3 The Omaha Sunday Bee. PART I. PAGES 1 TO 12. g ESTABLISHED JUKIi OYER THE VAAL NOW Adytnc Guard of Eoberti' Army in tho Booth African RDnblic. EVENT OCCURS ON Till QUEEN'S BIRTHD Y Expert Thiok Button's Column Succeeded in Making the Crotiing. WILL ATTEMPT TO SEIZE THE RAILROAD MoYement on Jobannetbarg to Bt Aided by Usa of Stetm Powor, PRETORIA SAYS HEILBRON IS RETAKEN Till n T.ilnll)' I net peeled .Mot eiiirnt Jf True II Mil own Hurliem Arc lit btrimu I'oree In Lord ItoherfM' Hear. PRETORIA, May An official bulletin Bays: "Tho British have crossed the Vnal ut Oroblcr's Drift, near Pnrys. Thu high level bridge at Vereonltiglng has been blown up by tho federals. "Oenernl DeWet ndvltcs that the burghers urn coming forward In force, determine to light to the end. "After retaking Ilcllbron tho fedorals fol lowed the British as far uh Wolovc llock," LONDON, May 26. 3 p. m. Tho War ofllco Iiiih received thu following dispatch from Lord HobcrtH: "WOLEVK HOEK, Orange Frco State, May 26. An advanced portion of thlB force crossed tho Vaal river on the queen's birth day, near I'arys. Hamilton's column Is at Doschbank. Our hcouIh are now at Vlljocn's drift (on tho frontier north of Wolove Hook). Tho local mines aro uninjured and work 1 i;olng on as usual. Thcro Is no enemy this bide of tho river. "Hunter reached Vryburg May 21." Ah anticipated, the llrHt news from Lord Huberts after his long silence was the an nouncement that tho Ilrltlsh hail crossed thu Vaal river. This Is probably Oenernl Hut ton's column, which crossed at I'arys, and may bo expected to make a dash at the rall load In tho neighborhood of Potchofstrooai. -whence there Is direct communication with Johnnntsburg. Oenernl Hamilton's column Is at Bosch bank, which is closo to the river, about eight miles northwest of Wolcvo Hoek, Lord Roberta' headquarters, and may be expected to also cross the Vaal river and create n diversion on tho Hank of any federal forco In tho neighborhood of Verecnlnglng. Ah ho has only about fifteen miles to traverse a speedy announcement may be expected that tho Ilrltlsh commander-in-chief himself has gained a foothold In tho Transvaal and that bo vvil. reach tho federal position south of Johannesburg In the mlddlo ot tho coming week. Tho same secrecy which shrouded tho movements of tho main army envelops Lord Mcthucn's and Oencral Kundlo'B columns, no probably tho. next olllclal dispatches will nhow doclBlve movements of these wings. Itunrtlo ought to be close to Hcthlohcm by now, and the experts expect to hear of somo decisive movement on tho Ilnrrlsmlth rail road, In which part of General Bullcr's forco will co-operate In tho direction of Van Ilecnen's pass. Should tho Pretoria bulletins announcing tho reoccupatlon of Ilcllbron by tho fed erals turn out to bo true, It will bo a totally unexpected development, as Oeneral Ian Hamilton occupied Ilcllbron Tuesday and nothing has been heard from thero since. IS BADEN POWELL ENGAGED London All Torn Ip Over flip Story Hint .MnfrUliiK'N Hern In A limit to Tnkp a l.ml.v of II Im Own. (Copyright. 1!X), by Press Publishing' Co.) LONDON, May 26. (Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) The hurnlng popular topic hero Is whether General Badon. Powell 1h engaged. Tho .mayor of Salford, near Manchester, publicly stated that the sencral's fiancee was living In a suburb of that town. Tho hero's famly are com pletely surprised at tho news nnd declare that unions ho has done so secretly he Is not engaged 'to any one. HIh brother nays: "Why, ho Is tho most confirmed bachelor you ever knew. Ho carfH for nothing but Ills profession and has often said that any man who got married should give up his soldiering. Tho story of his engagement arises from some misapprehension." RHODES HAS A NEW BONANZA Aliened l)li'iiii'rlr In tieriunn Went Afrlcit Will Hp K plotted by lllni nt Oner, (Copyright, l'.wn. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 20 (Now York World Ca Megram Special Telegram.) Investors In Hhodeslan enterprises will learn with dis may that Cecil Hhodcs' golden hopes have now shifted to German West Africa, whero nnother Eldorado In claimed to have been discovered, 400 miles from WaltHch bay. Tho abodes and Wornhcr Bolt byndlcato has put up $500,000 for exp'oratlon and If tho Teports already received aro vorlllod $10, 000,000 will bo spent on a railway between tho now gold, silver, copper aud lead utiles end Wnlfibeh bay. FliEE STATERS QUIT FIGHT 'J'Iiokp cnr lliii'iixiiiltli Upturn to Their I'll r in nnd Itefime tn Ciiiitlinie StriiKule. NKWPASTLK. May 25. Louis Koch, a magistrate of the Free State, has surren dered. He says that all the burghers In the Jlarrlsmlth-Vreda district have returned to their farms and refuse to conttnuo fighting. If, ns Is reported. President Steyn Is In Vreda. he will probably go northward toward Lalng's nek If h nnds any follower. STEPHEN CRANE'S CONDITION Ilia llenltli MiiMt I'rpenrlniiK unit m, Itemiureen (ione, lint KiipiuU Aid Klin, (Copyright, lOoo, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 2C (New Yoik World Ca. Megram Special Telegram.) Stephen Crane's health remains extremely precari ous and hopo has almost been abandoned of his recovery. This week ho Is at Dover on his way abroad. Mrs. Moreton Frewen. Lady Randolph Churchill's sister, has been a goid angol to him. her hiHband Irndlng him their beau tiful old-fashioned home, Brede hull. Sus ftox. for tho winter. Owing to continued bad health Stephen Crane's reiourcoi have been exhausted ami Mrs. Frewen got together a substantial sum, chiefly nmong Americans, to give him a chanco of recovery by rest in a ienlil climate. , 10, 1871. BEAUMONT-GRACE NUPTIALS I : x t in I ' Siniirt WeddlitK, In Which mi merlemi (ilrl In tin- llrldr, t'eleliruted In I, (imlon. (Copyright, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 26. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) An ex tremely smart wedding that of Eliza Mer cedes, the eldest daughter of M, P. Oraco of New York and llelgravo square, to Her bert Beaumont. whtRO engagement was cabled on April 22 was celebrated today at St. Paul's. Knlghtsbrldge. The bride, who looked very attractive and who was given nway by her father, wore on extremely handsome dress of whlto moiiBecIIno do sole, with Inserted Brussels lace flounces, a court train of silver tissue draped with cnoussellno de solo. Her laco was prescnioJ by tho bridegroom, having belonged to his grandmother, Lady Margaret Beaumont. The bride also wore a wreath of orange blos soms and n Dtusels lace veil. Her orna ments wero three, diamond pearl stars and n diamond pearl bracelet, tho presents of tho brldgcgroom, and a pearl necklace. - Tho bride's train was carried by Miss Daisy Beaumont, nlcco of the bridegroom, who wan attired in whlto silk, with a ca puchin of lace and a whlto picture hat with a crown formed of white roses. Tho brldo was attended by six other bridesmaids Misses Elena and Gladys Gray, her sisters: Miss Loulso Grace, her cousin- Miss Violet Bampfylde, Mnrjorlo Knatchbull Hugessen, ( nlcco of tho bridegroom, and Miss Melggs. j They wero drcsed lu pale peau dc nil taffeta I tiodlccs, with llttlo zouave Jackets, with ! capuchins, old laco, full pleated skirts and ! picture hats with the crown formed of pink !ros. They carried bouquets of pale pink roses. The bridegroom's gifts wore brooches In tho form of Illy diamonds anil pearls. Tho bridegroom was attended as a groomsman by his brother, Captain Beaumont. Tho ceremony was performed by Canon Flem ing and Hev. Mr. Vllllcrs. A reception was afterward held at 4 Belgravn square. Among tho guests were: Lady Ablngcr, Iord Aldenham, Miss Van Wart, Mrs. John Melggs, Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. Fltzhugh Whltohouac. Mrs. and Miss ! Baden-Powell, mother and sister of the j Mafcklng hero, tho American ambassador and Mrs. Choato, Countess Clancarty, Hon. Dr. nnd Mrs. Grace, tho carl and countess of Cork, the dowager marchioness of Lon donderry and Sir Francis and Lady Jcune. Tho honeymoon will be passed In Paris. Tho bride's traveling dress Is of shot taffeta .. .. - ..1.1. 1 ll. . ..H.I .. I ui u. iuiirr Eiiniit', nun itnu ii'iniuu mm u l palo bluo toque. Amiong the hundreds of handsome presents wero two silver candelabra and a silver tray from Mrs. M. P. Grace, n diamond pearl necklace from M. P. Grace, n diamond tiara and bracelet from tho bridegroom's father, a I beautiful silver centerplcco from Mr. Som ! erset Beaumont, n Iiuls XV centerplcco j from the Marquis Clanrlcardc, an opal hnt I pin from Mrs. Ballard Smith of Now York, In rfpe frnm Mliui Vnn Wnrt. two etching from Mr. nnd Mrs. Herkomer and a check for 1.000 froim W. H, Graco CELEBRATES SON'S MAJORITY Wllllnm AVntdnrf AmCot (ilven Aay I.nrKe Siiiiin of .Money In Honor of II In lliij'n lleliiK SI. (CCpyrlKht, 10, by Tress Publlihlng Co.) LONDON, May 26. (Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) William Wal dorf Antnr Is commemorating the coming of ago of his eldest son by a scries of mu nificent charitablo gifts. Already ho has sent $50,000 to tho Maidenhead Cottage hos pital. When leaving the I'addlngton tatlon for Cliveden on Wednesday ho put two $500 notcn In tho collecting box of tho fa mous railway dog Tim- for the Great West ern railway servants' fund. Tim was ro cently Introduced to tho queen, who put a sovereign In his lxx. Mr. Astor aim presented to tho town of Maidenhead a handsome brass flve-pounder howitzer to bo placed In tho public park and used In firing tho royal salute. Thero will bo a big coming of ago cele bration at Cliveden In AUBUBt. Mr. ABtor ban a house party this week, Including the Karl and Countess of Cnrrlngton, Count nnd Countess Lutzow, Countess Mlgl Kolowrat, the beautiful Hungarian, Lord and Lady Manvers. tho speaker of tho Houho of Com mons nnd Mrs. Gully nnd daughter, and Augustus Haro and Herbert Praed, tho authors. Mr. and Miss Astor, with the Duchefn of Marlborough, will be nmnng tho very se lect party to meet tho King nnd Queen of Sweden at Lady Henry Lennox's on Thurs day next. REALLY CLEVER REPARTEE CounteiN of WnrMieU' Unit the llon ornlile Joe mid He A iin w em Her In Kind. (Copyright, lft0, by Press Publl.hlntr Co.) LONDON, May 2fi. (New York World Ca blcgram Special Telegram.) Colonial Sec retary Chamberlain visited tho orchid show at Temple Gardens on Wednesday. There ho met tho counteso of Warwick, who asked him what ho thought of tho prospect In South Africa. Chamberlain, assuming an attltudo of ex aggerated reticence, answered: "I really don't like to say anything on tho subject. I have to bo so careful." "But aro you satlslled with tho way the wor Is going?" "Yes, I utu satisfied, but I cannot say moro thnn that." "Oh, I see, Mr. Chamberlain," sweetly rejoined the beautiful ccunteas, "you pro fer to keep your Indlscretlono for your pub lic speeches." To whtih Mr. Chamberlain rotortod: "Yes, perhaps they are safer there." This little encounter, no characteristic of both, is causing much amusement In so ciety. WALES WILL RIDE IN AN AUTO III lloynl HlKlmexM II a Sii-cliilly DcHluned CiirrliiKe Provided fur HIh Hll (me. (Copyright. lf". by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 2C (New York World Ca. blegrnm Special Telegram.) The Prlnco of Wales has Joined tho ranks of the automo blllsts, and a ton-horne power Dlamler hooded phaeton, specially constructed for him. Is now on view at a carriage storo In St. Jamen street. The prlnco Intends to use It nt Sandrlnghnni and already has had sev eral lesions In tho art of autocar driving. This car hits every latrst Impruvenient. the vibration being reduced to a minimum by a now patent. It cost tho prince $S,000. WORTH FIFTEEN MILLIONS I'olleetlon of IMrtnres nnd Olijretn of Art tilren to the l'.nH;llh ntlon by Mri. AVnllnue. (Copyright. 1900, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 20. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Ascher Werthelmer. tho lending expert dealer In Kurope, has valued tho collection of French nnd Dutch pictures, French furniture, stat uary and decorative objects bequeathed to tho nation by tho widow of t late Sir Richard Wallac at $15,000,000. CKMAIIA, SUNDAY .MO 'RULERS ARE AT0UTSiAMEBICANS '!LHARD UNES Prinoa Lndwi of Bavaria and Emperor William o Not Speak. BREACH STARTED BY COURT G0SSIPERS Lndwii; Stays Away from the Crown Prince's Majority Festivities, THEN HE MAKES ANTI-PRUSSIAN SPEECH Berlin No Longer Celebrates Prince's Birth day Nor Munio'a the Kaissr's. MEAT BILL DEFEAT FOR THE EXTREMISTS ItiiuU Aurnrluun llnte ot Power tn Doiiilnnte tilt' Hi'lcliNtnu- iin llml Hern Fenred linperlnl Gut eminent Itejnlccn. (Copyright, 1P00, by Associated Press.) UKHL1N, May 2fi. Interest this week has centered on tho doings of tho Helchstag and Diet and Prlnco Ludwig's speech. It has long been murmured In court cir cles nt Berlin and Munich thnt the rela tions between tho two courts were seri ously disturbed. A number of facts bore this out. The prlnco regent's birthday Is no longer kept hero by a special dinner nor Is tho emperor's birthday kept in Munich, whore It was even forbidden that tho gov ernment and other public buildings display tho German flag that day. And during tho crown tirlnee's romlni. nf ago iesuvitirs anil tho presence of the em . i peror of Austria hero, neither tho prlnco regent of Bavurla nor tho heir to tho throno of that country came to Berlin, only an In significant prince being present. Nobody seems ablo to tell exactly why this stnto of feellnij exists on both sldm, but Prince Lud wig's speech certainly shows his sentiment Is moro autl-Prussian than over. Not only tho North German press sides against tho prince, but oven u large part nf tho Bavarian novsspapcrs nnd several of tho Munich papers nearest to tho Bavarian court. Tho correspondent of tlin Assonliitml l P.R learned today on good authority that tho breach wan started by gosslpers at both courts, who reported tinnleanant nttprnncM said to have been mode at Munich about tho emperor, nnd by the emperor about the prlnco regent and family. Next tho canal bill angered tho Bavarian patriots, Including Prlnco Ludwlg, bocfluso It was looked upon as u further attempt to Isolate Bavaria re- gartung navigation, ojpeclally on tho Dan ube. .Ment Hill Drfrnt for Kxlrenilstii, Tho Imperial government still rejoices at tho passage of, the moat Inspection bill, par ticularly because of Its demonstrating that tho extremo agrarians have not power tn domlnto tho Relsrtmtag ,ns had been feared hitherto. Tho agrarians had regarded tho meat bill as serving as a test of their strength. In thl sense tho passage of tho meat bill was a defeat of the extremo agra rians. This fact Is now pointed out by the soml-ofllclal press. Dr, Mlquel'o Berliner Polltlecho Nachrlchten calls this a reason for congratulation. Tho okitruxtlvo tnctlcs whereby the lex helnzo was defeated toy tho minority are now strongly disapproved by tho government and Its press as being a two-edged swerd which If R onco became an established In Htltutlon. might easily lead to tho destruc tion of German parliamentarism. It has been nrranged that tho Helchstag will begin Its vacations on tho 31st, reas semble the 3d of Juno and ndjourn the lfith of tho samo month until winter if nothing Intorvenes. The Diet has already adjourned until tho 7th of June. Tho latest news from South Africa Is generally Interpreted as showing that the Boers are tired of the war nnd aro only looking for n decent pretext to mnko peace. Tho Kreuzo Zelung says: "Drawing a parallel between the Boers nnd tho nnclent Gcrmnns, where was thero such a fight of desperation as that of the Goths at Nalssus?" lloerM Are Not So llrnve. Tho paper adds: "Tho Boers do not possess tho species of personal bravery which In Ruropenn armies Is self-understood. If this knowledge had obtnjned hero sooner tho Boers would not havo enjoyed such popularity." Quick Jiibtlco Is being meted out to tho ear strike rioters, Tho first batch was sen tenced Monday to terms varying from six weeks in Jail to u few days' Imprisonment and another batch was sentenced today. A third batch will be tried beforo a higher court for revolt against tho state, on which hang long terms at hard labor, Herr Bebol publishes in 'tho Voorwarts an nrtlclo on the book of tho French captain, Modi, recommending tho substitution of militia for a regular army. Herr Bobel ap proves of this and says socialism will draw power frcan tho book to fight militarism. Tho regatta of tho Imperial Yachting club at Kiel this week was a miserable farco, mostly tiecauso of the nnpropltlous weather. Tho emperor took no Interest In tho races. Five olllcers of tho Twelfth regiment of Uhlans, after riding without a stop from Instcrburgto Strasburg, havo Just returned hero from Strasburg. Thoy made slxty olght kilometers each day, In splto of tho most unfavorablo weather. The Guard Uhlans here aro today feting the flvo olllcers. Princes Widen Behind a Donkey. The oniprefs gave her daughter recently a nniall Hungarian donkey, with a conch, nnd tho princess now drives through Pots dam's parks In tho vehicle. Tho foreign olllce has pointed out to the correspondent of tho Associated Pre.is that tho recent speech of Andrew D. White, tho United States ambassador here, In wel coming tho New York Krlegerbund, has mado an excellent Impression In Berlin, many o! tho pnpers, including tho North Gorman Gazette, reprinting It. PADEREWSKI LIKES US WELL I' In 11 1 k t ThrimN 11 I.lviij llomiiipt 11 1 Anierleimir All the Wny from London, (Copyright, l!on. by Press Publishing' Co.) LONDON, May 20 (New York World Ca blegram Spoclal Te'egram.) P. dorewski, tho pianist, has been captivated by America and the Americans. Ho says: "Thoy aro a far ouleker no-mlo than the Unirllsh. Thn r enthusiasm Is so Infectious and their women ! aro so beautiful and fascinating. I consider the Boston orchestra tho tlnoit In tho world. There Is no ground for comparison between , thu Kngitsn ano Americans from a musical point of view. Thoy are totally different. Tho Knglish nre deep, grandly lmaglnatlo and so nhllosoohlcal : the AmprlcnnM rn oil enthusiastic, flro and brilliance and most xqulelto musical fervor." j J? XING, MAY 27, 1 !)00 IiiiiuIIm InntliM Who Itiiilied to Hie I'nrU I'll I r ultli Little Money Itecret It, (Copyright, 1000. by Associated P res PARIS, May 26. A number of unfortunate coses of suffering are coming under the notice of tho American olllclals In Paris. Many bright, energetic young Americans, having Just enough means to transport them here and being anxious to see tho exposition, camo with tho Idea of finding some small occupation which would provide them with the means of existence during their stny, somo also hoping to strike openings which they might develop remuneratively. Then; is no false prldo about them, nnd they are willing to accept even menial emnloynieut. ling newspapers, blacking boots ig exposition tickets. re, however, met with unexpected 'against which all their pluck and unavailing. Instead of tho free- bor which obtains in America ami urea sucess to the willing, Intel- orker, they found every outlet about with red tape regulations or 'c ngnltist tho employment of forelgn- ewspapcr stands nre accorded only iloners and a license f r bootblncklng tlrally unobtainable owing to the In- ablo period occupied by tho prelim. 's to tho application. Some boys attempted to gain a pittance by selling exhibition tickets at a profit of 2 cents each, but their efforts were stilled by the interference of their French compet itors, who nre ablo to draw all Intending purchasers excent Americans nnd English suchpaiM and mm obfljVcj vlnWfl ;mm mm? mm i Mm men by proclaiming the Americans ns for- j "lember of the House of Commons to suc elgners. These unfortunate exnerlencci Cl'0'1 the marquis of I .ornn mi Mm nrpnflnti should warn venturesome American youths ug.-iiiisi selling lorin in nopes oi mining cm- , lunaimucu an unuouoteil tcmpta , ploynient here. Neither tho embassy nor ' ll)" 'o the ministry to dissolve Parliament. tho consulate has funds to be used In giv ing assistance In such ensos and the youths will bo obliged to got homo as best they can. While this antipathy holds against those who arc trying to compete In tho French labor niarkot, pleasure-seeking American visitors have no reason to complain or tnetr 1 ni.ijuruj- 01 i.,u in me present parliament 1 '"e queen, to be applied to tho war futids, welcome. The feeling which now Is so bitter j would probably be Increased to 2."0. Such absolutely at her discretion. At ono of tin! against Englishmen, with whom Americans ' "n unwieldy majority, however, would cer- ' prettiest stalls Lily, duchou) of Marl arc so often confounded owing to their Inn- tnlnly lead to a split and a fresh disposition , borough, was energetic and busy 11 wholo gunge, docs not exist toward tho latter when "f British parties. There aro rumors of a afternoon selling wares. She was drcste 1 their nationality Is established. This fa t , possible Hosebery-Chainberlaln coalition on in the palest fawn cloth, with a polo pink Is now becoming recognized among tho , n liberal-Imperialist policy, but. ns Mr. toque. The young duchess of Marlborough, Americans, many of whom havo adopted the 1 Chamberlain Is now In a fair way to attain who. despite Lily's recent suit against tho habit of wearing a miniature Hag as a dls- j tho unionist premiership, ho Is not likely to ' duke, n-emed on good terms with her, was tlnctlve emblem. The French newspaper abandon or chango his coursu In order to ' there helping at the different stalls. ' She have remarked this and have called tho play second fiddle to liosebery, whoso way-1 looked very sweet In white muslin, with a attention of their readers to lt significance. ! wardnes.i and inability to concentrate his I large blai k picture hat with heavy plumes. Ono of them publishes an Interview with energies on any subject has broken the Mrs. Domlnguez (who was Helen Murphy an Anierlron whom a reporter met on tho hopes of his wnrmebt admirers. nf New York), was buying largely. She boulovard wearing the Insignia and of whom I Ireland's part In the next parliament will looked very well In black and white, with tho ncwspa.vr man, out of curiosity, asked bo determined by tho result of tho national scarlet llowcrs on her dress, tho reason. Tho African Mujcd his convention, which Is set for June 21. An I Mrs. Ronalds, when tho Princess of Wales nationality and said: ! attempt will bo mndo then to reach an agree- ' made known her desire to be present nt tho "Wo nrdently desire to nfilrm that wo nro 1 ment upon a national organization. It Is concert, received her nt the door of the Americans, not Englishmen, and we meet ' evident that William O'Brien's United Irish '. concert room and conducted her to her seat, with greater sympathy from Parisians on league will be favored by all who support Ono of the prettiest girls was Jeanno Lang- thclr noticing our little nag. no nre prou'i . of our country and are glad to bo known ns Americans." EAGER TO BUBY DREYFUS CASE French fio vcriimcnt DntiiK All It Cun to Stllte the AKltntlnn hy the Polltlclnr-.. (Copyright, moo, by Prtss Publishing Co ) PARIS, May 26. (NqV York World Cablegram Spoclal TeleRramO-CoUnt Bonl do Cnstellano will male) his maiden speech In Parliament Monday. Today ho notified tho premier ho 'would lntcrpellnto about tho measures tnken by tho ministry to pro- ... I 1 . .1 T 1 ........ . It .. I This threatened revival has occupied tho I F '"'J, " iib Vrk recent ly, asked by ..iin-i fli.i a ,h i, .i, , n,Jllls aost whether ho found tho drawbacks Ut exclusion of all else. The nationalists aud! tho nntl-CTillltHrlsts evidently dealro to re vive tho case, which would provide an ad mirable battlo ground on which each party might confidently expect to secure a victory for Its Ideas. But, as all except tho nrtllllnlnn. n-ntil nnann nnoh ff.Mln.i nnKiUDD the other of reopening tho matter. The cnblnet is sincerely desirous ot stilling tho agitation nnd will try to force the amnesty bill through tho senate Immediately. NICE LOT FOR ONE TO MEET Freneh Curd Shiirpi Who Hnve Dmnu l.eil n Syudlente for SklnuliiK Suckf.ru While Truve Hiik. (Copyright, lPOO, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May 2ti. (New York Woild Cablegram Speclnl Telegram) Tho French pollce, In arresting seme bunco steerers, ! accidentally discovered tho oxlstonco of a , strongly organized syudlente of enrd sharps, Felf 1 should havo read 11 tot I know U comprlslng moro than 200 members, nil ex- j ready and n lot I don't want to know." pert prestidigitators, pleasantly spoken and 1 Tho duke of York, In a. letter to Lord well dressed. Tho association hns been In Revelstoke, describes a day In his life In a operation for moro thnn two years, a Bra- I tonn of good-humored banter. He writes: zlllan going under tho allaa of maruuls do ! "I had a tlrlnc dnv vestenlav. t nttmirip.i n Santez being tho clever chieftain. This ! gang had olllces in Paris, when.:o assign- ' ments wero made. A member never was al- ' lowed to operate long In the same place, but i moved from tho Riviera to Hamburg, thence j to Ostend, to Alx-lcs-Balns, to Bln-rltz from 1 ono fashionable resort to another. Tho gang 1 nlso exploited trains nnd nil tho steamship lines from New York, India and Constun- tlnople. Thanks to its system! of changing about tho members wero never detected. , Tho profits wore pooled. Ono sharo of tho profits went to maintain a private secret I police, wham only Santez knew. Theso do- I tectlves wero assigned to watch the mem bora operating nnd report nny likely dls honesty in their accounts. It Is said to bo next to Impossible to break up the gang, since the card robbers must be caught in the act. BULL FIGHTS AND POLITICS I'nrlx Tlirenteued lti Another Scmi dnl Thronuli Till I'eeiillnr ('onihlniil Ion of InterentN. (Copyright, 1!V. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 20. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho prefect of police has finally denied permission to hnlil hull HphrN nt Knirhlen. thn anh.ifK where Inst summer bull clcarol tho arena , Inclcniiro and plunged through tho crowds, wounding dozens. Ho gives ns his reason that the arena will not bo built properly. ! W..1I lnfnrmn.1 nunnle think fhn I will strengthen tho structure and obtain , ?n,cl pny a fa.r" "? fny orillnary Pn tho permlson. In which oaso n scandal will ' - " 8 m' bUt 1 U,,nk rp.nll In P.irllnmnnt. Advnrjnrlr... ,lio I 1 smi" tl0mo (,a'' themselves reidy to expose several deputi.a! and senators ns financially Interested in tho barbarous scheme. TURNS FROM SUCKERS TO SHAD Moreton Freiren .Munition Free Silver for the Tim J In I'll v or of Private PiNcntnrliil I'urxult. (Copyright. 1E00, by Press Publishing Co ) i.u.MJU.N-, .vinv su. t.-vew vork World maw or Pittsburg, whins parties cost a Cablegram Special Telegram.) Moreton ' small fortune each. Two tUy befsre Souha Frewen Is making n very Important plsca- i left for Berlin. Thaw Invited twenty-eight torlnl experiment. He Is trying to tic- , guests. Souta's band of fifty-five strong cllmatize shad In Blnckwator rlvtr between 1 was cngnged to play during .ho dinner nt n Cork and Wntorford. Tho American gov- cost of Sl.fiQO. Tho entertainment's total eminent assisted him with n present of cost was J10.0UO, Including the rrnt of one nearly a million eggs, which nro to be I wholo lloor of Reltz'a hotel. Today Thaw placed in ha-cherles constructed by Frowon j gavo another extraordinary party lu houur on bis beautiful South Ireland ctut. of Mrs, Arthur Paget - TWEN'T Y-lfO UK PAGES. IlOUli bEEMS AT 11AM) Salisbury's Qovemmnt Nearly Rudy to Gall for a Oeneral Election. BY-ELECTION FAVORS THEIR PARTY Increased Majority in South Manchester Taken as a Fayorable Indication. GREAT DANGER TO THE UNIONISTS May Have Such a Preponderance in Next Parliament as to Oauie Split. IRISH M M3ERS ARE STILL DIV-DED lleilmoiid nnd Dillon Hendy to .loin O'llrlen, lint Henly I I'lulltllllf illld Mny IIiim in c iltJtlKiited. (Copyright. 190O, by press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 2C t.Vow York- WnrM ('. blcgram-Speclal Telegr.im.l-Tho ennt- mously increased unionist majority In South Manchester, at tho sneclal elect inn nt 1 ,0 '''o House of Lords ns the new duko of They certainly will do so when tlin nnd nt wie wnr comes within reasonnblo distance. Assuming thnt tho present stato of feeling will continue. July or October would be thu most favorable period for the general olec- Hon, the liberal-radical nartv would hn t Practically extinguished and tho unionist nouraonj ami union anil tliey will bo the vast majority ot the delegates. But Heily has Bectlve. assumed nn attltudo of uncompromising ho- I Mrs. James Brown Potter superintended tlllty to tho league, so ho may have to bo I tho American bar, which proved a great nt fought to a finish at tho general elections, as traction. Her many admirers crowded that now is the only remaining clcmont of ! nround her tho whole afternoon, nnd hn did (iiscorn in tuo nationalist ranks. WALES KICKS ON HIS PLACE !" He In Tired of Itppplvlni; the lloniiuve of 1 1 In I.ovlnir hut Wntelifnl Sulijrcts. (Copyright. 1900, by Press rubllHlilng- Co.) LONDON, May 2fi. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The prinre j of Wales, when slaving with Lord Uotbs-I :,,''".' -"'"I'cunaic.i ny iuo a.i- ...... 1. n. nn iLjpiiiii. , i no micuesn win eiuerinin n small inmny "Your life, Rothschild, may at times bo ! party nt Blenheim during Whitsuntide ho'I ari'tious In fact, 1 Know It Is but It Is ' days, Including the marchioness nf Illand easy compared with nlno. I long for private ford, Lady (leorglanna Cur.on, Lady Sarah lire and 1 know it can novel bo mine. Every look and gesture of nine la noticed If I nc".r 'n Pbc without a unllo the .,?Pcis without a 'his royal announce thnt highness looks 1 worn and sad. Wo fear revelations of a I startling kind may shortly come to light.' "If, on tho contrary, I appear with a smile, tho papers say: 'The prlnco looked pleased, happy and In tha best of health.' Whereas, perhaps, I am feeling extremely unwell nnd upset. "What sort of clothes I wear, the rolor ef my ties, whether I shook handB with M.-. 1 "','. ''"" So-nnd-So or only bowed, tho -onsen why I tKVn vlnltC(1 "'coK"lto so many dlslln bowed. all these llttlo things am noticed and lKUl"nrl P"non- Aftpr " visitors of made public. i royal blood told of last week wo had this "Whenever I rcn,! n nnncr nr m.vlnn nn,t 1 wp',k "0 king of the Belgians, who re- see my name Is figuring in It, 1 turn nwnyl'1lalne' 'hree days, then Joined his yacht at quickly, for I know wero I to read nbout ray w.nall cattlo show, examined tho nlrs. lnoke,i plenf-cd and told tho stuff they wrro. magnltUent. ! "In tho afternoon I onened Mrs. j i,aznr with the duchess. We bought what ' neither of us wanted. "Wo paid three olllclal visits, and for each visit I had to change my uniform. "In tho evening I went to tho theater and afterwards tn Lady 's dance. I went to bed very Into and woko up this morning to find I havo a still harder dny beforo mo than yesterday. Bo thnnkful you are a nlaln lord nnd not the duko of York." Tho duchess of York resembles her mother, tho Into duchess nf Teck, In delighting In royal life. She said to tho duchess of Sutherland a short tlmo ago on this subject: "My friends are continually Baying: 'Oh! how very difficult and wearlfomo your '.Ifo must bo ono continual round of set duties.' I enjoy the life nnd the bustle and tho i d mlrlng thousands and often sny to myself: 'Ah! I should llketo be young for n long time, that I could always havo this pleasure!' " Tho duchess of Fyfe Is extremely shy nnd retiring. She so dlsliko3 tho royal state that sho lives like nny prlvato aristocrat without a eulto or women In waiting. Her sister, Princess Charles of Denmark, Is moro sprightly and declares: "I some- tlmt's tKPl tl!'e'1, "f ,,cl"K royal specially I hhi-ii i .nn juuiti'ii iii mm wuuucrcu ni ai I though I were ono of tho Tusnaud's wax works. I often think how glorious It must to 1)0 tlblo tO Jlltnp tO tho top Of n bU3 MflKP? RPRflRn A A QOFNnPR ntLUKU A& A b. tIMUtK Henry Thnvv of l'lttklmrir In SIiovvIiik A in ell en iin In Purl How to l.ny Out Their Coin, (Copyright, 1000, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May SC. (Now York World Cnblegrnm Special Telegram.) If there Is one mnn who outdoes every other American hero In entertulnlng It Is young Henry SINGLE THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Force it for Nibraska- lencr.illy F.ilr, aii.ible Winds. 1 l.ntett 1lmi' In the Trillin mil. I.iiiImIu nnd UHlliiiii nt Out. Time Itlpe for i'or Kteetloii. Pmtinmipc Knulmiit'H Doom, - II I u iilierlpt Ion to llrnn Fund. It en I Wnr llrenk (Hit In ChleiiKo, .'I llnrry llnrkett Trie Mtlelde. ItnllroniU Must Defend Itiitei, 4 Oninlin Win from Mim ( It;. Lincoln ietn n I h.-.-.'sptoiiililp, fi Itoiid Itnee n (.rent latent. Ivlnle.i line Protcx n .Surprise, tl I.iinI Week In Oinnliii Socli-I j . 7 Chief Itedell mill Ilia (Irillniinee. tlniiilin (up noelntlon Funned. N Council III ii n l.oenl Mutter-.. O Ion n Mother form n t'nnKrc, Afrnlr lit outh tlniiilui. HI SportN of the Week ltevlevtcd. II In the U'heelliiK World. When the Women IMIted The lire. 1U Some (.nod Miort Xtirle. 1-1 In the llomiilii of Woninii. 1."! AnitKcnieiit nnd Mnole Notes. HI "The I'ntli ltcjonil ,,. .e pp." 17 Memnrli'H of the ldler Dend. IS I'Mltorliil nnd Comment. It l''oiititnelle'n (irenti'Mt Hide, lilt lllood Telln In llntlle ( hnrue. ( iiuh I'roeliiiuiitlon to liliicie, l!l t'omiuereliil mil I'liiiinelul n,,, -I Mine llont Hnke i luiKen 11 Phiintoni ' AT TUCDIP aTsTTnuTT r. . r. ! A' "t Bib NATIONAL BAZAR Hon- niiKlund'n Sell Women Turned tint to lliilne Money for the "Khnkl" I'm ml. (Copyright, UiO, by Press PublMiIng Co.) i.u.n iju.n, .May 20. (Now York World 1 nMegrani Special Telegram.) -American i women In London society played n leading l"lrt 111 achieving tho gigantic success of tho National bazar nt the Kensington Palnco hotel, whero nearlv 12.-i0.noo. it is h!....i..,i w,,s takeu In three days for presentation to try. now chaperoned by the countess of a roaring trade In American drinks. Tho young duchess of Mnrlborough, who presided at a stall at tho National bazar on Friday, when congratulated on tho rumored approaching return of the duko from tho scat of wnr, said: "Unhappily, It Is not I true. I can't Imagine how tho report got abroad, unless from the fact that he said when living he would bn back in six months cortnlnly. But unless ho should be Invalided or wounded badly, he will stav to the end of tho war. Ho would not think of returning before." good spirits nnd so The duchess seemed In sold more than $1,500 worth ni nosegays wie 1 si .1 ay. Wilson's children, and Alfred Vanderbllt, Miss French and Mrs. Eaton. ROYALTY TAKES IN THE FAIR Kins; of Sweden, Kinpcror of Hit nmny mid Ivlnn of lli'luluiii 1'ny I'iii Ik Mulct UH. (Copyright, moo, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Mny 20. (New York World Cable- Boulogne. Tho kliiB of Sweden Is said to still bo here. Diplomats all admit that tho emperor of Ofrmnny spent forty-eight hours lu Paris taking a rapid first survey of tho exposition to allay his burning curiosity. Dtrouledo also tried to come. All his ! polltlcnl friends- wore making great prepa rations for secret rovels In his honor, hut 11,1 '-ai1 110 sooner left Spanish territory than he fell Into the hands nf tho French lln,lrp' wno '"Hised him to return to Spain unless he wanted ten yeors In Jail instead of a pliMKint exile. LONDON MONEY IS CHEAPER llnnk It nte 1 Itediieed mid KiehuiiKe Are Well Down Town id the Uold Point. (Copyright. 1M0, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Mny 2fi. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho reduc. Hon of the bank rato to 3'i per cent Is only nn Immedlnto step to 3, to which point the Bank of France has already lowered Its rato, but flnnnclal circles bellevo cheap money cannot last long. Another Install ment of the war loan is duo soon, while n number of government nnd other loins, ob well as Joint stock flotations, known to be held back for a fnvorablo moment llko the present, will now bo brought out. Welcome n.i Is the relief from tho recent monetary tension, It Is not likely to bo durable. Weukness In discount rates here depresses all exchanges, but except in the case of ParlH their rates aro well above tho gold point. The Prlco-McCormlek failure had only a momentary effect hero, ns It was apparent Wnll street hnd taken caro of It. On fnvorablo news such ns came this week from tho front, consols havo risen to lout and tho khnkl loan touchod 1 premium, from l.'-lfi, but again dropped to 1. Thore Is Innctlvity In gilt edged stocks generally, and tho Stock exchnngo In grievously disap pointed that the frenzied enthusiasm over Mafcklng failed to materialize n boom In any way. ROBBED AND BADLY BEATEN I'rnnK- llovverN, Kiuploed hy llonu Innd Lumber t'onipiiuy, the rootpml'K Victim, Frank Dowers1, an employe of the H ng land Lumber company, who beards nt the Oreen Tie- hotel, was held up nt an csilv hour this morning near tho I'nb u Pacific crossing at Eleventh street by two men, who took J2.ri and a silver wntch. Bowers resisted nnd was struck with a revolver ani kicked several tlme badly bruising bis head Two tough characters wuro rr.btcd on suspicion. COPY EI YE CENTS. FATAL TO ESCLASD Prof. Lcmbroso Points Oat the Ultimate Eflcot of the War. RACE FEATURES AGAINST THE BRITISH Amalgamation of the Best in Mankind Flourishes in the Tr.usvaal. ALL LIBERTY MUST BE ABOLISHED If England Holds the Country She Must Do it by Force. BOERS WILL EVENTUALLY CONQUER Lille Ai'lunlly Aiinthllnted They Will t.'iitlier MreiiKih .Snltloleiit to DrUe Out llrltiniK In Time. (Copyright, lfto, by Press Publishing Co ) LONDON, May 20. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Profe&sor 1 1ombroHo, tho famous Italian ntivant, though 1.1 wit nit admirer of British Institutions, de nounces the Transvaal war and predicts a terrible retribution for England, even If thli nation primarily succeeds. He snys: "Such u mixture of the blood of tho best nations of Europe loads no to assume that I the Bocro, living in u climate by no means 1 enervating, will constitute (ho focus for freedom and civilization. 1 "When England seeks to oppress and nn iilhllato the weak, In what does sho differ jfrom Russia, which Is strangling Finland land compelling the Poles to speak a lan j gunge not their own? Moreover, what have I liberty or civilization to expect from tho j British Imperialist miliary power? "What coiifeiiucnecs will follow a British I victory over the allied republics? Unless j the Beers nre murdered to a man, n fnsh war will break out In a few years' time which will end in a victory for tho Boers ! They nre accustomed to tho climate, which tho Liigllhh cannot endure. They will bo steeled lgj new persecution nnd fnsh nntu ral selection. Then all Afrlkandcrdom will Join them. "To keep this country In subjection Eng land will need n permanent garrison of 10. 000 to 50,000 men, whose maintenance will swallow up Immense huhih of money. In order to obtain this money there must bo tho Imposition of heavy taxes. To suppress tho smnll risings certain to occur, England must stamp out every ixilltlcal or civil lib erty which makes lire worth living. This sad African war, even If victorious, will be fatal to Chamberlain nnd Hhudes." WORE YANKEE-MADE BUTTONS I'lltliutle ItrltlMlierx Iteeelve n Severe Shock After Huv Inn Tlielr .loyoun Vluli'l.lim lllovvout. (Copyright, livm. by Press Publishing Co i LONDON, May 20.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) It came as a shock to tho commercial pride of p.itrlo o Britishers to learn that the millions nf pi -tunH, buttons nnd Hags displayed duilng tho recent popular Jingo frenzy c.uno fr.un tho United Statin, which has completely beaten Oermnny out In the field of manu facturing these special nrtlcles. Tho b'g g(f.t denier In London, Mr. (Jultorman, ex plained America's superiority, saying: "Only by having absolutely perfect ma chinery Is tho I'nltid Plates alio to turn out such neat little things at tlio price. Tvo Birmingham manufacturers could not even give mo an estimate for the supply of s m llur things; they haven't tho machinery to make them. "Now England has so strongly caught on to tho Amorlcan practice of celohrat'ng pi b 11c events and popular heroes by Hags an I buttons that Birmingham is beginning to make Inquiry about th" necessary mat-Ii n ery. That, too, must ronio frnm your side." DICK CROKER'S MOVEMENTS lllj; Tmuiuniiy IIiiim Is IIiii-K In Kiir. IiiiiiI nnd Isn't Worrjluu Aliout he I I'riiMt. (Copyright. 1900. hy pr,. Publishing Co ) LONDON, May 2ii. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Rlcba d Croker, with his sons, returned from P.irla on Wednesday. Ho went straight through London to Wnntago, returning to London on Thursday and going back to Want mo today, to icm.iln there until Monday. Ills hot sc. Manhnttan Boy, won a $l.",ri0 stake at Donraster yisterday, with L. t,.ff ,, but Croker's coninilKslon on tho fcoitnig w n trilling, ns the odds wero only (i to fi against Croker's return to New York hns not lr en accelerated by the Ico trust scandal, nnd Ills sailing Is still fixed for Juno Ifl. I hear ho has glvem his friends heto to understnn I that he will bo back In England In tho fall, nnd that, ho Is making his arrangements on that basis. Ills nnklo Is now almost well, but ho Is still weak and under tho doctor's caro. MRS. PALMER'S LAST SCHEME She IIiin OrKiuiled nn liiformntlon llui'Pliii for the lleiiellt nf i:Mni nllliin VUltorM. (Copyright, UV), by press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May M-lNiw York World Cable gram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Potter Palmir spendn much of her timo at the exposition In a room placed 'at her dlopos.il ul the national pavilion, sho has organized an ndniirabro nurviro to Impart inf.i.-matlon to all American women of limited men -in who desire to seo tho exposition without wdsto of time, energy or money. Inquirers aro provided with precise directions how and whero to find specific exhibits ,nd aro also advised us to whnt features must be icon nnd what paying attractions nro worth loi's. This IndletV noni Is sumptuously fur nl.ihod nnd provided with all comforts. Sta tionery and American papers are furnished Thero are also registers where friends may ascertain ivich .others' addiessrs lu Paris. LADY SARAH WILSON SHRINKS Her Clothes Don't I'M Her Sluee She Went 'I'll ni n u It the Slenc ut .Ullf.-lilllK. (Copyright, WO, by Promt Publishing- '., i LONDON, Muy 2. -(New York World Ca hli gram Speclnl Telegram. ) Lady Sarah Ailaon has cabled lo her sister, L-idy Oeor gli.u Curon, that she Is n llvinK skoloton. the result of the privations and wearing inxliilK' sho underwent In Mafeklng during ihe sloge. She lost twonty-nlno pounds m weight in two moiuhs; consequently her eh -the hant on her in folds. She wants ,i now outfit of ruduiud tile beforo Irving Capetown. ( I