12 RELLhY, ST1CER & CO, Eoma Rinwktbln Undetwetr nd Pmsol Bargains for Btnrdaj Snappers, ETORE OPEN TILL 9:30 SATURDAY EVENING Arinllirr liny f H rnnril I nn ry llnr iinliin In Woini'n'ii, 'li I III r pii'n. Ilojn' mill Mfii'n MiniiiiiT liuler- trnir nnil llinlt'ry. V().Mi:itl'l I, MII.MMIHV IlAIKlALV.-t S.OWI lliinilxiiinrl) 'I'rlintiiPil tlnl Prlcen I nliriiril iif I !pniiiii. AT HOSTON STOUK. OMAHA (2 00 AND (4 00 TKIMMKU HATd. C3C. (20.00 AND (26.00 MODKI. CONKS, (500 AND (7.50. Numerous cash purchases of choice mllll- nory enables us to place on mile Saturday , moro than 2,000 handsomely trimmed hats, I rcprodurtlonH of correct Parisian fnrhlonB for euminer wear. No two alike, at price heretofore unheard of at this seahon of the year. Do not JtidRo tho hata by the prlcw, but compare them with thoso that demand double and treble the price wo ask, and you will bo convinced that this is the greatest offering In fine millinery ever known. At (2..'0 and (3.50 choice of trimmed leg horn, short back sailors, tuscins, lace hats, chllton hats and hundrnln of other styles. At (5.00 and (".GO wc simply defy com- Mis well known in omaha nt , Women's full seamless, fast black hoc, doublo heol and too, value 23c, tor Snlur- Women's white split fret or all black hce; lr son. W e g ve exact repro, taction of nlao i rcl bargain In black Ingrain IMo , IMrlii , model hat i that sell all oer the clt thraad h.e, rombramlt-rlbbt.1. fully worth ,"1 20.00 and (2o.OO 05e. Saturday's sale only 25c pair. Olwntlc purchase and sale of ladles Women' eauto lllo tiim.d. black or tan ' raises and children s trimmed hats and ,oso; uUo drop Mitch lisle. A special line ready-to-wear hats. We offer choice of this In lino cotton-hlKh-spllccl heel and toe. srmt purchase, they aro actually worth (2.00 .loub.o Mo; throe cannot be equaled for less and $4 00 at C!c each. SfiliirrlnvVi n i oil V 3SC. J wiiuuuno o i,iim.uuu than 50r pair; palm. (I 00. Our fancy hoso for women aro the latent nnveltim. rholciwt pattern and exclusive 100 dozen children's lino leghorn hate, tho (1.00 kind, on ilo nt 23c. 10,000 bunches of Imported Howem, every "7ln:: polka dot. very pretty I variety Imaginable, worth from (1.00 to (1.50, Mil flllt tK Mlllllll. ....... i .... i ...u... UiiA unil tunrv uu imiiurim, '"" .,-,., ..., ... . ai.i t-VT Mil.. ilrop stitch, all fust colors; -this entire lino i..w, ...., tor Saturday's sale, only 50c pair Children's fast black, fine ribbed cotton hose. IIHo finish, double knur, heel and toe, nil sizes 5 to 0. wearn well; our Saturday's nale, lRe pair. Mime' lino ribbed black or tan lisle hoso nnd film cotton, ribbed with unbleached spilt Xcet, double knee heel anil toe; these two lines ate superior bargains; nil discs D to 9; for Saturday, 25c pair. Wo have tho children's new polka dot for rtrtwsy wear, navy or tan, extra lino quality, nil slzw, 60c pair. Tho following is Just n fraction of the. women's tindorwrar Isirgalns. Our stock rtvafl ncvor In more attractive condition: 150, 2 KOK 'JSC- Women's ribbed cotton vents, ecru 500 very finely trimmed hats, picked from our (1.00 and (5.00 styltfi, go In one lot; choice, $l.l!l. HOSTON STOHK, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. On tho right road; jou can never go wrong when your objcctlvo point In our popular big store. Head our ad on page 7 and come to our storo Saturday. Ilayden Ilros. I 'or ii .Hummer Otitlnu. Tho Rocky mountain regions, reached via tho Union Paclllc, prnvldo lavishly for the health of tho Invalid and the pleasure of tho tourlttt. Amid these rugged steeps aro io I bo found fcomo of tho most charming nnd or I restful spots on earth. Kalry lakea, nrfltle.l while, low neck or wing slcove, silk tapc, ' nmid sunny peaks and climate that chosrs nles 3 to (5, 15c, 2 for 25c. and exhilarated. The mimtner rates put in I, Isle thread vwts. Ktchellcu nnd fancy ; effect by the Union Pacific enable you to ribbed, low nock, Hlcevolttw or wing sleeve, j ICach the.o favored localities without unnec nllk llnlsh, regular 35c quality; Saturday's oft.ary expenditure of tlmo or money, ealo, only 25c each. I In effect June 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive, Ucru and white, nhnpil ribbed vesta, high ! juy nmi August 2. One fare, pliifl (2, for lie !(, short or long hR-cvcs; also extra sizes, tno round trip from Missouri river to Den .Mnjor l.louelljn of I, in Ci-iiitn, mv .MciliMi, I lie (ini-Nl of III llrnllKT. Major W. H. II. Llewellyn of has Cruccs, N. M., Is in the ( icy, the guest of hla brother, C. K. l.Iowellyn, special agont of tho rural mail dollvury service. Major Llewellyn was muiry yiwrs ago a resident of Omaha and wat iifHlstaut city marshal when that ofllca wsH flint established In Omaha. Subsequent y ho wus employed as a special ngont of th : Department of Justice nnd wn luetrumcnt.il In tho capture of "Doi:" Mlddluton's famous band of bandits and horse, thlcveti. Major Llewellyn was for four years ngent of the Mcscallaro Apacho Indians, and during the Cuban war was a captain of one of CoIonU Hoo.'ovelt'a companies of Hough Hlders. Major Mowc-llyn Is enrouto to Washing ton, whore a delegation of prominent citi zens of New Mexico will gather to oppose the passage of tho Stovenu bill, now pending In congruts, which provides an appropriation for a construction of n dam between El Paso, Tex., and Juarez, Mex. Such a canal vculd not bo objectionable to the roslden's of New Mexico wero it not for a provision of tho Stevens bill which prohibits the con structlon of any ditch or dam In New Mex ico. At present piano are under way for tho erection of the largest reservoir In tho world at Klephant Iluttcn, N. M., and tho passage; of tho Stevens bill. Malor I.lowollvn nvers would prohibit the completion of this work nnd Interfcro with a gigantic project to Irri gate and make It a productive agricultural Bectlon. A party of New Moxlco citizens will meet In Chicago tomorrow and proceed from lheio to Washington, prepared 'to enter vig orous protect against tho paHsagc of tho ob jectionable bill. This Stnr (lulls. In the basement Saturday you will nnd ladles' (2.60 shoes for l!'c. Iidles" (J.00 hhocs for 39c and 49c. Ladles' shoes at 63c and HSc. worth (3.50. Men's shoes worth (4 and (S nt (1.28. Men's shoes worth (3.50 at SSc. Infant's soft sole shoos, nil colors, 65c quality at 34c, While tho sizes are not nil there of each kind you will find the right size In some of tho lots. , I THK HOW'B, 1515 Douglas. Omaha Tent nnd Rubber Co.. tents, awn ings, canvas goods, 11 and Harney, phono 833 i)i;i:it i'aiik iioii:i renrl buttonn. ilnlshed with silk tnpos, draw orn to match, kneo length, French bands, lie each. Llslo thread vewtH, Richelieu ribbed, beau tifully Unlabel), V or nqunro neck, 'sleeveless r wlni; sleeve, an extraordinary ottering; tfor Saturday's sale, 35c, 3 for (1.00. Imported lisle thread vcIh; also a lino of nil silk vets, crrnm pink, blue nnd lavender, crocheted laco at neck and sleeves, actual value 75c per garment; our Saturday's sale, 110c each. Womin'.s knit lisle thread knee pants, opem, kne trimmed with handsome, durable or, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt I-ake City. Return limit O-.tober 31st., 1900. City TIckot oillco 130? lirna.m st. Tel. 31C. An Opportunity to Vllt the Kant Pleasantly nnd economically Is afforded by tho tourist tickets on sale via the Lake Shoro & Michigan Southern railway on and after Juno 1st. Chautauqua Lake, Niagara Falls, tho St. Uiwrcnco rive, White Mountains nnd tho Atlantic coast resorts are among the moro Important points reached. Summer edition of "Hook of Trains" .showing sps-ci- lace, lightweight and cool, c-ru or white, nil men tours will be of Interest in arranging plzeii 3 to 0; for Saturday, 50c pair. I for your trip. Sent freo on application to Women's Kcyntlnn cotton ribbed union , 11. r. iiumpnrcy, i. i: a., i.anas my, .no., milts, silk crocheted ncok, ecru or white. Jilgh nock, long or short sleeves, nnklo or lineo length, all sized, only 60c per suit. Children's ribbed vestH, low neck, sleeve let.", nicely Ilnlshed, white or ecru; Saturday, 35c. 2 for 25c. Hoys' real French balbrlggnn shirts and Idrawcrs, flnlshesl seams, drawers doublo Boat, nnklo or knee length, all filzea, 21 to SI, 50c each. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. fiOo Palbrlggan underwear, shlrla. with ehort and , long sleeves, drawers, regular Inncth and extra flhnrt, with doublo seat or P. M. Ilyron, O. W. A., room Si Station Mdg., Chicago. Tho new twenty-six hour Boston train Is now In service. A ATTHAt'TIVi: .St MMKIl I'AMIMII.F.T Innui'iI Ii I In- nnlllniore A Ohio Ilnll rniiil Cmniinny, The naltlmore & Ohio Railroad company has Just Issued a very attrartlvo summer re sort pamphlet, profusely Illustrated and de scriptive of different points of interest trib utary to Its line. Spcclnl features are made of Deer Park, Gettysburg battlefield, At- rveiry thin guuzo shirts for very hot weather lantlo City nnd Put-ln-Hay. In puro white lino drilling drawers, wi'n lnetle anklo. In all sizes nil go for 50uj Cliciip lloiiml Trip lliitpn. On Juno 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10 and IS, and August 2, tho Illlnos Centrsl railroad will sell tickets, limited until October 31. as follows: St. Paul, Minn., nnd rturn (12. 6j ... 12.65 Duluth, Minn., and return 16.95 Waseca, Minn., nnd return 10.35 Superior, Wis., nnd return 16.95 West Superior, Wis., and return 16.95 Por particulars call nt Illinois Central city ticket ofllco, No. 1102 Pnrnam street. Spirit I, like, In.. Quickly nnd conveniently reached via the Illinois Central railroad. Round trip tickots now on salo at city ticket office,- 1402 Par nam Btreet. n garment Saturday. 75c Men's extra line light weight bal Ibrlggan shirts and druwors, thin and cool, extra value at 75c. nn OIH. .....I Muln Innmi efrlnn rlhhrwl ul ,, m V irLi Mn1 Minneapolis, Minn., and return light bluo fcllkcno, fast color, special for. , ' ' .', enturd.iy (l.oo. MEN'S UNION SUITS. $1.00 Kino ribbed halbrlggan union suits, Dong or short sleeves, tho "Munslng," eele Ibraled for perfect III and durability. (1.50 Llslo ribbed union suits, thin and rnol. all sizes up to IS, extra value, for 11.50. AVOMEN'S FANCY PARASOLS AND SUN UMHRELLAS. Silk coaching parasols, taffetas, serges nnd gros gr.Uu. In all now and beautiful colors and effects, hemstitched, embrold-rre-d and fancy trimme-d (2.50 to (10.00. lllgh art parabols, coaching styles, a full range of colons In exquisitely hemstitched, pmbroldrred and shirred elfecls, appllquo nnd chllfon trim; complete lino In white, Ulaln or trimmed parasols nt lowest prices. Silk serge sun or rain umbrellas red, preen, brown, bluo or black novelties In natural wood handles 26-lnch paragon frame for Saturday's sale (2.50 each. Just rocelved, nn extreme novelty In n un umbrella, with border, very pretty and tyllHh roil, brown, blue, green only (3.75. Wo can Hell you a good, substantial serge black umbrella, natural wood handles, silk lasfel. sleel rod for only 1.00 each. This lino also Ineliulcs a lino for chll Ilren 21-Inch superior llnlsh vory pretty Jinnilles. Agchtr, for Ilutlerlck's patterns. KELLEY. STIllER & CO., . Cor. Parnam and 16th. IIIIiioIn i'll Ansi'KNiuiMils. SPRTNOKIELD. HI.. Jlny 25. A complla t Ion of all taxes charged acalnsttthc as Hcssment of 1V99 In Illinois shows a total of si'J.jvj.i.ii, or wnicn i ook county Is charged J21.S72.H7. fool; county pays two-Ilfths of tho stato Lin. Paint Saturday DriT Park, Mil. .IomI Dfl Ik Ii fill Sum mer ItcMirl of tin- AIIi'kIiiiiiIc. Swept by mountain breezes, 2,800 feet abovo tho sea level. Absolutely free from malaria, hay fever and mosquitoes. On main line of Iljltlmore & Ohio railroad. Hotel nnd cottages. Every modern convenience. Roams en suite with bath. Electric lights, elevator, Turkish baths, two largo swim ming pools, golf links, tennis courts, bowl ing alloys, magnificent drives, complete liv ery service. Annapolis naval academy band. Delightful cottages (furnished for house keeping If desired) ready for occupancy June 1. Hotel open from Juno 23 to Sep tember 20. Por rates nnd Information address W. K. Rurwoll, manager, II. & O. building, Haiti more, Md., until June 10. Aftor that tlmo Deer Park, (Jarrctt county, Md. Why Look Further? The senson for Whlto Waists Is hero nnd wo aro prepared to show one of the best line of waists ever shown In Omaha. Pretty Wnlst3 that will fit your fancy, figure and finances. Prices, (1.50 to (5.00. The 95c Wrapper Sale will bo continued for Saturday. Sco them In our west window. DK SCDFIELO CuW&SUITCO. 1510 Dotmlns St. IJ.TCim.MO.V K.V'I'KS Vln ClilrnKo. MflMiiuUrr St. Pnnl Itr. May 19, 20, 21, Washington nnd return, (32.2S. May 21, 22, 23, Detroit and return, (22. Juno 2, 3, 4, 5, Milwaukee and return, (16.75. City ticket office, 1504 Parnam street. TcJophouo 2S4. Red-hot bargains all over tho house Satur day Wo tell you of a few and Invite you to oomo and see the rest. Road our ad on page 7 Haydon Ilros, The Road From Blair When tho bicycle roud racers start from Illnlr on their rldo to Omaha they will find posters all nlons tho way. Uy tho time they get homo It will be Impressed on their minds that CRAMER'S KIDNEY (THE Is used for lamo backs, etc., nnd If any of them get that tired feeling after riding, we don't know of a medicine that will do them as much eood as CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE. Cramer's Kidney Curo 75c Sure Death, for bugs sue Palnn's Celery Compound i,9c West's Nerve and Drain 29c liar Hen .pie AJax Tablets 40e Hood's Sarsapaiilla Wc Warner's Safe Curo "o Pyramid Pile Cure 4oc Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40c Vino Kolafra sjc Duffy's Malt Whiskey s.V Peruna 7;)(. Rromo Quinine i.v Whin of Cardul 7;l0 Plnkham' Compound 75c Miles' Ncrvlno 7,-,c Carter's Liver Pills the S. S. S 75c Aycr's Hair Vigor 75c CUT I'RICK DRUGGIST. SGHAEFER C'nr. Kltli mill Clilrnco Street. Wo nro "bearing" the shoo market. Our fght for popular prices has tumbled the price of line footwear to tho level of tho romnion factory product. Sco our ad on iagc 7 and come to our storo Saturday. Jlnyden ilros. Wilto nds. Soil cuts. Print anything. Etanecyphor. 1201 Howard st. Tel. 1310. xw location. Paint Saturday and let It DRY OVER SUNDAY Use the SHERW IN-WILLIAMS PAINT, for It Is READY TO USE; all you have to do Is to STIR IT UP. Eah can 'ontalns 11 perfectly propor tioned paint, which only needs to bp WELL STIRRED to be ready for use. Remember (hero Is nil the DIPPERENCK In tho world In MINED PAINT. HRWARH OP NO NAME goods. Nice cans of Sherwin Williams' choice paints, 15c each. Oood paint brushes, lite anil 20o. Fine Varnishes. The Sherwin-Williams Co.'s VARNISHES, like their paints, nro of superlative quality. They are put up In smnll cansas well as large ones Them are varnishes for PURNI TTRE and varnishes for FLOOR. Then there Is tho beautiful "HARD OIL PIN 1S11." Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Cor. 16th nnd Dodgo. WH Y ? AVlien rrnil)' o piirelinsn n IMAXO look 1 11 r I her than SC'IIMOI.liKIt & Ml KM.KII'.H uiirnnoniN, Till'. I.AIMi I JUT AM) MOST CO.MI'l.r.Ti: of their Mini In (lie i:Tllli; WKST. Where en 11 lie need the worlil'a Krvutcitt piano, the STEINWAY HAYDENs G ofaaB?t Clearing sale of ladies' tailor-made suits, the time has come when our ladies' suits will and must be sold, no matter what the loss not one suit will be carried over. This is our policy in this department at the the close of every season to make the price so temptingly low that the wise woman cannot re sist the temptation to buy. "Women's tailor-mado suits, made to soli at 12.50 and $15-00 jackets lined with taiTota, clearing sale price $6.50. j Women s suits in all colors, silk taffeta lining to match, made to sell, up to $25, clearing sale price, each $9.50. Women's high class man-tailored suits, now creations per fect copy of imported models, the greatest bargains over shown in Omaha, clearing sale price, only $13. 400 ladies' skirts in rainy day, golf, bicycle and dress skirts, ranging in price from to $7.50, clearing sale price $2.90. 75 high-class dross skirts, no two alike, none worth less than $18, clearing salo price, $9.90. 1 table ladies' dress skirts, worth $2.50 at 98c Specials for Saturday. 25 dozen ladies' linen crash skirts, with flounce and ruf fle, worth $1.50, each 49c. 50 dozen ladies' wrappers at, each, 29c. 75 ladies' silk waists, in all colors, $C quality, at $2.90. 50 dozen ladies' waists at 25c each. Ladies' light weight jackets, latest stylo, worth $S,00 for $2.98 each. No charge for alterations. Tho largest assortment and newest styles of wash waists in the city. HAYDEN BROS. Don't be faked and the beautiful toned A H ("HASH. VOS13, STKOI1R, HMHRSON. PACKARD, IVKRS & I'OND mid n aozon other standard makes, bought under such favor ililn conditions thai thrj can im sold for less than any dealer Jn the city can buy thorn for Nft our bargain list toy tho eoniliiB week and come early so as'to obtain a choice of ucit'ciiuu. 1 Marshall & Taver Fquoro Grand.. 5(0 Kino ChlckerinK Uprlfjht $16? 1 McKwun Upright, worth 1175, for.JUi lleautlful W'cser Ilros. Uprlcht.. . KZi 1 nearly new Vose, In S.m Domln- 3 new sample UprlKhts, of eastern go mahogany $-" manufacture, 13S, JIM and S167 VobC, In good condition 55 We nro state npents for tho KISI.F-I'LA YINO PIANOLAS. They play nny piano-any one ean play them You aro cordially Invited to call and examine Wh rent new pianos, tune, move, storo and exehanEe pianos. One vear rent ullowed If purchased, J5.00 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ACCEPTED. Tale phone, 1C23. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER The Old Reliable Piano House. f3l3 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. Bluffs By Cheap Imitation. There is only one place where you can get tho Genuine Regent Shoe Wo make them and supply our own stores, but never sell to outsiders or department stores. Tho genuine Regent shoo is novor sold for less than $2.50 and $3.50 and when wo sell at these prices you save $1.50 on every pair. KemettiDer, that we son you the genuine Regent shoe. Regent Shoe Company 205 South 15th Street. Women's Wash Waists For SATURDAY Two hundred and eighty-five dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists, go on sale at less than fifty cents on the dollar. 125 Dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists splendidly made from good standard per cales, in pretty patterns, with the latest style collars, cuffs and back, perfect fitting, no better waist sold elsewhere in Omaha for less than 50c Saturday 163 Dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists olnff Yam-p! 111,0 ,c 0,10 of No1w,Yorl5,f ioremost waist manufacturers and bought by us at less than 50c on tho dollar. Here They Are Ladies' waists, made of excoh lent quality percales, French gingham, white lawns, chambrays, etc, braid and inser tion trimmed, new backs and the now high standing collars, waists that cost . yf g to manufacture from $9 to 15 a dozen, take your pick Saturday at 25c The Ladies' Suit Sale Continues tor Saturday. Selling Suits for G.75 worth. .10.00 Selling Suits for (5.75 worth . .12.75 Selling Suits for S (5.75 -worth. .14.75 Selling Suits for S).75 worth. .1(5.50 Selling Suits for '.). 75 worth . .1S.75 Selling Suits for 9. 75 worth. .L"J.50 Sellincr Suits for i;j.75 worth. .24.00 Selling Suits for lfi.75 worth. .:)5.C0 Selling Suits for 13.75 worth. . . . . .45.00 See Farnam street window for information. See the stock in the department for proof. Mnn'n 1 1 n rl n rum n r Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Draw IYIdII 0 UIIUul W udl ci silk finish, unbleached and bluo gray, underwear that sells for 45c elsewhere, each . .25c Men's Colored Balbria oan Shirts and Drawer silk faced, blue, ecru and brown, real value 50c . 35C jlfen's Between-Season Underwear, just tho right weight to wear before you're sure of tho weather, each 35c Men'sSilverG ray Underwear, fancy and unbleached shirtB and drawers, neatly finished, each 50c Men' 8 Silk Finished Underwear, nicely made and finished bal briggan, bluo and pink, extra good value, each 75c Men's Sill' Plaited Underwear, extra lino, nicely finished, light blue, straw and pink, each $1.00 Men's Fancy Shirts. 4Gc, GOc, 75c nnd l.OO Largest lino of patterns in Omaha to select from. Boys' Fancy Shirts. SsrV-10- Bome stores get 75c and 1, our price, 45c, (blfiifiawa Garden Hose Our standard wnrrantert brands ot Hoko nro not excelled and our prices tho lowest consistent with Rood qual ity, ranging from "c to 20c per foot, with couplings. A pood Hose tnot warranted) at 6'fcc per foot. Hammocks This Beaton our assortment of Ham mocks Is larger and bettor than ever before anil includes many now 1900 patterns nnd colorings of tbo cele brated I'nlmor Co. make prices from ti9o to $ 1.15. AVater Filters Kvcrybody Fhoulil filter drinking water. If you uso one of our Succcsb or Kcllpse Kilters you are euro of hav ing pure, sparkling, germ-proof water. 4 -gallon Success Kilter nnd Cooler, 2.-l5. Wire Screen All widths. 21-inch to 48-inrh, in Krecit and black. $1.00 per 100 suuaro feet, in full rolls. MILTON ROGERS & SON, I4th and Farnam Sts, This Store Quits. John Foster's, C. P. Ford's, Plijgrcn & Smith's nnd other celebrated makes at a great deal lepn than you can buy tho ordinary footwear nt other places. This quality footwoar can be bought In flrst-clar shoe stores oaly. I'rlco thorn In other stores and then you will appreciate the big bargains wo aro offering you from $1.98 to $3. 98. Infants', children's and misses' Slippers In red, black and tan, nt tho Quit Hufclne Prices. Tho cost of tho shoes is not taken Into consideration, but only tho length of time we have to remain. Ilnnnlstera, Stacy, Adams, Douch & Sons and other celebrated men's shoes go In this bale. Fixtures For Sale. Store For Rent. THE HOWE, 1515 Douglas St. A Sacrifice Sale of Clothing at HAYDEN s ELIXIR OF LIFE l ii mythical compound THE FOUNTAIN OK PlOltl'ICTl Al. Vni'Tll, the Spaniards smicht, was iver found, but you will al w.iis llnd tho l.mVHST PRICKS nt our Btoro. Jl m nronio Pxltzer i?r $1.01 Plnkhnm's Compound ije jt.(l Palne'H Celery Compound w Mlo DoiM'h Kidney Pills I""' ic noan'n Kidney Pills e We Ividd'H Dyspepsia Tablets vtr SI nn Htunrt'H Dyspepsia Tablets f' tl.ru Kinlt'n Kmulslon '" ,7k- ( 'uM'arots We 2fic Carter's Pills ' 2T,r Juvenile Snap i'c L'5o cutli'iirn. rioap -f" Wo Krhirrin.in'H Asthma Cure W? Ele Kly Cream Halm 2,ic Pln Cure "0e $1 fiO Cuke s Dandruff Cure 7T,e Sherry Wine .. . fc Port Wine Wr Ilrandy 1 J. A, FULLER & CO i 'r pint i; nut i(.isT. I'iMirli'i-iilli ami MiiiikImh Slrerts. GOOD FIT Is essential In every set of artificial teeth, nnd our teeth arc mado with a doublo buc lion. no UK to bo perfculy tight. Oood net $5.00 Host set $8.00 fiold fillings $1-60 up Tad's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1317 DOUtU.AS ST. Anti-Kavf It a sure. Nut once in a Ivmdred times dots Antl-Kawf f.nll tn eillf. it mid Stojour J. ,;cit. He sells It. Profits aro lost sight of in tliiB salo. Wo lose them wisely. You may gain them wisely. This movement is con sistent with an inviolable rule we never permit our suits to linger. As the season is getting pretty far advanced wo place our entire clothing stock in this sacrifice sale. The prices range from $2.7f to 15.00 in men's wear. They aro made in all tho late colors and up-to-date fabrics, and tailored by such well-known firms as II. S. tfe Mf, Michaels, Storn & Co., Hack ot, Carhart it Co. , and wo guarantee the goods, fit and style equal to tailor-mado suits at ready -made prices. A t" 4 7 we suow sn3 'u l)Ure wor' iV A.p'-r x kJ Htcd, cassimoro and cheviot material in stripes, plain gray and chock patterns; suits in this lot worth up to $12.50 in this sacri fice sale $4.75. r)--j-r (ffclO Kuits aro niado f l)nru Washington wor yj W.1 kpiV 8U(j an(i are iu aji tj10 (.1GcjtB) Gripes and oxford grays, single or doublo breasted vests etpial to suits you see in other stores at 15 and $18; in this sale only $10. pn-p tL1 J'011 c,'ul l)y a Buit- Mut is equal to any kPlKj tailor-mado suit that was over turned out of a tailor shop; tho trimmings aro of tho very best, the but ton holes are mado by hand, the staying and padding put in by hand you get garments that hold their shape until worn out. There are about 110 different patterns so wo can pleaee the hard to please. They aro suits that generally re tail at about $'20 to $'25, in this sacrifice salo at $15, Free Given away, a pair of Kneo Pants with every boys' suit for $'2.50 Saturday. HAYDEN BROS. Selling the most clothing in Omaha.