jO THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TtnsSDAV, -TUNE 5, 1000. REPUBLICAN CLUBS TO MEET Chiirmin Wintr Call a 6tat Contention at Lit,c)'.D, Juue 20 ALL CLUBS URGED TO SEND DELEGATES OfHrTi In Mr Hlei'li'il for Ilii' romliiK Vi'iir mill lli'li'iil' I" ' '" .NiiIIiiiiiiI liiiivi'iitlini ill SI. I'aill In Hi' CliuniMi. I'OII TWO IIIM ItS OM.Y. ( ii ill in fill' I n u mi s O'clock Slmrn mill Ktiillnu nt 10 OVIim'U. THIS MORN'INO AT IIOSTON' STORK. U'o will offer for snle Your choice of 600 pair UidlM' line nhoes thnt ccHt up to $1.00 pair O.N' I1AUOAIN SQUARES ON' MAIN FLOOR AT $1.25 PAIR ONE DOLLAR AND TWKNTV-KIVK CUNTS PAIRS. AT HOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Vi wish it to be distinctly umlcTitood .mp.vs i i)i:iivi:ii wi:im:nim. t tit it... ....- t ...... .... ..... ... 4 1... ' mi- .in n i iiuiTiirnr i i iiii int- WlinloMilr Mlni'U IVIII tin nil Mule WEDNESDAY. JUNIJ 6TH, AT IIOSTON STORE, OMAHA. Wo wish to prepare you for the most pxtrnordlnary khIo of men's underwear that wc over held. Not only Is the nuan- tlty o.xtru largo, It U nn tntlro wholesale ( stock, but the qunlltlm ranno from thi ordinary $3.00 dozen underwear to the high grado $20.00 and $21.00 doen underwear. I There Is every kind, stylo and color In I men's plain and fancy underwear, llsl I thread, balbrlcEnn. maco, Egyptian cotton, Miiilnllly Mliitlftllt'n. Thr following btrtlm mid ilentlm were rr tordrd nt the oillce of the Iloiird of Health ilitrliiK the twenty-four hours ended nt nuon Mimdny : IHrtlw-Jnhn II. Itobcrtnon, m North Nineteenth, boy, J. W. Convey. l.!2 North Sixteenth, Klrl; Cnrl A. CnrlHiin, .1101 Parker, liny, Nels 1. Hansen. y North Twenty Ilftn, boy Deatlm-H. K. Endemann, P..UJ Uuith Nllli teenth Tfi yrnrx, Michael Wugnrr .'tsui North Twentieth. .1 years. .Mrs. 1. C Kerr of Sheridan, Wyo , nt St Joseph hospital. II years, Hal.y Olynn, K.I2 William, naby Ehulltn.iii. in South Sixteenth Wrlto nils, Sell cuta. Print anything. Stonecypher, 1201 Howard at. Tel. 1310. Deceived the Ladies that the sale will start at S o'clcck Bharp, ribbed, fish net and sanitary underwear end will wind up on tho second tho clock, 'o arc now irottlni: ready for the sale' jBtrlkin 10 o'clock. .and we e.xneet to nlace it nil on bargain I Wo expect, however, from tho wonderful Knuaies on the main floor. In tho basement, President Charles 15. Winter of tho Nc- values we are offering In this sale, that thi'i nd also In tho men's furnishing goods dc-! hraskn Republican lenguo linn CJlled a COO palrw will bo sold even In lea than two partmcnt on the Ilrst lloor. etalo convention to meet at Lincoln, Juno hours. It is therefore nirefsary for you to Watch tomorrow evcnlnga papers for 28. for the purpose of electing olllcers and come early. These shoe. must be lilted rlshl further partlculnrs and prices, at which choosing delegates to tho National Ifpub- there. You tnke your choice from the en-1 this men's underwear will bo sold. Re- limn league convention at St Paul, Minn., tile lot from bargain miiiares, as they are member the sale starts Wednesday, June July 17 and 19. The call Is u fellows: j placed size on an immenne counter tiy c, and that It Is the sale of an entire whole To the Republican 'litti- il Nebr.mkn: (Itself. Tht-y aro all sizes from 2 to 8. .,0 Btoc. 0f mon's underwear, and that Pursuant to the action of the exec lutlve ' from A to E. You take your choice for $1.25., t wl, taUo p)aco at Hoston Store, and no- v.NMiiiiiiii. in.- .-.v..... i mere is no nmn you can ouy as many as, ..-Wo elso league taken at Its nii'i'.lm? held nt '.In- ' ' i wno.o eiso, 03 i rasa oln. May i, the rcpubllran clubs of Ne braska are hereby called to meet in stale convention at Lincoln, June 111 JO. nt 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of elect ing olllcers of the Nebraska Republican league, as follows: President, one vice president for each conKrcssloniil district. sccrctn',y and treasurer. And tor the further purpose of selecting delegates to represent Nebraska In the National H -publican league convention which meets nt St. Paul. Minn., July I"-U. The sild delegates arc apivirtlniinil as follow' Kour from each congressional district and six at large. 'I ho president, secretary, national vice president and national committeeman from Nebraska nr ex-oillclo delegates, making a total representation for Nebraska In tho national league convention of thirty four. Nebraska Is entitled to an aildlllonal vote In the person or a past president of the national league. Representation In the state league con. volition will be as follows: One delegato from each club without reference to num ber of members; one delegate for every tlftv members. The president, secretary nnii treasurer of each club are ex-olllcio delegates. Thus a club of fifty members Is entitled to n representation of live. An assessment of 25 cents for each dele gate Is required by the constitution, the samo to lie paid by each club on or before the date of (lie state convention. Any re publican club In Nebraska may become u pari of the league and entitled to topro sentatloii by sending to the secretary. U J. Mock. Hastings, the names of the nfll ecrs of tho club and n list of tho member ship and complying with tho condition above set out. All republican clubs aro urged to Join and bo- represented at the state convention, livery city In tho state should organize a club and tako mi active part In the league work. The convention will conclude Its session liv holding a grand ratification meeting In the evening. This will bo a mass meeting of huge proportions. The state candidates and the returned delegates from Philadel phia will bo there. A speaker of national reputation has been Invited and Is expected to be present and deliver the principal speech of the evening. It will bo a ratifica tion worthy of our president. Arrangements have been concluded with nil railroads In Nebraska for a one-faro rate for the round trip from nny point In Nebraska to Lincoln and return; tickets to be sold June 27 nml 23, with llnul return limit Juno 20. Tho henduuarters of the league Imme diately prior to and durlnc tho convention will be at tho Llndetl hotel. Lincoln. Sec retary Mock will bo In nttendanco there June 27 and 28 for the purpose of receiv ing credentials and assessments nnd dis tributing tickets, badges, etc. Kor further Information write 13. J Mock, Hastings, or Charles 13. Winter, president of the league, at headquarters, Millard hotel, Omnhn. Tho league desires to Impress upon tho republican clubs of tho state that they should orgnnlzo nt once for tho campaign, send representatives to our convention and boBln active, and enthusiastic work all nlong tho line. A national campaign is to be fought In the next live months. Let us prepare. CHARLES 13. WINTER, President Nebraska Republican League. 13. J. MOCK, Secretary. A Wmiinn'ii Awrnl Peril. "Thcro la only ono chance to save your life, nnd that Is through an operation," were tho startling words heard by Mrs. I. D. Hunt of Llmo Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after ho had vainly tried to euro her of a frightful enso of stomach troubto nnd yellow Jaundice. (Jail stones had formed and sho constantly grew worso. Thon sho bfgan to uso Electric Hitters, which wholly cured her. It's n wonderful Stomach, liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try It. Only HO cents. Guaranteed. For ealo by Kuhn & Co. MAY GET INTO TROUBLE ('ItlxciiK Must A il ill It Crnson Knainer jilorn lli'KiirillosN of .Vulloiiiillly noil AiiHni'r liienl Ioiin AsUril. An Imperative mandato ha Issued from tho offlco of tho director of the census com manding all supervisors to refrain from footing up tho totals of tho reports sent In by tho soveral enumerators. The director does not desire Information lu relation to population to bo made public until after tho work Is complete. It is stated, however, that tho enumerntors aro finding tho popu latlon denser than thoy expected. Among tho enumerators 1b ono colored man and his troubles nro greater than all others. Somo peoplo claim tho right to be addressed by nono but Caucasians and when tho son of Afrlc'a sands puts his foot Inside of tho door thoy Immediately forget all thai thoy know nbout themselves or point blank refuso to answer. As a result a special enumerator will vlalt several households and tho heads of some families may find themselves dofendanta In tho United States court, as Uncle Sam did not tako Into con federation tho huo of tho enumerator when tho law was passed requiring nil porsons to answer tho questions propounded All who suffer from pllea will bo glad to learn that DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve will elvo them Instant and permanent relief. It will euro eiczema and all skin diseases. Re ware of counterfeits, you want. IIOSTON STORE. OMAHA. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglcs Sts. N. ROSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth & Douglas Sbs. CHAMJI5 OP TIM 13 On Ilii' Wnlinsh. Commencing Sunday, June 3. tho Wabash will shorten tho time of tho CONTINENTAL LIMITED. Leaving Chicago at 12:02 noon, and St. Louis ft a. m., arrives at Now York 3:25 p. I m. nnd liostoi 5:20 p. m., giving Its patrons A IMoec In S ic ml I lie funnier, On tho lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY In Wisconsin nro same, of the most bcnutltul In the world to vspend a summer vacation camping out or nthc ele gant summer hotels. Iloattng, Ilahlug, boiu tlful Inkes nnd streams nnd onol weather. These reports are all crslly reached from Omaha. A book dosCllbir,:? thm may bOihnllrr nrrvlce lo Iholr fnvnrltn nmmoi- rn. had upon application nt tho Chicago, Mil- ' Rort. waukce Si. Paul Ry city ticket ollico i ALL OTHER TRAINS RUN SAME AS NOW, lr.OI I nrnam street, Omaha. Round trip I ni , !, tt, u'M.n.i, nn i.n in tickets, good returning until O.-tobcr 31, ; ,rsa than otnpr lhlC3 ;la Dolrrlt nm, NnBra now on sale. K, A. NASH, i n,,, Vor ratcs, time-tables of trips east j or a copy of On Lake and Sea, call ou nny agent or connecting lines, or can on or write O. N. CLAYTON, Room 405 N. Y. L. Hldg., Omaha, Neb. Oencral Western Agent, j Croud nt llmiM'iini Pork. To a crowd of between i!,oco and lO.ono people Corn Uockwlth, the female swim mer, gave an exhibition of her ability nt Hanscotn pari; last night. Tho assembled people seemed to nppreclato the exhibition and the large number which ass 'milled mnv lead the street railway company, which bote tho expense of tho exhibition last night, to give a herles of entertainments durlnc tho summer. Doc, the Piugger, as a Philanthropist. "An Omaha physician suggests that you boll trust Ice to kill tho octopus In It " Omaha Dally News. Wc wonder why this samo "Doc, tho Hugger," does not "suggest" tho same treatment for 2x1 pet, who pays said Doc's otllce rent and commissions, too, In order that the body politic may be rid of a worse pest, to wit, A CORMORANT thnt feeds upon tho Ills nnd necessities of man kind. Is It because be objects to taking his own medicine, when by not doing so ho may become rich, by aiding In the oppres sion of the poor sufferer? Wo still wonder nnd await the answer. Perhnps the 69 pill makers who tried to form a PILL TRUST AND FAILED can answer. Crnmnr's Kidney Cure 75c Llsterlno 65c Wine of Cnrdul 75c Plnkbam's Compound 75c Sure Death for bugs 20c AJax Tablets 40c Har Bon 40c CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. Cor. Kllh nnd Chlcauo -Slrecti. SCHAEFER An Opportunity to Visit Ilie I3nst Pleasantly and economically Is afforded by tho tourist tickets on sale via tho Lake Shore Michigan Southern railway on nnd after Juno 1. Chautauqua Iako, Nlngara Falls the St. Uawrenco river, White, mountains nnd tho Atlantic coast resorts aro among the moro Important points reached. Summer edition of "Hook of Trains," showing spec! men tours will ho of Interest In arranging for your trip. Sent freo on application to H, P. Humphrey. T. P. A., Knnsas City, Wo., or F. M. Ryron, 0. W. A., room SI Station building, Chicago. The new twonty-Blx-hour DoBton train Is now In service. KXCCHSION HATI3S Via ChleaKO, Milwaukee A St. 1'uiil It ii 1 1 v a y. June 2, 3 nnd t, Mitwaukeo nnd return $16.75. Juno H, 15, 16 and 17, rhllndelphla nnd return, $30.75. June 25, 26 and 27, Chicago and return, $12.75. City TIeket Office, 1604 Farnam street. V A- NASH. General Western Agent. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., tents, awn tnrs, canvas goods, 11 and Harnoy, phone 8S3 Spirit l.llUe, In., Quickly and conveniently reached via tho Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickets now on palo at city ticket office, H02 Far ntm street. The Summer Drink Arc you tired? Drink cm A - ( i. Aro you nervous1? Drink ('lie v - ci:i.i:itY. Aro you exhausted? Drink rue - ci3i.i:it v. Aro you thirsty? Drink cocv - ( i:i,i:itv. Does your head ache? Drink COCA - Ci:i,l3lt V. Is your Btomnch sour? Drink COC V - CI3I.I3II V. If you want a tonle, drink COCA - CI3l,i:il V. For a thirst quencher, drink COCA - (13M3UY. For nn all-round summer drink there Is not a drink on tho market that can excel COCA-CELERY. It Is not too sweet. It Is not too bitter It Is Just right. Try It. Sold enly at J. A, FULLER & CO Fourteenth mil) UnuglnH Streets. ARTIFICIAL TEETH to feel comfortable must fit perfectly, We glvo a good fit, and warrant satisfaction In every ease. Oood Set Teeth $5.00 Silver Fillings 75c Teeth Cleaned 75c Tail's A considerable amusement was oc casioned at the, "Onyx (Jueen ' soda foun tain opening of'sberman & Mct'onnell last Saturday by the readiness with which the ladles (and the men. too, of colirsel were victimized Into believing that the beautiful artltlclal pinks which wore distributed as souvenirs were natural carnations Instead of paper ones. This optical delusion was furthered by the exquisite odor which had been Imparted to the Mowers by spraying tin in with Lazcll's Carnation Pink Per fume, which Is every bit us delicate and fragrant as the natural flowers and at the same time a most lasting scent. Any i lady or gentleman who did not got a pink may have their kerchief perfumed by call I lug at the perfume counter of Philadelphia Dental Rooms Sherman & McCOMiell Drug CO 1517 DOUOLAS STREET. i xow Loeatlon-Cor. Ifith and Dodge Sts. LU I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I u.i u M i l rrrTTXirrjT? 1 rrww.ywsw. Denver. I'lieblo, Ciiliirnilo Sirliiun 'ml return lint SprliiKs. S. I), mill return (IimiiviioiI .SprliiK mill return . . . . Omlen. Salt I, alio City mill return. IMilliuleliihln nml return ......... Tlckol Offioo, 1 502 Farnam St, I Tel. 250. $13 00. June S. 19 nnd I. nnrl July .1. 7-10. 00, 1nl1 after June 1 i 11 10. June n. 10 nnd f :i, and July 3, 710. I J3I oo. June io nml 21. and July 3. 7-10 ) $10.00, dally nfier June t une 5. 19 and and July 3, 7-10. I J32 00, ,1 ( !l. nn f KQ., Juno H, 15, IS. Burlington Station, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. ISO. Good Clothes for Everybody TPomorrow we offer for your special consideration two very good tbingB in clothing. One a man's all wool fancy striped worsted suit, cut in the four-button round corner sack style, lined with extra good quality all wool Berge, the button holes hand made, double stitched edges, hand padded undercollar, flap pockets in fact it is a suitthat readily brings $22. 50 most any whore our price is 15.00. Wo have, nil sizes and cnn fit you perfectly. HPhe next itom we offer con--S- sists of a lot of Boys' All Wool Two-Piece KNEE PANTS SUITS In Hir.fH (I to 1.! yrnra, In it we include all our for mer $2.50, J2.08 and $3.50 light and medium lifiht all wojI ciiMdmcre, btriped nnd checked cheviots, etc. Good, durable pults to wear, made In tho stronscst posalblo manner and guaranteed absolutely as good ns any milt you could possibly get that would cost you $2.50 to $3.50 In any atoro else where. Our price now will bo H 08 for your choice MMtiTO Vw choice i - I I , -brings $22. 50 15 ntced absolutely as good $198 1 HAYDE POINTER P O I N T iE R Arrnngomonts foryour Summer Vacation should not bo complotod without first asking about . . . Excursion Rates . . Excursion Rates pict nf THE UNION PACIFIC In effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 Inc., July 18 and August 2nd. Summer Bt curulou Hat us of ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Due J2.00 from Mlsiourl Kvor to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Laka AND OTHKH WESTERN RESORTS. TICKETS GOOD POR RETURN UNTIL OCTOBER SIST. Telephone 310. City Tlokot offioo, 1302 Farnam St) Mountains of Goods From the six stocks secured by our New York buyer, combined with our own Tremendous Cloak Stock, are fast disappearing. Lower prices on first class merchandise, than any house ever quoted. More satisfied customers than any house ever had. No disappointments and no trash. Everybody surprised and pleased. Ladies' Suits that Fit. With silk lined jacket, percaline lined skirt, made in the newest styles at $3.98 Ladies' Suits that Fit in all colors including black, jackets silk lined, they aro hummers at $5.98 Ladies' Suits that Fit silk lined throughout, thoy must and will will be sold, each $10.00 Ladies' Waists that Wash greatest variety of colors and patterns, waists that wash, others ask you 75c, our price 39c. Waists that wash, others ask you 1, our price 49c. Waists that wash, in ginghams, percales and madras, 98c. Beautiful Assortment of White Waists. New June styles, trimmed with laces, insertions and em broideries, new cuffs and new backs, 98c up to $6. Plenty of them. SKIRTS 17n skirts in golf, rainy day and dress skirts, worth (5, for $2.98. 75 Ladles' SlilrtH, tmmplcs, no two nil ko', no better skirt mado, earn $10.00. 200 ladles' Stlk WnlntH worth $0.00 for $2.01. 100 Ijidles' Silk WnlBts mado of tho famous Wlnslow taffetit, corded and tucked, the new cuff, tho new back and tho new c nllar. Thoy aro koIiik funt; money refunded' or a now waist if they crack or cut; no bet tor mndo, worth $8.00 for $4.98. 60 doren Ladles' Wrappem In dark uu d Hunt colors, percales nnd lawns, worth $1,50, for 08c, 25 dozon Wrappors at each 10c MYDEN BROS. HAVE A RIR FACE, LOVELY SATIN SKIN, SOFT, WHITE HANDS, Windburn, sunburn, tan, freckles, sc pimpies, uioiciio.s, neai eruptions, w T!tTi5 chafing; all summer sun alllictions Wm V disappear like dew before the Imorning's sun by applying Satin .Skin Cream and Tow. a dor, magical twin beautifiors, skin repairers, your facial finonrlu Vnn nvn rnwl in 1 1 v inviiorl in oolr fi. 1 I ? 1 0. 1 i'' ,v,,,va, w w wwa.j III, HLlt V-W UOI IUI IIU1J sample of Satin-Skin Cream, while they last. Apply nt Drug Deportment, 1 BOSTON STORE. Fun Is All Right 111 its place if 3rou don't get to using it as a stimulant. It's funny how Home stores hang on with this funnyism of Helling shoes below cost. It's no joke for a customer to spend good money for a poor pair of nhoes. Many of you aro buying at, random, in II noticed by sensational methods and exaggerated statements. We permit no competition to give you t'i greater equivalent for your money, and noth ing can hide the fact that we're doing a safe, satisfactory selling in our ladies' shoe de partment. Ladies' Oxfords Have the Floor. Just now, and we wish to call your attention to tho fact that they are here for Icps money than elsewhere quality considered. Ladies' Oxfords Tau or black vustin to' com toe. Ladies' Oxfords J. nr .blnuk' n kkl-0,1 the broad loe. Ladies' Oxfords ;,,ui or rhhxf vnl1 kl1, 011 the medium last. Ladies' High Shoes Tn a complete ". or without vesting tops and coin toe. Ladies' High Shoes 1nI1 kic1, nu extension or mado with medium soles. Ladies' High Shoes Ta,yvHl vestil,g top Choice of any of the above One Dollar and Tiff) Cents Second Week of Our Great Clearing Sale on PIANOS To further reduce our Immenso stock of slightly lined sample plnnos and odd styles, we mako tho following deep cut in prlcoB: imavos ;:i hckmi.iiii pianos ihihs.oo pitxns ltiki.oo im.vnos i? lis. on Our stock of STKINWAY, A. 11. CIIASK, VOSR. E.MEUSON, PACKARD nnd IVKIIS & POND Pianos la tho LAHOEST In tho entlro weft. Our prices nro the LOWEST nnd our terms tho EASIEST. Call nnd bo convinced. KIMS STUCK IIAHV (iltA.M) OM.Y $4110.00 Squnro Pianos and OraBns $18, J28, f38, and up. Wo sell on easy monthly payments. New Pianos for rent. Instrument MOVED. TUNED. ItEPAIRED, STORED nnd EXCHANGED. Lowon rates. You aro cordially Invited to inspect tho KI!I,K-IM.A IXfi IMAMH.A the greatest musical Invention of tho age. It plays any plnno, Any one can play it. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER Till! OI.II Itl!l,IAIII.l'! IM V.VO IIOI SI'!, milt Kn'.'iinni St.. Oiniilini IlitT llruiiiMvny, Ciniiii'll Illnffii. HAYDE! DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A ' A SALE ON THE S BEST CLOTHING When we quote low prices on men's cloth ing they are the very finest makes in America. The quality, fit and style of every garment are guaranteed, no matter how low the prices. The hundreds of thousands of dollars we invest in clothing enable us to bring you the very best values. We can atford to make your purchases satisfactory to you in every instance and we do it. These special prices mean a saving to you of fully one third. Men's Spring and Summer Suits, Kogularly worth from $7.50 to 610, A TCL special at Men's Fine Suits In pure worsteds and serges, regularly worth f7 $11.50 to $15, special at 7. 4 .kJVJ Men s Novelty Coats and Pants With holts, regularly worth 810 and fi t7 C special at $5 and xJ J. kJ 1800 Pairs Men's Dress Trousers Of standard worsteds and line cheviots, in latest stripe and check ejects, worth $!J. 50 to $5, special at, $1.50 and &J ( Moys' tine sailor, vesteo and double breasted knee pants suits, at '$1.75, $2.50 and $3.50, worth double. Fancy silk vestH given away with double breasted knee pant suits at $.'J.50 up. Also extra knee pants given away with knee pants suits at $2.25 up. You luve tbe BEST notwlthstaudlnu thoy cost you no more ttuu Interior goodl. r. It. HICK M. C. '(., MANUKA ("I'll UK ICS, NT. I.OIMS, AlO, C. A, RAILSUAC1C, OMAHA, DLSTHIUUTOn, UNION HADE HAYDEN BROS Selling the must clothing in Omaha.