Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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51 IV Oil MIJ.VriOM.
Dvi. rolls Bias.
Gn I'xturcs unci globes nt Hlxby'a.
M xazlnes bound, Moorehouse & Co.
UtidwcliT btc.r. I. Itosenfeld, agent.
X"lt "A B. C. beer, Ncumayer's hotel.
Kchiniflt'M iilinlos. new and latest styles
Jlr John N Baldwin lft lad evening on
a vl-lt to t'hlmsn.
New patterns In frame mouldlnss. C. IS.
Alexander & Co., XVI Broadway.
Limns Well has lireti ailed to Savanna,
HI., I.y the flcnlh of his inotlicr.
Oft your work done nt the popular Eas'o
laumlry, 721 Broadway. 'Phone 157.
V 0. Estrfi, undertaker, 28 Pearl street.
Telephones: Olllce, 07; residence, 33.
V T. flnuld of ChtcitKo Is the cuest ot
h.'j i usln. N. A. Tyrrell of Klftu avenue.
Thi Industrial silmnl will meet thl after
i )on .it t',c fnlon Mission at Fifteenth
.rt-i ami First avenue
To the 1'iibllc: Until further notice, our
orili will close on Saturday at 1 o'clock.
The Council BItin Ous & Kk-ctrlc Co.
John Jllnkel, h 'well known printer of this
fltv. wan rejolrlnc yesterday over the ar
rival ot a llttlft haby Rlrl at his limine.
Miivnr lennltiRx has had a private tele
phone Installed In his nlllee at the city
uiMMiiiK. which he tlnds a ercat conveni
ent e.
The llrt Issue of tho Council Bluffs
Tribune, the democratic weekly of which
W. A Mutton Is editor, made Its nupenr
fintn yesterday.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
i-Mcmoon to Fled 1'. Fowler, aged 2i. of
t.ils clt;'. and .Icinilo I.. Knnuss, used 17,
of Il.itilson county.
W. S. Head, secretary and mnn
acor of the (itnulm. Council Bluffs & Subur
ban Hallway i i-nip-tny, left last evcnlnR for
Chicago on hiiuliicss,
Mrs. S. A. Johnson and daughter I.llllan
of north First street leave today for
Kansas City t" siend the Hummer with
r-'latlvcs and Mends.
V. H. Husse has been appointed on the
pnllce force it, till the vacancy caused by
' u- retirement of .tames l.arklns Husse
was a member of the force last year.
There will be a meetltm tonight of Com
pany I.. Flfty-ilrst rcKlmcnt, Iowa National
(iuard, and ox-soldier of the Spanish and
rhllipplne wars, to make Until arrange
ments for Mi mortal day.
W. It. Alnyer and ,1. C. Taylor, special
rvamlncrs from the Department of Justice,
V nshlnfrton, I. ('., are In the city checklnc
lip tho accounts of Colonel J. J. Stendmun,
Ltwk or l hi- federal court.
9. 'Inciter usul unparliamentary lunRtiaRO
on Broadway near the Northwestern depot
last ovenlnu anil some women whoso scn
ilhllltles were more or less shocked ram-
I nlnel to Olllcer C'lilluchan, who placed
'1 .cker under urtest.
FOB HUNT A Bund house of ft rooms.
Bu-id barn, well, chicken house, brick cave
and G ncies of cood uarden bind, Vs mile
mm town, near cooil school. Hunt only
.iJ per month. Apply to innarn civcrcu,
IS 1'earl street. Council BliitTs, lu.
U. C. Meneray i ommenceil suit In the
rtlrlrlet fitint vi.stm-iliiv iiirnlnst A. A. .Icf-
fc is lor $l"2.ito alleged to be duo tinder
thr.o fOntriictM for fruit trees and other
m serv stock to have been delivered this
up. as. but which tho defendant refuses to
it tvo or pay for.
;.nyor .lennltiRS Is In receipt of an In
vli .tloii from the ofhclals of OulesburK.
Ill uskltiK him and tin; aldermen to visit
thit city and Inspect the vitrllled paviiiK
bilck manufactured there. The invitation
aavn the Oulesburc lieoplo will show tho
well rmeu it oou time.
Mrs. ("aniline Cleveland, wife of M. II.
Clin eland, died Thursday nlKht at tho
family residence. IMS IUkIi street, ukciI 42
years, 'i lie Mineral will nt- nem mis morn
Inc nt 10 o'clock from the resldenco and
interment will tie in rairview cemetery.
Tho services will be conducted by Itov. J.
u. i.cmcn or tno I'tiristiun itotne.
Colnncl Wal McFnddcn, who has charge
bf the decoration of Braves of deceased
commies by the (iraiicl Army or tho He
public on .Memorial day, retiuests any
widow or other relative of deceased sol-
llern burled In any of the cemeteries of
this city to notify him by postal card, at
S15 (Irace street. If the crave or such sol
dier has not been marked for ilecorntion.
Klvlni,' namr, slate, regiment ana company
Wl'llatn I'owiill, living at Twenty-fourth
etiect and Avenue J, was arrested yester
rlay morulm; and tilled $25 and costs In
jioltc court for heating his wife and
mother-in-law Thursday night. Powell ac
companied by his wife, went to visit his
jatb 'r-ln-law, John Htllen, at Fourteenth
direct ami Avenue A, Thursday evening,
and became Involved lu a family dispute.
Jurl'i the altercation he Is alleged to
Iiavo assaulted VsrStllen, and when Mrs.
j'owrll went to ner mother's assistance, lie
ctirncu on ner nun gnva tier a nettling.
W. S. Hodd, a lineman In the employ of
tno uisiance leieiinone company,
wlille at the top of a polo at Harrison
utreet and Washington avenue, vesterdav
fifternoon, received n shock which caused
dm to loso his bariincc for a moment. Ho
fortunatdly beeamo entnngled in somo of
lliB vlrs which happened to bo dead and
thus saved a fall. The shock was not
tevem and he managed after it few minutes
to climb down without assistance. Somo
if tho residents In the neighborhood who
witnessed the nffhlr sent for the police
patrol, but Its services wero not needed.
N. V. riumblng Co.. Tel. 250.
!V. 1". WrlKbt, a One-Ariiied lliillroiul
To lie n, Taken Into . list oil).
IV. K. Wright, a ono-nrmed man at one
ilmo u brakeman on tho Wabash road, was
taken tnto custody ycHtcrday afterncon on
the charg of obtaining money under false
pretenses. Jie was circulating a petition
asking for mibscrlptlons to aid Mrs. C. W,
Blackus, wife, of a former railroad yardmas'
ter who was killed in ISilfl. He had with
Ihlm nlleccd credentials from the Itnllway
Yardnnnitcrs' Union of North America, pur
ported to bo signed by K. ilrlggs, C W
Coley and LM. K. Hnlt, appointing him a
Committee of one to collect subscriptions
on behalf of Mrs. Backus.
The HUbserlptlon list showed that ho had
huccceded in securing upwards of $30, but
when arrfHtcd only $.".60 was found on him
lAmong tho names on thn list, down for sums
varying from M to $3, wore a number of
Omaha llrtus, among them Paxton & Oal
lagher, McCord, Brady d Co., Omaha Car
pet company and other equally well known
business houscu across tho liver. Ho mado
n crlevouK error, however, on this side of
tho river by heading his list with the'namcs
of W. A. lllKhsmlth, yardmaster for the
Villon Pacific, and Knglneer Moran of tho
Suburban Streel Hallway company. They
both donled halng seen tho man and said
their signatures wcro forgeries. Hlgh
ptnlth's attention was called to the matter
nnd ho uolined the iiollte, Wright's arrest
following soon after.
When taken Into custody Wright admitted
"he was up against It."
Monarch I'llint UhiiiiikimI.
V'lre did between $500 nnd $1,000 damage
yesterday morning at 5 o'clock to tho plant
of tho Monarch Manufacturing company at
Kloventh avonuo and Sixth street. Tho
llamea started In a room In the framo por
tion of tho building at tho rear of tho main
jttrueturc, nnd for a time It looked as If ths
rwholo concern would bo consumed. The
flre-mon worked liko benvers and succeeaeil
in gelling tho Haines under control beforo
they spread to the main building. Sponta
neous combtibtion among the grease and
oils Is supposed to have started tho confla
gration. Good Digestion
Horsford s Acid Phosphati
Taken regularly after meals, removes
the sense of distress, oppression and
all gone" feeline of the stomach.
Gtnuliu beats name Homiioiin's on vmpper.
Negotiated In Eastern rteoraska
and Iowa- James N. Casody, Jr.,
t. Vi Main SU Council Bluffs,
'Doo" Gorgs W, Long RTms th Shea
Injunction Indnitrr,
bnrles l.elliold, thr Vlclltn of I.oim's
Atlai'l., Is Minile IIIiicK-
ni a 1 1 a ml Itrftist's In Pay
n Cent.
Emulating the example set by Attorney ,
J. J. Sbca, who for a number of years kept
the ealoon men of this city In continual ho.
water by injunction proceedings under the '
mulct law, Doo" Ocorno W. Iing has com-
tnenced tho name practice. Heccntly he In-
Htitutcd injunction proceedings against M. '
Wollsteln & Co. and secured a temporary I
order against their saloon on Broadway, i
which was presumably nettled, as tho In- i
Junction wan not put in forcu.
eflterday through his attorney, William i
A. Mynster, he wcrved notice on Charles
Lolbold that an Injunction for alleged vln- !
latlon of tho mulct law would ho sought In
tho district court. Mayor Jennings, when 1
Informed of tho proceedings, mitt It was an
outrngo and a deplorable condition of af- i
fairs that made it possible for a man to go 1
Into court and harass another man In this
manner simply because fo happened to con
duct a saloon. He said: "Charles l.elliold,
of all the fulonnkcttpcrs In the city, has
conducted his place according to tho pro
visions of the law as far as poslbln. Ho
has neor had wine rooms nnd has always
closed his ealoon at midnight, whllo other
places were kept open all night long. There
has never been an Instance where the po
llco have had thn ((lightest trouble with
Lclbold wan more outspoken. Ho Bald ho
regarded tho proceedings as a direct at
tempt at blackmail, as ho was known to
havo ftome moiiny . and that for it money
consideration thn Injunction would bo
dropped. He said: "I will close my Ba
loon Ural before ever this man I .on 5 or his
attorney will get a dollar of my money. It
is nn outrage, but I promise that if I havo
to close my place every saloon In tho city
will havo to bo conducted strictly In ac
cordance with the mulct law or c'hc I will
know the reason why."
"Doc" bong, tho plaintiff In the,o pro
ceedings, is a well known character around
town and has figured in the police and Jus
tice courlH. At ono time he was a frequenter
of tho gambling roonw. The Baloonkoeperi
had hoped that when Shea quit the business
ot levying tribute on them in the shape ot
tho attorney fees to which he was entitled
under the law when bringing Injunction
proceedings that they would bo left In
peace, and are now feeling much dis
couraged since Long has started out on the
same game.
Oravel looting. A. H. Bead, G41 B'way.
Howell's Antt-"Kawf" cures coughs, oolds.
.Motion lo Dlniulfl Will lie Aricneil l-
lloiiru'x Attorner "Moniln.
The further hearing In tho High Bchool
site appeal before County Superintendent
McManus baa bcon postponed until next
Monday, Tvlien n motion for ''Ismlssal filed
by tho attorneys for tho Board of Education
will be argued. The motion Is based on the
following grounds:
FirstThat the evidence Introduced by
appellant Is Insufllclent to sustnln suld
appeal or to authorize the county superin
tendent to reverse the action of thn Hoard
of Directors of satd Independent school
district or set the same aside in thn loca
tion of said school site involved in this
Second There is no evidence Introduced
to show that the site selected was Im
proper nor that tho action of said board
was In nny manner Illegal.
Third The evidence falls to show any
cause for 11 reversal of the action of tho
Board of DirectorB in locating school house
Fourth There is no evidence to show
and none that tends to show that nt tho
time of the selection of said school site:
to-wlt. at time mentioned In itlHdavit of
appeal, that said school site was not as
centrally located ns In the Judgment of
trie snld Board of Directors was possible.
Fifth There is 110 evidence that shows
or tends to show that said school site is
not located with reference to geographical
position, number nnd eonvenlenco of the
scliola ri
Sixth That the evidence Introduced by
appellant of the proceedings and testimony
In the appeal of T I.. Smith to former
Superintendent Sawyer, nnd from him to
the superintendent of public instruction,
was from the action of the board in April,
1W, nnd neither shows nor tends to show
tho Judgment nf said Board of Directors as
to what site In April. 1901. would be the
most cuntral possible for the location of
said Hlzh school.
Seventh That tho evidence nnd proceed
ings In snld former appeal does not show
the Judgment and opinion of the Board
of Directors of said district In a matter
before them and determined by them In
the prncuedlngs appealed from herein.
ICIghth There is no evidence introduced
in Hits case to show a former ndltidtcatlon
of the questions raised by this appeal.
NinthThat the only ovldunce Introduced
by appellant in reference to Hits site Is
the testimony of witnesses taken nenrly n
year ago upon another and different case
and ns to conditions ami surroundings ex
isting: nt that time only
Tenth That this appeal Is not taken by
the same parties taking thn former appeal
nor Is It an appeal from the snmo action of
the board.
The progress of the case so far Is very
pleasing to the nttorncys for tho board and
yeBterday they -word feeling confldont that
the appeal will result In the action of tho
school board being atllrmed. Pnllko at the
time of tho former appeal, tho-mumbers of
tho board with one exception are unani
mously In favor of building the school on
Oakland avenue. President Henry still
holds out for n site west of Main street and
south of Broadway.
Gas stoves aro cheaper than gasoline
itovcs and they do not explode.
"Mr. Illlcy" 5-cent cigar.
Davis sells paints.
WnrrliiK tor (lie l.nnil,
F.ver since the old motor company nc
qulred possesion of tho property at Iike
.Mannwa known as Manhattan Beach It has
had more or less troublo with squatters and
persons claiming to havo a tltlo to the land.
In order to protect Its rights tho motor
company secured tho appointment of Clar
ence A. Woolman, a former member of
Company h, Fifty-first Iowa volunteers, as
a deputy sheriff without expense to the
county and he was placed down at the lake
as a watchman. Tho company also placed
Andy Olson as caretaker of its property at
the beach. As part of tho property has
been held by the courts to be In Sarpy
county. Nebraska, Woolman Ht tho request
of the mntnr company was given a commis
sion as deputy sheriff of that county.
Ismus Wright claims tltlo by a tax deed
from Pottawattamie county to part of the
land which the courts have decided Is In
Sarpy county." Nebraska, and not In Inwi.
Ho hired one Jacob itaph to squat on tho
land for him In an attempt to provo his
title. Deputy Sheriff Woolman turned him
off the place and yesterday Haph wont be
fore Justice Vlen and filed nn Information
against Woolman, charging him with Im
personating an officer and falsely assuming
to be a deputy sheriff and arresting him.
(Rapti), He also filed an Information against
Otftnn nhnr-vlnv him u lt!i tublne hl tent
bedding nnd provisions. Justice Vien is-
sued warrdnis for the arrest of Woolnmn j
and Olson, but no arrests have, been mad? '
as yet.
in: M-spr.rTs his i,ti: i'uiTi:n, i
miiiiicI ClirlMteiiHeii Itntilieil nf suit In
n Manner TI111I lie TlilnUs ucer.
When Sam Chri.itensen, an employe of th;
NorthwcHtern railway, returned at an early
hour yesterday morning to the shanty
hero ho kept bachelor quarters with John
Kosdlke, he found the latter bound and
tied to the bed and gagged. He ulro dis
covered that $20 which he had bft In the
house befi re going to work Thuiaday night
was missing.
ChrlHtenfen Is a car cleaner and works at
nlgh,t, while Kosdtkc Is employed on a riprap
gang on the Illinois Central and works In
the dnytlme. The two men for a week or
more have teen living In a small shanty at
the tear of 61t" Broadway, Just west of the
According to Kondlke's fory ho waH
awakened about 2 o'clock yestordny morning
by a big, burly negro, who lliruat a levo.ver
In his face and told him If he made an out
cry he would blow his d d bond on". The
negro wns accompanied by u white man.
whom Kosdlke took to be nn Irishman from
his brogue. Tho latter, while the negro
kept him covered with the revoher, tied
Kosdiko spread-eagle fnKhlnn to the posts
of the bed with a sheet and tied a towel
around his mouth as a gag. The two then
made a search of the premises, nnd hnvlng
found Ohrlstensen's money took their de
parture. Chrlstennen reported the robbery to the
police, nt tho ame time intimating that ho
considered Kosdlke's veislon of how tho
money came to be. missing as somewhat
fishy. I'ofldlke, although clooly questioned
by the police, Htuck to his original story.
Chrlstensen drew his time check Thursday
and had paid out nil ot It except the $2'),
which ho hid In the folds of some clothing.
It Is tin Id that the billing place of the money
was known only by KosiMko and tho owner.
Attend M. W. club dance tonight, Hughes'
hall. Whaley's orchestra.
('ml llenlci-n Asuni'liitliin.
The Coal Dealers' association of Iowa and
Nebraska will hold Its second annual con
vention In this city June 21 tit Odd Fellows'
hall. At the conclusion of the meeting the
members will take a Jaunt to some of the
scenic points In Colorado In a special train.
Tho convention will be held here In re
sponse to nn Invitation extended to the as
sociation by Mayor Jennings.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
.Me.Vamiirii-Mi'Alllster Cnse Takes On
11 XtMV I'llllse In Moll
SIOUX CITT. May 23. (Special Tele
gram.) The attempt of W. C. McNamara to
sccuro for IiIh wlfo Mary McAllister of Da
kota City took on .1 new phase tcday. Mc
Namara's habeas corpus caso against the
girl's father, in which .bo sought to have
her relttHtsl from his paternal care, was
dismissed by McNamara, as he aald he had
accomplished all he wanted. He had suc
ceeded In having the clrl placed In charge
of the sheriff, whero ho agreed to remain
in preference to going back io her un
kind father.
But the father of the girl was not to be
outdone. Ono of bin friends, Fred Schrlever
of Dakota City, at MoAlllster'o solicitation
secured au order from tho district court
directed against Sheriff Sides, compelling
the latter to produce the girl In ctfSrt to
show roae,on why she ahmtld not 'bo siren
her liberty. Tho papers In this new habeas
corpus caso were nerved by the coronor of
tho county upon tho sheriff. The girl was nt
once- taken to Pender, Neb., where the court
Is sitting. Sides nnd tho attorneys wcjit
also, and tomorrow morning; nt 9 o'clock tho
case lis to bo heard.
It looked this morning an It tho senna-
tlonal ease was to come to a poaceful "nd,
but McNamara had nt sooner withdrawn his
writ than the- one from the lather's friend
wns served. It Is said Schrlever. also. Is a
pultor for the hand of tho pretty girl. Mc
Namara Is In Sioux City tonight, but his at
torney 'will go to Pender In the morning to
represent his Interests. The girl wants to
marry McNamara, but 19 afraid her father
or brother will do some personal harm to
ono of them. She Mas asked that her father
and brother bo but under bonds to keep tho
Tho wholo thing Is n farce, as Mary Mc
Allister Is of age. and Is at liberty to go and
como as he plttiHea. But her father Is ono
of thefo men who will never lot up nnd ho
hatj said McNamara cannot marry his daugh
ter nnd live. Tho wholo community is di
vided on the affair, nnd It Is tho sensation
of tho hour In this section ot the country.
Couple Sentenced 11 1 AVIlltcrset.
WINTKBSKT, la., May 25. (Special Tele
gram.) This morning Judge Applegato sen
tenced Daley and Brewer, tho two young
men who recently had to bo hurried to Dcs
Molues to escape being lynched by n mob
of Infuriated farmers. Daley got an ag
gregate sentenco of twenty-eight years at
hard labor In Fort Mndlson pcnltentlnry
and Brewer tweuty-three. They left on tho
afternoon train for Fort Madison. A fow
weeks ago the pair brutally assaulted an
aged farmer near hero and robbed hint.
AVnrk cm Ncli I'll tit.n Itiinil.
HKtCSON, Nob.. May 25. (Speclal.)-A
corps of survoots has been biro waiting
for thn chief nnd asslntnnt engineer lor
nearly a week. They arrived last Monday
and havo sciured terminal facllltlot In
Krlcson ami havo run n line of roid down
tht Cedar valley to Clear crock, whero It
forir.B a Junction with tho lino already sur-
1 veyed lvm tho north through Whtelor
county and down the Ced.u- valley to Cedar
Rapids, It has leaked t.t that the now Is to run front llaplds on nn
nlr lino to Omaha, nnd fi"m Crdar Kaplds
up theiCeibir valley through lliicfron, through
C.irlleld county, and connect with tho nn.11
lino nt Atkinson. From Clntr crcok Junc
tion tho main lino of tho read will- run
across tho Cedar rlvor and go through tho
uand hills of Orcclcy nnd Nanco counties to
Fullerton. From FiiBcrton ono branch will
go to Orand Island nnd another will run to
Lincoln, it le understood that tho company
will commenco to construct at Cedar Hap
Ids at once. Thn work Is all being doao
nnd all right of way taken In tho namo of
tho .Manhattan Promotion company of
Omaha. It Is a strong nFnoclatlon of Now
York capitalists that Is back of tho enter
prise. It Is rumored that tho now will
make Peter Krlcwon's largo lako a eummor
Iliillriiiiil Niin Prnperl y,
CKDAH ItAPIDS, Neb.. May 25. (Spe
cial.) A copule of strango men camo In on
tlu Union Pnclllc n cnuplo of days ago and
through J. A. Smith oocurcd from the
Cedar llaplds Improvement company ten
ncres of land lying on tho edge of town and
Immediately alonnsldo of tho Union Pacllie
tracks. It has leaked nut that this laud Is
to bo used as a terminal for depot, ware
house, roundhouse and yards by the rail
toad surveyed In from Atkinson a rnuple of
months ago. It Is reported by traveling
mien that the surveyor nro at work In tho
vicinity of Krlcson and that the lino la to
run thn full length of tho Cedar river val
ley The property was purchased by tho
Manhattan Promotion compauy of Omaha.
Dress Skirts
$2.75 Pine all black brllllauilne skirts,
$2 7.V
$3.2.V Kino black dress nklrts, well made,
$3 2;..
$3.30 All black chelot skirts with box
pleat In back. $3..V.
J3.7& I'lne black mohair and brllllnntlne
skirts, well made, $3.73.
.$1.2") Kino mohair and cheviot dress
iklrts, box nnd Inserted pleats In back,
$1.2.-1 and $4.r0 Klne gray cheviot skirt
with Inserted pleat down back, $i.2D and
no Klne black cheviot anil mohair
skirts, extra value. $5.00.
Millinery at
Special Prices
15c Children's regular 25c utrnw hats, 15c.
me Ladles' fiOc walking hats, black and
1 antral straw color, 19c.
25c Children's trimmed hats, rcgulnr 50e
value, 25c.
37'ic Uidlcfi' flno straw sailors, others
ask 73c, 37Hc.
fiOc Tarn O'Shnnter crown, trimmed with
ribbon and qullln, fiOc.
73c Flno straw sailor?, trimmed with good
ribbon, 75c,
"6c Lot of walking hats, regular price
$1.50, whllo they last, "tic.
$1.00 Flno Knox uhapo Hallow.
$1.25 Fine line of trimmed hats for
mlsseri, $1.25.
$1.50 Beautiful line ot trimmed hats you
would think them worth $5 $1.50.
$1.75 Klegant lino of finely trlmmwl hats,
good Mowers, ribbons and chiffon used, $1.75.
$2.50 Hand-mado hats, beautifully trim
med with ribbons, chiffon, straw and llow
rw. $2.50.
$2.00 Largo assortment children's trimmed
leghorns. $2.00.
$1.73 and $5.00 Beautiful nttortment of
copied pattern hat, look cqtinlly an well ns
tho Imported, $1.75 and $5.00.
Children 's
'lri nimed Hats
50e Children's trimmed hats. 50c.
75c Beautiful line trimmed leghorns, 75c.
$1.00-Chlldren's Icshorns, trimmed with
ribbon and flowers, $1.00.
$1 25 Misses' nnd children's trimmed hatfl,
$1.50 Beautifully trimmed children's leg
horns. $1.50,
Contention at Des Hoists Adjourm After
Most Succtiifal Sisnon,
CoiiKrcNx I'nvnrs Kiliicnflnn nf tlenf,
III I ii1 or lliickwuril Children
by iVlldilim 'J'lieill AlniiK
Willi Other Children.
DES MOINES, May 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Mothero' Congress adjourned
today after what tho delegated say was tho
mcst successful sofulon ever held. The reso
lutions were tho feature of tho closing day.
Tho moiit Importaut wero n follows:
i'Veling that no child, however defective,
1h beyond help through education, bo It re
sulved that the Congress of Mothers' en
dorse tho movement which seeks to give to
nil deaf, blind or backward children the
fullest opportunity for development along
normal lines and which seeks to rouse the
public to the knowledge that every such
child Is best educated If so trained In tho
methods adapted to the Individual child.
That lu case of children they can ho
best educated with hearing children if
taugiii iirticuiato speecit anil language
through tho eve In Infancy and early youth.
Whereas The laws of nearly all our
states are lucking In regard to the tare
provided for dependent, neglected and
liilsdemeanlng ehlldien, be it
Itesolved, That the members of tho Na
tional Congress of Mothers glvo such study
to these lawa In their respective states :ih
shall lend to legislation germane to that
which .Michigan litis so sueecMSfully fol
lowed. Intercut I,, Sunday Schools.
Whereas, The Sunday school woik of
America Is among the most Important nnd
It it 1 Interests of this country:
Hi-solved, That the National Congress ot
Mothers -dedse itself to use its intluonco
lu biiiiniiic before our mothers, educators
ami clergy tho great need of Intelligent and
sclintlllc. study of Sunday school work to
tho end that It be placed on 11 true
iit-daxnglcul basis anil that all instructions
keen pace and be in conformity with the
1 Mill's singe of mental development.
Whereas The publishers of many papers
re. id habitually In respectable families
print objcctliinablo advertisements and al
e:'.eil certiilcates ot 111 re.-, and
Wheieas, These advertisements nre di
rectly aimed at the young and Ignorant
luembi rs of the family, therefore, bo It .
Itca.ilvcd, That this connrcss lunks upon
Midi advertisements with disapproval and
earnestly recommends patents to protest
against thu continuance thereof and to give
their support to pa pi is which refrain from
usiiii; i1Ih miui'ip of revenue, withdrawing
their Hti;;inrt from those papers and po
iliidlcals which continue to exercise this in
jurious Inlliience upon the weaker and more
nusi pilMu members of the family circle.
"Indeed I feel pleased." said Mary S.
(larrett of Philadelphia, "that tho National
1 Mothers' Congress adopted n resolution fa-
! vorlng teaching doaf children to articulate,
j instead nr sign language Anything Ilko
that helps tho came. I wish you could all
; havo seen my children, then you would havo
believed. Why should wo make them dlffor
I ent from other children when they can be
taught alike?"
A number of state reports wero submitted
during tho day. Mrs. Harriett Heller of
Omaha, stato nrganUer of Nebraska, re
ported upon tho progreus of the work of
S9c Ladies" calico wrappers, yoke and
sleeve trimmed with finishing braids, SPi.
!'Si' Ladles' lawn and cambric wrappers,
light and dark colors, princess back, OSc.
$1.00 Dark, blue and black standard print,
wrappers made with yoke and deep flounce,
trimmed with wush braids. $1.00.
$1.25 Iiwn, percale and cambric, both In
light nnd dark colors, latest styles, princess
and gathereil backs and Mother Hubbard
styles, trimmed with braids, $1.25.
$1.50 Deep flounce percale wrappers trim
med with fancy braids and nifties. $1.50.
$1 75 Beautiful rrnhreldery trimmed
wrappers made of fast color pore ilea, $L7,t,
$1.50 The new pattern wrappers with
white yokes, made of good percales. $ 1 . r,0.
$2.9S New Persian pattern wrappers, deep
flounces and ruflles. $2.9S.
Grand Wholesale Suit Slaughter
Tni:sn si rrs Aitu i.i, tim: hunt stymsm or tiiij m:aso. M.vnr. or
Curtain Scrim
and Swiss
5c Fine curtain scrim In variety of pat
terns, yard. 5c.
Sc 38-lnch curtain ecrlm In cream colors,
10c Flno curtain tcrlm, 38 inches wide,
12!4c Beautiful patterns figured curtain
swIsh, 3fi In. wide, 12c.
15c Kxra wide, beautiful pattern scrim,
$1.00 Flno all wool reversible Smyrna
rugs, fringed ends, $1.00,
$2.00 Largo rcverelble Smyrna ruga, In
deep colors, $2.00.
$3.50 to $5.00 Hlch colored reversible
Smyrna nips, extra size, $3.50 to $3.00.
Mothers' clubs In Nebraska, and especially
In Omaha. Tomorrow tho Mothers of Iowa
meet for tho purpose of organizing the state
branch ot the organization.
Mlicl.cmi Is Honored.
Today President Georgo K. MacLean of
tho Iowa Stato University, formerly of tho .
University of Nebraska, was admitted Into
tho inner clrclo of tho National Congress of
Mothers. President MacLean as a member
ot tho Iowa advisory board has been an 1
Interested listener at most of the sessions
of the congress this week and tho women
havo thought fit to honor him with a place 1
In their most sacred precincts of the con
gress. There was a touching little ceremony
which took place at tho breakfast given at
tho Savery houso by Theodora Wadsworth
this morning, when Mrs. Blrney. president
of tho congress, pinned the congress badgo
upon President MacLean's coat lapel. This
Is tin honor accorded to fow, there being '
scarcely a dozen as yet admitted to this
circle. Onvernor Boosovelt Is one ot the j
honored ones. .
riitnl Political Uimrirl.
UISINf SUN. lnd.. May 2S.-Kdward j
Carver shot and killed William Patterson i
in a political quarrel at tho republican I
primary at Florence today. Carver, who
was a candldato for slicrlff, has tied to
Kontucky. Only two men witnessed the i
killlne. but neither will talk. If Carver 1
is cntight the extradition question between
Kentucky nnd Indiana will doubtless be
Cheap Homes on
Easy Payments
If you nro thjnkln,; of buying a home
why not buy now before the best bargains
nro taken?
We can sell you a housi and lot on
monthly payments and In this way yu can
own your own home.
Ifotise and lot near Twentieth Avenue
school .'M; Jio down and JS per month. ,
llouso und lot on Fifth avenue, motor
llne-J3W. !
House and lot on Washington avenue
Jl.fO); $100 down and 13 per month.
7-room house, 2 ilsterns. stable, 2 largo
lots, shade trees $1,100.
Now 7-room house, city water, lurgo cel
lar, good corner lot; only $ urfered
oheap on nccount of owner leaving city.
SNAP. House nf 7 rooms, collar, city
water, line slnnle trees, only 3 blocks from ,
corner of Btoadwn and Main street; prke, 1
$1,800, renting for It per icnt on the above
iirlcc. , i
cv.Mni-n nf rooms and summer kitchen, i
collar, sewer, city water, gas, coal house,
fruit $1,500; 3 blocks from Bloomer school
!-room houso, i"j blocks from postotflci),
bath, cltv water, sewer, collar, gas; lino
corner lot; only '-MOO.
7-room houso on Pierce street, city water,
well, cistern, cellar, bam. lino shade trees;
price, 2,f)0.
Finn modern residence on Oakland ave
nue lor sale.
Wn have customers for several 0 to 7
room houses, centrally located; If you have
pionerty tor Halo list It with ns.
Lot on Avenue A, near new Illinois Cen
tral dejMU 5250. .,.,,.
flood resldenco lot only 3 blocks from
Ot'den hmii.e $.VV1.
Corner lot I blocks from ao-HnHlce- K,0.
Heveral lino residence lots In the Bloomer
-chnol district for sale.
Mill HUNT.
n-room cottage. Ml K Pierce street.
C-room cottase. 1701 Fourth avenue
f.-room house, Fourteenth street and Avn
tiue A.
6 rooms on Broadway, modern.
Telephona 417. 611 Broadway.
roit 1. nu.
At 2o Ladles' rlhbed vests, worth 5c.
At 5c-Kxtr.i large ribbed vests for ladles.
At 10c Udles' csts, taped neck and
At 16c Ladles' wing sleeve nnd fancy
colored vests.
At 17c. 25c anfl 50c -a sprctal lln of fancy
trimmed and long sleeve vestt. for ladles.
At 25c Men's Egyptian shirts and drawers.
At .19c A tegular 50c quality garment,
both shirt and drawers.
At 50c -The new black nnd white shirts
nnd drawers.
At 75c Scrlven's patent elastic seam drill
At $1 00-Simimrr weight natural woo'
underwear for men.
Lace Curtains
60e Fine N'ottlnrham laco curtains, spe
cial value, per pair. 50c.
75c Beautiful pattern Nottingham laco
curtalno. per pair. 75c.
$1 00 Flno quality Nottingham curtains,
In beautiful designs. $1.00.
$1.23 Good quality Nottingham laco cur
tains, good assortment patterns, $1.25.
$1.30 Nottingham pattern curtains, $1.50.
$3.00 to $5.00 Delicate patterns real Not
tingham lacu curtains, pair, $3.00 to $5.00.
Ladies' Silk Mitts
23c- Indies' silk mitts, 25c.
60c Ladles' silk gloves. 50c.
20c to $1 25 Beautiful line.
Until July 1st
At from SI0 to $15.
Do all outside piping free and charge
cent a foot for piping inside tho liouio.
The Gas Company,
26 Pearl St.,
Council Bluffs, la.
Weak Men may turn oaf
beatiaout appllnsce uid
cjuc.ltc on trial unit ap
yrnul, lluottpniwtniaiai,
return all at our nprn.
I'Hjr Nothing, Kobtlll
bettlth for men, saorct drains
cured, nervous control sad
Tiger. New book sent un
der plain teal without
1 Constipation,
Sick Headache,
in men, women or
children, cured by
QeMheRcnulnelfvou T I
want to be cured,
IO cent A 2S cent,
at drug stores.
in iiiifiirniif
Absolutely safe.
out or children
And your hank account is still there after the
first of tho mouth.
uy a Lot
And build your own Home Upon it, and
Stop Paying Rent.
Some vacant lots located in Central eub addition, Omaha
addition and W ght's addition. These lots will be sold
at real bargains. In a year or so they will bring double th
money asked for them now. Apply at Bee Office, Council
Wash Skirts
45c ladles' all linen summer skirts, worth
75c, 45c.
75c Full linen skirts. 75c.
9Sc Crash and linen skirts beautifully
trlrmned. OSe.
Corset Bargains!
At 23c A fine summer corset, were 39c.
At 39t A guaranteed summer co'rset, were
At 50c A fancy machas corset, wcro 75c.
Bargain List
At lr Ladltn' helt pins, worth 5c.
At 1c A full count paper pins.
At 3c 2 for 6c. our regular fie pin.
At 5c For 2 doen pearl buttons, all sIzcil
At 6c Card of beauty pins, f! on card.
At 6c Yard black nnd colored veilings,
worth 10c.
At Sc A rcgulnr 12'4e cotton towel, large
At fie Pair of good scamlosa socks for
At 10c A beautiful assortment of Perry
pictures, worth 25c.
At 10c Four-ounce bottle tost sewing ma
chine oil.
At 6c Yard nil silk ribbon, worth 10c.
At 10c 2 doz. pearl buttons, nil sizes.
At 10c For 20c and 25c tooth brushes.
At 15c 2 for 25c. a regular 23c quality
stockinet drtvs shield.
At 25c A 60c Rhinestone back comb.
At 25c Assorted engraved band ntul set'
rings, each ono guaranteed.
At l!ic Big lino of ladtca' regular 50c
walking hats.
At 25c Men's line percale negligee shirts
and two collars.
At 2c Lot ladles' ribbed vests, worth fie
At 3V4c Big line of new drew calicoes.
At 4Vic Yard new apron ginghams.
At 5c A beautiful assortment of lawns.
At "c Yanl fast color dross ginghams,
worth 10c.
At (l',4c Yard new corded wolts, regular
price 12VsC.
At 33c 10 yarda best mosquito netting,
all colors.
At 29c Sllknllno covered pillows, ruffle
around edge, regular 60c value.
At 15c Big lino ot regular 25c Btraw hats
for children.
At 37!ic 'A big lino of 75c allom for
At 50c Ladles' summer tapes, worth 75c
to 89c.
Boston Store
Council Bluffs, la.
Bee Ma 2t.
If wind blowH flamo
play with valvou.
HO.Ji AdliSTS,