by Nops, 1. Double play: Ely to Hltchcy. Tlmo: 2:0ti. Umpire: Swartwood. MoIiiiIh llnek In the (Junie. BOSTON, Juno 7. Seven hits, a base on balls and two errors In tho flfth Inning of today's game gave Boston nluo runs and the gamo. Nichols had excellent command and Chicago could do nothing with hln de livery after the tecond inning. Attendance, 2,u00. Score: llOBTON. ! CHICAGO. .it.noA.::. ii.H.o.A.i:. Hamllt'n. eft 0 0 0 0; Slut's, rf... 1 110 1 Collins. 3b. . 10 14 0 Chllda, 2b... 1 1 2 5 0 Tenney. lb.. 1 3 II 1 O.ltjon, If 1 1 4 0 0 Ktnlil, If 2 3 10 O'Oreen. rf.... 1110 0 Ling, M.. ..4113 O.Danzel, lb., 0162 Fin-man, rf 2 2 1 0 O.McCor'k, 11, 0 II 1 Illy. If 0 0 1 Werden, lb. 0 0 13 2 0 Beybold. cf, Nance, 3b... 0 0 1 3 1 Powers, rf. Abbnt'lo. 2b. 1 1 2 Hmlth, ss.... 0 0 1 l'Uher, c... 0 14 Parker, n... 0 0 2 Ooar, p. TOtaU ..2 .1 27 17 2, I Totals .. S 7 27 H 1 Note: Seybold Injured and retired ln fourth inning. Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Indianapolis 13001000 05 Two-base hits: Fisher, Abbatlchlo. Hogrlovcr, Hlckey. Three-base hits: Wll mot, Hogrlover. Passed ball: Heydon. Bases on balls: Off Goar, 4. Struck out: By Goar, 6; by Parker, 5. Stolen bases; Wllmot (2). Sacrltlce hit: Heydon. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 0; Indlanupolls, 4. Time of gamo: 2;05. Umplro; Sheridan. StiiudliiK of the Tennis. Played. Won. Lost Xont ZXW?&yu?&v' -evcroly. but did not sustain such showed the way to the stretch, when Tho serious Injuries as tho men wno wero un- Purltan enmo on and won ridden out. In prepared for tho llual crash. the fcconu raco Hlsn made iter llrst start rau thllt cauped tho wrpck was i,ut In a drive" from alerlto. Her Ladi-shlp was a short distance from a switch In the yards also the favorite for the third event at Persia. The switch was ln perfect con- nnd won by a neck. In tho fourth Central jition and was In no way responsible for Trust, a lukewarm favorite, went to tho ,, --.i,..-, .,- ,, m,,.!......!!,,,,., front and won easily. The Manhasset tho accident. Thcio were no obstructions stuke wus won by wuiereoior. wun a 101 1 on rno tracK anu vuo iitbl iuiuk uiu tu- to spare, ln 55 seconds, n new track record Summary : First ruce, flvo furlongs: The Puritan won. l-riliuil Ul .uuuuau tuiwim, iimuv.ii.J thlril. Tlmo: 1 :n2. Second rum. mm mllo and a sixteenth: Andrlsa won, Merlto second, Llnilemcro third. Time: 1:19 4-5. Third ruce, ubout six furlongs, selling: Her Ladyship won. Wax Taper second, Tho Bencuict tlilni. Time: 1:11. Fourth ruce, one mllo nnd nn eighth: Central TriiHt won, Prince of Melrose sec ond. Knicht of the Garter third. Tlmo: 1 ,M. Fifth men. thn Manhnsset. four and a half furlongs: Watereolor won, Honnjbest seronil, Ten uailtnes mini, ihhc; r.oo. Sixtli race, one mile nnd a sixteenth, selling: Tingo won, Hubert Metculf second, Post Itnste tlilni. lime: i:yj. glnecr had of tho condition of the track was when his engine hit the ties. Excessive heat Is supposed to have warped the rail. Will ChnllrnRr for Ainrrlrn's Clip. OUEENSTOWN. June 7. At a meetlnc of tho Roynl Cork Yacht club today Sir Thomas Linton -was elected n member, lie has expressed his intention of challenging top tno "America a cup unucr tno auspices or tnis ciun. Indianapolis Mllwaukco . Cleveland .. Chicago .... .Minneapolis Buffalo Detroit 35 40 38 41 12 43 39 38 20 21 21 21 II 13 n is 18 20 2t Iti-Miiltn nt HiMvtliorne Trai-k, CHICAGO. Juno 7. Weather clear nnd track heavy at llawtnorne. iiesuus: rfirst mm. iiva furloncs: Princess Tatl- ann. 105 (Waldo). 2 to 1, won; Dandy Jim, 114 (J. Woods). 8 to 3, second; .nek Phelps, 101 (J. Miller), third. Time: l:U'i. Kid Hampton, Ben Mngen, Grace Cup and Santa T.llun nlfln rnn. Second race, six furlongs: Bangle, 112 cHnohnnnn) K n ?. won: Hermoso. 119 (L. Hose), even, second: Gartland II. 113 iCrmvlinrst) third. Time: 1:2m. Noble- man, Boney Boy, Ben Ledl nnd Stltes nlso "an- . . Third rnce. steenlechasc. Short courso. handicap: Durwad. 129 (L. Barton), 7 to 1, won; van iirunt, ti-iyinu, o w i, remuu, Mvnsnilu la tHrnnsnn). third. Tlmo: 3:23Vi. Monltu, 'viking, Sufnlllg und Frond also ran, , Fourth nice, one und one-sixteenth miles, hiindlenn: Grent Bond. 110 (Klley). 8 to 5, won; Star Chamber. 93 (Buchanan). 2 to 1, Bocond; Brulare, 93 (Knight), third. Time: 1:5914. Celerltns and Larkspur nlso ran. Flttb riirp. unveil fuilonus. selling: For- bush. 100 (Miller). I to 1, won; John A. Morris. 110 tlvnleht). 2 to 1. second: Jose- lihlim n. iiv! tnnvin). third. Time: 1:37. nrJlsabey. Invnry 11. Hay Pitfall, My Hebe, ;5; i N'euberirer. chiincerv and Tyrba also ran. a.i . . . l ,. ,.r-. .r.rt aixtn race, ono muo: main p ..m-r.a, ius" (Hose). S to 5, won; Brnw Lnd. 109 (Boss), .1 tn seennrl- l.ldv Brltniinlc. 101 (llll- chanan). third. Time: l:li'2. Imp. Bitter Hoot, Balk Lino, Obsidian, Prcstar and Uoal Kunncr also ran. P.C. :i .512 .800 .4 .359 .312 I.oiik Pine AVInn nt Alnawortli. AINSWOItTII, Neb., Juno 7.-(Specl:il Telegram.) Alnsworth and Long Pino this afternoon played tho third game of tho series, resulting In u score of 12 to 9 in favor of tho latter. .Neither Wlna n Fnll. SAN FHANCISCO. Juno 7.-Max Wiley, tho champion light nnd welterweight ama teur wrestler of the United State. Ilvlnc In . 1 . 1 1 . , , T". . . . I . . . J .... ..... ' Fnc.Vc'o'o.mp.o t ubT .r.o7 on th'e" mat ! foolnB njldltjonal .""- nv!& last nlsht. After wrestling for an hour I Mnsoii ami Sliowaltor ''"'iV C.'r'i-i1 Interiiiitloiiiil Cliess 3Inleli. PA111S, June 7. Tho eleventh round of tho international cliessinasters' tourna ment was begun today. When tlmo was culled for the first ndlourument till) Climes looked as follows: Marco had disposed of Dldler, Mnroczy nnd sciiiecnter nan win ning chances against Mioses nnd Mortimer, respectively, whllo tho other games wero left In even positions. ... , At tun conclusion oi louay n piny ii WE DON'T SUPPOSE WE EVER COULD Cut a coat for a China man for they don't wear coats but when it comes to giving a fit to the nat uraliz ed American we are strict ly in it fit him for $20 to $40, which is about the same as store clothes cost. 2.000 patterns to select trom tho largest as sortment of woolens In the west. Pants and fancy vests to order, to $12 i)4rovj&00 0 0 0 0 tjhce: Liwe, 2b.... 114 3 0 Clements, e. 1 4 S 0 0 Nk'hoU. p... 0 0 I 1 0 Total! ..13 II 27 12 0 llriulley, 3b. 0 1 2 Clmnotf, c... 0 0 0 0 Dexter, c... 0 0 1 0 Taylor, p.... 0 0 J 2 ne ther bad g.i ncrt n fa and t in contest "c"1, "" VU,V.V ..7 . Vi.7fV.'.i was declared a draw, the tlmo limit having niy lost to Lusker PI Isbi ry differ.'! expired. At the recent amateur champion- defeat nt the hands of M''h"" sh n tournament In this city Wiley lost tho i'l Hoscn drew nnd Schlcchter beat Mortl- Another Empty Grave. Chicago, March 1900. Warner's Safe Cure Co. Gentlemen: I will bo glad to bsar testimony to tho value of Warner's Safo Cure for dropsy. I want those ufllieted as 1 have been to take this life giver and get well as I did. 1 suiTored agony for threo years and my life was despaired of, when ono day my doctor said: guess I will give you Warner's." Thank God for such a remedy. It brought mo health and now life. I havo used it pretty regularly for a year, but I am well to day, and had it not been for Warner's Safe Cure I would havo been in my grave. Respectfully, MRS. MELISSA WHITCOMB, 4S24 Prairio Ave., Chicago. Chnlrmnn Exooutlvo Commlttoo, Illinois Womnn's Alllnnco. (Dropsy is tho (lt'u.-itl symptcmof ndvnnocd Kldnoy Disease.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 -0 ft Piano Sale- Cxiest NINO HI All oi our pianos that have been routed to the schools of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs aro being brought in on account of school closing. We find that wo havo not enough spaco on our piano lloor for all those instruments. Rather than pay storage on them wo will close them out re gardless of cost. Here are only a few of the pianos that must go in this sale. Pianos sold on monthly payments if desired. 1 upright piano, rosewood caso $ 75.00 1 upright piano, mahogany caso 1 upright piano, walnut caso . . . 1 upright piano, ebony caso ... 1 upright piano, mahogany caso. 1 upright piano, walnut caso ... 1 upright piano, ebony case . . . 1 upright piano, walnut case . . . 1 upright piano, mahogany case In addition to this stock, we have a complete line o Checkering, Fischer, Foster, Franklin, .Jacob Doll and twenty" one other makes that are being sold at very low prices. We 5)5.00 100.00 115.00 125.00 135.00 150.00 175.00 105.00 i handle Burdetto and Newman Bros, organs. tuned and repaired. New pianos for rent. Pianos moved, Tolophono 1088. mwm $8.00 $8.00 Price Reduced One-Third The Funk & Wagnalls STANDARD DICTIONARY Of the English Language. 247 Editors and Specialists. 600 Readers for Quotations. Cost Nearly One Million Dollars. Complete, Succinct, Authoritative. PRICE REDUCED TO $8.00 decision to llayle)'. He came back tn tho coast for nnother match. tner. Mil lie healer Wliltmutt lilt- Mi-etluu. r.nvnnv .tune 7 At the Manchester Whltsiintldu meeting today the Beaufort TAILOR Karbach Block, 209-11 S. I!3th St. SfiiHHtioiml Tram SlitintliiR. nOI.miUUS. O.. Jnnn 7 Thu Centum of tmlnv'ii tnurnnment nf the Ohln Trull I 1m nil I rim nf Gf xuvprolcrm was "Wall 1)1' .1 S. 7 H 7 IT "7 i Shooters' league wan a two-men team con. t'urtls' Star of Hanover, with J. Itelff In v . . fnr nn Hnnrtfitnfm'fi llnvltm' rim. if l inn Hamlin, ll. .1 tvinir H s.llliuni wus nee .02209000 U wn very sensational and wan won by ond, with Tod Sloan un. .2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0- 1- Alkl nml lthniW nf thn Klwrmiin i lull The John O'CIaiinL nlato of 500 sovereigns. HoMton. 1: Chlcaeo. 3. I of Columbus, on n tdioot-otf. from (lamhlo ' for 2-year-olds, was won by Velen, with Tenney. Lowe, ChllJu. ' and Saulre of tha Cincinnati club, On tlni lianzei. uonio ninn: , llrst round cifan scorca or iweniy-nvn Lone (2), birds wero made by each of theso content- McCor- i nnlH and on tho nhoot-on Gamble lost ono bird. Total! llOHtOll Chicago liiintd runs; Two-baKO hlt: Three-base hit: fliern. Hyan. Stolen Ikupii: Stahl. Double nlav: Chllds to mlck to (lanzrl. llase an IjhIU: Off Nlch- oln, 2: on Taylor, 3. Struck out: lly Nich ols, i. Wild such: Tarlor. Time: 3:05. Umpire: Hurst. (ilnnt Win by l'lnln llnll. NI-:V VORK. June 7-The New Vorks won today from Ht. Louis hy timely bat- ling ana ennrp neiaing, neytnour nan ncen tJnoil ShoollnK' nt Clieyeuiit'. CHKVKNNI2. Wyo., June 7,-(Speclal.)-Iwist Sunday I'oter llcrgnrsen made some of tho best .cores of his llfo nt tho range of the Cheyennn Itlflo club, ills nverage for ten scores was 87, The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth scores wero 91. M. M and iiiriuru out to tne vorccsier ciuo. t-imer si, respectively, ao tar as Known mis was Smith will pl.iy hl.s llrst game here tnmor- the tlrst time In thf history of Tlfle shoot row. Manager lowing has secured Cogan, lng that two consccuthe mores of W havs Tod Sloan ln the saddld The JInude colt was second and Patron Saint, ridden by Iteirr, was tiura, bix norscs ran, O'llrleii I'riivrx nn l-Jni" tVlunrr. IJKS MOINKS, Ia Juno 7,-rhlladelphU JacK O Hrien proved too mucn tor cnnric.i Hell, colored, of Iowa City, nnd was clvun the decision nn u clean knockout In the second round of whnf was to have been n twenty-round contest, in tins city lonigiu, When you deposit your vacation coupons pin thorn together. It will make the count- lug quicker and easier RIDE50MIIES JPEDAL ONLYx HOW? 4m Use THE MORROW COASTER BRAKE Fits Any Cycle. For Sale ByAIIDealers. "oiiTliwiroHn I,r--t;iiiii-.iulrci-ieii 1 1 ill v. Co., Omulin. It contains all there Is In the English language, compiled, pro nounced and defined by tho most eminent f.pcclallsts ot tho pres ent day. In every department of literature, science and art. Jjjrpg Should not underestimate the value to their children of immediate consultation of a STANDARD authority whoneTer any question arises with regard to a word. THK KAItLY USE OP ItEFEUENOH BOOKS by the young leads to habits of thoroughness In mlu&j, prevents careless writing, and cultivates exactness ln convcisatlon. The nielicnt Tn-nmire. "If every school trustee and every mnn having a fam ily of growing children could realize tho value of this Dictionary he would not be long without It. It Is worth morn than line clothes, Jewelry, high living or summer outings, and tends to Improve and ttnnoWe tho charai trr and makes bettor cltlreim of every person who studies It." Milwaukee Sentinel. TO YOUR CHILDREN OR A FRIEND It would be difficult to flntl a more de sirable, useful or welcome present thin THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 247 of the world's most eminent men labored, and more than JDCO.000 war expended to produco this magnificent work. It Is tho authority most valued y the learned and the learner everywhere. It can now bo procured, wlegantly hound In full sheep, at the unprecedentcdly low price ot $8.00 Megeath Stationery Company 1308 Faniam St., Omaha $8.00 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention $8.00 Paris Exposition will find THE OMAHA BEE on anle nt tlir unituu s'lwriji imiksn ansx., N l'lncn (Ir I'Opora, Pnrl. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO SILVER GLOSS STARCH For The Laundry