Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Eutern People Drop Their Opposition to
Reclamation of Arid Landi.
Jiieri-neil I'mililiitliiii 1ir Wont
Would Alrnn mi Ini-reiim-il t'nii-
liiiilitlmi ii f tin- I'riiiliii-I
if Their I'lielnrU-n,
i.M'i.isiii:n siiiiitju'aists, n, it, ir,c j (jQQ MACKINTOSHES FOR 5()C
A lilrl Wnlal Hi-nnlliiii Hint Will Hllr
J). Maxson of Hcno, Nov., fccretnry of
National Irrigation confirms, wag In
Omaha ycatcnlny while returning to nia
homo from Chicago, where he hail been at
tending a meeting of the executlvo commit
tee of thu congreBB. Arrangement) were In
augurated for tho tenth annual session of
tho cungruHS, which will convene In Chi
cago In November.
Colonel Maxson spent much of the tlmo
lillo In Omaha In consultation with otllcluln
of the Union Pacific, who have at all times
taken a lively Interest in all matters per
taining to Irrigation and havo given sub
stantial aid to all ctitcrprlBes of a legiti
mate, promising character. 'The question
of irrigation," said the colonel, "Is being
viewed in an entirely different light from
that of a few years ago. Tho National irri
gation congreffl him bcon In scmlon nine
times and has succeeded In creating a genu
ine Interest In the subject which la of uch
Great Importance to the west. The jrc-cml-licnt
sut.cess that haH crowned our efforts
in In arousing the cast from a disposition of
opposition to a point of co-operation In at
taining necessary government all In'the re
clamation of tho vast arid district of the
"Heretofore the cast seemed disposed to
believe that tho fertility of tho west, mndo
possible through Irrigation, would add com
petition to tho farming Industry of the oast,
and conKcqucntly opposed Irrigation. Now,
however, wo havo Bhown tho eastern pcoplo
that if tho west Ih transformed from an arid
region Into a vast productive, fertile terri
tory there will bo a largely Incroascd popu
lation and a consequent increase In buslne'S
for tho ia8turn manufacturers. This will
Increase tho commerco of tho eastern cltlo
nnd enlargo tho resources of tho went. In
Nevada, for Instance, there aro 73,000,000
ncreH of land and only 47,000 pcoplo. Wcro
thin land tnndo fertile through tho agency
of federal storage reservoirs Its population
would bo Increased Immeasurably.
"Tho ofllccrs of tho National Irrigation
congresa nro morn than pleased with tho
licarty support Omaha, through Its Commer
cial club, Is giving our efforts to secure a
Government appropriation commensurnto
with tho necessities of Irrigation. Wo have
Kreat hopes that wo will be successful and
the beneficial results to tho ctitlro west can
not, bo easily appreciated, nor conceived."
Colonol Maxson has n pleasant recollec
tion of tho several months ho spent in
Omaha In 1808 as director of tho Nevada ex
hibit at tho TransmlfslfslppI exposition.
During his Bhort stay In Omaha ho
visited several of tho officials who were con
nected with the. exposition.
Ilii- "Willi 1 1- Tmvn.
To give you an Idea how great this salo
will bo and what extraordinary bargain
thero are In It, we tell you positively that
there aro hundreds of dozens of completely
finished waists, n big lot that nro almost
finished and another big lot that arc only
partly made.
AND 15C.
Would be worth $1.50 finished.
In this ono Item alone there are hun
dreds of dozens of partly made, waists thnt
are all cut out. the sleeves all finished, tho
majority of this lot are complete, with tho
exception that tho sleeves aro not sowed
to tho waists. Many of these Bhlrt wnlsts
nro trimmed with Insertion. They como In
lino percales, lawns, India linens, etc., all
In tho newest styles. And you will be
able to buy them at 5c, 10c and 15c each.
They would ho worth $1.00 If complete.
In this samo salo wo offer a ble lot of
waist materials such as lawns, India linens,
batistes, nainsooks, etc., by tho yard; also
a big lot of lace nnd insertion.
All of tho nbove are from the Parkslde
Mfg. Co. of Chicago, and will go on salo
Wednesday. May 23rd.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
Boston Slora 8ells Today All the Omtba
Tent and Awjing Oos Mackintoihes,
GO AT 59C, 98C, St-50, SI 98, $2.50, S2.98
lliii-Klnrn IIIvIiIIiik Thi-lr SiioIIm on a
Ki-i-IkIi Triiln Arc Olim-rt oil liy
.Mini mi n llrnUi-lii-nni,
Carl limner nnd Charles Kimball wcro ar
ralgned in pollco court yesterday on a
charge of robbing a freight car of the Fre
mont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley road on
tho night of May 10. They pleaded not
guilty and were placed under $700 bonds to
apoear for trial next Wednesday.
'ho Btar witness in tho caso when It
comcti up for hearing will ho an old farmer
named Oeorgo Nobles, who lives near Irv-
Ington. It happened that on the night of
tho robbery Nobles was beating his way
homo on tho freight train, when he saw two
men enter a box car. As tho car promised
more comfortable quarters than tho brake
beam, Nobles undertook to Join them, but
as ho looked in at tho sldo door ho kwv cer
tain things, ho eays, which caused him to
change his mind. Ho ndds that In that brief
Interval ho got a good viow of tho faces of
the two burglars.
As tho train was pulling out of Omaha tho
men tnrow out a quantity ot mercnaimia
with the obvious Intontlon of returning for
it later, but In tho meantlmo Special Agent
Fred t.M. Hans had been notified of tho rob
bcrr. Ho went at onco to tho point whero
thb goods had been thrown out and found
In tho brush along the tracks between Six
teenth nnd Twentieth streets r largo quan
tity of choeso. granulnted sugar, apricots,
oranges and chocolate, representing an ag
gregate value of $20, wholeailc price.
Uruncr nnd Kimball were nrrested Sunday
as tliey' wcro returning from a fishing expe
dition on Cut Off lake.
liieur AVi-rr Sold liy Omnlin Teiil nnit
A iv n I n t'liiiiimtiy for im IIIkIi
ii h ifia Knell Sonic Arc
a Utile- Soiled.
Sale begins this morning
at half past eight at
All tho ladles', misses' nnd girls
mackintoshes, in tans, drabs nnd navies,
ftorn tho Omaha Tent nnd Ilubber Co.; their
wholcsalo prlco up to $3; In thin salo nt B9c.
Men's and boys' mackintoshes with capes,
the Omaha Tent nnd Ilubber Co.'s wholesale
prlco $2.C0; In this salo C9c.
Hundreds of ladles' mackintoshes, with
detachable single or double capes, many In
this lot tho Omaha Tout and Rubber uo.
wholesaled at $5; In this salo i'Sc.
Men's $5 mackintoshes from tho Omaha
Tent and Rubber Co., on salo nt ii8c.
$7.50 MACKINTOSHES. $1 50 AND $1.93.
All the men's $7.50 wool tricot, wool sergo
and covert cloth mackintoshes, nnd men s
English rain coats from the Omaha Tent and
Rubber Co.. go In two lots at $1.50 and $1.98.
Tho entire stock of ladles 'lino wool tricot,
wool sergo and covert cloth mackintoshes
that tho Omaha Tent and Rubber Co. sold
up to $7.50, go at $1.50 nnd $1.98.
$12.00 MACKINTOSHES. $2.50.
All of the Omaha Tent nnd Rubber Co.,
both men's and women's, mackintoshes thnt
they sold up to $12, Including gentlemen's
driving coats In box style, motormen's coats,
Indies' high cost, fancy novelty cloth mack
intoshes, In all tho now Hhapes, also many
other rainy day outer garments from this
stock; go at $2.50 and $2. US each.
These goods are not damaged, many of
them nro perfect, some of them aro slightly
soiled from water, but, ns every one knows,
water docs not dnmago rubber mackintoshes.
N. W. Ccr. 10th ami Douglas. AM) ifii.oi) inns' m its, i.i.
Kt'Jt IIojk' ii ml flilhPn Sniiililc Vi-kIcp '
mill i-l Stilt, Worth I i to lI.OO. I
AT $1.19 EACH.
See them In our window now. I
This lot Includes the very lnjest of hoys' t
and child's fashionable vestco and" vest
sullo (vests samo as men's) In sizes 3 to
S yenrs, mado of strictly high class pure
woolen material In cheviots, fancy nnd
plain casslmcrcs, vicunas, clay,,
etc., actually made to sell for up to $3.00
and $0,000 a milt.
Don't forget the salo begins Wednesday
morning at 8 o'clock at
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.
13.TCMISIOX it AT 12 3
Vln dill-nun, MtliTntiUc-n A ft. Pnul Ilr.
Mny 19, 20, 21, Washington nnd return,
May 21, 22, 23, Detroit and return, $22.
Juno 2, 3, i, C, Mllwaukeo and return,
City ticket office, 1504 Farnam atreet.
Telepbono 281.
ainllronil Oltlelnl Admit tlint Slimli
liiK Im fioliiK On.
That tho recent Ironclad agreement en
tered Into by tho presidents of nil western
lines for tho purpose of maintaining n firm
basis on freight and passenger business U
being extensively violated la an open secret
In railroad circles. It Is asserted that ono
of tho prominent western lines operating
through Omaha hasjbuslcd Itself In Invcstl-
cattno. existing conditions and has col'
lected ovldonco that Is proof posltlvo thnt
competing lines nro Indulging In flagrant
violations of tho president's agreements on
ljoth freight and passengor business.
I'ubllcntlon In Tho Nco n few days slnco
of ihn assertion of a prominent official
that freight nffatrs wcro In a decidedly un
stable condition has caused a temporary
abatcniont of the Indiscreet practices in
dulned in by somo of tho freight depart
ments. Exocutlvo officials aro disinclined
to discuss tho question, but tho nuthorltn'
tlvo stntcment Is mndo thnt ono of the
nrlnrdnnl sublects to bo discussed by the
nroRldents nt their meeting In Now York
Juno 8, will bo relative to tho charges and
counter-charges of rato-cuttlng.
Iiili-rclinnKCiiMc MIIciikc Proponed
(ienernl Passenger Agent J. Francis of tho
llurllngton has been appointed by Chairman
aiaoLeotl of tho AVestern Passenger associa
tion n member of a commltteo to confer with
he southwestern mllcngo bureau with n view
of putting into effect nu lntorchangeablo
jnlloage system covering eastern nnd trans
mlsBOurl river commltteo territories up to
nnil Includlnc Colorado common points. Tho
other members of tho commltteo are O. J
Charlton. W. D. Knlskcrn, 0. II. Heafford
nnd F. H. Lord.
Texas Order Will He Nullllli-il.
Information has been received by the
frelcht officials of Omaha lines Interested
that tho action of tho Texas railroad com
missioners In establishing nn nrbltrary rate
of C cents per 100 pounds on all carload
ehlprrents from Texarkana to Texas points
will bo nullified 'by order or tno commia-
plonors May 29 and tho formor tariffs made
i-ffeetlve. It is understood thnt tho Texas
commissioners have been persuaded to ro-
redo from their nrbltrary action ns a result
nf nreasuro nnd argument brought to bear
upon them 'by tho Texas lines.
Novel Uniform for Itnltlmore fc Ohio
Tho Haltimore & Ohio railroad manage
ment has Introduced an Innovation In uni
forming its entiro corps of train and station
Tho conductors suits aro made of navy-
bluo serge, three-button cutaway coats, era
bolllshed with gold II. & O. buttons and
monogram "II. & O." In shield device on
coat collar, with appropriate cap.
Baggagemen and brakemen, sack suit of
dark blue "sinter" cloth and gold U. & O.
buttons, with shield device on coat collar and
cap to match.
Train porters, sack coat of samo material
as trainmen, wun sliver ouuons ana trim
mings and cap of khaki.
Station masters, "sinter" cloth suits,
Prince Albert coats with two rows or live
gold buttons on breast nnd gold metal badge
on cap.
Statlonmcn, dark bluo "slater" cloth suits,
with snuaro-crown black silk caps, nnd
station porters with brown corduroy trousers,
dark bluo flannel shirts with Initials "H. fe
O." In whlto across the breast, and khaki
These attractive uniforms will onatiie tno
traveler to readily distinguish train and sta
tion employes, who at nil times will be pre
pared to courteously rendffr any scrvlco and
furnish all Information possible to patrons
of tho road.
Itctiiilitli-nii Xnllonnl Convention
Chicago Is connected with Philadelphia, the
convention city, by the Pennsylvania Short
Mncs. And they nro the short lines between
thoso citle3. "Iok at tho map" nnd seo
for yourself. II. R. Derlng, A. O. P. Agt.,
248 South Clark st., will answer Inquiries
about cheap tickets for the convention nnd
trains which run solid from Chicago Unloit
station to the commodious passcngir station
of tho Ponnsylvnnla system opposite city hall
at Philadelphia.
Omaha Tent and Rubber comnany r pre
pared to fill all orders tents, nwnlngs and
i.-invas goods. Set location, corner lltta
nd Harnoy. 'Phono 883.
Oraphophones, phon&graptis, gramophones.
Graphopbono Co.; 1515,4 Farnam, Omaha.
Sprlnn ScIk-iIiiIc on Mc'ai-I IMnte Honil.
Effective Mny tith. 1900.
Fort Wayne, Findlny, Fostorla, HcIIcvuo,
Ior.iln, Cleveland, Palnesvllle, Ashtabula,
Conneaut, Olrard, Erie, Chautauqua Lake,
Dunkirk, Buffalo as well as New York, Res
ton nnd nil Intormedlato points In Now Eng
land, New York stnto and tho anthracite
coal regions nro reached on fast tlmo nnd nt
lowest ratco of faro by trains of tho Nickel
Plato road. Leavo Chicago 10:33 n. in,, 3:30
p. m., 10:30 p, m., with up-to-date drawing
room sleeping cars. Unexcelled dining cars
on through Iloston nnd Now York train nt
10:35 a. m, anil Now York City fast express
train leaving Chicago at 3:30 p. m. All
trains run dally. Train leaving Chicago nt
3:30 p. m. has Observation Car cant of Buf
falo over tho Ijackawanna road, nrrlvlng In
New York City 7.25 p, m., every day In tho
year, In good shapo for evening entertain
ments. Sccuro sleeping car space In ad
vance. Write, wiro or 'phono 2057 Central,
to J, V, Calnhnn, (Jcncral Agent, Chicago,
Spirit l.nUr, ln
Quickly nnd conveniently reached via the
Illinois Ccntrnt railroad. Itound trip tickets
now on sale at city ticket otllcc, 1102 Far
nam street.
('In-lip Hull ml Trip Hilton.
On Juno 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10 and 18, nnd
August 2, tho llllnos Central railroad will
sell tickets, limited until October 31, as
St. Paul, Minn., and return $12.G3
Minneapolis, Minn., nnd return 12.05
Duluth, Minn., and return 10.93
Superior, Wis., and return 10. 9j
West Superior, Wis., and return 16.93
For particulars call at Illinois Central
city ticket office. No. 1402 Farnam street.
"We have Just received n shipment of 75
ense.- of Heef, Iron and Wine and shall make
It sell hv thu extremely low tulce nt which
we shall offer It during the coming week.
Our assortment Includes all the leading
brands of Heef, Iron nnd Wine combined
as well us tho UB12F EXTRACT and WINK
15c Hurnham's Beef, Iron nnd Wlno, this
"week '7c
50c Dnrnhnm's Beef, Iron and Wine, this
week 22c
$1.00 Burnham's iBcef, Iron nnd Wlno,
this week 43c
$1.00 Wyeth's Heef, Iron nnd Wine 73c
$1.00 Pnrke-Davls Co.'s Beef, Iron nnd
Wlno 73e.
$1.00 Sherman's Beef, Iron und Wine.... toe
COc Mnrslwll's Beef Extract, this week.. 24o
50o Cudnliy's Beef Extract, this week.... 34c
Qt. Bottles California Port, Sherry und
Mudclra Wines 35c
Sherman & McGonnell DrugGo.
II ii 1 11 1 hut I'crmlln.
The following building permits havo been
Issued from tho office of tho building In
spector; Peter Sodcrbcrg, 1.101 nnd 1303 Far
nam. repairs, $270; Richard Mullen. Twenty
llfth nnd Chicago, two frame dwellings,
$2,000; K. S. Norman, 3S2I North Thirty-
third .repairs, sw.
Rood champagno repairs waste. If you
feel tired try n bottle cf Cooks Imperial
Extra Dry Champagne; boquet unrivaled.
A Vnlunlile I, Kile llooU of Inli-ri-xt
All Women Sent Tree.
Every woman looks forward with feelings
If indescribable Joy to tho ono event In her
life, compared with which all others pale
Into insignificance. How proud nnd happy
ho will bo when her precious babe nestles
in her breast how- swcot tho name of
"Mother." And yet her happy anticipation
Is clouded with dread of tho pain nnd danger
nf tho ordeal, so that It Is Impofslblo to
avoid tho feeling of constant fear. The
danger und suffering attendant upon being
r mother can bo entirely pt evented, so that
tho coming of tho little stranger need not
bo lookod forward to with fear and trom
Ming. Every woman who reads this paper
ran obtain absolutely free n vnluablo and
attractive llttlit book entitled "Before Baby
U Horn," "by sending her namo nnd nddiws
to tho Bradfleld Regulator Co.. Atlanta, da,
This book contains pricelets Information to
til women, and no ono should" fall to send
for It.
rOROAN Jnmes .1., Mny 20th. 1903.
Mineral wennesnny. May -m, at :io n. m.
from residence, 224 Caldwell street, to St.
John's church, Twenty-llfth nnd California
streets, interment Hi. Alary s.
GIBSON Georglanna, Mny 20, 1900, aged 67
Funeral servlees from the residence. 2113
Capitol avenue, Tuesday afternoon nt 2:30,
Mny 22. Interment Forest Ijiwii cemetery.
Tho Union Pacific will place in effect on
June 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive, July 18 and
August 2nd, Summor Excursion rates of
plus $2.00 from Missouri River to
pviiiii.o oi;im;. ami salt i.akh.
City Tli-Uel Olllee, lild'J Knrnnra St.
'Telephone lUII.
l"lri-iiiiui White IIi-nIIiik llnnlly mill
Will He A rim ml AkiiIu In
ii Few lln j n.
FIremnn William White, who was acci
dentally struck on tho head with an nx nt a
llro In a restaurant, 1312 Farnam street,
aionday morning, was resting easily at lust
accounts. After being taken to the Presby
terian hospital ho rallied quickly and was so
far rccovored by 9 o'clock yestorday that
tho doctor consented to grant tho patient's
request to bo taken home. His Injury Is not
ns Berlous ns was thought ut ilrst, nnd It Is
bollovod that with proper euro ho will bo
about again In a few days,
A I'liHt lllcvcle llliler
Will often recelvo painful cu, pralns or
bruises from accidents. Bucklen'd Arnica
Halve-will kill the pain nnd heal the Injury.
It's tho cyclist's friend. Cures chafing,
chapped hands, soro Mrs, burns, ulcers nnd
plR'H. Cure guaranteed Only 23c. Try lU
Sold by Kuhn & Co,, druggist.
Detroit and
$22.0 May
mm ...
North Manchester, Ind., I J1S.33.
ami return f Mai- 2S and 29.
Denver, Pueblo, Colorado I $19.0ojuno 5 and 19.
Springs nnd return ( $JO,00. Dally after June 1.
lint Knrlnrru H n 1
and return ! f $1310 Juno 3 nnd 19.
Clenwood Springs I $.11.00-Juno 5 nnd 19.
and return f $10.0,). D.illy after Juno 1.
rniiniieiphia nnd
I JM.75. Juno 14,
I ju ami ii,
Ticket Olllee,
1 502 Farnam St,
l Tel. 250.
Burlington Station,
10th and Mason Sts.
Tel. 120.
Wrlto nds. Sell cuts. Print anything.
Stonccypher, 1201 Howard st. Tel. 1310.
being compelled to set up nt night to fight
burs when you can get rid of them by
It's u nrcnaratlon guaranteed to kill nil
kinds of bugs.
Pint bottles 20c
One-half gallon bottles 5V
Ono giillon Jugs $1.00
Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c
I'alno's Celery Compound C9c
Peruna 75e
West Brain and Nerve Treatment .... 29e
Syrup of Figs 29e
Llsterlnc We
Undo Sam's Tobacco Cure 5)c
Bromo Quinine 15c
Carter' I.lver Pills 15c
i Inknam s ompound 7c
Dr. Miles' Hemedles 75e
S, S. S 75o
Duffy Mult Whiskey S5c
nosictlers Bitters i&c
Cor. lnih nnil Clilenuo SU.
S$ S? i! t'j ?'
i- i i-1
rctMiamtJ -
Gasoline Stoves
The Women's
Club Edition
Omaha Daily News,
Thursday, May 24.
Proceeds for tho Ak-Sar-Ben fall parades.
You will wish to advertise nnd subscribe.
For the first i;lve your advertisement to
n solicitor or send It to Jlrs. C. C. Bcldcn, i
News office.
For the second help some school boy or 1
girl to gain n prize or send your subserlp- j
tlou to .Mrs. Julia C. llooblcr, News office, ,
Telephone 1S27.
Any lnuill of Omiilin or South Omaha mnv
rompeto for the following prizes mid tho
lists will be open until Saturday noon:
Three months' sti-nogrnphy nnd type
writing scholarship, Omaha Commercial col
lege. Itelliinca wheel, $33, Nebraska Cycle
Cash, $.i0. The Omaha Dally News.
Camera, $10, Aloe & Penfold company.
Hoys' suit, $10, Browning, King ,fc Co.
Twclvo ynrds silk, $15, Thompson. Bcldcn
& Co.
Diamond ring for boy or girl, $25, W. R.
Fifteen-dollar tailor-made suit, Boston
Ileyu, photographer. 1 dozen cabinet pro
tographs. Dncy, milliner, bat, vnlue $10.
Continental Clothing Co., short pants
Following Is tho list of pupils leading In
subscription prize contest:
Willie MuNulty, Leavenworth '22
(lertrudn Drake, Walnut Hill 37H
Jessie Dewey, Saratoga W)
Carroll lieldeli, Central 272
Julia Nncl, Leavenworth 2im
Arthur Hlakely, Park 237
Harold Sobotker, Paclllc 211
Ouy Iludd, Central isn
Paul Inmiin, Leavenworth 131
Fred Plenlt-r 1BI
Huymond Hay ward, Park 113
Suits -
Is a mythical comoiinil. THU FOUNTAIN
OF l'URE'KTI'AL YOUTH, the Spaniards
soturht, was never found, but you will nl
wnrs llnd tho LOW1CST PRICFS at our
$1.00 Hromo Seltzer 76e
$1.00 Plnkhnm's Compound 73c
$1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 75c
60o Dodd's Kidney Pills 40e
603 Doan-s Kidney Pills Wc
Mo Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets too
SI .00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 7.rc
$1.00 Scoffs Umulslon 7r.c
fine Cascarets 40c
2,1c Carter's Pills llie
2Tc Juvenile Soap lite
23c Cutlcura Soap 20c
0Oc Schlrtman's Asthma Cure 40c
50o Kly Cream Balm 40e
2Sc Cure 20c
$1.0) Coke's Dandruff Cure 75c
Sherry Wlno 60c
Port Wlno Wc
Brandy $10)
TT PRICi; nitlHitilST,
I'onrlc-cnlli nnil DoiikIh" Street.
Blue Flame Stoves
, The latest 1910 Improvements S1MPLK s,
Is essential In every set of nrtlflclal teeth,
and our teeth aro mado with a double suc
tion, so ns to bo porfectly tight.
flood pet $5,00
Host mi $8.00
Cold fillings $1.50 up
Taft's Philadelphia Dental
-' -
PUICE this week
X Enameled Steel Oven-full Ofi
line-sneclal nrlce tills week PA- (
Mill nnil Knmiiin SIm. i
Shoes and
Fine Shoes from the
best eastern manufac
turers, at less than
wholesale prices.
Selling the "Stetson" Shoes for men.
Selling the Ultra"Shoes for women.
Over 1000 pairs of ladies' fine vict kid, 4 and
$4.50 shoes, made with welt and hand turn
ed soles, new style kid and patent C IO
leather tips, all sizes and widths, at
Over 800 pairs of ladies fine vici kid, $2 and
$2.50 oxford ties, made with single flexible
and turn soles,, new style toes and kid tips,
tan and blacks, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, OO
and widths A to E, on sale at 100
Over 500 pairs children's fine kid $1.50 lace
shoes, with kid tips and spring heels and
kid tips, sizes 8 to 11 Qfto
sale price , vvv
450 pairs of children's fine kid $1 lace and
button shoes, with spring heels and stock
tips, sizes 5 to 8
in this sale at
a You
iSJtfSr can
ffcm C. Save
MtS One
your suit money if you come horn
Compare our prices with oilier half-off Bales and
see who sells
Tailor-Made Suits
ri imi iiiiniMBi n innii
When reniljr In liurclinxi- n IMAM)
look fnrllu-i- tliiui SI'll.'tlOI.I.KIl .i
Ml Kl, I, Hlt'S ivnroriioiiiM. Till: I.AIUi
I'.ST AMI 31 (1ST nnil'I.OTI'. nf lliHr
kind In (In i:Tllir, AVi:sr. Wli.-n-run
Im m-cii (lie -.totIiI'n Krrnlrit
Iilniiii, (lie
.'Hal,' CJ'ni.'r i. r i.i 1 1 r ,in .
IVKIW & PONE anil dozen other itnmtanl ni, 1,ouk t & snVli fav ":
iblo eon.lltlons thnt they can be sold for less than any dea e In ti e city eaii
SsVteni'a chTscteTon': 1,81 fr lhu C0'""1K "
1 Marshall & Ilnvcr Square Orand.. 140
1 McEwcn Uprlsht, worth J175, for.$li
1 nearly now Vosc, In San Dotnln-
ko mahoKany j;r
Vose, in good condition S3
We nro stnte apents for the SE EE-PEA Y I NO PIANOEAS. They i.liv nnv
, " v "u -i-nniico niaiios. ono v,,nr
l ino riilekerlnp Uprlsht JIM
Eeaiitlful Wcser Urns. Uiirlcht JJl'5
.1 new samplo UprlKhts, of eastern
manufacture, tliS, 1W nnd J1G7
om.a,lWl 'f I,uVcl,asci1' feW MONTHIA- PAYMENTS ACUICPTED. Tele-
The Old Reliable Piano House.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha. 337 Broadway, Go. bluffs
We have selected 100 suits from
our tremendous stock for Tues
day's sale, they were made to sell
for $25, $30 and $35, Tuesday
Another lot of 75 suits, silk
lined throughout, mado to sell at 20.00 and
$22.50, Tuesday $9.75.
We are showing the largest line
of high elass dress skirts in the west.
We have selected twenty-five skirts for
Tuesday's sale worth $18, $20 and $25 Tuesday $10.
Another lot of homespun skirts, in all wool
in gray oxford brown and black, made to sell for $0.00
Tuesday, $2.90.
Wash Waists.
We have picked from our selected stock of
wash waists, 35 dozon, made of pretty patterns in gingham,
warranted fast colors, guaranteed to fit, make to sell for
$1.75, at 98c each.
Wo are showing everything you want in while waists
some beautiful imported styles, $4, $5 mid $6 each.
75 ladies fashionable silk capes, all. silk lined wo bought
them at our own figures and that was low. They aro trim
med with lace ribbon and jet. They are $8, $10 and $12
garments, at $4.98.
Ladies' Wrappers, well made, with rufilos over shouldor,
extra waist lining with or without flounce, in light and dark
colors, worth $1.50, for 98c.
Jt b sure. Sen )ur '
Not on o li a
b ,i,lr- i 1 iiir h
.im t il Imiu f
i" ' 'ir a cold
He sells It
prX The Kerr Medical Institute
I "I Will, Inrlnnull, Ohio. JUtMilWii"! 117, Hi
9 1", 'arBMt ami iaot wlclel, known Inntltutlon la
tneu.ti lluok .nut M,altMi ir. for luurctmi. la tumt
You tho BEST notwltlistaniilna Ihny cost you tin more tlun Inferior noodt.
W, H. HICK M. I ,('() MAM IWCTtmnitS NT f OI'IH, MO.