Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1900, Image 30

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a O
Aili rrtlsciiirnU for thrsr columns
will hi- Inkrn niilll lit m. tor the
rtrnlnK edition noil mil II 'M p. in.
lor mornliiK mill miiiiiIio nlllloii.
Ilntrd, I l-So n iiord limt Insertion!
li ii iTiiril llirrrnflrr. Xollilnu Inl.en
for lens I him Mf for tin- llril Inscr
lion. These nil rrtlsrnirnt" must be
run rnnapi'tilli pI).
Ail rrllscrs, by rri first I n n until
hrrril check, I'nn lintr nnsurrs nd
ilrrssnl 4 n iiiiinlieri'il Idler In cure
of Tile IIpp. AinnPM io nildrrsscil
nill br drill rrnl on prrsrtitntlon of
the chrek only.
"WANTED. v young man a position of
trust; four years cxperlen. r out t
otit. fiilflj good stenographer 't'f'r,l"ij
Yost and Remington tpewrt'r. Jrn
references Apply by letter to J. J morn,
2421 Rlnney st . city. A-M -eib
shorthand an l r ) i i: w n i mm .
3'OINIER NO. t-We were too busv last
week to prepare any pointers for tin' public-.
For two weeks we have becen repair
Ing. making changes ami Improving our
quarters Thy are now the finest of nn
school In thp country. Our S H- '" '
"W dents cannot bp excelled. W e Witt
have room for seventy-five upewrl its
Now furniture ban been placed In these
depts. nmi everything repainted, rep -itered
nml rearranged. Thr most elegant
and commodious quarters ever provided
for students may now bo found at the
roiNTER NO. ! Inquiries iirp still pouting
In about Gregg S. II. Young people ate
beginning to realize tbp advantage 01 inu
svslcm over any other Some of our stu
dents In four months arr writing 1..0 words
prr tnlnulp. A most remarkaldc record
ever made In hii system of H. II. Kdiin s
aJI ovpr tbo poiintry are Introducing this
new system, our riant by mull I In
creasing rvpry week. Wp nre tenoning
Gregg S. II. by mall sin oossfull.v . anil
thoj.p who cannot romp to Hip Institution
.an obtain It In this manner. (.recR S.
K bus but oiip :oslllon. oiip sliiut. no
Hhadp. Irss than thrpe ihkps of word "laiw
and tan bp wrlttPii at tbo blRbpft rate or
f. ppiI. You ran Irani It In half t' r tlnio
rroulrpd In rmistpr Pitman or r.rab.ini.
rolNTKFl NO. :-Thf Omaha Comniprrlal
follPKo IphiIs. wbllr otbrrs arr ninlrnt to
follow. It Ptnplo.8 im iiovIcps. but tparli
prs of tho blRhPsl iiblllly and Rrciitrst rx
nprlpncp. It bus t!ip ho-t iiuarlPts to bo
found. This's piirolltncnt will pxcppiI
I.'-'00- . r
rulNTIJK No. I our sumuipr srhool for
th" publlp srhool rhlldrnn will oppn Mon
day inorniiiK. July 9. Itpduerd rativ or
tuition will prpvnll In all d.-pts. blldrpii
.is low as the fourth prude will bp ad
mit tod. Any desired branch may be taken
durln-r the summer months
roiNTHIt NO. fi-A special normal school
In Ofcsff S. 11. will be run durlnR July
nnd Aucust for the purpose of rreparliiR
a numlirr of learbprs In Mil thp anpllcii
Hons wp are weeeklv rccrlvliiK. 'I here H
the irrpatrst demand for Orees tpurhors
wp have pvpt known.
J'OINTKIt NO. CVp have had a new rlai
In tlre-'i: S. II. every week since Jan. 1.
Wn will have a lunv ilass start next .Mod
daw This makes twpnty-oiip upw pIusp
this vciir. Thp most remarkable record
pver inade bv any Instltullon. If you are
solnr to learn S. II. tomorrow will be a
cood tlmp to besln. StudPiits can enter
at any time.
rolNYKK NO. 7 We have had nuinprous
rails durlntr the past two weeks for
stenotraphers. bookkeepers and tele
crapb operators. The O. C. .'. is the
school to which the buslupss men or
Omahii and adjarptit cities apply for help
which they know will be r(mpetnit.
WANTKD U experienced inolormcn nnd
conductors; married men prt frrrrd ; good
wages; steady employment Riiatanteed,
Swmiey'H Labor Arciic. ; open Sunday
until 2 p. m. 3rj S. 12th St. D-36-20
WANTKD, we have steady work for a few
Rood bustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. P. Adams Co., 1U19 Howard St.
BARBKR trndo tauRht thoroughly In short
t'u.e; catiiloRtic and particulars free.
Address Western Barbers' Institute.
Omaha, Neb. BZ4!b
FRATKRNAL Insurance deputy; special
work; good pay. Rice, 626 N. Y. Lire bids.
n-MS69 Je7
WANTKD. laborers, teamsters, rock men
nnd surfacing men, Neb.. Wyo. nnd Iowa;
free fare; hlphest wnges; ship dully.
Western It. R. Uibor Agency. 310 S. llth
st. B MStil
WANTKD. a man to work lor me selling
sewliiR mnchlnes. S. R. Smith. Lend. S.
D. H-2SS 21
WANTKD. 3 talesmen to work on commis
sion; good Income; experience not neces
Fary. Call 115S Sherman nvc.
B-M239 22
"WANTKD. a skillful Journeyman wagon
maker. R. M. Allen. Ames, Neb.
B-M1I9 20
WANTKD. one or two Rood moulders on
store fronts nnd mnchlnery cnstlugs. Ben
jamin Smith, Shenandoah, la.
B M3I7 23
ASSISTANT Janitor In bank bldg.: $23 part
time, to take part pay In house rent.
White man preferred. 11 37. Bee.
B-M377 21
WANTKD, experienced subscription hook
salesmen. The fllnbe Publishing Co...Mtr-mod-Jnccard
bldg.. St. Louis. Mo.
B-.M372 21
WANTKD. an onerROtle salesman to handle
In Omaha the best article of Its kind on
the market, direct from tb" factory; Is
needed In every household, hotel, depot,
olllce building and factory. LarRC margin
of prollt. Bnnuerman & Co.. 137 Wash
ington St., Chicago, III. B-MSVl 20
BALKSMKN Trnvellnt; or local who can
carry side line make bb money handling
our advertising runs; i""ll dealers order
thorn on sight for future delivery; ordi
nary salesmen are making $23 to $.Vi
weekly durlnR leisure hours; we pay the
larRest commissions anil make prompt
settlements. American rsovclly Co., Cin
cinnati. O. B-
Magnificent climate. Perfect system of
Irrigation. No fnllute of crops. Immense
beet sugar factory now In course of con
struction to cost one million dollars. Ten
thousand acres or beets to bo cultivated
this season and everv season.
The American Bert Sugar Company will
aid Industrious men or family who want
to sei tie. in tills valley In getting located.
A large number of men will be employed
during the construction and operation ot
the factory. Others awl women and chil
dren will easily find work In Holds.
Come In time. About live hundred hands
are needed to lake care of the crops.
Work will commence the middle of May.
Coed wuros paid.
For further Information address the Ameri
can Bee Sugar Company nt Rocky Ford,
Colorado. H
OARDKNKRS wanted to plant for us 5 0
acres cucumbers. Time for planting. May
23 to June 15. Bottom land preferred.
Call fur contract nnd t-ccd at ll.iannan
Bros. B -
FAKK CAPK NOMK-Transpnrtutlon or
Mining companies and Information
bureaus aro alwavs expoMed In "IN
DUSTRY AND MlNINCi" It Is the of
ficial paper of the Alaskn Miners' nss'n;
better subscribe for II for three months
nnd keep posted on the mining Industry
out west, It will cost you only 50c and It
may save you dollars In your Invest
ments, industry & Mining, No. 629 New
York Block, Seattle, Wnsh. B
PALESMEN-Travellng; salary $100 niul
extras; experience not absolutely neces
sary, but must be wide-awake and ener
getic. Addrcos. Lock Box 873, Chicago,
111. B-
are, how obtained, salaries paid. Particu
lars free. Write for circular 116. Na
tional Correspondence Inatltuta. Washing
ton, D. C. B
"WANTED Neat men to work day or even
ing; no canvassing; good pay: will send
work thnt you can do In your room.
Etandnrd, 143 W. 23rd St.. New York.
HRILLIANT opening, men and women to
appoint agents, traveling and local, $T3
month, expenses; permanent, genteel
work; references. Stafford Press Co.,
New Haven, Conn. B
MAN wanted for Janitor service.
1W3 Douglas.
A. ilospc,
B-536 22
AN ANTED Good, reliable iiipii to sell lamps
fd nnM l.i It fut- flip tlrrht llMI'lv
For particulars call Domestic Mercantile
V1 ni-.M U.I1 III!!.!.
iik o(inizi:d hvTil-sinhss mkn
a. lclMR the most thoroUBli awl practical.
HAND coi.i.Kiw:.
The tf.Khprs arp able and experienced and
zpaloiifly devoted to the students.
Kvory stiidpnt who has taken the course lias
been secun-d a position. Not one Iws
failed Many calls ko unllllcd for lack of
operators to senu oiu.
Send for advcrtlsln'f matter. Hce Ulds.
WANTKD. local branch olllce matiaKcr, JV)
and commission; send stamp, "odfrey
Co., HI. I.ouls, Mo. H-I32 ;o
Hi;pTi:Sf;NTATIVKS wanted, we have
somptbltiR entirely new and very at
tractive, an Illustrated wepkly newspaper
fur bovM nml Rlrls; Rood pay for Rood
Hervlpp; references required. Address,
statliiR experience, The I.lttle t'hronlcle,
State nnd Handolph Sts., ChlcaRii.
WANTKD. man to deliver nnd collect In
omabn awl vicinity, J15.00 per wtpVc and
pxpeusrs, pprmalient poslllon. Afldress
Deller department, 13.16 'lierry St..
PblladPlphla, Pa. H M 130 21
WANT MI). Rood men for aRnncles worth
from W to J5.0. C. S. IMkc. .De
MiiIiips, U. 11-12'
A STPDIINT or a professional Rrntlemnn
at leisure can find prolltablr employment
tempntarlly In business; one favorably
known In the cll preferred. Address. II
11. lire. M-39T--SO-
TllA VHI.INtl salesman who may carry nou-
I I... I .. ..l.ln llnnri fn anil nil nnlTimlS
iiiiiin I um run llll- r. i, v... . . i
slon a full line of hosiery In omaha and
thn state of Nebraska.
Mntikato Mills
Co., Matikato, Minn.
B H3 20
P.KSIDI'.N'P aocnt to hnndlo dntR awl Rro
rrrs' spcdaltlps ns a side line on commis
sion. Address. Importer, Room 153, Moms
bull.lliiR. New York I'r'""2"
SAI.KSMAN--Tho warmest, Hmoolhest. best
thbiR that has come out for years. If
vou ciu't make, all of your expenses with
it. IPs bcrnusr oil an deaf and dumb.
Sample postpaid, fir Bond Jewelry Co.,
171 K. Madison St.. Chicago. B-417-20
WANTKD, enerRctlc man to appoint
nRciits In Missouri; J50 monthly besides
expenses and commission; permanent If
satisfactory. 701 336 Dearborn, CblcaRO.
n-151 20
WANTKD-StonORraphers. salosmen, book
keepers, dniKRlsts ami teachers deslrlnc
poltlons In Texas nre Invited to address
"Thr Texas Business Bureau," J. W.
lludnall. Proprietor, Dallas, Texns.
TRAVIOLINC. salesman wanted by estab
lished house; no technical knovsledRe nec
essary, but simply all-around hustler of
Rood nppparancp nnd address; tlrst class
line; special contract; entire time required.
References. Box 393, Detroit, Mich.
WANTKD-Snlesmen to put our cash reg
ister with cigars. For particulars write to
the Cream City Cigar Co.. Milwaukee,
Wis. B-M 112-23
WANTKD. salesman to call on grocery
trade In southern Iowa: established trade;
must Rive bond and state experience. Ad
dress X 27. rare Lord & Thomas, ChlcnRO,
111. B-MI34 2ti
MANAC.r.R. capable man to mannge
Omaha branch or old eastern house; mer
cantile line, otllce duties, JIW month,
extra commission; must furnish JSuO cash
.jfl.'rood references. Manager, 1103 336
Dearborn St., Chicago. 11-13.120
KNKRC.KT1C, trustworthy men to travel,
appoint agents nnd make collections for
Corporation with $200,000 capital; $t00 per
year nnd expenses guarnnteed. Unusual
opportunity. Permnnent position. "Uni
versal." Box 733, Philadelphia. B
A FIRST-CLASS salesman to represent cs
tnbllshed bouse In Nebraska: $30 per week
above expenses; references required. Afl
dress 1612 315 Dearborn St., Chicago.
11-153 20
WANTKD. traveler to sell the grocery
trnde. Snlarv to right man. Interna
tional Table Supply Co., St. Louis, Mo.
B-153 20
TRAVKLINC. salesmen to sell combined
llil holder and price card for cigar boxes;
side line, snmple free; entirely new.
Peerless Mfg. Co., 115 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. B 152 20-
SAI.KPMKN wnntcd calling on grocers to
tnke soap orders, nnd no samples, nny
brand, cut prices, men get 2,50.) to lO.OuO
boxes weekly. I Schub, 161 Randolph,
Chlcn-ro. B 151 20
WANTKD everywhere, hustlers to tnck
signs, distribute circulnrs, samples, etc.;
no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau. Chicago. B 450 20
MKN wanted; $20 weekly: positions permnn
ncnt: distributing cln ulars. samples, tack
Intr signs, bill posting, etc.; send two
stamps for particulars. American Adver
tisers" Association. Newport, Ky.
SALKSMRN wanted by high rated firm for
best Jewelry scheme ever offered; highest
commissions and best Inducements to first
cI.ins men onl. (live references. Box
Three, Detiolt. Mich. B-415-20
WANTKD. driver nnd solicitor for bottled
beer. Only those having experience In
this or similar position need npply. State
ago anil Rle recommendations. Afldress
II 15. Bee. TI-47S 20
W.VNTKD. Immediately, for Kast Lynn
Co. .no. .', good actors, niso piano pinyer;
sober, reliable neonle only: small salary
and expenses: state full particulars In first
letter, nrownncige at i oiuns, rnnunnn
Neb.. May 22 Blair 21th. B-f.23 20-
WANTKD. bv wholesaler, enereetic sales
men to learn to sell cloRant line depart
ment goods to mcrchnnts; Inrpe salary:
nn experience necessary: we educate Box
52S. Chicago. 111. n-601 20'
WANTED, exnerlenced specialty salesmen
to devote entire time and attention to our
line; permanent nnd paying position to
hustlers; references nnd bond renulred.
(Box b08, St. Iotlls. Mo. B-3O0 20
WANTED. salesmen to handle necessity ns
a side line; Mono per day: only those hav
ing established trade and regular custo
mers need apply; give line of goods now
handling nnd route traveled. Address,
Home, 1336 Cherry st., Philndelphln, Pa.
ASST. Janitor In ofllce bldg., $2"; part pay
111 house rent. H 48, Bee. B M522 22
WA.vrun feji w.k iir.i.r.
WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge.
Tel. 876.
$0 girls wnntcd. Canadian ofllce 1522 Douglas
WANTED, good cook.
200S Sherman ave.
FRATERNAL Insurance deputy; special
work, good pay. nice, 626 N. Y. Llfo Rldg.
C-9S3 M21
GIRL for general housework.
114 S. 2Sth
WANTED.'glrl at Dnran House. 422 8. ISth
st , one block south of court house.
WANTED-A second girl. 3620 Parnam.
C 9T1-
GOOD girl ror general housework ; good
wnges. .Mrs. 11. u. I'enney, 121 K. set 11.
C 314
WANTED, good Rlrl for general housework
loiO Georsla ave. C M31S 20-
WANTKD-Good cook nnd laundress. Mrs.
M. Rnrrcrs, 3!4 S. STth St. C-361-20
WANTKD A mlddle-iiged woman to go to
Butte, Mont., to do second work nnd lake
cave of babv; three In family: wages $20.
Inquire at 1306 South 30th. C 357-20
WANTED, a cook.
31st and Davenport.
Mrs. H.
V. Yates.
C-390 21
WANTED. Immediately, for East Lynne
Co. No 2. woman to play Cornelia, also
small child for Willie: summer salary and
expenses: Mate full particulars In llrst
letter. Brownrldge & Collins. Papllllon,
Neb.. May 22; Blair 21th. C--510 20
WANTED, lady to travel In Nebraska; $50
monthly and expenses to atari : perma
nent position: reiPtences rpquirru. j.
MavBrady, Slur Bldg,, Chicago
C-456 20-
wATi:n-rtM.i.i'. nr.i.r.
WANTED -I'ompplfnt clrl for
housework. mall family nnd c"od whrps
S 33l St l '-.-
tllltf. wnntrd;
Plat I. The
Dewey Ave.
small fnmlh . rood wurp,
Winona, rnrnrr intli nnd
nm n r.vriioi nt:.
IF TOl? want your houses well rented plain
them with Henena &. Co. D 113
HOUSES, etc. P,
D. Wead. 1521 Douslns.
ALWAYS movlnc II. II.
Otneo lSJl'4 Parnam St.
coods. Pianos.
Tel. 15 5J or Ml.
1IOUSCS, Mores.
Hemts, Taxton nik.
HOUSKS for rent In all parts of the city.
Brennan-lvo Co., SO? S. 13th street.
CHOICB houses, cottaces, stores. Ile.iry
B. Payne, 601 N. Y. Life. Thone 1nt.
HOUSES and flats. Rlnswalt, Barker Illk.
PINK 7 and 8-room npartments In "Nor
tnandle" Special Inducements.
First Ploor N. Y. Life Bide.
I0-ROOM modern house. 231D Harney St.
MAOOARD Van & Storage. 1616 Capitol avo.
Tel. 1I95. D-160
COTTAOK nt Iake OkoboJI, la., for rent.
Omaha teach. A. M. Clarke, 2557 Harney.
POR RKNT. my residence. 2117 Witt. Pur
nlshcd or unfurnished. J. J. Gibson, 507
First National bank. D-fi2l
9-ROOM, also 12-room modern house, cheap
to small families Inquire 20IS Capitol nvc.
Tel. 573. D-S1D
FOR RKNT-2319 N. 24lh St., 8 room, over
store, city water In kitchen, $10.00.
2910 Seward St., 5-room cottage, city water
In kitchen, JIO.00.
3511 Howard St., .'. rooms. JI0.0O.
Omaha Ixan and Trust Co., 16th and Dour
las St. D :iS
8-ROOM modern bouse, 216 So. S.Mh ave.
S-room modern, 1306 So. 2.Sth st. Tho. II.
Pell. 313 Brown Blk. U-M309
SIX-ROOM modern Hat. 1112
South llth.
FOR HUNT. 8-room modern cottaRe. Apply
2152 St. Mnry's ave. D-M3fi6 20
131 S. 23tli st., 11-room, modern.
PURNISHKD house for the summer; elebt
rooms; modern; pleasant yard anil sur
roundings; references. 1921 ChlcaRo St.
FOR RKNT Near All Saints' church, fur
nlshfd modern house for the summer.
2712 Howard St. D-SrV-20
FOR RKNT Larpc furnished house, private
family only, four blocks from city hnll,
Juno 'to October. Address, II 42, Bee.
WIS Izard st., 1-r., city water nnd sower,
onli" $3.00.
2705 Caldwell st., 5-r., city water and closet
limine ..'.
S11 Davenport st., 7-r., nil modern, very
tine, only $23.
3311 Jackson st., S rooms, city water and
gas, larRe lawn, $22.o".
15 Burt st., fc-r.. all modern except fur
nace. $30.
2915 Maon st . 9-r., all modem, $25.
4111 Fnrnnm st., 9-r., nil modern. $1".
Only one npnrtment In the Normandle left.
Mpeciai inducement oucrcu to tne rigni
party. Call or 'phone
PAYNK-KNOX CO., N. Y. L. Bldg.
U 171 20
1214 S. 17th. 5 rooms, city water and sink,
good condition. $11.00.
2219 Seward, G rooms, city water nnd cis
tern, nice pincc, n.(.
D-.M50I 21
FOR RKNT, 9 rooms, modern, 1311 S. SOth
ave.. $30.
8 rooms, modern, 2720 Hownrd St.. $23.
6 rooms, hot nml cold water, Ran, bath,
1133 S. 29th St.. $22.50.
6-room flats. 2912-14 Parnam, $16.
R. C. PKTKRS & CO., Bee Bldg.
D-IV1 20
FOR RUNT. 7-rnom house, good barn,
lawn and shade trees. Address C. .1.,
Stntlon A. D-MIS2 21
FOR RKNT, 4-room cottage, small family.
2iX2 N. 26tll st. D-170 20
TO l.KT, a 10-room. CM-eptlnnally fine,
thoroughly modern dwcllng, gas nnd elec
tric lights, nice lawn. 1314 S. With st.
To let, an S-rootn, modern ilwelllng. fine
lawn, barn, trees nnd shrubbery, pirns
nntly located, nt 3Sth and Burt sts.
To let, furnished, the first floor of 2174
Harney st., 5 rooms, $30.oo per month.
1320 Pnrnnm St
D-196 20
FOR HKNT, 2921 raclflc, 7-rm., modern,
2919 Pacific, 5 rooms. $16.00.
.110 N. Y. Lire.
D M509 22
NICK cottage, South Omnbn, close In; also
cottase, 9th and Pierce. Inquire U.12 Dav
cmiort. D-.MISI 22
A 6-room house, splendid repair, newly
papered nnd painted, with one nerp of
ground for only $10.01 per month. Spp me
about It quick If you want It.
2914 N. 28th ave, S rooms, city water, $14.
A few all modern S to 9-rooni houses.
Severnl flrst-clnss furnished houses for
the slimmer. Call for particulars.
Room 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1010.
13-197 20
SOUTH OMAHA, large double brick house
of 14 rooms, 301 and 30.1 rtallroad avenue.
Telephone 685. Paxton Block.
D-526 20
2029 Dorcns St., $6.00; also 316 N. (1st st
lir.. modern, $30. 1203 Parnam st.
D-M519 21
10-ROOM, modern bouse, beautiful loon
tlon, rent, $33; part or nil furniture for
sale; full of permanent roomers. Ad
dress H 49, Bee. D-516 20
MODKRN house, Hanscom Place. Hicks,
Bosrd of Trade. D-.M533 2i-
Foii nKXT punxisiiEii nooM.s.
I NICE rooms, housekeeping, 1112 S. llth.
COOL, 'nlrv rooms, modern, $1.50 week. 514
V.l. intl. r, n,-
..wnii P. .11.9 .1"
FURNISH KD rooms, private famllv, mod
ern house; references required. 511 N. 22.
K M310 20-
HOUSEKKKPING, 1712 Jackson.
K-M35I 21-
TW( filce unfurnished rooms In a cottage,
wilh bay window; no children; references.
1120 N 17th St. K-362-
3 I'URMHHED rooms for housekeeping for
man nnd wife. Rent taken In board. 319
No. 17th si. E-.M.17S
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board,
private family. 210S Chicago. E 117-20
TWO pleasant rooms, ground floor, separnle
entrance, private family. 2511 Davenport.
ONE furnished room for rent; references, re
quired. 2126 St. Mary's Ave.
St. Mnry's.
rooms, housekeeping. JI25
E-M507 Jel9
NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms
for rent. 2310 Douglas st. K 513 20
2 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, 1102 S. 32,1
nvc, 2 blocku from H.inscom park.
K-510 21
DESIRABLE rooms In quiet family; mod
ern conveniences and telephone. 2:10.1
Douclas. K 331 20'
FOB RKNT. furnished ronn,
Hat L,
313--, N. 1Mh
E-335 25-
25th and Dodco.
summer resort.
609 S. 25th ave, private family gentlemen
T.Tkn H"MT Xn ni01 I'mitni- at r,.
modc.rii 'furnace, also 1912 S. 31th ! AGENTS men nnd women, nre v oVm "L1!51 Sjf "k Krrterlckibn TsVJT-iml
st.. T rooms: barns with both above to work honestly and faithfully fop $20 1 ''lhT; 5 rwericKson, loth . ml
houses. W. H. Thomas, 1st National Bank weeklv? If so. write us. Our soods nre Dodge st. w.Maiu
Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. D-H6 20 sold and .-mistimed In everv tnmlh and a I -.rrpXp -.eddy. 1617 Howard "Tof139o"
r.7n.-e7-,T"T " netnianei.t busliifss cm be established. ' 1 RK fpnCe" ' 1 Q-RK Au
COT TAGh. 2 large rooms, newly papered. New goods aril new cafalnciie. Dent. :!-.. ' 01 '"l1
1 only.
F-M521 J5
11 a dy
P.OOMS .t board. Jl and . 1512 Davenport
l-' -JST Jell' (
KI.IHIANT front rooms, with bonrd. W
fupltol ave K-M1I5 22
Di:siAHlit': slnplo south rooms, with
board. References. 202 N. l'tli.
I'-M31l y
Tim PRATT, ft. room & nkove. 212 S. 25.
j p Mais
! NK'K room", with Rood board, S per week
and up. The Ro.e, :o;o Harney. P-M2J.-29
PI.HASANT front room with board. .".Irt 8.
2,th st. P-.MKI 2i
PINI' tOfims. llrst-rlass board, location nnd
surriiundlnps unsurpassed; ran accommo
datp l peoplp N V corner IPtb and
l.p.upnworth. P-M7 S
v wri'n i mm itMMir.n iiooms.
SI'ITKS. housekeeplnf.
(ieorpln ave
modern. fil6
O M303 21
FOR RKNT t'nfunilH'.ed rooms for bouse
keeplni; 223ti Pnrnnm St (.1 -3W 20
foii mi.vr s ronns am oppicijs.
FOR RUNT, store In llrst-clnss location,
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co., Rround floor, lice bids. 1261
FOR RKNT. Rood store In DavldRe build.
lnp. opposite city hnll; lensonablo rent.
TWO of the best rooms (sulto) In the Con
llnpulal liulldlnR, 15th and DniiRlas Sts.,
will be ready to rent by thp llrst of June.
These were vacated owlnR to the altera
tions to the bulldltiR and arc now beliiR
rfmodeled and decorated throtiRhout.
Omaha Loan it Trust Co., 16th and Dour
las Sts. I 113 JO
FOR three months, furnished room suit
able for ollice or studio. Apply 22. Bee
Bid:., nfternooiuf. I M 177 -7
Orilces I? and tin,
Also olllce spaces, Rround tloor.
Vaults, telephone. UrIii, Janitor service,
etc. 1201 Parnam st.
1120 20
A'JF.VI'S vvri;n.
AtlKNTS on salary or commission: The
Rrrntest iiRents' seller ever produced,
pypry user of pon nnd Ink buys It on
slsht; to JfK) ppr cent prollt; one
iiRent's snips amotintod to $620 In six days;
annthor $32 In two hours. Monrop MfR.
Co.. X 16. 1.H Cros.p. Wis. .1 M37I
2.i"00 can be made during the next 6 months
ii hustling ngetits hnwlllng our white nnd t
raticy rubber collars, cuffs, bosoms nnd
nerKtlcs. ratented nnd guaranteed Roods.
Write fer plan. M. & M. Mfg. Co.,
Springfield, .Mass J
JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp;
enslcst lighted, most sntlsfactory, knocks
nil competition; agents coining money.
Peerless Lnmp Co.. 244 Rallwny Exchange,
bldg. St. Louis. Mo J-
STARK Nursery pays cash weekly If you
sell Stntk Trees. Louisiana, Mo.; Dnns
vllle. N. Y. J-
AflKNTS make $6 to $10 a day selling the
cheapest and most perfect water filter
ever Invented: retails $1.50; big profit to
agents; exclusive territory. SenecavFlIler
Co., Sciiera, Mo. J
AN ACIKNT to represent us In every county
In the U. S. Kxcluslve territory Riiaran
tecd; $2 to $5 dally sure. The Standard
Medical Co., 119 Kquitablo Bldg., Balti
more, Md. J 167-20-
LAD IKS Sell latest patent skirt supporter
and waist holder, can be carried In pocket;
practical, useful cheap; sample rrce.
Davles Mrg. Co., 22.5 Dearborn, Chicago.
J 466 20
WANTKD Men to make $10 per day at
street fairs, summer parks, etc.; Informa
tion nml sample free. Kmplre Novelty
Mfg. Co., 5S5 Lake St., Chicago.
tVA.N'l hD nif 1' at oneo Willi $."'l up, to Mi.r
exclusive territory tor article oi real
merit; used by everybody. Rolling Win
dow Screen Co., SI Market. Chicago.
J-1C1 20
WANTKD. "alesnien for Lustre, the creat
es! varnish renewer known, largo prollts;
write for particulars. Lustre Chemical
Co.. 100 Lake St., Chicago. J 103 20
AGENTS, high water adjustable trouser
ruffs convert loni; trousers into bicycle
pants Instantly. Snc: circulars free. Ster
ling Mall Order Co., Chicago.
J-162 23-
AfSENTS, WpO candle-power royal arc pres
sure lamp; retails J12.00; sample $6.50;
terms mailed free. Royal. SI Washington,
Chleaco. J 161 25
AGENTS everywhere, either sex; excep
tional opportunity; hip profits; deal direct
with manufnrturrrs: high quality. Rav
dlth Perfume Co.. 181 Dearborn. Chicago.
J-160 20
'MAKING friends while making over $2).50
n week," snys Charles Cloclalr fo Mrs.
Carson!'. fso no i. snys Airs, l'.irsons.
"find every one who sees It likes It." It
Is n perfectly elegant Skirt Supporter.
We will help nnd protect vou if you
work for us. Morgnn-Ilelneman Co.. S3
Dearborn St.. Chicago. Write nnd see.
J 159 20-
AGENTS wanted everywhere, either sex,
"I.lttle Gem Grinders:" tbpy do sell.
Sharpens knlvc, scissors, needles any
thing; everbody wauls one: good commis
sion. Write Unlay, new. Chicago Wheel
& Mfg. Co., 39 W. Randolph St.. Chicago.
J-43 2i
$20 TO $10 weekly ensv dellverlui Rennvlte
and liennlte, the wonderful clothing
lienners nnd restorers; removes shine,
restores newness; one agent, man or
woman wanted In every vlelnilv; 25c
package clems 3 suits or dresses. Boi"rr
Mfg. Co.. 12 State, Chicago. J-137 20"
AGENTS, ciinv assersr. iihntogrHohers. lake
orders for our bawlsonie' pliotouranhlc
novelties made from m y ulcture Into but
ton.s. brooches, belt buckles, medallions,
etc.; pictures returned iinlnluied. Big
commissions. Illustrated cntnlogue. Cran
Icy Photo Button Mfg. Co.. Chicago. III.
NEW novelty, summer trade, rastcst seller
on market: bicyclist, tourist, plea-ure
seekers nil buy; 201 per cent profit: sample
:(: remit Broat & Wiggins, Minneapolis,
Minn. .1 1119 20
LADY cleared $920. man H.I82. Inst six
months introducing Holla lav's Marvel
Waterproof Shoe Polish, seir-sblnlng, rus
sft and 'black. Why not vou? Demon
stratcd s.imnles free. Ilnlladnv & Co,
Room 350, 188 Monroe St , Clllrncn "4olr
Manfs. jiiS-20
BOOK AGENTS lend ror our I73-p,igr Il
lustrated catalogue and phi 11 by which
you can creatly Increase your prollts: will
not Interfere with your regular work,
Co-oneratlve Llternry Society, 78 Dearborn
St., Chicago. .1 US 20
AGENTS dear y weekly Felling our
Eclipse ( 'renin Separator lo farmers ami
dairymen. Wilson (c Co., 9 Dearborn SI ,
Chicago. J-M 110-21
RELIABLE agents wanted to sell llniinelal
securities. .ir particulars nddrfss.
Drawer 71, St. Louis, Mo. J-137-20
LADIES wanted lo sell (lie Model Skirt
Supporter uilso Model Sldrt. the In'est
up-to-date jiettlcoal. fast seller; llberil
IndiKrments; luollts large. Write for terms.
Model Garment Co., 161 E. Sunerlor St.,
Chicago. 111. ,I-:!8-2ci
LATEST Imoroved gasoline lamp, best
terms: retails $.,V); ollshed brass; heals
electricity; cheaper than kerosene. Stand
ard Lamp Co. Chicago. J 199 20
ANY LADY or gentleman enn enrn $50
monthly, or more, according to nhlllly.
during lel.'Uic at home Inti Dlst. Co.. 1.13
West I'.Tith st., New York. J
.Mutual Mfg. co. New ork. .I-411-20 ; M & w t)r(!, jj.75, Omaha Blcvde Co.
OUR rctircentntlvos make I8 to o per
week selling our one-mlnute lee cream
freezer; innne.v refunded If not n rrr re
sented' write for terms Balrd Mf" Co.,
Baird Bldg.. Pittsburg. Pa. .1-115 2o
WANTKD- Reliable agents to sell our Im
proved gasoline vniior lamps; no torch;
adjustable flame: polbhed brass; seven
styles; band-ome designs; Rood prollts.
Write Studfbaker Gasoline Lighting 1 'o ,
Dept. U, 552 Main St., Kantus City. Mo
Atu: r.s tMT.n,
WANTKD. IhiIIps or ee'illrmen as aRPtits
for the "Auxiliary i'ffre Strainer. sells
to every housekeeper on st;ht;
terms and exclusive territory to llr peo.
pie Send IR rent for iiRent's sample
and particulars. Cleneral Imporllne; I'n.,
Chleaco. J-I3R jn
WANTKD. to rent, house of " to 9 room,
family of three. Parnam or Twenty
fourth street line preferred Address
IT Ree. K-M37I 20
WANTKD-dto.ird for the summer for man,
wife awl little Rlrl In country, within easy
walking fllstanrn of car Hue, or In ub
urbs of Omahn or Council Bluffs, where It
Is cool nnd shndy. I5lc particulars. Ref
erences exchanged. Address, II 35. Hce.
K-119 20
WANTKD, by youtlR couple, no children, to
lake charR of small furnished house
while occupants nre Rime for the summer.
Kxceptlonal rcftrenccs. Will pay spiall
rent. Address A 6ft, Bee. K-5ir. 20
PAriFIC Slornne and Warehouse Co., SI2
914 Jones, Rcnernl storRC nnd forwardlne,
Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511'i Pnrn.
Tel 1659, (3.
ALL kinds of household Roods, hotels, etc.,
In larpc or small quantities. Chicago Pur
nlturo Co., 14H6-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.
WILL purchnso a limited number of
Omahn SnvltiRs Bank accounts. Brennnn
Love Co., 3u9 So. 13th N-166
TIIK hlKhest prices paid for Rood 2ndhand
furniture nnd stoves. Knterprlso Furni
ture Co., 102101 So. llth. N-253 M27
WANTKD, for cash nbout 160 acres good,
clear Innd In cfntral Nebraska. W. V.
Hedges. 423 Bee bldR., Omiilin. N M?66
I WILL pay all rash for a pood farm or
stock ranch In Nebraska. Prefer to deal
wilh owner direct. Send full particulars
with, Sec, Nos. of land at once to Iick
Box No. 627, Omaha. N- 3S7-2S
WANTKD to Job or huy 4-venr-old rlditiR
horse about II bands, town broke; also
cow-Rlrl saddle and bridle In Rood condi
tion. IS. J. Hunt, Ksq.. Floienre. Mob.
N IIS -20
pon sAi.ii priiMTrim
FOR SALK. complete nonv outfit, consist
lug of nony, small surrey, harness, saddle
nml nrtdie. v. ii aiciorn, care .Mei-orn
Brady Co. O M379 20
pent sai.k housks, vr.mcMOs, ktc.
TOP BUGGY for sale, In good condition
U 40, Be.
PHAKTONS. buggies, rorcfl wagons, harness
Andersen nuggy wo. loin ana uaveniort,
ALL kinds new and secondhand vehicles,
trucks nnd wagons for sale cheap. Harry
Frost Carriage wks., mn at L.eavenworin.
t' lib
KOR. SALE, Snyder buggy,
2152 St. Mary's
1' M.T07 20'
BUY n handmade runabout, blke-wngon or
phaeton. Concord or nugpy; a pnactons,
:t second-hand extension top carriages; all
very lowest price.. William PreltTer's
Carrlngo Works, 2620-21 Leavenworth
Phone 1539. P-577
FOR SALK, light gray pacer, very fancy
and ensv mover, speedy nnd city broke;
weight 1,000 lbs. H. II. Fnss, Jr., Nebrnska
City, Neb. r-.Mii3 sir
PINK young single driver, heavy enough
ror carnase. van lsurnene ni.
P 3ST1-21
FOR SALK. pole team, pacers, bays, well
mntched. 15-2. weigh 2.000; great hrrd ones.
one sired by Alcantarus. 2:20V,,. dam sister
to Thorniess. ;:is' ann i.iiue i norn.
the other sired by Woodllne, 2:19. dam by
Taconnet, son of Nelson. 2:09, This Is a
hlsh class team, fast and good single
drivers. Also spnn or trotters, nay nnd
brown, 13-3, weigh 2,100, good lookers, well
P 1S1-20
HORSE and phaeton: borse is gentle; any
Indy can drive. 319 S. 10th. P-392-20-
FOR SALK, good top buggy. $15; llrst-clnss
i.m InirrtTfTV. X.VI: nice Indies' tihaeton. $75:
cheap farm wagon. G. H. Brewer, South
Omaha. P-492 ".'a
FOR SALK, fine single driving horse, 7
vears old; sound, sare. coiunv i.ivery.
22d nnd Cuming streets. P m 20
CHEAPEST and best poultry and hog
fence. 901 Douglas tst. g-4ba
ci'TTKRS of drug prices, Sherman & Mc-
- ' . , . ic.u , .1
CnnilC'll AJTUK cui, ao.u nuu iuiiiy
"nil AND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Parnam
w' Q-471
, a .,,M.-S buy sell. Schwartz. 114 S 13. Tel 1697
' Q 473
n i A AS, Florist, 1513 Vinton St. Tel. 776.
Plants, cm inici;., l,,i,ii.cid, n,iu. resi
dence, wedding nnd grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly tilled.
j ii.
$16? WILL buy fine Chlckerlng upright
nlano; cash or payments. Address F 61,
Bee. olllce. Q-M3I3 M28
LIVE STOCK for snle nt Brush, Colo.: 321
bend pond grade New Mexico cows,
mostly reds nnd ronns; will be nbout 73
per cent calf crop; nlso 101 hend 2-ycnr-nld
steers .nil good colors and In good
condition; can be shown nnd delivered on
track snmc day; wnnt to close out by
May 15". no trouble or expense to show
them; will sell nil or any part. Price,
$"6 50 per head. Wm. E. Kchols, Brush,
Colo. Box 6. Q-MI41
FOR S.VLE. binder twine nt special Inside
prices delivered at any railroad stntlon.
Snv how much twin vou require nnd we
will quote you n very low prle. Address
Sear, Roebuck & Co. (Binder Twine
Dept.). Chicago. III. Q-M36? JclS'
BELGIAN HARKS, pedigreed stock, best
strains; choice common stock. J2.00 nnd
upward. Correspondence solicited. K. R.
Burtls & Co., 3103 Bert st., Denver, Colo.
FOR SALE, n few colonies of Italian
becs. Call "05 N. 22d St., South Omaha.
OAK mantel, modern, nnd plate glass
mirror $17.50: also some bath room fix
tures. II 18, Bee. Q M323 22
PIANO, hlch grade, nlmost new, at gtcat
snciitlcc If boiiRbt by June 1. owing to
leaving city. Address II 51, Bee.
NOTICE, country denlers, 2dhnnd furnlturo
& stoves nt lowest prices, cnrlond lots or
lets.. Chlcarjo Furnlturo Co.. 1)06-10 Dodge.
R 476
t ' I, A I II VO V A XT!.
JiiHt arrived from Europe, where for titty
vc.irs mv grandmother was the grentest
iistrologlst .f the day: will remain a short
lime: tells si niiirn'iic nnjn, i,.-
i.. terson or bv letter: gives
i.v. i.; ...tmiiers: tells lady or Rent who the
future husband or wife will be by the
letters In the hand; brings bark husband
or lover In so many days: ndvlce on grain
and slock: line hair nrnwlns tonic; cures
corns, nervous trouble; charm tree this
male troubles, lumors. roiiGhs, co Ids ihei .
mutism, asthma nm catarrh. MADAM K
DK 1 1 A.AR1 Omaha. Neb Parlors, 516
week: lail'es 111 innnm- . " :!"' : 11
S. lltll hirfei, oilier 11111 i-. 1 ....
p. m.; open Sunday; will touch band of
each customer free with only true luck
stone In America. b-uis j
At tbo meeting of the Splrltunlit 1 burch of
Omaha this evpnlng at Imperial Hall. 131.1
Howard St.. Mr. George Taylor of Denvn.
Colo, president Colorado Spiritualist
Cnmp. will Irrtiire. Mrs. Merges will pre
side ,c the piano and the sodely will re
reve lis i barter fiom the National Splrl
tuilifct Association. B-523 20
I -c-il
mmp-PMMI:r the telebrated life reader
and or r u 1 1 si I e n 1 1 s t
IVrtnanPhtl ' lo'alp.1 at IffiKi ItmlKo. here
she Is prppared to alvc ndlce dally on
nil nrr,iir i,t life This wonderful woman i
has wen for herself fame and admiration
hrniiKh her remarkable power. Her Ion-
resiilenre In the rlly has plabllshed that
her re.idliiRs are accurate and her mi
vice beiiPllelnl. You can gain health. ,
wpiillh and happlties by consulting lb s
master mind "f clnlrvoynnce. She u I
i ... i. ii, imipr of nsvrhlcal i
mid oci ult science If you nre In trouble i
ilon'l hesitate to consult tnis gre.uest "i
For the benellt of lhnr who.-e inn; lis are
limited thN remarkable woniati will Rlye
full palmNtry readings 25c, einir" m
rcadln .Wc. trnnce readings $2, this week .
only Parlors. 162.1 podge st. S-.d. 2' i p
MME GYI.MER ! iinques llonably I he
grftest exponent of palmistry who has. St.. Bee Bldg. W-48S
ever been In Omnhn This wonderful - - -
woman has been In this cltv for tour 1 5 j'KH CENT money. Bemls, Paxton block,
lears, during which time she has rend , W IS9
thousands of p.ilms nnd mnde preillctlotis. j . . , , ,
It ennnot be said that she lias not given I FIVE per cent farm loans. Chits. E. Wll
entire satisfaction In Jier readings, for 1 damson. W 490
anionc who has been tlie reclnlent of a ! .
reading by this glftrd lady lll say that j
she Is absolutely nccurate Her nredlr
Hons of future events are talked of us
phenomenal It Is 11 well knonn fmt that
she has foretold many Important Inci
dents which transpired rnctl ,i be
said they would. Past, present and future
positively told. See the wonderful woman
Parlors of palmistry, I61V1 Dodge, south
side new P. O Hours, 9 to 7:30; Siindn.
lo to I. Send $1 nnd 6 questions answered.
.S -211 20-
She Is the seentb daughter born with
veil. Kndowued with wonderrul powers.
Tells your past nnd future nccurnteh.
Gives sound advice In love, business af
fairs; rejoins separated; restores lost
love; has remarkable power lo heal kid
ney diseases lung, heart troubles. Irregu
lar and painful periods of ladles Head
ings In German nnd English Prof Spies
her able assistant, Rives relief from all
dlsrafrs; faith and magnetic healer. Loi
ter with $1 Inclosed will bring your future.
2003 Cuming st . Omaha. Neb. 3 -511 ifi'
MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 16'G Dodge
S 17?
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th
MRS. HILL. 2002 Cuming st., spless benler.
S M14I M25
1 1 1. K t T 1 1 IO T 1 1 P. A T M E T.
MME. Smith, room 2. 1IS'S N. 15th: maR
netic treatment and baths. T - M333 23
ELITE parlors, 615 S. 16th, 2d lloor.
--M3SI 25
VIAVI, womnn's way to health. 316 Bee bldg
YOUR hair shampooed dressed 35c. Hair toi
let goods. Monhclt, 151S Parnnm. Tel. 2333.
MONHEIT, Chiropodist, 1518 Parn. Tel. 2333.
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
InR confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17.
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25
cents and upward. Room 12, Frenzcr blk.
f 1st
PRIVATE home before and during confine
ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burges, 2633
Decatur IJ 4SI
PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds.
M. Goldman & Co.. 200 Douglas block.
U 455
NOW Is tho time to have furs repaired.
Aulahaiigh, Son A- Co.. furriers. New
quarters nt 606 Knrbaoh blk. Pur gar
ments stored and Insured for the season.
V M960.Iell
ADVERTISING fans, paper napkins, calen
dars and envelopes manufactured by
Burklcy Printing Co., Omaha. U-M75S
LAST, but not least. Telephone 1717.
U M637
MRS. O'LINN, attorney. 1802 Parnnm. Tel.
2069-2. II M664 Jc4
Yt SOLES. 35c: velvet rubber heels, .lie. The
old reliable S. P. Petersen's 16 & Cuming.
U 977
Superfluous hnlr, blrthmnrks, bnd complex
ion cured. No electricity. Mine. True, 16l
Douglas. U-979 27
EPPERLY corset mnde to order. 1714 Nich
olas. U-M204 Jel2
MME. AMES, 1615 Hownrd, 3d lloor. room 1.
U-M263 21-
SEWINC, machines rented. 75c per week.
Neb. Cycle Co., corner 15th and Ilnrney.
U M30S JelG
NICE healthy baby boy for adoption nt
1169 St. 17th street, Omaha. U-M331 23
NO Khnrns lecture Monday night; too busy.
U-510 21
announcement under "Magnetic Infirm
nry U-53S 21
YOUNG man of S3 would like to cortespond
with Indy not over 28. Object, marriage.
If you mean business write to P. O. Rox
No. 1. Watklns. Colo. U-M375 21
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free nnd confidential: all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas.
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit; myself cured, will Inform you of
harmless permnnent home cure. Mrs.
Ratdwln. box 1212, Chicago. V
GOVERNMENT positions. Don't prepnre
for any civil service or census examina
tion without seeing our catalogue of In
formation. Sent free. Columbian Corre
spondence College, Washington. D. C
VICTORY of science over disease: cancer
baffling general practitioner's skill yields
readllv to our scientific methods. Mnson
Medical Co.. 121 W. 42nd street, New York.
Book nnd ndvlce free. U
MARRY lovclv women nnd honorable men.
Manv rich. Send 2c for big list. Mutual
Exchange, Kansas city. Mo. U
WILL kind gentleman assist yound lady
iMdlv In need of money? Afldress. II II,
'Hrr.' U lOj 2h
"MARRY 100 names, addresses nnd descrip
tions, 2iic; men or women. P. B. Taylor,
Denver. Colo. U-I7O-20
Whv not huy your wife n machine?
Old Price.
$ 5.00
New Goodrich
Wlillc, IiIrIi arm.
Singer, high arm.
Singer, high arm.
Singer. IiIrIi arm.
.Standard, good as new 30.00
We rent mnclitncs nt 10 cents per wee.
Wo sell parts for nnd repair all makes of
sewlnc machines.
Corner ISth ami llnmev Strict.
U-1 16-20
LADIES, our "Regulator Remedy" Is the
onlv medicine; guaranteed not to fall: be
ropvlncrd; we mall complete trial free.
New York Medical Co., Milwaukee. U Is
I' 169-20
RICH bachelor ngo 10. cultured awl honor
able, worth $10.00) .expects to Inherit $ip,
rwi, wants dun fill, loving, rftlned wife.
Rox 33. Austin Station. Chicago, Ml.
(JKT MARRIED. Any ladv or gent wisn
We I
1 lug to innrry. write nt once 10 us
our members by
will Introduce you
mall, pti pretty, respeitalilo and w;caicn
ladles and honorable gentlemen anxious to
marrv Strictly cnntldentlal Send stump
for particulars to Stand ird Correspond-
oner Club. Station I . cmcigo. m. '
M IDDLK-AOKD w Idow er. sm cesHf ill pb.v.
1 nn. bcautitui uonic. .nu ihmip -
loving wife, good disposition and neat.
Address nr. jaiu.. ..1.. ,.......-,., ,, ,
Chlcaro, Ml: 1 -Ifl 20
Independently wealthy young woman
de-lres 10 manv at 0111 e: would assist
gnoil kind husband flnawiallv. Miss
Dora', 39(2 Wesl Bell Place, St. IjOuLMo.
'l6"M DOI'GLAS, romplexlon speiiallst. Su
perfluous hair, bliihmaiks. wrlijkles mid
all facial blemishes cured. Mm M
True, 1623 Douglas. U-511 S(r
i'i;iimi m.
fPI.TlRHD oiintf Reiillemitn. all alone,
, ,rlri( ae.iunlnlance of nuYcllonatc youn
' , I,,, wouhl appre. late the 1-en.flts ol
true friendship
Address. Hox l.ln-
oin. ,en
i ISI--.Pi
; . . "7,
j Inrhrs, nl honip. with Dr Con was s Bust
I'ablnliN. at irlllhiR .ost. Jl.noo for a cns
wr cinnot. those developed In Pint
Nears proe 'tis prrmnnrnt Sealed farts.
I, stnmps CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., .21
Trcmont SI . Boston. Miifs. U 120-20-
MO.M'.V Tl I.OA It HA I. llVl'ATi:.
PRIVATE money. t, 6H. 6 per cent; no de
lay. Gavin Bros . 1613 Parnam. W m
R1VATE money. P. D. Wcad. 1521 Douglas
WANTED, cltv nnd fnrm tnnns: nln lon,1s
nm warrantr. R. C. Peters & Co., 170J
MONEY (o loan on first-class Improved city
properly or for building p'n poses. Payne-
Knox co., ;now iotk cue. w m
LOANS on""ea8lern Nebnukn and western
Iowa farms nt S per cent. Borrowers
enn pay $100 or any multiple. Any In
terest date. No delay. Brenn.m-Love Co.,
309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb.
6, 5U, 6 ser cent on Omnhn, S. Onmhn.
W. II. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613.
MONEY to loan at 6 nnd 5'i per cent on
Omaha pro.;rty. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. 15th.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennnn-Iovo Co.. 309 So. 1.1th.
$1,1110 nnd upwnrd to loan on Improved elly
property and farms. W. Parnam Smith
& Co., '320 Fnrnam. W-I35
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants.
George & Company, 1601 Parnam st.
MONEY In any amount at S. fii. 6 per cent.
MONEY to loan on fnrm and city property;
lowest rates. O. P. D.ivts Co., 1505 Fnrnnm.
MOMIV 'lt I.OA rilATTJ'.l,!.
I loan money on furniture, pianos, horses,
AGENT IN OMAHA. Loans may be paid
back In full or In pnrt at any lime nml ho
cost of carrying reduced accordingly, e1
There Is no unnecessary delay In getting
tbo inon.-y and all business Is confidential
21S First Nt'l bank bldg, 13th & Parnam sts.
dlnmonds, watches, on easy payments, un
known to others; you keep tho Roods,
each payments lessens the cost of th
loan; no charge for papers nnd w maks
no Inquiries of your neighbors, BURG
ERS' LOAN CO.. 1504 Farnam, over B. &
M. ticket oftlce. X-602
No endorser or mortgage required.
Room 526, tifth lloor. Now York Life Bldg.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew.
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. P. Reed, 319 S. 11,
MONEY loaned on plnnos. furniture, horses,
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green H 8, Bnrker Rlk.
One Hundred Dollars One Hundred,
Much more, some less.
910 to $160 loaned to salaried people with
out mortgage, Indorsee 01 publicity.
Positively most liberal terms of credit and
lowest rates ever offered In town.
Iloom 601 Beo Bldg.
X 555
MONEY lonned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own nnmes without security;
ensy pnymcnts. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L Bldg.
Tnyloc, 218 First Nat'l Bank Bldp.
MONEY loans on furniture; diamonds,
watches: payments confidential. Omnha.
Chattel Ixan bank. 220 S. 15th, upstairs.
Furniture, pianos, horses cows. etc. Ton
keep the property. Quick service. You
may pay the money back In one month or
take one year In which to pay it and you
need not nav for It one day longer than
vou have It. Wo charge nothing for making
or llllng papers or examining security, awl
wo keep nothing out of the amount you
borrow. Bo sure and get our rates before
Salaried peoplo on their own names In
amounts from $10.00 up. You may repay
the loan nil or In part nt any time and
vou are expected to pay for the money
onlv what time you keep It. We nre tho
only loan company In the elly giving you
this privilege All we ask Is a chance to
compare rates. Strictly confidential.
(Established 4892.) " 306 So. 16th Slre.
THE New Sunw-Churcb Co. gives prompt
attention to collections and legnl nffalrs.
Assoclnte nttorneys In every county In ttis
United States. 401 to 405 N. Y. Life.
Y M751
FOR SALE, cjie.ap. on account or Ill-health
iny electro plating plnnt--gold. silver and
nickel. Address J. B. Mathcwsou. D.ivld
City. Neb. Y-M376 22
PERMANENT Income $600 lo $l.00 ycnrlv
secured by small monthly painnts; safe
nnd sure. E. Calkins, 188 Madison M .
Chicago. lii'7' ...
lOIUIOUS prollts mnde In turf pecula
tion. D,i you want to Increase jour in
come? Statement, made weekl specu
lation Investment Co, Room 919. New
York Life BldR.. Kansas Clt . M"
Investments In stocks and craln by nty
"Safe Specultlon linn"" have resulted In
large prollts In 30 .lavs and proved Its
vnlue over all other w avs of dealing, hend
for free particulars Customers and bank
references. Stephen A Clemens. Broker,
Old Colony Bldg.. Chicago. W-Vm,ft.
FREE' Valuable money-making book on
patents. Tells nil about patents nml how
to secure tlnm nt low cost. Gives 100 movements Invaluable to In
ventois and inc. hanlis. Tells how for
tunes have been made from simple Inven
tions that oliiir have laughed nl. Tbo
lliilf pocket dime bank made over $230,000.
Glvcc letters of wealthy manufacturers
who want good Invention' In llielr line.
Semi us rough drawings of nil your NEW
IDEAS or Inventions No charge ror our
opinion as 10 llielr belntr new and patrnt
nlile. Advice FREE. Tells bow to capi
talize mid organize Joint stock p,itrnt right
1 oinpanles. Tills valuable Inventors guldo
'book mailed FREE to any address. It Is
overriowing with Invaluable money-making
patent Information.
O'M KARA e CO.. Patent Attorneys, Op
posite Patent Ofllce, 853 G St . Washing
ton, D. C. Y- 171 -SO
I WANTKD State manager with $2.o00 lo
take an Interest In big nuvlnir business:
standard poods; n sure seller nnd n neces
sary nrtbie In every 'home. Onlv a man
who tap travel and devote his entire ilmo
nerd apply. Big money to right pnity
Address. Sherln ft Biker, Amerlrnn Tract
Bldg.. New York Cly. Y 112 20
A FIRST-CLASS ma iiiifnetuiing chaw
which will pay $0,W clear annually for
sale for $l.'"Oa. Owiifr dead. Address P.
J. Peddle. Detroit, Mlrh Y -112-20
PHOTOGRAPH gallery nnd photographic
outfit for rent, :i rooms; has done good
business: sickness cause of closing up
business; 20 miles lo other galleries; rent,
$1.00. J. T. I'arrell, Carson, la.
Y MI25 21-
CfGAR. eand nnd news stand. $100: must
bell, Addrrni 11' 11, Bee. V-127 20
Co., m . 16tn, . u-yVi-M'