THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WBDNE9DAY, TtJNE 6, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL SI I. V Oil MUNTIO.-I. Davis cells class. Tnko your tr.eals fit the Vienna. Oas fixtures and globes nt Blxby's. Maijazlncs bound, Moorehouse & Co. fiudwelser beer. L. Hosenfeld. agent. I'itie A. B. C. beer, Neumayer's hotel. Schmidts photos, new and latent styles. ThoniHH J. Stark left yesterday for Den er, Colo. Oeorzo W. Smith left last evening on a Visit to I'erklns, Oklahoma. Now patterns In frame mouldings. C. 13. Alexander & Co.. 333 Hroadway. Mrs. It. C. Daniels left last evenlnc on a visit to friends In Denver. C olo. Get your work done" at the popular Easle laundry, 721 Hroadway. "Phone 157. W. C. Estep, undertaker, 2S l'earl street. Telephones: umcc. residence, Thn Scandinavian-American association ' will meet this evening In the odlce of Jus- , tlco Vlcn. Mrs. Oeorgc Keellne and .lrn. Spent; r Smith have gone to Colfax, la.; for a two weeks' sojourn. I Miss D. (V Smith f Kansas City arrived yesterday on a visit to her brother, Dr. . fimln of the Orand .hotel. Census Enumerator' Einin has. In Ids rounds, come neross a man In the Sixth ward who claims to be 107 years of nee. J V. Tnylor sinned the pledge In police , court ycterday morning and a case of be- i Ing drunk was dismissed. He had been In Ja". for two or three days. j .Urn Wilson, who assaulted Wun hung, the Chlnamnu who conducts a laundry on firuth Main street was assessed $5 and costs In police court yesterday morning. Leonard Everett has been made defend- i nnt In a suit In the district court lirousht I by F V Mpneray as the result of a ills- , agreement over an order for nursery st- ek. I Council Ulurfn Tent No. !. Knights of the Maccabees, will meet In regular review tonight. All members are requested to be preent as thero will be an election of of ficers. Thn Worrmn's Home and Foreign Mis sionary sodety of St John's Kngllsh Lutheran church will conduct tho service this evening In the lecture room or the church. The funeral of the late Daniel P. Talbot will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence, 120 Bloomer street, and burial will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery. Mr and Mrs. James Peterson of 251 Vino street leave this morning for Seattle, Wash., and Yellowstone park. They ex pect to be gone on the trip ubout four or live weeks. Congressman Smith McPherson has ac cepted an Invltntlon to address the repub lican convention of the Ninth congressional district, which will be hold In this city next Tuesday. Itev. O. I. Goodell of Thurmnn. la., for merly pastor of Trinity Methodist church of this city, was the guest yesterday of Hev Mvron C. Wnddell on his way to the district conference at !ogan. John llurclay, the Individual who snatched a bolt of gingham from In front of tho Boston store Monday afternoon, was given thirty das In tho county Jail yes terday by Judge Aylesworth. The tenth annual meeting of the Iowa State I .or Ilolllng association of tho Wood men of tho World will be held at Dcnlson tomorrow. A number of the local members of tho order are planning to attend. The eighteenth annual report of the public library has Just come from the Ijrlnter It Is a handsomely prepared pamphlet and contains much Interesting information pertaining to the library. Fred StcllltiK was yesterday nppolnted administrator of the estate of his late wife, Mrs. Magdalene Stelllug. He was also appointed guardian of Augusta Miller, tho 8-year-old daughter of Mrs,. Stelling. Karl IJvoly, a young fellow arrested last Saturday night In a box car in the ynrds of tho Hock Island road, was relensed from custody -eterday. Investigation showed that nothing hail been stolen from the car. Tho state school of Instruction In small arms practice will be held at Cedar Itaplds, commencing Tuesday, June 12. and lasting four clays, Captain Mat Tluley and one sharpshooter will attend from Company It. The flro department was called ut S o'clock yesterday morning to the residence of Mrs. Eliza Newton at 300 Hentnn Htreet, where a blaze had started from an unknown cause pear the roof. The damage to tho cottage amounted to about J1W). Arrangements have been mado for a field meet between the High schools of Mal vern, Olenwood, Tabor and Council Bluffs, to bo held at Olenwood on tho morning of Friday. Juno 15, A S30 cud will be put up for tho winning: team. Council Bluffs will enter a team of twelve men. I3r J. F. Wnlter of this city and E. A. Gustafson of Omaha left last evening for the mining district of Northern Arkansas. They tiro representatives and stockholders In a zlno and lead 'mining com;inn,- of Omaha uud their visit to that place Is for tho purpose of inspecting the property with u view of beglnnlngJopcratlonH for opening W tho mines on their claims. Tho t'nlon Paclllc Railroad company filed yesterday in tho superior court a petition for tho removal to the federal court of tho damage stdt brought against It by Mrs. Christina Olsen, as administratrix of tho estato of her husband, Jens Olsen. Mrs. Olsen sups for J25,Ono damages for the death of her husband, who was a section hand In the employ of the railroad company. Mrs. a M. McKuno will leave this even ing for a visit with friends at Dayton. O, On next Friday and Saturday Prof. Gentry's . dog and pony show will exhibit in Council Illufts. It was hero last season, but tho Inclement weather prevented many from seeing this worthy attraction. It Is conceded to bo one of the best of the kind over organized. Tho tent will be pitched at Tenth street and Second avenue. Tho financial report of the Christian Homo for last week Just Issued shows the receipts are still nelow tlie needs, in tno ft enerat fund the receipts amounted to KW.73, lelng $100.25 below the estimated needs for tno current expenses or the week and In creasing the deficiency In this fund to dato to :M0. In tho manager's fund $12.75 was received, being $22.25 below tho needs for tho week and Increasing the deficiency to dato to In this fund. Justlco Ferrler yesterday after listening to the evidence In the case In which Nels Chrlstoftcrson, a grocer In the southwest part of tho city, was charged with as saulting iMra Ncllsen. decided that the tes timony was of a conflicting character ami discharged the defendant. Tho trouble nrose over the payment of a grocery bill. Nollsen claimed ho had been ovcr'-hnrsed and that when he complained to Chrlstoftcr son tho latter kicked htm out of the storo and otherwise mistreated him. AVben the first rays of early dawn were Tireaklti!: throush thn windows of tho of fice at tho city Jail yesterday mornlnir Night Sergeant Burko and Jailer Matlock wero suddenly stnrtlcd hy a loud sneeze from tho little room off the ofllce arranged for the retention of female prisoners. In vestigation followed, but tho room appenred to be vacant until Sergeant Burke thought of lookl"r under the Iron beil. Here he discovered one of eight tramps who had been arrested that night and who had man nged to slip out of lino while his comrades wero being searched. He had hidden under the cot waiting for a chance to make his escape. He was released with tho rest of tho jrans later with orders to leave town ut once. N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Gas stoves nro cheaper than gasoline tovett and they do not explode. Gravel roofing, A. H. Heed, 641 B'way. "Mr, Mley" C-cent cigar. Heal Mxtnto i'ruimfer.. Thn following transfers wero filed yeter dnv In the abstract, title and loan ofllce of J W Squire. 101 Pearl street: llnrman Baughn and wife to t.uella rotten, part lots 21!, 220 and 221 Orlglnul Plat, w. d $1,000 Mar;- K, Dixon and husband to Kva A Sanders, part lot 1, block 2, Fair mount Place add., w. d 1,200 Albert It. Sarchet and wife to Mathew F. Martin, part n'i se'i 9-77-41 north of creek, w. d 1,150 Total, three trnnsfe .$3,350 Commonwealth 10. cent cigar. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cun-a coughs, colda. Davis sells paints. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Hasten! Ttenraskk nd Iowa. James N. CMdy, Jr.. 2i Main dt. Council Bluff. BLUFFS. STATE IS AFTER ITS SHARE Collateral Inheritance Tax is Dae on the EitaU of John Llw on, ALL THE HEIRS L'VE IN SWEDEN Application cif Stnlr Trenxnrer ller rlntt fur the Amount Due In I'lii-tl In the I'rolitite Court lij County Attorney. County Attorney Klllpack, on behalf of State Treasurer Hcrrlott, filed ycst-tiby In tho prcbato division of the d strict court an application asking that L. F. Potter, administrator of the estate of tho late John Lawson, bo required to forthwith pay tho collateral Inheritance tax die tho stato fio.n this estate. John bawson, a single man, committed suicide In Omaha under peculiar clrcum Btnnccs September 7, 1S96. He was poa flcsied of a valuable farm In this c-unty anil same personal property, hl.s heirs be ing three sister, who live In Sweden Nel lie Lawson, Ingrcd Lav.son and Jol annn Svensdottcr. Hon. L. F. Potto.-, state representative from tills comity, wan appointed special administrator by tho caurt. The appraisers appointed under tho collateral Inheritance tax law valuul the farm land at $11,900 and tho personal prop erty at S76S.95. The collateral Inheritance tax which tho state treasurer now seels to collect amounts to $633.44, with Interest at 8 per cent ns provided by law. In the application filed It Is stated that Administrator Potter has ample funds In h!s possession to pay llilj. j I'OTTAWATTAJIIK fill TV MIHMAI,. County Superintendent McMnntin Hi pert I, arm- Attendance. Advlcw received by County Superintend- j ont O. J. Mc.Manus Indicate that there will j bo between 400 and 500 teachers in attend- mice at tho Pottawattamie County Normal Institute which opens In this city Monday, June 18, and lasts for two weeks. Tho plan of holding one week of the Institute In this city and one week at Avo:a, as prevailed last year, will not bo followed this time and tho old s)stem of holding ono Institute j for tho entire county will bo resumed. fnlfntl' QtlnnflntAmlanf MnMnnnu la nf 4l,n I opinion that better results can be attained by holding a continuous session of the In stitute In one place than by dividing it for tho western and eastern divisions of the county. The sessions will bo held In tho Bloomer school building nt the corner of Seventh street and Willow avenue. Tho first day will be devoted to tho enrolling of teachers and assigning them to boarding places. The tegular work of the Institute will commence at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, Juno 19. Tho following Is the corps of Instructors engaged for tho Institute: Psychology and didactics, H. B. Hayden, superintendent city schools, Council Bluffs, la.; algebra and arithmetic, G. A. Batcman, superintendent city schools, Hampton, la.; history and ge ography, 1). M. Kelley, superintendent city schools, Corning, la.; physics and physlolo ogy, S. L. Thomas, professor of science in High Bchool, Council Bluffs, la.; grammar and language, M. B. Crcsler, principal of schools, Walnut, la.; primary methods, Sarah E. Sprague, supervisor of the depart ment; of methods, Stato Normal school, Plattsburfih, N. Y.; music, E. It. Philbrook, supcrvUor of music, city schools, Rock Island, 111.; civics and economics, F. C. En sign, principal of wchoola, Iowa City, Ja.; school law, classification, organization, etc . O. J. Mo.Manus, county superintendent, Pot tawattamie county. In addition tt tho regular Instruction thero will bo evening lectures by Hon. It. C. Bar rett, stato superintendent of public Instruc tion; Dr. W. M. Beardshear, president of Iowa Stato college, Ames, and Prof. U. Olerlch of Council Bluffs. In speaking of the plan of this year's ln stltuto, County Superintendent Mc.Manus said yesterday: "Tho work has been planned so ns to glvo tho greatest possible freedom In the selection of the work desired. Tho program Is made so that teachers may at- ! tend eight lectures each day, but It Is , recommended that no ono attend more than five. The function of the Normal lnstltuto 1 primarily Is not a revlow school, but a school 1 of method, In which tho great fundamental truths of the sciences shall bo presented, In accordance with certalu defined psychological principles of teaching. It Is not designed for elementary instruction, nor for thoso who are weak In scholarship to obtain a cer tificate." County Superintendent Mc.Manus purposes to hold five meetings In each of the twelve districts Into which the county has been divided and ofllccrs for each of theso dls- . trlcts will be chosen at the tlmo of tho In- I stttuto. Any teacher who attends tho flvo meetings will havo 5 per cent nddod to the final average of his or her certificate. The districts and places of meetings for tho sclio- lastlc year, commencing In September, 1900, aro as follows: , District No. 1, I.ayton and Lincoln, In tho High school room nt Walnut; Nq. 2, Ploasant j nnd Knox, In tho High school nt Avocn; No. 3, James and Valley, In tho High schoot at Hancock; No. 4, Neola, Mlnden, York nnd Norwalk, In High echol at Neola; No. 5, Uockford and Boamer, In the school at , Honey Creek; No. ti, Crescent and Hazol i Dell, in the High school at Crescent City; i No. 7, Garner, Kane and Lewis, In the olllce of tho county superintendent; No. 8, Hardin. I ashlngon and Keg Creek, in tho school at Armour; No. 9, Belknap nnd sub-districts Nns. 1, 2, 3. 4. 5 nnd 6 of Center, nt Oak land; No. 10. Carson and sub-dlstrlcts 7, 8 nnd 9 of Center and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Grove, nt Carson; No. 11. Silver Creek. Macedonia nnd sub-dlstrlcts Nos. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8 and 9 of Grove, at Macedonia; No. 12, Waveland nnd Wright, at District No. 8 of Wright. Tho count)" districts will form threo groups and meetings of each group will bo held at tho samo time. Districts 1. 3, I and 8 will constitute one group and will hold meetings on tho following dates: Septembor 22, November 3, January 7, February 18 and April 7; districts No. 2. fi, 10 and 12 will con stltuto the second group and will hold meet ings October 6, November IS, December 1fi, January 21. March 4 nnd April 16; districts Nc. 6, 7, 11 and 12 will constitute tho third group and will hold meetings October 13, December 2'J, February 10, April 22 and May 20. Suit AKnlnit Motor Ciiinpnny. Tho retrial of tho personal Injury dimaga suit of Mrs. Emma Holnian against tho Omaha & C uncll Bluffs Railway nnd Ilrld;o company has been speclnlly assigned for today txrfore Judge Smith In the district court. This Is the suit In which on Feb ruary 24, 18D8, Mrs. Holnian secured a verdict against tho motor compnny for $S, 000 for alleged permanent Injuries received while getting on a car. The motor company had set up the defense that tho plaintiff was estopped from bringing suit by tho statute of limitations. The plaintiff con tended that Manager Dlmutock, on behalf of the company, had offered to uettto and that bringing nf iult had been delayed in consequence and was brought ttt mon as it wu found that a lettlement could be ar- rlvcd at. Judge Thorncll set aside the vo diet on tho grounds flint thero vas not sulll dent evidence t show that .Manager blni meek was authorized to settle dimagc j claltrs against his company. Mrs. Holnian appealed and tho supreme court Judge Thornell's llndlng. For this, the second trail, Mrs. nulrmod Ilo'ma.i haB demanded that the company b? com pelled to produce In court all Its books and vouchers showing tho ainc tuns paid and Ij whom by tho cotnpnny In twttlemcnt of claims elTccted by .Manngor Dlinmock and ratified HJbseiiucntly by the dlrectots. I'AlltMOl NT PAItlf IS lll,OCIvAIi:i. CoiunilsMloiicrM Decline to Accede to the Motor inn in n ' .HiiuufNtloit, The park commissioners were unable lo come to any arrangement at their regular monthly session last night with tho motor company as to the removal of the dirt In the "cut" cntraiK'e to Fnlrmount park. At torney Goniso F. Wright appenrad for tho motor company and on Its behalf offered to remove 3,000 yards, tho company to pay half (he cost of siuh removal and the park board tho other half. H Is estimated that there nro about 0,000 yards of dirt now en cumbering the entrance to the park nnd that with the removal of half of this the rest could be leveled off and graded bo that the motor company could run Its enrs Into the pnrk nnd round the loop. This proposition did not meet with favor nt the hands of the commissioners nnd by an unanimous Note It was decided to reject the offer. As the matter now stands the cntrnnce from Graham avenuo to tho park Is blocked for either cars or teams by thl3 dirt nnd visitors to this popular resort aro compelled to climb over the mass of dirt through tho cut to get Into the park or else mnke a long detour ovar tho hill. Tho general opin ion expretsed last Suuday when there was a large crowd of visitors to tho park was that the commissioners should take somo steps without any further delay to remedy the nulsanco. The binrd discussed tho matter for a considerable tlmo last night, but was unable to come to any decision and adjourned leaving the question unsettled. At the suggestion of ex-Mayor Ilohrcr tho board deglded to place nnd keep In thorough repair tho grave of Samuel Bnyllsa In Fnlr vlew cemetery. It was through the gener osity of Samuel Bayllss that the city se cured tho beautiful little park bearing his name nnd which Is n verltnblo beauty spot right In the heart of tho city. Afler allowing tho usual grist of bills for the previous month the board adjourned. Itouril of Sniicrvlsorn. It was practically decided at the session of the Board of County Supervisors yester day to submit to tho voters at the, general election In November (ho proposition for tho purchase and establishment of n county poor farm. Under the new law tho bnllota on alt proportions will havo to bo dcp-slted In separate ballot boxes and the b"nrd looked, over a number of proposals from persons nnd firms anxious to BUpply such boxes. The county nttorney and Supervisor Brandes wero authorized to act for tho board In tho matter Of tho estate of Mrs. Lida Llpfcrt, who wns recently sent to her homo In Germany at tho cxnensa of tho county. Supervisor Brandes has dis covered that Mrs. Llpfert owned somo prop erty In Creston, la., which wns sold by her husband prior to his obtaining a divorce It Is alleged that Mrs. Llpfcrfs signaturo to tho deed of solo was a forgery. Tho county has a big claim against Mrs. Llpfcrt for her support. The board remitted tho taxes on tho Odd .Fellows' building at Walnut. Tho session yesterday was devoted In tho main to road and bridge matters. ' Di'Nprteil Children. Overseer of tho Poor Miller lias on his hands three children named Scott, two boys nged 8 and 9 years and a girl aged 13 years, who havo been desorted by their parents. Tho family lived at First nvenuo nnd Nineteenth street until a few days ago, when the mother nnd father suddenly loft the city. Tho girl, who wns suffering from nn injury to her foot, has been placed In the Woman's Christian Association hospital and when recovered a homo In this city Is waiting for hor. If tho supervisors consent tho two boys will bo turned over to Accnt Lenntngliam of tho Iowa Children's Homo society. Price Not Ilnlm-il. The reduction In tho rate pnld br local consumers for gas had nothing to do with making Tommy Griffin, tho best cigar mado in Council Bluffs, but both actions wero pleasing to many citizens. Many a man would bo willing to pay 10 cents for a Tommy Grilnn, but they will stay at tho namo old prico and make more friends for tho people who doll them. Itnllroml Men Killed lit Crouton. CllESTON, la., Juno C (Special Tolo-gram.)-Swltchman Will Sandall was killed this evening In tho Burlington yards. Ho missed tho front footboard and tho cnglno passed over him, crushing out his life In stantly. Ho waa recently married. Sandall had Just gone to work and It was mo nrsi movo tho cnglno made with tho night force. Yardmnster Charley Stabler was killed In tho Charlton yards tonight. He wns ono of tho oldest employes on tho road. It l.s thnm-ht hn waii knocked off the switch en gine footboard on which ho was riding- His body" wns horribly mangled. Iimth .Hen Appointed. DUBUQUE, Ia June 5. Georgo G. Perry of Dubuque has been appointed United States marshal for Alnskn. Ho was formerly a membor of tho republican stato central com mltteo and sovernl times chairman of the congressional committee. It Is also stated that Georgo Crano of this city, Senator Allison's formor law partner nnd twice postmaster of Dubuquo, will bo federal Judge of Alaska. VddrcKM Before Hutu MndeiitM. IOWA CITY, In.. June G. (Special Tele gram ) Tho annual address beforo tho members of tho senior class of tho Stato university elected .to tho Phi Beta Kappa delivered hero today by Wil liam Slocum of Colorado college. It wa well received. I'rlcc on Wilier Plant. MUSCATINE, la., June 5. (Special Tele gram.) At tho request of tho city council tho water company mado a proposition to sell to the city for $100,000. The question will bo submitted to tho people. lint II .VetvH Xotcn. Tho MetliodlKs of Mount Vernon dedi cated a new J35.O00 church Sunday, The state convention of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians will bo held nt Creston Juno 12 nnd n. A company baa been Incorporated to hulld nnd operate a railroad from Clinton to Dubuque. Flvo cars of grain wero wrecked near Lo Molllo on tho Northwestern through mmo unknown causo. Tho steel gang laying double track on the Northwestern road has struck for an Increase from $1.V to J1.75 per day. (J. W. Bortro of Keokuk has given his beautiful resldenco ami grounds In thnt city to the Benovolcnt union, a charltnble Institution. J. II. Sliano, nn oculist whoso home Is at Cedar Falls, comtnlttetl suicide at Brlstnw by taking morphine. Ho had been addicted to the morphine and opium habit for years, A fatal policy Is to neglect a backache or other sign of kidney trouble. Foley's Kid ney Cure- l a BUro romedy for nright's dls. rjt, diabetes and gravel. Mjreri-Dlllon Drug Co., OuiAhu; Dillon's Dru Stoia, South Omaha, HOLD HEARING ON NEW LAWS Building and Loan Managers Gather at Ds Moinet. DISAGREEMENT ON ONLY TWO POINTS Mnny Who Were Present nt .tleethiK Sny ev l,nir Him Supped Mfe of IinllilliiK' nnd Loan ANHticlntloim. DES MOINES. June 5. (Special Tele gram.) About twenty building nnd loan managers and nttomeys gathered at the rooms of the stato executive council today to dlscucs the law relative to these concerns and to ugree upon a form of Incorporation artlclts, Tho hearing continued all day nnd adjourned to resume tomorrow morning. Tho hearing was Informal, being conversa tional Instead of taking the form of adi dresses and formal arguments. Two points only provoked disagreement. These related to fixing a time for tho withdrawal of stock and to the Issuanco of prepaid slock. Somo of those who were henrd ut the council meet ing said repeatedly that tho new law hid sapped tho life of tho building and loan companies and that they could never re cover, but must eventually liquidate and reorganlzo us local concerns exclusively. "Wo do not ngrco with this," said Mr. A. P. Fleming of tho Co-operntlvo Bank of Iowa. "We do not take any stock In that sort of talk. Tho new law docs not hurt our business a particle and we expect to go right on as we always have and adjust our selves to every part of the law as con strued by the, executive council." Mr. Vnll of Marsballtowu was especially emphatic about the effect of tho law. Tho weekly crop bulletin of tho Iowa weather nnd crop service issued today says: "Tho first half of tho week was very warm anil the latter part cooler than usual. Tho mean temperature of tho week was from 2 to 4 degrees above normal. The ra.n fall for the week was quite unequally dis tributed. Tho greatest amount reported was C.31 Inches In the northern part of Cher okee county, nnd numerous localities wero visited by heavy downpours, causing somo local damage by washing and flooding. Ex cept In a few places tho showers brought ample relief from tho drouthy conditions prevalent In portions of the northern sec tion. "Reports Indicate that the hay crop has been materially cut short of an average In I some portlcns of tho northern districts. The ! recent rnlns will greatly help pastures, but' camo too late to restore the meadows to their 1 normal condition. But In tho larger part j of the southern nnd central districts tho ( hay crop ranged from good to extra heavy, j the main drawback being tho partial loss of tho clover stand. In the southern section i clover cutting will bo In progress within a ! few dnys. "Nearly nil reports show very satisfactory progress In cultivating corn, and the gen eral condition of tho crop Is apparently above tho average of the last ten years. Oats show a tendency to become too rank In all sections where the moisture has been ex cessive. Other small grain crops are prom ising. Pastures are generally excellent. Garden truck Is making rapid growth." Charles Young, ah employe of tho National Starch works here, was caught In a shafting this afternoon and hurled violently against the wall. His death Is n question of a few hours, as ho waalerrlbly mangled. C. P. Whltcomb wflff burled under a mass of clay nt tho Capital City Brick and Tllo works this noon. He was terribly Injured, but will probably live. M'NAMARA WINS HIS WIFE President nf ICnotern clirnskn & tinlf Hull w n y Mnrrlcn Jlnry McAllister. SIOUX CITY, June 5. (Special Telegram.) W. C. MoNamara, president of tho Eaatorn Nebraska & Gulf railway, and Miss Mary McAllister of Dakota City, Neb., were united In marrlsgo at 4 o'clock this morning at tho Hotel Garretson, Justlco of the Peace Ferris porformlng the ceremony. Tho young brldo was driven forty miles in the night, fronj Pender, Neb. This move was mado to prevent the Irate father of the girl from Interfering with tho ceremony. McNamara nnd tho father havo been fight ing In tho courts for weeks for possession of tho girl. McAllister has mado many threats and thero may bo moro trouble yet. Clenr Vp .tinnier .Mystery. GRINNELL, Ia Juno 5. (Special Tele gram.) Tho sensational murder of Police man Eckles In Muscntlno In 1805, which has been ono of the great Iowa murder mys teries, seems to have been cleared up hero todny by tho arrest of Chnrles Corcoran, a laborer with a construction gang on tho Rock Island. Tho murder of the Muscntlno policeman was accomplished by tramps. A gang of hobos had congregated In a boxenr, whero they became engaged In a fight, rollcoman Eckles attempted to stop them, when ho wns struck over the head nnd brutally murdered. The gang escaped and no traco has been found of any of them until now. Corcoran has been In tho employ of tho road nnd In that tlmo has been quiet and well behaved. A detective has been fol lowing him for some tlmo and claims to havo incriminating evidence and In fact that Cor coran admitted the crime to him several times. Tho sheriff of Muscatine county arrived hero today nnd under tho guldanco of the detective went out to whero the gang was working and took his prisoner back to Muscatlno with him heavily handcuffed. Kurt Undue Voninn lliirned. FORT DODGE, la.. June B. (Special Tel egram.) Mrs. M. M. Tabar of this city, whllo engaged In washing clothes this afternoon, received burns from which sho will lose tho use of her arm nnd may lose her llfo. Sho wns removing the steamtng clothes from tho boiler when sho was seized with nn epileptic fit. Sho fell neross tho stove nnd her arm fell Into the seething water of tho holler. It was fully two minutes before her family found her In this position. Her body nnd arms wero horribly burned and the hand nnd forearm literally parboiled. Oplatei are now administered to the agonized woman to relieve her sufferings. IlepnhlleniiN Meet nt l.ounn. LOGAN, In., Juno ti. (Special.) Harri son county republicans met In delegate con vention hero today to solect delegates to ma congressional convention of tho Ninth dis trict, to bo held In Council Bluffs June 12, Tho convention was addressed by Hon. W. I. Smith of Council Bluffs, who will be a can didate beforo tho convention for congres sional honors, His remarks, though short, wero to tho point and wero received with O Boiri tha Blsaatnre of Ihe Kind too Han Always uougn. o Bean lb Blfaattr r m Kins Yoa Ha mwayt Bougn Bm U lhe Kind rJwars BOBjM cheers, The delegation selected for tht con gressional convention Is headed by T. E Brady of Dunlap. Lieutenant Governor J. C. Mllllman made n short speech. A resolu tion was adopted favoring Smith for con gress. EXPLOSIVES ON THE TRACK .Special l)ciutlr (let Timte Police Duty IHirloK a .Strike. of ST. LOUIS, Juno C A special car that carried Company H of the posse comitatus from tho barracks on Washington nvenuo over tho Chouteau avenue lino lo tho car shed nt Jefferson avenue and La Sallo street ran over explosives on tho track at Fifteenth and Washington nVcnue and nt Twenty second street and Choutenil nvenuc. Tho first explosion did not amount to much, but tho second was a heavy one, lift ing tho car three feet In the air and throw ing the occupants to tho lloor. Tho floor was' blown up and the) roof damaged. Two reports were heard, Indicating that a double explosion had taken place. Flfty-fcur men were on the car. Two of them, F. Flelschman and Sam Schwartz borg, were- slightly Injured. Tho explosion aroused tho neighborhood nnd In a few minute nbout 3,000 pecplo were on tho scene. They commenced to hoot and Jeer at tho deputies and soon the air was thick with flying stones nnd other missiles. Not content with an assault with rocks, somebody. In tho crowd commenced to dlscharso n revolver nt the cnr. Then this deputies wero ordered to un their guns nnd they fired In the nlr ns they charged tho crowd. The shooting had tho desired effect, nnd In a few minutes the crowd wns out of sight. As fnr ns known none of tho aesallnnts waa hurt. Special deputy sheriffs, mcmbets of the posse comitatus, are on guard today nt all car sheds and power houses of tho St. Louis Transit company. Tho different detallH havo been divided Into two reliefs, each doing twelve hours' guard duty with twelve off. Sheriff Pohltnan continues to soml out sum monses nnd to Bweur In the citizens nn tliey rirrlvo at his olllce. When his offlco closed Inst night tho sheriff hail sworn In nnd armed a few more than 1,000 men. It wilt bo noveral days before the full complement of 2,500 Is secured. Mnny of the police who havo been guard ing the sheds and power houses have been ordered back to their regular beats, on which they have not walked slnco the strike began. As tho force of doputleo Is lncreaied many moro of the police force will bo en abled to resume their former comparatively peaceful pursuits of guarding tho home of citizens. Enough ofllcers to guard the street cats, however, will bo retained for that pur pose. All the llnc In operation yesterday are running cars today, but It Is noticeable that thoso which pbbs through tho dlslurLes districts contain very few pafe'etigcrs. A committee of fifty prominent business men of this city has Just sent n communica tion to Governor Stephens, asking him to order out tho militia to restore order In St. Louis. Ex-Governor W. J. Stone, nttorney for the strikers, today presented the amended demandB of tho men to tho officials of tho St. Louis Transit compnny. Tho exact con ditions of the amended proposalu cannot bo learned nt present, but It Is known that President Whlttnker promptly turned them down. Ho said ho would Insist that nil of tho 1,000 men now nt work on the Transit company lines be retained and added that If tho Htrlkers wished to return to work they must do so at once or their places would nil bo taken, as additional non-union men are coming In dally from other cities. DEATH RECORD. Stephen Crnn'e, Aiilhnr. BADEN WEILER, Baden, June 5. Stephen Crane, tho American author and war correspondent, died hero today, aged 30 years. LONDON, Juno 5. Tho afternoon news papers chronicling tho death of Stephen Crane speak In warm prnlse of the American Summer Complaints, DYSENTERY, DIARRHCEA, CHOLERA MORBUS. Taking Hudwny's Bendy Belief In water will In a few moments cure Cramus, Spasms. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Material Fevers. Sick Headache, Colic. Flatulencv and all Internal Pains. Externally for Rheumatism, Neurnlgla, Sciatica, Sprains, Bruises, Mosquito Bites, Stings of inserts, Sunburns, Burns. Tooth ache. Headache, Pains In tho Back, tho application of to tho part or parts affected will Instantly relievo nnd soon euro tho sufferer of theso complaints. Sold by all druggists. HAD WAY & CO.. New York. Mm, WliiNlotv'M SontliliiK Syrup Has been used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTH ERR for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILI). SOFTENS the Cll'MS, ALLAYS all PAIN, CUnES WIND COLIC, and is the best rem edy for DIARRHOEA Sold by Druggists In overy part of tho world. Bo sure nnd nsK for ".Mrs. winsiow s nootning oyrup, and tnko no other kind. Twenty-llvu cents ' a bottle. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS, Tenth St, and Second Ave, 1 June 8 & 9. Afternoons at 3. Nights nt 8. PROF. GENTRY'S FAMOUS DOG PONY SHOW. The World's Beat Tralnod Animal Exhibi tion. EVERYTHING NEAV THIS YEAR. 275 WISE TRfllNEF ANIMALS 275 si:i: 1'ivro ami i:itn, Tho Smallest IYf-fiu-mlii1; Klciiliimts In Captivity. Watch fur the (iriiiul Kirn Street rnnuli' Dully tit 11 n. in. HOWELL'S Is pleasant In take I'romiu to rnllovc, Anti-Kawf Safe for all atc, Burs te cur. ? novollnt. Tho St. James Gazette says: ' "Tho loss of ono of tho most brilliant of prevent day writers will bo ns deeply felt by tho English ns tho American nation." I'mieriil of ll (liven. FREMONT, Neb., June !".. (Spe-clal.) The funeral of Miss Luella Owens, daughter of M. Owens of this city, took placo from tho Owens resldonce, corner of Tenth and Irving streets, this afternoon, Hev. Janes of the Christian church conducting tho serv ices. Miss Owens' death occurred Sunday evening from-lnllammatory rheumatism. She was 25 years of ago and had been for sev eral years n teacher In tho county schools. Old liMtn Settler. HOCK WELL CITY, la.. Juno 5. (Special Telegram.) Washington Lewis, formerly president of the Farmers' bank and a res ident of this county for thirty yenrs, twenty-two years of tho time being spent In this city, died nt his home hero this morning. Ho had been In good health for two years. Ho leaves a wife nnd four daughters nnd property valued nt $50,000. Small In size and great In results aro DeWltt's Little Early Risers, tho famous llttlo pills that cleanse the llvor and bowel.. They do not gripe. HYMENEAL Scott-Che nc y. CREIGIITON, Neb., Juno R. (Special Tel egram.) Tonight at fi o'clock, at tho resi dence of Mr. George E. Cheney, John Storer Scott uud Florn Mnudo Cheney wero married, Rt. Rev. A. L. Williams, D. D., as slste'd by Rev. A. E. Osborn, performing tho ceremony. Tho parlors were decorated with smllax, pink nnd white roses nnd carna tions. The bridal party cntcred tho rooms led by tho Misses Vera and Vivian Cheney, daughters of Mr. Harry A. Cheney, who acted ns ring and flower girls, proceeding to tho altar, where they wero met by the groom nnd Ills brut mnn. The bridal party consisted of Miss Olllo Hackott and Miss Milford, mnlds of honcr. nnd Mr. Charles Emlck nnd Mr. R. E. Ilayward, groomsmen. Tho ceremony was that of tho EplH.'opnl church, tho blshop-coadjutator Ins. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Scott re ceived congrnlu'atlons of the friends proent. Luncheon wns then served In the dining room. At the reception held later a stream of admirers of the happy couple poured In upon them, extending the most hearty wishes for their future. The bride's cos tumo was of whit? taflcta silk, with v.hlto overdress of white moussellne de ole cut entrain, with high bodice, hor only orna ments being a sunburst of diamonds nnd pearls. Sho carried orange blosttoma, KoNtcr-ltolierlRiin. BURLINGTON. In., Juno 5. (Special Tele gram.) Mibs Julia Robertson, a prominent society girl here, and V. P. Foster, vice , president of the First National bank, were ftlUDOY COMPLEXIONS SKIN TORPID ROUGH PIMPLY . Nothing is wo annoying and mortifying ns t muddy, rough nnd nimiily complexion, or a face disfigured by unsightly boils and nlaeklieads. Skin eruptions come from poisonous accumulations in the system, which have found their way into the blood and been carried to tho surface. Complexion wans, nowders and tonics not only do not cure, but are damnglng to the skin anil daiiRerous to health. You can not cure an internal disease with external remedies. Tha blood is where the disease is ; H. S. ti. cures it is a real blood medicine. Hegins tno cure where tno disease began in the blood. IS THE ONLY TRUE SKIN -BE AUTIFIER. S. S. S. purifies tho blood, makes it active and strong, when it forces out all poisonous matters through tho natural chan nels of waste. S. S. S., the only purely vegetable remedy, makes the skin smooth, clear, healthy and beautiful. Mr. II. T. Shobe, 'J704 Lucas Ave.. St. LouU, Mo., says: "Mr daughter wasnjlllqlcd for years with n disfiguring eruption on her face, which rrsfnid all treatment. Him was taken fo two celebrated health spring', but received no benefit. Many medicines were prescribed, but without result, until we decided to try H. H. H.,und by the time the first bottle was finished tho eruption began to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her completely und left her skin perfectly smooth. She Is now seventeen years old, and not a sign of tlieembarrusnlug dlscnho ban ever returned." "Hika on Blood aud Skin Diseases mailed si.mmi:h m CHSCAGO BEACH HOTEL nint St root Itotilox'nrU unci T.nkcy SliaroCIITCAGO. A Illeli-Class Ri-sltlriitlal nnd Transient Hotel. Located In thn heart of tlm flno rcsldrnco district. Conducted in a manner to attract the best patrntiagr, Thn must comfortable abiding place tlin year riiuiul In Chicago. Away from dirt and iiolsn. Warm In winter. Cool In Summer. 450 largo looms. AUuutiiMc. No court. Ktiriilhlicd throughout lit 220 Pr vato BathronruH, Illinois Central Etpress Suburban trains eTery 10 tulsulcs. 7 minutes U 'nu Buren Street, liisiK'Ctlou Invited. Send for handsome booklet. HI mm Buy a Lot And build your own Home upon it, and Stop Paying Rent. Somo vacant lots located in Central sub additi ju, Omaha addition and Wright's addition. Theso lots will bo boI at real bargains. In a year or so thoy will bring doublo tho money sked for them now. Apply at Bcs Office, Council Bluffs. married at tho homo of tho bride's parents tonlsht. FIRE RECORD. Burn .Venr i'ceiiinxrli. TECL'MSEH, Neb., Juno fi. (Special. ) I The barn on the Omer Piatt farm west of here, with Its contents, was burned to tho ground last Thursday. A span of work horses, hny, grain, hnrncss, etc., were loat. Tho family wns absent from the place at tfn" tlmo and the oilgln of tho flro Is not known. Mr. Piatt's loss Is nbout $800 nud I partly covered by Insurance. IJIect Nuriuul I'reililriit, PERU, Neb., June f.. (Speclnl.) At tho meeting of the State Normal Board of Ed ucation W. A. Clark was elected president of the State Normal. Several candidates wero In tho field, but only three were In tho race, viz: W. A. Clark, formerly a member of the faculty; J. W. Crabtree, stato High school Inspector for tho State uni versity and nn alumnus of the Normal, and A. K. Ooudy, former stato superintendent. Several ballots stood Crabtree 3, Clark 3, Goudy 1, but on tho seventh ballot tho ' Goudy voto was given to Clark, thus elect I Ing the latter. Clark has been Identified I with Nebraska educational work for a num j her of years and Is qulto well known throughout tho state ns an institute worker. He was connected with the Western Normal college nt Lincoln for somo time, coming to the Normal faculty from that place. Tho last two years he has been doing graduntc work at Harvard and Chicago universities. ItiiUotii UrntiKht Broken. PIERRE, S. D., Juno 5. (Special Tclo gram.) Parties who hnve como from the rnngo country today report good showeu over a large part of the range, filling tho . water noirs and tirciKiug tno drought which has prevailed all the spring. Cattle which havo been compelled to stay nlong the larger i streams can now get out Into the prairies, ' L horn ihn fnrt la mnoh luiltn- Superior llinik Mndr .Niiflnnnt, SUPERIOR. Nob., June fi. The Superior State bank was loday changed from a stato to a nnthnal bank and will hereafter ba known ns the Superior National. The cap ital has been Increased to $25.ono, with a surplus of $1,000. J. S. Johnson hrs bien re elected president and William L. Wi.son cashier. Ileiiiilillciin Hull- nt llcndrtond. DEADWOOD. S. I)., Juno fi. (Special.) Lead ropubllcans have come down, 200 strong, tonight to unite In the grand repub lican rally. Speeches are being made by Hon. E. W. tMartln, candidate for, and others. Brass bands are playing und thero Is great enthusiasm being nhown. Ili'ltriiinn ;ic o llentrlee. BEATRICE, Neb., Juno C (Special Tele gram.) Prof. W. S. Hcltzman of Lincoln i was elected principal of the Beatrice High school by the Board of Education last night. free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Of nixiiti's. PEOPLE appreciate our work because it is done in Buoh a thorough and artistic manner. They aroalpo pleased to find our prices so very moderate. If you havo dental work that needs to bo done wo can satisfy you both in tho quality of work and tho price. , ..Telephone; MS H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-.Gauncll Bluffs- 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel