21 Tins OMAILA DAILY 111315: Sl'XDAV, 3FAY 20, 15)00. WILL ESTABLISH PRECEDENT Count; CommUiioaarj Will B Aiktd to Try Eipinment in Municipal Ohantj. JlMMIE GILLAN NUY BE GIVEN "CURE" llintlliitliin for lire of I ) 1 1 1 m i 1 1 1 1 1 it UmiiIh tin- Incorrlullilc Smith O 111 ft It i) lluj In 'In lie 'I t I'lll Illl'lil. It Is probable that Douglas county, through Hit Hoard of Commissioners, will hoar the expense of n liquor cure for Jlra mlo Olllaii. the Incorrigible who has re peatedly terrorized the .South Side nohool In South Omaha. If thin deal In consummated It will I'HtnbllHb a precedent In benevolent work, for the records do not dlscloso a piimllcl Instance of municipal charity. The Olllan lad was before Judge Vinson haJcr yesterday to stand trial for In corrigibility. I'rof. M. Johnson, principal of the South Sldo school, was tho prosecut ing willies l'rof. Johnson related In de tail the Ktory of Jlmtnlo' escapades how ho filled up on firewater, how he lambasted tho other boys of the school with a black snake whip, nnd how In general ho set discipline at mtught. It Is evident from u deduction of l'rof. Johnson's testimony th.it he regards Jlnitnle (Illlan ar a wonderfully bad boy. Jlnitnle admits It, nnd boasts with gront show of pride that he In 'the tough cjt that ever trotted over the pike." This quotation Is borrowed literally from Jlinmlc. Jil'lgo Vlnsonhnlcr sentenced the lad to the reform school for an Indefinite period. Tho court would probably havo made the sen tence until the subject Ih of legal age, but for the arrival of J. II. Shoppird In the court room with a proposition to give tho boy a liquor euro. Sheppard who reprc hents nn Institution for tho euro of In chrlatcH, said be had read the story of tho (illlan boy's frailty In the papers, and that the management of bin Institution had or dered him to viell Omaha with n view to securing the lnd as n patient. Judge Vln unnhaler said be bad no authority to negoti ate for the euro, but he heartily approved of the Idea, and Sheppard was referred to tho county commissioners. He offers to make coiicohhIohh as to cost, appreciating the fact that to cure Jlmmle (Illlan means n valuablo advertisement. The commis sioners aro In doubt us to their authority to administer a liquor cure at county ex pense, but the proposition is under con federation and If a legal way can bo found Jlmtnlo will probably be Immunized from the evil habit Into which he has fallen. 'I'll Hit- I'lllillc. Tor Hie bencllt of thoso who nre doubtful ns to Whether we recolviil I be Insurance of our lato daughter and sister, Carrie Cilbsoti, from the Star of Jupltor lodge, wo wish to Miy that wo received tho full amount due us. One hundred dollars was telegraphed us Im mediately nftei' tho lodgo had been notified of her death, nnd tho remainder was paid us one month later. AI.EX O. GII1SOX AND WIEE. J. I (11IISON AND WIEE. J. J. ORMSHY AND WIEE, 3IISS NETTIE (JIHSON. Rod letter Days. Special Excursions to tho nfcick Hills Via NorlUi-Western Mne, Juno 21, July 7 lo 10 inclusive, July IS, August 2. Ono faro plus $2.00, Mmlt October 31. 1000. AgentH Omaha, Missouri Valley. Sioux City nnd at Intermediate points In Nebraska will sell thc cheap rato tickets, vln tho "North-Westorn Line," Ercmont, Elkhorn k Missouri Vnlley railroad. COLONEL CODY'S NEW CAR It In tho One In Which 31 inc. I'ltlll Mmlo Iter IiimI A intrl(nit 'I'o nr. Colonel II. H. Hake, proprietor of tho Merchants lintel, writes from Philadelphia to say that Colonel W. E. Cody (HulTalo Hill) has n magnificent now private enr to re- jdnco tho ono burned In winter quarters nt Now Haven last February. As tho old car was tho ono formerly used by I. T. H.irnuni, the now one Is the palatial cnach In which Adellna l'attl mado her last tour of tho American continent. It has been ro modeled and refurnished since then. Colonel Hake writes that Colonel Cody Is "ns tlokled over his new oar as a boy over his first pair of p.iutB." His Wild West .how Ih now playing an ongagomont In J'hllndolphla. "After suffering from piles for fifteen yoars I was cured by using two boxes of De- Witt's Witch Ha7el Salvo," writes W. J. Ilaxter, North llrook, N. C. It heals overr uling, llewnro of counterfeits. Miss Alice Howell, assisted by Mr. Joo Hnrton, vocalist; Dr. and Miss lteglna Ilao- tens, violinists, will give a recltul at tha Young Men's Christian Association audi torium Monday evening, May 21. Tho well Vnown talent assures n llrst-class entertain ment. An admission fee of 25 cents gom to nsslst a class of boys of tho Calvary Bap tist Sunday school on Us pledge of $100 toward tho building of a new church. Hamilton Wnrren. M. D. eclectic nnd magnetic physician, has moved his ofllco to 709 N. 16th street, room 13. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dts cflses nnd to diseases of women and children Thomas W. Car. & Hra. hav,- removed to 914 Kiirnnm street, old nM oulldlng. Tin Kaivnnizeu iron woik, clilmney tops and KimcrinK a micciaiiy. ici. After May !l our odlco will bo lo.-nted at J106 Eurunin. Johnson Hros. Trnusfer Lluo, Genuine Imported H. H. Tllsncr beer on draught nt Ed Mnurer's, 1306 Enrnam st, Wrlto ads. Sell cuts. Print nnythlng. ttonecypber, 1201 Howard Ft. Tol. 1310, Douglas Printing Co., 150S Howard. Tel.SU Oyball's for lco croam nnd candy. Tel. 1416 City real entate. Harrluon, N. Y. Life. O. W. Wortz, dentist. 1015 Douglas st. A. D. T. Messengers. Tel. 177. Have. Root print It. CHICAGO BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Cat Servlcs I M'l.M.SIM'.ll SIIIIIT WU!TS ft, Ill, ISC Over 1,000 I)iimi l.nillrs' Prrrnlp nml l,n un WiiUtx from I'nrkMilr Mtitt Co,, Clilenixn, AT HOSTON 8T0IIK, OMAHA. SAMS HKOINS WEDNESDAY, May 23. In this sale there are bun dtods of dozens that nro completely finished, some noariy finished and sonic only parMy made. SAt,K HEOINS WUDNKSDAY. May 23. UXriNISHKD WAISTS, fc. 10c, 15c. Of tho partly made waists thero are hucdredH of dozens that arc all cut out. jbo sleeves all Mulshed. Tho majority arc com plete, oxcopt the sleeve arc not senel to the waists. Many of these shirtwaists arc trimmed with Insertion. They aro all made of line percales, lawns. India linens, etc., all mado In the new styles end they will b. nold at ., 10c and 1"; worth up to $1.50 If complete. We also bought from the same company n big lot of waist materials and trimming, Mich us lawns, India linens, batlstca, nain sooks. l;icw and Insertions. THE SAM-: IlEOIXS WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. j and will bo tho greatest sale of Itn kind over hold cither In Omaha or an) where else. Don't forget the sale Is nt HOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglna Sts. To fool Minnesota Via the "North-Westorn Mnc," . Juno 21, July 7 to'10 lncluslvo. July IS, August 2, to St. Paul. Minneapolis, Dublin, Superior, Waseca and Kasota. One faro plus $2.00. Mailt October 31. 1900. Agents Omaha and Council Bluffs will tell via "North-Western Lino" at these cheap excursion ratcfi. Two dally trains. Tho Twin City Mm Ited. Tho Twin City Express. Model trains for travelers' convenience and speed. iillcr. Members of Mecca court, Tribe of Hen Hur, will meet at 1203 Earnam street Mon day at 7:30 sharp to attend meeting of Jewel court. Council Hluffs. C. E. AM, EN. E. C. WHITE. Scribe. Chief. Aiiniiiiiii'i'inctit, I now bnve my own orchestra, conKistl"g of the fluent mandolin trio In the west, which , discoursed sweet music to guests nt my i restaurant, 1120 Douglas street, every day from 12 to 2 p. m and at the Her Hrand enfts from fi to S p. m.. during -which hours llnncr Is nerved a la cartQ. " ROME MILLER. Letters of credit and ilrrular notes for foreign travel can bo procured ut the Omahn Natlonnl bank. This bank will furnish all Information necessary for persons visiting Europe. Omnha Tent and Rubber comoany r pre pared to fill all orders tents, awnings and rsnvas goods. Nsw location, corner lltb and Harney. 'Phone S83. Hiihermann, Jeweler, est. 1866: absolutely reliable; lowest prices guaranteed. 13&Doug. Ornphophonos, phonraplis, gramophone. Oraphophono Co., 1515 Farnam, Omaha. Wood Mantels Tile Mantels Artistic Fireplaces Gas Grates Gas Logs Tile Floors Tiling for Bath Rooms, Vestijbules, Wainscot ing, etc. New and beau tiful designs in And irons, Fenders, Fire Sets and Fireplace Grates. Our new 1300 designs In Wood Mantels nre In and we now show ths handsomest and most complete line of Mantels and Kircplaco Fixtures In tho west. MILTON ROGERS & SON, 14th and Farnam, Send for special mantel catalogue nnd prices. WOMAN'S CI.MI HHITIOV OMAHA DAILY M-JWS, .MIY aiTII. Tho Omahn Yoman's Club has tuken en tiro (diarge. llnanclal nnd editorial, of next Thursdnj-'s edition.-) of tho Omahn Dally News and will devote tho orocceds of Its work to tho Ak-Sar-Hen fall festival. Mrs. Draper Smith, president of the club. Is edltor-iii-ihlef ; Mrs. Haldrlge, manaulng editor; Miss Kalrbrother, city editor. Jlrs. Tllden, business manager: Mrs. Heldun, nil vertislnir malinger; Mis. H'oobler, manager of circulation; Mrs. Damon, treasurer. Past presidents of the club nre to write articles anil others havo been obtained from abroad. Tho city has been districted for advertising purposes nnd also for circula tion, which the school children, stimulated by tho prizes offered, aro working cITci -lively. Outside clubs have been untitled nnd will tako largo numbers. N'ot less than in.oOfl circulation Is arranged for nml tho elTort eems to bo proving very success ful. To stimulate the local circulation tho fol lowing prizeH have been solicited from tho Omaha merchants and nro offered tho school boys nnd glrlH of Omaha: Three months' stenography nnd type writing scholarship, Omnha Commercial col lege. Hellonco wheel, fciG, Nebraska Hlcyclo i-(illipali . Cash. 30 The Omaha Dully News. Camera. $10. Aloo & l'onfold company. Hoys' suit, flO, Hrownlnvr. King ,t Co. Twelve yards sill;, tl5, Thompson, Hclden & Co Diamond ring for boy or girl, $25. Yv. It. jxmiieM Flftceu-dollur tnllor-mudo suit, Hoston I i-lorc j One two-pleco knee, pants suit, Common- tul Clothing- Company. W tilmnu-d hat, Dacy, milliner. ! 1 dozen cabinet photon, Heyn. Any pupil iniiy compete for these prizes, tlie one securing the largest number ot subscriptions having llrst choice of prizes. I Those dcslrlnc to conineti, e.in M.x.nrn blank xubMcrlntlon books of tho imlrmwusi of the lltfercnt schoolH, or from Mrs. tleorge W, Doubter, circulation mannper, nt Tho Omaha Dally News otllce, 111 South Four teenth street. Tho following Is the list of highest com petitors: Willie McNulty, ; Ocrtrude Drake. 37: Jessie Dewey, l; Carroll Helden, Sill; Har old Sobotkor, 211; Ouy Hudd, 1S3: Fred W I'lumber. 15t; Hayjiiond Hay ward. tTO; Kd moiid Hesslre, 121 ; Hay Wilcox, 93; (Jeorge l'erclval. 90; U-stcr Sbenn, 7S. "diKT'I'A SANDALWOOD CAI'SUI.KS. Cures Gnr.orrhoea, Gleet, unnatural dis charges In a fow days. All drugRlsts. accept enly Docutn, by mall .JI M. full directions. Dick ,& Co., 133 Centre flt New York. O.M.tllA TIl.NT AM) III lllir.lt ( (I. Xllt.t. ThHr I. miles', Ml-..-,', Hoi ' it ml Mm' llitlilx-r ( on In unit 1iicltliitiislir TO HOSTON STOHE, OMAHA. Snlo begins Tuesday. May 2:nd. nt S o'clock sharp, AT HOSTON STOHE. OMAHA. This sale will be one of the greatest op- portunltles ever presented to the people of omnha to buy rubber clothing for almost nothing. Wo ndvlee you strongly to wait until this sale opens, which will be Tuesday. May ?2nd, nt Doston Store. And never In the courso of events have such good rubber goods been sold for ns little money ns we will sell them next Tuesday. To give ou nn Idea bow these goods will be sold, wo will tell )ou that nil the men's and boyit' cape mackintoshes that the 0.nnha Tent Mid Rubber colnpnny old wholesale up to $3.00 will go In one lot at ollc each. Tho higher grade mackintoshes for men and women that sold up to $12.(100 will be sold in Just about the same, proportion. Somo of these gi oda havo been wet nnd slightly rolled, but otherwise nre petfect, ns water does not hurt rubber goods. Wait and be sure to attend this sale Tuesdny, May 22nd. nt HOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor lGth ft Douglas Sis. Dii:i), WAhDIN Johanna, aged 70 years. I-'iilli-rul servlie at residence of son-ln-luw. It. Koihnomun, si: S. .IGth street. Sunday iifternoon. May 20th. at ." o'clock El lends Invited. Interment Hurllngton, la. NIKI.SKX Mr. Katrlna. Thiir-duy, May 17t!i. IWO. at o'l-lnck p. ni., aged 7s years, s months, 15 days. The fnm-r.il service will be held from tho residence of- her wm-tn-law. Mr Xels Chrlsti'iisiii, 1112 North 23d slrett Sunday, Mu.v 20th, 19. at 2 p. m. Iiiternu-nt in 1'roMpect lllll cemetery. Eriend. Invited 1 1 ! ii'm frt't" Sotii''t. May -G to Juno 5 wo present free a "new process" watc color photo, handsomely matted, with each nuw rtoicn platlno cab inets or larger photot. Heyn. tho Photog rapher, 313-317 South Fifteenth. Htniik hook nnd niagazlitu binding. A. I. Root, 109 Harney street. Shoes of Quality It l economy to buy tho best not neces sarily tho highest priced, but tho best to tie had for tho prlco you pay and wo sell on that kind tho best in quality the latest nnd most original In style the most com fortablo in fit and nt tho most reasonable prices. CPXanwridbtCo N. JL Cornwr 16th awl Deuslaa Sta. i MGtfAau i r Vt&lTAiUS VltATlrTtAt J, L, Barnett, So. Omahn. .I-. TVtGffAa! I toitft J J I a 1108 FARNAM STKEKT. UlnEll' S Clothing yj" C Monday we place on sale 200 men's ipXO.VyV lineat suits the very latest styles and patterns striped and small checked worsteds, oxfords, vicunas, unfinished worsted, in fact every thing worn by up-to-date dressers regular $18 to $22.50 values, our price Monday $15.00. mi C CC 300 men'8 a wol 8Prhig suits, in fancy jJ5 JLv V-J worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots and serge, manufactured by such roliable firms as llackott, Carharttfc Co., Hart, Schaffnor & Marx and Michael Stern tfe Co., fit and workmanship guaranteed. Good values at $16.50, our price Monday A 450 suits P'Tr. JL chased of Miner, Beal & Co. at 47c on the dollar suits worth from $10 to $12.50 aro included in this lot. Wo expect to close them out Monday and oiler you your choice at $4.75. A fancy vest free with every boys' knee pants suit at $3,50 and up. $2.50 au $3.50 strictly all wool worsted.-?, serges and cheviots, regular $4.00 to $0. 00 values, sale price $2. 50 and $3. 50. A fancy vest free with each suit. $2.25 and $3,50 and fancy vests, satin lapels $2.50 instead of $3.75 and $5.00. Thoso who appreciate high grado cloth Ing would do well to call and examlno tluao Garments and bo convinced thnt we i,avo them S3 1-3 to 50 per cent on each purchase, HAYDEN BROS. IJ.TCt KSIOJf HATH 1 Vln riilmKO, .MIMiniiWrc A ft. I'nnl tl. , May 19, 20, 21, Washington nnd return, $32.:r. May 21, 22, 23, Detroit and return, $22. Juno 2, 3, I. 5. Milwaukee and return, $16.73. City ticket office. 1501 I-'arnnm street. ( Telephono 2S1. ELIXIR OF LIF MHHHMiH! U a litytlilt al rompuun 1 THE KOfNTAIN Ul- I'liHTI-i J'l AI, VOI TII, me fpaiiiaru sol' ht. wan never fount, but voti will ul- W.i. B lltlil tlie LOWEST l'HH'NH lit our, "(lore I ;I.c i llromo Seltzer "' I Jl.Oo l'lnkhatn's Compound 7"' l II, (m l'ulnes Celery i'ompound 7"i I oOo Dodd's K'ldnev I'lll 41.- r Moans Kldn.y Pill 10,. Me Dodd's I)v iisln Tablets t"c Jl.o-) Stuart's Dyppepsla Tablets "5c $1.TO Scott's EihiiIhIiiii 75c iVk t'nscarets 4", Ttf Curler's 1'IIN Km- j 25c Juvenile Smri lc 25c Olltlcura Sunn 2lc fifi- ScbllTitinn's Asthmu Cure 40 5no Ely Cream Halm 4' 25c l'lso Cure -'K Jl. i)0 Coke's Dandrurf Cure 75i 1 Sherry Vlno ... fr" I'ort Wine Mi Hratuly $10) J. A- FULLER & CO , ctT fun i; nitt;i;;iM'. 1 I'liuilecnlli nml DiittKtiin Slrcel. GOOD FIT Is essential In every set of artificial teeth, nnd our teeth nro mado with n double suc tion, so ns to bo perfectly tight. Hood ect $5.00 IlC3t set JS.00 Hold fillings $1.50 up I Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DOUGLAS ST. If your blood does not clrculato property you are nick If tho air In your refrigerator docs not circulate It Is sick and you soon will bo if you use It. Tho Merrick Refrigerator has tho right kind of circulation, consequently it keeps foods perfectly. No nasty zinc lining no mould no scrubbing. C C!U I P P riounl Great Sale of High Grade $10.00. left from the 13,305 suits pur 500 boys' double breasted suit h ages 0 to 10 years, 250 Fine Vesteo Suits, sizes 3 to S, made . with plain Mondav's price $2.25 and BLACK SILK rtjsxinxzai) ofh Wo are selling bla, k sill; suspensories, with leg straps and waist bands and rubber draw trlngs, for 75c Another one Is made, out of white silk bolting cloth, with leg straps, very cool. Dig value at 50c. Then we have inco silk suspensories with Just one band nround the waist at 50c and 35c and vi i v good suspensories In both styles men tioned above at 25c. Mailed postpaid upon receipt of price. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. NEW S. W. LOCATION Cor. lfith nnd Dodge, OMAHA fi ' J' J V ' $ '? ' Going to Cut Your Grass? Cjulto llkclv it needs It it you don't own a mower we can , help you own one It won't co.? much. Don't borrow your neigh- '5' bor's. Let us explain the dlf- '' ferencp between our "YKI.I.OWf FHM.OW" nnd other so-callcn'' good mowers. Jas. Morton St Sou Co. 1511 l)OI)(j-: ST. y & i v $ ran "St. Louis Cannon Ball" ; LAST TO LEAVE-FIRST TO ARRIVE LEAVE OMAHA 5:05 P. M. ARRIVE ST, LOUIS 7:00 A, M, Trains leave Union Station dally for KANSAS CITY, QUINCT. BT. LOUIS and all points east or couth. SPECIAL HATES to HOT SPRINGS. AUK. ilomeseeki-rs excursions May 1 and 15. All information at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1115 l-'AHNAM ST., (Piston Hotel Dlock) or write Harry E. Moore-u. C P. & T. A.. Omaha. Neb, uivncu' luti uens Shoe Selling, Monday. "Ultra" Shoes for Women. "Stetson" Shoes for Men. Ladies'Fine Shoes From the well' known factories of Rochester Shoe Co., Moore & Shafer and Brooks Bros, on sale at SI.38, $1.89, $2.48 and $3.00, worth from $2.50 to $5. All sizes and widths, A to E. sale at 73c and 98c regular $1.25 and $1.50 values sizes S to 11. Infant's Fine Patent Leather Shoes on sale at 39c and 48c worth 75c and 90c sizes 2 to 5. HAYDEN BROS. DON'T FORGET THAT WHEN SMOKING A I imm wrrciTTTHTTBrTT 'H)n You hjvc the BEST notwlthst andlnn r. It. HIUi: M. '. .).. SI ANITA CTIIH Kits, ST. MIIIIH, MO. C. A, RAILBBACIC, OMAHA, DISTHIUUTOR, SUMMER Excursions VIA I The Union Pacific will place In effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 Inclusive. July 18 nd j j August 2nd, Summer Kxeurslnn rate of j ONE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP plus $2.00 from Missouri Hlver to ' i Di:xvi:it, nii.iiiniii) MMtiv;s, 1M lllll. (I OlilllC.V AMI Wl.T 1.AKI2. TICKETS ClOOD FOR IIBTL'UN ISTIU OCTOHHH 3 1ST. City Ticket Oltloe. litoa I'nrnnin St. Teleiilinnc .'till. j How's Your Chest? i ' k M'hllt IB. ,.. lu i....... 1... -1 . ... d i "ni is. nn id vniii, 1.. iir.u, rcfrl lIMInr" If It it 111 ,.td ei.lldlll.il, ou would do well lo rail and examine o i- lino of S Refrigerators. We undoubtedly b.ie as line nn as sortment nn money inn bu. and to nolo the c.vu t wnrdn of one of our eoivotlttir "If dollars anil i-piiih aro oonildored. IIuhsIo will sell you " Wo t'-ousht that very good, and If you want a ivfrlgernlnr wo II tint ll appoint that competitor of ours V II cell you If low prlccH und good good! will do It. i i !2 John Hussie Hdw. Co., 2407-09 CumlnK St. "If you buy It of Husulo it's right." ' An!i-Kawf N'ot once In a hundred times doea Antl-Kawf fall to cure a cold It'a sure. Seo your druggist lie sells It. SPECIAL and Oxford Ties if Mi-Hi i! t mm 'iCT i : 5 ?-r (Jiggers n X X,-,.,'.- l Misses' Fine Shoes from tho factories of II. W. Merriani Co., R. T. Wood it Co and Sussex Shoe Co. on salt) $1.12, $1.29 and $1.50 worth fully 1.50, $2 and $2. SO all widths and Bizes, 11 to 2. Children's Fine Shoes black and tan, vici kid, spring heels and singlo liexible soles, on IIMAI TVS Ti:r,TII. Her brow won lil:o tho snowllake, hor throat was lllta tho nwan, niid her teeth, they woro tho whitest ono coulij look upon. Tlnlj- received treutment at tho parlors of HA I LEY nnd ns a eon scqiiencn nro well preserved, clear, ro bust nnd wholesale. Good teeth form ono of tho pleasantest feature In a faco and It In far better to havo good ones that tho tOUIIful dcntitd innnu facturfo than bad on oh of your own. Savo your tooth now. If too hue, re move tho unsightly oiich und have bol ter and moro healthful ones in their pl.ire BAILEY, the Dentist ilt'Jt l'nilmi IIIK. llllli fc I'miiiiiii. I.nily AltPnilmit. I'hotic 10H". they cost you no moru ttain Interior ooodU UNION MADE DON'T NEGLECT YOUR KIDNEYS. When thir, .. sucb a wonderful rcmed on the m.irkit a CHVMF.H'H K1DNF) C1HK a nicdi.liie that etires never falM to cure the most obstinate rases-llundreils of Omaha people stand ready to testify to tho met Its of this reuinrknblo remedy (let n bottle toiUy-tton't put It off. CHA.MHH'S KtD.N'HV CI'HK "Sc Hehnefer's Sure Death 2"o Value's Celery Compound Kiv Syrup of Fig S!V M S. 3 Tf.e Hromo Quinine 15c t'erunn TSc llosletter's Hitters 7.V Ctitlcurn Somp V- I'yranild Pile itire 4do Wine of Cardul 76c Plnklinin's Compound 75c Hood's Sarsnparllln iWc Ayer's Hair Vigor 7.V- Cantorla rv MIU-s' N'ervlne 7." Plene's Prescription 7V DilfTv s Malt Wlilsky S." ftcott's l-.iniilslon 75l SGHAEFER r Cor. llllli nuil Cltlmao Sin. GASOLINE STOVES Tho Insurance Onsollne ftoves cannot bo excellwl. They are guaranteed lo give en tire satisfaction nnd aro the safest stove on the market. We have them In threo styles that run In prices from $1 1.00 to Ms.oo. Other makes an low as $.1.00. LAWN MOWERS Tho li-ln.-h Contlnont.il Mower Is th caMcKt running machine und doea more work In lew time than any other. Our price. 113.00. Oilier standard makes on hand wo celt down to 2.75. HOSE Our sun proof rubber hose is n tlrst-clnss article In eery respool at lfiC. Then we have a ;i ply hose, which we guarantee to bo satisfactory for 10c. WIRE SCREEN CLOTH Made from bright, hard uteel wire, dou ble selvage Warranted tlret quality In every icspect, at 1 "5. John A. Weaver & Son "7011 I. en veiMvortli Strrot, PHONE IC78. HARDMAN PIANOS Aro tho highest In price, but the best in quality that money, bralnn and expcrlcnco can produce. They nro substantial l'lanos for substantial peo ple, and wo bellevo thnt there Is mor piano value to the dollar In an Instru ment of Ibis make than In any other. Wo nre (sustained In our Judgment by ovor fiO.OOO pcoplo who havo 11AHD MAN PIANOS. The Mueller Piano & Organ Co. No it i:HI I'nrnnin SI. Jlslie no mlnlnUe In inline imil nunilier. 'I'lmiie 1IIIIS. I'lunnn I illicit nml reiinlrril. PRESCRIPTIONS. Omiibn ban one drug store that fills pre scription correctly -carefully promptly Ono drug Htore that in always clean -oti ilrug Htore that m-ver "niibKlltutsn." Well do your preserliitloii work right, at a rea Hotiiiblo cost. Ask any doctor about our preserlption department -tliey te the fellows who know. I'ramer'H Kidney Cure "' r.-tlne'f Celery t'oinpound S. S. S "' Mood's H.-irsapotilla 75e f'arter'M Idver I'IHh 15e Hromo Quinine 16c I'c-ril-na r Wine of ranlul "fc l'liikhnm Conipoiiiiil "' I'lerco'a Prescription Seottt'H Kmulsloii 7f Ayer's Halt- Vlgnr ie A M OTIIHIIK T (IT I'llHUS. BOSTON CT0RE M DRUG 0 DEPT. NEW PUBLICATIONS The Conquest 0f Arid America By WILLIAM E. SMYTHE Executive Haul of the Xutionnl I rrhjutio Conyri 88. A KOt)K for all lovers of tho WcH. A HOOK for ovary homosookor Inter- oatod in undovolopcd Atnor- icn. A HOOK for social economists a n il friends of co-oporntion. Illustrated with pictures and mnps showing irrlpatod districts throughout tho West. Post 8vo, Cloth Oriiaiiicntftl $1.50 HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK Are you in terested in tak ing pictures If not we can Intereot you. We have tho largest asbortmcnt of KODAKS ANU f'A.MNKAS out of New York and can advlso you Just what to got. I'itKMOH, I'OOOS. KODAKS, VIVHS, rVC'I.ONICS, KAYS and all other good niiikoM. Wrlto to us or call heforn purchasing Our prlccn aro lowest, our selection largest. The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 rariuun St. AVIiulesiile nml llelnll Di-nlpr In I'liolo Sniipllen, Send U3 your Developing and Printing.