THE OMAHA DAILY 1H3E: St N DAY, MAY 20. 1!)()0. -.( I MlHIMUS chances. I MONIA rait be made In stocks ir grain by my safe rrortiintlon plan; mum- your money earn your salary, If you have l") send for fret; particulars, Mi'toini r nnd bank references Kb hard Jones, 12 Ex change Place, New York. Y-IMSP LIVING picture machine, also our punch ing macnlne; greatest iuiiI most prntltnble maeiiines ever manufactured, one will pay Vour rout. American Auto-Miichlnc Co., GO unci 62 Howard St., New York. v rs so COMPANIES financed and organized; storks and bonds of any meritorious cm pany can Ih guaranteed through tlx by . ,...,.,, ii i if mi n iiuiii ,,(11; i, i . lark's strongest llnanclul Institutions; all' doni on commissions from sales; no i charge unless successful; charters pro cured, any stnte. K. Ellsworth Robin- I son fc Co., 35 Wall HI., New York. y 12120 FOR HALE, host paying newspaper and Job plant In southern Nebraska. Par ticulars of J. il. Hurnliam, Wymorc. Neb. Y 423 'JO SPECULATION. $20 mnrgln U" bushels grain. 2c; fend for our book, "Specula tion,"' free. J. K. Comslock & Co., Trad ersV Hide.,. Chicago. Y-48 20 A. GOLDEN opportunity to buy a bakery, confectionery and Ice ireum parlors; monthly sales over 10'A Wm. Mndgelt, Heal Estate, Hastings. Neb Y-JIHI 1-3 INT. In established Insurance business (Omaha), netting $3,300 opnunl commls slnnwj salaried position i rl'ht man or woman, II 18, Pee. Y-MS21 22 .run mam: oh i:cii m;e. A FINK quarter section in northeast Ne braska to exchange for a 6 or K-roonvhouse In Omaha. W. V. Hedge, 423 Bee Hldg. PIANO for delivery horse. U 22 Pee. Z-M173. COMPI.HTM druR atore and bnndsome fix Hlrcn nnd soda fountain for sale chean, or trndo for Improved farm. Address F , lle. Z Mill M24. A COMPI.UTK No. 1 retail dniK stock to exchange for a farm. J. 11 Parrotte, DoilBlaH block. Z-M3.W '."0 roil KXCHANOK, tine home. cloe In. elaht. rooms, modern throughout, best neighborhood. Jl,50. Will tako one-half In city rental property. Address II 17. Pee.. 5.M,:" WANTHI), a real estate and Insurance agency In exchange for property. Address II K. Hee. Z-MIS7 22' MACMiTIC : i.i :. SIAONKTIC IIKAMNO. Thn greatest wonder of modern science dwarfs all thef skill of our medical men. Dlsuasea e.urod without the aid of drugs or surgery. The discovery Is a boon to man kind. Teoplo suffering from severe pain are relieved In one- treatment. Chronic cases are permanently cured by a treatment very mild, whose results nro truly wonderful. Prof, and 'Mrs. Hie have established a pvrmuneut liiHtltuto at 1G23 Douglas. The quarters aro largo and conveniently ar ranted. They are alo conducting a magnetic school nnd teach the art In a very short lime. Several pupils are ntjw In attend ance. Tliosf who are aflllcted should visit this Institute and consult Prof, or Mrs. Hell. Anyone contemplating learning tho busl ness Mhoulil Investigate this school beforo arranging for a course. 621 20 LOST. ON last Thursday morning, from a car riage, between Walnut Hill and 20th ami Webster, or 21th and Dodge, a new purse. containing iwo diiih, xoys, cnange, etc. A liberal reward will bo paid to U""i"r Call 2572 Harney ot. I.ost-COS 20 MAtiUlK SHICA, age 23 yrs., left homo on May 11. Anyone knowing of ber wliert1 ii bruit m will iileasa notify Mr. I.eiiliy, 1211 iaveniiori si i,osi uii m I IS AM) iAI,V.VM.i:i) IIIO.V AVO II I v TIN, galvanized Iron, zlno and copper work uncap; spouting, gutters, roopng, smnao stacks, Ice boxes" rollned. Savuge's Tin Hllop. -S3 Kltrlisnl Bt, A1107 21' l'APIOH t l.KA.M.Vt;. KXPrcrUHNCEN wall paper cleaner. Chas. .Mlddlemlst; "Phono 021. Mldlond Hotel. M39J-22 PAWNIIItOKKHS. KAOI.K Ixian Oillce. reliable, accommodat lug; all butdncss contldcntlal. 1301 Douglas, 1)31 Diamond loan office. 14th and Douglas; low rates; most reliable; unredeemed goods, 430 Jit MK I MCA I,. niJPTUUB cured, no knlte, no pain, no danger send for circulars, Empire Rup turo cure, vss M. x. uiug., umaha. -87 1,ADIRS out of health find prompt relief. Uux 232, Omaha, Neb. Contldcntlal. -M6S9 I,ADIKS, Chlchestcr'r English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other; send Ic, stamps, for particular, "Pellef for Uidles," In letter by return mall; at diuggUts. Chichester Chemical Co,. Philadelphia, Pa. SI A i XI i'V I O 1 XV 1 1 1 M A 11 V. PROF. KIIARAS regrets to announce tha on account of pressure of business hn will be Unablq to till his lecture duto Monday evening. Ills secretary, Prof. Marker, Is away thin week on Important business of the Inllrinary In the Western part of the state, and this makes the work ' of Prof. KhariiH nearly double. An able force of tlve operators at the Inllrmnrv aro being taxed to the utmost to attend to the many patients ot Prof, nnd Mrs, Khuras. . , 531 21 THE Nebraska, 1517 Chicago St. -433 KIIARAS INFIRMARY COMPANY. In corporated; headquarters 1515-17 Chicago Mrcct, Omaha, Neb. M.139 flloflTIIAMl AND TYI'IIWIUTING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y, Life. -524 BOYLES college, court roportcr principal. Ben Bldff. -520 NEIIRASKA Business and Shorthand col lege. Boyd's theater. , 627 GREGG Shorthand taught nt the Omaha Commercial College, ICth find Douglas St. MI16 HICYCI.13S. $13.75 BUYS a hlgh-grado 1900 model one year guaranteed gents' or ladles' bicycle: cent to any address In the United States on 10 days' free trial, payablo after re ceived.;, for catalogue, full particulars and special price offer, cut this notice out and mall to Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. -MS72 Je7 1'llltMTl ltE lllll'AIHINd. PACKING, upholstering, mnttress, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. 8. Wnlkln, 2111 Cuming St. -620 LUNDEEN. upholstering, cnhlnct-mifklng. rellnlshlng: mattresses made over 1523 Leavenworth. 292 M21 BERTRAM STHFFBN. upholstering, "mat" tresses ronov't'd, couches nuido to order, 22(11 Fariinm. M753 M19 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathic Institute. 513 N Y Llfo Bldg.; Alice Johnson, D. O,, ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia, mgr. -621 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, KtrkBvllle, Mo 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. 1.W7. . . -522 ALBERT'T. HUNT, D. O.. 303Knrbach blk. Tel. 2332. -M6I9 LAW.VMOWUIIS. SHARPENED and repaired. P. Melcholrs' Machine W1;b. 13th Howard, Tel. 2360. 64S-M 29 WE sharpen and call for luwnmnwers. In. duitrUl Irou Wks., 1496 Howard. Tel, Hi), -11133 Jti I'Oll KAMI RBL ESTATF.. GARVIN BROS.' LIST. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Corner on Farnam at., dwelling 7 roont, newly painted, Mth, closet, city water, barn, pavlnif nil paid. Prlof, $3,500. , , New dwelling. 8 roomK, porcelain bath, elec tric light, cvetythlng ilrst-class, full lot. $1,300. 4221 Douglas, dwelling 7 rooms, city water, irnth, closet, full lot, rents $IV per annum. Price, Ji.5uo. On Farn.irn near 23th, modern dwelling, 9 rooms, choice lot. Price, $6,000. hansco"mpark. On 31st Ktreet, two-story dwflllng, modern exceot furnace, barn, full lot. Price, jj.soo. New dwelling, 7 room, steam heat, full lot, n cn nrnoertv. for 11.500. Desirable residence, 10 rooms, modern con veniences, fun lot, on SM street. Price, f5.2M. Choice modern house, 10 rooms, barn, cast iront, paven street, WA L K I NO DISTA NCE, Cottage, fi rooms city water, , K115, CUIilUt ini, nnvei Ktreet, near High school. Price. $2,200. Want an offer. Near 20th and California, 0-room cottage, barn, lot 01x132 feet, shade, paved street. ,Mu cll. call for particulars. Clnod neighborhood. 3 blocks from court house. 8-room dwelling, cas, city water, sewer, paved Btrcct, lot 35x132 feet. Price, 3.5"X St. Mary's avo., cottage, 0 rooms, modern except furnace, nice shade, paving an paid. Price, (2,200, NOUTII AND SOUTH. 301 Plnkney, rooms, 60-ft. lot. Price, 1700, Want an nff,T Near South lOtli car line, good dwelling, 7 rooms, city watr-r, barn, renta JISO per year. Prlco. Jl.frOO. Another nearby for 11.200. Near Amos avo. barn, cottage, 6 rooms, Ity water, cistern, barn, snaae, corner lot, 11.350. 19th street, near Vinton. 3-room cottage, lot fpOxW feet. A bargain. 1630. 2113 North ISth st., 7-coom dwelling-, city wnicr, stnK, nico piace, yi,wo. CJARVIN DUOS., 1013 FAUNA M ST. NOTHINO I.1KK IT. NEVER WII.I. HE. I.IKE WHAT? MKE THE TURNER lota In SUMMIT PLACE, on 22d ave.. 33d and 31th sts. WHY" Uecatise there Is no one spot in Omaha that lies Just like this. There la no ono spot that has so many lino resi dences all uround it. Thcro Is no place so oasy to reach on tb best car line. There are no other lots as cheap 'as we sell these lots AND that OCT 3 some "ICE" when you are buylns. EVERY lot Is perfect for grade. They are nil W! feet front by 135 feet deep. THEY nro Just what you have been looking fop for the last ten years, and we have re duced tho price from IS.Ouo and W.OX) down to less than half this. This Is WHY, with the accent on the "WHY." STREETS ORDERED PAVED THIS YEAR. POTTER-HHOLES CO., 310 N. Y. Life, or PAYNE-KNOX CO., 1st floor. N. Y. Life, SOLE AOT8. FOR CHARLES TURNER. RE 003 20 OENUINE SNAP. 101x135 feet on 32d ave., north of Farnam, for only 3,20O. You cannot beat this In tber city of Omnha for price, choice location, and the option Is out this week at the price. These lots aro $1,010 less than they should sell for, If you have the money or an eye to busl ness you will see us about them the first thing Monday. This la positively the last add, and If not sold they will be placed back at old price of 3,X0O. POTTEH-SHOLEH CO., Tel. 470. RE 176 20 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only see 8. A. Broadwell, 601 N. Y. Life Rldff. UE-61S. HENRY H. PAYNE. C01 N.Y. LIFE BLDG, Real Estate, Rentals, Loans, Insurance, RE-tll. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also nro Insurance. Bcmls, Paxton blk. RE 612, IF YOU havo a bargain to offer In real estate, sea 8. A. Broadwell, 601 N.'Y. Life. HE 517. HOUSES, farms. B.C. Patterson, 305 N.T.I RE 518. A GREAT SNAP Seven-room, modern house; located one of the best In Hans com Place: must be sold quick: oartv leaving city. M. J. Kcnnnrd A Son. nolo agents, suite 310 Brown blk. RE M 635. 1V4 STORY house and lot, cash. Mrs. Miller, 2Gth South Omaha. $700: cheap for and Jefferson, BE-M561-31 FOR SALE. ' PRICE :i0.000-REABONABLK II ROOMS, MODERN-NICE LAWN LARGE SHADE TREES. WILL LOAN $5,000 AT m PER CENT. m N. 2WH. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS TO 108 N. 15TH ST. LOOK AT PROPERTY AND THEN TELL ME WHAT YOU WILL GIVE. nE-M023 SNAPS In real estate, money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co., 314 S. 15th St. RE-613. CHEAP homes on monthly payments. In surance. Money to loan. O. E. Turklnr ton, 603 Bee UldK. RE 614. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: INV EST RATES, on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor. N. Y. Ufa Bid?. UE 611. BARGAINS, HARRISON, N. RE- Y. LIFE. -3S6-Je. 18 IF YOU want cash for your real estate list with Ernest Sweet, 822 N. Y. L. Bids. REM01 20 SPECIAL BARGAIN. THIS WEEK ONLY. OPTION EXPIRE8 THEN. 2111 South 33rd stret, 0-room house, modern, except furnace; lot 37x140 feot, with barn; all special taxes paid. See us for price. Telephone 470. POTTER-S HOLES CO. RE-473-20 A NUMBER of nice eottsgo homes at rea sonable figures, Ernest Sweet, f22 N. Y. L, Bldg. RU-I03 20 2 : A Tale and a Moral. s t Monpy In n lunik tlocs not bring much. Tho into of Impr est In low, so that tl Inducenirnt Is not rory grout. Of course. If you linvc any nniotiut you don't waut to risk It In luitdnoMS ontuniiisoH over which you huvc no control or In hi'heinoft you don't iindriKtiinil. IiniHovcd real estate In without uucstlon the best and saf est nliico to put your money. Ileuls nre high nnd all houses ate full. Kut It Isn't always the nice looking house that K the best paying Investment. The shrewd buyer gets a house In a pretty good location, thnt Is well built, but whose owner has lot It run down. Hero are some rases of how some of the men who han dle their money carefully have made big Interest, A man bought a house and lot on ",7th and Poppleton nvenue. paid tint for paint and repairs and Is getting $0.00 per month more llinn the former owner. Another man bought a house and lot between 2'Jd aud tl streets on Hurt aud put In Slot) In improvements. The result Is the house now brings $10.00 per month more than It did before. On Lake street near '-'lid lliere was a house which was sold to another man who knew his business. He put In Jil.TO in fixing up the place nnd the present tenant pays .,00 more rent per month than the last occupant. None of these places looked very prepossessing and sold cheap. The buyers aro making more than 10 per cent on the money they Invested. Moral: Oo thou and do likewise. t I IJOK AT THESE UAIIOAINS. -1N- HOCSES. LOTS, FAIl.Md AND LANDS. CEO. P. HEM IS, Telephone 6S5. Paxton Illock. HOUSES AND I.OTS. Six-room modern house, 21th st. and St. Mary's avo $2 3uO C.fnnm bouse nnd corner Int. Mth and Huggles l.OCfl 4-room house and lot, 13th and Vinton. 6C0 1-roorn house and lot, 20th and Paul... l.'XO 3- room house and lot, 16th and C. st.... S30 E-room house und lot, ISth and Nicholas 1,000 4- room house, with stable, Mth and Hickory l."0 6-room house. ISth and Webster 1.S00 10-room house, ISth nnd Hurt 3,000 2 houses and lot, 30th nnd Paul 3.W0 New house, strictly modern. FINE A3 CAN HE, 8 rooms, 33d and Famam.. 4,500 Two houses and comer lot, Park avc. nnd Pacific st S.OOO 3 houses and lot, 23th nuJ Pees st 1.200 SPECIAL HAHUAIN-House In north cen tral part of city, within half block of paves! street and u.wr line; six large rooms, cellar, steam heat. bath, gas, elec tric light. It's a model. Petter call us up tomorrow If you want this at IJ.100; $100 cash and balance on terms to ault. RESIDENCE LOTS. Our lots In Seymour nddltlon nre going fast. This Is probably the LAST CHANCE OF YOUR LIFETIME to secure a home and Investment combined and on such terms its we are now offering these beautiful residence lots nt. $160 each; $5 down nnd $3 per month. DON'T HE TOO LATE. Call nnd sec our choice lots on Mnnderson street near 24th, $300 each; $10 down and $10 per month. Corner lot near Irfike on 2Sth St.. $430; $10 down nnd $10 per mo. WHY PAY RENT? Choice corner. 40th and Harney St.. adjoin lng1 T. Lindsay's tine residence. Mako me an offer. Choice lot, Pacific and 32d St., $2.(00. Choice corner, 22d and California sts., near High school and Crelghton college. Ex cellent location for u block. Ollt-edgo corner, avenues. Georgia and Poppleton Fine as anything In the frontage on Park ave. list Is the :00-fect , near Pacific St.. with two houses. Choice lotB In West Farnam st. district and and Hanscom park. WILL nUILD A HOUSE to suit purchaser on one of the MOST DE SIRABLE SOUTH FHONT LOTS In the vicinity of Sherman nve. nnd Grace st. and will sell on monthly nayments. Why pay the expenses on someone else's prop erty -when the same money will buy you n HOME OF YOUR OWN? GOOD INVESTMENTS. Brick flats, 20th and Iveavenworth sts.. net ting 6 per cent on $19,000. Will sell for $11,000. Brick block near Make an offer. 16th and Farnam sts. Also numerous other good Investments. FARMS AND 'SUBURBAN HOMES. Two 80-ncre farms .one 160-acre and Hmaller tracts, near Omaha. Also farms and ranches In Central. North ern, Southern nnd Western parts of Ne braska, TRACKAGE PROPERTY. Stlt and Lca en worth sts.. Howard and 9th, 20th nnd Izard, 9th and Davenport, utn nnd Davenport and a score of other most desirable and accessible localities for wholesale and Jobbing business, ware houses nnd manufacturing. C per cent money to loan on choice city and rarm properties. Also write fire and tornado Insurnncc In the best companies In nation. GEO. P. BEMIS. (Established In 1SS.) Telephone 6S6. Paxton Block. RE-627 20 $100 FULL lot- on Spalding nenr 27th st. KM full lot on Grant near 21th st. $S60 for 60xl2'l feet on Decatur between 23th nnd 2ttli sts. $1,200 for five-room house near C8th nnd tllondo sts.; city wnter. $1,750 for live-room house at 90S South 20th street: lot 29x132. $2,300 for six-room modern cottage at Z023 Chicago street; paving paid. $3,300 for two houses N. E. cor. 2lth and Oiimlnu sts; submit offer. $S.60O for ten-room modern house, corner lot, within four blocks of P. O. $7,200 for choice 180 acres this county. JUII.N IN. f HKiSaUK, Ul'', ULtV I'. II. RE M52S 22 IF YOU wish Sweet, 822 N. to buy or Y. L. Bldg. sell see Ernest BE-402 20 FOR SALE, 160x120 Dodge nnd 26th ave., will subdivide. Viss uoose. RE-506 20 THIS IS FOR YOU. Good u-room cottage on Franklin, near 25th, bath, closet, gas, nil specials paid, neat home, onlv 12.250: easv ttrms. Neat 6-room house, 37th, West Farnam dis trict, nam, cioset, gas, run lot. only $2,oon, and many other houses and lots from WW un. Also Investment properties showing Income of 10 to 15 per cent on price asked; un improved iois an parts ot city; acreage, Improved and unimproved. A 60-ft. lot on 4.'d, near Central Park school, only. $50. . a. Dpcncer, iuj jcw iorK i.ue nmg. RE-502 20 t f t 3 s $ I roit mm: hhaii nrrvii:. roil ai,u-itr.Ai. i:hi a i i:. ' II. C. PETEHS ft CO, I 1702 FA UN AM ST ouofni) Fi.oon. hue w.po Now Is the time to buy real estate 1 i Omaha; the last ten days has been ri"' dally good with us, having s.ild eight properties, and have several pMpo-IM . nut. We still have on our llt good bar gains for this week and will be pl.'iis d to show same. No, list Is u 7-room hoiie, tscll located, city water, sewer connection, lot MxlW, I east front, house rented tor MO.mii tci-i year; owner will take good vacant lot iu part payment. No. 1IC7 J rooms, located at No. 200S North $1,100. 19th street; here Is a snap. No. 1207 23th and .tones sts., 5 rooms and bath, hot nnd cold water, gns, all modern except furnace; a beautiful little home and can be bought for $2,130. No. 142.1 1 an S-room modern house In Kountzo Place for $2.flw. 9-rooin brick house, nil modern, oak finish, sluto roof, located In Kountze Place! price, $1,91.0. On 21th st.. near Lnke, we have n storo building nnd cottage for sale at a bar- , ciilti. VACANT PROPERTY. ' On 31st Bve., north of Fnrnnm St.. 73 feet, east and south front; one of the tlnest building lots In tho West Farnam dls- , trlct, $2,760. In Hanscom Place we have lots fnr Jlofl nnd $300 each; nlso Hang's sub lots for $300 each; also Hurr Oak lots for $I.V) and $30) each. These arc big bargains nnd should bo taken nt once. On Georgia ave., lng lot, $2,000. near Mason st., tine build- We have nianv others that arc cheap. R. C. PETERS .1 CO., Tel. S9S. 17n2 Farnam St Re-103 20 FOR SALE, $1,000. 11(1 N. 11th St.. '.-room house, cllv water. i $(i00,, near 13th und Martha sts., 3-room house. 22x125 ft . $1,200, lMO S. 14th st., 3-room cottage. city wnicr, sewer. $23(). lot near 20th and Vinton st. GEORGE & COMPANY, 101 Farnam. RE-M51I 21 FOR SALE, lease. 2002 house. $50.00. N. 20th. with ground to RE ISO 20 W. II. GATES, IIS N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1291. 7 rooms, shade, 90x132, nice picket fence, all In good shape, at 2W7 Illnnev. $1,200. 7-rooni hnus". and one ncre ground, barn and outbuildings, 26th anil Spencer, $l,R0o S rooms, full 2-atorv barn, one block to 24th st. car line, Jl.soo. 7 rooms, close In, paved st., rent. $11. tl.030. (5x159, vacant, on Hurt, near 21th. $tiV. 60xl2S, vacant, on Farnam. near rid. 5m. nE-512 20 HOUSE and lot. Dundee Place, eight rooms. ?dntn roof Wlteboi wilns-'otcd: was once mortgaged for $2,000; Is now clear and can H bought tor V50. Stono quarry cheap to close estate. Some big snans In South Omaha. Several farms to exchanre for Omahn Fine Cali fornia property for Neb. S. H'auver, 1612 Davenport St. RE 191 20 A GREAT TilORTUNlTY TO SECURE A GOOD NEIIRASKA FARM Fine lio-ncre farm In Ruffnlo coiintv. over .ion acres under plow; house, burns, wind mill, etc., all good farming land, onlv $13.50 an ncre. Choice 320-ncre farm In Wood River Val ley, larger portion tine rich vnllev Intnl. balance smooth upland, tine stream of water, a No. 1 farm. J12.60 an acre. 040-nero farm nfiir Kenrnev. county seat Buffalo county, over 6flo acres In cultiva tion, nearly all smooth plowlnnd. rich soil, ordlnnry farm buildings, no better farm In Nebraska for wheat corn, cittle and hogs; price for quick sale. $12.00 an ncre. These farms belonr to oiutern owners who nre oiutgcd to sen. Tills is your chnnco. Write or call and see u, HICKS' FARM I AND AGENCY, 325 Bonrd of Trade. Onh.i. RE-M53I 20 STOVE REPAIRS. GASOLINE stoves clenncd. 601-3 N. ICth. -630 t GAS. gasoline stoves repaired: stoves stored. City Stove Repair Wrk, 209 S. 13th. -171 STOVE, furnnco & gasoline rcpulrs. Omnha aiovo nepair wks., vmi Douglas. Tel. 9;o. -292 JeH I1RICK. WITI1NELL BROS. & SMITH CO., BRICK MANUFACTURERS. CAPACITY 130.000 PER DAY. South yard and olacc, 22d and Hickory. Tel. 425. North yard, 31st and Lake. Tel. 1107. M5H J 07 2.000,000 NEW BRICK now ready for de livery. Wlthnell Bros. Smith. 918 Fisnixc. 1IESOIIT.S. THE Langdon Hotel Is now open (or sea son iwo. Kinest nsninc resort in tito west; good boats, plenty of minnows, tea snnable rates. Frank T. Vogt, Langdon, Mo. -713 OlS IIOTF.LS. METROPOLITAN, European, 12th & Doug las; lowest rates. Wm. Barr, Mgr. Tel. 211. -534 THURSTON. 15th & Jackson; Amerlcnn & European. Newly refitted. Prices mod'r'te. -633 STAT DA II Y. G. OONNELLA, mfr. of nrtlstlc statues, contractor In ornamental works of every description according to drawtns. 317 8. 10. 8S8-J0.-7' FOUND. FOUND-Between 16th and 17th st. on Capitol ave., best place to buy new and seeond-hnnd bicycles: repairing and sun dries. Iiuls Flcscher. I,ost M270 I'OUI.TIIV AND STOCK SUPPLIES. OUR book nil disease of poultry and stork Is free. We manufacture foods. Insert I cldcs, disinfectants; ami remedies for poultry and stock. G. H. Lee Co.. 1005 Farnum. -M276 Jo 14 FEED AND GIIAI.V. HAY, corn and feed of nil kinds; lowest prices, at MeEldons, 1S1I St. .Mary's Ave. PLANING MILL, SCREEN doors, all kinds of mill work. A Roscnberry. 1601 Marcy. Tel. 82. SOI J6 4'ARPBNTI3ll AND JOIIIIEII. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promtitly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nna i.ane sts. 370 TlttXK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases Tmnv repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnnm 538 MIRROR rACTOIiy. DAMAGED looking1 glasses resllvered. 70S N. 16th. -M497 PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating. Ivory-rlm buttons. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th & Farnam. Rl-U. 660 M2t NICKEL PLATING, Omaha Platlns Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. 2035. -510 HOUSES PASTURED GOOD pasture, $2 per month. J W 207 N, Y. Llfo Bldg., 'phono 1034 PIANO AND FURNITURE J. SCHWARTZ, 1510 Webster. BIIIDS AND TAXIDERMY, STOCK'S Bird storo. 1C03 Leavenworth. -541 Phelps, a Dally. - in 1 . U4 Urn ' Tel. 2016. jAp... 9S1 J1P Vil:? I rtfcfrwir -..iuw , ssJ zf M ONE of tlie pretty designs which wo oii'er in our SPECIAL SALE THIS WKKK. 20 othora just us protty. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO., t St li and Hiirucy Hts. TVl'IlWltlTHllJ. TYPEWRITEUS, secondhand, U1C Farnam, 629 Fl I1MTI It 11 PACKING. OM Van. & Stor. Co. 1511'4 Fnrn. Tel. 16f.9.sb3 -K7 STAMMERING AM) STl'T THIIIXG. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Rameo Btdg. -32 TICKET IIHOKnit. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Phil bin, 1305 Farnam. Telephone 784. 378 l,At!.I)IlY. OMAHA Stenm Laundry, shirts 7c. collars 2c, cuffs 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617. -536 Al'CTIONEERS. OMAHA AUCTION CO. Satisfaction guar nntecd. 520 N. ICth St. Telephone 210S. -539 STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMERS NEW YORK, GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY Anchorla Noon, May 2 City ot Rome Noon. June 2 Astoria Noon, June 9 Ethiopia Noon, June IS Astoria July 14, Aug. is, Sept. 22 City of Rome .June 30, September S, Oct 3 Furnessln . .Juno 23, July 2S. September 1 RATES QUOTED TO PARIS DIRECT. Or with tour embracing Scotland, Eng land and Ireland. Berths must be reserved now for best accommodations. Apply to any of our local agents or HENDERSON BROTHERS, 17C Jncksnn Boulevard. Chicago. III. RAILWAY IMF, TABLES. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Blurts Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Fnrnam street. Tele phone. 230. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets. Tele nhono. US. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:50 am a 0:10 pm Kansas City Night E:..nl0:l5 pm a fi:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St Louis .a 4:55 pm all:15 am a Dally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnam Ets. Ticket Oillce. 1502 Farnam street, Telephone, 230. Burlington station, lentn ano jianon Streets, Telephone, 12S. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8 40 am a 7:20 pm Lincoln. Donver. coto- rndo, Utah. Callfornla.a i2t. pm Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:30 pm Montana. Puget Sound. .a 9:31) pm a 3:00 pm n 3:00 pm a C;43 am n 10:30 am a 6:15 am Lincoln Knst .Man . ...nj;wiuu Denver, Colorado, Utah fc California a Dally ClIICAUO, BURLINGTON fit Qulney Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1602 Farnam St. Tel., 230. Depot. Tenth & Mason streets. Teiepnoue, 123. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- clal a 7:00 am Peoria Express a 9:25 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am n 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm a 7:15 am Pncilln Junction Local .alO:43 uin Fast Mali a 2:45 pm a Dally. ,' UNION PACIFIC-'THB OVER land Route" General Offices. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnan stiectK. City Ticket Office. 130, Farnam street. Telephone, 316 Depot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. 629. i.eavc. Tho Overland Limited, .a S:20 am The Chicago - Portland Speelnl a S0 um The Fast Mall a 8:50 orn Tho Colorado Special. . .all:35 pm Tho Fast Mali Llncolr.. Beatrice and Arrive, a 70 tun a 7&S pm a 3:2T, pm a 6:50 am a 4:33 pm Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:10 pm bl2;23 pm Pacific Express a 4:25 pm Tho Atlanta Express. . Grand Island Local. . b 5:30 nm a 6:50 am b'9:30 am a Dally b Dally exceot Sundays, t CHICAGO. ROCK 18L and & Pnrlilc Rallroan "The Great Reck Isl and Route." City Tick et OHIre 1323 Farnam Street Telephone O Depot. Tenth ,fc Mnoon Streets. Tclephon 029. i.eave. Arrive. Dcs Moines and uavciv port Local a 7:23 am bl 1:35 am f'lili'.'i iro Kvnl-t.ftu lill'l&nm t. Q.lOnm I 1 unicago j'asi express, .a r wt pm a 1 .25 pm a 7:Wpm 1 I a,, (v.u.i, , M..i,i,.. (. t iv a it, 1 Lincoln. Colorado Sngs.. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Dcs Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm Colorado &Texas Flyer. a 6:55 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunda; a 6:60 pm 11 9:15 am ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllroud. City Ticket Of tlco, 1402 Farnnm Htrecl. Telephone 213. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. LeaVe. Arrive. Chicago Express a 12:10 pm a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited u 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Minneapolis and St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9;40 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am For Dodge Local from Co. muffs b 4:30 pm b 10:16 am b Dally exeep Sundays. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway - CICty Ticket Office. 1504 F.irnam Street. Telcphono 2S1. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets Tclephono 629. , IjiiVf. Arrive. Chicago Umlted Ex, .a 7:35 pm a g.tfi am Chicago & Omaha Ex .bll;00 am b !:53 pm Bloux City ana Des Moines Express . bll:00 am b 3:55 pro a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. 325xfe It All, U TIME TAIII.ES. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad - "The North western Lino" - General Otllccs, ( tilted States Netlonnl Hank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Fnrnnni Sts. Ticket Otllce, 1401 Farn' n St. Telephone 3C1. De pot, Tenth & Mason Sts Telephone 629, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a fii.T. am al0;50 pm Twin City Limited .a 7.53 pm u S-.15 am Sioux City Local a Saw am a I 20 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. tiT. PAUL. Minneapolis A & Omnha Railway - The North western Line" - General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion 15th and Webster Sts City Ticket Ofllco. HOI Farnnm St, Telcphono 561. Depot. 16th and Webster Sts, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:00 am a 9:10 ?m Omaha Passenger a 11:10 am Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b t :15 am a Dally, b Dat'J- except Sunday. CHICAGO . NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oillce, 1101 Farnam Street. 'I ele phone 661. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Sttects. Tele, phone, C9. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago clal Chicago Passenger Spe- n 7:00 am a 1:15 pm nil:. 10 pm a 8:40 am linstern i;xprcs. DCS Moines. Marshalltown. Cedar Rapids nnd Chi cago al0:55 am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and Enst ..a 4:63 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:15 pm Fast Mall a 4 03 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:uo pm a 8:30 am FREMONT, WLKHORN ft Mlssouil Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino" General Otllccs, United Stntcs National Bk. Bldg., S. W. Corner Twelfth nnd Knrnnm Stn. Tlnknl Oillce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone 6C1. De pot, 15th und Farnam St. Telcphono 1 153. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwooa. Hot Springs a 3 00 pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastings, York, David a 5:00 pm e05:00 pra city, superior, Geneva, Exeter and Sownrd.. .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro and Fromont b 7:30 urn b10:25 am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only. d Daily oxcept Saturday, e Dally except Monday W ABASH RAILROAD Ticket Oillce, 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 890. De pot, Tenth nnd Marcy Stroets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. , a 5:05 pm 11 7:55 am Cannon Ball." ..xpress . St. Louis a Dally.'l' I ESS JllL v I I I " I I I I . - 1 lif Fine Harness Finest Variety in the City, of single nnd double driving harness, for runabout, surry.eoaeh or carriage. Summer Kobes and Dusters. DRUMMOMD CARRIAGE CO., ISth ;uul Harney Sts. HUI.WAY I'l.Mi; TABLES. () OMAHA Sr ST LOUIS RAIL- road-Omaha, Kansat City & Eastern Rnllroad "Thn Qtilncy ltoutn"-Tlcket Ot llce. 415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnrcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. i,oavc. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Hall Express a &'-05 pm a 7:6o am Kansas City and Qulney L,ocal 7:00 am n 9:00 pm c Dally. MISSOURI TAC1F1C RAII road Helical Olllces and Ticket olllces Pouthrnst Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 101. Depot Union station. Lenvc. Arrive. St Iouls, Kansas Si Nebraska Limited a 3:03 pm nl2:40 pm K. C.-St. L. Express.... nl0:10 pm a 6:15am i Leave from 15th nnd Webster sts. : Nebraska Local Via Weeping Wnter b 6:03 pm a 9:4o am a Dally, b Dally except aundny. CON.M'IIIAI.ITIES. Another New York heiress has wedded her coachman. This Is quite nil Improve ment over tho other fnd of marrying for eign noblemen. After publishing those delightful "Love. Affairs of un Old Maid" Lilian Bell, tho author of them, hns nctimlly gone and married 11 mini of twenty-live rears. A New York chorus girl has married a. Loudon diamond dealer scheduled at $S5, ooo.Ouo. The wedding announcement Is ac companied by tho Information that tho young woman will continue la the chorus. M.ibellc Swift, daughter of the celebrated meat packer of Chicago, was reported en gaged to Prince Alexis Kurngeordlvltch, pretender to the 8ervlnn throne, but papa threw tho prince down hard. Mabollo re fused to marry him nnd Is reported en gaged to Clnrcnco Mooro of New York. Inspired by tho lovo for gallnut soldier boys and longing for ndventure and life with their sweethearts In 11 sttnnge land, live young women cut off their tresses, dunned blue uniforms und started for tlngo, Culm, with tho battalion of the Fifth regiment, United Stutes Infantry, that left Fort Sheridan 0110 night recently on a special train. Miss Chirn Van Doren, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Duwltt T. Van Doren of New York City, unnoiinces that she will start for Dawson City, In the Klondike, next week. It Is not tho desire to gain gold that prompts the young woman to under take this trip of S,000 miles or more. Tho ruling motive Is love, and Miss Van Doren expects to meet and marry the man of her choice, who la managing o, business house In Dawson. The Philadelphia Jury In the suit for (lnmageM brought by Mrs. Elizabeth (1 Reading of Wllllnmsport against Mrs. Anna Gazzam, fnr alienating the nffeotlons of the former's husband, rendered a ver dict In favor ot thn plaintiff, nwnrdliifr her $23,000 damages. The case, which had been lit progress for nearly 11 week, attracted widespread attention owing to the social position of both the plaintiff nnd defendant Mrs. Giizzum Is the widow of State Senator Gazzam und Is reputed to be very wealthy. ACCIDENT, 1,